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>M. Bison Gameplay Trailer and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

Last Round: >>483541105
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My wife mogs your waifu and it's not even close.
whats wrong with scissors being motion
Nash status?
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>carries the fgc
what do you think is missing or lacking in the ost of 6?
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>10 minutes of drills
>A FT5 in casual match, win or lose, no extra cope games
And you will have an enjoyable ranked session
better char themes
the rest of the ost is good
good music
SF6 Guile can definitely kill SF6 Bison if he wanted to.
stuff that's fun to listen to
Nobody but you has ever opened that stupid drill file you made
this better fucking work
good selection of songs and tunes
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Ryu's bloodshot eyes are always so fucking funny
>Th-the answer lies at the heart of b-battle... *sniff*
Well, gentlemen? How do we feel about Bison?
Nash beat Bison in Alpha 2. Bison called in a fighter jet to kill him. Nash went toe to toe with SFV Bison at full power, and maybe could have won but lost thanks to Rashid not shutting down the moons fast enough.
ibuki is genuinely more forgettable than every other 3s scrimblo
seems really strong but i don't think i'll be able to get good enough with him to reach the level i want to be at. still gonna play him because he's my fav but it's been a disheartening day 1.
Ken bros...
Lel roasted
kinda underwhelming story mode stuff which is not surprising since sf always fumbles the bag with the story, fun gameplay (way faster than jive), cool animations, deals a ton of damage
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His wife
Careful, if you say anything negative about Dix the "but enough about jive" schizo will appear
but enough about jive
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Post the Bison/JP win quotes
I wasn't being negative, I just think it looks funny. Ryu in 6 looks 100x better than the chimpanzee he was in 5
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wrong one though...
Do assholes really stretch that wide?
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>Bison is another Ken downplayer
Kenfags are unredeemable
wrong race, sorry
sf6 ryu doesnt even look like ryu
next time you take a huge shit look at it in the toilet and realize that's how much dick you could take
Can you elaborate why you think it's good SF characters have bloodshot eyes?
Akuma is a really profoundly unfun character to play against
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>not no pan
I didn't say it's good or bad, I said it looks funny
Wouldn't you prefer a Ryu who looked cool and not silly?
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He looks incredibly cool
When the pics are not from the game, sure
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Nice jump in, bro.
I love fantasizing about raping Cammy
blind or retarded your pick
Mind = broken
Eyes = bloodshot

Ryu is a stoic karateman, not some weed addict.
Ryu spends probably 18 hours a day in extreme focus and rigorous training
I don't mind the hip hop by any means but I do wish there was more lush production and energy in the tracks. I actually don't hate the soundtrack but a lot of the songs sound oddly repetitive and don't really get you hyped up like a fighting game theme should.
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Don't mind if I do
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im not sure i can do this...
bison seems really hard to play...
Keeping yoru eyes closed doesn't irritate your eyes. Ryu is a honorable absolutist who drinks water, not some druggie scum and you should feel ashamed for implying otherwise.
I've already given up fuck that
Fatigue tends to, lil bro
>tfw always end up drilling for 30-45 min+
>Ryu literally doing the strongest shoryu ever all the time
No wonder his blood pressure is all over the place.
he did hang out with Laura in the arcade edition intro to jive. Brazilian snow probably go crazy.
Ryu sleeps enough and nothing suggests he wouldn't know the importance of sleep. You are just inventing stuff in a desperate attempt to defend bad models that make characters look like drug addicts.
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
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they aren't though
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bros it's so fucking over for me
i can't do this
i am master rank on multiple characters lmao i am a fucking fraud
crMP timing is really fucking weird yeah
I really wish we'd get more charge characters.
you can just hold charge the whole time
They force her down everyones throat too, don’t be surprised if shes the only 3 character in season 3 somehow. Zero fun to fight that whore, and she’ll have her rekkas back too.
To be fair I have the no backlight mod turned on, probably why his eyes aren't as white
you having a hard time getting the cr.MP or buffering the crusher charge?
slightly faster than the jive version I think
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check out siswet. Will change your view on how much the human body can endure with enough practice
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My LoverBoy
Jive: soul
Dix: soulless
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i am aware
i cant get the crusher to come out
im holding B after I do the bHK, im doing bMP instead of MP

i just cant get the crusher to come out from the crouch medium
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he looks almost cool now
I could complete all bison’s combo trials with ease except for the very last one that does like 6k damage. Super meaty combo off the jump in
mickey mouse master rank
i agree
this is a mickey mouse kids game tho
Bison update come with balance patch?
I mean, there's worse 3 scrimblos but fucking thank you for actually acknowledging that Ibuki is forgettable as fuck and has always been cancer to fight against.

Hope we get Dudley over that bitch
some autist always gets up the new winquotes ASAP
You can start charging from the back roundhouse kick. Plenty of time to get that charge ready
That's cheating; I want to see them in game with the character expressions
try 7K. If anyone lets you nail a jump in while you have psycho mine they deserve their inevitable death though
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you have to press cr.mk>psycho crusher SUPER fucking fast. it's weird. i found i always had plenty of time to do a headbutt or a blanka ball, but psycho crusher feels like a much tighter/faster input going from b to f.
my issue was trying to do it from downback to forward
maybe i played an anime game that lets you do that or something. i just had to go from downback medium to back forward


i am retarded lol
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I've literally never seriously played a chargie before and I did his trials in under an hour

feels good
Mr diddles is not a scrimblo, you fuckin rog
cr.mp* you know what i fuckin mean
Found the butthurt Ibukifag lol
>Alex, Claw, Boxer, Jin Kazama
Thats a good season 3
I like that they made the english VA do the PSYCHO CRUSHA inflection like the JP VA. The direction has seemed a LOT better in this game in general
Gief stMK was reverted. Not much else aside from fixes.
The only bad eng va in this game are Akuma and Chun, other than those pretty good
does anyone die in sf, like seriously. seth got his belly crushed and left to rot but came back and bison has died like 5 times
EN VA is awful in this game like in most other games, it's there just for the underage American audience
Necalli is probably forever dead
No one dies in fighting games.
tensho kicks
haaaa going for the finale
SURELY the old man that's been dying since SF alpha and got killed in akuma's story in V is truly dead
Gen is compretery dead
Oh, Akuma got some small nerfs. Air fireball got a bigger hurtbox and the teleport has a wider hurtbox and no longer switches sides in the corner.
nash,gen, and necalli got sent to the scrimblo zone
wait can teleport not take the corner or can teleport not escape the corner
Dude's gonna come back in SF6 at like 120 years old still suffering from Fighter Aids begging Akuma to put him out of his misery.
necalli's a supernatural character, he COULD come back, he just won't because unpopular.
Hehaichi is dead

>this is your brain on weeb shit
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>eng Lily sounds good
And there's plenty like her
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This is kind of fucking insane though
Both SF6 and Elden Ring release a DLC and SF knocks Elden Ring off the top spot
The game is dead when mickey6 came out
This is a fighting game, only scrub retards care that much about it's lore

A character only dies if it is unpopular
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Nobody wants to buy Shadow of the Scamtree now that they know the bosses are recycled from base game and DS3.
There were some funny teleport setups where you could have the opponent cornered and then do point blank teleport, and it would phase through EX DP attempts, even DPs that don't move forward at all like Jamie's. It was really fucking funny. I think those are gone now but I don't remember any of those setups to test.
>>this is your brain on weeb shit
Isn't Broski streaming at this time of the day?
>This is a fighting game
Not 6.
dont post sloppa there's plenty of actually good ryu art out there
But they aren't.
The issue is that the bosses fucking suck otherwise.
only retarded underage languagelets play with EN dubs or watch international movies with EN dubs
niggas really pay 60$ to play a game in a language they don't speak
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I don't think Akuma's ENG VA is bad, it's pretty good. It's way better than SF4 and SFV at least. There's just no going up against Taketora.
Does ENG Akuma scream ADAMANT FLAME when he uses it?
does /sfg/ kind of find it insulting how FANG went from a playable character to a low polygon NPC
No, and concern trolling about fucking FANG is pathetic
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My tongue lodged inside Cammy's rectum. Simple as.
>game full of international cast
>a good chunk of their native language is English
>implying the in-universe Western characters don't sound a thousand times better in English
Unless you really think the broken-ass Engrish JP Cammy or Dee Jay really sound natural lol
no because it was obvious that aki was replacing him as a clawed chinese poison user

at least he makes regular appearances and has story relevance
it's pretty lame. the wt models for non-playable characters are pretty bad in general tho.
I find it insulting FANG existed in the first place
>want bison and terry
>not the two sluts
damn should i buy the pass or not
Only the few USA/UK characters would speak English.
well it would be cheaper than buying the pass if you just buy the characters you want.
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this was worse, and ugly ass story abel
>bison is yet another koolaid bot
aight back to titanfall
i maintain that street fighter doesn't feel like street fighter without retarded meme characters. I like Fang. I like Abigail.

Half of the normies who seethe over these characters want vanilla whitebread "look at this cool guy in a gi holy shit!" characters like King Cobra
otg ex headstomp->f.hp is really tripping me up. i really can't do this. his combos feel so unnatural and hard to execute, which is weird because i've played lots of charge characters over the years...
The closest Necro is ever getting to another SF game lmao
>>a good chunk of their native language is English
What a retarded argument. This is like saying that watching Code Geass in english is better because of Britannia.
>>implying the in-universe Western characters don't sound a thousand times better in English
Ah yes, the "western" characters made from Japan's point of view. No cheap american voice actors are going to make it sound more believable
...said Raven, back in the Tekken 5 intro cinematic
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at least he didn't look like....this
Like a third of the cast or so would speak English and even then, English is used as the lingua franca by much of the world so it'd still make sense for a lot of them to speak English (though perfectly unaccented is a bit of a stretch admittedly).
this character happened
It's funny because they could just play KoF or Tekken. They both have tons of these kinds of characters and the ration of cool to goofy is way more skewed towards the cool side on both.
>alex: failed grappled SF protagonist, still beloved, borderline guaranteed to return in 6 he's too good of a fit
>abel: failed grappler SF protagonist, all but forgotten, replaced as a french grappler by some probably never coming back ballet chick that people still like more
what went wrong
Bison is just DeeJay for 50 year olds
most rememberable moment today out of 40 games was fighting 3000 ms bison
Threesome sex with Hugo and Abigail
*ratio, fuck autocorrect
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I like the slop when it's of my dude but ya drawn is always better
It's a retarded late cancel, like Chun's basic bnb st.mp, st.mk->m.sbk.
Then why the fuck do we have people complaining that the newcomers in 6 are "Too weird" or "Too ugly" for the series
Imagine just one of their jumbo fingers gaping you wide open
don't try the Guile trials
>Like a third
5/23 would speak English but nobody likes cheesy American voice acting so have to put it off
Souls games have more secondaries and non-player "fans" than every kuso fighter combined
Just give akuma light tatsu heavy tatsu midscreen. Sweep ender is fucking gay
oh thats because the sf6 newcomers are all poorly designed and lame as fuck
Why are bad guys in SF always purple
they're green this time around
He can do it on big bodies at least (not Marisa for some reason, just Honda and Gief, maybe blanka too but I didn't test)
so why cant we use battle damage online
Performance/stability. This is a PS4 game.
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I didn't know about Honda, I thought it was Gief only. Neat
>what went wrong
Alex was a cool character in an overall unpopular series of entries, unfortunately overshadowed in use because he's just kind of not good. His aesthetics have prevailed however and whenever he comes back people love him. Abel is like Alex if you took out all his personality, all of his fun aesthetics and then also removed all of his story and left a blank void for all 3.
Raised by an American
member of interpol, probably speaks the lingua franca
...so why not disable it on ps4
Counterpoint: Jamie.
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Need fem Bison
if you can't tell, they don't really know how rengine works
Hell yeah
Sure I guess if you're that guy
Ah~ Laoshi~~
Dunno, people complain for example about Marisa's hair being a helmet, AKI's hair being a hat, or that Lily, Manon and Kimberly have ugly hairs. They use other costumes and mods, and will often post about how Capcom made a mistake and that they would be prettier with normal hair. But then you look at the old characters and weird hair is common. Guile's flat hair, Juri's is modeled after Chun's buns but looking like devil horns instead, whatever is going on with Nash, Hakan in general, Birdie's mohawk with a hole in it, Yun and Yang having the hair of the Gundam dudes they're modeled after, Ken's original He-Man hair, Boxer's hair that looks normal in the sprite but weird in the portraits and so on.
which characters? Marisa is the only one that's significantly weird

either way normies want boring cool martial artists
>Priest Bison
>Rugal Bison
>Fem Bison
All great.
aki is so fucking ugly
the ps4 version can't be worse than the others versions by contract
Jamie, Ed and Chun are not Americans. And just because someone can speak English doesn't mean they would.
probably some weird behavior with rollback they weren't able to fix
number 5 kinda looks like jive alpha ryu
large, in charge, cool and fun
Cool, fun, good
Best newcomer in sf6, widely well received, not good but still loved
But yeah lily is retarded I'll give you that.
jamie sucks and is only liked at all by fujos who are starving for anything to ship so they settle for...... fortnite dancing zoomer and....... ramenman
Hips intelligently designed for breeding Aryans.
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Jamie is a dual citizen iirc
Ed is only born German I don't think he even speaks German.
Chun is 1000% Chinese
doing vt1 combos with this nigga is still an unmatched feeling for me
jamie siu was born in hong kong but lives in chinatown in metro city. I doubt he spends most of his time speaking cantonese

chun would probably mainly speak mandarin but as a globe-trotting supercop she definitely doesn't have a problem with speaking english with the vast majority of the cast that doesn't

ed grew up with 'rog so he almost definitely grew up speaking primarily english unless rog went out of his way to pick up german at some point
>jamie sucks
You must be terminally retarded anon, go to a local and ask what peoples opinions of Jamie are.
There are only two answers normally either
>"Yeah he's cool but fucking annoying"
>"Easily the coolest character in sf6, he should be higher tier though"
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Brehs imagine having AKI constantly trying to coil around you while you're trying to work.....
alex got a godlike theme and voicelines
>and....... ramenman
Ramenman is sick though
t. boomer
I love this revision.
They really need to increase the risk on his stomp dude, I anti aired this nigger 5 times in a row and he got off with just a sliver of damage
He can't, Jamie polls insanely high and copefags are permanently mind broken that a gay chink newcomer is more popular than their sf4 scrimblo of choice.
>s-surely an immigrant wouldn't keep speaking their native language, s-surely they'll switch to English, s-surely Spanish isn't taking over America
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basically I just don't want ugly female characters
>press cr.mp from half a screen away as bison
based nakayama making the same character 3 times in a row
jamie is at the most fluent in both
You're just a cultural imperialist
>I anti aired this nigger 5 times in a row and he got off with just a sliver of damage
bro thats just street fighter
Nobody wants either of those characters
charge moves were a mistake
this but chimpy and marisa
I'm Nobody
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Is there any tricks to do double quarter circle faster or is it just practice? It's way harder than I expected but I'm having fun learning leverless. Though playing with keyboard is annoying because the buttons are small and they're everywhere, so sometimes my fingers get lost. Can't wait for my haute42 to arrive
all the dudes at my local hate jamie thoughbeit and they don't want him buffed any further either.
There's no reason to believe that the fact someone can speak English means they would speak English. English is langauge people speak when the other person is so stupid they can't speak other languages. It's a degradation ritual.
I guess, I'll just time them better if I wanna chunk his dumbass
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There are some shortcuts you can try. I think Brian F has a youtube video about it on his channel. Otherwise it is just grinding the muscle memory.
everything about this screenshot is so fucking funny lmao
>brainless meter dump combo is just heavy kick back heavy kick three times in a row
i love jix
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Yep, works on Blanka too. Now if only my dumb ass would remember to do it.
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in better SF games AAs did good damage, had better hitboxes and lead to oki.
Half of them are lying and think he's badass or hot, And all of them are filtered by round start drive rush sweep and the st.hp
Simple as
Thanks going to check his channel
Is there follow up after AA with bison uppercut
Pic not related?
That move literally didn't work until definitive edition lol
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it really is crazy how stacked jumping is in the jumper's favor. fuck up your aa and eat 60%+corner, hit your aa and get.... 5% damage and no oki.
>same exact combo every time into 10 second cutscene
even doing it myself makes my eyes roll at this point
I never thought I'd be envious of fang
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>just want to hop on and do my placements
>day 1 bisons are already doing optimal 8k damage combos
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i like that bison talks about pretty much all his associates, life, and power's origin. but why does he specifically fail to mention seth
this is cool but feels kinda awkward to do on the p2 side
I will trainingboar until the good players rank back up
>Trans robot flop scrimblo
I wouldnt bring that thing up either
because that trash should not come back
>no oki
Just slime after DPing them bro
drive rush cr.mk
cr.mk drive rush
glad i spent 6 bucks on bison
The only one whose problem is the hair is Marisa. Do you seriously look at Kimberly's default costume or Lily as a whole and think "yup, the hairstyle is what people are complaining about"?
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So how much till terry release?
reveal at evo

bros i miss bison sweep into v-trigger
6-8 months.
He does talk about spare bodies. But you mean why doesn't he talk about the guy who was never part of Shadaloo, who became CEO of a random Shadaloo subdivision while Bison was gone, and as soon as Bison came back he just stomped the guy anyway? I don't think he even remembers.
>feels kinda awkward to do on the p2 side
I personally don't really feel any difference. Though it is a nice trick, I'm wondering if I shouldn't just learn to do it normally first. Like, can I really say that I'm comfortable with a leverless if I can't do it vanilla?
so does bison's new karin sweep solely exist to stop him from advancing with charge
Bottom daddy
...just play bison and air to air him?
mmmm bi son
>he will never power bottom you to the brink of death and then mock you for not being able to satisfy him
why even live
A ton of people look at Kimberly's costume 2 and 3 and say they're improvements because they fix her hair. On launch there were a ton of complaints about her weird hair and most importantly her forehead being too big with costume 1. Hell, as soon as the costume 2 trailer came out people were saying Kimberly got fixed. Similar things about Lily and Manon, people look at mods that change the hair and say that they should look that pretty by default. I specifically remember people here thinking that a mod changed Manon's face because she was finally pretty, when it only changed the hair.
I will be a top 15 Bison in /sfg/. Mark my words.
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>why even live
I deserve bison Bussy it's Not Fair
bisons mp and heavy punch should be +4 on block
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>pretending to dislike Seth now
finally played against a diamond player and all their damage came from constantly drive rushing or drive impacting he was spamming reversal too
bison should have an invicible reversal
So diamond players utilize the global mechanics that define sf6
mickey mouse game
Seth was ruined in SF5, or are you forgetting that game
cammy is already dead bro, dont worry
>Ed calls rog pops or unc
>says that’s OD
>does a fancy handshake with his friends and falke
yeah man he was ruined by actually having some effort put into his rework rather than being an extremely fucking lazy asset rehash clusterfuck.
i wish bison could combo st. lk 3 times like in 4
Any character with a stomp is 100% fraud like Chun in SF6
>most importantly her forehead being too big with costume 1
Yeah, that was the problem, and the clothes which you forgot to mention.
You're seriously saying that the hair is what people complain about when it comes to Lily?

9k smile
dont bother dude people love sethanie and don't care that she has literally nothing in common with seth gameplay-wise
mike bison
uhh no his real name is balrog
>people dont care about some of the worst gameplay ever put into a street fighter game
yeah I wonder why nobody cared about seth getting a new kit
yn2tj why does it say heaven on akumas back when he does raging demon hi i am new :D
Is that Elliot page
Nta lily face and hair were the prime complaints, potato face, being a child, and shit gameplay was all secondary (but still true)
No, but it is one of the things that costume 3 fixes, which everyone thinks looks better
bison got a girly sweep in 6. he almost trooned out
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I just know it's painfully tight
7 more years
the 3rd strike challenge sound giving me fightcade ptsd
This niña of unspecified school age…
Ay dios…perdona mi
9 actually
How do you hold a charge and do a neutral MP?
Probably a holdover from when he was supposed to fem Bison
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This is why.
Also, support Hershuar
>8k combo
heh nothing personel
sakura is supposed to be in her mid-30s by this point
Keep tapping MP and holding back
they realized he too iconic to be turned into a girl like trash ass T Hawk or FANG
wekp bison is wack. I'm going back to elden ring.
honestly I cant imagine how much of a tasteless spic you have to be to think that this soulless mugen abomination was ever acceptable.
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Anons…she shops at forever 21 to be 16 again. She’s a loyal customer, don’t make fun of her
t.talks to her
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i keep trying to charge scissor kicks
ok gill
just don't dp when he's can do CA, has full DR and you have the bomb on you.
nta but OG Seth is cool as a boss. Comboing different fighters' moves and doing them better than the original owners is cool. Having every tool is cool too. The problem is having this boss be playable.
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just got home

hows bipson
simple, back in older sf games you didn't have to fill up v trigger to have a complete character, and you could also run offense without sliming. seth was a great example of both, he was sick as fuck and always fun to both watch and play.
in the game
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strong drive rush bot
https://x.com/Kyoku236HS/status/1805843095030055215 YOOOOOO
Is Bison easy to play for beginners?
SF6 is easy to play for beginners
he has been easy to play in everything he's been in
Scissor kicks are broken
could you make it any more obvious that you are a non playing streamboar who thinks mike ross is his friend
"SF6 is the most approachable SF to date"
how? aren't they -5?
But Akuma cannot have neutral jump air fireball
doggy dog6
am i plus?
>barlog has voiced lines in WT
>special Text icon too
>remixed theme when he speaks
Dudley niggas?!? Who?! That’s what I though, chump as brit niggas. Stay losin
Its unpunishable if spaced even slightly
maybe, are you green?
i played sf4 when it was out man idk what to tell you. seth in sf4 was sick, seth in sf5 is.... what can you say about the character? what made him unique in that game? fucking... a meme move steal that was almost completely pointless? the only thing that was interesting on that character was the ball v trigger, but other than that, the character was lame as fuck and sauceless.
keep it classy
Its a red herring fuckin spook ass rog
just block blanka when he has lvl2 and blankachans out
>just block when rashid uses lvl2
>just block when aki has poison on you

Do you even know how many songs there are in World Tour? It means nothing.
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BisonGAWDS we are so back!
smartest rog
rainbow mika
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Mika will never be in SF6 because she was Ono's favorite
should never be playable in this dogshit game
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It was meant to be Urien.......
that was fast
I think he's probably one of the more complicated characters from an absolute beginniner standpoint, both because he's a chargie and because of the way his pressure works in this game with the timed bomb. SF6 is an easier fighter in general though so I say go for it
Blanka though
hes actually so hot im gonna cry
BlueDJ says SF6 is the most difficult game in the series since SF4 though
god please don't let me waste the entire day edging to cammy and chun porn
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It's just a Wesker's Costume from R.E. not a new model so it's good. I always liked Bison with a suit and I wish these costumes were added in the game, since the Guile one looks pretty cool too.
Sgame the SF Duel costumes never made it into any of the actual fighting games, since I think they'd sell really well.
>Haha damn bros the Mena curse, damn now I can't win a tournament on Gief no way :)
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i cant believe he's not in SF6
Post MMR
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mena is such a faggot
are those femboys? nigga gay asf
what is he saying? He got zangief nerfed?
DreeceDaGAWD mindbroke him
he only used the blanka doll as an icon because he got a lot of them as a gift for some stupid reason
bison has always been the most braindead charge character 2nd to honda
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We need Mena on that sonic_col arc
What, did this fat retard drop Blanka because he isn't top 1 anymore?
vega is old school gay which is based. He's a real faggot, not like the zesty half assed bi niggas we got now.
there were changes in the bison patch?
he got raped by DREECEDAGAWD on blanka so its over
He switched off Blanka because he got mindbroken by someone actually learning the matchup.
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How the fuck did he lose every ounce of respect he fought for over the past 5 years in like three weeks lmao
from crying about seeding, constantly downplaying blanka, whining about minimal nerfs to his main, and now crying about gief nerfs after he's played the character for like two days, i've really lost all respect i ever had for this guy. which is a shame because his blanka was really fun to watch, but i can't support this dude anymore.
there's a difference between a 50/50 and losing a single option in a very specific scenario that will happen in one of 100 matches.
Leshar gaped him 3-0 and that was the beginning of the end
he never had any respect, he was always a gimmick abusing tier whore
Aki redemption hinted in world tour. That doll in the nayshall night arena who first takes you to the ruined lab has new dialogue if you return where she mentions that guy with the poison recruited her and she just listens to him, then stops herself

Aki gonna lose her mind when she finds out fang has been “cheating” on her
>punish counter with a bomb will only happen once in a 100 matches
shut up problemx
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Shut your fucking mouths /sfg/, the strongest bull WILL return.
he tried to autopilot against in 1800mr players in an online tourney and drowned in pools
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I've disliked Mena ever since he wasted the CapCup winner's costume idea on that retarded Birdie outfit to make him "literally me".
mena tried to act all humble and respectful for a while now but dreece really brought out his true colors
he admitted multiple times that he's a tier whore
The opposite. He spends the SFV story going after Cammy, only to get cockblocked by Juri going after Cammy first. He is at least bi, probably straight.
what about the other stuff? oh wait, you purposely ignored them because you got absolutely BTFO
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>Chun-Li with her thong sticking out
Songs that aren't afraid to stand out from background noise. To be completely fair, the dlc character themes have been fixing this issue.
“I did so much for street fighter and you know what this nigga DREECEDA_BEAST TOLD ME”
>man you was really mashin shit with blanka, just straight mashin
BlueDJ is a retarded Striver
tierwhoring is only okay if you're a jappa gawd
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if this post ends in 6 or 9 i will spend 50$ on the paypig pass.
weird dlc picks?
It's a mod in SF6

He didn't get a second capcom cup costume. We were saved from Dominican Luke in this game.
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I love manon and hope to give her triplets
Buy the pass
you are literally retarded
no ca means 250 less damage, which is still stupid damage. full dr combos happen all the time, and if you are not full, you get less damage which will still be quite a lot more damage than other characters with the same amount of drive gauge
just kys
she never looks like that in game
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here's my unironic dream season pass
>Epon (Tobal)
>Akira (Virtua Fighter)
i didn't get 6 or 9
>vegas a faggot
>when he's obsessed with chun-li and cammy for being so fucking hot while having traumatic pasts

He's flamboyant. Jamie and Luke are zesty faggots but not Vega.
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Should've learned this character day one instead of wasting time with Juri and Cammy... Will try her until Terry...
Protip: you can’t do ex jump then ex stomp, you have to do the light version of jump then do ex stomp when in the air

You need that fast start up. Also, the timing to do the level 3 is extremely small once you do the overhead. I haven’t tested but I believe you can also do ex backfist combo after the overhead if you want to spend the meter to really make it much easier to land
Dreece will win the milly inshallah
>giving natz and matz money
you dodged a bullet
actual gigachad post holy fuck
stay based
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if this post ends in 3 or 7 i will spend 50$ on the paypig pass.
Nevermind you don’t deserve manon
i'll try light stomp instead, i'd been naturally doing it with h stomp because the trial thing didn't say which one to use so i figured it didn't matter. but my biggest problem is going from ex stomp->f.hp, it has to be done way earlier than i expect every time.
it wasn't meant for us to do it
-100$ for capcom
>hating twink guile
what's your problem with remy
The blue deejay marisa arc???
now write it without crying hahahaha
He asked last thread about Marisa and waiting for Terry so no suprise
what respect? only 24ers respected him lmao, he's literally Punk from DR
watch out for mena......... manon
bdj is always waiting for the next character, this nigga enjoys cbt
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My beautiful wife.
can someone give me the lore on why Bison is back? I haven't touched WT.
Nigga if you just listened to me back in 2023 when I said to play Marisa you would be Evo Champ by now.
Terry will be the messiah, trust the bluedeejay arc
niggas was wildin he had to step in u feel me
thanks dawg
marisa is already low-mid tier and will fall to honda tier when normies figure out the matchup
you know remember the all time classic

"Birdie isn't even my main"

*be irrelevant for 3 years until SS tier Luke"
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yea man
Random bum body that got a awakens. He got scooped by the shadaloo remnant and he absorbs more memories finally accepting he might be Bison.
The og Bison we know is just planted into this niggas head and body
>m. boreson
>two guest characters that only ironic fighting game players care about
There's no hope, is there
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That spook will not make it in. They would not show or hint at season 3 characters so early.
Pretty cool
>calling dudley a spook
holy fucking lmao
G did it better
i'm getting mauled, man. how the fuck do you get someone away from you as bison?
Dominican faux-macho arrogance is the faggiest shit in the FGC and than includes all the girlcock. Dudes are so fucking mentally weak that they are constantly fronting total bullshit out of fear. MenaLARD winning anything is just proof that SF6 is not a serious game because this dipshit cannot win with skill but a massive crutch
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So this is why Ryu isn't interested in getting married and starting a family.
Dudley stock already sold sorry
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what's even the point of these taunts? just to say they're in the game? it's not like the Akuma or Dan taunt in jive where you can style with them.
For a whole month and more I was saying “ora” like asura..
His voice in jap had me in a autism grip
muh heckin soul, same with special intros that everyone except dragon ball players skip
>Make a game
>Cut out the ending and sell it as DLC
Gayest shit in the universe, game was cool otherwise
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I fucking hate that Modern controls ruined charge characters because now they can only have 1 backcharge and 1 downcharge. That's the reason his scissor kicks aren't charge anymore and I have to remove over a decade's worth of muscle memory. I wish they at least kept charge scissors as an optional way to input them kinda like what they did with Chun's kicks in Jive where you could input it as a QCF or by pianoing kicks.
bison outfit 3?
this game looks better than 6
>For a whole month and more I was saying “ora” like asura..
His voice is really fucking good, gave the game a lot of kino scenes. Also, same voice as Guile btw. Yasha is Vega (claw) and Mithra is Lily.
>what's the point of taunts
holy FUCKING zoom
He's Japanese. If Ryu wasn't obsessed with fighting he'd be a shut in NEET who jacks off to anime girls.
Everything must have a point to be competitive
ryu has mastered retroejaculation
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can we skip to s3 already?
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Ending wasn't cut though, it was an alternate "what if" made after the game's release but the marketing was pitching it as "what if this was the true ending" so it pissed people off because it was an actual better ending than the base game.
Asura's Wrath was fucking hype as fuck and I have great memories of hanging out with my friends and doing a playthrough for them while they were rooting for Asura like it was an anime.

Shame all we ever got after the game was theE̶. R̶y̶u̶ Kage outfit in Jive.
Is there any evidence this is true? A ton of Modern chars have SP only special moves so I don't understand how Modern would cause the scissor kick input to get changed.
no, we know for a fact that it is sfv bisons body
It was alright
Like all cyberconnect2 games it was 100% flash and 0 substance
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Wait, so the true ending DLC wasn't supposed to be canon at first but now it is canon?
yun/yang are for ssf6. jamie has failed so they will be coming back
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>wanted an excuse to stay home and play
>some nigger fucking broke into my car last night
God I hope the cops get some solid prints on the USB cable this fuck left, I honestly want to just beat his ass.
>jamie has failed
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>could've added him to SFxT or USF4
>they added..................Pacman, Cole and the weird PlayStation cats instead
capcom is so retarded sometimes

MR is bad enough on it's own but players are rewarded for shitty play.

I lose = one and done
I win = maybe a rematch
I lose rematch = opponent gone

This happens more often than not and it sucks, players should be committed to a ft3 if both agree to a rematch.

Hell ideally all ranked matches should be Ft3!
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Reincarnated Asura in SF6, trust the plan.
nice reading comprehension.
He's so hot
They made Chun's reversal a Down, Down input and Blanka & Honda only have 1 of each direction charge as well. All charge characters had a lot of their old inputs changed from charge to motions or had the moves be replaced with new ones (that are also motion input). It's so lil Timmy doesn't have top hold back as much because he paid $70 buckaroos to press buttons, not hold back like a turtle. Except they also removed mashing attack inputs like Chun kicks and Honda hands.
Cole was based though
>Ran King X Cole and Dudley X Steve
hes still shit tier even with the 50 buffs they gave him
2 female characters, back to back
the fujos love him, balance does not matter in the slightest
you typed this and then waited for captcha to solve it like it was some kind of point
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Chuns mash kicks first got removed in SFxT and that game also had simple combos too
Omega mode also experimented with chun motion changes too. V was the “ok we can have both maybe” before six turned out to be “well little Dequan and Timothy who do fortnite dances and little Kota at Japan who doesn’t read WSJ need to win so no more charge, almost”
sorry man
>No one studies more than me
>Drowns in pools vs a Jive super diamond
literally why play marisa with these past two dlc characters
all moveset changes are just because of moron controls and no other reason.
i like big women
Any idea when cdkeys / GMG will have the character pass 2 available ?
observations usually have ""no point"" for brainlets and they never did this during SF5 run for DLC
for big bodies, eventual buffs and character loyalty, if you only care about winning just go bet on something
Big woman I guess
But she’s a base game fighter now, welcome to the power creep section of supporting/playing a fighting game for so long.
thats old
he can hit 9k
finna dp against bison with mine
bison will most definitely get a massive damage nerf but i will play him no matter what. because he's erotic. simple as.
I mean Capcom said that they want a diversity of fighting styles so there won't be 2 standard boxers. Ed is the superpowered boxer that shoots lasers and shit and Balrog will be the normal boxer that just punches.

Dudleynigs lost.
Capcom really trying to make this a 1 interaction game
Imagine getting mooned by M. Bison
besides new characters, do you think we'll get alternate CAs/supers too with season 3?
Doesn’t seem feasible given how slow these mofos work
>diversity of fighting styles
*low kicks*
*turns green*
get this

if you ex dp against a character that is the big boss of SF, when he has all the resources + corner

he deletes your life
show me the akuma ToD NOW
functionally i don't see the purpose of alt supers. it's usually
>level 1 is quick damage
>level 2 is utility of some kind
>level 3 is just big damage
Yes please
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>opponent in burnout
>air - to air trade them
>land and do bison's lv.2
>land behind them
heh, nothin personnel, kid.
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>bison doesn't get nerfed
>instead they'll buff akuma's health to 9500
to find bison attractive your brain has to be literal sludge from all the porn you've watched for the last 15 years
3 supers and the one you always see is lvl3 for damage :)
bison ain't the final boss no mo dude is dying
I fuck men anon
It's my thing
shuckle finds...... akuma attractive, im sure bison and his horse are no problem
are you saying he doesn't have an Ancient Greek body that people aspire?
Which SF6 girl is easiest to rape?
i think they'll do something like that for ssf6
if shuckle can fuck a tree i can fuck a dictator
You can't rape the willing. They're all sloots.
literally all of them could cripple you with one hit
He's hot
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she's right you know
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Well, here you go
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Where did the whole Rose being Bison's good half thing come from
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i bought sf6 to get away from strive's explosive gameplay and yet it's just strive's explosive gameplay with a shirt on
he's not my type but i definitely see the appeal
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Juri is a weak whore confirmed, just get Bison to teach you his moves
Is Bison really good or am I just bad, or both?
goddman there are too many gay niggas in this thread
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Got my eyes looking like bisons( rolled back from cumming)
Based truth spiller
first day?
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you just can't admire good physique ok?
sf6 is literally made for the soive audience.
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Nakayama literally said the one year a patch thing is done now and niggas still complain
I'm 6 feet 200 pounds pretty sure I could heem Cammy and knock her out
>built for my doberman pinscher
Gamefaqs and years of people just spouting it as fact when NONE of the Japanese source material acknowledged it
but i was ok with the once a year patches

i play other games that go by absurd fortnite update schedules and the game is a mess because people don't get to explore da meta
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Correct, this is our time. go play marvel 2 with official rollback on the Capcom collection, old man
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Why the fuck are they complaining?
It's almost like the turnaround time from something being obviously stupid until it gets brought back in line is like a quarter of the time now

What's the complaint????
>Nakayama literally said the one year a patch thing is done now
When did he say that? I didn't know this info.
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is this going to be the cope moving forward and every time a ""low-tier"" like gief gets nerfed?
you'd blink and the last thing you'd see is cammy's foot connecting with the side of your head before it recoils so hard your spinal cord breaks
do you think rose and bison had sex
>check back up on this artist because SURELY he's excited that bison is in sf6
>he just draws shota now
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Gotta follow the money
>go play marvel 2 with official rollback
NO ONE will play that garbage
Please stop gooning to Street Fighter women. It's not healthy...
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I could heem her, I’m tall!
>”don’t you eva attempt to touch me again wanker”
who's the fourth of the four heavenly zoomers?
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Shit sucks, barafags struggling
sis thinks he's zangief
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is this timmy?
shut the fuck up nigger the meta for SF6 gets figured out on patch day.
I feel like there's something weird with Bison's charge, but I'm not sure why.
>gay niggas like draw adult men when they're younger and lil boys when they get older
It's almost like it's a self-perpetuating cycle... hmmm... what an odd coincidence.
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people were saying blanka was an honest mid tier for like months dude even after mena won the first major. people are dumb
Cammy choking me out while I pull down my pants and getting a stiffy....
>(Ex)friend bought me one of his prints a ways back for my birthday
>still don't have a damn frame for it
remember him saying it was hard as hell finding one that wasn't straight homolust.
I'm starting to feel the change. I am beginning to appreciate the soft, but I still prefer the hard.
commentators should be required to have a minimum skill level to be allowed to speak
you want the Tekken "scene" dead?
no he wants that fat black nigga and big titties gone
I like when retards ramble on the mic sometimes. The tangents are sometimes better than the matches.
>he's a forced mascot nobody actually likes that means the game must remain shit for years
braindead shiteater
Frames are cheap, hang it above your toilet
But will this LVL3 kill though?
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Why doesn’t Ken just ex dragonslash through the opponents fireball?
Don't disrespect the queen like that
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For the M. psycho > lv3
Can you do [1]236.mp > 236.xp ?
Instead of [1]6.mp > 236236.xp?
M.Bison is the most fun character in this game so far and its not even close.
OK maybe Chun-Li is a close second
thanks fren
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>forced mascot
Uh sure buddy
because no one can react to what you're doing (yet)
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>that means

i didn't mean anything, you absolute mongoloid. except for making fun of the usual retardation from fighting game ""players"" on twitter regarding game balance
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What if I just wanna see little shotas get taught by much older woman?
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>nobody belongs to this stage even in s2
red blue bbc man s3
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My lover
pressuring with a mine on the other player feels so good
lol it was a smashie spouting retarded shit.
what a surprise.
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Thai Supremacy
No its because his combos with charge moves, and his psycho mine system is peak fun.
This fren gets it.
It means you're a king
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It's one of the DLC characters or Jamie desu
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No Cammy….it’s ok..
This picture made me smile
I was wondering if they'd ever do this myself but I wouldn't see much point in doing so other than it'd be cool.

I was thinking they may introduce a new mechanic where a full Drive Gauge may get you access to a new super, at the expense of the entirety of it.
A rare shuckle W
why does walk blocking feels so bad
sometimes im 1000% sure i started dbing in time but still eat a projectile
P-please respond
what's wrong with tattoos? or do you have something against Juri?
You should be parrying every projectile fren
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juri doesnt have any tattoos
I wish I got Statutory'd by two onee-sans when I was a wee lad. Life's just not fair.
No one knows

weird way to say Bison is her dad
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Menasisters we're getting called out.........
She actually has the look to pull of Chun, just needs a wig and to hide the tattoos.
yes it is you child
Tattoos are hot.
sometimes I like to watch Sajam and pretend he's my white boyfriend...
everything about this game is mickey mouse to you niggers
Go play tekken then
the range buff was the only that mattered
lily's a pedo?
Did all the pros just drop Dee Jay?
>Drive gauge damage on block increased
>Drive gauge damage on PC increased by 1/3
Hmmmmmmm nyo
..........smug plays him still
remember: the people who defend this game have trouble doing special moves
should be able to but i find it harder than just doing [1]6mp->236236mp desu
since crusher has a little startup time the 236236 isn't that hard to get in time
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i want to believe. For season 3

nobody has trouble doing special moves in sf6
what about pros though?
is this general full of gays or women
My baby sitter was a junior who sat on my all the time we play wrestled. She let me feel her boobs too..
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>thai supremacy
Season 3 the king will return
Unironically, this would be a fucking awesome scrimblo.

We need a big body that's not Abigail.
He's already in as a world tour NPC and an avatar costume, it's over Sodombros
>He's already in as a world tour NPC
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Based. I wish I had had something like that when I was growing up. I liked older women growing up but that just became "women my age" now.
Never forget the remix
Same except by boyfriend I mean my gimped sex slave that sleeps in a kennel
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allllrighty there bison enjoyers sound off: are you a homo or a lady
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Now that's the body type that would make a Rog lose composure
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>gay niggas won in SFG
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Gay niggas been
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You’re not a real fan unless you’ve bought your gf or wife her own ibuki pants
Ive been waiting for so long for Sodom I dont want him wasted on SF6 now.
What does Manon need to ascend from bottom 1
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Part-time gay (bi) but I like him as a function, not to coom. I got Vega (normal and genderbent versions) for that.
To de-transition
That is the stage where you fight JP in world tour and where some arcade mode fights against JP happen like Cammy's or Kimberly's. It's also where he is depicted in his screenshots in the official website. It's JP's stage.
Is Bison not a charge character anymore?
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30 years later and seeing bison do devil reverse still makes me laugh like a retard
why did he have to describe it like that...
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you tell me
Only Devil's Reverse and Psycho Crusher. Scissor kicks are QCF now.
You know exactly why you dumbass drone
Get that ass banned
If you're a bisexual man I don't understand why you would ever choose a woman
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My one and only Ryu
Every rockstar
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Do you think Rose can unironically fix the new Bison since he doesn't have his old memories?
Can anyone explain this homosexual behavior
no, he still has his personality
i'm right
gonna defer to the edfag defense method on this one
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It should have just been a costume
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Men can fuck better but a woman's hole feels better by default. Also I have no loyalties to a side, I'm just greedy.
>ugly ass sf screenshot spam
I'd like to buy that, but I don't know where
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>4 DLC characters a year
>Only 2 SF characters this year
This game is gonna make people return to 5 if they only add 2 SF characters a year and constantly release guests like Mortal Kombat.

>return to 5
Capcucks are too limpdicked to reject new product.
Anons already said they dont even like dix but play to be a part of "community" anyways
Extremely ugly
I told Cammy if she didn't fight back I'd be gentle but the bitch didn't listen and now her face is all fucked up and bruised bros
Feels like John Streets is kinda shaping up to be an antihero or an antagonist in this game.
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Jesus christ punk take it easy bro...
He's just like me frfr
>all white or asians
we get it timmy turner, you don't like women with melanin.
Based retard
post 1 example of an fg community in the last 20 years that has 100% rejected a new game
He didn't avenge his bro Bosch, let JP go and became his student, and is actively helping revive Shadaloo. He is the fightfag of the worst kind.
Imagine thinking capcom will do anything creative or daring with their characters
They couldn't even get ryu and chun to marry, neither have the balls to make WT an actual dating sim.
There was one guy on gamefaqs who made a huge plot guide back in the day with information from random interviews, in-game endings, promotional material and other things like that. The problem is that he didn't know much Japanese and had no source for some of his claims. People still referred to that guide a lot because Capcom is a mess and can't have official material detailing this stuff, even now they have "World Warrior Encyclopedia" being contradicted by the better "All About Street Fighter". That gamefaqs guide had things like the Raging Demon taking people's souls to hell and Rose and Bison sharing a soul. People started catching on that something was wrong when SF4 came out and the dude had a melty on places like SRK because he was sure Gouken was a zombie in SF4 among other insane things but by then it was too late. Rose's arcade mode in Alpha 3 was also poorly worded or translated, it has Bison taking over Rose's body, but you could easily interpret it wrongly.
damn that shit did indeed flop so hard i forget it exists lol
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i guess his bipolar disorder is in dark mode today
Besides John Streets is a self insert anyways, even if they portray him as some nigger, he in theory could be anyone including a woman.
do ryu and chun even have any chemistry? i can see them creating a literal who character for ryu to get interested in
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Finna commit a crime
>neither have the balls to make WT an actual dating sim
would probably draw in so many players who would never touch fighting games otherwise
only like 1% of them would ever queue online
but the next Uma could be there
How do I stop thinking about how hot SF girls are?
Chun will marry Luke by SF7
All this in a pursuit of finding out what strength is
This or make a chill game about watching girls in bikini and play poker at night like DoA scarlet series.
But Capcom is just too lazy to take any risks that arent even risky at all.
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>spreads Sakura's legs a little
>tickles her in her special place
god it'd be so ooc for ryu to fall for someone
I stopped playing Juri/Cammy/Manon/Chun and play only Ryu now
installed halal mods for all the female characters
I'm making big LP gains as a result
She used to call me on her cellphone…
Late night when she’d need my love
Just retards who think "old characters should date" and Japincels who self insert as Ryu.
Reality Ryu is a canon incel larping as a celibate.
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There will be no canon romances between known characters under Capcom
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Except me of course
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You don't need Chun, you need therapy you schizo faggot
>look at trailer for bison
>its just a bunch of avatar shit
I just want to see the character not the black avatar guy. Whats wrong with Capcom?
Ryu? Canonically loves Ken.
>creative or daring
Seth is a woman. Q is now G. Boxer is now a step dad to some blonde twink. Gen is dead (doubt). Chun-Li is a step mom to a random nerd. Ken is a broke ass cryptobro. It's rare but things happen.
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sf6 niggas look so fucking weird
As his best friend. No homo.
shes not underage in 5, drake
That's from the first one right, I never played any others.
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Not gotta matter when that costume 2 shows her toned legs again…
Fightsexual, would 1000% fuck as long as ken initiated it, the intimacy would manifest towards even more intense sparring sessions
>bunch of fodder info that do not really change the landscape of any of the characters
Nobody cares bro
Nobody cares bro
Tantric sex to no waste precious energy cumming
that's a mod that increases his muscle size and vascularity while also not giving him like. hair.
lol wtf
gay mod
>That wide back
>Those insane thighs
>Tight thick cheeks
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>fighting bison
>holy shit his pressure is completely unstoppable what the fuck do i do when do i press i'm fucking dead it's over
>playing bison
>they just kind of kill me
What are some /sfg/ approved songs to listen to?
Actual manchild
One of these days I'll run through them, I actually like the goofy characters and dialogue.
based fishine enjoyer
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fighting bison do be like that
Everything about this game looks fake and corporate, I don't know why. I know SF, Tekken and others are like that too, but they don't feel like Project L, and I'm 100% talking about some sort of subjective feeling I have. That game somehow feels like nothing about it is genuine.
don't care, show a new character
swear to god pressure is only fake when i do it
>daigo drills removed
>fights against a dictator
>"wtf he is oppressive!"
that is the point
we love drizzy
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No I need Chun.
my point is that i don't know how to oppress people with him and just get mashed on
$40 for this shit feels painful. You faggots really do this on the regular? Can I not creamapi?
all legally natty btw, psycho power doesn't show up in drug tests.
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>cr,LP anti air
its the little things in jive webms
Because Riot have been using astroturfing as their core marketing strategy for over a decade now. They desperately want their games to come off as genuine with a grassroots fanbase but they're meticulously corporate and every part of said "fanbase" is deliberately sown and controlled by riot.
i'm extremely horny
>your gf or wife
beg pardon?
>That game somehow feels like nothing about it is genuine
If you have to ask, it ain't

The SF6 Vtuber tournaments might be cringy as fuck, but the emotions are real at least
no i only buy characters that i intend to play
Bison seems okay, maybe even top 10
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what are these and how do I watch them
no you cannot drive rush requires neutral or forward input have to charge after it
I am absolute scrub lord and did it. GANBATTE ANON! I BELIEVE IN YOU! >>483517258

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