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Westoid Diver edition
>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC
>General Info/FAQ for New Players
>Active Codes
>Additional Links
EN: https://www.youtube.com/live/N5S9CpKzuGY
KR: https://www.youtube.com/live/0WV52-Q0Q6o
JP: https://www.youtube.com/live/Jn2cyA0oksk
>Update: June 20th
>Developer's Note: May 2024
>Current Events
CLAY, MORE! - June 20 ~ July 3
Union Raid - June 21 ~ June 26
>Current Special Recruit
Alice: Wonderland Bunny - June 6 ~ June 27
Clay - June 20 ~ July 3
>Current Costume Passes
Folkwang: Moist Rabbit [Mission Pass] - June 1 ~ June 30
>Upcoming Costume Passes
Maiden: Under The Sun [Mission Pass] - July 1 ~ July 31
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this summer
something something cuck
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I love my wife Rapi.
So how exactly does costume gacha work for nikke? How much am I gonna have to spend on vipers costume?
How are the new summer girls from a gameplay standpoint? I've been playing for less than a month and I don't know if any of them will be useful.
$60 minimum
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I hate Rapi.
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What sort of PSI you think you can reach in there?
Posting 3 bitches that wont even be in the event? Why?
That was my final contribution to my union
>Rated 1 star
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
that's a big number
not as big as Dave though
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>that wont even be in the event
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Sex with Viper!

$20 minimum, $60 max. You get a bunch of tickets and resources alongside the costume.

Hard to tell. The part breaking thing is clearly tailor made for whatever raid they're setting up, they'll probably be niche.
A good thing The Admirebro left, he made the right decision.
Lmao couldnt clear
If you dislike this shit
>Contact support
>1star nikke on appstore/s
>Don't give them any of your money
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new tweetbux just dropped

its $60 maximum
you basically have a 1% chance to get it for each $10 you spend, but you get mats and other resources for your troubles
>this fragile over a minigame
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Guilty should have looked like this.
Helm belongs to Dave. Sorry aegis bros, you lost.
They were not in half anni...
They didnt even get intros like last years stream...
They don't release a proper alt for Rapi because they have one in the works right? It would be very retarded not to give the poster girl an SSR almost two years in to the game's life when her friends already got one.
Cleared modernia for first time today and was able to get 2 of the overclock gems. THANK FUCKING CHRIST. First time I've gotten one outside of the april fools event. Huge upgrades in power getting two of my pilgrim armors to overclock
Which Nikke is thicc but not too thicc
Real human nikker. I salute.
>Nikke event announced
>Thread filled with tourists
I can't even imagine how sad one's existence has to be to spend all of their waking hours spamming rice cooking forums
It's not a real gacha. There's an infinitesimally small chance of getting her costume early, but realistically you have to spend $60 to deplete the prize pool to get it. It's like.01% chance at $30 and 1% chance at $40, that's how rigged it is.
doro sweep
They cooked with rosanna jesus christ
Burningums sloppy seconds, YOU LOST DAVE
$20 minimum
With modernia you could 100% get her for free, it all depends on how generous they are with the tickets.
sakuraanon is going to be pissed when he sees the impregnation bond.
Congrats dude. I actually have a few rocks just nothing to fucking spend them on.
Ah, I guess it's not completely horrible, but I guess having a new costume for my wife will be a good start to AX
God I love viper so fucking much
>Not to thicc
Thicc value has no limit
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>searched the archive
>It's a stolen screenshot
Nice larp
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shit game
Hand holding is a very touchy subject in this game.
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You guys do know that Dave is a gay man, right?
Don't worry, Dave will take care of your girl. Sponsored by CuckUp.
The devs were shocked there was demand for SSRapi, they thought the main campaign was enough content for her or something like that.
We're going to have to deal with this shit until the event and eventual "YOU LOST" compilation aren't we
Its rocks newcute.
If Rapi gets an SSR, it's either going to be tied to the main story, or some kind of SR upgrade. It's not going to be a limited summer alt.
Would really hate to be a Helmfag right now
Thank god my wife is safe from the cuckspam and is 100% for SKK
Unfortunately people at shiftup are cunning. No wonder they turned a shit 2d novel styled shooter into goldmine.

They flip flop regularly by adding events like bunnies, maids and other pandering events just so we remain complacent. They reel us right back in when we sre sick of it or about to quit. Thats why they didnt make another goddess event for 1.5 anniversary. They are saving the rapunzel past unit for the next year. Its so that people will forget and outrage will subside
I don't play Nikke to play Dave the diver Shitup, looks like an ad but too bad I already played it. If you want to do a collab, she should at least have some new vaginas and boobs
I mean
Just check the date
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Probably for 2nd anniversary since it is the bigger event of the year, they won't release the most important story character during a thematic event.
I'm going to Alice
Why do you lie?
Doubt they'll do it again, at least not when there's only one running. Half anniversary plus two at once, they'd have gotten reamed for it if they didn't offer a smidgen of generosity.
>this much of a cuck
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I love how voluptous Anis is
>Cucking Aegis with Dave
Now that would be funny and based
All less than a minute apart.
Deserved for shitting up the place and trying to pick a fight with AZXGods
He'd want to fuck Drake then.
I remember my first rock.
arent they 50? were the free rolls only for crown and babu?
Is this why people are defending events with male interaction ?

Its only a matter of time until they come for your waifu. So its pretty retarded to not stand in unison and be against these bullshit collabs
Keep defending niggers and males in your game
your dad fucked your mom cuck lmao
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Explain this then
>wake up at around 11 AM
>Browse the modern day Newspaper X for 10 minutes(formerly known as Twitter btw)
>See a Nikke JP post and instantly remember that i missed the livestream bcs of me being around the globe
>See how Rosanna Looks in her swimsuit compared to Sakura
>goon a bit
It's her fucking summer bros it's unironically over for Sakurafags and Morantards
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In the end Marian came back... but I wasn't able to break the wall(Bay and Yulha aren't in the ticket shop to do so today lol), so I got blown up in front of my favourite Nikkes at least!

>60k gems
>only pilgrim I got was the fated one
Nice rates Shitup

ngl, I needed to quit anyway and this is a funny time to do it before I get really hooked.
Chinks are really uppity today. Are mihomos not getting a summer event or something?
All me btw
>cucks unironically defending this shit Collab
>Western stream had censored skins

Lmaoooo. This shit game is done for.
lay off the interracial porn retard
>non pilgrim on anni
Doubt. Or they could start being greedy with 1% non pilgrim banners
Moranbros, how we feeling?
Keep munching that pagpag you fucking SEAnigger
rapi is the titlescreen character. she was always planned to get a ssr from the start.
Moran has the advantage of not getting anything so she lacks a comparison point. Sakura got mogged hard though
We went from the Admire blasting the kraken and aegis letting out tears of happiness for finally having a purpose to tetraslop and fat bastard the collab.
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What are you trying to prove?
wtf he gonna NTR my man Mustang ?
I am a bit concerned about the censorship on the stream, it would be pretty shitty if that happened in the real thing.
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We're definitely being raided. Who the fuck are these people?
Chinacels from snog.
Well it shows that people hate this shitty collab. Just cause you love males interacting with waifus doesnt mean you can stop other people from complaining about it. Also dont tag me along with the actual cuckshitter, is that how you defend your fetish ?
Moran went to a skii resort by mistake. The micro bikini is not protecting her from the elements
Do not Alice.
They release two low popularity alts before firing the two big guns. Stay on target.
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The en streams have been censored since launch
the hero these threads deserve
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Sorry but she'll basically have to be Naked begging for commanders dick in summer 2 Pt2 for her to even get close to Rosanna

Well the bar is really fucking high now.
Shit reads like a doujin almost, lmao. What a shitshow.
They gave out extra free rolls for those two.
all me
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You play gacha on a PC instead of a phone?
Who the fuck are these "people"? Everyone in leddit, YouTube comments and discord are excited for the mini game. We're finally going to see admire girls actually swimming.
Based, this makes the mihoyotourists and ledditor here seethe.
Rapi Hood is higher tier than pilgrim, 2nd anni is the most suitable event for her.
You posted that, try a bit harder next time
Quick question about the lore. Is it ever touched upon on how everyone in the Ark got along at first? Like, how did they handle all the different cultures and languages living together underground? Also, I'm guessing everyone speaks the same language in the Ark now?
cucks projecting their fetish onto the game
Some fucking fag at e7g spammed all vg generals calling for raid
>are we being raided retard with that anus.png again
I sleep
Tourist spotted
Don't believe it, you'd have to live under a rock to not know to make new alts of your main girl in a gacha game.
What are you talking about anon?
Are you well?
There is no summer part 2 bro. Its this event (with minigame collab) straight into another fucking collab in august. It's fucked. This is all you get. That's probably why they tried to placate people by giving anchor and mast a skin related to the dumb fucking minigame shit.
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Yes, and I am proud of it.
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>Redditors, bots and shills are excited for a minigame

Wow, what a victory. What a great Collab.
They've been using censored designs in ads since launch. Never affected anything in-game.
So is guilty bad? Or is she ever used? I'm happy for her skin, but not so happy if i'm literally never going to see it
This is the most reddit reply i had ever seen
sad how much worse things got once mihomos infected everything
Lottery tickets at "random" that got rid of everyone that was problematic. Raptures took care of the rest.
So is Arca and JP twitter. 4chan and the chink are the only people who care
Lol this fragile over waifus diving with males and interacting with them. Next thing you will tell me is that Nikkes should be allowed to have boyfriend.

Also Dont let anons here know that diving makes people horny. I can only hope SKK is there to take care of the aegis squad.
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>erm you posted that
Not even (You) worthy, you lost chinkoid
She's useable if you lack the meta B2s since her damage is decent
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If SKK fucking Helm in her bond didn't stop these disingenuous faggots, nothing will.
You're wasting time arguing with delusional morons affirming their own delusions with headcanons, so stop replying to their baits.
Plebbitors, cordtrannies and youtube commenters do not deserve to be dignified with an expression like "people", the best way to describe them is calling them subhuman bottomfeeding cretin.
Free rikker waifus to for everyone
Same. I really enjoy Nikke's high effort minigames. I got so fucking sick of FGO's shitty zero effort events. Even the silly little button mashers always have a bunch of new assets and animations.
>whole theme about living in the present, let the past go away, to not live for grudges
Meanwhile... The gook writer can't keep half the things he writes consistent
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I knew it
>Japan is excited guys! Trust me.
Well yeah, they love NTR, lol. The fanart will be pretty funny for helmfags, lel.
I dont hate dave, but fuck this collab. I dont need male interactions in a fucking mini game. I tolerated maid one cause it was filled with npc chibis. This shit would make aegis interact with the dave and the other guy
>noo we're not being raided
Threads are so bad the janny got lazy and just nuked an entire one out of the archive rather than clean it
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They made Mast's ass too small.
But Anchor's hips are perfect.
what are the meta b2's outside crown? i dont have crown
im gonna commission dave ntr if you seafags wont do it
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Just based on the sheer number of people playing this game, and the fact that it is available in SEA, there's surely a least a few true cucks playing.

Of course, I would expect none of the fine gentlemen who post in /nikg/ would be involved with such a fetish.
>getting sloppy seconds makes it uncucked
the disingenuous one is you who constantly ignores the rest of her bond
This place was unironically better before you put on your big boy pants and mustered up the courage to come here.
I would be caught dead before playing on phone. I will never get how mobilefags can tolerate using such a shitty tiny ass device for anything.
Go back to r/cuckoldry
>all the Red Hood costumes are garbage
>realize that they must have drawn more concepts than this and these were the best 3
Holy shit they really don't care about RH huh? The song is probably going to be just as low effort. Retarded metafags ruin yet another thing.
that man looks like me fr
Good skill 1 and in a shotgun team
holy incel
It your money so sure i guess
You Don't need to announce it because nobody care
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cuz he'll dick down all your waifus he's now Dave the Dicker lol
God you speak so much like ledditors. No wonder western gaming scene is filled with dei and other woke shit. Why the fuck are you even playing the waifu game ? Go play browndust or something if you want to see sexy girls interact with other men
>the places that ask for male nikkes are happy with the collab
What a relief.
Don't worry. So are the cuckposters.
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Is there an active /nikg/ union on NA? Mine completely dead.
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Which banner first? Shitkura or Rosanna?
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Is it actually time to stop coming here? This is my favorite place...
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>another summer without Noah
Helmbros… I don’t feel so good… we already know she likes them fat and hung and rich… Dave won…
I don't think anyone should be surprised the costume designs suck. Her normal design is already sexo so how did people expect them to outdo it? They were never going to put her in a bikini or something.
>a whole wave of people are burning
I do need to announce it because someone here does care but won't speak up
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It's Dorover. I don't even know what's the last half anni like.
Divin in that Nikkussy amirite
you know it's bad when he won't even post that
Both of the duo ones (Blanc and Naga)
Dolla and Summer Helm for their CDR
Elegg and Marciana aren't really meta but they're nice for the last bullet comp
This is my issue. I want girls from other media to join as well. But unironic redditors keep defending this slop like their lives depend on it.
It's only vaguely mentioned that the initial days of the Ark were difficult, but it's never specified whether those problems were social, or purely technical.
>Cuckposter still spamming
that shitpost tactic is never gonna work
By not being a slant eyed gook that's how. Sorry God cursed your soulless species with eyes that never properly open.
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Welcome to Eden https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66405802/#66405802
>Both of the duo ones (Blanc and Naga)
oh shit i got these. i'm assuming i can't just shoehorn them on any team though, right?
the devs regret releasing red hood too early. they want to bury her but fans wont let go.
Funny how Seafags always call Koreans and Japanese's cucks while ignoring the rampant schizophrenia in their countries along with their small heights.
>implying sloppy seconds
>He's still desperately trying to force his headcanon
Why are the pagpags still awake
When its 2 AM in their timezone?
>thought /nikg/ was better than the previous general I hanged around in
>it's just as bad if not worse every time news drops
Actually grim.
She'll be slopping that fat dick every day now... It's over...
Not your first rodeo laplop, it'll pass soon so just don't engage them
AZX won. Shitmire niggers lost.
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Oh yeah?
You like cuckolding?
Name 3 cuckold sessions scenes right now!
Uh, I still want to have sex with Poli
weird how he is so open about his fetish just wish he'd stop forcing it on people in public
Sure anon
If you believe in your headcannon, I'm not going to stop you
Rosanna probably
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I hope you are all voting the dog for red hood skin and not the fucking dress
Whatever you say Zhang Xiao
>he didnt watch the trailer
Noob, dave isnt the only guy there.

It's the usual cucknigger cycle, it'll die down soon
Pretty much yeah
I'm not into bestiality, so no
Still trying
I voted for the dress
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Still don't know why you spam this when it's never the case.
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is the thread usable now?
It'll cool off soon enough.

Gacha news is like a shot of caffeine for them.
Spamming his cuck fetish then blaming the game for his mental illness is truly next level delusion.
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I just had three with your mom last week
Give proof of, "sloppy seconds".
And he keeps replying
The thing I hate the most is no fucking SRs getting the SSR treatment. Where summer belorta?
They're just so bland. Its fine to have a casual clothes one but there's 2, and then the dress one is as generic and safe as you can get. How about something actually original and creative, like a Little Red Riding Hood themed one? Maybe it would be shit and not get picked but at least it would be interesting to see even the concept art. They just didn't even try with these costumes and its pathetic.
There's going to be an open slot or two in NA NIKG after UR ends and people can be kicked.
Hmmm nyo
Come back in like 2 months
Does that mean we'll have 3 weeks straight of Pag hours?
Just report it instead of replying you fucking retards
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I'm using the thread right now.
t. poor nigger cuck
Keep defending your favourite gender homo.
Dropped because of mandatory Underworld Queen shilling
Fuck this shit game
I got 0 SSRs from 5 high-tier molds
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Inherit's summer vacation with Noah, Isabel, and Harran next year. Have faith.
A full thread later and still 0 proof any of these fags play the game
Any sane people will not find spamming shit in some anonymous forum fun
So ofc he have mental issue
I'm voting for the dog one because it reminds me of Black Souls Red Hood.
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You didn't even ask for a toot?
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>he have
Oof. Embarrassing, little man.
Don’t worry, it will pass. We’ve been through worse and nobody is taking this shitposting seriously this time unless you’re a chink or brain damaged maybe
This is what happens when you do ironic shitposts, you attract actual mentally ill schizos. You should an hero as atonement.
>probably 2 months of this shit
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When she's at the beach and she sends commander off to buy ice cream and there's a shota playing in the water
It'll be bad for a little while, but I predict ZZZ's release will result in a massive drop in shitposting across all other gacha generals. So that'll be nice.
Based and non male pilled gachas?
I rather have bad at english rather than have mental illness
So yeah
Btw, no argument
Thanks for admitting

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We did it reddit! I always wanted ugly fishermen on my waifu game.
People here can never understand it, waifus interacting with NPC is different than them interacting with a defined collab character. Especially in a mini game where they actually interact with the nikkes. Especially if they actually spend time alone over the course of days. You think aegis are only diving for a single day ?

Dont tell me you guys are okay if nikke waifus go out with a character and spend time with that said guy on the surface over a couple of days. Its not even like denji being a onions or 9s acting like a bitch infront to 2b. Its different.
never played a gacha game, because of males, am not gay, if theres men here i stop playing too
Goddess of Victory: Nikke
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I'll never lose faith, a summer event centered around Noah is on the way.
>another fucking UQ event
>another fucking Tetra event
May as well just delete Elysion and Missilis from the game; only Tetra and Pilgrim are important.
AGP Racing
Uma musume
>This is my favorite place...
You have some shit taste my dude, I am just coming now because I am furious about the collab news. Fuming even
Blue Archive
You guys won't believe which manufacturer will get a new nikke after summer.
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They should do an emergency solution for towers: allow 1 tetra nikke in regardless of which tower.
you should have stopped when you started and saw Andersen in the first scene dumb fuck
>Horrible summer picks
>shitty collab
>already using the new gear system to push fomo skins
>only free skin is for a SR
>skin is also censored
He's like the anti-mika poster in BA that has wasted close to three years of his life spamming bag for 12 hours a day. I doubt he has much else in his life to look forward to.
>All this sea monkey projection
Okay, small man.
No. And people were killing each other for tickets to get in so it was probably rough.
I think it's Drilley
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>being a onions
blew your cover just like that
I hope guilty has fun at the beach!
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>This is my favorite place...
The public urinal is your favorite place?
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Noah would never cuck us.
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Never lost a duel
Never lost against liliweiss
Never come here then. You’re part of the reason. This place is only comfy when you’re not here
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What am I supposed to do in this situation?
/fgog/ also has some schizos. There are people who have been shitposting and baiting in that thread for almost 9 years at this point
Uhh Dave is lgbtq+ and he's autistic and uhh he only enjoys food and swimming, you delusional incels have never left your mom's basement so let me explain that it is a perfectly normal human interation to dive with friends
NTR event is coming your way this valentine. All part of neondev's plan
can SEA just go to sleep already?
give hugs
Yeah, because I'd never mingle with a gremlin
Blow gently into her ear.
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non shitposting question, i know i need 3 teams to be comfy, but what type of teams should i be aiming for? should i have one for each boss in ex-intercept? one for pvp? i'm assuming theres no catch all teams that exist unless you're just gear diffing the content
>we dont know your team
heres a pic, but im really asking as an overall question of what I should be aiming for team wise
>read sticky
it doesnt answer the question, just basic building which is just 1/2/3 and make sure they all equal to 20s, or offset a 40s cd with another 40s or 20s etc.
This game is shitting me!
This is literally Dave but better
At lest he only fucks Rikkers
So is summer going to flop? Only good things that came out of it were Maiden and Guilty.
Yeah, it's a shame, i don't want this place to become /alter/ 2.0, or something even worse.
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That's any gacha general really. News brings cross general shitposters without fail especially if it's something that generates ton of content for shitposting
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>being a onions
Its been proven that Viper is only for (you).
yeah, she is the bull
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Nothing. Leave it to her.
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She remains the best girl this game has to offer.
>Verification not required.
He looks like the hair dresser guy from stellar blade.
okay faggot
The real problem is that there are no nikke doujins
I hope she rape me
Kiss her neck
The loathesome shit poster doxxed himself, so we already know what kind of dysgenic subhuman troglodyte he is.
Why didn't you lock attack first retard?
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open her legs?
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I don't care about the vote
You are actually retarded when you think its SEApags thats shitting this thread when its actually the mihoya trannies of the west
Why the fuck is Viper getting a treasure? They couldn't have chosen a worse nikker. I'm a day 1 player and still don't have her. FUCK
Oh great, NA hours, thread suddenly goes to shit and I wondered why
But this isn't real life. It's a game. They aren't fucking behind your back like your last girlfriend was.
Literally made for ear teasing until she melts.
because i can make 1000 ai generated images copying nikkes style
>So is Arca
They aren't. Unless you count people asking why they put more effort into a minigame than the actual game, talking about burningham and the slowest period of thread creations during the live as excitement.
Again, you have shit taste, but please enjoy your stay with the cĂąck resident
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>being a onions
Tourist kun!
If there's one good thing about summer its that there will be an influx of summer Helm pics with her getting fucked hard by random faceless men to beat off to.
That third slot has already been replaced by an ammo buff. I can roll another attack in another day.
>Viper gacha skin announced
I wonder why.
>Why the fuck is Viper getting a treasure?
Cause she's been bad since her release but people seemed to like her design
Viper's getting one so they can push the skin bwo.
>search nikke doujins
>all top tier vanilla gold
Thank you don sensei and rapu bro
nigga it was shit as soon as the collab popped up. hours this hours that there's always a retard here to post his delusions
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I like this Scarlet.
ok show us
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>being a onions
tourist did come here holy shit
Diving into Helm's cavernous vagina
She's always been useable for pvp as a clip SG option over Nikkes like Signal, Julia and Eunhwa who are launch and useless in every area. She's getting a treasure mostly to line up with her gacha skin
Because they want to sell the 60$+tip skin.
We didn't even get to the 2nd batch before they started selling out with it.
>tfw never gave a fuck about donos for sex squad
>tfw bad bitches own my cock
I fucking won holy shit
>Guilty, Rosanna, Sakura, Viper
Looks like food for Entoma
hug/cuddle sniff nape
donate to my patreon
Lmao destroyed
Mind explain to newfag?
I didn't play yet when csm collab happened
Im not gonna spend a single dime this summer event neither play the minigame, but if there is even a fucking single case of flirting in the minigame, even if played off as a joke or misinterpretation, im fucking closing my account and never looking back.
Asking Dave for donations, I see.
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the usual suspects
Why do genshitters waste their time here instead of shitting up their own general.
Post proof you play the game.
Scarlet is stronger than lilith.
There, i said it
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Base the teams around the 3 most broken squad types, Bunnies, School Girls, Crown and Naga, that's all really

DPS wise will most likely be the same
hsrg and gig are filled with seapags. I remember the aetherpag having full month long melty posting cuck porn and scat nonstop.
Post pic of account so we know what's at stake. No takesiesbacksies, post it.
liter/tia/naga/hood/maxwell. a strong hood will blow up all the intercepts anyway
SEA-cord was a mistake
Classic SEA hours

>Schizo ranting

Might as well shut the site off and turn it back on when AmeriGODS wake up
i would love this art as a lobby screen
or ANY liliweiss lobby screen, hell just give me the stills from red ash
/gig/ is already one of the worst generals on this board. It'd be like shitting in a landfill, nobody notices or cares
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Tell her you're not falling for her tricks again.
Wasn't the scatfag outed as a canadian?
Thats an edit by sani...
>Is it actually time to stop coming here?
Best time to quit /nikg/ was always yesterday since 1st anni ended
babu, your daytime snack is here
So why didn't nikg have janny while other thread have one
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We already have two king
Anyone from your union did a Sun Tzu yet?
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feed her eggs
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I'll unironically do this right now and go do something else, bye bros
>ask question about the game
>baiting shitposts get instant replies
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Here's your proof faggot. Already sent negative feedback about the collab too. And to all the faggots here who defend the releases of girls not for (you) like Clay just because Shitup gives some pandering crumbs once in a while, go livestream your suicide.
Bros... I don't want to die. Holy shit.
Can you even imagine what it feels to not exist again? Where the fuck does out conscience goes when we aren't existing?
>a nikke can cut in inbetween batches if SU has a gacha skin to sell
I kinda hate this.
I need the nikg-cord
No, that's twitter after it cancels season 3 because they found out Zach is still saying faggot and nigger.
Get fucked, retard.
Maybe after 1 month because shitposter still spamming non stop
nta but why not tias first, wouldnt that just spam liter only?
I won't spend a dime on this event or those summer bitches. Because I'm dating Signal and I would never cheat on her.
Redditors can't stop taking the bait like retards.
Based undercover cuck exposer
Dave? Nah, I don't think so.
Cobra, on the other hand...
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don't know what the question was
but that's a post worth replying to
Same place it was before you were born shithead
>will get enough chips to MLB Guilty when UR rewards go out
>sex skin coming soon
Real Kindness bros its all coming together
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*cough cough* bwos I don't feel too good...
You need 5 teams for solo raid, but considering your sync level you've still got a bit to go before you have to really worry about that. As it stands, Tia/Liter/Naga/RH/Maxwell is your best bet.
PVP special arena uses 3 teams, but with a very different skill focus compared to normal gameplay. My shard is comfy so I don't pay attention to any of it, but there are some pretty comprehensive guides floating around.
>no timestamp
>name censored
sure bro
They're waiting for the secret collab
>usable for PVP
Her skills don't even do anything unless there's a boss
Why do you hide? If you are in a nikg union ppl can just look you up anyway lmao.
Only threads like /gig/ have 24/7 jannies because the biggest shitposters there tend to spam gore and pizza if they aren't moderated
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>its real
>biggest minigame ever
haha my fucking god
you lost
Someone should cuck Bridbreeder
I wish we could get tye censored skins also since they already made them. The guilty one is really cute.
I bought most of the premium skins but I won't be getting Viper's because I already bought her bunny skin. Same reason I skipped premium Noise, I already had her white outfit skin.
Helm bros... I'm scared...
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Yeah... Where???
Mom calm down.
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Worst thing about this, people will ask to make it permanent like for MOG.
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>It's le x hours
Kill yourself tourist
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>probably too embarrassed to show swimsuit so she wears the shirt over it
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Her skills don't matter when she was ran for burst gen in shotgun heavy teams
Why do i need timestamp when you can see my last online date?
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are you saved?
Fake and fabricated. My scarlet NEVER lost
Especially not to that hag
If Lili is so strong then why is she dead?
You post this every single time since Red Ash while you shitpost. Not a single time did you post your account as proof. Kill yourself fr irl
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>will get enough chips to MLB Guilty when UR rewards go out
Fuck your shit quality pic I almost thought Anchor was touching Dave's arm.
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>mfw so retarded misread shine of love as slime of love
it's so fucking over
we lost
>this fag isn't in prefect
Thank god.
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based straight white male, i too play the game and only play it for the girls. Dont care about this fat fuck dave and dont want him in my game
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none of the censored ones look any good except rosanna because of the see through lace
She didn't get a swimsuit so she's on underwear.
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>Oh what a great idea let's vote for the stupid dress so she can be more covered!!
If you support A, you support the cuck shitposters.
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Lore accurate version
What about working on the actual game modes instead of wasting efforts in a fucking mini-game
I'm mostly vt tard
So pardon my newfah
>Genshit getting mogged by BA
I thought Genshit was making 50 trillion billion yuan every day? What happened Mihomo trannies? Where's your doujins?
>if you don't want men, you're a fag
Shitup is really not sending their best.
they're not going to delete her default skin who cares?
Go to sleep pagpag
>they never post their accounts when they make idle threats about deleting them when x happens
/snowg/... LOST...
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Maybe evil women Summer isn't that bad...
Our favorite character Dave is finally in the game reddit! We won!
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No I spent some to level my cubes
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Death is reincarnation except you have no idea. You play the gacha of what you're born into next. you could be a human, a dog, a fly, or a cellular homunculus.
Most important announcement was that Real Kindness is in fact real and not forgotten. Hopefully they show up in the story soon.
Checks out.
Lets just say it's Rei if she real content. That's why an on hand janny is always needed
This is the only skin I want for Red Hood.
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Her face is drawn too similarly to Tia's and I can't unsee the downie expression. Instant skip.
Or a vending machine
Prison break arc is literally the next chapter.
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uh huh I believe you bro
How did some quality mini game completed but still no news about overclock
That's retarded and doesn't justify how awful her kit was at all
>He doesn't find Dolla sexy
Flaming homosexual
schizoposting on /nikg/ makes you a fag.
How in the world will they interact
Based coomer, we need more people like you in the fanbase instead of the prudes that infested this thread.
I cannot wait till we see the revenue lists a few months from now so we can mock ShiftUp for this fiasco.
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>SKK shirt(based)
>fuck it up with Tiaface
> collab with a game with males characters in my Nikke game
People will unironically defend this shit. I'm losing faith
2 many free books
kim sing ling park has mouths to feed
very erotic outpost encounter
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So should I roll for the Summer Nikkes or...?
Dave the heretic
Fashion wise all the censored ones look better. But obviously they suffer coom wise
That enough info
They can't even add timestamps on their profile since they just steal screenshots when they do. lol
yeah dont feel like logging in today
Feel free to cope all you want bro.
>he has problem with clay but not trony
is that you again /u/nigger?
save for part 2
>posting hard mode spoilers without spoiler tags
Just b urself kilobro
See you next event homo
Code Monkey like Fritos
give me five dollars and I'll show you how wrong you are

Save for part 2 Noah
You should wait. We don't have the kits but their idea seems niche and we don't even know if it'll be reruns for past year. There's no rush, don't pull right at the start of the banner if you're not pulling with your dick
Doctor here. I can confirm that this anon got Sakura pregnant
No they don't. They're all lazy as shit because they literally only exist to not get the youtube account banned.
Wait for skill descriptions first like a sensible person
>no timestamp
Sure bro
Looks like a swimsuit to me, there's a bow tie behind her neck if you look carefully, and I don't see any kind of adjustment clip on the straps like you would see on a bra or lingerie. Plus the part connecting the top in the middle would be a lot thicker since bras are made for support.
Maxwell is a peniswoman
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don't need to be upset that stranger on the internet doesn't believe you bro
>part 2
It is kinda funny that the censored EN stream Rosanna design was the one that got leaked initially
As Bocchan, i find this very unsettling. Please delete
Why would i be upset at someone who refuses to believe me because he got btfo?
Trust the process
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Here's your next collab bro
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Yes they do. Even if they're lazy they're more fashionable than the real outfits because it's hard to be fashionable when you're not even fucking wearing clothes in the first place
>Skipped all collabs
>Skipped all anni slop
>Skipped neverland too cause fuck that lumi shit (no shitup remembering to actually do the "dating" part of dating sim doesn't count)
Dont care about your opinion. The fact that i have maxwell skin should be an indication already.
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Stop fucking saying "we don't even know if it'll be reruns for past year"
You fucking retarded esl

Rupee and Anne were in the last christmas rate up and somehow the most profitable alts woulnd't be in the rate up

Absolute fucking mong.
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like this? i play and hate the collab
Of all the baits I used I didn't expect crown to get a response
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Here's your next collab sis
It means you dont play the fucking game.
it's reddit enough with the movie, time to jump games
Next collab is evangelion bros,
Why do you think they made kilo like that?
They were clearly testing mechs in Nikke so they could ease players into dropping in the whole ass eva mechs for rei and asuka
Bro i applaud you but this is useless, fuckers will ask you again for the proof. You dont need to proof to shit on the bad events or collabs.
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Edit your profile with the post number you're replying to retardbro
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I wasn't here last summer, so I am excited to finally get Anis sexo and Helm sexo and Mary sexo!
But only ken. Your waifu as his barbie.
Its a mobile screenshot brother, but whatever makes you happy and can help you deny the reality.
Too sexy for this censored trash heap of a game
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>I'm not upset
sure bro, next please tell me how much you don't care and are laughing at me right now actually
sorry that wasn't in any specific order really, I always manual, but yea
cucks and NTR simps are slightly less flammable furries
Dave STOP!
Evangelion wouldn't be a bad pick but at this point I struggle to understand their selection process, there's no way Dave had more votes than whatever normie picks they gave out.
Enjoy, summer helm is super cute
How many people has Mary fucked over...
Show your earliest released paid skin then pussy
>all the people bitching are low level day 1 players that drop the game all the time
Cant make this shit up.
Probably significantly less work to get the devs to agree to do it
Still a weird pick though
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dave the diver
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It's funny how these are considered average in nikke when they're honestly fucking massive compared to 99% of what you'll see in real life.
One of these days, all the anger held by the nikke players will come out when they fuck up. No amount of rainbow pulls will be able to supress the outrage and anger.

They should stop making shitty collabs, especially the ones where your waifu nikke squads get sent to another world and spend time with a bunch of males.

Fuck shittup and fuck anyone who defends this
You won
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I wanted Bikini Emma
You know this summer is bad when new players are more excited about nikkes from last year than this one. I'm one myself and I just want S.Anis and Aquamarine Helm.
plus having helm like that in the game without her alt rerunning would be kinda fucked
We knew Alice is one of her former patients since Alice's bond eps. I'd imagine the people she nikkefied against their will is probably in the hundreds since she was tied to an underground market for it
I am a penisman.
Our fight will be legendary.
I just hope the people leaving are actually leaving for good and not just larping. Judging how they’re still here… sigh
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>Rupee and Anne were in the last christmas rate up and somehow the most profitable alts woulnd't be in the rate up
NTA but how did this work? Did they have their own banners at the same time or what?
Started this year and missed all seasonal units so far but I do hope to get them all someday
Show earliest paid skins or the number of skin you own, simple as.
Many such cases
The gooks love dave since its one of the few non gacha/p2w mmos that they've managed to produce

Applies to the devs too, as game devs who just released pretty much the second ever triple A korean console game
Where the fuck do you live? Flattsville, China?
No? What. Where do you live?.
The age of Comiket is over
If you want art you go on skeb and pay for exactly what you want
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Ahuh, yeah, sure; think fast cutie!
So aegis choose dave and the other men over (you). So they permanently stay in his world

Now defend it
They were gold ticket buys and silver I believe.
Crazy, that saying Dave the Diver is on-topic now
Summer Eunhwa... I wish it was rea...
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If you're gay
This summer shows more skin than last year
I'll believe it when I see it
>clearly orange colored can


Why does missiles always flop with their product design?
>whole ass games can become minigames
Where the fuck is my Sonic the Hedgehog nikke minigame?
While I'm agree with you the collab ismassive let down
Spamming here won't fucking help
Either you spam their email or stop spending
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They were in both main rate up banners, with a smaller rate up % and were up for tickets on the shop
Part 2? Part 2. Part 2....
True, they peaked with Anis
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the donation
Thank you so much Dave for the diving lessons and your sushis
From the Aegis squad
Sakura will be mine. She’s super cute
They were included in the banners at 0.5% each.
2.0% rate-up, 1% reruns, 1% other as the overall SSR rate.
There's 4 characters from last year and only one event this year, so how they'll handle it is unclear. But they'll at least be in the mileage shop.
>enter thread
>Search "NTR"
>14 results
Maybe it will be better later.
Source please
There will be no anger. They will just lose money over time as people quit, which they're already doing because they don't understand their playerbase in the first place.
I wish Absolute was always this good-looking, instead of being stuck with Hyullaface.
>its one of the few non gacha/p2w mmos that they've managed to produce
Wait its a mmo?
>you don't count as player unless you rerolled for Scarlet and Harran, pushed campaign autistically from day1 and have perfect attendance
You can move the goalposts all you want bro, you still got btfo. Btw where's your timestamped screenshot?
Dave making this bitch squeal.
>enter thread
>Search "NTR"
>15 results
We are so back
really does not help that the event is clearly going to be another Six-O story

They really need to get this mf over and done with. All the events hes been in have felt like I stopped shitting halfway through a fat log, because they want to save his identity for the main story
I wish globalfags and seapags just stayed in their fucking cuckshitridden discords instead of coming here.
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The Gatekeeper isn't done yet! It's powering up again and it's summoning the protagonists of the last game (that wasn't Nikke) played to antagonise SSK and slay Dave the "deep sea dicking" diver.
What happens?
There's going to be shitposting until the event drops and then depending on the event itself it'll either die or stay constant for its run
Yes i hope the same, all these waifufags should leave. This game should be more like browndust 2. I need more male characters and i need to see interact with other males and have fun
>What about working on the actual game modes
I wish they would, but it has become apparent that they heavily lean into the mini game aspect of events now.
iirc they had a large section of the New Year's video dedicated to mini games stating they have expanded their team specifically for it and it shows with how many we've been getting in the recent events. It's nice to get something extra, but unfortunately it also appears to be an attempt to mask what is actually wrong with the game and its many game modes that have never been updated properly since launch.
I wouldn't be surprised if the developers of DtD at least partially worked on this mini game though since it's so similar to the original so it's not like the efforts put into this would one to one translate to efforts they could've put into updating existing game modes. As it stands mini games are just an easy way for them to outsource work and appease the player base for as long as people keep gobbling up the mini game slop.
Wtf that's from me and Helm fucking not Dave, get put of her paggypagpag
the only good post in this thread
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Thank you
I hope I'll get to MLB Sanis but even a single copy is more than enough for me.
I'm not, I just won't buy a skin and I don't care about the pierced and tattooed whore. Sakura looks alright but I would have preferred Moran over her. I started two months ago and I'm just more excited about getting Anis or Helm than these two.
Eww Tiaface on Viper.. Man who's letting these face designs go through? ruined B. Soda (who looks perfectly fine in every other in game art except her standard pose) and now Viper. Shitup needs to fire that retard
>underworld slop
>guilty (good)
>maiden (good)
>viper copying from last year's BA
Nah, Anis, Mary and Helm are still better.
Jesus Christ there is a gorillion of things you could reincarnate as before you could be a human again. And do you only reincarnate in this planet? Are those the rules? Or can you reincarnate as an alien in Trappoid 5 billions of light years away from Earth?
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The nikke experience
Me too m8. I want to use Anis but her SR kit just doesn't really fit anywhere.
You have taste
Where Jussy....
bwo don't bring our small growing gaemu into the shitposts...
Whomst the artist of this pic??
There's nothing wrong with Tia or SViper's face
Everytime you take my bait
The more I produce shit
I already did, look at the archives for proof
Yeah you are right, red ash event already lost players. After that revenue has been decreasing. Seems like whale didnt like the other male commander.
You're missing one
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you do realize the real collab (probably august) isn't revealed yet right?
man this reminded me of ba's mahjong soul collab that just turned out to be nothing and got forgotten like in a month
ngl. That Dave game is the only IP I like of those 3.
Making shit minigames is easier than making actual interesting content. Collabing with this shit game no one asked for is easier than making actual guest characters.
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I hope its a mahjong collab
Whales care way more about the lack of any fucking real gameplay updates that shiftup has been doing
>look for proof
I'm not the one who keep asking for proof
But good for you
Well yeah. But the collab track record is pretty meh so far.
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The Plapi?
I think this kind of collab works way better than full on event collabs. We get actual gameplay and content for real characters, and it doesn't tie up banner for a month with shitty abnormals that don't get bonds or any place in the story. It's also way more flexible. Re:Zero and chainsawman sucked because of how poorly the characters fit the setting, but if it's just a minigame jaunt with some new outfits, you can collab with pretty much anything since it's so low stakes.
so Steven universe collab is a possibility then?
I thought that was a joke but this dave the diver shit is very telling
these devs are out of touch
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Seapag falseflaggers in full action
When will Rapi get this scene with SKK?
gook slop game did so well because they made the protagonist look like the average western s<>jack male with the checkmark bonuses too, got to keep milking it
imagine that being the only game your country is know for
the rules transcend time and space itself. so yes you could be an alien on a planet some quadrillion years before our time.
>poorfags in /nikg/ think they know what whales in Korea and Japan think about the game
lol. lmao
Unlike mahjong collab this shitstain will remain permanently in our game.
guillotine could never play mahjong properly with her IQ...>>483596395
There's a difference between wanting bad faith retards that don't even play the game gone and whatever you're trying to imply for that anon.
Chapter 16.5
>I already did, look at the archives for proof
You inspired me to do the same, thanks f a m
The real cûcks are the people that are ok with this situation
The new dragon age.
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Tia is very attractive and I won't allow you fools to drag her name through the mud
But the moment people come with proof that they play the game you dismiss them in bad faith.
I already did. Not only that but I creamed bridposter inside too.
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Who does the bikini on the left belong to? Middle is Mast and right is Neon, but who is the left one for?
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At the end of the prologue.
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nobody ever explains what's so great about this character
Yes I'm sure ShiftUp will dry theit tears with their mountains of cash
Post badass nikke images
>whales in Korea
Who the fuck cares about them? They're below global as far as priority goes
Because you speak just like those retards. You both love men interacting with waifus. You hate waifufags and chinese chads who fight for (you) pandering. Chinese are the only reason why there is an increase in waifu pandering across the games. This is better for everyone
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Moran aniki bros... how do we even recover from this ?
It's not even the most likely western calarts cartoon network cartoon. Adventure time is way more popular in Korea and Japan the Steven Universe.
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>hur dur tetra gets a shit ton of units because entertainment is easy to write
>let Rosanna and Sakura go to the fucking surface in mediocre swimsuits (Rosanna isn't very attractive either) for a 4th and 5th tetra units in a row.
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how do you know that?
Oh you're right, it is Maiden's
You know theres male NPCs in the game right?
She's going to be hiding from Sixo for another year.
Neon cannot be badass
They're barely below the US in terms of revenue, and shiftup has to deal with them in person. The only thing they really care about is Japan, who make up most of the revenue
She's fat, that's the secret.
>Rapi after she realized that SKK will never love her
I have a viper at max bond i never used her, what content is she even good at? can treasure actually help her?
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Its simple
Nikke x Akiba Maid War
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Tia looks and acts like a complete retard. She has to lean on someone her own age as a mother figure because she hasn't developed mentally past the age of 5.
>uuhhmm acshually
She has big fat fucking tits you retard
She's just like me
Yes my Goddess? I got you last night.
What are the current meta teams for solo raids and union raids? I am having massive issues with teambuilding and think I am doing way less damage than I should be doing. My current three teams are.

Team 1: Moderna, Liter, Tia, Naga, B. Scarlet
Team 2: Dorothy, Blanc, Noir, Scarlet, Privaty
Team 3: Alice, Bunny Alice, Crown, Red Hood, D Wife

The next two teams are nonexistent. I have almost every single nikke. What should the teams actually be to be effective?
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More maids?
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i was about to write the same thing
I'm still waiting for my bocchan dupe
Only cause retards like you eat up anything that they shit. There is a threshold for everyone and eventually even the japs and koreans will reach it. To rile up the koreans, you only need to tell them that a feminist is sabotaging the game by adding more male interaction.

Viola now you got koreans and chinese fighting for the waifu pandering. Japs on the other hand are tricky and complacent. They just leave
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Rapi and Snow White are the only badass nikkes.
>Bocchi the rock super popular
>Not a single gacha game collab with it
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Bocchan is you
So I guess at this point it's confirmed that they want events and Nikkes to follow closely the canon of the current story in the timeline? Crown and Trony seem to happen very close to the current chapters. Moran is still laying low because of the Sixo stuff. Viper is already on reforming duty after the Crow's mess.
2024 : Space Dorodissey
>low level with an early join date
>can't even timestamp properly
almost anyone can grab a screenshot from anywhere and larp
most of the time, they're not even in a /nikg/ union
Nikker why the FUCK is Sakura covered
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Uh, the commander has always been a BBM, so what is everyone freaking out about?
Andersen is a eunuch and Mustang a homo, the men npcs were purposefully made non-threatening. Helm was constantly ntrposted thanks to her relationship to a functional male npc.
>Rapi tiptoeing
>SKK bending knees to reach
It's not popular anymore bocchan
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>Why do gook devs care about gooks
She would never show her bare ass to anyone but her husband (me)
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i literally just got one right now
tia was one of the few survivors of their class, before she met naga
she can function independently but decided to be with naga instead
The recent movie did very good
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ok i laughed
>cuckposting stops
>rapi posting starts
You still have yet to show your earliest paid skin or skin count. I posted mine so how about you post yours now.
Which male NPC in nikke spends time with waifus over the course of days alone ?
I have already said this in other thread
Andersen is always alone, johan is a laughing stock who gets mocked by isabel and harran right infront of you.

You know that aegis girls are being transported to other world right ? How long do you think they are in that world ? The story and the mini game is shit and just forced.
Also you sound like a ledditor with these whatabotism.
There's no reason to consider you a player either.
wasn't it just a recap?
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>it's the same fucking schizo seething since Red Ash
How many times has this larper threatened to quit a game he isn't playing?
Scarlet for year 2.5 contest!
literally more see through than kfd
She's pure
Great event, why are cuckfags crying?
>Dave the Diver collab
how the fuck did this happen
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who the fuck in charge of those collab? I wonder if I could catch any of you niggas picking those out in the surveys
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Rapi's thread
Keep coping, you're doing a great job.
a reminder that worst korea is one of the more obvious islands of muttland """"culture""""
I really enjoyed this part of the story.
Dave the diver devs have been saying they want to collab with Blue archive too, since they're both nexon games

/bag/ is next
which one is threatening to quit Nikke again? oh yeah, it's you, retard
It isn't optimal but it actually shows more than SHelm. I think they are getting bolder compared to last year.
Cuckposter fears the Rapi
And the fact it did great prove that still many people waiting for s2
Well, unless they pull a kemono friend 2
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>only have enough gold tickets for one (most likely sakura)
>have to roll dupes for both
>with this game’s rates
Why the fuck did I roll for Soda?
You find Dave the Diver more threatening than the male NPCs? The gay fat man and the sushi autist?
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I need a Yan alt where she is showing off her bare feet. Her shooting pose should also be making use of her feet.
I definitely remember choosing Dave the Diver in the surveys!
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This summer event won't be nearly as good as the one from last year. Why did i even saved jiims for?
Yeah last year was shit. Anis covered. Helm covered. Nobody cares about Neon. Mary covered and doesn't show toes.
>shitposters only care about coverage in skins
>don't consider sexiness of outfit
This is how I know you're third worlders. You don't have enough money in your country for any women to afford sexy clothing or formal dresses, so you can only judge based on how much or little they wear. It's like thinking a cheap buffet is higher quality than a gourmet restaurant just because it has more food.
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I can't cope
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That's literally me
>japs are more excited for the minigame than more UQ
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I wish I knew I still don't know
The redditors told me the entire world loves Dave the diver.
>Cuckposters are Rapiposters
Japs unironically think of Dave the Diver as a kamige, of course they're excited
To this day I don't know where you could fit D-Outsiders and Crow's bond. Crow seems entirely antagonistic from the get go in the main story, and there's not a single point from the beginning to the last chapter where you could fit the "misunderstood but necessary evil" Crow.
Rapi posting is still better than cuckposting
Male NPCs are faceless. They are literally npc tier, they all have the same face. So ofcourse people are threatened by someone with a face. Also gay fatman and sushi autist ? Not everyone plays this game and defends this shitty collab
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>have to roll dupes for both
No you don't
Show her ass.
>She's loli
Don't care. Show her ass.
>She uses a coat
Don't care. Show her ass.
>She has very long hair
Don't care. Show her ass.
>She has a small ass anyways
Don't care. Show her ass.
>It wouldn't make sense with her design to show it
Don't care. Show her ass.
>You are not even going to use her
Don't care. Show her ass.
>She already shows it on other skins
Don't care. Show her ass.
This is an ass game. It was advertised as an ass game. Their job is to make models that show ass. If they aren't doing it, they are doing something wrong. It's the easiest shit in the world and it will make them more money. There is no reasonable excuse not to do it. Tell the designers to make characters and skins that show it, they know how to make it work. It is honestly, genuinely, unironically, that easy. We now have brand new characters that don't show shit because they think that's ok, because some minority of people keep paying for it. This is unacceptable. Show their asses. Just do it. Force yourselves if you have to. Just do it. Show their asses.
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Dave is gay? Don't Koreans make that game?
NIKKEsisters... it's so fucking over
oh no theres a nigger, its all fucking over
I have to save IRL jims for the real treasure
>can't even see their face
At least HD it, shiftup....
You can be excited for both
I'm voting spongebob next
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I secretly believe big j also had fun stringing you along
Because she's a lewd aylium and the best shotgun?
nikke get fatter
nikke get fatter
nikke get sex

anis should be here wtf
Nice deflection, but to enlighten you: you are arguing about progression relating to me quitting the game which can be done as f2p. I'm arguing money actually spent on the game and ergo future money i will not be giving to the game. Game progression has shitall to do with how much money you gave them through skin passes.
So now, since you are trying to argue from a position of "belittling" someone's progression instead of money spent and future money lost after quitting, you are now in the position to prove that you spent money on the game. Simple as. If you can't prove it, then you will just show everyone you are a retard that just blabs on.
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Damn legs!
I hope they release rapi ssr the moment you buy this
I doubt that. Kim in charge of BA (he's literally Kim) is just too autistic. He gatekept
I would LOVE seeing Pearl's tiny butt and Peridot's ass
Imagine that. You schizos are more unhinged than otakus. They're excited for the mini-game port of a good game.
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Dave the fucking diver
You WILL deal with my vent
Fucking dave the diver
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I would of liked Azur lane collab with a battleship mini game instead of dave. what are they thinking?
>it’s literally the actual game
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why are you like this
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Are the two monthly packages good deals?
Been playing for two months now, and I still like the game
Figure I'd try and get some bang for my buck
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We're gonna run it back to another NieR Collab Route B
>They have to work for le based black man

You think sushiautist or someone who is obsessed with his hobby doesnt fuck. Ledditors defending this are out of touch
Mr. baldy also just lost half his core head developers bwo...
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where is the correct place to complain?
new thread
Hey man, I hate those posters as much as you, but this time is on shift up.
9s shota ass here I go
Those are the commonly asked questions.
Scroll to the bottom and hit contact support.
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Nikke players are represented in the game.
>2 weeks from now
Its cute as fuck that he gets a little submarine
of course someone from one of the worst generals came here to shitpost
You shouldn't really expect that from a game rated 12+, there are limitations to how much they can effectively bribe Google.
This is literally just your fucking head canon. None of that is happening.
Soooooo, how you limbabs holding out after some of your girls ditched the self-insert character to hang out with a middle aged fatty?
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It's a picture!
Kino, I hope he gets all the nikkes in the collab
They're okay
The event skin pass is a little better, especially if you like the skin
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keep going, cunnybros. One day I hope to emulate your tales of exploits
Yakuza style maid
I already used to the spam (thanks vt)
So it should be easy
It depends on boss and element but you sort of have the general idea. Its always going to be Tia/Naga and bunnies together, and then usually Modernia also goes with bunnies because of Noir's ammo reload. Alice/ScarletBS go together because of Alice's charge buff giving Scarlet a massive damage boost. Of the remaining characters, Summer Anis does a ton of damage, and to boost that even more, people put her with Privaty so that even on full bursts where Anis isn't the one bursting, she still gets 1 ammo, and since Doro also does a lot of damage and has cooldown reduction based on last bullet, she also gets put into the team. For the last team, we really just have scraps, and people have found that the best scraps are a Snow White team focused on maximizing SW's burst. So the general SR meta team template is:

>Tia/Naga/(Liter or DWife or Volume)/(Strong B3s like RH, Maxwell, Alice, ScarletBS, etc)
>Bunnies/Modernia + the above B1s and B3s
>Crown + the above B1s and B3s
>Doro/Anis/Privaty. For the other slots, depends on if you need healing or a certain element to break shield, but Scarlet/Biscuit/Poli etc are popular choices
>Miranda/Dolla/Helm/Yulha/Snow White. Try to fire SW's charged shot while Yulha's buff is active

Depending on healing needs, element weakness, and element needed to break the shield, the exact teams will vary but this is the standard template used every SR. Don't forget about slotting in Summer Helm somewhere if you need cooldown reduction; each team should have it to max damage. You can check this site to see past #1 teams for SR to get more ideas.

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cuck game. simple.
nice try rat
shift up has nothing to do with your delusions you faggots will do it regardless
You exposed yourself bro
As expected of cuckpi
f2p poor seething as a whaleGOD posts truth
he doesn't have paid skins bro
I love Dave the Diver, but it does not belong anywhere near sex robots
Based, I was actually about to go play Engage
He is about to get all the nikkes. Holy based.
>3D women
He wouldn't touch those whores
Fine, be that way. But don't come to Dave begging for Jussy when he dives and finds her underwater
Helm gets to fuck this????
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>nice try
I was trying to enjoy the news of the summer event and shift up ruined for me. I am not a fucking tourist, how is people like you ok with this let me speechless
Why do nikkes need to breathe underwater?
The gem one definitely, 5 bucks for 3k is a good deal. The other one I would say is good too since it effectively turns 24 hour afk into 34 hours which is a massive increase in afk materials. if 20 bucks a month is something you wouldn't even notice missing then go ahead.
>No cuckposting for a while
>Suddenly 5 or 6 cuckposting
I am not saying they fuck, its just that having autism doesnt make some one a less threat. How hard is to not make a shitty collab mini game with males where waifus get transported to other world.
>Everything is some planned raid
Touch grass.
Johan quized SKK on what the harpoon guns did, but SKK had no clue, so he guessed
I don't care that the collab is with some kusoge, I care that the skins you get from the minigame are shit
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That's a lot of ketchup
Bro someone literally said limbabs. They are not hiding it
>No cuckposting for a while
>collab with male announced
>Suddenly 5 or 6 cuckposting
Truly a mystery.
Anchor's skin is cute though
nikkunny raiding us again
>6 cuckposting in the same time
>ToucH gRaSs
Sure anon
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bros fit is cool as fuck
when will my sex defender get something like this
I like Masts skin, you just have shit taste
The gems one is the best value for your money. After that it's the campaign packs (10k gems) but it's a single time (there's two). It goes downhill from here.
so is stellar blade really confirmed to be the next collab they mentioned?
The shitposting tourists ruined it, you retard, unless you have cuckbrain like they do.
Maybe you should get off /nikg/, if raiding faggots can affect your malleable brain this much.
Didnt work the first time, buddy
really glad I didn't buy the campaign pack
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We're assuming it's the next one since they already announced that it will happen at some point anyways.
Their roadmap had Stellar Blade collab placed in 2025 so probably not. August collab is likely something else
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I can't believe I fell for it again
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I'm still mad I bought the 30 days gems for the first time last month thinking summer will be peak kino.
Hero would never fall for such petty tricks!
You're in the right and now they're moving the goalposts, no one who likes Nikke should be okay with this collab
They'll probably plan the Stellar Blade collab around the PC release so likely next year. Who knows, maybe they are dumb enough to do it now.
The next Collab is a series.
kek, I fell for the first one and almost posted in it
End of the year. Stellar blade has a Collab on its roadmap for December.
>The shitposting tourists ruined it
That they did
>unless you have cuckbrain like they do
Hey FAGGOT look at the fucking collab pic again, LOOK AT IT
Stellar Blade as an IP is an extremely boring collab idea
Dave OP please
Bro i posted the same but its useless. These retards will keep asking you the proof. You dont need proof to shit on the collab, ignore the slurpers.
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uh, LoveLive collab, when?
Yeah but its their ip and Shiftup ceo is infatuated with his creation
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>let me speechless
Better than a fat fuck.
Sure? Its a cheap collab tho and a way to advertise the game for Shift Up so they'll do it eventually.
hey bros I'm at work. is it still schizo hours?
After the Bob the Builder collab.
Oh my reddit how dare you speak ill about Dave and his poc friend
>still no new thread
So this is how /nikg/ dies...
You have leddit brain, you people always do this shit. I am not wrong for hating collabs with males, you are wrong for defending this shit
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Kek it's so fucking over
Of course it's better but I'm talking about a collab that brings actual units to the game.
A few more hours yet, no lifer sea friends are finally heading to bed.
Isnt fire emblem the shipshitter game ? When did nikkers overlap with those loonies ?

Wait now i understand people here defending male interactions.
Buckle up, you're in for the long haul.
Small break to laugh at wuwa on friday, then full on blast until the ZZZ drop before getting one last laugh as soon as the dogshit story drops.
I have more than 230 posts filtered on my end so it's not yet in the clear.
Non-bait thread when?
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>minutes apart
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non-bait thread
cuck collab
cuck op
we love that here
Imagine being this retarded. Its 3 am night time in SEA. They went to sleep
Can we all agree this is a bad collab that will bring nothing to the table outside of two skins and a mini-game who is a literal port of the other game ? Hell, it'll probably bring a wave of normalfags into the game
I actually just hate the collab and not the minigame lul
Let nikg die for a while anon
Its time to return as /GovNG/
No they didn’t lmao seanigges are not the good boys you think they are, seanigger
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I'm calling the cops
People here blame everyone except shiftup. I have never seen such a cucked fanbase.
look yourself in the mirror, you'll find a circus
why do you think I specified no lifers sea friend?
I got the number wrong but whatever
This is the one
sad, 70% of the thread are pagpag shills who don't even have skins
>waaaa big corpo is mean to me
idk you sound just as cucked
you're a dumb faggot, anon. Time to move on the next thread
>i hate su so much i'm leaving waaaaaa
what a mysterious way of life
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this but
I still think its retarded that the game isnt 16+ yet, just go full azur lane already
Tell that to the declining revenue
Since it's challenging to advertise 16+ games, it will only be effective for a game that panders to an established fan base, while SU is mainly focused on attracting new players

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