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fuck your links and fuck avatarfags

reminder to report avatar/signature use

previous thread isnt even worth linking back to
>fuck avatarfags
>fuck your links
its ok i was too slow anyway, dont bump let my thread die
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snowbros... we lost...
maplestory lost
/qa/ won
maplestory won
How do you stop the clown vomit texture corruption, shit keeps happening every hour
How do I install weakauras for maplestory? How the hell does nexon expect us to know where to stand during the mirror check without letting us have addons and sound alerts telling us where to go for every mechanic, this game is literally unplayable compared to pservers.
oh no no no we're getting owned maplechuds, our response????
in the blue dragonflight storyline in wow's dragonflight expansion, kalecgos faces the demons of his predecestor, malygos who had gone badshit insane and basically made the blue dragons seem like stupid idiots, and the consequences of such being that the blue dragonflight had essentially disbandoned which left him alone without the same kinds of peers around him that the other dragonflights had. throughout the questline you journey with kalecgos to try to get other blue dragons to return and are often struck with a bit of sadness seeing that his peers have moved on from the blue dragonflight and established their own lives outside of the framework that has been put out from them. he manages to convince a large chunk of them to return, but many of which come with a bittersweet parting for those people who had to make a tough decision between their old family (the dragonflight) and new family they had established throughout azeroth
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asmongold won
uh oh stinky
sasuga ion-sama
Are you enjoying Dragonflight, anons?
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my honest reaction to this OP
>wow has one version
>play it
>wow has four versions
>think about pros and cons of each
>end up not playing any
Is she on onlyfans now or what?
Not until I get a night nelf gf to hold me and pat my head and scratch behind my ears and call me a good boy
what if your night elf gf is a 36 year old obese muslim
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>blizzard makes it so you only need to do a +8 for the best gear
>only do +8s
Well now you have to do 9s for crests and probably 12s for vault
nope i shall only be doing 8s
hehe :D
It is what it is
its actually six versions
I dont even know
No best gear for you
You don't want cool art of your character?
fair enough
not particularly, no
it serves no purpose from my perspective
its not utilitarian and if i was so inclined i could just beat off to her right there and then so, no
token not needed in my case
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What practical purpose is there in playing a video game like WoW? What practical purpose do the visuals provide? Why not solve math equations? That is why WoW gameplay boils down to: solving math equations.
>its not utilitarian
As opposed to playing wow?
why do the chinese love wow so much?
what is it that grips them?
entertainment is practical at the end of the day
since the dawn of time entertainment has held value
as far as the game is concerned, ya
weak auras and other addons like it are utilitarian, character art isnt
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well actually i just want more quality porn of fundead, thog tired of the same old human/draenei/elf/aislop
theres your answer
It's the highest production value artbook fantasy RPG. Your only other options are photorealistic games like Baldur's Gate or lower production value Wuxia games with only humans as playable like Gujian or Chinese Paladin.
thats reasonable, i figured it was something along those lines
thanks for the clarification
>kael'thas, arthas and kalecgos in the back together
>kael kalec arthas and jaina all at one table
always makes me laugh
Most people don't find rotting corpses attractive.
>all of them simping over Jaina still
Who's the redhead elf admiring Rexxar drawing dicks on his napkin?
>tfw hands twice the size of your head
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Im not most people
this image has basically every important or noteable wow character to ever exist, I love it
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looks like they're all having a good time back there
We're Gears of War now.
I think it's time to admit that Vulpera did not save the Horde like they were supposed to...
Garrosh should be with them and she should be sitting on his lap
yeah they didn't
high elf customization options for void elves sure saved the alliance though
so he has cancer...
They don’t really have their own games that aren’t gachashit or endless journey of the west attempts, one worse than the other. Wow is… kind of decent compared to what’s available.
why are americans like this bros?
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>do a comfy +8
>the elf blood dk instantly dies
The only thing that could save the horde is a great purge. Garrosh tried, and the danger hairs obliterated his soul from every timeline for it, sealing the horde's fate for good.
>The only thing that could save the horde is a great purge
of alliance
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>join "comfy chill fast" group
>it's none of those things
killing the alliance won't get rid of the elves in the horde nor will it add ogres
but it will be fun with friends and family: genocide edition, which is what holds the horde together
>seething about belfs for 20 years
let it go, anon
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>>seething about belfs for 20 years
>let it go, anon
I know seething isn't good for me, but it is still beyond retarded, extremely relevant and pisses me off till this day
muh ogres
should have just played alliance if you wanted to play an elf zhao instead of having blizzard destroy the lore beyond repair
Since factions are becoming largely irrelevant to gameplay anyway it should be easier than ever to add new ones. So make a The Real Actual True Horde For Serious This Time faction populated solely by orc, goblin, troll and tauren chuds who secede from The Horde and create a capital in tel'abim or something called New Garrosh'ar.
Players who are members of this faction can group with other factions for dungeons and raids so long as all the party members are straight (which means they can't group with dracthyr or male pandaren players)
Ogres have been requested since vanilla
muh.. muh wholesome ogres.
all this chink art has made me think perhaps I've been too critical of them
they might chnage how factions work with midnight, since the it's supposed to be about the unification of the thalassian elves
not sure what they are even going to do tho, it's not like you can just forcibly faction change people
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-kills your level 20 character0 Nothin' personnel squirt...
I don't think it will change anything, it will just be story. The blood elves will still be members of the horde, Silvermoon will still be the blood elf capital, it's just that Silvermoon will allow (already does allow) high elves to live there again if they want, who will still be members of the alliance.

If they WERE to change how factions work for velves/belves/helves, which again I really don't think they will, I'd imagine they'd have Silvermoon rejoin the alliance without leaving the horde, they'd simply be members of both factions becoming defacto neutrals in any future faction conflict as far as the story goes, and as for creating characters it would work the same as pandaren, dracthyr and earthen where you choose a faction at character creation
*softly grunts in a cute tone as a vulpera would*
>*Yanks your tail while thrusting inside your fox cunny*
>*rears against your BTC (big tauren cock) begging for more*
Looks better than that fat midget Koragon
8/10 would probably take out to dinner
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I'd imagine if they were to do anything other than purely story it would be something like you said as well desu. Blood elves/Silvermoon will never not be horde aligned, it's just far too late for that

As for a "neutral" Silvermoon, Blizzard has been dropping references pointing towards it, with the most recent ones being:

>Turalyon walking around like it was normal and his home in that Alleria short story (lol)
>Magister Umbric's hopium dialogue option if you're a void elf saying hopefully one day Silvermoon will welcome the void elves back again
>those 2 blood elves in Silvermoon city who were mindcontrolled by magisters due to protesting how stupid it was to leave the Alliance and join the Horde showing up in Telegros Rift (pic related).

Of course you have older instances like Vereesa and Alleria constantly saying Silvermoon will rejoin the Alliance but that's been around for years. The above points were all within the last couple months.

Honestly, I believe it's Alleria's return that has brought this discussion back again after everyone got over it a decade ago.
It's just so jarring and ridiculous (and we see this from her perspective as well) that her own people are now supposed to be enemies and hostile towards her, when she is one of their greatest heroes.
literally who?
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*unleashes a barrage wrought from a red, angry looking anus followed by a bellowing, bubbling screech*
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>look over the recent beta patch notes
yeah these people are fucking idiots, launch is going to be awful
Probably shaman main.
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...god he's so cool...
but ele shams got a 30% buff because they cant be fucked to fix them!
explain now.................
wtf i asked him to explain first
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nobody said this.
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All me.
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It's kino
they're more alliance than horde
embarrassing, a low moment for wowg
Next week is our moment..
They're druid friends with night elves who themselves are about as alliance as the undead are horde. The tauren owe a blood debt to the horde, the night elves are alliance for purely gameplay reasons
>the night elves are alliance for purely gameplay reasons
elfs cooperated with humans for a while before wow happened. it wasn't an alliance per se, but they clearly fit in better than peacenik doormat tauren and a horde that's even remotely garrosh-esque
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i wish
i'll trade you tauren for dorfs
you can take belfs and pandas as an extra
>off screen lore shoehorned in between games specifically to justify making them alliance is better than Cairne's friendship and alliance with Thrall's horde
certified retard who probably doesn't even believe what he's saying
>ironforge, wildhammer, dark iron, and now earthen dwarves
dwarf faction soon, finally we'll get these factions sorted out proper
the tauren as a race is a bunch of lazy cows that almost got annihilated by goddamn centaurs and quillboars. just because cairne was a chad doesn't mean the others are similar, just look at his worthless son baine
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What a manlet.
retard, that was the high elves, not the night elves
high elves (now blood elves) were made horde for gameplay reasons
night elves have 0 reason to be alliance, in WC3 tyrande literally kills a group of alliance units because they were in her forest, they didn't even fucking do anything.
Total dwarf domination
+ grafix look moderately appealing
+ sounds are alright
- combat clunky as fuck with bizarre pauses
- mostly everything else desu
i got 55 characters at max level. wtf do i do now?
level 14 more characters
lmao the tarisland general doesn't even exist anymore
tarisland killed wow and you're laughing?
>playing a goblin
manlets, everyone
Do Blood Elves or Night Elves make more sense for lore purposes? Some of the most famous Hunters are/were High Elves, which are closer to Blood Elves, but Night Elves being so in-tune with nature seems more fitting. I know they both work pretty well for Hunter, just wondering what fits better.
Both make sense but nelfs would be bm/survival while belfs would be mm
Both make prolific hunters. I assume belves gravitate more towards marksmanship/ranger type of hunter, while nelfs would prefer having loads of pets to command
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not like this
>have a cute vulperro shaman
>need others to carry my ass through 2 fights on average every raid because I don't have goblin jump
>have a somewhat less cute troll priest
>need others to carry my ass through 1 fight on average every raid because I don't have goblin jump
never again, it's either dorf or goblin for everything
they literally both work
for high elves you have all 3 of the windrunner sisters + their mother
for night elves you have shandris and tyrande (more a priest/hunter hybrid but w/e)
Good morning wowg
How the fuck did my thread survive
When 7.3 came out and they introduced alleria with all the void stuff i thought they were setting up a new Void Ranger class to be released in the expansion after legion, especially when they did that audio drama thing that described how she fights with a combo of bow and void magic.

i wish we'd got that instead of void elves
>varian garrosh arm wrestling

I should have said my plan is to make one race a hunter and the other a rogue, and I want the most fitting, or best looking, for both. So I am leaning toward Belf Hunter and Nelf Rogue.
Chink fans made this?
nelf rogues are a weird one for me. I don't like the nu-night elves that are just tall purple humans who join the SI-7 and shit, that doesnt feel night elfy to me. For similar reasons I don't think they fit as pirates or bandits or petty thieves. But they ARE an undeniably stealthy race, its literally their racial ability.
I guess I have a hard time picturing an amazonian assassin but dont know what else they should be
Alleria & Turalyon are two of the biggest Alliance heroes, so naturally they needed a race to align them with upon their return so they added LF drae and velves for them
>but what about high elves and humans
idk, ask Ion
if so they should be sentenced to hard labour for depicting the undead ETC guitarist with exposed bones
vulpera never had any chance of saving the horde because every possible permutation of their existence makes the horde worse. furries ruin everything
In a vacuum I actually like vulpera, but because of furries I am unable to enjoy them
Should have gotten sethrak
I wish it were legal to kill furries. All of society would improve if we simply sold licences to hunt down furries.
I want a worgen or tauren wife
>all mounts purchased in remix
>retail didn't drop the legendary
>quests are done
what should i even do now

Alts. I need about 20 more and I will cap the character limit.
nah, never liked playing everything again on alts
guess i'll just play something else between some m+ here and ther e
It's time to move on and expand into new horizons, just like Echo.
Nta but warbands and warbound gear made me level up alts
Do you have this fomo mount that's going away in August?
First time seeing this mount, and i don't have 1.2 mil gold so won't happen
Am I blind, or is Muradin not present?
Seems like the only person they've missed here?
You had 20 years to level alts. How the hell do you not have at least 100+ alts by now?
I completely forgot about that vendor, I should go buy that shit when I resub.
yeah this basically
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What mount is that?
>1.2 Milly
Uh, yeah. I'll pass. Thanks though anon!
dont think ive ever seen this mount in game
Never been into alts cause most of the shit was character bound
You wait until next week for the legendary, if not you pay for the mythic boost.
Also post the Fyrakk kill stats so we know if you'll get it next week or not.
magni is there bro (next to gelbin), but I don't think he included muradin or brann
>fyrakk mythic boost
they can fuck themselves
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Remember when the EU token price went from sub 100k in Legion to 320k at the end of the expansion? When BFA released the token immediately went back to 160k or so.
In SL, the token was at 170-180k on launch and the price was somehow between 180-220k through the expansion thankfully to the legendary system.
Hopefully it goes back to that price in TWW but I doubt we are ever going back to sub 200k. It might go back to sub 300k on prepatch thanks to the warband bank tab being very expensive then we'll have to wait until raid launch for the final price.
>disabledfolx seething again that retardproof flying is locked behind achievements
They should really remove it altogether, what a stupid outdated mechanic.
Remember when it was like what 15-20k in warlords of draenor?
Remember if you don’t do at least 8mil dmg along with topping the healing meters in a random bg your a bad healer
remember when other people also used to play this game and you could play with them and appreciate each others time, effort and luck
Why would anyone buy token/gold besides using the token for a months sub?
All my gold goes towards buying stuff on the AH or repairing my gear. I have 400k gold and it really isn't going down any time soon, i've stopped farming gold quests on two characters at this point in the season as there's no need for me to have any more gold and i dont play many alts at end-game. just 2-3 characters, the 3rd character? dont farm gold on it ever, if it needs gold i just send it over from my main...
>Bump into someone
>You mute your stream and minimize your discord
>you say hi
>no reply, they are also on discord
>you post in /1, "heh so dead here!"
>no reply
>You open your guild journal; 2 messages a day if even
>"So heckin social, mmorpgs.."
Nobody plays allied races. The only ones they do are "ironic" female dwarves and variations of existing races like elves

This nigga wouldnt have mained one either
I remember when playing on a server felt like a community in a small town.
Doing dailies, you would see the same people, including the opposite faction, where you knew who is chill and who is the asshole that will sic his goons on you.
17 years ago, I met a guy in Gadgetzan, who was being camped by some typical rogue fag. I helped him, we got into more shit later on while doing the pirate quests at the coast, got together with some other dude who then invited us to his guild, where we became friends with a bunch of other people, older and younger.
Even got to meet everyone in person and we still hang out on voice chat playing different games.
Just can't imagine this happening today, and that's not just because what WoW has become, but the general "gaming culture".
I usually try and get people talking about literally anything in trade chat on my server once or twice a week. The only thing that gets people to hype up a bit is if you do something even slightly political, if you rage so they can call you a bitch or something sex related. But once any of that pops off a little bit people then chime in to complain, tell people to shutup and then report which causes the automod to kick in.
Its so strange I find the same thing happens in discord, the whole point is to chat, you start up a convo which of course people have opinions the second people actually start going at it a bit and its not completely dead people chime in to squash the topic or call for mods to replace it with........ nothing.
it does happen but its more in guilds or on discord after playing in a small klick
Cross realm, layering, and phasing absolutely destroyed the community aspect of the game. Very saddening.
Skipped Draenor, didn't miss anything.

Normalfags use their gold to buy leveling/raid/m+ boosts/expensive mounts
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how often does the price update? maybe it's worth a cheap thrill atleast once
honestly if we cant go back to how it was I think they should aggressively increase sharding and only have like 2-3 mega servers per region.
If we are ganna have sharding show me cunts everywhere. No matter how dead this game is there has gotta be someone else playing in game where I am almost at all times why am I always alone.
I mean sure there's certainly a possibility.
Also I must admit I have grown bitter over the years, but still...
Back then, everyone was this nerd or geek or whatever you would call it. When we met up, everyone was this ugly pudgy dude with non-hairstyle and unfashionable glasses.
Now everyone seem like such an obnoxious wannabe influencer queer faggot.
The girls is what fascinates me the most when I talk to them, usually some early-to-mid-twenty student or unemployed, surviving on what her BF provides, who wants to become a full-time streamer.
if you are doing it for gold its cheaper to buy it from chinese farmers.
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I am ready for the beach! :3
Now all I need is an actual beach >.>
What does that have to do with what I said
I would play a sethrak rogue
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What'a that pet?
don't engage with him, he does this every other thread trying to push the idea that because vanilla-tbc races are popular they should never bother making other races ever again
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Heroes of the Storm related pet.
looking good !
i know y'all americans still awake just to give avatarfags (you)'s
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A time limited promotion I would guess.
Fuck. Oh well.
Nah, I think you just have to hit lvl 20 in HotS.
Or last I heard you did anyway, I don't know if that was dropped when they stopped supporting the game.
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gomenasai gooks, please play our game again
I will go even further. Sethrak > vulpera
Wait a minute, isn't summer memories a NTR game? I remember cuck making threads about it on /v/
How long is the grind? Might give it a try.
Does anyone here ever use their seasonal rating mounts from m+ / heroic raid?
I never do... because i dont like how they look.
The S2 DF one was the best looking one of the three, and even that wont get me to use it.
if they were flying mounts at least, who the fuck still uses ground mounts to get around anymore outside of raids and even then you can still use the one that CAN fly in those areas.
they could have just made them drakes or something, people would kill for more infinite dragonflight stuff
im a blood DK tauren so there has never been a io or raid mount that suites me :(
I used fyrakks mount for a while but slitherdrakes are my favorite and went back to it once I got the void customization for it from last patch.
The m+ mounts are just ground mounts, so it's whatever. They need to make those flying mounts too.
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Nuh uh!
There's all kinds of monsters there and probably broken glass too >.>
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miss me with that shit
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Couldn't tell ya, I played it since Alpha for a good while so I was already well past lvl 20 when that promotion started.
Yeah this one is actually cool. I hope the datamined stuff about dynamic ground mounts is true. Would love to see physics , stamina and abilities on ground mounts
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this is the best looking of those though
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Well then go to the """beach""" party behind the Obsidian Citadel.
they will eat your butt
deathwing the salamander
It's probably quicker than you'd expect, but still slower than you'd want.
Assuming anyone is still playing, you could probably just knock out a few vs AI games out to level. Pretty sure its one of those systems where it levels up pretty fast early on.
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>that callout
im on the last step of legend axe but ive been in queue for molten incursion for over 2 hours :( dead ass fucking dogshit game im queueing as tank as well
Gonna give it a go. Thanks anon.
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I am also reinstalling, I must see what I've missed since I last played.
I made constant suggestions on their skin suggestion forum for an 'Executor Tyrande' skin. Put her in Protoss armour, sends out an Observer instead of her owl.
Never got it as far as I saw.

We just got dumb shit like Varian as a soviet.
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gooning to jaina
Is Tina seriously shitposting here again just because XIV is down for a day or two? Holy shit you're pathetic.
Just ignore it, it'll get bored of trolling in a day or two.
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the Proudwhore of Durotar!
Have you guys pumped to void mommy today yet?
That's shitposting? Have you even looked at half the thread?
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Hot or not? If you say not you must be blind
I like vulpera and I ignore furries.
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Alleria is hotter and not an evil backstabbing cunt desu
It is shitposting. So is half the thread. Most shitposting comes from the na continent
Right, I forgot, we hate any game related screenshots here.
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How is holy paladin doing at the moment?
What did I do? >.<
Damn that's hot. Whats this boy's name?
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>We timed this
This is such a mickey mouse season.
go back to xivg
There's a difference. Happy to help.
Legion Alleria > Xal'atath > Nulleria the cyberdyke
nice +0 sister...
more (or rather, moore)
Infinite time = timed it :^)
nice +2 sis
Sure there is.
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I will when the maintenance is over xD

How many bullions should I have right now?
Do the last bosses of have a higher chance of dropping them?
>square jaw
>fat nose
>negative hips
On top of being off-model as fuck (despite being "official art")
>chest binder
Why is blizzard suddenly so afraid of breasts?
Same goes for the black cripple.
just play the game xD
see for yourself xD
its not hard xD
that's anduin windrunnner
they also updated her old model in those dark heart cinematics they released in 10.2.7, strange of them to just immediately discard it for this nu-look that doesn't even have her iconic face tattoos
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Think we're at 8 as of this week, maybe 9. But if you're intending to head to XIV in a day or two I don't really see the point. Other than mogs, I suppose.
How do you get 65k as arcane? Can you post his breakdown?
don't give the tranny attention
He says, giving the 'tranny' attention.
You fucking idiot.
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of the people you used to run keys with, how many aren't your friends anymore because of what you or they did?
still waiting
Kharnalex copers vs ashkandur copers, who's worse?
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Late Night / Early Morning +0s are easily the most painful; full of some of the sincerely worst players I've ever met.
Except this elf. This elf is a good healer.
He legitimately used no cooldowns and just pressed Arcane Blast 4 times and then Barrage, followed-up with Arcane Missiles when I assume he got a Clearcast.
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Did you seriously resub just because your friends that abandoned you have come back for two days?
>rng and build lets you just stand there pressing disintegrate 7 times in a row
>do top dps
The look on both of those men's faces really say it all, doesn't it.
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I was just curious to know >.>
Beside, I don't think the game tells you how many you should have xD
>Think we're at 8 as of this week
Thank you! ^.^
Hey it’s the guy who uses strength enchants on his healer
Is the tabard of the lightbringer the most prestigious tabard that anyone in wowg owns? Why is it so popular here?
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In df? The same. In tww? Kino status
>the eternal m+ gooner
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Nobody said I resubbed.
I just lurk mostly silently, a post or two every couple of days. Mostly keeping an eye out for prepatch info to see if its worth ending the break early.
>>483609809 maye had a meltie over losing tina to mowgli and their other friend who tanked for them left a goodbye world message in one of the OG threads, presumably they had feelings for her as well and got cut out too lol!
I think we have a tentative date of july 23rd right now
So less than a month! Then tww a month later
Cant fucking wait
Why do you care or keep track of this stuff? This is unironically woman behavior. Catty airheads.
This is what women with too much free time do when they meet for a coffee or whatever - they start talking about others lives, what they did and why.
So my question to you is, unironically, are you a woman? Because if you're a man you should kill yourself right now you low T beta cuck
Nevermind that you treat these shitty online interactions and shitposts as actual, meaningful relationships.
Suck on a shotgun, make your parents happy.
Forgot to attach your avatar samefaf
Cause he got nothing better to do than jot down every little detail he can get, make extra stuff up to piece it together in his head and act like its the the absolute 'gottem' fuel to drive away the people he's centering his online life around stalking.
If you can't prove details weren't made up, then it must be true.
If you're defending this kind of behavior coming from 30 something year old men, you are hopeless
This is pathetic even by 4chin standards
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Keep posting work, I'll start printing new ones soon again
Still probably wait toward the arse end of that to resub, but I guess it depends on what rewards come from it and whether they're exclusive to the event.
mad? tell me what i got wrong
finally some good fucking food
I always report avatarfagging niggers. 4chan reports work no matter what's reported if enough people do it.
Nobody's mad, everyone is pointing out your sad and empty life
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Sure hope so i need some more.
What do I care what you got wrong? Chances are you can't prove half of it and they're not forthcoming with information. And nobody should care anyway.
You've still centered yourself following that drama like you were one of the people cucked and have to obsessively take note to keep throwing it around like they care.
God bless anon. Need more office jainas and his hag mother
Sex with vulpera
(not a furry btw)
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This image makes her look like a R63 Von Karma.
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There she is. I want to lick her holes
This but femworgen (also not a furry)
Care to comment on this? >>483691183
I'm not a furry, but aren't furry-haters equally as bad?
unless they bully vulpera
They complement each other like yin and yang
No one gives a fuck about e-drama and self-harm over e-drama or whatever else except exceptionally lonely people who have nothing else going for them in their lives
You mean normal people?
Normal people want to have sex with vulpera
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Respectfully, I think you should find a better use of your time.
I can only speak for myself when I say this but trust me, I'm not at all that interesting.
Even season 4 DF is more interesting that I'll ever be xD

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>replying to trolls, at all, in anyway, whatsoever
Tina. Come on.
i think they find the drama more interesting than you personally
>bruh ffxiv has such a good story you need to play it bro
>ffxiv’s story:
I’m glad I have waited for the leaks/reverse engineering before deciding whether to buy
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I wish I were Chinese
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You're right. Sorry >.<
So millions of chinks are gonna beta-test TWW for a month for us western nerds?
Chinkoids beta tests for murrican
Murrican gives it a final polish for yuros
Yuros seethe on twitch thus making the game worse for everybody
>What is your endgame?
Allow me to elaborate!!!

Female elves in World of Warcraft? They deserve breeding. Everywhere. No exceptions. This isn't some half-baked idea. It's a mission. Let me break it down for you.
Start in Darnassus. Walk through the city, spot a female night elf sentinel. Walk up, extend my meat. She looks confused but bends over. Boom. First breeding done.
Next, Teldrassil. Find a night elf druid talking to a tree. Wait patiently, then whip out my PP. She takes it. That’s two.
Head to Ashenvale. See a night elf hunter with her nightsaberr. Ignore the cat, go straight for the rape. She has no choice. Three for three.
Off to Silvermoon City. Blood elf paladin strutting around. Walk up with my dong in the hand. She grins and gets bred. Another victory.
Eversong Woods next. Blood elf mage casting spells. Interrupt her with a dickslap. She's left panting on the gorund. PUMMELED.
Time for the Exodar. Spot a night elf priestess healing NPCs. Jump at her from behind a crystal. Bred to the MAXX.
Darkshore. Night elf rogue sneaking around. Catch her and BREED her in Stealth. She takes it well. Stealth bred.
Azshara. Blood elf warlock summoning demons. Ignore demons, go for breeding session. The demons join in. D E M O N E D.
Feralas. Night elf monk meditating. Break her concentration with my meat dangling, she has no choice but to take it balls deep. Zen breeding.
Winterspring. Night elf death knight chilling. Descent on her with aerial halt. Cock in my hand. Frosty breeding.
Back to Darnassus. Random night elf anon. Walk up, knock her down, ass up. Bury my full length. Full circle.
This is the new mission. Constant, absolute breeding for all female elves in Azeroth. It’s about principle. It’s about their destiny. They deserve it. Every single one of them.
Read the article
They get the prepatch on aug 1st, around a week later than us
Actual expansion release date is the same as ours
God damn chinks and their lies
Interestingly, the Plunderstorm Battle Royale event is said to become available at a later date, though it is unclear whether this will be exclusive to Chinese servers or also returning to other regions.

Would be even better if you just stayed gone.
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>Maintenance is now daily
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Nothing to apologize for. Everyone falls victim to a schizo or troll sometimes. A mutual friend told me once that "Not everything needs a reply" and it helps a lot to remember that. I know you know better.

And with that I go to bed. G'night /wowg/.
Why is everyone here so retarded?
Prepatch is July 23rd, Mainland China gets prepatch on August 1st
Murrikans are again beta testing for Yuropoors and China
Are the guys complaining about muh button bloat the same guys who were complaining about button pruning back in Legion?
Why aren’t chinks playing tarisland, their homegrown wow killer?
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Taking away "buttons"/spells only hurt the game by taking away class individuality and class identity. Turning into what we have today, that is, everything is the same, but with different pixel effects.
The people bitching about the addition of "buttons"/spells are the leftover cattle people that still play this game that are use to mindless grind and few button/maximum output of the character class.

In short - DURR DURR DURR anyone that still plays this game are drooling retarded nigger cattle.
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It is time
Gn anon
If they do bring it back, just bake it into the main game. Have an npc in arathi highlands to which you can queue
can the avatroonies stop posting? i am trying to talk about the game.
Game is dying, spaghetti code can't hold any longer.
Time to abandon ship.
Felt like trying out the game, didn't know which version to play (being honest here, I've no idea) looked at what the game looks like on Youtube and noped out, is this a case of nostalgia? It looks like a kids game?
Yup. The writing has been on the wall for a while now. Now more people are catching on. I don't know about you guys but I'm getting out while the getting's good. I suggest you do the same.
Am I the only one that finds this samefag doomposter extremely funny?
And that's why they're trying to make a last-minute cash grab from the Chinese players.
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Diven't be a spastic cunt, I was really wanting to try out the game while mine is on maintenance, I heard the raids are decent, but what fookin' version do I play?
it's over. game's dead. doesn't matter if it still has millions of players or if they just announced at least 7 more years of content, the game is dead
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i feel a little better knowing that lonely mestizo is the one crying about me being someone i'm not and calling me all names under the sun when all i ask is he use a tripcode so i can filter him permanently
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Sure pal.
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Is her hair slowly turning black?
>I don't know about you guys but I'm getting out while the getting's good.
It's promising that the game is growing so rapidly that the existing servers can't handle the new players, hence the upgrades.
more like the timbers are rotting and the paint cant hold it up
go back to your visual novel.
Do you have a logical basis for this assertion? Proof with analytics?
Aye I will in about 20 hours.
yeah, black semen turns your hair black over time
Idk i treat you all the same, it's like white noise
I'm feeling good about the future so far so this is just funny
? The fook does that have to do with my post you dippy cunt?
Youse was one of the doomposts innit bruv
Paranoid spacka, I was asking what version of this game should I play, game does look like shite though.
Spaghetti code is struggling = more frequent server maintenance = server upgrades because the game is reaching new all-time high concurrent players. Why else would existing code suddenly start struggling? This is your logic, I just finished the point you're trying to make.
It's a 20year old game. If graphics are your priority in an mmo then oof. Stick to single player games, no mmo will ever beat that
acknowledge my post not his >>483697092
>retail kinda dead rn
>mop is cosmetics only since any combat is trivialized by absurdly op gear
>cata is cata
There’s so many worlo versions online and yet I feel less urge to play than ever before despite being away for like 8 months
Software/servers don't "rot".
Why does it look so bad though? Has there been no updates to it to make it more modern? You still didn't answer me what version should I be playing.
>Why else would existing code suddenly start struggling?
Unforeseen amounts of vulpera cum
just play retail (dragonflight)
realistically the codebase is probably a fucking mess
blizzard is famous for burning people down to the ground so how long do you think the average programmer is there for? 2 years? 3? i'd bet there's not a single person who has been there from development until now so nobody has a full, complete view of what's going on and every new feature released is hacked on top of this massive spaghetti mess that nobody understands. i'd be surprised if there weren't literally doing rituals involving snake venom and cum
Of course they did, if it was from the west there would be rainbow flags everywhere and Garrosh and Varian would be kissing with tongue
Our first major update was in 2014 in wod. And you can tell, wod has gorgeous zones.
Aside from that, they're constantly upgrading items and creature models. But we haven't had a sweeping upgrade like that since wod
The thing is that it's an mmo and blizzard always wants it to run on a large range of hardware
If you're truly new to wow and not shitposting, try classic. You only need a sub, and you also get access to Panda remix if you want to toy around with the modern UI, dragonriding, talents, combat etc
It also allows you to level characters to max level without owning the latest expansion
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and this would be their child
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Can you explain to me what that means, I have no fucking idea.
Let me show you what I mean, I genuinely don't know much about this game other than what I've seen on the boards through osmosis.
you play xiv, anon. you can't bitch about shit looking games
bro you sound genuinely fucking dumb
maybe try roblox instead
Part 2 of 4
What the fuck is all of this shit?
Ion is there since agea and morgan day talked about stuff he worked on in wrath
Most of the devs/programmers have been there for decades
Also guys like Terran gregory who worked on the TBC cinematic and is still directing cinematics today
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pre-purchase teh warwithin and you get dragonflight for free
that is retail
avatarfag asking anonymous to adopt a trip
you're the most delulu poster i've met in a while and i come from generals with very annoying posters!
have you mistaken me for the avatarfag or..?
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>He's English
I'm ashamed you're a fellow Brit playing this game you mazed cunt kek.
Either side asking the other for trips is ironic as fuck when they're all equally annoying.
This is on the front page, fookin' kekking at the milking of you lads. Reet funny day this.
I am the best poster in wowg
Ride my face
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Is it coming back with new rewards or the same ones as before? :O
Good night.
I was hoping they would keep her old look but I suppose this is interesting too :p
WoW died today, incidentally the beginning of Steam's summer sale
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What we can expect in tww/patches
Shut up Trollanon.
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Anyone know where to pirate WoW lorebooks? Libgen is fine when it comes to novels like War of the Scaleborn, but I really want to get my hands on Exploring Azeroth series and Grimoire of the Shadowlands. Hell, I honestly could settle for buying them, but I think they literally don't have an e-version because its some exclusive physical copy bollacks. Like, did no one bother to scan them? Shit seems like a fucking scam designed to pay 100%+ markup for Amazon shipping fees.
>Anyone know where to pirate WoW lorebooks?
All of the novels I've read like BtDP, Sylvanas etc are on Libgen, I guess no-one gave a fuck enough for the others you listed?
Resto Shaman or Resto Druid for TWW? I hate raiding, but I like keys.
I only use libgen. Btw did you read the short stories for tww? Moiras was kino
I don't understand who even buys these. Mountsmogscheevoz have suffered the biggest case of "when everyone is super, no one is" in history. Literally the only cool collectables now are those with some emotional value, usually due to the grind it took to get them because you literally can't step five feet without getting a handout cool mount that feels less exciting to add to the collection than to acquire a new gear upgrade.
Xal'atath raid theme. HOLY FUCK!
shut the fuck up idiot
This is what I don't get about the trading post or shit like that tree mount they gave everyone a few years ago. Why would I care about a mount that's free and everyone has?
??? i just copied his screenshot you dumbass
"gn anons" and then immediate shitposting seethe is literally your calling card bro
we all see through you thats why i said you're delusional
you're clear as fuck
forgot to attach your avatar to your post btw! :)
I think that's only because the mainline books have official kindle versions, while the lore books are hardcover exclusives.

>tww shorts
No - Shadowlands made me very cynical about WoWs writting, so I stopped paying attention. I do want to catch up now. If you are a lorebro, could you remind me what new material came out between SL launch and now? I don't know much about short stories, but I think there was some DK story in SL and also a Halloween one?
That's sick!
the only recent relevant short stories are the alleria one and the moira one, which would both be on the blizzard website
For me trading post literally is just buying the cheapo basic mogs and then waiting for next month. Very rarely a nice weapon appears or some transmog set, but mounts and pets are just ass.
ww@ midnight waiting room chads
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right here of course
could not care less about going underground with the troon dwarves
literal midnight waiting room, everyone cares much more about silvermoon/quel'thalas and the amani trolls than a half orc nigger
Midnight will be as rushed as TWW
They've been saying they want to do faster expansions for like a decade and have never been able to pull it off. I have zero faith in their ability to pull it off now without making massive sacrifices to either quality quantity or both
Shaman is getting a rework next week so you could wait for that to see how it goes
They've had over a decade to prove that they can actually fix this shit but it's already too late as players are leaving the game in droves.
Well, most of them have already left.
There's also Anduin's
Oh it could easily be done they just keep hiring the wrong people.
Really hoping Shaman rework helps out Resto. I can't stomach playing prevoker or hpal. Never again.
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>he doubts Ion 'Big Greek Cock' Hazzikostas
They were already making TLT art back in April, from their interviews
And they already said that Midnights features will knock players socks off
It's easy to develop stuff when you have a clear beginning and an end
In the past, they had to scramble to figure out what to do next, which features would fit
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Have you tried MW?

It's kino to play, even now
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real playable gnomes when
fuck gay ass bald footed tinker hobbits
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Anyone played through the quests on the beta?
Who is the main character/story npc so far?
Anduin or Alleria?
Doesn't matter what they've planned. Even if they're not outright lying about how much they've already done, half of it will get delayed scrapped and shitcanned like 40% of WoD anyway
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>Nothing to do in wow until prepatch
>XIV has to go down for 48 fucking hours just to release an expansion
>19 hours still to go
chromie is MY flesh light - you stay away from her
>I haven't washed her out yet
Bros I think I might have found a gf for my character...
Chromie is a top
the archetypal chud versus the archetypal s o y cuck
How did this get past the council?
least incompetent gook devs
>19 hours
I've never erped in my life faggot.
Could do a lot worse desu.

what's the source on this?
Player survey. There is a link in the Battle.net launcher
a survey was posted on the launcher for some people
They all have their moments
Probably some shill who made it up trying to flicker some hope for the game.
What is it?
>stalks his twitter
>saves his picture
Yeah, HE'S the one with problems.
It's fun in dungeons but very anti intuitive in raids. You're forced to melee in maze+ while in raids if you play anything other than the ranged builds you're trollin your raid.
Lmao, you retard >>483705663
>return of class halls
love it. could we get the artifact weapons back too blizz?
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>artifact relics again
fuck no
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no artifacts left, except the one we're fighting
you already can get them, wdym?
>Woke Within sold less than Dragonfart but that's a good thing!
if it really sells less than dragonflight its truly over
lmao no wonder tina dumped his ass
This doenst sound like worlo music, it sounds like OG music, where the dramatic chains. It bangs regardless though
With china too? No way. Tww already is set to outsell df
>no dramatic chains or royalty free music
It's over.
>china good
>china bad
>china good
What changed?
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I don't care about china
people realised china loves wow and the legacy warcraft characters they don't want to see raped to death and killed off
Have you tried disabling the amd cacao thing in the graphics settings.
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reminder, this is the future for Anduin.
Looks like a troon.
Anyone got TWW soundtrack?
It's not going down, they made it like this because people weren't subscribing enough.
I want to breed xally so bad
Most of the TWW music isn't in yet.
What that baiting fag linked is xiv music.
The price exploded this expansion because the of the chromie time exploit.

>It's not going down, they made it like this because people weren't subscribing enough.
This is going to blow your mind but people paying with tokens is actually better for blizzard.
god I wish I was anduin
>xiv music
How do you know?
No it's not, that's why they changed the auction house.
>No it's not
It is because 20>15
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unless you're ogre-tier strong (and not just look like one) you're not holding that book in this position with one hand for long
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reminder that his half orc nigger got a proper cinematic before Jaina and Alleria did
It is getting more and more retarded every single time.
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can they even read?
I know it's just a game but it's like they're actively trying to make it look annoying
why not hold the book from the bottom, ie a way that would make sense for a one-handed person?
im sure the next thing we'll see is her bench pressing with that one arm
because that would involve making a new animation
She holds it in her mouth, isnt she
I can see you never broke your arm/hand she is using her legs to support the book
>disabled and kind
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I sure didn't
that's a fair point, actually, it looks floaty as fuck but that's prolly just wow graphics
a cute night elf I met yesterday
so the m+ season is over in 2 weeks?
what happens between then and new xpac, which is still ways off?
>so the m+ season is over in 2 weeks?
No the season will continue until prepatch.
I already handed the quest in so she's no longer reading to the kids at the orphanage, but she was not "supporting the book by her legs", it was the default map/book reading animation.
It just looks retarded because her hand is technically there, just invisible.
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>want to get into Goldmaking in TWW
>the meta for the first couple months is going to be having 60+ characters with the same profession all making 24hour locked materials

How fucking soulless can this game get? I want to live a fantasy of being a gold goblin but this seems so lame. What should I do?
why is this wrong?
t. 4 accounts with 50 max level botted characters each
>no playable femhumie hag
You can make one
hags are disgusting
women should be killed at 26th bday and men at 40th or so
It's so soulless. You're not a gold making goblin; you're a printing machine. I'm not saying that it's wrong. If you want to make gold using your alt army, go ahead.

For me, I had the fantasy of having a few characters doing professions that felt - I don't know - "immersive", you know what I mean? Like my profession fits into the class fantasy.

My Goblin Rogue is an alchemist and he hustles his profession on the side of being an assassin. Maybe I just had unrealistic expectations.
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>see two guy NPCs with the same surname hanging about in Hallowfall
>DF taught me two men in proximity = fags
>turns out they are actually brothers
TWW looking good so far, anons.
Bots rule the game.
professions in wow are not immersive
professions can fit your class fantasy but thats not related with gold making at all
You are like decade too late for that.
built different (worse)
I think with metzen back + china we may have possibly seen the end of homoshit
you're not going to outcompete people with an army of bots, who actually pay for custom software to run this shit because it's a profitable investment if you rtm the gold

true goblinning in playing ah - you can absolutely make mad money on that without anything tos-breaking if you're moderately clever and can sniff out trends. but professions, nah - at best you'll make some gold for collecting flowers for 3 days after expansion releases but that's about it
>we may have possibly seen the end of homoshit
yeah...i'm not holding out...
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>we may have possibly seen the end of homoshit
yeah, top of muh dik!
I have 9 Alliance characters and 8 Horde characters. They're all going to have different professions. I'm going to work on them just like I would with any other content in the game. If I get left behind by the real pumpers and RMT abusers, so be it.
yea, that's fair - you will make some gold out of it. just don't expect that you'll be king shit compared to somebody who runs 10 accounts for 20 hours a day using a bot.
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What happened with lost arc?
took a well deserved rest after killing worlo
Why tho? Tww adds knowledge catchup, it removes the rng for max rank crafts, and there will be npc work orders you can fulfill for gold or recipes you dont have already
he want a shitload of free gold for rping as a goblin
based wincest
Get alchemy and enchanting. Both will be more in demand than ever with the enchanting adding scrolls that allow you to change your race (up to 1h at max quality) and combat splash potions
>that allow you to change your race
oh you thought you ERP'd with a coomer nelf?
t'is not so! witness my femtiran body in all its glory!
>the meta
the price of those scrolls is going to be low as fuck
daily charges = one character makes x profit
10 characters = 10x profit
200 characters = 200x profit
basically it's giving up the crafting market to bots, which... has been the case since at least bfa, perhaps not explicitly so but blizz certainly values bot subscriptions enough to keep it profitable

This is what people are going to do for every profession. Alt army creating limited resources that they sell for ridiculous prices on the AH.
need to snuggle with moonkin druid wife
this was WoD's economy you newfags. this shit's gonna get crushed except for tailoring
struggle snuggle with that orc thot from blizzard
You jest but it's a great addition. You can officially larp as a worgen paladin
you will never be a paladin
you have no holy light, you have no holy order backing you, you have no paladin training
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alliance 'high elves' will NEVER see the sunwell again because of their void AIDS
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>check out what's coming in prepatch/11.0
>it actually seems... quite good?
what's the fucking catch aside from lgbtbbq donut steel characters in the story
void elves will be party rocking in silvermoon during midnight THO
The words within
>lgbtbbq donut steel characters in the story
There are none
And there is no catch
I'm going all stunties for my warband, I have a dark iron warrior, and dwarf shaman
what should my next two be?
goblin rogue, gnome pedophile and vulpera shaman
tauren rapist
two other manlets I guess
Isnt the point of midnight to protect the sunwell?
>she doesn't have all tabs in warband warbank unlocked
sucks to be poor
Yes, that's the class, but what race?
these are not dwarves
i am placing 4 female gnome kids to greet me every time i log in and no one can stop me.
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Former goldshire kings, I don’t wanna give blizzard money anymore do any other mmos have servers as populated and coom friendly as goldshire?
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>Race to world first in war within will have a cash prize via netease if a Chinese guild wins the race.

Is this the beginning of the end for the SOVL World First Race?
based on the evidences I have gathered it would seem that she does have both arms, but the left arm has been hidden by a magic spell.
Very nice booba
china is never going to win
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WFR had s0vl?
>re-use old bosses in TWW
It's over
wait, did they FINALLY fix the order?
My wishlist for War Within from a spoiler free no-beta perspective:
>No flying before pathfinder while keeping DF sized zones
>More verticality, ideally with zones stacked on top of each other
>Legendary questline instead of weekly story gating each patch
>More gem sockets, bring back TBC gem bananza
>PvP scaling
>Valor gear or something like it - specialized vendor selling a special list of items that cost a grindable currency
>Remove fortified and tyrannical
And dare I hope...
>No world quests, retvrn to dailies
I thought the Chinese client wasn't simultaneously updated with the worldwide client.
well you're fucked
It's literally a new era, and blizzard wants its 15+ million players this time.
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I got glad
RWF was, is and always will be a fucking clown show, not to mention one that ends up buttfucking the midrange and lower higher-end raiders
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>Many posts about FF14 on /v/
>All are super comfy
>No racism, no doomers, no porn (some sexy images but nothing gross)
>Everyone's talking about what they're going to eat and drink at launch, how the classes are evolving, the lore, etc.

I'm amazed and jealous. Why won't we have this when TWW comes out? We already know that 100% of posts are going to be hijacked by /pol/ scum.
It's like you studied the beta and then wrote out the exact opposite of everything.
yes and we will also have free estrogen pills for everybody, sis :3
wow is a blizzard game so yeah
I thought DF was the new default?
Why don't you fuck off back to your tranny general instead of baiting here, queer.
post your mountie
>Remove fortified and tyrannical
Now we will be able to enjoy both of them simultaneously.
for new players
this nigga is using chromie time
I don't believe you. That literally just means a dead week when you can't find any groups because no one wants to bother.

I get that my other grognard dreams are never happening, but wtf, no verticality? I thought the whole point of Zaralek Cavern was to be a beta test for an underground expansion.
>they really are just skipping SL like it didn't happen
so what's the in-lore explanation here, sylvanas jobbed off screen and our heroes had one HELL of a fever dream because of the secondary effects of surviving the blighting of undercity?
Not him but fort and tyrannical will be active if you do keys above 10 and you might not believe me but trust me this is better than the alternative.

>but wtf, no verticality?
There is a lot of verticality in tww.
Tyrannical or Fortified swap each week as they do now. At key level ten, the other one also activates.
But it does effectively remove them, doesn’t it? tyr + fort is a flat buff.
I also don’t understand why people wanted it. It was the one „affix” that changed how you pulled, and keeping it for some week to week variance was something I’d want, even for >=12. I’ll be really butthurt if they give highest chest/wall rewards at +10 instead of below it so you don’t even get it for weekly keys
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>how the classes are evolving
SL exists, but I think its basically in TBC tier containment where everything and anything can be written off minus the main points of:
>Ardenweald and Dream connection
>Jailer dead just please don't think about how he is behind everything, we'll retcon that eventually
>Denathrius is active and leads the Dreadlords
>If we run out of villains, we'll make the First Ones and their super evil enemies real
I think the only real takeaway that one should have is that the Dreadlords now are a rogue force acting solely for their own interest, all else can be swept under the rug and fixed up by Illidan novel 2.0
>no verticality
About the same verticality you got in Legion or BfA world zones.
There are no layers upon layers, also those underground zones are not layered either, as you can see on the world map, the three zones are next to each other, only verticality comes from the fact that the zones are kinda like steps if you know what I mean.
yeah, xiv has balmung
are the classes evolving to be just a skin, at this point?
how much further can they possibly homogenize due to their laziness
Chris Wilson tier of game design. You don't like it? Well fuck you, here's even more of it.

What is the alternative?
>What is the alternative?
They are removing them but adding double trouble with tyr/fort to compensate?
they already are. every tank and healer functions the exact same, its a matter of deciding if you feel like being a knight with a shield, an angry man with an axe, or guts the black swordsman, etc
healers are just "spam your damage button inbetween healing ogcds" which all have some kind of regen or shield component to them now. the only unique thing i think of about healers is sch gets stampeding roar lmao
>double trouble
You people overrate tyrannical and fort.
don't know why you niggas can't just take 5 seconds to read instead of getting some 4chan retard to poorly explain it to you for an hour
The only answer is monk and to tell the gcd to go fuck itself.
I think the only ones that are canon are
>Ardenweald, which is basically the paradise where good souls go and live in peace with nature.
>Kyrians, who are guides and messengers from the afterlife.
>The Maw, which is basically hell
i'm le based no spoiler chad xd pls respect me hekin based choices
there's lot of paid shills pushing FFXIV it all seems so forced. that game remains completely unappealing to me keep screaming into the void trannies/pedos
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it comes from yearsof playing ret even when it was dogshit terrible, absolutely brain frying spec
>paid shills
No they do it for free.
the problem is that dps is already a very contested role so if its the only way to enjoy the game then they are going to run into problems
best class for a male kultiran?
Its not hard, but its annoying. Tyrannical can be very demoralizing if you have shitters in your group or if you just get unlucky and reset the fight by wiping late. Fortified is just cancer in that it makes trash fights take longer and honestly is far worse for enjoyment than Tyrannical. But ultimately both just represent creative bankrupcy of having a cool system where you could have fun affixes and instead taking ones that just makes enemies stronger. And to add both at lvl 10 sounds idiotic. Its like... at that point just change scaling for enemies past level 9 to have more HP and add in a fun affix instead.
druid. they have arguably the best forms in the game
Shammy because concept of human shamans is cool
remember when some retarded troons paid 12,000 for a billboard advertising their in game nightclub and they all got banned for NSFW modding and age play erp?
pepperidge farms remembers
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No but thank you for reminding me about that kek
>steam sale
>wow's next expansion isn't at least 50% off
what gives
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>dog in
>take care of me whelps
>do eon cringe daily
>dog out
Surely prepatch soon... right?
at least a month
Well yes, only those got called out, but I doubt they are brave enough to cull shit that was shown on screen. Maybe they'll decide that SL can't be salvaged like TBC and purge all of the Danuser nonsense about First Ones, every power being First One constructs and Jailers 5D chess moves (the biggest stinkers of the xpac imo). I think there's enough to Danathrius and the 7th Cosmic Power to at least keep those ideas in the freezer for later of they decide to flesh them out better.
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so they banned this nigga after wasting 12k? lmao
shit is so bizarre
>Someone spent their working hours making, transporting, putting up and taking down that poster
>are the classes evolving to be just a skin, at this point?
the only job which actually had a bunch of decisions to make and an actual progression when it came to savage/ultimate was blm and they took a hatchet to it
so, yeah
I am once again asking where the fuck are the trading post updates
its thursday after all
I think the First Ones and the fact that our "gods" are machines is an excellent idea. It's not really a new idea either (remember that Adam is just a lump of clay into which God breathed life). And there's nothing shocking about the fact that there are often people on top. The First Ones are apparently the ones at the top of the hierarchy, so it's all right. Blizzard had to finish it off, so they added another layer.

On the other hand, the Jailer who has been the mastermind behind every major event in Warcraft since the dawn of time, no, that's pure, irredeemable shit.
>someone could feed their family because of the retardation of others
seems based to me
I don't like the First Ones because there didn't need to be a "who is the clockmaker?" revalation, and the Gods of Warcraft already were fake. In the "old" lore (aka Chronicles), all cosmic powers came to be from a big bang of light vs void. Granted, I didn't like that version too much as it was too centric on light vs void, but the idea it self was cool with how the different realms of power were remnants of a pre big bang universe. Gods were just high-power natural phenomena, so the First Ones didn't need to be added, as the creation myth already was explained. Now the problem is more pronounced with the question of where the First Ones came from, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they just reuse that old lore and instead of light vs void make it matter vs anti-matter, with First Ones being matter that can realize the 6 cosmic forces and anti-matter being their opposing 7th force.
>the fact that our "gods" are machines is an excellent idea.
No, it's shit. They should have let gods to be mysterious, especially Elune. There were so many cool theories about the reality of Elune back then, and that was the whole charm.
they will softly retcon everything about shadowlands in TWW, watch
To add to why I didn't like the first ones - I felt they made the 6 forces too homogenous. They all were prototyped the same way, they all have a Zereth'[insert latin name for cosmic power here] at the core of their realms and ultimately all are of the same tier with same sort of Eternal Ones at the helm, at least from what Danuser lore lead us to believe.
are we rooting for neverland(echo) next month?
We still don't have a confirmation, do we? We can assume she is a same sort of construct like Wonter Queen (which is what I mean by my criticism here >>483730130 about homogenity of powers), but all those loose threads like Elunaria still haven't been tied up I think.
They don't have to.
I am rooting for whatever will cause a bigger shitshow and lead to more wasted gold buying up gear from randoms during split runs.
What Shadowlands??
Doesn't she call elune her sister? It's obvious she's another robot.
they do, unfortunately
they tied too much of it into the overall tapestry of the world
unfortunately, they decided to do that with a big truckload of shit
They can just ignore it.
the fucking tuskars already sharted on the shadowlands rules
Hmmmmmmmm bwos if i speedrun a character through mopmix can i still do heritage quest on it when the character eventually gets to retail?
>can i still do heritage quest on it when the character eventually gets to retail?
yes they confirmed it before the release of remix
Yes, but we don't know what she is doing. At this point everyone above Old Gods is a robot, so that is a given. But she might be like Danathrius - someone who has "gone rogue" and maybe is hanging out in one of Azeroth's moons doing god knows what.
Yeah you can even re-do the heritage quest on a new character of the same race
I must have missed this, how?
When you finally arrive to their village you organize the funeral for the elder and he just spawn as a spirit in front of everyone shitting on the sneedolands lore
Sorry I don't understand what you mean
Can you say it again but in different wording
I can do it if i make a new character but im not level 50?
Will they ever add in proper facial customizations for Zandalari Trolls? I really want one but ultimately I drop off because the hair options all look stupid and the faces look the same. My Nightborne main got a lot of love, meanwhile Zandalari seem shafted.
Doesn't matter, she's another robot so she's shit now like everything else that nublizzard has done. Fucking hacks.
maybe >>483699548
If you make an american and do the quest to unlock the burger armor,
you can do the questline again on another fresh american character, even if he also has the burger armor unlocked to begin with.
that's always been a thing, though
the SL reason for why ghosts are around is that Kyrians only take people when they are ready
it's all very stupid and gay
Does it break the rules? SL is dogshit at showing this, but its clear that the 4 zones aren't all there is and that other afterlifes exist for different cultures or even people (see the Arbiter room with infinate amount of doors floating around it, or the few one off lines in ZM about the big bullshitball in the middle creating afterlives). I would imagine some of those afterlives allow for things like ancestor communication.
It completely removes the mystique and unknown.
Like "what God do you pray to?" - "doesn't matter, they all come off the same 3D printer".
Tbh they should have stopped with the overexplaining of everything.
Like these giant fossils, underground temples, ever looming evil but also the good that sometimes manifests... and so on.

It's funny how Hallowfall feels like somehing from a completely different IP at this point.
Those queers on world chat channel talk shit about it, but it's been so far my favorite piece of the expansion, despite the DEI beast, who I feel kinda sorry about, because her VA sounds really nice.
I only want to do it once but good to know i guess
It shows that they made sure you could do the heritage quest on any character of a given race.
>1 day ago
The First Ones being our "gods" is stupid because the "we were 3D printed" is already a hook with the titans - With the added complexity that their enemy sought to undo their work and fucked with the blueprints and "cursed" us with mortality. It created a dynamic that pretty much put us on the spot if wowers weren't brainlets that could only differentiate between "good" and "bad", not even capital letter "Good" vs. "Evil".
Everything - And I mean *everything* - In SL is a new generation of nerds looking at all the myths and established factions of the lore and thinking "we're going to do exactly the same but we're going to double down on visual language and pretend it's several-thousand powerlevels above the existing lore!"
Nothing, literally nothing, from SL lore is good. Nothing. Designs are a joke, lore is bordering on physical assault and psychological torture, gameplay was ass.
It is grotesquely unsettling that it is *still* more relevant to WoW than Dragonflight, an expansion so inoffensive in any direction it was probably the real killer of WoW.
I mean, come now, how many times has an expansion suffered because these shitheads could barely scrape their combined IQ of 12 together and not have internal dogfights, rampant alcoholism and "they'll come back" mentality? Their string of luck has to run out eventually, and DF was that. Wahtever the Worldsoul Saga becomes is just more decline propped up by advertisement hype and "CLAP YOU MONKEYS CLAP WE SHOWED YOU THRALL TALKING REAL SLOW AND LOOKING SAD INTO THE CAMERA WHY ARE YOU NOT CLAPPING YOU NIGGERS"
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Bro i cant believe you'd completely forget and leave out our troll mon like this... https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Mueh%27zala
dont forget!
voljin will be back
(he's the guy in the seed)
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The Zandalari are fine as they are
The afterlife rules don't truly matter for the Shadowlands. They wrote it as their new OC realm first and the afterlife of the Warcraft universe second
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who is going to be the wrathion/khadgar/bolvar/alexstrasza character of the world saga trilogy?
Yeah it's just hack writing at its finest
xalnath and alleria
Well, Troll afterlife seems to be a part of Ardenweald, so I didn't mention it, but yeah, Trolls and Bwomsamdi very clearly bend the rules as well, since its a very old lore point that death isn't *that* serious for a powerful troll.
>post-BfA: the factions really hate each other, Thrall refers to Anduin as a little brat in armor
>SL: actually they're all friends now
>DF: actually they're all best friends now
>TWW: this peace is tenuous champion
don't you love WoW's schizo writing
isn't xal'atath the villianl?
yeah, remember the wotlk box? or cata
ah yeah true
I still don't why Jaina is here. I mean everyone likes her and she's based but what's her point in tww?
she freezes a big titan robot and has like 4 lines of dialogue otherwise
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>The shadowlands aferlife is a made up afterlife so the parasitic first ones (or the void lords or whoever you want) can use the souls for their own convenience
>Jailor rebels against this and tells sylvanas, they wanted to destroy the fake afterlife but the price may be the destruction of all current souls in the shadowlands or some other catastrophic event that makes them a bit more morally gray
>We were tricked into helping the robots maintain it by killing the jailor
>There's a real mysterious afterlife nobody knows about because all souls are channeled into the fake one
There you go. It was that easy.
Didnt play MOP remix - was it really easy to get tusks, does everyone have them now?
str0nk w0m4n that d0nt need n0 m4n
n0 children
nuh uh
my 0h and 4h keys 4re br0ke 0k let me c00k...
>I mean everyone likes her and she's based but what's her point in tww?
I think that is literally her point desu.
Blizzard knows everyone loves the WC2/WC3 characters so expect to see them forever.
They learnt their mistake from Kael/Vashj/Illidan.
i think de other side's physical entrances were meant to be metaphorical. i.e. rather than having a physical tunnel into manastorm's workshop, it was meant to rep how he can always find a way to you if you owe him.
Yeah they basically hand it to you for free
>she's based
Is she?
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>here's your expansion bro
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Alleria's middle name is also quite literally "Total Orc and Troll nigger death", so it's hilarious to see hordelets being forced to work with her.
>Didnt play MOP remix
you still have time to play it. And you should play it
>4 zones
Literally their idea of a bare minimum
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>Didnt play MOP remix - was it really easy to get tusks, does everyone have them now?
there's still time
ps what a nice few hours of game / lore discussion when no avatarfags are around HUH? if only wowg could always be like that
>isle of dorn
isn't Isle of Dorn also an intro zone with very little actual content
>here's your login screen bro
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It's over. Retail is dead.
grim desu
>from meme 4 zones to 3 zones
It's getting worse
I want to hear the classic (kino) wow theme but tww remixed
It's a perfect refection of wow's decline
the zones are big and have a lot to do in them
WoW is dead.
Classic won.
Years of daily doomposting couldn't be wrong.
And now you're going to ruin it by derailing the thread yet again.
Good job you dumb nigger.
>he abandons the game
>laughs at the rats that go down with the ship
He knew.
Crazy how when you dont obsess over your thread crush every post you an actually talk about the game na?
Metzen hire this man!
>rift was supposed to kill wow
>guild wars 2 was supposed to kill wow
>tera was supposed to kill wow
>new world was supposed to kill wow
>lost ark was supposed to kill wow
>ffxiv was supposed to kill wow
>shadowlands was supposed to kill wow
>sod was supposed to kill wow
>tarisland was supposed to kill wow
next cope?
looks fine
Off-topic, talk about WoW.
you forgot wh and age of conan
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Off topic. Talk about wow.
He is based, handsome, and always right.
You forgot the one that started with A and had wings instead of flying mounts.
Forgot its name even...
>nooooooo help me not the hecking game images on my image board aaaaaaaaa
aion. only included the major ones
Nobody believed this. What was going to kill WoW was WoW itself, which has already happened. Game became shit and lost most of its players with Cataclysm. It got a new boon back with Legion but by Shadowlands had lost it all again.
We're in the pit right now.
I still remember one of my rl friends making a big show of cancelling his WoW sub and trying to convince us to play Aion with him. No one bit and he quit after like 2 months lmao
dont reply to it, report and ignore
>box price plus monthly fee
this is what killed the competition
I already paid for wow and I'm not paying to test the competition
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looks okay
if not a bit boring
i barely even look at the login screen anymore i just wanna hear the music
ive been playing classic sod and it made me realize modern animations have been a disaster
especially melee spells are so fucking bad
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I hate how all the races pretty much have the same casting animations now.
And they are all over the top flashy shit.
This is seriously sad
Yeah, when they first announced it, I expected they would make casters use their staves and shit, but instead, they just made animations same for everyone, so you can't even tell whether the character is a human or some kind of elf.
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talk about this
Yup. All of the new animations and ability sound effects that came with the Legion revamp and afterwards are all utter trash.
Do you really expect Blizzard to keep paying royalties to the original designers instead of just outsourcing new animations to underpaid bengali?
bro dont reply to it, i love your log posts dont get tangled into that mestizo's mess
My point stands. You have issues.
It's over. It's so fucking over this time for real.
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world of warcraft?
WoW is dead. Retail is dead. We won. We fucking won.
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schizo is having a meltie
Getting denied ERP truly broke him
What the fuck set him off?
Based and definitely-not-false-flag-pilled
I guess the avatroons aren't so bad after all.
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wish both sides of that autistic shitflinging would just be permabanned man, its all so tiresome
probably this post >>483737053
>2/3rds of kit are ranged attacks
>Arbitrarily force main dmg ability to be melee but give you teasingly short CD to live a brief moment of ranged freedom
>Remaining melee abilities are situational interrupt, meaningless aoe and - a slow that should be a pvp ability and replaced with something else
I do not understand. Let the homie be free.
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I know you're making fun of me but I made that up in 1 min just to prove blizzard can't write and anyone can do a better job.
I don't understand. Are you implying the guy having a meltdown is maye's boogeyman? But the shitposting seems to be against the boogeyman.
As you know, there are only two people in this thread.
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need 2 more
Sorry I'm dogged out, can't click.
I had them previously and was just wondering if it was brain dead easy to get
is maye even itt right now
im making a new op soon with this image
I think it's one of the best if not the best wow fan art image ever made desu
i will try but i might be too slow
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Chill bro it's just a phrase, sounds better than anything they will come up with, if anything.
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would be cool to have a glyph that turned blade of justice into a draenethyst crystal
i don't even know who the elf in the fron tis
It would be cool to have a glyph that deleted paladins from the game permanently
you don't know who alleria windrunner is?
or you just don't recognise her nu-design?
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>>Didnt play MOP remix
>you still have time to play it. And you should play it
is there actually a reason to play it if you don't care about cosmetics?
seems like you essentially run around with godmode, which makes content as uninteresting as oneshotting old raids on a retail character
This is a really weird meltie because futafag has actually been pretty tolerable as of late.
kekw are you kidding me dude
man fuck off no one gives a shit about this gay ass drama
>is there actually a reason to play it if you don't care about cosmetics?
not at all, it's as boring as it looks
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me when waiting for mop classique
>you don't know who alleria windrunner is?
I do recognize the name, at least. some legion character?
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>Isle of Dorn
haha owned nerd tomorrow you get a swirlie
or sylvanas accidentally herself lusting after some human dick
bolvar tripped on the stairs to the frozen throne and shidded and farded and broke the helm of domination
our hero ate bad pandaren food and had some wild ass dreams
it didn't happen, the whole expansion was more damaging to the lore than any afrasiabi retarded blizzcon joke that became "lore"


>slyvanas' sister
>green ranger who returned at the end of legion
>void elf racial leader
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me when waiting for draenor remix
or nzoth won and everything was a dream
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>n-nobody cares
Nobody SHOULD care and yet every fucking thread is congested with bullshit about le relationship drama
Schizos care, you retard
huh. i only ever played horde so I guess I wouldn't really know non-major ally characters, but it is a bit weird
admittedly i don't really care about wow lore nor pay it much attention, because the few times I did it only ended in exasperation at blizz writers
garrison converted into vulpera harem
shadowlands remix would be a perfect lore tie in to erasing it, have the timeline repaired so "it just didn't happen, this wasn't real"
SL is full of mogs and shit that they didn't unlock for players that actually look good
she was a major alliance character in WC2, but yeah she only actually showed up in WoW (other than her statue in the valley of heroes in stormwind) at the end of Legion
the war within
>she was a major alliance character in WC2
that was.. a while ago lol
i'm not sure if i ever played wc2. even from WC3 I only remember illidan's edginess, forsaken frost wyrms, arthas' voice lines and the startholme and never knowing how you're supposed to use elf wisps
oh, and it had some cool cutscenes. i still have archimonde destroying dalaran saved somewhere. blizz was good at those; diablo 2 were also great.

bit of a shame how mediocre and generally mediocre blizz became with age. then again, at least it's not bioware.
6 posts early
its ok we make it up fast

wowo wawa
Survival being melee throws me into fits of uncontrollable rage
I hope we both die.

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