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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>483442085

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/06/25)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
I love bouncing!
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looks like Nogxy is still angry
Can the new mutated niggas drop wingardium leviosa?
Post your character without shaders
Post your character without 3rd programs or mods and what you did today
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>T2/3s flirt with a smol T2
>We sleep
>T2/3s flirt with a smol T1
T1s are the best gift in the game. I wish I could collect them all for myself.
What cards? There is an npc but doesn't say anything about it
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i don't use shaders is why i look pewpy
work work
when do we seggs?
would plap... >///<
Its leviOsa, not leviosA
>old ass 15+ year old game still getting content
>meanwhile in base PSO2: *crickets*
its sad
sex with jiggu on /aco/ when
we haven't had a new class or weapon since slayer lmao
sorry but not the reason why we play this game
you have low iq if you're still here for content or gameplay after 3 years of nothing
I assume you are talking about ngs, no wonder the salty reply
he said base pso2, not ngs
the salt levels on this one
>UHM people only care about pedophilia when gay people do it! Because they're HoMoPhObIc!1!!
lol shut up fag
don't use shaders
*cums on u*
tell your friend i'm going to cum on his pic again
how can baseniggers ever recover from this one
also the new girl is cute, would fuck, defying fate could never
MARS is literally 4+3 weapons
>t3 x small t2
two adults who happen to both play female characters RPing with the tools they have
>t1 x small t2
grown ass men looking to play out irl fantasies

it's just that simple
I don't give a shit about pedophilia
playing a femboy makes you a fucking creep and a weirdo
they are always without failure 100% mentally ill and horrible people
as a former child
can you please
But why do you only get called a pedo if you mess with a minheight T1 but not a minheight T2?
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>I am a tranny therefore everyone else must be a tranny
if you like lolis you're based
if you like shotas you're just a gay nigga
>I am a tranny
>old ass mobile action game still gets content although it's version of NGS just dropped
& also:
>meanwhile in base PSO2: *crickets*
yeah it's definitely sad. ya hate to see it.
I love fapping to twitter melties
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The black cat!
what if its shota on loli? do they cancel each other out?
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My crush hasn't been around lately
Where are they...
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>one's true gender
who is it?
Perhaps I can tell you
>tfw your body isn't binary but your brain is
>if you like shotas you're just a gay nigga
tell that to all the female teachers getting locked up each year for thirsting on shotas and for some reason it's never a "gay nigga"
also think about your hot teacher who never did such a thing and have regret for being born in the wrong timeline
Its not the concept of shotas that turn me off, it's the fact that every guy who's attracted to playing shotas is a massive fuckhead.
>play fully clothed woman at all times and can never see my ass
What does that make me? Normal?
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I'm a minheight that's interested in dicks...
i will never forgive vindictus devs for killing the 32bit client. the 64bit engine's ragdoll looks SO SHIT and just kills my boner
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I can show you mine if you want to see...
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>eternity oath rerun
Can I finally give the ring to a deserving finger this time around?
>see evie get killed and fly across the boss arena
>lands on the ground with her ass is in the air
UMPFFF. Was funny though.
find me...
Sorry all your friends and or gay lovers quit NGS.
maybe it's you
maybe it's always been you
I would...
Can't hear you over twin dagger bitch coming soon. I'm going home.
Why are we pretending like there's any interest in the t1 market. no one wants a t1 that's why no one plays t1s
I play T1 because I'm a male and I like male aesthetics, simple as.
if base pso2 still got content I think at least 50% of ngs players would drop ngs for base. be glad they left the servers on.
I just want to fuck.
I play T2 because I think my character is cute.
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woke up. prob gonna play elden dude and dick around in blender.
>Spent 200 on Cdoe Geass
>Spent 200 on runrun
thank you...
Damn Mer.
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>play t1, assumed gay
>play t2, become trans
make your choice
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PSO2 aside, something is wrong with Vindictus.
This game had a meteoric launch and then died a year after in every region, yet it somehow still gets updates.
I'm thinking they money launder because it's just not possible that people are paying.
I went back to it last year because they had a character I liked, it is DESERTED.
I've never seen the starting city of a (pseudo)MMO be so fucking empty, even the market board was basically empty.
And the content itself is not that good, on top of the new player experience being just fucking awful, playing for 5 minutes and then having to mash through dialogue for 10m at a time, rinse and repeat for a good 10 hours.
Picrel is not their entire playerbase, they released on steam years later iirc, but I'm pretty sure nobody plays it.
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They should just FUCKING release all the content at once and then disappear for a year.
its popular in asia (?) quit the drugs
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you just reminded me my like vindi plap was almost two months ago. now I miss being inside her ass recorded the entire thing too. crazy when this game as some better sex mods than a 2021 game
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is it though?
my recollection is that BDO stole all of their players in one go
I wanna watch...
Share it
why is your face so sad
Next level cringe
he's benched
bdo fapsluts are the best hands down
share it please
nah, not a chance, vindictus is on another lvl, all csl with the lewdest shit, ngs is like a kids game in comparison ( which explains all the pedos )
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Because SEGA hasn't added an option to show eyebrows through hair.
Imagine if niggers disappeared
What... :S
lmao mario juddah anon is back
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These mentally ill faggots do this shit for everything someone post that tweet from the troon saying arith from FF7 is trans for the dumbest shit
they're mentally ill and say mentally ill things
Vindictus sluts ARE in fact on another level when it comes to draining your cock compared to pso2 but like 90% of them are ultra drama heavy mental ill stalker level talk to the devs whose cock they drain too and get your account banned forever. so you have to be careful. they are super vengeful
it region blocks most of asia
>but like 90% of them are ultra drama heavy mental ill stalker
It's the drawback of being so good at draining you they have to do it at all levels.
Nah bro, it sounds like a you problem (ngs player, obv)
I my first account got banned after I broke up with a vindislut I used to pound regularly for a new catch. They were close to the devs so there was nothing I could do. she shared footage of us fucking so they banned my account for breaking ToS
when you nerds say the devs do you mean for the official servers or are you talking about some shitty private server?
>new character comes out
>have to play (mash button through cutscenes and 1HP enemies) THE WHOLE GAME AGAIN
>gear, progress and cosmetics are never shared between characters
>all the good names in the dictionary have been taken
i hate koreaniggers so much
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>NGS be like
Imagine being in your 30s or 40s playing this game! LMAO!
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>anime pfp
>smol t2
yeah man, get 1 or 2 continents away from me and my senpai
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these cg ones are such low quality
lil bro do you think you will magically hate everything you've enjoyed from a teenager to age 29? fucking moron
You will be playing video games until you die and when your 30th birthday hits you will realize how fucking retarded you were in your younger years like every single other person does on the planet
Old fart nigga opinion discarded
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*lets out a omega dusty old bones full of green dust old fart on ur young bald head*
that will teach u young bald headed ass whipper snapper nigga
t. mid 20's pedo troon
Nobody wants to marry you nigga
then why did you reply to her?
Everything can be talked >///<
>Everything can be talked >///<
this fat nigga finna start samefagging for 10 hours
at first i thought you meant the pokemon and I was like WTF
>Everything can be talked >///<
What does this even mean?
He deserves to be put down, to be reminded he will never be happy.
Playing Elden Ring sorry
bee nigger does
>haha your weapon's counter is actually dog ass so better use the other weapon's baka. have fun reaching around on your palette just to slap normal 2 and weapon action 2 and backhand
fighter is such a fucking GAY class
Take your meds grandpa! You're yapping again!
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Just use gunner bro.
Sorry I like actually clearing Solus
Why tower of fantasy has more things to do than this game, they even had a pretty cool evangelion collab with story, quests, actual "real size" (to character) evangelions, playing with a giant mech battling angels, I got asuka and rei btw, while here is "here's your cosmetic crap now stay hype for more cosmetic crap" ,and I don't want to talk about that sad boring roadmap, with ZERO story updates, "dissapointing expectations" is like SEGAY motto now. /blog
Solus is easy to clear regardless of class.
>Tower of Fantasy
You mean the NGS killer that is DEAD? LMAO!
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learn to adapt noob
stfu nutmeg
You wont get me to play your game unless you show me the cunny mods
>tower of trantasy is dead
>blue protocope is not only dead, it took a company division with it
>ARKS Rappies status: EoS
crazy, turns out NGS is the killer!
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only thing ngs kills is itself, lmao how can sega put out such trash and empty roadmap and ppl still swallow it like its gold
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And yet...it still stands. Cope and seethe doomercuck
sorry the roadmap just has too much gameplay content for you storycuck
>and ppl still swallow it
today you just learned your kind isn't as numerous as you think you are
us dancing after playing dead island all night
>no mention of story
>there is 0 content gameplay
>replies to himself
ok globaltard
>can't dash far with julien in third person mode
the soul in this game is gone
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only globalsharts (and on reddit, of all places) are pissing themselves over the headline thoughever
reminder that the view count of the JP MARS trailer is over 10 times the global playerbase lol
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LOL doomanons BTFO yet again AHAHAHAHAHA
>you vell play the NGS for the next 10 years and u vill like it
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I thought you wanted to play Dead Island 2
good try, but everyone knows how fucking ugly your face is if not covered
What exactly do cringe zoomers believe millennials should be playing?
good try, but everyone knows how much cum you're hiding behind those bangs
doom and fifa
With your children? Go to a park? You're a genetic dead end though so those options aren't available to you.
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The cash register. Where's my McDouble and fries, cuck?
>Go to a park
This isn't the 90s anymore bro
Alright I currently have a full glass of coke o cola, a bowl of grapes, and a chocolate eclair that i'm about to eat all 3 sitting on my desk as we speak before I log into PSO2 NGS
How much do you think I weigh?
>immediately thinks about children and children's spaces
do globopedos REALLY
>parks are a child space
i was gonna post my character but this thread is trash goodnight!
see you tomorrow faggot
>t2(3) hey u have cute smol t2
>flirts and acts cute
>btw im 40 y/o
post butt
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nta but me and my S.O have decided we will try for our first child when I turn 40 so I have at least 5 more years to enjoy my freedom.
>dealing with teenagers in your 50s
i dont envy you
bad larp old nigga
What else did you expect? I mean, what is shocking about this. Nothing. No way you unironically believe the people playing this game are under 30. Sure, you can find a few people in their late 20s which I feel sorry for them wasting their youth on such a shit game. But did you fuckers really think any of these people were teenagers?
>patch 1.12.2 buffed skibidi
Redditors won...

>and a chocolate eclair
Now I want one...
>has kid with 40
>said kid turns 18, rebels, walks over you because ur a weak n old 58 y/o fart neet that all u did was cum to cunny
> ruins life
Another pedo self exposing
You're very gross please do not respond to me without my permission in the future.
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>30+, 40+
That explains A LOT
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20-29 gaymers how we holding up?
I can bake cookies for you in the shape of your favorite weapon camos.

For you I can bake cookies in the shape of your favorite fast food restaurant logo.
It's okay Nogxy I'm sure lots of people are in their 14th year of college in their 40s
post gock
fap session rn
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What can I do with these? The bottom 2 can't be sold and the top one is like 2,000 meseta.
Use them
Fishing trip with the family!
Having a productive day. Fixed some bugs earlier!
That sounds awesome!
>anime pfp
>small cute t2
>has a melty over an anime game
>asks zoomers to understand and respect them
>absolutely not a pedo or a weirdo
>state of ngs
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I can't. That's why they're grayed out, and I can't find an option in the recycle menu to turn them into something useful.
You can
You have to select them then click yes when it asks if you want to use them
Just dump them if you already have them.
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I was afraid that would be the case. Into the garbage they go.
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Zoomers constantly try to "rizz" me up, and I can never take their terminology seriously; it's almost like an alien language to me. They're also really, really aggressive and don't take rejection very well.
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>mogs all of pso2g
all of them
>have children
i have some bad news for you
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Taco Bell, get to it


Nice, I'm heading out for a bit with some frens!
>see ___________ with their tongue out
niggas still wearing that ancient tongue jewelry lmao
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that's unsanitary, anon
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One time my eyes met with jiggu's eyes. I was so scared my sperm count would be reduce to nothingness. Thankfully something distracted the Jiggu.
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Hey ladies, check out my new hairstyle.

who plaps who?
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I'm having more fun emoting and scratching then playing the game. If they keep adding things this game will never die.
please post the sex...
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Purple bee is CUTE!
Ayo that nigga on the far right has a huge ass nose built for snorting coke
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Why do I sometimes have the incredible urge to start crying? It happend randomly like right now.
Zebra just hits different Nogxy
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nah bro this is crazy lmaooo
i feel that way too whenever i want to plap my minheight
None of them really appeal to me desu. If I had to pick one then maybe the second from the left but their thighs and calves are horrid.
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How do I make this 0?
>Knux + JB
S wasn't kidding, this IS fun
>9 month roadmap
holy shit I'm glad I left
>eredim bow main
>abandac 4
>shortage pp burn
>hysterical strength
>dazzle camo
am I winning bros?
Probably, Bow just SHITS out damage ever since the changes they made to
The demons are after you, I know they have been chasing me
I'm able to maintain 10-12k damage on the beginning and end phases of dalion so I think you're right about that.
Why does EMV sound more faggy now is this what HRT does to people?
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Best way to not afk farm dreads?
is there a Zebra TAMES?
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model kits and master duel
very beautiful girls
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>Imagine being in your 30s or 40s playing this game! LMAO!
Consneedering the quality of this game, isn't it far worse for you to be in your teens and 20s and wasting your time on NGS?
Your options for fun at 40 are limited, but at 20 you could be doing fucking anything, and you're here?
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Elden rings been eating all my time. So far every backhand blade users are having their way with me, but i'll find out how to beat them sooner or later.
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failed boomer spotted. genetic dead end ass nigga
She's becoming one of us
you're all failed boomers.
>lil bro likes hanging out with old ppl
we got a grave robber creeping around here!!!
watch your trousers fellow boomeranons!
he will not rest until he has plapped all of our ass keisters
>in his 30s
>no kids
failed human
but enough about Nogxy
>in his 20's
>already balding
>body flabby and fat from spending his teens eating fast food and playing vidya
failed human
>amerilard projecting
zoomer anons post your hairlines and abs or gtfo
how can you be a boomer and make less than 6 figures?
How can you be in your 15th year of college with 0 degrees?
>post abs
only if you'll plap me afterwards
My brother was dumb enough to have kids let him suffer. His daughter is cute at least.
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>"how can you be a boomer and make less than 6 figures?"
yeah, that comment really pissed off the failed adults here
my brother started a business and just works from home now.
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>"yeah, that comment really pissed off the failed adults here"
>be 30
>not wealthy already
wtf? lazy nigga
best insult they have is broccoli hair edits...
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>"best insult they have is broccoli hair edits..."
maybe if you spent some time working on a business or getting a job instead of posting broccli head edits you wouldnt be a poorfag failed boomer. LOL
when i'm 40 am i also going to have a folder full of memes for making fun of people 20 years younger than me?
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aw you shouldnt have! thank you!
Keep hanging out here, drop out of college, spend all day playing video games, and compulsively buy cosmetics and you will.
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Alright youngsters I cant play anymore I have to drink my prune juice and go to bed dont stay up too long night night
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>mfw I realize it
i dont even know what prune juice is but sleep well grandpa
No, your generation will probably fuck that up too
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Old men of pso2g; isn't it past your bedtime? Don't forget to take you medicine and brush your teeth. Remember to turn the bathroom light off. No TV before sleeping either.
Now that the old men are gone... I desire a shota to play with me for the rest of the night.
>His daughter is cute at least.
Do you think they...
vvx? that nigger is a bogger extraordinaire and is always out to scam people. blocked since early ngs and good riddance. currently on his way to buying out the eradi soul market.
No anon. You just like little girls.
what are some essential emotes and accessories for a minheight T1?
Yup. The moment I told him to fuck off he started sending me look book likes and bought a soul from my store lmao.
ANON she's barely 3 weeks old!!!
he trying to plap
Sounds good to me
everyone is dog piling him but I need to see logs before demonizing him
there's a reason he wasnt arrested and twitch had to pay him millions of dollars to boot
Cool, bro. Just don't end up as a registered sex offender.
if he were innocent he would have shown the logs already, Why keep something that would help him private?
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didnt even realize i had this annoying fucker on my friends list
nta, but twitch and the doc settled out of court.
Probably the case he can't leak the logs to show that twitch(owned by amazon), can have minors lie about their age to gain access to the twitch whispers feature(you needed to be 18yo to use it). And for doing so, twitch paid out the contract in full.
Oh shit, bro. What are you doing?
I think he plans to not only sue twitch a 2nd time but probably destroy the leaker as well
Based I'm eating some Werther's Original now.
also its innocent until proven guilty theres a reason the "whistleblowers" arent dumping logs either and going with the most rage bait worthy narrative
If it was as bad as people keep making it out to be he would be locked up
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Any cute emotes. You can take advantage of using the fla ver. Make sure you have motion idle Cute, too. For accessories I'd say cute hats. Not just any sports cap, though. I want to see you.
pedo nigga
When are you coming to ship 2? A lot of shotas here.
i don't have many cute emotes because i'm poor
ugly pedo nigga
ship 2?
Horrible sylphid
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nothing better than a creepy gay pedo with caked on makeup (aka a tranny)
Buttons should link up with this troon groomer.
I thought I told you old men to go to bed.
You are a weird person. Keep going though since it's funny seeing seethe and give (You)s
ship 2 has shotas and none of them are taken
would make a minheight t1, impregnate, marry
Recommend good T1 hair that isn't Hu-Xian or Noctorino
there are maybe 1 page of usable T1 hairstyles just go through them yourself
name 10 shotas
For a boy or a man?
Sorry, can't help you there.
Cute Pompadour
Stregati Hair
Drakos Font Hair
Evil Salamande Hair
Eye-Covering Hair
Noctorina Hair
Kageyama Shien Hair
You look like you'd be fingered by a T2 anyway because no shota would want someone scary like you, so the small slender finger of hers would simulate a shota cock perfectly ~
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>Drakos Font Hair
One of my favorites, I just wish the front wasn't so long
>Kageyama Shien Hair
Can't hide the furry ears sadly
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We need dungeons in this game
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Coming to Ship 2 next week to poke fun at everyone for being "scared" of me.
>someone scary like you
Scary/weird how? Like this? rawr, get scared, I'm being weird
I would just instantly block you, well if I had space on my blocklist that is.
Can we lock in that 700 AC transaction
Can we meet up now?
Tell me your name and I'll block you instead.
You boarding that flight?
kisa is the one trying to groom him anon, nice try.
You're not me.
>dom domming a cringe dom
I'm ready for the wild sex
Asuka Eros
Yeah, I'm making money LMAO. Keep flipping those burgers for me wagie
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What's the fastest way to get Casino Coins?
Mesetan Shooter with friends, Arkuma Slots if solo
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Did my 1000 words a day.
Played a bit of ER.
Went for run.
Fought Bison all day.
Arkuma slots, break even asap, then quit once you feel like you have too many coins to let go once the falz arms segment starts to become unsafe (coinflipping between one or two arms)
How about your one plap a day?
What eyes are those?
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Troopers, I just received new orders. Our superiors say the war is cancelled. We can all go home. Bison is getting paid off for his crimes, and our friends who have died here will have died for nothing. But, we can all go home. Meanwhile, ideals like peace, freedom, and justice, they get packed up. But, we can all go home. …Well, I’m not going home. I’m gonna get on my boat, and I’m going up river, and I’m going to kick that son of a bitch Bison’s ass so HARD that the next Bison wannabe is gonna feel it! Now, who wants to go home and who wants to go with ME!?!
No time to plap when gaming.
Animatica Eyes/D
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Can also do daily quests with your characters, more alts means more passes for you.
GOD I want to make a casl addicted to girlpp
The boomers versus zoomer thing was the funniest shit to happen here in awhile
I hope it's me!
h i n t
Big boomer cock going boom in zoomer skibussy as they zoom up and down
no cap
>old man
>erp with anon
>he's early 20s
this is why I don't erp with anons
>not calling it the Boom 'n Zoom
Do you even boomer?
small and dysfunctional lol
Do you think everyone has ED or something? lmao
uppity already boomer?
am caseal!
>schizo has been talking to himself all day.
That one with the purple hair needs to bear my children
Go back to bed granpa, I'm trying to keep making money on Tiktok
>Projecting harder than your dick can get
Bruh moment
i'm a t1 too wanna be friends?
Where is the JP schizo? His bantz last thread were much better than what we currently have this thread.
Sure, send me a friend request
I'm still here! BASED BASED JP!
*cums on u*
*ghosts u*
I wish my crush would stop ghosting me...
I wish minheights were still in fashion so I could post mine again...
shes in toblerone
Why would you want a hint for that..?
What do you mean by ghosting you?
Free salon soon, sister. That's when all the min-heights come out of their owners' basements.
i hope you're on ship 2
Yep, just sort lb by last updated
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did some elden ring base game, made it to the twink tree and fought a cool lich dragon somewhere underground
*marries u*
Now post her pits...
Post thighs and pits.
>fattened up when pregnant from darker seed
>thin with plump feeders now that pregnancy is over
minheight T1s don't exist
Violent feral brutalizing babymaking breeding sweaty sex desu
Now post her smiling
ya im cringe
and im proud
They do. The problem is that most of them are cringe and ugly.
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Where do I farm at bros?
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Why am I seeing so many ads for this kusoge all of a sudden?
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cause the game is popular.
hag T2s don't exist
And let's keep it that way!!
I'm literally right here though.
why are the boomers still replying at 5 AM
Why not?
You was wrong. They're 20 year old NEETs.
Just be born into wealth, simple as.
Go flip some burgers, so you can afford rent and internet qt 40's
Too down to do anything desu
why you feeling down buddy?
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no go and play the game.
No idea, it just comes and goes randomly.
depression 101
skill issue tranny
*cums on u*
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Just don't be sad?
*sidesteps u*
You're not depressed, you're bored.
And you'll be a memory
dude probably realized he is too old to be doing this shit and playing shit games, cus he has very few shots at life left
You're not depressed you're just a overweight prison fag.
Ahahahaha... joke's on you.. I'm a semenmancer
*casts target seeking cumshot, curving the shots in the air and splatter all over your face*
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I'm gonna catch up with the story and uninstall again, it's not that the story or characters are good at all I just need to see it through because of sunk cost fallacy. Let's hope whoever is responsible for this mess of a game trips on a banana peel and breaks his hands so he never taints anything ever again.
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NGS Story > Granblue story
I'll never figure it out.
What the hell...! eww
*unsheathes whip*
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Are we really straight back to dext farming for money?
Nobody ever really seems to want to do solus ever in my alliance so Im forced to pug it, which is alright most of the times but for some reason even when we get a super speedy clear with 0 deaths, the average pug is incredibly adverse to grouping up even if they're still spamming it like me.
Can you stop posting my nigger wife zooey with you faggotron posts?
>Poorfag wagie that doesn't just swipe
LMFAO imagine not having money!
i spent my money on computer hardware and assets. why would i spend it on virtual hats?
>He doesn't pay a retarded third worlder to grind his account for him at $0.50 usd an hour like venezuelan green dragon farmers
This is why you'll never make it, think smarter, not harder.
Why think when I have MILLIONS! RETARD! Wake up!
>im a zillionaire
post proof like the other boomer did
>Are we really straight back to dext farming for money?
You can also do duel quests but dext is very hard to beat. If you are looking to make meseta, nothing comes close to dext.
>posts random pic, can easily make up
>wow this guy is a millonaire
Yes and he plays ngs and is all day in 4chan
>*cums on u*
>i am a liar
Awesome. Glad we cleared that up lazy nigger
The only thing I know for real is that I want to fuck a caseal.
The fact that people believed the guy was making millions, from a random pic, goes to show you how dumb ngs players are
What the fuck I just realized people send kudos without comments
weird, isn't it?
normies bombard me with kudos and I have no idea why
okay but you didnt post proof and you are a lazy broke brownoid
Just mine, trade, and sell crypto to work from home! Are you boomers RETARDED?
Duel quests also require an investment don't they? I'm not even sure what im looking to get out of duel quests if I do
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Lets farm solus together.
the changes they made to WHAT!?!?!?!?
why does he spam the thread with dozens upon dozens of low effort ugly photos?
Because it makes you respond
the first two duels die in 30-60 seconds. buy mats when they're dirt cheap (now) then sell when new units or gran gladia come. the only duel that's worse than dext right now is gdk
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We have no idea how much gran gladia will go for on the market. Gladia is the easiest duel augment to farm for so I wouldn’t expect it to sell for crazy high amounts. We also have no idea when new units will release. It could be next week or several months, we just don’t know. Dext has the benefit of being predictable and immediate.
new thread please, this is old and drying, like the 35 - 40 y/o in ngs
man this games so dead even the shitposters have run out of material?
>when a t1 tries to rizz me up
Me on the left
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Good night pso2g
Good night CUNT
let me plap before you sleep
how do sex mods compare to ff14
They are worse however you also don’t have to have sex with xiv modbeasts so it’s a trade off
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Why did you use tranny sliders?
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got snacks ready for Dawntrail
ate a poke bowl and some tofu salad for dindin
Beat up some mutants
probably gonna go play Elden Ring right now because I had to set it aside to get caught up on FFXIV this week before the servers went down for Dawntrail maint
Is there some trick to get Equalizing/Enhanced enemies to spawn? I've been in this combat zone for hours and not a single one of either has appeared.
sisters... /ourgurl/ Kat just dropped a new video showcasing the power of Te/Bo
What are my chances with someone like kat? Do I need a big dick? it's pretty average
BIS gear she only gets wet if you do more dps than her in a duo solus run
anyone know what the best Sl time is across ships atm? I managed to break under 1:40 with godly crit rng. I can't see a way to get under 1:35 without some insanely custom gear
I love you!
it's over for me bwos
Roam around the different regions and hope you get lucky.
Although if I could pinpoint one place that tends to spawn them more than most, it's Dreisen Plant.
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Thread is useless for gameplay. New DLC for ER and other games exist. Life obligations are also there. End result is thread goblins shitting into the void.

All is well
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>no csl
>logout sad
>a game with no gameplay content
sir we are in the gacha era. games play themselves and each month they make 100 million dollars while PSO2 struggles to make a million. that's why pso3 needs to me a gacha waifu collector with femMC maleMC you can customize.

HerosWaifus for the gameplay
your MC for the job world

if NGS was available for mobile it would make ar at least 10 million a month
>log in
>fap to my csl
>log out happy
I actually agree with this, what could have saved NGS is simply an android port and marketing.
The game doesn't even need to be good, but only to be ported to the platform where the actually depraved youths are at.
iToddlers have no self awareness and are all pedophiles
>if NGS was available for mobile it would make ar at least 10 million a month
No it wouldn't because gacha faggots would complain that T1 characters exist which means their T2 is having sex with them like the cucks they are.
I want sex NOW
r u csl?
How tall are you?

csls are pure
the collab made me read the shangri la manga, it's actually pretty nice I'm gonna get those clothes
PSO3 needs to have real anime graphics like Naruto, Genshin, WuWa, GuiltyGear Strive, DragonBall Games, Blue Protocol and more.

Then, they need to make Male and Female MC character creator with all the options from NGS. MCs can play any class. all you have to do is equip the weapon!!!



Weapon Banner
Character Banner
Bring back the mags that evolve into little csl like in PSU
THE BIG ONE! Cosmetic Banner!!!!!!!

But here is how PSO3 stands out from the rest. Since the MC and Heros all use the same rigging, since Sega already designed cosmetics to scale, cosmetics from the Banner can be placed onto your Hero characters!!! GAME CHANGER! No other game has this!!! So, you know how Gachas work; you need your fire team, ice team, etc. Say your Fire Team has a male on it, you got a male cosmetics from the Banner, Oh no!!!! At the very least, you can use that male outfit on your fire bro. BOOM!!! And when the bikini Banners come out, if you get two, you can use one for yourself and one for a Hero waifu of your choice! BOOM!!!!

How come I can create an easy 100 million dollar gacha PSO game, but Sega can't do it???
I'll try there next. Thanks.
No, fuck off with banner shit outside of cosmetics. NGS may be a bad game, but when I look at other gachashit with 50/50 dicerolls, powercreeping, cheap af with freemium currency, I realise it could be so much worse.
If you need them for a task you can just do the Enhanced Enemy cocoon
havent played pso2 since pre ngs, what am i in for?
>Weapon Banner
>Character Banner

I will crush your balls and drown you in molasses if you ever suggest that again.
There is literally no difference between whaling on Scratch banners and whaling on 50/50 gacha banners. Some people whale on SG too out of pure laziness. How those same afk tards who talk in public chat all day long got the latest and greatest outfits without even moving?
sex and grooming
Why do I keep seeing the term grooming used in pso2g
100% Banners exist retards. You're can your Standard Banner with 50/50 @60 Rolls. And you can have a Guaranteed Banner @90 Rolls. And those Banners won't come back for at least a year so I can inject FOMO into your veins. Spend the cash boy.

at the end of the day my PSO3 will make Sega more money because it's on mobile devices. Next complaint please.
>ESLs babbling and whining about gacha
i want to fuck you raw so badly giselle. im gonna make you cum so hard from that prostate pounding
Hate pagpag eating gachacattle simple as.

i thought pso2 was pretty fun, summoner was the class i played the most. just how different is ngs?
Can someone explain why ship2 global has a massive dedicated group of players for the sole purpose of stalking others?Does sega know?
Believing in gangstalking is a surefire sign of schizophrenia.
Looks like one of the pariahs woke up
No its not and you are full of shit
any minheights around?
Comestic gacha is bad enough as it is. Supply not meeting the demand causes crap like the CSL parts shortage, mass bogging, and parts/bases simply being gone. Forever.
That's me!
>Sega: That'll be 59.99 plus tips for pity ticket
>You: YES SIR!! C-can I suck you peepee too, Segaman? PLEASE!
It is.
Answer this simple question:
What do you think you have/know that would make people stalk you?
One of the strongest aspects of NGS is robust character creation, I don't stay for preset character shit, there's a thousand other games for that.

SEAnigs and gacha are some of the worst things that've ever happened. Zero dollars put into those games they defend, yet they want everyone to copy them.
Fine. I make new outfit,change my outfit name,ID picture,lookbook,or type something in the chatbox no one can see or read and somehow a character will showup relating to it even though no one else but me has knowledge of said things and as if they are trying to get my attention for what they made.
That's interesting. Perhaps a GM or someone in a position of power has a crush on you?
This has been going on for months and I can test and repeat the process to a science. I thought it was bots but bots are dumb and cant cobble together accessories correctly
You're stupid as fuck, son
It's infinitely more likely that you are actually legitimately paranoid, but I'd love to see some actual proof of this
I'm doing some side tasks I left behind to help level up alt classes and I'm doing the one from Reso in Kvaris to kill 2 Enhanced Enemies. And I think the one that follows is Equalizing.
I need the XP anyways so I'll keep trying in Combat Zones.
>crush on you?
Christ I hope not
add in Lovense integration too...
Your brain is making associations and seeing patterns that aren't there.
Think about the difference in time between your actions and seeing the person wearing something similar to what you did.
As you said, theres no way anyone could know what youre doing, but you feel that they must have some connection to what you did. Even though you feel with every fiber of your being that it's true, I can promise and reassure that your actions and their style choice have no connection.

Thousands of people play this game and change their outfits. it's almost certain that most themes you could explore has been done by someone else. it's only a matter of timing until you see someone in it.

it is unironically cruel to put lies like that in his mind.
G(ay)wiz and his troon goons literally stalked Technical's comment section to harass mutuals there and X

source: leaked DMs
I don't care about your eceleb drama, but going by what youre describing, that's not gangstalking.
That's just regular stalking.
/x/ has invaded
My brain is fine. unless is is some meta ARKS training trolling shit to create schizos without the negatives and I did actually might have pissed off a GM waaaaaaaay in the beginning of ngs.
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Boomer (female) here and I'm about to play Pso2 NGS, AMA.
gangstalking and half the conspiracy shit on there doesn't even count as /x/ because it's not paranormal
Yes there's a difference you retarded double bitch. And if you wonder why they got so much SG, this game gives them away like candy. Lot of us are sitting on a huge reservoir of SG.
ship and player id?
Yes I'm on ship 2
Just off the top of my head

>Timmy tasks
>Special scratch tickets
>Seasonal scratch when it's in rotation
>ARKS records
>Weekly 4 man Falz run
>Certain milestones via leveling
>Maintenance compensation/campaigns/log in bonuses, PSO2 day payout

And if you still play PSO2
>Buster Quest medals via Cradle
>Casino coin pass exchanges
>Story titles, certain boss kills
Buy me an eternioath
Ok but what about player id? Dont get it wrong, i just want to block you to not see another shylphilis abomination.
Hows the weight loss going?
holy based
No one wants to believe that there is something amiss with their thought process.

Gangstalking is the belief that someone is being prosecuted by a higher authority, and said higher authority is sending out gangs of perpetrators to make their lives hell but in odd ways.
It's never targeted harassment with verifiable proof. It's often things like seeing people look in your direction and thinking they're talking about you behind your back, seeing the same model of car in multiple places and thinking its following you, and things of that nature.

Believing that a GM is messing with you in an MMO is a different way to have it manifest but it's the same concept.
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Thanks for reminding me.
Which is better, minheight or maxheight?
Flat chests or big chests?
Not sure if its a GM or it could just be you guys in some form honestly but this is 4ch afterall so the possibility is there.
did Mitsuru-san attempt to groom anyone else besides me in the past?
Are you single or happily married?
>minheight or maxheight
>Flat chests or big chests?
Also, yes.
But you promised to buy me an Eternioath :(
That's up to you and how you want to create your character.
mystery always seemed like a decent person to me, I found them pleasant to talk to
huh yeah theres multiple pso2g troll discord filled with normies - source you guys keep bringing it up in area chat
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>Boomer (Fat ass old man)
>GM or someone from here
The plausible deniability is what makes it so hard to break out of it once the gangstalking idea gets into your head.
Most people who believe in it think it's the government.
The government has done weird torture, so if you're in a mindset where you already believe people are watching you, its not farfetched to believe the only entity that's capable of doing so is doing it to you.

Just like I can say that the government has no interest in people outside of their taxes, there's still the people who have been targeted so who's to say it's not true?
Same way I can say with confidence that there's no concerted effort out there to fuck with you in game, but this is 4chan where targeted campaigns have taken place so who's to say?

If someone from here or a GM was going to fuck with you, they would only do it in ways that they know would bother you.
They can't know what you're thinking and saying in private chats, so when you see someone doing something similar to what you were thinking it's either:

a.) pure coincidence
b.) they must have some access to your private thoughts and ideas

Most people cross out the second option when coming to conclusions. but if you believe it, it's a scary rabbit hole of paranoia to justify that feeling.
the fuck did the summoner class go? did they rename it or is it gone?
also are robutts still shitty when it comes to fashion?
This explains ALOT actually thx
It's called Waker now. It's Summoner but not really, they wanted to go in a different direction and didn't want people to compare it to Summoner so they renamed it.
qrd on Finchy
cute cat girl
I love my caseal wife!
She only kicked me in the ribs twice today!
I love her!
>no answer
wow you are female
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>I am being stal-
Didn't people fucking hate summoner? Back when in base (pre global but still) people used to bitch about that class nonstop, especially about candy box which was just navicust, even had the lowest player count too
Yeah, the aesthetic sucked and it shat up the drops with all the eggs and what now
Yeah. I think it's better now but I do miss being able to use different pets.
It wasn't popular, but had its fanboys. I wasn't one of them though whenever the fucking game decided to drop an egg instead of a rare unit or weapon.
genuinely disturbing knowing that I could be sharing alliance space with a paranoid schizophrenic
Waker is the girlfriend class. Certified biofem players
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Waker is the boyfriend class. Certified biomale players
Yes I'm married.

Ok what's your name I help you after I do the mission.
Hunter is the biofem class. Ever girl wants to protect her T2 boyfriend from taking damage
What does that make Fighter?
how do you unlock waker, will i be dissapointed since i was one of the few enjoyers of summoner, especially those pets that had panzer dragoon style abilities
every biofem I've seen has flocked to bouncer for some reason
Just go to the class counter once you're able to switch classes.
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>T2 boyfriend
what is the easiest class to do 999,999,999 dps in all situations with while also being utterly retard proof with minimal investment, is it still waker?
I'm schizophrenic but I'm not paranoid just retarded and autistic I go from nice to mean to sad moods a lot.
so a T3?
Add PID axevale
I wonder what kind of skeletons pso2g has hidden inside their closets? :)
yeah if only the game worked like that you brain rotted hag, hunter does not ‘tank’ for anyone but themselves
bullshit hunter gfs TANK! they let you get your little dps rotation off properly. respect your hunter gf you loser!
rule63 touhou porn
It's the 12ft Home Depot skeleton.
They wanna bounce on Darker...
i know who this poster is
the fact I play ngs is my skeleton
no one must ever know
nobody likes darkers
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T1 for this feel? Me as the T2 of course
>Hunter biofem
do they look like this tho
I love darkers!
Minheights that like horses?
Not you know... that one
The headline made me sad. Almost nothing to look forward to for NINE FUCKING MONTHS. Follow it up like loudmouth bootlicking fucks like Joof in the discord who refuses to be wrong about anything, and you can't really criticize the game somewhere that people involved might actually hear it. I want to like this game but holy shit, I can't tell who is worse between the devs and the community.

The player count is depressing, and you can tell it sucks considering how empty and overpriced the market is now.

I just want to run dungeons, grind levels and find loot with people. Does anyone want to play PSU? These kinds of games just don't exist anymore without some monkey paw bullshit.
Why would you even hang out in some "official" discord for a game in the first place? You some kind of normalfag?
Most people are probably in it when they had some event where you had to join and type your ID for rewards.
I hate PSU but I'll play PSO:BB with you
Like I said, it's the one place where devs might actually get feedback they see. It's a slim chance but better than here. Also they actually talk about the game there, it's just 95% apologist bootlickng nonsense instead of actual criticism of the game.

Man... I need to find my BB log in info.
>considering how empty and overpriced the market is now.
I felt this earlier
every new scratch is overpriced and even though we have a re-run scratch a lot of items cost MORE than they did before the re-run even happened
I had a rich friend in high school who was into horses. She'd bring me to her place sometimes and make me ride one :^) Yes, I'm min-height (4'11")
Elden Kino killed this thread
Ride on top or...?
any actual game will do so considering pso2 is a dress up social platform
It blows my mind going to search for an item and not seeing a scroll bar.
But it's been proven the devs don't give two shits about our opinion.
Can I use the second stance of an emote in a lookbook? Like the mouse interaction?
Its supposed to be one of the feedback channels between the playerbase and the devs. Except with massive bootlicker trannies like asuna and pedos like joof being moderators you can't tell what is actually sent to the devs.
I actively dread reruns now cause it just reminds people of old items that they can jack up the prices for.
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Ok guys I have 2 roastbeef sandwiches and an entire hydro flask filled with coke o cola it took about 3 cans to fill it.
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funny how this doesnt appear in their rigged Q&A but retarded shit like 'speed up the eating animation' is in
Not to sound like I'm defending them (and their blatant question dodging) but Lookbook is "old code" and it'd spaghetti harder than an Godfather movie.
gonna feed you some fucking spaghetti
That sounds lovely
>woke up horny
>no csl in sight to mating press
perhaps I could be of assistance...
Not you
>woke up horny
>suppress the urges
But you don't even know who I am...
True, or do I...
>wake up horny
>mating press wife
>wake up
>finally in the mood to do THAT
>still too early
The worst part is you can't even shit on the game here. You can't say anything about this game anywhere.
It's been 3 years and you fags complain about the gameplay loop that'll never change?
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Sisters... what the fuck is this makeup? How many times do I have to say it, FIRE the lead fashion designer! DO YOU KNOW why everyone wants a fucking 3rd slot? Because the fuck guy in change can't unfuck ANYTHING! Why can't I get a Eyeshadow + beauty mole combo on a single slot? Why can't I get nice eyeshadow + NORMAL LIPSTICK aka NONCLOWN LIPS on a single slot? This is so trash

the worse part about all of this is my second home is dead. My second option Blue Protocol is FUCKING DEAD!!!
You can shit on the game. It's just tiring to see since everyone I know shits on the game and rightfully so but nothing ever gets better. End result is people just do other things and thr game dies a slow quiet death
>The worst part is you can't even shit on the game here.
What the fuck are you talking about we constantly shit on the game?
>FIRE the lead fashion designer
nigga then the whole dev team would go??
You niggers literally defended Just Attack being removed for 3 years straight. Talking'bout how it'll be a "real action game" and shit. When Sega didn't alter the game to function around non-JA attacks
>JA globalbab
Name a single good action game with JA system I'll wait
Devil May Cry. The best action game ever made.
just attacks not being in this game are the least of its problems?
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>Sega: Hey! You know what would be great? How about we make a game in a game so you don't have to play game (GAME).
>Also Sega: Oh yeah, nothing else releasing for the rest of the year, bye bye!
Since when does DMC have something similar to JAs?
Trolling or you never played DMC?
Give me an example? I played 1,2,3
Definitely trolling
Just attacks were fucking retarded, I don't care about some stupid rhythm game when I've got a shit ton of pp
No example?
Casino died for this.
base was already trying to kill JA off with scions, ngs just put the last nail in the coffin
>globalbab lobby rats thinking anyone cares about their opinion on gameplay
This. JAs were just making the gameplay slower and it had to go.
Why is this larper trying so hard to push this dead shitpost anyway
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is it gwent
Fuck you! Hi fi rush was fun.
jesus christ
Is 10k dps good enough for solus rank 2?
I keep failing my runs
>Remove JAs to "speed up combat"
>Turn the playerbase into one button mobile gacha combat roadkill
Happy medium where
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I only have a few days left of premium, and the awful roadmap has me not wanting to get it again for the next 9 months. You DID already download all of the lewd furniture designs from my premium CS, right?
That's a game that's built around it, I'm fine with that
Looks like Gwent + Triple Triad
the lead fashion designer is definitely some intern that studies at Bunka Fashion College and thinks drawing weird shoes is going to get them a job at Balenciaga
Nero's main gameplay mechanic for his sword Red Queen is called Exceed. It has two types of Just Attacks. Normal Exceed grants 1 Stock and has a 3 to 4 frame window. Perfect Exceed grant full stock and has a 1 to 2 frame window.
The game was better when it was slower. Hero ruined everything
You got weird vore shit
>JAs make the game "slower"
>Base PSO2 combat is faster than NGS
yall gonna have to explain what the fuck you meant. PSO2 is like 10 times faster
HMZK's child and current director of NGS.
Something for everyone, anon. If you have any requests, I'd be happy to try my hand at making it for you.
it's slower because button mashing retards are performing less actions per second with their spastic hands and fingers.
game shoulda had a stat system like genshin impact
this potency shit is boring even compared to a mobile game
augments and stats should have just been just that made sense like atk%,def%,hp%,crit rate%,crit dmg%,pp recharge% etc
>current director of NGS
Please update your hot takes
i plap
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>call JAs trash
>instant seethe
Which series shit the bed harder with its sequels? Phantasy Stay or Final Fantasy?
I don't know what you guys think but it's pretty sad to see the IQ levels here.

Sega simply removed just attacks. they didn't make start up frame faster on NGS attacks. They didn't reduce the recovery of what used to be JA animations. All they did was remove the little JA ring and grant full damage to the player without the need to perfectly time anything. it isn't "faster" than pso2. it is simply allowing the usage of Button Mashing or Button Holding with no drawbacks. the end.

I would prefer to have Just Attacks return.
Hey everyone, I've just come back from a two week long business trip. Did the headline save the game?
Don't know about them but my closet is full of back up caseal bodies incase one of them is too damaged to use.
Combat is not the focus of NGS
what does that mean?
>I would prefer to have Just Attacks return.
It was far and away the worst headline yet. Dead game roadmap.
enjoy your potency increase simulator, while other non-mmos have actual stat building and gameplay variation
Pick&pull for when you accidentally Press too hard and void the warranty
>thread cane alive to JA autism
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oh nononono
Base pso2 is full of actual trannies that'll chimp out if you bad mouth it. I just had to do my part to speed run the thread, no need to thank me.
yeah I'd JA a csl's balljoints
what the fuck is a JA?
Enjoy rainu sutoraika followed by an 8 month vacation until Vael's fight releases.
Game is shit regardless. You rike?
Just don't button mash lol? Do you really need a circle to tell you that? You're still losing damage if you button mash on attacks that have charged versions so it's not like you're ever playing optimally by mashing
You're full of shit btw, WB for example has nonexistent startup or recovery frames now and it's very useful for weaving in between PAs or counters
I want to explain why in full detail but I don't want to write 2000 letters on combat when no one here cares about combat.

TLDR: Ryu without a fireball is simply not Ryu
So dan?
Are you really comparing JA to an actual character's legacy? LMAO
post your endless score
Is this nigger blind or what, it literally doesn't have any similarities, except the fact that it's a fucking Edo era building, but that's it.
bro Just attack was in every game pre NGS and this series is like 30 years old
loved hitting the just attacks in PSIV personally
Did PSU have just attacks? I don't even remember
I just find the comparison dumb. You're comparing a system to a whole character
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>Me: the dog trying to eat the sausage
>Just Attacks: the sausage
>Sega: the person with the sausage
>Other dog: you telling me NGS doesn't need JA
truly suffering
every game did. NGS is the only one without it. even the psp games have just attack. even Nova on the vita has just attacks.
*cums on your stupid gameplay discussion*
Just Attacks are gay so naturally you fags like it
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this smells like a stinka post, ngl
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Now I'm trying to think what action game has a combat system where holding down the attack button allows you to keep attacking
nta but just attacks are a conditional modifier that this game sorely lacks. All we had until Eredim was potency/pot floor and critical chance/damage. Meanwhile the games Sega themselves compared NGS to at launch have stuff like: elemental damage, debuff damage/strength, headshot/specific limb damage stats, multishot stats, attack/fire rate, damage while using x movement ability, all kinds of critical multipliers, set bonuses, ect, ect. Gear in NGS can't be interesting because there is hardly anyway for it to interact with the game outside of making 1 to 2 passive numbers go up. And without having variable gear/stats you can't have interesting builds in a gear based ARPG.

Almost every other successful ARPG/Looter shooter slop stays alive purely because bored players can just change class/weapon type and then to grind out an entire set of perfect gear to match their FotM meta build. The NGS meta build has basically the same on every class for the past two years.
name five
combat is not the reason people play ngs
JA wouldn't change any of that though
if you don't get it then you never cared for combat. ryu and that fireball are one. the pso series and just attack were also one. fun fact Capcom rebooted street fighter once, they took away some things. That street fighter game killed capcom's fighting game division in the 00s. then in the 10s they did it to DMC series. That killed DMC for 11 years. point is taking away core mechanics that identify the game series is always a bad idea. you're suppose to build on to them. Sega never tried to innovate or make even slight improvements to the JA system not even once. HiFi Rush does it better. DMC does it better. They could have copied their homework and be done with it.
Because the combat is shit and people want it to get better but overhauling shit systems doesn't pay the bills
Low IQ
talk about sluts instead
I'm gonna pump it to ______
Let's start with (You)
list of minheight sluts?
>it's not me
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I have a friend who an old boomer. I bully him in every competitive game we play to the point hate doesn't play them anymore because he will just get bullied. He even admitted it's over for him. So I tap my cock on his face and told him to learn his place.
It can be next time!
pumping it to _______
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Yeah and they took away "core mechanics" from Monster Hunter for World and it was massively successful
Wonder why you didn't mention that one HMMMMM?
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I played etoile in global the moment it came out and never looked back. I also love fat assed minheights.
>it could be me
>not a slut
I don't play monster hunter. I wouldnt know what was taken away. but I'm sure you are going to tell me.
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>no one ever says this about me
H-How did you know?
Feels like they're following a script HMZK and YSOK left for them, hence Dalion being the most brainless boss in the entire franchise
>I don't play monster hunter.
opinion on action games discarded
If you idle It could be you
I'll do it to you if you post next thread
I just need you in my sights. Do or say something cute or lewd here! Easy aggro
I play character action games and I'm pretty godly at them, especially DMC. Also godly at some fighting games. Can't wait for Mahvel collection.
>at some fighting games
lol, if you're good at one you're good at every fighting game fucking poser
Stfu blintrovert benchy emv
how can you be good at games you never played or liked? Damn I guess I'm more godly than I thought!
The skills don't carry over. You can't be good at SF and also be good at GG, Smash, Melty, Tekken or anything before the 00s
What are you on about retard? Skills carry over for the most part, chara knowledge doesn't
Did you have sex afterwards
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Is there a release date on Blade and Soul NEO yet?
I'll be posing all night!
NTA but world kinda sucked if you really loved the old games
But have you posted your character? How can I pump it to you if I don't got the slightest idea who you are!
I'm too shy to post...
I don't like it
Doesn't matter, it was still a massive success which is the only metric mentioned in the previous post
I envy your energy, I'm so old now I can barely pull all nighters I get so tired I have to sleep.
cock taps to the face are the best way to brutally defeat your enemy.
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Alright, seriously though, the game is gonna be running on purely recycled content for the next 9 months after which they'll be releasing the final boss of the story along with level 100 (most likely accompanied with unlocking the last aug slot on gear)
Does this not scream EoS to you?
Every phantasy star has had EoS tier content buddy
Shame, you're going to have to watch me pump it to other more deserving sluts then...
EoS this EoS that how about you EoS this dick in ur mouth
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eldenj ring really did kill this game again lol
Why is this nigga so smug when he's begging for attention daily?
it's EoS of Halpha
long live ARKS (real)!
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>game has so little content they had to pad out patch notes with shit like this
>fantasia users got a feature premiumchads have been enjoying for a decade
that's just Genshin Impact, are you retarded?
blame jack
link to the patch notes?
>NGS enters EoS
>PSO3 is announced
>We're back on the ARKS fleet, and NGS was all a training simulation. Matoi is there to greet us, but she says that somehow, Dark Falz has returned.
No because base got its 8th slot not even halfway in
Matoi is shit
Give us a loli handler like Blue Protocol
Base had the 8th augment slot since the start THOUGH, it was just not realistic to make 8s gear cause fodder very rarely dropped with that many slots and upslotting had horrible rates
without a good story and a good open world this wouldnt work at all
Shut up Nogxy
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We should discuss the most beautiful woman in the game - voted by shotas
I can't believe an ugly slyphid like myself was given such a title! I blushed.
this is only a problem for dead servers like global
Randos giving compliments is easy mode. Impressing anons is the real fight.
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Oh no! Not my ID!!! How could you do this! I worked really hard on my comment, too. Oh no, the embarrassment. How will I ever recover? Well I'm the most beautiful woman in game, I'll live.
Post butt
>we are once again advertising our one-time $10 sale
sega pls, what the fuck happen to all the different sales you use to advertise?!
there hasn't been an inventory sale in 2 years
Boxy thinks he can shame people by posting public info for some reason.
It's all free advertising as far as I'm concerned. So thanks, Boxy.
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woosh, your parental instincts are triggered
His nigglet brain doesn't understand, don't worry.
he should post my lookbook too.
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>parental instincts

shotas do not exist btw
shota do exist btw

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