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Legend said edition

1d6chan - https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts - https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/
Patch 5.1 Notes: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/blogs/23
Karanak FLC Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2NDDhUp8kI
DLC News June 26th: https://x.com/totalwar/status/1801253295664590915
What's Next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fix3FvsmplA&t=599s&ab_channel=TotalWar

Old >>483572081
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Thanquol soon, friends!
Will this lord be able to defeat Karl Franz in a 1v1:
Golgfag Maneater:
U'zhul Skulltaker:
Arbaal the Undefeated:
Gorbad Ironclaw:
Blue Horrors of Nurgle
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40k doesn't bother with w*men
Skulltaker should be able to
Gorbad loses because Deathclaw fucks with Ghal Maraz active.
Lorewise all except Arbaal should be able to beat Karl in a 1 vs 1. Gameplay wise I suspect Karl will beat Golgfag. I mean if Stykaar can kick Arbaal's ass in Storms of Chaos timeline in a one on one fight then Karl should be able to as well because Styrkaar has no special equipment unlike Karl.
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Remember to thank LegendofTotalWar for saving this DLC
What kind of name is U'zhul. How do we even pronounce that?
Leilith Hesperax, she got a new book so they'll shill her
They said the same about Custodes.
Will Skulltaker be able to ride a Blood Throne? Because I really want that.
Revert the Vlad nerfs.
After the Slaanesh 3-way DLC would you prefer another 3-way DLC or a Race Pack?
Khorne named him U'Zhul because it rhymes with useful. It helps Khorne remind himself that this guy is one of the good ones.
>Leilith Hesperax
I can fix her btw
No they didn't
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fix3FvsmplA [Embed]
>DLC confirmed to be same format as ToD [2:00]
>Only for Immortal Empire [2:36]
>Confirmed for Ogres: Golfag as LL, Thundertusks, Blood-Vultures [3:33]
>Confirmed for Khorne: Skulltaker as LL, Slaughterbrute [5:46]
>Confirmed for Greenskin: Gordad as LL (mention "Orc, Goblins and Squigs" units) [8:11]
>Khorne FLC along the DLC [11:00]
>DLC should be released at end of the year [16:09]
>They want to continue doing LH in futur [10:33]
>Slaanesh DLC in project [7:45 / 12:10]
>ToD / SoC DLC format will continue [12:13]
>They want to do a lot of "legacy content" (mention Vampire Counts, Norsca, Lizard) [12:49]
>New mention of Halfings [13:32]
>Said we should get Rework more often (not just with big patch 4.0 > 5.0 > 6.0) [14:05]
>Cults will probably get rework [14:26]
>Can expect even new contents not just rework [14:28]
These are going to be the future dlcs after Khorne.

>Slaanesh(Masque)/Norsca(Mortkin)/Vampire Counts(Neferata)
>Skaven(Thanquol)/Kislev(Ivan)/Warriors of Chaos(Crom)
>Dark Elves(Tullaris)/Empire(Valten)/Cathay(Li Dao)
>Chaos Character Pack(4 chaos and 1 neutral)
>Order Character Pack(4 order and 1 neutral, Yin-Yin for sure in this pack.)
>Dwarves(Kazador)/Greenskins(Gorfang)/Tomb Kings(Nagash)
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>Who is Roboute Guillieman fucking? It's a dark elf isn't it?
Only to some extent?
Yvrainne was born in Biel-Tain, the eldar supremacist craftworld, turned to the corsair life for a while and then went to commorragh to fight as gladiator.
I feel like DoW will be a safe bet
with how many assets are re-used I almost think they could be a DLC though
if we get a FLCLL with Slaanesh it might be Thanquol for the 100th
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not for monkeigh
If Neferata is in the Slaanesh pack I would rather them do Dogs of War next. If Neferata is not in Slaanesh then they need to do the 3-way that has Neferata.
They also aren't fucking
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>fix her
Absolutely disgusting.
What are the odds we get Red Duke in Mousillon for Vampire Counts and then Mallobaude taking the spot of the current VC lord in that area of the map (throw him in the wastelands or something idk)
Dechala LL
Masque LH
Nagash isn't TK
Why would they waste Nagash with 2 factions that have jack and shit to do with him
Nagash was part of the proto tomb kings with Setra in the earlier additions before they split it off into their own race. Nagash didn't make it into that tomb kings edition but he leader had his own race.
zero percent
the Red Duke isn't even from Mousillon, his faction is a rogue army right now
Mallobaude is the Duke of Mousillon
I want wegh to piss in my eyes
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>they aren't fucking
Tell that to the community.
Campfire Coast buff: 8 model carronades and mortars, zero accuracy
Yes they did.
Show me the source
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No, no he wasn't
Even in Warhammer Undead he was his own progenitor faction flavorwise
>I can fix her btw
This is a literal female thought process. They used to joke about this all the time in old comedies, the old women dating "bad boys" meme. When did modern men become such huge faggots?
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wegh is not meant for this sort of thing
The Karl Franz campaign is still too hard and I am NOT joking.
>Nagash was part of the proto tomb kings
Nagash is from Nehekhara. That doesn't make him a Tomb King character.
he is probably talking about nagash being part of the 4th edition undead army which had a tomb king army before they existed with Settra and Nagash as the Legendary Lords. This was before they started splitting up the undead into seperate races like Vampire Counts, Tomb Kings, and of Course the 8th edition race Undead Legions which is when Nagash returned to Tabletop.
not with ironsides and outriders available from every minor settlement it isnt
Oh damn
is this the same guy who drew Settra vs the horde of Snotlings and stuff
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God I hope CA Sofia will be working on the Slaanesh dlc.
didn't take any photo but greasus got absolutely murdered by grimgor and tamurkhan in melee, I had to cast gluttony twice just to keep him from getting annihilated, I've not really spec'd into the combat line though, I went blue line to deal with grimgor's waaaghs.
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4th edition Undead army was much closer to VC than to Tomb Kings. Even Settra was a necromancer back then, kidnaping people and using them to create an army of undead.
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t. official imperial recorder
Infinite soul
>I've not really spec'd into the combat line though
There you go, the AI had specced yellow for their combat lords.
God I hope CA Sofia will be working on Neferata's fat tits.
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I feel like i'm the only one who wants robin hood (frenchman)
Yes, you are. Fuck bretonnia
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this guys drawings are kino
Big fat HAT. The biggest of them all putting Arkhan and Astragoth to shame.
Anon, Sofia might as well change their name to "Warhammer support studio" at this point.
I hope CA Sofia will be adding Fighting Advance/Retreat and also some very obnoxiously enormous headwear for her
Good ending
>Sofia working on DLC and probably reworks
Yep we're getting armed to da teef for black orcs.
Black Orcs (Flail infantry)
I get that liking bretonnia is like going to an all you can eat buffet and only getting chicken fingers and fries.

won't stop me from liking what I like. more tendies please.
Gitilla doesn't even have art right? I could see them making his design pretty cool
Why does khorne have the lore of light?
I'm still not convinced that WH3 DLC will be enough for a studio of Sofia's size, at the minimum they'll have some side project in development.
That said it's a good fit for them. Not to shit on their work but outside the lightning-in-a-bottle Epic deal with Troy I doubt that they have been particularly profitable with their DLCs or games. WH3 DLC should boost their numbers while they work on something else in tandem.
No, liking bretonnia is like eating dog shit.
Warhammer is all good and well but i really crave a Medieval game spanning from 1050 to 1780s. Just imagine CA supporting that kind of game for 10 years, doing every major player justice. Unique units, quality music and VA, historical faction mechanics, detailed and very customizable family tree etc.
I wish 40k wasnt such an inevitability...
They'll be handling DLC, reworks and balance, it's more than enough. And since new content is also coming in non-dlc patches means they're putting their weight behind it.
>Unique units
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>slaanesh DLC confirmed

has to be dechala right?
the masque is kinda shit and nobody cares (LH potential though) and all the other slaanesh characters are AoS
Yes. Unlike Arbaal, Dechala is too expensive for FLC.
>has to be dechala right?
>the masque is kinda shit
Dechala has no model sold anymore and was erased from saaneshii lore in AOS. Masque is the literal opposite. If they chose Skulltaker they will chise the Masque.
>Dechala has no model sold anymore and was erased from saaneshii lore in AOS
she literally got a short story called "the denied" in AoS
Medfags deluded themselves into believing that changing a name on a unit makes it unique.
I always pictured a 2 game map, the first being the standard europe/north africa/middle east and then a sequel that focuses on the mongols and adds all of east and south asia.
Sakhmet's Incantation of the Skullstorm was too much to resist
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>Blue Scribes LH
>Epidemius FLC LL
>Skulltaker DLC LL
Impossible to say, the Heralds have been all over the fucking place.
>Epidemius and Skulltaker have daemonic loci, are LLs
>Blue Scribes don't have a daemonic locus, is LH
it's not all over the place, it's just that no one bothers to read the book and pick up on obvious patterns
yes, especially since the only missing Slaanesh units are snakes and elves
What are the most unique RoRs in TW? I know that dark elves have a dark rider RoR the flies. Any other RoRs with such extreme changes to the basic unit?
Playing slanesh for first time and holy fuck I keep thinking my game is at x2 speed these guys are FAST
I imagine one will be dlc and the other flc, no legendary heroes, so they at least have the 3 LL per chaos god down.
Not like Slaanesh didn't already have Sigvald strutting around, so in terms of total characters, it'd put them about on par with the rest.
>should be dragging myself through 10 hours of elden ring so I can maybe play the 30 hour dlc
>start another thorek campaign instead
Im not going to make the mistake of trying to ally Khalida again, cock-gar must be appeased at all costs so I can actually play the game
I think it could be either Styrkaar, Dechala or Masque. Hard to say what they will do. Styrkaar in theory could be the Legendary Hero, but he can be the FLC Lord just as easily. Styrkaar's exploits are more Lord-ish, but the same can be said of Helbrass. Most likely is
>DLC Lord Dechala
>DLC Hero Styrkaar
>FLC Lord Masque
Dechala makes by far the most sense if they expand on Slaaneshi Elves
I called bloodvultures some time ago, feels nice
What ? Are you well anon ?
I ask you about WF equivalent so i can put them on the picture so other retards stop complaining about "muh using AOS image".
The DLC is great. Current patch isn't worth playing after what they done to Vlad.
Or you could just play Vlad and still win because you're good at the game and don't care about Helstorms (Purple Suns) or Thunderbarges
I spit on the dev that made this change.
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Elf Dechala
Elf Anointed
Elves Devoted of Slaanesh
Vlad will only suffer slightly against Elspeth and only because the AI is too retarded to use winds of death instead of spamm invocation
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community art constitutes almost all my references to 40k lore
Anointed elves are ugly and look like niggers. Which says a lot about traanesh.
I already uninstalled the game. Not touching it as long as they revert the changes. I'll be playing Rome w and the other TW we can't talk about.
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You mom look like anointed
i had fun replaying elden ring, but did mistake of doing it like 4 weeks before dlc dropped and by the time it released i no longer have inspiration to play it
The legendary quaternary poster
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>zombie dragons were buffed
It's kind of amazing how many female Legendary Lords this game has, and they didn't even push the "forced diversity" button that much (maybe only Cylostra).
Warhammer Fantasy is (strangely) full of women
are flamers/changebringers viable as the ranged main dps or just as support? ammo is kinda hurting
i wish the coomer who made these ported the faces into a mod for the game, his repanse and sisters of twilight look good
I really have no idea why people pretend to care about her so much.
It's a fantasy game
yeah it turns out a lot of old fantasy universes have plenty of ("powerful") women when you aren't a reductionist SJW who's never actually engaged with them. Whoops! oh well, they deserved to be destroyed anyway because men enjoyed them.
Why do people still play unfun total war trash?
I had a lot of fun with them and I played them pre buffs/tweaks and no dlc/taken away units. You have to set up hard to get them into proper position though. They will melt to ranged and guess which factions you're fighting as nkari.
Yes, now fuck off to your chink gacha general
>Alberic's model is still just a generic Bret lord
How did CA get away with it for so long?
Only powerful woman in Fantasy is Morathi. Everyone else is just a different flavor of jobber or window dressing.
she's literally a "it's not over until the fat lady sings" joke I'm going to kill myself why does no one get the joke
2 or 4 of them enough in an army. You need to wait for a good oppurtunity before using their ammo.
They do suprisingly well in a Tzaangor army. Tzaangors can hold enemy pretty well and they dont melt with a little friendly fire unlike daemons.
No one really care for Brettonia until recently. Like no one played them on various game statistics.
Alberic IS a generic Bretonnian lord.
Morathi isnt even powerful, just a slut.
not only is that completely false, everyone is a "jobber" under archaon anyway
Cylostra is awesome. Very fun model, VA and lore. Her unique hero and ghost knights are amazing to use.
>Morathi isnt even powerful,
She actually figured out how to destabilize the vortex and blow up the world remotely. And she will do it Mally ever dies.
I get the joke, it's just not a good joke.
being a joke doesn't immediately make a wholesale addition to WHFB good
It's only fitting that Repanse have a horse face after all
Archaon once tried his luck in Naggaroth and his army was chased away by no-name sorceress.
Naggaroth gets destroyed in the ends times.
Alright so here is all the potential tabletop legendaries for a Slaanesh dlc.

LL: Styrkaar(Only 8th edition character)
LL/LH: Nastasya Roskolnikov
LL/LH: Masque of Slaanesh
LH: Qae'larne, enraptured of Slaanesh
LH: Vandred
LH: Dechala

Dechala is the only one that didn't have a 6th edition or later model since she was written out and replaced by Vandred.

So who are the potential LLs and LHs? We know they promote LHs a lot to LLs but no LL only has been downgraded to LH seems to be a game workshop. For characters with Hybrid LL/LH they seem to pick either for them.
grimgor beat archaon, dabbed on him, and left
>very fun VA
>click on diplo
>receive permanent hearing damage
Kayzk is more tolerable
Strangely people seem to not appreciate her despite her many good points.
>pick faction of pirates
>choose to play the dead bretonnian civilian whose magic power is mysteriously not dying for some reason
>with cavalry
>that dies of death after 60 seconds
unironically play any other vampire coast lord and ally recruit a single unit of black/blood knights
I was reading my "Ogre Kingdoms" army book and the page about Ironguts mentions the myth of "When Bolgut Fell Ill".
I think it's some kind of joke or reference to British culture, but I don't get it and I'm not sure.

If you google that sentence in quotes you can find the full reference.
Does anybody at all have any idea what it's referencing?
She has the voice of a fat angel, you tasteless faggot.
Im gonna play warhammer 3 for first time, last time I played was warhammer 2 like two years ago
is nurgle fun?
>Forgetting about Panyck the Manic
How my DEI Media campaign is going
me on the left
Anon Morathi is one of the most powerful magic users in the setting
selling your pussy aint magic incel
Why is the image mirrored?
Those are the KNIGHTS she DAMNED. Her entourage to Ulthuan consisted of those Knights, Barhelomew being her personal bodyguard. They defended her against ships captain and crew when she killed the captain and took over the ship.
After that Manann/Mathlann took a liking to her i guess.
This is like tolkien lvl of quality lore when you compare it to the "canon" lores of other warhammer hero/lords.
Tzeentch third LL?
Panyck the Maniac is a beastman.
It should be Van Horstmann.
He was Archaon before Archaon
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People have been coping that it's never said explicitly the women can't be part of the Custodes but there really is no other reason to take this. I dunno why GW tried to blatantly lie to people and instead just wrote a simple explanation that recently the Custodes have had some crossover with Sisters of Silence or something.
Fuck >>483621718
What does the Lore of Deeps have to do with JRR Tolkien?
Has to be mortal so either Egrimm or Melekh.
And Tamurkhan is a Warrior of Chaos, but they still belong with their God
Alberic's original form is a literal paragraph
>Styrkaar (only 8th edition char)
he's from 6th edition and his model was technically a generic Chaos Lord of Slaanesh
>LH: Dechala
she's explicitly a faction leader and more significant than any of these other characters
VCoast DLC has a lot of Stromfels shenanigans going on
Is it just me or are goblin wolf chariots kind of fun? They seem good at knocking infantry around, does trampling/knocking them around do damage though?
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Cylostra Direskub
Tamurkhan is a weird case because on one hand he should have been WoC Nurgle rep instead of Festus but on the other hand having Archaon be able to confederate him would be a travesty.
Knocking down a unit also deals a fixed amount of damage.
Shoving around units that are already lying down does zero damage.
Only the first impact counts
*way to take this, whoops
>specialist low interval infantry lose to massed higher interval infantry
say it ain't so
Styrkaar has 8th edition rules not just 6th edition. He is the only one of those listed that has 8th edition rules. I don't know why you think Dechala would be a faction leader she definitely wasn't anywhere in lore. She was explictly replaced by Vandred because her whole backstory contradicts lore since Elves can't be physically corrupted by Chaos. Which is why Morathi never mutated. The only one that really led armies in lore was Styrkaar who led the Slaanesh chaos forces under Archaeon in both Storms of Chaos and End Times. My personal choice is Nastsya since she is a spell caster and should be paired with a Kislev dlc.
Unless they fixed the gameplay loop, it's the most cancerous campaign there is, in both meanings of the word.

I played at the beginning of IE and did three restarts because of how fucked his economy is and his playstyle is completely countered by the zombie dude next to you.
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Wulfric, (whether he wants it or not)
Balthasar Gelt
>LL: Styrkaar(Only 8th edition character)
He is not from 8th edition
by "only 8th edition" he means that the character is the only one on the list who had 8th edition rules, I gather
Volkmar is THE sigmar male
Coulda had Valnir
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>Styrkaar has 8th edition rules not just 6th edition
where faggot
>I don't know why you think Dechala would be a faction leader she definitely wasn't anywhere in lore
maybe check her lore retard
>Elves can't be physically corrupted by Chaos
that's a blatant lie
VCoast 5th (fifth) LL?
I got an Amon'Chakai loading screen today

what is Fate trying to tell me?
Alright fuck
What about slanesh? Seems like he starts in donut, maybe that familiarity would be nice
Greasus. He could be a slave to his desires but he thinks outside the box to provide for them AND make fat stacks.
Rewatch The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
Bro they had to make up the 4th (fourth) and the 3rd (third) doesn't even make sense within the faction
this but for drycha
the quick deal button becomes quite the hazard once we meet
>he doubts the sheer power to TRETCH CRAVENTAIL

Vangheist by a long shot, people were pissed he didn't make it in
Skretch Half-Dead has unit potential
only because GW had a dumb stipulation that they having 3 Dreadfleet LLs would somehow make it "not Vampire Coast"
Are we doing this again?
Dechala is from a weird extended fetishism about princess rape which doesn't line up with the rest of the setting, which repeatedly reiterates that elves do not generally suffer the physical effects of chaos corruption
A little cancerous because ranged fucks your guys up and guess who your main enemy is, but once you figure out your army's speed advantage and the special campaign mechanic, you snowball quickly 2nd only to Khorne.
Contrarily, I liked Drycha constantly screaming on the campaign map
Same with the Mortis Engine constantly screaming in the battle map

Nanosh (actual vampire)
Vangheist (lmao)
LH Drekla since Kazyk is faction locked they don't need to go to everyone anymore
take your meds schizo
Why so many of slanesh guys have crab pincers? Why crabs?
Look up "Druchii Anointed"
Slaneesh is very micro intensive since you have to be abusing charge bonus constantly for your units to not suck and the roster is full of holes atm
If you want to play a chaos god you should keep in mind that all of them go balls deep in their respective theme so they play very different from other factions, the simplest one is khorne since his units are busted in melee, skarbrand is a doomstack on his own and his main faction mechanic is just "kill things", though it's kinda boring if you don't enjoy rightclicking on the enemy army and watching them melt.
>Styrkaar has 8th edition rules
He is not in the army book.
(actually i'm not sure he even get rules and gears in 6th edition)
I've had to read this same fucking argument from what I assume to be the same small group of people several times now
I don't give a shit about your weird deflection, you had documents ready to go

the SoC cult of pleasure elves are literally just a reskin
their eyes and skin "color" changed
that's not even remotely close to the chaos mutation experienced by anyone else
>Elves don't get corrupted
Except when they are by Slaanesh, like the Anointeds and their "demonic gift"?
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it's a pun on vices/vises
They replaced Ursakar E. Creed with his great-niece, Ursula E. Creed.
Dechala is in End Times you dumb faggot, from GW's perspective she is canon, no matter how much you cope.
Giving Custodes their own army was stupid to begin with.
growing a fucking snake tail and four arms is way different from getting a reverse tan or spawning out
me too
Hm, I wonder why. Why wouldn't they have concept art for this DLC to share with their announcement they've been working on for the last 8 months, since Shadows of Change development finished? They had it for all the initial WH3 stuff.
I'm not talking about implied Legend bullshit
I mean, Gitilla has never had an actual design so if he is their LH choice they can design him from scratch
The Lobster represents that which is in the darkest depths of water, and dwells at the bottom.
Water is the feminine, sensitive part of the Self, which is passive and absorbs feeling, it is the senses. The uncontrollable depths of the sea are the uncontrolled depths of the Self.

However, there is also the symbology of the Scorpion, which represents a hidden sting of unexpected metamorphic poison behind a secretive, lurking facade that lurks in the dark.

Much like the reliance with the number "6", the symbols of Slaanesh (more than the others) lay in Western occultism.

...obviously the origin of it is the fact that you were meant to use for the Keeper of Secrets the model of the D&D Glabrezu (while the Bloodthirster was the Balor, the Lord of Change was a Vrock and the Great Unclean One was a Hezrou).

...But again, the symbolism of the Glabrezu is Western Daemonology, which takes from Western Occultism, so, once more, the "meaning" is the same, if you want a meaning.
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>they don't have mutation
>ok they have but it's small
"repeatedly reiterates that elves do not generally suffer the physical effects of chaos corruption"
you know, extra limbs, mouths, teeth in places that don't teethe, tails, wings, extra heads
not limited to black sclera and thin skin
even the elf cultists already ingame are just fucking bald, probably by choice
According to GW or you ?
Dechala isn't in the actual rules portion of ET, she's mentioned in one of the novelizations.
...Which means she's canon. There's no way to cope that she's some old character from a bygone era that's been retconned when she appears in the last piece of media GW did for WHFB before moving on.
>appeal to GW's post-8th material
Not going to get you anywhere fast
I do not give a singular shit about ET itself, I think it fucking sucks, I'm telling you your little cope about her being fetish bait that's been retconned and ignored is wrong. CA can and will use her for WH3.
it's funny when people insist things "aren't canon" solely because something is "old" or, more often, simply doesn't fit their headcanon
Warhammer rarely ever retcons things as a general rule and is far more likely to take the "door ajar" approach
don't try to deflect, no one is impressed by shitting on the End Times, Dechala is inevitable
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>No mention of future Cathay DLC
YinYin bros...
I don't know anon, I am reading the Malus books and both he and his sister have very visible effects of possession

He has to hide his arm because the skin is grey and black veins bulge from it, it streches as far as his neck so far.
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>"good thing elves are immune to mutation or else I'd have to drink this entire bottle of Malekith's semen"
aranessa is a whore
cylostra is a whore
noctilus is a faggot
thanks for listening
What about alarielle?
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>rolled a 2
thank you Luthor, very cool
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>want a Masque LH because she fits Dechala's dancing theme
>want a Gilberion LH because he's another denied elf mutant
>Elfs and Dwarfs are just humans mutated by the Old Ones.
Old Warhammer art was so sick
>Face of a Daemonette
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>the denied
GW is out of ideas

Elgi and Liggers were the Old Ones' direct servants

Manlets and giants were construction workers

Orkz were supposed to be an Ordertide military faction to combat Chaos

Humans were their lame attempt to merge everything and they failed bigly
>Cold Ones being retarded.
The "Stupid" psychology rule was never properly applied in Total War was it?
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>by the time vidya technology became strong enough to handle such visuals the style had largely toned itself down
very sad

the shitty predatory instincts rampage mechanics were meant as a stand in
He reminds me of a Beast Wars Transformer I had as a kid, maybe a blend of two of them.
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I was gonna ask if this is true but I see Pharaoh isn't even in the OP anymore. F.
I remember when they were teasing AoShitmar Morathi and teased her with being "the denied" as well, people thought it was Dechala only for it to just be GW being unoriginal again
Sounds like humans were the apple of daddy's eye, it's okay to be jealous
I'll add it back next thread, obviously someone was seething.
I should call Volkmar The Grim, Eltharion the Grim, Kragg The Grim, Brokk Ironpick the Grim and Virion The Grim to beat you up
pharaoh is abandonware and thus doesn't get a spot in the active games list

Grave times.
>Other titles entry missing
I don't know who is STILL this traumatised by the existence of historical players but they need serious help.
sofia moved on, let it go
>Giant army of Greenskins move through the Underway
>A small army of mine is standing alongside a full stack
>...with the smaller army
>...can't refuse or retreat
>My army is fucked

Is this intended?
You can't refuse these battles?
Was it always like this?
Louen or Orion?
literally what else could they add at this point? it's already the best historical tw
King innawoods
You clearly haven't.
Doesn't Orion still get free armies?
If they catch interception your army is dead if it can't fight back it's so you don't get to be careless with shitstacks or stacks that are recruiting
Like the one drawback of the stance
Don't be a CHURL, get on that horse
It's getting an update that isn't out yet and is still getting active Q&As and news posts, it's going back in the OP. You guys are spergs but I never thought you'd stoop this low.
It's just weird to think that I'm intercepting them and it's mandatory and I'm fucked and they're basically happy to be intercepted
There has to be some sort anti-Pharaoh discord or something.
I find the wood elf campaign astoundingly uninteresting so I'd say louen
Just an anon or two who got buttblasted by a histfag who knows how long ago and never got past it.
Fish bros...we're confirmed!

This was the hopium the community needed, unironically. Basically confirmed everything the community wanted and gave us a detailed outline of what's gonna happen.

If any art anons want to put it into road map form as a visual that'd be neat.

What is /twg/'s thoughts on the news, memes aside?


Thanquol bro your thoughts on this news?
seems like a lot of effort to try and troll less than 300 people when there's much juicier and easier targets
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Damnit, forgot the image showing fishmen got confirmed.
>pharaoh gets brought up
>flame wars immediately start
>thread quality gets immediately worse
it's unironically time to separate the general
Orions too overpowered to be fun
Not big on frogs
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Falseflag post.
>one random troll spouting whatever inflammatory nonsense that comes to mind with zero effort
>the entire thread panics imagining a pincer move by organized agents parachuting in formation to coordinate an attack

sound the air raid sirens, we're surrounded
>view trailer for Daughters of Khaine
>Guys, they said "DENIED"! Dechala is here! Praise Slaanesh!
they were teasing her snake half in conjunction with "denied"
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Why does everyone insist on calling them "Fishmen"?
They're called "Menfish"
Are there any references to Gorbad in game right now? If not he'll be among the few LLs without so much as a loading screen hint before getting added.
menfish = unit
FIshmen = race
Ngl, the only way I see Fishman getting in is as bonus units for a Vampire Coast DLC.
They should be called Fishpersons.
>Malus goes to face his magic casting murder temple fanatic brother
>Decides to leave the artifact that makes him immune to all hostile magic on Spite to "not waste time getting it"
I hate his retarded ass so fucking much bros
Aren't male druchi normally forbidden from learning magic?
The temple of khaine does some extra stuff behind closed doors, but they don't flaunt it publicly
Wasn't that D&D Drow?
Could be as well, but I distinctly remember Malekith being paranoid about a prophesy that he'd be killed by a male magic user and forbidding male delves from casting spells (besides himself, of course).
Neat to know, thx.
>Could be as well, but I distinctly remember Malekith being paranoid about a prophesy that he'd be killed by a male magic user and forbidding male delves from casting spells (besides himself, of course).
drukeks are such cucks lmao, someone also post the image of female dark elves being allowed to take lovers but not men
Nah Malekith has very restricting regulations on magic
Only females can become sorceresses officially and only a few get the permission, and they are forced to live hidden in coves in each great city, forbidden to contact anyone but the Drachau and his court.

Some places however turn a blind eye to the rule infractions, like Naggor or the temple, apparently
Economy no longer has the issue with the whole rotating gimmick, only affects military buildings now.

^this. Shit's retarded.

This is why you don't fap into the toilet.
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is it better to be a peasant in cathay or a peasant in bretonnia?
every male with sorcerous abilities is sacrificed
doomfire warlocks are a specific sect when he first heard the prophecy that was too big to just outright destroy or something so he cursed them all instead so they'd eventually die off over time which sounds silly from the standpoint of making up a unit listing unless there were really just tens of thousands of them to last all the way to the present day
If I have 2 minor settlements and the province is about to revolt how can I tell where the revolting army will spawn?
Peasant in Sylvania.
The Prophecy of Demise made Malekith outlaw male magic users in Naggaroth.
The magic cavalry, Doomfire Warlocks, are basically cursed suicide dudes trying to stop themselves from dying
Trust the leaks anon. You know the ones that have been consistently fucking wrong this year with I think the solitary exception of some fucker on the total war forums predicting what the nurgle pack would be.

But trust the plan, 2 more weeks.
Where's the diversity? We need a new Grace and some more representation to draw in modern audiences.
why are you so racist?
why don't you acknowledge the proud asian man in the picture? or are the steppes not asian enough for you, you racist fuck?
The leaks that said history's sole future release was a WW1 game and is not on hiatus, so it's clearly dead. It's sarcasm that leakers have consistently been up their ass with absolutely nonsense disproven over and over so but trust the plan, clearly total war is only going to be warhammer from here on out.

That was sarcasm.
If you need to explain the joke it obvously wasn't very good.
is on hiatus*.

History vs fantasy is so 2022 anyway, nowadays the trolling and shitposting is about Slaanesh getting cucked by Khorne DLC wise.
I see a norf man, a souf man, a steppe herder, and a bulgar
Plenty diverse
>CA was diverse
>Everything sucked
>CA was SWMs (Straight White Males)
>Everything is good again
They know what kind of message they're sending.
id rather take autistic devs spilling spaghetti trying to tell me what there doing then some trained nog to talk about something they dont actually care about
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>The leaks said
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>The leak
So so so so so cute
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>it was a literal leek
let that sink in...
Ungrim, Thorgrim and Grimgor might want a word.
my lord is better than your lord
Your lord's name?
which factions will get non-dlc updates?
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I am once again here to request your support in electing Jhared the Red for Legendary L- I mean, Legendary, uh, we'll get to that, of the Ogre Kingdoms.
next dlc will sell far less than ToD and the rest of the dlc will be cancelled
lizards, norsca, rats (although they might also get thanquol as flc), delves, and daniel. bretonnia should get one but they won't.
you will sell far less than tod and be cancelled
It was pretty hard to not sell dwarfs and empire especially when the DLC adds MORE GUNZ
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What was your reaction when you saw a representative from CA Sofia in the "What's next" video for Warhammer 3?
>literally pulling literal whos with one paragraph worth of lore
>when they could just use aos characters
>was diverse
CA, by multiple accounts, is a highly stratified company and all of the dipshits making the worst decisions are white Anglos at the top who don't know how to manage
Rich and the CA Sofia guys are great tho
we all saw this coming, right?
they're the ones who cleaned Horsham's massive fuck ups with Rome 2, it was obvious that after fixing up Pharaoh(the small scale and rushed release schedule was also probably Horsham's fault since they're in charge of the overall franchise and Horsham also made the decision to make HYENAS) they'd be moved on to cleaning up after Horsham again
I'm willing to bet it was Sega itself that demanded this, but regardless I'm glad Sofia devs are much more talented overall
Why are people pretending Gorbad is a "dead character" coming back?
He never died.
He has some explaining to do about where he's been (my bet is the east or chaos wastes fuckery) but he's never been suggested as anything other than missing
The only other regularguys are Morglum Necksnapper and Gorfang Rotgut, the latter being more important but already ingame to a certain extent
Oglok is a tech lord but he's a subsidiary of Necksnapper anyway
I think Gorfang was skipped because they didn't want another LL in the Empirebowl. There's already too many, and Middenland stands no chance as it is.
I have no idea who any of those people are.
There are only 5 DLCs left before Total War: Warhammer 3 is put to rest.
He's Red Fangs/Black Crag
the tutorial lord from WH1
are you thinking of Snagla Grobspit (whose RoR is already in the game, he's just a unit champion) or some other forest goblin who wouldn't be any more interesting than the existing Raknik Spiderclaw tech lord?
Gorbad would be the one in the Empirebowl, he was the one that destroyed Solland. Hopefully he's not near the Empire, it already has enough shit there as is. Greenskins have tons of guys in the Old World anyways, it'd be nice if they put him somewhere interesting.
It's stunties. They wanted everyone to think they got the boss, but it turns out he got away again.
this, there is a particular historical fan who is very mean
Wurrzag should be in Lustria while we're at it
Greenskins/Ogre Kingdoms/Khorne
Slaanesh/High Elves/Dark Elves
Dogs of War
End Times
>more Goblin LLs
I fucking hate Goblin LLs, and it's for the same reason I hate Necromancer LLs. There's no distinction between a Goblin subfaction and an Orc subfaction, nor a Vamp subfaction or Necro subfaction. Reworks when?
Let us say it takes 4 months to make a DLC
Just 5 DLC would already put us into 2026. CA will likely have released the next mainline Total War by then.
They should make Iron Rock the capital of its own province. Throw in Karag Dron and maybe a new Badlands region, or maybe just keep it as is, and make that Gorbad's start. Black Crag can have its own province still too, maybe give Death Pass Black Iron Mine while Southern Worlds Edge Mountains can get another region down there.

Alternatively, just have Gorbad start in Iron Rock which remains a minor settlement. Though it really ought to be a provincial capital, frankly.
Duh. The hope, IMO, is that they stay on track with the next TW game being a Historical game which should give Warhammer some breathing room until 40K comes out in like late 2027/early 2028. That would give us 6-7 DLCs roughly assuming no major hickups.
We really need a pike and shot TW with some testing of better skirmisher, hybrid melee/range units, and cover mechanics (needed for future ranged focused TWs), then do 40k, then do WW1. Easiest stepping stone process.
what the fuck are you talking about
there are no new goblin generals in this update
and none of the characters anyone has talked about besides the essentially deconfirmed forest ones, are goblins
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the real reason is because gw ripped off some d&d designs for the greater demons and the one they picked for the keeper of secrets happened to have claws. then they really didn't want to depict slaanesh as the coomer god so they decided that instead of horse cocks and multi boobs like you would expect slaanesh = purple and lobster claws.
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Dilate, even
Gorbad is not a goblin retard
Pretty happy. CA Sofia actually has talent in it. Hopefully the recent layoffs across CA cleaned out all the useless shits because CA has been incredibly inept recently. Nobody else makes games like they do and they are completely squandering the niche that they have.
Unfortunately, these layoffs usually do the opposite of cleaning out useless shits. Management stays because they have seniority and networking, the actual workers are fired because they're expendable. Soup is good food, the union won't protect you.
Didn't sega told them to stick to total war games only ?
It was pretty funny playing Wrath of the Righteous and realizing the GW of old just went
>Vrock->Lord of Change
>Glabrezu->Keeper of Secrets
>Nalfeshnee->Great Unclean one (No as sure about this one, though)
Seeing how the designs for these similar things went in different directions within different companies, resulting in them having similar traits but very different designs is quite neat.
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>The level of polish and effort that went into Troy is now going into WH3
>The level of dedication to restoration that went into Pharaoh is now going into WH3

It's a colossal W no trace of doubt in my mind.
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so are we ever getting more cathay dlc or are they going to be focusing exclusively on old ass races from now on?
I'd like to see Cathay vs Vampires personally
Many of us would like to see Cathay as Vampires.
If the GW mandate for all five dragon siblings thing is real, I'd expect they'll get one more dlc and an flc lord.
Is Astragoth...ZOOLAHOOO!
You just reminded me that Tigermen were leaked a while ago and yet a Cathay DLC is not in sight.
Perhaps alongside the Slaanesh DLC.
>all my mods are still broken
Get dabbed on, coomer.
This wasn't an issue until I started playing Wh3 again about a month ago. But my fucking game will just randomly fucking black screen of death at a completely random point it may be during a battle or on the campaign screen or anything. Sometimes I'll play for hours no issues, sometimes I'll play for 15 minutes and it'll happen. It's pissing me the hell off. I have a Nvidia 3060
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Based dog of anticheat
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I wonder if they'll have the balls to make Yin-Yin a moron like the lorefags paint her ass
I certainly hope so, based retards are always fun characters
cap your framerate and limit your cpu usage in powerplan to like 99%
This is a question better suited to CA's tech support, but
Has it been happening more often recently or somewhat consistently? As in, has the interval before a crash been shortening?
Does it crash your entire computer or just the game?
Have you checked the temperature of your rig while you're playing to make sure it's not overheating?
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I've had plenty of crashes on my 4090
It's usually due to mods, 3d portholes not loading for 1 faction in the map or that infamous post battle into crash bug
Anon, the Vrock and Lord of Chane are both just Skeksis with the name filed off, same as how Balors and Bloodthirsters are both just LOTR Balrogs with minor changes
Fucken hell, I finished a Belegar campaign right before this huge bolt thrower buff
They nerfed most of everything else really not missing out
I havent player since last month because i know mods are going to be unstable and old playthroughs arent going to load
Missing out on an engaging game experience and using a unit that you've very possibly never used before if you're a tourist to dwarfs
I just want another gunmanii historical is that too much to ask?
Yes, those are boring. Go away.
>competent siblings
Miao Ying, Yuan Bo
>idiot siblings
Zhao Ming, Yin-Yin
>tired sibilng
Li Dao
Oh I tried the bolt throwers before the update they just sucked
ugh ... the next DLC sounds like a Spicy Hot Wings DLC....

Khorne... ( Atomic Sauce )
Ogre Kingdoms ( Texas Chili Sauce )
Orcs and Goblins ( Jalapeno... sauce..)

>Zhao Ming
kinda rude
he's actually a genius scientist
He's a crackhead anon
for sure, but doing drugs is bad mmmmkay?
Imagine being at WH3 DLC
so fat you look and see food
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a smart crackhead
ok moon empress
they are objectively more interesting than spearmanii games
>Play Empire
>Don't recruit wizards
There's your historical gunmanii game
I don't see what's stopping you from making a map mod for Warhammer, the projectiles are all there
Watching the enemy walk down a firing line is not interesting.
battles in line up and shoot games are far more tactical and dynamic than primitive dark ages games. because your units don't generally get stuck in melee you are free to withdraw and redeploy your units at any time. artillery is also much more important and adds another dimension to your tactics. in spearmanii games you just blob your units at each other and hammer and anvil with your cavalry if you have any. repositioning your units is usually a detriment and will just make you take more damage and deal less compared to leaving them in the blob.
I don't mind it
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>based retards are always fun characters
so true
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oh and also because your formations are wide you end up having to use more of the map, and because your units are mostly direct fire you have to pay a lot more attention to terrain. a simple ridge or shallow hill might as well be a decoration in spearmanii games, but in gunmanii games they are critical features.
They actually updated the LL select screens for a lot of LLs thats cool
Where is the lake that Napoleon lured the Austrians into?
They're never adding another shitty garbage dragon again, thank God almighty.
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look at this faggot huffing copium harder than Zhao Ming huffs warpstone
bet this malding nigger plays fucking empire lol
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lol, lmao.
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Not technically fantasy, but fuck it.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
What the...?
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low effort
I just saw the "what's next" shit.
>Bunch of retards having a gay little powwow
Holy shit, Legend was actually right wasn't he? I'm honestly surprised, kek.
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>not even the Cathay version
if you're going to shitpost at least put the bare minimum effort your reddit space lazy faggot
>Khatep is the only Tomb King who didn’t get one
>ripped skinny jeans
How embarrassing, the dude looks around 40.
I hope they add a generic dragon lord(male)
He is gonna get a special one, where he rides a tomb mecha
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如果你读到这篇文章,你的母亲会在睡梦中死去 Free Tian Li 蒸汽罐碾过无辜的国泰抗议者 The Weijin Square protests of 2389 IC 不要听龙霸和他们的谎言 The Weijin Square Massacre 血神之血 The Anti-Dragon Struggle 阴阴是一条弱智的龙 The Failed Lustria Expedition 胖山人 Secret Dealings With The Ogre Kingdoms 人类第一 Human Self-Rule 老蟾蜍的到来 Dragon-Blooded Tyrants 早安越南 Invasion of Kuresh 鸟 Chi'an Chi Cults 大胸吸血鬼 Jade Blood Vampires 就像现实生活一样 Labor Camps 回到猴子身边 Monkey King 灭鼠剂 Clan Eshin 乌鸦人见多识广 Secret Crow-men Outposts 日本昆虫 Nippon Pirates 龙独裁 The Monkey Court 刀耳种族灭绝 Dark Elf Raids 蜥蜴人 Yin-Tuan 国泰就像战锤四万中的帝国,但原体是龙,他们都是不成熟的白痴,拥有太多的权力和许多爸爸的问题 Kingdoms of Ind 苗颖美脚图片多
Do you think that Games Workshop gave the ok for CA Sofia to get involved?
James Workshop doesn't get to decide who at CA can work on Warhammer, that is a Horsham decision, a Sega one at a push.
>Games Workshop
how is CA's internal organization any of their business?
pretty sure Sofia is just a subsidiary
Goddamn Grom is a fucking nightmare
Sounds like someone got anal vored
HEchads, will we get redeemed eventually?
Guaranteed to sell less because it doesn't have Empire and dorfs in it. I'm guessing the greenskin part will do the best by far.
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Emmanuelle Smallsner
(not) Melissa Talltep
Hochland Copes
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I always forget how gross and manish Isabella looks up-close. I guess Vlad is into pooners?
I need you to go outside and kill yourself right now
Try as many times as it takes for it to take
How big should a Vampire Coast gunline be? Right now got four.
I can’t play the Elden ring dlc because my computer is still throttling my fps for no reason in all my games. I’ve send it to the shop, I’ve replaced half the parts, checked my temps, reinstalled all my drivers. I’ve tried everything and this shit will not stop throttling.
Therefore I’m stuck playing total war, the only game where massive frame drops don’t make the game entirely unplayable, with a computer that has no reason to be performing so poorly.
At this point I’m considering it might be a virus or something like that, either way I’m stuck with you fags while the rest of the world plays Elden ring
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1 LL
2-3 heroes
2-3 artilleries
rest gunline
What about flyers or monsters?
Your LL.
You can use those if you can't get heroes. Monsters and heroes are basically just tanks and bait for your gunline.
>8 months to redo SoC and ToD
>8 months for this DLC with sofia's help
>but it's totally not redone
>2 months of main studio AND sofia working on it and there's only 3 prerendered ogre units and a single khorne concept art
>but it's totally not redone
>golgfag was already in the files and was shown with a cathayan tattoo
>but its totally not redone

Admit it. Admit Legend was right. Admit he was right and thank him for saving Total War.
what do you mean how big? your entire army should be gun.
>zombies (guns)
>zombies (guns) (crabs)
>zombies (guns) (robot shipwreck)
>zombies (cannons)
Chances CA changes Golfags name to Golfang before release to avoid some obscure nonce hate speech law?
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Skaven content when?
Realistically all of your units can have guns and do well.
4 Bombers <-> 4 crab guns is your not-actually-chaff frontage, pistols in a pinch or if you expect to chase routers at all
2-4 shotguns as either flank guards or a checkered second line
4 handguns backing that up are the backbone
So that's ~10-12 deckhands/crab equivalents
minimum 2+ cannon, about one mortar unless making a stack for specific reasons
~2 deck guns, the RoR work differently so always use them if you want competency
one or more necrofex for pseudo skirmish outranging and elevated line of sight, decent in melee, you can use more if you want
Which is ~5 backline
The latter half can all fit in a Gunwight aura
you also want a deeps and/or vampires caster, at least one Infamous lord has Death so he needs a friend, but having both in a stack is fine as they have different summon applications

Extra spaces are any combination of
dogs (routers, backlines) <-> mournguls for similar disruption
bloated corpses as demand dictates
a terrorgheist is a very good investment once you have access to them, despite appearances
Deck Dropper Bombers are free airborne damage against some things but you need to manually align them, not order fire
a Depth Guard or two are good at cleaning up characters standing in hard to hit places like sieges, can also handle cavalry and escort lords early, just watch your shotguns

Mourngul heroes fight to the death generally but are sort of in the wrong faction
Syreens can be interesting when seeded within Crab blocks or alongside Depth Guard for melee arrangements, I wouldn't take more than 2-3.
If they were Aspiring Champions sized I'd be far more favorable as crab alternatives.
The giant crab is okay, better than before, but takes too much friendly fire damage.

Gunless hands/polearms and Animated Hulks are the losers of the roster, but fine to throw at things in emergencies.
I'm never touching soulslop no matter how much you shills push it
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Holy fuck, how is no one talking about this insane tease from the What's Next video?
You aren't missing anything
Everyone is getting fraudchecked by the DLC right now and crying about how "hard" it is
The only reason it's "hard" is most people's builds suck ass and most players refuse to collect the skibidi fragments which are your main source of progression in the DLC
They ignore everything which makes the game easier because buffing, summoning etc. means they "didn't beat the game", then they run into a boss room, immediately die, and cry about it on /v/
And of course FROM is listening to these mouthbreathing retards and have already made the game easier in a patch
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>keep yiffing skaven
I will, yes-yes!
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Oh, and fell bats are just bats, flying dogs with worse animations
the dropper handguns are also free damage on some cases and semi-skirmish capable but they and pistols are barely ever useful unfortunately. A unit that they'd aspire to be is Plague Drone Deaths Heads, who are surprisingly good at shaving large targets when compared to the dedicated plinking units in Coast

Vampire Bats carrying Depth Guard would be a funny unit, even moreso if you could use a summon effect to have just the bats and just the guard as two units apart.
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blah blah just spam gunners and mortars
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Mortars underperform in non-siege battles and even then on VH the AI covers from them decently
cannons are the better all-rounder since their LoS restriction barely ever matters
they'd be even better with grapeshot, whereas mortars have no real prospect of advancement unless you staple them to the backs of some crabs (which is still better as cannons)
Who even is this?
mortars do not underperform because youll be bunching their units up around your lords and heroes and they do not suffer los issues like cannons do
why are you replying to a bot anon
I'm trying to play as bretonnia but goddamn why is cavalry so weak? Am I really supposed to be rolling around with an army full of cavs?
Sure they charge good but they melt so fucking fast against any infantry
just whatever latest verbal diarrhea the passtranny decides to spam

when hes not seething about legend or spamming boring pharaoh screenshots he reverts to even dumber shitposting
SFO Vamp Coast is so good btw.
uh oh we got an ai abuser here
I won't be bunching anything up around characters intentionally because that leads to very bad gameplay habits and is boring
I'd rather clear city streets with shotgunners and do other fun things
ok good for you but everyone else will not be doing that so no need to suggest it like it's a good strategy for other players
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A reminder that Tzeentch won the DLCs
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LL for this feel?
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it's often more efficient as well, the image you posted has an entire stack of handguns doing nothing which is wasted upkeep better spent elsewhere, and the battle would be decided more quickly with involvement for time efficiency too
if they made even the smallest contribution in combined arms instead of spectating the fireworks it would be better than a nothing-dead-weight

there are also encounters which will not work with what you describe
Unironically Helman Ghorst
I just ate an entire sponge cake in one sitting.

LL for this feel?
I know im late to the party on this but i didn't know they added more updated character intros with this patch.

Also, is it a mod being werid or do event popups at the start of a turn no longer show effects? Like the brutal busniess world event not showing on the popup that it makes weapon strength higher.
His brothers all died of the gay plague aids and he tried holding them to die too but didn't
he also jumped into a pit of plagued bodies meanwhile
also he starts with the direpack
and he's one of the dumbest faggot additions to this hellish forsaken game in the last decade
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>uses cheats
>game breaks
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LL for this feel?
Posting pictures of cats is not a personality

Lokhir Fellheart
Painting up nagash in hopes of a good vampire count rework
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I feel like this should be obvious
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Anon, don't
I was waiting for Karanak to release to play a Vlad campaign without being interrupted by anything, and look where that landed me.
Unironically, why did Legend do it? Did someone in CA decide to troll the shit out of him? Or did he really think that blatantly false leaks would drum up attention and engagement on his channel?

Because I genuinely did not think he was dumb enough to try the latter, surely he was getting punked by this "leaker".
There's definitely someone feeding false leaks to ecelebs, Volound and a bunch of other TW youtubers got punked as well
Ah so it is a mod? Thats good then ill just find which it is.
we call them cheats here sir
>he still doesn't get it
No we don't.
He literally explained it in plain english. Across multiple youtube videos and livestreams.

If you can't understand it now you never will.
they messed with unit mass and now multiple smaller entities can easily trap bigger ones, so you get 2 knights stuck in some t1 infantry and they are stuck in combat, running, on fire, poisoned etc even if 98% of the unit is standing behind the front lines idle
He just told me that he doesn't know about that and thanked me
What was his reason? Im not watching all that.

It was unique faction UI. Which isnt a cheat, its more flavor!
As an Australian he has an innate fear of the Chinese, it is similar to how Goblins have an innate fear of Elves in Warhammer.
total war is healing. no wonder legend is sperging out about it. he has been exposed as a fool.
Same, after today I'm a #SoitekICBM
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This has been a vampire general since game 1.
That's a hero
you are supposed to use lord and paladins + dwellers below
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LL for this feel?
he lives in brisbane which has quite a lot of chinks in it so he naturally knows how bad they are
Zhatan da braj
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pale, veiny tits are my weakness
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Vampire heroes have always said Neferata was right
That anon is right, though.
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>enemy retreats through unpassable terrain
Play a real strategy game, then. Time to evolve past the cool little dudes doing cool stuff you can watch.
A few bats short of a belfry are we
>repeatedly savescummed high probability ambush keeps failing and only stops failing when I cancel enemy turn fast forward and watch them take their turns manually
this game is slop
ambush success chance is not ambush detection chance
Canonically yes, it's her book cover shot
I think she was much more tanned back before Nagash made vampires hurt by the sun though.
both were high, house nigger
never reply to me again
dayum, maybe she don't gotta be so mean, she gotta calm down maybe chill out wit me.
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you can't view ambush detection chance and only the special stances with reductions are reliable if there are any ai fixtures around you
go back to fucking sleep
They're gonna make her brown and honestly I'm not mad, Egyptian vampire waifu would be hot
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She just needs Lahmia and Khalida back
my favourite was a 'triangle' of 3 river crossings in wh1 somewhere near border of empire/VC where the enemy would force march in a circle around it and you could never ever catch them because you lost all your movement crossing the river but they could force march across two
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HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA they didn't even mention shitty vampires!!! REST IN PISS YOU FUCKING ROTTEN BLOOD DRINKERS AHAHAHAHAHAA no updates for you!!!!
In game 1 you could even retreat in force march right?
They did though
They literally said they're getting a DLC.
I wouldn't mind that but GW might demand CA follow Citadel paintjobs like they did with Alith Anar (who has white hair in art) which are pale in Neferata's case.
>ca said
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>smartest savage Orc
this is what you're stooping to for attention?
the man looked directly at the camera and said "Vampire Counts Update"
>and they didn't even push the "forced diversity" button that much
But they did. They go out of their way at every moment to squeeze in as many women as they can, as Lords, Heroes and Units.
Isabella was a complete waste of a LL, she shouldn't be a LL to begin with, stole a free LL slot from the Empire and was added only because CA wanted to include female LL no matter the cost.
Cylostra was invented explicitly so they can "represent people of all genders and shapes" which is exactly what they said. She and Aranessa shouldn't be added at all with Vampire Coast
Repanse they brought from death for no reason, even if Robin Hood LL would be a better fit for Peasant focused LL and actually offered different playstyle. Or Mallobaude as an anti-Bretonnian Bretonnian LL.
Ulrika is a literally who who shouldn't be in game either, especially before other more important characters like Schwarzhelm and Helborg
Kislev and Cathay are new additions designed with inclusivity quotas in mind
Sister's of Twilight, Elspeth and Valkia are new, cringeworthy, protoAOS additions no different from Kislev and Cathay
Manlet is a honorary greenskin. He's bald like them.
Agree with all of this except Isabella should 100% be in the game - as a hero unit tied to Vlad.
>stole a free LL slot from the Empire
lmao you've been coping about this for a decade haven't you
>more important characters like Schwarzhelm and Helborg
Literal faggots.
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Doubtful, all vampire character are very pale for now.
you're no better, you make reasonable people look unreasonable by association
dumb coomer
Isabella is a waste of stop it should belong to Manfred the Acolyte a actually good tabletop character.
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I will do it /twg/!
I will play Malus Darkblade just to see if the nerf was really that bad and form an opinon by myself.
Every woman you listed there (besides Cathay and Kislev, which definitely was diversity stuff) is magically empowered. Is this the absolute state this general has reached?
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I hope Medieval 3 will have a mythic mode with vampires
Dont. Black Arks are buggy as shit.
Malus is consirebly weaker you cant have him fight daemon lords and heroes and expect him to not get any damage. Tzarkan still gets him to full hp so he is still OP.
>besides Cathay and Kislev
>Magical dragon
>Magical part-dragon
Ice Witches
Ice Guard

It's basically just CWANE GUNNERS and IRON HAIL GUNNERS who are not
Except the Kislev units are also magically empowered and have been ruled by women since before that poster was born
the exception is the voicelines in the dervish units but that was just a really poor design decision and people would be posting about steppe women for no reason either way
the queen's english is the correct way to spell. the coastal american englishes are the correct ways to speak.
Women are mixed into the Jade Warriors and Celestial Dragon Guard, that's really what I was referring to.
cathayan melee infantry is mixed sex, that's why they're constantly screaming
>the queen's english is the correct way to spell
Genuinely incorrect, the spellings without u that everyone makes fun of in American English is actually just going back to the correct Latin spelling. Color, labor, rumor, etc never had us in Latin.
Hope Shadows and Chorfs go on sale today, so I can finally give Cath and Kis a go
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This is not an excuse and doesn't make them good
Yeah, they are more important to the setting and actually were on tabletop
No point using the daemon mechanic anymore. Before that you could use full possession to go against waaagh stacks but now it's pointless. Just spam the meter with slaves to get super growth. That's all there is to it now. Malus doesn't boost any units nor does his faction effects so there isn't even a thematic army you can build around him. The change is so shit it's unreal.
>needing unit buffs to build thematic armies
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..... chat, is this real?
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pills now
Good luck winning anything with cold one knights. You can try just don't cry when they all die on a single charge because they are slower than slaaneshi infantry.
Malus is meant to suck. You got the DLC for Medusas, Poison Wind Motors, and Snikch.
Check it for yourself on wiktionary, I used to laugh at the spellings too until I saw that. Apparently the history is that some guy in the late 1800s really want to defrenchify the English language and create a more consistent pronunciation and spelling system rather than the current nightmare of half of English's words having silent syllables, but really only succeeded in getting the spellings changed because people saw it as a patriotic thing to distinguish American English from British English.
>Malus is meant to suck.
Well now he does after filtering millions of chaosissies. Imagine having the strongest roster of units and heroes in the game and still jobbing to Malus KWAB.
Why do Delfplayers pretend that Sharts don't absolutely shit on the AI?
Daniel has sucked since the game's release and you faggots are having an absolute meltdown that your insanely broken lord is just good now lmao. I don't even care to play Daniel until his customization system doesn't suck but god you retards are projecting.
What are you even talking about? The nerf was because of chaos players not being able to win against Malus not darkshards. It has nothing to do with dark elf players.
Good. Chaos players no longer have to deal with Malus cheats while Delf players can continue to spam sharts
Malus was never a problem.
You beat his tier 1 army and he shatters and you never see him again because his faction dies
Coolest of the 3 new DLC LLs? What can the Nurgle one even do?
>He's no longer a problem once you beat him
Because the change that was supposed to help Daniel players is making half of Maluses mechanics worthless. He starts next to a lord with magic attacks what's the point of the physical resistance and getting public order debfus and corruption in your own territory? I understand that people struggle but it's retarded to nuke a entire LL mechanic because of it. If it's such a great change would you halve your income get attrition and nuke your public order in exchange for 40 phys resistance on a single lord? No sane person would.
the daemon prince doesn't even start next to him anymore
and epidemius has a bunch of things that make him not matter
Hellebron gets 40% resistance and a ton of buffs for thematic units without downsides so no point in playing Malus. They even start pretty close to each other too. I guess that's what chaos retards wanted.
Be an ogre lord on a mount, get a hp regen comparable to tyrion at low hp but you steal said hp from a nearby enemy character
Have access to Chorf/Beastmen/WoC/Norscan units and legendary heroes through his unique warlord mechanic
My preference is Nurgle>Empire>Dorf this pack, but opinions vary
I was talking about Epidemious.
>Chorf/Beastmen/WoC/Norscan units and legendary heroes through his unique warlord mechanic
Oh okay I am now interested
Tz'arkan giving physical resistance makes more sense.
But Malus should have got another buff at full possesion to compansate for this change.
And he needs to buff cold one knights with his unique line.
But ultimately his campaign is still strong and fun because he starts with a Medusa that still annihilates any daemon she fires at.
I dunno what they could have done instead of ward save - > resistance but now it's much more of a push and pull. Yeah Malus now gets pierced by magic attacks but daemons have always been incredibly shit at dealing with dark sharts. I'd fully support a buff to his campaign mechanics, especially alongside a full delf rework sure, but I don't think going back to the one man army doomstack nonsense is good. I hope nonsense like that continues to get nerfed, they missed a couple in the last patch.

Wut? Daniel's still next to Malus.
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I wish CA could just fuck off to be honest. I'm tired of them breaking all mods with their nothingburger updates and dlcs. It's not like they actually implement new gameplay mechanics, which are beyond modders reach. Like naval battles, map generation, dismounting and other stuff like this.

I also wish that modding community stopped using fucking steam workshop and moved onto nexus, moddb or whatever else that doesn't have automatic updates and lets you to actually own downloaded mods. Even skyrim fucking community was smart enough to do so.
Epidemius is wedged between them now
Not that it really matters when the fat cunt will find a reason to attack Daniel anyway, and now Malakai's right next door to the lot of em, so he'll still suffer
>Medusa that still annihilates
Anon... as someone that just played Malus... the Medus is shit again. She can't clear out blobs at all anymore they nerfed her projectile strength and radius to hell.
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Let's go!! H/H
>Dont. Black Arks are buggy as shit.
Aren't they "bugged" since year now ? It looked ok last time i play Lokhir.
>Malus is consirebly weaker you cant have him fight daemon lords and heroes and expect him to not get any damage
Will try to no use him to solo enemies then.
>No point using the daemon mechanic anymore.
Well it's not like if we have choice with him would like to have one of his Rites to stop the possession for some turns
> Just spam the meter with slaves to get super growth.
Is keeping Hag Graef viable ?
>Malus doesn't boost any units nor does his faction effects so there isn't even a thematic army you can build around him.
But that's not new.
Dreadspears / Darkshards army it will be!
Friendly reminder do NOT trust women or avians
>nerfed her projectile strength and radius to
That is more atrocious than anything else. I don't want to use shards.
>Is keeping Hag Graef viable ?
No. Alith is too strong to fight him with just a generic dreadlord. And you will need the money because every piece of territory you will gain will have chaos AIDS that cuts your income for a dozen of turns.
No i also tested her after the patch. She lost projectiles but the damage seemed same to me. She still easily makes a blue horror unit go half hp with their barrier with one shot.
Wow, that kind of sounds like the American equivalent of turning words like defence into defense to simplify the spelling
>from Old French defense, from Latin defensus
I need to do some research
Yeah can't wait for a new hotfix.
Rey being a woman isn't the reason nu-wars sucked.

It sucked because of
>nostalgiabaiting demanded the first movie be a rehash of ANH, meaning new republic is sidelined, Luke's efforts to train a new jedi order are dumpstered, there's an imperial remnant that has a free rein in the galaxy and somehow Leia has a ragtag rebel cell as the only force fighting it. Chewbacca the only alien character of note as in ANH to play it extra safe.
>movie 2 then tries to subvert nostalgic expectations by saying those bloodlines didn't matter much, kills the built up bad guy, have Luke reintroduced as a grumpy mentor who sacrifices himself and is centered around a pointless chase scene, and a pointless casino scene which ended up mattering nothing at all, again to subvert expectations, also suddenly hyperspace ramming for the first time on screen without thinking about the in-universe ramifications and the reaction of the fanbase who does nothing but think about these things for decades. And at the end still pivots to nostalgiafaggotry with a rehash of AT-AT battle, now on a salt flat.
>movie 3: panic nostalgia button, somehow Palpatine returned
She shots 30% slower now too. She's crippled.
Whoah so i will have to abandon the chaos wasteland and repatriate Malus to Naggaroth
>upkeep reduction for cold one units
I don;t know who designed his campaing but he should be shoot. I can't even come up with a more useless lord effect. It's not even faction wide. Oh but the daemon that resides in Malus? He can spread global slaanesh corruption no matter where on the planet he is. Not even slaaneshi factions are that good at spreading their own corruption as Tz'arkan.
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>somehow Palpatine returned
Will /twg/ apologise now that Legend has been proven correct with his leaks?

I suggest a $10-20 superchat is appropriate.
i want to put daisy in an anal full-nelson
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Same but with that fat Asian chick from Last Jedi.
Ehh as long as the damage is high, fire rate is not that important in single player. She already has low ammo so i usually kite around to get good shots.
So the real question is...
Where are Golfag, Uz'hul and Arbaal starting?
I'm waiting for his next stream so I can say sorry
She's so pretty
trying too hard
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Literal wine aunt tier roastie
Her greatest achievement is fucking and sucking Malekith in End Times
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Oh 1st whisper mission, i think i will do this one for the follower (Varg are not vassals to anyone for now, should be fine)
Elf wine aunts make me diamonds
>legend was right
>ERPtrannies spamming offtopic garbage in retaliation

lol, whats next, fake pharaoh campaign posts?
Malus has the best unique items/followers in the game.
Problem is, whispers mechanic was broken in wh2 and DEs are shit in wh3 so no one knows how good Tzarkan items are.
Its a fucking travesty...
>DEs are shit in wh3
Tired of this meme
File deleted.
>Literal wine aunt tier roastie
And yet for some reason he went and saved Alarielle's life in the end by pushing her out of the way of falling debris. Malekith volunteered to spend his last moments with his ballsack crushed under a thousand tons of rock, and his last vision was his legal wife's backside while she held hands with the guy who nutted in her and also his mom. And he didn't even get a "thank you" for ending his life by tanking a falling mountain with his testicles. So if she wasn't actually worth that, Malekith would look completely retarded.
>DEs are shit in wh3
How come? Did they nerf darksharts?
>/twg/ full of spearmanii spamming retards who hate missile units
>DE has the best missile units in the game
>/twg/ says DE are shit

Didn't notice this earlier?
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Time to farm kills (always struggle with those).
Will try to get all Malus family!
Tyrion fucked Malekith's mom and she saw him as Malekith's much better father reborn
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>>DE has the best missile units in the game
name a better t1 missile unit that darkshards
Ikkit run where you only ever build undercities instead of taking settlements, y/n?
>DE has the best missile units in the game
bruuuuuuuuuuh lmaoooooooooooo
That's not what you said, you said best missile units
Now you're coping and moving the goalposts
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wine aunt elves need to be smooched and loved tenderly
Sharts are by far the most cost and tier effective unit in the game
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Palworld won.
>uhh xir this is a WENDY'S XD
Nope, doesn't matter. You don't matter.
Palworld? Won.
t1 missile units are the best units from a price/performance stand point and DE has the best t1 missile units in the game

arguing over t3-5 units is irrelevant because the campaign is over difficulty wise 50 turns before you could recruit them
total war: pokemon when???
NTA but yes. Darkshards with shields + shades are the best missile units in the game.
>Muh WEs
Shades has stalk, they will always shoot at the same time as Waywatchers. Shades crossbows fire 2 shots while WEs only fire 1.
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I still don't understand how to make artillery work in empire/napoopan. I had my howitzer trying to counter battery this emplacement for 15 minutes and wasn't able to knock out a single gun. most salvos didn't even kill any crew. I tried all 3 ammo types. what the fuck am I doing wrong?

the more magical a female character is the more naked they should be. who complains about morathi?
Proof that pokemon total war was one of the canceled projects.
Most fun campaign in TWWH3 right now, in your opinion?
pokemon fans be like "Which 10 year old has the fattest ass?"
>dont worry
they said this for Norsca multiple times as well
Sir /v/ is that way
Yes, and? Norsca rework and DLC is coming.
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That's a good point.
i dont know what palworld is and i dont play nintoddler games either so this has absolutely no impact on me at all

is it somehow related to TW
Unironically hobgoblin archers when supported by Astragoth and Gorduz since you can stack a billion stat buffs on them and then give your enemies 60% fire weakness, letting the hobgobbos deal tens of thousands of damage per volley.

That's retarded, but even playing by your stupid rules if t2 units are allowed then dwarf or chorf shotguns beat the fuck out of darksharts, and Akshina are basically darksharts with stalk and by our blood.
There is no logical reason for Darkshards (shields) couldn't carry swords as sidearms and have identical melee stats to Bleakswords.
You are slop for savescumming chances.
lol, LMAO
We live in a age of guns that completely disrupt enemy formations pinning down entire units in place and you unironically think a crossbow is OP? AHAHAHAHAHAHA
Palworld's growing power has been noticed by even the most distant of kings and bestial lords (/twg/ falls into the latter category).
Beastmen have the best ranged units because you win turn 1.
Balance is a logical reason
>muh guns


the state of empireniggers
Darkshards ARE Bleakswords with a additional crossbow on the TT. All core dark elf units have the same stats and only differentiate themselves with a additional weapon be it a spear or crossbow. Same applies to dark riders who in the game for some reason have halved stats when using crossbows.
Yeah but Bleakswords actual are trained as swordmen.
>In a single player map painting game
No thanks
The answer is Hilda, no contest
true there should just be a 'win campaign' button on the side of the screen because its just a sandbox after all
Gonna need a source on that image chief, the reverse image searches aren't working.
Sorry that's it, it's AI generated like that.
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me on the left kissing the elf
>what the fuck am I doing wrong?
More dakka boss, or use your cav
Darkshards are actually bleakswords trained with crossbow usage.
I've seen it posted in the general before. Also that's not AI slop, I know what AI slop looks like.
shotguns are shit in sieges and are too short ranged
What‘s the point of a game if you get fake fun from it?
The Necrofex colossus RoR gets a flamethrower instead of the Quad-Cannon and has unique animations in melee
The Empire War Wagon RoR has volley guns instead of the shitty Mortars
The Chorf Immortals are pretty unique, they don't really match any Chorf infantry
May not count but Norsca gets the "RoR" that is 4 Mammoths in a unit
Yes DEs are shit in wh3. But not because they are weak on campaign or in battle.
>Slave mechanic doesnt make any sense and braindead.
>Heroes are stuck playing wh2 in wh3. Masters and Khainite assassins still trying to manage wh2 salve system with their skills.
>Buildings are the worst in game. Fucking sewer building that no one builds grants more PO than the dedicated PO building.
>Naggaroth area fucking sucks, boring as hell.
>Black Arks are still suffering from the same bug SINCE THE LAUNCH OF IE.
And there is even more shit like this. They fucking SUCK.
Shotguns are amazing in sieges what are you talking about? You don't use them against walls, you use them to clear streets. Put them in a chokepoint and watch them get 200+ kills
the ERPtranny spams this general with ai slop all the time

the RoR hellcannon is 4 cannons not 1, the nurgle soul grinder depletes ammunition, queen bess and casket of souls are unique
What are some challenging campaigns? I started a Skarsnik one but it's a breeze now, unlike in wh2.
so fuck around moving all through the city when i can just park my darkshards in the corner out of siege towers and let them kill everything while I watch youtube videos?

fighting inside cities right now is the most frustrating and buggy situation in the game, darkshards let you avoid it, your autistic shotgun obsession (i know now youre the retard who thinks VC shotguns are good too) makes you focus on it
>Daniel (because his faction sucks ass, otherwise pretty powerfull)
>Luthor Harkon (Saurus and Alberic can fuck up his early game if not carefull)
Nothing. Just Khalida maybe, but I haven‘t played her, just repeating what others have said.
hes pretty straightforward outside of belakor being a prick
>belakor's opening battle is against a lord, 2 blue horrors and a chaos fury

Does it get any easier than that?
Only Khalida keeps the challenge for longer. The rest becomes easy 20 turns in at most. Daniel is probably second hardest until you get bloodletting + plagues, then ez.
I don‘t see how they can be called amazing when indirect fire helps so much more in cramped shitty pathfinding maps. Low model count squads, sure, but these are Irondrakes and such.
Louen campaign can turn into hell very easiliy. Belakor always declares war but then N'kari and Grom's Waagh can join the fun. That happened in my last Louen campaign. Shit was not fun.
tzeench is challenging if you try to save sarthorael otherwise you can just avoid all the difficulty by playing slow
weird I've never have n'kari attack
grom is really rng dependent yeah, he either does nothing or becomes rank 1
I have no idea what you're talking about with the VC shotgun thing since I didn't bring those up at all.
Not your boogeyman.

Playing on ultra I have absolutely no problems using shotguns in sieges. You just need to make them box shaped and use them one or two at a time, and they shred the enemy.
But even if they were godawful trash in sieges it doesn't matter at all since most battles aren't sieges and siege ai is so retarded that it's easy as hell anyway, you can literally take tier 5 cities on like turn 6 just by abusing the ai.
The ai jobs to arty, cavalry, flying units, summons, mortis engines, stalk backcaps and bombardment spells in sieges, sure they job to shotguns and crossbows too but literally who cares sieges are a fucking joke.

What matters is field battles and in field battles darkshards are nowhere near the strongest unit in the game. They're decent ap crossbows and that's it.
Did you guys notice that if a hero gains a mount while attached to an army, they take away some portion of the movement of the army.
But if you get them out of the army they both army and hero gets their lost moevement back.
Game is full of little bug like this its fucking frustrating.
My favourite one is heroes and lords losing health when unmounting.
crocodilchik on twitter, but in case you don't want to subscribe to Elon >>>/aco/8346030
Small indie company, please understand
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Not really they are all a different thing
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Based pokechads

More importantly, relying on shards and shades is kind of boring.
this is unironically more interesting than the past 2 gens
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would you run into a wall of spears?
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uh why did my belakor just freeze and stop accepting commands?

this has never happened before except on stairways but this is dead flat ground
post you're face when you realize that you share this thread with absolute brainlets that can't manage any tactic beyond spears in front archers behind and simple hammer and anvil and have to rely on campaign buffs and ar when that doesn't work
yeah that happens to me on flying lords all the time
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holy moly the cope is MASSIVE in this one
these bumbling fools can't comprehend my SE ball + aoe spells strategy
kek @ pokemans
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Current state of histcucks?
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buckbroken beyond belief

coping by recruiting another spearmanii army in pharaoh and crashing it against the enemy spearmanii
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Rejuvenated and Revitalized. Fortified.
on the contrary, i exclusively run t1 missile stacks with lords and heroes
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Shoud i Druchiibros ?
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>Verification not required.
Biggest update to any TW game ever is coming in a month. Bigger than any DLC and it's free. So I think they are fine. How many TW DLC is 180 units and 30 new lords worth?
>confed a minor faction for 2 settlements

what the hell for

instead, ask alith anar for money to declare war on them
My Lord is reddit
He has reddit gold.
He'll downvote your lord.
>How many TW DLC is 180 units and 30 new lords worth?
literally only 1
and his name is NAGASH
>180 units (176 are different tints of spearmanii)
>30 lords (28 are different tints of generic melee lord)
The Nagash DLC will be $40 No I'm not joking.
>Sofia already moved on to WH3 DLC
>Pharaoh update will be the last content it ever gets since Sofia is now a WH3 DLC team
>No history game in the pipeline that we know of
>All Legend leaks suggesting WW1 or whatever are confirmed false
It's so over that they've migrated to Rome 2 of all things. No, the 200 autistic holdouts in Pharaoh don't count given that about 15x their number are now playing Rome 2, a game from over a decade ago.
Money talks, and CA clearly sees the player-count of Pharaoh as not worth investing in.
Be kind to them in their time of grief.

Like this sounds sarcastic but I genuinely feel sorry for them despite everything.

I unironically hope you enjoy it anon.
It's the last thing you're getting for a while.
>(176 are different tints of spearmanii)
i bought it bros, not playing until the update drops thoughever
Shan't buy Pharaoh until it gets a Mythic DLC.
If that means I never buy it then so be it.
Welcome player #257!
>I unironically hope you enjoy it anon.
Thank you anon. Hope Sofia will deliver a good Khorne DLC for you too.
Steam summer sale is 7 hours away did you really bought it at full price???
of course not, i paid like 18€ on a key site
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>what the hell for
1)to keep Shakkara alive
2)to get Karond Kar
3)to piss off Alith
>instead, ask alith anar for money to declare war on them
Betraying other Druchii is one thing, allying with Asur is another.
History and fantasy, living in harmony.
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holy shit
oh, it's retarded

go ahead and confed then
Anon the game costs sub $13 on keysites. No need to wait for 10% discounts of a $40 steam pricetag.
actually it was 13€, even better
You got the limited edition, right? Otherwise you overpaid.
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>get ganged up on by throt&co
>I could just ar it but since it's 95% trash I could get better results
>check map
>see this
Fuck you CA.
I like fantasy.

You like history.

Let's be friends.
regular, don't care about the cosmetics shit and see>>483689039
I'll probably get the blood DLC if I like it
bro? steam sale tomorrow?
>5 melee infantry instead of more engineer heroes and hellstorm

the hell are you doing nigger
Game costs $40 on steam and it's gonna get a 10% discount at best.
its going to be 75% off
bro it's not going to be cheaper than key sites
Troy's Mythic mode was the biggest Total War letdown I've experienced in like a decade.
Not because of what the actual DLC itself delivered, but because they didn't follow up on it at all.
Future and past DLC didn't get any new mythic units, even when it would have made sense for them to do so.
For example, the Mares of Diomedes are still just mundane horses in Mythic mode and not the flesh-eating monsters they should have been. Which is really unfortunate, because CA could have easily ported the Chaos Warhorse skeletons and animations, slapped them on a chariot and called it a day.
Although personally I would have liked it if the horses made their own attacks separate from the chariot, like what some Warhammer monster chariots do.
But more importantly, factions like Memnon didn't get to bring cool regional monsters into Troy, and Mythic never got followed up on in Pharaoh.
Imagine how many diverse mythological creatures could have been brought into Pharaoh if Myth mode was a thing in it?
yeah i dont care
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Either Dechala or Styrkaar will be a LL. Slaanesh will have her monogod mortal LL like all the others monogods
This means Masque will be 100% a LL tho, as she's the Slaanesh monogod minor demon herald, like the Changeling, Epidemius, and Skulltaker
the only cheats I have is the respec mod and the recruit defeated LLs one
>5 melee infantry instead of more engineer heroes and hellstorm
I can't recruit more hellstorms yet and the melee infantry are the ones you start with. I want to switch them out with heroes but it's like turn 27.
All Slaanesh is missing aside Slanngors are serpents and Anointed elves.
It's 99% gonna be Dechala, with Masque as the FLC
uhh yeah
thanks for the superchat
99% Engrimm
Originially the CG had specific thematic elements tied to them
>Tzeentch air, hence birds
>Khorne fire
>Nurgle earth, hence worms, toads, and other muk dwellers
>Slaanesh water (sperm ecc.), hence crabs
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>limited edition
No reason to get anything but regular desu.
just download a complete save from nexusmods, don't burn yourself out
>people hyped for goldfag
>I just wanna see Greasus get a rework, including a new mount
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Monkey king 2025
>what we learned from ToD was that people like it when the DLC units thematically tie into the DLC lord
>Anyways here's Golgfag, a big mountain monster and big vultures for the ogres
Bit funny. Wonder will we get more maneaters, or at least more visual variants for them.
how do humans even exist when they are getting fucked from all sides by armies of mutant cows, infinite giant green men, walking trees, invincible vampires raising armies of undead, armies of demons and their own people getting corrupted by the demons
its unrealistic
Fucking hell i can't wait for the Ogre dlc, Skrag just isn't very interesting to me and while Greasus is a gigachad in lore he's a disabled tard IG who can only wreck large entities... if you send him to fight some small lords he just slowly pushes them doing nothing while getting hit in his fat fucking face for free.

But the Ogre Kingdoms roster has such obvious gaps that it wouldn't really make sense not to fill them out. Yhetees is another obvious inclusion. But more Maneater variants would be nice.
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I think Troy should have been a Mythology game from the get go
we know next to nothing about the real Trojan War and from what we do know the Hittites were heavily involved
they should have just embraced Homer and given us demigods and mermaids from the getgo

that said I don't want mythicshit in Pharaoh, crocodiles with lasers have no place in a historical setting like the Bronze Age collapse
All the maneaters are in, so there really isn’t thematic shit missing for him, and the remaining missing ogre shit is grab-bag or borderline OC like the vultures. The generic lord could be a maneater paymaster with a pistol or something though.
>its unrealistic
yeah so are the mutant cows, infinite giant green men, walking trees, invincible vampires raising armies of undead and armies of demons you absolute fucking retard
The game is called warhammer, so all of the lore focuses on the wars and shit.
>no shit
I mean that you only ever see about the warring, so it seems like its constant when actual incursions aren’t happening every day.
I'm wondering if they're going to be making racial variant maneaters for Golgfag to recruit from contracts or something. Add dual weapon maneaters, and then make a maneater for each race with the type of maneater being influenced by the race. So Dwarf maneaters would probably be Ironfists with spell resistance and charge defense, Kislev maneaters would be Pistols with better melee stats and By Our Blood, Slaanesh maneaters would be Dual Weapon maneaters with zero armor faster movement and mark of slaanesh, etc.
>people discussing content that won't start being developed 8 months from if at all, as if it's set in stone and CA won't drop fantasoi for 40kchads next year
>Current state of histcucks?

I hope you fucking drown in underage 40K fans. Then I will finally die happy and leave this series behind for good
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>Golfag is a traveler
>They gave him mobile units
Holy shit any shielded unit gains gold shield when put on the wall now. A blunderbuss unit tanked my 6 HE archers focus firing lit it was nothing. ALmost killed my dragon as well.
i look like this
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>tfw you want to try the other tomb kings but you always end up playing Arkhan

How do I stop this from happening?
Play Khatep.
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By just choosing to not play as Arkhan?
i dont know anyone under the age of 25 who likes 40k

you sound like a retard
i cant wait to shoot all of you faggots
in 40k? because its going to have awesome ranged combat?

see you in MP bro
>pharaohcuck spammer having an actual melty over 40k

you love to see it
Now that legend's leaks were proven true thanks to the DLC reveal being completely devoid of content, it pretty much confirms that his leak that 40k is coming late 2025 is also real.
legendtroons still seething and coping I see
>it's true because it's turned out to be false
Legend isn't sending his best.
tranime goons still jacking off to imaginary women i see
>legendhater turns out to be an animetranny
Guys...the tactics of these legendfags seem oddly familiar. I haven't seen the ratfags in quite a bit either...
>be troon
>everyone hates you
>uh guys, but the furries are bad too right?

my zombie has a gun
my zombie will put one right between your eyes you ugly disgusting faggot
guns are literal r*ddit.
Histcucks, how the hell will you cope with another 5 years of 40k after warhammer fantasy?

Are there any other games that take the place of a historical title since you won't be getting any for the next 10 years?
I enjoy all types of TW. I enjoy Rome 1/2, Medieval 2, Atilla, ToB, Troy, Pharaoh, Warhammer 1/2/3. People that screech at one side of the fanbase aren't real fans of TW.
I'll be playing TW Star Wars, which I've always liked as a franchise
im not talking to you, im talking to histcucks
Maybe histcucks are the friends we made along the way.
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Might be coincidental, pretty sure those lefendfags are just poos or some other flavor of thirdie esl.
The moment 40k is announced, I will stop legend posting
>thirdieslop anime avatarfag
>histcuck who larps as a white euro in histoid games
>calling others ESL

lol, lmao
I cry everytim...
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Must have hit a sore spot
>ask sorry to legend

I'm not a native english speaker but that doesn't sound right
That would be because it's not right and that's why the post was laughed at for Legend shills being ESLs. You can't demand someone ask sorry to Legend, they'd say sorry to Legend.
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Hey :)
>histcucks and CA apologists resorting to being grammar nazis
>i dont know anyone under the age of 25 who likes 40k

Dont worry, you will soon
trolling has to be half way believable
>Legend leaks suggesting WW1
He didn't leak those, actual leakers have been saying shit about WW1 and 40k for a while now.
>5 years of 40k
Try 10.
Pharaoh battle Q&A bros, hope there's some good questions about how the fuck the new Lethality system is supposed to work.
the Q&A isn't today.
Yeah it is my man: https://x.com/totalwar/status/1804107331933806880
>legends leaks arent true
>legend leaked ww1 so its not true
>but these other leakers leaked ww1 so its true

legend derangement syndrome
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Pharaoh Q&A is on Tuesday 2nd July bro
Hows Eshin these days?
I realized I haven't played them since they got moved to Cathay in 3
He didn't leak those, he just repeated shit like his onw.
this is true but legend is still pathetic to abandon campaign the moment it hits sub 3k views
congrats you won legendary campaign with the easiest faction to do it with
Just saw the new tweet, yeah.
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>Histcucks, how the hell will you cope with another 5 years of 40k after warhammer fantasy?

Just abandon the series and move on with my life to be honest. I started to post here around the time of the Rome 2 release. I guess CA trying to release 40k on their current engine will kind of bring of bring things full circle in a way.

The Total War series has no future other than constant fanbase replacement attempts to snare in a new audience every 5 years that wont know any better, and doesn't have a reference point to notice things e.g. the AI hasn't got any better in 15 years
>Histcucks, how the hell will you cope with another 5 years of 40k after warhammer fantasy?
No guarantee that it'll be good or memorable. Nobody gives a crap about most other Warhammer games that are shit and boring
So I've been on a campaign completion spree and I've noticed that the rarest one is by far the dark elves, it's also the one that took the longest for me (140 turns when it's usually over by 80 or 90) and that's because of the retarded win conditions of eliminating EVERY high elf on the map.

Yes, that means you also have to go chase Teclis and Imrik, fucking dumb.
>Yes, that means you also have to go chase Teclis and Imrik, fucking dumb.
Meanwhile Alarielle just has to unite Ulthuan lol
the new slave system probably also turns off a lot of the people who are used to cheesing the old system from 2 for an easy win
I think my fastest campaign ever was Bel'akor where I triggered long campaign victory out of nowhere on turn 30 or something. Didn't even go for it. Then realized his only conditions were for a few Chaos factions to be eliminated and him owning some 10 dark fortresses. Really bonkers how easy he is.
I never abused the old system, but while it took me 140 turns to complete this campaign I can say that it was by far the most busted of all the faciton I played in terms of economy, I had absurd amounts of income with no exploits so I'm not sure why people are complaning.
>not even at bump limit
Off your fucking self
New thread that didn't fuck up the OP:
The most thematic thing for the missing Ogre units would be like a Legendary Hunter Lord or something, since the Thundertusk, Vultures, and yhetees are all tied together as units from the high peaks of the Mountains of Mourn. But that character unfortunately doesn't exist, so...
I don't think anyone's complaining besides the fact that you don't get any control over what buildings get to consume slaves beyond just not having slaves in a province whatsoever but there's definitely people who played to abuse the old slave economy and aren't otherwise interested in darkshardmanii
What was even so good about the old system? The new one is absurdly strong, don't remember anything particular about the old
>character unfortunately doesn't exist, so...
Anon did you forget about Jhared the Red?
>not Ka'bandha
Awful choice

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