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Previous: >>483604439

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
Based Ruzzian CHAD pedophile thread
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What is the most convenient resonator power so far.
the fuck is this give me my hot Baizhi
I wanted to roll Jinhsi, but I'm out of wuwa credits and it would probably take me 2 weeks to get enough to raise her which makes me not want to roll Jinhsi.
bros how many doros till 1.1?
Cheating on my wife Yangyang with Changli...
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Wooooooooooo? Waaaaaaaaaaaaa?
I'm trans and Indonesian, is this game for me?
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Stop asking questions
game is not even 2 months old and it's infested with pedo
Baby, they call me the pull out king.
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I would never pull out
It's their fault for making a loli the best character in the game.
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Based Based

That's why I didn't get Yinlin. I'm gonna go broke raising Jinhsi.
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that's what a pedo would say
In the realm of Teyvat, so bright,
Mihoyo crafted pure delight.
Genshin's soulful and grand,
While Wuthering Waves is bland,
A pale shadow that just isn't right.

Come home, quality gamer. Come home to the game that has imaginative and diverse character designs, made by a developer who listens to community and showers is wit rewardings by doing livestreaming to treat us, and has plans to never end the game. Come home to Mihoyo games.
Yeah I only finished raising Yinlin a few days ago. I am 100% out of resources now, and I should hit the uncap level soon and need to spend all of my resin leveling up to 80.
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uoh verina cunny
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Who is your favorite?
>Who is your favorite?
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danjin is love danjin is life, one day i hope for a danjin wife,
as i arise in the morning i gaze upon my danjin wife yawning,
with eyes like dazzling gems, and gems 10/10,
all i know, all is well in life
when i have myself a danjin wife.
I like the hot one
Is Changli going to be stupid powercreep bullshit like Jinhsi?
Doro Miko 200%
All of them so i'm going for chest size therefore Taoqi
I hope they make her less of a crazy bitch when we actually meet her compared to beta.
>can peg you naturally
>loves (You)
Jinhsi is perfect.
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Cool thread.
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I love plant cunny
made for adult pedo dick
>saved up 3 3slots
>not a single crit roll
Idk why I even bother...
Why is the patch still so far away, it's giving me anxiety.
As a player who have quitted/uninstalled, I genuinely wish this game luck in the next few weeks.
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for me its my encorebwos
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Right now Yinlin, but I need to know more about Changli's personality before I can say definitively.
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I am quitting Wuwa
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>>can peg you
Hmmm... nyo
She's pure
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hi everyone can you please add me
i love jianxin
do I save leveling echoes for next patch? I heard they're reducing the cost
when is "soon"
also don't post this game here you'll trigger the schizo and this thread is already bad enough
Is Yz finally ready to leave the cn market?
Did they finally manage to rewrite the entire plot?
i would've if you didn't post with a shitty avatar faggot
>no podcast
>no event
wtf is happening bros
Yeah they're reducing the credit cost
If they can't give a vague date then it's not actually that soon
It says 2024, so by the end of the year at the latest
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Camellya sexo
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That's not how you sit. She will have some strong back pain later.
1.2 drip tonight
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Encore Gaming
>instantly in heat and flirts the moment she saw (You)
I don't want no slut. I bet her body count is 3 digits.
hello police
yes this thread here officer
Someone talked about before but how does changli synergize with taoqi again?
yeah we only like pure virginal girls here that are below 2 digits
Sorry but this is outside of cyber police jurisdiction
Jinhsi OWES me hugs
huge tits + huge tits = gigantic tits
Imagine that L2 vertebrae when she hits 20
Literally incapable of bearing children or even taking some hard D
1/10 damaged goods.
Does Changli's hymen regenerate? If it does is she a virgin forever no matter how many men (or women) she sleeps with?
Sex + sex = super sex
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How much longer bros
She looks like I am being ntred
Bwos where is our dave the diver collab?
as a doctor you failed to rescue as a warrior you failed to defend
But you also only get to do it once, and you won't finish since your dick will be ashes.
8 hours
>1 day to release and all jinshi gets is ai slop
depressing even
which character has the worst posters and why is it camellya?
You're trying too hard bwo
I think you meant, how much loonger
Just think of it as (You) blackmailing her into showing her feet.
You gotta think bigger, Terraria collab when?
for me it's been jinhsi posters this past week and encore posters overall
I would never do that
1.2 beta is starting soon. So they don't have to long to drip the characters before leakers do. Which is the whole point of drip marketing: To combat leakers by presenting the info themselves.
so like, jinhsi maint nyow or tomorrow
cant decide, do i pull for whtie or red woman
Maintenance is in 22 hours and 16 minutes.
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Jinhsi the 4chan doesn't approve of such disrespect.
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how are her boobs keeping still? I feel like if she were to jump or something they would just flop out
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Changli is a little better if you don't want to throw tons of astrite at a banner, you can just use the standard banner sword on her
Jinhsi would prefer the battlepass of sig broadsword
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magic bras/fake tits
is there a good guide for retards starting this game
i've been kinda doing dailies and events on and off since launch since i've been busy and only now have the time to really grug this game out
Bros what if I can never 30 star the tower?
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Would you still love me if I was a loong?
Encorefags because they post CP.
not clicking your virus bro
jinhsi is for metacuck npcs. changli is for patricians.
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Game does a pretty good job of easing you into the more harder mechanics and stuff pretty seamlessly. Just do your tower and holograms.
Trust me, i'm a huge retard.
people care way too much about bodycount outside the US/west , asiancels will never beat the allegations
I'm pretty sure the standard broadsword is still better than the BP one even if you got the BP 5x. Although the sword is the better weapon still for sure, and you can also use it on rover (electro rover soon?) while the only other greatsword user that isn't meme tier is seed man.
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Imagine rolling for Encore sidegrade.
A melee brick at that.
A menopausic fat hag with more mileage and baggage than your average lyft airport ride.
Couldn't . Be . Me.
You done staring?
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I like the idea of a yandere Yangyang. As first girl she's supposed to be wife but everyone chases the coom
>having standards is... le bad
at least post good ai this shit is so uncanny
Get back to work. You have your wife and her boyfriend to support.
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But people always say selfish main dps will be powercrept fast while hybrids are future proof. Jinhsi is the sovl choice for those who live in the present.
It's just jinhsi being ugly I don't think better prompt can save her lol
>people care way too much about bodycount outside the US/west , asiancels will never beat the allegations
Sis...don't tell me some Asian dude rejected you because you have a triple digit body count....
Jinshifags have no taste
Uh oh ,THEY have arrived
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Jinshi allows this in her kingdom? based
go back to genshit and take the ugly slut with you
>ai shit
pick one and only one
if youre indo and trans i have something to tell you...
Bros our 1.1 web event doko?
>it's actually coming out at a reasonable hour
fuck it I'm sleeping 2 hours tomorrow
Alright, made me laugh.
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I am going to enter a coma. Wake me up exactly in 23 hours. If you don't wake me up in time I will sleep for 1 year.
I don't blame them for not wanting venereal diseases which westoid women have in abundance
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Don't tell me you're serious about rolling for Jinhsi, even lorewise she's garbage.

She's the one that hired that failure of a General Geshu Lin.
She isn't even strong enough to deal with a jobber like Scar.

And she's a bad leader that she can disappear for 3 days, and she's a lizard scalie.
she's not that big
thats when maintenance starts, add another 6 or 7 hours onto that
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Depends how loong.
She directly powercreeps Jiyan. A single ult from her does more damage than 5 minutes of Jiyan flailing around pathetically.
how do you share weapon between two charatcers?
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You are not even that attractive
View bitting started pretty late this time on Jinshis trailer. Sitting at about 60K views all day for the JP one. Exploded to close to 200K in the last hour. Was starting to think they forgot this time
automatic, use the history to count your pity once the banner is live
>view count schizo woke up
>View bitting
just dont have 2 same weapon character in a same team
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yes because lorewise shes for (you)
Jiyan is for comfort not damage. He makes for easy parries and grouping.
yea as long as the servers don't die it should be out at around 10pm in my timezone
cute and canon
Why's she glowing?
More like the trailer botting woke up. It usually happens after 8 hours. This time it took all day
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>pag pag pag pag view bitting pag pag pag pag pag 200k pag pag pag pag last hour
based nooooticers
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>View bitting
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Shut the FUCK up Encore.
You're already powercrept, you lost.
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>View bitting
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>View bitting
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i don't get it
but let me add that to the filter
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genshin impagt mogs this game
nice thread wuwaks
hmm nyo
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>View bitting
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There is no way she hired geshu lin, she is the magistrate for few years at most, not enough time to hire someone, allow him enough time to be promoted to a general, start and lose a war, find a successor to reestablish the army and finally win the war. Plus she seems to basically just follow jué prophecies in the first place, so he would be the wrong one.
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advertising your weeb anime game in times square is cringe
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>View bitting
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>in what folder its that shit? give me the root mother fucker.
Download this build of umodel
Set it to ue4, wuthering waves and the path to your wuwa game files, leave everything else default.
Then it'll ask you for the wuwa aes key, you can get it from the Russian hackers

That'll let you open the files real files stored inside all of those .pak files, have fun
based actually
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When will who's dropping next patch leak? I want Jinshi, but if Camellya is the next patch I rather go hard rolling on her and her weapon.
very redpilled
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Jinhsi is NOT my magistrate.
Wouldn't be surprised if it was around the time zzz releases so it doesn't impact jinhsi's sales and so it keeps people talking about wuwa
>male rover
of course they're going to advertise the homo to americans
make jinzhou great again
I just want Danjin companion quest...
How long until Jinshi? la
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But everyone still loves Encore
I'm gonna masturbate 3 more times before she's out so about that long
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..... Wait, who are you people again?
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Rover(Female) butthole...
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finally good character development
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I'm this one
>minister of defense
>Wa? girl
Chixia is so cool...
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I want to roll NOW
I cannot wait 30 hours, especially since I'll be asleep when the servers go up tomorrow night.
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I drew her right after that but it's not very good (only started earlier this year). I hope it happens though - contrasts really, really well with her gentle demeanor
And the cow?
Beta applications does not mean beta soon, the beta will probably start in 2-3 weeks like how 1.1's started 2 weeks after 1.0 went live.
Where the fuck do you find 15K? Everyone is sitting at 24K or so
My adult card, bro.
I am imagining having sex with Changli.
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That's quality, anon. Please PLEASE do some Danjin in the future.
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Yuanwu showing up out of nowhere and acting like he knows you is the funniest part of this to me. It's so obvious that they had to rush out that bit of the story, it woulda been pretty good with actual buildup.
I am imagining being Changli and having sex.
how long until the patch? cant wait to dump my load and uninstall
tried to give this game an honest try but its just way too grindy and time demanding. combat is nice but aside from mephis and monkey holos everything else is just a slog
10 hours
>time demanding
not even trying at this point
man genshit gacha secondaries are so retarded
yes, the traditional honest to god gacha that salary men play on train is not time demanding. you log in, set auto and the game plays itself as you finish commute
wannabe gacha 3d garbage where you have to manual every single input is the opposite of that
5 minutes
where the wuwa doujins at bros
how long until eos
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yesterday you guys were saying Jihsi was a brick and now she's apparenlty she's broken
she's bricken broken
Don't sleep then. You think Gacha is just a game? It's part of your life. Grow up.
she's a broken brick
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Thanks bwos, may just try to do so in the future then
people like to doompost about characters saying their bad shortly before they come out, then once they come out everyone rolls for them+their signature weapon instantly
she breaks bricks
You can do it go for it bwo
>Not instantly hiding anime avatar schizos post
You only have yourself to blame.
I need 8 hours of sleep every night, minimum, for my gains.
I just hope the game doesn't EoS between when I go to sleep and wake up.
you should time yourself how long it takes to do your dailies of the course of month and then question whether or not you enjoyed any of that "fun" content like picking up 5 materials, crafting something and then using it for no reason, and doing shitty tacet fields with enemies that do 0 damage and offer no threat, why I quit Genshit and probably why I'll drop this too unless 1.1 blows me away
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Expecting shitposters to be consistent or not give away the bit two sentences in like every retard that's "dropping the game" is a tall order for zoomers.
Back in the day they'd be rangebanned for low effort post in a minute but we're a reddit colony now, just ignore it.
What has these generals become...
Everyone dropped the game so only schizos remain
About 8 inches loong
It'll be interesting when 1.1 comes out...not looking forward to it lol.
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when does pic related replenish?
bro your granblue
When the cycle resets or when you remove the progress those characters had in a stage and replace it with another team
we will be ok bros as long as they never add in a candy crush minigame
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Fuck you the bejeweled game mode was pure kino
It wouldn't be the first time they lied about the release date.
I'd take Candy Crush over Apocalyptic Shadow or
"You better have 10 built characters in every element" modes.
Uh oh HRTroon melty
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My Yinlin charge attack sometime doesn't apply the mark
Anyone know why?
when's the new patch sirs?
not soon enough
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Tomorrow you tardddddd
Yeah its becau
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This is your ministry of defence. Questions?
you need to apply the normal mark first by using basic/skill/ulti
it's pretty inconsistent sometime for some reasons, I hit the enemy with both part of the skill yet they are still not marked
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I'm getting bouts of anxiety and trouble breathing that comes and goes when I think about the 1.1 patch. Tomorrow needs to hurry up and come.

continued from yesterday. How much do you think wuwa will make in June.

Keep in mind that we are kinda losing the CN market since USA and KR makes more than CN
Don't hate on my nigga BIREFLY
unironically better than every event this game has had if you don't count illusive realms
kill yourself
im going to do it
im going to max out alloy smelt
She marks with basic attacks, so you need to tag every enemy with at least one hit of her basic before doing her skill and forte. Its a bit annoying but when you consider that she does a lot of damage even when off field its worth it.
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lol why? what is there to stress about?
Kind of surprised its doing better in Korea
Maybe the more involved combat (compared to genshin) is appealing to the esports crowd?
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I'm going to roll for her
If I dont get her, I will uninstall and drop wuwa for good. (im already close to do it)
So your turn Kuro, give me my girl and I will pay a monthly or two.
Keep your 10$. Unsubbed.
>Back in the day they'd be rangebanned for low effort post in a minute
No wonder I used to not be able to post anything using indog simcard while I'm in Bali even after I bypassed the government blocking kek
CN is a bunch of hoyotards so who give a shit
KR have based taste
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Anyone else a bit mad that there are no NTR elements in the game so far?
>the coping is here already

how was she in the beta?, she seems bipolar right now
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Well you're in luck
The NTR game is coming soon
>china that low
Literally how
The hoyoddit spacing is here already
As expected
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I just saved the cat but I ended up getting cucked
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/gig/ is 3 blocks down bro
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>No phantom heron
Its over...
Chinks don't know how PCs work so they only play games with their huawei or knockoff iphones. Now that the game is quite successful outside of china it's only a matter of time until they do like the bandwagonners they are and hop in.
>nobody cares about the largest CN market because hoyo sabotaged it!!!!! Reddit sabotaged it too!!!!
Do I roll for meta (Jinshi) or for who I like (Changli)?
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What are you talking about?
Changli is literally coming out this patch.
We also have Yinlin.
The more popular the game becomes, the more cunny art will be made, the more powerful the pedoporn spammer will become.
>genshin out of no where
rent free
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If you don't have her already, then congratulations your electro team is permabricked.
I am unironically really excited for this
Good thing you cropped this
Uh oh the schizo won't like this
Me on the left
Low quality nude mod.
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just came
Japs are literally the same. japanese PC players are a minority (now growing, but a few years ago it was insignificant) and they are the top 1 country?
Something is fishy here
Hasn't the "NTR" shit been all removed?
converting your porn to webm isn't a good idea on a blue board
But not the stigma
Americans don't spend money on gacha so if this is just PC the breakdown seems reasonable, PC gaming is growing in Japan especially with all the chuubas plaiying on PC now, it's encouraged other japs to swap to PC as well.
Yes but was it really removed if it lives in their head?
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Why does she look like she'd cheat on (you)? Why did they make her and Yinlin look like that? I don't feel the same about other females in this game. It's just these two who give me these vibes. What is it about them?
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AAAIIIIE where are the events?
Meh, I like XCOM so I'll give it a try.
Why the fuck don't they add the oath system from the original game?
>thread going even slower because of pedofags
oh no....
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Oh nononono JP bros? our response?
fake views?
Your game looks like a high quality Roblox mod and is run by fujoshis
It's THAT smile man, you know the one
Hopefully Changli story quest is going to be Rover stumbled upon her having sex with a bunch of men
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Chinkcels were NTRed by the one child policy before they were even born, so the sting of being reminded of their fate will remain for all eternity.
Delete this i'm not playing games with you rn
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I think you are just afraid of strong, independent and domineering women, Rover.
Does 1.1 address any fundamental problems in the game
Yes but they did it too late, everyone already associated the game with NTR
Not to mention the devs kinda fight back the playerbase and adding more NTR back when the shit storm hit
So i doubt they won’t do this shit again
I'd take the cunnyposters over the ntrposters every day
double atk makes up for the low rolls not bad 7/10
you're not supposed to point that out...
the once child policy created a whole generation of homosexual chinese men who squats on dildos on twitter for a living.
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Yes, the major one - lack of content
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Honestly all that Xi needs to do is to kill off any male chinks with 0 gf for the past year and 80% of china's (and gacha gaming's) woes will be able to be remedied.
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I refuse to believe people actually shill those talentless content creators witht the shitty voices and accents for free on fucking 4chan of all places.
It has to be the CCs themselves posting their own videos, right?

Surely no one is pathetic enough to be their online bitch dog without at least getting paid to do so...
lies. Jinhsi and Yinlin are the designated cuck resonators with them being used goods unlike Changli
Why is Kuro resorting to viewbots instead of actually improving their game?
How is KR spending more than US, CN
They need to deliver better localizations for the global or we are doomed.
>Game doing that good in Japan means will get more Lolis
Point them out and maybe you'll get an answer, brownoid.
Quick, im late, what does Jinhsi want? >Crit/Spectro/atk/atk
does she want one 3 to be ER?
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Don't bother checking the thread at this time. It happens everyday like clockwork.
Its pathetic and gets replies. people here crop porn just to get replies.
yinlin was definitely groomed and fucked by the puppet master since she was a child
>light theme
You know it was made by a deeply disturbed individual
I would have if I was him
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>The view schizo is back
Is he going to sperg everytime a wuwa trailer come out and mogged his shit game?
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and a bit of this >>483644071
Alright, seems like most ppl voted

I think it will be in the low 70 million but it highly depends on Jinhsi, especially CN. If it doesnt do too hot, it will probably be in the high 50 or low 60.
Such as a SEApag hoyocum gobbler
The standard dps setup
Crit 4 cost of whatever you need more of
spectro 3 cost or attack if it has really good subs
attack 1 cost
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Imagine being a loser who cares about gacha revenue
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THIS one?
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Jhinshi is literally the purest though.
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That unfortunate 10% of Chinese men really do turn 18 and have to pick between mask wearing, chastity caged Twitter cosplayer or buttblasted NTRed gachacel.
cared enough to give a response, bitch
certified /wuwa/ moment
qrd? what is this game and why is it NTR
we won
Sanest yinlin cuckfag
>no cum on your monitor
Being a larping shareholder is all they got in life.
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did they announce a release date?
Do people really fap to things like that? It looks great and sexy but not the the point where you should or can jack off to. It's purely eye-candy. It's not healthy. Stop it. Get some help.
A male npc sent a letter of appreciation and token to a Female character. It's the worst thing to have ever happened since the explosion of life in the cambrian era.
>fake views
it astounds me that you people still don't understand that youtube videos can be used as ads which gives them a lot of views but no comments, look at the supervive trailer, 10 million views with almost no comments, they just used it as an ad
Is that french or spanish
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Is Jinhsi material still gloom slough or is it just placeholder name?
Low crit rates but still hard to replace, nice anon
So this is the power of 18+...
Anon you're talking to a SEAnigger. Why do you expect it to have any semblance of intellect?
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Reminder that they DO IT FOR FREE.
That's right, that person trying their best to doompost and creating the most atrocious bait instead of enjoying their own game?
That's how you know you're wuwinning.
Kek. Based mod.
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Hopefully 1.1 flops hard so we get quality content too
I have fapped to models that appear on female soap commercials.
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Ok modding scene is pretty good so far...
Lot of gacha players in Korea
Lot of PC players in Korea
This is a PC gacha game
BAgods, mod links please..
>not a public mod
Is he banned for this?
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A guy in /e7g/ posted a webm of something similar but to picrel
>Prequel is a full on for (you) game
>Release sequel
>1 of the main game send letters with NPC guy frequently
>Most of the girl voice line is about him
>The player MC doesn’t get anything
>Player complains
>Adding more NTR and calling players loser incel via in-game items
Are there upskirts in this game?
Mari is a cat btw
>Must not FAP
Holy based. If only they didn't fold to those loser incels like gacha devs always do
>the girl
Bro atleast look into the characters name before shitposting
He posts this every day with different render too so the video gets more blurry each repost
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Holy based
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We have our own Acheron now
Why is it always dicks?
Why yumestacies doesn’t masturbate and post on 4chan too? :(
And he isn't banned yet? Lol the moderation definitely went downhill in this shit hole
She predates Acheron by multiple years but I guess
he deletes it before the janny gets here.
That's disgusting....
>do 3rd stage of resonant tower
>manage to kill the chasm guardian with 3 minutes and 5 seconds to spare
>spawns a second wave
wtf how am i supposed to do this in 2 minutessss
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>changli Cowtits monster.

choose one new fag? She its almost everything that a patrician dislike.
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What moderation?
I did it with anko on my first try, just do more damage bwo.
wuwa is the sound I make whenever I see varina
This, I'm a big pedololi pervert, I have installed a bunch of loli and not loli mods in Genshin and now Wuwa but I don't get horny with the models. It's just nice to see some loli ass or pantsu while you play the game.
But Anko doesnt even benefit from the Electro DMG bonus
can you get banned for using mods?
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too much work... ty for the answer.
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So if Yinlin is Calcharos best Sub DPS what are Encores and Havoc Rovers best partners? Would it be Sanhua and Danjin respectively?
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Yeah, she's really strong
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If you roll for Changli you’re a normalfags
Roll for Jinhsi the 4chan
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>She predates Acheron by multiple years
Haven't heard anything bad about those kinds of mods so far.
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issue of skill shitcan
is it normal for my yinlin to do more damage than my encore
SEA reading comprehension everyone
But it's not just the smile. It's the smile combined with that smug looking squint that these kind of women do with their eyes that make them look disloyal.
as long as you're not retarded enough to post a gameplay with your UID
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Sanhua but soon Changli
>Havoc Rovers
Also Sanhua
>Maybe the more involved combat (compared to genshin) is appealing to the esports crowd?
holy fucking cope, kr just likes it because it has the endless mintpicking disguised as echoes and kr is used to 0.0001% droprates.
Holy fucking schizo.
But you are kinda right. They do look hella sus tbqh.
Don't reply to me again you fucking chink ape
i kind of like this stupid edit
Why would you lie on the internet
Thanks bro
If i want to use both for Tower who should i slot in since i cant do 2 Sanhua?
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How do we top this bros? ZZZ is going to kill us
>Havoc Rovers
>Also Sanhua
not Danjin?
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Works on my pc
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we can't.
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Asterites are stored in the balls?
imagine coming home to your magistrate wife ready to swallow your load.
Danjin is good for double dreamless memes or big liberation number, but Sanhua is better because most of HRover's damage is Basic attacks and Sanhua takes like 4 seconds of fieldtime while giving huge buffs.
Do i always want an elemental set over Lingering Tunes? Or the later has its uses?
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I will lose respect for you if I find you rolling for Jinhsi.
phew thank god you cropped it, almost scared our advertiserGODS
nah that shit is ass, avoid it
Those are plastics if you ever come across them...
ZZZ is gonna mog the PISS out of this game
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Roll Changli for Encore
Alternatively run danjin for HRover, but its a bit worse but still functions.
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>Retarded uninformed take
>Ridicules itself by posting toddler game asset
Like pottery, *mwah*
piss THIS *unzips manko*
wouldnt it be very painful if thats how you could generate asterite?
You can use them for cope set since it would be easy to get 2x elemental% damage of your choice from them
What the hell is that under those black bars?
Some kind of fancy yogurt dispenser?
>BBC NTR furryshit game
hmmm nyo
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sounds like your dream game though?
You can actually talk to him and others right before that. I guess the game just needed to make these dialogues mandatory
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but this game has no furshit and is for (I)?
Holy sex!
bros I don't know what it is but this general makes me rock solid
>already pretending lingyang doesn't exist
>everyone itt excited for a loong's cocksleeve
sounds perfect for wuwa
Its amazing Kuro only needs 2-4 years to make significantly better games than Hoyoverse.
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>literally unfurshits their game
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Yea how about Mihoyo Coping Freezing manga with honkai 3?? or zelda shit with genshin?..

Also first game aren't even the same type of game. GGZ was something like Beat em all... While Twintail was an autobattle shit that was very common on that time.
>3 hour thread
>only 440 replies
>half are about mihoyo games
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your favorite character will be encore, guaranteed
>We have literal porn addicted gooners who have ruined Changli before she is even released by projecting their cuck fetishes on the poor innocent hag.
Rare self inflicted mogs - mihomo edition
>trans and Indonesian
Shareloc, I'll send FPI up your ass.
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If he does that he can't wage war. He needs cannon fodder.
If by better you mean sloppy seconds after everyone got sick of open world puzzle/chest slop then yeah
so I'm playing genshin now, I feel like there's so much shit to do and it's overwhelming
only reason I'm playing it is becuase I play wuwa and I like it so much I wanted to try out the "original" too
I don't give a crap about loyalty to a gacha company but these games are pretty fun, what I wonder is if it's too late to play genshin
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>they have ZERO material to actually justify their shitposting
>they have to commit to it anyway and just make shit up out of desperation
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who are you quoting?
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>poor innocent hag.
Yeah, sure buddy.
>letting retards on 4chan ruin something for you
don't be that guy bro...
>ai shit
the absolute state
idc what people say, NTR is based.
Will people think you are a disgusting nerd if they see you playing Wuwa on your phone in public
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Do you trials!
I won't be pulling for Changli, but that doesn't mean i can't collect her nude pictures
Changli is hot but i dont think shes worth rolling for just to buff my Encore. As a F2Poor i think getting any 5* wep for her would buff my damage even more
Thanks for the answer though brother
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Based on what
only if you play anko or verina
what is that creature
It's never too late to start playing single player gacha but you did miss good 100 hours of limited event content
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No. You might be thinking of the game Genshin Impact. A game only played by 12 year old girls and mentally stunted adults. Wuthering Waves is the thinking man's game
no, they'd think you were retarded for playing a game that can't run on any phone on the market currently.
My cock is NOT that small!
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You must hold your roll or else I will have to get the chastity cage out.
>what I wonder is if it's too late to play genshin
You missed out some event only weapons and rewards. But overall it's fine.
That's above average in gookland
How are you supposed to download anything off this site. I could not figure out how to find genshit mods back when i tried looking
don't make me post it, I'll get banned
she doesn't look that big here
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I did it. I didn't enjoy it. It sucked.
The more I play this game the more I am pissed off at it and the targeting system.

I don't know what I'm doing still playing this. Seems like a waste of time. Stages take 10-20 minutes and the last one is especially cancer where its a 2 shot and it's over. I hate it.

The low quality of everything is pissing me off. Even inside this mode there is MTL translation.
This game is becoming boringer and boringer with each passing day...
finally, someone else who isn't a mindless shill.
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Some stuff I found on the Chinese fansite.
Jinhsi, I'm sorry....
Your bell echo? I didn't even take damage in the last fight despite not dodging once
I'm sticking around hoping they will bundle all the complains and fix them in 1.1 if they don't it's an uninstall
>machine translation translation
None of you are even real people. you're just marketers. I'm the only real person here and you're all just trying to shill this dogshit game to me. Well guess what? It's never going to work.
She has bigger tits.
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I don't care what anyone says, I'm only going to roll for hebes.
At least Simulated Universe has interesting lore.
This shit has nothing. I hate it as well.
You're shit lmao
I turn my brain off doing this mode
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That's genshin (real)
Some SEAmonkey even got killed over it iirc.
I really really like this image
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Yinlin limited edition keyboard
If I start playing today. How long would it take me to acquire this little cum demon?
like...a day? you get a selector
who's first, jinsin or chinchin
She's free from selector ticket
what all that other shit?
30 minutes, there is a 5* pickticket, just make sure you use up your rolls on the beginner banner first so you don't get a dupe
everyone point and laugh at this cuckold.
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0 minutes since you can choose 1 standard 5 star for free
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Just started. Does it really have you type your user and pass every single fucking time?
>implying I don't enjoy the humiliation
>op baited someone in to installing the game
remember to thank your local pedoGODS
When you want to end the game just alt f4 instead of logging out, you'll be automatically logged in next time.
alt+F4 instead of manual exit
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How should I feel about the fact that dollmaker had WAY more sex with Yinlin than me? He has been fucking her since she was as old as Encore. When she was in her prime...
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chill with your elitist retardation, I did it
didn't mean it's not a shit mode
a low quality knock off of Simulated Universe from HSR

I'll stick around a couple of days of 1.1 and then quit. I'm petty much already set on quitting.

added it so no retard would ask what's MTL, I guess another type of retard showed up

This game gets worse and worse the more I play it.

>At least Simulated Universe has interesting lore.

I have no more strength to defend this game. It's just not good. Never returning to Genshin but this ain't it.
Was going to sympathize but they deserve everything they get for playing such a shit game.
Too much red it looks bad. They should have gone with black caps and only use red on some common keys and the case.
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post pussy
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And finally a meme.
No idea, it's from the official "kurogames merch" shop in China.
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The jade like beauty, Jinhsi, magistrate of jinzhou, and resonator of the sentinel Jue
Yes, this is a low quality genshit knock off expect more things which will infuriate you.

You can always cope like those retards. Alt+F4 is a feature!
me on the bottom right
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ah you mean my wife
we don't keep track of each other's titles, otherwise she would have to remember shit like the cock destroyer, bigger in the 8 universes etc
I see their relationship like Silco and Jinx. He was like a father to her. Ain't no way he touched her inappropriately.
Genshit xisters i don't feel safe....
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uh oh hoyoshill melty
what set off the hoyotroon this time?
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>Jinhsi banner 6/28 to 7/22
Loong baner
>shut up, you don't have the right to speak, Genshin player
no real living person would say this kind of shit IRL
nice fanfiction from xer
based, fuck the shills ITT seething at you. ignore them and move on from this garbage.
Mole placement.
Bravo Kuro.
me, a dysfunctional member of society, think that gacha wars are the lowest of the low, therefore I will play whatever I want without giving a single shit about gacha companies
>has to reply to it/thy/xher/niggerself
oh no no no no
Stop talking to yourself you realize we can tell, right?
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>3d moles
who asked for this?
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Reminder her mole is actually 3d modeled and pokes out of her skin
Imagine caring how much a company makes when you don't profit off it.
People are also dumb for wanting a company to monopolize a genre. Monopolies never benefit the consumer.
>have to wait 3 weeks for changli banner
>who asked for this?
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Chat is this real?
my dick
fuck off if im@s can have 60k polygons I can have my 3d moles too
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Jinhsi has 4 moles btw.
Not gonna tell you where the others are.
Ok wtf it works.
That can't be good for player retention
She should go see a dermatologist and get checked for melanoma. 3D moles are no joke.
So it's a wart not a mole?
yoo! I hit union rank 45!
what weapon do I get
I'm going to give taoqi the havoc set...
always sword
or any crit chance weapons
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Everyone here keeps saying they are rolling for JInhsi.

Yet they have no rolls to spend, curious.
Why can't you just stfu baizhi?
Emerald of Genesis because it has the coolest name of the 5
Don't, wuxia folklore says that she shows up naked in your dreams if you do that
yeah it's true. I bought a fancy ruger 10/22 for 1600 dollars and it turned out to be total dogshit, jamming every fucking magazine. So now I don't have a functional gun, or funds for s6 jinhsi. fuck this gay earth
This is some kiddie console wars shit. People being happy when Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft is winning and somehow believing they're part of a winning team. They're so desperate to prove the company they support is superior.
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based i dont understand these sporitual shareholders just play whatever you fucking feel like

she's talking about trains
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So can we have furry female? Seem fair since the lion is in game
what am i looking at
>yt light theme
closed the tab on reflex
i have a couple leftover reroll accounts set aside from yinlin to see how i like her
reminder to report twitch newfags for calling to invasion/raid
the original photo always bothered me because, what would it look like if it were a bunch semi-naked male models surrounding a little baby girl? Nobody can tell me, in their heart of hearts, that they'd be just as comfortable looking at it.
The Jinhsi cosplayer from the videos
do women play gachas?
Post more pics of her and then Ill decide. Need backshots
Oh she cute
no they just grift
Only genshit, hsr, love and deepspace, and maybe wuwa if it gets more pandering like the green general
>I bought a fancy ruger 10/22 for 1600 dollars
Why the fuck did you spend $1600 on a $300 gun? It better be some gucci volquartsen shit.
>Once Jue arrives, Mourning Aix will be completely forgotten
Poor birb
It's a kidd supergrade rifle and it is fucking shit. It's really accurate and fun to shoot when it works, but I'm getting FTFs with fucking BX-1 mags every single fucking mag. Oh and when it does feed? It shaves the bullets.
You still need to farm it to level spectro characters retar
Jinhsi is really fucking pretty man
Isn't Jué a sentinal? Why are we fighting him again?
You're ascension mats raterd?
>Oh and when it does feed? It shaves the bullets
this is probably the extractor, but that is the least of the guns problems
Where do i find a wuwa stacy to date?
Destined to happen
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I am starting to think some of us have an unhealthy obsession with porn
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Your whore has a woman moment with "I can fix him" syndrome on a terrorist. She did succeed and now they regularly sent letters to each other. She also wears a necklace with the dude initial. It's pretty funny how the devs double down and the game flopped. They're trying to come back with coom but it's too late
for the use of it's cocksleeve
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Now it's time for the ultimate announcement
...Her leg mole isn't actually attatched to her leg, it's just floating there
Because uhhh we need to artificially timekeep new characters with new weekly mats
based samefagGOD
Hmm nyo, Jue doesn't have spectro/liberation buffs.
I contacted them about it and they're blaming it on my mags and sending me a couple. But I doubt it's the mags. I'll give them a chance and wait for the mags and try again but goddamn, what a disappointment. I should have just bought European. A nice CZ 457 or Tikka.
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Only some?
Jue is a she
Stop calling her a male
i have no idea but what im talking about but let me take a stab at it
rover, or the persons that are sent eventually turn into a dragon like creature due to the transformational changes of the discord effect. Jue was one of these people sent to aid the world and after enough time he succumbed to the changes. The same thing is happening to anyone who has been exposed to too much tacit field energy.
He or she fact is Jue is fucking LOOONG
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Jhinshi needs his loong cock to ascend.
Sad state of affairs.
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Something something, ningen need to not depend on gods or whatever they worship to evolve. You know, typical asianshit writing
>he also wears a necklace with the dude initial
holy kek no way
Literally unplayable
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>people still going to reroll for units
>A nice CZ 457 or Tikka
I bought a T1X earlier this year and that thing is so fun to shoot at 300~ or so yards.
>I contacted them about it and they're blaming it on my mags and sending me a couple
It could be, but those problems sound like something I'd expect from promag shit
I take it you haven't seen the billion collision boxes in this game that don't fit the 3d models, it's a feature at this point
>The independent asiaGOD vs The Western god dick sucker
>tfw recognize this webm
kek saved
I like this girl. A shame her series was big turd of shit.
damn damn damn. hopefully I can get it resolved, if not I'll sell it at a loss and get me a Tikka too. FUCK it.
> but it's too late
it worked though?
Made for licking
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just slap a suppressor on it and it will make you laugh every time you pull the trigger
>update comes out same day as dawntrail
seeya guys
game was a solid 5.5-6/10 for the time being
Typical rite of passage where we need to earn Jue's blessing to be with his daughter.
Compare jinshi and chongli which character has easier clear in tower.
by the way, what scope are you using on your tikka? I've been shopping around for something not too expensive. was thinking of getting a Bushnell Match Pro but idk if that's too shitty.
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>the big tacet field buff every one was creaming their pants over was just a credit cost reduction
Where are all the retards who swore this would fix echo farming?
I am afraid that I do not remember what a sentinal is because I skipped everything to pull encore.
Yeah ff14 truly is a 6/10 tops, maybe too nice of a rating actually
Jinshi when there is spectro shilling
Changli when there is fire shilling
Source: my uncle works at wuwa
it's not even free
The Match Pro is an amazing scope, its what I use and most of the base class NLR22 shooters around me use.
They also removed the 3 seconds cutscene when claiming rewards!
haha what if Verina needed your spectro seed to grow... that would be very cute and funny haha...
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no horny
>no info page or tier-maker recommends glacio set because the only 4-cost doesnt allow to min-max field time
Was Kuro games' metafagging always this autistic?
I'm dumbfounded by the fact that no one is questioning this ...
great, thanks
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I guess I have to do these events and the tower.
I wish these fags didn't update early.
Jinhsi bwos, go on without me...I just bought some gold bullion...
i mean you can do it just use a 3* echo instead of a 4* echo, u swap them around so u can keep the stats
Genshin is outdated, HSR is the new hotness.
You had 4 weeks to do it you lazy nigger
How many fucking times are they going to say Loong? This is actaully insane.
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uohhh verina cunny
i ended up getting yinlin on my main which im not abandoning but since i have some spare accounts i may as well see what jinshi is like and if i can get her.
>womb tattoo (real)
I am boner
the mods in this game is reaching skyrim levels wtf
I still have 60% of exploration to complete and have only done the companion quests, and done barley any sidequests how much more astrite could i collect?
This is the kind of "person" that calls males homos in gacha.
Except it didn't.
It's still dead in the water, not even in the equation with the big boys like Genshin, HSR, WuWa, FGO, AK, BA etc.
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I planned to do the events this week and grind Echoes next week and do the tower.
So, based?
>seething at males out of nowhere
lmoa mindbroken closet homo
>Mari summons a Doro in Wuthering Waves
The collab gacha games need . . .
wait a moment, those character icons on the right...
noooo rover!
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Cool, i'm still going to take my fat stinky shits on the designated /vg/ toilet that is /gig/ though
There are only two genders in /wuwa/.
actual gacha rot retard
>AI slop mods
Good night /wuwa/, hopefully we'll be able to roll for Jinshi tomorrow!
>no ass
>latest sale revenue is EoS tier
When's the next homo banner? I unironically want one. I'm not going to have enough asstrites at all.
Have a good one little one
She's like 11 bwo
so when does Chiangli's banner comes out?
No I mean like she is literally missing an ass since that angle should have shown the ass crack she's missing.
july 22/23?
Very good, that is the right thing to do in /vg/.
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>womb tattoo
this game has the worst coomers i've ever seen holy shit
BA has the worst.
I think it's pretty fucking obvious that it's either going to be a trial to prove your worth, or the retard nigger gets corrupted, and we have to defeat xim before cleansing him.
Did you come straight from Twitter? Even the average /gig/ modder is worse, go back newfaggot
show them
I'm already at the point where logging in is a slog because there's 0 progression, and even in the rare chance to do an upgrade, it all amounts to nothing as it gives you 3 hp/def rolls in a row.

And the real killer is that this is with 2 accounts.
your gay buddies from gig said they want you back
Welcome to gacha games where you log in, do your dailies and dump your energy while you wait for the next big content update.
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That is, we need coomers with higher standards. No more low quality slop mods. I saw a mod earlier that gave encore a fat ass. Fucking revolting 80 iq cretins. her ass is not that big
gacha is a coomer genre tourist, youre welcome to go back to sanitized genshit anytime.
Welcome to gacha gaming newcutie
i play reverse 1999 like a normal person, please do not speak of that thing in my presence
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i thought snowbreak was the one in the webm
Most games mainly get AI slop for art. Talented fan artists are all too busy playing the big name games and nothing else and they don't draw stuff for games they don't play Even Azur Lane lost most of its fan artists to Blue Archive.
>Another thread of mihoyo living rent free
It was until genshin. That’s when gacha games start finally putting decent quality gacha games. Game before genshin are filled with garbage and mouth breathing retards with shit taste.
every gacha in the market lost most of their big artists to Blue Archive, even FGO.
>1/2 of its income in 2 months
>nearly 1/4 in the following months
Well deserved.
Eh? That’s gfl2 latest unit silly
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>Another thread of mihomofags seething in wuwa for free
Yet, it still barely makes more than tof
there isnt a single good gacha that came out after genshit that is good other than wuwa and even then wuwa is genshit but with more coom.
maybe Outerplane but Outerplane also has coom.
are we rolling
Real soon nice
godhoyo owns the gacha space and coombrained incels can't cope lmao
>SEA daytime
>60% of /vg/ becomes unbrowsable
Good night bros
guess I'm pulling
It's over. I'm going to get 10 copies of her and 0 of Danjin.
is that how the ntr drama killed their revenue?
i don't believe it. There had to be more factors, like it being a carbon copy of the GI gacha system
What's funny is that none of the 4 stars on her name synergize with her. Jinhsi actually works better with the 4 stars on Changli's banner.
I wonder when they'll add more 4 stars. Can't just keep using the same ones on rotation
>reverse 1999 like a normal person
what $ amount the company gets doesnt benefit the player in the slighest.
Do not underestimate the angry sect of Chinese players, they fight devs like you wouldn't believe lol
to be fair, the gameplay is REALLY boring. I don't even think the NTR was that big of a factor.
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Have comfy dreams white men.
>farm overworld for a month
>not a single ER echo
>run tacet field for few days
>got one instantly on the right set
Nice rigged game
The gameplay is uhh okay, casual x-com
It’s a gacha at the end of the day anon
And gacha live and die by it characters
predownload doko?
never suddenly do NTR, if youre going to use canon ships then make it clear the character is taken since release like FGO does, never take a single character and then give it a ship later on
>SEA boogeyman
The sooner you accept it's your own kind doing the worst damage the better
Slop auto battler garbage. Also, there’s gachas like limbus company, but still way better than gachas before genshin
sanuha dupess are super valuable
at s6 she gets double concerto due to a bug (30 instead of 15) in one skill
Nigger this game just came out holy shit.
Go play Tetris or something.
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What's the point of removing Yinlin's banner 2 days before the new patch?
Gameplay is boring
Horribly buggy at launch
Completely changed monetary system
Devs didn’t even know the guns the girls used
The NTR shit was just the cherry on top
The whole game was a slap in the face to the players of the previous games.
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1.2 drip doko
>Devs didn’t even know the guns the girls used
...how? how do you fuck that up when your entire franchise is based around guns?
It does, it makes it where the game doesn’t eos as fast and new events with little to no rerun or stories gets released.
EoS after 1.1
Just installed a new NVME I wonder if I should move my wuwa over to it.
I’m not even joking, some girls were in the wrong class. Like SMGs being ARs and they were literally holding the wrong guns.
Incredible how others have laid the groundwork on how to do marketing and they learned fucking nothing from it
the gameplay is boring yes but Outerplane did what i thought was impossible, it did a time travel/loop arc right and it was just the first season, the writting of Outerplane is good, though i did stop playing cuz i just have too many games on my plate on top of my job and my side commissions.
did they fix it at least?
>quadruple waifu banner
holy based
Needs more coom bait, that saves any shitty game from eosing, look at snowbreak
i see, well then thats expected
You forgot about the flop of a PvP ranking event. That shit is vile especially coming from the first games ranking events. there is not strategy aspect at all what a complete letdown.
Chinks, unlike westerners, put their money where their mouth is.
After being called out on it.
iirc they hired a whole new team that knew fuck all about the original game or just guns in general.
where are these mods
genshit is proof that success means the worst for the player.
gacha should have success but not as much, it should be succesful "enough"
Blue Archive is the perfect example, its succesful enough to keep going with no worries but not succesful enough to risk pissing the players off, Blue Archive players have a grip on John Nexon's balls.
Wuwa should aspire to be the same.
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>/wuwa/ - Other Gacha Games General
Taoqi's bis
The best 4 star dps sword
lol gauntlets
It's all rejects here, even pgr fags hate /wuwa/ in a 1 to 1 mirror of higs relationship with gig
except genshit has been stingy since day 1. Mihomo is just terrible
My fat wife does NOT smoke. This is libel.

It's the local watering hole of /vg/ at this point.
Snowbreak's case is much less severe and has no NTRshit, only shitty story that has the characters acting weird on it, at least that's what I heard.
genshit did give out plenty of gibs at launch but not ever since.
Is this actually good at endgame? I kinda want to get rid of Verina as my healer and just use Jianxin for a shield+healslut support.

If you had to choose, Jianxin or Verina C1?
I see swordsurfing I like
simple as
Chinese acrobatics, actually practical and not just fo sho.
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I can't wait to get to Mt. Firmament and then sprint up the peak of the mountain in 1 minute.
No it didn't.
My queen can dance in the air.
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Jiyanbros...we lost
>It's all rejects here
Mostly correct
>hate /wuwa/
That sounds like battered wife behaviour are you alright? Is this your call for help?
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I know none of you hyping up Jinhsi even have enough rolls to pull her.
>can cancel air attack with air dash too
is there a reason why Yinlin cant of all characters?
Pitch your game to me, anons. Why should I play Wuthering Waves? Does it have a good story? Does it have online multiplayer? How bad is the gacha shit? Does it force you to play daily, sign in with Google, or any other such bullshit?
When will retard understand that is easier to be generous on png/chibi slop than a real game like genshin/wuwa
It's doubling down on the NTR that's the redflag.
If the devs immediately do damage control and removed it, people wouldn't care and it would only be a meme for some time.
But since they decided to give the playerbase the middle finger, even those who don't care about the drama gets pissed off too.
After all, they could pull off the same shit too to their favorite characters.
You don't fuck with your fanbase unless your game is big enough, but it wasn't and they paid it with their waning sales.
I hope I get her, I don't want to uninstall the game...
It's still dogwater since you have to stand in place for 3seconds to get the shield just to get the healing set buff.
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>Pitch your game to me

pic related thats all
>Pitch your game to me
nah, play the fucking thing for yourself and form your opinion it's a free game retarded nigger
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>Real game like genshin/wuwa
yes it did, it wasnt wuwa tier but it did give some gibs, that said its not mihomo, its genshit only cuz both honkek games give plenty of gibs
HSR is plenty generous with its gibs though?
Fuck. I hate Verina's playstyle.
At the cost of powercreep. Firefly made useless every other dps not named acheron
>both honkek games give plenty of gibs
Who's going to tell her?
>Seele a 1.1 character still viable
You were saying pgr kek?
>Does it have a good story?
It's mediocre so far.
>Does it have online multiplayer?
It has coop.
>How bad is the gacha shit?
Not that bad.
>Does it force you to play daily
Yes, in the way that you get premium currency from doing dailies.
If you don't care then no.
>sign in with Google, or any other such bullshit?
No matter the quality, gachas will never be real games. Even fucking clash of clans is more of a real game
>Does it have a good story?
No. There's some cool moments but it's still mostly very boring.
>Does it have online multiplayer?
Yes, you can run around in co-op with others.
>How bad is the gacha shit?
Mostly the same as, but slightly better than, Genshit. More free handouts too.
>Does it force you to play daily, sign in with Google, or any other such bullshit?
Not really, no. They have their own account system.
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she has a very rewarding counter playstyle
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>stand in place for 3seconds to get the shield just to get the healing set buff.

If you want the healing set buff you can get it instantly, even faster than Verina, there is a 3* fist weapon that heals on basic attack.

Punch 1 enemy and everyone now has a buff and you instantly swap out.
The music better be comfy as fuck and make me want to roast marshmallows over an open fire.
>Firefly made useless every other dps not named acheron
Seele, the launch limited, can clear the latest end game mode just fine.
>Is this actually good at endgame? I kinda want to get rid of Verina as my healer and just use Jianxin for a shield+healslut support.
Read the reply chain shitter. or did getting fucked in the ass literally blow your brain out?
you motherfucker
drop the link
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>clumps enemies up because of ult
>buffs all your units with .00000001s of field time

>not good for endgame
Call yourself a stupid bitch you retard.
Only if you have absolute cracked relics. Even a shit character can be made good if your relics are busted enough.
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>online multiplayer
effectively no
>gacha shit
not too bad
>force you to play daily
>google sign in
>Pitch your game to me
if it's shit i'm just going to put this on
>she's not useless!!1!
>you just have to roll weapons and dupes on every character!
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Bros... I want my jade beauty wife now....
all on that terrible arca korean modding website password is usually Eldwh
>Does it force you to play daily
Only if you buy the subscription. Like all gacha you will always have a few more rolls that build up if you log daily.
>Only if you have absolute cracked relics.
None of them have absolutely cracked relics.
>Even a shit character can be made good if your relics are busted enough.
>moving the goalposts

>>you just have to roll weapons and dupes on every character!
Only 1 character has a dupe and it's inconsequential.
3 have signs but 2 of them are inconsequential/easily replaceable.
I don't get why they are taking another whole day to just get started on maintenance. NIKKE just has a dead period of a few hours at most.
>added it so no retard would ask what's MTL, I guess another type of retard showed up
Just go back to your discord retarded newfag
I can't stop watching her trailer bros, this is her update, her game.
that its a problem with the type of weapon.
No game is ever "free," they almost all are loaded down with spyware.

Hot anime chicks with big tits? Most games have at least a few of those.
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point made this game doesnt even have console revenue and releaseeven with console revenue taking away from mobile and pc still mgos this shit
>who gives a shit
youll because china makes up usually for the entire world combined, if they are losing to japan this is bad
all those insane animations and all you do is pressing left click lmao + q literally the same, you sure like the over animated shit lmao you literally cant even see whats happening in her combat demos because of the clutter
what the fuck

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