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Feedback edition

Keep it clean pervs

Previous: >>482641250
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She died? So sad.
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>I don't think it's a game for steam
Who the fuck is that dude? Does he know how many trash game for less than a follar exist in steam? Then again I'm glad CA shit the fuck up all this idiots.
Anon... that was back when Steam Greenlight existed and indie games actually required rigorous approval to get on the store.
the standards were much higher back then. now you pay 100 dollars and your game goes in automatically, back then you had to submit to the greenlight program and have people vote for it to be approved
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When I first started playing I was conflicted on which girl I should date, but I fell in love the moment I saw Emily turn around. I was so sad when I saw she wasn't romanceable.
I'm glad Ape made her romanceable because no other lady stands a chance
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Anybody got any good farmhouse interior designs. Trying to get ideas for how to do mine
bro that is gay people stuff
Honestly, huge props to CA for sticking it out. It can't have to been easy to put out a prototype that looked so shit to an unwelcoming internet, and then power through all the namecalling to realize his final vision
>Making your wife live in a shitty undecorated house
>Not recognizing the art style that has been posted here for about 3+ months
What brings you here tourist?
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Don't scare me like that, it's only been two months since I started
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Smug tiddy-gremlin Haley mocks you.
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Me and the wifey at the Stardew Valley concert
I generally don't care for blondes but I've a weakness for the boob-goblin body format. Small ass though- I like em short and top heavy.
She is perfect this way. We don't need fat girls here.
I hate that I like this
>Makes a decent farming game with great potential
>Focuses on the wrong things and bloats it with fetch-quest heavy dungeon crawling
What a waste
>fetch-quest heavy dungeon crawling
He has said the core gameplay of Haunted Chocolatier will be combat with the main gameplay loop being going on quests to gather ingredients lol
Fun fact: I found out where this portrait gets used by unpacking the game's dialogue and running a script I got from the official discord
It's a single line in the whole game. When male farmers successfully ask her to dance at the Flower Dance. (She's not smug at all when a female farmer does it and she even calls them pretty if spoken to again)
The other one they added in 1.6, the shock one, is even scarcer, used if spoken to twice if married during the year 2 variant of Spirit's Eve

Ape y the fuk u do dis
Why is the art of the game so hit and miss? Some things look genuinely great, others passable, others derpy as fuck.
I thought you were talking about the bigger sprite and boy that threw me off
Cause the game was made by a complete amateur who could barely draw. Not meant to be insulting. The fact that the game is so great is a testament to his vision, commitment, and perseverance.
>be CA
>get shit on by Steam reviewers
>show them all how wrong they were
>game is a huge hit
>millions of units sold; CA can retire if he wants
>still updates the game for free
CA is very based I have to say. The free updates alone, this long after release, are amazing.
Not only that but he's updating game he absolutely hated after playing it for years non stop.
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>guy with one leg can get married
>can't even get a gf with two legs
Judging from that pic he's a funny guy, like a teddy bear, but you aren't.
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Although it's still pretty hilarious that while CA's pixel art abilities improved to the point he could make the game look actually nice in the end, he still ended up creating the infamous Grandpa Bed because he rushed it at the very end
It adds so much soul and I'm sure it's probably a tad embarrassing for him but its so timeless. I am glad he left it in.
I didn't really think anything about it when I played for the first time a few months back.

Joja offices gave a bit comical feel for the game.

But I did notice how the quality went up right after the intro.
I'm a simple man, two pixels is all it takes.
>pompously lectures Ape about game dev
>is actually just some random dentist who argues with people all day on reddit
I think I've seen more coherent logic about the industry from Algerian baneposters. Yoba almighty.
They are the same color as her dress?
Is she mocking him by standing on one leg?
I find myself wondering the most about his confidently scathing judgment that a game that "just" sought to clone Harvest Moon would be doomed to be bad
Because at the end of the day did Stardew really evolve the formula set in place by Harvest Moon? It just did what they'd done before, but better than they'd done in a long time, plus on a new platform that had nothing like it except that cheap bootleg live service version Farmville
Exactly that. I believe in that time farming = HM and any other attempt are cheap boring clone version like farmville. That's why when Ape made his game, what had everything from the old HM games but way better, he gave life to a dead genre. Modding helped a lot in that too, because no only you could play the game, you could create content to add to such game. Sadly now even AAA companies or popular companies want that money as well, making their own farm games without care for the fans.
There is a reason why rune factory and sun haven are doing well. At least they put a twist on the formula.
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Maybe this will give you an idea.
When copying another game, you have two options:
>1. Add a unique twist
>2. Just do it better
Most rip-offs try neither, and that's why they get shit on and forgotten.
SDV seemed to achieve both.
SDV became successful way before doing both. It was just "Do better than current harvest moon" which wasn't a very high goal so it achieved it and became on par with FOMT (which is widely considered the series' peak).
>unable to harvest 3x3 middle crop
>no mine's elevator
>no need for stupid gnomes to "hire" to do your job. We have cuter junimos who love raisins
>many other things
Where is the unique twist in that? It's the same gameplay loop as harvest moon.
>unable to harvest 3x3 middle crop
Not a problem since the 3x3 seed system was changed way before stardew even started development to a 1 to 1 ratio.
>no mine's elevator
Not a unique twist. Harvest moon bypassed that by having several mines instead.
>no need for stupid gnomes to "hire" to do your job. We have cuter junimos who love raisins
Junimos didn't like raisins until the latest major update. Raisin wasn't even a thing and you couldn't even hire them until 8 months after release.

What stardew did original was just being an extremely good (no copyright infringed) harvest moon. Since then it evolved into its own thing with many features and twists that other games don't have. The closest thing to a unique feature was the leveling system but it was barely mentioned when the game was released so it's not exactly a selling point.
>crop quality is not a unique twist
>gay marriage is not a unique twist
>black characters are not unique twists
>community center is not a unique twist
>ginger island is not a unique twist
>skill mastery is not a unique twist
>festivals are not a unique twist
>fruit trees are not a unique twist
>greenhouse is not a unique twist
>updates are not a unique twist
>dinosaurs are not a unique twist
>casino is not a unique twist
>mining to upgrade your equipment is not a unique twist
>fishing is not a unique twist
>foraging is not a unique twist
>cooking is not a unique twist
>horses are not a unique twist
>giant crops are not a unique twist
>fertilizer are not a unique twist
>books are not a unique twist
>ancient fruits are not a unique twist
>tailoring is not a unique twist
>heart events are not a unique twist
go back. you don't even play sdv or hm.
I can't tell if this is genuine stupidity or trolling...
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hm has none of that. all unique to sdv.
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I don't have the energy for this shit I'm going to bed
>going to sleep at this hour
Smells like asia
I actually liked those feedback. At least they are honest.
>nigger tongue my anus
i accept your conception.
Weird to think that ferret is an old man now.
As time has shown though that feedback was less than worthless. I bet none of those people had bought a Harvest Moon game since FoMT
I'd say it died decades ago.
That's not a conception that's a ferret
Stardew didn't evolve the formula. It's a codifier. It sets the standard for what should be present in a modern farming game. It's mostly basic stuff but they're now the standard and not having them without a replacement or a justification would feel weird.
Yeah that's pretty much what I mean, rather than really adding many new concepts Stardew just put back in a lot of the effort and content that the actual SoS series had begun to phone in or cut from newer titles, and of course the pretender HMs made after Natsume usurped the western name from Marvelous were lacking even harder
The game sold gangbusters and went on to become the standard despite that lack of evolution

None of them seem intent on improving the NPC socializing, though... I miss being able to get rival love interests hitched so that we don't feel like we're the only changing characters in a world in stasis
What I mean is that there is now an after stardew and a before stardew for farming games. For example almost every farming game released after the stardew boom features: Same sex marriage and starting the game with a non-marriageable character. Half the harvest moon game had a clearly canon marriage candidate that was introduced at the beginning (ironically FOMT doesn't do that), every rune factory except for 4 and 5 starts with a marriageable candidate.
I hate Ginger Island. Spending too much time on this god forsaken tropical hellhole should trigger an ending where you isolate yourself from the valley and become a savage madman who develops the runs from eating too many golden coconuts. Then Lewis confiscates your farm and your wife gets fucked by one of the random bachelors, which you can't do anything about because you accidentally picked up a staircase in the Volcano and get killed by Mr.Qi.

Actually, replace this happening to you with Podunkian instead. You know what, forget everything else I said, just kill Podunkian.
Been on Ginger island for 10 minutes maybe before I restarted, but now I'm interested to play it through.
It's seriously pissing me off how annoying it is to build the Ginger Island Obelisk in comparison to the rest, so I have to rush off to the boat.
the problem is that you piss away all your time in there instead of doing shit on your farm
Just go to Ginger Island during winter. Like a holiday home.
>your wife gets fucked by one of the random bachelors
no your wife wont titty fuck a different guy stop asking
Remember that contrary to what you might have heard, dealing with the walnut parrot and waiver man will not in fact cause mr. Qi to anally vore you in retaliation.
>boring cuckshit
Wake me up when it's the Flower Kill Podunkian Festival.
starcuck valley
I actually didn't notice until you said that
Mud's sex mod will never be allowed on nexus because you need a penis to get paizuri and females don't have penises. It's descriminatory.
One of my mods unironically got pulled out for that shit btw.
But some of the biggest sex mods like Xtardew and Lewddew are explicitly male only.
Lewddew was pulled out for a while because of that.
Nexus is shit anyways, just download mods you want and leave as fast as possible.
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He will stand guard until the harvest is ready.
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>just barely scrap by enough hearts with Penny to dance with her year one
Finally, now I can play the game.
Paizuri festival.
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>Two threads in /v/
That's weird
What is Jas up to?
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She's just jassin'
Probably for the big update.
What big update?
The huge update. It's going to change everything.
Likely story.
so why does Abigail's locker smell bad? What's the implication there?
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She doesn't change her underwear.
she doesn't wash her bad dragon after use
CA went to a public gym once and it was completely disgusting
What was he doing in the ladies' changing room?
Let the women grow one through Junimo magic or something I dunno. Growing mushrooms sounds up their alley
>spring 24
>forget to save a carrot for the remixed bundle in the CC
>find no seed spots for 2 days
>would have to wait for spring 2 to finish the greenhouse

Do I abandon the run and start over or do I sell my soul and go the Joja route?
live with your mistake
Do you have any bundles that would require year 2 to finish anyway? If no, erase it all, if yes, persevere in the doomed world you have created
What's the rush? Wait for the next year
But I hate dealing with the consequences of my own actions!
With remixed there is a chance and even if I got the red cabbage I could brute force my luck with Skull Cavern runs to get it. (Hopefully)
Trying to get to ginger island year 1 to get island going as soon as possible. Basically a challenge to myself to get perfection by the end of year 2. My first and only perfection was spring 4. Accounting for my many mistakes and lost time I think I cat get that down to year 2. At least that's the goal.
If you use the easy route I wouldn't call it a challenge. Then again it's your choice. Go joja or restart.
You're right. I can't believe I almost fell to despair and became a joja bro. Thank you anons.
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That's nice as hell, what farmhouse mod is that?
NTA but it looks like it's for the island farmhouse only. The mod creator also made some similar looking layouts for the actual farmhouse, though.
>buy key to the the town
>enter houses at 7AM and talk to people in their beds
>refuse to take off shoes or wipe my feet
I love degenerate Ferngill culture.
Do they have dialogue for you barging into their homes before/past hours? It'd be pretty funny.
Also with potential for sweetness if it's people you're dating and they're happy to see you.
Just generic lines, unfortunately. It's too bad, really. It would be great if you woke Kent up and he almost nuked you off the face of the valley before angrily adding a mega bomb to your inventory and telling you not to do that again

> potential for sweetness if it's people you're dating and they're happy to see you
Fuck, I didn't even know I wanted this until now
Unfortunately I would assume that making the game recognize being in bed as a special state to trigger unique dialogue would require more complicated coding than your average Content Patcher mod
True, average modder would probably have to work around it using the location xy shit, but that goes out the window if the map is rearranged at all
Wait... that's supposed to be the Sweet Gem Berry, right? Why's it all... goopy?
The berry on the ground, it's covered in suspicious white goop
>old Master Canolli, Gooning to the sweetest taste...
That's a letter.
by what point should I have decided on a partner and be working toward marriage with them? I'm not really sure who I like yet
I can see the confusion. The red seal on the letter looks like part of the berry which give an illusion of white stuff surrounding the end of the berry.
Just work it in when you think you can spare the time in the day to go socialize, really. I prefer to just be giving gifts to as many people as I can even in Year 1 rather than dedicating the entire time to strict progression
The first week
Any later and you can no longer make the relationship work
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>One of my mods unironically got pulled out for that shit btw.
Why do I have a feeling we're only getting half a story here?
Don't worry about it, bro. When you're ready, a girl will come up to you. Just be yourself l.
After you get introductions quest from Lewis on the first day, you should run as was as possible to your waifu, else Clint will get her.
Huh...now you mention it. Jokes aside, this was from the discord so I'm sure it's not what we think it is.
https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/25590 New location, new girl. Very basic
Her sprite... is just a shitty Haley color swap. Holy zero effort, Batman.
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I never shared the look I went with for Abigail's swimsuit variant, did I? Here ya go, lewd variant's gonna go without the strap across her chest
Work on the mod's probably gonna slow down for a few days on account of me needing to get started on some other drawings
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You are doing the Lord's work.
Pretty good job.
Just get 8 hearts with all love interests to prevent relationship decay and then make your choice.
I love these pics
that sounds like a solid plan, thanks. so I won't get cucked if I wait too long? I don't know if NPCs can marry each other before I pick someone.
This is not HM so you don't need to worry about that
The only actual content you can "miss" by waiting too long is Sam's three heart event which is only available during the first three months of year one. That's fucking nothing.
I did that
I think it would have been good if you could nudge some of them together.
Help them get laid or even encourage some to leave town. Just a bit more character development. Maybe you could actually help Clint get a mail-order bride.
No because that would encourage cucking and NTR. CA support modding, but he won't do it himself. The only way this happen is with a mod from Nexus.
>cucking and NTR
What? I was just thinking that if I've married Penny then why can't I set up my bro Elliot with Leah? I have no intention of ever romancing Maru, so why can't I set her up with Sebastian?
>I have no intention of ever romancing Maru, so why can't I set her up with Sebastian?
Her half-brother?? based
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That's you. But imagine this scenario where you marry Penny, but then Emily and Clint seem to be getting somewhere happy. Then the player divorce Penny and go for Emily, just to NTR Clint If this was an option, it would encourage ntr a lot, and "normal" people wouldn't like that.
Surely that would be easily solved by locking those romances?
It wouldn't be diferent from the usual HM where you're tied to one girl and the only way to try other girls is in a new gameplay. There's a reason why CA created the divorce option. To players can try and know every girl in one single save file without any issue like "rivals" or "locks" . He's a 4chan user, he watch anime and play videogames from Japan, he might as well like harem series.
I remember this happening to me in RF too, it's so funny they put this in the game it's a shame they didn't keep it
I can't imagine ever divorcing and ruining the lives of these lovely ladies.
Since the other anon already gave you the farmhouse mod, I'll just add that this furniture mod is West Elm Furniture.
>TFW update never ever
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who do I marry bros
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Emily has the biggest ass so her.
is Emily's hair naturally blue or does she dye it?
Haley has great character development but I feel so bad for Penny. This choice is fucked up.
Probably natural. Which means Haley should also be a natural bluehead.
Someone else said here both sisters can have diferent hair colors because anime. So it's that one of both dyed their hair.
you keep them all as girlfriends because variety is the spice of life know what i'm sayin
maybe snag alex too because you know you only live once.
why does emilys sprite look like she has a clown nose or a zit or something. its not in her portrait.
That's her goofy mouth.
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https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22457?tab=description Make bigger your fridge
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New player here. Why do all the women have man jaws? Gimme the best portrait mod recommendations
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>man jaws
Define this. The answer might be because is western art. But I want to be sure what do you meant with that.
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You know what I mean, wise guy
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This is 3D, no art made by hand. But then again I guess I know what do you mean. It's because is western art.
The reason is your aesthetic taste has been completely rotted by rounded moeblob designs
t. moeblob enjoyer
I don't want a moeblob. I just feel like these character designed are right out of a tumblr webcomic and they're about to tell me to check my white privilege and that trans women are real women
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Total moeblob overhaul when?
I mean, they're just normal human jawlines. Mannish jaws are square, these are just long like normal adult women and they have chins instead of rounded edges or thin points. Aloy's just fat.
To further feminize their traits you have to create moeblobs or Tweety Birds.
There're plenty of anime portraits mod out there. Just pick your favorite
how is that a man jaw
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>how is that a man jaw
That's a landwhale, not a man
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As a permaweeb, I like nyapu's portraits
Based taste
Are blue eggs and golden eggs more profitable than normal eggs?
blue eggs aren’t real sorry
Oh yeah that's a mod. I think.
Golden eggs are anywhere from 3-10x more valuable than normal eggs depending on quality and mayo, but being locked behind completing the game makes it meaningless
Considering that all moneymakers must compete against wine and truffle strats I feel like golden chickens wouldn't be OP if a mod offered an alternative but difficult way to unlock them
The main question then is, what would be a suitable unlock method?
marry the alcoholic
https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/25608 Kinda neat
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That's doable in like your first spring, way too simple
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>start new day
>use the pickaxe accidentally in your crop
Oh well, a good time to stop
>close the game
crafting recipe involving a rare drop off a ghost, an egg and say, 50 gold ore
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Seconding Nyapu, you can get the seasonal edits and use it with Seasonal Cute characters too.
did they have to make them so hot
sex with all of them
sex all day long, i don't care if the crops wither
Seasonal edits where? Link please
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In an interview with IGN, Barone explained that he is careful with the Stardew Valley brand, as he has only explored other ventures such as the Stardew Valley board game and the upcoming Festival of Seasons concert. "I'm just too protective of my IP to just hand it over to someone and say go ahead and make a Stardew Valley movie or whatever," he said. "I would need to be closely involved with that."

According to him, there are some cool opportunities within that medium for Stardew Valley, but he feels like it's risky giving characters voice acting and having them move around on their own.

Barone also felt that his time could be better spent just developing more games. He would only agree if particular and esteemed studios came knocking on his door to create such projects. "If Studio Ghibli approached me, I would probably say okay, let's do it," he chuckled. "If David Lynch approached me and wanted to make a Stardew Valley movie, I would say go ahead, just do it."
how rich is this guy
This one.
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The merchandise for the game is fucking shit, I do not trust his "care with the SDV brand" at all.
>only Haley, Abigail, Shane, Sebastian and Krobus have plushies, all the other romanceables get nothing
>Fangamer has mountains of merch but most of it is retarded shit like an earring that has absolutely nothing to do with the game, crochet guides, shirts and totebags with designs cobbled from a quick "rural aesthetics" search on Pinterest that also do not exist in-game, not to mention the fucking STARDROP SHAPED CORKBOARD JESUS CHRIST
>mascots on top of PC case

I have some too.
likely over 300 million

>only most popular characters get plushies
Awww, think of the poor indie developer who couldn't afford to license them all.
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>krobus plushie
All that matters.
It's not like he has his own factory, the third party actually in charge of sales and production are the ones calling those shots. Do you really think they reached out to him and asked "please mr. ape, we would love to make plushies of all the romanceable characters, can we?" and he told them no?
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I honestly don't even like those weirdos.
do you think if i asked for a beer they could get me one
That green rain event spooked me a bit
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But Soupgirl is pretty though
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I don't judge a character based in small details like that. Supergirl is nice with the proper artist. Most of the people who dislike something because small details are most the times baiting or provoking.
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Fair enough, I don't think they generally had manjaws, although Abigail looks like she has a fat chin, but it might be the angling/lighting. Leah's fine, just slightly boring. I get what you mean about having a single detail be a dealbreaker, Leah's cheeks are slightly too puffy but she has really nice eyes.
Also that is not a character I expected to see here
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Just showing a proper female character lusted a lot out there, having that chin people don't like because isn't round enough like in anime.
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>it's triangle chin that counts as manchin
What? There's cute-ass girls with triangle chins in anime all the time, the hell? I generally prefer them, even
Wish it would last longer and have some post apocalyptic content.
Very curious why Ape thought the game needed the Green Rain, it can't be there *just* because of adding Moss
Probably just did it for fun.
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It's nice and charming. If I'm not wrong, is a unique thing I believe no other game came with this idea before. Maybe is the "wholesome" version of the acid rain, what is a harmless event in the game. Also yes, moss because why not.
It's explicitely a thing that happens only in the valley which is why detritus studies it. No idea why he wears a full hazma suit and why the entire town stays indoor. It's just dirty rain pretty much.
The only thing, is this green rain trees aren't very useful, They do nothing aside ofc when you cut it down, it give wood. You can't tap it or anything.
I appreciate weird inconsequential shit in games like this
Lynch's Stardew Valley would be pure unadulterated kino
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We already have a Lynchian SV. It's called Gleaner Heights.
It's not kino.
Is this like, farming game but bleak or something
https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/25655 Gold craftables
It's farming game in the Twin Peaks universe.
How about that but good this time then.
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No good art lately. And no, I'm not posting dudes.
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>farming game but bleak
Graveyard Keeper. Good game or bad one? No comparing with SDV, just thinking if buy or not.
>No comparing with SDV
>in the SDV thread
This is /fagg/ Farming and agriculture games general right?
No, this is SDVG. We don' t talk about trans games here
I immediately wrote off that game when I saw it charges your character to use the shipping bin mechanic, I don't need busywork added to simple game functions
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Vincent's winter outfit is cute.
Really impressive

Let go of your hatred.
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Yes these were added in 1.6 I think
Jas is also cute! No pedo
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>Jas is also cute!
And funny, too.
>Jas really hates alcohol!
>My youngest really hates alcohol.
What is wrong with this family?
throw him into the river

throw her into the river
I liked it. Lots of different things to do, craft, research, plant, bodies to cut up, quests to complete. It's as grindy as you allow it to be. There's no time limit or anything.
throw them into a bed together
yeah, the riverbed
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Vincent barely have art. No one payed attention to him outside atf and sadly the mod won't be updated for 1.6 at all. Either someone dedicated take that old mod, update and polish it, or someone make a mod what turn him into a girl. Meantime, he'll stay as a forgettable npc.
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I am/was genuinely surprised that the old Bachelor Vincent mod showed up so early in the game's life
Shotafags gonna shotafag but like... for pineapple-head Vincent? Come on...
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God what a saucy minx
I'll throw her in the snow...
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What food do you guys tend to eat in the earlier stages of the game?
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The mod have diferent portraits and sprites to change in case you don't like the potato. Blonde hair version even a furry version iirc. It was a nice mod, but it also didn't had a good writer and part of the content was glued to other mod where all male npc have gay sex with each other and ofc with him too
/agdg/er detected
It's not so much about my feelings about the vanilla art as it is the idea that someone met a character the game introduces as this pineapple-headed motherfucker and went "Hmm yes I want to romance that"

Typically I'd survive on Leeks and Spring Onion until Salmonberry season, which keeps me going until I start getting Common Mushrooms out of the shroom cave, and then I grow a sizeable crop of Hops in summer and eat those for the rest of the game, they're like the most cost-efficient restorative you can get
>part of the content was glued to other mod where all male npc have gay sex with each other and ofc with him too
fujoshis gonna fujo
absolutely disgusting
you caught me. Just thought it was funny because people seem to think of CA as this stoic serious dude
sounds heckin based and shotapilled
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Well, this mod is old, and even in 1.56 Vincent is pretty much a blank canvas. Aside the fact he have a ptsd father and he go to school, there's nothing else worth to mention. Maybe that's why the mod was made, and the same reasons the faggots from RSV want to turn him into a trans character. No one else is giving to him attention.
Yes, a romance mod with the farmer would way 1000% better than let the RSV idiots ruin him. But again, the mod need someone with dedication for an update and polish.
>RSV want to turn him into a trans character
Dialogues where he wants to be the princess in a game, getting encouraged by Sean etc
I don't know the details, but seem like RSV make him to wish to become the flower dance queen thing. And apparently some character from the mod encourage that. As I said, he's pretty much abandoned by the modding community, so no wonder this people want to take him.
Jas asking us to her "mister" was what made me uninstall the mod. That's just too weird and sounds like the dev's weird fetish.
I don't get what did you meant, but the reason I stopped using the Vincent mod in 1.56 was because it need the infamous pytk mod as a dependency.
RSV has an event where Jas started asking you to refer to her as "Mister Jas" and that filtered me.
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Ridgeside is pretty bad with the pozzed shit, but you really don't know how bad things really are. The newest expansion mod coming next month or so, Sunberry Village, has 8 lesbians, 3 non-binary fags and one full tranny
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I've just learned to ignore it, I'm just stealing some guy's childhood friend
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So...no diferent from other expansions mods like the cemetery one https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22600 RSV have it flaws, but it also have it good things like Trinnie and the other girls. All the woke content can be evaded and ignored after all.
Surprised they'd make characters with definitive sexuality when everyone is playsexual in base game.
elaborate on this
they will romance the player no matter what gender they are
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bros d-does Penny like me? omg
you hate to see it
What. I call BS, there's no way.
I finally got the gold clock bros...
what year rich bitch
Fall year 3. I still need to do Robin's upgrades though.
I wish it felt more satisfying, like it made more of a difference instead of being a bragging rights unlock that they then tossed into the completion counter
At least having it doesn't prompt angry villagers to harass you at your doorstep every morning for flaunting your wealth like the gold lumber from HM FoMT
Yeah, I mostly worked towards this for the aesthetics though.
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Can you date the lesbians and bring them back to the path of straightness with the power of cock
>Birthday mod
>All the girls I'm leading on have events of them throwing a private party for you
I feel bad now
H-happy birthday...
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It's the end of fall of the third year and I've finally got enough desert fruit to get the obelisk and I've also gotten all 100 walnuts to get to the Qi room.
My end goal for all my livestock is to just automate it with autograbbers leading to a hopper that fills up a jumino chest connecting all 4 to the same chest in the shed near the fish ponds, so I can just centralize all the processing in there rather than seperately in each building.
>Need a bunch of bananas to construct the Island Obelisk
>But my autism refuses to let me plant the trees until there's enough for both sides
You gotta take responsibility and marry them all now
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A or B?
A because it's more aesthetic
Third option, get a bigger greenhouse with a mod.
I don't want to get that modded
This, neither of those have symmetry.
A because by the point where you can get B, you'll already be close to achieving perfection.
Assuming you're doing this for wine baron strats you may as well just apply Deluxe Retaining Soil to your whole greenhouse so you don't need sprinklers at all
120 deluxe retaining soil far exceeds the cost of 5 iridium sprinklers with nozzles imo
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