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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Foch META(Cruise Mission) & Attilio Regolo skin(Cruise Pass) - 6/1 - 7/31
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4
Rondo at Rainbow's End Rerun - 6/20 - 6/26

Kraut Event "Welcome to Little Academy" - 6/27 - 7/10
SSR Alvitr
SR Z43
SR U-31
Teacher skins: Alvitr, Illustrious L2D, Duke of York
Preschooler skins: Z47, Z43, U-31, Eldridge
Scylla ASMR

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>483566643
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I feel like posting Helena again
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We hate M*gador here.
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We actually love Mogador here.
Joffre a shit.

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Riche? For (You)
The Orthodoxy? At your command.
Your hand? Taken by her.
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
>taken by her
but she will get me pregnant that way
If all botes were to spend a whole day as lurkers in this general, how would they react to /alg/?
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We love Mogador here.
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Imagine how sweaty and stuffy her legs and cunny must be after some hours of playing otuside while wearing these pantyhose.
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What causes such profound mental illness? Being fatherless?
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Can't stop cumming inside Mogador
Richelieu my lovely trad holy woman, i love her so much.
Essex posts in /alg/: hollow skull retards, waste of oxygen, contribute nothing to society and are better off castrated
Essex posts outside /alg/: pinnacle of based, apex of humor, many a poster strive to be like this and be so universally adored
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Every man needs a purpose in life.
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The previous thread will probably get nuked.
I swear if DALfag is going to be the next mainzcoffee-prophet I will never doubt the power of manifesting here
it would probably be a horror experience realizing skk is nothing more than a sock puppet to countless neets, that and even when you ignore the obvious mentally ill shitposters that don't play the game, many of said neets are still very wrong in the head
I hope her lines are good
yukikaze poster has been doing his ritual post for an oath skin for like half a decade and he's still here begging for breadcrumbs
holding hands with Richelieu!
interlocking fingers with Richelieu!
kissing Richelieu, on the lips!
a football teams worth of chans with Richelieu...as a start!
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i want to impregnate her
A decade should suffice for DALfag then
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careful, cucky will get mad at your post!
Why does Helena get to have hips like these
built for breeding
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Happy married life with the Cardinal, SKK has earned it.
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My filters eat his posts, I haven't seen his shit for months. Jean's hands are mine next.
to bear my children
>37 posts
>14 filtered
What the fuck
She was made for making Lena's with SKK(you).
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same bro. helena is the best
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No, we love Helena instead
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Nys is such a nice artist, i hope he gets a UR.
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He won me over with Devonshire.
Based, based as fvck
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>Helena is the best
>We love Helena instead
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remember helmet is canon wife
>/alg/ banding together in wholesome winds
Nice to see, i just wanted to say that i want to smoooch Alsace
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>We love Helena instead
What happens if you run out of skins to buy?

I can't even find anymore backline ships to oath... I've married all of them, 504/700+ ships at Lv120, 200 more to go...
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>We love Helena instead
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The canon SKK. Buying all the clothes for his beloved botes and marrying everyone.
>What happens if you run out of skins to buy?
wait for more
Akashi always finds a way dont worry nya
>What happens if you run out of skins to buy?
Lin personally comes and sucks your dick
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I think Helena and Memphis should put their differences aside.
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No can do Blondie.
Name a bote SKK hasn't fucked. Now name one SKK never plans to fuck.
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Legit great skin, maybe Anson's l2d skin would have been kino too. We might never know.
>Name a bote SKK hasn't fucked
All of them, there's no sex in AL. Just >implied "sex".
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dont talk anymore you stupid frog
>Name a bote SKK hasn't fucked.
imagine richie and helena cornering you in a dark alleyway, with their bote bros (female)
Since she was suppose to be the "Hero" I could imagine her having some balloon sword, or something similar.
I will never fuck essex.
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Someone needs an augment and a retrofit
she will rape you instead
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Which bote would do woodworking with me?
>Affinity will be reduced if you attack
how do I stop this from popping up?
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I will grow my Essex collection by browsing the previous threads. see you in a bit
you can stop it from popping up by giving your botes a proper break
stick your botes in the dorm and let their morale recover shitcunt https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Affinity#Morale
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>Brooklyn has zero skins to this day while having this gorgeous base art
truly a tragedy
they should focus on actually giving the skinlet botes at least one non retro skin, I get they probably won't make much profit from them but its just say seeing certain botes get nothing
>I loathe red tape, nor do I have any desire to stand here like a flower vase for people to stare at... But I'm doing all of this for you, because you make me feel like it's all worth it. You've committed quite the serious offense, mon amour...
>Man... The sun's crazy bright out today... What, you're still here? How long are ya gonna hang around? Hmph, you're real good, both at making me happy AND making me mad, you know that?
>Not to say I've grown soft, but I have gotten too used to you bein' around. I don't mind it – hell, I like it. I'm all but dependent on you, that's just how important you are to me.
>...Oh, crap, guess I dozed off. How 'bout you take a quick nap too? You could use my lap for a headrest. Take it easy. You and I, we're always by each other's side.
>It's like the mood eases up when you're with me... I'mma get some rest right here... And don't you leave me...
I didn't know Jean Bart was this cute.
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It will probably happen eventually, maybe. Fortune getting one is my way to cope.
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SKK's pov before going to work, in a future not that far away
admiral slopper...
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Why do you say that?
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She cute
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She always was
Looks like he got done giving his boyfriend the sucky sucky so he doesn't get his ass beat again.
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He can't concern troll anymore since nobody believes him so he will just do it the old way.
>frognigger starts spamming
>thread goes to shit
I genuinely hope they kill themselves. Why are they so persistent recently?
Devonshire needs to get on my penis.
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She is
Pity (You)
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kek he started concern trolling after you called him out
post more bel
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Lovely Bani thread!
Kill yourself
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Someone post the pic with 3 black fellows saying "let's check her out" and "DAYUM"
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Devon is like the toilet of England, so why is Devonshire so great?
the frogs... won?
>starts cuckposting with NJ
Considering they live rent free inside his head and make him shit his pants on sight...yeah, frogs won.
You miss the shitposting from January - March?
>United /alg/ against the trashcuck that shit up the thread for years
yep, they won hard and their event was a success
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Rupprecht don't make that face at me.
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bald benjamin
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Brooke's base is better than Helen's, it's not fair.
Datamine doko
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More Bel
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Riche-chan soon
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>this is the first vacation SKK has had in a long time
>one of the META ships says his work schedule is hell
How much does SKK work each day?
>tons of paperwork
>handling 1000+ girls feelings every day
>world ending threats
just another day at the office
Overworked to hell and back as far as most botes comment.
Cool Riche
I don't like Richelieu.
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sex with arthas
I love Richelieu, she got me drunk one valentines and we had lots of lovey dovey hand-holding sex.
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I miss Arthas.
This thread must be purged.
>For that reason– Yes, as you've guessed, I also offer you this bottle of Iris wine. Its mellow aroma and holy red color symbolize love blessed by the Holy Iris. Let us share a supper and raise a glass together, Commander.
wow riche won
So which bote won for the last event?
Your entire bloodline must be purged, troon.
She is not shy in telling SKK how much she loves him in her Valentine lines, i like it.
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yup, that's a big froggy W
>Valentine's is a day for all those who dare to love. Who can blame me, Commander, for wanting you to accept my chocolate and the blossoming love I feel? Indeed, feel free to sit back and relax. I'll do all the work here~
>I'll do all the work here~
Valentines day sex with Riche
For this event? Lusty and DoY
Last event? Tosa and Tashkent
They finally got skins after so long
How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way.
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The actual winner
This >>483653571
Damn it, Commander! As your future secretary ship, I order you to purge this thread!
You are not my secretary ship yet girl! Nor would I obey that command even if you were!
Lou also got a skin after a eternity.
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If Alsace is Arthas
SKK is Uther
Who is Mal'Ganis?
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How is everyone's night going for them?
Pikachu, I choose you.
I will always choose you.
Very sad night playing maplestory
I wish it was Fiize instead of Eldridge, well at least it wasn't Grozny
Mogador is Jaina, retards
data mining has started
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i hate it, i want to fucking die
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Vive la France libre dans l’honneur et l’indépendance!
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uoh bote pikachu...erotic...
Gorizia has been staring
That bad huh?
But I wanted French toast
i want to delete the sun
skin when?
During the battle, the own artillery and reloading attributes are increased by 15.0%. When the own main gun fires, there is an 80% probability of triggering a round of special barrage ILv.10 (the power is based on the skill level). The enemy unit hit by the special barrage I will enter a barrage that lasts for 5 The special ignition state lasts for 2 seconds, and is resolved once every second. Each settlement causes 150 points of damage and spreads the special ignition effect to a random enemy unit (the special ignition effect caused by the spread lasts for 5 seconds, can be extended, cannot be superimposed, and cannot be will spread again)

During battle, the damage caused by the self to lightly armored enemy units is increased by 15.0%. There is a 70% probability of triggering a round of special barrage IILv.10 every 16 seconds (power is based on skill level). The special barrage II hits a total of 3 times. After attacking an enemy unit, its own critical hit rate and critical hit damage are increased by 25.0%, which lasts until the end of the battle.
When you are equipped with any iron-blooded camp weapon, the torpedo weapon efficiency is increased by 10.0%. Every time [Exclusive Barrage-{namecode:494}] is triggered 2 times during the battle, an additional torpedo barrage attack Lv.10 will be performed (the power is based on the lightning strike attribute and skill grade)

Its own artillery strike and lightning strike attributes are increased by 15.0%; when there are light armored enemy units within 45 distance of itself, the damage it receives is reduced by 15.0%, and the damage it causes to them is increased by 20.0%.
Every 20 seconds after the battle starts, there is a 70% probability of triggering, increasing own artillery strike, lightning strike, and hit rate by 30.0% for 10 seconds. When the trigger fails, all enemies present have a 10.0% reduction in artillery strike, lightning strike, and sailing speed for 10 seconds.

After the battle begins, the damage received from artillery strikes and lightning strikes from expulsions is reduced by 10.0%; during the battle, it is triggered when the self is damaged and the durability is lower than 60%, reducing the damage received by the self by 10.0%, while increasing the self-defense, anti-submarine, and maneuverability by 30.0%. , this effect is only triggered once per battle
The damage caused by the self to enemies in the [Watered] state is increased by 10.0%; 3 seconds after entering the scene, the self moves forward a certain distance and places two mines Lv.10 around itself (the power is based on the skill level), and then returns to the original position. , the enemy unit that triggered the mine will receive continuous damage from flooding (the damage is based on the skill level and its own lightning strike attribute). The flooding effect cannot be superimposed and lasts for 18 seconds. If the enemy unit that triggered the mine is a battleship, the character's speed will be reduced during the flooding period. 20%

When attacking, for each iron-blooded camp submarine character in the formation, its own lightning strike, hit, and reload attributes will increase by 6.0%.
>Gunnery focused DD with +2 torp preload
Useless. I'm going to level her up just for the +1 DD firepower
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If we have Alchemaniac drawing for AL now surely we can get Monty artist for one skin.
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Stacy botes intimidate me
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I like how you can see Z43 and Devonshire's bras in this pic.
holy tl;dr fuck off
Anchorage intimidates me
I can see Devon's chikubi
Kisaragi intimidates me
>holy tl;dr
new botes suck
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Why Alsace is Arthas?
Ask the chinks
mental illness
Idk but i will serve her even in death.
Alsace intimidates me
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Seeing Z43's bra is not new
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mmmmm nyo!
Why do they keep making BBs with 70% or 80% barrages, but CVs can have 100% barrages?
nwyell nyou see...
kotposters are the strongest skks in the world, no bote can rape them
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mmmmmmm nyes!
>no preview or resume of the event's story yet
what is it going to be?
Sex with teachers in the staff room
only big events usually get those
It's not, but it's nice to see it appear again.
Sex with saratoga in class.
>handling 1000+ girls feelings every day
That alone is a full-time job for 2000+ people.
In English please?
So the new torps are just quad mags with 5 extra damage? Lame.
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Excuse me. IS THAT-
Nipple, anon
Even NC is full of personality in comparison
My demon lord can't be this cute.
Choose two botes for your school love triangle story
Look like I'll have to buy Seydlitz from the shop...
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I almost never use skins, but this is perfect for her skin.
I love this owl
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This is such bullshit
Joffre a cute!

Just keep grinding. You'll get her eventually.
Anon i'm out of time and oil
The event will come to the permanent gallery eventually. You will get her eventually.
Ryuuhou told me why her swimsuit got pulled. She said it's becau
The whale got him
My wife and our sex toy shouldn't fight...
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boats for this feel
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too many to name them all
most of the big titty nips
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swd lives
All of them but specially kisaragi
he already got like 2 loading screens this past year
and thats a good thing
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botes pulling back my foreskin and licking my extra sensitive unmutilated glans like it's a lollipop
muttoid skks will never experience this
i kneel
oh wait no, they were commisions for twatter by EN
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>4 yorck's

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inviting Doy of Yoy on top of that
my wives
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>the lust resurrected him
Dogshit Lane
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literally me
But I'm always ready for Shoukaku?
grabbing my wife Taihou in public by her pussy
pulling her close to me
whispering in her ear that I'm going to fuck her today, in her pussy, and I will coom multiple times inside her and all over her and she won't be allowed to clean it
>levelling this somewhat underlevelled fleet on 12-4
>planes aren't getting shot down by fighters so i have to swap who i'm levelling
>get better AA
>it's like i'm playing minecraft on peaceful now
Why are fighters so fucking dogshit?
depends on the fighter
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Harpy Eagle SKK.
2 CVs with the N1K4-A Kai 4s
Definitely Implacable
not when she does some hand holding
t. jew
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just use the flapjacks man
bro those fighters are terrible
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Glad I could make it, Arthas.
And which CVs?
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then perish
Licking my smegma covered stinky dick clean
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Kaga and Akagi(could be that really) and the fact they're also lower levelled
Ship level is literally half of the game's combat
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Had a good laugh.
JB my beloved
god you look like a low iq drunktard fentanyl victim living in skid row
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>that Lusty
>loafers on
murrikan is barbaric
burgers are a fucking menace
So, is the event story a bunch of DDs pretending to be preschoolers?
But why?
>But why?
it's cute and funny!
did lusty breastfeed them all?
why won't manjuu let kuromomo draw adult botes
he's good at those too, check Pineapple from FKG for example
to see who can seduce SKK
Kuromomo i kneel...
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how did h*o do it? despite being primarily known for samey boring designs and descending to meme status akin to sar* managed to do one of the most iconically SEX og boats who still has a prominent fanbase to this day long after being powercrept in both gameplay and fanservice (diswasher tier bimbo bodies and stripper outfits)
>Dishwasher tier bimbo bodies
but yungsang popularized those into AL, not even kincora boats looked as bimbofied
Yes, pretending, Eldridge already had a school skin with her in a high school uniform
jk cosplay
yes, and soon their milkies will grow nice and big
I want an entire game with kuromomo as the art director
are foxes Skks best friend?
hao is a good character designer the only thing really holding him back is his meh art
We already have tons of SoL events that have no particular reason for it happening
I think it's just longevity and attachment for the OGs, imagine if Hao botes were released in 2024 but with Kurumi's style and profficiency, would have they become as popular?
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Reminder that if there is no lap pillow POV interaction we riot
there's finger in hole emote and breast feeding interactions, what more do you want skk
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im gay
who knows, and who cares since the SoL events are the only decent stories we get from events
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>are exceptionally warm, soft, fluffy, playful and affectionate creatures man's best friend?
That's a dog
no that's a guy holding a drink
the that he can draw hags means he really only wants to draw cunnies for AL
and a retard
Kaga keeps telling me that she'll eat me up if i keep lookin at he-
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That's an ancient kuromomo design
There's that one loading screen with who was presumably Kearsarge before DR Kearsarge happened and I think Laffey, I forgot
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I improved it.
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foxes are dog hardware running cat software with monke audio
don't forget the utterly RANCID piss smell!
what the fuck man, they'll starve in the wild without their mother
>inb4 we get mandela'd into this in the future
I have juiceboxes and cookies in the cooler.
I will take care of them.
i was too busy looking for a random dumb ass essex chibi to realize you removed Illustrious.
You didn't find it?
I still have the file open I can add one if you want
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you get used to it eventually
please no
Now i realize the mop extreme of her halberd
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add babusex
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he can also draw JKs
or JK singular, it's just Ning
wiki says he did U-556 Meta but that's just not true
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it is too late
they need milk dummy, and unless you can provide milkies the lust is needed
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that's illegal
Z46 if she hag
>Z46 if she hag
that's veneto
He drew characters for another game released recently but don't remember the name.
Nah, cloud can't replicate the kuromomo face
Oh I remember it, Girls' Creation, never tried it, heard it plays like shit from the folks at /jp though.
It's Girls Creation, he drew Gogh and Cezanne. Gogh looks great, but Cezanne is a gigacow with a baby face, and she's kinda weird. The H-scenes look nice though.
At the Naval base right now, Where the botes at?
Cocky want boing boing!

>SKK stick figure smiling picture
Can we make that right meow?
>interesting game
>cool art
>dogshit play experience
Hate how often this is the case. I liked Blue Oath for a lot of reasons, but the experience of saving up for new ships, upgrading ships, equipment, etc. was atrocious.
I wish I was Essex
>but Cezanne is a gigacow with a baby face
sounds like pure sex
It happens about 95% of the time with porn gachas
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Sometimes it's off-putting, this base art is the least babyfaced of her variants and she still looks younger than Gogh who's closer to an early JD
yep, sex
however this reminds me, despire shropshite showing up in 50% of all rolls, AL doesn't really have any noteworthy greens except Littorio, huh
there's not even a green PR at all, unless Mark counts as green?
this is discrimination
Mark's definitely green
Italian DR will be green, believe
i quick scrolled their character list and didn't notice this being a kuromomo design, van gogh was immediately noticeable in comparison
>no notable greens
Akashi, Langley (both variants), Isokaze.
Then I suppose you could count Foote, Z20, Omaha, Comet, and Salt lake City, but they're all grey rarity.
Akashi fell off and no one even pretends to like any of the other ones
also being N didn't stop nips from memeing about Oklahoma for years
Akashi fell ON.
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Oh you meant notable as in tier wise not notable name wise.
I guess not, really. I stopped caring about tiers years ago though so it didn't really cross my mind kek
CV damage is reduced by the enemy AA stat.
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I did mean popularity wise.
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>fires a barrage when her main guns fire
>when main guns finish loading, 100% chance to fire a barrage
>Bis II
>first volley auto crits and fire a barrage that makes hitting your shots piss easy
>100% chance to fire a barrage, also gets a barrage 30s after battle starts
>firing guns, 100% chance for barrage
>100% chance to fire special barrage, barrage is improved if you use one of the best barrage guns in the game
>New Jersey
>100% chance to fire special barrage
Meanwhile every CV barrage fires wildly inaccurate bombs and torpedoes, gets reduced damage by enemy AA, most can get shot down, target dumb shit like bis IIs faggot dragon instead of ships, and deal massively less damage than the average BB barrage.
Carriers still need some additional buffs.
cute riche
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>BBs with 70% or 80% barrages
Only for the gold and purple rarity botes
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Shinano has butterflies barrage so stop whining you big dumb baby!!
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CVs still feel stronger imo, the accuracy thing is only with torpedo carriers, but rocket fighters and dive bombers are very accurate.
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back here after like 3 years, are Helldivers still the best thing you could put on your CVs?
wyell...Hakuryuu hyas a barryage technically
no, they got powercrept (by golden helldivers) (and other ur limited time gear)
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grope Niimi
There's a gold version that is basically just an SB2C-5 / gold SB2C-3 called the XSB3C in gear lab under the American bombers.
There's also some papershit rainbow japanese plane thats pretty good. Its fucking gay trying to grind them out and level them up so if you're behind its almost not worth it since even 15-4 can easily be done without them.
that does almost jackshit, but she doesn't need it
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>kamikaze go boom
ahh.... the sovl...
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zoomers will never know the joys of banzaying
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>ignored all this shit and still beat every chapter in the game
(spicy eyes)
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it's been years, and we still don't know who this tiny little triangular fuck is
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the artists' mascot? who knows
i still can't get over the fact hakuryuu lets me play with her right boob like it's a toy
Likely nobody/nothing, hakuryuu is just some paper shitter drafted up by very, very optimistic designers.
Its not like some of the other, older pets or trinkets in game that usually referenced something.
fucking release bonhomme already, manjuu
>Likely nobody/nothing,
but even so it's still THERE
why have it all if it's irrevelant
i'm just really curious
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I'm not sure I can like her with how much she reminds me of this cunt
>The Idle Screen clock time is changed from server time to device time
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She's just a modified Taihou anon...
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you ready for the next event /alg/ae?
I always hover right around 1k cubes I don't get how you save up 4k.
I do my dailies, weeklies, and do the daily 1 cube build. I've hit pity once in my entire career.
Don't do cube researches.
Where are all my cubes going
It’s her pimp
how can you lie about something so important?
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Will they ever stop putting words in my mouth like this? Kindly fuck off
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Sure, but i wonder how newercuties are faring.
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is there a class of bote that's as abstract as the New orleans design wise?
I don't speak arabic.
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>I always hover right around 1k cubes I don't get how you save up 4k.
well i barely spend any because the gacha rates are so good
i have never had to hit pity on any ur
the most cubes i've ever spent is 400 for kursk, 440 for venus vacation and 360 for skybound oratorio, but other than that my average is sub 200
i don't do cube research, i do gear research since i'm maxed out on bps

i buy the fair winds pass and lucky bags, so i have a few extra cubes from that, but other than that they kinda just pile up faster than i spend them
i don't even really bother with cube comissions, i prioritize chip ones over them for example
chips > gold books > cubes > oil > whatever
But I like it being server time
Is that next update?
abstract? Wdym
Different from one another
>my average is sub 200
that just means you're lucky.
why yes, i am white
it's in the patch notes under optimisations
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bros, how do i tell her?
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Has the average bote breast size increase over time?
it's something on the dorm food, it has to be...
cant read CN but loosely know equipment names after 7yrs on CN server
1st map:
Purple G7E submarine torpedo
Purple triple 53.3cm torpedoes (magnetic)
blue triple 28.3cm gun
no idea
purple rammer (?)
2nd map
Purple G7E submarine torpedo
Purple triple 53.3cm torpedoes (magnetic)
purple triple 28.3cm gun
purple fire control radar
purple anti torpedo bulge
3rd map
Gold G7E submarine torpedo
Purple triple 53.3cm torpedoes (magnetic)
purple triple 28.3cm gun
purple fire control radar
purple anti torpedo bulge
gold G7E sub torp
Purple triple 53.3cm torpedoes (magnetic)
purple triple 28.3cm gun
purple fire control radar
purple anti torpedo bulge
So, dogshit drops again, sorry you had to translate all that to english
I don't get why this game is allergic to having interesting drops in events.
Just use some of the stuff in the gear lab, having them temporarily in an event wont break OS.
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There's a lot more carbs
The new torps seems like they're just the old quadruple mag torps but better.
I guess that's nice but I'm not sure how important is that.
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>plapmouth does almost as much damage as a battleship
At this point don't even drop these shitty base blueprints, just drop Gear lab materials instead
No crabs though. When do we get a crab bote?
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Are they like the modified french torps that have inverted modifiers? (better damage mods against light and medium instead of focusing on heavy?)
SKK happy hours
Actually this, this way the fucking lab actually has a use other than making like 8 gears tops
If they don't want the equipment blueprint system to go obsolete then just limit it to events and keep main world map drops the same
I wouldn't even mind these drops if I could at least choose from a general pool instead of the usual random one, imagine being able to select if you want gold aa or gold dd gun drops
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Vanguard is the gift that keeps on giving. Such pathetic damage for a UR quality bote
If you could choose, which Richard would you want in your dock, normal Richard or META Richard?
Regular because I want to add more essex class that accept my fleet buffs to my collection
META dont take faction buffs, which completely ruins the synergy. It means (for USN at least)
No buff from Independence, New Jersey, Baltimore, Yorktown II, no cat buffs.
So massively underpowered versus even someone like Essex.
Crafting the Dual 76mm Kamikaze AA gun, for the imminent arrival of USS Salem as a UR.
Skk will fix her
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She's great at shelling!
Remove these old ass drop BPs, make them drop mats and blueprints
Update the gear lab semi frequently
the most kino update ever.
No, they're still heavy focused.
They're just the quad torps you can get from Gear Lab and Iron Blood boxes, but better.
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You can put it on Northampton II. Its hard to see, but if you zoom in on the port-side, fore 5"38 gun mount, you can see the twin 3" AA gun on an elevated platform here.
This is USS Rochester, CA 124, sister of Northampton (II).
i totally forgot hampton II had those thx(cn bro, i assume)
bottom left is what we want
this is good, less coom, more wholesome
i'm actually going insane bros, so many botes, so little formation slots
What if they added a seventh formation slot for support botes like AR and Ammo ships?
In between the main fleet and the vanguard (same spot where Odin is usually)
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Moo Moo
i need at least 12 formations slots, we have 9000 botes in game and can only make 6 fucking fleets
Any new feature that incentivizes raising and using more ships is always fine by me
Commander how are you feeling?

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>a single breast is big enough to completely smother me
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She's a big cow
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Why is this cow constantly glomping me with her fat cow body?
i was away when Friedrich carl got added, and i'm slightly angry at myself for missing out on her.
For you
>it begins
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Because getting smothered by giant tits feels good, man

>sudden spam of a single FoTM character
>all replying to one another
incredible really how this never gets cleaned up until 12h later.
>FotM character have nearly 3k fanarts on pixiv, more fanarts than a lot of botes
Really make you think
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Kashino impregnated me
Baited 1 guy award
botes broke my dick and they don't know how to fix it
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>ehhhh? he forgot about maintenance AGAIN? sooooo lame~
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bros nikke got a dave the diver collab for summer how can we compete?
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Is this fetish mental illness? What's the appeal? I'm genuinely asking.
Yakuza was fucking great before Like a Dragon, dawn.
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I swear to god they can't even make a single lewd loli even on load screens anymore.
It wasn't a joke that the game has gona anti lolicon is it?
>ansonschizo woke up
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There's more than one people who liked lolis in Azur Lane, you know.
Design like this was allowed once, in case you forgot.
>ansonschizo trying to deflect
It's dungeon time
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Gib missiles
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Lovely fox
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Datamines doko?
I've been licking Agir's feet for 2 hours
I don't know why some people are so obsessed with user meta shitposting that they invent phrases like this.
Of course lolicons didn't like what happened to Anson, if nothing else, because that was actually a lewd loli design - something that didn't happen for a long time, and apparently, was cut for game anyways, so it didn't happen that time, either.
Instead we get fully covered up zero lewd allowed trash, or at most breast tease shit like Nubian or this Archerfish#2.
Nothing actually erotic of lolis, meanwhile bigger ships are borderline hentai level.
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I don't think botes should be able to rape me
>meanwhile bigger ships are borderline hentai level
You say that like it's a bad thing
About loli what is your cutoff point? Javelin? Cooper?
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Akashi theme song I think https://youtu.be/JkhX5W7JoWI
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why essex hour again
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cheshirefy baloney
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That's the neat part, it's always Essex hour.
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I just wake up from quick sleep
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Wake up!
New torps good
New botes meh
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Javelin is not loli for me, maybe the base model is, but nothing aside that.
Cooper is a regular woman by build, so how does she come up with?
Also no, I don't say like it's a bad thing. It's a good thing, that's the game's appeal after all.
They're just not my type, and the bad thing is that small girls (my type) are getting zero fanservice/lewd despite that, ergo rendered useless (not just in meta).
Even the new Vampires are a joke.
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Do we have any lusty l2d interactions yet?
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Which one, /alg/
>No pan or leotard
Ok, that's hard.
>improved homing
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Elves are for....
Don't worry, sister, I sneeded him in your stead.
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Yes even DDs have cowtits now
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Come on then
Do your worst
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We've had DDs that look like actual DDs with proper cowtits for their frame for years.
Thanks for giving me your take on the matter
i guess i unfortunately don’t really want “loli” so much as i want more “small women” sized botes so i cant really help you
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We're talking pornstar proportions on DDs here.
We need more DDs like mog and kersaint
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Mog has a sister I think
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it takes a lot of licking to clean all my coom off them
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this kills the pink
Kersaint is just a lazy recycled cruiser
Mog looks more like a DD therefore sje is big for her frame but mid in absolute terms
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>brain damaged bimbo face
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>Kersaint is just a lazy recycled cruiser
>Mog looks more like a DD
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mogador more like uhhhhh ummmmm
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Literally me
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Remember to pet ALL of your dogs today
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After today's maintenance, a "playground" will be implemented in the back mountain for a limited time!

Placing ships in the "Playground" will increase their condition recovery speed!
Furthermore, you can expand your placement slots by using the "Little Star Expansion Ticket" obtained as a reward for the cumulative number of event PTs!

looking forward to!
>hotsprings without the hotsprings
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Useless brain damaged bimbo
I silently pull Mogador into a bath
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Another day... Another inactiveness of our glorious CCP censoring department...
That's just every french girl.
I pet them by putting my fingers in their pussies
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You're a horse archer?
I'm good at harassing unarmed peasant
Mogador would 100% smell your farts
She'd smell anyone's farts and cum her brains out
My sperm intermingling with Mog’s egg
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SKK never farts tho. She's an idol
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>SKK never farts tho
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I need to play, bros.
8 hours waiting feels excesive for this game.
I finished my bote building with 18 rolls thank you
this, but with all the bote
which bote is your chosen right hand?
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Good Morning, i love Riche.
Riche, so her obviously.
unironically Akagi
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every moment I spend not breeding this bird is hell
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Slophammer bros?
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My one maid. The only boat who knows me for what I truly am. a kinky degenerate
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My wife
cute Riche
vengeful spirit with big fat titties when
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It's a big update.
No it's not
We LOVE Helena here
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I love my kinky switch wife
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Dr Manjuu
now kiss
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Why the hell does Alvitr have a TRP stat if her secondary weapons are DD/CL guns and her barrages scale off her FP stat.
>tfw when she was made to say nyaa
My life was complete.
Well you got yourself the update. What's the next step of your naval plan?
Remind me, why does EN get 8h of maint while JP only 6
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Sinking this bote, with no survivors.
So they have 2 hours to tweet that they are extending maint for another 8 hours.
translation i guess
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I am ok with botes
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Me, I love botes, but you wouldn't catch me dead saying that to the botes themselves. The moment they know they have a place in my heart is the moment they stop trying to seduce me.
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what a cutie
Happy married life with Riche!
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bros, I oathed Sirius and Dido way before Scylla came out, what happens now?
i kneel
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Suddenly two rings appear in your storage
Better get 8 more, Scylla has 10 fingers.
it really is fucked up the best muse song is the only one without an aux that plays it in battle
Bros, the Pasta DR will be upon us soon.
Is that from her questline?
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You are suddenly reminded you transferred them to Svalbard.
sorry bro Dragon Empery DR BB power creep NJ hard first
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Who are you okay with, with them wearing your shirt?
Akagi.... please calm down.
>Carnival of Venice Venezia
>Deer Brindisi
Which one, /alg/
Are these TMNT?
Threesome with Eugen and Litty.
I wish Formi was 6'6
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I'd take Brindisi, or Venezia or Napoli, but they better look like Tifa.
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Fiume is Tifa
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I accept that.
I would oath any pasta bote who looked like Tifa desu
That Kraut DD seems kind of tall.
Uh jp bros? So what is the event about?
I would laugh if the pasta UR bares a resemblance to Tifa.
How SKK needs to sun his balls without bote interference.
Hmmmmm Jp bro? Huh? Weren't you calling us dead server lately?
That wasn't me, bwo...
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I want to copulate with Devonshire.
left is actually more erotic
I don’t think that’s good for you
I can fix her
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Port timeline, dimensional anomaly like mirrored sea isolate "School". Only bote with certain prerequisite can enter through security entrance.
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>Begin the maintenance!
Essex, extend the maintenance
>He logged in? Extend the maintenance for two days.
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Am I in danger?
Why would you be in danger? She is just roleplaying with you.
>He logged in? Lock the exit and pin him down
I yearn asian bote pussy
All botes are White, Anon. Few know this.
my edgy fantasy is submitting to sexy demoness evil overlord as her right hand man and sex toy
Has it been extended yet?
I need more proper samurai botes like Taco
>Play her event
>Just got Devonshire
>She's already stripping almost naked and wanting to role play
SKKcock is that powerful huh
fuck samurai I need more botes with longswords
fuck longswords I need more botes with gunlances
Yeah just look at Implacable and how she acts around you vs not around you.
Devonshire needs more screentime
>sex Devonshire
>she roleplays the orgasms
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fuck weapons i need more botes in full metal plate armor
We need more skins for maids where they're in swimsuits, demon lord outfits, etc. and aren't wearing so much clothing.
>passport-based registration
>813 cheaters banned
Why are they doing this?
we need angel themed skins
with very little clothing, of course
Some people just don't care that much and think "I'll cheat for two weeks and have fun, then if I get banned I'll move onto the next game". They don't have any real investment in the game and just churn through services to get banned from.
Now in hindsight i think Carl should have been kept for this event.
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>going to the gulag because you couldn't be bothered to play the game
UR when?
Anson bros.......
well, clearly Nys didn't get upset about Anson
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Why would he? Her design and art is fine. The problem was Manjuu slapping the name Anson on her.
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telling devon that I like her in naked mode
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>Can't stop raiding random ships

What is her problem
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>>passport-based registration
sounds draconic
It is, they live in a dictatorship.
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cute and kunne!
Besides Whydah, who are these peeps again?
>shit SKK doesn't know his botes
>The problem was Manjuu slapping the name Anson on her.
huh you are not wrong, and i kind of feel bummed we don't have her now
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Exactly, if she was some bong dd or sub nobody would have batted a eye about it.
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Mogador isn't really that interesting, I much prefer the other UR
Blues aren't going to like this
Why is my game already out of date?
Any milf or tanned cunny
Glad I could make it, Alsace.
I want 1:100 Nelson to pick me up and have her way with me
Holy fuck bros I won so hard
>no lap pillow

we fucking lost
Alvitr sucked me 140 cubes while I got Z47 4 times (funny)
manjuu is retarded
what else is new?
All 3 of the others have been released this year, one is coming out with this event, and you still don't know them?
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60 cubes
>1 z47, 2 alvitr, 1 u31
>1 warspite, 1 suruga
well that was a cheap one
and you wonder why i have so many cubes, it's because the rates are so good
What should one expect from AL at Anime Expo?
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Pedokeks eating good
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U31 skin comes with bonus stickers!!!
Essex cosplayers
Ok how do I get more currency, by using 1 single fleet or coalition?
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Is she good for a low cost 1:1 fleet
I am officially in purple hell
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Took me 160 cubes to get the u-shitter.
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they're literally spilling out, why did you think i wouldn't grab them
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>all these purples, no z47
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This baby manjuu is clearing me at rps, jesus.
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>buy her a skin
>now she knows her place
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Skk is a boomer
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what in the god fucking damn is her chibi up to, jesus christ
friedrich carl was meant for this event, right?
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>another helena archetype
>350 cubes for Z47
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she talks pretty fast like katsuragi, it's kinda funny with her spewing out all this nerd shit so fast
The next Deus X jobber
Over 150 pulls her, never got her. At this point i am sure the game is bugged and they forgot to add her,
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>forget the SG, alvitr straight up watches you at all times with her giant fucking eye of sauron
brehs i don't feel safe
they fucked something up right? I didn't just drop 400 cubes to not get the z-cunny right? actual worst luck I've ever had in this game, it's unreal.
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Green Manjuu
Blue sign = 1
Red sign = 2
Green sign
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Anyone got york skin? Post her lines please
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>o kawaii koto
kaguya ref!?
i also got shafted >>483712395
What one do you want to see?
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exactly what i'm gunna do to you
Here I got her in my first 10 but I have yet to get the BC and sub
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cute special touch
You can rent it, you know?
Special touch and headpat please
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There isn’t a headpat line
I didnt even download the update yet because im at work and you tell me this...
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>another sniffa
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I need a standstill between this archetype of character, where they don't move because they are predicting each other's movements
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>full body cavity search
hold up this is a bit too kinky even for me
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She does kiss you on the lips for a job well done though.
penis inspection is in order
No wonder why there's only 4 botes this event
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."

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