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>Previous Thread: >>483637502
catboy supremacy
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Do Euroids really???
sweaty catboy feet
in my face
right meow
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pvp datamines doko
This is a meena feet board
When do the lodestone update? I want to see my new character portait
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I hate that I still remember every fucking word
I'm too old
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Can't wait to make my catwife
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Gibe story spoilers
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>allisie with tits
meena feet are fine too
more than fine, actually
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this made millennials cry in laughter
are catboy shotas okay?
WoL wins at the end
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show me new minions please
Please reply to this post with every piece of datamined gear
can't wait to MUNK some trannies
Hell yeah, me too!
Never forget what they took from you
BiS PVP MNK outfit dropping
>those reactions
these fucking freaks, jesus
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You get to Tuliyollal and you're given a veena girlfriend
With the chat mode in /say you need to walk around... the whole town... and introduce me I mean introduce the veena as your future wife to 10 real players...
the young adult category of novels is 12 to 18
post the new ultimate weapons instead of these gay mounts all the typical losers will get.
I mean this is cool I guess. Why mechanize the adamantoise of all mounts?
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catwives unite
trannies just trannyflag everything, best to just ignore it
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Me three
Why the tranny reactions
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It's still there, I lost nothing, I gained the crippling addiction to being terminally online
which eventually gave me roguelike brainrot
dolly and dot bros...
what is this schizo connection network? is it jews?
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>haven't played xiv in a few weeks
>want to play something relaxing for a few minutes before going to bed
>37 gigabyte update
They're paying real money to spam it too.
Because the squirrel has nuts
Do you have the Mount theme?
Female hrothgars look like twink versions of male hrothgars
Because trannies have nuts get it
>ignore it
no, the only way out is to ridicule them
All my wives. Psspspspsps
>just found out my in-game crush is French
I'm going to be fucking sick...
close your launcher. go to sleep.
wake up and finish the update.

what the fuck are you on about
Femlalas, line up and present tummies for inspection
You are all my wives. Report to the Tuliyollal Jungle Breeding Hut as soon as you are able to log in for wifification and impregnation.
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You're actually fucking annoying.
Hrothgals purr during foreplay
My basehead Femra wife after coming down from her cocaine high
fuck I'm sorry anon, no one deserves that.
why has this gotten changed so much since the original
my bungirl wife
I'm asking why (You) are defending it.

I know what the TOS says. But why are you defending an obviously bullshit contract? What do you get out of having your money stolen that you're willing to defend the company doing it? This is why FFXIV players are known as cultists.
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val you zigger
Running my fingers through a hrothgals happy trail of fur so I csn hear her purr!
je suis un pizza....................
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>plan on playing different games since xiv is down
>realize I spent all evening just talking about xiv
this is badass
lol they don't even attach to your character that's hilarious
Man and women's perception of attraction has been tainted. it has been rotted to the very foundation. this foundation has no purpose and it is causing the entire building to buckle under the weight of it all. in order to save it we must rip apart this foundation and start anew, to wipe the slate clean and to prevent the new foundation to suffer the same rot.

When you have a society that where a majority of men are displaced and rejected they stop participating in society this leads to the water to stop running and the lights stop working, you lead to the decay of the working world as we know it.

you can meme, you can laugh, but in 20 years when its all gone to shit you will remember my words. you will try to apologize (you wont you are too stubborn and only think of the present and have no object permeance) but i will be long dead by my own hand by my own design when its too much to bear. you are all lulled into Armageddon, cattle but instead of milk you are fed for money and manpower for people who see you as a number. they dont want you happy, they want you to suffer, you can cope, you can try to self improve but you will meet the same fate and be left with the scraps of scraps.

>"nuh uh I made it out fuck you got mine hyuck hyuck hyuck"
you carry no compassion, you look down among and mock the downtrodden. those men remember.
Malera-coded Mount
Honestly I was hoping we'd eventually get wings mounts. This is pretty cool.
No! I can't fuck with this because I only play causal content!!!
what is my Veena wife's taste in shoes?
no :(
This isnt an XIV thing you fucking idiot. Are you just pretending? Literally every sub fee MMO has this clause in their ToS. It would be a pain in the ass to go through the process of adding days or time for every single maint.
they got me, motherfuckers
>not with anon
>must be against anon
well if you're gonna draw some fucking lines i guess i'm against you now. faggot.
same but gooning to saved lewds posted by xivgers instead of talking to anyone
>the reddit spacing shitposter is going again
i'm going to ask you to calm down, it's 48 hours of maintenance. i'm certain you've spent longer than 2 days away from this game before this.
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Palaka VPR
>all the barely functional shitters clogging up PF for their grimdark angel wings
Extremes are going to be impossible without a static.
Shut the fuck up Gacha Game player
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big fuckig cat....
Ignoring the blatant shitposts you've made. Even if you were to argue on the merit of not wasting money, if you cannot afford a loss of one singular burger buck, you have bigger problems and shouldn't be playin vidya gaems in the first place.
why do you care about losing $1 worth of playtime
go outside
we saw this in the live letter preview already
i hate hrothgirls post sunnies instead
jeet hands typed this post
You're not listening.

Why are (You) defending it? Just say it's bullshit and it should change. You haven't got a leg to stand on here. You're defending a company stealing your money.
My kingdom for a Mage Masher...
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PvP mount was already shown in the patch notes.
eb/relationship status??????
how are people able to view their updated lodestone? mine hasn't updated yet
catboy shotas are for licking the soles of my femlalas feet
it's the only form of nutrition they deserve
I cant wait to get a catwife (sunnie or moonie)
More often than not, they're hotter than hot in lots of good ways.
Are you perhaps having another meltie, xivg?
man i love swords
i can't wait to play viper
wdym nani?
I am gooning
to gpose lewds
It's a very simple question.

Why are (You) defending having your money stolen?
as a thread enemy, i don't have to answer anything to you
this isn't the answer to the question you asked, i am simply not going to let you vent
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Twice divorced
NTA but post your shota catboy's feet
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Soon as mods are back I’m raping the first hrothgar bitch I find. I’m not a furry btw…
My money isn't being stolen you raging homosexual anarchist. The game is just down for maintenance.
no stop being cringe and just leave alone the multi million dollar company
Fiddies and middies should
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dumbasses think its ok for corporations to fuck them over, its not hard to credit you +2 days.
Nor is it morally right to fuck over the consumers. I am shocked a euro law doesnt fuck over these companys
>muh TOS
no one cares. you passive sub bitches, its anti consumer, stop laying on your back
im just shitposting because I cant play the game for 2 days.
Where the fuck is my lodestone update? I'm no longer asking
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Nah that was these.
Its about to be thrice married
Do you even know why you're defending the company?

Have you ever even questioned it? Are you just operating off emotions right now?
all i wanted to see. vanaspati and qitana ravel have the best weapons in the game.
as a thread enemy i do not have to answer your questions
Fiddie here, no.
oohh, okay..... don't goon on my femezen though.
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If Jack were placed in the XIV universe how far would he get?
what are your thoughts on demoncrawl
fuck off i want the roguelite e-bf
no, return this dusty old lala lodestone.
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posting my bun, again
Hrothgirls have replaced femiqo'te

>My money isn't being stolen you raging homosexual anarchist. The game is just down for maintenance.
You paid for a service. You can't use that service for 2 days. Therefore, your money is being stolen.

Why are (You) defending the company stealing your money?

Why are you so afraid to answer the question? Squeenix is not your friend, they don't care about you. Why do you defend them?
Is Square stealing money from you everyday you don't play? Do you even log in daily? What's your ptime? Post your logs.

I want to know.
I like deadcells and RoR2
have the other trials been leaked?
>hissy fit over $0.5
You're correct sister. Governments should pass laws to prevent those who are financially unstable from playing video games. They should just lose the privilege. Problem solved.
This is my malera so he'd clear the XIV universe
I dropped all the games I was addicted to for 14. I don't have any game I'm willing to play so I'm just idle and pressing F5 on this thread and the lodestones (BECAUSE MY FUCKING LODESTONE HASN'T UDPATED YET SO I CAN'T MEME WITH THE COOL GUYS AAAA)
woah that's pretty cool. I want an alexander mount..

>From time to time, in order to provide our customers with the optimal gaming experience, it is necessary for Square Enix to conduct routine maintenance on the computers and/or servers that support the Game. During these times, access to the Game or support services may be interrupted. Access may also be temporarily suspended in whole or in part, without notice, due to emergency repairs, fire, flood, explosion, war, strike, embargo, governmental action or failure to act, the act of any civil or military authority, act of God, or by any other causes beyond Square Enix's control, or any other reasons for which Square Enix, in its sole discretion, deems that temporary suspension is necessary. You acknowledge that disruptions of service may occur and waive any causes of action against Square Enix in any way arising from or related to any such disruptions of service.

>You acknowledge that disruptions of service may occur
>waive any causes of action against Square Enix

it's self-explanatory
A good wife. Unfortunately I'm the red head bun in the relationship so we shouldn't...
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Excited for dawntrail
sorry senpai, hasnt updated so you have to deal with it for now
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thread enemy
He'd probably die to a primal
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Not if this run continues as dogwater as it is, it'll make me even more unmarriable

I had to look it up and it seems VERY up my alley I don't know how this slipped by

I also tried the Blue Prince demo and the Dungeons and Degenerate Gamblers demo and they're both very, very good
i cant wait to goon in DT bwos
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grinding it may suck, but if it's for the glam...
Dawntrail is the expansion I'm going to start modding and posing. I want to massage hags' backs and shoulders and other parts and relieve them from the stress of adventuring.
join the kohrcord
femraen and femxaela should
and will
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Ahoy there. This is my only other picture
>Is Square stealing money from you everyday you don't play?
If the service I paid for is unavilable for use, then yes.
>Do you even log in daily?
>What's your ptime?
I've been playing since 2018.
>Post your logs.
I don't raid.
hey are you still mad about not getting the car too?
Please sit on my maliddie's face.
demoncrawl is excellent but it also fucking hates you as a person.
i am still
a male moonie
I defended it because I care about corporate rights too. If we dont have those, we dont have companies and modern society.
Which one's yours? Femezens are my favorite, and have most likely already done so if you've posted anything...
Dawntrail is the cum expansion. You like this.
uuuuuuuuuhhh do you like uuuummmmmmmm
*turns head towards your character*
*stares at you with the fluoride 1000 miles stare for 3 minutes*
*tps away*
Are you proud of yourself? You're a grown ass man acting like a child because someone asked you a question and you don't like the answer you came up with in your head.

Why are you defending the company stealing your money?
I will play VPR and deliberately skip the dual saber meme part of the rotation
i will not
Is this a good time to start FFIV
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I am

>it hates you as a person
That's fantastic, I love a roguelite that abuses me because it means once I get it down I can get more dopamine out of it. I'll give it a pirate later today then
> I don't raid.
So square is stealing from you; as you aren't doing all of the content they're offering.

Maybe if you weren't such a scared little bitch and raided you'd feel like you're getting moneys-worth
ooohhh nnyyooooo.....................
Post RPR weapons I hope they're not ass
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Femlala EB for my Malera
oh you better believe i like this
You're autistic nigga, the bad kind of autism. Please stop behaving like a political activist, It is really fucking gay and obnoxious
>>483652778 see >>483652517
you love it
But why does this exist? It should be relatively easy for a company to just add a day or two when they do big maintenances. They did it for EW launch issues. Are you guys really unironically saying "Think of the billion dollar company and its shareholders bottom line!"
If you were short 50 cents for your sub fee, do you think Squeenix would still let you play?

Fair is fair. I want the money I paid returned to me for the 2 days of maintenance.

But why are (You) defending it?

You don't get anything out of this. Why are you running defence for a company for free?
that i cannot do
what's the actual song, that's kind of catchy
>downloading through the launcher
>downloading through xivlauncher

why is it like this
of course you will
we love making cum
this lmao
i bet the oppressor mount is mogstation slop like cruise chaser was
Post your DT character, again.
Why? If I wanted to use a spear I'd play Dragoon.
>that run died because I forgot to move photo to the left and put a straight through on the last hand on a wall boss
Spinster life it is
Someone already tried suing Everquest for maint time back in 2001. It was thrown out. Give it up.
>But why does this exist?
Ask Square Enix Customer Support you gay nigger retard.
actually what should happen is that the government should treat adultery as a federal crime punishable by a minimum of 7 years federal prison time and a fine that is half of your annual earnings for 7 years to the state to be used for public infrastructure and community efforts, however no one is ready for that smoke.
I downloaded 60mbps through the launcher which is my max speed...
>So square is stealing from you; as you aren't doing all of the content they're offering.
The content is available for me to play when I feel like playing it.

Currently, the game is unplayable for 2 days. Try to keep up.
i need an invite
post athena soles
>Terms of service (also known as terms of use and terms and conditions, commonly abbreviated as TOS or ToS, ToU or T&C) are the legal agreements between a service provider and a person who wants to use that service. The person must agree to abide by the terms of service in order to use the offered service.
post male character soles
has the hunt mount leaked?
>car gets recalled to repair some things
>my car time is now being stolen and i should sue the car company

>pc has an update that takes more than two attoseconds
>my pc time is being ROBBED from me

>friends ask me to hang out and promise it'll be fun
>these fuckers are stealing my alone time REEEEEEEEEEEE
It's a PvP mount you tard, this has already been established.
Support staff would not answer that, nor would it be a satisfactory answer since its purely greed driven. Everyone knows it and simply accepts it.
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uh oh stinky!!!
>half of your annual earnings for 7 years to the state to be used for public infrastructure and community efforts
What are you guys downloading?
I hope we get chinese curved swords bros...
That's not a valid argument when you got beyond half a decade and still won't do the content

All you're saying is that "I'm a biiiiiiiiitch cheep cheep cheep"
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>I defended it because I care about corporate rights too. If we dont have those, we dont have companies and modern society.
Jesus christ...
I understand that it's in the ToS but I think something that would be nice is that they offer small crysta currency for any kind of downtime for maintenance. Might even boost their cash shop sales because it'd be little amounts and people would probably buy some more to get an outfit or something. Win for both sides
the patch
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I'm interested in what the S rank hunts look like
>work sending me abroad for 2 weeks a week after Down's Trail release
When is Savage released anyways? I, I am not going to make it this tier either, bros?
Prev thread, Armored Dragon mount apparently.
dolphin porn
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fiddie supremacy
who is spamming this shit and the annoying copypastas?
it has been going for almost 3 weeks now lol
If the maint was a month long, would the argument change? Answer honestly.
But why are (You) defending it?

Just admit that it's bullshit and should change.

How does choosing not to raid make me a bitch, exactly?

Do you think raiding makes you a big man?
finally, some good fucking pvp rewards
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What my femra says when approaching catgirls: Your glam looks great! I love that face and hair combo! Want to do content sometime?
>If you were short 50 cents for your sub fee
Shut the fuck up you third worlder
Imagine not being able to pay $15. That is like literally one singular hour's worth of your time VOULENTEREING somewhere. Shut up and kill yourself if you care about money this much. I know Dutch and Jewish guys less frugal than you're being right now.
Then kill yourself and relive yourself from the suffering that is this mortal coil.
Zamn. This pic really does make the Euroids seethe.
launcher downloads one part at at time, xivlauncher downloads multiple parts at once
it's CC season pass

and Cruise Chaser was fucking based, I loved all the Feastfag tears when they had their top 100 mount stolen and their shitty game mode permanently deleted.
Its better spent there anyway.
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>burnt out on everything else/don't want to play any new games
>Dawntrail is the only thing I'm remotely interested in playing right now
this is going to be a rough 30 hours.
You guys have been arguing over the TOS shit since this morning, give it a fucking break.
How do I transfer my soul to XIV after I kill myself?
Someone who hates falke and wasnt active till the drama about him resurfaced on NA.

Hint: its a suncat+ that was inactive till not long ago, and plays in both servers and is in that picture.
But why are (You) defending it?

Just admit it's bullshit and should change.
>I know Dutch and Jewish guys less frugal than you're being right now.
I actually wrote in that I don't accept that part when signing the terms of service. You can do that.
>Just admit that it's bullshit and should change.
I literally don't care, and couldn't care less, and the fact that you care, makes me want it to stay the way it is, because I hate gay whiny faggots like you.
imagine how cool shadow the hedgehog would be in this mount
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This one for sure, it's only blue stake black deck cmon it's not that hard
>Nobody wants to debate this because they would have to admit that the issue itself is a problem, but that it being a small time makes it okay
get a neuralink and kill yourself while you're in eorzea
you make an upload of your brain onto a storable device. you then upload it to xiv. you will still be dead. but at least your copy is there.
I don't pay a monthly fee to drive my car, use my PC or hang out with my friends.

I'm paying for a service, if the service is unavailable, I want a refund.
I don't really have an opinion on either side of the current topic
>EVERY single coomer outfit mod will be broken when you next login
how will /xivg/ cope?
The best wife is always a red headed bunny girl
But thats true. If someone wanted to rob me for a penny I wouldnt make a scene about it. If someone wanted my whole wallet that would be a problem. Its robbery, but scale determines if it matters.
>I don't pay a monthly fee to drive my car or use my pc
>Registration and insurance and gas
>electricity bill, rent/mortgage
>I don't pay a monthly fee to drive my car,
i don't think we're ever going back to othard, unless some future expac has us go so some other shard's version of it
>"Im all for x because it makes y mad"
this kind of thinking is what keeps mankind from being a star faring race. may your genes never spread and your seeds be never sow.
It would be nice if it happened. But so would finding a chubby GILF Hrothgal EB.
Neither is feasable or likely to occur. So why care?
its him. he literally admitted to it and doesn't shut the fuck up about light eucliquecord >>483651439
>I literally don't care
You don't care about your money being stolen? So you're cool if I just stick my hand in your pocket and grab a few coins right? Or is that somehow different?
some lightoid honestly thinks anyone here knows/cares about EU drama
you may as well post this shit in the OSRS general, that's how irrelevant EU shit is here
very much so.
>backhand blades in Elden Ring
>this shit in SMTV
>all released this month
Someone in Japan is forcing a resurgence of this fighting style.
If you were 50 years old and you had a 20 something year old son playing FFXIV and ERPing with other grown men would you not be disappointed? It's not too late to hand your life over to Jesus.
If your electricity or gas gets cut off typically the company will compensate you for it
yeah, I don't want to give you any money in the first place.
>How does choosing not to raid make me a bitch, exactly?

Your opinions on what is available hold no weight when you're not doing the content. You're not raiding,meaning you're not getting bis, meaning whatever you *are* doing in game, it's only letting your money get stolen. The content isn't even hard, meaning you lack the mental capability to clear it in the first place. You bitching about not being able to play when the most you're doing is afking in limsa with your thumb stuck your up ass 365 days a year for the last 6 years is the most bitch made opinion currently in this thread.

I'd spit on you but then I'd be wasting saliva.
i haven't given an opinion the entire time, anon
nor do i particularly care about losing a dollar's worth of playtime
if you don't agree to the terms, don't subscribe to or purchase the game
offline games instead of live service ones may be more up your alley
looks like im hunting again
>What if you were a few cents short for your sub fee this month?
>"BUT I PAID MY SUB FEE?!?!?!?!"
Are there any white people ITT besides me?
No, if he's happy, what more could I want? As long as he's not doing it for the wrong reasons, why should I care?

Wish that'd happen here, but outside of natural disasters it'd be very rare
Nahobino might actually be able to be cosplayed in FFXIV with the Solution Nine glam
I have literally never been compensated for a power outage. Maybe if you bitch to them for hours they might throw you a bone just to make you go away, but its not "typical policy"
there are no white people here including you, mutt.
Post aaahhh I dunno your last glam you wore before DT
you're also calling yourself a mutt though
>i haven't given an opinion the entire time, anon
If you're not against it, then you support it.

Why are you defending a company stealing your money?
the freckles on my pale fucking skin beg to differ
You're not white.
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I haven't played in a while, have they added the Hrothgals yet?
Self-awareness is a virtue, anon.
We're getting a new 72-man Frontlines at some point in the later patches right?
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>got the stapler, got both shadowcleaver, shadowstalker, gunro, the ugly roaders and bought cruise chaser
Works on my machine
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Americans love getting fucked by their companies it seems. From every single industry even!
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>Or is that somehow different?
Yes its entirely different you fucktard.
Square Enix is functionally a Service Provider.
You're some retarded nigger who deserves to starve.
who else /didntprepareatall/ here? I did literally nothing whatsoever in anticipation of DT and honestly just don't care
Holy…. So much fighting in /xivg/… keep it up! It’s entertaining to read
I actually respect you more than most people if youve been horsed, knotted, etc, etc. You are far more comfortable with yourself and brave than I am with my arguably far more tame kinks.


Stupid fucking japs will never change though. Too set in their ways, always hated working with them.
>the freckles on my pale skin
blackbino detected (they are uglier than sin)
damn you got olbap
transbian post
they will be playable on the 28th
I preferred the shitty porn posting to this disingenuous baitposting if I'm being honest.
Why is it so hard for you people to just say "yeah it's bullshit, I wish it was changed?".

The TOS is the TOS. Ok. But why defend it? Why are you getting angry about it? I'm simply pointing out that your money is being stolen, and you're denying it and defending the company doing it. It makes no sense. Why are you defending your money being stolen?
I prefer neither
I am a mutt, I've got Portuguese in me
I didn't even finish the msq, i unlocked the last dungeon and couldn't do it because it was too late
I haven't even completed msq yet
do vipers get a katana
Why are you such a bitch?
90% of the thread schizos seem to be euro catgirls
>he doent like wit and banter and only wants to coom
you are cattle.
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You cant change corporate bootlicker minds, corpos have been grooming people longer than you've been alive to "Accept" malpractice
Alphinaud taking a shower with me butt naked. What happens next?
looks like a scimitar and a khopesh are the closest they get. Which are not terribly close at all.
Fucking obviously I'd prefer neither as well but one is going to happen and I'd rather it be the porn.

Don't they do this because their whole game is built around a stamina timer? You can play FFXIV as long as you want, but if a gacha goes into maintenance while you're at max, you actually do lose play time.
Raiding is less than 1% of the content FFXIV offers.

If you made me choose between the spearfishing minigame and Savage raids, I'd choose spearfishing.
a lot of people on the internet get a big rush out of "winning" arguments, so even if you post something they agree with they'll be super pedantic about it or play the devil's advocate
Hmmm i think i too will begin to shitpost
it didn't go in? it isn't dilating? try a lower number sis
I unironically dont want it to change though. I do not want to inconvenience the company and cause them setbacks that might lower the quality of the product over time. Having to pay people back every single time theres a maintenance requires time and resources. It would harm the company more than the individual as a whole.
Why are you a crab in a bucket?
I will simply not play the game until my mods are back up
>b-but you'll be 3 days behind everyone!
I don't fucking CARE
Me. I will continue to play my video poker and then mow the lawn.
I have the job I want to play at 90 and that's good enough


>Had to google it
>It's been added to my lore repository
Thank you, anon. I learn more with every reply. Are you the one who replied to me earlier with which isaac series to start at? I only just saw it now cuz I was phoneposting then!
>wit and banter
nothing about crying over two days of sub time is witty
HUH? Are you a fourth Demoncrawl anon or someone I talked to about it in one of the previous threads?

Play Demoncrawl, it's a great game.
>Raiding is less than 1% of the content FFXIV offers.

Categorically wrong; you're only making yourself sound dumber.
Sometimes they compensate with the rolling currency, but that is just feeding gambling addicts
i'm not that anon, unfortunately, i just have a long index of roguelites and roguelite streamer memes!
You both scrub each other's back and nothing sexual happens, then you both get out the shower and dress up and go on about your day.
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i always call and get a credit whenever there is a power outage that lasts more than an hour, they dont even give me a hard time. wonder what kind of jewish hellhole the other anons live in
thats like your opinion man (it is wrong)
does the game launcher have a different dawntrail graphic yet?
So about that meltie
>I unironically dont want it to change though. I do not want to inconvenience the company
Americans are not human.
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Down with the maintenance bourgeoisie! Players of the world, unite! The oppressed (gamers) have nothing to lose but their chains! Dismantle the system! Give pickaxes and Adderall to the homeless, and tell them there is gold underneath all the major highway infrastructure! uhhh Mutual Aid!
didn't even finish the MSQ because wuk bored me instantly, hopefully that changes
We must keep people like out of the public eye when you're whining about fifty cents.
She's literally Dawntrail's Lyse
>Quoting only one part while ignoring the rest which explains and justifies the decision with logic and reason
I am once again demanding a hag Hrothgar EB.
>lodestone pic is not updated
is my account bricked?
it's fact
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>It's pablo backwards
>the lore is deep from years ago
>I had to literally watch a video for context
>I never even noticed the face ON ancient joker and thought it was just some depiction of an urn, but now I can't unsee it

Oh okay, thank you for the new brainrot though, I would never have known!

Okay I'll grab it now
I was going to say they're just pathetic, but >>483654507 seems to have nailed it. A lot of people in 4chan will do anything to "win" a pointless argument instead of using their brain.
You know that over 95% of subscription and mogstation money goes toward funding other games, sharholders, and executive salaries, right?
>Are you the one who replied to me earlier with which isaac series to start at? I only just saw it now cuz I was phoneposting then!
That was me! I haven't played Balatro for myself yet because honestly blackjack is my preferred card game over poker. I played the D&DG demo though and that was a lot of fun!
I can name 100 pieces of content to do in FFXIV that are not raiding, therefore raiding is less than 1% of the content FFXIV offers.
Surely i will find an EB in DT
*2 hour long video essay on why Lyse was actually a good character*
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So this is what zivgee does during maintenance
Can you cite those metrics?
Then do it.
>I do not want to inconvenience the company
I sincerely hope this is a bait post
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Source of the mounts may not be accurate.

It's a publicly traded company. Look up their financial reports.
wait i thought xiv was eos? why is this general still up?
I also enjoy blackjack more, which is why I enjoyed the D&DG demo (I assume you tried it after watching him play it a little as well), but this hit a spot in my brain I didn't know I enjoyed. I don't know if I'll try bingle bingle, but balatro kinda got me thinking about how I could design a Bingo roguelite in a similar vein
The Y-You Too.. was very cute
Nothing could ever justify the statement "I don't want to inconvenience the company" you slave.
I want to have sex with lyse
Stupid women are really hot
try typing like you arent having a stroke, you are reflexively posting just to make an anon suffer. you arent even in the heart of this conversation, you are a dissenter for dissenters sake and when that anon is lead back to the yolks and you are laughing you wont even notice the claps tightening around your own neck. shameful, sad, pathetic.
So you knew the outcome and kept asking us over and over anyway?
I'm playing Astlibra Revision
considering price conversion, this maintenance is costing me about 35 cents, should I throw a hissy fit over it?
I'm not the person who was originally asking about this. That is my very first comment on the subject.
no, it's Selene
nah play caves of qud instead
is this all speculation or is it notated in the files?
i'm curious what you mean by "gil sink", is that for unreal?
Trying to beat Erdtree final boss.
Do you have the mount themes too?
You should make the thread completely fucking unusable spamming tranny Wokacks.
Any bros with shit pcs (benchmark score 11k and below) worried about how it's gonna run? It's always been buttery smooth for me but shit's gonna change
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I'm so broke I sell trading cards
Lyse was a refugee with idealized notions of her homeland who didn't understand the plight of the people who didn't flee. Her whole arc revolves around this and it's strange to me that people call her a bad character when the whole point is she's out of touch and needs to learn the reality of her homeland's situation and what it is today (as of stormblood).

If she wasn't annoying it would be an extremely boring character that makes no sense.
Remember when MMOs would credit you time for big maintenance.
Chill man i just got done beating the basedring dlc
So what if i want to shit up the thread for a little
Someone already did.

Google "console games wiki" and read to your hearts content.
My Male Midlander? MINDJOT coded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1-lROVGSWg
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>the mounts for ex1 and ex2 are actually good
>crab in a bucket
Why does xivg use this phrase so incorrectly all the time? It's so fucking weird.
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>mount turn while standing still animations are still shit
that sucks. at least they improved the movement ones.
Give me like 100 crysta is all im saying.
> you are reflexively posting just to make an anon suffer
I SURE AM, when what they're arguing is the most ridiculous shit I've read all day. I hope that bitch is typing out 99 times to do in the game that isn't raiding.
i'm fine with playing on low settings if it comes to that
if it's genuinely unplayable, i have a ps5, i'll just switch to that while saving up for a better pc
but i doubt it'll come to that
This anon? He's media literate.
Playing SF6 since Bison came out
Catching up on DanDaDan
Zenos wasn't a bad character in Stormblood either :)
Is ameliance still fertile
I need to know
>considering price conversion, this maintenance is costing me about 35 cents, should I throw a hissy fit over it?
You should admit to yourself and others that it's bullshit and it should change.
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probably means its able to be sold on the marketboard in addition to costing 7.5m at a vendor, like the 25m Golden Karakul Mount .
So you admit that its bad, but only depending on the duration of the maintenance?
Who's licking...
>moved on to the 762 Scar
At least you're using the based backpack
i wish fates weren't the worst content in the game
Stop making a mess!
He's a more compelling character in SB than SHB or EW.
No. I've been playing MMOs for over 20 years and it's happened maybe once.
My femezen looks exactly like this.
but besides the old ARR allied society mounts all of them are all gold and cost much more than 7.5 mil
The most fascinating thing is that they fates and leves were headline features in 1.0
Remember when WoW just dropped an expansion without even needing to close the game
definitely not for scheduled maintenance
do you like lalaboys
Yes anon we all agree that unpaid maints are technically akshually bad. But its such a trivial issue that its not worth boycotting over unless it was like a week+.
Is a maliddie fine?
>That poll that showed 99% of anons ITT would literally lick a dudes asshole clean for $10,000,000
>Refusing to say a bad word against Squeenix when they don't provide compensation for maintenance
You guys are FUCKED UP. Like proper fucked in the head.
nice blank
Obviously there will be a golden Cyberpunk Bike for 50m gil later on down the line.
Like the twins' mom?
totally as long as they're all there
you know, 2 arms 2 legs 2 eyes
Anything's fine, actually.
Maliddies included :3
And remember how bad WoW was? Exactly. Quality takes time. We have twice the maintenance period for twice the quality. Don't like it? Go back to WoW.

...Yeah, thought so.
you aren't entitled to compensation for scheduled maintenance
extended/unscheduled downtime is different
Honestly I'm more mad that buying the expansion doesn't give 30 days of game time.
you have such high standards anon let me lick your asshole clean ill do it for free
I started playing wow in legion
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Wrong, SA-58
I got my hands on a pristine one so I modded it up and gonna take it through customs in my battery runs
I feel a melty happening
which one of you are on your period?
Niggas call my malidster "The Drink"

Zenos is a great character if a bit shonen. The imperial heir being a detached freak who lusts for violence and obsesses over the one person who presents a real challenge is a good commentary on how decadence and empire can cause rot from within. A lack of purpose, a lack of suffering, a lack of any want in life.

Zenos would have wanted for nothing, praised from birth, beyond reproach in almost every way.

He was a caged tiger who felt truly alive in battle, the only place freed from his trappings. And the WoL was the one person who could challenge him and, among few things, that meant something to him.
the truth of the matter is, they were always gay from the start. the money was a bonus to them.
Ak*bi is
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oh you know - big chillin
mine is almost over, actually, so i'm good
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i just got to this thing
there's a lot of psychological anhedonia social discussion happening itt rn
Anyone wanna
>But deep down, I wasn't lmaoing. I was ashamed of myself because it takes guts to put yourself out there like that and I know I never could.
>God speed maliddsterlander.
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Fucking wall blind boss and no ability to reroll it, I spent 90 fucking dollars trying to get a better xmult and couldn't get cavendish at all

>Juice cannon
Alright that's fine
>Battery runs
Car repair or hideout upgrades?
Niggas call my malidster "The Shockmaster"
It's not a bit shonen, its all shonen, and its lame.
Im shitposting because I have nothing better to do.
the current gil sink mounts are based on mounts that are obtainable without exchanging gil
for example, albino karakul can be bought on the market board but it also comes from earning scrips in the firmament
because he convulses when he cums
Can't wait to ignore and block all fe(male) furries.
Dancing Lion felt like ult prog where I hated every minute of it but after clearing I thought it wasn't so bad and fondly look back at my experience.
Catwife reporting
The drink from Jonestown maybe LMAO
8.0 will be a shonen fightfag expansion and im all for it
Things that xivg agree on:

We should be compensated for maintenance times
Futa isn't trans
If you dislike modding you're a bitter console pleb
Femra are the tranny race, femlala are the biohole race
Male characters are the worst posters in the general
>beast tribes
>tribal quests
and now
>allied societies
FF XIV went woke and is now pandering to minorities.
Considering the rest of the game is about the power of friendship and being a good person and plenty of other less visceral instances I think it needed someone like Zenos. It's like a garnish for a dish, you need someone bloodthirsty and unhinged. Dawntrail will need to figure out how to not be too hugbox.
8.0 will be the architect expansion
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Vagina balls.
this is a good thing
I will not jerk off until I finish the MSQ.
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I have 8 dollars I hate this game aaaa

This bait is so bad that even I took it
I thought this was going to be a shitpost at first, but I agree with all of this.
no i will continue calling it beast tribes
*adjusts plantation hat*
>femlala are the biohole race
Please say it ain't so i fucking hate those gremlins
>anon's balls are going to inflate for at least 48 hours
Worst fight in the game.
i cant see shit with this dickhead moving around constantly
my fiddie looks like this btw
i don't agree with any of these, actually
TheRapist quest, Mechanic is exchanging tank batteries for keycards and you gotta turn them in to her
Customs has 100% battery spawns and raiders are in each location it spawns
I jerked off the other day in preparation for this moment. My mind is clear and my body is ready
that was already 5.0-6.0
2 days is a lot?
the thinking mans futa
Just give me some nice fucking Scimitars and I'll be gucci.
so if SE gave compensation for the maintenance you'd argue against it?
thanks you're too
My catboy is the protagonist and youre all just npcs
They will keep my buoyant and act as emergency life preserver in case I fall off the ship to FFXIVMexico.
>femlala are the biohole race
This is actually true.
5/10 hard mode clears on rabbit and steel so far solo. I am improving by forcing myself to do red darkhouse first and druid only took one attempt
yeah cause he be killing niggas
Futa is trans though
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>It's not a bit shonen, its all shonen, and its lame
if you really want to read up on it, given the the way the story played out over ARR all the way through EndWalker, Xenos is probably a fill in for this guy.
I strongly disagree.
Wait are you playing live or pve? Does PVE get the same event quests?
I'm so glad that literally everybody calls her that, even though she's the most useful vendor in the game
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This is true for all catboys.
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if you don't jerk off once a day your balls will inflate. If you go more than 3 days you'll have mobility affected. After a week you're bedridden and will need a sunny slut to emergency drain your balls to deflate them.
What happens at 10
No shit retard
i don't care
Corsair would've been cooler than Viper
Friendly reminder than midlanders are the canon protagonists of this game and the rest of races are a bunch of fetishes put together to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
>Not calling them "Nigger Quests"

>Male characters are the worst posters in the general

Point to 3 terrible male character posts ITT.
>he thinks it's his fellow trannies flagging it
lmao they're making fun of you trannies
I need a girl like Athena in my life.
Malera btw
nothing, I just wanted the color palettes, then I start solo lunar attempts
The Storywriter seems to have been heavily influenced by Fredrick Nietzsche.
i was one of the firefly anons from this morning
olbap is powerful and esoteric
My catboy is whiter than sour cream, but he has T50s.
Any femlala in need of blanket treatment?
What's she doing with those hands back there? Presenting? Cute belly tho.
Curved swords reminds me that I want to get a Lautrec glam that I saw once and there's the Goblin Scimitar which is a great option for a curved sword.
Soken couldn't die any sooner.
every single one of these mounts is fucking sick dude
That's why I got elk on sneed dial
>tfw my character looks worse in Dawntrail
No... my EB is gonna leave me...
Futa is a cock centered fetish. Trans is a transformation fetish.
i need to see a lalafell on each of these mounts
I am a grown ass 25 yo man not a tranny though
every single one of them
What are canonically the strongest jobs in the world of Final Fantasy XIV? I know BLM and WHM are so strong that the practice became taboo due to causing a calamity in the past but what about the other jobs? How do they fair when compared to BLM and WHM?
this motherfucker dont miss
Wish they would just give us Alexander already and be done with it. I love my minion tho.
Don't you bring Optimus Prime into this
If he was stirner he wouldnt care about the WoL
Shit bro better get em to the vet
not wrong
PvE, I'm waiting on the new wipe and I'm trying to get some of my crew comfortable with the game slowly and starting with PvE with them
I get my PvP fix through Arena till the meantime
Yeah well he cost me a run he didn't, I just got unlucky
these are the correct opinions:
>We should be compensated for maintenance times
>Futa isn't trans
"futa" with a dick and balls and no pussy is a tranny
but if it's a true futa in the original sense of the word you are still a weirdo
>If you dislike modding you're a bitter console pleb
>Femra are the tranny race, femlala are the biohole race
there are trannies playing every race and bioholes playing every race
>Male characters are the worst posters in the general
anybody that posts their character a lot is shit
i NEED grown ass man with grown ass COCK and BALLS EB
Literally everyone agrees
I hate you too.
I'm bored, so I'll argue
Transvestites are cutting off your dick and balls to graft a fake pussy on, or cutting off your tits and grafting a fake dick on.
Futanari, also known as hermaphrodites, have BOTH dick and pussy. They must have BOTH to be futa. They do not actually exist outside of fiction- the rare anomalies that claim to have both either have one or the other nonfunctional.
Femboys, or dickgirls, are men who dress like women, and have no desire to cut off dick and balls.
All of the above are fetishes, and are played by modbeasts because they're fucking weird.


You should say Starscream or Arcee if you really want to perk up the Tumblr trannies.
>scammed by GMG
>lodestone hasn't updated
>logged out on the wrong server
How bricked is my account?
We have told you time and time again. Liking futa makes you gay.
Not me, you can keep your pirate shit out of MY game
Huge Crystal bias.
>lyse destroys SB
>zero destroys EW
>wuk destroys DT
bros I'm just tired of this
You're all men. Where does your self hatred come from? You're not a "femra", you're a male.

It's so bizarre how common this is here.
Do you like femezen
literally who are any of those
I just play the game
Kino is back on the menu boys. I'm genuinely excited.
why can you only have 10 filters? that's fucking stupid it doesn't even need to be stored on the server if they're worried about storage
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can i get some feedback on the femlala im fanta-ing to for dawntrail?

not sure if i should add the dunesfolk paint marks below the eyes.
Correct, I am a femra(male)
there is a bias against the DC that holds the majority of xivg???????
Hmph, how glib, and do you believe in Eboarzea?
you forgot alisaie and reddit-squelch
Because dudes like tiny bitches with cute faces next question
How can you be scammed by GMG?
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How are you feeling boys?
Hell no. That's a B-tier femra. I should have shown up to this meetup, people needed my persuasive ability.
Your friend on the left is incredibly based, except that he's using a fucking TA01NSN on it. Why use one that scoped but not variable? I know you can switch to the red dot if you need to but if he's running it as a DMR he should run something variable and drop the silencer, especially in PVE
Post tail
going to filter out "LGBT" and "LGTBQ+" as my first filter bwos, this is our (chuds)s expac
maybe i add "Trans" too
which ebin rules materia?
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Same, guess I'm working on my pile of shame tonight instead.
my femlala is the straightest shota
I've never seen either Viera in game.
That pic is from stormblood you cuck newfag
Stirner was about ignoring societally imposed constructs that other people tell you you should care about, like the church, honor, patriotitsm, whatever. He called these things spooks. He thought people should pursue whatever intrigues them fully without regard for any of the other stuff. Xenos was fully enthralled in fighting the greatest battles and pushing himself to fullest in combat. That is why he went after the Warrior of Light. A tell for this is when that one Garlean kid comes up to him and Xenos mocks him and says that the Garlean empire and patriotism and honor mean nothing. This is exactly how a Stirner devotee would act.
There are only 3 nameable ebins ever on materia, and 2 of them aren't based there
No dawntrail key
(I know they send it out a few hours before release I'm just joking around)
I cannot express how happy I am that someone else understands
also I need to fuck that white woman.
Not OP but actual question: gay = man that likes other men. I'd assume heterossexual porn, male on female, is not considered gay. I'd also assume lesbian porn is not gay. By definition, that sort of porn has a cock and balls involved. Then, you swap the masculine element of a man for the feminine element of a woman, so now 2 feminine elements. But you still preserve the cock and balls so you still have penetrative sex on the shelf without the use of tools. How is that gay, logically speaking? Not arguing about it being weird, odd, strange, whatever, just "gay".
No black highlights
No face marks
Afaik GMG doesn't give the codes out until the day of release right? They don't send out codes for you to pre-load. You'll probably get your code on the 28th

if not... then maybe on the official release lol
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Man, they weren't joking about those graphics upgrades.
>My character finally updated
>It looks horrible

I don't know why they felt the need to reshape lips but holy fuck I'm going to have to fanta.
Weren't most of the first place botted?
Who were the runners up?
they need love, they will never get it of course and they will fall deeper into their delusions.
All men need to be productive members of society and to ignore the carnage and beakness in life is to have something that loves and depends on them. the longer they dont get it the weirder and more unsalvageable they become.
>Considering the rest of the game is about the power of friendship and being a good person and plenty of other less visceral instances I think it needed someone like Zenos
this is so shonen
>Male characters are the worst posters in the general
vaginaless dickgirl posters are
the rest is agreeable
How do you know if lodestone is updated or not?
>why can you only have 10 filters?
Yoshi P mistakenly assumed his playerbase isn't massively mentally ill and so easily triggered that they'd need 100 slots MINIMUM.
>a fucking TA01NSN
You're tripping, that sight is probably my favorite
Also he likes doing nightmare blunt builds
Transvestite is just a crossdresser, you can tell by the etymology. Arguably Transgender means identifying as the other gender, while Transsexual means they had the surgery.
>lesbians aren't gay

Gay = Homosexual
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i wish you guys at least bitched about something productive
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Working on getting my backlog painted.
>(I assume you tried it after watching him play it a little as well)
Yeah, sort of. I saw him play it and was interested, but didn't actually play the demo until last Next Fest.

>bingle bingle
It's amazing to me that Balatro seems to have inspired an entire subgenre of casino game roguelites. I think I'll keep an eye on this one as well. I was actually just watching a clip of NL accusing a chatter of being a paid shill for constantly asking when he'll play it.

>The Y-You Too.. was very cute
Y-you too...

Oh! Then there's still at least three of us. And you know what? I'm going to try a Firefly run now, just for you and that other anon who said it and Spark are their favorite masteries.
They send out the codes the same time SE does for the full version. At least they did with EW.
I'm looking for something to watch while I play Everafter Falls. Have a sexualization image
lol fag
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boring, grab a new shitpost.
I honestly agree with that other anon, firefly and spark are fun as fuck. spark gets you so much money
Did this cat eat too much sour cream
I want to see some WoL butt
did you check up your butthole
are there people who are actually upset that they didn't win ebin of the year?
Thanks for the clarification, as far as I was aware the three were interchangeable. I want to be as informed as possible, because transmisia is worthless if I'm not accurate.
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huh? I always thought gay = male homo, lesbian = female homo, and a man watching 2 females having sex between them doesn't mean that man likes other men, and thus a man who watches lesbian porn is not gay.
debate the argument lmao

Also adding, this only considers futa on female, futa x futa or male x futa is pretty clearly gay.
I need to paint so many nids. And I dont have an airbrush. Getting into those nooks and crannies is terrible.
Yooo it's the hunter armor from Destiny
the best femra are on aether btw
I wish these people would entertain me, otherwise their existence is a burden.
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my catgirl on the left
Xivg will always cope about futa not being trans or homo and it is always funny
I didn't even show up

You're correct.
And you don't agree?
I had fun today bros
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me on the right
my femezen on the right
Futa is gay af which makes it hot af.
remove the eyebrows, face 4 femlalas look cuter without them
>my maldister hasn't been updated on the lodestone
Is Yoshi P implying something with this
little girls being gorillas is my favorite gender
Truth is, they're all my femra
They just don't know it yet
the man said, bitching about something unproductive
XIV really is the retirement home for fighting game players
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>tranny still projecting his rot pocket onto fantastical hermaphrodites
Comedy gold. Here's your attention little freak.
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futas tribbing their - wives is extremely gay
>download speed .13 mb/s
we truly live in a society
Glad I can ride on my hellhound. Been listening to the tears for years
It SERIOUSLY annoys me how fucking trash Pot is in this game holy fucking shit FAB must have someone actively pincushioning a voodoo doll of his.
so using xivlauncher to get in once the servers are up is going to be the optimal way?
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I genuinely cannot stand this rangefinder or marker, because it covers people at the distance I want to shoot at, I have the same problem with the PSO and the HAMR

Don't get me wrong, I'm all about funky builds but man, when you're runnin semi-auto you gotta run them nice
but it IS PvE I suppose so it's not as required to be able to rinse someone

That's pretty much how i feel about it all, I like this style of casual roguelite as well because I can drop in and out of it when I need something to do, and pick a run back up later if I want!
Heh, Now I hope I enjoy the Isaac videos so that I can tell you that you gave me something I liked and you can feel proud about it

I get that language changes over time, but by definition both are gay at the most base level of any depiction, due to the relations being between those of the same sex. Queer exists as a term co-opted for gay as "being different from the norm" which would be hetero
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Contrast is your friend anon. It's the only way I have made headway on my sisters of battle
I'm superior to all of you.

Why? Because despite not using a name, a face or having any identifying marks or patterns in my post, I get more (You)'s than any of you. I am so highly recognised for my excellent posts, that people go into the archives and repost my posts YEARS after the fact. Some of them multiple times. I don't expect your applause, but I must insist that you kiss my hairy ass.
stop saying that.
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Keep that HRT to yourself, you need it
I don't care about the update
Can I just log in and play?
I need to idle in Limsa
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qrd on Athena? I stopped playing around P4
if you prefer looking at a man in your virtual sex you are more gay than someone that wants to look at a woman with a cock in their virtual sex
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Did you play stellar blade
I can fix her type of mommy wife
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This is her son, she's the official qos mascot of xivg so WE LOVE HER
I've heard that before
How widespread is that sentiment?
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has fat fuckable tits that you can cum between
basically, woman moment
People repost my unhinged takes from years ago and it gives me a little high when they do so. however now if i make new shitposts i just get confused for some ebin....
I don't even know what that is.
YoshiP says you should play other games sometimes
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she's a coalburning fat slampig mommywife
*bristles hairs on neck and snarls* oh hey there kitten, what brings you to my neck of the woods *flexes muscle and shows fangs*
I do use contrasts and mediums. But they still dont go all they way in. My tamiya primer might have something to do with it.
Fellas is it straight to self insert as a woman with a cock
yep, time for elden ring.
I want to jork it to ethots
I need me a Peely EB
No, it's queer
if you fuck women yea
Venat is just athena that actually managed to get simps, but is uglier and stupider.
you cant prove me wrong.
that makes you an AGP aka a low level tranny
That's what I'm doing though
Extremely gay.
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it's double lesbian because they touch vaginas and penises together w/ the other woman with a cock
yoshi-p has GOT to fucking around
this was supposed to be THE maldister expansion
don't self insert into a fantasy game
>if you prefer looking at a man youre more gay than someone that wants to look at a man
i didnt buy dawntrail. when do i get to play the game again?

>permanently deleted

Don't you mean, overhauled and updated? Pvp is literally 100xs better then what we had before AND our Jobs are even better then the pve ones.
*opens up a can of tuna on my balls* Checkmate hrothgals
>gives their character a penis
If you're gonna insult people using my particular flavor of mental illness at least categorize correctly. I don't want that in my basket
...how do you even kiss femhroth?
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>t.ranny self inserting as something HE will never be
women don't have cocks
Post more. I need to milk my cock
>looking at a naked woman with a magical cock is actually like looking at a fully grown biomale naked

bros drysniching that he looks at the dick first and foremost.
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i made my character day 1 of arr and my lodestone still isn't updated...
Realistically? 10-15 days from now.
If I could insert my cock in a woman, then I wouldn't be here shitposting
Good one chucklenuts. One has a masculine body and one has a feminine body. If you want to see a masculine body over a feminine one you are gay!!
men have biological vaginas? based inclusive anon
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*starts jaking off*
Hold your fucking stocks malidsterlanderbro. Diamond fucking hands….
I can see Val's nipples.
EBs are not real relationships btw
can you milk mine instead bro....?
and online friends aren't real friends either
You cunt your shitposting made me lose track of the time and I got grabbed by the ghost of Fitbit now I'm going to wake up two hours late
but the irl bitch wife I got from mine is
xiv parties are souless
Eat a fat dick, anon.
If someone and their EB decide that it's real, it's real.
Don't let some cunt on the internet decide what you feel.
>people having meltdowns about the philosophical implications of their video game character

you play giant cats

you play humans with cat ears and tails

you play 2 foot tall potatoes

you play welsh half-ogres

if the idea of them having different genitals is where you go schizomode that's on you.
You don't have one. Now post, you slut
wtf dont look
false, i do :3
Wrong, Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail is the new dating app.
I play as a male normal-sized human.
Any pvp skillset leaks?
Tips on getting an EB? I have been playing solo since shb
the only thing these self insert fags think about all day is irl tranny cock, hope is lost
my femra is LITERALLY ram
All true
This anon is coping hard.
I couldn't even last a day away from this general I have brainrot just spoil my shit up
i've only seen some viper actions and the picto lb
the lb makes me very interested in picto actually
Play a malezen. Futas, trannies, agps and bioholes can't reset the malezen rizz
Male characters will do anything other than make a futanari to get cute female characters, but instead they will bitch and moan about being alone and taking every little rejection they get as a personal one because they made a self insert of themselves ingame.
Only true if you EB for the sake of it. There are married couples who EB just to have a second marriage in-game.
I don't believe any biological women play this game or any games anymore unless they can monetize it like a whore. you're all trannies and fat old men
malezen is the overweight fujo race

I hope to see it, anon
Figure out why you want an EB in the first place, address that and see if it's worth pursuing someone for it, or whether it's something you could achieve if you changed yourself

Nah, I just think it's more based to have your own opinion than to parrot the lonely incel copium while you look for validation amongst the unloved and bitter.
What is the emotion called that follows up "that's cute" then to "fuck you - you probably have big head about up. shut up whatever. eeehhh eeehhh"

what is that?
I am a mid 20s guy that has been lifting for 5 years though
Femezen player btw
I know like 5 that post here and more that aren't /xivg/ but play the game.
>biological women
technically, yes
technically, yes
that game doesn't look like ffxiv even though the title is ffxiv. what game is that?
Go touch grass and find real friends, loser.
weird how tranny haters post more about trannies in the thread than the actual tranny xivgers. y'all think about gock 24/7
Yeah tamiya can be weird. I recommend krylon plastic primer. It also comes in a ton of colors so you can use it for your base coat.
I’m going to make a femroe, lvl boost her to 90. And make Y’shtola slam clams with it. And she won’t be able to say no.
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>im mid 20s and i an fit and i play an MMO
yeah you got groomed by an old man to play this game, so what.
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philosophically speaking, my character embodies synthesis
while kant couldn't complete the system of german idealism, she has
I am
A male elezen
weird that I can think about trannies instead of them just not existing at all.
temu maiyu
sup incel
I started playing xiv with my irl friends through wow bro
my maliddlie acts like this
I literally mowed my lawn an hour ago, I couldn't touch more grass if I tried

Same as it ever was, and is in the media as well. A shoutbox about non-issues feeding a rhetoric louder than anything else so that it sways public opinion without allowing people to form their own based on experience, except on 4chan it's more about validation than anything else.
Trannies arent women, "technically".
my malera is biomale
Skill issue.
>touch grass
Im allergic to most grasses
>get friends
I havent talked to anyone in the outside world for 10 years and my only interests are vore and MMOs
Oh, sure, sure. Bet she doesn't *really* get Hegel, though.
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>YoshiP says
Yeah but YoshiP says a lot of stuff that not everyone agrees with.
Tataru Taru
Catgirl boobers
you're an erp tranny
sex doesn't exist in ffxiv
>IRL friends who play WoW
yes old men that groomed you.
you stab yourself with your swords and revive as a corsair
I'm going to use mr. hobby/gunze stuff once I get my airbrush. Their products are great and pretty cheap.
trans coded taste in games
Has any new slutglam been leaked?
I want to plap you in DT
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same bro
Actually it does, NPCs talk about it more often than you would think.
what happened to heterosexuality?
you get hegel once you learn that hegel, schelling, and holerlin were roommates
it's probably their reawaken skill
like reaper's enshroud
they added female cocks you dont need mods anymore for it
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reddit + whatever my friends are reposting, i don't know their sources

>Render a fat chocobo, knocking back all enemies within range 10 yalms.
>Additional Effect: Creates a Chocobastion at your feet, reducing damage taken by 25% while increasing HP recovered by healing actions by 25% for self and all party members within the area
>Duration: 15s
>Additional Effect: Grants Starstruck
>Duration: 15s
>Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
>Gauge Charge Time: 105s

>※Advent of Chocobastion changes to Star Prism while Chocobastion is active.
Average /xivg/ poster
Any monkey people in DT leaks yet?
I'm hoping we see one Genome at least....
We're all queueing frontlines as soon as we unlock the new jobs, right?
source is the balance
id sooner raid a static with all downies from1-12 than do a single frontline with xivg
## LB
### World-Swallower
"Delivers a jumping physical attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 10,000.
Additional Effect: Grants Reawakened
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Noxious Gnash
Noxious Gnash Effect: Increases damage you deal target by 20%
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Heavy +75%
Duration: 5s
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s

※Dual Fang Combo changes to First Generation while under the effect of Reawakened.
※Hunter's Snap changes to Ouroboros while under the effect of Reawakened."
*tugs horn*
do like gog more than steam?
figured, but i barely check their site or discord anymore, so i couldn't say anything about it
can you give an example where an npc walks in the room and starts talking about sex in Final Fantasy XIV
I typed trans in the Pengion Post Terminal and it said that it was invalid.
I have no preference.
my fewmrar is going to rape bunboy as soon as the servers is back up..
she is so wery verty penteded up
>read this
>check on Playstation
>76 gigabytes, 8 hrs

It's been a few months since I touched the game but god damn
itt male character players seething that they always get cucked by tranny bulls
Queue against them then
my femlala is like this
i do so and its bigger than urs!!!
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>Dawntrail releases
>block male character that seethes about futas as a personality
>shitnose moonie keeps hitting me up in DMs asking why im ignoring them
>say I dont see them
>they post an image of them next to me
A bunch of lalafell merchants hitting on catgirls in ul'dah and limsa zones like costa.
The catgirl whores in ala mhigo.
The guys talking about the femroe and middie fucking in their captains bed.
The one guy complaining about crotch rot he got from another female npc nearby, with said female npc hitting on you.
use something lighter for the highlights if you're deadset on darker highlights, the contrast is a little too much w/ white hair
on the flipside you could just darken the main hair color so you can keep matching the eyeshadow
face marks would make ur face too busy with what you have going on right now imo
Also the sex dungeon in Sastasha and the ladies waiting in one of the Captain's rooms
Also that female Miqo/maliddie couple with the former ordering tons of oysters and forcefeeding him since oysters are supposed to be an aphrodisiac
these feet are going to remove me from the genepool
can someone reupload the first one?
i know at least four women that play this game
they are 30+ and have at least two kids each

I flew to south C to PIPE one. Very worth, ended up kicking her sons ass in For honor.
So, what are you guys doing outside of waiting? I'm making a tiny scoop out of wood.
The wood smells like incense when I burn out a dremel bit.
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This is going fairly smoothly, though Firefly at only level 1 isn't having that much of an impact.

>Heh, Now I hope I enjoy the Isaac videos so that I can tell you that you gave me something I liked and you can feel proud about it
It would feel nice hearing that a recommendation I gave was appreciated...
my femra is watching right wing content
Gonna be transferring to Aether when the servers are up. What is the best server?

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