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Mobil 1 sponsorship obligation Edition
You vill consume ze Mobil 1
Prev >>482615282

> Clubs
"4cvg" in FH4, "4ch" in FH5, none in FM

> Communication
Lobby chat in the Xbox App, post xbox id setting https://i.imgur.com/lIB6A1u.png in https://account.xbox.com/settings first
Discussion chat on Discord, ask for invite in the lobby

> Rivals
FM Weekly starting every Sun 16:00 UTC

> Community
News https://forza.net/news/
Support https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us

> Emulation

> Gameplay
FM cardb https://www.kudosprime.com/fm/carlist.php
FH5 cardb https://kudosprime.com/fh5/carlist.php
FH5 map https://guides4gamers.com/forza-horizon-5/maps/

> Media
Howto https://pastebin.com/raw/2uWDEQZL
Video recaps https://pastebin.com/raw/7kkHBder
Music stations https://pastebin.com/raw/qtwbwkaJ

> OP Template
rally and hot wheels dlc aren't working, what do? this has been a problem for a week
t. ms store premium edition
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a new playlist draws near, here we go
hope i can make it(i wanna die)
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Week 36 of /forza/ Rivals is over!
The top 3 players this week are:
>1st - Semobii!
>2nd - AllowedSiren15!
>3rd - JohnFender1420!
This weeks winner is Semobii! Congratulations to him and a big thank you to everyone who participated!
Here are the standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=435455735#gid=435455735

This week on /forza/ Rivals - Week 37

Welcome, everyone, to the start of /forza/ Rivals Championship Season 4! This season the stakes are as high as they can be! After seeing the high-octane action of Season 3, i feel like the title fight will be more dramatic, the competitors are catching up to settiesa5847! Can he defend his title? Can the backmarkers move to midfield? Maybe we'll see a new star rising? Or maybe some of our veteran fighters can show an incredible return to the form? We'll see! GENTLEMEN, START YOUR ENGINES!!!
First week, traditionally, is an exploration of a culture. This time - AMERICAN culture! Take this All-American car, Chevrolet Corvette C8.R, to All-American track, SEBRING, and show who's the boss!
Attention, bonus points! During the 2021 12 Hours of Sebring, Antonio García in Chevrolet Corvette C8.R, set a record laptime, 1:55.642. If you can somehow beat this time, you'll receive 5 bonus points!

>Track: Sebring Full
>Car: Chevrolet Corvette C8.R '20
>Class: R
>Upgrades and tuning: NOT ALLOWED! RENTAL ONLY!

Here's something to beat: https://youtu.be/breOKSYYJGw (02:08.583)
How to submit a lap: https://youtu.be/dbjlfAB-o0I
Standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=1448904740#gid=1448904740
FAQ: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit#gid=707343726
Reply to this post with a clip of your run!
Rivals suggestions are always welcome.
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we back, 4cvg
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sorry no playlist schedule by me this time
i hadn't gone back to fh4 since 5 released, and man it just feels so much better, even just picking up a random car and driving around is more fun
Better map and vibe for sure. But I prefer the driving model improvements and engine sounds in 5. I picked up a steam copy of 4 to use on steam deck
LONER 02:02.745
loner 02:02.745
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Is today Playlist day?
last couple hours to get the dark horse
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no vroom, only sleep depravation
what does /forza/ think about my acura?
i like it
good color, good wheels, hate the USDM front but that's not your fault
it is not championship white...
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I thought sexual nature liveries were banned?
Usaing a porn site livery is allowed now apparently
It relies on whether you get reported or not. I've got an only fans van I've driven round loads and had no issues. But my friend who also drove the van for ages got a temp ban for it. The livery is still up. Don't ask how any of this shit works but some people get the 9999 year bans
>Just finished the trail
>PC overheats and restarts before the rewards a given
Yep, need new fans.
How the fuck is it even a thing. Post your rig
I got and i5 11400F and a RTX 3060 with 2x16 3600 ram

I know i need a new fan because area around the CPU is hot as fuck. Also the overlay I use shown the temp was hovering around the 90%
>work sponsor
>not work wheels
Glad I'm not the only person here with this much ocd
This cpu isn't hard to cool. Do you have a stock cooler perhaps?
my xbox chat is still not working
Nope, got a be quiet fan
The Pure Rock 2 is more than capable to cool down the cpu. There's something else.
Is your pc case very restrictive? And is the cooler mounted right and secure? And is the thermal paste fine? Post pics!

This guy is using this piece of shit fan and it manages to keep the cpu at 86° at full load
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>Thermalright Peerless Assassin enters the chat
If space isn't an issue and you have $40 dollars to spend on an air cooler you can't get any better
It's obsolete already and has been surpassed by Thermalright Phantom Spirit, baka.
And you don't expect the anon to replace a $40 cooler with another $40 cooler to cool down a 60W cpu, don't you?
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for the love of fuck
They'll never make motorsport again
new electric car is a piece very surprising i know
Maybe they should just make a good game instead of recycled broken garbage. Or maybe have actual tracks as a horizon dlc.
Didn't you drive it in the rivals event? It's the worst car in game.
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I went in and checked the paste and it looked fine to me. I replaced it and when into the BIOs and checked fan settings and it was set to water cooling. I changed that to tower, hopefully that does something
I never do EV rivals
godspeed anon
Seems good so far
just pop evs in the bin until they sort that weight issue or something out
I mean I hate everything else about them. but at least if they weren't all boats I could tolerate them
>And you don't expect the anon to replace a $40 cooler with another $40 cooler to cool down a 60W cpu, don't you?
Be a silly man and overkill that cpu cooler so it maxes out at 40c under load
idk but dis shit looks grainy and to wet at the same time:)
I'll get some MX4 soon to replace that.
try some prime95 then u know how well it works
I ran it for a bit and go no errors. How long would you suggest I run it?
I'm off to wage slave, later.
Could go for MX-6, the price difference is minimal here
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>patched and feature complete
>no more content drip
>fairly priced
missed this race and you probably did too
here are the highlights
Based, but it would have pre warned you of its shittyness.
Jesus. The sleeping giant has awoken. They should have kept the dlc cars up. Imagine the missed opportunity for profit.
That must be a motorsports player.
what's up with these event lab races
The road pieces feel slippery?
when temps dont rise anymore
absolutely lol pgg marketing idiots
it's time
I really wonder how stupid people make their way to positions of authority. The gaming industry really is run by incompetent idiots.
It helps ensure that drivers are promoted purely on merit such as Lance Stroll.
Lance Stroll extended his Aston Martin contract.
Because he's the best available.
Maybe I should apply, or maybe give a rookie a shot. Start them young and give them a year to improve and learn.
Standings updated!
comparison video from last thread, see what you think. i only started with update 9 but the game looks pretty decent.
Some parts look better. It looks like they just added a blue haze on some to give depth. Honestly I don't care if it looked like Motorsports 7 as long as it is a good game and lets me max FPS. Graphics should always come second to game play.
new skyboxes look unnatural as fuck
wake up
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anyone else getting the same steam ads for a nsfw game?
>on the internet

Nascar drivers only turn le-ACK

Hey, if I get FH4 ultimate, will that include all the dlc like Lego and stuff? I saw that dlc would be delisted on the 25th, and steam doesn’t list it out for me
iirc the only dlcs delisted are the hotwheels legends car pack and the treasure map.
The [free]Mitsubishi dlc was briefly removed but they fixed it recently
Ok, that doesn’t seem bad. Their website lists all of them, but it looks like that’s just as standalone dlc. With how much I played the base game on Xbox, I should probably get the whole pack on steam
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I can't wait for 2027 when Horizon 6 is already out and people start swarming Horizon 5 when its delisting announcement drops
Probably me. 5 felt utterly pointless at launch
hope this helps
just ignore the preorder bits
i genuinely envy new players who will just be able play the game, get backstage passes, and be able to cherry pick from the entire list of cars without all the fomo bullshit.
imagine they bring back fh3 for 10bucks and local hosts
>When I race, I put it all on the line
>Every second a life or death battle on the razors edge of control
>In this sport of gladiators theres are only 2 types of people
>And the winners powered by Mobil 1
>And I am a winner
>I am powered... by Mobil 1
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florza areo
>Mobi 1
>Aoli 1
>M&oil 1
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Heres another funni
>mi oil
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absolutely wrecked
Well that explains how you ended my grinding against my door while on the grass
100% justifiably deserved. Fuck that guy
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oh the humanity
Your post is a gem.
Was it the lack of Lancia? The game had a decent launch minus the missing cars. The first big patch however, fucked up loads of stuff.
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It was the lack of many cars and features. I thought when FH5 released it would have e all FH4 cars and then build on that roster. Instead all the cars were drip fed. Furthermore a lot of content was missing like been able to pick a class/race type in multiplayer and rank (which is still missing)
Is the steam version of fh4 Cross crossplay with xbox users like fh5?
Unfortunately I think so. You got to wait for that spinning rust to get up to speed on ancient counsels.
ancient lurker here who has been following /fhg/ for a long time starting a small project soon, interviewing some of you guys cause there's some really passionate gaymers in your club whomI want to interrogate. I'm gonna do it in parts. a /fhg/ e-fanzine of some sort. I chose 4 for now. more news to cum...
no im not going to give you any bitcoin, fuck off
ghosting was a mistake
why not make the whole race ghosted?
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i did both labs with randoms just like you. such a shame we couldn't do it co-op with the early crew, specially since the lab in the island is a fucking banger
btw is medleymed in the xbox chat?
It's not bed time
It was a private session without anons to take it slow
why does forza never race during prime time?
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>mfw i'm having a bad vroomin' sesh and music app randomly throws sad music in my ears


just fuckin' kill me
put me out of my misery
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Tome zones are a bitch.
Car good
02:02.564 - https://youtu.be/Y4wAqQEm_UM
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i tried out new steam game recording feature. i recorded 16 minutes of gameplay, in highest quality
full raw recording is 2.8 gigs
why is it so small
i expected it to be bigger
uploaded piece of recording to youtube. bros, can you check it and tell me if visual quality of video is good or shit
i think file "weight less" with night time races or all black tuning menu
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Marlboro livery on this Lambo looks so wrong, but feels so right
I'm gonna smoke my opps and my cigs at the same time because i'm a stud, i'm ballsy
are we... seanigs?
fuck no
They should have included the shift mode in the new hyundai EV. That's the entire point of that car. It's actually really good irl (other than being soulless ofc) but they just used the same heavy boat model of the other EVs and 1 gear. So dumb
That POS drives worse than the other electric vehicle. I really don't care because I never drive them voluntarily.
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I dunno why, but i made this: i rewrote lyrics to Lil Nas X "Industry Baby" song (https://youtu.be/UTHLKHL_whs), from a perspective of Lance Stroll and Fernando Alonso
I call it "Aston Money Baby".
Please call me gay and retarded and tell me that's cringe and not funny, i think i deserve it.
I posted it in /f1/ thread and people hated it, and now it's time for you all to cringe from it
post the lyrics in a copy-able fashion please
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here you go
yeah its pretty gay and cringe
how do we solve /forza/ generals homosexual problem?
I blame Motorsports and Turn 10.
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its not a problem, it's a core feature
6 years in the closet
Standings updated!
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Standings updated!
i made a hmc 2 track for the endurance race fh5
Is it any good?
Post the code
wtf why are u humping him like that?!?? i'm calling HR on your ass kike
That event lab 4 lapper is fun pvp
Pretty gay right.
happy pride month!
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The racism weekend is here.
Do your rivals laps, bros! Only those who submitted their laps will be allowed to watch F1 this weekend!
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do you earn more cr if the car is owned vs. rented?
FM8 is so catastrophically bad that, considering the current gaming climate, I'm actually expecting Turn 10 to be shuttered and merged into Playground Games.

Imagine playing second fiddle to the fucking spinoff series in a franchise your studio created.
>Imagine playing second fiddle to the fucking spinoff series in a franchise your studio created
There's no way to prevent that, Horizon inherently appeals to a much larger player base
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how the FUCK did I not hit the wall here
Disagree, Forza Motorsport up until 4 was peak normiecore. The series has lost all goodwill and general appeal the same way Halo did. Constantly trying to reinvent the wheel and the end result being just constantly gutting features. We peaked at 4 and it's been a near vertical drop ever since.
110 097 457
i used s2 class for vidio https://streamable.com/srqees
basic horizon checkpoint style
yeah, when console wars were relevant, fm went toe to toe with grand autismo
grid was super fun too and pgr was kinda just there
tdu was the open world cruiser but fm/gt were the games to actually race in
scary turn
Project Gotham Racing was a fantastic series that was actually killed by Halo. When PGR4 was nearing Gold, the developers were begging Microsoft not to release the game on October 2nd 2007, literally just a week after Halo 3. Microsoft refused to listen, did just that, and naturally PGR4 bombed because everybody who owned a 360 didn't give a shit about anything else for the next year. 360s were sold at Christmas purely for Halo 3.

Sadly that domino spiralled into Bizarre Creations refusing to continue their relations with Microsoft, and instead went to work with Activision on Blur. Another fantastic game that bombed, and ultimately lead to the studio's death.
Standings updated!
what is so bad about fm8? proper racing game with qualifying, tire strategies and everything
who even takes horizon "races" seriously?
Every youtuber says it's bad so it's true
Motorsports should be a DLC for Horizon.
>Less content than FM5
>Buggy as fuck
>Menus straight out of an alpha phone game with less player expression than FM2
>game bad because menu is ugly
I know you are trying your best to defend your post but really?
what is racing game content? cars? tracks? one proper track like sebring is worth more than 100 horizon "routes"
can't say about buggy because i don't experience memory leaks or just have enough to not notice, it's been pretty bad on launch and burned the goodwill with too many people, but the game is getting fixed so if you're interested in track racing without wheel rig it is good
I'll give it a go later. It looks decent enough.
You can, in fact, deduce a lot about a game's development cycle from its menu design. It's not uncommon knowledge that Forza Motorsport 8 wasn't even that game to begin with, but a cancelled project (that was cobbled together in a significantly shorter time from that dead title's remnants) than Turn 10 would have you believe. It's not the engine upgrade they constantly bragged that it would be, it's the same engine as FM7. They lied about the graphical improvements, and it's missing content not only from FM7, but even launch Forza Horizon 4. Hell, there are bug reports alleging T10 has/had fixed problems with cars that weren't even in the damn game at the time.
They took 6 years to copy paste FM7 while making it look worse looking than an open world game, then lied about everything. The only thing new were the bugs and locked FPS. They only locked the fps because they were too retarded to unravel the spaghetti code lopped on top of FM7. That was the moment I knew we were in trouble. It showed the game has unresolvable issues to it's core. Then they have virtually no single player and are on the drip fee life support. CP was worse than anal cancer and parts unlock apply to only one car not duplicates. The problems may eventually be fixed but we are coming up on a year since release and all the good will towards the game is gone.
Car physics feels great, especially compared to FH5 and I didn't have stability issues for a long while now.
I'm not a graphics whore so I don't really care about grass not being fully modelled when I drive past it going 200mph. But the car getting dirty is neat.
I don't know what content you are talking about because I only care about proper multiplayer racing.
Can you be more specific?
Also safety rating and match making were entirely fiction and may have been fixed?
The penalty system is a tragedy in itself.
This is the disaster you get when you have a rotating roster of "contractors" working on your game instead of a dedicated team
It's such a sad time to be a Forza fan on PC, Xenia is still broken and Xbox One era games will never be emulated
>I don't know what content you are talking about
Dude, it's a fucking car game, there's two types of content if your not an MTX goyslopper.


FM8 has less cars than FM5, which previously held the record for the lowest amount of cars post 4.
Motorsports really feels like a corporate checklist made by incompetent people who could care less. They got too greedy and people lost interest.
They should use some of microsofts ai bs to let it analyze penalties

The game has 600 cars but I would be happy with 100 if they were good quality with proper damage models
"butbutbut the carbrands dont like dat"
i think dripfeeding cars has been a disaster
all cars should be available in some form from release
they wont give all cars for free, so im proposing themed car packs dlcs - then weekly event unlock these cars for free just in that week, after that week the cars are still in players garages, and their tuning/paint/progress can be unlocked again through purchasing either the whole car pack its in, or the car is made available on its own as heavily discounted dlc for a short period
this would be an easy win, and a way to get huge dlc purchases on release, and slower income week by week, but at least they would have a player base
No AH means you are basically fucked if you missed something. They took it away in an attempt to make people play more so they could go big number good. But in reality they put so many hurdles up people decided not to play altogether.
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What it feels like to play Motorsports.
to me it just feels like incompetent people. the game leans so hard on taa for the graphics the cars look worse and it can make certain binnacles nearly illegible because the readouts get so smeared. the game has cool dirt effects but those just get smeared out too. i hope one day maybe they'll expand the team aspect; maybe get to name your team, have a team logo, the chief lady will have way more lines beyond "p1 good job", after practice maybe the put crew can just have some flavor lines "how are the tires felling?" or "should we tweak the tune some more?" and it would be awfully if you could drive out of the pit yourself instead of getting a 3,2,1 go cutscene while the car is charging 140mph into a hairpin
awfully nice*
whoever decided that the SP should just be 5 races with 5 laps for an unorganized selection of road cars with no sense of escalation should be taken in a dark room and beat about the head
lol yeah it just feels like an afterthought. i stopped halfway into the muscle tour and just started making my own events, ironic since you can configure so much stuff and make fun events you'd think the tours would have been way more fun.
>They should use some of microsofts ai bs to let it analyze penalties
how will we train the ai when even we can't agree on penalties
Engaging team management ended with Race Driver GRID 2008 which was still barebones as fuck when you really think about it, and it didn't even have attack/defend commands, you just hired a dude based on his pie chart and then watched him naturally dominate the field to the point he was your main competitor.
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>how it feels driving caddy lmp into a tight corner
caddy lmp is such a tractor it's not even funny
all the straight-line-speed gain gets wiped in the next 2 turns
why caddy lmp is like that
ermm you can have ai drive for you fully ghosted races, if you make a bot yourself through end race menus you can fully automate the process
>ermm you can have ai drive for you fully ghosted races
This is what modern player retention looks like. A game so good you need the AI to do it because you can't be bothered.
The reason we can't agree on penalties is because T10 refuse to talk to us on how their system works, how are we supposed to improve their system and put ideas forward when they aren't transparent with us and tell us what how penalty decisions are calculated
tbdesu the most logical answer is that the system is super fucking barebones that it would be embarrasing for them to expose just how primitive it really is,

Besides the system needing about a million data points to accurately dish out penalties base on collisions alone it needs a massive overhaul for offtrack penalties. When I do mess up and go off I measure my delta to the car infront and usually back off enough to see the gap grow by a second and I still get slapped with bullshit penalties. because the system once again does not collect enough data to know what is a corner cut and what is accidental caused by external factors like dead tires or turning in a microsecond too early and clipping something on the inside and getting sent out wide
>they aren't transparent with us and tell us what how penalty decisions are calculated
RNG. It would be embarrassing to tell the truth, and cannot be fixed.
comfy watchings
Thanks. Something to fill the gap before the F1 slurpfest.
how bout i fill your gap
with SEMEN
I've already had my fill with the Sprint race, but thanks.
show me an overtake that is even remotely as sick as this one
allowedsiren15 - 2:05.007
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Decent try but the queen has arrived.
>+10 cxp overtake
>+10 cxp overtake
>+10 cxp overtake
>+10 cxp overtake
>+10 cxp overtake
>+10 cxp overtake
Standings updated!
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this one doesn't count
what the
24hrs of spa is going on and you're not watching!?

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You're not my supervisor.
sanest women driver
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New Forza wing dropped!!
I was expecting more luma ai fuckery
Real life is still the king of absurdity.
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what are some motorsport streamers i can watch to learn how to tune and get faster?
What a shit show.
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the fuck
looks like the perfect job for a 6 hour safety car
/forza/ irl
no such fire with EVs
>Lithium ion battery gets ruptured
>Never ending fire ensues as each battery catches fire in sequence and burns for a while
spent hours macking nice short racetrack in the woods
game crashes
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hehe they should allow full damage in forza so when you drive and ev, crash, and the thermal runaway starts the game will send the fire dept. to confiscate and dunk your car for 24 hours
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Retard can't eau rouge
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Fined 40,000 Euros for inappropriate language

Have you considered participating in our rivals challenge?
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its unreal how aggressive the taa is in this game, ive decided its worth putting up with the jaggies even at increased render scale simply to have (mostly) legible readouts
Good goy Yuki, retards need to be called out when they do retarded shit
Loner asked me that question earlier and I'm too lazy for rivals
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preparing for enduro race at The Glen
Rate my ride
I hope washing products sponsor helps me keeping my laps clean
That Ferrari has something that the game desperately needs
Customizable levels of TCS, ABS & whatever the middle thing is
whqat game
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nevermind I now see its TC2 and TC1. No idea what the difference is
i would love adjustable abs, on some cars its not bad on others it just comes down so hard the juddering is wild.
For me I want ABS and TCS changable on the fly like Gran Turismo. I want to have TCS on for better launches and then just turn it off once im up to speed
what car is that? looks great
It's the Nissan #33 Bob Sharp Racing 300ZX '88
I did a bunch of laps in it(and PC overheated and crashed, RIP), and i gotta say, it's aight.
However, i think it's mostly because i used the tune setup for enduro races. I can't guarantee that it's gonna be great bone stock or with some other tune setup.
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Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
I'm about to break

I bought FH4 on PC via Steam and its a buggy shitty mess, queue for ages to get in to online races you need to do to unlock stuff/achievements. Fall through the floor/map and get reset across the map. Its just shit. Loading screens take forever. For some reason, if I press restart event - that loads in a few seconds, if I finish and event and restart at that screen, it takes like 2-3 minutes.

Is any of this fixable?
it's probably just their network architecture being dogshit because it's been so long since this many people played at once
what if instead of a safety car there was an unsafety car and bug people were the ones behind the wheel
FH4 has been incredibly stable for years, at least for me. Nvidia did have a driver issue introduced a while back that would cause game crashes, but it was eventually fixed. Overall I have far more issues with FH5.
I'm running a Ryzen 9 7950x3D and a 4090FE

Performance is fine, its just.. loading/online which is ass.
Yep. You are dealing with two gen old counsels. You are waiting for their rusty hard drives to load shit.
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wake up
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pick this one, fh4 newbies
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and this one
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wtf all of the choices in the right are the based ones, what did they mean by that???
nah, it was Audi for me
just not a fan of muscle cars
johnfender - 2:03.123
xss was not made for recording, so were my fingers
Still plays like a shoddy GT4 clone (itself a GT2 clone) like every Forza since 2005. It was supposed to be complete do-over reboot of the franchise, but it really is just FM7.5 (and 7 was just FM6.5). It has no focus, no care, and no attention to detail. It thinks particle effects and high fidelity (inaccurate) textures are gameplay/content when they're not. I don't care how many polygons there are in the brake discs when they don't even model brake fade.

It's the synergy of cars and tracks, along with the level of detail put into them and the things you can do. Look at iRacing, where you can independently adjust the setup on each corner and they have spotters and fully replicated licensed racing championships. Look at Gran Turismo 7 where they model things like indicators and the ability to adjust TCS on the fly. Fucking GTR2 had dynamic drying lines and track rubbering in 2006. Even the Series S has much more processing power than even a top level PC from a decade ago, there's no excuse for the state the game is in.
I think I'm blind
Standings updated!
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i had the sudden urge to watch close encounters of the third kind after playing this event lab.
just the spirit of horizon
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>PSA for those who have recently bought the FH4 Ultimate Edition:
As you can see in the pic, these can be auctioned for 20M credits and it's basically the same shit as the overpriced BMW E92s in FH5, the only drawback here is that these Mercs are part of an exclusive DLC (Open Top Car Pack) which is one of the many contents included in the Ultimate Edition.
But yeah, aside from that, if you list these cars leave your GT and I'll try to buy them to give you a little boost.
does cr even matter anymore after the final series?
choose 1 (one) row
i gotta go for USA
USA looks most fun and least heavy, which is surprising
where do I vote
would easily pick germany if it had the csl instead of the 2002 but it doesn't. would go for the brits if the jag was a project 8 but it isn't. so i'll go with italy instead purely for the giulia. also its criminal they haven't put the montreal in h5 or nu motorsport.
lol i hope somewhere in microsoft they're still having a good laugh about what a stupid idea that was.
>does cr even matter anymore after the final series?
I don't know desu, but focusing on the present is up to the players I guess, maybe some of them want to buy certain cars and/or houses really early for example.
lol just finished my first real endurance race and almost half of the #92 door sticker on my rsr was eroded away. i really like dirt/grime/wear and tear effects.
Maybe I'm old but I have no fun driving these things
i like the 918 purely because it looks like a modern carrera gt but they actually finished the designing the back end this time and i like the way they integrated the exhausts.
It was hard watching them grow increasingly disinterested in whatever new cars they were reviewing but still having to pretend that they thought it was the coolest thing in the world to appeal to the kids watching. Like you could tell they really loved the Veyron and the LFA, but had zero interest in whatever meme special edition McLaren or Ferrari was on the docket that week.
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Where did they find these shitters. The whole race has been like this, even during full course yellows.
we anons should finance and race in the next 24hr race that allows bronze/gentleman drivers, if dave perel can do it why cant we
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I miss competent drivers.
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is it just me or this aston martin really looks like he's playfully sticking his tongue out?
I got ultimate but didn't get any of these cars? I opened all the mails.
>can be auctioned for 20M
>bids barely reaching 1m
literally just like my fm8 races
hope this helps
Every time I try and do the summer CTF event thing, I end up 3v1 or 4v1 ?? Wtf is the point in this shitty mode.. Can you complete the summer % thing without it?
i have another problem
it shows dat the hotwheelscarpack is for free but it cant buy it, just shows a error message
And you lads moan about rammers with your Motorsport webms and say it isn't realistic
I think it's more the six second penalties you get for getting rammed in the ass.
All ass rammings are penal
eeew, austria
oh shit I forgot its F1 literally right now
Time to fire up latifi streams and kick back and watch max fuck off to victory
nta but I can vouch that even before the recent uptick in players the loading screens for online matches take upwards of 15 minutes, only for you to race for a little over 2 minutes, tops. It has
always been awful.
>Time to fire up latifi streams and kick back and watch max fuck off to victory
You can also enjoy Ferrari's incomprehensible pit stop strategies. Hamilton done fucked up.
fuck that. I will buy it cheap to just drive in the snow from time to time. Fh4 wasn't that good people are over-rating it all over again
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Week 37 of /forza/ Rivals is over!
The top 3 players this week are:
>1st - Sizzleby, 25pts!
>2nd - Semobii, 18pts!
>3rd - LonerHC, 15pts!
This weeks winner is Sizzleby! Congratulations to him and a big thank you to everyone who participated!
Here are the standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=1448904740#gid=1448904740

This week on /forza/ Rivals - Week 38

This week we are trying out new challenge format, i call it build-a-vroom challenge! Here's how it works: I give you a car and hard PI limit, and you need to build a car with PI limit in mind! You can go lower(as long as you stay in the same class), but you can't go higher!
Just to test it out, this weeks challenge will be VERY comfy and easy:

>Track: Grand Oak National Circuit
>Car: Audi S1 '15
>Class: C
>Upgrades and tuning: ALLOWED!
>Hard PI limit: C488!

Here's something to beat: https://youtu.be/INNKtwYy1C8 (01:34.534)
Standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=931008411#gid=931008411
FAQ: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit#gid=707343726
Reply to this post with a clip of your run!
Rivals suggestions are always welcome.
Finally some kino at Austria

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