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>Happening Now
All Worlds Maintenance (Until June 28, 5:00 AM EDT)

>Dawntrail Info
>Patch 7.0 Preliminary Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

>Previous Thread
Man am I glad I'm not a lala
The weirdposts never include me
the good brother is actually a bad brother and becomes dawnservant, plans to sacrifice people in a deal with the hebe girl who is actually an AI reconstruct of the origins civilization who lived in northern tural. We kill the bad brother in the 99 trial. She needs sacrifices to keep her a construct city full of her memories alive, the city bring the final zone in a digital realm pretty much. She has a Zodiark-equivalent that will succeed aether from all shards so we have to stop her and then she pulls a "remember us" before dissipating. Krile reunites with her mom's memory, as does Erenville. Wuk becomes the guardian of the son whose father we kill because his dad became dawnservant so he's the rightful successor. The end. Its just SHB 2 but worsein every way, probably the worst MSQ of them all..
lalafells won
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Femlala EB for my Malera
Make sure to join <Joker> on Balmung.
middies and fiddies should
>guffy/liora lfah and elk all back
>shitposting of tikaasi returns
T, you are a nigger
Stopped doing this after someone had a public freakout over my pointing out that they used bibo feet when they were trying to take sexy foot pics and they looked ugly.
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So uh...was Golbez the (You) of the 13th or no?
>not popular enough for the piss chart
owari da...
I'll never see the pictures of the outfits that lala downloaded
I'm a fu...walala?
I caught up with the Desolance drama shit. The sad thing is that there are at least a handful of people exactly like him who post here.
Sex with face4 femras
and they're equally based
Yeah we heard you the first time. Winner to the flip triad, that's 500 MGP.
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toon looks weird without mods.
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>I'm allegedly an attention whore but I feel nothing when I don't appear on the popularity pics
nah it's zero that's why zenos mindraped her specifically
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yea and durante was 13th zenos
My femlala got the ick.
he’s funny and based
imagine being a streamtranny and caring about him so much he infects your streams
I wish I had an eb to go through the Elden Ring DLC with
she looks fine what's the issue
It looks normal what the fuck are you on modbeast
Back to twitch, baldie.
Liora killed xerself if anyone is posting as them its fake
It's heavily implied, but EE3 also implied that your voidsent for RPR is also your shard.
Is there a way to make your lodestone update? I feel like maybe I'm checking it wrong or something
hmyuhuhu.... bleehe... gyufufuu
because the game is unplayable trash without penumbra and mare? are you stupid?
Post datamines
I need to see what RPR weapons look like
Guffy uses his character to make qos content though
my best guess is stop checking. i assume checking it caches the old version or something
Do you mean Golbez or Durante Golbez? I think Golbez makes sense, I can't shake this theory that Durante was the Zenos shard after an FC mate told me about his thoughts. It kind of makes sense that in another iteration the WoL and Zenos would have been comrades in arms to me, too. It explains a bit of Zenos's draw to the WoL on the source as well.
The gamemaster Guffy Guffy posts as him and keeps his legacy alive.
I kept waiting for them to make it even more explicit, but I think they left it just ambiguous enough so that players that don't like the idea of their WoL being wrapped up in all these shards from other worlds could plausibly deny they are Golbez.

It does raise an issue of how we'll ever get that part of our soul back if its crystalized like his is.
Its funny watching xeno go from a guy who makes raid videos and nothing more to a generic drama-reliant react channel.
i'm looking into the future.... I see a lot of weapons that look nothing like scythes.
is Yoship reading the patch notes happening tonight?
>end up ordering one of "those" for dawn trail
this game has ruined me...
My femlala is having withdraws...
I formed a parasocial relationship with Tikaasi.
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that is a mysterious and new name to me
A lovesense?
a new gpu right?
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Remember to drain your favorite fulala! Fulala require regular draining and love in order to function normally. You do keep your fulala's leash coiled tightly around your hand, right? They're dependent and needy creatures. If they start humping at your leg, take care of them, don't neglect them!
guffy guffers
enjoy your case of promotionally-branded mountain dew and the associated mount unlock, bro
You told you hated him because he's Tsasami or something.
Isn't that the same little bastard that was part of the butterfinger collage?
Skipped the little shitball then, I'll skip it again
Especially since it requires 6 hours of view time in an active tab
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the p8s scythe would've been the excellent shape for the blade if it was just a single blade
why did they tack on another one
why are all of these weapons always so tacky
I think the writing team knew people would think Dawntrail would just be another Stormblood story so they wrote the void questline with a cliffhanger ahead of time
Do you get two different game codes? Or is the EA code the same as the full game code?
Reminder that Kong is one of the most loved people in this thread, he only gets shitposted by people like Appal and Effy because they're afraid of losing power over the people to someone who has nothing to gain where as Appal will use people to further himself.
Wtf is Guffy's problem?
i literally gave him gil in-game, he's the one that had a problem with me for reasons unspecified.
fuck you, the double blade is kino
from what sis...
Golbez the First.
>It kind of makes sense that in another iteration the WoL and Zenos would have been comrades in arms to me, too. It explains a bit of Zenos's draw to the WoL on the source as well.
Yeah I've thought about that too.
Yall aint serious are you?
>he's the one that had a problem with me for reasons unspecified.
There you go making shit up.
its different codes im still waiting on the full game code
incorrect opinions are not allowed
*sends you to the penis explosion chamber*
Hate it, I just want some normal looking scythes like the golden war one or whatever it's called.
Hey, I like being a hag, it lowers expectations and you can treat people nicer and have it be well received rather than feeling like they're being manipulated somehow
I like Kopikos, especially the cappuccino ones, but I'm not a fan of wasabi peas. I like spicy food but I find Wasabi to be too earthy of a taste for me to enjoy.
Are you an aussie as well or SEA? I don't see kopikos mentioned ever outside of discussions with OCE or SEA friends, and the wasabi peas would also indicate something similar, like you grab snacks from an asian grocer as well

I'm gonna grab some jellybeans, I've had a craving for a week now and I know I'll just demolish them during MSQ, so maybe I'll grab a bunch and fill a jar...
I haven't seen Bruno Dent (Diabolos) post in ages. I hope he's ok.
i haven't received the full game code yet, but like i said don't worry about that because early access is playable without it, you will get the full expansion code before july 2
The only reason people call desolance based is because he's actively against a streamer and people here aren't too fond off them. If he was another shit flinging retard here in the thread targeting some rando we'd all be laughing at him and calling him a faggot.
I better get my own personal Krile onahole in Dawntrail
i am going to violently rape that bun

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I just want to know what SE was thinking with giving Reaper the only primal weapon and it's the worst one. Seriously I hate the Thordan weapons so much.
This would be my first expansion, how do they usually go about reimbursing the 2 days maintenance? Do we have to fill a form or is it automated?
This is exactly why I didn't go hard on cosmetic mods, just vanilla+ and minor nitpicks like hating femra face 2 horns and swapping them for face 1's
guffer broke up with him and spammed his character in the op in stormblood until he committed unalive
I cannot wait to speedrun Dawntrail, skip every cutscene, then ask my friends what happened as they slavishly sit through 15 minute talking headfests at a time. They'll be my good little lore pigs.
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I am serious, he baited him into suicide and now makes blacked mhigger lewds with her corpse.
>have full control over your story
>end up writing some doshit anyways
green bun posted this
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>tribal quests > allied society quests
The fuck is this goofy shit?
She's good. What is she supposed to even look like for you?
Go xff with a gun in your mouth you parasocial retard.
ugly, go back to spamming catgirls
i am.. a maliddliedied
I want a beam scythe honestly
Anyone else in their 30s?
I'm 34
He's based and makes eceleb worship troons like you seethe.
Square had to make some changes for that ESG money
yoship hired sweet baby inc to make sure their representation of indians in tural was kosher and this is just one bit of fallout
go back to twitch, kike
And you still post here in /xivg/? Sad.
Code for earrings is same as early access.
Code for regular launch acess is separate on PC for some godforsaken reason.

Yep, there is. Parasocial hatred is a really crazy thing. I don't get how someone can be so obsessed instead of stepping away and finding something else to do.
Well no, we'd probably be ignoring him. You have a few schizos who spam the thread making up highschool drama or calling everyone trannies and they mostly get ignored.
EBs like this??
Aint no way anybody would do that over this game. Liora did have the hottest fiddie tho
i mean, feel free to list it out, because i can't.
Imagine wasting your 30s posting on 4chan.
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>Post datamines

>beam scythe
I loved Deathscythe so I want this also
>add beast tribe quests
>name it beast tribes

>add more than beastmen tribes
>change name to tribal quests

>add more than tribal questlines
>change it to allied society quests
it's not rocket science
38 yr old poster
Yes tranchelle we know
>proving anon right
TM is nice and you're a dried up old schizo
turning 31 later this year
You could be my dad, gross.
I mean i don't really care too much about xeno but calling his unhinged behavior based seems a bit much. But i think i'm speaking to brick wall so i'll stop responding. I concede
Say sike. Please. No, bro...
I'm almost 35
I look 29
I tell people I'm 26
I act like I'm 17
Apparently he also posts here himself, so...
So is Viper getting a TOP weapon day 1, or did I save a totem for nothing?
how dare they re-run my butterfinger mount
i am a 33 year old femlala...
need a femra (can be +) wife
I once recognized a member from my static in the background of someone posting their character and I told them to fuck off from that world in my best schizo impression and over a year later I haven't seen their character here like on /v/. Feel a little bad i spooked them so hard, it was just bants because I saw the opportunity
too bad you can't dye mounts, I would go and make this look like something out of TRON.
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Wrong, wasted 20s on 4chan, 30s have just begun, baby

Welcome to the party, sis, we have jackets but none of us have bothered to sew the emblems on yet so they sit in our shame pile
You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to see that allied society quests is a stupid name
what's with every femra being a *** gooner
its in the datamine so it should be available day 1
Reminder that Kyoppi is a pedophile and always will be
I don't remember posting this. Just add horny as a 14 year old, too.

Femra are hot.
Big Black MHIGGER Dicks...
>I tell people I'm 26
This is fucking sad dude
>I don’t care about this literal who eceleb
>let me bring his gay drama here omegalul pogchamp
kill yourself twitchtranny
>Are you an aussie as well or SEA?

I am a Red Blooded American, but grew up in the parts of the Midwest populated with Viet and Korean expats. I got hooked on Kopikos back in school when I worked at a cafe.
actual pedos
32. You see, anon, the thing with active service games is that only hard-working adults can afford a subscription.
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balmung, crystal
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Do we have ANY idea what this will be from?
i wanna share the stars with her...
I'm a different guy who is also in his 30s. I spent highschool and early college on 4chan, then I spent about 8 years actually having a life and doing cool shit, and then covid fucked everything up so now I'm back here.

Imagine wasting your 20s on 4chan, bro. In your 30s, everyone you knew is married or has kids or is insane or is never available. In your 20s, you should be out doing shit while everyone is still young, not wasting your life in an MMO.
my eb made me dress up in such indecent outfits and made me get plapped by her dark skinned male friend the entire night before maintenance
......and i loved every second of it
Can you pause and resume downloading the update in the client? As in download some, quit, and resume and it'll pick up from there? Or is it a piece of shit
46 yo bard enjoyer
what the fuck. why is literally every euro here a fucking psychopath?
no i'm 26 sorry
but people don't believe me when i say that, they think i'm 18 or something
where was my invite for multiplayer bro
Dark Knight or Viper for the Dawntrail MSQ? Divorced maliddie here btw
>Imagine wasting your 20s on 4chan, bro.
LOL you did that too? Boomers are fucking sad.
i think it downloads in chunks but it'll reset the progress of the chunk you're currently on
then why does everyone here act like they are 14
and this general will actually be good, free of gooners, trannies, mental illness and attention-whores
i am the strongest euro jus remember that when ur rude to me
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Balmung, Crystal
you don't want that, i promise you
for marrying, loving and playing dawntrail together, duh
i wonder the same
Alphinaud sitting next to me wearing his underwear and shirt off
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>it's pasta midnight again
femra post
>LOL you did that too?
My entire post says that I didn't. If you're here bashing people for being in their 30s, that means you're here in your 20s wasting your life when you should be out doing real life shit.
>thighlanders are saved
based, femlander is a ridiculous name anyway
Ah yes, thirsty male midlanders posting gosling pics saying how lonely they're and faggots posting porn 24/7. It would be an amazing general
its the gil sink mount
It's fun, chud.___________________________
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mmmmm Tasty froge
I heard DRK gets more MP from delirium to balance out the lost MP from bloodweapon's rework into delirium thank fucking christ
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Hmmm okay thanks
I'm 6'2" but I tell people I'm 5'10"
>If I'm a boomer you must be one too!!
Keep grasping at straws to justify your wasted life, boomer.
That would explain it then. They're indonesian candy but they are extremely popular amongst all SEA factions for what they are, and I'll need to pick up more when I find a decent grocer nearby that sells em, you got any other neat snacks you enjoy?

>read that as ElfenLied at a glance and got PTSD from watching the first episode on my laptop in highschool without knowing what I was in for

Anon, no, you can be saved....
God the stench of Korean mmos is so palpable just from the UI. Sad thing is they usually play great, but the upgrading and UI are abortions.
I guess it's that social safety net. Their government will take care of them while they sperg about some people they hate all day.
they both get it
>tik’s schizos are twitchtroons
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Real quality thread you guys got here
ehehe... one of these..
It's worse when you realize guffy is in his late 30s and has been posting twitch slop for years now
soooo is there anything else to do for the next 27 hours besides goon
>>If I'm a boomer you must be one too!!
How can you possibly misread posts so badly? I'm saying that you're here in your 20s, which is much worse than being here in your 30s, because in your 20s you should be having a life. By the time you get to be in your 30s, everyone is already partied out.
oh cool what gpu did you get
Shouldn't the Twelve gods canonically be stronger than Zodiark, Hydaelyn and Endsinger? So theoretically if we couldn't even stop Endsinger wouldn't the gods have just stepped in?
watch the boys in an hour
ejaculate faggot
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Dawntrail is really looking like the best expansion we've gotten since Heavensward
nta but im not even 20 yet and most posters here could be your kids
sorry champ, this femra is taking addies to do on a 24 hour goonsesh
THIS is what EBing a femra looks like
Keep projecting, boomer! Surely it'll get back those wasted years.
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>Stormblood released in 2017
Sleep if you live in the west coast because early access starts at 2 in the morning.
pasta? all im seeing is some thicc tender thighs
post the freaking pasta too
I'm 23
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The thread is no longer comfy
Pictures: my steppe beast malera and his EB
i guess the americans woke up
I was a young stormbab then...
...no, im not watching western television garbage....
kinda like 30 year old men desperately reverse image searching for a sick burn against their ominous large thread enemy crab?
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I have no idea what you mean

Literally anything other than play XIV on official servers?

Living forever would suck, having to watch people you love die, and having it happen over and over again until you're numbed to all emotion but can't off yourself to get out
what kind of kid thought immortality was lame?
literally everyone wants to live forever and you are bullshitting me if you say you're not one of them
I think you've realized that you're actually the one wasting your life if you're here while being younger than 30. Don't waste your prime years on a fucking MMO, you dumb ass.
The twelve were just ancients, they couldn't stop anything but they provided help for 12000 years.
stroking my penis to the thought of my EB cheating on me with a nigger, coming home with their panties stained of nigger cum and their womb full
I need something to goon to
Someone post more femlalas
you mean the way elk/guffy/liora does against tikaasi? yeah that's really pathetic if i'm being honestly with your bbq.
Kong is my best friend and you should join the Kongcord to join our shenanigans in dawntrail. We WILL be doing coordinated shitposts as we have some of the most notorious shitposters in xivg
nyyot yet i wanna goon for 1-2 more hours first
You need to kill yourself immediately
>euro poosters
The duality of anon
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that's perverse, anon...
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This boss fucking sucks final fantasy xiv
>planning to groom one of my friends
>they fanta off femlala
>immediately lose all interest
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Sorry, I unironically love this game now. They vastly improved it earlier this year and keep vastly improving it more.
The raids are so fucking fun, it's worth the tiny bit of grinding now and then.
I think this one's UI is less bad than most KoreanRPGs. It's better than vanilla 14s, but worse than 14 with mods.
I could hide some of that stuff but I like looking at it.

New season? Okay after I do some meal prep I'll get more caught up.
>more projection
You can post on websites between semesters while having a life that doesn't revolve around drugs and partying until you waste 12+ years and give up on life.
The life you will never get back.
imagine how much you could goon if you were immortal
don't worry, i know it stung.
Tikaasi is a gore spamming pedophile and the people you namedropped are based. Just saying!
I know which sunnie posted this.
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The type of shit I would inflict upon humanity if I had immortality and no one could kill me
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Tikaasi touched my no-no spot! :(
well, i'm still a femlala... i-if you're interested...
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You know where to let it out, right...?
> you got any other neat snacks you enjoy?
Oishi Pillows will always have a spot in my heart, I'll find any excuse to have some chocolate, just not around keyboards. Hard varieties of cheese are also my jam.

32, don't remind me.
You! And you! and you!
I want you all to DIE!
Can someone translate this from 40 year old terminally online tranny lingo to english
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I won
it really looks like you're the one projecting.

Why do you always go with gore spamming pedophile for the false accusations? It sounds so wild and unbelievable, especially when supposedly everyone you don't like is that.
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Yet here you are, you weird little minx
You're about to find out
>throwing out excuse after excuse after excuse
>"You can post on websites"
If you're here, you're supposedly investing a significant portion of your life on an MMO that you are currently awaiting the new expansion of. You're probably going to binge it all weekend instead of going out and doing anything social. Don't think that I can't see right through you, because I can. (You) are the one wasting your life. I already did all the things.
Reminder that fulala won.
Cute smug face, would smooch
there is no pasta
only suffering
Jhazda already admitted to it multiple times, you’re not fooling anyone.
you know judge holden raped little boys right?
https://www.youtube.com/live/7RR9lLfXMgc 3 hours and a half for live patch not reading (JP only) so full patch notes should come out around then
lmao even
Okay, post it
>I did all of these things! You didn't! Your teenage bodies will crumble you're wasting your time! I know I know I did it too!
If you were about to groom them they weren't your friend.
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My hagra is the Ansbach of /xivg/
Destroy the femlala Pictomancer.
So she can NEVER paint death again...
sorry for being too white for your mexcrement ass
>liking BBC = white
>disliking BBC = brown
yep, thats a wife
post your favorite thread femlala and i'll tell you if she's fulala owned or not
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>53gb update
what the FUCK i wanted pasta...
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Can lizards perceive love and affection?
So this general is just full of men flirting or ERP'ing with other men, right?
large enemy crab is a common JRPG trope where the foe is a large enemy crab, juxtaposed with the term thread enemy, one can only assume the hearty winnie the pooh chuckles uttered by those who could grasp such wit in combination, that their foe doth not even know they had been slain several times over before they even replied. verbally, mentally, all aspects, they lost. and i wonnered.
round brush is unironically kino
Yes actually.
depends, do you have a steady and high body temperature
the psychopathic tendencies come out in force whenever I get horny
are you guys excited or not i cant tell
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Some of those palettes look like game controllers
aaaaaa why are the ilvls cropped out
Whichever anons told me to try demoncrawl because it will hate me, I hate you and I love you, because this is actual fucking torture and I'm all about it. I'm slow as fuck at figuring out the boards at the moment but it's definitely gonna get faster from here

>Oishi pillows
I've never had them or seen them around, but they're filipino so it shouldn't be too hard to find down here, maybe I'll go hunt them at some point, they do sound pretty good

I don't mind chocolate, I'm getting a taste for bitter chocolate, but I'm also partial to any chocolate that has popping candy in it, it just hits the right spot every time!

I like hard cheeses as part of a charcuterie board, but they're heckin expensive so just have around all the time with the way I'd eat them. I'm also partial to salty cheeses on crackers with pepper in them, there's something about it being a salty/sour kind of taste that is really nice

Older than me, a malehag
It looks like they have almost as little idea of how to have variety of brushes as they do books and globes.
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>Post it, so I can say you were skinwalking him with a new screenshot of his monitors
This is played out.
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>You're about to find out
Show me.... It's been a day since the game's been down and I'm having Bigger withdrawals...
my FEMLALA is nothing more than a onahole for BIG BLACK MHIGGER DICKS
my WOMB is PUMPED to the brim with superior sub-saharan CUM
the only kind of fun I engage with non-blacks is CUM CLEANING through FACESITTING and direct deposit via SPIT
i am i wish they would turn on the game already
I dont feel like being a contrarian tonight so i'll just be honest, yeah I'm pretty excited to have new zones, story, jobs and content to do in xiv
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I'm proper excited right now tugging on my winky to some plapmeats on twitter
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my maliddie looks like this
That's a whole lot of projection there, kiddo. The thing you need to take away from this is that if you are younger than 30, (You) are the one "wasting" your life. After 30, unless you start a family, you'll probably have a lot of free time.
I love it so much

What's played out is your making claims then making some unironically schizophrenic excuse to not post proof every time.
>what kind of kid thought immortality was lame?
I did back when the concept of aging is alien to you and every cartoon and movie has IMMORTALITY IS... LE BAD
big update just dropped, make sure to update your games again guys
does gooning differ to edging
i'm excited to modbeast even harder in fino fantasy fourteen dawntrail
Can't imagine when you spend all of your days online to the point where you assume everyone else does too. Sorry you can't get those decades back, boomer.
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hello eb status?
Tikaasi dming Meria gore was the only based thing he ever did
you really ruined liora's character, guffy
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my femlala looks like this
so, how does one attract.. black men.. in this game?..
>my lodestone hasnt upgraded yet
Only a biofem could make a character this ugly
the most divorced man alive
you shouldn't eat this close to bed otherwise you won't be able to fall asleep
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need another femra to make this picture in gpose with
Do you like malera?
Lots of raptor and dodo meat
Alright, I guess you're not actually wasting your life because you sound like you are insufferable to be around. You have no other choice than to be here, shitposting in a thread for an MMO that you are wasting your prime years on, 24 hours before the game comes back up.
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Women are disgusting
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My maleroe is the Moore of /xivg/
this meltie is like therapy for you isnt it
post your femra
and then maybe we'll talk
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It's a win! Thank you to the Firefly gamers for the suggestion. The level 1 effect synergized nicely with War Paint here.
Pot calling me a Kettle? How *dare* you.

I feel like bitter tastes aren't nearly as appreciated as they should be; I always preferred an americano over any latte. Apparently you aussies call that a "long black"? The puns write themselves.
Sorry you wasted your teens and 20s with no friends and now take it out on the yoooooths online lmoa!
What is the optimal proper drink for gaming and why is it carbonated water?
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I'm sorry anon but....
is that why you stole the character of a tranny? she was better when she did futa and hated niggers. you ruined her.
if someone started an /xivg/ drama wiki would anybody contribute to it
no face 4s
you're right, i should be eeping...
see you around thread cutie...
So you do nothing for the entire game, sell garbage items and get your ass whooped despite wearing one of the most defensive armors in the game because you chose to join an incestual femboy side instead of ours?
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my lalaboy is the bison of /xivg/
EB like this for my female Rava Viera doko
This guy, probably >>483671908
topo chico my beloved
Its ok, it won't be sad forever. Miquella will help me forget it all....
robots and homunculi are not really "tribal" in any sense of the word
join any ffxiv discord
I'm creepy so I can be the ghost
you could probably find one if you spent less time melting about elk and liora
really racked your brain for a comeback for 10 minutes only to hand it off to someone else. kinda limp.
unpopular opinion: all of these people suck
you will never be chloe
Yes, and I will a scarlet rot pot at you
just turned 32
There really is no escape from this zoomer projection, is there? I'm telling you that I was out doing shit, and you should be too, because you wont be able to just go out and do shit with your friends forever. I'm trying to give you life advice, and you're just misreading what I'm saying, projecting, and going "no u". If you're underage and you literally can't be doing anything, then it's acceptable to be playing this game. If you're not underage, I promise, you're the one wasting your life. Or, like I said, you guys sound seriously awful to be around, so you probably can't go out and do shit with people so this is your only option.

That's my advice to you. You're just gonna keep doing what you're doing, so I'm hiding this reply chain and you're going to scream into the void.
we're pretty easy as is, just send a tell we don't bite unless you're into that
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i have come to issue a decree
i will not accept futa
but if ur character is actually a male that just looks really feminine and beautiful u may still be considered for eb
but only in that situation absolutely no futa only utsukushi beautiful men
give me a beautiful husband
one that is prettier than me
but do not be feminine in nature only in beauty
i want a prince
does anyone wanna play apex legends with a femlala...
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Does it make you seethe? Cry? Wanna shit your diap? Poor Guffy.
Woah hey now, long blacks and americanos are different beasts, americanos are hot water poured on top of the espresso shot, while a long black is an espresso shot poured into a cup of hot water

Americanos lose the crema and are a weaker up front flavour while a long black retains crema and should be able to be drunk immediately (not using boiling water, too many people get it wrong).
I'm an ex barista, I like almond milk mochas because the milk is sweeter than standard milk and it means I don't need any sugar in it

And yeah, you are technically older than I am, so of course I'm going to gently banter you for your age, I'm an australian, I would DIE without banter
we are not your therapist for you to project your regrets onto
face 1 + face 4 kissing is peak kino, their horns were made for each other
kewl, never had a problem with chloe, she even helped me mod my skin in mystery middie era.
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reminder that black mage players are so unhinged that they made a 200 page pdf because the job was changed
Mudrock my beloved 2 tons of rockeating stupid
>I can be the ghost
Hold still while I glass ya
Gonna be honest chief, I ain't reading this boomer slop. I'm sorry you wasted your life, not everyone is incapable of a balance between useless fun and productive fun, as you were.
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Well tough luck because I swam on that shit for ranni.
Time for some ebinism
Tikaasi Mutei

do bottoms really
this is literally the most autistic transfem shit ive ever seen it's so obnoxious, why is it ALWAYS a trans woman when it's shit like this, holy fuck
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queue cc @ 6:00ET
Who is liora and why is he making up falsities about my wife?
redpill me on dharbai
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I'm not completely negative but I will say this is the least excited I've been for any expansion so far, the gameplay is getting more and more dumbed down to the point it's just auto piloted 99% of the time and then I absolutely hated EWs main and post story and Wuk makes me think that DT is going to be equally annoying

I have no hope they'll fix combat but I'm still here though so I'm at least hoping the story surprises me
Implying that's an insult
Why are blmfags complaining about?
I didn't watch any media tour footage
ok. this is cute. source now.
Elk is the only good poster on this list.
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the cover
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Fah is the only good player (conveniently not on this list).
But isn't Liora supposed to be dead? I can't keep track of this shit
so this is what unemployed ppl do
Even though I did my rotations correctly, used my instants during movement phases, I was still below RPR and SAM and braindead RDM in damage.
the changes basically force you to only do standard lines so all the autistic potential that only 5 people in the world knew how to do is gone
You know what really gets me about shit like this? None of it even fucking matters. You will never squeeze that much more DPS out of the job no matter how much effort you put in. All of this is in service of nothing - you can get the same job done without thinking about it at all. It's just some vain attempt to find a 2deep4u meaning in a video game they're obsessed with...
>blm is grug job
>but it's also le complex n shiet
man do casters ever shut the fuck up, they're reaching SAM tier of delusion, the only casters I respect are the RDM because they backflip into their death
I want to be wowed by a new story
EW was kinda mid by the end, so I hope DT can rise from that
Coffee snob *and* one foot already in the grave? Where have you been all my life? I'm contemplating upgrading my set up at home, I not pulling enough shots to warrant a double boiler but the convenience added with getting a real espresso machine has me wanting.
Guffy identifies as an anti-racist Liora, please respect xir pronouns.
The non-standard rotation is being gutted because it was reliant on a mod for server tick information making it effective. Instead of letting people keep the weird rotation and make part of the UI inherently give you tickrate somehow on blm, they chose to take the toys away.
Yoshi didn't have the balls to make femra like this. A real shame.
What level does VIP start at? 80?
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>q-tip in ear
>same thing i've been doing for years
>suddenly sound muffled in right ear worse than the time i had an ear infection
>those paranoid motherfuckers talking about impacted earwax were finally right
>use my waterpik to blast water into my ear
>clear it out
>avoid having to spend hundreds going to a specialist to dig it out

how was your day anon
There is a huge overlap between autism/alexithymia and being "trans".
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i commend only femras
autism makes men want to troon out
same reason there's so many tranny speedrunners
An obscure rotation that .1% of them use that gives .000000001% more dps if done absolutely 100% perfectly with absolute perfect tick they need to use mods to achieve is being removed

Yoshipiss should just ban anyone outside of japan complaining about it since it's obvious they're using alexander for it
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i want him give me my utsukushi prince eb i want my bishounen ouji-sama i demand royalty
someone who makes me want to be good for his sake
where is my prince on leviathan i will make such wonderful gposes for us where are you my beloved
yes the new jobs start at 80
>Liora will never return from the dead with the sole purpose of making your nutts burst
>mom-sama i frew up
based and same
still incomparable to monksissies when the livestream was going kek
I usually commend the tank, healing is too easy, and it's nice when someone positions whatever you're fighting well for you.
Happened to me once and I just spent like a week with horrible ear pain. Never used q tips since
>PCT and VPR getting TOP weapons from the very start
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I got randoms...
These are not the same thing. I’m a sociopath and I detest autists because they’re so needy and melodramatic.
too bad I am transferring to Leviathan so I can yuri-rape
rapelander will be yurilander before Dawntrail is up
>mfw watching my mom clean up the red gatorade colored vomit at 3 in the morning
Healer strike?
I saw that mentioned a few times when I was doing dailies
>t. just restarted sub for DT
I don't have an adventurer plate and idc for that portrait garbo thing
I never commend anyone what has toyed with it because you need to either have massive ego issues or be a tranny to care about this shit
What do you mean by upgraded?
*cums on your thread*
The only reason I would ever upgrade mine is for a new steam wand, because I just don't like the one I have, but other than that I like my grinder and machine that cost about as much together as an okay PC setup

I'm not a snob, I'm just trained to make sure I get orders right, and like to teach people what they're ordering versus what they think they're ordering!

I can't put one foot in the grave, I'm only like 3ft tall or something...

>Americans would have to pay a specialist to have their ear flushed
God bless our fuckin healthcare system, last time that happened to me it was a simple trip to the GP, no cost to myself cuz it was taken care of by the government healthcare system, and I've never heard so clearly in my life
>worried about q-tips
>uses waterpik
i'm pretty sure ada's character was very dark when she was a futa, but my character was never canonically futa, always female. hope that helps in the future ty.
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Umm sir i am an independent diplomat and i heard femezen bever did anything wrong
cum on my femra instead
how do i stop myself ripping out my own hairs (not violently i just pull through my hair often and tear a few out accidentally)
I didn't imply they're the same things, but if you think they're not related then
>Alexithymia is a condition that involves difficulty with identifying, describing, and expressing one’s own feelings and emotions12345. It is associated with emotional processing challenges for many autistic individuals. Alexithymia is more common in the autistic population than in the neurotypical one, and it can lead to diagnostic confusion and harmful stereotypes about autism
>lodestone still not updated
Even the devs hate us malera, based.
How do I get filthy fucking rich as soon as the expansion drops?
sure guffy, back to the rylai retirement home
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when i was 11 i watched a dorkly video about how tails couldn't die in the genesis sonic games which meant he was immortal and all his friends died and he wanted to commit suicide so he killed himself and then just respawned and screamed in agony and that video made it so if i ever got to pick a superpower i would make sure not to go for immortality. i like time control more.
how about in your femra
unironic troon healers (0.1% of the playerbase) are whining like the sissy bitches they are cuz everyone has self sustain
these idiots want to "strike" because they think nobody should have self sustain despite them playing green dps and never doing their job
How are you supposed to clean out your ears?
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alright you faggots need to donate to cliquefags right fucking quick because they're apparently too poor to keep their shitty altchan up and are considering to move to where i really don't want them
>unironic troons
you have no idea what you're talking about huh
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Gather and sell new stuff
Craft new stuff
my catboy does this
you teleport to my house, get on your knees and suck my futacock, then i pay you.
What you have to realize is that BLMs always think they are better than they are. Most of them are shit that are dragging the group down. The average BLM is a giga shitter that holds his group back. Knowing that, there are "lines" of BLM rotation that are like 1% damage gains during certain parts of certain fights. The people getting 99 and 100 parses are mad because it removes some potential skill ceiling. The shitter BLMs are mad because the actually good people are mad. The shitter BLMs, which is most of them, had no practical use for anything they are losing, and they would do better to focus on doing mechanics while performing their basic rotation.
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Do you think my XIV character could pull this drip off
>t. unironic troon green dps mad the warrior chad doesn't rely on your terrible performance as a healer
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anyone want me 2nd key
must be eu
Shaved head
>What would you even do with immortality after you've done all you wanted
That was my mindset
cool character dude
damn i just use instant coffe bwo
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come home
ugghh, just the thought of my horns scrapping against another's makes me cringe. Like nails 0n a chalkboard. Fishra are best for smooching because they're swept back and out of the way
this, it's always tranny neets
these ''''people'''' just go psychotic because they have nothing to do but sit in their own retarded minds all day
Thanks man, unfortunately I have been turned into a catboy.
if i knew, do you think i'd be using q-tips
and where are they moving?
ya I'd actually really love that cuz I'm broke as fuck but I don't want to get doxxed
Honestly I love that the runescape devs all look like middle aged english drunks it fits the aesthetic and general story theming of the game as well
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Ive been more or less off the FF14 boat all of endwalker, so dawntrail kinda does nothing for me sadly.
calm down tranny your rotpocket is leaking
Did macrocosmos get its potency buffed from media tour or is it still a DPS loss?
>the thought of my horns scrapping against another's makes me cringe
that's literally how au ra show affection
my favorite part about the graphics update is you're gonna be able to easily tell when people are reusing old screenshots for avatarfagging
jerking off to your qos pics guffy
I made a guided meditation for you all. Looks like you need it during these times

Oh do teach me more, wise old barista; criticize my terrible latte art and call my shots weak.
God Ash! I love this man like you wouldn't believe

I can't do it, it's so tasteless. The smell of fresh beans when they get delivered, the texture of steamed milk and the crema mixing into the foam on the top

Maybe...maybe I am a snob...
Damn you really did ruin Liora's perfect pump.
Contemplate suicide.
Healer keeps getting more boring.
If you look at logs for healing in savage for each expansion, the amount of healing done by healers has gone down every single expansion and looks to be going down even more in Downtrail even though it's at the point where Sage literally only has to do use Kerachole and Pneuma in the current Savage raid tier

Who is this person? I've been here for over a year and you've come out of no where, as far as I'm concerned, with these bad pictures.
People talk like you're some old person from Stormblood, but it looks like you just started gposing yesterday.
yeah i cant afford DT
jewonok266 at kinsef dot com
i you want to post your discord ill add you and send it (it is NOT the pre-order, i already activated that. you will only get the key for DT itself)
I never get excited about anything. I'm just gonna play the game and hope it's good.
i don't even play xiv rn, nor was I ever a cliquefag
>and where are they moving?
hopefully nowhere
people don't realize they can change
if you could be alive for 100 years you will be a vastly different person
you can unlearn things as much as you can learn them
likewise you can get new ambitions and desires
Baby oil or any of the other many ear wax removal solutions they make qtips just introduce bacteria and shift around wax which can lead to impacting and if you're especially dumb and forceful you can poke your eardrum with it
anon, like it or not, troons are usually good at games (higher proportion of autism, introversion, lack of social life and overall male traits that express biologically/physiologically/psychologically). Now, if you said females... Females are the ones who usually lack skill, interest, experience, usually only join because a male introduced them to the game, and then they play the easiest role which is usually support/healer. Tale as old as time. There's a reason why you see so many troons in the speedrunning and FGC community but no women.
>as soon as the expansion drops
if you have access to an FC house workshop, unlock the new house skin and sell tons of them for like 10m each
takes like 20 minutes to make one
I'm legitimately bummed I can't play the game right now
thanks bro
Posts like these always make me think of Dota2 where support has often been the most difficult.
you're a psycho guffy
Anyone knows if Viper has a Katana skin?
So what is it they want?
Better spell rotation?
For jobs to not be able to heal themselves?
Because I wouldn't mind if I had a cooler SCH rotation that only really used healing spells for oh shit moments
If women play the easiest role why don't we see women on physical ranged and tanks
Tthey're all playing melee and blm
Trick question it's because all roles are easy this is a children's game you nonce
you're so fvcking aloof and cool...
healer is also by far the hardest role in world prog/week 1 settings
>Latte art
I literally cannot, I'm ADHD as shit and never bother, even with the most basic waves elude me because I'm too focused on the right amount of foam in the top of the cup or mug to be both the coffee they ordered, and to be able to be carried by the customer or server without spilling, while still holding tension

I will call your shots weak, though. Once you've pulled enough shots you can start to tell when you've packed the head incorrectly or the dose is too course or fine, but that comes down to experience. Watery shots are the worst, because you literally cannot do anything about them and just have to throw the shot and pull another one.

The real trick is maintaining the crema while pouring the milk, that takes practice and is honestly the first thing you should focus on when learning to make coffees, because that's where the initial hit of the coffee comes from. If you take a sip of coffee and the foam has no coffee hit to it, it's bland as fuck and permeates your experience for the rest of the drink
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my femra is like this
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don't think so
>women play the easiest roles
>says the tank
What's your fucking bmi, cocksucker?
EB like in the back (either)
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He helped me with picrel so I like him
My femezen is too.
why is she making that dumb face
Healers are fucking boring to play. One dps button, one 30s dot, and one or two contextual buttons for damage combined with 384726 ogcd healing tools and you have a job that just gets more and more boring as you progress because optimization changed from ARR having several options and the risk/reward of clerics to GLAREGLAREGLAREGLARE and any parser is going to show glare/dosis/etc being literally 60% of buttons pressed in total, if not more.
>unironic tranny
Now the blacked Liora pics he’s been making all suddenly make sense.
she's being ***'d
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meteion bellybutton
Unironically, healing is much much more fun in party finder than static. When people are retarded is when your ridiculous kit is needed.
Dawntrail is the dronification/mind control expansion
We like this.
Arcadion boss narrator lines
Black Cat: https://jumpshare.com/v/8KfDE7MSMRshQ7lvOlli
Wicked Thunder: https://jumpshare.com/v/WGgdCsB6QFJZbiBiYARl
Brute Baba: https://jumpshare.com/v/DcS8yyqK3nm8CR9asHWG
Honey Bee Lovely: https://jumpshare.com/v/hGskD8cRhCyKVpwp322w
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Her entrails are being pulled out with aphrodisiac pain relief to prep her for live cooking and consumption.
squenix better give me some scissor blades so i can become souseiseki
How do i sexpestmax on expansion release day, bros?
I am a veena btw.
You don't see women on tanks because tanks carry the notion of being leaders of the party, being more dominant members (even though they are piss easy and usually the easiest role to play in raids, but that's not the perception). Healers are usually the nurturing, submissive, dainty, caring role which women naturally fall into. And from experience, as far as DPSes is concerned, females DO play quite a bit of Dancer which is probably the second easiest DPS after SMN.
You are correct, but as females are not doing week 1/world prog, this does not come into play in this case.
can you uncensor that I dont get it
I only play healer in DF for real triage kino, if you're not panicking and picking retards up off the floor you barely feel like you're playing the job.
what does meteion look like without feathers/hair

do you think she just has chicken wings sticking out of her head
The cold hard truth is that the devs made the choice many years ago to simplify down jobs, and make the most challenging fights require tight coordination. Just do your rotation and memorize where you need to go.
My femra loves the British broadcasting company and kpop
>Healers are usually the nurturing, submissive, dainty, caring role which women naturally fall into.
What the fuck am I reading? Go outside and touch grass. 90% or more of the healers I've grouped with since ARR were men and women enjoy playing boom boom flashy dpses and tanks way more than you'd pretend to jerk off to.
People think I'm aloof because I'm edgy but really I'm just inattentive ADHD (and edgy)
>started playing in 2015
>barely remember most of it
ascians understood the assignment
even if you could snap and make them appear out of thin air
You spend way too much time on /heals/.
I miss SMN dots
Looking at Garuda's ass is nice, but fuck me is SMN boring now
My femra is horny for scalie beastmen
This is a very AGPcoded post
>Her entrails are being pulled out with aphrodisiac pain relief to prep her for live cooking and consumption.
erm, source?
I am trans.
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that's when i was checking out skin/ear/makeup mods, i prefer the oil and body blush mods currently
That just winds up frustrating more than anything. I want heals to feel meaningful and that more healing means the fight is demanding it, not it being a sign of literal retards.
Besides, body checks also exist and make the role feel even more useless.
someone post the EDM trial theme I need to bless my ears once more
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>I literally cannot, I'm ADHD as shit
>I will call your shots weak, though.

I'm yoinking this info and will put it to practice tomorrow morning. In the meantime come check out my osrs hiscores - I haven't played in years though
do you like malera
freak era guffy
yeah yeah that's cool and all but post the warrior weapon datamines
I want to see more hammers
anything like this but for pictomancer? I'm curious if there AoE is still fucked
I've been through enough statics to see the trend that females are almost always mainly playing healers and the few that are not main healers are maining the easier DPSes. They MIGHT have other jobs leveled up, but it's not their preference.
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Where is your max cape, brother
kys soda chan you fat ugly bitch
>femra horns still not separated from face
Gonna have to wait for the horn swap mods to update...
why did i get another registration code if my account is already marked for dawntrail early access
There's disagreement.
Some people would like more complex DPS rotations, but personally I don't see how that makes it more fun. I don't think DPS rotations in this game are fun to begin with. Having a more complex DPS rotation but still contributing worse damage sounds bad to me.
Others would like to see a need to heal outside of Ultimates and Criterion. So healers, you know, heal. They can't really do this too much because people suck at this very easy game.

The other complaint is that in normal content, you're better off just doing 1 tank plus 3 DPS, or 1 tank and 7 DPS, and it's only the DF forcing party composition that makes healer required. Healer makes you do less DPS.
A lot of people seem to already be planning to use duty finder to go warrior/paladin plus 3 DPS on the MSQ dungeons

Personally, I would like to see 1hp doom mechanics used more often in normal content. This is part of why Ivalice remains one of the more fun raids. People should know what buttons to press to quickly heal the party to full or it should be a wipe. Pretty basic skill check like mit on tank busters should be, and those are also too weak.
And I think they could redesign healers a bit so they contribute more raid DPS. Give then like a 3.5 second cast, 15 second duration, 11 second cooldown buff/debuff that gives the party 30% more damage so the content is done faster with a competent healer than it is with a 3rd DPS. That would add a lot more skill to healer in keeping up that buff at the same time of doing mechanics. Optimizing a fight and knowing which mechanics you can greed to cast it and so on.
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what the holy moly
This is the last time i played and am an ironmeme
Wait how'd you know
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post currencies
you have a grace period of 4 days after july 2 to register it
sick of f*cking waiting bros..
I'm a STRAIGHT CIS MAN and I want to have SEX with ADULT BIOLOGICAL WOMEN while taking GUNBREAKER to LEVEL 100.
>I've been through enough statics
This is a self gotcha. I'm not further participating in a fetish with you after this reply, but nearly every healer I've played with is male and any competent female player was on dps or tank.
but i had already registered for early access when i pre-ordered
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What the FUCK is this?
How did I miss this retard?
Am I going to have to travel to meet this goober?
There are people who pick their job by factoring difficulty and complexity rather than how cool it is or how enjoyable it is to play?
yeah and then you have to register for the actual game after it officially launches
i don't make the rules bro
You'll get a tranny and you'll like it. Real men play WAR/DPS.
I love playing warrior and sleeping during raids.
Honestly wouldn't trust 99% of players to swap horns responsibly. The soft mommy croissantras need those big horns, but smart ass would slap the face 4 ones on there. There'd be way too many fishra without the cute doll faces.
It is your destiny. You must DEW it.
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this is neat
>he wasn't at the DEW manor
>met him
>couldnt redeem the code i got from him because my account is EU
I play monk because I like being able to punch gods
People who have high egos (unwarranted) and want to feel some semblance of leadership qualities without the effort needed to obtain them
People who enjoy being the helper, some level of sadism is there
People who love big numbers and showing off
>phys ranged
People who traded off being the easiest role for movement for the most infuriating job flaws (MCH ping, DNC feather procs, BRD's everything), can and will pop a gasket every raid tier
People who like being flashy, simple as that (oh and SMN players who break into glue factories just to eat glue)
that is pretty silly
thanks though
yeah there are also people who play the race that they think will get them the most thread cred instead of the coolest looking one
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it's over for ninjas isn't it.
I'll be 32 in a couple of months.
Femlala btw.
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I stopped grinding once I got into xiv i just enjoy the combat here more than in osrs, I'll consider going back to max once sailing launches aka n e v e r

> Wait how'd you know
You were just gushing over God Ash, those are...some high looking numbers though, sure, lets call it that hahaha
Sorry anon, I'm a femlala gunbreaker and by that I mean I'm way more autistic about these clears than you ever could be, would you mind changing to dancer thanks
VPR gives no buffs, right? So NIN is still the melee slut
Hey wanna eb
24 yo maliddie btw
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32 in a few days
Birthdays keep coming faster and faster
i heard all the buzz around this guy but i wasn't playing when he first showed up. i hope i meet him in dawntrail some day.
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i fixed that for u anon
>join as ninja
>ummm hey can you swap to viper?
it's over
Where do you think all the EW SMN mains came from?
is this not what most people do
...is it, chat
There are people who would rather attempt to appear to be smart to other people than to enjoy playing a game they pay a monthly subscription to play, yes.
i only play tanks to not run into other tank mains
they can't shit up my roulette by single pulling or doing the "haha u tank u pull" shit

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I play blm because my femlala looks stupid playing anything else
I bet your femlala wouldn't look stupid playing my eb
as a samurai, this pleases me greatly.
viperbros, consider me your ally.
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>feet still look blocky
weren't they supposed to work on the feet in the remodel?
>you were just gushing over god ash
I forgot I did that already
>high number

Absolutely not, I know they're not, but the grind KILLS me sometimes. I still enjoy watching OSRS content though, and I don't think that'll ever change
Sorry anon, I'm a pure femlala and I can't EB outside of my race...
Do europeans really
footfags BTFO
Been playing some Hexen while waiting for DT and fuck me I miss the time when I played all sorts of doomclones back in the day. I recommend it to everyone, it's a hell of a journey.
>my femlala looks stupid
could have just stopped there
Don't get your hopes up, apparently your job's the clunky one this time
I'm a SMN main strictly for the job fantasy. Summoning is the quintessential FF class, and I don't understand why people bother with other jobs. Being able to switch over to healer for faster roulettes is just icing on the cake, and proof that we are god's favorite.
So how are people using Dalamund to open the title screen. I wanna see if SE is gonna flash bang me at 5am
I play paladin because it's cool and sparkly and shields are cool
i get lost or stuck in every single doom clone i have tried so far
nah bwo, the new rotation looked sick
> I forgot I did that already
Ma'am..it's 2am for me, not for you.

The Deadman Allstars event was a delight to watch. I was rooting for whatever team Mika was on and his team just so happened to win it all. So cool.
I'm very excited. Almost everything we've seen of the new content is exciting. The music spoiled is great, which was one of my biggest disappointments of EW. The new glams look great. It's the first time I've been excited for an expac.

I pick it based on the glam. This staff is so neat.
i still need to beat strife one day
Futas are cool, why'd you remove her puss puss
>Arcadion raid announcer english voice
What're the predictions for the rest of the jobs?
I don't know where to find these takes myself.
lance gravel
they really need to make a meteion-coded catgirl preset that's playable
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Yeah I was rooting for Torvestas team but they didn't get too far unfortunately
smooching this l'fah and asking nicely if i can stroke her cock
Onee-chan...you've grown.
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>Ethys Asher is back
I guess shilling for an NFT game didn't work out. kek
there is a war on bare feet. take note of kiriko's new skin in overwatch, bare feet are covered. ed sombra, covered her feet. next minute, the blue archive anime got censored by western translation as well as removing a gratuitous toe suckling scene. now this? i am beyond irate. they've gone too far.
Why do I still have the old lodestone?
I'm more excited about the new graphics than anything else, MSQ is clearly mid and jumping the shark, but hopefully the content will be fun
let's just say spoony bards will be in for a treat next expac
I remember I was going through some old things and finding a disk for Hexen II
Never heard of the game but wanted to look into it since the cover looked badass.
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Ok this is neat
reset your password
I love DRG because it satisfies both. On the rails rotation that my braindead ass can do without thinking. And its cool and fun to play.
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i will take yuri rapist over a futard any day
but if u are dignified and worthy i might become ur wife against all odds
but ur not being honest are u
u dont truly intend to be with me
it is only an empty claim
parasocial troon post
It'd have been successful if it was AI
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I play RDM only because it has rapiers, despite being kind of a dogshit job
people used to joke about covering womens ankles. soon, those jokes will be a reality.
imagine wasting your teens/20s posting on 4chan
wait how did you get a key for DT itself when all there is available online is the preorder
how do you get so many commendations
found the triggered 30 year old
She never had one, some of her art just have a very pronounced perineum ridge
smooch'in you back bro and yes
That's gonna sting after throwing 35b in the prize pot. Boaty's team was my second pick but as soon Skillspecs was his first round pick you knew Boaty wanted a week full of bant and nothing else. I hope they do it again next year.
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i want to finish the ixal quests but they use up so many daily tribe allowances
i can hear her cage clacking when she run
this is a rly cool picture
this is an alarming post
Tatsuya izumi liked my shitty bored ape drawing of metallia so its going pretty good.
>she never had one
Your comms had ‘futa cat’ and a vagina in the art nigga. Trans is nasty.
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I thought it'd be able to log in one more time to cap out on tomestones
Misread that
I don't enjoy helping people, I play healer so I don't have to deal with other healer fucktards who can't heal for shit even if they aren't doing anything but spamming medica II. I've avoided so many wipes that I could write a book with the time that i've saved just by playing healer.
It's also easier to cope with tank divas who don't use cooldowns.
>he's sitting on 4chan while everyone else his age is out fucking/partying/starting their careers
the aesthetics of a job matter very little to me. how interesting the rotation is really the only thing i care about, but for prog i'll just pick whatever's the most meta
Yeah I just got the email telling me to do that, I'll do it once I get home cuz I was gonna let it download while I went to get groceries but I guess it can wait
play healer and/or wear revealing clothes
who's son is this
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Couldn't be me.
Chakrams are neat, fighting by dancing around is cool. Why should I care if it's "easy" when DNC just feels so good to play?
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Can you help me next
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a feature I have never used
a career in mcdonalds?
>i got hiv in my teens
real proud of you
Many people his age are doing that but a huge chunk of them are socially stunted and were only worsened by the COVID lockdowns. It's actually incredible how badly this will affect Gen Z for years to come. They're going to get surpassed by Gen Alpha who are not only more socialized but also more religious and so on. Late millenial and Gen Z have much overlap. A shared failure generation.
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What do i win?
>starting their careers
Actually worthwhile
what is it with the 30 year old fossils here and being obsessed with teens having sex
>open access to this caged and marinated kitty cock
i'm going to edge you for hours
gunbreaker has cool explosions and a massive fucking gun sword hell yea I'm playing that shit in all content
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They lament what they never had.
>teens having sex
Some here either missed it or miss it
It's worse than an empty claim
You'll be raped, and then I'll be gone
A rape in the wind, gone to time
But the memories will linger
You'll never be able to look at femra the same way again
>Play healer/tank/dnc
>Have funny glam
>Have funny portrait
>be remotely decent at the game
whats wrong with partying and having sex
its nice to have good social memories during your 20s
Yo. Is this the gay incel thread?
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can someone edit this so theres a condom in her mouth instead of a guitar pick
my COCK in your ass
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i have a lot of things to do during dawntrail
i'd like to see my face4 with face2 horns as the face2 horns look really cute with this hairstyle in particular
it'd be cool to be able to change scale types as well, not being able to mix and match is a sin

yea bro this is the one
People will hate, but I think the RNG is part of what makes DNC a very engaging job to play. You also have a ton of off globals to burn when you're trying to dump fans in a little burst window.
You don't understand this because your generational cohort is drastically different but when we millenials were growing up sex was extremely normalized to the extent that it was plastered on all shows from Will & Grace to Friends to Sex & The City. It was just NORMAL for people to be fucking. There is a huge shift in Gen Z away from this, as well as in Alpha I think. It's really interesting.
I used to but then SE started removing all the fun tools over time so I stopped bothering, now I just play simple shit like WAR. Looking forward to VPR.
The only time it's not pathetic to be on 4chan or playing vidya is if you're still in middle school or something, your college years/early 20s are the most important and easiest to waste
You definitely never had any if you're calling it a social memory lmao
Based. I'm hoping to try to tank more in general in DT, but I especially want to play more gnb.
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong thread, the leather-club is two boards down
Exploration and secretfinding is part of the charm. I played a somewhat newer one called Prodeus a while ago and it's a good "modernized" entry point if you'd like to give it a try. The Heretic/Hexen collection was also on sale on steam for like pennies these days, not sure how it is now but it should still be very cheap.
Strife production value for its time was ahead of the curve, voice acting, dialogue, quests. I played it when I was older but I could see how on release it must've been incredibly impressive.
I prefer the first one myself, although the second one is also pretty good.
I didn't party in my 20s and older people told me I was missing out, best years of life, blah blah.
Turns out there's a fuckload of nice nightclubs that are mostly people in their 30s. I've been to zoomer ones, and the more mature ones are way better and I really don't think I missed out.
36 and about to put a dildo in my ass.
okay then whats a social memory for you
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Sorry bro, I think you might be from the Barenstein universe
ty, 4k makes a big difference
Some new content for you bro <3
that moved from concerning to pitifully sad real fast lol
She'd be really hot if using the new style of ears. I'd unironically love it.
you, you whippersnappers tackled that strawman real good it didn't see it coming
>more millennials projecting about wasting their lives because they have no sense of self control
We get it you blame boomers and gen alpha for everything.
It does nothing for your future and that's time better spent investing into a hobby or career
If sex/socializing is a waste of time, then what do you think people ought to do? There's only so much time you really spend building a career, most normies hit a good spot in their mid 20s and just coast from there
The fuck is wrong with her face?
Billie Eilish looking bitch
Can we pre-download the patch now or do we have to wait for tomorrow?
Yeah well it happens unfortunately, but it is what it is, at least Gielenor Games is going, I want Settled to take that but I haven't seen the latest episode so I don't know who is still in

Skillspecs forever being unable to kill Torvesta is the funniest rivalry ever, and I love the ginger whale cuz he's both intensely good at the game and chill as hell nowadays

I'm gonna stop replying and get my snacks now, anon, and it being 2am means you should probably be asleep as well, so I'm sure I'll see you around at some point, hope you sleep well
>you, you
already hitting dementia i see
dude what do you expect
most ppl here didnt even go to college
im in a xivg discord channel where 80% of the ppl didnt go to college and make up an excuse for not going like "oh i would have gone but uhhh i had family issues"
It's midnight thirty go to bed.
the patch has been up for like 18 hours or something bwo
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5 million years in paint
is my threadwife here?
tl;dr you're coping and projecting, get a job fag
Do 20-40+ year olds REALLY? lmao
Pretty much why I play DRK. Big sword, edgy theme, dark energy pew pews. Fuck yeah.
I hated the aggravating trumpet sound it made, but I loved Dark Arts just because it looked cool.
>g-get a j-job..
Shit and piss yourself lmfaoooo
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>leave a trap
>trips right over it
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For sure. I'm really looking forward to how the new tools blend in with the rest of the kit.
The new standard step follow up is going to make a hectic burst window even more hectic I think, especially with Flourish having more added to it. I can't wait.

I turned 35 a couple days ago.
See you in the new world~
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good luck with that
i dont rly care wat u do if thats all u are after
u lizards are dime a dozen but at least u sound like u have some confidence
dont disappoint me with the album if u even have the skill to make one
but u already are playing behind the 8-ball because femra are usually just rly boring and generic
it makes the good ones shine like stars
i am feeling pretty touch starved so hurry up and show me wat u can do i might even like it
plz come soon i cant wait make me scream
Uh oh, boomer wagie meltie.
forward and back and then forward and back and then go forward and back then put one foot forward
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Favorite moment in my Sahja series?
you're 23 and balding
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came here to see some datamined spoilers since im bored
instead i see some of the most horrendous posts in history
fuck this place, you guys are weird
Nah, I'm bloatmaxxing and I'm gonna eat a whole thing of penne ala vodka and play Warframe or OSRS
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hey mommy kanchelle can you swab my catboy’s ass with your big black qtip? im real backed up from a fulfilling night of forming social memories
Feo Ul is the sexiest creature in this game
Why can't I EB her, loveliest of branches?
Meeting her again was the highlight of post MSQ
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O HNONONO you're balding too? Sorry for your shit genetics boomerbro.
you can do both you know
you can study hard for your career and then go out to party with friends like what i did
i think you should try applying for college before talking nonsense dumbdumb
hope you at least took your entrance exam
but if you dont want to and just spend ur time here then go ahead just dont be a leech about it
>Why can't I EB her, loveliest of branches?
I mean you could if you found someone who modbeasted into her
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my only regret is that i didn't save some nuts for the new dawntrail rewards
but at least i got 1,000 faux leaves for whatever they add, and probably enough MGP to get whatever expensive shit they add this time
>twitch emote
I accept your concussion
This. I'm 35, but have a lot of the entry level staff on my teams at work. These zoomers are making good money with stable jobs and they just, live with their parents, completely single and no social life. At the same time that generation is more degenerate than ours, which probably goes hand in hand.
>this nigga went bald in his 20s
Swing and a resounding projection
The only leaks around here are coming out of gaped himcess ass.
>wasted time partying
Sad life
let us plap in DT, appal?
Because they're saving NPC EBing for a rainy day.
The reason I know about Hexen (and Doom) is because back in the day, when we would go to my Grandpas house, he fucking loved Doom and Doom clones. I was too young to really appreciate how cool it is that this old fucking man not only owns a computer, but he uses it to play various types of Doom.
Uh oh babyboomer bitch gonna cwy? Gonna shid his widdle twans panties?
nice cheeks
Meanwhile I'm 30 with a robust understanding of social dynamics but am so fixated on feeling free and able to do what I want that I just keep on contracting rather than working a real steady job. I'm so disciplined with my spending that I don't even need $2000 a month to live comfortably but I don't even make that anymore. I wish I could get some more work.
the entire conversation is projection my 95 iq friend
>boomer seething about youth = bad!
get a personality.
no, being a pedophile online doesn’t count.
Still wouldn't
Okay well I have a work meeting in six hours so good night.
Enjoy you're vodka noodlers.
Don't make this hard
It's not rape if you're asking for it
Also I lied, I'm not even a femra, get baited. I'm even more boringly generic.
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not even EU hours yet and we're already busting out the tranny folder I see
looking at this just reminded me that they never added framer kits for the ARR beast tribes. does anybody know if that was datamined from dawntrail?
Alisaie and Ryne lewds... I need them... cough...
Your failed job is why you use this thread to talk about how much you hate anyone younger than you? Weird but pop off.
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>my only regret is that i didn't save some nuts for the new dawntrail rewards
hold on, aren't we in due for a new hunt currency?
they never ran the same currency for 3 expansions
So, instead of cringe tranny talk, can we talk about datamines?
Anything new besides maps, songs, and such?
>95 iq
poor midwit can’t shoot higher or he’d be insulting himself LOL
>25 hours...
what triggered troonchelle this time?
There's like 1,000 beautiful women in ffxiv

Why do you crave two of the like five child characters?

I know why, you're a pedophile.
You have 1 day left to post all your old crusty screenshots before they become outdated with the new graphics update
my femra wants to rub horns with another femra...
oh yeah, I forgot. people who still need the triceratops mount are kinda fucked aren't they. and to a lesser extent the victor mount. did they mention a new currency in the patch notes though?
They went lazy on some things. We aren't even getting a new dark matter tier for repairs.
Poor millennials got their IQs fucked in the womb onward by being testing grounds for all the new chemicals and plastics.
Like I said, you can't really piss yourself about projection when that's the entire basis of your own babble
i'm not okay with the changes
t. rdm
This thread SUCKS.
Why are 30+ boomers so upset what 20s people do
Is this what happens when you become old
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And none of them beat out Nanamo
Someone’s making fun of his age and he can’t handle being nearly 30 and his only social memories are plowing dirty catboy dingleberries in ffxiv.
Hello, does anyone have links to pdfs of encyclopedia eorzea 1,2,3?
they're coping about their own failed 20s
you are now envisioned the deep bwoooom sound of shadow wall on drk
don't waste your 20s spamming schizposting and spamming trannyjaks on 4chan, you WILL regret it at some point
so we all agree emet-selch is best character and nothing will ever top the sassy bitchman he is, right?
Everyone is crabs in a bucket rn about everything. There is unrest and it's easy to be trapped into attacking others out of perceived personal injuries.
speaking from experience, huh
oh a catgirl huh
i dont even care anymore im just feeling overwhelmed ive been watching too much vintage shoujo and my heart cant take all the unrequited and unfulfilled love anymore i feel the anguish and loneliness i just want to feel warm
so go on
do ur worst to me
and when u feel loved for the first time
u will be the one who cant bear to leave me
once i have u for even a moment i will have already won
because for that moment i wasnt alone anymore
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damn lol

i was also hoping we would at some point get a new cordial grade, because we still use the one from fucking HW, but looks like that will never become the case...
this but with my fulala's loaded diaper
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Only one stands at the top
sis.. im a hag.. im 34..
Are there crabs in your penile inverted fleshbucket, sis? How do you clean them out please help a sister out.
only because he's 2-for-1 with Hythlodeas
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from the replies to this post it seems that most people are hovering around 30 million gil
is this accurate?

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hag eb
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Rapelander, now I'm just sad too
I can't even find the will to rape
Only to give a hug and tell you it's gonna be all right
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none will ever understand the depths of my sadness or the robust emptiness i carry in my bosom
hold me for just a little longer
the morning sun will rise
even if the moon must stand alone until it comes
the stars look pretty dont they
forever glimmering beyond reach
they are mine
as tears
falling and shooting across my face
another fleeting moment
can u feel me where u are?
can u feel me there?
u will never be able to do wat u said u would do
because my arms would embrace u too tightly to ever set u free
dont go
dont go away
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>wake up
>check ffxiv
>its still dead
>go back to bed (its 10 am)
Good stuff bro thank you
I cosplay my lalaboy with this level of accuracy (I'm 5'9")
i think the current system is balanced around our GP values
it felt that way when i was going through collectibles anyway.
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Someone love me please! Am a lonely hyur

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