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Ace Combat General #1038

ISAF edition

Previous Mission:

>/aceg/ Emulation Guide
>Official /aceg/ multiplayer guide
>/aceg/ livery and emblem pack
>Ace Combat 3: A New Translation
>Encyclopedia Strangereal
>New /aceg/ MEGA
>PA Twitter (JP)


Shootout Saturday is back! /aceg/ rooms are open every Sat at 2030 CEST/1430 EDT, with only three rules:
>put on an /aceg/ tag in your name before you boot the game
>in Roca Roja, use only air-to-ground weapons in the tunnel

The modding guide and material are in the open!

Project Wingman:
>Store page
>Skin/texture modding guide
Update never.

Misc Stuff:
>/aceg/ Collage
>/aceg/ Story Archive 2.0
>Razgriz Patch Guy
>Ostrich's Mods
>/aceg/ Assault Records
>ACX / ACJA Online Netplay Guide

>What happened to Sean Ryan (Pixy's actor) after ACZ:

>/aceg/ Permalink:

Because it bears repeating:
>Skill and guts are required here
>Be a buddy, not a border
>All planes are beautiful dreams

>Has the Project Wingman update dropped yet?
It's a long story. (It's bleak)

>Is there any AC8 news yet?

>Has a PS2 trilogy remake been announced yet?
>called it 1039 in the subject but 1038 in the post itself
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It's totally because I was trying to rush it out to get it linked to the next thread
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Never skip pre-flight checks!
Are these AI generated or is there an artist behind this?
Yes, anon, of course, they are obviously AI generated.
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...Assuming you're not ironic, AI really doesn't look like that, and there's a "signature" in the picture above your reply in the top panel. I think he renamed his account, but this should be him.
Anon, it's https://x.com/LuzaitisActual/status/1357077853225947138
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>i even fucked up the source
Thanks, I hate it
The source you gave did the design for this artist's version of F-15-chan.
There are two things in this image that really get me going, one are the booty shorts and the other is that M16 with the M203 Heat Shield attached, something about those ventholes in the heatshield that make it look so damn cool. Might be because it's also iconic from Predator.
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<< Leave Osea in the dust. >>
The next person to say the A-10 should be retired before we permanently move out of dustbowl/poverty conflicts deserves to be shot.
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It's like someone tried building a B2 out of toilet parts
Do IRL pilots have personal emblems or is it just a squadron thing? I know the pilot's callsign is written on the side of the cockpit, but I eon't think I've ever a custom emblem
The A-10 is an obsolete piece of trash that was developed for a potential conflict in a world 50 years ago and it and its stupid gimmicks have no place in a modern combat environment. They should all be scrapped.
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get back in pierre
If you say "The A-10 is obsolete" three times in front of a mirror at midnight, the ghodt of Pierre Sprey strafes your house with a 30mm rotary cannon.
Jokes aside, it fills the very specific niche of performing grpund attack agains targets that can't really fight back on the cheap.
The voice actor for the journalist from ACZ went on to voice act Fugo in JoJo part 5.
that's certainly something to hear coming out of his mouth
At that point you might as well just use Tucanos
>strafes your house with a 30mm rotary cannon
and then depending on the phase of the moon, either your house only gets directly hit by like two or three of the 400 bullets that were fired, or the pilot misidentifies the nearest allied tank unit as his target and obliterates them
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>As the world moves more back into Cold War state those budgets return to fuck huge once more
Will they? I know they received a couple of extra dollars in the last few years but I doubt we'll see a relevant increase unless we get a long a war where they have enough time to make it bigger and let it stay high.
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The A-10 is okay for ventilating terrorists fighting in pajamas and it will probably get it's fair share of mileage but I think the Spectre gunships do it's GWOT job aka loitering around and pounding ground targets more efficiently.
Last thread someone was asking for opinions on modern F-15s. I guess it depends on how many they're putting out and how expensive they are. Off the top of my head I'd have to assume they're intended to flesh out our air defenses a little more numbers-wise, since we have all of what, 50 F-22s across the whole country? They're great planes but you probably want more than just a couple serving as air defense for a whole chunk of the country. Also good to have backup plans if another hurricane fucks up a bunch of them.
The EX is intended to replace all the ANG C's and beyond that well it just depends on current needs of the USAF if they want more of them.
Honestly after the war ends I wouldn't be surprised to see Ukraine place an order for a lot of them. Just due to the MMM ability they have.
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The A-10C+ is fully capable of dropping LGBs and GBUs from 20k just like any other multirole, (its new flight controls were lifted directly from the F-15E) its certainly more versatile than a fucking AC-130. A-10s are also used as FACs and CSARs.

Discussion of real aircraft should be banned here, you guys embarrass yourselves without even realizing, and then I get 2nd hand embarrassment from being here
Nobody's defending the fucking AC-130, that thing is a flying target
The AC-130 is used well enough for supporting special forces in permissive environments like recentlyish in iraq taking out some militias attacking u.s installations.
You retards still think A-10s are nothing more than a flying gun, fuck off
of course it's more than that, it's also a nice target for any retard with a MANPAD or any sort of AA capable weapon system in the neighboring countries
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No more than any other aircraft. More harriers were shot down in Desert Storm than any other airframe, and A-10s were the only frames that were able to make it back to base for attempted crash landings after hit. They were also the only aircraft to engage SAMs over bosnia and not suffer a single loss, and were used to locate down F-16s pilots who weren't so lucky.

But, hey who cares about facts and aviation history in /aceg/
Lol, anime m I rite, guys?
If we're stating facts then don't forget to mention the F-111 achieved far more ground kills than the A-10, or that the A-10s RCS is the size of a football stadium and the likeliest reason so many made it back is simply because so many kept getting hit in the first place. "it might sometimes not explode instantly to a missile" is not a valid point, you don't want to get hit in the first place and no sane commander would plan around his planes eating AAMs. And there's also the fact that most of the A-10's kills were achieved without using the gun, which only serves to give the ground crew a headache because the plane shakes itself apart every time the pilot pulls the trigger. Not to mention having to actually nose dive towards hostile targets is retarded WW2-level tactics. The plane would be objectively better if the gun was removed entirely and replaced with a single guided bomb or real avionics instead of the pilot having to stick his head out of the cockpit to check airspeed
>They were also the only aircraft to engage SAMs over bosnia and not suffer a single loss, and were used to locate down F-16s pilots who weren't so lucky.
Could they replicate the feat against a layered air defence system? Would it also be reasonable to assume that F-16s were sent in much less permissive environments, and the A-10s used to locate the Viper pilots operated in an environment that had already been mostly sanitised by the strike package said F-16s belonged to?
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I think all planes have their role and they're all cool for that
And if it's still in service they probably have a use for it
Of course, we all know politicians never make the wrong decisions, especially when their friendly MIC lobbyists are there to advice
I will be the first to admit we are morons who don't know about this stuff
Well thats the catch with A-10 her days have long been up unless we're using them to kill brown people with Ak's. The Air force keeps trying and then Congress keeps saying nope. In no part due to several congress critters got their asses saved by random A-10 shows up and kills a bunch of brown people for them.
Nice plane but its long past time for her to retire.
Hey, stop being me.
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You can read all about it here, one .pdf file and you'll be the most knowledgable poster in the next /aceg/ thread.
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No, I'm me.
the real problem with the a-10 is that there isn't really anything in particular it does that is not done better or more conveniently by another aircraft
it is only kept around because infantry like it when the big gun go brrt and that encourages teenagers to enlist/dupes congressmen into insisting it stay in service, anything else is cope
That and cost. Sure, it's getting more expensive by the day due to being so old, but it's still cheaper than the alternatives for what it does
>All but one of the SAMs failed to guide
Local plane dodges unguided missiles, declared unkillable, more news at 11
I say we just give all the pre-multirole attack aircraft to the Army and let them deal with it.
I remember when McCain and his flunkies tried to mock a politician for suggesting the A-10 could be replaced with retrofitted bombers (among other possibilities, that was just the one they fixated on to mock her), only for the air force to release a report saying yes actually retrofitted bombers have done a better job at the A-10s own role than the A-10 does.
congressional hearings are the pinnacle of "expert professional backed by an entire institution's worth of insight, data, and experience vs dude just trust me bro"
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Insurgents fear me
Warthogs fear me
Soldiers turn their radars away from me
As I fly, no AA site dares make a sound in my presence
I am alone in this empty sky
>the real problem with the a-10 is that there isn't really anything in particular it does that is not done better or more conveniently by another aircraft
No, it's pretty much the perfect FAC, CSAR aircraft capable of loitering for far longer than any other plane and attacking targets on its to boot.
Is this what happens when you play too much ace combat?
The Goodyear blimp is actually a very good air-to-ground platform, it just needs an environment where the opposing forces have literally zero ranged weaponry for it to really dominate
DCS retards get so mad when you shit on the A-10 lol
Did /simg/ die again? Is that why there are so many DCS roaches running around in here again?
>Blatant attempt at starting thread wars
Actual /simg/ are more than welcome here.
Yeah, I don't really care one way or another. It's fun to talk about planes.
Not that you would know since /aceg/ doesn't talk about planes but good try.
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Okay well it was nice of you to stop by, anyway. Tell Jan and the kids I said hi.
>Is that why there are so many DCS roaches running around in here again
How do you spot one? They know about planes?
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It also has the highest air to ground friendly fire rate.
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what's that on the right? Gripen from a funny angle?
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Rockwell-MBB X-31, a joint kraut-burger project designed to research the benefits of extreme AoA maneuvers and thrust vectoring. Kicked the shit out of everything thrown against it in mock dogfights. Could be thrown into AC like the X-29, weapon pylons would be pretty awkward though.
Didn't recognize it from the front without the paddles! Why would the pylons be awkward?
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Here's how low it sits on the ground, a Sidewinder or something mounted underneath would just about be touching the ground. Could maybe finagle some wingtip rails, but any potential Sp.W mounted on the underside would need some real creativity.
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Just kinda glue them on with very short pylons, or give it special SpWs like Morgan's top-mounted TLS
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I can dig it, if PA can make it work on the X-29, they can make it work on the X-31 if they tried, it'll just need some work to not look super weird. Hell, wouldn't actually be the first game to do it. I was thinking something like pulse laser myself, the more sci-fi stuff like that would gel with the X-31 being an experimental craft retrofitted for combat. Would also make it absolute murder in close combat with the high AoA fanciness.
Is that the dreaded aerial jousting lance?
Fancy pitot tube more likely, not uncommon on research aircraft, but if you want to stab a motherfucker midair with it instead, I'm not gonna stop you.
It's the only way to get a certain kill, stab the pilot/AI core. Missile guidance can be fooled, bullets can be dodged, but a heroic thrust into the cockpit is guaranteed. Don't forget the silver tip for effectiveness against stealth demons
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Bri'ish solved this decades ago.
you now need a crane to mount these and any mishaps with it will destroy your wing, you also can only mount missiles that mill fly off the rail with the motor on, can't mount any "dropped" ordnance, and I don't even want to know what happens when firing these at weird AoAs
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AND ONLY [the Chinese "China Aerodynamics Research and Development Centre"] KNOWS
Apologies if this was already posted in an earlier thread.
>And what happens during the flight is nothing short of extraordinary: a segment of each of the wings detaches from the fighter, metamorphosing into two “flying wing” drones propelled by electric ducted fans.
His only AA kill is a weather balloon, point at him and laugh
What in the goddamn. So Macross predicts the future yet again
What's the 'wrong' and what's 'right' decision is pretty tough in a lot of cases. It's to bark about stuff from the sidelines but if someone makes a decision about a new fighter program etc, that decision carries weight decades forward. Like suppose they cancel the NGAD and stick to modernizing existing planes. This means that the Air Force etc are going to be missing out on that capability that it would bring and less jobs brought to Locksneed's Chuckworks and supporting industries etc. On the other hand it could also be an extremely expensive embarrassing mistake like the Littoral Combat Ship. But there's no way of really knowing what's going to be the better choice, and whatever you choice you make people will be claiming the path nit takes was better because that path exists in imaginationland where everything is possible.
>But, hey who cares about facts and aviation history in /aceg/
You forgot to mention that the moment two A-10s got shot down in one day in desert storm they changed their tactics by moving them up in altitude, where they couldn't be hit by shitbox AA, and from where they couldn't do shit because no sensors?
If we're being completely honest, the USA could pause all ther MIC dev projects for 5 years and still be ahead of everyone save for maaybe China, and 90% of Chia's tech comes from copying USA anyways
This sounds overcomplicated and like a bitch to maintain
Well, yes and no
Yeah, especially if the drones act as control surfaces while docked. Why not just csrry them in pylons?
>Bitch to mantain
Not really. It's no different than loading new missiles after every sortie

I don't see how this differs from firing cruise missiles? Do the smol drones carry sensors? They look to small to carry their own missiles, and if they're kamikaze drones then this is just missiles with extra steps
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The party's goin' on
Thank God it's Phriday
>Why not just csrry them in pylons?
I guess they're trying to reduce RCS without carrying them internally.
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Ring a ding ding ding dong
Are missile color codes an international standard or just an USA or NATO thing?
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seems overly complicated and/or will end up as vaporware
but it would be cool as fuck tho
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You motherfuckers better be there for the shootout tomorrow, I'm having fun and I'm getting back to the skill level I had back in the day.
Oh you bet. The shootouts are one of the week's highlights for me.
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do you now
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The Phantom exterior like fish eggs, interior like suicidal wrist reds. I could exercise you, this will be your phys ed

The Phantom just has a really pleasant looking nose and cockpit, smooth curves.
What are they trying to achieve here?
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Hello buddies. Still alive but getting my ass kicked by end of financial year stuff. Took some time to investigate how to make better looking water and ended up sliding a blue colored piece of paper underneath the transparent water. Kinda pissed off at how easy it was to make it look much better but at least it's workingish now, the ships are still kind of transparent but maybe I'll just chop the bottoms off their models? Food for thought.

I'm kind of closing in on what I want to ship with the next patch, just need to get some of this work off my chest and I'll be good.
taking a nice picture
No, we mentioned that the only aircraft to make it base in desert storm were A-10s, and that multiroles were shot down in droves
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>what are you doing?! the war's ended long ago!
>the table is surrounded by politicians who have never placed foot on the battlefield
>it's a necessary discussion to build a peaceful world
>it's a disgusting squabble on who gets the largest share of the pie and that's why it needs to end
>14 multiroles (5 of which were Harriers and 3 F-16s)
>2 Forward air controller Broncos
>3 A-6 intruders
>1 AC-130
>1 F-111

>4 A-10s
Were shot in Desert Storm
Multiroles, we got too cocky!
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That fighter is looking good! Glad to hear development is ongoing as well.
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>chinese qaam player keeps top scoring because his missiles are undodgeable and he keeps teleporting in place
donthatetheplayerhatethegame donthatetheplayerhatethegame donthatetheplayerhatethegame donthatetheplayerhatethegame donthatetheplayerhatethegame donthatetheplayerhatethegame
><<Gault's golden nest has been broken through!?>>
><<Demon Lord, what is it you hope to achieve on the battlefield?>>
it's so chuuni
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I still believe the MP point system is awful
Hate the player and geographical distance.
>have to intentionally pick worse planes to let other people in the room win
>1v1 people are boring as fuck to fight, because it's either Su-35S pulling 7634723 magical manoeuvres to instantly get on my arse, or people who think they can do that and just get atomised when they actually fight
I just want to taste defeat... real defeat...
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Tonight's the Saturday Shootout, buddy. Why not join in on the fun and kick some ass with us?
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>Assault Horizon still allows for co-op multiplayer
Through LAN on xbox?
It's peer-to-peer connection through steamworks afaik.
Two hours to the Shootout, buddies.
Will do of course.
Pre-flight checks all complete
Munitions loading. See you in the sky, buddies.
Thirty minutes to takeoff, buddies. Can't wait to see you all tonight.
Hell yeah.
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Okay, buddies, the Shootout is on and the room is open! Hop on, follow the rules, and come have some fun.
>both new and returning buddies in the lobby
Oh hell yes.
Room is currently full, will report if a slot opens up.
>basically full room of buddies
>everyone is such a fucking joy to fight
Brings a tear to my eye.
Ready for some tunnel runs, buddies?
>forgot to bring bombs
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Join up buddies
Grabbing dinner real quick. buddies, and I'll be back. Keep on fighting!
Gonna go grab a bite too.
See you in 30-ish minutes, buddies.
I joined in one of these months ago and now I just feel nervous at joining in.
>mediterranean dinner times
Just look at some good builds in the guide, buddy. For your first time, it might be better to try and shoot someone as he's busy, but don't be afraid to dive in and really fight.
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Not everyone's in it to win it, it's fine to join
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Hey there, buddies! /aceg/'s round of 16 match in /vg/ League 22 is coming up in around 30 minutes. We ended up drawing /gbpen/ - Girls Band Party general as our opponent. Here's to hoping we can keep up the momentum from the previous matches. https://cytube.implying.fun/c/vgleague
There are open slots, come join us
Don't sweat it. Most of my early battles were humiliation rituals but the buddies were always encouraging! Might be worth it to unlock at least one plane with all tier 2 parts though. Goal is to have fun!
Aaaaaaaaaaand I'm back.
Back for more action after inhaling a whole fucking rotisserie chicken, is there room in the lobby?
Seems the lobby is full or I can't find it.
lobby is full atm
Keep refreshing periodically and slots usually open.
should I kick someone?
If there's a buddy who wants a turn I can hop out after the next round or two.
Match starting now!
I thought we were missing /aceg/ F
He's gone to shower
In general I'd avoid kicking anyone unless 1. Someone is clearly cheating.
2. A buddy has been trying to get in and the room is full of randos.
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Trying to build an aceg-themed yugioh deck, effectiveness is pretty mixed so far but I've at least won once with it.
Inguess I inherited a second room now. Going to close it enabke special weapons after a match.
wait until they finally add Drones
Second room with the right settings is up now.
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F-15E buddy please don't be embarassed about that, it was daunting for everyone to try and do tunnel runs. The current lobby is full, and you unfortunately couldn't join in the moment.
I'm not. I was laughing the whole time.
/aceg/ L. in the Mirage, you are much, much better than you think.
/aceg/ A, you're the host, can you enable hotjoin?
How's the game on MKB? Only thing holding me back from reinstalling is that my controller broke
Surprisingly flyable, I even find it better for using direct fire weapons like PLSL.
I'm the Typhoon guy and I'm doing alright with it.
Is there any way to crash directly into another plane and only 1 plane dies without cheating?
Thanks for the games buddies! Awesome to see more people join up!
Yo, the current lobby has a bunch of slots open if you want
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>eliminated in R16 again
Such is life. I'm not sure if the +1 from Dog-chan came in too late or QD just fucked it again, but that's how it goes.
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Unfortunately the offense was pretty sleepy most of the match, ending with a 1-2 loss. Sad to go out like that, but definitely an improvement over winning 0 games last League, at least.

With making knockouts, /aceg/ gets to pick a player to send to /vg/'s team that'll be playing in the 4cc Summer cup. https://strawpoll.com/ajnE1NkVNnW
I mentioned the +1 at the start of the 2nd half, I think he just missed it for a bit cause I included it in the same sentence with a couple other changes, so I don't hold it against him much. My internet shitting the bed for most of today wasn't helping either, stream kept buffering on and off.
...firing whatever you've got as the two planes are colliding with each other?
As far as I could tell from my screen I crashed directly into the same opponent twice and both times only I died.
He likely fired at point-blank range, which is much easier to do if you know the pylon from which the missile is going to drop. What did the death screen say?
I don't remember.
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Buddies, those were some of the most fun matches I've ever had. Thank you all for coming, and I hope to see you all next week, because you're all amazing!
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A tweaked version of my PLSL F-15C build, meant for the J w/HCAA. Keep in mind I haven't tested it yet.
>Acceleration lv2
>Airbrakes lv2
>ECU lv2
>Pitch lv3
>SupMan lv2
>SPW Damage lv2
>SPW Speed lv2
>SPW Homing lv2
I noticed that I struggled to pull High-Gs with my C build, and since this build is an Eagle build for dogfights, I swapped Max Speed and Acceleration for ECU. This change should make this F-15J a much better dogfighter while still retaining some of the hit-and-run capabilities of my F-15C.
what's the shootout etiquette? no EML and QUAAMS?
No EMLs, QAAMs or SASMs.
SASMs are the least harmful of the trio, but the fragmentation is both annoying and a very cheesy way of farming points.
what about the broken DLC plens like Darkstar etc?
The Darkstar is the only DLC plane that's outright broken. Even then, you can ward it away with HVAA, LAAM, PLSL or TLS.
Besides, you're not going to see them because Shootout rooms are limited to 2500 Cost, and all of them are above that limit.
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Most definitely was a fun time. Glad to see a lot of buddies up in the sky.

Making some mental notes about that build here..
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Damn, not only did I miss it but it seems I came back for some bad news.
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>take F-15
>add conformal fuel tanks
>make gunship gray
>F-15's sex appeal gains +1000%
makes you wish her more ACTIVE sister got a real mass production model
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To this day my favorite aviation pic is of a black F-15(ex?) seen from the front, it almost looks glossy. I've never found the picture again
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nevermind, found it, a shame it's not higher res
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What would you do if you were an ace combat pilot and all you had left to take off after your airbase was destroyed is a Toyota Tacoma with cardboard wings duct taped to the sides with a pile of stingers in the bed?
Do the tips of the missiles move? They look kinda crooked
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By the way, remember to tell the council to fuck off with the script that says Belka stops scoring after 7 accumulated goals.
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what's going on here, flares?
gault 1 is literally me
how is ac on the newer versions of pcsx2?
I have a random question for /aceg/
in the PS2 games, how accurate were the replays that played after missions? And if they were accurate, how on earth did a PS2 store those replays in memory? Is there any info on that?
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Oh my lord oh my gosh..

The animation of planes in TDM formation and the zooming into the sky is so good and the dev team knew exactly what they were doing.
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I thought B2 was bigger
no, you just thought the f15 was smaller
Isn't she standard twin engine jet size, meaning 20-ish meters long?
i mean so is the B2
knowing the numbers doesn't hit quite the same as actually seeing them next to a person
Just figured B2 would be way bigger since she is a strategic bomber and all. Needs big butt to carry big bombs y'know?
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you just underestimate how big the strike eagle is
I expected her to be closer to the C130 in size, maybe bigger
If B2 is meant to be a stealth bomber the radar signature would get more noticeable if it was large. Besideswhich feels like it's purpose is to carry nukes to begin with so it doesn't have to carry a massive arsenal of conventional loads.
Isn't she meant to also carry conventional bombs? Otherwise just strap nukes to a Raptor or two for a fraction of the cost
Post processing hurts my eyes. Yes, I would like to have jaggies "NOT MUH HECKING SHIMMERING!!" as an option. I grew up on N64 and Sega Genesis, I'll live.
yes but her strategic purpose is to be part of the nuclear triad
The B-2 is talked to have a RCS about at or lower level than the F-22
>that flight sim thread on /vr/
Going a bit overboard, don't you think fellas?
I don't go there, t'is a silly place
so if payload equates to butt size, what physical characteristics do other aircraft specs map to?
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>Powerful engines
/fit/ girls, abs
>Delta wings
Small chest
>Stealth, Internal bays
Hoodies/trench coats that hide the goods
>EW aircraft, radar dishes
glasses, likely geeky
Lots of accessories like jewelry
>4th gen or older
30+ y/o
>Carrier based
Tanned, avid swimmer
>Cargo plane
pudgy, big eater
>Non-retractable fuel probe
She's bigger than you, and I don't mean height
Wouldn't that be legs/thighs

>fuel probes
What did Rafale ever do to you
That's where the plen's power comes from, Eagle chan can bench-press herself and accelerate vertically, Flanker-chan is a gymnast that can do flips through the air, Blackbird-chan is an unmatched runner. All of this naturally leads to thick, muscular thighs.
>Fuel probes
Nothing against it, plus the French are more accepting of these things
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where do fuel tanks fit in?
>4th gen or older
>30+ y/o
F-22 is already approaching 30. 4th gens are 45+
plen years work differently, kinda like dog years
CFTS are jewelry like I mentioned, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc. Block 3 Hornets are Hornet-chan with all her bling
I just looked at the thread because I don't use /vr/. You're the idiot accusing everyone who plays games of being from this general and now you're impersonating Flankeranon since no one there agreed with you.
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are you the futa tanker guy
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"#エースコンバット は本日29周年を迎えました。皆様のご支援、そしてシリーズを支えてくれた名機達に感謝いたします!
Today is the 29th anniversary of #ACECOMBAT. We extend our gratitude to all our supporters and to the legendary aircraft that have supported the series![kanno]"
...we have a futa tanker guy?
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Super horny
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Hornets can huff Cordium too!
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>notices droptank
They picked an F-4, F-15 and A-10 to get the number 29
When they could've used a MiG-29
the sexiest twin engines to exist and I SHANT be told otherwise.
yeah but 3 plens is better than one
If a remaster of the series is ever going to happen we'd probably see it next year when the 30th anniversary rolls around.
>China accidentally a rocket
On second thought, maybe the MIC doesn't waste all that much money in comparison
Yo what? Did one blow on the launchpad?
even better, they accidentally launched it during an engine test so it flew off, didn't have a self destruct so it nearly crashed on top of the neighboring village
You'd think they would've learned after the mess they've made in the 90s.
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omega 11, engage
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Bet Avril would be mad seeing that deface
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we have a futa tanker guy.
Well shit, I hope no one got injured.
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Looks like it, further along are little boxes which I'm going to assume are the cannisters that hold them? One of them is empty while the rest are still a plenty.
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AGAIN!!! >>
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remember what we said about fuel probes?
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It would have to be a long tongue, because it's an intake. It's like a hummingbird tongue that juts out like a straw.
A-10 should be the real futa plane
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I don't think players have collision detection against each other.

What's the main benefit of ECU for the Eagle? I haven't noticed issues with high G turns, but I haven't played in a while.

Yeah, 2500 is the sweet spot of multiple strong builds while locking out most of the meta bullshit you normally see in Unlimited.
Is this a bamboozle? A little ol' leg pull?
That opens up some interesting implications with the tankers bekng the futss then

How did we get here?
I kinda want HAARP weather control superweapon in the next game
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Thanks buddies. You can turn off bloom and CA in the options menu but all of the visual stuff is placeholder at the moment, I'll spend some time working on it in the future, but not at the moment.

Plugging away at the multi-op mission, it's a bit of a struggle balancing everything but I'll make it work somehow. Once this is done, I'll work on a tutorial mission and push the patch i guess
What's that?
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HAARP was a US research facility built in Alaska back in the 90s for studying the ionosphere, but it was also a source of numerous conspiracy theories about how it's used by the military as a superweapon in the form of weather control; supposedly triggering events such as EMP strikes, hurricanes to earthquakes.
Is is a superweapon, though in a defensive way.
And of course, what it actually does has nothing to do with all that crap tinfoil hatters spread. That’s the point with that sort of stuff - nobody (or at least, too little to matter) will treat the whole thing seriously.
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If we're going full tinfoil hat superweapons, I want high-altitude bombers spraying bioweapon chemtrails or sunlight-blocking clouds like The Matrix, microwave guns creating death zones that cook pilots inside their planes, laser disco ball AA systems, kamikaze bird drone flocks, a secret moonbase with a mass driver big enough to hit anywhere on earth, and of course, free 3D movement "UFO" craft that instantly reverse heading, and don't show up in any sensors
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For me, it's the stink bomb.
>Bioweapon produced from body odor
>Produced aerosol toxin that can reach high enough that fighter jets couldn't fly over the operatives
>Instantenous death upon exposure
>Penetrate every NBC protective suit short of suits made for astronauts
>Scramble electronics
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>Incredibly high quality animation
>Incredible detail in the military machines
>Incredibly crowded scale shots
>Incredibly hype jazz
>(Seemingly) incredibly silly plot
What the fuck is this? How the fuck is this?
Memories 1995
airforce delta strike sucks so much it's kinda sick
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I've long held the opinion that it has far more to gain from a remake than any of the PS2 AC games. Too bad Konami is mostly useless these days.
That's true, but a big part of the game is Jun's illustrations, and that's pretty unlikely to get remade unfortunately.
>support ground element
>they thank you directly or indirectly
Feels good, especially when it's ''optional'' and you have to work for it. That's why my most replayed missions are very responsive / have reactions from allied units.
If you enjoy that then you would've loved the mechanic in Infinity where you could thank someone for destroying an enemy who had a missile lock on you.
Just played that mission, honestly the most fun thing in the game so far
Does anyone have that one reaction image of the pilot holding an anime magazine?

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