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Alex Horley is the G.O.A.T. Edition

New expansion Perils in Paradise!
Revealed cards
29.6.1 Patch Notes

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://hearthstone-decks.net/ - decks for all modes (wild, twist, etc)
https://outof.cards/ – decks, patch notes, news (includes other card games)
https://hearthstonetopdecks.com/ – decks & news
https://beerbrick.com/ - deck lists from Twitter (Japanese)
https://metastats.net/ – meta decks and stats
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
http://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])

Previously on no one likes these shitty goofy expansions >>482945850
i imagine they have repurposed this art from another expansion concept. this gives me big molten core vibes
probably, it looks more like concept art from wow than the dogshit slop we get in hearthstone these days
If you went live on twitch right now with 0 viewers you would be the top standard streamer for HS isn't that crazy.
I lost 2k rating in standard trying to play anything that isn't scam. the games are so boring right now. don't even care about new cards cause the core of the game is so bad these days
The expansion is shaping up to be as bad as the current meta.
If it keeps buffs it's OP
you need a very high IQ to appreciate this cards nuanced name
This looks disgusting.
>Turn 5 play this and transform to location.
>Turn 6 deckhand+windfury pirate

With just 2 minions on board at Turn 6 that's 16 damage. +2 from weapon. With 4 minions it's lethal. With 3 minions + handbuffs it's also lethal.

Seems insane if handbuff paladin is still good.
Oh yeah good point this is just a +6 damage for your charge minion LUL.
It's even worse because it counters taunts as well. You can't even jam down a low attack taunt to counter the charge. That just adds fodder to the sand castle for buffs.
Haven't played in a few years, should I come back for the new expac?
I see they've made Patches again
wait can it attack multiple times a turn?
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>tavern brawl
>create deck
fuck me
anyone has a code ?
Yeah, just like Remornia
>Attack as a Minion
>Turn into location and buff
>Attack as a Minion
>Turn into location and buff
It should work as long as it has health to trade into stuff and to use the location. Remornia used to only be able to attack twice as a Minion because the Hero himself can only attack once per turn, but there's no such restriction here, unless the location form goes on cooldown.
Surely the location loses health right. Surely.
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Guardians of nature who seek to preserve balance and protect life, Druids have unmatched versatility on the field of battle. This is in part because druidism is much more than a fighting discipline—it’s a way of life steeped in traditions so ancient that even the origin of their kind is preserved largely in mythology passed on through millennia.

Druids harness nature’s raw energy for an incredible breadth of offensive and defensive abilities, as well as to restore life to the wounded. Through communion with nature and the demigod Cenarius, Lord of the Forest, Druids are supernaturally endowed with the gift of shapeshifting, allowing them to take the form of all manner of nature’s creature and access powers as distinct as they are diverse.[4]
Can she summon this location?
if you are on EU post tag and ill add you
you can beat me for the pack in a friendly
health as minion = durability as location presumably (worked like that for Remornia)
but yeah if your opponent has a board full of 1/1s he may be fucked
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how are we supposed to deal with all the cancerous locations, other than Reno and Twisting Nether?
They'll make that one Nathria card core, don't worry
Locations are here to STAY, chud
Minions with lop sided stats or good deathrattles. Things that say shit like "can't attack" and can just be melted into an amalgam. Start from there, there's lots of more refining you can do from that point. I used a bunch of resurrect effects too
Since when did twisting work against locations?
That's not a collectible one, so no.
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not too long ago
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no one posted the other cards. it's truly over
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Warcraft btw
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i hate women. i hate these devs
I wouldn't trust a gnome lifeguard TBQHWYF
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the signature version of this card
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will have a diamond version
woman in bikini: not allowed
obese man with heavy armpit hair: allowed
they put fat fuck zeddy in the game
When does the cards be played
What a neat card. I bet it’s not completely ass in a format with Reno “he needs it” Lone Ranger.
you can drop this shit on turn 5 after handbuffing it all game and just rape the game
If you are playing aggressive paladin and make it to turn 9 you deserve to have reno fuck your ass.
does someone at blizzard really think paladin isnt going to abuse the fuck out of this windfury pirate? give me a break
Grimestrseet, weapon and aura easily give this +7 ATK by turn 5 AND he can attack multiples times when summoned. With 3 attacks you've just buffed a minion by 15+ on an average turn.
Ahahaha If you play a minion against Paladin you just die ahahahahha.
I've uninstalled Warcraft Rumble. I'm coming home
does this goblin count?
Thanks bro
Took you long enough.
The art direction of this game is so fucking atrocious. There is nothing "PALADIN" about these cards visually. It's like every second character on a card is either a Celastatroon or Cora lookalike.

And this is just gross. I won't even ask about the target audience for this crap.
i didn't even last 2 days with rumble
the half an hour needed for the cardback was enough for most of us
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>damage buff scales with minion attack
Are these niggers serious?
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You can just tell that this was made by a tranny and the most telling part isn't even the toddler GooGooGaaGaa ass art style
It's that the mentally ill troons are so fucking retarded that they keep printing cards which are completely unrelated to it's abilities
Why is it a gnome in the first place ???? They live in the fucking mountains!
All of the old prints had lore (or a nod at the game) in mind and function of the card thematically in match with the art.
See pic related
It's an alpha wolf, he is leading the pack, makes sense for minions around it to be buffed with attack
Now explain the current cards
Literally no thought process behind it at all, it's just "Oh my goddess *mauls its own genitals* it looks cute yass transister slayy *leaks aids ridden blood and fecal matter from its festering open wound*"
The game will see no improvement until every tranny is banned from the company.
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he turns back into a minion too? i missed that part. I bet it's a Cora card, because of muh Nathria, muh Remornia
Did they just forget that Paladin has a bunch of good handbuffs? I don't mean to sound arrogant but I legit think I could design Hearthstone cards better than these devs.
To be fair, most of these cards are made before the meta forms. I'd assume outside of some number tweaks, the actual designs and mechanics are finished or close to finished before the last expansion released. They are probably always one expansion ahead of what Is public.
Heh. These fucking retards haven't caught on to the fact I'll be fucking killing them with Pirate Mage.
nerfs are here
>people thought they were going to change text
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>Reno +1 Mana
Always the laziest nerfs possible...
I hate Aleco. I hate women. I hate these devs.
Another team 5 W!!! :D
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new Isr**l propaganda
It's a strange spot to be in when Reno is super powerful but the only thing really holding slower decks together. We just need more daring changes to more cards and to stop nerfing around the main issues.
HS devs are aggro sissies confirmed
Hail Paladin
This is an odd change. It hurts only the more tempo oriented highlander decks (mainly hunter) while not effecting the control variants much if at all.
I know that fat fuck was squealing in joy when he saw they weren’t going to actually going to nerf Reno.

That aside, it could still be salvaged if the new set can actually diversify control so that it’s not just “play a Highlander deck or don’t play control”
the terrorist posted his report again, laughing at reno decks
>these winrates warranted a nerf
I'm so unbelivably fucking tired. Just delete him. Deelete him, that's all you have to do.
10 mana reno is huge.
Basically if you can't end the game in 10 turn as aggro, just conceded
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how does this fucker still have a job?
he's almost as incompetent as Cora
>After a friendly Deathrattle minion dies, give your minions +2/+2 permanently.
Ghoul-acabra still busted as fuck.
Just not as busted anymore.
He went to Western Washington University, average IQ of 165, don't question this chud.
great changes. now zilliax and reno die even more to aggro which already countered them and nothing changes if you are playing slower decks without reno and zilliax
Projectionist nerf is good, I'm glad gaslight rogue can no longer shadowstep and play it again for 0.
>nerfing a card because it interacts well with an objectively better card.

Truly a team 5 level idea.
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predictions on how many times they are going to nerf Zilliax before it rotates?
so now that the balance patch has settled
do we still continue crying about reno?
>+1 mana
can someone get fired over this shit?
Finally Reno is fucking dead.
*Dies to Paladin burst from hand turn 6*
depends if the faggots are still gonna play him otherwise its just back to end them before they can play it. its such a shit design that just make 90% of the cards in the game unplayable.
it's not just about how strong it is, but also how unfair it feels to play against and the 'portals' it removes.
STFU Reno is healthy, there are otherwise no counters to cancer locations such as priest and uninteractable portal garbage like Sargeras
It's like hearthstone can't decide what the endgame should be. Does the player who played portals get to win or not.
my current favorite gag is people trying to bait (You)'s be pretending they like reno only for nobody to ever reply to them
they forgot to nerf paladin
who is paladin getting cards from this xpac? i cant remember
im expecting it to end up being S+++ though, handbuff is being nerfed at all so assuming they get any good paladin cards this xpac or good cards via tourist, it will only get worse
reddit won
marin is starting to get on my nerves

We’re fucked.
>bran is still in the game
holy fucking
>VS Report.
>This isn't a real class.
Im chain running twist games as i wait for DT launch and even in twist its cancer
So let me get this straight. The only thing that was stopping Dragon Druid from being tier 1 was Reno and zilliax? I feel like I’m being punked cause I’ve always thought Dragon Druid was fine since its introduction while everyone else insisted it was fucking unplayable ever since the nerf to splish splash.
0 mana 4/5 Druid wins again.
the VS report data is pre-nerf
the strongest reno deck barely reached 50% winrate
You don't understand: I don't want it nerfed, I want it deleted from the game and I want everyone that abused him permabanned.
>sissies when the game goes past turn 6
Where is my 1 mana 3/2 blizz. I also want 2 mana wildgrowth with a minion attached. Also I want a 0mana yeti.
No way bro those would be OP as fuck. Oh wait you're Druid!?!? Why didn't you say bro yeah of course no problem right away sir.
this game is a little too braindead for my liking
there is zero activity going inside my head while im playing yet im still top 1k legend
aggro is by far the easiest playstyle. all you have to do is play green card and go face and since we live in a permanent aggro meta you always end up winning.
is reno still playable or can I reinstall?
Those 2 faggots on the last thread saying I was going to kill myself after they made Reno unplayable. Especially the faggot diamond rouge with the star bonus. Where is your god now, queers??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Once the Nerfs hurt the only class without tools. (Mage).
are you really asking why a lifeguard would give you life?
absolute state of /hsg/
handbuff dk and hope paladins cant get through
Bros they literally just removed the neutral taunt from the game the same time they introduced windfury deckhand ICANNOT.
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hate rerun episodes
handbuff viable after 8 years pogchamp?
terrible. just awful
>Druid rampant
Any druid counters? As a Mage player I am absolutely fucked this patch.
are they playing highlander against the TNT cheese or some new list?
Paladin, once again, getting hilariously pushed cards
I can't wait to look at these Paladin cards coming and thinking about how I'm potentially going to play them in my Mage deck.
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weather getting so hot my ballsack starts looking like a sail

oh and fuck cora
private servers can’t come fast enough
Raylla Sand Scuptor Golden version reimagining.
how to fix the game with one card
neutral 10 mana 1/1: if your opponents deck started with no duplicates, deal 30 damage to their hero at the start of the game
This card literally only exists to fuck over the Mage RNG pool. Classic.
*plays dirty rat*
paladin deck probably isnt that fun to play...
it also loses steam as soon as you survive their pumped charger
>Raylla Sand Scuptor
Blizzard version for comparison.
I want to go to Blizzard offices with a bible and smack this faggots in the head, now they are pushing Druid and surprise letting Paladin busted again, meanwhile other classes are waiting since the start of this season for a little time under the sun. Cora and her bunch of monkeys should be fired.
seems fair
sweet addition to my reno deck ty
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reminder that Druid is this faggot's >>483718671 favorite class :^)
pic related
so many win conditions, enemies dont even know what to do
*Just fucking kills you*
with what? self destruct wl or equally strong boarded paladin?
Is shit anon.
If you're playing an amalgamation of wincons you probably die to an arena curve.
i dont play arena since you cant fit in all your leggos, bro
dorian is not fair
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>mana cheat is cheating
my mind was blown....
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new Paladin cards
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new leaks
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I really don’t get why they gave her a peasant shirt in this.
reminds me of a hot villainess from a kid's shitty 3d cartoon
Women should be clothed inshallah
>mana cheat for buff paladin
oh boy
I mean death knight handbuff sucks because they have no actual good undead to buff, it’s not the buffing cards that’s the problem. If Leeroy was an undead; you’d have a tier 1 DK deck

What good is char for warrior?
More paladin cancer shit. Another year of paladin aggrostone incoming.
This is cancerous in any possible way.
Meanwhile DK or Hunter for example waiting. Thanks Cora <3 keep eating those donuts, you fat retard, you sure earned it.
I don't understand this post, helm is better in most of cases
both cards are different and irrelevant for wild. I do not understand the reddittor's point and even in standard he is just a retard.
>summon 3 5/5
>4 characters art
Balance change after art submition. Or is it summon extra not pirate minion too?
Is it possible for paladin to not be meta for like 1 expac , please?
is there a way to see which class/deck has the biggest variation in winrates between players?
to see which ones are more based on skill
Same with Warlock, Rogue and Druid.
Designers want them always on top of the wave
yes that's the point
Death Knight in Wild
Is time already don't you think? At least one viable deck.
check deck winrate per rank brackets I guess
Not until secret passage/rogue draw in general gets nerfed. Turns out drawing your whole deck on turn 4-5 is pretty good
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monk will save us
evoker will cement us
no. because wild decks right now are so absurdly optimized that a yu-gi-oh level of coin flip for first place-like gameplay has occurred: there are like 5-6 different decks optimized for their play style and win condition. Even if I do not like to use https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/wild/2024-06-11 as I do not agree with it, you will see that rogue has optimized the aggro style, hunter is a counter for rogue, mage and warlock have comfy low-stress solitaire play style with average win rate ( still enough for legend ) and then there are some mid range decks, most of whom are Reno and honestly suck.
For DK to even have a chance it needs either a an aggro deck better than rogue - not happening, an anti aggro deck better than hunter - not happening, a solitair auto win deck which is not happening and maybe just maybe it can have a midrange deck : https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/decks/even-unholy-death-knight-wild-meta-snapshot-jun-25-2024 but for fuck sake the paladin one is better.
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Pirate bros we are back in business
all they have to do is make secret passage actually swap back
You mean swap back cards that you drew during secret passage?
Actually true, then max you can thin your deck is 4 cards instead of like 8-10 lmao
If you are only looking at the text, BB rune makes helm shittier
Looks pretty grim
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at some point wild is the "i don't really want to play this game but want to maintain collection in case i will play the game at a bus stop in the future" format. The sad truth is that there does come a point where you just made an odd shaman, aggro rogue and quest warlock deck and you know that for the next 1 year these decks are all the tools you need to reach legend in 1-2 days and maintain enough of dust/gold to be able to just play from time to time when you want but be able to forget about the game for weeks/months.
grim or not, there is some automation of gameplay going on and I am not talking about AFK-ing - i am talking about playing same decks, not even caring about new cards and just cruising along with your mind on the second screen. But for as long as magic and yu gi oh cannot really offer the same thing and Riot's TFT is gay, this game will stay installed.
what i am also trying to say is that wild is not really seeing a lot of experimentation so if you have a dk deck in mind that maybe could beat some of the midrange decks you can see great success as 90% of the decks you will face will be the same.
siphon soul :)
haha wait i just looked it up and they changed that interaction
A cool location would be Silence the Board so Handbuff could have a actual counter
Also this new Ziliax is so annoying with the double damage holy shit
>no more reno in my odd warrior deck
Well what am I supposed to do now? Play even warrior?!
Lol handbuff pirateslop. Called it last night. Let's fucking GOOO don't think paladin has ever had a pirate deck
as if there wasnt already every reason in the fucking world to deck yogg jesus christ
Nah. They don't need a pirate deck. Just one of these and then the 2/1 with charge.
the team are doing their best, stop bullying them
if this is their best, which expansion is their worst
Neat, i can now use him with my Genn deck again continuing the trend of Reno being buffed for me personally.
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not my problem
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How's this for an Even Warrior list? It's cut off at the end but ETC's band is Brawl, Odyn, and Yogg. I was thinking I might want Shield Slam in my ETC but I don't think any of those three are worth cutting for it.
oof, I can smell the diaper from here
its random so its ok
I come back after a month and staff of the nine frogs is still not reverted america explain
devs are scared to touch anything because everytime they do they do it in a retarded way and ruin everything even more
this is why last nerfs were just 1 mana increases
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brandom smith mogs your shitty card game lil bro
Ragnaros must be so proud.
should I dust reno?
How long till it goes out of rotation?
>should I dust reno?
always dust nerfed cards and re-craft them later if you really want/need to
>How long till it goes out of rotation?
until March/April 2025
I hate making highlander decks. reno is lame, yoggers is all I need
>can't even find on google
Nice game retard.
it makes you instantly cum, too dangerous for google
i love anons that post big boobies
you’re the best
Share some of those decks?
For standard i mean.
Wish I had a powerful card that wasn't do a random. SIGH.
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Warrior bros we are so back
>Even Reno warriors on the ladder
What the fuck
What do you do on turns 4 6 and 8?
>no really guys. Control needs this
>gets smashed by aggro anyway
>it kills off mid range/other control decks that aren’t Reno wether just by Reno’s presence or othet nerfs to the few other control decks (Wheel)
>it’s not even good enough to breach tier 1 because again, aggro keeps it in check
Masterful Gambit, blizzard sir.
someone give me a deck without any epics or legendary to reach legend in just the next two days.
t4 1drop+3 drop or forge+heropower
t6 3drop+3drop or 5drop+1drop
t8 doesnt really matter if you float a mana, also youll have excavated cards to fill in the curve
diaper changing breaks
Hmm. Mage without mirror image is kind of hard.

Like Paladin you can load the board and if it gets wiped you just refill over and over until you can buff. Mage though If you plan on frontloading a minion and it gets wiped what can you do to prevent that or continue from that. You can even continue to develop your minion plan with a weapon save a tech card counter. I think Mages form of that is loading up your hand with reduction before you fire. I feel like Paladin can still play minions into weapon and then more minions they don't NEED to save cards in hand.

I think Hunter has an easier time with that because they use secrets to protect their minions in various ways for really cheap mage you can't do that and your secrets don't offer much protection. There's no way you can play single counter spell into single minion and have it survive. Hunter is playing multiple minions and multiple traps that protect and disrupt or generate another minion all at the same time.

Death Knight plays a similar pattern of minions plus spells but they're all battlecries or death rattles so while he can use spells for the board to protect his minions he doesn't need them to live a turn. He's fine with them dying.

This to me is a big weakness of Mage because it means all those spell effect minions are actually part of a 5 to 8 mana mid to late game combo rather than escalating threats. And Mage already has a ton of that stuff. Scriptures is insane past early game for example. It feels like a weird spot to me where you can't play on curve your first early turns are non-existed for the strategy of playing minions + a spell. You have have set up cards like Forging or Glyph or Keyboard.

I guess I'm looking for a play pattern where I play a minion + a spell and now the spell does something extra because of the minion. And I can do that everyturn instead of having to wait to later turns.
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I'll do you one better, no rares
decklist code?
Will try
It's exactly because of these memes that they changed Paladin's hero power
Maybe we can make a Reno the white supremacist meme so they delete him from the game
### ODD
# Class: Warrior
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Pegasus
# 2x (1) Garrosh's Gift
# 2x (1) Razorfen Rockstar
# 2x (1) Shield Slam
# 2x (1) Slam
# 2x (1) Town Crier
# 2x (1) Verse Riff
# 2x (3) Bellowing Flames
# 2x (3) Chorus Riff
# 2x (3) Reinforced Plating
# 2x (5) Brawl
# 2x (5) Bridge Riff
# 2x (5) Burrow Buster
# 2x (7) Badlands Brawler
# 1x (7) Marin the Manager
# 1x (9) Baku the Mooneater
# 1x (9) Odyn, Prime Designate
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (4) Twin Module
# 1x (5) Perfect Module
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

You can switch zilliax to the unkillable version that was just nerfed, might be better than the 2x 6/5
some things in the expac look cool but i genuinely can't be assed to play this game again
also what the fuck is tourist?
Thanks anon.
Any tips?
Just face? At what point should I give up and queue for the next game?
when you put the tourist into your deck you can also add any cards from the class it says on the card to your deck, but its limited to cards from this expansion
Thanks, doing my first game now
Gas up your hand with gold panner and acolyte of pain, handbuff with the broken weapon, then flood them with cheap buffed minions, clear and heal with the lifesteal guys, and burst with chargers and the outfit tailor
You could cut glacial shards for astral serpents if you keep running out of gas

Also check netdeck versions of this deck to see if you happen to have any legendaries it usually runs, i think these days most the core set ones are free, like leeroy
Thanks anon.
Tried a deck somewhat like this a while back but it wasn't very successful. But I can tell this is gonna be good.
ur welcome, also this deck will be broken on day 1 because of this card>>483784463
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Why are you still playing Standard?
this looks like an unintentional nod to garbage pail kids cards

I'm not, standard is a cucked format. I play exclusively casual and wild if I have to do a ranked only quest, though I've subbed that with twist this season
But I'm not.
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>let's see...which deck shall I climb with today?
>there it is, "Custom Hunter3"
>killed all the non-warrior reno decks
>ladder is just druids now
bravo cora
so genn and baku are dogshit and will never be good again?
I kind of liked odd/even decks
oh yeah and no balance patch until 10 days after the next set, so we're stuck with druid dominance until early Aug (no the new cards will not make mana cheating on this scale irelevant)
druid was broken before the patch and got off scot-free again, do women lust over pink men?

is twist balanced now?
still proud of my first cthun game being a dub
this is what you get for shitting on reno
Did I miss something on the Reno nerf? Just more mana...?
he was already shit before the nerf
Zilliax has been nerfed so many times.
People complain about Reno but he's not as strong as Zilliax.
They knew what would happen but didn't want to miss all that money from people buying the bundles.
Zilliax doesn't feel absolutely terrible to play against though compared to reno
It does for me, bringing a warrior to low health and then he plays Zilliax, healing back to full and then resurrecting it.
Zillax is literally reno though lmao
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Completely normal happenings in completely balanced game.
poor little handbuff pally
Holy fuck what a cool and expensive card
>pray rogue doesnt get guff or valeera the card
do they update the text on 'from the past' cards after they rotate out of standard?
>Switch to a good deck
>Get a +20% winrate.
Why does it have to be like this bros? Why can't I just win with tier 4 trash?
You know a lot of hero cards are really not great, only the Alterac Valley ones are really any good.
It can't generate Valeera.
Can't think of anything rogues could do that would make Guff worth 11 mana and RNG tax.
It can generate Valeera or Scabbs if you shadowstep her, play another hero and then play her again.
I completely forgot alterac exists so it’s not just 2 old hero cards that are still good and a whole lot of ASS.
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maestra needed to be 5 mana to justify choosing from this pool of cards
Sigh I miss DawnGrasp.
I wish I could’ve been in the room when they were making Guff and see how they argued with themselves how this was a good idea. Really just alterac’s set design in general.
if you can get galakronds that's gonna suck
this make your tess cast rogue cards because you become another class. In standard you get to go infinite with bounce around, and if youre playing cutlass it recasts all the weapon buffs every time

in wild you get infinite stealth + vanish every turn which instawins vs a lot of decks. People used to do this with majordomo but that way you rly have to build your deck around it. Now theres a very good chance youd put this in some rogue deck anyways even if its just dead card if theres some broken warlock cards in this set. So youll just happen to have infinite stealth in your otherwise good deck. Rogue is reaching mage levels of turtling for the whole game. You have 2x evasion, 2x cloak, 2x vanish so you can probably just checkmate anything that doesnt have disruption from like turn4, and you have plenty of deckslots to make your deck beat reno tech piles and maybe even shit like tog druid and flamewaker mage
who cares?
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Wild games end long before you can set up infinite stealth vanish combos, and even then 80% of your opponent's will kill you from hand with some charge combo or demon seed.
Warlock cards are also off to a bad start.
Can we stop printing more and more card draw for roguekeks?
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I'm on a winstreak and now my hands are shaking and I can't queue because of my nerves. Anybody else get like this?
>he fell into blizzards trap of dusting wild cards and became a slave to crafting whatever tranny deck they decide to make op in standard every month, so now he copes by calling wild irrelevant even though it has like 30% share of playtime despite all efforts to make it unplayable
they literally deleted classic just because it was filled with based full golden classic collection chads that dont even know a single card released in the last year
you are also gonna miss your dilation session xister if you stay here for too long
I don't even play this shit game, I'm just here to laugh at you hearthcucks.
Can spell Mage get me to Legend. Pretty insane how stupid this damage form hand shit is and Mage isn't even a good class right now apparently. It makes me think what the fuck is all the other broken shit people are doing.
>Paladin gets to use this
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this strat cannot work in standard as decks change. not that you cannot just look at https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/standard/2024-06-19 and then check https://hearthstone-decks.net/standard-decks/paladin/ for a deck but it may not be the best bet. I could tell you that https://hearthstone-decks.net/hand-buff-paladin-154-legend-wulinghs/ is probably all you need to reach legend, but its not an automatic answer and not like in wild where i can guarantee that quest warlock will require 0 iq to reach legend.
dont worry all games are rigged by central quantum ai supercomputer that algorythmically controls every single thing you see on a screen.
What shizos thought was gangstalkers or lightworkers sending them secret messages in random details throughout the day is now whats actually happening whenever you go to scroll any feed or play casino games like hearthstone.
It probably detected through front camera and your touch patterns that youre in a mood that doesnt align with its ultimate goals for humanity, so it bribed your brain with dopamine of going 29-9 with tranny mage so you dont go shoot up a walmart or become a serial grapist as youd naturally do if you saw reality for what it is, untainted by childrens video games or whatever funko pop tier reddit hobby you were neutered by
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>giving Wishing Well Rogue support
But why?
Bros I'm watching streamers now and they are literally just conceding against strong plays. Is the game so bad there aren't comebacks and you just go next if you're opponent plays cards?
It's so sad how thos stupid fucks can't make a good balance decision even if they lives depend of it.
>Yeah lets kill reno!!
>But Cora Druids again...
>Shhhh Kill. Reno. Hail Druids! Besides next expansion around the corner LOL
Embarassing that the biggest online TCG game have to deal with this level of incompetence
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>Paladin gets to use this
the value!!!
Yes. DWI i have my play i play it you lose
You have your play you play it i lose
No tactic, no decisions, just fast unadultered braindead matches
i would say 75% of the time when someone drops shit like reno, unkilliax, or handbuffed paladin shit, yes, you should just consneed
the tourist is totally dead in handbuff and besides this isnt even that good, lists will be very streamlined to smorc with the windfury combo until something gets nerfed
they should bring back anomalies but as a purely cosmetic addition.

like all cards are golden, or portraits are swapped or something.
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If you're a furry or into weird shit the HS devs are hella catering to you huh.
good idea, and honestly theyll probably do it because it gives people a taste of le shiny 50$ pixels, just enough to entice them but not enough to satisfy
Choices are:
Completely homoerotic shit
Furry paradise
Don't you love Cora and her designers?
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>helpful spell from khadgar? Okay good, I bet it will be flamestrike or blizzard
It's so shit. I haven't seen blizzard in 30 casts. Totally a waste of a slot. The theoretical upside isn't worth it because it never happens.
nigga expected zephrys x 6 lmao
the fact you can have this but not a real female speaks volumes of the blizzard team
jalex priateslop meltdown 2.0 incoming
This and hairy male armpits are just the cementing of HS.
it's le funny rng ahah stories to tell :)
the full arts this time around have been really cool. Shame I’m not a whale like Zeddy
Amazing loot are 28 Duels treasures (Locusts are not present)
It's kinda expenive, velarok > this slut.
>mage character
>is shit ON PURPOSE. It's SUPPOSED to be shit!
too expensive and half the rewards are mediocre or shit
When will they give us back Mana Wyrm and Arcane missiles. Isn't mage the only class right now without early game cards?
Rogue can win the game on turn 6. In another class it probably gets played.
How is horn of winter still in the game.
that armpit hair creeps me out. They just drew a fucking bush there and called it a day
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This game will die soon
I hope at least it last enough to see a Monk and Evoker classes
not going to happy, you get furry art and homosexual fat manlets
Whats the armpit hair card youre referencing
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Monk will be a furry class though
this from an adventure or something?
Can I get a key cards list for BG's?
Like there's so many things I don't know returning to it so I have no clue which minions give me the infinite stats because tavern tiers still mean fuck all.
from his adventure of 4tb of furry porn folder
just watch dog play for a few hours and you'll understand how to play current meta
just highroll the ever lasting shit out of the shop or you are dead on turn 5
Perils in Paradise but with actual coombait
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We did it reddit.
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Uh oh.... stinky! Better off not playing it at all

Now that I think about it they're all pretty bad without cards to support them. I guess you could get a weapon from some and that's alright
If I'll play Eudora in paladin will my paladin cards count as cards from another class?
galakronds cant be generated in any way
>fat fuck zeddy poster dies
>get zeddy armpit hair card
this is the most cemented timeline
holy fuck its so much more disgusting than what i was expecting, this is genuinely p2w as psychological warfare
I won't be surprised if Galakronds will be available at launch because spaghetti code yata yata
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This deck fucks
So you wouldn’t Eudora?
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Do I get new decks from the expansion coming If I wait on this or do I have to pick one of these?
Which one is the highest dust?
It's gotta be Shaman because Reno is full dust right now.
why did you post this webm. its upsetting
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This has been running through my mind so I want to get other peoples opinions.
>Turn 2 my opponent Rats.
So this tells me what his deck is straight away. Usually when opponents rat It's because they have follow up removal but in this instance he's playing it against likely a minionless Mage which makes me infer that It's possible that he doesn't have removal in hand. And because of this and since I have the weapon equipped I decide to roll Animal companion.
Either I get elusive and It's fine tempo or I get the spell damage and they aren't likely to clear it with removal because of their heavy cost deck and the decision to play rat early suggest to me they want that 2/6 to be able to kill minions with it.
Now I get unlucky with the roll but I want to know if it was the right play anyway. Because there are other ways to play this like. Since I know I'm against a Control Mage I think I'm extremely heavily favoured to win since they aren't going to kill me till turn 9+ so I could hold this important combo piece for later that is a very valid option.
What would you have done?
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>ok so it's a gnome paladin card I know that doesn't make sense but we'll give her some plate and make her regal looking
>DUDE what if she was in a one piece (nothing sexual ofcourse) with her epic Starbucks goydrink and pink hair like our intern oh and we can get the intern to generate it on an AI prompt too
imagine this art dropping in naxx
Y’all really hate fun, god damn. .
just malfunction its perfect and you keep the broken card in hand
Also stop reading so deep into opponents intentions theyre just ai monkeys that play the shiny slot machine cards
what rank are you? if you're below top 100 legend and thinking like this then fucking stop
I think malfunction is the other option. It deals with the rat cleanly.

I'm diamond 5.
I feel like I am on to something, but there is something missing
just came here to say anon is right this is tranny propaganda and subversion
art style is horrid

Fuck trannies niggers and kikes
That Lynessa full arts pretty mmm.

That said, does she actually have the power to suck the light outta people in WoW lore? Is that a thing?
Hat confirmed on reddit that you can't get Galakrond.
If that is a main decked Kalecgos your opponent is bronze and you are over thinking.
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The fuck is going on with these new portraits? Its like they don't even want my money, maybe they are trying to bury the game and claim it's not profitable lmao

I want to spend money but Jesus Christ I'd be embarrassed to have this ahit in my collection to look at
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i like the old hag priest one, but considering ive never seen anyone else use it, i guess im the only one
how did this sneak past blizzards dei department
most of the signature art seems fairly good actually, why cant all art be like this? why do we have shit like this
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>gnome paladin
DnD bros, we won
You know the answer already: you need to PAY for signature cards.
you need to pay for non-signatures to so I don't really get the point you're making
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How did Zeddy turn it around in such an incredible fashion? When he was on a blacklist now he is a card?
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>what if we had a cora selfie as a signature card
nice try zeddy, but you're just a fat basedjack
only fun or interesting card they've shown for this expansion.
>They gave Mage access to Paladin minion buffs
>For the class that specifically has a no minions playstyle
Ahahahahaha they're mocking me. Ahahahhahahah. I'm going insane.
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>arfus is at 30 hp again
yeah the cards are simply unusable for mage
was the arfus list update enough of a nerf? i hate how they didnt share what the changes actually fucking were and have to go dig it up somewhere
>Feeling pretty good with my BG comp
>Enemy has board full of 200/200 on turn 9
What the fuck
>arrive at twist legend
>more than half of the people higher ranked than me are hackers that never got purged from the leaderboard
nice game
arfus sucks now, n'zoth is almost as broken as day 1 arfus
heres your early twist data

>tier 1

>tier 2

>tier 3
Lich king

>trash tier
everything else
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Did they really need to give arfus 7 health or whatever?
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Should I have used Void Scriptures turn 2 here?
The game did go a long amount of turns but It is a burn race. It feels like I can't afford to wait on it with how I'll want to spend my mana in the later turns. There's also the idea that using hero power to face is going to be relevant and it is guaranteed over book that can whiff but maybe I need a good book discover because I'm going second so I'll always be one turn behind in burn. I have manufacturing in hand so I'm potentially looking at a turn six where all the cards I want to play are free so I can fit it in there with Animal companion.
How pressured should I feel in this situation? He's also got weapon so I will need to clear minions going forward as well so I will be spending mana on that during the early midgame. Is it correct to leave this card in my hand for six turns or turn it into a potentially playable card?
he's literally terrible why are you still complaining
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This is one of my first games back I have no idea what I'm up against but I can guess He's aggro from his turn one play. Similar situation except here I decide to play a card and I value drawing through my deck with stargazer. I think this is a mistake because he has a minion on board that combos highly and shouldn't be ignored this minion has high damage potential. I have heatwave in hand I can ping his minion and set up for a clear next turn also hitting another minion if he drops one I can also opt for lightshow to remove and be more mana efficient which is really relevant to this hand because if I stargaze into lightshow that's a lot of extra damage that gets set up.
Would you have set up for the clear or tried to get a new card from discover or your deck or even pinged face and maybe next turn you draw malfunction and clear all his minions?
you need to clear, spell mage doesn't have enough damage mitigation
its odd dk
Personally I would never Void Scriptures turn 2. It's always a mid/late game out for when I don't have a proper answer, but then I always play for value. If he kills you before you have a chance to turn it into free mana then you were likely never going to win that game regardless. What did your mulligan look like? From that opening hand alone I would assume a loss.
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look at mulligan winrate of scripture on hsreplay, its the worst card in the deck to have early. That doesnt mean you should save it for 5 turns, ESPECIALLY when youd intentionally float mana to not play it. Just play it and you see 3 cards from your deck, odds are one of them will be super impactful, even more than the potential void scripture later. Only argument to keep it is because you have reverb and animal companion in hand so you have 33% to pop off, but then you have to ask yourself how much does void scripture matter if you hit the 1 in 3 for the manacheat elemental. Odds are it would win you the game anyway, so its better to play for the other 66% of games which arent secured.

Also in this matchup both players have efficient enough removal to remove each others random shitty minions, so it just comes to throwing 30dmg face, there is no healing or boards to block lightshow, so you dont really need to greed for void scripture and the other spells that double dip on value, that shits there to kill control warriors from 100hp
>play battlegrounds for the first time in a week
>major nerf to beasts
What the fuck? Beasts weren't even good they were viable at best and it was probably the first time they were viable since frogs were released
why are is blizzard such a shit company now
>Beasts weren't even good
nice try
Yeah permanent +14/14 for every deathrattle trigger was so bad. especially with parrot and barron.
None of what you mentioned was even nerfed retard
Oh no bros nobody tell him.
i think somethings wrong with me
the xpac is looking better and better bros
Fucking Shaman killing people from full at six mana what the fuck.
that just means the bar is so low this shit is looking good in comparison to the even shittier shit of the past and present
I'm unironically quitting the game for good because of the art this expansion. I don't see things ever getting any better. I already didn't play at all last expansion but I didn't think I'd quit, but now I'm done for good. Enjoy your "game" that has become nothing but a means for Blizzard's deviant employees to commission professional fanart of their OCs and fursonas. Goodbye.
See ya next week buddy
>7 y ago
i have actually wasted the best years of my life playing a childrens card game
gooning for eudora
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Anon, these posts are pathetic.
>nooo my thread is gonna archive, I need to make a pointless bump post to save it!!
Please just let the thread die, stop bumping this shit when it's on page 10 not even halfway to the bump limit. Even as I type this the thread has already plummeted back to page 7. There's probably less than a dozen people who actually post in this general regularly. Go to reddit, the only other place on the internet where Hearthstone is discussed, and there's barely 200 people there during peak reveal season. Just let go, man. It's over. Hearthstone is dead.
gooning for >>483971689
i will be whaling for lynessa signature
remember when they printed a tentacle package for rogue and then killed tier 3 tentacles because it was unfun to lose against while turn 6 OTK shaman was perfectly fine?
Please let the new Mage deck be viable.
I'm sorry bro it’s the only winning play this class has. For some godforsaken reason they kneecap elementals with the chain requirement and gut the only yellow cards in the yellow card deck despite burn having always been faster and more reliable than either of them.
>reno at 50.05% winrate?
>that's too much
>tier 1 all aggro?
>sounds fair and balanced
Holy fuck this is a joke
>My Hero
>Discover a Naga

>Opponents Hero
>Discover a Naga spell

LMFAO not even close.
you guys weren't joking about new arfus being dogshit
lost 1k mmr in BG this weekend
gained 150 gold in xyrella puzzle this weekend
Played SNAP this weekend
I roll new game untill It's an undead lobby because that's the only tribe I know how to play.
Wait the twist decks are free? Why is the gamemode so buried then?
not free for the cardless peasants, like me
standard-tards DE'd their entire collection and can't play it
What the fuck why did no one tell me about twist. I literally hoped wild would be this where it's just all theme decks.
current season was pretty dogshit until the recent decklist changes so you weren't missing much
what are some lgbt-friendly decks?
All reno decks.
Rainbow DK, Rainbow Mage
anything that doesn't involve an otk combo
highlander priest
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More pain warlock support
>If you've won.
>Win more.
>print deathrattle support >>483867342
>put the big deathrattle minion behind a battlecry
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>party planner
why overlap the theme so much with the expansion before? Why is this here?
>we're just gonna keep cramming slow expensive shit into warlock with no support
we did this last xpac, maybe just add some good demons instead?
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Why shivarra are so hot?
Wait what the fuck why does warlock get cards that synergize with their existing cards?
>maybe just add some good demons instead?
I'm still waiting for them to remove demon tag from Sargeras
blizzard expects you to keep him in ETC i guess
>every dev in charge of warlock just wants to make pain lock cards or cool endgame cards, but not actually cards that bridge big warlock there
100% a woman
they also work with the rogue weapon, and death knight can attack to use them
Sorry, you are playing pain lock forever now.
are you really sorry
Sorry I went to bed. I would have kept either the rune or the glyph for some kind of turn 2 play. Aggressive mulligan for the weapon is good but keeping 1 card that guarantee's a decent play early is better. Both cards give you options for multiple turns so it doesn't hurt as much if you wind up getting situational/late shit like you did in >>483950257 .
Also in >>483951162 that naga isn't quite the monster you think it is. Sure it could pop up to 3 or 4 damage, but then the DH is basically out most of their hand. It's only threatening if you let it live forever since it resets back to 1 after every turn. All that's to say using stargazing and not trying to get the double cast off it was objectively bad, pinging the 1/3 into future heat wave is decent, as would just throwing lightshow if only 2 hp got dropped on the board.
having a zero mana hero power the entire game is pretty cool ngl
So cool they had to rotate Genn and Baku a year early
is there a way to afk for exp still or is it dead for real this time? im not paying money to play this game
see >>482435805
kino for rogue when you ping something with daggers
not if you don't want to risk your account
Trash. Reddit value card.
Very bad. The entire point of cards like Molten Giant and Horror is that you can quickly rush them down to zero mana as early as possible. This requires you to play your self damage cards and also save 2 mana left over just to get not so big idiot on the board. This would need Rush to be worth playing, there's too much you have to invest into this card for not enough payoff.
Not bad but probably not good enough to be worth playing. Very good in arena.
monk 2024
evoker 2026
trust the plan
How do you beat C'thulhu as other twist decks? You get to OTK range insanely fast due to the passive and you have one mana instakill clears.
>Enemy Reno priest BMs
>I start to rope every turn changing this 5 minute game into 20

It's just that easy folks
im sure the *reno priest* player hates the long games where he eventually wins
a year ago, priest games used to be 40mins minimum
Control mirrors are so fucking aids. Holy fuck It's just endless unending full hands of value.
Like take me back to when putting an 8 drop in your deck was greedy holy shit.
Every time I think this game is in the worst state its ever been in they show me up
Old Gods. Now that was a meta with win conditions.
I miss playing tempo Mage with Rhonin. It was greedy as fuck but I loved those game against warrior and priest where I fucking pyroblast them with arcane missiles. I even ran that really bad 7mana arcane missile when it came out. I loved going just a little bit greedier with my decks. I feel like I can't do that now because by default everyone is going infinite.
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>can't handle a little banter so i get really pissy
>proceed to waste both of our time to "own" him
you sound white
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>squelched after saying hello
>gets killed on turn 3

lmaoooo Wild is based
>first game on healing priest
>vs hunter
oh nononono
>thread dies in the middle of reveal season
this game is so fucking done
It could be worse, the Overwatch general is just gone. It was being kept alive by a single guy running a spambot and I think he must have been banned.
Does Blizzard have any games that are actually doing well right now? Is WoW still kicking?
i'm surprised coomer art didn't keep it going
Just started playing Heroes of the Storm. Think I'll main Siege tank.
There's still people making Overwatch porn, but it's started to be totally overrun with AI slop.
Found the HotS general. It's been up since last year LOL.
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The entire meta is a fucking disaster. At this point, the apology letter from the start of the expansion isn’t enough. Bring on the apology poems, videos, and signature cards of Team 5 caricatures wearing dunce caps. The game is just not fun in this state, simple as.

I hated Doomkin’s design the moment I saw that card, because I always figured that if it’s ever good, the game just stops being fun. And now we have mega ramp into Doomkin into Marin and the opponent has zero mana to stop the Druid.

And actually, fuck it, let’s go further. Almost every goddamn deck in the meta feels terrible to play against. Rogue tries to high roll you with 1 mana spells and other randomly generated options. Warlock tries to mana cheat their opponent to set up a huge board early. Demon Hunter combines Aggro with mana cheat and prays to hit Magtheridon. So many times, you’re praying that your opponent didn’t generate something random, and it’s not fun. The game needs a huge overhaul. They promised player agency and we have less agency than ever.
>It was being kept alive by a single guy running a spambot and I think he must have been banned.
pouring one out tonight for Kirikoposter. blizzard really did a number on that game. 8 years ago that was probably the most fun game I've ever played
that is our future
OK now both druid and warlock have a 1mana 3/3 while mage still doesn't have a one drop.
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reddit isn't happy!
if they gave us something other than faggot or furry shit to look at for the card art i'd take that. at least I before i could have just stared at jaina's tits while getting raped.
yeah I saw they gave the bikini skin to the furries
you can still sneak a glance at valeera's tits through her hair
>HotS and HotS 2.0
>OW and OW2
>warcraft reforged
>diablo phone debacle
It's honestly hilarious how them doing nothing has kept this game cemented for this long
They did classic but that got fucking canned. It's really a miracle this game has any playerbase still.
i mean this game fucking sucks but you have literally no other option if you want a cazzie online digital card game (die snapfags)
there are 100 hero shooters now so nobody has to play overshart, plus that game might have worse balancing than hearthstone
there's literally nothing wrong with druid having so much ramp
wow and diablo are doing good because they moved all the competent people there.
>There's still people making Overwatch porn, but it's started to be totally overrun with AI slop.
the only good OW porn was the 3d stuff anyway and the AI can't produce that yet.
>there's literally nothing wrong with druid having so much ramp
It's not the ramp, it's basically making you skip turns because the mana system is foundationally stupid. You cannot miss a mana as any class but druid because no one else has any ramp.
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>come back after 3 years solely to play battlegrounds
>get to see people in here complaining about the main card game being as shit as it always has been
Is it me or most new cards are absolutely boring as fuck ? It feels just like “HUH BIG STATS” or “HUH BUFF STATS”
In comparison to the Titan expansion this is seriously lame as hell
I haven’t played hearthstone since the launch of the toy story expansion, and I think I will just ditch this summer slop one
Battlegrounds is still kinda fucked right now. Ghoul nerf was valid but I don't understand why they let the 1 star 4/5 remain untouched in a meta where winning a match is +2 gold with buddies.
Imagine paying for BGs or constructed in 2024 when you could be an arena main and recycle your extra gold into infinite hero portraits and golden cards for free.
If you play mage, druid or priest you should have the back of your head repeatedly stomped until you go limp
the biggest nu dev problem is that they design fun for one person only. even in battlegrounds that's the case. one or two people are having fun while the rest are to be farmed by them. blizzard used to be fantastic at avoiding this. but whoever replaced the old devs just does not get it. every single powerful card is ruining the opponents day by preventing them from playing cards, stealing their cards, taking away their mana or cheating out an ammount of stats that they can only deal with by cheating themselves. horrid game design
Any good mech decks rn?
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Pretty sure this is the most filthy battleground board I got this meta
>Somehow Druid has become the strongest deck again
Hmmmm. Who could have seen this fucking coming?!
it has been the strongest deck for over a week now, the fact that they nerfed all the other good decks (+reno) fucked the meta even more
turns out having more mana than your opponent to abuse neutral cards is pretty good
The addition of Marin is huge as well.
>opponent waits for me to reno before playing sargeras
>I'm playing priest
>simply summon my own sargeras, with stronger imps
I don't care if other people hate playing against Highlander, it's fun for me and that's all that matters
Seriously. If you low roll after a on turns 3 to 4 you are giga fucked because all low tier units are garbage. So you start taking 15 from the people who tripled into a strong 4 or found decent tier 3 units. It's like how mid tier dragons are so over tuned compared to like murlocs and pirates. I fucking hate this meta because its just shop rng.
the devs are so bad at their job its just criminal. also literally over half the heros are DOGSHIT so not buying the pass is suicide if you care about ranking up
Buddies are even more fucked.
They make the good heroes consistently good and the bad one consistently bad.
this, the tickets literally pay for themselves, assuming you were gonna use that gold for packs anyway and you're not a complete shitter that goes 0-3 every run
take the arena pill
>do well
>lose points
I don't understand this system
That hero is pretty free wins. You cannot lose on him unless you mess up.
Just rolled the girl who gets free attack +1 on all her minions after every kill. This will pair well with my super secret undead strategy of reborn deathrattles + avenge procs.
That hero is high the roll.
If you miss your first 3 turns, you basically cannot recover. High your first 3 turns, and it is an easy win.
The only interesting cards shown so far were the rogue cards, everything else just looks like it's going to be boring cancer.
Let me break it down for you:
>Druids tend to the balance of nature
>Nature obviously includes the land itself
>Druids theme this expansion is location based
>Druid legendary combines "Tending to the land" and "A cruise captain" by having you summon 2x locations

Hope that clears things up
Party planner has more to do with a holiday thematically than it does with a toy shop
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>Last month I didn't even bother mantaining my 11 stars streak I kept for more than 2 years
>This month I didn't even bother even getting to Legend
Thank you Reno. Thank you childish expansion themes. Thank you death of afking. I'm almost free.
>Fun cards
>Bikini skins
>Beach episode
Is this the kino expansion?!
If you're a gay furry lmfao.
its the death of hearthstone
>C.ora disregards themes and lore
How flavorful.
LMAO she had the gall to name the card after herself
we are TRULY playing cora's personal theme park adventure. not even a fucking joke anymore
sorry bitter little chuddies, this is coras game now :)
When did Cora win the Hearthstone World Championship?
I don't remember that episode.
Why are people so upset
Its a beach vacation themed expansion

Did you plebs complain during MSOG when they just took a shanty town in Tanaris and made it into 1920s Chicago?
Or took a single netherstorm quest npc and turned him into the head of a mad scientist laboratory company in Boomsday?
I know this discussion is tired as fuck, but this literally is Cora's game now (and all her pudgy, effeminate, deviant coworkers too). It's crazy how immediate the dropoff in quality was once these freaks seized control of the dev team. They're not designing the game to be Hearthstone anymore, they're designing it to be their game, full of their favorite wacky references and zany inside jokes. You can barely even call them a dev team, it's a clique of friends who happen to be getting paid to do the bare minimum to keep a video game afloat.

When people talk about this being the "worst timeline" they have no idea how right they actually are. In another universe maybe the dev team was a clique of WoW nerds, or people who were really passionate about Hearthstone, or literally anything else other than what we have right now. But no, we're stuck with Cora and the Funky Bunch and their vision for what Hearthstone should look like and play like. This is a direct consequence of Blizzard's hiring practices over the past decade and now we're stuck living with the mess they've created.
This, literally this. So much this. These chuds need to let people h*ckin' enjoy things!!
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>Did you plebs complain during MSOG when they just took a shanty town in Tanaris and made it into 1920s Chicago?
No, because back then Hearthstone actually looked like a Blizzard game and not a Supercell game.
This is the point redditors like you always conveniently ignore. Yes, there have always been goofy settings in Hearthstone and things that aren't totally WoW accurate. What separates those past expansions from what we're getting now is the quality of execution. Old Hearthstone expansions were a perfect blend of creepy and goofy. Modern Hearthstone is 99% goofy because the developers are manchildren who think "subverting expectations" is the pinnacle of comedy and have no understanding of subtlety or moderation.
if brode was still at the helm hearthstone card art would still have traces of warcraft in it, not like this overly cutesy faggot slop that looks ai generated half the time
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is this enough for 11 stars on EU? I am tired boss..
just make a zoolock
EU is more competitive so no.
Probably not, you'd need at the very least around ~1500 rank, and below 1000 if you want to be absolutely sure.
You joke, but they legitimately wanted to do an expansion like that during Brode's time.
They said it was an idea floating around during one of their "brainstorm" sessions, and very close to actually being chosen.
put monk in the third pic
trust the plan
>cactus contract rolls a broken minion on turn 1
>druid literally wins the game based on this
how can you design cards like this?
Go there, look at the total and divide it by 10. At the time of this post it's 1981.
Thats just the titans expansion if you really think about it hard enough
It’s going to be really funny when blizzard makes that Dragonflight expansion for. Hearthstone considering how much THAT expansion got ragged on for being a PBS filler episode of an expansion (oh but it’s not total dogshit like Shadowlands so clearly it’s 10/10 better than WotLK)
It's simply extremely unfun to play, doesn't matter if I'm playing druid or paladin, this thread's boogeymen, it's simply not worth it.
I give up then. I hate this meta too much
Hearthstone in 2024
With all the freaks already working at Blizzard, it's only a matter of time before some ABDL/ageplay fetishist takes the reigns. Pretty sure most furfags are already into that shit.
just deinstalled after playing against a druid who played double doomkin and double marin among about a dozen other insane discovered cards
the state of the game is so depressing and boring
cora was a mistake
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finally hit 10k. Do you proud of me,bros?
Two months ago, I couldn't tell which minions did what and had to asked /hsg/ for some popular builds to get thing going.

Moral of the story is don't pick trash heroes and don't buy trash units. That's all you need to learn. Before patch I lost ~800 MMR because I picked trashes. Post patch, hero pool is less imbalance than before. Ghoul is still denutz.

I still have no idea how to play pirate and elemental because of shit ping and low apm. Never won a lobby with them.
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OP here, thank you to whoever recommended Noita in the previous thread. I had forgotten that games can be fun and challenging.
i'm very close to being completely free from HS, but the reveal season so far is not in its favor.
terrible terrible card design. awful.
You don't have to replace it with another game, just stop playing.
How can pozzard fix Hearthstone?
End of support and disband the team.
Let them make a new team if they want to make a new hearthstone.
brode is always proud of you anon :)
just let it die. the game sucks shit, there aren't any tits anymore, it is nothing but furrys and fat fag shit. women ruin everything let it die.
Vicious being subtle about his Druid card reveal may or may not be related to dragon Druid. Yay.
>dragon archetype
>in vanilla kino big lategame sticks with a strong game changing effect
>women take over
>weird lizard shit and tiny whelps for aggro decks
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nice fucking cancer blizzard
really wish all people involved with balancing the game would get terminal cancer and die already
>actually don't see reno anymore
was the 10 mana really the straw that broke the camel's back?
yeah reno wasnt in a great spot outside of warrior even before the nerf, the changes were the nail in the coffin
Can't have the only classes with non-stat dependant removal be playable in druidstone.
at least with reno dead hearthstone is finally good
Mage has two legendaries that let them cast a big spell at the same time but neither of them can match the power level of any neutral lategame options. That's kind of crazy huh.
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Don't let there terrible expansion theme and even worse art distract you from the fact that the exciting "new" mechanic is literally just a less intuitive dual class card system.
The original patches art was already wayyyy too cartoony for WoW/Wc3 to begin with. You think old expansions were full of "old skool warcraft sovl" and it was already whacky cartoony shit in comparison to sam didier art
honestly what shocks me the most is that this is the big "10th birthday" year. this is the best of the best they could come up with. just imagine how 2025 will look like
ZachO sounds like the type of player who fucking adored Year of the Gryphon standard and is bitter that we can’t go back.
it was better than this braindead garbage
least disingenuous redditor
Regardless of what the aggrotards tell you no one was playing Reno. On my way to legend all I faced was paladin and warlocks. 0 Reno decks all aggro. This was before the nerf to 10.
I'm still seeing in Druid since it ramps to 10 easily and Warrior since the class is so good at staying alive.
what are some fun cheap meme decks?
ogre rogue is "relatively" cheap, but it's also kind of shit
I don't think they exist anymore. Everything is a combo synergy which means If you don't have all the pieces you aren't in for a good time.
top 5 cards of the set so far
casino mage, just gotta discover the fun cards first
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200 people? well, you see, if a card is revealed or a hs personality dies it will get 600-700 upvotes and if a gay-trans cardback is announced it will get 1500 upvotes, so checkmate bigot, there are 1500 people caring about hs on reddit... unless they are the usual gang of bots that upvote that crap... but no way reddit would be full of bots.
But for real: even on reddit the numbers are so low that it is somewhat absurd when every single commend is positive, written in a nice way using many words.... almost... like ChatGPT....
Blizzard wouldn't post on reddit via shell accounts and use bots to upvote. This is impossible.
>at least with reno dead hearthstone is finally good
but it isn't, aggro metas always end up with many people quitting the game and never coming back due to the fact that no one wants to gamble on losing to the queue. It isn't and never has been fun, aggro is cancer, malignant game killing cancer.
I didn't get 11 star bonus, its joever
>100% a woman
Nah it's definitely the aggro tard pro players they hired, that's an efficiency strategy.
daily reminder that aggro sissies won and there is nothing you can do about it
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Kek why is this still here. I don't fucking want it.
New month just started and already I have faced two bots with keysmash names
Think I'll wait a few days for all the Druidtards to get their undeserved legend before I queue ranked.
What was your rank?
doomkin is a real nigger card
Yeah doomkin kind of makes druid a really forgiving deck to play. If they whiff on the ramp they still get to play this and reset your turns as If they ramped.
I only play aggro-lite
Are there just not bonus stars past a certain rank or something? I've won 7 games and a row and havent gotten a winstreak bonus
Not if you haven't played in a long time. Takes like 100 games to reach legend without streaks if you win every game.
I'm Diamond 4 with 3 stars and debating whether I should play until I hit Legend before the reset or just not care about the 1 (one) extra pack I would get
no winstreak stars after D5. normal bonus stars are entirely dependent on your previous season's rank
that's aggro
but it's freeeeeeeeeeee
It's not aggro my deck has removal
have we seen all the neutral legendaries? do we know who the shitty free reward track one is?
I hit legend mid last month with Execavate Paladin. I am NOT excited one bit to play this new fucked up Druid meta. I have been playing BGs lately which is it own clusterfuck. Hearthstone is so cooked.
Is Zilliax the modern day doctor boom?
no my doctor boom resummoning my zilliaxes is the modern day doctor boom
>Druid's worst matchup is Druid
This is how you know the meta is fucked
very balanced
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>handbuffy sissy
you deserve it
>end of the season
>didn't even make it out of bronze
feels good man
>trying to justify turn 4 lethal
my shop is empty because I bought everything :(
I will continue to play Highlander until they ban Reno from Standard
The illidan paypig skin may be the first paypig animated skin that doesn't look terrible. I still can't believe how bad the previous ones look.
makes me sad sheriff jaina was the last coomer skin we will ever get
I will continue to relentlessly target highlander until they ban Reno from standard.
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Surely this won't lead to any broken stuff
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Controlbros we're so back
rolled by sludgelock
how long until someone claims that's racist against polynesians
there's barely shit you can do with this right now.
this is insane though.
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Very good card in egg decks
>there's barely shit you can do with this right now.
No problem impbro
And final le epic callback
>fat fuck zeddy will die in your lifetime
I'm so fucking happy bros
>7 mana and 2 cards to summon a 4/4 and 2 6/6s, one of those cards is a legendary and the other is completely unplayable outside of the combo
by time you have 7 mana, its the turn in response to whatever druid did with 10 mana (played a 0 mana 5/7 that summoned a 5/5 with taunt, then a 0 mana 3/4 with taunt, then a a 10 mana 6/6 that drew 3 cards from their deck and reduced their cost to 0)
how many different warlock hero powers are there?
this card always gives 1 mana life tap no matter what.
>at least with reno dead hearthstone is finally good
Right? i fucking love Aggrotard metas where every deck I face is a mouthbreathing drooling faggot who only knows how to play 1 deck emoting me like he won the world championship after vomiting his hand on turn 3 with out having to worry about resource manage or anything. Yeah, you are right. The meta is saved.
i'm not reading all of that you whiny faggot
it's the worst looking expansion ever. This game is so done for. I hope they don't expect players to spend money on this trash because otherwise they are in for a disappointement
Too busy sucking dick?
you mean to tell me you aren't hyped by the set theme of
>characters from previous expansion, on a beach
and the brand new mechanic of
>dual class cards, gated behind a legendary this time


fuck cora
fuck Celestalon
fuck all the devs
fuck this game
fuck Blizzard
They are held alive by whales.
I do my part and concede against whales to make them feel bad for playing the game and stop.
around 2400 EU
You can try again. Will probably be harder this season since now it is MMR based instead of star based. Have fun climbing to legend fighting people around your MMR while Average Joe with a similar 10* rating climbs faster than you.
wtf am i supposed to do against 5 iridescent skyblazers
>sneedlock insta-scoops after my turn 1
I actually laughed loudly
What CEMENTED us so hard?
gargoyle porn
Reno, Lone Ranger
renoshit, boring expansion, quest changes, no arena changes for half a year, afking nerf, another boring expansion
First and foremost: Letting an idiot woman in charge
Then Reno shit, a card should have never existed
And finally but not last the brutal murder of AFKing, the last way to avoid Blizzard scamming, and that in any way will solve the bot problem, as they said, but only will kill the last chance for players who wanted to remain competitive to get enough resources without getting robbed by Blizzard
And that's it, actually this shit is in life support waiting for the end.
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why aren't you playing the new decks in twist yet anon
thanks for reminding me, anon
standard is cancer, especially on day 1
Ok this is pretty cool.
Its unreal how fucking rng battlegrounds is right now. Like if you don't roll into any of the decent 4 drops you are just beyond fucked. Just had a game where I rolled into garbage every shop while the other faggots already had tier 6 minions at turn 5.
just buy the tavern pass you can play one of the 10 good heros CHUD
Because Twist fucking sucks and they could have just made all this shit for Duels
I'm the snake in yer boot
>Opp plays quest (sneed)
>I play qvest (Open the white gate)
>Opp concedes in shame
Know ur play fuckboy.
Holy fuck. The literal first 10 or so games when I came back to HS where against Mage players using the New legendary on curve.
Can worgen even be demon hunters in wow?
thats not a worgen, thats a furry
worgen are human half the time
is this a joke?
I understand that out of the 340 hearthstone players only about 50 play battlegrounds and only one (me) has ever picked this hero so there was no one to report this but how the fuck do you let this happen
I dont get it
the obvious murloc is a beast cora maybe take your eyes off the burgers and check your cards sometime huh
its a frog not a murloc
>murloc sounds
yeah slit your wrists with your insulin needle
And the other "new" mechanic it's twinspell but thrice.
I thought day 1 was the best bet to rise to legend.
>On my way to legend all I faced was paladin and warlocks
dkshitters and magetards are the most frequent in d4 to d1 which is literally where you spend the most amount of time before entering legend.
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thank god they nerfed reno
>Aggro-lite x5
Yikeronis pepperoni's!!!
how dare good decks exist
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only handbuff and maybe shopper are aggro-lite
tempo druid is midrange
Mage devours all these board decks so I win. It's unfortunate that they all have extreme healing.
Tempo=aggro lite
desu I haven't played the game for three weeks because of all those aggro-lite decks but from reading the decklist tempo druid looks like midrange
is zarimi priest dead?
Nope! 100% aggro-lite.
It's clearly a frog though, not every amphibian is a murloc, stop being specist.
Well i guess this is the dead of this game at least until the new expansion
>nerf most prominent cancer
>next cancer in queue take its place
many such cases
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>20k legend
How can such popular game be so mismanaged? Are they mentally unable to balance this trash game?
You can use it rogue the tourist thing or generate it randomly, in wild you could get your old hp back after playing an hero card or finley
This tourist shit is so weird and horrible i'm afraid of the new expansion
>>nerf most prominent cancer
aggro? can't be reno cause he never had a high winrate
prominent | American Dictionary

very noticeable, important, or famous: She plays a prominent role in the organization. If something is prominent, it sticks out from a surface or can be seen easily: She has a prominent chin/nose.

a lot of people were playing reno warrior before the patch
>MOST prominent
so aggro then. I'd like to play my cards, sissy
if the opponent plays reno just win. the stats reflect that
Season reset but I have no mood to start on the ladder at all. That is how bad the meta is.
i will not stop playing no minion mage no matter how shit it is
I will stop playing no minion Mage at the first opportunity.
I think it's fun too
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>Try tempo druid
>It's absolute ass if you don't draw exactly into ramp whelp into manacheat whelp into doomkin
But that's all druid.
just load the aggro rogue and stop complaining. Bots used and will again in the future reach top 100 legend with it. just do something on the second screen or alt-tab and stop being a baby. Go to work, work and play the aggro rogue on your phone. legend will come.
after I reach legend I just use it to test how viable my meme decks are
Does not matter. This meta is terrible to play.
well, the goal is to not play it. this is literally what i am thinking about - how to still reach legend but use my brain so little I actually spend the time on something more productive.
If I am botting, that means I rather just quit the game
well... i mean... why do we even play?
Sometimes the meta is fun.
I really had fun when combo mage was viable.
decks for this feel?
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decks for this feel?
Any reno deck.
How many games do I have to lose for my MMR to be shit for EZ legend? I really don't want to play this month, just want my rewards
It doesn't work like that. As soon as you get in the 1-3 range it starts rigging it against you.no matter your winrate. The only way to counter this is to start crafting cards when you hit this bracket.
No one was playing reno warrior before or after the patch. Unless you are bronze and retards were trying it there.
I don't know what region you are in but nobody plays mage and dk from diamond to legend. That's like an insta loss to druid and the aggro decks..
hmm lets see from my climb today: there was a dk on wild ladder... he lost but not bad enough, there was an ungoro quest druid - he lost really bad. Ungoro quest druid: you think you are big shit, but you have 10 more years ( 4 turns ) left for you to make your move. If you do not win on turn 5 ( have a kid at 30 ) you better hit that concede button or else you will eat my sh*t. Also just like quest druid, your chances of winning ( having a kid ) are lower than SK's - your win rate is 20%. Your men, just like your minions dying is also not to be celebrated as they are the only thing that protects your precious face from the board of black pirates I am ready to stuff in you.
The deck code for that feeling is https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1424600-ungoro-quest-druid-is-no-joke-this-deck-can-really
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And the code I will use for the educational forced anal is https://hearthstone-decks.net/pirate-rogue-18-legend-cheshire-score-99-18/
no decks are fun to play and I am not memeing
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I've been having fun with tempo druid.
Let's see how long that lasts.
this post was almost two hours ago. anon is fucking dead.
>it's the worst looking expansion ever. This game is so done for. I hope they don't expect players to spend money on this trash because otherwise they are in for a disappointement
I'll probably use my dust to make the fun looking rogue cards and wait and see if the mage ones turn out fun.
Everything else looks awful, that stupid location minion is going to get nerfed hard far too late.
>this thread can go almost 2 hours without a post at peak shitposting hours
FOR ONCE I AM ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME. Not that I would shitpost every day and honestly at this point this whole general is 50% me, but give me some time to reach diamond 5 in wild and then i may consider some shitposting.
>get home from work
>queue up a game
>close game
ill try again tomorrow
I have 28 (you)s - this general is fucking dead. Dead game, dead fandom.
>elden ring dlc
>new anime season
i have no reason to be here
Imagine being an even bigger incel than the average hearthstone player.
played a druid that roped mulligan and turn 1 and I just conceded. waste of time
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i'm not playing until the next VS report. simply a waste of time
So what else are you guys playing these days?
I'm doing a Wrath of the Righteous playthrough with new DLC
only DH decks I ever face use Tony ASAP so they don't have to play their shitty DH deck lmao
elden ring. helldivers with the boys
Balatro and Shin Magoomy
Wow, this update looks like total shit too. I quit after MOTLK came out btw, best decision of my life. I still have like 70K dust that I never used, kinda wish I had looking back...
I miss spell cost reduction yogg
>Wow, this update looks like total shit too. I quit after MOTLK came out btw, best decision of my life. I still have like 70K dust that I never used, kinda wish I had looking back...
Yeah the expansion looks awful outside of rogue, none of it looks the least bit fun and tourist is a pathetic idea.
>biggest twist update
>no one playing
NOBODY wanted Twist. It's even more of a novelty than Duels was, at least people actually played Duels.
Priest is without a doubt THE definitive nigger class. Its entire schtick is literally just stealing your cards. Sick of these faggots using my cards against me but getting extra buffs on top such as multiples of the same card to just use over and over and over and over again. WOW! You ratted me 4 times in a game!! So cool!! So engaging!!! Thanks for your epic design choices Blizzard!! This is totally fun to play against!!!!!!
seethe lol
Fuck off Priest nigger. Your class is made for braindead morons that can only steal cards in order to win. You’re literal scum
maybe you should think twice the next time you play a titan
I just played the sargeras deck vs a marin, pumping that 30 damage spell into his face after all his time wasting with coins felt pretty pretty good.
do I play Highlander Druid or Highlander Death Knight next
Do you think he saw it coming?
Nobody cares about aggro faggots.
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I ended up doing Death Knight
>picture is clearly clearly combo
mfs really put in every single archetype and call it a deck
How did you get 0 mana hero power?
Monk will save this game
By the time they have it ready, the game will no longer exist.
Why the fuck is this worded as "shuffle" when it actually puts it on the bottom?
This will be abused so much.
I expect at least two nerfs.
Anon, I...
>I expect
There is your mistake
whenever something is placed in deck, the deck is shuffled
Look, one of the best parts of constructed play is tweaking and building your deck. Making a ranked mode where you just play pre-built decks feels boring as hell.
This. I collect to experiment and build my decks, i, in not a single way, want to play with what Cora and her bunch of freaks force me to. They ruin the game with shitty balance and then they fuck me with precons? Fuck off
Marin is the good deck that will immediately get -10 Hp.
Turn 10 in twist seems pretty hard though. I actually like the format right now. Decks have a clear way of ending the game and a clear identity for their decks.
by turn 9 marin has emptied his deck completely and is casting ignite at your face 4 times for 30 damage
Place is not the same as shuffle. If you place something on top or at the bottom of the deck, the rest of the deck remains the same.
>supposed to be druidstone
>not queueing into any druids
maybe my mmr is low
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Enjoy your useless legendary, arfus shitters
It's paladin and druid stone for me.

I dont know what deck beats handbuff paladin, every match feels like 50/50
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This card causes so much seethe it's unbelievable. Love copying opponent's Marin on 7 and then Lazul the treasure from his hand.
None because this designers decided until expansion that the meta will be for Handbuff shitters and Druidfaggots, anything else in between must suffer and pray all gods for the crumbs of the meta pie.
>until expansion
you queue into whatever the algorithm thinks you're due to queue into
play a deck that loses to druid a high % of the time and then go on a winning streak. even then, the algorithm might find a different deck to queue you into that your deck loses to
everyone gets fucked differently, just depends on your current algorithm status. part of the reason why no one could ever or will ever prove the rigging
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How is aggrolite real nigga?
Just kill them lemayo.
you couldnt pay me money to play this game right now
We will never have this again Magebros.
All the background rigging that's happening in real time is the reason this game feels so sluggish despite the simple graphics.
Just fucking make apprentice 2 mana again.
C'mon team 5.
Mage can be trusted with 2 mana apprentice. For tempo.
this is literally already good in wild RIGHT NOW with 4 mana apprentice. it manages to pop off on turn 5
It's a meme deck.
All formats can handle apprentice back to 2. Mage is very weak. We need her for tempo, you see.
I do not have ulterior motives.
When you see the shit other decks are doing for tempo 2 mana arcane intellect and an 0/2 taunt aren't really that oppressive.
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Sounds awful
Nice high quality shitpost
Wait, this is real? Did blizz think we liked the anomalies or something???
cho'gall anomaly + genn
I am going to get doomkin'd on turn 2. I hate it already.
This is a much easier way to make the game seem fresh than addressing the myriad of problems that plague it
>hero powers can potentially cost 0/1 with genn and baku
twist bugged? I am only facing marvin the fox. Oh wait he is just OP so no one is trying anything else.
dr boom counters him so just pick him
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more aggro lite slop
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Warlock tourist looks better and better
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Holy fuck that ghoul art is something
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And your boring staple card in all DK decks
More "for the rest of the game" slop because it's so fun and interactive.
this applies to ghouls too right? instantly goes in rainbow dk
do the ghouls not die at the end of turn? seems really strong into an empty board.
Animation cheat mage is plenty strong in wild.
If they ever buff apprentice back to 2 mana, they should also nerf the effect to say
>(but not less than 1)
No, no anon it is a memedeck.
I am not a mage main. I don't have nearly 2k games.
You can trust me. I am not gonna OTK you on T3-4.
>Remember that thing we forced onto ranked for a month? Well we brought it back despite everyone hating it last time!
Holy fuck they actually hate the players
Pretty solid. Cheap enough to play on the same turn as some good deathrattles.
Warlocks getting deathrattle support without having any good deathrattles to play is a fucking joke though.
"for the rest of the game deal more damage" laziest card ever printed
Multi-rune cards were a mistake. Climactic Necrotic Explosion has been a disaster for the Death Knight class
Also if the deathrattle deck ends up being good and you can easily trigger this multiple times this might be broken. A "for the rest of the game" effect that can be repeated/multiplied and can stack should not be in the game. And DK already has a bunch of deathrattle synergy cards to begin with too
Looks good, that's a pretty powerful effect for the cost and stats
Solid card in general. Imagine playing this on an empty board after stacking the Eliza Goreblade buff once or twice
Versatile, good corpse generator and rush is always good
Crazy that Rarran doxxes himself by having his personal email which is his first and last name in the description of his twitch channel
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they need to do a complete restructuring of their dev team. cut all the $150k bloat Cora salaries (they're morons anyways) and hire some young dudes at $75k per with one $200k giga nerd director to lead. current hearthstone team sucks ass. drop the DEI hiring and rebuild the team
Crazy you care
>they need to do a complete restructuring of their dev team. cut all the $150k bloat Cora salaries (they're morons anyways) and hire some young dudes at $75k per with one $200k giga nerd director to lead. current hearthstone team sucks ass. drop the DEI hiring and rebuild the team
Need to cut the fucking aggro player losers they hired from their "professional" league first. They're likely the reason aggro slop is so prevalent and never runs out of resources.
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Sudden freeze support
Also location looks scary
>page 10
free at last
its over, anomalies finally killed /hsg/
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>remember Duos?
>p-please play Duos
i can't wait for this game to crash and burn at last so cora will be deservingly unemployed and homeless
>15 damage for 4 mana
I want to go back to when 6 mana pyroblast was considered op.
>please play our game! it's FUN!
>engagement metrics at an all time low
someone bake. anomalies are fun edition :^)
Give Snow Shredder rush and it might actually be playable
I'm glad that all the cards in this expansion look like complete shit. now I can go back to opening titans packs
baking. give me couple of mins

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