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Previous: >>483672815

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik [Embed] (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI [Embed] (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA [Embed] (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
sniffing clorindes behind
sniffing clorindes shitter
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i want mommy nahida
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Fontaine flopped
I don't know why, but I'll tell you this.
Fontaine has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content there you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is a sunk cost fallacy which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Stop arguing about Fontaine now and filter this region. There is nothing there but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments about it. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each over. Nobody is instersted in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Both Fontaine defenders and critics are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter their buzzwords you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This region is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you spam sales charts every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to emotionally defend your narrative by confrontational posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interacton. This region is slowly poisoning you with tribalism, narcissism, deranged headcanons surrounding the developers, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling to drop the game. I'm not even telling you to stop calling people worms or doomcucks. Just ignore Fontaine. Talk about anything else
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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sex with alhaitham
They should remove TCG from the game.
burying my nose in clorindes buttcheecks
>can't trade cards with other players
wormney flopped btw
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Sex with Charlotte.
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um, nyo
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>lost coinflip 3 times in a row
I fucking hate this scam.
Which gacha are you from? I might take a look if I have time.
Introduce more gems and ranks and I'll try your card game
i finally beat elden ring bros time to pull for siggy now
give me primo rewards for it, then, mr. wei
why not play wuwa? it's both games combined
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I can finally do these without swapping teams.
Siggy is useful alright
>Nier sidegrade
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Natlan hype level status?
you realize furina has both arkhes right
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Stop begging
wuwa is too hard cant overlevel and cheese with mimic
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>wuwa is elden ring but with lolis
i hate chinks maybe when they give me real characters ill play your game
Its balloon shooting daily
algorithm tailored to your preferences
speaks volumes
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Chink Ayaka flopped
>genshin is zelda but with lolis
didnt they have a big character tommorow? why does wormslethey have more hype
guys how do i build wriotesley
This is fucking CUTE

Vishap's pet....
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I defeated Gay Radahn with mimic and a shield.
I beat lv6 holograms with perfect dodge cheese.

I'm just a better gamer than both of you "ethical gamers."
No wonder this buddypoke flopped
MH 4pc EM Cryo Crit
Best team is melt/burnmelt, freeze is underwhelmingas it always was
what is a buddypoke
Newbie here. Any Genshin Impact stages which feel very CBT?
you guys also get off the boat to shoot the balloons? feels quicker than wait for the damn boat to do it's scenic tour
Is it Diluc?
Reminder that Nahida turned Wormderer into a willing indentured servant and slave and has him doing research, writing essays for Vahumana and running errands for her.

Based radish loli.
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Raiden who?
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Damn, weeb moids' reaction pics are even cringier than weeb girls' with they/them pronouns
They don’t even know who Furina or Aether are or what game it is judging by the comments
kill yourself psychopath
I would never play unplayable MMO trash like WuWa
every coop subhuman should leave to play that cancer and never return though
it has everything you disgusting scum want: mandatory forced coop for artifacts, mounts, korean MMO-level grind and high difficulty endgame content for tryhard whales
go play that evil trash instead of trying to destroy Genshin
fuck multiplayer as a concept
orkut's version of gaia's avatars
remember that Sigewinne can steal Neuvillette's Dragon Balls in co-op
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I was thinking of skipping this patch BP for WW BP instead but decided to stick with GI BP in the end.
All the shitposting and hate aside I still prefer this game.
Hang in there brosis.
We need PvP
When will they pander to REAL gamers and make the Abyss twice as hard as the current one?
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Ich kann buchstäblich nicht aufhören, an die Prinzessin der Verurteilung zu denken

bennet breeds fischl daily
Real gamers can go play RDR2 instead
>twice as hard
can you clear in 1:30?
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Does this take into account base ER?
So if I had zero ER I'd still get a 25% DMG boost.

even kaveh and furina being meta couldn't make me return to tcg
I love Monsieur Neuvillette...
We love Monsieur Neuvillette...
Reminder that Bennett failed to form an adventurer team because everyone avoids him for his curse and only loosely deal with him from time to time like Fischl does, so he had to learn how to become a damage dealer, a healer and a buffer at the same time to compensate.
I'm done with all tcg content bro
I've never touched pvp though
Sounds like a chad to me
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>play new event
>have to actually use different teams and reactions instead of blooming everything
wtf bros
>from loser with nothing going for him to strongest in the world that everyone wants in their team
fucking based
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All I can think about is Clorinde
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Would unironically play and learn to enjoy it if it gave weekly primos, and also an index for cards with a primo reward for collecting them
I did all PVE tcg stuff but didn't play any pvp cuz of ANXIETY
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I love Neuvillette and I love Siggy.
he also fucks fischl
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I just want to listen to Fischl's chuunislop again.
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>25 days
It's BenneFischl then...?
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Another Floptaine L added to the gallery
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I kriag des Madl einfoch ned ausm Kopf
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Seriously why did they give Clorinde such a massive fat ass?
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Nahida is really sexy.
Made for BWrioC
Literally a shonen protagonist...
I’d rape Fischl in that position
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>Furina's onahole
Doesn't count
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
Okay, but Mona's ass is unrivalled.
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>the Xth Genshin killer... really managed to kill Genshin
huh, who would've thought.
Still, this is a good thing, this general should've been taken down ages ago for being the absolute new low in the whole board (yes, even worse than xivg and gbfg, don't even try to deny it) and these shitty chinks need to be taught a lesson for getting too uppity thinking a game aimed for toddlers could reign over the gacha market.
Goood fucking riddance, I say
I would too but there's Oz to worry about. One Golden Troupe and Stringless enhanced zap and we're finished.
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How is your day going, /gig/gers?
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Hehehe… you call that potato buddypoke a loli genkeks?
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hu tao is soul now
I hate how they paywalled Sigge's kit instead of releasing a working one with some upgrades in consts.
hmm no.
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I just woke up and drank copius amounts of coffee instead of taking my meds
thinking it's a no meds day
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Never seen a single good post with a picture of pink haired girl attached.
You know what sovl is?
C6 Dori
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sigewinne and neuvillette solo abyss
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I'm still mad
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>BAKEK can't even bait
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event inspired me to try a different team on the 2nd side
The Furina Sigeshite banner flopped but what’s even more hilarious is that SigesSHITE flopped 5x harder in her own debut banner. Fuck your toddlers Genshin and stop rehashing 4-star kits into 5-stars.
are you ftm
How good is that first team?
free for all pvp in my teapot
I really hope he's involved in the Natlan story
cons, weapons and build?
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amber but she got upgraded
my gf is a scarayume
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>both c6
Does anyone remember if this bitch is an adeptus like Zhongdong and the others in Liyue or she's just a demon like the other gods and archons?
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Old mega coffee collab
so the scara collab will be somdthing like this.
They often collab with kpop artists too
bro your skyward atlas?
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Very good. nahida is c4. Honestly second team only struggled on the 12-3 and mainly because I'm not used to constant swapping.
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They sabotaged Furina second time
I can't wait for this dogshit region to be over.
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they thought she could sell on her own but alas
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NTA but I have Dori C6, got her to level 80 to make a team but I haven't fully upgraded or committed to it yet. I don't really deserve to spam Dori but I do it anyways for fun.
The same fate as Scaradouche. Mihoyo just doesn’t like femcels
What does a kiss with a Melusine feel like?
adeptus is not a biological classification
its just the term for various non-human sapient entities under the command of rex lapis
like if sara left inazuma for liyue and made a contract with him she would be considered an adepti
One more month anon. Dont count the 4.8 map, its outside of Floptaine.
Well they saw how popular she got despite their best efforts to bury her, so they went at it even harder after 4.2 and clearly succeeded since nobody is rolling for her now. But instead of only killing Furina they killed every character in the region for their OC dragon faggot.
>fuck your toddlers genshin

Dont have to tell me twice.
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Great to finally see you Yelan!
They got too greedy, they could’ve paired her with Arlecchino in 4.6 to earn 10x more but they thought both of them could sell massively on their own LOL
don’t compare scara to floprina ever again
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For me it's Perrie and Clervie
Oh, it seems like you're the guy I asked on the previous thread. My reply was so late, it was when the thread already ended...
Sethos con?
where is shenhe? where is kokomi?
Damn thanks for the clarification lorebro. Now i understand why some NPCs in Chenyu Vale call Paimon the Pigeon Adeptus
Scaradouche flopped harder than Floprina though? LOL
>2 mins with buddypoke at C6R5
>30 secs with GODvillette
Trannymouche has the 2 lowest selling banners in history though.
They will put Shenhe and Wrio in 5.0 for the big meta cryo revival.
It has been foretold.
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She's right here Anon, with me.
Also with me.
now post all her merch
No one talked about the fact that Emilie received no changes which means that she'll stay busted
she is the first goddess who descended on Teyvat
hope you're ready for the xbalanque shilling
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c2 sethos and he uses tighnari's signature. I didn't try him with slingshot yet but I'm planning to switch to it once it's leveled to give signature back to tighnari. Sethos is really fun to use.
HAHAHAHA You're no comedian but your jokes make me laugh
Of course she's going to be strong since she doesn't have anything else going for her, and she's the last character of 4.x so most people would be skipping for the inevitable must roll c2 Archon even if they did like her design.
I've already decided to skip her, so her kit changes or lack thereof don't really matter to me.
I wish Ayaka was as pretty as Firefly...
Is Emilie even less anticipated than Chiori?
HAHAHAHA Cryo will rise again. Snezhnaya is just one year and a month away!
They haven’t released any Fontaine merch yet, Trannyxis. And Alhaitham and Kaveh always outsells your Trannymouche who have 10x more the merch than Scaradouche, despite being a harbinger from that region. The fujos overshadow your failed boytoy
Fun to play or fun to play with?
>inb4 pairing him with any of the archon
Bennett getting sacrificed on the altar so his archon powers going back to shitbalance
>another EQ bot that only has actual gameplay at C6
She is the new Yelan
>Never appeared before her release
>Last new character of the region
>People will skip her for Natlan then regret it
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Bina will put your Arlecchino to shame, you just watch.
Fucking WITNESS it. The Cryo renaissance starts NOW. In 5.4.
>fujo mad
just don’t start spamming gay porn sis! floprina is a massive failure btw
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Happens, early game had shit luck, then I won the last three in a row and got Neuville R1 at the first golden pull, while I got fucked years ago for the Raiden's R1.
People gets what happens to them, not what they deserve.
Archons can't be sabotaged.
Either you sell, or you don't.
Please go away. I never wanna see those stupid men again!
Any new natlan news broski?
Nta but yes Columbina should be on 5.4 or later because 5.3 is reserved for Ping. Good catch anon.
>last new character
You literally forgot Heizou, he's the actual last new character of the region
and also
spot the stupid.
Fun to play. Both his burst and his charged playstyle are fun. I do use him with busted teams but he is not performing much worse than my built c0 Chlorinde.
Wanderer's and Kokomi's rerun numbers on paimon.moe look great compared to floptaine lol
By last character he's referring to the 5*
Floprina flopped but Scaradouche flopped so horribly that he’s an afterthought with his banner rerunning everytime so they can throw him down the eventual Sumeru chronicle banner LOL!
You'd think Furina's rerun would AT LEAST sell as much as Arlecchino, especially considering she's running with a new character (a loli at that even).
But not only did she flop in CN, she flopped in JP too (Clorinde unironically sold better there).
Like, damn, what happened to Fontaine?
no merch and no collabs so don’t even talk to me
Inb4 she gets rekt by Paimon because nobody wears a crown but her.
idk about scara desserts. pretty sure it will be just limited drinks and cup holders.
>he is not performing much worse than my built c0 Chlorinde
now this is something I don't believe
I would've believed you if you'd said Keqing or something
/gig/ is kinda repetitive these days.
Thing is yelan worked in like every team meanwhile emilie works in like one
remember to roll emilie for the pyro archon
Next year when Floptaine starts getting merch what will be your narrative, xister?
>Firefly got a collab first before Furina
What gives?
I thought she was popular?
I keep on thinking that this is a Furina solo banner for some reason
That'll probably smell like lavender desu.
I'm judging by their performance on 12-1, Sethos is somehow coming up really close if not equal, maybe because he is ranged and I have skill issue. Maybe the rotation feels smoother?
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this is cope take.
he's worse, his kit is trash, his damage too.
i think you're lying.
you won’t be alive until then!
Emilie works in mono pyro and burnmelt. She will also surely have good synergy with the Natlan pyro and dendro characters.
But I’m not trans unlike you?
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My gf made me roll for scaraflop
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Speaking which, they have one last chance next week on the livestreams
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What are the best teams for Furina?
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>bina' sword
via Uncle TrustMeGuys
No one believes your lies. Cope and Seethos.
you need to remember he is carried by c6 fish and c4 nahider in my team. Almost any well built electro would do well there.
>skipping dendro yelan
idk sis i’m not the one who mentioned the word tranny 4 times already…
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charlotte was the best fontaine girl
>c6 furina
>favorite anemo character
>filler dps
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W-what happened?
How will you remember Fontaine… the lowest selling region with the highest number of 5-stars?
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I got back in the game after 3 years just to get Furina
I rolled for Furina
I got Furina
I almost finished Sumeru storyline
can't wait to enter Fontaine and witness her story
I love her so much bros she's perfect, perfect
Horse Pussy...
Too powerful...
WuWa went end of service
I mean you might be right, considering a large portion of that team's damage is coming from Fischl anyway so the on-field electro might not play that big of a role.
Though I'm sure that if you were to compare their personal damage on their own, Clorinde would be massively ahead.
I'm not advocating for playing the homo. He came out same patch as Chlorinde and there is literally no need to build him unless you have nothing better to do.
If there's one thing Japan loves more than cunny, it's horsepussy.
Hu Tao/Furina/Yelan/Xianyun
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>burgers woke up
>salesposting starts
Oh no ahahsh
she won
>cryo character
>french sword
>elemental mastery
so much wrong
>only Charlotte and the incest twins are relevant in Fontaine
>Genshin so dead that HI3 was revived
Paimon is reading her mind here
Can't be burgers, those are cow meat. The resident sales poster outed himself on twitter, he's using the same graphs.
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The Fuck is this Fighting Event with those TRASH/Nicche Reactions?
What is the Plan behind this?
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Eula, Raiden, Furina, Charlotte.
you will never fuck your genshin
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How little you understand
she's made for me
she is literally my wife
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The only Fontaine chara I can imagine getting one is Furina. Chiori could have been perfect for this but she's unpopular as fuck.
Can't make this shit up.
but his kit revolves around CA
such as his burst considered as CA damage
he can't use fischl
are you that stupid?
>Clorinde lasted longer than Siggy
As opposed to a normal contact?
They love shotabussy more than horsepussy
floprina isn’t popular enough to get one either because nahida got hers on june 15th of last year
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who is dendro yelan?
Pretty good today, having a lot of fun finishing up my exploration of the Chasm. Someone said this subregion was exploration kino and I have to agree, the references to Dark Souls are fantastic too.
How are you doing Yanfeianon?
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Navia clothing line.
You know it to be true.
The one(s) that sold
>Furina (4.2)
>Neuvillette (pre 4.2)

>All the reruns
>All the skins
>Lowest views
>Lowest fan engagement
>Lowest playercount
>Allowed WUWA to spawn
>No collabs
>No promo
>Mihoyo focuses on promoting HSR and ZZZ
>Start abandoning Genshin to develop open world MMO Honkai
>Abandon Genshin to fund nuclear power reactors
>Fat Xiao’s food intake reduced by 68%

What FUCKING went wrong?
you mean baizhu?
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Naganohara Yoimiya sucks
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Is the Flute a good sword for Furina? It feels like a musical sword would suit her well
Has there been a quicker flop than WuWa?
Lawbreakers or Battleborn?
Fontaine flop status?
gosh, Ganyu is so pretty with that modern look.
she reminds me of that library girl on BA, which i also love her design.
i love covered up woman so much.
Write something no gigger has ever written.
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proof that gacha arpg has always been a niche market and was only boosted by covid
tof, wuwa and gi are all flopping
>forced to be paired with a pyro
yeah not even close
Where's the HaiKaveh one?
I thought they represent Sumeru?
Yeah Nahida and Wanderer got theirs around this time of the year last year. Still nothing on Fontaine charas. At this rate I'm expecting Nilou or Kokomi to get one first
She got hardmogged by Arlecchino
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>Wriothesley immediately dies to burning even through Thoma's shield.
Emilie can't come sooner!
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How do you feel about Natlan being based on Mexico?

>One of Natlan tribes is named Nanatzcayan

>Nanatzcayan in Nahuatl means "the place where it clashes."
>It may be named after Ilhuicatl-Nanatzcayan, the heaven of storms from the Thirteen Heavens in Aztec mythology.
>In the name of the Aztec heaven (also known as Ilhuicatl-Itzapan-Nanatzcayan "the sky where obsidian stones clash in water"), the "clashing" alludes to the noise preceding hailstorms.


You guys know Mihoyo, they are kinda into the Aztec mythos, look at some enemies in Honkai Impact 3, Tlaloc, Tonatiuh, Mexicatl, etc.

The Phonetics is Nahuatl. And honestly mesoamerican architecture is the more stylish choice to change things around in Teyvat.

You also have Tenoch, Xbalanque, etc referring to Mexica culture

Not surprising, Mexico is the most important Latin American country
I already did
Siggy is only good for sex
just like yelan herself right?
if its not hutao team, she has no value.
get what, some shitty plastic keychain? dogshit tier merch lmao
sumeru fagboy clothing line was a massive failure (but our resident fujos aren’t ready to admit that)
they’re just not popular it’s rly not that deep
but you are my genshin...
I really love Genshin Impact.
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>Fat Xiao’s food intake reduced by 68%
Millions of starving chinese people now able to be fed.
Anon, Wanderer reran with Kokomi in 3.8, and Nahida reran with Nilou in mid April which was 3.6
>comparing vape to fucking BURNING
yeah ok bro
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God, I wish Yelan can heal, shield, and buff the team all at the same time...
Who the fuck uses a bag, that's what pockets are for.
but how much genshin merch have YOU bought?
it’s not a gotcha moment like you think it is sis when their merch couldn’t sell out unlike ex. scara’s that got sold out in like, 5 minutes
where is Yelan? /gig/ told me she's popular
where is Shenhe?
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Honestly? Based.
I've been in Yucatan last summer, shit is so fun and lots of ruins reminiscing of TOTK
what is this picture depicting, some kind tcg meta shitfuckery?
i bought my gf the wanderer drip
>He doesn't know about women's pocket dilemma.

Burgers woke up, dooming begins

Genshin just isn’t growing, it’s natural for every live service game.

Natlan will have even lower fan engagement

Snezhnaya might spike a bit because of Tsaritsa is people still give a shit about the game
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I agree.
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>cheaply made PU leather bag
This is going to be some real fucking dogshit, isn't it.
the fact that emilie is just an E bot with high personal damage is why they were able to push the numbers on her kit so much
she's not someone you can actually build teams around
I know you’re butthurt about them for some reason but Kaveh and Alhaitham’s merch did sell out and a second batch was set up for September
She is Fat Xiao's gf now
I expected Furina's to appear by now, but there's no news at all.
Even worse, the merchs that are being shilled this patch is mostly Sumeru-centric.
What happened to Fontaine???
she is an actress who is now a director.
not a musician
when is Koko rerun?
>HI3 Part 2 flopped so hard the writers retcon'd it as an elaborate brain in a vat experiment
>6 years plan down the drain because of low sales
>They are bringing Kiana back, with bigger tits this time
>Only two years after the godawful plot full of holes and asspull ending that was part 1
Proving once again that Mihoyo's storywriting is fucking shit and their weakest point as a company.
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I'm writing a book about /gig/
In the Inazuma chronicle banner that will never come
so what should we do with her if you can't build teams around her? just to confined her inside your garage called teapot?
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Natlan needs to bring the SOVL back.
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he's him
>50k pieces of wanderer’s clothing selling out in mere minutes vs some ugly bags barely selling
i wish i was as delusional as you fujos you seem content living in your little bubble
like 4-5 cheap plushies and a couple keychains from aliexpress for my sister
>Genshin is so dead that even Hi3 got revived
What timeline are we living in.
Imagine fumbling an anticipated popular character with a popular VA like Furina. Imagine also fumbling one of the most popular harbingers from the Winter Lasso trailer, Arlecchino. Fat Xiao really needs to get his head checked.
is sethos good
the pie chart is the decks people played
you can see the constipated beast deck was played in 52% of all games, with the next highest being 6%
it also somehow has the highest winrate out of all the decks in the top 5 by a wide margin
tl:dr the deck is fucking op
>going to south america in xiv
>going to south america in genshin
Sega cancelled that hyenas game before it even came out when the prealphastresstestbeta flopped and there's a few Amazon games where it happened too
than I just roll Sigg
Pajeetmeru is soulless fagshit though.
Reminder that Emily is one of the few viable users of Calamity Queller.
Good for the anons who find themselves stuck with it but no Shenhe.
well I hope you like playing lyney
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I wish I could get this fat cat
that is an exceedingly cute screenshot
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Raiden pags?
I wish cargo skirts existed
Europe hates Genshin.
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missed a (You)
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She is literally the Queen of Wet
do you think she...?
I fapped to your favorite genshin.
Imagine thinking Furina has a popular VA in any language. Lmeow, the delusion.
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Lol, Scaramouche is more popular than fujo fantasy Kaveh and Alhaitham
>being this much of a metafag
>still struggling
As funny as it is, those two pyro lectors can go suck donkey dick.
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My husbands
Unironically comfier than Yoimiya.
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Barbala is
>knowing women shit
What are you, gay?
Tell me about south american XIV
Is it full of weirdo japanese fixations and stereotypes of californian mutts who call themselves latinos?
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Blah blah blah next time don’t call it a flop when it exceeded Mihoyo’s initial expectations and forced them to set up a second batch of orders.
Kekaroo, I missed this image
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>0 recorded /vg/ minutes
nice try
how the fuck do I use furina
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south america better get their shit together this to next year, due to all the culture promotion
>they won't
>are you that stupid?
Actually yeah, I might be, never take fish out of my teams. Somehow it still works.
Implying it's not flop again.
They should turn part 2 to be new game not shitty DLC.
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If so popular, why did he almost lose to Kokomi's 4th rerun on his 2nd, and hovered around Baizhu on his 3rd?
>Tell me about south american XIV
Clorinde will love it. It has lizardmen.
tell that to our resident fujosis (@KogsGirl on Xitter) >>483694820
>an Inazuman represents Sumeru
That's kinda funny
Nobody cares about your Scaramouche. He flopped lol.
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Oh God, help me...
This is what happens to the faggots who go with the "roll for who you like" joke.
The funny thing is if he has cons on 5 stars.
Cons are almost always bait and its better to roll for other characters and expand the roster so you have more options.
Of course, if he has been playing for less than a year, he is excused.
Pocketd on women's clothes are fake
Nahida is there
Will Natlan finally give us tall women, shotas and strong men?
Chink consumerism is a funny as muttland consumerism
>about to lose to the week old Firefly banner
All black? Sure
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>hoyo in charge of balance
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He appeals to fujos, yumes and has multiple ships with different kind of guys
Never said he only represented Sumeru bro.
Will Natlan give us men and women with big cocks?
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why are you posting the non official images, retardbro?
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Here is Venti's one. I expect Kaveh's bag to be the same. Cyno and Alhaitham's should be more practical because they are dark and Tigh's isn't made of PU.
Women are wired in a strange way and are incapable of using pockets
Aetherbros... our response?
Wtf even is this
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For me, it's
>white Jacket, long hair
This is the in game avatar chart in China right?
>no tits
>no ass
Why do we like Furina again?
what the fuck is an alhaitham perfume
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i dont read chink
c3r1 bested by a pyro lector
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I want to be a girlpee sommelier
I hope he gets a purse
Or better yet, more merch on the Amazon store page
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It’s the merch popular characters get, you wouldn’t get it as a floptaine fan
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>it's another annoying abyss that is trivialized by Neuv
I fucking hate Neuvillette so much
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Only Paimon would vote for Aether
A perfume made from Alhaitham's musky balls sweat.
How do I swap main characters?
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Man… gig is now comparing in game avatar charts surveyed… Jesus when will this place get better
Our response?
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Scaramouche - 60 tiktok hours
Pagfly - 57 tiktok hours
>yae sends me another advertisement on her birthday
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im sure you have plenty fatass
star rail has no shotas either, we already have tall girls
a ching, chong, chung to you too, young lady
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The hydro βυδδγροκε...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The lynette avatarfag....
>>>>The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
>>>>The lack of 4.x hangout events...
The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
>>>>The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
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I dropped my image...
Does Furina buff bloom damage?
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>no tits
>no ass
and she's exceptionally cute and charming
Why? Because he utterly mogged and destroyed your Inazuman gayboy?
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>delicious flat
>gorgeous blue eyes with heterochromia
>succulent thighs
>sexy legs
>cute frilly socks with high heels (please step on me)
>tsundere "I can fix her" personality but she's actually femcel core prime waifu
>cute and funny
>white hair with blue strands
>double garterbelt
>loves the high life

she's literally made for (Me)
She wants you to read her book where she self inserts as Ei's wife
Ayaka got upgraded
its something i ordered for collection purposes if he smells bad m gonna be so sad
Yanqing is like 12.
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>Burgers wake up
>Tiktok spam, survey spam, google trends spam, repetitive doomposting begins

Yup, time to move to a better thread
Fontaine is so irrelevant the SumeruGODS are having a popularity contest again
that's Ganyu with extra steps
Post something that flopped
I swear Charlotte was shilled to hell before i n advertisements, but now she barely exists.
What happened?
Before recent launches just a couple of keychains. I'm waiting for Qiqi shoes and Kaveh's merch in September.
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she's in!
Is furina a 500 year old virgin
>this will outlive wuwa
He is a longlived species, might be 112 for all we know.
More like what’s the point of hosting a Fontaine popularity contest when you know it’ll either be Neuvillette or Furina, since everyone else from the cast is irrelevant
Why do we even like Nahida?
>buying merch
Other than an stupid $300 Glamdring replica and a few gaming shirts back when I was 15, I never bought a poster, figure or keychain from anything.
It feels like burning money, it's never good quality and ends up gathering dust and looking cringe on a shelf.
The only interesting merch I've seen in the past decade was vtuber related Mio's hoodie but I'm too old for it.
God, I wish.
She was raped by Arle
he is blonde XQ bro
furinas vagina so old it cant be open
what’s the point of hosting a sumeru popularity contest when you know it will be scara taking first place and nobody else even coming close
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Fellas I don't think I can make it
how do I make tulpas?
Alhaitham bag
Alhaitham necklace and bracelet
HaiKaveh perfume

This is the only money I have ever given and will ever give to shitoyo
I don't. Nahida is actually the least memorable archon for me
>Scara is coming first

LOL… yeah right
Why do I feel like there's zero hype for Natlan?
The only person Arle raped was Crucabena.
I wish.
Lol you just threw away money on some random shit
Furina and Siggy take forever to destroy the pyro shields...
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Ganyu but meta? cool!
well yes!
>we already have tall girls
Nothing babel or signora tier.
Why do Inazumafags always include Chiori on the Fontaine cast? She's an Inazuman native and she has an Inazuma vision. She's your flop, not Fontaine's
Why is Lyney so shit? I regret pulling this nigga so much bwos
your Kokomi
your Xingqiu
your GODvillette
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>tfw shes not real
You now remember Chevreuse
This but floptaine
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Floptaine flopped so hard, even Dainsleif decided to stay in Sumeru
stop with your hate, anon.
Lyney is awesome and you're gay if you dislike it
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She's really sexy.
Just got Furina C6. How many NAs for a non-clunky rotation?
your dendro bwo
This but zzz
They are taller than our males

he wants 2 pyro supports, there is only Bennet and Chevreuse
Your GODvillette?
The latest combat events proves without question they either need to increase reaction damage or reduce enemy health so the likes of overload don't feel like shit
Uh oh… Alhaitham xisters your answer?
I'm a femboy myself and I found him cute and that's literally why I rolled him. He just so shit to play and isn't even that meta
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>inazuma out of nowhere
rent free
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I wish you could scrap characters you rolled in this game.
Alhaitham BROKE you
>2 homo support
>literally forgot Dehya, Xiangling.
i don't want to use "male supports"
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>They are taller than our males
Yes, that's the point. I want actually tall females and actually tall males.
None of this "barely average" shit, they're supposed to be exeptional.
I rolled on Raidens banner until I got her, got Raiden cons and Dehya before I got her c0 but it was worth it though.

Chevy is a cute girl, Dehya only provides IR and XL doesn't really work with his ranged playstle
>get Xianyun
>could not manage to use her in abyss even ONCE since then
>but she's my main overworld runner now
That's okay... I guess...
stop right there, dont you feel embarassed if your characters are taller than you?
Girls are weird man how is Wrio so low
He BROKE Kaveh's bussy.
the last thing you want in your soup is cabbage foot fungus
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Furina deserves to be happy.
With me, in my Serenitea Pot mansion
your Ayato
holy shit, y'all are mentally ill genuinely. get some help and i mean this in the nicest way possible.
she is lonely and wants you to fuck her did you miss out on her flirting with you during itto event
I have Mona only
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get help freak
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She relieves,.
I don't think we will get taller males as they seem to big for the current chairs
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anti-inazumatroon melty
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Then go put a ring on her!
Fontaine flopped once they started only releasing female banners, we will go back to sexy powerful males in Natlan
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For me, Its Fischl!
boys don't have pussies to fuck so they use their buttholes. boy + pussy = bussy >///<
The Heavenly Principles AI program for selecting allogenes has shit standards.

That giant in Wangshu Inn shouldve been given a Pyro Vision instead of Xiangling
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this fine chap
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She's already married to my girlfriend Hu Tao
Fox day - Fox wall - Fox love - Fox sex
>More femcels in the thread
>It becomes increasingly obnoxious and mentally ill

No one ever talks shit about Mondstadt and Liyue.
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I just woke up and remembered that Fontaine FUCKING FLOPPED
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No, I'm tall and want non manlet characters to relate to
I hope Varka and Capitano will break the mold
Why do hutroons feel the need to shoehorn her into literally everything?
Mond was a great starting region
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>over a hundred years later have your name ruined by coombrained homos
Nahida is voiced by a black woman.
Of course I remember chevy, I used her in this abyss
there are much safer ways to deal with loneliness than self-inducing schizophrenia
go look up chatbots ive seen all kinds of furina chat bots from futa to ntr ones
Furina is one of the few characters that Hu Tao spoke to canonically, my dear boy
we hate mondstadt, liyue, inazuma, sumeru, natlan, snezhnaya and khaenriah here

we only love fontaine the most popular and beloved nation. trueflagger btw
Based taste in WAIFU
She's Genshin Sparkle for a reason.
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wtf, webm did not uploaded
Nino fucking GLOPPED
Yotsuba freaking WONNED
>I hope Varka and Capitano will break the mold
My last hope for this game will shatter if Varka and Capitano use the Childe tallmale twink model.
I didnt know that Jap/Cn seyus can be black
>in a secondary account
>I realize I have enough to redeem 2 pink fates from inazuma sacred Sakura
>roll Furina
>got her
THANK YOU Istaroth, Makoto and Yae
>flagship event was only 10 days
>the current event is only 5 days
For what purpose?
So is Lisa
Induce more FOMO because this region is fucking dead
can someone post an image of Keka
mondstadt is slow and boring. happy-go-lucky shithole led by literal army.
same happen with liyue, led by "female" that so arrogant she lives on flying rock
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Because Soulstadt is Homestadt.
Floptaine flopped thats why. They dont want to phase out these embarassing events quickly
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Take me back to the fresh breeze of Mondstadt.
Take me back to the soaring peaks of Liyue.
Take me back to the resounding thunders of Inazuma.
Take me back to the lush forests of Sumeru.
Take me back to the clear waters of Fontaine.
Bring me to the scalding lava flows of Natlan.
Bring me to the aurora nights of Snezhnaya.
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I didn't mind it but I was surprised by how much of a sausage fest Liyue was. I didn't play it at launch so all I got was.
>Xiao hitting on me the second I reach wangshu inn
>Childe hitting on me when I reached Liyue
>Chilling with my grandad John Lee
Ningguang does get shilled a lot and Keqing had the odd tsun moment sure but the most popular girl Ganyu was barely in it and cloud retainer stole the show. We don't really get to hang out with a girl until Yanfei shows up right at the end.
I lost interest the patch after my husband's card finally got added, but I used to play it a lot. There are way too many fucking cards now and the meta has gotten way too sweaty for me.
Retards will say something about Imaginary theater but it is actually a regular event if you count out the monthly rewards
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When can I roll for her?
>the guy that tried to trick /gig/gers into getting doxed with his thread ids extension has devised a brand new hare brained scheme to ip grab
Furina is for me
They're obnoxious and mentally ill but not in the same way as this thread is
Source: lurked /cgl/ once for 4 minutes
is it a girl wearing that...?
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Before the Floptaine bots arrive
Don't know why Mondstadt got voted, probably a troll.
This animation feels so amateurish
Alhaitham uses a bigger model unlike poor Itto, I'm sure they will use Wrio's model for Varka at very least.
They're setting up shipbait for him in like 2 patches

Was there any proof of that?
this will do, thank you
if she is resurrected before 2025 lantern rite, expect her at 2026 lantern rite
if not then never
>life deals him a cold hand
>works to better himself and make the best out of life instead of griping all day and blaming others
good boy, good role model
you're welcome.
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Uhh, I thought it was Sumeru according to /gig/ experts?
so currently
natlan has
2 hebe
2 boy
1 loli
1 hag
1 capitano
your retarded schizo head told you so?
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Post never evers
>1 capitano
So two hags?
Uh oh
Floptainebots incoming
Anon with Sethos abyss clear here, on average he clears 12-1 about 10-15 seconds slower that Chlorinde. She is much easier to use because of aoe and easier repositioning but he still does surprisingly well compared to her.
I hope he comes with the gigachad model. He's called the Titan of Favonius, it would be an utter failure of their own fantasy world if he was the size as every other twink.
So is Barbara and she shares a VA with Xinyan.

>Fairouz Ai didn't voice a Sumeru character
missed oppurtunity
I want to make a TikTok making genshin food. What would make an interesting video /gig/?
>have to slog through sebastoslop to scrape primos for Furina
>paranoid is part of human expression
>get called retarded schizo by this "guy"
sorry, i'm a human and not a ip snatcher bot like you.
despite her cons being pretty powerful, I can tell you most players are going to find her perfectly powerful at c0 with pipe. I feel zero desire to pull for her cons because it doesn't feel like she's lacking anything in her kit.
sweet madame or sticky honey roast are probably the most known foods in the game so start there
P-please play Wuthering Waves......
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Genshin peaked with Fu Tao, sorry fellas
Very important poll.
Character specialties
While Inazuma did fuck up and lose potential GOAT status the devs worked their asses off to retain players. In Fontaine they seemed to think what little shilling they did for Cloud retainer and Arlecchino was enough to right the ship and ruined Clorinde and Siggy's kits hoping Furina would save their month.
Raiden killed Genshin...
just because she's half egyptian/or whatever shithole doesn't mean she had to voices middle east's character.
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Teyvat fried egg. I'm sure you can't fuck it up.
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>what little shilling they did for Cloud retainer
They used her to prop up Gayming who was forgotten a week after the event ended.
Clorinde's raw chicken
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I know that I am not...
The only one thats worried
Why dont we all
Wake up, and realize!!!
Like the birds in the sky
We are flying so high
Without making any kind of sacrifice!
Weve got so little time
to undo this crime
Or we'll lose
Our paradise!
I rather play ToF, it at least got some colors to in
QQ hours status?
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hmmm nyoo
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so genuine questio regarding these freaks that wear those outfits or are just into it. ive been in a few other anime related fandoms and there is at least one guy into this shit at minimum.
never in my life have Ive met more insecure, easy to trigger people than these freaks. a mere question of "what is this" to a video or picture of a person wearing that mask will put them in full on defense mode and attack back. not even trying to shit on it, merely asking about it. why? why in the holy fuck are these freaks so sensitive about it? or maybe its me being unlucky. and thats a big maybe.
but in every single group/forum whatever ive been in, if you as much as question this, you will be attacked back.
holy shit
Maybe they've finally given up genshin and quit after the 5.0 leaks.
What is the appeal of MMDs?
gaming is back and he's fun
seriously you guys always gloomy and never seen the positive part.
So many low IQ giggers fell fot it, it says to check the BOX.
No wonder Zhong is currently suffering from crippling oneitis...
most hated characters?
He is indeed a good boy, unlike certain hatboy
Is the next abyss cycle good for Siggy?
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for me,
it's Chenyu Vale
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all me
>not a ip snatcher bot
thats why you pull baseless accusations out of your ass?
is the hunter set good on Xiangling in a Furina team?
cause they are too ugly to cosplay without it
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The absolute state.
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what is the suicide board on 4chan?
The only real question is this : would you?

Sounds like a skull issue to me.
>lumenstone got nerfed to 3 unaligned
are you fucking kidding, now the net value is just 3 cards
My favorite archon is Ei.
Neuvillette BROKE you!
Raiden BROKE you!
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I wear a mask because I don't want to be clocked when in cosplay
way too attractive.
you get emilie instead
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Mondstadt lads are all good lads.
Wait, are the patch notes out yet? I haven't been keeping track
Kaeya is a snake though.
I'm going to triple crown my siggy...
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Personally, I like Genshin Impact
He hasn't betrayed anyone yet
>he didnt prefarm
you are quite thoughtful, thank you anon
Could Ganyu's arrow reach Celestia?
no you just have to spot differences on hakushin/homdgcat
kusava also got nerfed to 1 dice
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hate speech detected
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show me ONE (1) Claymore character that doesn't suck ass
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clorindes cn va
>They haven’t released any Fontaine merch yet,
they definitely have if you look at their official tmall store. they also put up more fontaine merch for pre-order (along with the ganyu phone cooler and yae controller) on the same page for the 4P merch collection.
Tmall page loads better in a mobile browser, a lot doesn't show for me on desktop for whatever reason
Some other quick examples, not exhaustive:
The Genshin x Animate exhibition will also have some Fontaine merch, including some melusine stuff.
I remember seeing that seal backpack before too that was clearly meant to be used as an itabag with some various little Fontaine plushies.
You now remember renowned Genshin Impact (tm) anime made by Ufotable
i love siggers
unironically your one and only yellow faggot
Fair enough
>kusava also got nerfed to 1 dice
I haven't played much discard myself so it should make future arena runs easier a bit
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Remember when large structures floating in the sky was a big deal worth detailed explanation and a treasure hunting quest?
Writers have gotten extremely lazy since Liyue.
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It's out
Cancelled after the never ending flops.
Sorry gweilo
Demon Slayer takes priority.
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It's never going to happen. I bet Ufotable looked at the fucking dialogue and glacial pacing at the meetings and said "No, (YOU) condense it" to Fat Xiao, which hurt his feefees so badly the project has stalled indefinitely.
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The Gamer
Wow, possibly even lower than Wriothesley
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My het wife is so beautiful.
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post the face of /gig/
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I hope she doesnt support geobricks.
Nothing will save a geobrick.
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Has anyone here ever hit these crazy high pities?
Hot Rock teams confirmed
That's so fucking bad...
>Geo unbrickening finally happening
>it's a hag

Will roll Navia now.
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You WILL roll for Geo.
>believing kit leaks this soon
We don't even know what Iansan's element is, much less what her kit is
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>Team Mew
I find that geo support lady leak weird
Chiori just got released
naviagods won bigly
finally a zhong replacement
i've gotten to 85 way back in inazuma and only that one time although i hit 80 a few times a year.
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>one of the important meta-
Bait used to be believable
>believing leaks this early
Ah yes
Remember when Furina controlled gravity?
Good times...
Surely for real this time.
She literally moonwalks on water
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How would you fix Geo, /gig/?
Please dont be just another defense suport for monobrick teams
we will be dead by the time that's ready
fullstopchan is very reliable
>hear mom fighting with someone outside
I can't do this /gig/
>Geo Mature lady
Another incoming waifu flop lmao
I'll never believe in Geo after the disasters that was Navia AND Chiori.
No wonder you guys are talking about the dead waifu
by buffing the reactions, adding a new reaction that is dps focused, and characters that are buffers for damage dealers like navia.
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>I wear a mask
You seem like a big guy.
Please be another defense support for Chiori
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Make crystallize more interesting. Give it a VV artifact set which reduces DEF% of enemies instead of resistances.
>maybe because he is ranged
I'd believe it. The enemy spawn locations are all over the place.
The highest I ever got was 83
Raiden like turret that gains damage based on how many crystals you have, like Navia.
Increases reaction damage/super armor/stagger/whatever you want
5.1 characters are always lore relevant
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I don't get what you're trying to say
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Kaeya is an immigrant though, not a native Mondstadter. What did Dawei mean by this?
5.0 is the genshin anniversary this time
She better be good. Geo elements really need more love.
/lgbt/ or /r9k/
Alain has nothing to do with the yakshas
It will be three dark skin characters in a row
Natlan looking to be a waifu region again! 5.0, brown flat water hebe, 5.1 we get big boobs brown oneesan
>appears as the last boss of Genshin 2
I feel sorry for Sandronebros...
Since the new mode launches in a few days, how does the unit sharing thing work for it?
omg hi newcutie
>latest white xbalanque info claims he is a tall male
>5.1 geo lady leak disproves his 5.1 info
Oh nononono
5.2 we get Fanta Furina, 5.3 Columbina
stinky unwashed hands typed this post
so another flop region
But Chiori is as strong as Neuvillette if you have c2
5.3 is LR.
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Unlimited power
5.4 is LR.
That leak is old and before that he said that Xbalanque a manlet. Probably mixed up him with some other character.
A truck just hit my house
If they flop, why repeat it? Maybe they have the analytics that they’re selling decently based on their metrics. What do 4chan doomers know?
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Yeah he did originally say that Xbalanque is a manlet. Didn't he claim that Xba is a tall male now?
Please don't have dark skin.
Xbalance is that Sukuna lookalike right?
I've finally given up on buying women's pants recently because I can't put up with the shit quality and baby midget pockets (if they even exist) anymore. Women's clothing is made with thinner materials, worse quality and worse functionality overall compared to men's clothing, it sucks. I can't fit my hand down even to the palm in most women's pants.
Regardless, I still have a backpack I bring to work everyday because of all my work stuff. Some of us have work laptops that certainly don't fit in a pocket.
>leakers are now contradicting themselves
never trust these niggers.
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Both of those leaks are really old. Older than his 4.8 leaks that were a little bit wrong/outdated (no skin for Wanderer and no Emilie in the event)
Hit 86 For Kazuha's rerun way back in 2021 and i barely even use him nowadays
5.0 dendro hydro
5.1 pyro geo
5.2 pyro
5.3 hydro
5.4 cryo
5.5 electro
5.6 anemo
5.7 pyro
5.8 electro
Madame Ping for lantern rite anyway
>Navia-Chiori-5.1 Mature Lady-Furina
yep this is my new meta team
Natlan has cute brown hebes and hags + shonenkino males. Looks like ShonenGODS won!
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/u/, /lgbt/, /r9k/, and /co/ each have an approximately 41% suicide attempt rate
it doesnt work off field
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uhhh, bro why are you buying womens clothes?
my highest was 84 on standard banner
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this leak literally boosts white's credibility? he said this 2 weeks ago
yesterday he narrowed it down to 5.1/5.2 while saying he personally thinks 5.1
Genshin cafe kr is shilling the collab too
How many people are going to get filtered by theater anyways?
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so should i roll or wait for kino's next rerun
What did White say about him again?
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Sorry gweilo, the CCP funded HSR film comes first.
I don't even qualify for it.
I've never seen Xbalanque called a tall male
Every leak about his model has been the manlet
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It'll be a long long time before she reruns and NotHimeko is probably gonna BTFO her just like Raiden did with Childe and Nahida did with Scaradouche
Two different leaks that happened like 6 months ago
>Xbalanque is a Bennett Negro
>Xbalanque is a Tyrone Bvll
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you know the answer
Now that /gig/ forgot about the garbage slug can we admit that Raiden isn’t sunk cost trash
I have enough characters for this one, but I'm pretty worried about the next one. They should at least give us a heads up for like a month, so we can plan and build characters accordingly.
I'm too new to be able to beat it, I don't have Sayu
Unlike you I just took a shower. Seethe all you want but that perfume you bought was a sham
5.0 - Dendro boy, Hydro girl
5.1 - Geo lady
5.2 - Pyro lady
5.3 - lady (likely hydro)
5.4 and beyond - cryo hebe etc
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Should I roll for Sigewinne? Or try to get Emilie?

Sigewinne feels like shit to play
If it's as hard as F11 then it's going to be a breeze.
Hu Tao was good for 3 years so Arlecchino will be too
What elements are for the next one? I know the first one is pyro/electro/anemo
>five females
>and two beta cucks
No wonder this dev is tanking.
I will not share my characters with you
Get your own
>trusting leakers on meta
>finally get Furina after 80 pulls
>got 2 wishes left
>try use one for the hell of it, maybe I'll get Rosaria
>get Mona
>use the other one
>get Sige
I could've won the lottery with this luck, instead I wasted it all on a chinese skinner box.

soulless and cringe
full geo or kys
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She's still good she's still good TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW
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not in the current abyss though
Good, put your account up for sale for like 30 bucks, use that money to get a rope and KILL YOURSELF EXPLODE EXPLODE EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>1 post early
fucking bitch nigger faggot retard
Furina is most soulful unit in the game
what are you talking about?
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The original leak was removed from reddit in January, so I can't find what exacty he said. What I remember:
>Xbalanque is a little boy
>the loli Bennett from the trailer is a 4 star
>Kiana/Sustainer will appear in the story
>males will have the most focus, while girls will be just there (lol)
>Venti and Paimon are parts of Istaroth
Siggy is just there to be cute
she isn't, she's terribly written, boring kit, bland design
she is top 5 soullessness
You will always be a poor worlder
>>the loli Bennett from the trailer is a 4 star
>making a main trailer character a 4*
Cancer company usurped by fujos.
raiden? time stopper
furina? gravity controller
xbalanque? the original pyro archon
fontaine plot? about rich vs poor
yeah she's made for third worlder, just roll for the metacuck unit and get carried even if you never spend a dime
Rex Lapis gets to bang this?
Wrioscara with Scara on top

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