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Old Thread: >>483493429

Total Junkie Death Edition
Starfall fresh on saturday. Log it in, last good fresh for a while.

Every blizzard fresh will be an unplayable slop of instanced world bosses, chronoboon, wellfare r14, and layers.
cata not only won it won BIGLY
won the lowest peak award
pick one
>offtopic op image
>3 instant seethe replies
Great start to the thread everybody it looks great!
the original trilogy
good morning /alexg/
how did cata win so easily when everyone said it would lose?
The people who said it would fail are the same junkies who cry for fresh, get to 47 2 months in, and then cry for new fresh. They don’t play the game
>the catajunkie is projecting again
I accept your concession. You may have the last word in your next indirect reply
>umm, I actually win because....because I just do, okay?!
yep, more textbook catajunkie cope
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>cata already stagnating
>join guild
>they’re SoD players waiting for p4
>join new guild
>they’re retail players waiting for tww
It’s not looking good for me bros
>there are more than enough players to do literally any content you can think of
It’s okay when vanilla does it
>scatapajeets deeply concerned
stick to retoilet...oh wait, you poos don't use toilets!
>couldn't even beat tbc when everyone is raiding on 5 alts and leveling is literally 10x faster
fucking grim
>cata players are the junkies, not the people playing vanilla for 2 decades
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she's not wrong
Trust the plan. P4 will save SoD. Everyone will come back for MC with difficulties.
Only transmog can save SOD
This reads like one of those faggy green posters on the official forums, god, I hate those clowns
>his every waking thought is about Indians and poop

Besides TGC raid tier, I think BoT/TFW/BWD might be one of the worst raid tiers.
>interrupt this mechanic but don’t interrupt that mechanic!
>kite those adds!
>here’s Nef and Ony… AGAIN!
why is this guy so obsessed with toilets and indians?
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lol this dood is still angry about a 50 year old boomer
this is the face of someone who has spun their wheels for 20 years playing the same video game and using pop culture as their personality. sad, cringe and beta.
>35 year old man asking if he looks mature because of his facial hair
Obsessed is what the mutts say when you make fun of them too. People just like laughing at funny things anon
Totally wolverine guise
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Its over.
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Indiana Jones
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>admitting your mistakes is a self own
kek alex and his simps are deranged
if you still see and read it, its not really a filtered post
lmao that boomer got BTFO'd by Alex
He made the right choice to choose a completely different name. I could tell he was struggling trying to decide whether to risk losing Vendrell or not. I set up my name sniping bot, he would've lost it the moment he hit delete.
He's still a moron because Vendrell is still available on a few of the realms connected to Whitemane.
>eu hours, na just now waking up
>nothing but alex spam
i never wanna hear shit from yall again
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Who is in the wrong here?
>discord / twitter screenshots
>content is always low quality garbage

please stop posting this outside of your circlejerk
SOD isn’t classic
neither is cata
remember tarisland?
me neither
fresh is the true classic
should've catered to mobile coomers more, oh well! next wow killer in few months
wait, you sisters mean to tell me Alex isn't his real name?
even fucking commiefornian prude game like goywars 2 recently surrendered to coomers and released swimsuit armor sets
imagine thinking you can make a mmo without coomer content in 2024, fucking delusional
>forum posts get buried
as opposed to discord where.....everything gets buried?
Total Junkie Meltie
>The catapajeet cries out as he (s)hits you
Are you autistic? How do you expect anyone to know what they're arguing about when there's 0 context in this image and they're just being catty bitches? You quite literally must be unable to understand people have a different perspective than you and don't have the background information you do, ie autism.
>poo pee
>his every waking thought is about Indians and poop

Are you going to have this meltdown every single day? Vanilla junkies lost and continue to lose. You’re not getting official fresh ever again. You missed your chance in 2019 and there’s no going back
>fire resistance looking to be very important in p4
oof should've gotten those librams sooner
whats the best leveling spec for mages on cata? I know frost, but is it absolute ass in dungeons? I want something thats okay doing both

is fire still viable with a couple of heirlooms?
I did fire 10-85 without heirlooms and had no problems
five signs you should skip a post immediately
What we really need is a freshie, and maybe the day of the great flush
Maybe try reading? Anyone with a brain can discern context clues.

Is fire even good without crit? I'd prob go frost solo arcane for dungarees at least until you could fill out a tree
why sis?
The what now?
>Are you going to have this meltdown every single day?
says the retard melting down every single day over vanilla
A freshie.
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Hi guys. Do you like my gummy mouth with my yellow teeth? If only you knew how poggers phase 4 will be!
Great flush?
A freshie fresh fresh
kinda funny how uppity junkies get when theyre forced to realize vanilla started many of the things they claim to hate about retail
How many gallons of boomer boss cum are we talking here
It's the long awaited sequel to the day of the rake.
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>in addition, there just might be one more dungeon surprise we're not gonna talk about today
lol theyre not adding shit, are they
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Uh bros??
Alright, let's see what's actually new and original shall we?
ok, those have been there for 20 years
>WOW A SURPRISE *shows ashenvale*
Oh boy, more incursions!
>Brand new revamped t1 sets
lol amping up the numbers after they overtuned MC and also how overtuned characters are at lvl 50, so a nothingburger
>scalable difficulty
just lol, can't wait to see soddies defend this unironic retail feature
>instanced world bosses
>more blood moon faggotry
yeah everyone had fun with that in p2
>incursions redesigned into daily quests
>global currency from dungeon bosses to buy gear and mats

I'm glad I dropped this shit after p1 ended, can't imagine being a soddy eating this slop
its okay when vanilla does it
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>pov: you are a baconator from wendy's
scalable MC difficulty is a complete nonstarter for me. how can they be that out of touch. i actually wanted to play level 60 content too. god damn it what a grim time for vanilla enjoyers.
>i actually wanted to play level 60 content too
era welcomes you
Quirk chungus
>>scalable difficulty
>just lol, can't wait to see soddies defend this unironic retail feature
They were getting shit on pretty hard for this back when it was hinted.
i play era sometimes but there's barely any bg queues and phase 6 pvp is terrible,
>Guys I tried to engage in MINIGAME on a 200 pop server but it's not popping wtf?
are you retarded?
So when is phase 4 coming out?
you'll want to ask this in front of a mirror sometime
>scalable MC difficulty is a complete nonstarter
It's funny because scaling is a disaster in retail. WoW has evolved into a glowie psychotorture device
soddies already coping hard about the "new dungeon"
I have literally never heard of soda & pretzels used to describe something before.
Neither have I, was that in an update video?
I guess fat people would be hyped about soda and pretzels
he can't say beer and pretzels because children may play wowowawa
who is this mutt?
where are we going?
4:15 in the P4 preview vid above.
sounds like an idiom only women would come up with or say around each other
this aged POORLY
beer is verboten
thats a skip!
>Molten Core
One of the worst raids ever conceived. Made in a weekend by Afriabi and Kaplan during a huge hangover. DUDE REMEMBER BALROG FROM LORD OF THE RINGS???
Peak WoW. Arguably the best raid ever made. The pinnacle of the Blackrock Mountain arc, aka the best part of WoW. Best mechanics. Best aesthetics. Coolest last boss. Lots of dragons. Best tier sets.
DUDE EGYPT LMAO DUDE BUGS LMAO Just no. No. We're not doing this. Cringe raid. Cringe zone. Cringe fights. Shit looking gear.
DUDE WEED LMAO DUDE VOODOO SHIT LMAO. Actually a fun raid and the BEST theme ever put into the game.
It's okay. Four Horseman and Kel are kino fights, everything else is eh. Edgelord looking gear mostly. It's feels depressing and ominous to venture into and that's exactly how the Scourge arc should end on. A worthy ender of vanilla.
soda and pretzels are party favors, shitheads
>one(1) mechanic per boss
best mechanics
it's supposed to be a fillin for doritos(tm) and mnt dew(tm) so they dont get amerisued
aq40 is vanilla's best raid, though
Is it an Umaru reference?
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it's always funny how the moment a vanilla junkie encounters a challenge is the moment he thinks the game is bad
just a curious fact
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new 'jak just dropped
quirk chungus so funny, that's my game dev!
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>back to 2 lockouts a week
Alex was right again Good night sweet prince deviate delight. Streamers are already getting ready to abandon it due to SoD.
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>makes some extremely obvious observation about something that anyone with a 70iq would realize
>wants to play sod even less
i quit sod after they gutted my main class for the 4th time in a row (hunter). I have 2 alts, a feral druid and a warlock. Which should I main for sod p4? My main priority is pvp but i plan to do all pve content and want something that can pump. Alliance btw so the feral gets free raid spots no matter what
Wait to see what they do to warlock this afternoon.
Damn you guys are buck broken. I'm sure you can watch alodar stream on tiktok or something
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>right about one thing while being wrong about a million things
>make being right that one time your entire schtick
Nora owes me sex
the best part is that he parrots his "motto" that Asmongold started
he never came up with anything original
I don't remember making this post...
he dick rides the hell out of a*mon too
Alex was right
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the face he makes from the shot of dopamine from banning someone in chat
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what the fuck is that? what makes him twitch and fidget like that? Some nerve condition?
>20 man molten bore
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Already pre-drippin' for the P4 SoD streams girl, we are building a COMMUNITY, I wanna be there with YOU guys, we are THE VILLAINS, chillin' like a villain brother, hey what's up brother thank you for the Twitch Prime!
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>shoot it deep while the aboriginal watch

Gets me every time
No one here actually plays the game bro, they either quit before level 30 or exclusively watch ecelebs play
I hope you like it because you are never again getting 40 man raids anyway
probably side effects from prescription medication, if i had to guess some anti depressant
(I know you read this, these aren't fake and youre a FURRY FAGGOT LOL)
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Wow SoD P4 is a bigger nothing burger than I even imagined.
i'm worried for his cat bros...and i don't even like cats
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>desperate for reasons to hate P4
we have legitimate reasons for being very disappointed with SoD, the devs had no vision up to this point and there is nothing announced for P4 yet that doesnt make it seem creatively bankrupt
>fuck a chick wearing a kangaroo outfit making animal sounds without a condom so you can blow your load into her costumes pouch while natives watch
such an odd and extremely specific fetish
Who does SoD even appeal to? Jaded retail players?
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arent people in the middle of their vacations in july? why would they drop this turd right now instead of august?
Wasn't this guy an Everlook janny? Now he's an Alex simp? Do we have another Elle situation on our hands? lmao
classic+ chuds, and yes it's not a very well executed classic+ I do realize that
i didnt see a release date and was told itt that i had a month to level
he's also a troon
july 11th
Fetishes are weird man, it's a hyperstimuli in your developing years. Lots of kids get their preferences from Disney movies. I know a guy who has a fetish for girls rubbing balloons. There's Gen Alpha's right now with unironic Minecraft fetishes.
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I used to browse a site called whaletail or something as a kid, it was just thongs and pantsu peeking out from under clothing. I still find it hot but it's hardly only thing I like
Yeah but his is very out there and thats some real oversharing hes doing there. Pretty sure he only knew Elle for like a month or 2 tops.
I get /ourguy/ was horny but a coomers gotta know when to hide his powerlevel.
It's typical no-fap coomerbrain, he had to release and started thinking with his dick. Just rub one out and don't emberass yourself like this.
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Amazing, so much new content in P4!
Revolutionary. The true Classic+ experience. Aggrend's Vision. Brilliance. Innovation. La Creatividad.

Whats next, they're going to add special quests for the 60 dungeons which grant you a class unique armor set? They're going to add a new dungeon in Maraudon? Damn... That's amazing..
You now have to unlock alterac valley? Lol, recolored tier sets lol
>people actually play this garbage
we like wow in this general
schizo streamsnipe when?
Sir this is the wow classic general not retail
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Yea man, we're finally getting Classic.

It's comically bad, clearly rushed out as well before War Within.

Gonna be amazing to see the pop numbers crash even harder.

If you like WoW then you would realize P4 is the biggest nothing burger since SoM.
p4 is not out yet, p3 was disappointing so hopes are naturally low
no fucking way this is real
700% XP boost active!!

PLEASE play on our funserver!!!
New level 60 content!
>you are now level cap
>you can now learn all your spells!
>you are eligible to purchase a 100% mount!
And many more!
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If you have seen how blizzard has operated over the last 20 years you would just know better. Stop believing their lies, your default should always be doubt.
>they didn't even bother giving Rag two maces
Okay 1400% XP boost to our Burning Steppes Incursions PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLAY ON OUR FUNSERVER PLEASE
SoM 2 will fix it
I'm just playing devil's advocate, ideally I'd like the game to be good. I am not a sod gamer anyway
>I'd like the game to be good.
what do you truly expect from them?
Why do people have this GIGANTIC delusion that they're going to add new never seen before content to the 20 year old version of their game instead of adding that new content into well... their current project?
I honestly think the developers are lying to their upper management. I also think the upper management has no clue about how long things should take in game development. I think the low level developers are dragging their feet and serving dog shit so they don't have to do work. In mining they call them lifestyle companies. In which investors lose all their money to mining operators who are not really interested in finding new deposits just interested in getting giant salaries and issuing quarterly reports saying nothing. The output from this development team could have been done by an intern in a week and that's him being lazy.
Think he has a tiny kangaroo costume for the cat? with a "crotchless" pouch?
stop it anon
Me too, but I'm not going to pretend that the current direction is leading towards actual Classic+, it feels like they are building the train tracks with the train right behind them. They're constantly rushing to react to either the player base or demands from management there's no resources or time to put towards actual new content rather than the slop they are serving now that is reheated vanilla content in a diaper. They fully knew what the player base wanted out of Classic+ with the volume of market research they have done on it along with current player feedback surveys, it's purposely ignoring it to stretch out player engagement because they are afraid to commit to what could be an actual rival to retail.
>They fully knew what the player base wanted out of Classic+ with the volume of market research they have done on it along with current player feedback surveys
What was it?

>4 raids (Minimum 3 hours a night to clear)
>2 lockouts a week
>buffed dungeons with badge farming
>4 new rep grinds
>profession grinds + quests
>honor grind
>rune grind

there is honestly TOO MUCH content.
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>it's actually hype af

>release the lvl 60 content with no changes other than multiple difficulties
man I can't imagine being a soddy right now...
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Gonna host my own PvP server with these new races and factions.

No raids. No battlegrounds. No arena. Just covenant vs. covenant PvP in the open world. You can't attack anyone five levels lower than you but you can outgear people.

Players of each faction get to elect their leader each week. These players can determine taxes, diplomacy, trade tarrifs, etc. Factions will fight over zone control, whoever owns a zone gets massive bonuses to their crafting and gold potential. Being low level is less about questing and more about helping with the logistics of the front or being send in for scouting or suicide missions. Player driven content. Bounties on players and a dedicated bounty hunter guild. Factions can ally with eachother and backstab whenever they want. More sandbox. Less theme park.

you won't lol
Sounds DOA but do it anyway if you're passionate. PvP focused MMOs don't seem to really work, there's a ton of full loot open-world meme PvP games and they're all sub 100 players on steam. Sandbox is a buzzword
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dripping status?
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>increasing difficulty increases quantity of drops, not quality
can fat fuck ever come up with something original? this time he is stealing ideas from stormforge
No one would play it.
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already girl.
>captcha D0XME
>muh pserf invented heroic raiding
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You guys really are the shit eating meme personified.
all the people defending cata didn't already tell you that?
Zaryu, asmorglob and Sofapopper are all HYPED for pogger SoDdies Phse VI SoVl Invictus so I'm also poggering out of my mind and will definitely be playing it, I have 50 hunters to level from level 50 to 60 let's FUCKING gooooooo
>unsolicited cata classic namedrop
simply lol
>everything vanilla had since day 1
blizzard stole a ton of ideas form pserfs throughout the years, this is an obvious one
you've earned 200 Rubles
the word "classic" was nowhere in that post, nice try though
not my fault he forgot that part
Tha KS for the free add revenue fuckers you're literally PAYING me money haha I'm also going to DMCA all the cringe YouTube channels stealing my content you've been warned the triple chin was only the beginning of the reckoning which is coming, keep laughing HAHAHAHAHAHAA I'm the one who laughs last literal 300 IQ moves are being done behind the scenes, you're all little ants I get to play with once in a while, enjoy getting scorched by my magnifieing glass now dance monkey DANCE you're all on my strings puppets you're all on my motherfucking strings my viewership has gone up by 250% in the last week my numbers are through the roof. Twitch Partner btw. Twitch Partner. I get paid. Money. For your attention. So keep posting about me. Do it. Do it you cringe retards.
The face of Classic WoW, Alexensual, just confirmed he will be playing SoD Phase 4. We won. BIGLY
the only good thing about sod is that it unites everyone else who plays wow under a united front to laugh at how pathetic soddies are
fake news, sister
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>have to collect world buffies 2 times a week for raids now
how are dad gamers coping?
why are you guys trolling so hard? There are 4 fucking raids with 2 LOCKOUTS A WEEK. Just 1 character is AT LEAST 5 hours of raiding. You can say whatever you want about sod but it has a SHIT LOAD of content.
>still less content than vanilla had day 1
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you now remember the scarlet monastery raid
you now remember the karazhan crypts raid
>what you will actually get
>1 extra boss in MC
>a 3 boss dungeon in ashenvale
Spawning a giant wolf in the crypts is a lot of development work.
catatroons sound scared
Era Chads, we chillen
p4 is hype. we like it.
he is a multi system entity chud
My multiple personalities count as we. Deal with it Chud.

no one likes sod. otherwise the devs would have actually tried to make it good
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worlo warcraft
another day, another seethe
playing cata while you heave
what happened sis?
mirlol won

i kneel.
if you still see and read it, its not really a filtered post
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Remember Tinyviolin, the guy who killed 37 people in HC Naxx? I member. When I grow up, I wanna be like Tinyviolin.

I miss HC. SoD, Clysmatism and Era are so fucking boring in comparison. even if half the deaths were scripted it was still 100x more fun
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>yay we killed a 20yold boss quickly yay clap clap clap
>namedropping randoms like we're just supposed to know who they are
im detecting some seethe
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10 Man needs to drop at least 3 pieces per boss
im detecting some seethe
There's literally nothing in either of those with any context clues as to what the initial post is about. It's literally just saying one guy is sperging out because other people disagreed with his post.
i kneel
That's exactly what it is, good job!
so when are they releasing za and zg? need cheap maelstrom crystals bros
the speedrun mindset is why wow went to shit
this manchild should not be celebrated
>replying on cooldown with the 4chan pass
uhmm, lmfao?
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/wowcg/ poll

all the chads do 25 man
sorry I don't want to raid the LFR mode.
not clicking your virus
click it
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you clicked it in my mind
This is fanart of my druid but I'll let you post it
>cp links
just when i thought you couldn't stoop any lower
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I'd like your druid to be impregnated by a white human.
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>one filtered post!!
yes i know it makes you mad that i refuse to read your posts
just walk it off or post better things
you still read them, though
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Alodar status: BTFO and soon to be in jail for hanging out with neonazis.
Deviate Delight status: DEAD
Puremaiden/calamity and other DD troons: BTFO and dilating HARD
Stavun status: BTFO
Gryn status: BTFO
Renny status: BTFO

The last White Hope for Vanilla Fresh has WON . BY A LOT!
thats not the point
its just another way for him to say ez skip
hes just being dismissive and yes hes annoying as fuck
i kneel ...........
>doesn't read posts
>replies indirectly everytime

Toby your a nigger
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one day you'll improve
but not today
being bullied off the server is actually a good thing
honestly yeah, I'm loving cata transmog because you can tell someone's IQ instantly from they mog (or lack thereof). I have actually became a casual and I'm just doing rbg/bgs/arena and making sick mogs and I couldn't be happier
wrong thread furshit
well we know that faggotsensual sent his sycophants to spam this thread so, that's one of them
i'm so glad i'm not you, i can't imagine being you, a faggot drone doing something because your e-father told you to do so
Americans don't have vacations
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>tractor videos about him reaching 10k views each
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We lost, it was my turn
>orbiters here to spam and shill the thread
yep that's an ez ctrl+w
Alec won bigly
He's going to become the new Asmorgzblob
He baited all of you and you all fell for it

Keep talking about him. Free add revenueKEKW KEKINSANE
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fire up the restream lads
i give it two weeks
hes going to self destruct just like he always does
and it will be glorious and full of laughs
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she likes knots more
These posts are way less funny when you realize he's telling his loser simps to make them and they're not ironic
I never even noticed the tabard he made for his villains guild.
God damn hes so cringe.
WHEN is the schizokino starting?
>Tyrone I got you
what did he mean by this?
for me? it's this video

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>manlet being camped by gnomes
like pottery
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>enjoy the runback little guy
what did he mean by this?
holy kino
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The camera randomly zooming, the old pvp video edits and music.
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payo says it so it must be funny
Alex MIGHT stream the presidential debate tonight at 9 PM EST. It depends on if it's allowed/other streamers are doing it. Alex hates both Biden and Trump for different reasons. Alex labels himself as an independent moderate.
Ok but I think if you're 5'3 you shouldn't say that, unless payo is a midget too
i label alex as a midget
this AI creation is happier than you've ever been in your entire life
You got no replies taking a side in that disagreement because no one can know whether disagreeing with something is wrong if they don't know what it is.
Learn to communicate little man.
When did the dream die?
buy an ad toby
Alex will vote for whichever one is funnier because he has low iq and no conviction.
where is the restream

yeah, he's said so a million times. And he always stresses how "his vote is VERY important", and im pretty sure he's not being sarcastic or ironic. Really annoying faggot, no wonder he has no bitches
Alex will never be your friend
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He is rerolling alliance? gnome bros... are we joining him to destroy the horde?
>alex will never potentially backstab you
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Thank god.
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>In Season of Discovery Phase 4, players will be able to earn a new currency, Tarnished Undermine Real Tarnished Undermine Real, by killing level 55+ dungeon bosses daily. This new currency can be used to purchase crafting recipes, rare materials, valuable items, and more!

jallenbros we won so fucking bigly
stop watching without a restream
>Alex labels himself as an independent moderate.
Lies. Alex is MAGA all the way as evidenced by this "Let's Go Brandon" sign he put up at his mom's house.
axel with 400 viewers. /wowcg/ lost
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Oh sorry guys. Forgot the pic of Alex's house. Alodar took this photo personally a couple of hours ago. Alex, you are so fucked. Don't go to sleep tonight.
alex to the top!
lost? we were always Alex fans. If it wasn't for us he would be washing dishes.
why are we obsessed with alex?
because wow sucks right now and we use him for content

thats kind of a small house to be able to afford to pay for your unemployed sons rent every month
Hey I didn't give you permission to post this yet, but it's public info since anyone can look up Google Streets so who cares.

Regards, Alodar.
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>reacting to twitter drones
yeah nah, tell me when he's in game
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Is it me or is this sod phase 4 double weekly reset change rertarded?
They want to increase player retention by giving us another reset to raid, but the reset is over the weekend which is when almost no one plays/raids. Do they truly think people will double up on consumes and world buffs to raid a time that likely inconvenient for them?
Aggrend I bow
Toby, tell Alex he needs to do his homework pre-stream. He needs to figure out his content sources, ffs.
literally season of retail
lots of memers in avizuras stream rn
Hey Tobyteemo, Alodar here (Real Alodar)
Kill yourself
ya its trash
still going to play it tho
if you're in a decent guild that can kill it on a higher difficulty your raid will likely get geared out in a month
>still shamelessly ripping off badges/emblems
imagine being a sodomite and getting excited for this slop
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it's hot as balls in July and school is out so it's perfect for the kiddos
You're a massive nigger faggot pedophile and I hope you die and get permabanned. Along with every other WoW streamers, even Payo.
Payo is a massive faggot.
t. Alexensual
alex really should come play eq2 with me, imagine still giving blizz money after they mute you
>no condom
>kangaroo costume stays on
>load blown into pouch
>aboriginals must be present to watch
you retards have always overestimated how much time the average person spends away from their home over the summer
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/ourguy/ made it to the top of the wow section

she owes me her nelf milk
>playable gnome
>tauren on horde instead of concord
>playable dryad, drakonid
>dark iron allied with elf flavours
>playable dark iron

>popularity contest retard pageantry guiding the underclass into video game slave labour
How many bots does SS have? 1488?
6 million
Dunno man... that number seems kinda high. Are we sure we got the right data?
>Is it me or is this sod phase 4 double weekly reset change rertarded?
Yes, no one wants to do raid prep twice a fucking week on top of being forced to raid over the weekend. I sure as shit won't be farming consumes for two fucking raids a week. I used to go to GDKPs and never have to worry about this shit, I'm not going back to farming while competing against bots.
The simplest fix would've been to make heat 3 MC a complete weekly lockout so you only have to do it once per week. You would make it drop more loot than doing two MC heat 1 (normal) or heat 2. Heat 1/2 can be cleared twice a week as they don't require anything to clear, just show up and do the needful.
jesus alex is so high up his own ass.
i will never forgive this canadian boomer for giving him a victory.
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>aggrend not happy about being a basedjak
ok he's kinda based
nora owes me sex
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Alex unironally won, now people are going to buy his mousepad merch.
(yes I know two of those are ai)
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>tfw quitting my range dps at lvl 50 because it triggers my autism too bad that nameplates only appear at basically melee range
how can people stand that bullshit
hurr durr just cant see how much health the mobs im fighting have because they are too far away durr
You don't have unit frames?
i do but they only appear once you are in 20y range of the mobs because ???
i googled my problem and blizzard changed it to be this way since people were abusing it somehow being able to see nameplates 600y away so they kneecapped everyone to forced 20y
and im the only person in the world that is annoyed by this because im autistic i guess

we are so back bros
who cares
nah it sucks ass, it's a change for classic only I thought however I think 40 yd nameplates are a thing on retail? not sure I dont play
What's this case Alex keeps mentioning he has on Alodar?
Toby posted a picture of Alex's house pretending it was Alodar and Alex believed it was actually Alodar doing it.
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I figured it out. the dlive link is bait, the over the top chatters are Alex fans who are screenshotting themselves saying racist things. He is building a fake folder, the AlexVsRenny guy is one of them. Gryn and Renny are in on it. Best option is to just play on another realm or ignore him. I ganked them but these guys are mental cases, including Alex.
I don't think I've ever seen a more toxic and fake personality than this Alex dude
its probably just another folder of discord posts and kick/dlive messages. this alexensual its all he can do. i still think alodar is fucked because this boomer is just retarded. honestly deserved the moment alodar was promoting the restreams you just knew the guy is an idiot.
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I remember when literally everyone I knew, everyone in every wow classic thread on 4chan (aside from a few foresighted anons like myself), and everyone in my guild, they ALL said that cataclysm classic would never happen.

I don't pay blizzard anymore, but I just wanna say:

I fucking told ALL a yall's
cope and seethe cata makes players leave
hands need to be green
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>hands need to be green
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i thought asians were supposed to be intelligent?
have you seen all the chinese liveleak shit? those fucks die to the dumbest shit
unironically doesnt count. thats like saying all whites are dumb because the irish exist
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Alex is gaining sympathy viewers by faking people saying over the top things about him. His discord suckered Alodar into believing the falseflaggers are his friends. Dlive link is mostly Alex fans larping as NN so Alex can farm more viewers.

He repeats the same thing over and over, "did you see what they said?" Because his minions are creating it. I have to admit it is kinda clever but he is ruining some old guys channel but he should have known better.

I'm only posting this so you guys don't get caught in the crossfire with this guy, i just wanted to pvp for fun but these guys are nuts.

Horde, do not interact with him but i'm sure he thought of this and two people who were magically disowned by Alex will reappear and gank him.

The game was rigged from the start.
hard to believe alex is capable of being clever at all but im not particular invested on either side so i have nothing to lose
outside of the alexvsrenny guy i didnt say anyone else falseflagging in the dlive chat
mods are muting the false flaggers now, thankfully
what kind of asian
toby is the most ching name ever
i think you giving alex too much credit.
its really just alodar fucking promoting the restreams and even making comments there.
now every random message form dlive chat can be linked to him since he promote the restreams and alex can run with the narrative that is is alodars community.
the alexensual a-logging or general a-logging works much better when there is no real name attached to it.
alex with 1500 viewers. it's so over
This is turning into the gayest arc so far which is impressive considering the restedxp arc had alex watching grown men jerking off.
will the lower levels of sod be populated now?
Yeah Alodar screwed up big time by taking the bait.
we fucked up
we made him famous
>600 already left
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>500 viewers yesterday
>300 today
"Alexander" the great
"Gregory" Hines
"Plain" of America

World of Warcraft Classic
>scaling difficulty system
This isn't soulful at all. The people at Blizzard have no fucking clue what Classic+ should be
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>moved to pve realm
>cute human priest gave me bags and 1g
we gonna make it
Because that's what it is, just on reddit. They make tons of these posts and use bot accounts to upvote vot account posts to the top agreeing with whatever the (((cm))) wrote initially.
are you ever going to quit, failed namefag?
All of that sounds decent to me. I'll be checking out p4 regardless. A daily quest hub for gold would be many times better than incursions.
>its ok when vanilla does it
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Ya when the vanilla junkie encounters a challenge like queuing for a dungeon and then aoeing the entire place down with no downtime or gameplay beyond run forward press aoe they really don't like the game
>everyone I knew,
I'm glad you stopped refering to anime avatar discord trannies as your "friends". Good. Almost made me tap the sign
I'd way rather this than level 50-60 at vanilla pace on a super contested server.
Sod isn't vanilla.
>if the game is good, everything is permitted
Retail isn't good
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how we doin' tonight /alexg/
>Sod isn't vanilla.
cope all you want, but sod is vanilla by default
else why is the end game lvl 60 and mc?
No, vanilla is the first version of world of warcraft with no changes. Sod is different from that.
Crusader Strike or Wild Growth for NA? Just looking for the highest pop realm
uh... lmao
stay away
>instanced world bosses
How the fuck are they world bosses then? This shit sounds pretty gay
Uh bros...did we lose? Alex is inclining
How is this still a question in current year?
This and the variable MC difficulty makes me lose my mind at how retarded the SoD dev team is
Yea sure
End of patch results aren't as accurate.
The best part is that you know how they keep adding shit that retail uses? (incursions aka world quests, badge welfare gear, raid difficulty)
There's no WoW expansion that ever had world bosses instanced, they're all still out in the world for anyone to tag and kill
You really can't make this shit up
You sound like a newfag, is this your first time?
What's wrong with variable difficulty?
True, but its literally the best metric we got.
what is staysafe doing?
is staysafe watching it?
what is he doing now guys can someone tell me?
I cant watch him what is he doing?
who? staysafe? he's watching it?

this retard is actually in love
Seriously. 4 different versions of the same raid is terrible implementation but some form of difficulty scaling I think is necessary. Vanilla style with progressively harder tiers also worked but I don't think players in 2024 will accept a 1% raider raid like naxx in vanilla anymore
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>log into sod for the first time in 2 months
>immediately ganked in booty bay
>it's ok when vanilla does it
lmfao ok dude, by the way, MC is getting 3 difficulties if you didn't know
Vanilla didn't have variable difficulty in the same raid. What are you even trying to say?
Alex already clearly this won this round schizosister. We must regroup under the guidance of our chief brazilian jungle monkey floki. Let him eat a few bananas and cook up some new ideas how we can obsess over Alex to stop his meteoric rise to prominence. The jungle apes are in control.
>mc 3 difficulties
Sounds bad but the sod dev team is bad so its not too surprising. At best I think p4 will be fun, but some type of classic wow revamp could be a lot better than what's being given to players by fatgrend and his Crack team

He's also killing off hardcore players with his server updates always going wrong
>log into sod for the first time in 2 months
>log into sod
>immediately ganked in booty bay
ngl senpai prot/ret lookin pretty bussin for p4 no cap. should i play one (unironically)?
I hate that I'm playing Cata knowing I'm just going to swap to retail when the new expansion comes out
pretty sure that nigga gay
>what are AQ Princesses
Did they say if the later raids like Naxx and AQ are going to be out at the start of p4?
Aggrend is going to play shaman in P4, imagine unironically playing anything other than that KEKW MonkaToS PepeClap
>AQ20 and AQ40 is the same thing
I know you're just trolling at this point, but no
well im playing the best class in the game anyway - Warrior. so i'm all good
he's obviously talking about bug trio
Still not the same thing
thank you for confirming you're a larper
>mentally ill parse tranny junkies are spamming the forums bitching about 2x lockouts to the point where a blue post came out saying "they're gonna think about it"

I am absolutely amazed at how fucking mentally ill this community is.


i hope blizzard sees how fucking autistic these losers are and NEVER releases fresh or classic + or wow2 or whatever autistic shit these kids fantasize about. More content? NO I WANT TO BITCH ABOUT RAID LOGGING FOREVER. I WANT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW EASY CLASSIC IS AND HOW GOOD I AM AT IT. NO HARD CONTENT. NO HEROIC MODES. NO 2X LOCKOUTS (BECAUSE I MIGHT NOT PARSE SO WELL WITHOUT PLAYING ON EASY MODE WITH WORLD BUFFS)

rant over. I feel ZERO empathy for fresh junkies. I feel ZERO empathy for classic niggers. COMPLAINING ABOUT MORE CONTENT. JUST DONT DO IT??????????????
I'm sure the 4 people still playing hardcore will get over it.
Just get rid of or rework the worldbuff mechanic. People don't like getting them and they don't like not having them. It's a lose lose that only punishes players.
>but players choooooose
To do what's most optimal within the limits of the game, making that a good experience is on the developers
I almost killed all 4 of them in lbrs last night (but we all lived). What a cool dungeon for HC mode. Well, actually, everything is great in HC so it's not surprising.
Nice man, post a pic for us.
How is that the same thing as variable difficulty raids? Does your diet consist of lead paint?
did they say anything about making runes easier to get? trying to get divine storm was such a pain in the ass
based hc chad
no, you still have to play the game to earn things
literally no one wants to roam the world for 24 runes, just to change their main. Get the fuck out of here. Rune system is giga cringe
That's fine on a long term character in a great game, but it sucks in a seasonal ptr server where class balance is non existent and the only gameplay feature is levelling boosted xp alts
Runes should have been derived through mage tower style class quests that, when completed, fully cap your character

Make that one thing really fun and everyone can play everything

This is good because
>buggy ptr basically
>class balance is completely absent
How long before al*x realizes he killed his golden goose by tattling on alodar and without the drama milking he has no actual content. Once again he just can't get out of his own way.
you can get all of your runes 3-4 evenings of casual play, you already get 150% increased exp and yet people are still bitching
you don't even have to farm the items for the ratchet rune anymore
Ya the game sucks so much that rather than obtaining things in it I quit to go play hardcore where i had to spend 8 days played to hit level cap.

Might fire up some sod for pvp but just imagining how i have to open lfg and do like 5 dungeons with soddie spazoids to get a run I need and knowing I need to spend several hours in incursions to gold up for dual spec completely turns me off even bothering
>3-4 evenings of holding W and watching flight paths while you tab between wowhead and an empty open field you're moving 2 mph through (the server has 39 players remaining and they're in capital cities)
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>open SoD
>see five methamorphed Warlocks waddling around
>close SoD
Nope. Not doing this meme funserver shit again.
>the ones you need a group for
just level to max and then go collect them. you'll steamroll through the content. its the only way to do them atm because nobody wants to run shit like sfk
nyo....we lost another one
Great dungeon
i know. i want to do it. i want to get the rune there and level with it but nobody wants to go. so fuck it, i'll come back at 50 and steamroll it
They should add more world buffs I want 40+ of them. Hide them deep inside caves in Winterspring and shit. Put one a 30 minute swim from the shore and it requires waterbreathing to even get. One of them only drops at 03:00 AM and can't be done AFK. Make a World Buff which you can only buy from the cashshop. Milk these retard boomers for all that it's worth, let's them run wild in the ever-tightening maze, fuck em.
Just get rid of them
world buffs are fine, but only if they make warriors top dps by a wide margin
imagine the complete meltdown pinkies will have if a warrior turns out to be the first person to purify the assbanger. or if it's better on them (which as a damage dealing class, it most certainly will be)
You know your game is hopeless when a classic paladin main (???) is your team lead
aggrend is a transhaman btw
Holy shit, a rational adult response.
>spamming the forums bitching about 2x lockouts
they should remove all lockouts completely, let the spergs drain the game of all it has in 2 weeks so that the rest of us can ignore them complain that there is nothing left to do while we're having fun
world buffs are fucking gay mostly because of the stupid shit like warlocks spamming summons for gold to get to dm or stv or whatever the fuck. greedy little cunts
I accept the summons and then don't pay them anything lol
>world buffs le bad, remove them
SoM did that
guess what happened to SoM 2 months in
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aggrend is going to listen to these redditors
SoM died because we just fucking had vanilla shortly before it. Wasn't well timed at all
Rework world buffs into things that can either be found IN THE FUCKING RAID as you enter/down bosses, or rework them into class mechanics like what Warrior is getting. It's not hard
>we just fucking had vanilla shortly before it.
Hahahaha every time
every single time
why are they like this

to be fair TBC was bussin at the time, pre vashj boomer filtering. There was nobody calling for fresh
it had a shitty turnout well before raids and world buffs friend
people were tired of troonilla and playing TBCC. nobody wanted to go back to warriors being the only viable tanks/best dps when every hybrid faggot was tanking heroics and seal twisting in raids
Because it's true.
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It's not because they don't have time to do MC by itself again, which at most will take about 2 hours max if they overtuned or undertuned it, as well as depending how tuned your characters will be
it's not because it's a hard or long raid by itself, it's the basics of basics, a bit dull if you do it with the stock music and no communications
it's not because there's no loot or its unfun
IT'S BECAUSE they don't want to grab world boofs Twice per week now, because the world buff task takes a lot, even with the chronoboon in mind because remember, once you store your boofs, you can't pop them for an hour (unless they changed this) which means that's an hour in between buffs, which means it's 4 hours to maximize your buffs with the boon (flower, DMT, Ony, ZG) that if they also drop WCB on time
THIS IS ONLY PART 1. PART 2 are the consumables, classic wow lets you stack as much shit as you want. This wasn't true in 2019 because of the buff limit, but there's none of that anymore. Now you can go grab your winterspring jujus, your blasted lands buff or your Zanza, your stat potions, your mana pots (as if) your scrolls, your prot pots, your reagents/arrows/shards, and just overall consumes of each specific class.

Why is this important and different from doing it once a week? Because it was once a week, you had 5 days or 6 max to do all of these for your next Tuesday raid (or saturday for your average dad). and even then, it was a long task back in the original re-release. Remember, when AQ was out, people groaned at the fact that they had to go back to molten core or BWL after finishing AQ (news flash, for our local TBC old school everquest attunements freak), no one wanted to do 3 raids every week, they just wanted to do the newest one and half ass the past raids. But now they're FORCED to do MC twice a week, and you know that classic players HATE to fall behind if they miss a lockout.
fresh junkies would get on their knees and take a gallon of semen for season of mastery to be re-released now
>There was nobody calling for fresh
Yeah there was. That's why they made Classic era servers, to shut the vanilla only freaks the fuck up. but guess what, they never did shut up

its ironic because world of warcraft used to be known as the virgin timesink game to normies, yet when a change comes that actually rewards NEETs, it gets booed

vanilla junkies are just stockholm syndrome rape victims. Deep down, they really just want retail, they just cant admit it
>people were tired of troonilla and playing TBCC. nobody wanted to go back to warriors being the only viable tanks/best dps when every hybrid faggot was tanking heroics and seal twisting in raids
so vanilla wasn't that great then I guess?
>what's 2 + 2? and don't say 4!
World buffs are just annoying to get, it's not that deep.
I've never argued that it was all that great.
It had elements that were, and ones that weren't. The world, flow of questing, zones, certain aspects of gearing and dungeon crawling are great and the standard in which I judge all other mmo's. The overall class balance/design, raiding and pvp? Not so much. Those were the things that I had hoped soddy would address and to a certain extent they have, but not in the way I would have liked

consider it a casual filter
>6 months
>shortly after
yeah yeah
When did they fuck up the flare animation? It should go up and down in a nice arch, instead it goes up in an arch and then takes a sharp turn downwards and basically travels to the ground in a straight line
>phase 1
>people complain about raids easy
>phase 2
>gnomeregan barely puggable, people cry
>people complain about 2x lockout
>phase 3
>back to 7 day lock out. ST nerfed to 55 IQ level
>people cry about 7 day lockout and easy raid
>phase 4
>saturday bonus lockout reset
>heroic raid mode introduced
>people cry

this is why they dont give you fresh. I am 100% confident that the classic team has begun to despise the eternal fresh junkie. Cata players have no standards and take whatever they get, fresh junkies are never happy
world buffs were never that good. thats why expansions stopped using them
vanilla is the best game in the world as long as its been 15 years since the last release
If one thing has remained consistent in WoW's lifespan it's that people cry about one thing or another. This is really no different.
>thinking everyone is one person
You're a god damn retard.
I never played som but I doubt it hinged on that one decision.

those were all consensus views. Or did you think they initially planned to flip from from afk pug BFD to hard gnomeregan and ST to afk pug ST, as well as 7 day, 3 day, 7 day, 3 day lockout lmao?

They listen, and thats the problem. Look at sporadic and extreme class balancing has been because of it
Vanilla was great when it released. Hardcore vanilla is great right now.
whats the verdict: warlock phase 4 sod. need it or keep it?
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The playerbase is retarded and should barely be taken into consideration, problem is that the developers don't really have a vision as to what to do with SoD so they flipflop in order to try and appease the playerbase and make the numbers go up, rather than make something they want to make.

It honestly blows my mind how many things the og crew got right in vanilla, only for them to slowly start making things worse with each expansion.
I play warlock in sod I'll let you know in a min
don't play sod at all
>unsolicited cata namedrop
remember, they also gave raid bosses new mechanics (which is why the Ragnaros with 2 maces meme started because they gave Baron Geddon 2 living bombs) and raids hard walled almost everyone because no world buffs allowed
only the full time freaks stayed because they were getting "world first som kills" lmfao
People complain about a product? Perish the thought.
they dont listen because fresh junkies are retards who think playing on a dead server to simulate fresh will make blizzard give them fresh when theyre already giving them their money at that point lmao
>The playerbase is retarded and should barely be taken into consideration
Alright, but have you seen the devs? SoD was a flub at the planning stage, but no one in their hugbox is there to tell them that.
>It honestly blows my mind how many things the og crew got right in vanilla
Because they were sourcing better games. It's likely that current devs only played WoW and games that came out after it.
I can't believe I actually thought they were going to make custom assets for new content instead of placing some existing NPCs around some existing areas and fiddling with their stats.
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Pve era is kinda comfy ngl bros
you know the rest
I can't get enough of this shit. Alex frags are the nectar of immortality and more must be distilled at all costs.
while kino, alex isn't worth the effort anymore desu
i dont think they even have the ability to make new assets that don't look completely out of place in the old world
What blizzard considers "listening:"
>Okay so the audio is too quiet to hear? That's the feedback we're getting
>we made it deafeningly loud
>Oh you're STILL not happy? Wow the playerbase is the problem haha you guys don't know what you want
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You are a turbo level retarded ass autistic troon to think no world buffs killed SoM. like you may be literally retarded, you should consider seeing a doctor to diagnose you.
i hate how this picture makes me feel
Holy nerve struck
They could ask their fans to do it for free and they would and half of it would be at least passable.
>Says something retarded
>Gets called a retard
>"Holy nerve struck"
top picture is still me, get on my level
pve is still top pic
Grey parsers rise up! Comfy times ahead
pvp era is more comfy you, get back to it cuck.
>Says something retarded
>Gets called a retard
>"n-no u!"
Hey that's my picture! :D I got my initials in the bottom left, posted this on Reddit a few hours ago, nice to see someone using mah memes :3
arent bgs dead? also i dont want a retro wow like situation where theres all ele shamans/spriests running around who have had the time to get bis geared
You did good... You did good.
Thanks! I have another one I'll be posting in a bit when that one dies down, gotta farm that karma!
SoM died because there was absolutely no point in raiding when you could just get fully buffed r14 gear right at the start.
AV is active every single day and wsg / ab usually have at least one game going at all times (eu-firemaw). But unless you’re in full t3 you best avoid wsg / ab since you’ll get dunked on
>something didn't become extremely popular
>I will now declare my pet thing the reason that was the case
every time. Why do people do this?
No it's because there was other shit going on. The same way WoW would release big patches when other games would launch, they did to their own version they weren't fond of.
Only to prove it by later releasing their idea of an improved vanilla that was just retail abilities.
Did you even play SoM? Once we cleared MC, my guild started falling apart because the novelty was gone and all the people that grinded the easier ranking system already had vastly better gear that would last them most of the entire game. There was absolutely no point in playing.
why are you so adamant to defend a shitty game?
world buffs make Classic without them you may as well add flying, dungeon finder and transmog
Alex just said he's playing Tarisland

Lets fucking gooo tarisbros we got a major eceleb to play our game TARIS HYPE TARIS HYPE TARIS HYPE
>world buffs make Classic
No one good ever cared about world buffs in vanilla. People like Kungen laughed at you try hards. You're just game ruining mechanical autists.
It makes sense for the speedrunner brain, but speedrunners should really play retail since the entire M+ system is made for them
Classic not vanilla
Yeah, they make it shit. Speedrunning parsers that need massively inflated stats just to take down Hakkar can fuck right off.
alex moving into a community that has no idea about his past and watching him stir up major shit would honestly be so kino
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>Classic not vanilla
do you guys like to use rp names for your characters? yes or no?
just like guild names it needs to be one of or a combination of the three: ironic, funny, or extremely edgy
Jfc some people are truly fried
I use goon names like Futaqueen, Sissydin, Bgconly
Deathwing voice is SOVL
I don't get the point of raid lockouts at all desu. It's just a way for developers to pad out sub time. Once you see the content, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to do it some more because of some arbitrary waiting period. Other MMOs have done away with them and do fine, no one cares if you get fully raid geared in a single week because you spammed that shit. Anyone who cares would also have done it.

I especially hate that SoD uses old lockouts where you can't even enter the instance, instead of just being loot locked like retail. It's so shitty for the pugging scene which is big in Classic, since you can't just go to someone else's raid when yours shits itself at 5/7 or whatever.
based, the more the vaneer peels off and the more obviously soulless everything is the more people care about actually playing a good video game that respects their time more (they're paying 16$/mo for 20 year old content with some shitty amateur mods on top)
this is why i like xiv. i can log in and decide to raid literally all day with nothing stopping me and then do it again 3 more days in a row. why can't i be allowed to have fun in wow and just raid if i want to? what if i just like raiding and want to do it all day without alts?
final verdict: go play r*toilet you fucking tranny
using a lust provoking image is cheating
STOP playing sodomy
I have to save wowcg again from the archive. Stavn casts reeeeee
Why do I get 'you are not in a raid' when trying to get into TK but I can get into Kara just fine?
my dick can't even get hard anymore. orcs can have her
>dat new Typhoon
ret pala is going to be BUSSIN' so hard
bussin at the bottom of the meters where they belong
so much for the power of the "light"
>obsessing over dps meters
I think you want the other general
>World of Warcraft Returns in China
>Wrath of the Lich King Classic is now live, players can access the game for free for two weeks
Hey, no fair. Why did we get stuck with Crapperjizzum Classic
These melee hunter changes are ass.
>BM still has no aoe
>Pets still scale like shit
>hunter has no defensives or mobility
>survival feels like a clunky piece of shit in which you spend 31 talent points and a rune for an ability that hits like a wet noodle
>MM still burdened with the trash stand still mechanic
I do wonder what blizzard had to give up to be allowed back to china
Explain why removing lockouts on a shortened seasonal timeline is a bad thing?
Why should I care if the mazed retards burn themselves out within 2 weeks? The community will be better off when they quit.
Cata should've been double everything considering its accelerated release
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can't believe he found a shirt like that in children's size
Everyone gets bis geared in a couple of days, and the game dies faster than it already is. It's really not that hard to figure out.
because chinese players need to bridge the gap with their previous TBC characters, this is pretty much a slam dunk. You're fucking delusional if you think they were gonna get pushed straight to cata.
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lol, nice blog post you larping faggot. everyone knows the real alexensual has never cleared any raids in vanilla. dumb it down to 75 IQ next time you try to larp as the 5'3 balding indoor hat kangaroo lover.
No idea what SoD is like, but if you can stack buffs like you can on era a lockout is pretty much necessary. MC speed clears are what, 20-30 minutes?
>oh no, the miserable people who always quit anyway will quit even faster
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Is it a terrible idea to play with action page tabbing or whatever it's called (one action bar, multiple pages you switch between with the shift + 1/2/3 modifier)

hunter is the only class I play like this and I'm not sure if it's a bad idea or not
what does she look like from the back
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now THIS is classic wow

god i want a NPD schizo mommy to gaslight and emotionally manipulate me into submission so bad bros
Remix fixed thata
>namedropping alex out of nowhere
>Yeah, they make it shit
this is a flat out lie, even in Dad guilds anyone that happened to get just the city buffs had a better time time blasting than without
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>t. retard
lol you read those?
any faggot can put his name there, you're just being as schizo as him now lmao
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I wanna do her while i ask her why did she pot.
built for QianDuoDuo
in your dreams, azn man. sorry but alex's sister is for BWC only.

think about what having a hot sister does to a little fella like alex though. that's gotta be rough.
>sexo sexo sexo
mutt hours already?
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which name brehs
smart people (me) were telling you they never will but you didn't want to listen
Me and my 50 level 50 hunters are ready for Phase VI, the hype is real sisters
This but game modding
>1 filtered IP
what expansion made every spec viable for high end pvp/pve? mop? I want to play what I think is fun, not what is good. Can't play arcane mage, assassination rogue, BM hunter, even enhance shaman without people thinking im griefing them
Legion if you want the real answer.
unironically dragonflight. you can play anything in shuffle and all the classes are viable for pve but in a game like this you will literally always have outliers
they told me you cant play affliction in m+
ya that sounds like a bad idea, its really good in arena right now tho
i think aff is going to be good in pve next patch or so ive heard
>molten core comes out august
>TWW comes out august

why are people bitching about 2x lockouts again??? 2x lockouts + heroic mode = everybody bis and raidlogging/bitching after literally 4 weeks

These faggots acting like they're going to be in MC for 6 months. After TWW is next cata phase
no classicheads are playing tww
People wanna pump. Pumping requires world buffs and consumables. Consumables will probably cost an arm and a leg. No one wants to farm gold or complete with bots for materials on a seasonal server. That's the gist of why people hate the double lockout, AFAIK.
classiconly players are retards
doubly so if they're cata "classic"only players
nillers get far more leniency in this regard tho and i can almost understand there position but we're still at odds however i appreciate your contribution to funding my game, thank you for your service
How's classic going? Haven't been ITT for 3 weeks.
we learned that 40k is greater than 300k
Good morning I hate r*ssians
Never happened any more than microtransactions did. The more they went up the less content was made

starting from legion, there has been no drought in content. You could play 10 hours a day 7 days a week and still have things to do
>incursions are now daily

So if anyone wants to start SoD in P4 they're gonna just be stuck in an inflated economy with no way to catch up?
>So if anyone wants to start SoD in P4
lol why would a sane person do this?

with the 2x lockout news herbs are probably cata prices at this point. A stack of mid level herbs is probably like 50g
lol good point nvm
what happened sis?
>1 filty posty
worlo wawacraft
the jews
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You fuckers arent actually going to fall for the paid eceleb hype and play Season of Retail again right? R-right?
>1 fp
>ez skip
>frog poster skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip
>puppet mastah
look how mad he gets over 2 words
>bro no matter how long you run you will wear out before this hamster wheel does
ya probably but im doing it to boost mara mainly and with any luck i can transfer the mage to era afterwards to boost gdkp paypiggies
who is the cute gril in your picture btw
ICANT people mad over 2x lockout KEKINSANE I'm gonna PVMP so hard KKONA cringe boomers mad KEKW hard MonkaToS cba
croggers bro
you know maybe using filters isn't a bad idea after all
>Affliction warlock in absolute shambles
>Almost took PTO for SoD P4
Well, guess I have to find a new game to play.
damn people are having a meltie over having to get world buffs twice a week
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Unironically the stupidest fucking decision they've ever made.
>Go farm consumables in a seasonal game mode and compete with bots that we won't ban or mitigate in anyway
>Gather enough gold/mats to raid twice a week now
Lol, fuck these morons.
>watch random classic streamer playing wow classic
>hes playing ele shaman
>doing worst dps in group, lightning bolt costs like 16% of his mana

whats the point lol. The craziest thing is people will talk shit to you as if an iota of skill is involved in that dps discrepancy lol
No you don't get it, I OUTPLAYED him when I clicked "warrior" on the character creation screen.
All shaman players are severely autistic, on top of being bullied as a kid. Please understand.
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do we agree with him?
I think we can finally all agree that TBC is classic+.
maybe. but the pvp was too retailish unfortunately
its so close to perfect
Stick to your shitting streets in era, Rajeesh.
>game doesnt take place in azeroth
debatable if its even wow
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is the hype actually back?
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Catasisters? Was our game not blessed by the most sacred of BBCs?!
accept my apology, oldschooleverquestattunementschad
firelands is so fucking hype
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Fashy und freshy
>Classique 2019 after the first month
Lefty und stale
Lefty und freshy
>Wrathirdy onwards
Stale und freshy


You were supposed to lose, this is bullshit. Fuck Cata
>going from BAD AZZ sul'thraze to typhoon
uuuh can we get tmogs in soddie pls
sisters, what are you playing in tarisland? i'm playing healer priest. just killed elite tree
40 to 120 seconds
Everlook FRESH or go noose
Which one of you got so mad over a 4chan thread to bother making this?
How come Nostalrius got shutdown but Everlook has like 3 servers up and nothing happens?
nostalrius voluntarily shut down. they were hosted in france, blizzard couldn't have done anything. they wanted to be "martyrs" and to garner sympathy
lol junkie
it's always hilarious when vanilla junkies think they can call others junkies
simply lmao
I am a catagod I am not a mentally ill tranilla junkie like you
lol triggered junkies
lol, when that frog made his cry video about it
>waaaahhh they woke me up at night and scared my daughter omg it was so traumatizing
nost devs were clearly aiming for a a blizz developer job.
also nostalrius devs were clearly lying that they had all the raids ready and that even tbc was in development. (which was a big reason many people even started playing there)
just look what happened when nostalrius reopened people were crying for AQ
I'm just saying as soon as Blizzard added transmog to the game the quality of the gear's appearances dropped dramatically
but wotlk didn't had transmog
buy a fucking ad you dweeb
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No SoDomy posters beyond this point.

Season of Retail posts belong in /wowg/

Based sodieslaying Azamous.
Our king like Alex YUUUUP!!!
>wrath still living in his head for free
>42 minutes
nope. but i bet at some point he whines about molten core being buffed because he can't even clear the normal version. during original wow there was a subset of players who jumped from fresh to fresh. they spent their lives logged into wow but were so shitty at the game and/or socially that every couple of months they abandoned ship to get a 'fresh start'. that is exactly what alex is.
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>35+ year old engaging in discord dramas as if they were highschool girls
>in front of their 150 viewers
Disabling world buffs for raids is a no brainer but literally noone at blizzard has a brain
Blizzard wants the game to be bad for a reason they can trace, out of context, to classic, so they can do that "SEE SEE SEE CLASSIC WAS BAD HAHAHAHAHA WE TOLD YOU SO" thing they like to do when they sabotage their games.
acting like a high school girl is based
Why is our soddieslaying god playing soddie?!
the saddest part is that at times alex had moments of clarity where he realized playing video games 12 hours a day was a huge waste of time and actually worked on improving himself. it's like watching an alcoholic bounce back and forth from rehab. he knows how to get ahead in life but he lacks motivation and seeks validation from people who treat him like a lolcow.
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I used to roll new classes all the time back in vanilla, ended up raiding on both alliance and horde characters and never getting past AQ40 since I failed to commit to one character.

>dogshit friendless faggot upset at the thought of other people enjoying things

sod raids would unironically filter him, like cata dungeon heroics
Noone has particularly enjoyed SOD so far. Even p1 that everyone says was so great was complained about a lot at the time for being way too long
lol its just ripped from his stream. lazy fuck couldnt even edit it
how is it possible for someone to be so unfunny?
>been sitting in DT queue for half an hour
yeah im thinking sod lost
>tfw you energize another streamers viewerbase to seek revenge and they uncover your viewbotting scheme
eating good this weekend boys
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They already did filter him
we are actually here today
I was getting the itch to play again after a year, but damn if I knew blizz would fuck up vanilla +
literally turned classic into retail lite. Why does everything have to be accessible to everyone? I've spent days playing vanilla and never been serious enough to do naxx or aq and I don't feel like I've missed out, its still the most fun I've ever had playing a game.
Also haven't posted on 4chan in forever what in the FUCK is up with these captchas, its impossible to read.
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he lost though
tbc is rockpaperscissorsball vs retails homogenization + trading cds more effectively than your opponent

is that a class that isn't a warrior in a BG??? ITS RETAIL PVP
let me guess
>slow talk
>oh nooooo
>[gamemode] hype
>[gamemode] hype
I played TBCC arena to 2.4k as a warlock and it was fucking AWFUL. Fucking run around the same pillar for 15-30 minutes without dampening. Wrath arena wasn't much better. The problem with Classic arena is that every matchup at 2k+ is a fucking flowchart that is obeyed to a tee. Honestly Classic arena made me realize just how fucking good retail arena is. That being said, it's still not the same as good ol' fashioned vanilla raid vs raid world pvp
Is SL warlock broken as shit in pvp on sod like vanilla? 30% damage reduction with another 10% reduction and 10% damage bonus + 60 magic resist with felguard

ill play it just to shit on people, but is it actually good? SL/nightfall spec with felguard and the new shadowflame rune to replace UA
classic wow peaked in beta. streamers should be the only people playing the game, us low iq subhumans ruin everything we touch. we are to wow what brown immigrants are to white countries
Why the fuck is Chaos Bolt locked down I thought that was a dead server
Classic WoW peaked in the first 4 weeks of release

Once we all hit 60 and got our first MC clear, the magic was gone and the minmaxing began
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>someone posts TBCC
>always read it as TBBC
thanks 'nillers, you've successfully made me associate my favorite expansion with the british broadcasting company
fuck you
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Content starved Alex is live!
>streamer platform amphibious
Already drippin' gurrll
>click here to unhide
>some other game
Hard pass, Stev3n is wow ride or die. Horde pk alt is cooming along nicely.
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>2 spambots in a row
man this thread fell off
World of Warcraft Classic
Killing horde on one account, leveling horde on another. It doesn't get any comfier than this. st.vn
whats is this janky game man.
this looks pure dogshit.
Another one right away huh
probably mad at being called out
dance, monkey
Drip drip drip better keep your Zip
About the ol' Alexsensual Kangaroo Flip

Elle's Crusty Pouch is Moist and Wet
Ready to be bursted by Alex' tiny Asset

Ban ban ban get out of my Stream
No mentioning of Elle's Moist Pouch under Alex his Regime

is the restream up
aint no way im giving that nigger a view
"the chat is on fire" guy won
"nigger is a weed drug" guy lost
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It feels amazing when you gank somebody over 10 times and they can't do anything about it. They whisper you on another account desperately baiting you for a tos reply so they could mass report and silence you. You stand silent, firm with your balls on their head. God this makes me rock hard st3van
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is it the reddit spammer or someone self advertising?
the only people that deserve to be camped like that are alex and anyone that fucks with my alts i dont like to be that guy personally

I just made a shitty repurpose of an old meme, there's no conspiracy or advertisement at all.
well whoever it is, they probably need to stop if they didn't get the memo from others
I dont do it to lowbies but if we're the same level I'll let people heal up and then keep killing them. If they can't handle 1v1s and lose 10 times in a row that's their fault
Ganked this level 18 human female in redridge for over one and a half hour now, rubbed out two major loads already, she begged me to stop and almost blew a third One, disgusting vile whore I have to kill I have to keep killing them over and over again I am NOT A SOCIOPATH I JUST ENJOY KILLING AND HUNILIATING WOMEN OKAY
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Can you stop being a schizo for five minutes or just go play the fucking game?
But I am playing the game
Are you a single monitorlet or something?
The chat is on fire
shut up phoneposter, you are not even him
how do I get your superpower of making stories up inside my head that quick?
aryan imagination
start by learning how to use toilet, rajeesh
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>both wasting their time
The best feeling is ganking a streamer paypig. You're alt in his guild so you can savor the whimpering that are ignored while streamer man continues on. The pay pig thinks "what I gave him money please help help! He said my name, I heard his voice on discord once". While you stand firmly over his head with your balls on his chin. During these moments I queue up Pee-wee Herman laughing and clown music stayyvin
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Alex decides to stream some gay indie MMO for one day and you guys have nothing to talk about now. I guess you guys really do need him more than he needs you.
if this game is similiar to old mmorpg im not surprised wow blew all of them away
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it's over.
he is just a very boring streamer when he doesn't have any drama.
Wow I guess he needs us, huh.
Why do you fags insist on using this thread to obsess over this nobody?
ctrl + w
if it flusters you this m uch
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we here
I'm just asking
i'm gonna keep posting about him and there's nothing you can do about it.

world of warcraft.
Ok, but why? Doesn't seem like you're having fun.
/Wowcg/ won. Total Elle and Stayvun world of warcraft Victory

Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet? Why did Judas rat to Romans while Jesus slept?
That's not a real reason, surely you have one right? And wouldn't you enjoy going to a site like kiwifarms instead of 4chan? They love to obsess over loses on the internet over there.
>react content
2019 Alex would be absolutely sickened to see what he’s become
You've been following this guy for that long? This is what you're doing with your life?
Between >>483893476 and >>483894034
how long does it take for a bot to get banned?
Oddly aggressive response anon. Is everything okay at home?
Is my question really that hard to answer?
People are having fun PvPing in world of Warcraft. Stop being a grouchy old man throwing a wet blanket on everything.
>starts dipping below 160 views
>start talking shit about the game to try to segway back to classic drama for views
I haven't spent the past 5 years of my life stalking some loser on the internet, so I'd say I'm doing pretty good.
wtf is he playing even? is it babby's first game in Unity? does it look like this because "muh" runescape/EQ aesthetics or something?
Seems life isn’t going to well for you little guy have you considered killing yourself?
If it isn't WoW classic, you should take this discussion somewhere else.
What can you do?
Many things, you'll have to be more specific.

let me be more direct, what the fuck are you going to do about it, pussy? Why don't you make me?
Nobody stalking anyone, we are playing a video game and interacting with characters inside it. No matter how much you bait, All this takes place inside the game and nowhere else. And a lot of us are tired of you trying to pull it outside game to garner more views. The moment I exposed you yesterday all the level ones disappeared and that wasn't a mistake. At the end of the day you need us, we don't need you. We can find another person to larp with. And honestly I think it's time to find another person.

(Joint statement from Ellee and Steven pro world of Warcraft players)
Sounds like you would enjoy kiwifarms
All I enjoy is world of Warcraft. Perhaps you should go to that place.
>Perhaps you should go to that place.
I don't like to obsess over random internet people, so I wouldn't enjoy it.
you're talking with 30+ year old trannys who live in multiple discords and have no other interaction or friends. They spam 'ironic' streamer nonsence, try to force memes and avatar post here to be 'part' of something and get some interaction
>Already Drippin' Girl..
God I fucking forgot about that line. Lolcow KINO
why doesn't he just like, get good at the game for once?? both in pve and pvp, how hard is it to go from shitter lvl to decent?
too early, faggot
>everyone in the top image considers being killed in wpvp to be psychopathic grieving

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