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LastSoftware: >>483490387


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field, and Armored Core (/acg/)

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...
is blee good on dueling shields
his fire defense is lower than his physical defense genius.
>neanderthals can't even rub their neurons together for warmth in order to figure using the same element as the boss on the boss isn't effective
sounds like a big moment of pride for you recognizing the similarity between the fire graphics on the boss and the fire graphics on the weapon. however if you played the game, you'd notice right away that the boss eats fire dmg and damage was never the issue. guess that tier of pattern recognition is still a level above what you're capable.

also imagine being such a casual shitter you need to exploit elemental weaknesses in dark souls
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and it took me less than one day to actually think about the lore and realise it was doggy doo doo doo (dog4) hmm hmm my unrelenting contrarianism wins again even though i blindly liked the slurm as i consumed it

>why did miquella stage himself for mohg to kidnap him from the haligtree and kill a ton of his followers while he was 1. still conscious (giving the redmane npcs a kissu kissu after malenia's nuke) and 2. everyone was on board with whatever he said

lore coherance in order
>kings field
>eldog slurm
>tranny subject
turd ruined
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slurm sp/erg/ies ragieing over this webm >>483692561
/fsg/entlemen understand it's a fromshart reference to MHDPPAVDX (monster hunter diary poka poka airou village dx)

superiority is second nature
yeah yeah keep mashing your face into a wall then wonder why it's not working
casual shitters dont exploit elemental weaknesses btw, they dont even know they exist (like you, before you looked it up)
the first r1 is different henceforth its fine
i used a lightning reinforced club when i did my dks1 sl1 run
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I do not like the lack of summon effigies and dumb invader spawn points in this dlc
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Lore coherence?
I simply played the game and drew my own lore conclusions which are inexorable and correct because I am always right
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>Neither souls game with powerstancing lets you have more than 1 Flamberge per run
they fear the power
it worked.

I know this may be difficult to understand, but since I was dealing 300+ dmg per hit while dying to getting one-shot by his abilities with questionable hit boxes, maybe the problem wasn't my damage output and its elemental type.
honestly the biggest problem was me accidentally jumping when I was supposed to roll. need to re-learn how dks handles jumping.

>they dont even know they exist (like you, before you looked it up)
demon firesage not being resistant to fire has been used as an example of how the lost izalith was rushed late in development since like.... 2011? so yeah, I looked it up. 13 years ago.
>casual shitters dont exploit elemental weaknesses btw
I can't think of anything more normie than thinking fromsoft games are "roleplaying games" that need D&D logic
>need to re-learn how dks handles jumping
just switch the jump command to L3 instead of circle
thanks. that's actually really helpful.
there is not a single yellow/golden weapon in the dlc
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yw. i look forward to seeing which boss pushes your shit in next
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Just got done with AC 6, which one should I try next? It would've been nice if they made enemy AC's AI much stronger for the boss fights, since Ortus fight ended up being a bit anticlimactic due to it.
The Greatsword of Damnation literally glows gold
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the wall apparently.
(yes I jumped where it an orange soapstone told me to)
Congrats. Favorite parts and weapons?
4/fa or 5/vd
gs of damnation
barbed spear staff
are both purely yellow lmao
i think thats it tho
freyjas lion shield
freyjas cgs is black and gold
lightning perfume
death twinaxes
death longshaft greataxe
serpent flail is light yellowish
Which AC?
Release order.
Greatest hits by generation
1: Master of Arena
2: AC2
3: Silent Line
3.5: Last Raven
4: For Answer
5: Verdict Day
NTA, but I don't think taking advantage of weaknesses constitutes "D&D" logic, and I mean FromSoft games are quite literally hack n' slash RPGs.
thx for doing my homework retards
I thought you were just colorblind
you're welcome to use elemental weaknesses if you want, but "D&D logic" is "oh it's a fire demon, that means it can't be hurt with fire!". that's how actual roleplaying games work.
dark souls is an action game where 90% of the result is determined by the timing of your button presses. then maybe you deal a little extra dmg if the elements line up. well in this case 100% since the enemy wasn't even resistant to fire but you get what I mean.
I have a friend who is color blind in one eye
the new jee destroys redditors with facts and logic
>NPCs are better than the base game
>But the lore is shit
So many monkey paws in this one
>NPC questlines that you fail if you DON'T summon them for a boss and actually get a bad ending with no rewards and it makes a cancer fight even harder
>NPC is completely invincible during the boss fight
so this is the point we're at now?
fromsoft is done with idiots who refuse to summon when they spent so much time on making all these cool spirit ashes and npcs
if it's in the game you're supposed to use it
elden ring isn't supposed to be hard
Is there any lore in Elden Ring that goes into depth as to the cause and the mechanics of the death blight? I always assumed it was because of the rune of death being sealed away.
okay then they made a mechanic that is totally boring.
Godwyn corpse AIDS
>NPC tells you to explore in exchange for lore or some shit
>but don't explore too much or I'll move away and you can't talk to me about it again ;)
I'm really digging the arcane chicken wing.
Yeah but wouldn't he be able to properly die if death hadn't been sealed?
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This fight is such a joke
>Never stops attacking
>All of his attacks have innate fire damage and some are pure fire damage
>If you block you get murdered by chip damage
>At the end of half of his attack chains it sends you into a "strong attack" shield stagger animation that prevents you from attacking during his recovery
It's like they don't want you using shields unless it's fingerprint

I got locked out of swift slash because I entered this dude's boss arena before resting at every grace 10 times and speaking with every npc until they exhaust their dialogue
why does the carian thrusting shield have 6 more guardboost than the other one for no reason
>using magic res medium shield against messmer
just roll behind him and stop spamming roll. it's not that bad
Maybe, I guess that's good maliketh to know
Learning what to dodge and what to block is an important step. He's full of openings besides
So many Asmon clones out there. Nothing more satisfying than bsing these fingerprint faggots
is there any reason why the crestfallen merchant wouldn't be at sens fortress? does he move anywhere.
I don't remember attacking him but it's possible I did it by accident
I switched to the fire res one and it's still shit, there's no point in using a shield if you have to learn all of his attacks and know which ones to dodge and which ones to block. If you have to learn everything you might as well just roll. It works fine against every other common enemy in PvE, just use your head and don't try to shield block huge strong attacks, but against these dlc bosses blocking is almost useless unless it's fingerprint.

Also do the snakes in his 2nd phase ignore shields or something????
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>but against these dlc bosses blocking is almost useless unless it's fingerprint
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No, he's literally become a living cancer on the world, since he's alive, but nothing's going on inside because he's a body with no soul. Yggdrasil works by processing people for reincarnation by taking their body + soul in the roots (catacombs), then reincarnating them in some way, but since he's only going half-in, it doesn't know what the fuck to do, so everybody can't resurrect themselves (see the wandering nobles looking like shrivelled ballsacks) and anyone touching deathblight for a sustained period getting their soul ripped away into the divide-by-zero soul-black-hole vortex that is whatever the fuck is going on in the remains of Godwyn's soulless mind (where you fight Fortissax) + what remains of your soul is violently smashed out of your body in the form of tiny, basic, simple lifeforms like flies and maggots. Thanks Ranni.
Hence why the Skeletons / TWLID exist. They have Body and Mind, but no Soul. Of all the proposed solutions, the only "working" one is Fia leeching away a small amount of life-force / soul per prostitution (possibly getting pregnant old-school-style, then sacrificing the baby pre-brith and harvesting it's soul) and offering vestiges of a soul to the TWLID as a kind of "payment" that allows them to pass on. Gurraq / Maliketh's solution is more direct, literally just obliterating anything he can get a hold of with Destined Death / pemadeath. Meanwhile, Radagon and Miquella were noted on researching how to fix this, and while it was hinted at that you could fix such a shitshow with some magic during an eclipse (going off the Walking Mausoleums), but instead Miquella wants to be a homosexual and rape Radahn instead so there's your DLC because leddit liked making memes about Radahn; the narrative of Elden Ring ends with Godwyn being an inevitable apocalypse that nobody has any actual answer to.

Or in other words
>we already have deathblight coded as a status from 3, lets reuse it, along with the basilisk enemies
>shield users are literally braindead
>swift spear has the exact same poise damage 1h as it does 2h
is this good or bad
its slurmish
How am I wrong? none of you even use shields

>Normal gameplay loop against medium sized foes:
>keep your shield up, block one or two attacks, then either roll behind and attack or guard counter
>Don't try to block super strong telegraphed attacks that will clearly guard break you

>vs bosses
>if you block they do their 10 hit spasm chains
>if you try to guard counter without knowing all of the chains then you'll get hit halfway through the guard counter (which won't stagger them)
>if you keep your shield up they'll melt your stamina and guard break you or steadily melt you through chip damage
>if you panic and roll out of their chains you just get roll caught by one of their follow ups
I struggled against rellanna for like 5 tries while using a shield and then beat her the the next try by roll slopping with a 2h light greatsword, it's going to be the exact same shit with messmer
So you don’t want to learn the boss, you just want to tank shit.
I used brass the entire game
learn to roll AND block
what's the next game they make? Hard to imagine Bandai Namco won't be heavily pressuring Fromsoft to make a continuation in the same vein as Elden Ring, instead of whatever new insane idea Miyazaki wants to do next
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*forgot to mention / note, he's also a living cancer in that he's still growing / still alive. Much like how cancer is a clump of dead cells that grow into a tumor, Godwyn the Golden's "corpse" isn't dead, as much as it's completely unresponsive. It's still alive in "death", so it's still growing, healing, moving. Hence why he's turned into a mermaid-fish-colossus, and why his roots are digging into the world everywhere, infecting everything it touches and growing tumors of his own face. Just like how your fingernails or hair grow, or your wounds heal, your eyes water or your skin slowly replaces itself; Godwyn's corpse does all that, except none of it is dead tissue, because the body is still alive.
It's just a husk of the most beloved man in history, who died so Ranni could be a doll, and so her Outer Being (the Lord of Night) could overthrow the Greater Will and win the Game of Thrones without Ranni even knowing that she's been played like a fiddle and that atheism doesn't work in a setting with real Gods.

But Radahn fukkin Miquella bussy, now that's what the world needs.
They're sequel baiting so hard
you also have sekiro tear now so you can just l1 spam an entire combo and guard counter off the last hit
L1 spamming doesn't work as well as in sekiro for me
please tell me there's a way to craft those blessings of Marika and that fuck miyazaki didn't make them a finite resource
they were very clear in saying there would be no new content for ER, what about this is difficult for you to understand?
>Of all the proposed solutions, the only "working" one is Fia leeching away a small amount of life-force / soul per prostitution (possibly getting pregnant old-school-style, then sacrificing the baby pre-brith and harvesting it's soul) and offering vestiges of a soul to the TWLID as a kind of "payment" that allows them to pass on.
that's kind of hot ngl
>we hate making money
I beat him. Wasn't that bad. I got him down to 10% on my 5th try, then quit out and redid the fight summoning the hornsent dude for the quest. And yeah the snakes in the 2nd phase deadangle shields. It's rng if you can block them or not
No they ain't lol, all the loose ends are tied up with the sole exception of Godwyn; and whatever the fuck Miquella was thinking in going for Radahn instead of cleaning up the Godwyn problem (double so when Miquella would have never met Radahn in his life, and the reason he gave for "falling in love" with Radahn is not Radahn's personality in the slightest, and Godwyn down to a t.).
It's not sequelbait, it's an obvious rewrite.

You rike?
Yeah no, it seems like the issue here is Marika's retarded golden order. Fix the rune, reattach proper death and possibly destroy the erdtree and the problem is solved.
> so her Outer Being (the Lord of Night) could overthrow the Greater Will and win the Game of Thrones
What a shitty take.
>abortions are hot
america moment

you rike?
>Yeah no, it seems like the issue here is Marika's retarded idea to make everybody immortal and healthy.
Death is not part of the Golden Order. D's questline is pretty specific about this, and he's employed by Marika's literal second-in-command shadow advisor, so it's safe to say he's doing as the Golden Order intends.
>Fix the rune, stick in Fia's loophole-fix of just coping with skeletons everywhere and possibly destroy the reason everybody is even alive to begin (the source of all life in a fantasy setting with rules different to our own) with and the problem is solved.
Bold solution, but just like how nuking a city solves a homelessness problem, it's not really a smart one.
miyazaki could drop a hot steaming shit on a plate and 95% of you fucks would slurp it up greedily and gladly play 60-70 bucks for the privilege
>they made GV into a consumable
No point even having 20+5 fth
>nice person was actually a psycho murderer
Leda is shit
>tl;dr, oy vey the goylden order is too perfect, may chaos take the world
>Hence why the Skeletons / TWLID exist. They have Body and Mind, but no Soul
>the source of all life in a fantasy setting with rules different to our own
The rules are controlled by the Elden Ring. I'm sure they'll be fine without it if the new order is amended properly.
>to make everybody immortal and healthy.
And also cause some to develop apocalyptic giga cancer if they just so happen to die.

Too bad the endings are so vague, it almost feels pointless to argue about some aspects of the lore since so few things are answered.
she's the perfect yandere, what's the problem?
this, its about time these shit games had a yandere
ER was a pvp game.
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Tomorrow is my first day off in a month. Should I:
Make a new ER character for the DLC, or
Try Armored Core 6 (never played a mecha game before)
im gonna use the exact same poiseblob set on all 10 of my bills, sorry not sorry
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>And also cause some to develop apocalyptic giga cancer if they just so happen to die.
Godwyn didn't "just so happen to die", he got sacrificed in a complicated ritual that Ranni deliberately set up in a way that fucked the system to her own benefit. The cycle would be fine if her body was returned to the Erdtree at the same point Godwyn's soul was annihilated - but it isn't, it's a cremated husk at the top of Liurnia Divine Tower, while Ranni's unbound soul prances around doing girlboss shit and posing for cutesy coomer art at the cost of Godwyn's unbound body living within death. It's why she's surprised that anyone actually follows her willingly after she explains it to you - anybody in-setting would and should immediately try to kill her for the unending suffering and misery she is putting everybody through, for no real reason other than her ambition of a "godless" world free from Outer Influence (except she's just a pawn of the Lord of the Night to take over - much like how Marika was a pawn of the Greater Will overthrowing the Hornsent, after the Placidusax / the previous Elden Lord of the Dragon Outer Being was removed from the equation).
Marika might have shattered the Elden Ring in despair for her son dying, but Ranni is the one who fucked everything up.
if you like er keep playing that since you might not like ac6
>should i make a new bill on the least replayable slike of all time or try an entrypoint into a new franchise
I love how they realized they have a consumables problem and their solution was just to make them not stack or auto restock so they're extremely tedious to cheat in
I understand that you hate Ranni, but lay off the headcanon and selective memory.
>consumables problem
what consumables? Boiled Crabs is practically the only one I used besides ailment cures
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The twincest duo should be weak to Sleep
and also marika's blessings which they didn't even bother to limit, it's a free 1 time heal in every invasion
>ChaseTheSis rocking that Rellana boob armor on his t(r)oon
thanks for the unsolicited trannytuber status update, pest
This game has cooking??
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>Heart Broken
Difficulty ranking:
Fume Knight > Blue Smelter Demon > Sir Alonne
damn they gutted psgs
a jump attack does the less damage than impaling strike
also armored core is a "mecha game" in the same sense that ace combat is a flying sim. technically true, but not much in common with the rest of the genre. in a good way.
pretty sure that 2h gs is preferable to psgs now
time for the blacksteel greathammie + deflecting hardtear + greatshield talisman bill
They kept buffing greatswords and now it's the most boring and unfun meta weapon ever
little dude thinks we're talking about greatsworns
i'm talking about greatspears, dummy. greatsworns aren't meta (and no, i dont care how many shitters use it in arena)
they doubled the gs count lol and added 1 dagger
there are more new greatspears than there are beast claws and spearshields
2 daggers*
k babe
messmer soldier spear seems like a replacement for the lance on a lot of builds.
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don't come to the next fc
bs greathammie is the best on heavy instead of sacred :-)
the aoe does better on sacred
the messmer greatspear chuck has shit tracking and takes up 1/2 of your stamina bar
the rr2 looks good, at least
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>I am the witch Ranni. I stole Death long ago, and search now for the dark path. That I might one day upend the whole of it, and rid the world of all that came before.
>Thou'rt a rare sort. Not many would have accepted the offer.

>Indeed, I am the witch Ranni. I stole a fragment of the Rune of Death, and used it to forge the godslaying black knives through fearsome rite. I did it all. I have slain the body I was born into, and cast it away.

>I was once an Empyrean. Of the demigods, only I, Miquella, and Malenia could claim that title. Each of us was chosen by our own Two Fingers, as a candidate to succeed Queen Marika, to become the new god of the coming age. Which is when I received Blaidd, in the form of a vassal tailored for an Empyrean. But I would not acquiesce to the Two Fingers. I stole the Rune of Death, slew mine own Empyrean flesh, casting it away. I would not be controlled by that thing. The Two Fingers and I have been cursing each other ever since...

Dunno, seems like she's pretty open about everything I said to a T, and Rogier's questline backs it all up. She stole the Rune of Death, used it to forge the Black Knives, through "fearsome ritual" detached herself from the Erdtree's cycle of life and death, so that she can "upend the whole of it" aka overthrow the Greater Will (the Finger's + Elden Beast's boss, which by proxy of Marika & the Golden Order, rules the Lands Between). She came out of the ritual with a living soul and a destroyed body, Godwyn got the short end of the stick and came out with a destroyed soul and a living body. Godwyn was chosen because he was the closest to Marika, which benefited both Ranni and the Black Knives in upending the current Golden Order - he was so beloved by everyone, that it would be a massive blow to everyone, plus it might kick off a war with the dragons he appeased for good measure.
get 50 endurance
Godwyn becoming the Prince of Death was unintended, because nobody knew what would happen, since nobody had killed one of Marika's children before (the Godslayers being Marika's use of Melina, the Gloam Eyed Queen to kill the Hornsent that had ascended via the Divine Gate).
Ranni thinks that once she's upended the Golden Order and fucks off, the land will be left alone, when she takes Outer Influence away with her. Epic atheism moment. But isn't aware of the competing Outer Beings (such as Mohg's God, the Formless Mother; or Rykard / Messmer's God, the Abyssal Serpent). She possibly isn't even aware that the Outer Beings even exist (she only mentions Malenia is Empyrean, not that she's the host of Rot) - she's just a naive child in the grander scheme of things, much like Marika was nothing but a peasant girl who got played.
In particular, between her ties with the Black Knife Assassins and Renalla introducing her to the Nox's sacred symbol, the Dark Moon of Nokstella; she's simply destroying the Golden Order, so the Lord of the Night (the Nox's Outer Being, and the one responsible for the Primeval Current of Glintstone Sorcery and the Astel-insects / Fallingstar Beasts) will seize the power vaccuum - much like how the Greater Will seized the power vaccuum from Bayle's betrayal and parisatised the Erdtree / Crucible. Strange too that Radahn, the one holding the stars in place / preventing the Fallinstar Beasts from gaining a foothold, must die for Ranni's ending to complete - and Astel is the only boss specific to Rannis' ending.
>Long ago, the Nox invoked the ire of the Greater Will, and were banished deep underground. Now they live under a false night sky, in eternal anticipation of their liege. Of the coming Age of the Stars. And their Lord of Night.
Age of the Stars?

But go ahead, feel free to disprove all this headcanon with fact and logic and citation. slurmlore is shit anywhose (deeplore: all fromshart games are in the same universe canon), so be my guest.
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*Cracks Bear*
that's not how the meme format works
shitmask got t-bagged at the end lmao
oh no no no... pmask was the cocky hostcel the whole time???
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you need to go back ergoid and you need to stop using 4cuckX
fact checked: FALSE
kek that one was fun
>he was so beloved by everyone, that it would be a massive blow to everyone, plus it might kick off a war with the dragons he appeased for good measure
And Mike chose Radahn instead?
nigga really had a rune arc and blue summons on
>53 more wave damage
why wouldn't I
taunting as you go through the game is fun and idc about wasting the time of blues or reds
shit just happens. I had no idea there was a boss there
zaki dont give a shit, give the fans what they want i guess, zaki just wants to be left alone in poison swamp
godwyn was twunk, radahn was hunk, mike had his gaytastes
umm banished knights have more holy resistance than strike resistance...
Muh Kevins
test it on the bonny village npcs
which mob do i test it on then
Yeah the tracking on the rr2 is good and it comes out decently fast
everyone thought miq the spic was gonna rez godwyn tbqhwydesu, but we got epic subverted at the last second, right down to the cut cutscene flags
The horsey meme was too strong
Even Mike himself was allured by it
>in a way that fucked the system to her own benefit
Oversimplification bordering on an outright lie
>prances around doing girlboss shit and posing for cutesy coomer art
Oversimplification and seethe.
>for no real reason other than her ambition of a "godless" world free from Outer Influence
A world without control freaks like Marika having uncontested rule over reality.
>except she's just a pawn of the Lord of the Night to take over
Headcanon, see the dlc.
>Marika might have shattered the Elden Ring in despair for her son dying, but Ranni is the one who fucked everything up.
Blatantly false, Marika did everything in her power to make the shattering as bad as possible. Ranni's crime was not playing into the greater will's schemes. She also fixes the Elden Ring in the ending, most likely dealing with the deathblight aswell. We don't know for sure since the ending is short.

>"The Numen are said to have come from outside the Lands Between, and are in fact of the same stock as Queen Marika herself."
>The assassins get sent after Ranni's whole gang, including her, the moment she fully breaks free from the fingers.
There's also lots of evidence that Marika was the mastermind behind the assassination and that Ranni only took advantage of it.
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>Marika killed her golden boy
that was never a common belief godwynfags were just an extremely loud and obnoxious minority
go back to erg
I accept your concession.
there's a talisman that casts endure every time you heal? this has to be a joke
>Hear me, Demigods. My children beloved.
>Make of thyselves that which ye desire. Be it a Lord.
>Be it a God.
>But should ye fail to become aught at all, ye will be forsaken.
>Amounting only to sacrifices...
Yeah, what a loving and caring mother. She wouldn't ever do anything shady.
4cucks only have one line istg. every /v/ermin speaks in the exact same way and uses the exact same retorts. dogshit website...
>he doesn't know
actual insanity it's already impossible to punish people that are healing and now I have to go through 12 fucking poise chugged flasks from a tauntnigger this HAS to be a joke
just hit them
L2 L2
Doing a run of Dark Souls 2 again after many, many years. Majula is so comfy.
Weird Kratos
They should do more npc gank fights
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i was right again
top is sacred with blade bot is heavy with orders blade
This but unironically
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Hello friends im starting the DLC on NG+ i was thinking is it worth playing with this build? im tired of using the blasphemous because its just L2 at this point. and no i dont own that fucking channel
>rl230 "build"
Yeah dude go for it
what is RL????
how can you not know something so simple... its rune level
god bless rolling spark
my bad... im at lvl 230 aswell. stopped there.
>"""my""" """build"""
there are only items and requirements in this game, there are no builds.
Metyr feels like an mmo raid boss where you need to stand in certain places depending on the conditions and boss hp
thanks for the spoiler asshole
how come ds2 has passive poise and hyperarmor and the pvp was nowhere near this insufferable
if I invade another midra gs tauntnigger I'm going to scoop out my eyeballs
Stay offline
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didnt knew the weapon applied madness irl lmao btw save me some shabriri grapes :)
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>Oversimplification bordering on an outright lie
>Oversimplification and seethe.
>A world without control freaks like Marika having uncontested rule over reality.
She's very much contested by multiple factions, and has either warred with them or made concessions - both human-only (Radagon's uprising, the Liurnians / Carians, Storm King, the untamed Kaiden, Gelmir Pagan Cult), other races (Fire Giants / Monks, the Nox, the Hornsent) and Outer-Being backed (in total, the opposing outer beings include The Lord of Night / Dark Moon of Nokstella / Primal Current / Ludwig's Phantasms, Sealed God of Rot, Formless Mother / Blood Star / Formless Oedon, Abyssal Serpent / World-Eating-Serpent / Deep Sea / Aldrich's God, Frenzied Flame, Fell Flame, Ancient Dragon God, God of Twinbird - so 8 other known ayylmaos, before ones like Kos / Kosm / The First Flame / Jeenine).
>Headcanon, see the dlc.
"Sword encrusted with a line of stars fashioned from small pieces of crude glintstone. Weapon of the demi-human swordsmen. When bestowed with this weapon by their queen, the swordsmen swear to find the truth that lies at the end of the procession of stars." - Star-Lined Sword
"Onze, a master swordsman who devoted himself to the Star-Lined Sword, realized that only ruin awaited at the end of the procession of stars, and imprisoned himself in order to forestall it." - Demi-Human Swordsman Yosh Ashes
"Said to have originated in the lightless dark far beyond—the home of the fallingstar beasts." - Magic Missle
>Blatantly false, Marika did everything in her power to make the shattering as bad as possible
"But after the Elden Ring's shattering, she was imprisoned in the Erdtree. A grim punishment for shattering the Order, despite her godhood." - Enia
"Marika's trespass demanded a heavy sentence. But even in shackles, she remains a god, and the vision's vessel." - Enia
ds2 didnt have passive poise though
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Hard to pull stings when you're crucified to Mr Beast's command grab attack - but you're free to elaborate with citations.
> Ranni's crime was not playing into the greater will's schemes.
She's trying to usurp it and kill everyone reliant on it for survival, not just going LALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU, moron. You have not cited any disproval.
>She also fixes the Elden Ring in the ending,
The Tarnished fixes the Elden Ring, Ranni has nothing to do with it. If it was Ranni, you wouldn't be going around collecting Great Runes like pokemon cards.
>most likely dealing with the deathblight aswell.
>We don't know for sure since the ending is short.
>>I don't know for sure since I'm making this shit up as I go along, based on what my favourite transgender jewtuber influencer & parasocial friend figure #7946567383 told me
A bit of headcanon, but a reasonable leap in logic.
>The Numen are said to have come from outside the Lands Between, and are in fact of the same stock as Queen Marika herself.
>>Denmark is in Europe, so South America was colonised by Danish people, because the Danish are from the same stock as the Spanish / Portugese.
>>The assassins get sent after Ranni's whole gang, including her, the moment she fully breaks free from the fingers.
No, they kill everyone who could get in the way of Ranni the moment she departs to fulfil the Lord of Night's wishes.
>There's also lots of evidence that Marika was the mastermind behind the assassination and that Ranni only took advantage of it.
There's so much, that posting any of it just slipped your mind (common pattern of people with lots of ebidance). Donald Trump is also the mastermind behind his own imprisonment (trust the plan Qtriots).

you have no power here slurmsp/erg/. this gemeral is slow enough to make substantiated arguments in about kusoge and populated by epic soulsvets who know zaki's tricks. nice citations btw, snopes would be proud.
>No, they kill everyone who could get in the way of Ranni the moment she departs to fulfil the Lord of Night's wishes
Why is alecto imprisoned?
/erg/ is the lore general
/dsg/ has discussed lore before you were even born
because she got caught ;)

/4ccg/ is the lore general, the holy practice of virtual football will resolve any disputes
trannies get real quiet when you tell them to recite the second line of marika's echo in her bedchamber that melina relays to you (it's an anti-trans message)
>spin slash
>midra gs
did u mean switf slash
also chainsaw blind spotters
which one? I don't think i found it yet
overleveled and madness can't even proc on pve enemies.
now that 150 is the meta, what's the overleveled meta? 200?
150 isn't the meta
yeah i know. i just wanted to do some good incantation damage to be honest. the talismans and healm make your attacks do more dmg when madness proc on yourself.
150 is the meta
It's not.
gaius more like gay ass lmao gottem
you are not jee
you do not decide the meta
plus you don't really need to level in this dlc which has meant death is practically meaningless
tranny tubers don't decide the meta
you two retards can have fun dueling the other 2 remaining retards at 125
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sneed blessing is more important than levels
>miyazaki adds +4/+4 helm
>moron pvers STILL want the meta level raised
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level 150 niggas be like "hmm yeah this looks awesome"
saint ryan is live btw
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uh uh uh
shake shake shake
twerg twerg twerg
twerg that ergie shake

what that thang do?
it oneshot you
stun locka soul sloppa
stun locka soul sloppa

no poise b*tches
only shit in my britches
twerg twerg twerg
shake shake shake
go ahead and post any build at 125 that isn't strength
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holy fuck this is insane, no way they don't win GOTY this year
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138 is the standard
50 into whatever offensive stats you want then minimum str/dex for weapons requirements and then put the rest into endurance
go ahead and post it
why the 40 dex and 25 mind? Seem like way too high. You only need 54 STR if you're gonna be two-handing your bonk stick anyway, take those 6 points and throw them into Vigor along with 4 more from mind and dex to get it up to 60. Might be worth getting your endurance up a bit more as well
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took me 4 seconds
not really

it's only a dlc doe
jee literally said 150 is the new meta but retards here still think their opinion matters over jee's authority over multiplayer
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>we can't go above 125 because everyone starts stacking poise or fp or something
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this is my build going into the DLC. How did I do? Going for more of a Qual/FTH build and hoping for some good weapons to potentially switch over to as I progress
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oh no i did it again
>it's only a dlc doe
didn't that Witcher 3 dlc win a bunch of GOTY awards the year it released?
bootleg buildplanner niggas need to stop cooking... 30 mind????
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lion hat
>it's only a dlc
calling this a "dlc" is insulting to other full-sized games, it's basically Elden Ring 2
it's literally a dlc tho. when has a dlc ever won goty...
the 2nd attack in the messmer spear wa chain has no recovery
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these are the official award criteria from Geoff's TGA thing
geoff will give miyazaki the double
A bit low on the vigor but you'll be fine if you collect the scadu blessings
>backstep talisman gives you like 50 iframes
yea the weapon requirements for the golden order greatsword are ridiculous, it was the highest I could get it while wearing decent armor and staying below heavy load
i wouldn't bother with the golden order gs.
>miyazaki puts almost actual lore in the game apart from a few sentences on items
>all so jewtubers can make hour long videos picking apart the nonexistent lore
>retards eat it up
Many such cases
it's not the greatest, but I'm a sucker for holy shit. Hoping there are some undead enemies to fight in the DLC
there's a few, but also a TON of faith weapons in the dlc. ditch that thing asap.
it's good but it's no ganker killer
be honest, did you change your build to beat the final boss with a greatshield? This is a safe space
I just perfumed him like Zaki intended
no i just parried him to death with a brass shield and blocked the holy spam with the deflecting tear on. turtling up with a greatshield is for shitters who can't parry.
I haven't played ER in 2 years, why is jeenine runnin around with a little fuckin axe in the offhand slot
how viable would a RL1 playthrough of the DLC be? I want to go in as a completely naked wretch with a club or something and scavenge all my gear from the new content
probably some meta shit the sweaty pvp community found

>unironically watching jeenine
yeah i watched a saint vlosky video or whatever that guys name is 2 years ago and i still get elden ring sweaty pvp shit so sometimes i check it out to see what has changed
I only really watch Chasethebro for pvp stuff honestly, I'm sure the other dudes are good in their own right
why does my backstep not work half the time
hope you guys die in your sleep
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Dark Souls 2 is cool... too cool in this particular area.
hope you live in your wake
as it it doesn't trigger, or you still get hit during it? It doesn't have iframes anon
the newer games have spoiled me, I can't go back to the older souls games. The boss runbacks alone filter me at this point, maybe if there's a "stake of marika" mod someone can make for them I'll play it
Will I be disappointed in Steel Rising if the main reason I want to play it is because I have a bit of a fetish for sexy female automatons?
axes are good now
if it's an axe that he never swings, it's probably just the highland axe to buff roar attacks.
Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. I am playing from oldest to newest so I don't feel like I am going backwards.
Maybe I will have reached Elden Ring in about 4 years.
it does with the talisman. I was still inputting movement so it wasn't working
I saw some old fat bald streamer doing a rl1 run. He died like 800 times to the first dlc remembrance boss.
I was actually impressed by steel rising, it's surprisingly competent. It's no Lies of P, but it's a perfectly acceptable souslike
huh that's weird, don't remember turning my computer camera on
not even using consumables or pots to help with dps? Heard the new pots were actually pretty strong
eh... stuff like giant rot pots are useful since they basically insta-proc. you'd still have to deal with the nightmarish hp bloat tho, and every fight would be obscenely punishing.
hero or vagabond start
60 vig
70 end
23 str (or less with talismans)
16 dex (or less with talismans)
crossbow/ballista build
why tf would you want to use talismans to hit 23/16, but keep 70 end
interesting, maybe I'll start it at RL1 and only level while in the DLC then
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i hope redditors mass spam bandai's mailbox to turn the deflect tear into a talisman
Ranni really mindbroke you hard, huh?
dumb idea
out of arguments, i see...
t. fun hater
dumb poster
the tear is good enough
By the way, was it you that tried arguing your anti-Ranni obsession in the v thread and got shit on by everyone?
>No, they kill everyone who could get in the way of Ranni the moment she departs to fulfil the Lord of Night's wishes.
Ah yes, Iji, the man who would do everything to oppose Ranni.
>she departs to fulfil the Lord of Night's wishes.
Literal fucking headcanon.
>Hard to pull stings when you're crucified to Mr Beast's command grab attack - but you're free to elaborate with citations.
why would anyone ever go on /v/ to talk about elden ring. get a life.
And btw:
>the closest Celestial body, nothing more
why would anyone ever go to /v/ for anything at all
total /v/ death
i wanna go around the entire map playing like this, not only for boss fights
The only good parts of the SlurmLC
instant bleed club is insane
the pvp in this game is a complete joke now (before it was a bad joke)
the stakes really have been a fucking godsend
y r old moids so temperamental, god they’re like women on periods
dont come to the 3/4 midra fc yestermorrow
138 is shitter levels
banana god would not approve in fact u called u a scrub in real life
just increase the time on it to like 900 minutes for boss fights
i used it before bruce lee..
Anyone on PS5 want to Rolling Thunder Radahn for me before it gets nerfed?
y dont u do it urself
>i used it before bruce lee..
I didn't even know the chink nigger was using it, I keep getting fucking stunned out of hyperarmor because the r1s do 80% of my bleed bar and the r2s are instant bleed at 300 robustness
stupid fucking game
maybe dont trade into the 1(one) attack that the weapon has
oh i used it in pve. yeah its obnoxious in pvp. also the night claw ash instableeds
great game
i saw a wacky video just now
>Just don't get hit in a 3v1
the attack has no range
stop trading in a 3v1
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i need fromsofts next game already. if it sucks too ill lose all hope for fromsoft
uhhhh ac6fa
and whatever else they’re working on
the tables have turned...
I hope fromsoft's next game has no children or women I can't stand the non stop coomposting in erg since the dlc came out
I want a jojo style game where it's just dudes beating the shit out of each other
Only Spellbound can save us now
I hope the next Fromsoft game is actually good. ER and AC6 sucked ass.
>want one of the gayest anime slops

Hey anon you from stupid town or something? LGBT is literally full of aids because homos can't stop being sex addicts and swaping germs with each other
the midra gs grab is so telegraphed why are you tards complaining
what are you talking about
there is nothing gay about the first 3 seasons
the rest have fruity undertones
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god gamer moment
quick reminder he did dancer of boreal valley in 1 too
quick reminder that he's lower level and scat fragments than asmongoldberg
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Level design is nice here. We just kicked down a little rock and created a boulder so big that it filled the gap between the broken bridge.
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Romina is such an impressively shit boss I'm not even mad. It's a marvel.
Gideon is fucking gay with all his spell spamming bullshit
just use the erdtree greatshield l2
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but like
dude anime
she does epic superduperspeed cartwheels your lockon cant even keep up with
and dont forget, like

people give najka a hard time for being too slow, but domina is such a stupid extreme in the opposite direction that it really highlights how good god2 is compared to slurm. the irony being that najka is harder, even despite being more honest, because she's slower but has better tracking / accuracy with the few moves she does do, is telegraphed enough to have fair mixups, and the poison is just slow enough that she can catch you out and score a kill as it ticks away as something you don't want to heal immediately for - meanwhile domina is just 2HKO at all points (invalidating the scarlet rot) but staggers almost as much as bone maria while having a crit element weakness that shreds her, so it's just a DPS race with cutscene-tier moves you need to full-disengage for and just sit and watch, over any genuine fight
I've noticed that elden ring is unironically full of shockwaves so even if you dodge on time you can still be hit if your dodge isnt picture perfect
romina was easy as fuck desu she just cant do shit if you stay to her side so you beat the tar out of her while she whiffs like an idiot.
sometimes they expect you to just jump it. they're weird about when you can do that tho, and moves like the dragon stomps also have giant circle hitboxes that'll hit you for jumping too close.
I've been trying to co-op to """""relax""""" after malding.my way tjrough the game solo, and Romina is kust emblematic, literally, of what From did to curb multiplayer - they gave that bitch two tails, so all she has to do is spin in circles the entire fucking fight so no one has a chance to do anything. It's comical just hiw fucking antifun and abusive the DLC is, and she's a walking image of it in that regard.
Najka is not harder than a single elden ring boss
I told one of the npcs to stay depressed for the rest of his life and now for some reason he is lying dead next to a bug. I don't really get these quests.
love how the virgins in this general are still trying to force the /eroge/ meme when /erg/ won so hard
it was never ever called elden ring online, shit was forced and the sad incel still trying to force it years later should kill himself
autism alert above
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Lel i did the same. Fucking game man
sorry schizo, not everyone is permanently online and in tune with whatever autistic thread lore you've fabricated
They spent 2 years making a DLC for Elden Ring. Was it worth it?
fresh dubi
I can see why they cut it, doesn't really add anything to the questline
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what bill should i play dlc again wif.. maybe tank bill?
i made the thread and im not a virgin
don't think this argument has a leg to stand on
>not a SINGLE new weapon buff spell
what did the two best games in FROM's catalog do to deserve the rape they've received?
demons servers are dead and the remake is ugly slop
dark souls ptde servers are dead and the game is delisted, remaster is an ugly lazy cashgrab and a tool to blackmail people into spending money after refusing to enable ptde servers
and none of the games released since have been even close to being as good. fuck this series, fuck bamco, fuck fromsoft
Saint hates Godwyn now
lol what if we made stronger versions of all the buffs and then only had it tied to grease XD
Dark Souls 2 has some good DLC. I think it is better than Dark Souls 1 DLC.
need a redpill on chilling perfume
powerstance option for int/fth
Is Vyke's war spear a good choice for a PVE madness build? i know most enemies cant suffer from madness but i can proc on myself
you can throw it on your int build if you want
perfume isn't super deep
whats ''the'' attack for 'fumes, neutral r2?
eh... it's a super short piece of shit that's really just a dex weapon with a faith stat tax.
rolling sparks spam lol
you gonna pay for that S.L.U.T.
why :(((
ds2 dlc has cooler areas to explore
ds1 dlc has veryvery fun bosses to fight tho
ds2 dlc has some boring fights and some very good ones
its okay for pve
Don't give a shit if its not unstranslated JP

Western trannylators ruin everything
everything but neutral r1s are alright
rolling spark for the funny one shot
He's still simping for ranni
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why is 500 pure magic dmg showing as 174 dmg
VA speaks in english, it doesn't even have proper subs
check your defender stats
Does the Two Handed talisman enhance the DMGS's wave projectile? It is technically an R2 not an L2.

Thinking if I should rush it on my INT build.
elden ring has english voice acting only
low mvs
defends stats is on default
i see
set your defense stats to beastmaster
oh wow it'll go from "thank you" to "arigatoooooo" so fvcking epic
I did some experimenting to see why they chose those levels for the costly arcane spell and the most costly faith spell and I found that they balanced it so that both erdtree and dragon communion have 321 spell buff if you meet the requirements for miquellas spell for 72 faith or if you meet the requirements for Bayles and greyolls spells which need 28 faith and some arcane or 53 arcane.
so basically they want you to go 28/53 as arcane or 72 as faith.
That's 62 points invested for both builds.
i have no clue wtf 21 is talking about maybe im just too old
I don't get it either
DCS should be 45 arc max, albeit. also haybale's incants are ass.
I do get it
it makes me think from actually thinks about spell buff scaling more than I thought they did
they clearly don't based on the catalyst rapier
maternal staff jungle hybrid int/arc build when
the carian rapier is bugged I cope
i think throwing ghammie damage is bugged because wtf
the new troll knight uggie es is the highest ar on intqual
I already said that when the patch dropped
I wish the dragon forms looked bulkier. I hate looking like a malnourished scalie.
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new brass shield sidegrade?
My tummy hurts, this dlc is annoying
>it was never ever called elden ring online
eroge precedes erg by 2 years and continued to exists even after erg came to being. im sorry you werent here for elden rings reveal my newfriend from /v/
fat fuck
my stummy hurt..
The smithscript weapons are bad for arc
drink water
i ran out of worter i have to get moar :(
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Maybe the next soup game will have water spells
Ahahahaha What happened to the water boat ash

aawaaaaaaaggghhh wheres the godwyn dlc londor dlcccc OOOOHHOHOHOHOHHOHO

ALSO I cant believe zaki and i designed similar centaur enemies we’re synced on our periods rn
godwyn dlc where the final boss is miquella a second time and he's riding on godwyn's back
theres like 3 dex int weapons which are trash on int qual but i want to use them kill zaki kill zaki
This but unironically
carian duel shiteld and the ugs work on qual int tax
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the 'dueling shields' are borderline impossible to deal with if you aren't parrying and i don't know why people are so quiet about them
don't infuse it and throw a greatshield talisman on, you can trade with every single weapon in the game and it's not even a contest
2handing them just feels unfair, the guardpoint windows are fucking massive
DO infuse it because it shits out crazy damage and gets to counter because it pierces lol.
*hyperarmor kicks you*
thanks for the free 2000 damage riposte
infusing it means you lose anywhere between 10-15 of whatever the block stat is called and get 70+ of it if you don't (more than most greatshields wtf)
gains like 100 dmg
not worth (guard broke means u r died)
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Fellas which seal is the best in the DLC for each type of incantations
theres a lot more broken shit and ppl hate shields dont worry everything will be nerfed in a month
The DLC sucks
you run the best general casting seal and then one of the buffing seals in the offhand
most of the infusable dlc faith weapons with innate fire/holy damage seem to do better with the opposite infusion, it's weird
like the fire knight's greatsword seems better with sacred, and the black steel greathammer seems better with flame. Maybe in practice the split damage will make up for the difference, but with the hammer it's a whole 100AR difference which is weird
Erdsneed like the base game
Is Queelign's sword the new longest HTS?
Elemental damage and big attacks do pretty well in my experience
been theorycrafting this int/fth bill for 2 days now its gonna be one of the bills of all time
no offen
full offense man, its gonna suck
More damage types will always mean more AR but worse actual performance has defenses stack
>new version of dsanimstudio fucks itself if you add new animations the usual way of manually editing the anibnd and adding tae files, unless you delete the project file that stores tags and names and other would-be useful info
>seemingly can't add new animations via the program yet because it doesn't save them even if you ctrl+s and it says it saves
>even though the custom animations are in the files and should be readable by the game, the game refuses to play them, not even showing an a pose for a split second like usual, just nothing
this is headache-inducing
i can't do shit, guess i'll just let the actual modders do their thing for now
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It won't beat 20/20/38/38
it gets higher AR but the actual damage is worse
i think you mean 16/16/38/38
I am playing Dark Souls 2 and I have 40 dexterity and 40 strength. My weapon has no dexterity scaling.
I always include stat helms...
add the + for that
Swift spear kinda funky...
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i love this DLC so much guys
whats ur favorite part
im about to play it again, idk what build to try next i might do a fatroll greatshield guy with that stupid talisman lol
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We never got the spinning chain ash btw
Yeah well it sucked fucking dick
btw faggot try puttikmg charge on the golem halberd
*spits in your eye*
heavy charge forth golem halberd is dog
I'm going to cum in your ass

sigh i rly wish there was more rot poison stuff
i cant believe how wrong my dlc predictionwas… no rotting tree innards and giga ant boss and nyo death ocean and nyo godwyn
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Abyssal Woods by far. fucking loved the shit out of that zone and the boss
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i think the dungeons were all rly fun, i wish the woods had a scarier invisible enemy or something. it was a bit too easy imo bbut the atmosphere was great
how do I get down to the bayle zone it's so far and it seems impossible to reach from the guy screeching at the pillar
I'm not sure why mods keep deleting my comments i'm just trying to inform you about a bug. Leda says she is going to shadow keep after Hornsent. In shadow keep 2 summon signs are supposed to appear and you can make a choice of helping either Hornsent or Leda and based on that choice you either get a talisman or an ash of war.

The summon signs do not appear for me. I know killing mesmer ruins the questline and i haven't killed him. Everything is supposed to be correct but the signs do not appear.
dungeon under the pillar
22 dex to save a talisman slot
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well? What's your excuse?
good for him must be a smart guy
This isn't /v/
Midra is my favorite boss in terms of atmosphere and design. Really did the frenzied flame dudes justice. Only issue is my issue with a lot of the bosses, they simply don't have enough health
using voice commands is an advantage
Is Flame Spear good?
>bloodhound's fang
from where? abyssal woods?
Good on him
>What's your excuse?
I haven't had trouble with Malenia in years. Honestly, she's light work compared to the DLC bosses even on NG+
...from the guy screeching at the pillar
idk man ive spent 10 minutes running around this place there's nothing here
it really is the best hub
nice Stephen Merchant btw
So are the new xbows fun in pvp or pve (ignoring insta status spreadshot)
Having the repeating crossbow on your back is peak fashion and also adds to morale, increasing pvp efficacy.
not really
spread is for status rape only
gael 2.0 is okay on stationary targets
great i got baited into doing this garbage lava dungeon and it still didnt lead me to bayle

open world is dogshit
Gael 2.0 is also fun to aim at people's ankles with explosives
for 50 damage...
i guess ill use in pve.. hmmm meowbe perfumer talisman perfumer bolts to reset proc with chilly perfume dex int bill
>find statue
>people said precious item ahead, therefore bow
>tried all 3 bow emotes.
Then I finally noticed the pot on a strong up above.
hand2hand is the highest skill ceiling weapon
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>Spread Perfume
Scorched Earth build
whens the h2h highland warrior clothing dogshit brave outfit fc
50 damage like twenty times over isn't bad. In the first place, it's fun, so it doesn't need to be super duper effective
btw wheres yorlin did his pc finally giantsflame take him or sonething
its ok
Farming for the Fire Knight armor is killing me
once u get to the library area theres a bunch to farm i think
I know, this is my second playthrough of the DLC.
I'm using all the tricks to get my item discovery up, but I swear that these guys have pure bladestone tier droprates
>DLC weapons so you don't really get to use them
I hope the next souls game has perfume-like weapons
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is this legit or more journo misinformation?
He's just saying "it'd be neat but probably not unless the stars aligned"
PS5? I can drop you the set (and weapons if you want them)
No, PC.
I'll get it eventually. I have an autistic need to get it myself the first go around before I mule/cheat it to the rest of my characters because fuck man I've been trying for two days already. It took me AGES to get the unaltered Banished Knight chest in the base game, too, so I think I'm just a lucklet
lol killing those same 4 wolves to get the banished knight fur chest
>doing well on radahn phase 2
>get him down to low health
>he keeps doing that quick stomp with a lingering aoe you need to roll through with near frame-perfect timing that also has vertical reach so you can't just jump over it
>die because he spammed it like 6 times in a row
what a bunch of bullshit
smithscript pve time
he also said he'd make a jrpg
dude just never rules anything out
I'd play the fuck out of a Fromsoft JRPG, Black Souls is the only game that's come close to putting that "soulslike" feel into a jrpg so far
it did based on certain conditions
i think you couldnt be sprinting was one
fear and hunger is way better than black souls
What game?
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what kind of leaks can we reasonably expect from this?
agreed, but it doesn't feel like a soulslike the same way that black souls does. Enchant Farm is another good example
In retrospect, I think there was something really harrowing about going up against a god and a lord in full verde with nothing but a sharp stick. No rolling, just facing him head on like a real Elden Lord.
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nigga didnt want to kill himself dealing with radahn's bullshit
there's literally no coomposting about women in /erg/, it's all fags
file.png is the worst poster
fujo alert
How would you r8 the new DLC on emvironments and atmosphere?
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don't blame him tbqh, tried helping some people beat him for a few hours yesterday and everyone not using a greatshield was getting instagibbed within the first 15 seconds
guys the crucible incants in the dlc are fucking awful
How's the tracking on bloom
the wings one is fun. Where do you even get the tongue one btw?
monkey typewriter shakespear
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Did they add ANY incants that are good against bosses?
I'm still using Great Combustion and Great Flame as my BnBs... Nothing seems to match up to them.
just beat radahn he was a faggot
googling now what I missed. Fucked up that there's no tongue crucible incant. Also where is fun to invade? I loved haligtree to knock people off shit but I can't think of any gimmicky places to invade this DLC. It doesn't even really have many world bosses to invade at
tongue one doesn't exist for the player sadly
same for the centaur legs :(
i didn't count the wings because its an ash of war, but yeah it is fun
the lasers fro the bloom r so fucking delayed enemis will just smack you to death before they come down lmoa... it does shoot out a ton of lasers charged so maybe its okay for big bosses?

the porcupine is better against smaller targets... bad damage but it has some hyperarmor

they both need buffs like seriously...
they're worse than the 3 basegame crucible spells-- which are all just okay, with the benefit knockdown on some of them :\
ok im testing more on some acks... the fully charged porcupine (if it lands all the hits) has similar damage to the fully charged horn shoulder bash and the fully charged tail swipes... a bit weaker.
but its easy to lose out on half the dmg because of how your character spins around and because the quills miss sometimes

it's not as bad as i thought, but still not very great. looks cool tho. i might try in duels as a meme

the flowers suck tho
Fire Snake or whatever it's called is great because you can pop it at range and it fires off when the boss closes distance. good tracking and fast
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i'm not done with my fire knight build sorry
my one track mind will not allow me to use a different character
what's the status
just me...
maybe try again tomorrow
hey i haven't even made it 2/4 yet
now its 3/4 u liar i oughtta fuckin leave
>can pick and choose which summoning pools you want active
>but if you want to selectively only invade certain areas you have to use cheat engine to set invasion regions
lame af
i hate that people are STILL to this day tonguing with blue ring active in liurnia
nvm fc tomorrow
>play one duel
>guy is using the backstep ring and bleed kugs
not even been a fucking week man PLEASE
How did miyazaki get away with leaving miquella the rapey ending? Miquella has the body and mild of a child and the whole plot hinges on his consort daddy. Wtf is wrong with japan
you will never hit him
sorry i was showering
i legit thought it was lat at first and then realised

shit is absolute fubar lel
madness torch does insta proc holy shit lol
Just go to where you got invaded by ancient dragon man
It is done. May our world forever be free of the spawn of darkness... and may our fallen kings be forever remembered.
Yeah I never actually got invaded by him at that point. I eventually found him though. Then rage quit at bayle.
And so it ends.
I rate Dark Souls 2 with a 9/10 and strongly recommend it to any Souls player who may have skipped it.
Messmer was a cool and fun fight. But I'm a bit disappointed by how easy he was. People have been saying he is some super aggressive one shot boss but I don't think any of his attacks did more than a quarter of my health (other than the grab) and he frequently stood still/slow walked between his combos.
this is why chainsaw didnt get patched
you can backstep through chainsaw until you run ouy of stamina lol
i thought they disabled invading into the mohg area from outside of it?
based ds2 is very fun
Is it really though? Do you have any proofs or are you just bullshitting mr anonymous over there?
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do you even know how resistances and split damage works...
>Where FromSoftware is right now, in terms of scale, I would say Elden Ring is really the limit," Miyazaki says. "We’ve tapped every resource and talent that we have access to … scaling it even bigger, I’d have my concerns. Perhaps having multiple projects is the next stage, where some of the other younger talent can have the opportunity to manage and direct game design for a smaller project.
Based. Gonna get another Dog 2 soon while Miyazaki works on a passion preoject.
B-team bloodborne 2 let's goooo
I liked DS2 so I hope the b-team makes DS4 for me
any 2scholars present
Okay, "ghammie" poster, I like your weapon, even if I have to wear the hat to use it.
I just finished Scholar of the First Sin but I am still in attendance.
It's allowed because he's a boy. If he was a cunny as every other aspect of his design points to being intended then people would lose their minds.
How did they think tpfbt was an acceptable AoW? This is like piercing fang on steroids.
respeced my rl200 dog to int-fai with the new staff and dual swords. it's zaza
serpent flail is super fun
I just wish flails were good
still working on my lizard staff spell randomizer run
starting a dark bill rn. what's a fun weapon for earlygame that is NOT rapier or mace or fire longsworn
just finished slurmdlc

>radahn was a godfrey fanboy to both a fault and a benefit, becoming a national hero by going out on a limb to LARP as godfrey
>thats why he wants to usurp godfrey and destroy his legacy

>miquella was researching into how to end godwyn's suffering, and working with radagon, current elden lord of the old order
>that's why he wants to kill radahn so he can resurrect radahn in a body suitable for godwyn, so radahn can fuck him in the ass and everyone can be "kind" to each other (but radahn is still a notorious warlord)

>mohg stole miquella from the haligtree while malenia was out on a campaign
>except the haligtree and malenia were both fine with it all along (because miquella controlled mohg from the start), but told nobody and left all the inhabitants for dead and bewildered

>malenia nuked caelid in desperation, her emotional outburst being frustration that she might know defeat for the first time in her life
>except she was in control of the scenario all along, and the "peak of her emotion" happened after telling radahn how good it would look if radahn was fucking her brother in the ass

y doe
at least my niggas rykard and godrick kept on being the realest G's
Is Dark Souls 3 DLC hard if I can beat Elden Ring ez without any of the big tools they give to help out?

idfk bandit axe i guess
uhhhhhh mace! no wait uhhhhh firelo.... no uhhhh i meant fire broadie!
you'll be fine
um... who cares!! prime radahn!!!! omg so epic!!!!!
1. Get charmed idiot
2. Becoming a god probably wouldn't sit well with the GW so you gotta start from scratch
3. I don't think he actually cares very much
4. Dunno about either of these, something something rot outer god influence is hard to shake. Need to think about it more
why did noxy kill herself
he had to make amends with the world
its for the better
rest in piss...
yeah that was kind of my point
you were trying to force this meme before elden ring even came out
every single person realized it was retarded and forced and you have no sense of humor which is why you get no bitches and went to /erg/ instead
you lost!
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ok but what's the deeplore on making godwyn weapons that slot in place with miquella's cross and have the symbol of an eclispe in the middle (like was being researched to save godwyn)
is this guidance 3?
Any opinions on fighting a boss and then having to fight another boss almost immediately after?
Kind of like Firesage Demon into Centipede Demon and Squalid Queen into Sinh the Slumbering Drake.
miquellas cross is actuslly just christianity + islam combined because michaelcarkeys is ANGRY about religion or something...
Hmm, I dunno. I gotta think about that one too
I'd kill to read grrms original lore book
Fine selectively
eroge is a japanese term for an erotic game which is really funny you just have to have a sense of humor that is why he does it please understand
get off it dude
ergies hate fun. that's why they blogpost about rotdog female npc rape instead
I like it when the bonfire is right outside the boss arena.
^^agreed that is why eroge is so great it is very fun unlike the ergies it is a play on words because eroge means erotic game so all you have to do is add online to the middle and you can call it eroge the e is a stretch but you need a sense of humor
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can someone edit this image to the new frenzied flame torch in the DLC
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Miyazaki wanted to subvert your expectations
It's getting to Kengan Omega levels at this point though, just wants to subvert them regardless of actually how the story might end up
the ge stands for general doe
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uh no
are you the same fujo that complains about people talking about sexy women in elden ring threads? it's not our fault youre asexual because you were raped or something , sorry!
thanks for sharing your journey through drangleic
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I really feel like all our problems would be solved if gwyndolin. was. a. real. girl.
evil is on the move at fromsoft hq...
get lost, /v/ tranny
noeone knows what ur talking aboitleic
i want to use those death axes
these are pretty big misrepresentations of the story

malenia was there to kill radahn so he could respawn him at the shadow tree

the dlc is still retarded but you making shit up is dumber
meant for >>483787403
CAPTCHA: had gay in it
tpfbt = the poison flower blooms twice
it's the stupid rot kick
bandit axe
roaring halberd (you can get it from transposing skelelord soul, you just need to beat drakerider to get licia to move then pay her 2k to move the path to heide)
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>still isn't topped
Gael chads keep winning
Do NOT post sexy women in Elden Ring threads OR ELSE
1481 confirms it
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no it didnt otherwise you wouldve imageposted it
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>malenia was there to kill radahn so he could respawn him at the shadow tree
but then how does tarnished and marika move to and from the shadow realm without being deaded and how does a fallingstarbeast fall from space straight to the afterlifeand why did it specifically need to be a rot nuke on his face to make him braindead and suffer (except nobody but radahns own men / ranni tell you to kill radahn, so for all intents and purposes radahn would have been a braindead zombie foreverever)

i don't even have time to make shit up yet i'm just trying to figure it out
where my godwyn the golden lichking (but it's not arthus) (it's karthus curved axe) bossfight
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its fun...
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"it aint easy bein cheezy"
that twist would make any man go mad
puts slurmlore to shame
i haven't had a cheeseball in ages. always really tempted to buy a giant thing of 'em but it would kill my cute ass.
does off 'fume get any combos
nah dont get me wrong, those things are really stupid but malenia at least had a motivation to kill radahn
I'll save it for later
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so why didnt she then
and if radahn wanted to die so much to become a faggot in the afterlife because he made a deal, why did he keep on burning away the rot with his great rune and hold the stars in place unconsciously.

shit dont add up, and not in a to be continued way
Maybe radahn didn't want to honor the agreement, and resisted the charm, hence why Miquella sicced his sister on him. In this context, her remark to him as she blooms becomes very twisted and vindictive in nature
Too many kevins ruined the dlc for us
He-man was the original G.
who is kevin
she literally couldnt kill him and then st trina put her to sleep after she tried a last resort bioweapon (idk who st trina is but that's what someone said"
the radahn jr with bloodhound's fang
radahn didnt want to die he wanted to be like guts and prove himself as a stand alone warrior before reuniting with miquella, suiciding wouldnt be what he wanted
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>doing summon
>it's a kevin with a rob blee as my "assistant" to get this mental midget through the boss

>doing invasion
>it's a minmaxed 2000 hp bloatloard with full goatse and the ganksquad
zaki gives his toughest retards to his most epic gamers
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slap your hand down on the desk
that's kevin
Do any of you ever go back to the older Souls games?
How in the hell did he make it this far?
carried by summons the whole game
yes. I go back to a lot of old things I like
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worst build ever
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welp, I'm cooked
I tried like 4 different builds today and not one hit as good as dex-fai with messmer's spear. guess I'm never gonna use anything else ever again
not really, I would if they added a boss-only mode after you beat the game

I just run past the enemies anyway at this point, regular enemies in souls games are tedious af
how, it's air and cheese dust
guarantee you're not cute anyway so nothing of value will be lost by you eating cheetos
that's 376, not 500, get your eyes checked, then czech these digits (/vg/ doesnt have them enabled, but look at the time)
>charged perfume 2hr2 is 4 hits while 1h is 2 hits
>holding another le weapon in two hands..... means two times the hits?!?!?
it takes more time to deal less damage
Why do gank squads have double the hours played than invaders? I thought invaders were the losers but gank squadders are even worse
Ganking is more time intensive especially if the invaders have a sense of self respect and they just sever and block on sight without engaging
Best King
yea I guess it takes more autism to have 3 people available for that time as well

invading is pretty drop-in friendly
>has the best boss theme in your path
So after finishing the SotE DLC, I have some thoughts. Overall the DLC is quite nice, the exploration and the sense of mystery again was so rewarding. The different biomes, castles, dungeons and arenas were really, really good. I enjoyed the NPCs and their little quests. The weapons that came with this DLC are so unique and are some of the best in the franchise, at least I think. I didn't really understand much of the lore and kinda felt like we didn't get much answers to things. Like, I really wanted a follow up with Melina and the Frenzy Flame ending. And where was Malenia this whole DLC? Guess I'll have to wait for Vaati to spoon feed it to me. Now, to the bosses. Overall, they were fantastic and I had such a wonderful time fighting them. However, while the difficulty felt just right, the whole "dance" with some bosses felt... off? Perhaps it was just a first time thing and I'll grow to appreciate them more after many different playthroughs, but I just can't shake that there was something irking me. I can't describe it. The final fight wasn't enjoyable at all (phase 1 was a lot of fun). Rellana was really fun to learn and it's honestly one of the best bosses I've fought across all the Fromsoft games I've finished. Bayle was a blast and a whole ass cinematic masterpiece. Midra was easily my favorite boss of the DLC, such a cool fight. The NPC gang at the end was enjoyable too. Obviously I didn't touch on everything and I've probably missed a lot, but that's to be expected on your first playthrough. I'd give this DLC 7.5-8. While it's no Ringed City or Old Hunters, it's beautifully done and Fromsoft should be proud of themselves.
Poeple liked the ringed city? I cant even remember a bit of that. Very generic.
It's probably my nostalgia talking but it's easily one of my favorite bits of Fromsoft content with Gael being the centerpiece. The Demon Prince duo is the perfect duo fight and Midir was quite fun.
Imo the final boss is 5/10 but 10/10 with a parry shield
Sekiro, but different
he looks very silly
oh yeah it did have that player controlled boss battle that was fun

i just cant remember it having a story
just use CE for that retards
>after many different playthroughs,
what is this shillbrain garbagepost
yeah normal people totally talk about how eager they are to replay the least replayable entry in the entire franchise
i'm on to you, fromshart employee
What? Of course I'm gonna replay the DLC many different times, I spent ages making different characters for that exact reason.
I happened to be using sacred blade since the level was filled with birbs and killed this guy in less than 10 hits. I do think I was overscadu'd for the fight too though. I don't remember anything about him at all. Was also shocked how small he was, the trailer made it look like he was going to be huge.
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>yeah bro i'm totally organically one of you guys i love running around picking up shart fragments in areas with no other notable features
>PLEASE upvote my game on steam
fuck off miyazaki
I accidentally played without the OST for the majority of the game (had my own music for invasions) and I am very disappointed with how bland most of this is. None are very unique feels like any fantasy song. Elden beast theme is the only memorable song from elden ring imo
This isn't even possible due to free aim deadzones, have you even tried xbows before
Damn, that's unfortunate. I found him pretty much as early as I could, and he didn't go down easy. I was thoroughly impressed with the music and atmosphere
Same. I did Fth/str the first time and am doing arc/str now but thinking to just go rl200 and put fth in here since I missed out on the hidden dragon sorcery on the blind run. Next up are dex and int.
Anon, your enjoyment and mine differ. Didn't you know taste is subjective?
We could not possibly have more different tastes. That's fine too
Original Radahn, Mohg, and Maliketh themes were my favourite. EB theme fills me with rage since I have a pavlovian response to it now after chasing that stupid glow worm around his map.
that's fair, the boss fight was just okay but the atmosphere was 10/10 for me so I overlooked its flaws
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Melina is all-but-confirmed to have been the Gloam Eyed Queen though cut content implies that Trina was at one point intended to be a GEQ contender, since Putrescant was originally GEQKnight and explains the Godslayers and why they're guarding Destined Death + preventing anyone from reaching Rykard. She's Messmer's little sister with an unknown father (after Godfrey left, but before Radagon fused with her) (presumably all the headless children in the Masuoleums are Melina / Messmer's siblings too, with various other unknown men who weren't strong enough to knock up God), so while Messmer went after the general Hornsent as revenge on behalf of his Mother (she never told him why the Hornsent had to be genocided and assumed he'd hated her, but Messmer was a mommy's boy until the end), Melina led the elite hitsquad after the ascendant Hornsent who passed through the Gate of Divinity and reached Godhood (and explains how Godwyn was the first Demigod to ever die despite the Godslayers name - it's a different definition, as the Hornsent were closer to mortal Outer Beings, than Elden Lords / Vassals that had a real Outer Being backing them).
Messmer had an eye taken out for Grace, Melina's grey eye is a Beast Eye that Gurranq gives you, for seeing Death - the Serpentine Godslayers being of the same kin as whateverthefuck Messmer's true forme is. After her purpose was fulfilled, she was still useful in the back pocket, hidden away, so while Messmer was still on an eternal crusade + keeping the Abyssal Serpent away from the Lands Between, Melina was hidden away in the Forbidden Lands / Lift of Rold as Marika's presumed personal assassin (with the Blade of Calling located there, and Melina giving you the Medallion, not Morgott, after showing you that you need to burn the tree); assisting a decent Tarnished in burning the Erdtree and saving Marika "the right way" (aka no Frenzy bullshit like Vyke, no bitching out like Bernahl).
>and the Frenzy Flame ending
Nothing much extra to it, may chaos take the world etc etc. I guess being able to kill Midra implicates that Melina will indeed succeed in killing (You) if you leave her alive. That, and the 3fingers are the naughty edgelord children of Metyr that tried to go out on a limb and serve a different Outer Being than the Greater Will.
>where was Malenia this whole DLC
Schlicking herself, unironically. Her whispering into Radahn's ear that he was going to fuck her brother proves that the Cleanrot / Rotten Woman / Fujoshi Knights weren't just an insultive easter-egg-meme, but a very literal interpretation; and that she nuked Caelid in reproductive delight, not frustration (hence her daughters / Millicent).
Don't worry, he stole his shit from here in the early years (still getting it wrong), and no doubt his discord kittens are still doing it to this day.
Poor Messmer. His situation is like Morgott's, but worse in pretty much every way it could be.
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Marika loved Messmer though, she just didn't explain anything to him and told him to blame her for everything, to make it easier.
Morgott was more than fit enough to be Elden Lord, and was shown to kick the shit out of Radahn to earn that right; it's just that Marika reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally didn't want to look at literally anything that reminded her of a Hornsent and so wanted him dead from Day 1 and refused to accept him in any way, despite Morgott being all-on-board with the Golden Order. Omens weren't just a name either, the DLC shows us that it's a symbol that the Golden Order was weakening and primodial features were shining through, so was an "Omen" that bad times were coming, possibly leading to the breakup with Godfrey.
It was most likely Godfrey that saved Morgott and Mohg's lives; if Marika had her way, both would be burned alive in destined death as babies or some shit.
none of it matters
it's all rewritten, mishmashed nothingburgers will no rhyme or reason put into it
hows that any different from /fsg/ lore doe
schizophrenia is the natural state of the world and the mind
finding esoteric patterns in the numbers is how we madmen (and madtroons) pass our time

you lack insight
>told him to blame her for everything
Wait, isn't it the other way around? That Messmer, with the Impaler title and whatnot, would serve as an effigy for hatred to be directed towards?
>don't talk about the lore because it's convoluted
Have you considered that lore posting is fun
a lot of these biographies are just made up/ exaggerated bullshit btw

ceo's have their own PR team to build up their mythos and make people not doubt their abilities. both for employees and consumers
He did what he was taught best by mother deares. Hatred directed to him, yet his soldiers were ever-loyal (aside from the Spirit Ash bastards), it's just Marika never knew that he never directed any hatred towards her when she told him the same.
Really, when you ignore the (((Hornsent))) seethe that he came along and kicked the shit out of God's Chosen People, Messmer was a pretty good guy.
all of this is retardspeak
the books he read had an actual plotline with story beats he was just too stupid to put together
him making games with no storyline as a backbone with a bunch of random bits and pieces that are esoterically connected at best is not the same thing, it's throwing breadcrumbs at retards and getting them to peck at them to entertain themselves for over a decade
i used to care about loreposting before i realized there's absolutely 0 point to it because it's a jigsaw puzzle that's impossible to complete without cutting and gluing the pieces to make them fit
Especially from his lackadaisical and exasperated dialogue, I get the impression that he's basically a gentle soul like his sister, who's been forced into a villainous role with no honor or even a conclusion. All this while he wields and markets his own flame which he despises for his mother, who's long since abandoned him to be eaten away at by a serpentine curse.
Shit sucks, man.
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over a week and no malcolm yet
basedgod gonna miss the headlines if he ain't cwcie about it
journos already shilling for let me gaslight her

just wanna see a nigga brick some saves :(((

he has not been a thing since he got buckbroken by puke yui
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>it's throwing breadcrumbs at retards and getting them to peck at them to entertain themselves for over a decade
hey if it works it works
you rike?

this is the deeplore understanding that freshblood sp/erg/s can't comprehend
need alottainsight to "get" it
no i don't fucking rike
i throw dynamite in miyazaki's bathtub in ds3
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uhhh... no rike?
bing chilling
i still seethe at what we couldve had vs what we got
fromshart were really just like "yeah, greataxe users just want arc weapons or dex weapons with fth requirements" huh
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why are ergies like this
uhhh why did 2 stabs do 2.4k damage in half a second?
where are your hefty fetid pots retarded fucking nigger
you're in godmode with instakills on??
god gamer
Those things doesn't look similar at all
how does the invade anywhere thing they added work? Do you need the grace to actually invade places? Or can you invade places youve never been to.
you need to visit the places first idk the exact way but it is most likely graces
Did anyone data mine anything that shows what was cut? I refuse to believe that this Radahn bullshit was planned and not just some last second horseshit. Even all of miquela's voice lines could have easily been applied to his brother Godwyn. They were going to do it but didn't. Why?!
sekiro dubi and tranny the witch are datamining at the moment, let them cook
Shut the fuck up retarded godwynschizo the radahn thing was planned from the beginning it is extremely obvious in hindsight
Oh my god and you can't even climb up the fucking stairs and you get some fucking cutscene to "explain" the retcon. A cutscene that uses voice lines that were obviously referring to Godwyn.
THEY KEKED US. After 2 years they cucked us.
that explains a lot why I couldnt find anyone with a maxed weapon at the first grace with nothing else unlocked
what an awful post
why does he keep randomly spinning is this what it looks like on mouse/keyboard
tryhard nigger brainrot
the only think zull zull is cooking is DIY HRT and crackpot "canon" that they/them refuse to budge on when shown ebidance that they/them are lying out their ass and pushing tranny shit like radagon was always marika, or cleanrots are turning into rotsects, or the runebears are turning into dragons
sekiro dubi and lance mcdonald are the only loreschizos who do legwork, because they only show what's they've worked on, and shut the fuck up about the rest, aside from speculation (not pushing hard fact) (remember when shaarti said cleric beast was lawrence lol, fun times)
malcolm is a more honest lorechuuba than zullzull at this point, at least he showed us all the stuff around ashed capital + that the erdtree was being parisitised by the golden order

jeellah pbuh will guide us
didn't read allat but I'm happy for you or sorry that happened
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my nigga needs to learn how to pace himself with the schizo things to make us actually read the post

that went from 0-100 level schizo way too fast
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insanely gemmy post
thats coal albeit
fine ill read the post so you dont have to: it's lore about the lore scholars but I dont know enough about the lore to determine its accuracy
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good post
>aztec souls!
>cowboy souls!
>pirate souls!
>sci fi souls!
why do redditors want to turn fromgames into assassin's creed?
My cool souls idea would be an ice age apocalypse souls where in the ending the mc burns himself and becomes a fire that ends the ice age. It would be very cool and unique :)
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>>aztec souls!
>>cowboy souls!
americans don't have souls or culture, so it's a trick question
>>pirate souls!
no man's wharf
>>sci fi souls!
upper cathedral ward
forever rent free
meant for
no actually
who the fuck is this post even meant for
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based but dead or only upload twice a year
>sekiro dubi
>malcolm reynolds
>yung maestro
>some others (i lost all my subscriptions in 2018 after i knocked a bottle of whiskey on my computer, and i don't know my old youtube passworkd and i'm never making another account)


leddit but i'll give it a pass (they kiss the ring of god2 and have production quality)

some cotton picking metaslave literal-autist i found that's nolife enough to be right about everything
(i trust his word on the meta over jee, but i would never sit down to have a drink with him)
>emerald wolf


feeble cursed ones
>vaati the shaati
>zully the tranny
>anyofthe slurm chuubas (i dont know any others) (theyre all shit & forgettable)

r8, no h8, plz appreci8
>tips and tricks video
>gets hit by every single attack non-stop
Works on my machine...
we're not insane he just doesn't have the insight to see the amygdala everywhere
we've been doing souls invasions since before he was born (demons souls 1 released 15 years ago, and he's underage)
mal is not based, he was an attention seeking skiddie obsessed with a mid tv show
for some reason they gave every dlc boss low hp so trading with them is the easiest way to kill them
2/10 made me reply
jeez doood.....
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anyone try out the meteor ugs yet
Hello I beat Dark Souls. Should I get Dark Souls 2 or Dark Souls 3? I heard many complaints about the ADP stat. In hindsight the stat seems really fucking stupid.
But many people online are retarded and get filtered by the smallest things.
I'm from Eastern Europe so can't buy both.
get both
play both
Don't play DS2.
I personally thought that Dark Souls 2 was amazing and didn't really understand why it got such a bad rep.
people have beat ds2 with the lowest possible adp. if it bothers you that much, just put some points into it like you would any other stat you might want to increase
play ds2
ds2 is better on its own merits as a game
ds3 simply has much better and more active online
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>want to play the dlc again
>want to use spells but most of them suck badly
maybe i should wait for patches
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god2, it's overhated and just people complaining they got filtered
>maybe i should wait for patches
patches is in the base game already, anon
they're both dead as hell
ds2 has lota of invasion activity and arena (same 10 metalvrds)
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schizo webm
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Why are you 150
Fuck this shit ass game why do i have to engage with the most janky mechanic in souls games to get my epic one-shot build? I just want to spam it as a yellow before it gets patched.
is changing your level bannable if your stats match?
test it for us
I'd that /dsg/, THE player versus player general, would know
you disappoint me
>I'd that
yeah I a word, does that invalidate my disappointment?
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cheaters never win
don't wanna get banned?
don;t do something that might get you banned
that way if you ever do get banned, your chimpout isnt niggertry, but rather, a righteous crusade
rules / laws are irrelephant, absolute morality exists
since when was dsg filled with moralniggers
changing levels is not cheating, it's convenience for buildmaking
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ergite or plain stupid?
I was invading pontiff before you were even a spark in your father's eye, projecting erglord shitter
then you should know the basics of ce, lying shitstain ergyte
My starting class is no longer optimal due to the dlc...
for what build
It's still vagabond tho
It wasn't before nyow
You just sucked at building int/fth
There just wasn't a need to put points into str/dex before they added relannas weapon
fuck off moralnigger ergger, I haven't played these games in years now
Wrong as fuck
>Wrong as fuck
>changing levels is not cheating
so go ahead and use the uhhh.. the uh... the cheat engine you were asking about then bro
dont complain if the thing that happens when you do the thing happens
if you were a more smarterter, this wouldn't be an issue
you get what you deserve
breaking rules is only bad if you get caught ADN are beholdant to what they say
Brass Shield
And for what reason would I ever feel the need to use that on an int/fth build?
I win plenty though
sword and board
high stability to make up for your low stam
no but dont let the game autosave while you do it
Okay but why would you ever sword and board with an int/fth build??
I lost my reaction image folder along with my hdd so imagine a kneeling lapp set being attached to this post
Your only weapon is a straight sword
So what? Literally any other build is more suitable for sword and boarding.
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ebin pve bill but iu wanted to see how the dmg is in pvp
I love how they didn't bother making a hammer chest piece
stop dumping whiskey on your electronics
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Is there seriously no way to use my AoW with a shield equipped? Besides removing my shield's AoW.
>Why not just 2hand
It's slow
Also I'm trying, holding Y down and nothing happens. I can't get the game to register the controller as my main input...
yeah :\

time to wait ten yrs for fromsoft to slightly buff the shitty bloom spell
use shield with no aow on it
remove the WA from the shield
fuck we're both illiterate lmao nvm, no there's no way
We're getting a patch soon
Looks like the hyperarmor is great

If you're still under 150 you are a retard
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You guys play with any mods?
I'm using the Pause Mod, and one that replaces rolls with BB Beast dodge.

I tried to use the Sekiro deflect/dodge mod but it was fucked and not working.
Also use a hair mod (Radagon) and one that replaces Torrent with the Nightrider Steed
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Sorry, I'm not shit at buildmaking.
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strength isn't the only build in the game
Everything works at 138
which sorceries are miquellan?
yeah the hyperarmor is pretty insane once it staarts up but its just annoying baiting ppl into it lol and the damage ends up not being very worth it-- pretty typical of the crucible incantations sadly. pretty fun in pve at least.
stay at that level then I guess if you want to handicap yourself against the hundreds of thousands of level 150 players just so that you can duel the last 4 remaining tryhards at 125
>frenzy torch applies weapon buffs
Would you say that Sekiro is worth a try if you liked Dark Souls 1 and 2? It is the Steam sale at this moment.
Calm down little dude
it's a different sort of beast, you might like it you might not
hard to say
Being passive aggressive doesn't make you funny or cool. Makes you look like a bitch.
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I don't really care about godwyn
>making a webm of a streamer instead of your own gameplay
kinda sad, ngl fr fr
I don't really care about YOU
We got a fucking sunflower instead of death kino
sunflowers ar cool tho
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Stop munching on seeds
Saying they "aren't for PVP" is a silly extrapolation to make when PVP was purposely added to the game and balanced specifically around it to some degree
i can't read this post because of particle effects; could you try again please
*smushes you with dogshit sunflower ass of wart*
New Jake
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The pvp is meant to be a counter to people who are playing co op. It's a trade off, they make the bosses and levels easier by summoning people, but risk getting invaded and killed. Nothing more. It will never be balanced or competitive, and it shouldn't be.
surely that sunflower won't charge at me again
For every ash spamming bank squad I fought there's two viglets struggling against an open world boss.
It's funny, and it's fun, and that's what's important
i have beaten 5 remembrance bosses in the dlc so far and they have all been fun and fair. when are the unfair and badly designed bosses gonna appear?
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>every SL1 player just resorts to the exact same bleed+frostbite parry/stagger gameplay
what's the point of these "challenge runs" if they're all just operating the same template like it means anything
I wish there were more weapons with special guard counter
> special guard counter
name some
i tested like 30 weapons and they all had really inexplicable guardcounter animations, it was weird seeing most estoc variants have slower/shorter responses than greatweapons
the new blacksteel greathammer has a mini gold breaker when you guard counter with it
that's the only weapon i think in the game thatt has a unique guard counter effect
i think night claws has a unique one aswell, spawn one in and try it
i have a character with the claws i'll try it in a second
it has the same guard counter as the smithscript cirques
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lappa's slightly retarded little brother, morre
he's the apu to lappas pepe
cute lil thang
Made in Abyss fucking sucks, delete this image
why do pepes have such cute little dick sucking lips
The only ones I didn't like and switch to tank cheese were Gaius and Miquella.
>getting midra grabbed by an invisible co invader
insane game
They never will. It even took me only like an hour to beat the final boss, which is like 1/4th the time it took me to beat Malenia the first time.
i'm gonna do gaius later today so i really hope he is as hard as everyone says he is
Me too. Other anon is just a retard.

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