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Previous thread: >>483652014

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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bnuy love
Bnuuy love
Reed the breed
Is this guy supposed to be a jobber? I just stalled him with Cement and a Medic, then kill him off slowly with Mostima. The exploding spider waves were much more of a threat than him.
Formerly Lapp
Good morning, Mumu love
1-7 solo list. I'm updating the bastard next thread and locking it until next round of content. Last chance if you want something changed, horse lawyer up a tier next version.
>The chair favored by Hunter Ulpianus features an integrated design for back and thigh support, including a biotech writhing effect.
It is quite difficult to use; one needs to align with the biotech's writhing rhythm.
>Once mastered, it can provide a relaxing full-body massage that simulates the sensation of water.
>The stool favored by Hunter Gladiia features an integrated seat cushion and footrest with a biotech writhing effect.
>The footrest moves up and down, and placing a mobile device on it can increase the daily Terra step count. (what is this even!??)
>Hunter Ulpianus, after a biotech massage, experiences a surge of inspiration. There's no need to ask what he's doing; asking is pointless anyway.
>Hunter Gladiia's sitting posture occasionally changes with the movement of the footrest.
>Favorite arktuber starts posting less and less
>Now slowly moving over to Street Fighter 6
It's actually fucking over.
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Moose love
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My wife...
Good evening, Mumu hate
>watching arktubers
Amiya is pretty.

Pretty CUTE lmao gottem
He's a really shittily designed boss because it's always either you don't know the gimmick and he rushes to the end or you stall him forever with no inbetween
nyes, the hard part is reaching the boss in high asc while wasting vouchers on a protector and a spare medic
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Sona feet
He was supposed to be playable but we don't get cool males.
We get HAROLD instead
Try to kill him without a defender.
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>Is this guy supposed to be a jobber?
Yes, running deer elites are only challenge on that map
I really really like sex with Penance
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Good morning. Muelsyse HATE.
>Hunter Laurentina's favorite fossil stand includes magnetic fossils that float irregularly.
>Investigations reveal that these fossils exhibit a certain degree of following behavior. When the magnetic field is influenced or a moving object appears within its range, the fossil's movement trajectory is affected.
>Passing by the laboratory, I glimpsed Laurentina through the door crack and quietly walked away, not wanting to disturb her.
>Hunter Skadi's favorite fossil stand. The evenly spaced circular openings make the fossils resemble the face cutout boards commonly seen at tourist spots.
>People with big heads should not attempt to put their heads through the holes, it won't be a pleasant experience.
>Hunter Skadi's habit of secretly observing the laboratory. Under her gaze, today's work pressure increased.
She is good she is sexy because that's all Mooseless is for.
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quite right
You can just use a Duelist Guard with one extra Medic, the real challenge is beating him without healing.
I hate Amiya
>haha what if we take a cool boss, throw away her entire theme, and then make her terrible too
I will never forgive the chinese.
moosebros this is pathetic. You didn't even need to bot it and it still would have been like 8 votes for love.
>Beating a boss stage without a healer
Is it possible outside a godly run?
Reaching him is not even hard?
You can save his special foldaltars to avoid an annoying emergency floor 5 stage
>the real challenge is beating him without healing
why would you do that
Mostima + Arts kill box
How else are they going to make people roll the men and uglies outside of making them limited
Manganese status?
I can't clear A15 while wasting hope and vouchers on units that won't help me in stages, but maybe that's just my skill issue
It feels and smells good
How else are people going to roll Arturia on the same banner if Mooseless is cooler than her*
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Now this is some coping
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No bueno
But RMA is doing far worse
skadiva and 1 protector is all you need, its hardly a waste of hope
>cool boss
Mid at best. Probably the most forgettable stage of NL.
but Arturia flopped...
Shituria HATE.
Was it a blind run?
They're saving her caster kit for her alt
Year 1 and 2 operators are going to run out eventually
Consort of Nearl Viviana...
Nyo, my first blind run ended quickly lmao>>483699107
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Watch your step buddy
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Not anymore
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Provence is an exhibitionist. Change my mind.
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10/10 furniture descs
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I feel no need to do such a thing.
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funny fishe
If you think a defender is useless you might have a terminal case of brain rot.
Hi discord
cute pinus
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>Hunter Ulpianus, after a biotech massage, experiences a surge of inspiration. There is no need to ask what he is doing
Ulpipi would have 1 shot The First To Ask seems
*smooch* the vanguard conga line!
worthless post
Imagine Provence using her tail as a cover while chilling at the beach or dorm.
I don't think a defender is useless, but in A15 IS4 there are much bigger priorities than a high def unit, and voucher RNG means you might not get that E2 defender later if you skip the recruitment early
valuable post
Why is Maria dressed like a slut?
I confess:
I'm 22 years old with no programming experience but I want to learn how to code so I can be like Closure.
This ends in crossdressing and taking hormones.
Provence hairy pussy and armpits...
She is a young girl she just wants to look cool like the other young girls like Utage
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Yup, this doctor is a couple years away from programmer socks
Python is really easy to learn for beginners, you can learn that first.
I want to be inside Closure (sex)
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16 speedy mans vs 1 pinus
We have a new doctorsissy it seems
You could start learning Python or even the Javascript (later the Vue or React). You would have lots of job opportunities.
please do not allow those men to run a train on my wife....
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1.5 weeks
Indigo's sex holes are not gonna close a few hours after sex...
But Pinus is into that
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I have finally maxed out Degenbrecher. All that's left is to comb her tail daily until she reaches max trust.
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She knows how to handle herself in such situations
Bro? Your Shu stash?
Dr. Goatfucker...
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To seduce her uncle
Would she even like that? She looks like she would beat anyone who isn't Silverash that tries to do that
How did you hit 100% thrust already?
cute wife
please post lizzer
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I'm not a tranny I just think Closure is cool. I want to be able to wear a /fa/ Github shirt without looking like a poser.
Also I need money.
Closure love
Thanks bros I'll look into it as soon as I get a break from college. Can I get a quick rundown on the differences between each major language and what they do? Or a good link where I can read more.
I also hear a lot about C++ and HTML, but I don't know anything about them.
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I want to seduce Shu
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That is not a programing language, baka
I want to kill sarkaz
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Ok Blitz
It is, to many.
Need the Reed
Well we are many after all.
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I just realised you could just click the top to read the bosky condition instead of exiting and reentering the mode
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C++ is that language you get into because you think that it'll let you get into a niche and stand out from the frontend jobbers, only to realize 5 years later that if you sort by it on job listing sites your options go down to 5 out of 600 offers.
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The voice fits...
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Typhon breast sweat
I’m excited. I don’t have the rolls for maxpot, but I’ll E290 m9 this bnuuy
>What the job interviewer sees looking for people with coding experience
This is new
Why chinks haven't made a game where you just ran away from Seaborns into Iberian church?
You are not one yet but if you go down that path and I'm speaking from experience
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mmmm strange woman sex
Based goatfucker, but you are one day late. Someone got her module yesterday
What's so strange about liking short kings?
Daisy Cutter operator doko??
Why do you guys call pozy strange woman?
It's just how the artist draws them, all his women are strange
Evil woman
Sad woman
Insane woman
Pink woman
All were taken
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What about strange woman love and marriage?
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cute headpat
Love strange Moose
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Sorry other doc, you're just not her type! Better luck next life.
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Chuzenji ladies are beautiful. BEAUTIFUL.
Impeccable line art.
Inaccurate. Typhon and I have the exact same height
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Well someone made this where you have to evacuate from the seaborn if it counts
You... were imagining multiple men running a train on your wife... amd it made your pinus big...
Pozy vore…
Love me some Chuzenji and SKADE ladies
My soulmate...
B team can't design good gameplay to save their lives. Just look at degen being a copy of chen but with triple the damage.

Endfield needs to come soon.
soft hand...
Not him but I did and it's pretty hot
western ak fanbase is so trash
Oh, it finally got updates?
You could've just cut out the "ak"
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I know you're shitposting but the idea of someone actually looking to Endfield to replicate the highs of AK's gameplay is very funny to me. This action RPG? Gonna be just like my favorite tower defense.
I once have a folder for Haruhi and it's named 'The Tyrant'.
It's funny because that's what Sona would do
Of course it's hot
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Sona is big?
Sona having regular casual gangbangs
Reed... sex?
Only with Ashley and me.
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pinus sylvestris meet n' fuck...
Reed publishing coomfics on Amazon under a pseudonym for wild acclaim by lonely RI ladies
>Over a month since Logos released on CN

Eyja Status?
Too big, you can't dodge with sacks of fat like that
Relegated to coom duties like Mooseless, Chen and Skadoo
All me.
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Doc's favourite meaty onahole. Handlebars for throat-swabbing irrumatio included.
Nobody has ever coomed to Eyja
Who would win? /akg/ or pinus?
Bro she is a serious badass Collapsal hunter
Which Logos skill do chinks use anyway? The all look really good
Doc is actually shorter than typhon canonically though?
when will anklets learn?
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Mmh? Sure.
Pinus is probably weaker than Degen, Nearl and Viviana but stronger than Flatinum and Maria
All of them
Bearing my pebbles
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Popular Operators Today: Typhon
Running a train on Sona with my fellow /akg/bros...
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Sir, I will remind you that you are under oath.
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I call dibs on her mouth
I will hold her hand while you guys do it
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Tell me about Sona: why is she the only Pinus they allowed to be good?
My thoughts are that I've already seen this a hundred times and want to see something new
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As I said before Typhon is the same size as I and probably stronger than me I can't do that
But all Pinus were good?
I'm going to bust great nuts in a grey nut.
took a bit longer than I expected but here she is
I concur canon doc, lanklets so desperate to co-opt a short king game.
>same size as I
Sounds like a (you) problem mate, not mine
Damn /akg/ is skipping THIS?!
That's sweet
from what I've seen is S3>S1>S2
Absolutely not. I need Ray hugs and smooches
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Sorry need to save for my prostitute wife Wuh
Based kin knows what's up
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Nobody will skip after we see her cute Aussie accent in the dub
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>powercrept in 4 months
tough luck
I got unlucky on Degen and need to save rolls for Asky...
Licking Nearl's hairy armpitpussy clean
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Margaret always gave me shaved vibes.
That's your Margaret. Mine doesn't bother
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Post operators being assertive
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Why are the girls steaming?
They're hams
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She will NOT be passed up!
Out of anything brandguiders could do, I did not imagine someone drawing this.
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i find it disappointing there's barely any sexy art of her in that bodysuit outfit of hers with cameltoe
I need Ray as a mumu target
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Does this count?
What's happening there?
Ceylon is shipping Swartz with the doc
Bro AK is too stingy with orundum, I'm planning for worst case scenarios.
Based Burr enjoyer
Ceylon needs a sperm donor
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Good morning, Didi love
I'm going to breed Shu in minecraft
Rayschizo ruined her for me
How is Degenbrecher so strong when she isn't Sarkaz?
How is she, number wise?
Can't be as shit as everyone says.
Cause she isn't a sarkaz
But everyone who is overpowered in this setting is Sarkaz
She's built different.
Jobkaz are not strong, they literally got clapped by twinks with flintlocks
NTA but she isn't as bad as people make her sound, they're just stuck on the meme effect of S2.
She's stronger than Ayerscarpe. She's perfectly fine for what she is.
Ceylon is 32 years old, please Doc, you have to fuck her before she can't have kids anymore.
That's Specter
Gross, Lesbians should not be forced on hetero men like that
Ceylon anal and her expensive little anal plug collection
Even lesbians need meat dildos from time to time
/akg/ headcanon is that she's one of the Leithanien genetic experiments, like Eben and the Empresses
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Schwarz happily does anything Ceylon wants.
That's not Reed the CEO of Breed
It must have been fucking wild watching a fighting tournament where all the strongest participants use some kind of weird magic only to see them all get their asses beat by someone who never did anything more complicated than swing a sword.
Muh sarkaz kangz
Alright where the fuck where these sarkaz giganiggas when Kazbel got stomped 3000 times? They either jobbed said 3000 times or they were hiding.
If those suits are powered armour I'm not impressed but if she's strong and lifting it, I now love her
Hello, I require Mlynar reaction images for my folder onegai
better uptime/cooldown and higher DPS than Lapp, is the only one of the 3 that stays Phys on skill
you can also actually control her skill activation
she isn't outright better than Lapp but both of them do very different things to have their own niche
Ayers keeps being the worst Lord not named Frostleaf
Matches are fixed kid. Do you really think a goat with no arts can win 3 tournaments in a row? That was a big marketing ploy to get people hyped.
I hope they don't a reveal like that in the future. She much cooler as just a random freak of nature who is just that good.
ask the incestfag for images
Midrocks suit is litteraly full of dirt, and she controls the dirt to make it move. That's why her suit is way bigger than she is, because all the space is full of dirt.
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It's summer, /akg/, don't forget to hydrate
I don't know about the first two but Degenbrecher went into business for herself and refused to job on the third.
>8/10 event
>Blemishit cameo so -1
>Mumu cameo so +2
In the end a very good story
Dont forget that cat piss shines under black light.
Amiya I am not drinking your piss. Just come here and let me Gaulish smooch you instead.
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>kissing her butthole
Amiya drink some fucking water goddamn
is this actually true?
My wife isn't a slampig
You're talking about a Portuguese breakfast.
Yeah I checked
Your wife isn't Typhon or Tomimi.
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Love your Mudrock https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/110111775
>/akg/ headcanon
Literally one guy
She will be when I'm done feeding her
The fuck were they thinking by making a cute girl and making her completely devoted to Silverash and not to the Dr?
I wish I had her......
Although her face is derpy and babyish
Yeah she's cute and her ability to control dirt and rocks is a pretty unique thing. Most of the other people that can control earth, can only move sand.
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Popping my one week cherry.
the majority of the cast might shock you
I just realized, but if her suit is full of dirt and she seemingly not wearing panties... the dirt gets into her cooch
Stop thinking about Amiya's piss
She isn't shit. She has decent physical damage and the 2nd target on s2 lets her hit stuff under the heavy defender she's only scratching.
But that's the thing, high res stuff usually has low def so lord autos are good enough. And half the other lords have arts on skill so they can do something to high def. So they're more generally applicable to a stage even if Leto is great for stuff like sarkaz chapters.
A lack of range extension also hurts her flexibility but that either matters or it doesn't/

Ayers is great when his s2 is allowed to actually do something
I think her character art page from the official artbook, showed that she wore gym spandex shorts and sports bra essentially.
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Feed all Lupos!
Fat and saggy Lavinia...
She's got bottoms in the artbook.
You're all me anyway
Silverash is completely devoted to Dr, which means whoever who you're talking about is by proxy
That reminds me, basically all of the Hookmasters in this game are welfares for some reason.
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Degenbrecher is a disgusting hag and all of you should be ashamed.
Newcutie *smooch*
Would Silverash hook you up with her if you asked him to do you a solid?
Ashamed that I'm not canonically railing that hag goat pussy god damn.
Because no one will pull them if they were not welfare
I think we need to be more precise and distinguish between a girl and a WOMAN
Disgusting hags is what I'm into. The more disgusting the hag the better
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I have a question about that, I had no pullers and got cucked trying to do the second annihilation a few days ago. Now I have rope and cliffheart and I heard you can get another one in an event Gladiia? Which one should I build, does it matter? Does one of them have better long term investment or can I just build whichever one I think is cutest?
I would have pulled for Gladiia, thank heavens it didn't come to that.
Who is YOUR superior waifu if your tastes are so enlightened?
Damn bunny, tempting innocent men with her body to commit sex crimes.
Gladiia is really strong and can function like a true guard. Cliffheart is a good backup since her S2 has a nice stun and one of the few instances of true damage.
Of course, he would gladly help his sworn ally out with such a favor
Just don't be confused when you wake up in bed with him anyways
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OOOOH I love hags! Old women love! I want to fuck mature women so badly!!!
>proceeds to post a young woman in her prime
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Quercus, but I don't hate degen.
Ch'en sir!
Gladiia is so much better than the others, it's not even funny. However, if you can't invest in a 6* but need a puller right now, Rope is much cheaper to build.
OOOOH I love Fiammetta! Fiammetta love! I want to fuck the spicy chicken so badly!!!
Are there any true hags in this game? Like no eggs the factory it shut down for good level of haggery?
Fia missionary position (premarital)
>chinks can't draw mature women
Not my fault
vulpos deserve love
Yes but they're all NPCs
Wyell, to be honest the one you want is Gladiia from the Undertides event. She's simply the best Hookmaster in the game, but also a Guard/Vanguard/Medic/Caster jack of all trades.
However if you've only played for a week, then you'd probably need a full squad of ops that are around E1 lvl50.
>Kentllaall let a chink coomfic writer use his Vermeil artwork for their Vermeil slut fic
Outis from Limbus Company
good morning, I absolutely love Suzuran
Outcast. She kills herself upon realising that she is a hag, though.
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Didn't she kill herself because Reed is such a depressing existence she couldn't bear to live?
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Reproduce.... hrnnnn.
Coldshot and Degen are both over 50
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Yet you do not post the fox... could you be lying? hmmm?
If I remember right the hooker doesn't get attacked in that map so you only need e0 1 skill level 4 for the medium pull.
Why is Typhon so good at hunting Cumapsals?
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Predict the maggie delta module
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I think she's cute
She has special bolts and she was taught all the tricks to not get gamer'd
Link me
I'm image rangebanned
Built for effortless piggyback rides
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Gladiia is a strong standalone early drop on top of being the best puller for, well, pulling. No other operator can move the same quantity of trash as she can, so she's the best long term investment.
That being said, maps that force you to use shifters are few and far between, so it's not like you'd brick yourself super hard by raising the kleptomaniac bunny who would be an order of magnitude cheaper for now.
It literally can't fix anything without 0 deployment limit on all drones. They need to overhaul the numbers on everything.

Sauce dear lord
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Degen mid 40s
Ho'ol is 42
Coldshot is in 50s
Ines is 37ish
Penance is old-coded but no age given
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When are we getting CN news?
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Ok, fairly uncommon picture of the fox. Your story checks out.
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Heavyrain spotted
Maggie gets reduced redeploy time
Talent one now reduces drone redeploy time
Next week
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Rare newcutie
UT isn't that hard, I'm sure a good E2 borrow can solo it's stages if you want to speedrun Gladidi
Deals cold to all foes in drone range when skill is attacking
All that effort, just to be verbally rebuked and then job.
How come Ho'ol is never referred to as a hag by anyone here?
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Under Tides is easy enough, and anon probably got Harold from this event who even e0lv60 has Elemental Heal for the propane tanks and to help places where Emergency Aid Buildings dont reach. Quintus is also very killable, he should have no problem.
But if I just want her for her pulling none of the other stuff can't I just use a base level gladiia for stuff like second annihilation and then worry about building her later?
Yeah you can just use her first skill at lvl4 for the default pulling experience.
Specter looks so fucking hot here. If I didn't know the story I would think this is after some wild sex
Gladiia is really nice to have for long termina but if you're just doing anni2, rope with skill leveled to level 4 is insanely cheap and will do for now until you get Gladiia so Rope is worth some investment in that department.
They used to but long lived race plus no one really talking about ho'ol cut down on it.
I mean the fanart and offical art of any character makes them look anywhere from 14 to 30 depending on style so unless they saw that one line where she slipped up and revealed her age in Lone Trail they wont know she's hag
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If you just need the generic S1, absolutely. If you want the AoE S2 then you'd need to E1 her, but that's not that expensive either
That works too, all pullers have the same S1 for pull strength they just have slightly different properties (Cliffheart deals aarts damage, Gladiia had 3 stackable charges, Snowsant slows iirc, etc).
I know there are no specified ages for the AH but besides Gladiia and Ulpipi being obviously the oldest I think Specter is probably the youngest just going by personality
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Her tail must weight more than the body. That is so hot!
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Ho'ol's race can live for fuckoff long times, it's just the brain damage that makes em die. The body is still fresh.
They are really so cool
Gladiia is actually around the same age as Specter
But she is so tall
she almost lost to him tho. kal is washed up
>Specter is probably the youngest just going by personality
Being a rampart slut is not a personality trait
Her mom got drunk and fucked the tallest guy at the party (most of this is true).
She is not a slut she is just liberal in relation to sex and that's healthy for a young woman
based elfie
I agree, this is all based on circustantial evidence, but I think Skadi and Specter might be around the same age, but also around 70 years old. Gladiia and Ulpianus are definitely hundreds of years old.
Doesn't Gladiia have memories of being a child before the conflict with the Seaborn? That started centuries ago.
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>The good news is that my lifespan will have me dying before you do.
>As for the bad news, your existence will be passed down through my bloodline, and you won't be able to escape.
Pick Pon
She's a slut. Don't sugarcoat it. We like promiscuous women here anyways.
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would you?
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>gamepress dead again
what gives? they were fine 12 hours ago
Get ines
i remember suzufag having a melty calling hool fotm hag but shes still ranking high in popularity polls
I'm not too up to date on their lore but I know when PoL dropped anons talking about Ulpipi being a century older than the other AH or something like that. Gladiia should be 2nd oldest, then Specter and Skadi I'm not sure if they were mentioned to have any relative ages. If anyone can confirm or point to some event/profile/record that would be great, I'm curious.
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Tell me you did the right thing.
Where's the Specter being a slut meme from? It's not like she dresses like one like Walter
Yeah I would bully her for wearing a fucking cow-pattern bra, lmao femcel virgin loser
Where do they say this? I need to refresh my memory.
Laurentina is just flirty in manner. Specter is a batshit crazy but pure maiden.
She is the only operator canonically confirmed to have casual sex
>Doesn't Gladiia have memories of being a child before the conflict with the Seaborn?
I think you're thinking of when she ponders what old Aegir would think of modern Aegir's state in Specters module, but even there Gladidi is called the young Consul. PoL says Ulpipi is granddaddy tier among AH.
She's flirty with Irene, Amaia, Skadi, Gladiia, TLK, and (you)
how much lmd does it cost for ch'en to perform an illegal chokehold on me until i pass out
asking for a friend
Does she have literally any standards?
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She's the type that's coquettish towards everything with a pulse, that's just how it is.
Specter breaking the 4th wall with a look of relief is so cuuuuuute
Yes, she wouldn't flirt with you, for example
She's just flirty and outgoing ever since SN I guess
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>and (You)
No, she does not
But I am literally her type????
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You wouldn't tap this?
Keep posting sluts
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Click on her trust gain in base and listen to the line
She's the only one in-game as doctor--crazed as Gravel
I fucked up, it's Skadi and not Specter she's near in age to going by combat experience.
You guys get off from having people calling Specter a slut don't even try to deny it she is simultaneously too popular here while also being called a slut too much for it to not be true
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We like experienced women here
You are straight up delusional
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PRTS, translate
Yes, I get off on degrading women
And same
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To spend today spending 42 sanity a pop on level 11 for Virtuosa S3M3 nanoflakes and oirocks or event grind for Steel for Degen M3S3

Decisions decisions...
I don't think that specific woman would feel degraded by that.
But based and same
Nta but why this response? Of course flirty sadist characters have similar ticks.
she isn't a slut but she does flirt with just about everyone, she's very aware that she's hot and likes to tease people
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Rude and mean...
Ever had an IRL stalker? They say stuff like this
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Have some cake Pram
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The shipcucks are not sending their best today it seems
Voicelines aren't canon
Elysium, The Wind of Iberia…
Specter would get off on it too
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I'm searching around a bit. We do know the seaborn issue has been there for centuries for Aegir, Ulpipi is the oldest AH and he was a consul alongside Gladiia, and that he had memories of how things have changed, but afaik Gladiia mostly has memories of her mum and how she went AH to rebel in her info files/mod/is3 notes. So she knew of the conflict since young but she can't have been super old? But I think I'm probably forgetting or missed something, maybe UT or SN had it, I need to recheck.
That's nun Specter idiots, the one who is not even lucid. Specter slut meme comes from Unchained.
But I posted an unchained line...
this but swap tomimi's and elysium's positions
reminder that Specter would rape herself if she could
Schizo speccy was something else.
>le specter is yandere meme
I thought people had grown out of this since UT.
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Elysium lone ranger doko
Well she is built different
You don't even know what yandere means
You are posting a ship.
NTA but if you meant >>483716449 that should be a 5* Specter line, this is 6* Specter line
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That's the line I posted.
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What the fuck...
Wrong, kill yourself
Right, live yourself.
For the interests of both parties, remain in a state of both being alive and dead until confirmed.
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It's ironic that Speccy doesn't really care about romance so much as dealing with the seaborn and the insane alter ego that may or may not be (you)r former colleagues memories shoved into her head.
>body filled with Originium
>experimented on to become an abyssal hunter
>now apparently has memories implanted into her
How much fucked up stuff can you do on one shark
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Is this funny to you. Does my name amuse you?
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Before Degen, beloved Amazonian mommy
Post the Ulpianus version, bro
There's an ulpian edit of this iirc
I don't have it...
Andoain when
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why are we so dead
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This year for sure
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Hehe pi(a)nus
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>placing a mobile device on it can increase the daily Terra step count. (what is this even!??)
You know those apps that tracks how many steps you take? Yeah those. Think pokemon go or something along those lines.
Hips and thighs are a womans best and most important body region
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hiplet women look like dudes
I'm waiting for CN news and ZZZ
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Hell Yeah
DT tomorrow. Sorry guys..
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>borrow quercus
>she does happy wiggle dance whole time

Peak cute reached omg
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I missed a week, did we have a compilation of CC clears or not?
>did we have a compilation of CC clears or not?
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As it was written
Who makes this and why
weird koreans who think doro memes are funny
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Pierced nipples are disgusting
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I got her, it really wasn't too bad only had to beat the first 5 levels and there weren't really many mechanics. No bosses or anything thankfully. Was hoping she would be a little cuter, are all the sea people serious?
autistic and yes
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>are all the sea people serious?
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I hate gooks, but the doro memes are kind of funny. They remind me of kanmari.
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You seem to have misunderstood
Worthless post
Pierced nipples are hot
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>are all the sea people serious?
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Switch Arturia with W and this is me haha
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It depends on which sea people you meet. Gladiia in particular... had a hard life.
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+1 images. No meaningful contribution. That's how I roll baby.
Good job newpipi, she will serve you well but it might take a decent amount of time to raise her, her module is really good and turns her into lane holder which is super helpful
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>boberta on the aegir list
Anon, that's not what "sea otter" means
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>Some retard confused Bobby and pudding
>Includeds two non-aegir aside from the AH
I just stole the list from somewhere, just pretend Roberta is there on makeup duty or something
Going to try second annihilation again now that I have a puller wish me luck.
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>I hate gooks
t. zhang
Shu really hates humans...
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Everyone hates HE civilians
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What sort of swimsuit do you think she'll get?
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I know right?
Now Arturia and me though.....
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I think this one suits her.
good luck
19th century diving suit
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Autism moment but as an amazon fan, nice legs are essential and this art messed them up bad, tapering too much

Distracting detail on otherwise kino art idea
We're so dead, wuthering Waves and then firefly nearly killed is, now we're just waiting for ZZZ to finish the job
Endfield to save us when
That's nice and all but I don't care
People still play bootleg genshin?
Crazy when retards that dont play the game go here.
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Post your gf/wife/one-night-stand waking up in your bed? Bet you can't
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Thanks, honestly it really wasn't that bad. Degen really made it feel like I was cheating. She disabled the red katana guys so much my tank was never in danger.
You just did...
Had to re-do my -30 life run praying for it to not crash.
Got the rhine lab relic almost immediately then RNG god'd combat relics left and right.
Turned the 5th floor into shops with temps then collected my win.
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He hasn't been the same since his game's anime flopped
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Will Ray save global from ZZZ?
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No amount of OOC cropped porn will save this game.
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Ray is a thief, she stole my heart, she is stealing all my sperm and will soon steal my rolls.
sex with Trilby
>"Glasgow Gang"
>English accents, not Glaswegian
Do Chinese really....
Are you talking about is4?
What is the easiest way to unlock this item?
That's why she's labelled "bonus", dumbass.
Stack health and shield and kill everything but the rock on the last map.
>will soon steal my rolls
Max pot?
Le summer alt being from another summer event is pretty lame imo
shields don't count
A0, Leader squad, assblast yourself, repeat. There's a bunch of relics and encounters that restore health. Safe house can give max hp, etc.
Bros I'm scared
Oh fug really? Must've been leaking early that run before I became king fatass and sent it on the boss.
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Will you roll for tomimialt?
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Just use arts
Yes, I stacked shields and leaked 30 enemies and it didn't work
If it leads to more art of Tomimi getting dicked by Doc then sure
Not because it's Tomimi, no. Same goes for Borelysium.
I still find it funny that the boss fight isn't canon and they just let you fuck off out of the chapter.
Thanks I'll try
Could Degen kill the steam knight easily?
Post your dirtiest lewdest Amiyas
Boss is pretty easy, you'll be fine. Just remember to pack some high HP ops for the barrage and medics
It was that or Feist's spider tank, you can see where the steam knight cannibalized that fight with the artillery mechanic.
No newpipi so I only have a few rolls saved but I really like her and I don't have any strong dps so it would be a huge upgrade for me.
Is it the only main story boss you can just SKIP and still finish the episode?
Fishe permatank
Entendible, que tenga un buen día.
I need news tomorrow or I will die.
She's not doing too well against rockets to the face.....
Maybe I should borrow horn to try to spawncamp those bastards
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Beyond watermelon-crushing thighs
Those are coconut crushers
I'll keep your widowed wife company bro
actually ZZZ will SAVE us by getting rid of the furrys.
Not like we have frequent furry posters
Thanks bro, I wouldn't want Maria to deal with my death by herself
We don't have furries, how often do you see hung or Aak posted
that just reminded me of the heart gold and soul silver pedometer and the commercial for it with Zack and Cody
There's a decent amount of Aak posting, and almost none of it has anything to do with him being a furry.
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>put waifu on your steptracker to go on a walk (date!) with
>lose the steptracker
>you lose your waifu forever
>can't put her back into the gain
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They didn't just put this line after Ch13 opened with Sanguinarch floating over to their battleship and oneshotting half the crew, I refuse to believe that
Nothing that Arknights released or would release will save us from ZZZ but the same could be said about every other gacha game. Hoyoslop will own 70% of the market and we everyone else be forced to fight for scraps because hoyo got lucky with Genshin release and hooked up millions of normies
Doesn't count because he set up magic circles and turned people into leeches or something.
I will play ZZZ too.
He had significant help.
ZZZ is aimed at old, year 1 Arknights players who were into urban fantasy. It wont affect AK's health but oldfags will probably leave
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didn't ask
didn't even know it existed
buy an ad
There's like maybe 10 gachas with gameplay that aren't copy/pastes of existing games that are even remotely popular, and most of them are shit. Spamming regurgitated trash is the meta now, it'll only get worse from here.
Did they unnerf the tube top chick's tits yet?
>Ch13 opened with Sanguinarch floating over to their battleship and oneshotting half the crew
What? Windimere's mooks put up a good fight against his copy until he sneak attacked the duke.
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Is it time for bots to shill [new upcoming gacha] already? Weren't we just done with the Wuh one?
Duke would have won if Delpipi wasn't there to distract her
>Duke would have won
Least delusional viccyfag
>Windimere's mooks put up a good fight against his copy
Damazti was literally a suicide bomber there, his job was to draw them close before he an heroes. Delphine was the one who prevented that
I want Harold to make me his mistress
If Delphine wasn't there the fight would have been shorter because the Dazmati's kamikaze attack would have succeeded.
This one is another proper "Arknights killer" too.
also Salus was helping
Can someone please link the mat chart for the upcoming events?
>There's a decent amount of Aak posting
No, there isn't, it's very space and like you said
>and almost none of it has anything to do with him being a furry.
When it happens it's just memes about him being a little shit and killing ops, especially Suzu
Oh yeah, this time for sure. Just like the last one.
And the one before that.
If the little twink can create endless copies of the strongest giganiggas of the court, why don't they go with simply that?
Post aak killing that little shit suzu
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Embarrassing... but I really need a Skalter support to get past a boss, maxxed with the skill where she floats of course. Anyone want to add?

I have a Degen e280, nearing module and S3M3 (on June 29th) to trade....
ID: realelecat#9930
anon, you are the only little shit here
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Wasn't Salus actually the main character in their plan? Damazti was the first decoy, vampire bitchboy was just causing a mess on the deck and she literally nocliped herself onto the ship to kidnap Amiya and take her to the gay bathouse
Stop posting and lose weight Hol you fat snekbird
Yeah, Cluster and Duce were just there to tank the elites
Surely the random whatever the fuck genshin clone will kill the tower defense game.
Why can't we get evil women like her but we get evil fags like fucking Harold?
Why is this webm 76 seconds long?
For longer enjoyment
Were the humongous tits really necessary?
post Suzuran in skimpy outfits
Hell yes
They were absolutely necessary
Post Suzuran with hairy armpits
Sorry I don't have my glasses on and thought you said sausage outfits
It's the only boss period you get to just skip.
Not even events ever lets you skip the boss, even when the fight is only representing something different.
Like in ideal city where the Minimalist boss fight(and the second last story stage) is story wise Gavial talking down some security bots by mentioning she's Zumama's friend, punching a table and his architecture rival handing over responsibilities to him.
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Is this a rhetorical question?
that works too, I bet she's naked under it
all operators are naked (under their clothes)
>naked under her clothes
Not even sluts like Specter and Surtr do that
Suzu is perfectly smooth save for her head and tails
Unironically a failure too. She is far inferior vessel compared to Nightingale
Many events have non canon bosses, for example the Babel one doesn't really have you fight a spirit of Amiya or anything.
Also many bosses do not have rewards aka aren't farming maps, like Giant Sui
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Wtf bros, why can't we get kino collabs like this
Pretty weird then even if its for flavor. Can't be for balance reasons either because TLSK is really easy to kick his shit in and there's easy mode anyways to proceed.
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I want to put a liter of babies in her so bad
Not mine
hotdog outift does not count as clothes
Sent, lv 60 but hope its still good enough
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Gamepress tierlist still down...

I'm really wondering what tier Leto, Harold and Degen will be

My bet: B-, C+ and EX respectively....
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what the hell, what did you feed her
You will enjoy rainbow six siege part 3, stop complaining
this but Suzuran
So Nightingale was confirmed to be Shining's previous incarnation/mother all along, huh?
It's to further cement that if you actually killed him you severed the thread of prophecy.
QRD, isn't the white horns whole deal is always looking the same?
cant you make your own opinion?
Male hormones
>liter of babies
You usually measure babies by number of individuals, not volume.
Kal'tsit should be lolified like Da Vinci in FGO
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Fucked up, but yes.
Blessed. I hope I can survive the rocket spam and gas now and hoshi can tank....
Why not just post it?
What the fuck that ruins the ship
tacticoolfags be like
>duuude i wish this was a skin
I mean. It's pretty cool you can't lie.
Just in case you didn't know, the rocket spam deals Arts damage and they always hit the target with the most HP in the 3x3 square.
Yes. Except for someone other than Texas, she doesn't deserve any more skins.
No my Gravel babies are measured in Tonnes
duuude i wish this was a skin
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>old, year 1 Arknights players who were into urban fantasy.
That's me.
Not playing ZZZ though. I just want Arknights to abandon fishslop and go back to its roots.
The chink tier list says degen is T0 so I'll believe them
It can't be a ___ killer if its not even the same genre
How does this even work?
You think anyone that asks for/posts tierlists can think for themselves?
That's a measurement of weight, not volume.
How about instead measuring them in DP cost?
1* op Bitey with tacticool skin when?
Put that one gif of that elf dying here. Still don't care. If I have to put LITERS of semen in here to produce at least three babies, I will do it.
Why is skadi looking at me like that?
Uh, you're like a year behind on this.
>Kal wearing panties
absolute Suzu love
>pic related
Jaye is going to give you a surprise smooch too...
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54 pulls and still no 6* drop...
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For both of you since apparently you both need it. Note, move Reed rerun down by 2
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You know what to do, paypigie
>only 54 pulls
Apply yourself next time!
put on a bra, stinky vampire
Took me 250 rolls and 100 bucks cash.
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What is this, oxygen?
Bro why didn't pull her in your first 10? Surely you aren't a lucklet? If you keep this up you'll miss her when you hit pity.
Why do 2 events in a row give the same mats? That's really lame.
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Well it's been shooting my virtuosa who's the squishiest marshmallow in the squad
Yeah, it's a hidden part of the event where if you don't farm enough of it Lowlight personally shows up and chokes you to death in your sleep.
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You should use Moose.
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>move Reed rerun down by 2
OD-6 only drops low-tier rocks.
Highest % hp, not most
Good. Now take it off.
Kal bimbofication
I'm not paying for rolls, but I would pay to have a "roll" with Closure
There are only two stages that drop T3 mats.
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As a 2024 cutie.. oh shit I did lone trail for the story recently, and its getting a rerun? Will I get whatever resources for first-time clears still??
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Next operator posted is my wife.
>If the Londinium Mobile Defense Artillery has targets in range, it stops moving and locks onto the friendly unit with the highest maximum HP in range before marking a 3×3 tile radius centered on the target for a barrage of 10 rockets over 5 seconds at the rate of 1 rocket every 0.5 seconds, with each rocket targeting the friendly in the radius with the highest percentage of HP.
It's % HP, not actual number. Your 2800 HP thorns if he was at 600 HP would be ignored during the barrage if at one point your 1.3k max HP Virtuosa was at higher HP
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You want to see some stinky vampire tities? That's gona cost you: A picture of Frostleaf.
What are Lowlight's stats? Can I beat him?
Wait she has pp?
Why is closure not playable?
Okay got it, basically punishing the backline who stay out of the poison fog
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what the fuck is going on next fish event
Which events have limited units? I only care about those.
vulpo love
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It's warf's BD. Make next bread a warf bread.
The best way to deal with it is just putting two tanky ops next to each other to bait while a healer keeps their hp up in my experience. Or just cheese the non-steam knight ones with Penance
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f2p since day 1, i'm not weak-willed
113 pulls so far, 54 since my last 6* (fucking mudrock what a bitch...)
who cares she's had 700+ birthdays its just another drop in the bucket.
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Ok, good. Delivery at the usual place.

Pleasure doing business with you.
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My good friend Warf.
He can target sleeping units and his attacks deal %health true damage and apply stun, you can't win.
He has the Blemodule...
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Hold up, upcoming IS5 is about Kazdel and shit, and Kal'tsit is there.

What if the 6* operator is Closure?
Nah it's Speccy's birthday too she deserves more
Red haired chick was teased already, bro
You don't farm limited units dummy
Here a people sows, Operation Lucent Arrowhead, Originium Dust Rerun, and Chapter 14 special
She can't afford one becuase you refuse to pay her
Now that's what I call a flash sale
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>it's Speccy's birthday too
Wrong month, quickshot.
Why the fuck do we need an IS for Kazdel when Kazdel is the main story?
newfriend here,
I got dumb ugly stupid crybaby cat defender with a gun, what's her best skill and use?
>can target sleeping units
>deals true damage
Remember if we ever get an operator with all three, that's Lowlight.
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Get off the stage, Horn.
It's Shining alt, forma de sword
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Don't talk about my wife Horn that way you piece of shit.
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Congrats bro, looking forward to see the Ulpipi maxpot.
Its always smooch Specter sunday and her birthday for me
>Specter making fun of me for being a quickshot
So we can relive rich lore heavy Sarkaz past
Does Ray not get her own event? Is she just a banner with no backstory?
HG has shifted IS' to being regional history with IS4 and Kazdel is mostly fleshed out so they don't have to make a lot of new stuff for it.
It's an omnibus, moron
Horn would be the type to get off to public humiliation
I'm sorry I don't know what that means I just started playing this week :(
>Sarkaz are super special and very powerful
>bunch of OP kings
>they still lost a bunch of times and got their country fucked over nonstop
What other operators besides Horn?
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Omnibus. Her backstory is she was saved by Rhodes Island (feranmutt) and fell in love with mythical beast hunting before being pressed into banditry and hit with Doc's unblockable Rim Billy Rizz.
Man remember when some ops were dropped in banners with no backstory. Poor guys
Omnibus are stages without new enemies that come alongside a story collection and a shop.
A man ulpipianus'd, we will follow his endeavors closely
That guy was rude for no reason, omnibus is a collection of short stories and the stages have no new boss, they're a mix of different event mechanics. Ray has presence in some of those short stories and you'll learn a bit about her there, but it's not a full fledged event story itself.
Got my Degen and she's great.
Sorry bro
Is Ray for (You)?

Please respond, this will determine if I roll or not.
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That's a wolf.
I meant this dumb thing
Every single operator is for (you)
Yuribait game anon take a guess
>Maggie and Hellagur sharing Operational intelligence
>Bagpipe being a CC banner that gave no rolls
>Thorns being stapled onto a rerun with uno OP from the node
It's amazing what flew back then.
Sorry bwo, I hope the gachi gods bless you soon. Just remember that luck always turns around. Next time you'll get double blessed rolls.
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Ray is for Typhon
S3. Being a good blocker that can pile on DPS at the same time when needed. She's decent.
Surtr having small story where she almost jobs to slugs and being bitch to meteorite for no reason... HG marketing is something else
Remember when she robbed a bank because she was upset at society?
She just likes hanging around (you) but is too spacey for love. Only upcoming for (you) 6* are the Clown and Egg2.
She never recovered from the no personality and no lore allegations...
Not true, she loves you and is smart enough to hide it in public because she knows it would draw unwanted jealously from the other girls.
But the moment you are alone with her watch out. Bunnys cannot resist their instincts.
You forgot Pallas running on Interlocking competition.
At least those gave a full events worth of rolls for 1 banner.
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According to the 410901 hentai, Jessikot is perfect in bed. Cums constantly very easily and is a bit embarrassed each time
Based. I would rob a bank too if given the chance.
I remember /akg/ getting mad that we didn't get the free 20 rolls from when CN fucked up eunectes/thorns banners
>Evil women
>die or are forever cursed to never be playable
>Evil old men
>become playable the instant their event drops
>the welfare for it even
What the fuck whose dick Harold sucked to get this privilege?
Arknights is a game for women
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According to his canonical husband (you can still be fuck buddies with her, they have that kind of relationship) this is true.
Men are misunderstood
That's why Lappland is so popular?
Harold isn't evil and hates Victoria
Eblana too but i don't see her being playable
Harold's biggest flaw was being a Victoria soldier so he was forced to do all the evil shit you see in the event.
Being a Victorian is a fate worse than death
>i don't see her being playable
Bro? Kalt'tsit, W, Ho'olheyak and Arturia are playable.
Is harlod good? My only built healer is shining
Evil men are just misunderstood or are factually correct. Evil women are just retarded plain and simple
That's just Taran propaganda.
Victoria is fine now that Talula became King with her queen consort Siege
Evil men >>> evil women
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Maybe it was a fever dream but didn't Ray's event have a map that was actually worth farming?
If that was the case we would have gotten Lapdad, Blood Knight, Eykthrinir, Bitch King, Alfonso, Thorns Teacher and Andoain.
Kal and Arturia are unironically super good.
Hol and Wuh are just retarded womanchilds
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Bro, women literally love Lappland
There's even a lappfag that makes music for arknights
Soon, you just have to believe
Telling Penance one more drink is fine so you can take advantage of her and cum inside her.
Lappdad and Andoain will be playable 100%
I think so, possibly even devices
Siege alt is just an elden ring reference...
Reminder she killed less than Breed and her fires jobbed to Nine's plants
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Fun fact
>Thorns was the first op to be added in a rerun
>Thorns was the last op to be added in a rerun
>will be playable
Am I being trolled?
He's alright though his deal is healing elemental damage, for actual healing stick to shining or one of the 4* medics who will be cheaper to raise
Tied for the best berry not named Eyjaberry
Yeah that's why I said she was popular. Women love to self insert as her.
I should make a list of most popular self inserts for women.
Well those don't all happen to be evil, can't tell me Alfonso under the Pomegranate Tree was a bad guy
Well thank the chinks actually did something about that
And Ijust max potted him too
Jessica dumped me because I have a micropenis. Please give me a new girlfriend.
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The first and last of his kind
3 barrel shotgun
Pretty evil
Surtr if you let her have sex with other men wouldn't mind
No. You can't be popular without appealing to both sexes.
Suzuran would love your small pp and think it's cute.
>have no thucman pots
>module will make his poison DoT increase pot a a good chunk noticeable
Please sir... spare me some pots...
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How tall?
Don't listen to him Suzuran was the most savage at making fun of mine.
I got a pity footjob though
Just get a boyfriend at this point
We never knew what garcia's gender was
Was thinkin of leveling Virtuosa up but man, past e240 her stat gains are really low it seems
Also the only non-rerunning-event banner to run twice.
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>emergency Unwell
>only ground op is Myrtle
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Anon, you are playing IS4, not IS3
Stop picking ranged ops before ground ones
What happened to Jerboa?
Is what I was going to say until I noticed it was just Minimalist's leg
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Fun Fact: Thorns challenges many straight men's sexuality (it's okay to struggle)
E260 is enough for everyone, that's what they need for modules. Anything past that it minimal gains for the amount of sanity required
worthless post
1. Why is the file named Micheal Jackson
2. Thorns is clearly holding a woman's hand
>talks about peace, but willingly incinerated thousands of people
>unwillingly killed a few """"good"""" people with her flames because she fell from an airship, doesn't give a shit about it
Who is the evil woman here?
Doc is a woman
What operators would give the best footjobs?
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I'm a Trilby Asher.
God I can't wait for Reed to role reversal her sister and turn Eblanna into a sub
Both. Both are evil and should've been killed by us
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Specter's smelly stocking feet
t. Bagpipe
Weird woman sexo...
>Someone brings up victoria girls
>Suddenly foot fetish talking
What is it about these 2 things that are so connected
You are getting pegged
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>always invites herself to your office
>wants to travel with only (You)
>wants a threesome with (You) and Amiya
>that skimpy outfit
>the thing that draws my attention the most are the gloves
Is it too late for me?
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We know.
Isn't she too old to dress like an edgy goth schoolgirl? Black lipstick is cringe
Baking new bread
She's 23
40 year old gothwomaN SEX ESEX SEX SEX SEXOOOOOOO
Made for short(durin) men
I can't believe Grimmacht is fucking dead
Arturia love!

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