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Previous: >>483678329

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Yinlin

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
We are so fucking dead that it takes ages to someone to open the fucking thread
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Wu? Wuuuuuu? Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
Wa? Waaaaaa? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
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>maintenance starts when i go to sleep
>ends around when i wake up
Max comfy
I'm trans and African-American, is this game for me?
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I hate it. I used to be the only Changlifag in this thread after their dripfeed was shown why is everyone suddenly creaming over her now?????????
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i think we got all too used to the discord trannies being our slaves that open new fucking threads. Now that they're dilating everyone else is too lazy to open a new one.
Will this game survive a year?
It's already crashing in china and only carried by nips money now


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Good morning, tourists! Remember to play the game during 1.1 or PERMANENTLY miss out on woowah's festering desire. (You) have been warned.
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>It's already crashing in china and only carried by nips money now
holy fug you are right
it's really bad if china doesnt like their own game...
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shut the fuck up. all you are is jue's onahole

encoreCHADS run this general
no timer? lazy general
Preload doko?
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>replying to your own post
Sex with my LOYAL wife Changli
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Why is our festering desire a 3*
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here you go, wuwagger
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How many rolls can you get if you start now?
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Imagine raping her before being the magistrate of Jinzhou
Aaltos onahole
I can't wait for 1.1 to absolutely bomb. There's no redeeming this dumpster fire of a story kek
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Thank you Jinhsi
This is for you
Jue wouldn't let you do that
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Sex with anon's maybe loyal wife Changli
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The new weapon banner has more likes than the new character. It's really over, zzz?
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Our lil mascot is coming!
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jinhsi bros...
be honest with me...
what are my chances
if I dont get her im gonna drop the game and I don't want to
What website is this. I wonder why they dislike it after kuro pandered to them. People tired of open world games maybe?
ZZZ is going for a more niche audience and has a lower budget.
Should I save my guaranteed standard 5 star ticket or just pull encore/calcharo. Already have all the other 5 stars including jiyan and yinlin. Will they add more characters to the standard roaster?
>has 100 rolls
>will get 93 during the patch
>probably half of that before Changli
They are pretty high
you can guarantee her bwo
It shows again that if a gacha company fucks, cucks, mindbreaks you so hard that you end up loving it, you will be the biggest shill for them. And if you deny all of that happening then you are brainwashed, unironically. The way genshitniggers defend their game is absolutely insane, especially if you consider how they got absolutely raped by mihomo.
Is that the new cope, mihoyodrone?
About 65% chance, but keep in mind you'll easily get enough rolls to guarantee her before the banner is done.
so how is the new update?
They've copied everything else from Genshin so you're not likely to see any new units added to standard for years. If you don't already have two good DPS then I'd use your standard ticket to start building up one of them unless you don't have Verina then I'd get her instead.
And who should that be lmao The game already has bunch of official shipping garbage, bunch of furries and is censored as fuck. Who is the target audience at this point
how many corals do you have?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at the game and see how much less effort and time it has compared to high budget open world game like this.
Yes, I do have verina.
I have everyone except calcharo and encore. It's kinda confusing which one of them is better.
Taking that as a yes
They're both about the same but sephiroth has more synergy with yinlin since she buffs electro.
And the cope continues.
>using corals for rolls
I am not a pedophile. I am a Lolicon
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Not everyone is as tribalistic as you, probably because you're underaged.
>using over 30 rolls worth of coral for a single dupe in a game where dupes are garabge
Yes, I will be using my coral for rolls.
Anon says he's quiting the game if he doesnt get her so there's no point in saving them.
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Stop being a overdramatic faggot. I have less rolls than you and I'm aiming both Jinhsi and Changli. I'll swipe if I have to.
I'll have to play zzz for myself and see what it feels like before deciding, but I don't think I would have fun with doing nothing but fighting a boss or a hall of enemies all day and then ending up in a shop and a town I can't do anything but walk around for no reason in. I don't know who the target audience for that kind of thing is, but I doubt it's me.
>everyone zzzshill up to this point talks about how amazing the designs and animations are and how its going to kill wuwa
>all of a sudden its a low budget game with a niche audience
top fucking kek the cope is overwhelming
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You wouldn't randomly capitalize loli. That's something I've only seen roasties on twitter do when they're seething over it.
wuwags, this is you in 25 years
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what is the fastest way nowadays to upgrade this shit?
Thats literally me right now
You can guarantee her with the rolls you get in 1.1.
I clicked...
I'm willing to try it because I'm pretty tired of exploration.
I barely find it fun and I only play these types of game to fight things and build characters really.
I do like how un serious zzz is too.
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>Start when i go to work
>End when i got home
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Going for dupes over new characters seems like a giga retard move.
People who like DMC or Ninja Gaiden I guess. Except you get to look at cute girls while doing it. That's basically how chink gacha works. Take some popular genre and then just put tits and lolis in it.
Easiest way to brick your account if you're ftp.
July 22nd, please post anko if you're going to be retarded.
Now do it again with Changli
you are making too many assumptions
I like maybe 1 in 10 releases what else am I going to do with the rolls
because the crashes on mobile. a gacha game where you can't play on mobile is basically a death sentence.
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Retard is game hopping like everyone predicted lmao
It's funny you bring that up, because I'm also tired of exploration. HSR ruined me because of the simplicity and satisfaction of the exploration. These days I almost don't want to deal with open world at all, because it's just a huge area with the same stuff stuck around randomly like easter eggs. The first time running around it is great, but I think I'm over looking for all the stuff to 100% it. I hope they do a lot with ZZZ and the game surprises me, because I really need another game to play.
Also hope they're somewhat fair with their gacha pulls...
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oh wow like... who cares?
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How many more hours for Indonesia time zone?
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>He pulled yinlin for Jinhsi
Yeah, but can you really blame him? How he makes money is by following hype. It's like the story of the scorpion and the frog. Yeah, of course he stung you, he's a scorpion. It's his nature.
36 hours. Get a life.
How much tacet core do you need for lvl 70 jinhsi? And did I just fucked up by doing the weekly boss
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I just found it funny desu
Where can I get a refund?
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I have never seen a single person pushing ZZZ as a wuwa killing game seriously. It's like saying Gardenscape is a competitor to Elden Ring. There's a reason why these companies make sure they're putting out games in completely different genres to avoid as much overlap in audiences as possible.
1 wuwillion seconds
>he says in /vg/ of all places
The irony.
He is so smug. He knows he is superior, he is the master of nature as he trims his garden.
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What did this woman ever do to make people call her NTRbait?
Gardenchad, I can't command my knees, it's just fucking bending.
The same time as when pagpag hours end
This is my hero, I want to be him when I'm 50.
>THAT smile
The question is what did she not do? Maybe it's just bad design choice.
Mortefi bro how do we respond?
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Have big tits and smile
yep and i will pull jinhsi and then changli
mental illness
it's called clickbait, welcome to the internet you underage retard.
that's me now. Except he's got better taste in video games.
Hentai addicts see porn everywhere
People make NTR out of girls they are attracted to sexually. So naturally, the hot, sexy, appealing and beautiful characters will be the ones to get NTR. There's no reason to NTR an ugly bitch or unappealing characters.
Those $10 bundles are actually pretty decent to stock up on pulls with the first top-up rate. That and walkin and you should never need to buy anything else.
Depends how badly they powercreep in this game. If it's relatively small like Genshin then vertical investment will get you further than just rolling a bunch of characters.
any non-retard understood that they're different games and that zzz is compact enough to play along wuwa easily from day one
Collect dem rolls, my dude.
Just make NTR allegations and the more insecure people are the more responses you get.
>People make NTR out of girls they are attracted to sexually
I don't get it, why would anyone willingly cuck themselves in their own imagination?
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updated version
the zzz cope continues
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Oh cool.
Should I try to get her weapon if im (too) lucky and get her early? or there are decent cope weapons for her.
I'm sticking with wuwa even though it's open world just because the more general gameplay is really fun but I agree. Odds are zzz will be fairly generous going by hsr, which ranges from 1 to 1.5 pities worth of gems a patch (usually closer to the latter) among a fair few other freebies
I guess they NTR them, so they can imagine the girl would actually have sex with anon instead of the female character's canon pair in the game. It's clever.
>12% damage difference over greenhomo sword
is this skippable?
tqoqi bag holders cashed out..and greenman mogged too. It's over...
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>my stupid metafag brain will finally allow me to upgrade and use Taoqi
Praise the lord
The previous Baizhi's bait didn't work
My guess is these dps charts assume every enemy attacks you perfectly at perfect times to get perfect counters 100% of the time aka it's never going to work out like this and half the time you'll be sitting there holding her counter for 2 seconds while enemies just stare at you.
Kill yourself spadeschizo
Wait, i can't skip companion quests? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, i'm going to have to read fucking Lingyang and Jiyan's stories, i seriously couldn't give any less of a fuck about them
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NTR you say?
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My loyal wife changli~
If you can sure, weapon is guaranteed 80 rolls.
Now how can I get that Taoqi girl
I don't think anyone uses her manual counters
Also skill issue
Because they get off to it. Their are two main types of people who enjoy it. The largest group by far is this group
>people who want to see their object of desire defiled by something they consider subhuman
People in this category include bestiality, interracial, ntr, fat man, old man, orc, goblin, whatever think they see as less than, having its way with a potential mate.
Why they're like this, I don't know. Humans and fetishes are weird and I'm sure there's a million different reasons.
you don't have to parry a single hit to get this result
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whos the TC?
She's that type of loyal who'd text message you while she's being pounded from behind.
You mean the people who only find hags attractive just simply only care about sex and don't give two shits about fidelity or anything like that.
>inb4 80% of people building Taoqi for Jinhsi get filtered by her playstyle and slow energy and complain about it here in a few weeks/months
shes not thaat hard to play tho, yinlin is squishier
Jinhsi Kings, we won.
Well I mean there is definitely a correlation in the kinds of art that these characters get compared to others.
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This is rotation they're using.
Allright what stats for Cowqi?
I have already farmed a moonlit set
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P-please! Mr. Gardenman! Wuwa means no harm!
>Spec/Atk better than Spec/Spec
Can someone explain this to me? Is this just a Jinhsi thing or is it true across all DPS?
>LOOONG's halo
>also used in trailer
they still haven't listened to our feedback regarding cringe localization
How are they starting off with an intro skill already up.
>wife and 2 kids
um I don't think so
DEF DEF DEF DEF DEF is unironically fine since you don't have any crit in her talents/weapon,
you can replace 1 3 cost def with havoc but it's w-e. subs are DEF%>Lib>Basic, Discord should be enough for ER.
She's way too hot to be loyal tbqh
The future is looking great!
That's the funny thing, the best way to get Taoqi was to have rolled for Yinlin.
>not even using timed counters
The fuck, just to build concerto? Seems like a waste of Taoqi's damage
its a jinhsi thing, but for general DPS atk/ele% is only a few % off 2x ele%
Wtf Cowqi and grass cunny take most of the field time
>sees a woman
>instantly imagines her fucking other men
What causes this?
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You’ll accept the Loong and you’ll like it
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it's the rotation not the start on combat.

here the full rotation
Excessive consumption of pornographic materials
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First you copied our gacha roll model
Then you copied even our menus.
Now you are releasing a really cheap knockoff of our ayaka?
>action game
>DPS rotation

Here we go again. Remember to just laugh at these people.
See >>483703658
>Be in bed with Jinhsi
>Her excitement activates her forte
>Her clit transforms into a solid 4 inch Loong cock that is stiffer than yours
>0.9seconds to do toaqis basic string
Lmao is this guy for real?
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How in the fuck YuanWHO beating Yinlin??
Isn't it a bit problematic that a random old dragon can just groom a teenage girl and make it so she starts growing scales and horns?
I think it's a bit triggering sisters.
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>would you still love me if i was a lizard?
What is Encore's horns then when she casts her ult?
And how are you going to get stacks? Also nobody plays like this shit...
Bro you whole game is literally Shonen anime Zelda. Hello? Hellloooooooooo *x-rays into your head and shows a squirrel eating nuts*
Impossible? I don't think so.
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Anyone who said Haglin was required for Jinhsi was just coping over their bricked account
She belongs to him body and soul. Her Loong horns are a constant reminder that she is a dragon's eternal cocksleeve and nothing more.
Jinhsi is for dragon futa
Changli is for lusty NTR drama

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>*x-rays into your head and shows a squirrel eating nuts*
holy kek anon, I haven't had such a good laff in weeks.
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>What causes this?
It's their personality bro.
Why do I not feel the same way about all the other women in this game? It's just Changli and Yinlin that look like they're going to fuck other men behind (you)r back while (you)'re too busy farming for perfect echoes to raise their crit. Yinlin already does that because that's part of her "job" as a secret agent.
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game needs more mods
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>cheap knockoff
cope, she got gigamogged
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>why ntr
First time on /vg/?
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>dumped everything for Yinlin
>lost to Encore
>didn't get enough time to farm more astrite to pull for her, got to like 50 pulls and the banner ended
>got S5 Taoqi in the process (hopefully I'll S6 her from free standard banner pulls), built her along with Verina I got for free
>really liking Jinhsi (top tier wife material)
>see this
how many hours until the update anons?
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The golden brick....
I only like Ayaka for her VA.
I didn't like the performance tanking last time I tried mods, has anything changed?
obviously I play at 100fps as its an action game, cant stand dips under 90
You just sound mentally ill
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Nyo! She’s pure.
What kind of men does Changli like?
Is she a fox or cat?
>It's just Changli and Yinlin that look like they're going to fuck other men behind (you)r back while (you)'re too busy farming for perfect echoes to raise their crit
Uhhh what?
cuckfag shitposters btfo
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Changli is pure and for (me)
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This guy
can any of Jinhsi materials be pre-farmed? or do they all come from the new mountain zone?
>Filthy NTR cuck porn reference
bruh when the boss he move to the other side of the map use the rotation
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You heard him.
Go back to the tacet fields, honey~
Is plebbit humor now considered cool here?
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I got her ER 3 costs on moonlit and foddered every DEF because of a some guide. How over is it?
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Why are phoenixes hot?
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Literally me
Well if Jinhsi has the loong horns then Anko has the shoort horns.
Formal men with high social standing.
If something's funny, then it's funny, regardless where the fun came from.
Like me
broadblade mats for skills and mourning aix mats for ascension
>Enough time to finish 1.1 before Dawntrail servers come up at 13:00 CET
alright, but how much ER on cowtits and verina?
The Commandant..
Why do they ALL smile like THAT?
it doesn't really matters, you'll just have weaker shield, but if you pair her with verina it's w/e. It's more important if you want to use verina elsewhere and play Taoqi + Yinlin/Yuanwu
It wasn't tho
The least pure always need constant reminders to tell everyone they're pure.
Her artist said she's a cat, foxfags got btfo hard
Classic american pornbrain...
Her personal damage is largely irrelevant then?
+65% for Taoqi (Discord+Moonlit give 60% so you only need 1 sub)
+130 fo Verina
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>cheap knockoff
Yeah, true enough. Jinhsi doesn't have that humongous forehead so she really can't hold the candle to our wet socks queen.
She's more pure than Changli that's for sure.
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What are you talking about anon?~
Ayaka design is fine but her ingame model is just ass.
Bro she literally has dragon herpes, how is she pure?
I know that woman...
>230% for verina
is two ER 3 cost and the ER rectifier overkill?
mmm bwos i merged all my def echoes because you said taoqi is a giga brick and def is a brick stat and now you are telling me that def is good and taoqi is bis teammate for jinhsi???????
Jerking off Jinhsis small cock
they didn't really try to build her for damage in this tc, she has 45/180 crit ratio and only 2k3 def. with def/def/def/def/def you can get more than 5k def even with Discord
that's still short of 20% ER at lv 90
I'm an insecure, virgin caucasian male that likes to pretend I'm a video game character. Is Wuthering Waves the game for me?
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What teams should I try and make? I've just been winging everything up until now and I've managed to get to 21/30. I feel like with lvl50 just around the corner it's about time to start making some serious decisions and to commit to some specific comps. I have a full set of Healing/Electro/Fusion/Moonlight echoes and they're mostly decent at best. I'm sitting on a shit ton of resources, echoes and echo XP, but I'm still hesitant to do anything with them. Help! Please!
Because they are excited and horny when they lie to people.
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damn, at least I havent levelled her turtle and the two cost 1 so theres still a chance

do you get more damage from building full def rather than focusing on DMG and crit with defense low class echoes?
Delete this bobblehead garbage and apologize to my wife
I will marry changli and kill her boyfriend in sleep. Checkmate cuckfags.
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Neat, I won't have to change my build then. Thanks.
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>mourning Aix powercrept by Jue before there was even any character that could use it
WTF Kuro
Jiyan Mortefi Baizhi
Encore Sanhua Yinlin
HRover Danjin Verina
where the fuck is the patch?
they should fire the UI designer
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Contrary to popular belief, female rover has a more NTResque design compared to Yinlin or Changli.
clearly says june 28
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(YOU) were the cucker all along...
>Don't roll for Jiyan he's a brick
>Don't roll for Yinlin she's a brick
>Don't roll for Jinhsi she's a brick
>Don't roll for Changli she's a brick
Why are you girls like this.
ah the classic NTR smile
They deal the same damage, Jué buffs resonance skill damage by 15% while Aix buffs spectro AND liberation by 12%

That's hardly powercreep
they will never be a woman
nyoo... not like this...
>her boyfriend
You're going to kill yourself?
Its not an NTR smile. It is a horny smile. changli is loyal and for ME
I didn't realize the tacet field event was over and just spent 60 plates on some garbage, i could have farmed more jinhsi materials.... fuck bros
Changli is a NTR whore in my eyes now thanks to you troons. Easy skip.
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Reminder that if you aren't pulling you miss out on this.
40/80 crit ratio is so bad that it's not even worth going for it especially if you don't have S2, overwise best dps woul be crit rate/HAVOC/DEF/DEF/DEF with crit/CritDMG>DEF>Liberation>Basic with 1 ER sub but I'd rather use a full DEF setup for better shields and worry about farming echoes for my main dps instead
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wuwaggers mindbreak yet another anon
There's zero evidence of her being an NTR whore in-game. Don't let these shitposters influence you.
Im probably going to get her sixth dupe this banner, im already at 3
>40/80 crit ratio is so bad that it's not even worth going for it
What kind of logic is this?
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The finger on her mouth gesture along with that smile doesn't help either...
She's just designed to pander to a certain demographics....
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Good. More Changli for me.
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Sounds good! Thank you! Forgot to mention that I'm also planning on rolling on Changli, is it possible to determine which role would she replace, or is it still too early to tell?

And another silly question, what is the "best" source of information on stuff like echo builds, rotations and so on? I know prydwen is a thing but I've read people saying that most of it makes pretty much zero sense... Is there a better alternative?
I only need to roll her 7 times and win all those 50/50's? Golly gee sign me up! And the weapon to you say? At R5? I mean why the hell not? Wouldn't wanna miss out!
why does this look so bad?
or alternatively dauntless evernight (60% def and easy to r5 for even more def) and then 2 ER 3 cost
Holy based
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And for all the other men in Jinzhou.
Oh god the numbers are too high and it's only 1.1
No the reason you're using Discord is the extra concerto.
>completely off-model tits
>excessive pubes
Why do they always go hand-in-hand? Only thing it's missing is the hyper futa penis
Her bodycount has to be at least triple digits or more.
when are we getting a brazilian character?
I'm not a mentally ill freak like you. Keep your severe mental illness delusions to yourself.
How can there be even NTR for FRover? Who is exactly the NTRman cucking here? Jiyan? Lionboy?
Skipping Changli, not rolling for a woman who had sex with a thousand men
ah I see
Changli looks like she fucks.
wrong thread?

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This right here is exactly what we need, devs better be listening
If you haven't noticed, Wuthering Waves is an Aryan characters only.
Dirt skin doesn't exist (unless its a tanned girl)
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It's just pattern recognition.
>He didn't build Spectro Rover
>a thousand men
That's just in one lifetime btw. Since she keeps rebirthing over and over, imagine the number of men she has had sex with over hundreds of lifetimes...
>person tries to touch Changli
>dies immediately
>somehow this is the character cuckcels attempt to latch into
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Should I even bother rolling for Jihnsi when this is my best greatsword?
She's designed to pander to my fantasy of seeing beautiful anime hags getting railed by ugly fat virgin vagrants.
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this, she looks like an ntr character, nt00 btw
mihoyodrones aren't intelligent people
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I'm so hyped for the 1.1 patch!!!
Changli is a virgin, but only because she can regenerate it.
It's (you), the player.
Prydwen may not be the best but it gives you a general idea
I have no idea about Changli or Jinhsi too, i'm just waiting for their release first.
>got encore and verina
>still got selector banner
>still got beginner guarantee banner
>still got basic rolls
What should i do? I dont want males and i got what i wanted.
>made for fat ugly men
>fat, constantly blushing
>extremely weak and redundant because encore exists
>old used up hag
Changli is gonna flop HARD isn't she?
Changli actually reincarnates as loli immediately after her last egg dries up
1.2 drip marketing might finish her for good. We will see
shes literally for me
>Jinhsifags falseflagging as mihomodrones to discredit Changli
wavebands from selector and guarantee (unless you're missing verina), then go all into the weapon banner, get katana and gun, maybe even multiples in the future, the other three arent awful and are at least decent as baseline DPS options
is there a soft pity in wuwa or is it just 0.X% up to and including 79 pulls and then 100% at 80?
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>stooping down to NTR shitposting
Mihoyokeks are getting REALLY desperate
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They tried the same shtick with Baizhi at the start of the game, now they are trying again with Changli.
Zoomers are really mindless repetitive tards, after a bit you just mentally filter all their yapping and they don't bother you anymore.
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Changli is a forever permavirgin because of her phoenix superpowers and the ability to regenerate her hymen. It doesn't matter how many men she ha had sex with, she can just repair her seal like it never happened. You people are not seeing the bigger picture. Even if she NTRs you, it does not really count.
she'll just powercreep encore
I mean, the devs of their game literally train them to be good mindless cucks so it fits.
The duality of uwuggers, maybe the thread is just filled with awful posters with no """"allegiance""""
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First it was Baizhi now Changli, they're not being very tactful are they. Also Rover knotting sure was short lived
soft pity starts in the mid-high 60s i think, for both banners
I love this place. Cant wait to shit up zzz soon. That garbage actually has ntr and official shipshit lmao
time to filter ntr
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bro your monk?
>all that shit
Don't care
I see boobs i pull
It does?
Just because people forgot Baizhi existed and that she went on tea dates with Mortefi doesn't mean NTR doesn't exist in this game now lol.
You are right. I will use my guarantee ticket on her.
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Just letting you Taoqibros know:
If you build Taoqi full def% with Discord, you're doing about 67% of the damage of a Taoqi with
>Dauntless Evernight
>crit rate%
Left is her damage numbers with the dauntless + havoc + crit, right is her damage numbers with discord + full defense.

I don't think you need that much ER% with Taoqi once you have her S5. Discord can potentially work as a temporary weapon until then though.
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>you are knocked out
More like you are knocked up. By me!
Yeah, you even have to watch while the female characters have sex with the furries in an unskippable cutscene. It's very strange.
Thanks for the reassurance Yuanbro.
Glad to know my wife is the grippiest.
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Daily reminder not to fall for /hrtg/ troon squad and /gig/ggers and their mihomo shit-posting. They will always try to derail the thread and lower /wuwa/s quality out of sheer envy that we're playing a real game while they're playing a mint picker simulator.
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Soft pity starts at 66.
but the whole point of using discord is letting her spam outro skill?, you were really never using her completely for her damage
this isnt the full picture tho, since discord reduces field time, you want to swap out of taoqi asap
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There's no mint in my game though
Why Yinlin is not the one being cuckpost? She's literally got groomed by the dollmaster
Skill descriptions alone talk about how girl needs to be paired up with her animal "friend" to so this and that. Then the story keeps feeding into it. Shit is everything whats wrong with mihomo right now.
No one cares about her anymore. She's really weak.
Killing echoes in the overworld is just mintpicking
I wonder if 1.1 will come with a lot of quiet hotfixes and changes.
Yinlin already released.
Not popular enough, her not being main dps kinda sucks
Dollmaster goons to her dad, not her
But she is. People are calling both yinlin and changli cuckbait...
trying to brick Taoqi bro when she's 10% of the team damage
i just hope they fix the ugly textboxes, but who am i kidding, this is a chink kusoge
No, but it will definitely cause them to start pushing them out kek.
>xe thinks people are shitposting with literally on of the most popular genre in hentai
Shitposters move onto the upcoming characters. Whenever we see who 1.2 has they will move onto them.
Jinhsi and Changli are also sub DPS though?
works on my machine
It's unclear if they will cuck you, but one thing we know is they are both hags.
You can get her ult reliably with just moonlit and heron at S5

Sure! Discord R0 is not going to help much with that though in my experience. What's the rotation where 8 concerto makes or brakes it?

102K damage per rotation on a support unit is not bad I'd say
>most popular
not everywhere is nipland fag
I really hope we get the kot..
Her tits aren't as big. The bigger the tits the more cuckposting a character gets. That's just the rules.
Have you not seen the yinlin blacked edits posted here?
I'm going to use the QoS tattoo mods on my Changli
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Chixia is fun
you can build her dps but you need discord, R5 discord is actually so op for her rotation. sheet shown were with R0 but R5 is like having 2 discord with dauntless doesn't really benefit for extra copies.
Okay... But why Changli?
Why not Jhinshi? Why are people not cuckposting about the magistrate? What makes Changli such a cuckmagnet to filthy gooners? What makes jhinshi resistant to these allegations?
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Yinlin sex
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Nope, try again
Congrats on your s6 then
Why are you trying to rationalize unironic mental illness?
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And cute
shes the yamato nakadashi archtype
Will i get banned if i install mods?
>But why Changli?
The more sexually attractive the character the more cuckposting they get.
>R5 discord is actually so op for her rotation
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i think some of you cuck posters forgot what tab you are in, this is /wuwa/ not /gig/, we dont talk about cuck stuff here
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why is he mad?
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>When Resonance Skill is released, restores Concerto Energy by 8/10/12/14/16
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Who eastcoastchad here?
Going to be spending the better part of the night shitposting and waiting for maintenance to end
Any PGRchads here know if Kuro tends to finish maintenance early?
She isn't anywhere near being dommy.
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will autumntrace be enough for Jinhsi? I'm trying to roll for both Jinhsi and Changli and was thinking of just buying the BP again...
Jesus. You're impossible.
>Why is discord good?
>Because it is.
>Okay but what's the rotation?
>Bro it's so op on her.
>How is it OP?
>She gets concerto bro...
You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?
>my favorite female character is so irrelevant she doesn't even get any shitposting
She has the NTR smile and squint. And she has a permanent blush and hag bags. It's a NTR design. Probably intentional too.
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>Posts the generic tomboy childhood friend who will definitely not cheat on (you)
Ummm, bwo...
im and f2p poor, should i skip 1.1?
It's alright at s5 it's aound 20% below her signature
>the event button is completely gone
r8 my stringmaster build
because her sustained damage outside of the burst and 3 chained hits is dogshit, and without extra concerto she can't outtro fast enough.
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Ben is koledas dad
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coomer brains will have you think otherwise but chixia is one of the most for (you) characters in the game
saggy hag breasts
>Posts THE town bicycle of Jinzhou
In a alternate universe she pulled her gun on me
Wish me luck bros
nipland makes 90% of the quality hentai though
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Not Kuro mass review botting it's rating on BiliBili now to try to improve it's rating for 1.1 launch. Gone up .2 in ratings in the last hour. Most comments just say "Fun" or "Turing Test"
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Flouloulo eyes kinda mogging
I'll now play meta
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Rover refused to stay in her apartment..
You have braindamage if you think keeping her on the field for "sustained damage" is the only other solution to this.
she's a support aint she
She's going to be a Pokemon/Echo master type resonator.... isnt she....
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>smiling a certain way is now indicative of being a cheating roastie
Shitposters can make up the dumbest shit and still get a wuwillion (You)s.
I can see it...
thats the opposite of what I said
What does Turing Test mean
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jajajajaja, ZZZ is going to kill this game
I mean....they're right? She smiles like she knows she's getting away with something and that she's looking at the dumb cuck she has so easily manipulated.
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They took the money and ran, EoS in 7 hours...
are they going to refresh first time purchase bonuses every patch or will it be yearly like chinkhoyo? i've heard PGR does it per patch
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>they're right if you headcanon all of these things
Based. Humans are obsolete, AIgods won.
being able to tell if your talking to a bot or a human
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>killing a fractisdus mook with the equivalent of a nuke
Based magistrate
It'll be never unless you start screeching about it. And why do you care? Don't tell you you're gonna spend you dumb little faggot cuck?
My wife Jinhsi is PERFECT
did u brick it?
The Tencent social media impressions botting on this game is probably the most impressive thing about it honestly. If they put this level of effort into optimization....
Chixia needs to hide her ugly forehead and she will be so much cuter
NTA, but Changli's smile actually does make her look really shady.
So what are Jinhsi's team options looking like now?
Why is no one cuckposting jinhsi anymore? She used to be the prime target. Why are they all focusing on Changli now? Fucking hate you faggots so much.
Let me get this straight then, you think to make her outro you can either
>keep her on field to build outro (which is trash because she's slow)
>put discord on her to make it fast
Do you guys know if the mobs will respawn when maintenance ends?
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Can't wait to send the equivalent of a predator drone attack to the exile squatters just trying to eke out a life in the outskirts of jinzhou
yes? do you not understand what concerto energy is?
Chixia needs to be able to dodge in her pewpew stance without getting interrupted. Just moving backwards to avoid attacks looks so lame.
NTR is the thinking man's fetish. Idiots wouldn't understand it.
see >>483701179 >>483701531 >>483703234
Then my previous statement stands: you have braindamage.
Weapon banners being 100% actually makes me consider rolling on them.
YJK Ma Xiaofang allowed all the old and ugly men of Jhinzou to fuck her in all her holes, and her dumb tomboy brain just thought that they were playing with her.
She is groomed by Jue and belongs to him.
SEE >>483703280
Right? She's the next banner character so you'd think they would try to bring her down as much as they can, Changli can still wait
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this. I dont even mind if they just make it a sequence node feature honestly.
because nobody replied
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I still don't understand about what actually happened to the sheep village.
Stop gooning to tomboy NTR, my man...
Some of them are already getting removed and it seems to have stopped now. Could have been an independent troll maybe
>Verina still required
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they're mandatory if you don't have the standard weapon sword/gun and now stringmaster
same, it made no fucking sense at first i thought. okay so scar is the black sheep but then it implies he's not? and he just knows the black sheep? but then he turns into a literal blacksheep for his boss fight so i'm just thinking what the fuck?
>nigga doesn't understand game mechanics
>calls someone else braindamaged
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>being smug must mean [HEADCANON]
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First girl with NTR smile that gets headcanoned as a slut by half the secondary artists?
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im sad now because this char actually looks cool but ik its fake ;w;
maybe in the future....
I thought zzz is low budget with a niche audience?
People actually don't care much about the plain Jinshi as much as they do about the hot hag Changli, so it's easy to get (You)s by shitposting Changli instead.
>They have to go back
>I love China
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>smiling = ntr
Karin was always superior to this one anyway
>still 25k xp off UL 50
go on without me sisters.....
do I wait for the freebies to reroll for Jinshi?
I simply will never roll on hags.
is 1 solvent = 60 stamina = 450 union xp?
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+5 social credit
is there really any substantial difference in mats farmed once you reach UL50?
More like nobody takes cuck posting about a foot ball field looong dragon seriously
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Looks like shit, I hope Geshi Lin canonically beheads this furry weeb faggot char
baizhi is unavoidable lole
>Open thread
>NTR posting
This thread smells of SEA
>he doesn't know tower is 3 teams
>he thinks he can slot verina in every team
Bro she's no hag, but im pretty sure that pokemon thing has seen her naked.
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I mean, he's right.
>People actually don't care much about the plain Jinshi
Jinhsi bros...is this a precursor to our sales...?
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I'm cordially requesting they add her (No. 21 Feral) to the game every survey.
Yeah this is why I'll be using yinlin/Taoqi team.
Up to 4.7 now lol. Was literally at 4.3 2 days ago and had been there for much of version 1.0. Expect it to be above 5.0 by the time 1.1 launches
>She's no hag
>When she's the only character with the hag model
Not real
1. It was 4.5 several hours ago so not .2 in the last hour like you're saying
2. Someone made a post that any positive review gets disliked immediately. So people are posting "test" and "turing test" to see if there are bots downvoting them
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imagine if our guy Gasoline beheads Lingyang
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he is sooo right

bro..you can't just expose him like that
Every time I see this calcing fat fuck he's angry about something, hopefully high blood pressure pops him like the balloon he is eventually
>Tacet field event is over
Noooo how the fuck will I spend my stamina now
It's just +5 tuners, and slightly better weapon/trace mats/echo exp around 10% it's really miniscule. The biggest bump is the tuner and ascension mats which is 2/3 to 3/4
Still waiting for Hex oiled up.
I liked Changli when she first appeared on Jinhsi's ipad without her tits. You only liked her after they revealed her tits and everyone else started hyping her up. You and I are not the same.
How are they gonna make Geshu for (You) when we finally meet him?
Resonator loli spooked TDs and protected her village, happy merchant appeared and convinced villagers that she is evil, she got bullied, big bro rescued her, village went to shit without the girl and got turned into a TD field.
hologram isn't hard because they just balanced it around people being able to use food buffs. Devs never intended wuwa to be difficult
mmm nice. sauce of that ad?
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this ones S tier, can't believe he emulated the graphics and ui perfectly
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>Could have made a 21 like char
>instead they add ugly lion boy

Do they want their game to die
+5 tuners per run? Damn that could be substantial in the long run. I am sooooo out of tubes even with the double-drop event
Somehow being near (You) clears his mind. He'll fight over (You) with Jiyan.
That's enough
Stop playing on your dead game
You won't like Mihoyochads when they're angry........
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Everyone who likes those shitty gauntlets and nekos is my enemy
Genshin L will lead the charge for a gayer future. No twinks because they imitate the female form, no anime girls with meme weapons. Only Jiyan (literally me) and his loong will remain so they can have gay sweaty man sex
Nice cute tits
>crying Jinhsi
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What are the Sanskrit writings on her back?
I'm dumping it into talent/wep mats, saving weekly drops for o-Loong johnson
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Calcharo's companion quest wasn't what I expected...
False flagging on the internet, not cool baka frfr
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How much more bros? In dying here....
Jinzhou men's POV
>CP spam ("lolicon" is CP)
>nipples everywhere
>NTR bait spam
>ban evaders coming back every single day

This is just turning into Blue archive general at this point.
Like 6 hours left for maintenance to start
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Pay attention, Rover.
The spectrographic readings of the latest Tacet Discord outbreak suggest high levels of electromagnetic radiation and a metastatic particle concentration above the average density per kiloplanck. An ultraviolet radiowave analysis of the spectrum pattern in this tacet field presents an abnormally steep Rabelle's curve with an irregular frequency, which could lead to high risk of mutation and overclocking in the area. This is a very dangerous phenomenon and cannot be allowed to proliferate.
Understood? Very well. You know exactly what to do next.
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Stop this slander immediately!
She is a virgin. As a matter of fact, she doesn't even know what sex means.
Just hide and ignore, Shay won't ever stop so just don't respond. Filter all of his buzzwords and the quality of any thread skyrockets.
Genshin has nothing in common with Zelda unless you’re stuck in 2020 and looking at it superficially. It has far surpassed botw ever since. And wuwa has surpassed genshin
So what is the F2P option just 60%?
RETARDs keep saying Taoqi doesn't work. You guys are fucking brainlets.
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Of course i know
Baizhi impregnation
>As a matter of fact, she doesn't even know what sex means.
Read what you wrote again bwo.
She doesn't even know what sex means, which makes her the perfect target for all the geezers of Jhinzou. They used her like an onahole and all she thought was that they were just playing with the great Ma Xiaofang.
Why are you responding to yourself as if this isn't the norm in pretty much every gacha general.
Baizhi.... rape.....
This reads like the average chinese gacha story.
>You know exactly what to do next.
Mating Press
10 kids
Right Baizhi?
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I give up.
There's no winning against you gooners.
tacet discord sounds so fucking stupid
why would mortefi be included, hes heavy attack dampen, are you dampened in the head?
>Geshulin is overclocking
>Rover beats the shit out of him
>"damn you are pretty good [male=bro/female=lady]"
>male players see this as a dude defeating another dude and becoming friends
>female players will see this as Rover becoming Geshulin's saviorfag because he will literally kill himself without (you) which means (you) CAN fix him
Who here already had their Taoqi built?
How long til I can play 1.1?
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Why did you listen to retard that have lv1 Taoqi?
Ppl that actually used her knew she had some limitation but was still playable, now that we're getting 2 maindps with 75%+ skill damage she'll be top tier, she'll also be changli bis.

here's my Taoqi
I do but I'm brain damaged enough to consider giving her the havoc set
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tectone is right. he looks like a sex offender
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>"damn you are pretty good [male=bro/female=hole]"
I support my general Geshu Lin
Thanks bro
Wish it was mine....
I started building mine and am surprised that she's actually usable. I figured I was leveling a cute character that's useless but it seems like I may inadvertently be leveling meta again.
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Mika sheep is a good sheep. She's also a cute sheep.
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I do, at least as much as not autistically grinding echoes allowed me to go with her.
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Shut up Kal'tsi— I mean Baizhi
>actual guy girls can fix
They would eat that shit up, Kuro get on it. Let the yumes have him and Jiyan fighting over Rover.
Yeah no shit bitch, now go back to your shift at McDonalds and adopt some more cats since it's the only companionship you'll get your entire life. Men own you and you're nothing but a hole so act like it or die alone.
Then I will teach her rodick
bro wrote this crying from his cuck chair...
>Wish it was mine....
It can be yours too if you just ask her
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>for FRover the guys act like rapist Otome chads
>for MRover they act like bros
If Kurk actually did this I would kneel.
I know reality must be harsh to people raised their entire life into believing kumbaya feminist bullshit and Disney princess stories.
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>rolling for every weapon slop
The game?
I am getting the gun on level 45
Please release a cool female gunslinger already
Geshulins bizarre adventure in discord land
Fuck off I hate this "gacha males are my bros" shit. I have to deal with this faggotry in /akg/ all day.
We hate males. Period.
I do want her to suck my ro-dick
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your ma xiaofeng?
Speak for yourself, you don't speak for me, retard
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You don't have one, tranny. Let that axe wound heal
I didn't like her playstyle. Even in illusive. Her attacks are too slow, and her blocking requires you to know the boss' attack like 5 seconds in advance, which isn't a big deal in illusive because it's easy to get shields, but wouldn't work so great in tower and shit.
This place is ten times worse than /bag/, they have a very comfy general with tons of cool artwork, cute girls and funny, original jokes. What kind of topics for discussion does this place have?
>UID schizo gaslighting idiots that keep feeding xim attention
>E-celebs and vtumors
>weekly income charts of gacha games
>constant derailing served by raiders from other gacha generals
>pathetic tribalism wars
Kill yourself mental patient
Yeah she's going to filter a lot of Jinhsi bros
t. skill issue
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I wouldn't mind, it would be nice to actually get female and male mc behaving differently.
This would however anger a lot the yurifags that picked femrover.
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fuck off to /gig/ homos
this is a straight male game
WaifuGODS have already declared the Yumesisters as their ally. We HATE yuritroons, homofaggots and shipniggers like you.

>making friends is faggotry
Effect of being constantly brigaded by mihomo discord trannies, unfortunately.
All these filler banners so I can save for General Geshu Lin, the MALE gunner 5*, and Scar. I have been blessed
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Maleshit will never be based
that faggot has never had a friend in his entire life
blessed to be tossed crumbs and hated by the fanbase, freak
Stop falseflagging you pathetic yuritroon. You lost
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/bag/ is full of 30+ weeb ojisan artists, /wuwa/ is a combination of /gig/ refugees(whose first gacha game was Genshin), the troons that followed and people coming from asmongold hence why they think this game is competing with MMOs and stuff when it's actually just another otaku gacha game for said 30+ ojisans
Imagine being such a faggot that the mere existence of a male triggers your dick sucking urge
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based and correct
All characters including males should lust after me and notPaimon as well
And yet you play a game with male characters (and unique content for "female MC x playable male character" quests) instead of a genuine yuribait game, curious.
you must be at least 18 years old to post here
Threadly reminder that Male MC is canon and Fem MC is for pornography.
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You can keep SEETHING yuritroon. You will never be a real woman. Fuck off back to hig or whatever general you came from
>loves seeing other men having sex with "your" wife
Please kill yourself self-insert cuck and don't lump actual waifugods with your shit tier fetish.
When the FUCK is the 1.2 drip marketing I need to see my camellya
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Waifufags = love girls
Yurifags = love girls
Yumefags = love males
Homofags = love males

If anyone is our ally it's yurifags
Fuck off nigger, I will never roll for Jiyan and I will never raise my Mortefi
they are recruiting for 1.2 beta already
Couldn't be more true, I'm not refugee tho, I wanted to play game cause I was already playing PGR
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Is anyone else unable to enter the depths of the illusive realm?
I still had some stuff to grind for in the shop but it won't let me in...
My love for homos is stronger than your pathetic hatred for them, and the sincerity of my feelings will reach Kuro. Scar and Geshu will stand out as great pillars of SOVL in a SEA of waifunigger mediocrity
>If anyone is our ally it's yurifags
hmmmm, nyo.
Yuricucks get the rope.
>NTRposting stops
>Anti-male posting begins
Hmmm, interesting...
Brovers, when did we start taking HRT?
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>If anyone is our ally it's yurifags
nice try yurifag
Yurifags seethe at the mere mention of a male, so no
it ended some hours ago anon....
those 4 stars are ass.
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pulling my ads right now
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Not only you are a yuritroon, you are also a KEK. These two come hand in hand, no wonder. Yuritroons have no room here, it's expected that females will fit well in pandering MRover, just like males will easily pander to FRover.. KEEP SEETHING. YOU WILL NEVER FIT IN, yuritroon
Why is the daily in this game such a chore
Stop copying genshit 1 to 1 ffs
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>Male rover is c-canon
>Spitting on encore

disgusting picture.
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How long until 1.1 is up? I don't care about time zones just tell me how many hours
Go back
Strong yapper
It's not. It only takes a few minutes.
Do the daily quest (which is kill TDs 90% of the time), synthesize something and kill a few enemies. Done.
What a trash banner lol, everyone will just use the free 5* weapon even after her sig got buffed.
>i am gay and loud and proud
We know
More like male rover has a canon.
estimated like 13 hours from now
Futarover is now canon
>And game developers can no longer ignore it
But they are ignoring it?
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Asuna is crazy about her master, and said master is the only male human in existence.
>Spitting on encore

cathartic picture.
Thank you
Maintenance should be done about 12 hours hours from now. Assuming it ends an hour early. It could end earlier.
Yea remember that this its only true if you don't have Yinlin weapon. with StringMaster she its better than Cowtits trash doormat.
I will take Yumes and even homos over yurifaggots any day.
I suffer from cute aggression and honestly? I'd probably kill encore and that little mascot guy that came out of rover's hand.
>yuriTROON starts derailing the thread
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She became the official blacked interracial porn queen by bandwagoners.
I don't get why yurifags refuse to play actual yuri games like LiveLove or that old ass honkai game instead of complaining about "literally (me)" male MCs all day long like it's their favorite hobby.
keep thinking that
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5 doros 52 pinnes
Liking Yuri is equivalent to advocating for LGBT shit. It's the reality that we're living in today. So fucking kill yourself if you support yuri.
>1 daily instead of 4
>rest to get astrite is just shit you were going to do anyway
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>nd honestly? I'd probably kill encore an
bwo wtff
these dumbass behaviors reminds me of male feminist and always end up being predators in disguise or worse than the man they would trash on.
Can't do nothing about secondaries and artists trying to get attention on xitter
Shame considering Asuna is a sweet girl
I'm going to run a Jinhsi Jiyan Mortefi team, guess my sexuality
Any Jinhsi cosplayer?
Doesn't matter who's canon between Female or Male rover, Changli will still cuck your pathetic ass.
you do not play this game
go back
At least we don't get any futa changli fucking Rovers asshole.
I definitely wouldn't call it "official". It caused so much seethe within the BA fandom itself that people avoided posting the bunnies at all for months.
scalie fag
Straight as a fucking arrow Supreme gentleman
>1.1 is 7 weeks long
How do we feel about this
Just woke up. Why the hell does the threads suddenly speeding up. We usually have 6-7 hour threads the past few days no?
dragonsexual probably
More time to save for Camellya.
You are supposed to run assist attacks with jinhsi not that whore taoqi with fat tits.
Sorry...I just can't help it. I'd probably punch her cheeks until they fall off. Or punch her in the face just to see her tears swell up :((( poor thing!!
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>rush ahead a week
>delay the next patch by a week anyway
Please be not true.
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Pretty good
I have a lot of characters i want to build and i'm out of shells, i can take it slowly
I came back for 1.1

>You are supposed to run assist attacks with jinhsi
I'm gonna build Jinhsi to support my Taoqi and nobody can stop me
Is Jinhsi weapon any good for Kakarot or should I just stick to Razor?
New players need time to explore the current content you no life scum.
Taoqi's buff is worth 22 stacks. Using her and using somebody else that generates 22 stacks performs exactly the same. If you can somehow get max stacks while using Taoqi then the damage ceiling is much higher. You'll effectively have 72 stacks instead of 50.
Fuck I meant to type pinch not punch.
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does the basedjack face actually help get them views? If so what's the psychological reason why normies are attracted to clicking thumbnails with basedjack faces?
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NPCs rejecting the logical argument and just blindly hating yuri for no reason.
As a waifufag I'd much rather have a thread full fo yurifags who post female characters instead of yumeshits and fujoshits posting about Jiyan's dragon cock or Lingyang's furry ass.
it's a multiplier not a flat value.
>buffs skill damage
It's shit on him other than being a statstick.
it does the human brain is more likely to click on schemes like that
heterosexual woman
>thumbnail with bald old ass man going :O
>thumbnail with a different bald old ass man going :O
Youtube's algorithm is an unfair mistress.
>As a waifufag
lole when will you stop pretending?
>farm all 3* echoes for the element set I want
>95% of them have the wrong element damage up type or another bricked primary stat
>level up the 5% that did roll right to +10
>some combination of HP/HP%/DEF/DEF%/attack type % (but not one the character actually uses ofc)
Its all so tiresome
>As a waifufag
Nice try, Yurifag
yes, they're chasing the algorithm which REQUIRES a reaction image on the thumbnail + big text. It's not even that they want to do it, you HAVE to do it unless you get lucky enough.
It also is known that people are more likely to click and re-click videos that have these kinds of stuff
What do you mean ended? Is this not a permanent game mode? It's retarded
Energy regen objectively does nothing to improve a rotation.
When are you going to stop pretending that you're not a homo who wants to have sex with males?
You don't like rolling for elemental damage on your elemental set? May I introduce you to lingering chads?
Somewhat right
Taoqi's 38% deepen scales with skill dmg (obviously)
so the more stacks you have the better (to a point)
at 25 stacks raw 38% deepen ~ 12 stacks
at max stacks a 38% deepen is like adding 22 additional stacks
But it comes with 12% attribute bonus, only 9% slightly worse than Razor's liberation bonus. I'm just not sure if 36% ATK is more preferable than 24% crit rate. Pic related is with lv 70 autumn.
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Wuwas for this feeling in my hands?
It does if you don't have your ult up when you get back around to the start of the rotation.
WTF is cute aggression? Sounds more like people being psychos or jewish than it being an actual thing. Never felt the urge to punch or destroy something because it's cute
when does the preload drops
Season 1 ended. It'll be back up when maint is over.
There's not enough copium in existence to ever justify building lingering.
There is no preload.
Three quick baps to the face is all I need. Does that really count as punching??
hang around BLACKS more. they do stuff like punch touchscreen menus for fast food places because they cant understand and their brain short circuits
How much longer for lovey dovey doragon sex?
for me its
>get a fusion birb
>it rolls electro damage
>get an electro birb
>it rolls fusion damage
this was my life during the double tacet event
it reminded me of a lesson. 2x0 is still 0
If this was 10-15 years ago when troons were completely contained to places like Tumblr then yuri wasn't an issue. The problem is yuritroons tend to be the most obnoxious shippers with headcanon delusions that get upset and vile when people don't like or agree with their headcanons.

When you let them loose in your space then it only takes a couple of them to completely shit it with screeching and drama.
obese wuwas? none
chinks prefer jade beauties
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based kuro catering only to 1st world countries with not-shit internet.
It's real but you don't actually end up wanting to hurt the cute thing once it's actually in front of you. It's some weird fucking feeling that I wish I didn't have ngl.
You know when roasties/cucks start to get really aggressive when they see a loli or younger looking woman in video games?
Still better than literal homos and women posting about their husbandos and gay ships.
Not the same thing, it's more like when your aunt pinches your cheek because they think you're cute. That's cute aggression.
but im in a 3rd world country with not shit internet?, im more worried about them, hopefully their servers can handle the MASSIVE player numbers trying to get in
since 3 fucking days
>whens preload
>preload when
how many of you are actually brown? holy shit who am i even posting with. it takes like 3 minutes to download the whole thing in a civilized country
Preload would get datamined and everything would be spoiled within a few hours by leakers.
>gay ships
Yet you are advocating for yurifags?
sooo have they released patch notes yet?
>Letting troons ruin and Influence your enjoyment over things
The absolute state of the western (((world)))
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>WTF is cute aggression?
Remember this girl from Tiny Toons? It's more or less like that.
Gay ships involving girls > gay ships involving men

Seeing my wives kissing each other is better than seeing men kissing each other, yes.
And I didn't "advocate" for them I just they're better than the others.
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what the fuck is wrong with this general?
>corrupt or unplayable video
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Get educated.
One guy is spamming it.
That's fine as long as they stay in their lane. In the past people self-contained themselves to their own interests and stuff. Nowadays way more people are narcissists who think their kink should be normalized and everyone else's should be banned. That's why all these fandoms have turned into shitflinging over stuff like shipping and self-inserting.
no reading all that but cute aggression is reddit
Filters make any 4chan board so much better. You should try it.
Gode i love NTR
I'm the bull of course
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>("lolicon" is CP)
no it's not retard
trying to deny it is reddit
I remember Linus from LTT talking about how it's basically essential, and considering that he's a techfag himself and understands the algorithm I'd trust him on it.
And even ignoring the algorithm, the basic logic is that it lets your audience instantly know that it's one of your videos since it's got a familiar face on it. Same logic behind using colours that stand out as well.
Exactly. Reditors tend to have that.
I'm a fat and ugly middle aged white man living in the Philippines so NTR is basically just the self insert genre for me.
mihomo trannies and bored waifufags fueling the ntr debate
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You're actually part of the problem and no different from them. When enough people like you are in the fandom space then it just devolves into drama and chaos and when you start trying to take someone else's toy away then they'll start coming for yours too, from the shadows if necessary.

Then your product ends up looking like the gray slop entertainment that comes out of the West right now that appeals to nobody.
It is quite literally one indian guy. He does the same shit in other generals too.
It's not that complex. Normalfags love reaction content, and putting your goofy ass face in the thumbnail is the best way to tell people your video is about reaction content.
How do you explain Romanian internet absolutely, brutally mogged German internet?
Don't use my plankjin for your abhorrent posts ever again.
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How many Doritos is that?
>posts pedophile isekai image
Starts when I go to sleep. Ends when I go to Work.

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so jewtube made the system that way on purpose? To what end? Surely they dont enjoy looking at bald fat middle-aged men making soi faces on their website...
You're playing games that pander to said pedophiles you know.
just roll while eating breakfast bro
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I don't care.
Shitflinging is not bad when my side does it.
I want to win and destroy all opposition, not live in gay harmony where we "let people enjoy things".
All maleposters must die.
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bout tree fiddy
Oh shit you are sick tomorrow? Hope you get well soon bro
>2 character are loli = pedo game
worse than furries with that entitlement.
It only ends in mutual destruction of your hobbies. There are plenty of female only gacha games you could go play right now.
>oh hey I recognize this face
>oh hey he has this same reaction I did let me look
>oh hey more people have the same reaction in the recommended let me look at those too
It's all about engagement. People like seeing other people enjoy the stuff they enjoy
Well the videos were popular since it let viewers know just from skimming through a list of thumbnails that this video contains a youtuber that I already like, so the videos get more popular and youtube recommends popular videos, then the videos get more popular so they get recommended more...
Yeah you can see where it goes from here.
>not filtering ntr
>pedophile isekai
Name 3 of them
>using filters
reddit might be more up to your speed
No actually it ends in /wuwa/ being a space for heterosexual waifuchads only and all the yumes and fujoshits being kicked the fuck out back to twitter and /y/
But where is the preload?
If someone has sex with a bunch of women who were 25-year-olds but one was 12 is he suddenly not guilty? Kuro puts their lolis in bikinis in their other game yet you support this somehow.
What's the point of getting new weapon after you have 1 5* for each weapon category? You can switch equipment in the tower
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Nice, got to keep the line tho, summer coming
>shitposters seething at filterGODS
You love to see it.
Those new bundles are a bit below the first time top up bonus in value.
With $100 you get 12960 and that's 81 pulls.
Without the first time, it's $100 for 8080. 50.5 pulls.
The new bundle is $10 for 1000. 7.5 pulls.
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Probably because they care about more than if a game has yuri or not? Liking yuri doesn't mean it's literally the only thing you like or care about in the whole world. HI3 is a fucking ancient hallway simulator with insane amounts of powercreep. It's total ass to actually play.
Reminder marrying your ADULT loves from childhood is super mega pedo, especially playing with her huge boobs
Why do women and homosexuals come to 4chan instead of dedicated websites for women and homosexuals like Twitter, Tumblr and AO3?
sorry, I meant 1200 not 1000. 7.5 pulls.
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>NOOOoo you HAVE to redeem my filth and shit and piss otherwise your Raddit SAR
Mnnyo, filtered
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can we get a /vg/ edit of this meme?

>loli posting
>coomer posting
>canon main character debate
>yuritroon shipping
>"what killed the hype?"
>NTR/cuckold posting

what else is missing?
They wont, why? Because they find every yurige fucking shit in quality compared to non-yuri gacha. They are aware that it’s garbage so they latch in /here/ and force their headcanon instead. Same goes for yuri manga and anime. It can’t sustain itself and ends up getting axed because these mentally ill yuritroons are the minority. They’re a plague and shouldn’t be tolerated.

Waifu sells
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In about 12 hours, we will all be living comfy and happy with this beautiful woman
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You know how people enjoy "look at me hating things you hate" videos like all those angry/funny middle-aged men analyzing vidya stuff? It's the same thing, except it's "look at me enjoying things you like" content.
In the end, everyone enjoys middle-aged men doing middle-aged men things.
Because even women and gays don't want to be around other women and gays because all they do is bitch and whine.

They'd rather come to "relatively" peaceful places like here where they can bitch and whine instead but people will actually try to be rational with them so they feel good because they can get attention instead of being a room full of screeching, mentally ill women and LGBTurds.
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>fags have been on this shit site for years and still haven't learnt don't feed the troll
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And yet you'll unironically say
>2 males = fujo game
Most female only gacha games are not yuri, particularly the ones that force male leads. In fact NIKKE and BA fandoms are very hostile towards yurifags and troons.
The new weapons will keep getting better if nobody pulls
Your.jpg of choice is quite problematic.
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>Changli comes out on 7/22
Holy shit
>your wives
Lmao, holy shit you are delusional
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Can't wait bro
>bitch and whine
and yet you sound whinier than those subhumans. incredible.
The irony is that the more loli and coomer pandering a game is the more hostile it becomes to the people in your image.

Maybe you should stop being a retarded woman.
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>pander to chinks
>but dont have martial sects/xianxia setting
Why are these game companies so coward?
Just try it and see if other people in other countries like it or not, instead of assuming non chinks hate wuxia/xianxia for whatever reason
>Liking yuri doesn't mean it's literally the only thing you like or care about in the whole world
And yet it means you hate everything else, curious.
Westcoast bros...
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BA bro here that's wrong we love yuri
Its going to update for everyone at the same time though
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are the women in this general with us, anon?
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Nice cots
>In fact NIKKE and BA fandoms are very hostile towards yurifags and troons.
and thats a good thing. only general they can get uppity is gig and hrtg. i hope they fuck off once zzz releases. they can spam their tranny shit in there because i wont be playing that utter dogshit game
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Booby magistrate
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>liking yuri means you hate everything else
>liking yuri means you hate boobs
>liking yuri means you hate pizza
>liking yuri means you hate forks
No? Are you actually retarded?
No "we" don't.
Contrary to popular belief earth has multiple timezones.
Yeah you can't miss the way their mind subconsciously gaslights and strawmans stuff from a mile away if you've had any experience with them.
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nikkers and BAggers are fwens
Where's my mint artifact set then?
I have never seen a yurifag post a male character, or argue that male characters are better than females.
You can never convince me they are worse than yumes and fujos, sorry.
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Maintenance when I WANT TO ROOOOOOOOOL
does anybody want to do the heart pond cheevo before maintenance? eu

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Enough about red alert. It's a dead franchise, Yuri is never coming back.
You can tell when women are here because they can't help but define everything by whether it can have access to their vagina. Calling everyone incels, coomers, "have sex" etc.
Timezones are just how we tune clocks. They don't change the actual time an event happens. Imagine if the Earth exploded. We'd all die at the same time, even if said time was 7PM in Europe but 2AM in Japan
>we will all be enjoying the patch in 12hrs
You're aware of timezones and yet neglect the part about peak hours being different?
I'm on my phone right now taking a shit, but I have the word reddit filtered, too. Cope.
Threesomes don't count as yuri.
pretty sure the patch hits the same time everywhere just like release did
burgers got an extra daily reset because of this IIRC
Burgers are asleep when the servers open you dolt.
I see you underestimate gambling addicts who need to roll the moment a banner goes up
Just farm tacet fields. They have way better main stats drop rate.
>He pulled Yinlin for Yinlin
Why yes i do have a large penis

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