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Season 1 Fighters Edition
Previously on /mvsg/: >>483592541

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Joker, Jason, Banana Guard & Agent Smith

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression.

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! We can only go up from here!
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>Console is where the player base is, not PC
Sure, Anon. I'm sure if you keep repeating that the game totally isn't dying on consoles too, it might happen!
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First for Reinmains.
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>Original Image doesn’t have Nana Guard at all
Is he a JOKE to them?
Reminder to never use the zoomer garbage term Endlag
Top ten out of all games is dying? Really? Keep whining, you shit posting faggot.Tell me how long it takes you to get a match. Me? Sub ten seconds every single time, no matter what time of day I'm playing.
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Use you Fightercoins wisely, next patch is balance patch.

Also don't buy the Arya skin and it's the Fart move for the current quest not the Jack in the Box
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>event quest that literally requires you owning both Arya and her summer skin
Hey, remember in the beta when you could reroll quests you couldn't do
What happened to that, Tony
just curious
Do you understand that to even be on that list, you need a player count of close to a hundred thousand?
desu huge part of the sonygger community is the FGC
>needs heavybuffs
>2nd highest 1v1 winrate
>3rd highest 2v2 winrate
game is definitively dying but saying it's on the top 10 most played games doesn't really help that argument, especially since on steam we see the actual count and we see it's not on the top 10 at all
Low average, Joker wins all the tournaments and has less winrate
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say something nice about this plant
Velam has even lower pick rate and is ranked much lower in terms of winrate. Winrate doesnt mean too much but reindog is fine good even
>easy punishes
>most players spam the axe hand move the second he pops you up in the air
>Jake's existence in a match thanks to PFG's spaghetti code now makes the game drop frames so you don't even get to dodge out of something obviously telegraphed half the time
Jake's got bigger problems (but probably does still need some form of buff)
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We're getting King Shark for shark week to celebrate the new anime, right?
>See reddit
>Cum gobbler talks about the arya skin not being necessary
>Random redditor with braincells says that some people have jobs or dont have much free time to grind the quests daily, and the practices of WB and PFG with fomo? They will never stop doing it
>Bitches and moans that you can still get the skin

Isn't this the same shit that happened with the power pledge or the daily reward at the start? People are busy and sometimes they can't play
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I believe Taz should have that spice Meter lowered to around 12 because I have not seen anyone turn a human player into chicken
>Superman and Finn in heavy nerfs
This isn't the beta anymore neither of them are top tier
>Arya in ok
lmao she is anything but ok
Jake has the lowest winrate of all characters, he needs all the love he can get, the axe move is the only move that can KO on the ground and only on high damage levels and fully charged, but yeah they need to fix the physics engine.
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apparently multiversus heralds the "WB games" franchise (?)
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Five more days until the big patch. Until then we just have to deal with alot of the game's bullshit
They just don't know the secret jake tech of eat into wall bounce into eat for a stock advantage. Then eat and double suicide for the rest of them.
I think the problem with Reindog is that there's a huge disconnect between how he's intended to play and what he's actually good at - I've noticed that the people who display badges with lots of Reindog wins tend to actually be the worst ones because they're playing him like he did in the beta but that's just not what he's good at any more.
It's especially evident in how whenever somebody complains about him being bad, they bring up the massive endlag on his projectile moves which used to be extremely powerful and reliable, when now his strengths come in following the opponent during an advantage stage and pushing the most he can out of a string.
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I would just like to reiterate how much I appreciate the "needs revision" tier and how the balancing of the characters in it is a bit more complex
Yeah I agree with buffing him, he's very obviously bottom-tier. But even before fixing his kit they need to figure out what they fucked up to make Jake specifically lag the game. He was pretty solid in the beta from what I remember.

Truly devious. Jake mains... I kneel.
Superman can be used as a rushdown character despite being the tankiest of tanks and can KO at 30 damage lol
Finn has priority on all his moves and has ToDs, with BMO defense and speed he becomes Ubermench
Currently its super easy to chicken people, but it will be nerfed, it will need lower spice values
Saddly suicide is not consistent specially on taller than finn characters
Finn's "ToD's" are all DI able even as Jason I do not play Finn but he is very light and his only true combos are like 30 damage max combined with poor recovery since he no longer has gem I don't think he's even on the top half of the tier list let alone in need of heavy nerfs.

Superman there's more of an argument for but he simply doesn't have the dodge meter recovery to play as aggressive off stage as he did in the beta nor does he have large hitboxes to contest the other top tiers the only thing he really has going for him is high kill power and high weight. The only thing I'd nerf about him right now is sniper punch kill power
The whole point is it's not dying in the least, you single minded faggot. Steam players are a fraction of the player base. It's not only a fighting game, but a platform fighter at that. Its home is on consoles and the majority of the FGC is on PlayStation. This is why the Steam counting doom posting is inconsequential.
>they can't read "Week Ending June 15 2024"
that was 2 weeks ago you stupid faggots, when the steam player count was double what it is now. it's definitely not top 10 anymore
holy cope faggot
can't wait for how you will cope when the game gets eos
>nerfing the kill power of his main way to kill now that he got his vertical throws taken away
Even then you can interrupt sniper punch entirely by just hitting any button because Supes has a hurtbox when he arrives next to you but before he actually throws the punch. It's punishable before the move even whiffs. He specifically has to catch someone not hitting a button but nearly everyone who plays this game is constantly mashing.
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>Tooniverse skin
>doesn't have animated tag
>Remove priority
>Add Hurtboxes to Disjointed Hitboxes
There should be a banner with these in that image
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wasn't top 10 2 weeks ago either
>2 weeks ago we had 3 times the players
holy SHART
yes exactly, so it's definitely not top 10 on ps5 or xbox by now either
ps5 literally has no games btw
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>Does not have human tag
How is summer going anons?
they're incredibly lazy anyway
there's no love or passion in this game anymore
there's only jewish shit
dexter's lab more like desync's lab
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errrrm stop complaining about needing to buy summer arya to progress in an event, chud
i will die on ANY hill supporting this game!!!
holy shit cocksuckers of this game are ready to defend anything lmao
next time "it costs 30 dollar to login" they will make a post "you don't need to login."
As another Anon put it last thread, the biggest red flag for knowing a game is basically dead is when Reddit mindlessly sucks off the devs instead of wanting the game to improve. These people will then get upset when their game dies after it falls to 1000 players and then blame everyone but the devs. Sad!
>I don't think this is a big deal
Honest question, can anyone else name a live-service game besides Multiversus that made cosmetics a REQUIREMENT to participate in events? Because I can't think of one. Dude's excusing an actual new low.
You're delusional if you think this game will eos anytime soon.
>he doesn't know lebron is a reptillian
>a game losing 500 players per day when the player count is well under 10k isn't going to EoS anytime soon
what a cope buddy!
i'm sure kill the justice league has some sort of fucked "melee restore shileds with 5% increased burn damage while wearing The Jokers 'The Rizzler' skin" challenge no?
at most, I THINK I've seen only a character's archetype be a requirement, but the game will usually provide you with a free character that fills that slot. Again I'm not even sure if a recent game I've played does even that
what a story mark
Bro this is a WB product, they've canned entire movies that were already finished to save money on taxes, you think they won't can an underperforming video game?
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>jab, pie, jab, side air a jonkler as Bugs almost immediately after taking a stock
>take my chances for teh lulz by doing another side air at the edge of the map
>Get refused a rematch, pop a battlepass tier and power pledge drive final tier all at the same time
Fluke or not, that's it. I don't think it's going to get any higher than that in this game for me. Think it's rift dailies and other games until the midseason patch.
Yes, it's in a terrible state. But that doesn't equate an instant EOS, retard. We're gonna see an attempt to fix the game and Warner shamelessly shilling this game for several more months before any kind of EOS idea is on the table.
they already canned suicide flop
multiflop is next
That's not how this shit works. Stuff with worse reception like Suicide Squad lasted longer than you think it would. They made tie-in comics and shit with MVS at least proving to have some kind of success at time. They're going to let the game sink or swim for a while longer before they consider pulling the plug. It's not going to EOS anytime soon, the doomer pill rotted your brain.
>NASB will still be playable even when online gets shut down
Nickers stay winning!
probably not because the purpose of this treadmill bullshit is to keep people playing so the whales have an ecosystem to exist in not to try to twist arms and force people to swipe
hostile marketing is retarded
>It's not going to EOS anytime soon
It's not going to improve either.
Disney Greedstorm does this, and they do weekly racer rotations... But the free rotation racers don't count toward your challenges.
warner will kneel to paramount to get garfield to save their game
We'll have to see for ourselves. Either way, it's a fact that MVS has lots more months left in it for all the shilling material Warner made for it. After that stuff passes is when EOS is possibly on the table. But not now.
Suicide Squad was hated since its inception with the skins and paid shit being appealing for no one. Even in MVS' lowest state there's still more paypiggies and people caring about it than Suicide Flop's highest peak.
mvs lowest state had 1k players and suicide squad peak was 10K so false
as a matter of fact suicide squad peak had more players than mvs has right now
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>lasted longer than you think it would
>a game that lasted barely four months after release
>Multiversus, a game that already died once, came back and lost the majority of its players within ONE month
>both of these games are under a company that has no problems dropping shit they deem non-profitable like a ton of bricks
I dunno dude, looking at the facts here it sounds like you're just coping. Once whatever content that's already been made gets pushed out, I think that'll be it, same as Suicide Squad. Except here, because PFG is a smaller team made of apes who have literally never made a game before this, the pool of what's remaining is likely very small. You can't tell me Banana Guard wasn't some last minute filler addition for the relaunch.
Nah, the public cares more for MVS than SS. Even outside of your dishonest point of "Steam Players" I guarantee you there's more people following and prepared to hop on MVS than SS. Suicide Squad had a fuck ton more money put into it than MVS. That's objectively a bigger loss and fall than MVS where you can tell Warner just threw it out there and didn't take it seriously for a while. It's a cheaper game and still made money than that flopped game that Warner committed to.
>Barely 4 months
And you people are trying to act like MVS won't last a few more months lmao. Suicide Squad was HATED and the reception was so much worse than MVS by far with significantly less paypigges and shills despite Warner pouring so much money into it than Multiversus.
Again, no one's denying the fact that MVS isn't in a good state. But you're delusional from the doomer pill if you think they're going to immediately pull the plug so soon. It'll last for several more months then the topic of eos would be a legitimate possibility once Warner runs out of tie-in shill material.
I hope the niggercattle paypigs that have their faggot ass gold name and tons of beta shit long after anyone sane stopped playing this garbage game enjoy it when there's nobody else to play because they t-bagged while sharking on dexters playing nigger characters and then refuse to rematch because it was close and they cant allow to have their nigger brain pride wounded. you're next in line after tony to get raped and curbstomped, nobody likes you, you're a disgrace. after everyone finishes the battlepass you're gonna be left to rot with your puss-filled, aids-ridden piggy corpse. I own you, and I fucked your mother, and your entire future generation.
a few months isn't long retard
anon i'm 100% on the "it's gonna bounce back" wagon but the game is also 100% dying, or rather is en route if it keeps up like this. But it won't i hope so no worries
what would her name be
>lebron is okay
no he's not. he'es really bad right now
>tom is okay
Way to completely miss the point, disingenuous faggot. MVS is not being canned anytime soon, it'll only be a possibility after Warner runs out of shill material.
I'll be honest, I kind of want it to die so it forces them to make a standalone game with DLC characters ala Smash rather than this GaaS always only thing that will disappear once they close the servers. The T&J, Taz, and Bugs movesets alone are so perfect that I don't want them lost to time.
As scummy as Chink and Korean gacha games are, even they generally don't stoop to MVS-levels of scamming.
This is cope, if MVS dies we'll never see it again. That's how live service works, it will be lost to time. It's not going to become a standalone game, retard.
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>It's not going to become a standalone game, retard.
I can only hope it does but I know it probably won't.
Harley mains aren't born. Their mothers take a shit and sometimes it's a baby.
your reactions if there's no input buffer fix next week?
side attack
no wait side attack
shit i meant side attack
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It’s hilarious how you fags were gloating about the steam numbers a month ago and now they don’t matter?
Don't say that they'll let you reroll for 100 gleamium if you do

My origin story

Killing myself
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>no one's denying the fact MVS isn't in a good state
You're the one acting like I'm delusional while using an example of WB's last live-service attempt lasting less than half a year as a "good" argument to the point you're trying to make. All while assuming I WANT it to die in the first place and that I'm not just seeing the writing on the wall. You're retarded.
tfw you did 3 kills in 2v2 then you're high hp and running away and you fucking HOPE that your mate that died 2 times already and done nothing so far fucking kills one of the ennemies with high hp but he doesn't do shit
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I had a match today where I got 3 van kills as Velma, 3 fucking van kills, and my teammate still somehow managed to int faster than the enemy
I'm calling you delusional for acting like eos is a legitimate possibility anytime soon. It's bad but it's far too early for that to be a possibility. Suicide Squad had more of Warner's backing only to get worse reception and less profit than MVS, a lower budget project. Multiversus was stupidly successful enough not to be insta-canned. WB will let it flounder around and exist for a while longer at least long enough for the shill material to come out. You're a retard to push otherwise.
It's the world's first ever game created entirely by retarded baby monkey niggers with 1 single microscopic shriveling withered dying braincell spread between all of them combined!
can i have some gleamium good sir
Please buy the skin ser
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Real or LARP?
another 400 players drop today
Lowest effort LARP. Not even a small leap in logic to come up with this shit.
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This could be us but PFG is too busy circle jerking le funny banana.
You messed with the wrong BANANA! OMG! That's so Q U I R K Y.
Hope someone is screenshoting all the cope post for the day the eos is announce
It's the worst game ever made
some of them look cool, i would even go as far as to say jason's toon world skin looks better than jason x
The Toonverse skins look better on literally everybody and shouldve been the default look.
will the game go back to 10K+ next week?
BANNAMNA TIM!!1 XDDDD hahahahahahahahahaha banananana timmmmm XDXD
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That's what really ticks me the hell off. They put in the banana in order to showcase how "anybody is possible" according to Tony. But Banana Guard is essentially a damn background character with like 5 minutes of screen time?
Imagine adding this asshole from a random Billy and Mandy episode, then going "see? anyone is possible! here comes walter white!" What the fuck are you doing?
Those skins should have been the final tier reward for any character
hello hello hello
Harry potter is in
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Harry isn't in. You will play as Seamus in order to showcase how anyone is possible.
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Yeah I'm thinking he's in, yo.
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When they say "anyone is possible" they should be catering to the crowd of people who want characters like Godzilla, Walter White, Goku, etc. Characters with big fan bases.
By putting Banana Guard in the game, they've made people LESS confident because it could be a genuine question as to if someone people recognize or someone no one gives a shit about.
Jason should have been their indicator that anyone can get in. The guy who's been in copyright wackyland for a decade. A big name horror icon known for slashing teenagers having pre-marital sex is in the Smash like with Bugs Bunny and Shaggy. That's the kind of pick that makes people think anyone can get in but in a positive way.
Seamus isn't diverse enough. They're adding the quidditch announcer.
Anyone can get in! Even that weird assist trophy character we already made a model for and that other weird assist trophy character we already made a model for!
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It should be Aragog. Imagine how wild it would be if there was a trailer showing Hogwarts and people are wondering if it's Harry or Hermonie or Dumbledore or maybe Voldemort and then boom: Aragog. I think that would show everyone how anyone really can get into the game!
at least it would be based magnitude
I'm sorry, Black Adam I just went five rounds with. I was going to toast you after, I swear, but it didn't give me the option to! The only choice the game gave me was "Return to Lobby." I'm not even out, I currently have five toasts.
Its not even far fetched either. The guy came back to do VA for Hogwarts Legacy. He's around.
>side b spam with banana guard
>gg mote
>then start teabagging
side b is garbage
God that would be ebin.
>new Harry Potter series announced
>day 1
>it's a fucking owl, some spider, and Dobby
>eos announced
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>Jason's teleport move is supposed to represent how he sometimes just appears behind victims in his movies
>the damaging part of the move is when he leaves at the beginning and not when he arrives where he's going at the end
I'm not the only one bothered by this, right?
I despise Dobby, but you can't deny people would probably be pretty hyped for the little cretin.
Oh he's fucking terrible, that's why it'd be awesome if he got in a fighter but not Harry or Volde or pretty much anybody else
trust in the big patch
you? yes
No refunds
I think both ends should do damage.
Why would that happen?
>MVS has lots more months left in it for all the shilling material Warner made for it. After that stuff passes is when EOS is possibly on the table
They shelved a finished movie and what you're saying right now is the same shit people said in 2022. This game has been a scam from the beginning and no one's giving them a third chance.
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>first peak hours of the day
>almost 11% drop from yesterday
i predict a 6.9k peak today because le funny number
They didn't tell us they were adding it so why would you expect it? It'll be one of the two things they add in the mid Season 2 patch, at the end of August.
>LeBron in Hogwarts uniform
>Lebron in a Mad Max post apocalypse look
>Lebron in Elmer Fudd's clothes
I think these are realistically the last skins they can make for him.
big patch
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>excited for more characters
>unsure if the game will survive tho
And what exactly will that big patch include to bring people back? Features that were in the beta that should've been in the game in the first place? Nobody is going to come back for that dude, the only people that care about that are the people still playing this game
isekai Harley skin, when
Yeah All 5 of you.
#2 here
I wish this wasnt so literal... I dunno how accurate tracker.gg is but if Reindog only has 5200 1v1 games I'm like fucking 300 of them and that's kind of disgusting
What if they added Richtofen from call of duty black ops 1 zombies
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just drop jack and PPG and ill be happy
Attention everyone: The Reinmain Gooning Session will be delayed by a few hours. Unfortunately the Bugs Bunny Power Bottom Extravaganza has resulted in some injuries and a total mess.
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>ITT: Things that make you want to drop the game
Does anyone have any voice lines interacting with Jason. I get that he doesn’t talk but it feels like no one acknowledges him
So far I think it's only Rick.
>but it feels like no one acknowledges him
Most of the dialogue acknowledging him is in his specific Rift rather than combat.
Does WB have anything to do with CoD:BO?
Proof Jason was more of a last minute addition.
Crazy how you have characters like Batman with lines referencing Raven or Wicked Witch, but they go and put Jason in the game instead.
hey uhhhhhhhhhhhh pfg you got any uhhhhhhhhhhh characters or uhhhhhhhh stages
I'd just post a picture of the game but i cba to launch it to do that
>Spends 12+ months working on WB lot
Here's your stage bro.
I swear to GOD if we don't get one line from Joker along the lines of "You're not the first guy named Jason I've beaten with a crowbar"...
Jason just recently got out of copyright wackyland so there's a solid chance that was fairly last minute.
That being said, PFG does seem to try and future proof character lines/interactions. We'll likely see the witch later this year with Wicked coming to theaters.
fucking hate that if an enemy strikes somebody and it's a heavy strike there's delay(?) on the strike finishing the animation, and by god if you get nearby that area you will get hit too
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>Opening cinematic shows off the WB Water Tower and Townsville
>The game features Townsville and Dexter's Lab
>There is no WB Water Tower in-game
>Currently no plans to add the Warners, the Powerpuff Girls, or Dexter beyond "Well, they have to eventually, right?"
What the fuck is PFG's decision-making progress?
To the Morty on the other team who did nothing but spam side neutral and abuse the hammer swing, I hope you get raped by both the Banana Guard and King Jellybean.
>There is no WB Water Tower in-game
The Matrix stage against the Banana Guards is set on it. So the map is there they just have it Matrix'd rather than normal.
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Why the FUCK don't they add it in a few seconds and change the fuckin input buffer in a few seconds before I lose my fuckin shit
I need massive buffs for Velma.
the matrix is just a filter too, meaning the stage is quite literally in the fucking game ready to go
>decision-making progress
Ugh. Process, not progress.

A one off altered version does not count, anon.
That's a funny ass banana.
>the matrix is just a filter too,
That's right! You see the filter get applied on another stage, right? Lmao.
>A one off altered version does not count
There's also an avatar of it.
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He looks like he's gonna say "Did I do that????"
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>it took a year to make a stage with 3 platforms
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>"Pick up the bazooka, Anon."
For all intents and purposes its basically a prettier trophy's edge with platforms that dont move.
Heads down, but this has been in the pipeline since the middle of beta. Truly amazing.
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Whoa they are amazingly slow, retarded, and incompetent. That is truly incredible.
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>The gay pride ringout animation from the Twitch drops subtly makes children cheering sounds
>Jason Vs
>"Undead huh? Been there, I'm sure you can snap out of it"
>"I mastered of the water dancer, you couldn't even learn to swim"
>"boohoo, don't drown ya'self on that loss"
>"Like i don't think i wanna see who's under that mask, man"
>"Zombie? Nothing new, Hockey Playing zombie? Now that's a challenge!"
>Wanted more interesting stages
>Scrolling Dexter's Lab stage is out of rotation
>Only truly goofy one is Townsville and maybe Scooby's Mansion
>Next stage is likely going to be a static Final Destination with a couple platforms
Think being a rosterfag is tough? Try being a stagenig. You don't know suffering.
Even tho an anon says Rick says something about him, I’ve yet to hear a single audio file towards Jason.
The very first Agent Smith in Multiversus rule34.
What's with all the worthless dogshit in the store? It is all worth 0 cents. And I just played with a Bugs dressed like a tranny who couldn't do shit even if someone had a gun pointed at their head and said you're getting your non-existent brains blown out unless you hit an opponent 1 single time fucking retard
These seem really good and feel like they could be in the game so they’re probably not.
this game is giving me the same redflags that made me quit the beta
too many sweaty fags abusing OP characters
retarded events that only exist to manipulate the remaining players into grinding daily
Rick and MAYBE Morty are the only ones to have Jason lines since Jason was added last minute. The two of them still had yet to have actual recorded lines due to Justin Roiland.
I want a pokefloats stage
Team mate just stopped moving when we were about to win
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I just.. I want to play silly mode and drive the funny batmobile....
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who the fuck knows? i just want harley in normal clothes
Everyone who plays shaggy deserves to die a horrible death now
The fact that the game still doesn't have items in 1v1s and 2v2s is fucking wild.
>Not "Win 1v1 PvP games".
>It's always pairing you with a sweatlord instead of people who are as good at playing the game as you.
I got paired with that Morty on Youtube who brags he's the #1 Morty. It was pure misery because I'm a casual who plays this game casually and am not that great at these games. Dude three stocked me before I could do like 50 damage to him. He was zipping across the entire arena, using lingering hitboxes on the punches to get me while I was trying to get near him, comboed me for 30+% each hit, dodged then zlipped then comboed me when I tried to dodge, etc. Don't even get me started on the Joker or Wonder Woman mains who combo you to death.
I didn't even know that was a thing lmao
Just pick that character and do the same :)
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>Look at WB sale on Steam
>WB apparently published a Gauntlet game
My new favorite never-ever characters have just been revealed.
Seems natural when the base game is barely functioning.
They did it with Shaggy's sangwidge. How hard is it to add the stupid rock back into the game? I ask you.
Weirdest projectile by far. It didn't even really look like a rock. More like a piece of random debris, or a chunk of clay.
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Make this a skin, PFG.
>Keep Bugs passive ability where he can search through the box when crouching
>He can only pull sandwiches out of it
>No acme/looney tunes themed items
>No dynamite
>He only keeps sandwiches in his hammerspace box
Real epic.
we need doge
No more Meeseeks box or TV assist spawner either. It's fucking lame and makes the move less interesting.
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Same bro
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>"Create jack in the box with Joker"
>Do it
>Bar doesn't go up
now that's a durable sweater
apparently his grenade is the move you need to use for that
Again, a completely different case. By your shit logic, they would've shelved MVS beta for failing and needing to go offline for a year. They have enough confidence to let MVS live for a while longer especially when it's not as costly as a movie.
Superman wouldn't fucking saying that to Jason. Terrible.
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Makes perfect sense.
>I'm sure you can snap out of it
how do you snap someone out of being dead
>"How about I have pre-marital sex with YOU Jason then you'll have to kill yourself."
Very carefully.
It's bugged, it's actually the fart move (down air special)
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>people losing their shit about possibly needing one day extra to unlock one of the dumbest most nonsensical skins so far
Yeah no shit Jason's last minute. He JUST got out of copyright hell, it's a damn miracle and PFG was thankfully smart enough to capitalize on the potential instantly.
its on my pc
you know what guys
I think we dropped 500 players again
I don't care about that fucking skin, that BP XP is the only way to get Safari Velma
Both Rick and Agent Smith acknowledge Jason as a serious murderer and threat to humanity. If Superman has any dialogue that isn't pure aggression and treating Jason as a horrible threat that needs to be stopped then it's extremely out of character.
tony hyun didn't tweeet for more than a week
did he give up on the game?
someone probably got him
Christ do I not care.
I'd buy that.
What does Agent Smith says about Jason?
He's basically just fine with and outright supportive of Jason being a killer and threat to humans.
We wuz kangs
how the fuck do you dodge black adam double punch shit on the air? the second punch always hits you
don't get hit by the first punch
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Really happy Jason was put out as fast as he was.
Have you been playing the rifts? With all the xp you get from completing challenges you usually get around a BP level per rift you complete.
the first puch gets dodge but the second punch hits regardless because it has an op range and reach
Why did they decide to put out a big patch next week instead of having two smaller patches over this week and next week? No patch in a week is just making their game die even faster.
Harley is a fish :D
Moveset ideas

Unique mechanic: Points, every hit rewards 100 points, a KO rewards 1000

Neutral normal: M1911 mag dump - Shoots his pistol forward, has infinite horizontal range and almost instant travel time but deals no knockback and weak damage, fires 8 shots before having to reload by pressing neutral normal with empty clip, reloads faster with speed cola equipped and fires faster with double tap

Jab combo/forward normal: Hitler Youth knife - Richtofen draws his knife from his hip holster and swings it in front of him, 2nd attack is a stab that lunges forward and deals more knockback. In the air he only does the lunge stab. With stamin-up this move comes out faster.

Dash attack: Dolphin Dive - With a running start, richtofen leaps forward and lands on his stomach, with PHD flopper equipped this creates an explosion on impact

Down Normal: "Get OFF my legs, minion!" - Richtofen stomps the ground in front of him, spikes enemies offstage and has armor for one hit. In the air he kicks his feet multiple times (similar to shaggy nair) With stamin-up this move comes out faster

Up normal: MP40 spray - Richtofen sprays his mp40 diagonally up/forward, slowly aiming up more with the gun's recoil as the button is held down to fire longer. This move has weak knockback trapping the enemy in the hits until the button is released, shooting a stronger last shot with knockback. In the air, it shoots straight upward in a burst. after a few seconds he has to reload, and speed cola makes this quicker, while double tap makes it shoot faster.

Specials in next post
>>"Zombie? Nothing new, Hockey Playing zombie? Now that's a challenge!"
Neutral Special: Perk a cola: Richtofen pulls out a mini fridge, and can spend 1000 points to buy one of four perks, chosen with up/down/left/right while holding B like (finn's shop)
Up: Double Tap, Makes Richtofen's guns shoot faster and do extra damage
Right: Speed cola, speeds up reloads for all weapons
Left: Stamin-Up, Makes Richtofen's melee attacks and movement speed faster
Down: PHD flopper, enhances dash attack and makes Richtofen take less damage from explosions
No direction: Juggernog, Richtofen gains some grey health and takes less knockback

Forward Special: Grenade - Throws a grenade forward, can be angled like lebron's ball to throw along the floor or lob into the air, and can hold down the button to cook the grenade so it explodes mid air

Up special: Thundergun - In the air, he aims downward, shooting a huge blast of wind that propells him up and spikes enemies below him. On the ground he shoots it forward, blasting enemies away with a wind blast. Can only fire two shots before reloading, has the slowest reload of all his guns

Down Special: Mystery box - Spends 5000 points to spin the mystery box, which rewards a random upgrade of the following: random perk/
monkey bombs: Upgrades grenade to throw a monkey bomb, which does an AOE damage effect before exploding stronger than normal nade
Zeus Cannon: Thundergun upgrade, doubles clip size and damage
Mustang & Sally: M1911 upgrade that makes it shoot explosive bullets with slower travel time, longer reload time & double clip size (dual weild)
Afterburner: MP40 upgrade, adds laser bullet effect with more last hit knockback and fire ignite DoT effect
Bowie knife: knife upgrade, lunge attack is faster and deals more knockback
Galvaknuckles: alt knife upgrade, replaces the move with a chargeable punch with armor and much higher knockback
Wunderwaffe: grounded Thundergun upgrade that replaces it with an arcing lightning blast that stuns the target and deals very high knockback
PFG is just gonna have twice as many bugs to fix when they drop this patch.
I need to make one of these at some point
they think they're gonna make people come back with the big patches
Was there ever a patch during the beta that didn’t just end up introducing as many bugs as they fixed? Why would anyone be hyped and come back for a patch from these incompetents?
jojo golden wing theme with dio and jotaro would save the game
They really just need to start shitting out characters if they want to bait people back. Even if theyre total unfinished shit and the game sucks, I'll at least update and launch it if HOLY SHIT SAMURAI JACK??? but like... my BP is done, I'm not fuckin playing just because they add 1 frame of recovery to one character, and reduce another's damage by .5% per hit, and blah blah blah
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tfw no reindog loras...
The fully animated cutscene kinda compensates for it
this rift shit is so fucking stupid on insanity I don't even know why I bother with this shit
fuck these devs
the new beach superman skin calls him smelly
I wanted harley in a bunnysuit saying what’s up doc, but anon ignored me
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You fucking muppet
I hate Joker so fucking much
because retards keep posting AI shit
aifag is back, thread over, pack it up and start a new one
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>with skin
>single digit wins on badge
you fucking donkey...
>king jellybean
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go back
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I actually can draw, I just like using AI to make funny abominations
Every time I play a game my teammate has no idea what they are doing or what character they are.
You first.
What's the trolliest shit you can do in this game?
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Get a stock lead in 1v1 then never approach and tbag the whole time
There was a time when a Steven could infinitely remain in the air using a combo of his moves, so killing someone as Steven and then doing that. Only works for certain stages and against certain characters though.
why are we dead
troll tactics perk on banana guard
Troll tactics perk on townsville when u get turned into a reindog u can spam the noise really fast
no patch
Steven Superman duo
you can freeze people while they're trapped helpless in the rose bubbles
>add 50 bucks to steam wallet
>go to buy 50 bucks worth of gleam
>don't get gleam
>the 50 dollars are gone

what the fuck do I do now?
>giving money to tony
>finally have enough prestige for summer harley
>store resets and now american summer harley is in the shop
>he fell for it
pretty deserved desu
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>was able to implement every character and then some with new stages, upgraded graphics, reworked physics and extra modes in under a year for the FUCKING GAMECUBE
What excuses do Ludosity and PFG have?
>What excuses do Ludosity and PFG have?
they have low iq
Smol indeed teapplees under stang
that sounds more like something velma would say
sakurai was only able to do that because he wasn’t masturbating for 99% of dev time like pfg was
Japanese efficiency.
this makes me wanna go play a fresh save on melee desu
I heard one of the questions in tonights debate is whether Bugs is a tranny or not. I'm curious to what Bidens take of it is.
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This is pretty satisfying
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is tom op
contact support, pretty sure they'll refund you
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>Listen cornpop, I was a kid when What's Opera Doc was shown in theaters and I'll have you know, that Bunny is made of 100% fuck. He didn't give me my first boner but as a 15 year old, he gave me my firmest. I'd fuck Bugs' bussy until he was leaking cum like ice cream on a hot summer day. My opponent here, he might not believe in bunny fuck, but he was a baby when What's Opera Doc was out so who cares what he thinks.
>under a year
13 months
this is easier to do than building for modern consoles/hardware and even then it still took a fuckload of crunch to do it
not to mention all the bugs that the game shipped with as a result
>inb4 assblasted meleefan response
i don't have a problem with all the cool tech shit you can do in this game and the game is better with that shit in it but the devs did not design the game for players to be able to do what pros do at top level these days
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>Banana guard uses spear charge
Not doing Rifts. I'll wait.
I hate twitter users
I think some of the hate we give Tony should be redirected to Ajax and Nakat. Genuinely some of the worst PR managers I've ever seen.
Thanks doc
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Really is it easier to make a gamecube game than it is to download an already made engine and drag and drop lol no no it isnt
the ui being shit would theoretically be easy to do but new characters/stages/etc. the person i replied to was talking about aren't as simple as dragging and dropping
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Do this rift while lebron is free
Every character seems kinda lazy like
Side b = you will slide forward
Up b = you will attack up
Jab = you have some jab combo that sends them flying
Down air = spike
Neutral special = projectile
Forward air = swing forward
Etc etc like they're way more samey than characters in melee, for example, where characters have a spike on some random move and don't always have an obvious down air spike, etc. Everyone's saying duuude a character is worth 20 dollars because they put so much work into it but they're actually pretty lazy. Banana Guard seems like it was made in a few seconds and they just went with the first shit that popped into their head for the moves.
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How much you wanna bet that WB is going to do a Disney-esque acquisition on the remnants of Embracer as soon as they split? They’d gain total creative control over the movie rights to LOTR, plenty of game studios to build up their WB Games franchise, and we’ll probably get another crossover crisis event tie-in a la Doomsday Clock or New 52 where Hellboy and The Mask get included in the DC Universe.
Found the fix for the Ruh Roh purchasing error

Your steam overlay has to be on.

Go to Steam -> Settings -> In-Game -> Enable Steam Overlay

Then go to Multiversus -> Settings -> General -> Enable Steam Overlay
they're Indians
There's no way Embracer would sell. They literally just announced their plans for putting AI slop in their games this year.
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Embracer made plans to split sometime next year; their AI announcements is just them trying to raise their stock price valuation to investors because it's the trendy thing to do as a tech company and because they're seriously desperate to pay off their debt so the retardation of investors throwing their moolah away at anything that says "AI" would be guaranteed.
Could Warner even afford it? Aren't they like, a billion and a half in debt right now? Warner is just slowly chipping away at their own debt of tens of billions
People seem to forget that both the trilogies for The Hobbit and LOTR both grossed over $3 Billion under a budget of a couple hundreds of millions.

If they just give Peter Jackson enough money and let him do his own thing, I don't see how they could fuck up a very easy moneymaking formula.
I got my gleams, support worked pretty fast. They're definitely Indian though.
Idk some fag on reddit said to do it but maybe he's just schizo https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/comments/1dq7q67/list_of_mvsummer_throwdown_missionscan_be/
>We are working to patch that in a Way Bigger upcoming patch
I know these are from the same drawanon from previous threads, can someone be a dearie and link their pages so I may follow?
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the multiverse needs moms
Game of thrones has to be the franchise with less fans in this game, is not surprising to see them do this as an attempt to make anyone give a fuck about arya’s skins
You say that like Smash isn't full of literal clone characters, lazy as shit. I'd take 10 characters like Banana Guard over lazy shit like Lucas and Ganon
Have you and your friend play as Joker and Finn/Iron Giant respectively and just enter 2v2 matches.
>crunch to do it
That's what's PFG needs
Crunch so they can get their shit together and finally do something good
Anything after melee is pure dogshit 10000x worse than even this piece of shit, so I'm not taking those games into consideration
New harley anime made me so.horny i almost considered using money to buy some of her skins
skin when?
Even peace maker is in this thing and yet all we have is black adam, wtf!?
I could probably get into billions of dollars of debt too if someone let me
Needed to promote the Dwayne Johnson movie bro it's The Rock an easy billy in the box office DC's biggest movie changing the balance of power bro this literally cannot fail it'll be a smash hit no way we aren't getting record numbers the MCU will be put to shame such star power everyone everywhere in every game needs to know this
The only reason mvs came back was to avoid lawsuits for selling founder packs and gleamium during beta. At least now that the game is officially "out" and did the oh so cool very needed jump to UE5 they can say they did release the product.
Seems like you could get any skin you want for free exploiting this info
I need that x300 prestige nigger.
Anyone has the list of upcoming events?
- "Happy Shark Week, MVPs! Be sure to catch the wave before it heads back to sea: For the next six days, every time you log in you’ll get a box with a sweet shark hat (or maybe a little surprise!)"
that's a lot of effort for 5 bucks
i hope i get a reindog booty surprise
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so i was wrong
it was actually 6.5k. the game lost 1k players in a day
owari da
So we're getting a bunch of shark skins?
peacemaker is in mortal kombat, honestly i kind of hope they bring him in along with omni man and homelander since scorpion was already leaked as a future fighter
>another top dog soon
Oh God
reindog shark do do do do do do
LeBron's son Bronny was just drafted to the Los Angeles Lakers, meaning LeBron and Bronny will be the second father-son duo to play on an American pro sports team together
Bronny alt for lebron when
That's pretty awesome
Wonder Man
Yawn call me when Rey and Dominic Mysterio get into MVS.
Bugs is soooooo easy
>Evil supermen
I'm so exhausted of that shit, when is this fad going to end?
Every single win the other team gets is undeserved
as long as jews exist
there's starving kids in africa who woudl love your 50 cents
Rey does have that Latin America Cartoon Network show and WWE has crossed over with Hanna Barbera before so maybe one day.
That's Marvel
Can they eat gleamium or half a sticker in multiversus?
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Buddy of his, he asked me to link his shit for ya, here you go.
probably, just saw lebron peacefully protest at the multiversus store with a handful
is luna still milking people or
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Scooby-Doo HAS to be in, right?
>accidentally press an emote on the dpad during game
>ww on the other team goes fucking insane and starts teabagging 999 times per second after every kill
>retarded team mate gets killed 3 times
Probably for season 3 since that should happen during October, which means the characters for that season will likely be
>Scooby Doo
>Betelgeuse, unless he's in season 2 for the new movie
>Wicked Witch of the Weast
>Random #4 pick. Raven, new horror character, etc.
>batman team mate is so fucking shit that I decide that I'm sending them a message after the game to tell them they fucking suck and need to stop playing now and never play again
>Unlock Taz's wife skin
>Expect "epic" variants of win and lose animations
>It's just the intro

Well, i still don't know whats the rarity difference between skins
HBO scrappy is all you will get.
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>Be tired
>See the harley thumbnail skin
>For some reason i thought her hair was like the image
>It's just a fucking shark cap

Aside from that we started getting recolors on the summer harley and Superman
I got this error and got my Glem back but they deleted the whole slot for that Tooniverse skin lmao, so i cant buy it now, not that i wanted anyway
There is another green rift that requires lebron
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oopstier teabagged on my friend and I think that was bretty rude
one of the missions you can get is win with a summer skin (animated required) and the node after the one where you fight garnet in >>483780164 makes you play as garnet in her summer skin, so you can use that node to beat the mission without buying a skin/character
so when void goes for jab jab dair or uair dair with stripe, is that based on percent, or distance, or which hitbox of jab lands, or should it work every time if i don't fuck up the dodge cancel
Uair > Dair is nonsense. This is not Smash Bros. Did you mean Utilt > Dair?
Is there a mission like that but for Arya's skin? I don't want to buy it but the daily mission says i have to use it once.
no, unfortunately, that one is hard gated
Just 600 xp away from tier 70. I don't really feel like throwing myself in 2's so I'll wait for tomorrows missions, then I'm free for the rest of the season.
dog main here
his primary issue is he has trouble contesting lots of other characters' attacks, his endlag isn't as big of a problem as his startup is so you need to be reading the SHIT out of everything and playing your attack strings moment to moment because overextending will just make you eat shit, you can't followup as well as other characters and it's very easy to get hit out of an attack string because they'll have so many attacks that are just faster and wider than yours

projectiles used to be safe to weave into your melee attacks but now they're just best to utilize in approaches or limit how you can be approached, spamming them gets you fucked you can only really get off one before they're in your face and lots of characters have fucking retarded dash attacks now that GO THE FUCK UNDER THEM BECAUSE THEY REALLY NEEDED MORE REASONS TO BE BROKEN

side special is much better and his dash attack is great btw
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finally fucking did that stupid harley aoe damage node on insanity

the fuck is anyone not named bugs supposed to do that
Got my prestige harley outfit now i’ll sleep and wait until i can get that shark hat there’s nothing else to do
the AI is still dumb, hit them off stage and there's a lot of ways you can exploit the way they burnout instantly trying to recover on stage
Finn especially seems to break the AI as they don't know how to deal with just spamming down or dash attack on ledge (you can dash attack infinitely if you quickly input a direction twice and never let go of that direction)
i killed her off the top once with rocket/upair and a safe offstage for the other stock, there's just too much shit harley can do to beat your attacks out and the AI reads inputs like a cunt
holy SHIT this game is dropping players so fast
Thanks anon
My AI model will eat good tonight.
i've played around 800 matches, characters i rarely match up against in no particular order:

iron giant
wonder woman surprisingly, spotty

therefore these characters are either shit, and/or boring to play. which also means the other characters are much better than these
i think i see arya and lebron the least, taz is pretty rare too

joker and jason are EVERYWHERE though
I think the truest shitters avoid WW because they can't just blame their character after when they lose and they know it
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>Playing with a Joker against another Joker and LeBron
>Completely blow it by dying early for the third stock
>The enemy team won
For me
I did it with taz
i actually really liked playing her in beta but now that she's overpowered it's just not very satisfying to use her anymore
>That pic
I didn't realize until seeing the two next to each other that the "New, better" Harley costume is actually way more sexually revealing than her old one, in a way.
6K5 peak is still fine right guys?
Yes. The scrubs are getting filtered, and the strong survive.
Yep, I'm a banana main
Yep, I side special
Yep, I do other inputs against non-tards who still lose to me
Yep, I teabag
Yep, I salt emote after every kill
Yep, I let them wait out the timer before declining
I'm doing a little dance right now where I rub my ass on your face. Banana to the top.
more like the smarts are leaving and the weak are fomoing
>Yep, I let them wait out the timer
i never press yes until I see the number three on the left and decline if it takes longer than nigh immediately. you gotta be some kind of scrub to not take countermeasures by now.
Idiot. PFG tried to crunch during the open beta, that made shit worse and the game buggier. Crunching rarely ever works, not unless you have a triple A development team like Sakurai had.
>muh lawsuits
They literally made players sign a contract that PREVENTS any kind of lawsuit lol. Your logic is total nonsense.
look at how this faggot tony acts like a hollywood star faggot
Now you're just looking for reasons to get mad anon.
A lot in this thread are. They act like Tony’s out here to rape them personally
There's nothing strong about sticking around to complete an entire BP + bonus garbage.
yeah that's what I said
but i don't care about the cosmetics
i'm playing the fucking game
this is what you do in fighting games, you play them
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Meanwhile CHADkurai always presents in a simple, humble room.
lots of new characters btw
better netcode btw
it's much better now yeah
beta was playable but had crazy timewarp rubberband rollback shit sometimes, launch was in an absolute JUST state for like a week and a half but now it's as good as beta but lacking the random jumps and other horseshit

at worst i have one laggy match sometimes
Crushing difficulty is kinda crushing, how do you guys do it? I can't complete the Marvin node on the joker's rift, i won the first time because i tricked the AI into killing itself but when you try fight Marvin he just plays like a real pro with all sorts of combos.
Frankly I find it ridiculous how the enemy AI becomes amped up 500apm frame perfect amphetamine freaks on crushing, but ally AI remains a babbling fetus.
It happened again, the thing just killed me and then for no reason it used 2 of his up specials to kill itself.
why this shit still lag
Shame he hasn't managed to make a good game since Brawl
for me it stutters whenever i need the game to not do it. When people are just shooting shit in neutral game has no issues, when i need to close a stock it stutters like crazy. Then when i lose, it goes back to being smooth as silk so that i can properly enjoy people teabagging. The fact that this happens to both 1v1 and 2v2 makes me think the game has an issue with team colors, cause at soon as one of the teams is not present anymore it stops having issues. Imagine if the team color overlay thing they have now, instead of the proper palettes of the beta, is causing memory hog issues
I'll never forget how he geeked out about the KoF franchise when explaining Terry's moveset, it wasn't necessary to explain where every single animation of his moveset came from and yet he did.
dragon ball sparking zero looks so fun bros
yeah i’m probably picking that up if the netcode is strong
the mvs killer…
Besides heavy projectiles and Shaggy's super sandwich, are there any projectiles that break armor?
People like the Budokai games? I thought they were impossible to make good
pass finished, I'll only log in when they put new rifts so that I can try Smith and don't at until s2,or the game dies first.
steven neutral air is a projectile that breaks armor if you run the armor crush perk
Joker's spade card multihits through armor
In a way, though skintight bodysuits are hot as fuck in their own right.
the input delay on the meeseeks box has basically turned rick from this intricate "holy fuck" character into a basic shoto
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>we don't want anything to be off-limits so we're now giving away gleamium
>he says this proudly
Tony, please... People won't mind buying gleamium if you make it feel more worth it.. Like say, making everything cheaper? hint hint
Tony Tony Tony can't you see?!
Who up tryna 2v2 im playin WW
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Ok, it's probably safe for the weekend, but next week we're going below 2k.
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can i still do the twitch drop shit?
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>wonder woman duo on Townsville
>New skin
>Just a hat
>Not clothes to add to your base skin

I guess is too difficult to implement loadouts in a fucking UE5 game
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>Neo (The Matrix)
>Johnny Utah (Point Break)
>Ted, Bill-less (Bill & Ted)
>John Constantine (Constantine, apparently getting a sequel)
>John Wick (Inevitable crossover rep)
When are we getting the Keanu Reeves season, Tony?
How is the megalodog event? I don’t wanna log in i fear missing missions again
I like how the name will often big too large for the background. The "N" in "Wonder Woman" is peeking out.
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how many more missions are we gonna get that are tied to fucking cosmetics Tony? I don't want to buy tom and jerry I don't like how they play and I'm saving up to get Marvin and 6k for a new character.
>>John Constantine (Constantine, apparently getting a sequel)
Isn't a Marvel character?
Nope, he's a Vertigo character so he's DC.
The hat looks dumb but it would be a bit nicer if the skin also included a shirt so like at least it looks like you are a fan of sharks
but that means it would count as a graphic t design and let you play missions you shouldn't be able to!!!! WE CAN'T ALLOW THAT
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>for the next 6 days
>check in on 8 separate days
I hate this game so much, I hate it
I really wanna unlock it for harley already, it makes a little bit more sense for her i’ll just pretend is one of shark king’s kids
they havent learned a damn thing
Harley is a good baby sitter, that's why she lets them latch onto her cranium.
>Need the joker for the event
>Need the Arya skin for the event
>Need the TJ skin for the event
If you missed the free TJ skin you are fucked, who the fuck makes these decisions?
Didn't they JUST say they were too strict with login requirements for events and they brought back the Welcome Back bonus until the end of the season? And now they're doing another login bonus where you're fucked if you miss a single day?
So wait, in order to complete this event we NEED Tom and Jerry? Fuck I really don't want to spend my fighter currency on them given they suck ass to play.
It's only too strict if enough people complain about it. Luckily, the player count has dipped low enough that "Enough" is no longer obtainable!

Taz has a beach skin also
I don't think they understand how badly I want to drop this dogshit game and never return, I'm only playing out the battlepass because its "free" and I'll play their little shark shit but as soon as I see nothing worth opening up the game for I'm gone
yeah but that costs the premium currency.

NOOOO i don’t even own him i wanted WW
Wait so is it 6 or 8 days? Is it possitble to claim all rewards or is it RNG and you wont get 2 skins?
I got Garnet which I hate, but it's 11 days so you have plenty of chances to get WW
What are u poor or something

Skill issue
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>get shark batman
>don't have batman
They're going to add more Rifts before Smith event ends right? Like hell if I'm going to bother beyong Crushing difficulty for the current 6.
I hope I get it for Velma or Marvin.
Anon go to surf’s up and use the rift where you use taz to beat up melon stevens
Can't wait to get duplicates.
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They extended the power pledge drive AGAIN!
Its not about that Finn has 1 frame negative edge release with priority and disjointed stuff all the time 0 startup and high recovery and safety due to the disjointed stuff, that also transitions into combos most of the time ToD due to all the interactions especially if you get comboed while in the air, thats if you play against good Finns, now add all the installs he can get.

And for superman needs way more startup and recovery frames due to the armor, and sniper punch heavily nerfed in knockback, and make it so the hitbox is actually the reticle because currently you are always guessing so you have to waste dodge instead of just nJump like in most fighting games, it also has the problem that since its a teleport currently has no available punish because he can just dodge cancel, being a teleport it should be a hard commit.
His fligh should also be stopped once he grabs and his priority reduced because can grab most of the trades.
His nAir shouldnt have as much glide with that much priority.
Currently his entire kit currently has him being a rushdown character with high speed and combos, while being the tankiest of tanks and having so much knockback, he should be compared to Jason in terms of speed and combo potential.
did they? it just claim untill 30 now
probably gonna be random but all the stuff will be the same, still sucks that you get hats for chars you don't own, it should be a ticket of a cosmetic for a char you actually play/want
They need to overhaul it to be win matches with X number of heroes or some shit.
they all have good stuff but there is a reason neither superman or finn are topping tourneys either in 1's or 2's minor nerfs to superman's sniper punch would be all that's needed.
I got Iron Giant shark hat
Tourneys is about using the most broken characters, the most broken characters right now are WW, Harley, and Joker.
i.e the ones that need heavy nerfs
That doesnt mean other characters also need heavy nerfs like bugs shaggy superman etc, as I said for example Superman breaks his own archetype, high speed/knockback/damage/tanky/combo potential/free neutral with teleport/easy kills with sniper puch and both grabs
>win wearing a summer skin, reqs: beach ready, animated
>pick superman since he is the only character I have with a beach ready skin
>not "animated"
I'm sorry is this animated cartoon character not animated enough for you, game? Why the FUCK NOT?
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Any Rifts that allow you to play as Joker freely?
Surfs up has a rift that lets you play as taz in his beach skin he is animated
>Open 1st sharkbox
>Get marvin

It's alright, but i wonder why you cannot see the preview of the shark cap with other characters since they arent exactly "there"

Also the shitty 800 glemium garnet recolor skin is wrong color lmao
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love this recolor,
the surf up let you play garnet
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Bugs and Shaggy do have tournament representation though in both 1's and 2's. sniper punch despite its absurd knockback which I agree needs a nerf is simply not going to land against good players in 1's and even in 2's your better off just playing better characters like wonder woman and bugs then fishing for sniper kills. You also claim he doesn't play like the rest of the tanks but I think that's a moot point as none of the tanks play like each other Steven, WW, Giant and Jason are all in the same class and the only thing they have in common is that they are heavy (I don't think steven is even that).
>nerf the broken characters
>oh wow we didn't nerf these other characters now those are the broken characters
Finn isn't topping if you nerf over half the cast he is trash. Superman is better but he's still not even close to being even top 10
you autistic faggots keep whining about "breaking their archetype" just because they have things that work outside of what you think it should fucking be, it's not your retarded decision and it's hardly a reason to consider nerfing a character even if something was outside of a predefined archetype because your OCD about it isn't what matters, it's the overall character balance
this game still exists? wtf I thought it shut down again.
of course not lole
that said, i expect them to put Joker on free rotation like on the very last week of this season
I even considered buying the Arya skin yesterday but it's not even in the store anymore and I can't buy it through the character afreen either.
Im glad i bought him just to clear that shit, it bothered me so much
All the Tanks are a mess the only one that is kinda on point is Jason and only needs Hitboxes, fixed perhaps some armor because his install sucks.
WW should be an Assasin who happens to have armor and less knockback and weight
IG is just a big mess and I don't think they will nail him in just 1 patch and I went to detail with Superman
Steven is 100% a mage i dont know why they label him as Tank he has one of the lowest weight values

But as I said you can't ignore the characters who are still broken just because they have no Tournament showing.
I went into detail so read again, breaking archetype is not only about labels
feel like the opposite, as in getting a skin for a character you don't have gives you the skin and a character ticket, which applies a flat reduction to the character's price. Don't know if either making generic tickets (that can be used for any character, no matter the skin you got) or specific for the character you got the skin of but they should be stackable so that with an x amount of tickets you can get the character for free. I'm pretty sure it's on par on what other games do already anyway, and technically it's the same kind of cashback the prestige thing works with
>you clearly didn't read what i said, that's the only way you could possibly disagree
>finn is not trash
lole, also tops don't mean anything if they are on the same or similar tier
Oh yeah, it's claim. I just did all my rift dailies with Taz for nothing.
>he should be compared to Jason in terms of speed and combo potential.
so, he should be absolutely dogshit?
Looking at this skin, is it work to buy it from prestige or get the batman who laughs?

Unless you don't actually reach the 1 million prestige with the BP
Who is the shark behind box #8
I like the prestige one more because it has harley’s colors, the change in the hammer is nice
I think I spent $100 on this and I didn't play beta
>finished bp
>only 85k prestige
>missing 12 characters
They absolutely do when wonder woman is going 3 times the next most repped character. >>483842927
The crux of the issue is I simply do not believe superman or finn are broken in the first place. I have not seen a single good finn since the beta has ended and I've played about 150 hours since relaunch. His shit is all fake everything is DI able and he is absurdly easy to parry
Win 10 1v1 pvp matches using a character who is trans, wearing sports attire, non-human, black, DC, gay, shitty, toonified, american, from steven universe, evil, good, townsville, dexter's lab,
Huh what the fuck did you get with you $100 bucks
fuck i also got shark hat morty
as you should, it's a free game you're not supposed to spend money on it
14 characters and some skins
Oh shit I got shaggy
Don't worry I'm not buying anything else because that was a complete waste of money. But spreading the word not to show support like me because you get savagely raped.
Anon no one uses parry in high level you can watch into any pro twitch player and no one uses parry, i'd argue tops can come into place but tiers also come into place and as I said earlier you can't ignore the other broken stuff or like other anon says because it will just cause another broken characters to replace them
You probably don't see good finns because you are not in high level discords
Read the other post
my brother in christ i think i only spent on the very first battle pass in beta and haven't felt the need to do anything at all after that, and even that was kind of retarded because i don't really use anything from it
Yeah I know if you played beta you got way more stuff. So let it be known by all that if you're a new player, do not even consider spending more than enough for maybe 1-2 characters that you really think you need or else you will be savagely raped in the ass with a broom, just savage, barbaric, rape
Stop lying fag
I have 80k prestige and didnt spent a dime
You played beta then fag
I have multiple tourney placements in the beta when finn was actually good I have fought the best finn's in my region he is not good in release he has no recovery, he has no high damage un DI able combos and he is beyond light dying at 60ish consistently. Literally the only thing he has going for him are his disjoints which other character do way better.
Yeah but I started with 0 prestige
Honestly annoys me more when I carry in solo queue and my teammate does the salt emote like nigga you didnt even do anything shut up
They're assholes for doing that, no I'd rather get multiple characters to cover my bases.
Yeah so they gave you tons of prestige in beta which I didn't play fucking downie that can't read and wastes everyone's time because they have to re-explain shit over and over to your baby monkey ass because you're too fucking retarded to understand fuckin fag
I paid for the $100 Founders Pack and haven’t played the game in 2 days, my battlepass is at level 42 or something. AMA
I got a shark banner from the log in event
I also got the banner but its not in my banner page lol
As I said for the tournament showing logic, just because other characters are better doesn't mean finn doesn't need adjusments i went in depth in that topic
We are going in circles here i am saying he is mid tier to get to the point where finn is meta you need to nerf half the cast i dont think he needs adjustments
Why aren’t you dead
Lmao I got 5 desyncs in a row and got matched with bots, I checked my stats, and took all desyncs as loses, and bot wins count towards your win rate lol
Sick now you can get a free 1:5 win loss ratio
Cool thing about bot matches is you get BP for it, and they'll never refuse a rematch. If you get stuck with an easy-difficulty one, milk it.
Is the megalodog skin the big ticket item in this event? It's the first drop I got.
Prestige is based on how many cosmetics stuff you have unlocked, not how much you spent
In the rifts banana guard has no idea what's going on and he's too afraid to ask so he's just scared and confused the whole time
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restart the game
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Show the banner we all got hats
nvm cool
I just told you I started with 0 prestige can't you fucking read? Retarded brainlet ape.
I bet the jeets fucked up again and it wasn't even supposed to be random
You are too mentally deficient to be posting anywhere so I'm not replying. Ask your caretakers for some help not me. I don't give a fuck about you.
Yeah fuck off retard and go learn to read fucking faggot ape.
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I guess I have to main IG now
got one for the OC
I would love to kill someone who worked on this game
I hope i get a shark hat for either Velma or Superman first
I wouldn't mind one for Black Adam either, i use him whenever the daily is about a villainous character and the only variant i have for him is the hockey mask.
got the hat for fucking rick which I don't even own
Why the fuck did they give Reindog one if he's getting a FULL SUIT on the next event

Is pfg managed by a bunch of dumbasses?
LOL another sold item that people can get for free
Everyone I play in this game I want their entire family to get raped and slaughtered so they step into their childhood home and it looks like someone painted the walls ceiling and carpet red and there's a huge pile of their family members' cut up body parts in the middle of the floor amd then the house explodes
Anon I wasn't even playing my main chill out dude
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I'm the reason why Tom and Jerry is so high on this redditard's teabagging tier list
should I start teabagging
Yeah it brings extreme emotional anguish to redditards, the only reasons to play this game is to make everyone else playing suffer more.
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sexy genocider...
stevens and bugs always tbag
black addams occasional
reindogs never teabag they just tail wag or yawn
velmas absolutely will teabag because they she's the lowest picked character with a reputation for being bad therefore if you win you totally owned the opponent and they deserve it
Also draw star sticking her wand up finn's ass k thx
>turn on all hitboxes to make the game lag
>highest graphics to make everyone lag more
>bugs bunny
>salt emote and teabag every win
>1 and done every time
R&M players are generally niggers, they should be at semi consistent.
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I only crawl with Velma.
like clockwork
that's a good point
Sorry chud, in real life the fat retarded shota gets the harley main gf
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ranked will save the game...ranked will save the game...ranked will save the game...ranked will save the game...ranked will save the game...ranked will save the game...ranked will save the game...
jokers do 8/10 times for me
Should've been rootbeer man with dirtbeer man skin.
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>open until July 5th
Are they really making the SAME fucking "you have to log in every day or else!" mistake?
Is there anyway to look up how many premade games you've played? the 500 is the only achievement I have left.
Apparently they can't change anything until a new version which is giga fucling hyper retarded
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>it's been almost 3 years
>shaggy, bugs, harley, and finn are STILL overpowered and need nerfs
kek, never leave it to a chinky gooknigger to design your shit.
methinks events are prepped, loaded and automatically fired so yeah, that was the initial plan for them and as such they're happening, likely only manually changing them if they get enough complaints (for example, the second power pledge has been silently extended)

nah they can, lots of how this stuff works is server based from the looks of it, hence my guess at them all being automated and being shat out by said servers and also them only changing them if something happens, cause they have to do it manually for each of them
New it's too hard to change it manuawwy in 1 second as soon as it happens to make them not look like fucking 4-year-old retards who downloaded ue5 and started clicking
bugs gets nerfs literally every fucking balance patch you mongoloid and he's been fine for awhile, i never have trouble with him no matter who i play as
shaggy and harley are the bullshit they flat out refuse to nerf anywhere, shaggy likely because they're digging their heels in as him being the "baseline" character so they never fucking touch him even if he fucking needs it and harley is clearly a dev pet character who never gets changed without a fucking apology for it in the patch notes, and it's always a sidegrade instead of a nerf

also they keep nerfing reindog for some fucking reason even though literally nobody ever has issues or had issues with him ever
This game was created by retarded 2-year-olds who were shaken 24/7 from the moment they were conceived, their mother was pushed down the stairs 24/7 at least 100,000 times while she was pregnant because she and the father wanted to kill the baby so badly, but she also did tons of crack so it made the baby into a super retarded crack baby, and the mother rode Rollercoaster with loops while pregnant, and as soon as the baby was born they just started shaking the fuck out of it until they overdosed, then the baby crawled over to a computer that had UE5 open and started clicking and multiversus was created
to be fair at least this one is just an RNG gacha for a shitty hat or maybe a banner
I'm not gonna lose sleep over missing one day and not getting shark hat Morty
Ahahahahhaa I pick bugs for a free guaranteed 100% no chance I can possibly lose 100% guaranteed win
bugs has on recovery frames on his aerials which leads to braindead loops
you can't fuck up with this guy
Wait is it RNG? I assumed they were all just in a set order and boxes weren't revealed.
>also they keep nerfing reindog for some fucking reason even though literally nobody ever has issues or had issues with him ever
the current version of this launch is the only one where he doesn't have an infinite
I really don't think casuals are gonna notice a 3 frame change to a window where he can jump out of an attacks they're gonna be mashing regardless
His safe is actually retardedly busted
Yep I just throw that out after my trogolodyte vegetable team mate gets raped in the ass mouth and pussy to death 3 times and get a free instant guaranteed 2 kills and I get the safe back every like and multiple times during a life ahahahahaha and the rocket ahahahahahahahahahhahahahaa you cannot lose lmfaooooo you are fuckin delusional if you don't think bugs = instant free 100% win
I swear to God, that thing homes in on players because there's no way everyone's random whacks just happen to send it in the perfect path every fucking time.
what's wrong anon
you don't like taking 60% from one move?
No he still has an infinite this patch
Hh cool awesome
time to nerf him again
Just make it exp gained holy fuck they have zero brain. Tell me how the fuck this is even happening. How are they so fucking retarded? How
Everything in this game is animated because video games aren't real
LOL look at this dude
silly anon you shoulda got the wonder woman shirt so you could get the black adam jason mask so you could get the tom and jerry beach outfit
I actually did this
Uh oh all of my fighters are almost leveled up so I have to stop playing so I don't FUCK myself for the next power pledge
>spam my best move over and over
>rape the other team
>they sd last stock
Every time. Just spam your best move with 0 thought or attention.
Anyone see a Steven or Gizmo shark hat?
just don't use free rotation characters so that when a power pledge happens you have up to 4 characters at 0
Of course, this unironically bites them in the ass cause people won't try the characters and in turn are less likely to buy them, but they still haven't realized that given this "actually, this bites them in the ass" permeates every choice they made so far
post him
>Wait out rematch timer
sub 6k gang where we at
Id assume its a set order. If shark Reindog isnt guaranteed at the end Im gonna be mad.
How do I get that winter skin for batman?
Buy it at a retarded price
Buy a time machine.
Wait it's available for 800 gleams nvm
I brought The Batman Who Have Gay Sex because there's nothing else in the prestige shop
Morty is way too low. I've had that little shit tbag me mid-match on multiple occasion.
do reindogs skins even sell? he gets so fucking many
nobody plays him so no
Is he? Im getting confused. The June 28th event used to have Reinshark as the featured item and then it went away. Where did it go?
no because they all are event related
I got Marvin.
>Summer throwdown event
>Most of the challenges are around wearing summer skins or randomly characeter specific shit
>Reward is a shark hat for harley
>Shark week event
>It just gives you a random shark hat cosmetic for a character
So why the FUCK would anyone care about the shark hat harley when they're giving them away for just logging on in the other event? God they're incompetent.
I noticed the other day that that's the only thing in the prestige shop that says "EXCLUSIVE" which likely means every other skin is going to be resold at some point but batman who keks is prestige exclusive.

Kind of kills the desire to care about the other cosmetics.
>going on a forced weekend vacation with my family
>gonna miss two days of the shark event
fuck, maybe even the summer event
i dislike that edgy faggot, but i already got harley.
i prefer if they don't add fomo shit, but maybe they should because THIS GAME IS FUCKING DYING
you could've just kept your prestige instead...
don't care about the japester
don't care about harlot
give me more to prestige
Win 20,000 1v1 as a 6000 fighter currency character, pride, american, beach ready, reindog, townsville, Arya, Jason, faggot, retard, bitch, cunt, fuck, you're a fucking retard, kill yourself, fuck you, we don't give a fuck, townsville, dexters lab, make a jack in the box but you actually have to fart as the fucking joker now bitch, non-human, animated, non-animated, non-reindog, human, toonified, trannified, wearing a shark hat, wearing an American flag, post-hrt, balls less, buy 17 bundles, buy another skin, buy another one, black, buy another one, gay, buy another one, dexter's lab, townsville, lesbian, dexter's lab, down special, pedophile, up special, none of those work btw, dexter's lab, photorealistic, chibi, 12000 gleamium bundle, chinese, Indian, retarded, primate, fuck you again, fuck you, fuck you, buy another skin, faggot, townsville, reindog character for a reward of 0.000000000000000000000000000000001 of a piece of dogshit that was on the ground outside
Figure out how to stream your computer to your phone and just log in and log off so you don't use much data unless you have unlimited. Some kind of VPN app or something. Steam link won't work because you have to be on the same wifi network i think.
is 70K prestige good?
>Mission is to play as a character who is 'jaked
>Didn't to the previous event to unlock Chuddy Bunny variant
>Have to pay 20 dollars for the cobson Jake variant
Enjoy your vacation with your family instead of playing this dogshit game
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>Shark Week Event makes player numbers skyrocket
bros is the game gonna flop?
Multiversus is trending on Twitter.
>gonna flop
It already did
So I've cleared all the rifts up to Insanity and gotten 15 clears total, how many more rifts are coming and when.
There's like 3 more or something.
Play as a Down's Syndrome, chinese, scammer, jeet, gook, chink, non-human, non-american, rapist, reindog, nigger, faggot,
3 more rifts are coming
Before the end of the season, but I almost would put money on it this season gets extended so they can delay smith even more. Then just say its an excuse so more people can complete the BP
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>Weeks without any communication about new fighters
It’s happening again…
play as a non-human gay raped furry pedo chinese chink who is addicted to huffing computer duster and masturbating named tony
new character every 2 weeks btw
nobody under Tony's dome (currently down on the game) ever said that
My Xbox one controller has given me like hard callouses on the side of my fingers wtf I've never had this shit happen in all my life of playing games
I get the impression that every day this general becomes slower
It's hard to reinpost when the reingame is losing reinplayers every day.
Honestly, the fact that it's been a full month since launch and we have no fucking clue when Agent Smith will be released "early" or released at all is fucking insane. All we have is guesses and estimates - nothing certain.
I got this too. Fuck PFG.
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Multiversus needs wizards AND spiders
what's the chance to get the banner? 1 in 8? or did every character get a shark hat
Not really, im pretty sure we got slower days during the beta.
I still remember when they showed the Christmas skins and Velma had mistletoe on her shoes.
What reason thiugh
>Level up Banana and Velma
>Power Pledge doesn't give me the last two BP xp rewards
Uh am I fucking missing something?
Shark week swag probably.
the grinch in mvs when
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if you view this image you will die
I genuinely want him in.
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>pick up sandwich item as jason
>throw it at harley
>it sails over her head and misses
Are you sure they didn't change the pledge to "claim till" mode
I doubt they will add something cool in this game soon enough for the prestige shop
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oh my god wait
what if shark hat harley is one of the random prizes despite her being the reward for the current summer event
you KNOW that PFG is incompetent enough for this to be a possibility
So looking it up I believe the event has already ended as soon as the day started, I may be crazy but I figured I'd have until the end of today to at least get the last two prizes but I guess not, that's cool I guess.
I'm honestly stunned the tooniverse skins are gleamium and not a reward for maxing out a character.
did you say FREE perk currency
If the games had legs it would live long enough to see a retro game season with Gauntlet and Joust and Sinistar and all that shit, but the game probably won't live that long.
all the pricing stinks of wb jewry
they price that shit like therye moving a physical product
im surprised they let the prestige stuff exist honestly
Everyone's talking about how it's the shittiest game ever made and everyone is mind-blown by how shit it is and they can even believe it so they just have to keep talking about how shit it is because it doesn't make any sense how such a shitty game could be made
Should I post more then?
They should give you it for playing 10 matches that's how fuckin worthless the skins are
Sar please redeem the perk currency. Real talk they should make uninspired skins like tooniverse, the shirts, hats and masks available for all characters when you buy one, maybe they could add a new slot in the cosmetic section for those and they can work over other skins like batman who laughs, swimsuits, etcetera
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yes you are the one yo save this game from deth
Tripfag killed my motivation to post it's just a cancer thats going to slowly kill us
>wonder woman runs off stage
>spawns a mid air platform
>stars charging down attack
oh you fucking asshole
first time getting your soul sucked out by a general? it's best to just ignore tripfags and reocurring posters
Thats why it's annoying cause I've seen it happen to so many once good generals
You won't be saying that when next month's event has a mission that says "play games with a shark week character (DC)(Assassin)"
>LeBron is the only Harry Potter rep
I'll take what I can at this point, that quidditch outfit is sick
Play as a cuck
Finally a mission every mvs player can complete
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New bug can wipe your account randomly, also totally not broken move
just restart
The hitbox for that move goes from his head to a bit past his hand so (try) to avoid that
I actually really like that he's in the roster. I want more weird characters after we get PPG and Jack
sure, but on the other hand were you really in such a hurry to spend those prestige points?

they should be small rewards for stuff you do in game, like rifts or milestones (ie the "100 ringouts" kind of things, like the achievements) and whatnot. Sure as hell shouldn't be stuff you can miss, let alone stuff you have to buy with real money to get
Jason is the only reason I downloaded this game. I wish he wasn't in so that I never played this.
good frame
Why are there so many pointless hitboxes that look like a cock, like bugs forward air, and superman's grounded neutral attack, a fucking cock pops up the hitboxes and it makes no sense because the balls are over their body so they made retarded as fuck senseless hitboxes just so they could make the hitbox in the shape of a cock
I'm so sorry anon
anon you might be a retard
No I've seen every hitbox in melee and there is no shit like this. If it was melee, they wouldn't have a pair of balls over the character's body to form a cock, it would just be a line of hitboxes over their arm/legs or something. So for some reason they put cock hitboxes everywhere and no other game does this, and it's fucking retarded.
It’s probably a remnant of the way they designed the beta, if the hitboxes weren’t retarded like that no one would ever hit each other because of the speed and dodging.

Basically the game was designed dumb from the start.
Well just know that while you're playing, invisible cock are popping up everywhere.
anon you are seeing penises
This dude's actually right. There are so many attacks where there are just inexplicably hitboxes where you wouldn't think there were, and for some reason a lot of them look like dicks.
>playing supes
>get morty teammate
>hold frostbreath while he spams his shitty little gun
>instant freezes because giant models and slow movement
Yeah like it seems really blatantly especially if you compared it to melee
>Melee hitboxes
>hitboxes over arms
>mvs hitboxes
>a cock pops up for a second and dissappears
Well the devs do spend 99% of their time masturbating so that makes sense.
Yeah that's the only thing that makes it make sense
it's because they just duplicate certain hurtboxes and turn them into hitboxes, the "balls" of the "cock" are just the character's hands or feet
The real answer is they probably thought it was funny and didn't think anyone would notice and it wouldn't affect gameplay.
Nice just got the glitch that says I have no fighters
restart the game and it'll work
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Starting in season 2, the free character rotation will be limited down to just two characters, but all new and existing players will get a free fighter unlock to have alongside Shaggy
the game is free tho
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no bro, tell me what the fuck these hitboxes are here for, doesn't even line up with his head or body anything, it's just like: you attack, cock, cock disappears
I'm saving the game by inspiring the players I defeat with my technical combos and creative options

If I could kill a game just by tripfagging a /vg/ thread then guild wars 2 would be shutdown already

Time to equip airwalker on WW lmfao

Am I still gonna be forced to use my founder's pack character tickets before the free unlock like with fighter currency
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see how the hitboxes follow the attack instead of just
bam, a cock
You think that would have stopped lawyers if the game never came back? In any case doesn't matter now, the game released and even if it goes EoS next week they saved their asses.
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>Doing rift dailies
>Bugs in infinite stasis mid-air with his whole body stretched up after KOing Banana Guard
>"Don't worry, this happens to me all the time."
if we had a gif like this for superman you would just see him charge up the punch, throw the punch, a blatant cock just appears for a split second and disappears
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for a platform fighter, the one thing I hate more than anything is seeing a platform in my match
why are they so sticky
why do some projectiles get destroyed by touching one while others pass through while others bounce off and make impossible to pass walls
why is the a stage with a whole ass giant platform above it that just makes the match either circle camping or sharking
i hate mvs platforms
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see how the hitboxes actually try to follow the move? in mvs a cock just appears for a few frames and disappears and that's it. it's just like. cock.
>play shaggy vs superman
>i can either jump over or sandwich his aerial side special, it beats out my every other move if i come into contact with his fist
>play superman vs finn
>i can't grab him with my aerial side special, seemingly all his moves come out faster than mine
How can I tell if I'll be able to grab someone beforehand? Or is it on a 'fuck around and find out basis'?
Man they need to fix Jason's cockboxes
Can anyone grab a screenshot of how much time is left for the season? Trying to make an OP image but I’m not home
just spam cocks
So this is the first Universal rep, right? Since that's clearly the Jaws poster.
>take less than 50 damage
>play as a fat fuck
fuck you Tony, your game sucks and your hitboxes don't fucking work
Working as intended - the attacks spawn invisible cocks that do damage
>hitboxes count for the full animation
oh my god, a properly designed game
another thing smash does right is that there's sweet spots and sour spots so even if you get hit by a weird part of a move that doesn't make a ton of sense you don't take as much damage and you barely flinch

falcon's knee is a good example of where if you don't land that sweetspot the move fucking sucks but in MVS if you get hit by any part of shaggy's knee it hits like a truck
Beach skin is also covered by both Supes (Log in event) and Garnet (Twitch drops for the first three or so weeks).
It's like they made the character the hitbox instead of the animation. So many times I'll whiff a punch right in front of me, and I have to fuse with them to actually hit anything
It also makes avoiding taking damage possible because you have to be IN the character to actually hit them. Like the Falcon Punch has some out reach, making it so you can keep some distance between players
Not Supes, you need animated tag as well
I seemed to arrive at just the right time. Trying to do the Worlds Finest Rift and it's forcing me to play as Jason and his awful hitboxes and a Banana Guard npc
Fuck it just put a cock
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>the banana guard npcs spam side b too
And Jason's cockboxes are absolutely cooked
You barely reach 100k if you started with 25k from the beta. I had like 27kish Prestige coming out of the open beta and I'm only just at around 87k at level 64 of the BP and that's with several banners and announcers purchased on discount from the daily rotating discounts.
I think Batkek is the best use of your Prestige because it implies he's only from the store whereas everything else will be available via Gleamium later.
Where do you find that
>we already tested it 10 days ago so we could masturbate the whole entire rest of this time
It’s on the battlepass page I think? It has a little timer under “Season 1” or “Season Pass” that shows how many days (and hours?) are left
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ah here you are my good man
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Well GOLLY. You want...ME to fight?
*punches you in a face with a cock and balls*
24 days until EoS
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Thank yew
remind me, the red is the hitbox and the blue is the hurtbox, yeah?
Yeah, btw that's the most fucked up hurtbox and hitbox of any game I've ever seen in my whole entire life.
Atari and NES games surely had better hitboxes
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do you think they want me to buy Joker? I feel like they kinda want to push him
>those fucking hurtboxes
This man literally has disjointed hurtboxes
>he'es really bad right now
how so? he feels great to me
He sucks ass
>came out on may 28th 2024
Happy one month everybody !
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>down air cockbox is a little circle way up his ass
>fair also has no range
>jab has no range
>neutral attack ground is literally useless
>grounded up b is shit and has no range
stabilizing at 20K btw
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It will stabilize, it's under control!
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This tilts me more than fucking anything. Carrying hard with 350+ damage, 3/4 ringouts.. Teammate does like 30-50 damage, then has the audacity to salt emote or teabag.
Like.. You didn't DO ANYTHING ASSHOLE. You don't GET that privilege.
The audacity.
s-shark hats didn't save the game??
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not so fast!
this is shawn's strongest week!
Hate to be the guy asking for player count but can someone show the decline from relaunch to now? Since it’s officially been 1 month?
Deserved because they're fucking incompetent retards who have 0 clue what the fuck is going on around them and just threw cocks everywhere
I used to enjoy playing lebron but he's so fucking trash now
between changes to the hitboxes and shit like knockback and frame data playing with him is way more trouble than it should be
also input buffer makes me do some really fucking stupid shit with him
This first update really needs to bang out all of the major problems in one go, but I unfortunately doubt that'll be the case. Why is the 1v1 camera so fucking zoomed in still even after that one update that supposedly addressed it?
I kinda want them to add the shark from jaws as a fighter with a shitty cg skin now that I've seen the banner
New Cred
oh I had this bug earlier but I literally played one match then logged off and didn't check if it was still like that

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