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state of new vegas edition

>Fallout 4 Resources:

>Fallout 76 Resources:

>Fallout 1 and 2 Resources:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas Resources:

>/fog/ Modding Guides

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository

>/fog/ MSPaintAdventures

>/fog/ ocdonutsteels

>OP Pasta:

Remember to use base64 to decode any protected downloads in any of the resource documentation.

Pre-War thread: >>483586323
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no she doesn't. stop spamming this elianora. get hair treatment
can anyone explain to me why the fps issues/slow down in the Boston downtown area in FO4 cant be fixed with mods and it's a fundamental issue with the programming or something? i had it explained to me once a while ago but i forgor.
No. She really doesn't. I don't care about how ugly she is, or her politics. Her mods just aren't good.
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SO I'm playing new veags and I guess now I need to choose a faction, can I just postpone doing something with the chip until after I do most sidequests?
Also what's the best order to do dlc? ANd must I do them before final main quests?
why can you stand on baloons
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I didn't think this was actually a place I could swim to, it even has a name.
Kinda creepy island
You will get ample warning about points of no return with factions. My favorite DLC order is HH, DM, OWB, LR.
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The state of New Vegas is looking pretty good if profligate troops are getting lynched as often as the image implies.
>Also what's the best order to do dlc?
>2 god roll armor pieces
what were they?
I swam a mile in a lake once for charity. It was so shitty I won't even do it in vidya.
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P.S. 36.5%
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Damn.. this island has a workshop. I was constantly thinking "maybe I should download a mod to build a settlement here". I don't even need to. this island is awesome.

But there is also the luck bobblehead
so if house is confirmed in season 2 isnt house/NCR victory canon ending now?
Not necessarily. House might only appear in pre-war flashbacks
Yeah spectacle island is my Minuteman Naval Base. At first I was only going to put black settlers there and they all had orange prison jumpsuits taken off raiders but I gave up on that but kept the jumpsuit uniforms. They run canoe raids into Quincy and have a high mortality rate from Mirelurk attacks.
RP aside it's a good place to sit down and waste a day building up.
i assume whichever ending they choose is going to make people mad.

i just hope its one of the ingame endings and not the retarded tunneller theory.
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they might ass pull another dragonbreak esque ending where all events "kind of" happened
Spectacle island has the biggest buildable area in the game
Tell me how that could work and I'll consider it.
>Kinda creepy island
Spectacle island irl used to be a horse rendering plant where they would melt horses into glue, and then they built a trash incinerator, and then it just became so swamped with garbage that today the island is basically made of paved-over garbage.
Everything is rendered, including what the player can't see. So its too much stuff at the same time. And if anything is deleted, the navmesh gets fucked
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also just have a good PC, turn off controller + vibrator setting, turn off godrays, lower shadow distance. those settings aren’t optimized well even for good rigs
>TV series
>NCR is dead
>Enclave still kicking
meds you fucking nutcase
>Enclave doesn't even have power armour in it
Has Bethesda filled it with adhesive? That would be quite a nice touch.
Pretty sad when the island has more trash in real life than it does in Fallout
They just aren't wearing it cause they're in a secret base and aren't fighting anything currently
>hotfix out
>no fix for biv
rip lil' basement nigga, rip my chances at ever getting the nuka dark recipe
anyone had any luck with server hopping the moment fasnacht is completed and landing in server where it's still going and getting to complete it again?
this worked for me the first two times I tried it, but the last 4 times it hasnt.
obviously you want to complete the event as fast possible for a better chance some other lobby was slow, the biggest way to do that seems to be the first part in getting all the robots on the move, which I'm trying to make happen as fast as I can. but I guess it's just luck.
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Why is nobody coming to my island?.. only the caravan from sanctuary shows up, no other settlers wanna come.

Did u have to fill it manually?
I noticed
the dragonbreak kind of worked for elder scrolls, though i still have no idea about the actual status of mannimarco.
They wear it in the oil rig despite that being the most secure place in the world at the time
PRP and Dynamic Shadows fixes it more or less.
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I really hope we get to s APA in season 2.
She looks like she fucks young boys
They were still active around the wasteland at that time, they seem to be laying low in the TV show and no one except that old scientist has surfaced.
No, that's gross anon.
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It's likely they would use the black devil version that's their current power armor like the BoS is using T-60.
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Normal piggy looks better imo.
>i assume whichever ending they choose is going to make people mad.
its almost like they should have had a new setting and vaults and made something original with references to the previous escapades of the player characters
Can I floss my teeth with her thong?
everyone with a brain knows that the show was trying to mainly showcase the T-60. you think those writers give a shit about lore?
They picked the T-60 to represent the West Coast BoS even though the West Coast BoS always used the T-51.
the show is shitty dog food for the mutts. lore is whatever the writers want it to be
I disagree in fact I gave that one away
You can print the image and use it to floss your teeth I guess.
They're not going to give the Enclave T-60 when they do properly show up as a fighting force. There wasn't much need to have power armor for them yet when they only showed scientists and a couple guards.
I'm planning to go back to Fallout 4 after many years. I don't like Fallout 76, but I've seen so many interesting workshop stuff from the game.

Is there any PC mod that could be used to bring Fallout 76 workshop items into Fallout 4?

I just want the Makeshift Mega Mansion from the Atomic Shop, that shit looks rad.
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the knights in the show are from the east coast, anon. they flew on the prydwen
that’s not what I was saying you retarded motherfucker. fucking ESL subhumans and underaged skidibi fucks have 1 INT
yeah I didn’t watch the show btw. but, you’re telling me that everyone wearing power armor was from the East Coast?
Almost everything from Fallout 76 has been ported to Fallout 4 but it's all on Discord
They came from the commonwealth and Maxson stayed behind there.
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I like Oberland Station
Yes, there's like 20 power armoured troops in total in the show and they're east coast guys sent to reinforce the utah brotherhood
Seeing Fran is the highlight of my day. As much as that is sad, still thank you.
okay, that makes sense. thanks TV bros. im still gonna shit & lie about the show though because they nuked Shady Sands
>Develops a parasocial relationship with you for long term profit.
>Can not leave his house
>Does not look like he does on the screen.
>Incredibly susceptible to disease.
Perfect place to build train car housing and fortifications
i like paying taxes and i like civilian medals. Sorry housechuds. I just dilate that way
NCRs medals are about as worthless as their paper money
go for it, they also made the bos a hilarious bunch of retards. i think mm ending is right and they got kicked out of the common wealth they are that dumb and cowardly, which I actually enjoyed.
>Nuka dark
I have a spare, if your on PC.
Retarded BOS was great. I like how they're outright evil now. If the show's idea of them is intended to lead to a new game's plot, then they'll probably be the antagonists
>a medal and a strap on in your ass
>a coin and some spit for you to gargle
>about 1000 caps and a pat on the back from your fake father figure
>Robot army and control of all the mojave.
Wow.... what a decision...
It really is crazy how obviously better the independence ending is. Seriously, it's so much obviously better it probably should've been removed
nah I'm on the sega genesis, thx tho
>144fps down to sub60 downtown
they really dont
unironically. The truth of NV dramatube doesn't want you to know is that the fate of the mojave has little to do with who you side with and everything to do with how many side quests you do.

I went independant and for the most part everyone was happy.
sisters... our response?
Do you guys know of a way to make the walking animations from this mod player only?
I feel like the walking animations don't make sense to have all of the npcs doing it as well.
thats not why I like it
The balance was broken on day one with those pre-order bonuses bethesda forced obsidian to put in and further when they all got bundled together.
failed again at this last one, despite being the fastest to get the parade started that I've seen yet.
I realize now the issue is that I'm not the only player doing this and I end up in lobbies other people have already jumped out of after completing their event.
so it really is just random luck to end up in one that's not completed it yet
I have though gotten a few extra masks people had dropped around and some plans I hadnt learned yet by checking the box in some of the lobbies
>Dynamic Shadows
i cant find this mod
>Muh single player balance!
>NPC lives matter!
Okay this shit is pretty kek.

Works on my PC™
>trying to play the game where I don't go to a location unless an NPC has mentioned it
Sometimes I wish that electroshock therapy was still legal so I could play Fallout games for the first time again...
>Notices your bludge UwW
theres no way you get above 60fps downtown
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i could use it as a dilator tho
Sorry, Yes Maam sister. but, you can only do so much with hundreds of securitroons that each have the fire power of a tank. even though the NCR military is weak compared to that, they have thousands of men that covered more ground & can do more than police compared to your securitroons. that’s why Vegas is only decent in the NCR ending. Sure, you don’t own the NCR military. but, I don’t want Vegas to turn into a shithole. my Brotherhood courier has Vegas as a vacation home while mating pressing Veronica in the cuck bunker during work hours
anyone keeping up with that New Vegas arg/creepypasta by dr bosch? heres a good vid by based Sagan going over it
is fllout 76 on the steam sale you schizos
I don't watch shitty youtube videos because I don't need other people to make my game enjoyable. If I want to have a horror story, then I use the console to spawn legendary deathclaws in random locations and see what happens because of that nightmare.
how hard is it for you to check yourself you stupid faggot nigger tourist
DO NOT fuckng reply to me unless you are contirbuting to the thread now answer me you inbred albanian
i'd enjoy a tribal start again, maybe something in the midwest or denver.
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God damned cows..
I don't like mods. Using mods feels like putting ketchup on steak a chef prepared. It's an insult to the chef and is tacky.
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can anyone with Sim Settlements 2 go to city manager 2078 holotape then tools then cheats then quest skipping to see if it looks like this?
This except with NV it's not steak it's a lump of human shit.
Apparently updated for "next-gen" patch too.
I dunno, I don't get any slowdowns unless I'm near the Kekroad church.
You're welcome, I should probably take some new shots.
>tell the brotherhood of homos and trannies to go kick rocks when they try to recruit you
>pipper liked that
nice attitude baby we're going to get along well
hmm, this mod doesnt seem to be Midnight Ride approved
Almost every companion hates the BoS in 4
The Chads of Titanium are the only faction in Fallout 4 with testosterone. Even Deacon says so.
Lads of Iron sound like a good english parody of the BoS.
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I find it funny how kikey the scavenger wanting to take over the Constitution is.
She even looks like Eenie Meanie from Woody Woodpecker.
I don't even know what that is.
I prefer to see T51 first.
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At least she ate the Never Ending Shaft in the end

I take R9/Mara calling them the "Brotherhood of Feels"
I don't believe you, and I doubt others believe you, too.
>but, you can only do so much with hundreds of securitroons that each have the fire power of a tank.
That's quite a bit.

>even though the NCR military is weak compared to that, they have thousands of men that covered more ground & can do more than police compared to your securitroons. that’s why Vegas is only decent in the NCR ending. Sure, you don’t own the NCR military. but, I don’t want Vegas to turn into a shithole.

I'm indifferent to vegas being a shithole. It kinda already is a, well polished, shithole. I just need to destabilize the area by knocking out the heads of anyone who I deem a threat the the brotherhood's comeback. Clearing the way and ensuring hardin has an easy time to reestablish control.

AND TELL ME you did not establish a treaty to freddy fedbear and guarantee future leaks of brotherhood secrets to the superpowered corrupt "democracy".
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T-51b is the quintessential Fallout Power Armor and I'm tired of people pretending it isn't.
If the BoS are pretending to be english knights the Fallout London equivalent should be guys pretending to be cowboys.
why would anybody ever side with her. you get a cool hat if you help the robots, you get jack shit if you help this horrible harpy woman
The Cowpolk of Lead.
ED-E Is far better than Dogmeat stupid dog
I hate the fact that Bethesda and Kris made only one Quake weapon for Fo4.
At least Quake 2's SSG with A Male/Female version of the Q2 Armor Athena uses in her lore skin would be the shit for a Combat Armor outfit

I wish Bethesda could finally admit that the new forearms are retarded and the old ones fits perfectly as them painted green
If the goals of the Brotherhood are: the preservation of technology and the elimination of threats to humanity posed by misuse of technology, then why are they isolationist? Why not recruit wastelanders as auxiliaries, which can earn their place into the Brotherhood proper?
T-60 is kinda growing on me, at least the black and red BoS tesla version I'm currently using anyway.
> the preservation of technology and the elimination of threats to humanity posed by misuse of technology
>why not give random people off the street a chance to wield the gignuke launcher?
They do on the east coast
Well for one thing they're one of the few organizations with a direct lineage to the pre-war US military, so they still see everyone else as civilians that should stay of their business at best, and wasteland cannibal savages at worst. They think of themselves as the only ones capable and trained to deal with the task they've appointed to themselves. The point is, they don't think they need help.
it would be a kino secret ending if you can give the platinum chip & Yes Man to the Brotherhood
>BoS are pretending to be english knights
English knights used to fight on foot (after getting raped by the Robert the Bruce's schiltron,) while BoS members use air vehicles. So they can't be English knights.
wokegenders are ruining fallout and the modding community
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new vegas modders be like "what if it was soulless"
Because if your goal is to keep powerful tech away from people, you tell them you have powerful tech to begin with. You put the tech in a big secret vault, guard it 24/7 with people armed to the teeth and you never tell anyone. You minimize knowledge. All it takes is one powerful asshole. I have a hard time believing /fog/ misunderstands this.
https://youtu.be/M6XX8ON7vIU Mojave Experience
The Fallout 3 combat shotgun was shit when the game came out and it's still shit 17 years later. Don't be blinded by nostalgia.
the textures look off
It's interesting that they consider you a senior officer in 4 as a male SS, your former military service counts in their book even though you're a new recruit.
The combat shotgun is far better the whatever the hell the riot shotgun is
>buy fallout nv ultimate pack on steam sale
>I'll just let it download while I'm playing some fallout 4 to get me in the mood
>download pauses but I didn't notice for 2 hours
gaben you fat fucking jew cunt
It's your own fault for not enabling game downloads during play time.
You didn't enable allow downloads during gameplay
You can have veronica look at it, but that's about it. I agree.
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Man we've sure got a lot of wrong opinions in here.
wait till u learn that that option literally only does what it says. It still pauses downloads when you start a game. That option only allows downloads to start during gameplay.
i think both are kinda dogshit. they should’ve just put more classic guns in the game
alright let me look into this mystic art
why is my audio desync'd when using my tv's speakers with fallout 4 but it's fine with headphones. i want to hook up my pc to the TV and game all comfy
I found it, thanks.
this better not be true that fat bastard is lucky I'm too lazy to pirate
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THAT, that if it was under Roger Maxon, Owyn Lyons, John Maxson(Fo1 Elder) + Rhombus and Midwest Chapter.
The Brotherhood everyone knows is like the Clans in Battletech, a perverse creation made by Maxson II, the asshole son who hated his father, called him a old fool and he and the other morons started to Larp as Templars.
Roger II is the reason of why the brotherhood is retarded, and why his own son and Head Paladin respected his grandfather than him.

The biggest thing 76 did was prove that the Brotherhood we know today is a affront to what Roger wanted.

The Fo4 mod makes justice to this weapon and mesh.
I wish someone could make the remaining classic stuff all the way to armors, but that is on the Project Arroyo and Vault 13's hands
Is that mod that adds in the cut content for Danse any good?
Down at the end of the thread is BALL storage. For jocks who like BALLS, like ANONYMOUS (You). Do you hear me Janny? ANON likes BALLS.
why does your Haylen look like she consumes cute little boy semen
Thanks for the cookies grandma <3
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It's better the way it is now, they would never let an immortal synth be Elder it's a human faction.
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>lay the thing down before it goes off and hurts somebody
You're welcome deary.
Maybe, but I like Danse and I always feel sad for him. I think there is also cut content for you to take the elder spot as well in that mod.
>>The Fallout Youtube Short Song
1940s incel bop
is butcher pete about jacking off
Nevermind the cow, look at that brahmin in the background.
No it's about a guy screwing everyone's wives with his big "knife"
Its about fucking, yes.
>open fog
>see fran and nigger
almost 10 years later and no one hasn't done a Classic T-51b Mod with those shoulders, helmet wiring and Chest
>the elimination of threats to humanity posed by misuse of technology
that isn't part of the gig, they just want to grab tech and keep it for themselves.
Are they out rebuilding civilization after reclamation day? inb4 they reclaim a cold
Because robots ain't got no souls. Why would I help a toaster over a human being? Later I thought a robot would not sign its own death warrant but Dr. Li said it's happened before.
It is now, eliminating super mutants and ferals is equally as important.
Gotta lay off the booze during fasnacht.
Nevermind the fact that you only get Brotherhood fame if you deactivate the warhead at the end of Lonesome Road instead of launching it.
Just finished the For the Enclave questline. Very underwhelming although seeing the little bonuses I get in the final bunker assault was cool. Any great Enclave mods?
They're kind of hypocritical about the use of nuclear based weapons, Liberty Prime throws them like mad and they nuke the institute leaving a big crater.
>taken so many facial her face is caked white with cum
you are drinking just the right amount
Remember, East vs West. Maxson just goes harder than McNamara or Hardin when it comes to violating the geneva convention. The latter two are more conservative.
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>Yes, I've got estrogen by the number
>Dilators by the score
>Everyday you misgender me
>Each day I self-harm more
she looks like she hasn't had a solid shit in years
So, uh, hey, I know a guy at the Tops looking for gimmick musicians...
where did these meme even come from
What's Dr. Li's problem with the Brotherhood anyway? She's all pissed at the end when you destroy the Institute but if you side with the Institute she's gung ho about blowing up the Prydwen. She must still have an axe to grind about project purity.
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Fixed the texture.
She's just a bitch.
See >>483767657 and mostly butting heads with Bisley, Lyons and Rotschild
But since those 3 are all dead, She may get a promotion.
she's in need of cock correction
>tfw blowing a load on her scowling face

Anyone can redpill me on how this is?
>But since those 3 are all dead, She may get a promotion
Doubtful, she hates Maxson a lot more than Lyons and said he was the one playing god not the institute. She was fully on board with the gen 3 synth program.
Yeah I think her only problem with the Institute is that she was sucking Virgils cock
new vegas if it was actually good
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got the whole squad into 76 and getting them some gifts with atoms through bethesda support to help get them started
the boys will be happy with that well done
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but why 76 of all the games u could play with friends
Why wouldn't a group of people who like fallout not want to play fallout with one another?
honestly she’s just badly written. she definitely cares about helping people seeing as she helped James with Project Purity. but, for some reason, hates Lyons & his chapter and treats them like shit. dialogue barely explains why
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Good bro.
RPGs are usually bad coop games.
please take black cock
I've got serious brain problems because I can't find any RPG that feels as good to play as Fallout. I'm seriously trying. I've played a shit-ton of RPGs before being introduced to Fallout, but now I can't go back to them because of how good the Fallout experience has been. Maybe I don't actually like fantasy RPGs, and Fallout made me realize that?
Congrats on being a retard.
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good goyim! i too love giving emil & todd money so they can shart diarrhea in my mouth
bump please help my fallout brothers I just want a vanilla plus experience with the nicest visuals and more gameplay mechanics
u mad?
Great conversation
He's constantly seething.
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there’s not many first person RPGs to begin with. that’s what makes Buckthesda games so unique

honestly, I really think you’ll like Mass Effect. that series is the epitome of CHOICES MATTER. no other game has beaten it in those terms. it’s a linear RPG but to see your choices transfer to the sequel games makes it awesome
>missed a fas
I don't know how I will recover from this
I did ME1 4 times already, so you're right about that. I'm not interested in ME2 or ME3 because I tried them out and they didn't feel like RPGs. It feel like I was playing Gears of War without the teamwork, which made me sad because I miss local co-op...
Please don't compare pigs to 76fags.
mass effect 2 is the best of the series. Infinitely better than 1.
Non-albanian here. It's on sale, 75% off. $9.99

ME1: Sniper rifle + 3 scram rails + explosive ammo = portable railgun
Assault rifle supertank that mows everyone down
Carnage full blast plus melee beatdowns that knock over geth apertures
Stasis that freezes giant sand worms so you can kill them outside of the Mako
Neural shock krogan shutdown + permanent revives
Everything blows up when you look at it thanks to Overload and Sabotage
ME2: Arena shooter dogshit that doesn't feel good to pilot

And that's even before getting into the RPG elements!
fallout is just gay porn for intellectuals
Shame you have already proven how retarded you are so your opinions are worthless.
change your shitty opinion. stop being retarded.
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You care about meta builds in.. mass effect? what..
I have no words
Monkey turd
Apologies, I didn't notice that you're a pass user, but your anime pic helped highlight that you're actual scum not worth talking to. This will be my final post in reference to you. Those things I listed for ME1 aren't "meta builds", they're the specialized classes that you end up using at the end of the game. It's how ME1 plays, and each specialization plays so different from each other. ME2 doesn't have that. Nor does 3.
Is there a piper overhaul that looks similar but is just a little higher quality graphically?
That's dumb; you're fucking dumb.
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dont understand the point of this tranny technology of AI conversations
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It's unreal to me that the new dragon age honestly looks exactly like andromeda, even down to the "RPG" elements like shield, armor, abilities, companion abilities

hell, in the gameplay demo they were even down to 2 party members instead of the typical 3
so the future generation can have sexbots with advanced AI
We walk so they can run.
it was to be expected. BioWare is a shell of its former self. it’s been like that for a long time
Diversity hires. All formerly good companies have went down the shitter.
Arcanum is good.
ATOM RPG is okay.
Underrail is the closest you'll get to Fallout but it's not the same.
Encased it ok/10
Wasteland 2 is GOATED
Wasteland 3 starts strong but peters off.
Broken Roads is uh/10
chibi niggers get raped
built for BoS cock
Did you try Starfield?
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Dress for excess
76 is goyslop tho
Bros bros I'm panicking. What do I do? What do I say? Where do old divorced doctors like to go on a first date?
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My Cait > Todd's Cait
No one cares.
Never played Andromeda but that's all shit that was introduced in Mass Effect 2 long before
with ai voices being a thing now doesn't that mean you could make a mod to add tons of new quests?
maybe make the legion path more fleshed out
just starting nuka world and well I like the concept but it feels like a type of player enjoyment
my next character after I finish the game was going to be a melee dick who just killed without remorse

I tell this gage guy I want no part of being a raider leader and hes like tough shit you are our leader. I guess i could just fail the entire dlc and just kill everyone
she’s canonically a chem whore who usually fucks hung black raiders. your Nate’s tiny white pecker can never please her. pick Curie
kek. based and bbcpilled
There's a quest called Open Season you get from the doctor in the market that's the "good" path to wipe them out, you can still clear the parks and restore the power after.
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it makes quest mods easier to make, yeah. but, that aint the problem. the problem is there’s not many modders who make quest mods in the first place compared to other types of mods: coomer, tacticool, etc.
just plow that gooks pussy already
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We need more vault girls
Is fallout 2 playable on Android have anyone tried? I have it there but don't know if it's worth playing on phone. Never played it before btw.
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Probably gonna mod a junkies boxing gloves, we chem together.
Currently unarmed run, my fist > nigger dick.
Nova Arizona exists. If you want a good Legion quest, play this: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/84106

This one is nice too, adds a short but vanilla-feeling quest to the Cove https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/82207
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Now that we are talking about games like Fallout, has anybody tried this? Worth a try? Can I live my raider dreams feel like like Garl before he met the Vault Dweller?
that's a shame, everyone talks about how new vegas is unfinished but there doesn't seem to be many willing to make quests
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true. Lucy doesn’t count because she’s a whore who fucks niggers. would be better if it’s a cute romance between a vault girl and a cute legion boy
that anon is incorrect, there's tons of great quests being made all the time. Here's some that I played recently, from this year, that I would recommend.

Have you tried the mod twice the size of NV and so good its canon The Frontier?
Its so good you will want to put drills through your eyes and shove broken glass up your dick.
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the concept art from Fallout Online is nifty, would've been cool to see Harold get his due
ah yes, the only thing you need to make a quest mod, AI voices
i'll check those out, the haunted casino looks cool
heard Joe Biden plays 76.
not surprised. only retards play 7Slop
>can't even remember the 6 in 76
now who's the retard?
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BUILT for repopulation stock
bioware was doing diversity hires when they made mass effect 2 (the worst one)?
Wasteland 3 is way better than Wasteland 2. Wasteland 2 peters off because after you reach Los Angeles you think ok it can't be that much more now but then the rest of the game is like 10 hours and you just want it to end
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Bioware got bought out by EA in the middle of development, you dingus. Do you know who EA is? What EA does? Think about all of the sports games EA makes, which only non-white become obsessed over despite it being the same games every year. Notice how only non-whites buy the same Fallout games over and over, too.
I mean I've never played a sports game but all the people I knew growing up who played them were white
that’s because the other anon is a retard. normies (the majority of the population) in general play the same shit: sport games, CoD, battle royale zlop.
it isnt exclusive to brown people
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But enough talking about Rose of Sharon Cassidy and most of the Mojave Women, have some more post quest Cait and Mara/R4-04.
can you please explain why you made your characters look like they have passionate leg lock kissing sex with children
>NVfag is so mad that he is calling waifus bad and shota hunters
The projection is strong in this one.
Mexicans that are light-skinned aren't white, you dingi (plural of dingus).
>not killing Travis on his way back from the brewery
gauss pistol's sights are all sorts of fucked in first person. not only are the sights just not aligned with the crosshair when you ADS, the entire crosshair moves down when you charge the gun, and the ADS sights move OPPOSITE the crosshair's direction so it's misaligned in two completely different ways depending on charge state. I thought maybe the reflex sight would fix this but the reflex sight is misaligned horizontally as well as vertically.
real glad I wasted gold on this shitty thing. wow.
Can you find Kelogg before starting America Rising 2? I usually like to rush killing Kelogg and then do random things
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I was kinda doing that before FO4 came out but I never finished it
Yes, the start is not forced.
Hey, retard. What does New Vegas have to do with some weirdo making low quality posts?
can shielded casual underarmor be traded?
I know I read if you get too far into a faction the Enclave just becomes hostile though right?
can you make porn mods
>playing fo3 for the first time in like a decade
>full vanilla, doing the intro and everything
>get big guns, lockpick, speech from the goat
gonna just roll with it desu
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Just finish for Fo4, Proctor Ingram's PA Frame has that back handle from the T-51b.
also, is that you Strider?
Yeah if you permanently ally yourself with the other factions, minutemen don't count afaik
do you like feet
I've never met a single mexican in my entire life. I live in northern britain
>someone named john eden was sitting playing guitar with their mic on playing the fo3 broadcasts during the not christmas festival quest
i laughed
"brahmin" indians aren't white either.
Almost no indians live in rural north britain, where I live. I didn't see a single brown person until I was 13 years old
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I don't want the brat to take over
I just played through the 76 for the first time, and I gotta ask: Why was Meg's group called Raiders?

They're survivalists and an eclectic group of individuals, but they're not raiders. They're presented as more moderate than both the Khans and Powder Gangers in New Vegas.

I mean I like 'em, but still.
i laughed because you eat rotten schlop like a sad little bug as Todd laughs at you
only sonic the hedgehog cartoon character feet
does incest happen a lot there in rural north Britain
i cant imagine having lovey dovey sex with my hot cousin that I happily grew up with. just sounds so wrong
Was really fucking stupid to bring the Prydwen back. It decanonizes player choice

If they really wanted an airship they could have just dusted off the Midwestern Brotherhood faction
I'm a NV fan btw.
Water jew is better than Travis
As i discovered
So here is a cutoff for people who has america rising 2 installed for a Peace and Cold war ending
>Do all Railroad quests, ignore pam's courser quests for it leads to the brotherhood is enemy part, do Underground til you give the synths weapons and help them.
>Do Brotherhood all the way til Blind Betrayal and pause once you get back to elder maxson, danse has to live and Dr Li has to leave the institute and work for the brotherhood.
>Do all enclave quests til Mobilization
>Do Battle of Bunker Hill and alert the Brotherhood and Railroad, Kill the courser after you save the synths and tell the truth that Shawn is insane and he treated you as a science experiment instead of family, so you are banished, he needs to live for the evac code in Nuclear Option.
>Do Burning Cover with Desdemona and have her tell you to mobilize the minutemen if you haven't done before.
>Get Defend the Castle and let it open, don't do it yet.
>Finish Blind Betrayal, leave tactical thinking open. Optional, tell Kells that Virgil's cure works and spare him.
>Do Defend the Castle after it and then Nuclear Option
After that, all Factions will be chill with each other, You will be promoted to Sentinel if you have the fix for a New Dawn where it automatically triggers after Blowing the Institute, The downside is that You can't stop The Enclave and Ward's retarded plan to release the FEV into the atmosphere because the morons forgot that all of their manpower has received rads and they all will die outside (you) Ward and the Doctor, and Otellino should had put the One Enclave quest before Mobilization, thus making Autumn and Whitehill facepalm with this easy to fix oversight.
Hope he works on this on the next update seeing that Whitehill is now popular. And a G.I. JANE waifu material

Nah, leave Travis and his 80's late night Radio DJ voice alive
>decanonizes pla...
I've never read something so arbitrary. You sound like such a horrid loser
This >Pic is canon since FO4 was announced as the art book.
Your arument is invalid
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keep it down please
[Luck 10] Ice cream
[Intelligence 2] ICE CREAM!!!
Fuck off with your zero content posts you irrelevant subhuman whining faggot
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Molerat, ED-UARDO, Raul, Coco, and me. Conquering the wasteland, one cap at a time.
>tales of the commonwealth
lol enjoy that slop writing
nta but I can recommend another mod by the author of the haunted casino, which I've yet to get around to
Some minor jank and pretty short, but as a spooky standalone facility of OWB I think it fits in pretty nice.
i like nv without mods
i like fo4 with mods
i like fo3 without mods
i like 76 for an hour a day
i like fo2's silly
i like fo1's piss fuck shit dick hard yer fucked m8
i thought the show was cute
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The game will never be this good again
Wait you can have the Enclave be chill with other factions? I never thought that would be possible. Is this an exploit or intended?
Perfect Cass replacer.
The BoS is the best faction in 4 it would be surprising if it wasn't canon
If you play games modded, then you aren't a true gamer - you're a fucking worthless piece of shit.
I beat 1, 2, 3, NV, and 4 without mods on my first runs then modded.
Get over yourself.
Most people don't actually like the 3d fallout games for them being fallout, they like them as modding platforms, elder scrolls is in the same situation.
You're lying. Get lost, fuckhead.
That's because people don't know what's good for them: most of them are fat and retarded as fuck.
I didn't like any of the faces on nexus. Just get a skin replacer
what are you gonna do about it huh
Go back to shitposting on /twg/.
Touch your fucking wiener.
Fuck off, scumbag.
oh nooooooo
Touched a nerve, faggot?
is there a weapon reload speed cap in fallout 76????
No, you fucking scumbag. Fuck off.
Is Fallout 76 any good nowadays? Where does it stand against the other Fallouts? Better than 4?
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moira is so fuckable
Sure there is butno idea what it is
Unless you need to mod your game to have fun 76 is leagues better than 4.
story wise 76 has better quests than 4 but what doesn't. if you like seeing other players running around while you quest or do events it's good
It'll never be faster than Speed Demon, but you can use mods to make it instant.
For 76, I liked the forested/tutorial section of the map and some of the mountainous regions, but as a whole the wider map feels too heterogenous and theme parky to be taken seriously. As bland and dour as the Commonwealth is, the map at least is consistent.

Story for 76 is dogshit if you take it into context with the rest of the setting and timeline, and even as its own standalone thing it’s continuously gimped by its vanilla quest, which wastelanders and every subsequent expansion has to work around without really ever challenging or changing it

In spite of a few decent elements in 76, most of the quest structure is permutations of go to this place, collect 10 Yao Guai asses, repeat as needed, with very few RPG elements barring how rude or polite you want to be to a quest giver.

76 tries, but it rarely succeeds. It’s admirable in how colossal it fails. It’s like Katy Perry the game
i think this is wrong. i have speed demon, if i add ground pounder my reload speed is clearly faster and if i add quick magazine it's even faster. aparently i have 80-85% reload speed depending on strange in numbers, but can't tell if it gets any faster after 70%, will have to confirm frame by frame
Uh naturally your weapon mods and perks are influencing it
Hullo, I'm Poiper Wroight *cluck*
How did you manage to make piper hot?
Between Piper, Curie, and Cait I believe Cait would be most likely to wipe back-to-front and have shit in her vagina.
They're all dirty you can't even bathe without getting irradiated
>havent played in 2 days
>log in to do daily ops
>reward screen gives me a duplicate plan and also tells me i have earned the days reward so i get nothing else
the fuck?
That's what you get for having shit in your vagina.
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Tactical bark, ready to deploy
stupid fucking dog
Needs some heavy dog armor to fit in with the power armor boys
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Don't worry, he's wearing heavy armor. I spent all my stuff on making him a ballistic vest
stupid gay dog
Ballistic vests aren't comparable to power armor, are you literally retarded here?
He's a dog who's high on psycho and stimpacks. He doesn't need power armor. I've watched him maul power armor wearers to shit all by himself while getting blasted by lasers. That dog is fucking Godzilla
The only thing that dog does is get poo on my dick.
How are you stupid enough to reply to a scat fetishist? Do you have brain damage? Are you a third-worlder pretending to be human? How are you so freaking stupid that you still reply to low-quality posts, rather that just leaving them alone and not giving them attention?
Getting poo on dick doesn't mean you're a scat fetishist, it means you are a sodomy enjoyer. The poo on dick is just a consequence, and lubricant.
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Dr. Li makes it from the capital wasteland to the commonwealth on foot alone, manages to contact the institute and becomes the head of advanced systems over people who were born there. Talk about a mary sue.
I never bothered to recruit Arcade in New Vegas. I didn't know who he was or how to get him or that he could be recruited when I met him. I rarely ever go in that area and don't get why he's so popular. Is it because he's gay? Is he a pet faggot for people or something?
1) He's the only companion in favor of the Independent route;
2) He introduces you to NPCs that make constant references to Fallout 2;
3) He gives you customized Enclave armor;
4) He's reasonable about almost everything and can be negotiated with if the Courier's intelligence is high enough, but loses his goddamn mind over Caesar;
5) He can be forced into slavery;
6) Unless the person playing the Courier is actually smart, it's possible for him to have a worse ending than Veronica, and she's usually the companion that has the worst ending out of everyone;
7) He's actually Josh Sawyer's self-insert.
God can you imagine how annoying these cunts would be if they hadn't shitcanned Vault 120 and underwater exploration in general
Ah so he has a lot of content and interaction, that makes sense.

All I ever see about him is "Hey this is Arcade did you know HE'S GAY and CAN BE A SLAVE" and I'm just like, that is a very strange thing to focus on. Veronica is a surprisingly deadly pugilist, Cass is a functional alcoholic, Boone is John Wick. But going from what I've seen up to now, Arcade just likes dick. Very compelling, definitely a reason to see what the character is about.
The reason most people have a very shallow opinion of Arcade is that, when rushing to complete Ring-a-Ding-Ding, Arcade is almost impossible to recruit due to his high Speech check, which can only be circumvented by pouring points into Speech, or doing a retard run, or hitting Liked with the Followers. This means that many of his conversational dialogues are missed, especially since he doesn't like talking about himself when initiated. Then, he personal quest only triggers after the Courier has both gained enough approval with him through specific interactions, AND the Courier has gone far enough into a main quest. Again, this further removes him from most people's playthroughs, especially since by that time the Courier has recruited Boone or Raul and made them their permanent buddy, or is rushing the end-game and doesn't care about getting the Remnants power armor.

He's locked behind such specific time gates it's easy to miss all of his dialogue and details.
>John Wick
Boone is a retarded child murdering zogbot and kills his own wife and child out of incel rage. John Wick is cool, Boone is not cool in any way.
He's a strong companion he has a plasma defender pistol and can wear power armor being born into the Enclave. Arcade doesn't mention his gayness more than once and it's subtle.
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There is 1 thing I really hate about power armor.. the flashlight is directional but I always play 3rd person so it never helps me see shit
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My dog just barked when dogmeat did. They like each other
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>assign settler to scavenge station
>entire city of 37 gets reset to jobless
I had to reload and rebuild what I did cause that was faster..
Can you share the name of the server?
Dickgirl Enjoyers
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chill the fuck out would ye
anymore of this nonsense you're gonna get a bomb collar
who the fuck is this Sneeder girl/boy/nonbinary/dog?
she paid me 250 caps to travel with me
Anon, you are a whore...
baby sitter of cat fighting women right now
You literally accepted money to be someone's escort
you are a whore
Joe Biden was canon in fallout. he was a member of the enclave
most likely during Fallout 1
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Fact check: WRONG
>fallout 2
you asked the wrong game anon
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you're a wokegender, chatgpt is programmed to lie to you because of that
Do these people live in 100% white communities or something? How can they not know?
the wokegender anon strikes when least expected
I don't understand this tweet
Camp Forlorn COPE.
camp forlorn WOKE
camp forlorn broke
A million times better and better written than NV companions, which isn't hard enough to do.
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Otellino made the cutoff against the brotherhood right early on thanks to Ward being the senator's Goyim.
It would had been better if the Police Station was occupied with Gunners, and then deal with the Brotherhood after it.
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R4-04 says that she is an android and I get the impression she is not a synth but metal. Is that true?
She is literally a Mass Produced Clone per Room 404 in Fo3 and her quest in Tales.
Pre War America wanted to create super soldiers with Vault-Tec's help.
Just started 76, how do I cursor lock in this game, its running off.
cripple it's legs
>She is literally a Mass Produced Clone
Cloning? that's never mentioned once
pretty much like synths, she is a replicant.
Still wish that Kris had given the option to have you call her by Mara once more after finishing her quest.
The Afterlife
>per Room 404 in Fo3
iirc shes at least part biological
her hair grows between games

The cut off point is Mass Fusion.
She thought it was a wig glued to her head and she shaved it.
Wish they didn't go with the lame haircut for her, i had to use the jill valentine preset on nexus for her to fit with the voice.

Yes, R4-04 is in fact Mara from that Mod for Fallout 3, and is one of the best Fo3 mods ever made.
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Fallout 4 is the one Bethesda game where it's better not to join all the factions. For instance if you join the BoS while siding with the Railroad then you can't infiltrate the Prydwen quietly to blow it up cause they recognize you, but if you don't join you can put on a BoS uniform and convince Kells you're an idiot initiate and sneakily plant the bombs.
Can someone just tell me if I can cursor lock on 76 or not. I'll just refund this trash if I cant.
Frankly all of the Railroad ending has to be the biggest leftie college REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVOLUTONISH commie wet dream ever.
It is so stupid that it hurts, like if someone from ubisoft wrote that shit or bethesda made a parody to mock them and redditors hard.
What the fuck does that even mean?
just play it on one monitor, you don't need to watch subway surfers and family guy at the same time on the other
i have no friends
/fog/ is my only form of communication and socialization
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Team theme - soldier man. Why the leather chest so low res;_;
I want fallout game in GoldSrc engine
America Rising sucks because it was obviously made by Lefties. It beats you over the face about how patriotism is evil and how America BAD.
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>the mental image of vault girl domming a legion femboy until his tribal jizz cells find their way into her vault egg
Thanks for the boner, anon.
Holy fuck the rubberbanding is bad on 76. Running for even 5 seconds feels awful.
you too?
i mean the people here are more interesting than normies. normies dont obsess about my shitty favorite video game franchise, don’t obsess over a fictional Asian girl in a garbage fanfic, dont post pigs eating slop, dont post pictures of goon material from their vidya. normal people dont have anything unique about them
You forgot the part about associating cows with a certain ethnic group.
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looks like more fortnite skins coming
is this for 4 or 76?
Most people I've heard talk about him weren't exactly a fan of his.
Usually the only people I see praising him as anything other than a reddit-coded whiny nerd are in the alphabet cult, and that's just because they worship faggotry.
I wish there was an option to just not care about finding Shaun. You should be able to maybe RP that your character really wasn't ready for motherhood/fatherhood and sees this as a fresh start. All the dialogue is either crying about finding your baby or angry about finding your baby
Father Elijas should have kept Veronica as his onahole.
she's a lesbian you swine
Lesbians are just bisexuals that think they hate men.
Once you get there it stops mattering
Home Plate is comfy when you set it up with a whole workshop area and use it as your main place ignoring settlements
>I wish there was an option to just not care about finding Shaun.
There is but I can tell you are the sort of person that would be more suited playing a more linear game such as NV. Take care pup.
nvm seems like I got trolled, sorry for the disinfo. there is a fallout shop items coming tho, idk what itll be
maybe it is real i just dont know yet
I got filtered by cazadors btw
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damnit I got trolled. okay, well theres still a skin and vault boy bobblehead backbling coming to fortnite. sorry again
>lore is whatever writers to be
>courier dies of old age (or just, like, any disease, or just getting shot by some guy)
>Mojave falls into chaos
There's not even a long term benefit. You've basically pissed off everyone
I eagerly await your rebuttal using evidence that isn't in the game and is just your retarded headcanon.
I think we can all agree the founder of nuka cola had the worst immortality plan of all time, imagine being a head in a jar in an empty vault sealed up behind a stupid pre-war contest password.
>why would I help a toaster over a human being?
Because YOU BENEFIT MORE, moron!
If a robot said it wanted to free you from slavery and massa said he would benefit more if you stayed a slave, what, do you turn the robot down? Bikecuck, is that you? Helping the robots provides you with the benefit of caps (500 less, granted), cool hat, cool living area, etc etc

You're making the mistake of being spiteful to the point where it is against your own self interests.

Also, the scavengers try to fucking kill you afterwards anyways. The robots are objectively the better option in every single way.
He probably did all the NCR sidequests not realizing he's just helping train his future enemy's soldiers and boosting their morale since he picked Yes Man.

>head in a jar
I wonder what he thinks of the Jewish community
Siding with the scavengers would be better if they weren't borderline raider pieces of shit that turn on you
The courier can just quickload
It literally wouldn't and isn't (both in universe and outside of it)
In universe you have no idea the value of that shit, and since only some dirty scavs care and not a single major faction you can safely assume it's not worth much of anything
VS if the plan works you get to see something fucking incredible/hilarious and potentially have a unmanned goddamned ship in your back pocket, plus some amount of pay regardless and I forget if the robot mentions the cabin space beforehand but if he does that's a pretty decent shelter complete with a robot guard

Out of universe, as a player, one is infinitely more interesting, has better rewards, and comes with aforementioned benefits + not helping filthy backstabbing jews. The 500 cap difference is negligible both in and outside.
Most mentally stable Legion fans.
>Why would I help a toaster over a human being?
Because they're funny and have cool accents. Also they're patriots, unlike you, commie.
>quickload out of death by old age
Won't work, son
The question of that quest is whether you should help robots complete their 200-year task and possibly fail spectacularly or get betrayed by a literal moron who thinks they can stiff you for minimal reward. When they could've basically just handed you some caps and a fancy gun and 90% of people wouldn't care what you do.
The ultimate irony of multiverse plots is that no matter how much you explore the alternatives, they always crumble under the weight of time in the end.
player.additem 000EC4F7 99999999
Spoonfeed please
Logan's Loophole makes you 30 forever
I'd help the robots for no reward
Even if I didn't like the robots, the potential of the ship just blowing up or pulling a 9/11 or something is entertaining enough I'd have to be proper poor and desperate to take up the scav offer (at which point you'd want to hang out with the always active robot crew anyways? They don't care about you being there even if you don't help them)
Who makes the most lore friendly non power armor armors for fallout 4 on nexus? I want something nice. The armor piece on top of underarmor in the base game usually winds up looking kinda dumb
Yeah the robots have a goal, and seem to be just willing to be reasonable in achieving it. Within the context of the quest the scavs are just useless vultures who crawl out from the pits to pick at the carcasses of a once great ideal.
You'll have to be more specific, anon.
I get it
>Urge to wipe everything again

That is lore friendly now, chud.
>37 years old
not worth the heartbreak kid
If you can't work things out for yourself just go play NV. It's on sale on steam.
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any mod that makes swimming in the water look less poopy bananas?
Ever learned how to see underwater? Even in a pool everything looks like shit.
im sorry i didnt realize i was playing an immersive real life sim
touch water
You are.
Wake up from the matrix, anon. This is your family. We miss you.
Maybe it's the way you're dressed.
im a bit confused about manufacturing in fo4. i thought i'd be able to drop an npcs body into a hopper and it would produce materials from it. is there any way to do that? i dropped a dead raider into a hopper and nothing came out(yes its powered by a generator)
Settlements aren't made for 37 people it's bound go haywire
Dead bodies are scrappable so they don't produce materials
>some guy is blasting a remixed version of the fasnight music during the event
nice, nice
>got a glowing pig mask
nice, nice.
ah i believe my tiny white penis was confused since i was referring to a manufacturing tutorial on youtube but was unaware it was using mods. silly me
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You are short, non-white and have a small penis. A fate worse than death.
some people are retarded and never flew before
touch planes
>some people
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and somehow it's very pertinent to recent /fog/ posts kek
You got a source on that?
I understand this tweet
What are the advantages/disadvantages of playing as a black man in Fallout 4?
Is there a way to make the GECK less retarded to use?
>drag item into the world space
>GECK has a heart attack
>suddenly it teleports me to the edge of the map
>camera is all the way zoomed out
>my asset is now suck five miles underground
>drag another static item somewhere
>camera stops working, have to click at random spot for at least the ground to show up again
>none of the assets are where I dragged them

God this this is a freaking nightmare to place anything with. How did the Bethesda/Obsidian devs not ragequit after 5 hours of this?
I want the source, too! I tried image-searching and nothing came of it!
BoS will love you
everything else is permanently hostile, even other blacks
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Advantages of playing as a black man in Fallout 4:
>Extra & faster affinity with Cait & Preston
>AGI 11
>Basketballs spawn more often
>Negative & slower affinity with X6-88
>INT 1
>Lower accuracy with firearms
every /fog/ waifu will want you to put a mulatto baby inside of them
source: Anna Anon
Shaun will look shitty cause he was designed to be a white man
Any modders ITT?
Thank you for the source.
>girl who makes futa hentai

Hard cringe, hard pass.
>girl who makes futa hentai
Holy based.
Nevermind, I found a solution. Fuck you guys for being helpful as fuck, coomer shits.
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sorry boymodder sister
It’s just vault girls are built for shota cock.
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>All that time spend modding Fallout 4
>already bored
Now what?
I killed a wanted dude and he dropped like 400+lbs of high value loot. How was he even carrying that much? Was he a base thief?
in Fallout 76*
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>I killed a wanted dude and he dropped like 400+lbs of high value loot. How was he even carrying that much? Was he a base thief?
why does your character look like they have a preference for black guys
honestly play through nv or fo3. 4 is fun to mod but then you spend more time modding than playing and when you finally have a stable build you realize you're not playing the game you thought you were going to play.
i like finding one of those random who your character is images and rp'ing from there.
Like what?
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>Helping the robots provides you with the benefit of caps (500 less, granted), cool hat, cool living area, etc etc
By the time I did that quest my character was Director of The Institute and had no motivation to benefit obsolete clankers, or to make money or for any material need. You can loot the captain's hat off his twisted metal corpse. You're not given a list of possible rewards for either choice in advance but the better choice for minmaxing is obviously the robots once you know.
4 INT is plenty enough, thank you very much.
>unlike you, commie.
You definitely don't know what you're talking about.
Different fluxs and shitloads of bulk of every material.
Damn you got lucky.
Why add ballistic weave and then only make it work on a certain selection of clothes? Like you can upgrade Maxson's coat but not the minutemen general outfit it's really stupid.
Time constraints, developer oversight, simple lack of care. Could be anything
Modding FO4 can't fix its fundamental problems. It's like crafting a sandcastle out of feces.
Bethesda don't fix shit, or care to fix shit. In Skyrim, if you discover a location before you're supposed to, it locks you out of being to progress in that vampire DLC questline. Also, two-handed swords in that game are useless because they're supposed to swing faster than two-handed axes, but actually swing at the same speed. 12 years later and these have not been fixed, despite being documented.
>luck hole mine again, my home
>can't mine any of the lead nodes
so did they break pick axes or what
76 is goyslop tho
every video game is. all of them.
are you sure
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i dont think shes sure, fallout sisters
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he's cooked
makes sense since he is illiterate
>niggermonkey ball
>you can only sleep 3 hours in a sleeping bag
/fog/, explain this shit. You said the survival mode was kino. There is nothing kino about this unrealistic shit
keep your reddit memes in reddit
sleeping bag sisters lost
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welcome, summerfag child. enjoy your stay here
Todd didn't know how to make it so that a full night of sleep was less restful so he just capped the max hours
I will
Fuck off and whine somewhere else you worthless cocksucker no one fucking cares.
Another proof that FNV is for trannies, faggots and Sawyer's depraved bisexual fantasies that rendered him a special place in hell.
76 is pigfeed tho
Play another game until the modding kick comes back
good goy
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Should I? Never played the old ones
>i transheart fallout lore & the fallout universe
yes, play the old ones
>im a normie faggot sheep bugman gamer who plays games casually and talks about them casually
no, don’t play the old ones
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You sound like a horrible autist.. and that's coming from someone who's literally autistic.
You don’t look like that THOUGH
And you look like a goblin
Yeah, the Steam versions work pretty well out of the box
Grab fallout Fixit For Fo1, ignore restoration project for FO2
Use this preset https://mega.nz/file/Yd8XnRrL#JL5fQ6swRObbixkSAa83tFDQU607qQF8cimjSHvJ5wg
I may update this later because reshade added scaleable jinc2 bilinear shader
You’re short.
BEWARE. DONT install this bitcoin mining shit
Why is Old Lady Gibson a dog lady?
who’s gonna tell him
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no u
Personally I like the Legion way better than the NCR but this image is cool as fuck, I hope whoever the artist is makes more NV-related stuff in the future.
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So this is a little off topic but.. how in the fuck did games go from
>super sick heavy armor helmet wearing dude >>483904090
>whatever this high on estrogen garbage is

Scrolling the sale page is painful.
Yeah of course. 1 and 2 are pretty nice to play. The only thing I would say is to use a guide or beginner guide, because they're very unforgiving
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I look like this and I think you should play it.
>the raiders keep freezing half way through vault 79
well I thought I was going to be able to do this inbetween mask runs but I guess not.
it baffles me how FO1 and 2 would had looked nice if it received a facelift update, but then fo12res fags at NMA doesnt want to update.
Do you have any idea how much work that would require? that's something an actual game studio should do. Hell Bethesda should have done that years ago like the way blizzard did with diablo 2 but for some reason they hate old fallout even though an old rerelease of the classic games would be easy money.
why do you hate me so much bocci?
certain shareholders want things to be a certain way for a certain reason. a lot of them may or may not be Jewish-operated
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Aight, bought fallout and a few other games. Time to see if it's as good as anon says
Anon, Bethesda was backstabbed once by people they trusted their IP.
their overprotection is also necessary.
Also, the source code for Fallout 1 and 2 is Lost, a reverse engineering on par with DFU would take years.
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Oh my god.. it's so small. I can't read any of this.
Fkn.. no font size settings. Dude I'm old, I can't see so well
Slutpost like everyone else
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Doesn't like windows have a zoom option? Anons I need assistence
Take this https://www.nma-fallout.com/resources/fallout-fixt-full-all-fixes-and-mods.8/
then >>483905585
Is your monitor not big enough for the x2 mode in the options?
2x mode? lemme go check
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OOOOHHHH you are a life saver. I was already playing around with the magnifier in windows. Now I can read!
You can thank 90% of the niggers on this board for being coomers that play females. If they stuck to cool, edgy, buzzcut, military men maybe ugly female shit never could have gotten a foothold.
fallout 1 is food for royalty tho
Fallout 76's icon is power armour of the same model of the super sick heavy armor helmet wearing dude
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Oh shit.. I didn't expect the game to make me a literal retard for going with 1 int... I'm fucked
76 is pigfeed tho
dont tell xir which way to go lmao
youre in for a treat
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Why would they send a 1 int stupid person on the vault saving mission
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>NVtranny is now resorting to reddit food meme to move goalposts
Someone give a horsecock to this faggot before he hangs himself, he is desperate for (you).
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em trying my best.. pls no bully
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can i romance sunny smiles lads
courier needs a fuck
is there any preset for a NV character that looks good?
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What in the fuck did THAT
Yo retard. Is this NVtranny your imaginary friend or something?
kek what a schizo
You are a failed male.
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I got eaten by rad scorpions twice and then walked into a town of raiders and got shot to death. I didn't know they are angy with me for walking around
Keep me posted, unironically. Maybe go west first.
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Ignore him.
Also any way to open the CK that doesnt trigger the steam update?
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Hold the phone for a second... I'm looking at my own screenshot rn.. >>483912398
Did these ESL motherfuckers actually type "then you" and nobody fixed that shit in 500 millionyears? It's thAn u mongoloids. Even my low int dweller knows that.

I sadly have to go slave and phone post now. I'll continue playing when I'm home in like 3 hours
No they have an int of 2. You're just that much more of a retard.
which of the midwestern power armor mods is the best
wish New Vegas had the option to give the Brotherhood the Platinum Chip and take over Vegas
Look at all this mental illness
Hey, don't bully me for buying vidya
why does she look like she has preference for young boys
They’ll take over Vegas in the TV show. me and my wife’s son are excited.
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>tell myself it's impossible to get the rare fasnacht masks
>get a deathclaw mask, tell myself that was all of my luck used up and now I won't get any more for the rest of the event
>get the glowing robot, the only one I actually wanted, just now
I'm not convinced it actually is a 0.2% drop rate.
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>I'm not convinced it actually is a 0.2% drop rate.
dont say that word. It’s wrong. you’ve been reported
sameeeeee. what’s your favorite weapons, FNV sissy?
mines is A Dilator Dilating in Neo-vagina.
it’s so OP….
Fuck off spamming faggot no one fucking cares
The Brotherhood is too afraid to leave their damn bunker
i mean they wouldn’t be afraid if you gave them the Estrogen Chip & Securitroon army
just refunded New Vegas lads. Absolute crock of shit compared to 4
To get there they have to pass the NCR's main base which has a monorail straight to the strip and a lot of guys there haven't seen combat outside of simulation pods in years.
There's a strong connection with fallout and mental illness.
Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride.
Why does she look like she has a preference for equally physically fit women?
I'm coming to beat you up and to take it.
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Because you haven't found a water chip for Vault 13 yet.
Get on it.
I play as a femboy in NV so I can live out my male power fantasy while still being able to look at a nice piece of ass in third person It's the best of both worlds since I'm still playing as a dude. Pic related.

Recruit Ian for the scorpions you giant nerd. He's in one of the first houses you see when entering Shady Sands. Dressed like a biker and probably smells bad.
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Must u ruin anon's cute bocchi with hr nasty nonsense.
Days without brown vermin seeing an attractive white woman and insisting she's a lesbian or only takes black/dog dick: 0
>Hasn't seen enough franny images to get the lez vibes
Sit down and shut up newfag
>compared to New Vegas
but they are two different games. one is a novel you where you play the mc and the other is a neat playground
>sees two women traveling together/bonding and instantly assume they're fucking
Stop watching porn, you subhuman.
>hasn't seem the images
again. SIT DOWN. SHUT the FUCK UP, newfag.
you can't intimidate me, statistically most /fog/ posters are effeminate men
Seethe harder and yell louder. That'll totally prove your headcanon about a fan character you didn't even make, fatass.
>Is a newfag
>Hasn't seen the images
>Continuing his cuck mindset
Failed male.
i need to see Caitfag eat this and reshit it out
>getting this mad over a fan character nobody outside this thread even knows or cares about
Please off yourself already.
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Days without aryan gigachads seeing an attractive white woman and insisting she's straight and only takes shota cock: 0
>kill all avatroons
>average quality of /fog/ threads goes up
Remind me why we haven't bullied all the avatroons out already?
kek what a schizo
i got the glowing pig mask when i wanted the glowing robot one, now i'm trying to figure out what outfit would go with it.
motorcycle gang or police outfit or the pink shorts pride gay outfit.
I find it amusing he was more upset about that the other anon said about being lesbian but was okay with this,
Being a pedo is better than being gay, clearly.
>statistically most /fog/ posters are effeminate men
god i wish. imagine an /fog/ orgy. no Americhud because he’s fucking ugly
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the stench of rotting corpses coming from all the NV players' axe wounds...
/fog/ NV players don't have axe wounds, we just don't wash our dicks.
>older women having sex with pure virgin boys is better than nasty shit-dicked faggots, clearly
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>get new vegas on sale
>it's so shit it gets refunded in 12 minutes
trannies explain yourselfs
From ugly man to ugly woMAN. That's the fate of most tranners.
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uh what the fuck did you say chud?
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You think we poor people can afford a 6k phone? I'm using a 6year old iphone xr that my ma no longer needed cause I can't afford any sort of phone. I buy my shirts from china for 5-10 dollars a piece.
>choosing to portray the gaudy, obnoxious, hypermaterialistic drip-obsessed loser that thinks an object's price dictates its aesthetic value as a white guy
Come the fuck on.
>better than nasty shit-dicked faggots
>defending pedos
seesh, full retard.
I said
>lovey dovey mating press sex with children
>or ugly sad mentally ill dykes with daddy issues or molested by their uncles
you’re a retarded mouth breather. go eat bugs like you usually do
What in the goddamn...
At this point just don't bother replying to it.
Synth Shaun gets to tap this….. it’s over bros….
>Frans tits clip through the dress
Steam sale. Expect much shitposting in the coming days.
76 is goyslop tho
I fixed it.
That or people are just bored.
built for shota cock
I’d stick my tongue in her mouth.
so is the vault 79 raid impossible to do now? i've tried it 4 times today so far and I keep running into the bug where the three raiders stop moving and stop being interactable.
I'm the only one who plays as a male exclusively round here
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Anon.. I literally can't talk to anyone.
Junkyard people are typically dog persons. It's the same reason why most Powder Gangers are black. Sawyer cared about the details.
I probably should've mentioned earlier that being a literal retard in this game locks you out of a lot of conversations for obvious reasons. Oops.
Maybe you should just reroll.
Tim Cain said that was made by pranksters. Notice there's only 1 footprint.
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HATE the radio
vault boy bobblehead dropped in fn
No one cares about Fartshite or Failout. Fuck off.
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Hey Franz person or anyone here. Can you guys help me with this Fallout Graham Doujin? I’m mainly looking for 3 types of people.
>lorebeards/writers to double check & add to the story
>high quality screenshotters (Franz)
>/k/ommandos who actually own/shoot guns and have autistic knowledge about guns
Franz person are you interested? Is anyone else interested?
Tim Cain don't know anything about fallout and is a fag.
Tim Cain is the man that is responsible for Fallout existing. Without that gay fat fuck? There'd be no Fallout.
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That post is also a lie. Tim Cain said it is Godzilla's footprint, but is only an easter egg, just like with Dr. Poo's RETARDIS.
>Alan Turning is considered the father of the computer. That means he knows anything about windows 11.
And again, Tim Cain is a fag and has not credibility on that alone.
That's weird. Alexander the Great was a faggot. Just because someone is a faggot don't mean anything.
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Weighing all my options, serving Veronica to Mortimer is the most morally correct choice for any playthrough.
>save the Gunderson kid
>spare her the grief for when I destroy the brotherhood
>indirectly save a followers of the apocalypse hospital in the process
>help her be the most useful she'll ever be
>help a tribe that is spiritually empty revisit their cultural roots
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Nate is most definitely the true protagonist of Fallout 4. He became a war hero in Anchorage, knows how to use power armor from the get go, he knows weapons and survival, he sacrifices himself for others, he still perceives other people as his fellow Americans so joining the Minuteman and helping settlements while keeping his own son in the background makes sense, and Preston being quick to make him general also makes sense, same with the Brotherhood of Steel being quick to make him a knight. Everything makes sense when you play as Nate, you don't get that feeling while playing as Nora.
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I'm too stupid.. I battled through 500 rats in vault 15 but there is nothing here. No water chip thingy..
>Nate is most definitely the true protagonist of Fallout 4
Also, Nate voices the intro and is picked by default. And that "War never changes" prompt at that place only makes sense for Nate, since it was *his* speech.
Nora shouldn't have had power armor training, but they didn't want to get sexism complaints or ruin their gaming journo BADASS power armor minigun VS DEATHCLAW moment they slapped in two seconds into the game
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I found frens
they are actually smarter than you at this point
Do cows really just moo in a field all day? Wouldn't that be boring?
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Woah.. I killed so many rats that I can now talk to people... somehow.. my int is now 5.
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He says he visits junktown.. I have that card! But it's so horrible that I need to replace it.
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Is this normal?
The "Outdoorsman" skill prevents that from happening.
when 76fags aren't shitting up cum, they're grinding for hours on end for garbage
don't alt tab as much
Don't tell that retard what to do or what to think.
it was almost two hours between this post and the last post mentioning 76
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I'm not a retard.. I have autism..
thanks for the history lesson, faggot
That's, like, the same thing, bro.
Care to elaborate maybe? Not sure what you want me to do.
NO IT'S NOT.. I don't need to wear a helmet or need a caretaker. I just aren't normal. I can't like communicate well and such and I don't understand emotions.
Why does that man have testicles on his chest?
Emotions are a product of evolution, to help with making decisions quicker, since speed is essential for survival. Slow fucks are eaten.
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I got the good ending :)
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I basically need you to take high quality screenshots of certain Fallout New Vegas armors from 4 different angles. The artist I’m working with needs better references. If you do this for me with loyalty & dedication, I’ll unironically put Franz or whatever character you like in the doujin. You can also join the writing team too if you’re both lorebeard+writer
Uterus havers are gross. All they do is complain and bleed from their cunts. Penis havers just need to create artificial uteruses and let the uterus havers go extinct.
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So, you want to be fucked by a man? That's gay anon. You are gay.
I bet she has a nice cock.
Unfortunately I don't have FNV installed at the moment so I can't help you, sorry.
If you look at truth as gay, then you're the gay one.
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It’s over.
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I think I'm not doing this correctly.. I just keep killing junktown dudes endlessly but have no clue where to find that water chip for vault13.
Where can I find it?
cute bulge
Play as a character with at least 4 intelligence
My int got boosted up to 5 afet I reached lvl3. What's that supposed to do tho?
If you can talk to people normally then you should be able to get town locations and all the side quests n shit. You'll find a way to extend the time limit by 100 days if you need it, but you can also just start a new character. The early game is pretty quick once you've already done it once.
The premise of Fallout 1 was about working cocks, so don't pretend cocks are suddenly gay now that you have a "vagina."
>The premise of Fallout 1 was about working cocks
bro it's kind of a thing that the super mutants DON'T have working cocks
If you are a biological male, and you want to be fucked by another biological male with your artificial vaginal, you are gay as it is still two biological males fucking.

You are gay.
Women can have dicks, chud.
>believe the heckin science!
Nora was in the military for longer than Nate was. She got to a higher rank than him and she has a higher confirmed kill count. Also Nate was a storeman in the military (blanket stacker) while Nora was Army Rangers.
going to need a source buddy boy
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What the fuck is THIS
That's just my buddy Harold
He's a half mutant, right? Cause that's no ghoul. That's a half super mutant
bro did you listen to all of his dialogue
She paid for her law degree and is barely able to speak or hold a coherent thought. She is a 60 IQ drooling retard and has no ability to imagine or think in abstractions. Like you.
Ewww what the hell is wrong with this creepy grandma?
shut the flip up
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trying to build a stealth commando around convenience rather than damage. my only requirement damage wise is for westek lvl 100 supermutants to die in 2 shots, but some of them are left with this cheeky sliver of health. so annoying. i don't really want to remove any convenience cards or change the magazine on my fixer. love the quick magazine for 5 action point cost per bullet but i lose 40% armor penetration
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Holy fuck dude.. this game is exhausting. I can't do anymore today.

Yeah, he fell into the goo that makes super mutants
take bbc please
bump explain yourselfes
in my headcanon I handed independent vegas over to the followers so they can govern via a direct democracy :/
Demockery never works. Look at Portugal - complete shithole.
new vegas fell into complete chaos just a day later
I hold my shit in and pretend it's nigger cock.
She has the sight. She saw what you did in the park.
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Girl. That's weird and just makes me think you do shit dildos too.
Nah, you did exactly what the game expects new players to do. The entire purpose of Vault 15 is worldbuilding, in this instance showcasing "if you fail your mission your vault will turn into a shithole like this" and to emphasize the sheer rarity of working water chips in the region.
Anon please, take your meds.
What park?
>What park?
Do you use some alt-start mod? My bad.
Men who pretend to be uterus havers are gross. All they do is complain and bleed from their neopussies.
He calls himself a ghoul out of convenience, but he's actually an FEV mutant. He didn't go full Super because only a tiny bit of it splashed on him instead of extended full-body exposure.
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But I don't care about my Vault. I'd let it die immediately I just fear that the game gives me an "YOU LOSE" screen if I don't save em.
I wonder why the others accept him. I'd shoot that shit on sight
>what park
He's referring to the throwaway line the player character gives if they pass a speech check with their husband/wife. Which is really fucking weird in concept now that I think about it. They're fuckin' married.
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Having played Fallout for 5hours.. the thing I miss most is skill expression. There is 0 skill involved in combat here. It's just.. old ass xcom. You either hit or u don't and u have no way of making shit hit. I just keep feeding my companion ammo and run in circles around him while he kills everything. The combat really is horrible
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Time to go back to the classic with my fav companion
Double (You)s, kickass. Thanks babe.
>I just fear that the game gives me an "YOU LOSE" screen if I don't save em.
Something like that. You get a video of super mutants invading your vault and killing everyone, which is weird considering they need those vault dwellers alive otherwise their efforts to find Vault 13 would a complete fucking waste of time.
>I wonder why the others accept him.
He lives in the seedy shithole ghetto part of the Hub, it might as well be Goodneighbor.
I don't recall it being a speech check, Nate asks Nora if she wants to go to the park and the snarky response is to say "last time we went to the park I got pregnant"
I swear on my cat's unmarked grave in the middle of a landfill somewhere that it was a speech check
>But I don't care about my Vault. I'd let it die immediately
You actually can beat the game without giving them the water chip, but you have to know ahead of time what you actually have to do to beat the game
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what... super mutants invade my vault because I didn't bring them a water chip? because.. they died of thirst.. they get super mutants? WHO WROTE THIS GARBAGE.
I actually do know because I play a fallout magic deck and the Master is a card I received so I googled what the Master is. And apparently I win when I kill him
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>Fallout 4
Are you from some kind of reversed timeline or something where time flows backward
Maybe with Ballistic Bock but it's like a 10 minute buff
Retard moment on my part, I think the mutant raid only happens after you deliver the water chip.
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Yes, anon. Fallout 4 is THE fallout. It's a fucking masterpiece and if u disagree, don't @ me.
Huh.. Well, I didn't flush Fallout yet, I'll keep playing but I don't think I'm gonna save my Vault. I just keep killing all the cities
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Double (You)s again, I'm on a roll here.
>Yes, anon. Fallout 4 is THE fallout. It's a fucking masterpiece and if u disagree, don't @ me.
Fine then, guess who's not invited to my birthday party.
>Huh.. Well, I didn't flush Fallout yet, I'll keep playing but I don't think I'm gonna save my Vault. I just keep killing all the cities
How the hell do you manage to pull off a scorched earth run without running out of ammo? I can barely even genocide the Khans without savescumming.
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has anyone watched the amazon fallout slop yet? since they're adding a ghoul class i assume they want to replicate the show's ghoul archetype. from what i've seen he's some kind of cowboy so pistols are probably getting buffed or will work specially well if you're a ghoul. is he an alcoholic? rich? since he's a ghoul unyielding is out of the question
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I dunno.. I just have that one follower with a pistol and I gave him 300 ammo and the junktown dudes attacked me cause I didn'0t sheathe my weapin cause I dunno how so I just keot killing, I just keep standing in place, tanking while he kills everything. After the battles I first aid myself and then repeat. I annihilated all of junktown and several traders I met at random.
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Anon all you had to do was switch your active weapon to unarmed :V
Also I should warn you now that companions stay dead if they run out of HP in combat. I'd rather you not learn that the hard way.
>AI generated miku that looks like shit
You'd be less gay if you just didn't post an image
Hell, I'd celebrate you if you drew this in ms paint, at least then it would have some SOVL
looks like that steam sale mascot made by tranny artist
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i feel like 3 and 4 aren't sure if they want to be set 200 years after the war or 20 years after
oh look they assembled me a M-O-R-O-N
if I were generous I would call you member of
different species, so that would a be speciesist
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God I love this thing
>My husband was in the military
How does this give Nora credibility with the BoS exactly?
She's used to fucking military men
It doesn't. She, being a lawyer, just uses the good old "look confident while saying something vaguely credible" tactic of dealing with brainlets.
Military wives actually act like that
marrying someone from the military implies commitment and understanding of that lifestyle
in reality you see plenty of instances of women cheating or doing porn on the side lol
Why is it exhausting?

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