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Kurt Tank special - Edition

Previous thread: >>483575793

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Tech trees with foldered vehicles

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

Fix Type 10
Add Mitsubishi F-2
out of thread theme ideas

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/wqpn1z_BP_8

>Dank Bants

/wtg/ radio
bote game
autoclicking banana
will post updates if anything happens
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
Reposting from other thread:
>That's why it's not as simple as "make plane go to mouse pointer" and why nobody else has done the same thing.
That's... not quite what I wrote though. The patent describes quite lengthy diagrams for a specific flow of control. You can't do the same, but you could just program it differently, if you felt like using the resources for it. Just like it happens with real Fly-By-Wire systems. We have plenty of those, each calculating controls differently but still ultimately controlling the aircraft.
But alas it's just easier to license from them rather than deal with all the hassle from all the bugs that'll come out. Especially if you can't afford years of ironing out your own code or just want to make a quick buck.

I don't see much of a case for Gaijin desu, unless it's exactly their code. Solutions for controlling aircraft digitally include real fly-by-wire and other games using both AI controlled inputs and cursor movement. I'm quite certain those would be brought up, as well as showing that the 'roll, pitch, yaw' order are not something Gaijin invented, but rather the way airplanes naturally fly. They can't patent coordinated fly, they can't patent input order, etc.

tl;dr planes are niche and companies don't care.
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Ki-84-I Tei when
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Are ya winning, son?
wtf is that roundel
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>don't have to deal with subhuman ARH faggotry
>(rarely) have to deal with subhuman pantsir
>can use my beloved 2000-D
>can actually use my beloved ITO without dealing with 40km AGMs
i stopped at 5k, nothing after the emblem at 100 so far
>tl;dr planes are niche and companies don't care.
I known that autists love to think that their interests are so niche and rare, but WT has been in the top 25 most played steam games for a half a decade, despite not being a primarily steam game. GHPC became a huge deal overnight literally because it's an autism vehicle simulator, Ace Combat is one of the most popular and well known series in the last 30 years.

Planes are not niche at all, if it was easy to do what Gaijin did more people would do it.
Not that guy, but they are niche. Sure war thunder is a popular game, but it's magnitudes smaller than many battle royales, hero shooters, mobas, etc. Also, War Thunder is popular because of ground forces, the planes are a sideshow.
Nah, planes are niche. https://backlinko.com/steam-users for some stats, wt/x-plane/dcs/msfs/vtol/ac were never close to those numbers.
Also WT is the only plane game in the top 100 rn. The overwhelming majority of the games in the top 100 are FPS.
And again you'd have to justify spending the money on that code. Full sims don't need that, and arcade games can do just fine with a simpler control implementation.
Currently 6.7 in Burger Ground tree and 8.0 in German tree (albeit progression has been fucked due to tech tree changes) should I look at the premium Leo 2 or the M1 KVT? Gut instinct is the M1 but shell looks really underpowered.

Wildcard option: Get the Kfir Canard instead
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I'd go 2a4.
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40mm milk truck when?
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how do you feel about these tanks? Are there any "must have" lineups in this BR range?
Abrams has some modeling issues gaijin is being very slow to resolve, namely the turret ring being vulnerable to almost everything in game. US has also managed to keep new Abrams armor values properly secret so fair chance SEPv3 doesn’t get any armor buff. Plus the teams are chock full of mindless premium players. Germany has the premium issue to a lesser extent but the 2a7 is also probably the best tank in the game currently and future additions will probably be effectively the same great tank but with added features like aps
Sven has one at 2.7 and it's a shitload of fun
I skipped them all. Maybe I'll play the mbt70/xm/bradley someday, but pattons and the rest are a hard pass for me.
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I should make one for france
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Gaijin adding the Strv S2 as a 7.3 Strv 103 when?

Its basically a lighter 103-0 and with the ability to mount a 20mm from the pbv 301. But it gets slightly worse armor on the lfp and an optical rangefinder instead of a laser one.
Damn. Why does America get so many cool planes but such mediocre tanks?
>play US 6.7 years ago
>no one using mutt heavies except me, get sniped by 1353041368 KTs and jadgtigers
>almost every match is fucking miserable
>play 6.7 french
>mutt teams are chock full of T34s, T30s, T29s, T32s, T26E5s and T26E1s camping everywhere and sniping everyone
>germutts just charge headlong into walls of mutts and get slaughtered
>every game is a fucking slog
what the fuck
Because all the money went to planes then boats then tanks
11.7 is pretty good riight now to hunt kamovs and F-4S with bombs
Easy scores
Don't go any higher or you'll run into the fox-3/KH-38ML cancer
>sniped by KT
You'd have to play these tanks like a retard to get sniped by a long 88mm
prolly cuz burgers understood first you need to dominate air, cuz planes are hypermobile, hyperoffensive weapons that eat ground units for breakfast. Only when you're not worried about bombs anymore you can have boots on the ground to assure territorial domination.
The players of nations that are not germany are way more skilled simply because they probably started with germany and moved on, so they have twice as much experience, it makes shit tanks like the pershing clones look good to the untrained eye because the pilots are better, same with the low BR sweden shitboxes
when did WT surge in popularity? It seems like since 2020/2021 it just blew up all of a sudden. It used to be more of a niche game for mil autists which it still is but I think it has a broader appeal now.
Did the classified documents meme help?
Covid you ape
It’s “free” and the government told everyone to stay home for a long time
rank 3+ victory 1st place = nothing
must be random / in-game time / hidden score i guess
>250mm of pen
>flat trajectory
>really accurate
the T30-34-29-32 all have weakspots you can exploit on them, they're nowhere near undeadable, I get them with the ARL44 and AMX M4 regularly.
has anyone figured out how to get the other banana decals and decorators after the initial one at 100 bananas?
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AN/ASQ-213 added to F-16C when? I wanna know exactly where that pantsir is and make him my bitch even harder than I already do
I don't even need AGM-88 with it, the TGP can be slaved to it
don't think it ever was genuinely niche
maybe the first year or two, it grew pretty steadily until certain events
throw in a bunch of medium/massive YouTubers they got to play the game and voila
and, as much as I dislike the trend, the shift towards modern shit has significantly boosted popularity because WW2 isn't big in the zoomer demographic
account has been banned for autoclick on banan 400000 times
The weakspots are in the hull, just play it hull down or use your engine as armor and you are virtually unkillable at any range, the only one with an easy turret shot is the super pershing
post proof or you're gay
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i wanna buy the lazur but i don't play top tier
Anyone wants my account? Im rank 9.3 on japan ground force (type 16 only) and 3.5mill silver lions. I cant sell shit online in my country. I dont wanna play this shit anymore
He's a germgroid and doesn't think the best gun of WWII is good enough, ignore him.
German 4.3 lineup with the do335 is literally the most fun i've ever had in ground RB, with the exception of the beta when you could drift the T-50 and ram it into other tanks and kill them. genuinely having fun. it only goes downhill from here
I can't log in to show the click counter now, can I?
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don't fall for it
you just did
here's another objekt prototype ))))) hope you like it
he did, didnt he
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someone stick a legalporno logo on there
>bunch of tank destroyer without turrets
how is that fun?
>The American plan to retake Gafsa from the Italian Centauro divisions was named Operation WOP
The more I read this book about the allied North Africa campaigns, the more I'm convinced the historical script was written by comedians
Isn't it counterproductive to play on a high resolution in this game? A lower resolution would make things easier to spoint no?
whats the joke
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>"and then a raketenautomat came around the corner behind you"
It's a slur for Italians in murica
Yeah, i'm sure there's many subhumans who play on the lowest settings for the smallest of advantages
Some destroyable walls don't even render and tanks are much more visible on ulq, I think that's a massive advantage
racism isn't funny
StuG life is an adquired taste, like low velocity guns who can sling HEAT over terrain
You're right, It's HILARIOUS.
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>120mm autocannon
You're completely right, that said, the only setting you need to disable is the grass, everything else is just ruining a cool looking game for metafaggotry in a game without ranked for very small advantages
No, it's easier to make out details on higher resolutions. Makes it easier to tell if that blob in the distance is a bush or a hull down tank.
The average subhuman that plays the swiggercar has a 3.5 k/d ratio on average it's mind boggling how it never goes up in br
>t80ue1(nah, im not buying 11.3 stuff)
I dont mind it
more prototypes please
no. 4k is basically cheating. Seeing things in 3rd person you'd usually need binoculars for.
Uncle June's in the muff...
>guy spawns Ka-50 with rockets
>Gets a single kill
>gets to spawn a su-25 afterwards
I fucking hate Russians so much its unreal
Because US tanks are overtiered throughout the game and often missing better rounds for balance purposes.
That's for all the sweden shitboxes, also, no self respecting man plays sweden and the ones who do are either turbofaggots or dudes with 10 years of experience who have unlocked literally everything else and have nothing else to grind
So shoot him down? He's not affording anything other than a shitty load of dumb weapons with only 1 kill.
hey you
yes you
look at the time
No he was on my fucking team and was a useless sack of shit
I haven't played in two weeks. Still don't feel like booting the game up again.
>No he was on my fucking team
So shoot him down?
It's an open top casemate with 3 crew and 95 pen. It cannot go up because you immediately run into vehicles much better than it.
You hear of the Chinese Godfather? They made him an offer he couldn't understand
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I barely play nowadays
.... ended up buying Type16(FPS) because my Type74G was too lonely (and because I barely have a lineup for 9.3 JP)
this solves nothing
>was a useless sack of shit
Cause the Su-25k isn't actually good at CAS. CCIP computers don't cut at at the higher BRs unless the opposition literally has no anti-air at all. Meanwhile other nations are packing stuff like the A-6E that can standoff with a thermal pod from outside SPAAG range.

All the frogfoot is really good at doing is occasionally limping home from a stinger hit with its meme damage model. It's better to never be in range of the anti-air in the first place.
With a single rocket kill with the Ka-50 his su-25 only had a single gun on it
>no self respecting man plays sweden
What's the problem with playing sweden?
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in for what? how to play?
There isn't one, people just cry about Sweden having extremely strong if not stronger versions of other nations tanks while being a minor tree or a good lot of the coping comes from German players being upset Sweden at high to top tier is a better version of them.
None, it's just germutts asshurt that their nation is a cheap copy of Sweden
Sweden tanks have some obscene things that make it ideal for seal clubbing like autoloaders, also it's Sweden, the nation of cucks and faggots
>95 pen
EBR 1951 is 5.3.
What's wrong with 95 pen? That's a lot
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Okay for the first round of FIND THE SHITTER CC:
>Using bushes is so fucking scummy, you should be ashamed of yourself
>Used to sell event vehicles on the marketplace and then ask the same vehicle to Gaijin
>Istantly GE's all the mods of the vehicle alongside the ace star for every vehicle he mades a video of
>This tank is so bad

>CAS IS SO OP, but i take only 1 tank in my "lineup" and maybe spawn a backup
>I'm such a goblin!!

I like fucking dogs but i'm not a furry i swear

At what difficulty did you succed? Don't lie.
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B-Line for R27ER and collect your 2 free kills per game. If you get into a 13.0 lobby just ask a friendly to TK you and forgive him. Need anything specifics?
>Need anything specifics?
No I'll try the ERs out, do you use them like sparrows or phoenix? Modern russian avionics and weapons confuse me, I'm more familiar with the US stuff.
Strongest minor nation
Hard filter from 4.3-6.0 that Gaijin is trying to pad out
Lots of very good vehicles past said filter
Generally played by experienced players
Fun not allowed in War Thunder
i blast a load of this type music when shitting myself in my mig-21 variants
They are sparrows on very strong steroids. Don't be afraid to take jousts and head-ons since there is literally nothing that can outjoust you. Don't be afraid to use them in rear aspect even at 10km distance or over 20km in a head on. If you are at altitude (you'll need to dodge a costant rain of phoenixes) you can even rape people at fucking 40km but those shots will fail 99% since your radar is not that good, but still. You can technically beat even all the new Fox3s performance wise but they could obviously launch at you and then go cold leaving you with your cock in hands
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>Istantly GE's all the mods of the vehicle alongside the ace star for every vehicle he mades a video of
I'm supposed to be "proud" of wasting my fucking time stock grinding?
Please off yourself NEET loser.
i was not talking about you Oddbawz go fuck yourself you fat pig
How many cocks you sucked?
Alright thanks fren, I've heard a lot about the ERs so I'm excited to use them.... once I've stock grinded to them.
>strongest minor nation
I'd say Italy is stronger at the BRs where Sweden is a threat instead of a meme nation
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Wait a minute, do you guys actually play vehicles AFTER spading them?
I just jump to the next one inmediately
so is my sea harrier (squadron) just fuckin terrible before i get the 9ls?
Yeah. I like to play tanks that I enjoy playing.
Also during sales like right now, I just go back to mid tier to avoid shit like >>483751646 which is never fun because you ALWAYS get these mongoloids on your team.
>Low k/d ratio makes me a shitter.
>using GE for crew points, Paying for Premium time when its on sale, and using bushes makes me a shitter.
choose one
in my case its both.
I'm a double-shitter.
Not a great argument if you're suggesting a vehicle should be as overtiered as the EBR.

No, at 3.7 150+ pen is a lot. 95 is sufficient, on tanks with turrets, armor and sometimes stabilizers.
I like racking up kills and my K/D in certain ones, yes.
t. statcard autist
how come jets jumped from barely reaching 800km/h in 1945 to reaching mach 2+ in 1955? i expected them to gradually get faster, and they did, but it seems like they just skipped the later steps
hard: tec
medium: phly
easy: tankstein
shitter: tec
>ruspiggers are begging for R-37
make bigger engines, make swept back designs.
Everyone around the same time decided to make jet engines 4x bigger. Also new advances in aerodynamics like swept wings or double delta wings in the swede case.
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Comically small Draken when?
new technology develop fast.
Cars went from barely moving to 200km/h in 20 years
technology from 1939 onwards just sky rocketed (literally) and advanced extremely fast.
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30-40s were wack
got shit like the B-17 and Bf109 take to the skies for the first time within months of shit like Swordfish and Hs123 doing the same thing
and in 1939 we got the first jet powered flight and not much later the first ballistic missile
I don't know nowadays but that thing used to rip ground AND air targets
11.7 spaa at 10.7
>china has tor m1 it never used
>ussr skipped straight to pantsir
Doesn't really matter, the Tor sucks. I have it.
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don't of question balans decisions))))))))
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Pantsir next or should I get the T-72B3 for my 11.3 line up?
LowIQ niggas
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eurocels, our reply?
bro what is this research prioritization
Originally I was going for a solid 10.0 line up with the T-72(1989), Strela and Sprut to reinforce the line up
After like a month they moved up the strela and I stopped playing for a bit and then I bought the new T-80U premium to go with the UK from selling a spare 292 I bought and I researched the 2S6 to support my 11.3 line up. Now I'm debating get the T-72B3 to further boost my 11.3 line up
They should have bought Rafales instead.
>just got from bad tier to bottom tier bro
imagine buying f35s so you become total slaves to mutts
If you're speaking English you're already property of America
Alla amerikaner har svart hud
>willingly goes to an american website and cries about americans
Rafale at least looks good. Typhoon is just ugly
Eurofighter mogs the rafaile
Rafale has style. Typhoon is the blandest plane in the sky
Which eurotriangle entered service first?
for most eurocels this is their only chance of getting a 5th gen in the next decade
remember france was in the eurofighter project but that piece of shit was taking so long they dropped out and made their own better plane in a fraction of the time it took to make the shartphoon
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Gloster Javelin
I love basement guy
Gripen was the first one
irrelevant shitdorito
France pulled out because Germany and England didn't want to make a carrier capable fighter and France did
how is it different than america having the phoenix, except at a higher BR? They're both long range bomber/awacs killers that any fighter worth his salt will just dodge.
Same thing is happening with the EMBT thing
France will pull out and develop their indegenious 140mm slinger
Meanwhile germs will keep on knuckledragging with a 130mm
>chair squeaks in background of TEC video
EMBT is purely political, none of the countries involved will adopt it.
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Apparently, he came all over the sun visor.
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It's just the xyz-70 program again.
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ahhhh puma my beloved
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That's right.
You lot keep cooking in there until it's time.
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That's chump change
I have time to play but not that much time.
Well those are all old, I don't play that much anymore either.
And what's worse, I probably will never sell those. I'll let them rot until the game dies.
Looking more into the pic I notice half of the vehicles that don't show up in mine, I did actually grind and eventually sell. And a few I use myself, Like the Class 3P, He-51 Floatplane and the Japanese props.
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If you don't already have one you should activate the Moderna. No matter the price you'd be doing yourself a disservice by not playing it.
Leopard 2A4 should get DM33
Uhh okay sure I'll pass it to suggestions
So what's the algorithm behind the banana throphies?
Macro'd thousands of clicks across multiple sessions, got like a dozen 1st place victories, probably some 60k+ score of long, high rank and activity games in general tonight and still nothing.
Is there more of them to find than the two bunches in the ground and one in the air hangar, what am i missing?
what the fuck why is everyone talking about bananas suddenly
because they added bananas to the game
no they havent
they literally did, there's more than a hundred bananas now.
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Banan? Where?
I see monke I laugh
It's just a new meme clicker.
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join [LowIQ]
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No thanks, I'd prefer not joining squadrons that house furfags and trannies.
how am i supposed to rape the team when im too busy pumping in my cockpit
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>my life
>can't play 9.3 because TURDS-T will absorb any and every shell
>meanwhile they just click on me and i die
Then why did they lose in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Korea etc?
just caused 3 rednigger teamkills doing barrel rolls in front of f-4s newfaggots while looking at the boobies
>Then why did they [OBSESSIVE RHETORIC]
prove it
no :)
it was only one :(
do you still want the singular teamkill of rednigger behaviour?
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>shell shattered
>shell shattered
>shell shattered
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thank god they removed friendly fire in ground
prolly cuz they failed in the ground and at the same time didn't want to nuke those places to mad max wasteland.
>Tranche 5
>getting more one-shot-kills with sw*denigger 40mm than 75mm
like 95% sure on nexusmods you can find the uncensored version for this exact skin without any police tape
This. Everyone will just go with the Leo 3 just like with the A8 now
Quit a year ago and I'm looking to get back due to the sale. This is what I got for GRB (I don't care about ARB)
>10.3 Sweden (CV40, Bill, Strv121, lvkv)
>9.0 Japan (Type74 E + Type 87)
>8.3 USA (all of rank V done)
I heard that a recent update gutted the Japanese rank 7 and 8 autoloaders with an abysmal ready rack replenishment rate. Is it still worth grinding out Japan for these tanks? The reason why I wanted to go Japan was purely for the fast autoloader memes.
I'm also considering buying the ZTZ96A during this sale since I don't have any Chinese tanks. It has always beeen a tech tree I was interested in due to their mix of soviet designs with nato parts mixed in.
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Matches are too short, 5 more minutes and I could've gotten a nuke.
Map matters the most in GRB btw.
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DAMN and this is with premium but no boosters active.
Sweden at top tier is currently considered the best nation. USA teams are top tier because everyone buys premiums without developing skill by grinding the ranks. I can't comment on Japan but people still seem to like it a lot.
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How would you balance the F-4 ICE /wtg/?
delete your post and use a non furfag picture and then we'll talk
I quite liked the 10.3 swedish lineup but it's good to know it gets even better.
Could you comment on the Chinese TT or ZTZ96A (p)?
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The top content creator for War Thunder is a furry
malzi isnt a furfag wtf he's just german or austrian or some other flavor of yodeliheeho
China has three top tier tanks that are solid, but apparently several of their vehicles are gimped compared to what they should be. You get a reverse gear, but otherwise you're better off playing ussr for that style of tanks. Better lineups overall and better survivability. And the US stuff mixed in goes away after 9.3 iirc, although I think Taiwan is slated to get Abrams eventually.
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>Not Furries
still isnt a furry
>although I think Taiwan is slated to get Abrams eventually
That's very good to hear. I think I'll still commit to the Chinese TT then because I think it would be fun to be able to play both an Abrams and a "T72". Thanks for the info.
>fly low with a hill and trees covering me
>santal somehow tracks me and kills me regardless
wow i sure love dying to missiles in my flareless jet
decompress everything more
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>wow i sure love dying to missiles in my flareless jet
even better when you're dying to missiles in a prop
prove it

all germans are furries, turks or both until proven otherwise.
anyone elses game server shitting itself? cant leave games, takes 20 years to swap crew presets etc
Good luck, they are going to get some good ground additions eventually, although you never know when the snail will add which vehicle to which tech tree
you dying
What the fuck do German mains have to cry about all the time? They're literally not playing the same game as us, all shitkampfwagen are a point and click game
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Swedegods whats the strat to make the J35S work? , im not used to flying deltawings but I do know how 10.0-11.0 games work.
there are more people crying about german mains at any given moment than there have ever been german mains complaining about anything
example a; you
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I'm not sure how the Draken compares to the Viggen but it should be pretty fast. I used to fly those like a mig21. That is, dont make use of the turning capabilities, go in straight lines low to the ground unless full downtier and catch people unaware from behind/ 3rd party em.
The aim9p's are alright but nothing to write home about because they can be easily flared.
Swedish jets only get good if you are godtier at using Akans or till you hit JA37D's.
Never turn hard unless you are in an isolated 1v1.
prove he is first
no, your word doesn't count
In at 10.7 games or downtiers you want to climb and just jump on people, you can also take a bunch of the lightweight rockets to use on AI too for bonus points
In uptiers you hug the deck and come from the side, especially a full up tier
they don't have the absolute best or 2nd-best air tree at top tier, so they suffer immensely
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I already got bored of this update.
I demand more French content and I demand it NOW.
nobody plays germany for the planes beyond ww2 dont kid yourself
he's talking about germany not puccia
they STILL havent recovered from red skies btw
no one cares, shut the fuck up avatarnigger
I did for the tornado and was incredibly disappointed
never again
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>light up a beaufighter as it does a rocket run
>one of it's rp-3s explodes under the wing
>does nothing
that was on you
even the teaser trailer showed it's nothing but a bombtruck and at top tier you might as well be an AI plane
you could've played britain or eventually italy instead and get the same results
>japan gets them quicker in the tt
>italy gets them quicker in the tt
>italy gets them quicker in the tt, russia gets the best versions
>no tt attacker
>no tt bomber
what DO people play germany top tier air for albeithoughever?
the friends we made along the way
or some stupid reason about the human spirit
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Vehicles for this feel?
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i dont think props at jet brs are funny
ka-52 pre-ATGM nerf
>J35XS after the nerf
Lol. Climb 5000 meters to the right and try to pick off chinkbots, then rocket a base and die.
I only skip if I didn't enjoy using the vehicle while trying to spade it.
where wartg mods..
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stinky girl feet
I actually know this guy on discord
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where is my banan decal
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gaijin seriously is making me click on bananas
Racism against russia isnt funny
...It's actually hilarious instead.
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Listen here fat, America has Lockheed Su-15s and M2A1B3Ms.
Ukraine is our Greatest Ally
F-35s are expensive for a country that doesn't even share an airspace with a hostile nation. Also muh EU bullshit.
F-35s are quite literally cheaper than the Eurofighter now
>still falling for the le F-35 is expensive!!! Bulldhit
The cheapest option is the Gripen C/E with 80/85 million yuros total after 8000 hours of flight, even F-16s are more expensive.
F35's arent expensive anymore after USA gaslit every ally it had to buy it. Economies of scale just works.
more like everyone just wants the best plane
>100 Million Dollar Plane is Cheap
Nah A whole fleet of them costs more than the GDPs of some developed nations.

The price per plane of the F-16 is well under half the cost of the F-35.
Sweden is fucking sucks dicks in every battle. Great on the paper, but shit in the game. Even Finnish three is suck, Sweden has no fleet also. Fucking trash.
F-35 is cheaper than all other 5th gens and cheaper than most 4.5th gens, it's under 70mil a pop now, you should stop watching Pierre sprey and read about economies of scale retard
Almost the entire ground tree is still under tiered.
>brain-dead Russian niggercattle doesn't understand that when you actually build a lot of planes the per unit price goes down
you are a retarded subhuman
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>Muh Pierre Sprey
Oh shut up. Going straight to reformer projection?
And this mother fucker pulls the Vatnik card!
Should I make a bingo card for all of other stupid projections you will put on me for saying that the F-35 isn't a cheap aircraft?

I am not even saying it's a bad aircraft or that Russia/China has some wundlewaffle bullshit that is totally better. All I am saying is that it is not a cheap aircraft. I swear to God you guys bring out the r/NCD talking points anytime someone says anything remotely negative about the F-35 in any context no matter what the hell it is.

Speaking of which, most aircraft that NATO nations would face would generally be inferior to the Grippen and F-16 anyway, and Austria isn't even sharing a border with Russia, Belarus, or Ukraine.

I can't find a recent article that gives it a price tag of under $100,000,000 million. I can find price figures for an F-15E around $85,000,000, Grippens around $88,000,000 F-16s for around $63,000,000.

Also, you got to look at the cost of a fleet of these things. No country buys just one, you need at least 10 or 20 of them. Not even factoring in spare parts and maintenance.

Maybe in 4 to 8 years it will be a cheaper aircraft, I can find an article that says it just entered full production this year. So eventually it will be, but not in the current day and probably not the current fiscal year or following one. Here is another thing, if you know the F-35 is going to be cheaper in the future, why would you buy it now anyway?
I'm not reading any of that, sergei semenoslurpovich
>verification not required
Okay then, well then shut up with using economies of scale if you don't want to actually discuss economics.
is already programmed))))))))))))))))))))
>the niggerlicious coffee shop is the reason AC7 and PW have super weird mouse aim and battlefield games have dogshit air combat on PC
should have of building better system tovarisch))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
if this game was as slow paced as il2 and like this webm, it would be beyond kino
i'm so sick of the michael bay explosions and planes disintegrating
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>Here is another thing, if you know the F-35 is going to be cheaper in the future, why would you buy it now anyway?
Because the glow nigger cabal had you by the balls?
Just say you will buy it next year.
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>buy XM1 after ignoring it for years
>genuinely enjoy how it plays
the only downside is every match the enemy team folds so fast that i can maybe get three kills before they're gone
>the only downside is every match the enemy team folds so fast that i can maybe get three kills before they're gone
as soon as you go above 11.0 for US it is the opposite case, in which your entire team folds instead
enjoy it while it lasts, it sucks
Anon. I have the full tech tree almost. That exact curse is the reason I bought the XM1 on this sale.
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This is what you get with 575% SL booster in the Jew 288 with no premium.
I don't really care but its funny.
one of the most fun amerilard br brackets desu.
mbt70 and xm803 are fast but not as powerful as they used to be unfortunately . Shartley is just ok after they fucked up atgms, m60s feel slow but I wouldn't say they are as terrible as people claim.
t. arkaden only shitter
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>t. arkaden only shitter
what the fuck am I meant to do in a stock mig-29
>t. arkaden only shitter
>He wants to have to deal with aircraft.
and why is this things flight model so garbage? is this the russian bias I've heard so much about?
Look at it in the hangar for a few minutes before playing another game.
sure I'll try it
anon, I don't see the enemies in rb nor do I enjoy the plane gameplay. I don't think rb needs even more useless one death leavers.
Welcome to top tier air anon - the little Timmy's playground where nearly everyone else is severely gimped so Timmy can handle them.
Are any pack from summer sales worth getting?
There are too many buttons how do actual pilots remember all this shit.
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>It's the MUTTS who are making Russia's metal coffins perform poorly!
By "another game", I mean not war thunder anon.
Are there any good control preset I can use?
Positively FORGET about any of the default presets, they're janky, incomplete and outdated.
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>Nasser had to give an explicit order to not laugh at the Russian instructors
Still applies to this day
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you guys were not making shit up, what the fuck???
is there anything after 100 clicks?
Russian bias is grb
American bias is arb
wtf go back to /mlg/
War Thunder is THE MLG
you're never gonna get them any cheaper than -50%, so now is one of the yearly moments to grab m
wether dropping 25-35 currency for a bunch of copy pasta pixels with boosted grind potential, is entirely up to you
>engine gets damaged
>divign to the airfield, going 600kmh
>pull hard as I can
>can only pull 6Gs instead of the usual 10
If it works like the game they are memeing on it's probably only 1 reward a day or around that
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desu Gaijin memeing the Challenger disaster is pretty based and not even tasteless. Spacecraft are military vehicles, their main purpose is ICBMs and reconnaissance / intelligence. American LARPing would have you believe this space mission was for peace, multiculturalism, and singing kumbaya in space, but it was actually just a glorified weapons test. Nearly all of the astronauts on board were US Air Force pilots and one was a prisoner interrogator.

I don't like Russian militarism either but I find Americans particularly unpleasant for how much they push their "war is peace" narratives.
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>Use custom hanger
>Don't know how to uninstall it
>No bananas for me
>avatarfag acting like a stupid nigger for (You)s
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Have a fantastic Friday /wtg/
This post makes me wish the US and Russia would team up and bomb whatever country you are from
your post made me smirk so I'll help you
go into config and delete the
Oh what I'd do for that to happen if that country was isntreal.
They almost did that in World War 2 although mostly just Russia.
I kneel
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If you put it on any ussr tank your RP gains go up
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I don't want to see these cum eaters on my team.
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I could possibly be from a country founded on the last 4 digits of your post
Already ingame.
on the wrong tech tree.
funny how gaijin hasnt put in the minimal effort of different existing weapons and a low effort reskin

Almost like it's in the right tech tree already :)
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Is there ANY point at all to grinding this line now that the BeNeLux subtree is in, especially if I don't play mudshit?
>completely unnecessary to progress
>utter dogshit vehicles
>basically a dead end (all the good Mirages and Rafales will be in the other lines)
the F4U7 is the best Corsair and immense fun to play in ARB
Isn't it just the F4U-4B at a higher BR because lol SNEB :DDDD (irrelevant outside mudshit)?
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gets more power at low alt too iirc
it's a fantastic bird
if you dont play tank i suppose it is, although im pretty sure you could ignore it even before the Benelol line was added
Not really, but there's no reason to touch BeNeShIt either
Why not?
>one of the 2 playable Hunters in the entire game
>Mirage 5 with flares
>THE best F-16s in the game
>best TT Hunter in game
alos, i thought the belgian F-16s were supposed to be very good?
or is that only the case if you play GRB/germutt screeching for missing out on the F-16s
wanna grind france ground, is it still my best bet to get the sonmua and do the 7.7/8.0 lineup?
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>best second gen F-16 ingame (F-16AM)
>best first gen F-16 ingame (F-16A)
>best Mirage V ingame
>one of two playable Hunters
>funny Fokker with unfinished flight model that can out-turnfight Zeros
>copy-paste slop
>copy-paste slop
>copy-paste slop
*yawn* wow, so cool
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>shoot ferdinand in the rear with 90mm M82 APHE
>kills gunner, loader and commander
>oranges ammo
>shoot him in the side
>kills radiator, sets him on fire, reds multiple shells in his rack
>shoot him AGAIN
>shell pens right next to driver and explodes
>only oranges him and another crew memeber
>wafflenigger F-16s are the best
so this is the best cope beneshitters can come up with?
>>funny Fokker with unfinished flight model that can out-turnfight Zeros
they killed it already from what ive heard
Future potential F-18C-20 (Trialed, went with F-8P instead), TF-15A
None but I know if I dare scorn it they'll put the Rafale there.
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>seething about the belgians and dutch
Is the Belgium mirage just outright better than the mirage III? They're the same BR do they have any differences?
I dont care if I have full line up
I'm going to get one kill/assist then die and immediately reque with my single premium vehicle line up
no magics
5f is heavier
no radar & 530s (lol)
Oh good, thank God I thought I'd have to grind the Belgium tree lol.
t. bomber boomer
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Hehe, banan.
PW's mouse aim is pretty good
>taking jew claims as truth

Are mid tier burger ground suppose to be meh?
I was having fun shooting people with m4a1 76 and m18
but suddenly once I go to with Jumbo 76 Im unable to click things to explode but will die to everything
You're supposed to be playing pershings at that range
>these are my teammates
I gotta pick a new nation to grind fuck me.
You needa load hypershot my guy.
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Wait, where fire adjustment?
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Good morning sirs how can i redeem banans
Click 100 times on the banana in the hangar for the decal, apparently play some games (maybe only mudshit) for the decorator. No idea about everything else though.

Random chimp event.
ur 2 slow :^)
the counter reset
It does every session.
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Good morning SARS
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holy shit the fairmile h is a steaming pile of shit
>Type 16 fps on sale
>M735 still nerfed
>Still 9.3
Thanks for saving me money Gaijin.
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>bought F-5C on sale
>go on air rb
>get one lucky random hit in and manage to get a kill
>gain like half a plane worth of research from one game
is this the power of p2w?
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>local torpedo bomber not so tough after being raped
shi* game
It's the power of COREA
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forgod pigg :DDDDDDD
I got my first rocket kill today.
>aromatic fuel
this woke nonsense is getting out of hands
which museum is this?
>fly my hs 129 around in ground
>suddenly just die without getting shot at
did they add the arcade timer to realistic somehow? its happened a few times now
planes fly in air not ground dummy
no more like t. tired of fantasy FI-T rounds that were shit, coming from a shit cannon, disintegrating entire planes with one hit
and il2 will forever look more appealing damage model-wise until gaijin changes something
you crashed with a tree
your premium account has expired
most fairmiles are
in fact, bar the Dark Agressor (and to a lesser extent the Brave Borderer), the entire bong coastal tree is shit
even by copestal standards
man, spading the entire tree is going to be a chore
the entire coastal concept is trash
how hard is sim compared to air RB?
very hard, you don't have a magic copilot and shots over 500m become incredibly hard
you won't even be able to lift off from the airfield for the first half hour, unless you come here before and ask people on how to engage the AOS something
I don't even know how to join sim games.
>want to grind Sweden
>suck at light tanks
Should I just get the PzBtl 123?
i like the idea of having a little rat boat to complement bluewaters, some of the frigates are kinda cool too (albeit mostly useless)
the fact that it occupies half the available BRs whilst having the worst grind is fucking retarded, especially when most of the higher tier boats are worse than the lower tier ones
Actually not that hard.
>download https://github.com/ShartygeeAnon/WarThunderControlSchemes (git clone https://github.com/ShartygeeAnon/WarThunderControlSchemes)
>load one of the Sim presets
>enable SAS (Caps Lock + ~)
>look around either like usual while losing mouse control (more intuitive but jankier) or look around with your keyboard with Z + WASD (takes getting used to but generally better)
>or read the readme and get yourself a ghetto TrackIR setup with Aruco
because you can actually take shots from the vast majority of tanks in the game at range, and also pen all those same tanks. you're in the game longer than 3 seconds once you see enemies because you have /any/ survivability
>spawn in fairmile h
>sail to the point for ten minutes
>no reward due to inactivity
Where pavel?
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Why does /wtg/ hate the Churchil AVRE? She's literally megumin
do i just say fuck it and buy the amx-30super/vbci-2 to grind the french lineup or do they suck at their respective brs
i like konosuba but megumin fans are the worst
hes dead
you're like a foot fetishist shitting on an armpit fetishist
It doesn't get better than 6.3-7.0
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someone fake a leak list
bored to shits
yeah.... I miss him too
have a banana
taking a shit rn
ill take it
yes please
>Centauro II
oh baby

got any boats?
Why is the Su27 such a good dogfighter?
because you're a dishonest ragebaiting gluttonous swigpig
Huh? I mean irl you monkeyfucker
>She's literally megumin
nah that would be the Sturmtiger
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genuinely astonishing how incompetent these sl*vic beasts are
>food: none
>beer: frozen
>day: ruined
>shoot something you can't pen
>wtf these devs are incompetent
>anon is right but I will pretend to be a retarded slavenigger
How many times is Tiran 5/6 going to be on these fucking lists
>drinking alcohol in 2024
true, with how fucked everything is we had to go back to ether
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People have been drinking alcohol since before writing was invented.
Winners are natural alcoholics, see Churchill a man who won a war drunk to shit.
Losers don't drink alcohol, see Hitler.
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Kikebros, should i bother with merk4M or should i just stick to 11.3 line up with karnuss2k and ah60
>PzBtl 123
You mean the Christian?
>Suck at light tanks
How? Most if not all Swedish light tanks have good firepower. Just treat it as a glasscannon. At worst play it like a support vehicle and scout for ur blind teammates.
Why dont people play low tier ARB?
its always high tier
nobody like spending 10 mins climb each match?
Have you actually played Low BR?
Nobody climbs anymore
i want my LAV 25 and my LAV AT
the AT can already be shoved in the game too, just put the m901 turret on the lav in the game
come on gaijin
Both F-14's need to move up in BR
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Ok chaps put the kettle on
>hellifire can't hit enemy helicopters
>spikes can't lock on enemy helicopters
>>>>>>>>meanwhile vikhr
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>finally had a crackerjack round in the m56
>team is utterly useless
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Better enjoy 6.0-7.0 as much as you can cause after that US ground falls off distinctively hard afterward
>fly in F8F1, chasing enemy fighter
>M53/59 pilot snipes me
>no sound or tracers at all
>sovgroid piles of shit massively over perform in russian game
gee bill
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i am ready for jungle map
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>"Russian Bias" retard has no reading comprehension
>want the Christian II
>it's not on sale because new
Fuck Gaijin.
winter sale is around corner
when is the next ge vehicle sale tho?
>3 months
I live in a war zone and could either die or become a refugee by that time, anon. To me it's forever from now.
early november, followed by a pack sale
What about the next SL sale, I bought a bunch of stuff during the 30% one but I've researched more stuff since then.
same as GE sale
it's all cannons tbf, probably down to machine guns too, that "over perform"
planes were a lot sturdier and went down from other causes than wing/tail/fuel tank disintegration
So you can only get one banana chest?
only the .50 cals suck at this instant. It's random wether they utterly obliterate shit or just barely scratch paint.
All weapons in game are massively overperforming in damage output yeah. I remember seeing combat footage of planes having hundreds of rifle caliber rounds thrown at them without anything major happening and there's plenty of reports of aircraft like Fw190s, Hellcats, Corsairs and P47s coming back from fighting with shittons of damage and still flying, while in game the slightest yellow panel makes your plane into an anchor.
you have to be careful with survivor bias when looking at the planes that returned with battle damage, but yeah
I can't stand the airbrake from a yellow wingtip shit in this game tbqhwy
obviously, but even gun camera footage shows fighters tanking hits and shrugging a lot of damage off. They might crash later on but they dont outright assplode either, especially bombers that just get facemelted from .50s or God forbid rifle caliber guns.
Damage's impact on performance is utterly fucked. Yellow engine? Your plane suddenly can't fucking turn anymore even if you dive at the speed where you maneuver well.
is the german prem KW 1 C any good past 5.0? Would it be a good addition to my 5.7 lineup? ( Tiger H1, Pz IV/70)
it can work, but you have to play it like the tiger (aka angle) if you wanna survive. Also be careful with aim
you should get into real tank instead of playing make believe game in that case
>put DP radar on a phantom
>don't equip it with SARH
Why kikes are like this
>I live in a war zone and could either die or become a refugee by that time
Thats cool and all conflictanon
But have you tried living around niggers and arabs?
Yeah, didnt think so.
Have some respect for the ones in real danger
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I really want the TRAM despite knowing it's a flying brick, now at 10.7 in ground RB.
Should I get the F4S or the F5C instead?
brother 5 paveways is no joke regardless of flight performance. Bullpups are good but they're way harder to use comparatively. if you want a CAS plane, get the tram. if you want a CAP plane with some GRB capability, get the F5E, but i guess the f5c is fine if you want a premium.
/wtg/ bros accept me into the squad v and _
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you're in Vagina_
Doesn't show up in the decal menu when you unlock it
>tfw no cool mixed naval/air/ground RBEC wiht 100 players on each side
probably a server error like we had with the swedish and turkish one a few weeks ago where it will appear at the end of the day
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You're in
surely you're going to grind for the Hero that the M113 (best IFV ever created) was named after?
10.3 ARB is really fun I love dunking on casoids with my mirage. Sad it gets to be pure unfiltered dogshit after this.
>10 games in karnuss2k
>every single one is 12.0+
>get to good flanking position
>good overwatch
>teammate is watching the dead angle
>waits untill enemy stop in front of him and kill me after 3 shots
>then finally kills him
remember, the bluenigger only exists as a second enemy
>Flagstaff physics fixed
I fucking knew that shit was busted
so I bought a pack
what is the best thing I can do with 2k GE?
I guess just hold onto it until some 50-75% discount for premiums come around?
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>so I bought a pack
>what is the best thing I can do with 2k GE?
>I guess just hold onto it until some 50-75% discount for premiums come around?
crew slots are nice
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What's a better grinder for USA? M1A1 Clickbait or M1 KVT? I'm only rank 2 in USA
didnt they add crew healing?
They did, it only heals until about orange and it's fully automatic.
they are all good
just pick the one you like the look off the most
Bought the T-72, Leo2A4, and the M1 KVT.

Imagine being poor tho.. honestly.. I dont play AIR but is the SU-25K worth getting for ground and pounding?
KVT, you can pick up the M1128 to get a semi-decent lineup. Clickbait has the squadron Aussie Abrams but that one can't grind the entire tree.
Ooh, i also have the t-72 so i could get 2 GE vehicles in a sale for under 10k GE.. (2S38 + M1128) Thank you i will get the KVT.
If you join a squadron and get the M1A1 AIM, Click Bait will be the better choice since they give you the beginnings of an 11.3 lineup
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>sav not on sale
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thats a bit lackluster
better than having red gummy bear crew i suppose though
i am a total faggot so i use the KVT, Queer Bait and the wolfpack. newest addition now was the AIM but i did not pay for that one at least
Orange and healthier is exactly the same, it heals up to the point where the penalties no longer apply.
i see your point, but for me with the bradley, m1128, 10.3 looks like a more fun BR. Thank you for the input
Why have an orange then?
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I'm doing my part
What drives femboys to exclusively play russia?
the overwhelming majority play somalia though
straightest pole
any weeb bros here?
redpill me on Type 16
How likely will the type 90 fuji go on sale during anniv this year?
I'm looking at the type 16 fps but this thing seems like it's dead in the water if I want to bring it with me at 11.0 once I grind out the Type 90's and the regular Type 16 even.
when do I get my punitive gay sex?
packet loss strikes again
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Bofors Tridon Mk1 when?
Bofors Tridon Mk2 when?
fps is dead in the water once you're past 10, even the normal one at 9.7 is a slog unless you have an aced crew. it should go on sale with everything else the next time they do a big one, it'll be two updates old at that point.
They're not trying to make an actually good game.
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is naval worth playing yet?
That's an unofficial name by some wierdo
it's fun, but don't expect it to be something you bring into top tier much (thermal drone does smack tho). the real reason to grind that tree out is in the hope that when they add the CCV or the ICV it'll be on that tree, considering they're both an 8x wheeled chassis with similar mobility. but they're just as likely to shuffle the tkxp back into the mbt tree and slap the previously mentioned additions in the IFV tree after the 87/89. it's a fucking BUS tho, be warned. huge ass hull.
I always hop into a naval prem when I get one those 300% SL boosters or better but other than that not really
but thai tree soon
Horribly undertiered
why is TIP still at 4.0?
Thanks, I think I'll just wait for anni/winter for the Fuji then. I'll grind out the Swedish tree for now.
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What BR?
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Divegrass fans! Your team manager here letting you know that we are playing on the survival round shortly, if we win we will play again today later.
/wtg/ vs /twg/
I'm honestly torn, I'm a dual citizen
No because then I wouldn't be torn I would have one true loyalty
that'll be a whole nother branch tho, but maybe the Thai tree will add some stuff in 9/10 that is compelling, who knows.
>American, Chinese, or Russian sloppy-paste
it wont
How is the 13.0 Gripen in the new meta?
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Still the best jet fighter in the world
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banana club
/wtg/ WINS AGAINS /twg/ 2 - 1 >blue enemy SCORES 2 GOALS
What compels this level of faggotry
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We won so we will play again in about 2 hours, see you then.
>t.ural brownskin
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Glad I bought Type 74 (G) earlier.
how bad would the french grind be if i bought the super/vbci?
Terrible because they can't grind Rank VIII.
>Blue enemy is finally a team player
>In fantasy football
Why is the engine moved so far back?
stronger farts
anal prolapse
That was flashy but I can't help but feel like that spin was completely superfluous and you could have just shot him a good 4-5 seconds sooner if wouldn't have done it.
Gripen is a tiny plane with an oversized engine, specially compared to stuff like the Sukhoi 27 which falls a few inches short the size of a B-17.
Also the location of the engine massively helps in low speed situations against super-maneuverable enemy jets.
Damn it's twice the size
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What would you guys think of a Korea sub-tree for Japan?
i dont think about it
Imagine getting mogged by a midget plane
Richer lineup for me, I guess.
You mean the existing Japan subtree of Korea?
A reasonable concession to having Best Korea for China.
They’ll continue to go only to Sweden
It's the only sensible subtree
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it was real in xer mind
What am I seeing here?
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I don't cope about sunk-time fallacy by begging for a whole nation to go in my tree because mine is such a irrelevant worthless dead end!
Nah, i think it will be seen as very offensive, since Japan oppressed korea brutally.. You could say the same for India/Britain though and the t-80 indian version went to UK.
Post the Greek trials
I need a laugh
Why don't they create a realistic mixed nations mode? where you can take custom lineups from all nations so long as they're the same BR? I wanna be able to use fast leopards and slow challengers in same match god damn it! Already can kinda with the vickers mk7 but you get my point
South Korea's diplomacy and weaponry lean much more towards America than towards Japan, would be nice to open the option of 6 line tech trees.
9L vs R-73
that's... awful, i don't want to do tt grinds without premiums i'd rather rip my fucking eyes out
And? If the nigpen really was such a UFO/Su-27 was such a flying brick as this game makes them out to be, the absolute Gibraltar strait in flight performance should've more than made up for it, especially since the 9Ls still had HMD.
> M-26
> M-48
> T-80U
> T-62
> T-72
> K1 and K2
> K-21
> K9 spg
We'd get a ton of new tanks for modern, the only issue would be no ww2 tanks. Maybe it could be integrated the same way Hungary was in its plane tech tree
Wow... its all garbage that serve 0 purpose other than sullying the tree.
Literally the ONLY thing worth a shit is the K2 black Panther, which would just be a side grade to the Type 10 at best.

Is this how low these retarded japscums will go?
Oh wait they aren't even Japanese, which is even more pathetic.
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>Entire team is leopard 2's except 1 guy
What a fucking loser in his type 90.
> T-62
> T-72
Those go to China though and both get the T-80U.
People can't constantly pull 14Gs IRL, don't have third person camera and can't press shift to keep track of the enemy plane at all times. That's War Thunder's ARB taking it's creative liberties, the reason's why there's such a disparity don't apply IRL.
>sullying the tree.
If people cared about muh folded 1000 times muh empahrors honor and shit they wouldn't play past rank 2 ground anyway
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Gripen enjoys better instantaneous kinematic performance/turn rate than the Su27 and it's G limiter can be raised to 12Gs and probably be disabled.
Also J11s had HMS and a vastly better missile with a vastly better off-boresight capability which dictated the result.
>People can't constantly pull 14Gs IRL
But /wtg/ told me the Su-27 has an 8.5 G G-limiter so it wouldn't be pulling that anyway?
>don't have third person camera and can't press shift to keep track of the enemy plane at all times
That just bridges the gap between 9L and 73 in 9L's favor by reducing the importance of IRCCM.
>Also J11s had HMS
So did the nigpens.
>10m2 RCS
What the fuck?
You don't happen to imply that the R-73 is a worse missile than the AIM-9L don't you?
Oh yes he is
I happen to imply the 9L isn't THAT much worse than the 73 IRL where missiles are simply easier to not notice, not to the degree that the latter would carry, as WT portrays it, a hopelessly worse dogfighter THIS hard.
What button is that to get that hud?
I was referring to the flight performance of the gripen, good for War Thunder, not all that useful or practical IRL.
Chinks say it has 8G limit
>actually interesting vehicles
could never happen, gooks would actually ddos gaijin
be happy with your dogshit copy paste thai tree instead)))))
And yet that, as per gayjin, flying brick somehow manages a 25:1 against, again according to gayjin, the seemingly unbeatable nigpens in a real environment where IRCCM matters a whole lot less by virtue of real life not being a game with third person view and markers that make you hyperaware of missiles.
NTA but you have to set up a macro to swap your control scheme over to the sim joystick, its not a regular thing you can do in the war thunder options.
>no thrust vectoring
>thrust vectoring
9L is fucking garbage compared to R-73 my nigga
Wow pythons are not very good
Isn't that what the change controls' keybinds for?
>poopthons are bad
Not nearly to THAT degree. If the planes handled exactly like they do in this game, it would, at most, equalize the K/D, not propel it all the way to 25:1 in the flying brick's favor. Also see >>483880529: if anything, real life conditions make the 9L closer to the 73 than they are in game.
Maybe I'm just shit but having played 20+ matches on the ZTZ96A (P) I feel like it's just mediocre. But then again I'm more used to the Leo 2A4 which is one of the best mbt's at 10.0-10.3.
>Alright speed
>Alright firepower
>Slowest reload speed around this br for a mbt I believe
>Non existent armor against anyone not shooting your turret cheeks
>IRCM feels like placebo, I'm not sure if it even works because atgm's have been able to hit me pretty consistently
I guess it works as a rank VII MBT but it's really nothing to write home about. I would rather just play the CV90 105 at this point desu.
>Desert warrior is 10.0
>same as Bradley & Puma

So will AJAX be the first 11.0 + reconnaissance vehicle in the game with it's 40mm Autocannon + Javelin launchers?
Oh huh you're right
>"When in an advantageous position, the Chinese were in a rush to score victory and fell into basic traps put up by the Thais."
Kek so chinks are dogshit pilots
>dogshit pilots in flying bricks score a 25:1 against 200 IQ aces in literal UFOs in an environment that bridges the gap between their missiles compared to WT
>much wider boresight, thrust vectoring and 10 more Gs isn't that much of an advantage bro
Thai traps are just that good.
Still baffles me that the Freccia, Vilkas and Namer 30 are all the same BR because they have spikes, even though the Freccia has the worst gun, the Namer has a remote turret and fucking MBT hull, and the Vilkas has like 30 more pen and can actually pen the sides of things. How are these three vehicles the same exact BR? Gaijin just sees a feature on a vehicle and gives it the same BR as everything that has the same thing.
I know DCS isn't the best example but R-73s can do full 180° turns and still get your ass
>>much wider boresight
It's almost the same.
>>10 more Gs
Barely matters, 30 G is already kinematically undodgeable, especially with how much more susceptible real pilots are to G loads and the fact that real planes don't get a 1.5x increase to their maximum overloads before the wings snap right off.
That leaves just TVC and IRCCM, which again can't explain a discrepancy this utterly insane, assuming the same flight performance as seen in WT.
I'd wager around 10.7
The CTA40 can frontally pen a T-55
Considering how fucking terrible the Spike MR and LR are already the Javelin will probably be even more useless.
I'm shaking
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which one of you...
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Are you a Pole by chance?
I'm an Ajax gunner
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They do for the most part though, thrust vectoring is a massive advantage specially in avoiding WEZ jams, preventing overshoots or even recommitting after said overshoots
>still arguing over cope exercises
Is it bad I have no if you are talking about /uhg/ or /chug/
faggotpig is a bong and he's never been in the military
>Die in new premium
>hop to the other nation i have a premium vehicle in
how did it go?
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Playing Russia is suffering.
He carried the game
>Playing Russia is suffering.
And that's a good thing
Anybody got the original webm from which this yt video was created?
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>german ww2 tanks cause time traveling muttgroids to instantly explode out of fear
how do I balance the MiG-29s speed? Full afterburner it sits at 1.10 - 1.15 mach and locks up like shit but no afterburner and it slugs down to 800km/h and I have no energy.
Set throttle to 102%. You DO have your throttle bound to scroll wheel so you can have precise control right? You aren't a dumbass right?
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The state of naval right now. Every fucking round, I swear.
How do you get the banan decorator?
I've only got the decal from clicking
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>MFDs are a thing now
>still can't be fucked to code a few lights in a cockpit even though it would measurably improve 8 planes across four tech trees
I mean you throw paypigs who never tried the mode into a hydrofoil of all things…
I'm aware of that feature but I've always preferred scroll for zooming in and out with camera but I guess I have no choice but to change it now.
For a lot of planes it's not usefull, but for a lot of others it's effectively necessary, the Su-25 and A-10 are other ones, you need to be able to sit the A-10 at 99% on cold maps and 97% on warm maps
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Back for round two!
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The wartime canoe fears the hydrofoil.
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I already got the IJN Myoko but it's too lightly armored for my taste. Should I buy a USS Helena?
>f89 gets afterburners
when the fuck did it come out
1948 ~ '50
6.0 is perma uptier territory so no. US doesn’t have a good 5.7 and probably never will unless they ever get around to adding Wichita, which would be a well armored ship that more or less fits the br
So what's a good money making USN cruiser?
dumping fuel into the exhaust isn't the most modern concept
then why didnt they do it from the start genius
>b-24 is grouped with a b-17 instead of the pb4y
gaijin are dumb
Premium, dingus.
I really like the new uniforms
Just play the game piggy. If you can’t make Myoko work then any advice is probably wasted on you
>there is only 1 ship and only 1 playstyle
Nobody's forcing you to reply you know.
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I shall remind you that German tanks are the best in the world.
Leopards are Swedish designs from the ground up.
how do we deal with the swigpig question?
stop making german tanks and american planes and the swegroids will have nobody to copy off
You can begin by hanging yourself kraut
We had so many saves, but the bomber always gets through.
faking hell
Huh? Copy what? Fag-22? Ayybraps? 122 and Gripen wipe the floor with anything mutt lmfao
don't reply
the only thing swedish is the ugly dogshit delta & canard design and it shows lmao
>there is only 1 ship
Well it’s probably the best premium they sell currently
>and 1 playstyle
On these maps yes, next to no strategy only matters how well you shoot
As opposed to bottom tier flying pencils and fat lards with no flight performance to speak of
exterminate anything of theirs from later than 1945 like almost all of their Rank III refits to a new Cold War only starter/reserve tier and the swiggers will practically remove themselves, being reduced to a petty Russo-German 4.0 ground hybrid carried almost entirely by the Finns' war loot with prospects of a painful 5.x, and a modern gateway hell of retarded Strids rat refits versus postwar T-34 85 and M4 76 upgrades par and early MBTs in uptiers
don't bother posting until you make something BY YOURSELF that's half as good as an f-15
Everything is better than a fag-15
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Well that was fucking dogass match
Regardless, we got this far so we get to send a representative to the /vg/ team for 4chan cup.
Who do you want to send?
>people have been crying about F-15s and SU-27s while this UFo faggotry is in the game
>swegroids unironically believe this
>swegroids unironically believe this
>gaijin folders are dumb and retarded
yeah we know
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Imagine thinking your dogshit is good because all you ever fought is vastly underpowered "enemies" with no retaliation capabilities whatsoever lmfao first time gripen fought Fag-16s block 50+ it smacked them all out of the sky and Fag-15s literally had to run away because they couldn't detect the gripens
can the cunt moderator who bans me here for my great low effort baiting go and ban the fucker on /lolg/ who keeps posting racebait and literal porn. could care less being off topic do your fucking job
>Americans have the best version of a British aircraft because they actually know what they're doing
Must suck to be a bong.
Norgaygians were never good pilots desu
imagine thinking your ACTUAL dogshit is good when it has never fought anything in real combat lol
>sw*groids have to make shit up to prop up their garbage
remind me, how many countries are buying the shitpen?
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The one and only correct choice.
Meant for >>483899463
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sasuga franc
because little timmy ain't got time for that boomer shit and he wouldn't shut up about how he's never going to reach the big boys in the top ranks
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somali rapefugee's having a fuckin melty in this thread lol
Search Red Flag 2006
Mi vote goes to small family company)))
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imagine being a "superpower" that can't make aircraft take off from the factory airfield kek
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>superpower lets you win and give your 110% effort to make you look cool to the other minor nationcucks
>think this means your little snowy shithole has a chance against a superpower that could delete your entire region
>don't realize it's all a show to see your capabilities and cook up ways to counter everything you've ever """made""" by """"""yourself""""""
Is clearly forced chimpout, sadly that's the meta to keep the thread going
>somalis crash a plane
>effectively lose 75% of their airforce
nice collection of faggots in that pic
Kek imagine being a superpower and having to run away because you can't possibly detect two enemy aircraft
Hey, Akira is NOT a faggot.
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>and fubuki was watching!
What does 3 shitty bombers crashing have to do with sw*groids blatantly lying?
Blue Enemy
what does multipath mean
what premium did you buy yesterday?
I wish this game had datalink simulation for friendly aircraft of the same type but that'd put a certain nation in extreme disadvantage
Here's a poll
Where the fuck are my bananas?
tell me
>counter everything you've ever """made""" by """"""yourself""""""
So run away in what you claim to be superior aircraft again? :)
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Oh come on, I'm supposed to fight the US, not be in a team with them. Why the fuck did I even spawn in.
Your fault for playing Italy. That's what almost every high tier game looks like for teams right now. Italy + USA always together, Russia always against you.
>can't catch up with superior aircraft
>throws a bitchy fit because his turd looking trash can't decide when the fight starts
congrats i suppose?
Wait for the next naval event
If you don't have an OP vessel with LVL 150 Ace crew, no.
Surprisingly enough I'm usually facing the US, not fighting along them (and thus losing instantly)
Will the Fox 3/multipathing stuff at top tier get changed or stay as it is? Is it still easy to just shit out a bunch of amraams and get 4 kills?
Gripen never lost a single aerial encounter, completed every single mission objective and started every single mission in schedule regardless of the weather unlike muttshit that got immediately smoked.
oh shut up, you're not the one having to carry german mains there
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>arguing about cope exercises again
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Should this game model NBC systems?
nakadashi Fubuki_Kai
read >>483901118 coping swigger tranny
semen enema*
do algerians shit in the river?
>ackshually I let you win
holy cope
germans arent incompetent at high tier that's the us teams and to an extent the chinese
I would never get along with niggers.
Are you the guy who was asking about it earlier?
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germans are doing fine at top tier
beyond obsessed holy shit
Did that guy ever make an update of the chart?
that is the update
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Top tier air is quite chilled now, can just launch your amraams and go cold without all that dogfighting bullshit whilst watching some youtube vids on a second screen.
what happens when the entire lobby does the same thing
No, gaijin disabled the ability to automatically download all recent replays
how the fuck do I actually lock the missile to a target after I get a TWS lock? Im in the test drive and even though SARHs and ARHs work fine with a normal hardlock for some reason no matter what bind I hit my ARH wont warm up with a TWS lock
am I retarded?
>spawn in your T-80
>crew red because you didn't buy the "water purification tabs" mod
nah, doesn't sound fun
Minor nations rule the game
what plane?
explain this meme to me
>spawn in your challenger 2
>crew works more efficiently because they are drinking tea
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don't worry about it
okay then
i still dont get it but whatever
supposedly theres been an outbreak of cholera among russian troops due to lack of clean drinking water
They locked night vision behind a grind when you could get thrown into random night battles, chances are they’d do the same if they added post nuclear ones
all different answers
all me
the pail of water is crummy
>breech t-72
>rush him to finish it off
>shoots and kills me
>my shell vanishes
ok cool
>bro did the stupid
>bro died
what was bro thinking
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kill yourself rusnigger gaijin bootlicker
>sa50 sherman gets APCBC shell
>ebr 54 doesnt
>sa50 sherman is 5.0
>ebr 54 is 6.7
If makings shit up is good enough for russia its good enough for sweden
Yeah, I am. It took some adjusting but I'm slowly getting better at it by treating it as a slow light tank. It's serviceable but nothing to write home about, probably just doesn't fit my playstyleof of IFV's and fast tanks.
I guess I just got tilted about shooting T72's in the LFP and it being absorbed by the fuel tank/ driver and the spall doing jack all to the autoloader ammo. While I get shot back and instantly die. The L2A4 was more forgiving in that department due to the crew layout and reload speed.
WW2 soldiers dealt with cholera and dysentery outbreaks all the time, what's the big deal? It's war
turns out waging war is supew hawd :((((
thank fuck im playing war thunder and having fun stomping on retards in the comfort of my home while other retards are going through hell on the opposite side of the planet
Sparviero son or PG02 daughter.
are mistrals good at anti air?
They're pretty decent, yeah
can someone explain to me what they are doing in this vidrel?
are they trying to filter out their own piss so they can drink it?
Why do I assume that?
Sparviero actually sucks because it's 4.7 and thus impossible to damage anything you ACTUALLY encounter (5.7). Nobody takes coastals to 4.7-5.7 matches except shit like frigates or sub chasers that'll just one tap you if they spot you.
its unattainable so why care?
It’s 3.7 m8
because i have it, latenigger
It's a depth filter, probably using sand as filtration medium. You should've learned that in about third grade.
>are they trying to filter out their own piss so they can drink it?
Filtering piss like that does nothing as the things you need to get rid of (mainly urea but also salts) are in solution.
>Why do I assume that?
Because of your sick piss fetish, presumably.
Oh right, still trash. I was thinking the missile boat's BR, it's shit too.
>being a wheeled gokart with an autoloader raises your BR
who could have forseen this. This is like when people are like "WTF WHY IS THE PUMA HIGHER THAN THE PANZER 3??"
Does knocking the loader not reset load time anymore? See a KVT retard fire, push and take his loader within a couple seconds, then he still beats my 5s autoload.
anegrikkka safferz pls understand we need more buffs for the ayybraps so we can keep complaining it's worse than everyone else's tanks
Mechanical autoloaders in high tier vehicles means the loader only affects the load time slightly and they don't reset when loader is dead because the autoloader is handling it. I think it pauses the load time at 50% or some shit.
The progress doesn't reset entirely anymore if you're through with most of your loading process already. You just continue at that state once your loader is replaced.
they're a solid choice
they're fine
when the game decides to launch them
t. bear grylls
Sister, say it ain't so
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so, is it piss or not?
>bear grylls
survival piss?
most likely puddle water
cant use the water source no more since someone took a shit in it
I had to go
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you creature
somebodies got to do it

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