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FtD Championship Edition

Previous thread: >>483326510

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Zachtronics games

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:


Games that are not /egg/:
>Hearthstone (learn how to add a “/” to your search)

OP pad for new thread
WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter
Reminder: /egg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny servers.

Current and recent /egg/ hosted servers:
>Satisfactory (private server, ask in thread for IDs)
All IPs are in the pad for security reasons.
first for Captain of Industry
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is oxygen not included an egg?
>fucking up the title of the thread so much
Next time I'll bake the OP.
are you dumping pwater from the bathrooms? wtf man, filter it and put it back in the loop. run any overflow into a reed plant
can you just boil the water to make it clean again
Remind me, how much is the factorio expansion going to cost in euro? 35 or 45?
I just branched into the 4 sciences in Factorio Space Exploration, which ones should I prioritize? Spidertron and Space Elevator seem like must haves, but I'm tempted for the blue astro science so I can have more reusable rockets. Is it better to process everything on the planet I mine it on or send it somewhere central and then process the ores there?
Nobody cares
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Yellow Science flasks at last. Boy it was hard.
I copied the line from the hackmd but that site is barely functional if you don't login so it was fucked
>shitty blocks
Last price they said was $30, so probably 30 Euros. Dunno if that's been updated since 2022 though.
Tomorrow we will get colonies and interstellar for sure, one last hoorah before they shut the lights out, trust me
Okay thanks. I wanted to keep track of my spending.
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What do you guys think of DSP? It's on sale and was considering it since I love Factorio. I downloaded the game to try it out and it seems fun, like Factorio, but it also reminds me of a mobile game and there was some chinese shit and grammatical stuff but it's not a deal breaker.
It's fun and there's not really that much Engrish. The devs are also autistic about performance so it runs pretty well.
boil and filter, I think, but the boiler is fairly advanced technology and I haven't found oil yet

reed plant?
>reed plant?
Thimble Reed. If you run your poop into a water sieve and then to a hydro farm with a reed fiber, the sieve will filter anything it can and then any excess goes to the thimble reed. You'll basically have a closed loop with a tiny bit of overflow every day. Make sure the pipe passes directly through the sieve's input as that will mean it will consume pwater with priority and only if the output is clogged will any pwater go to the thimble reed.
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I love the sentient von neumann probe TA/supcom aestethic, and it's a bit simpler than factorio making it arguably more fun, there's no "sides" to a belt for example.
the engrish is bad, but that's charming. and looking at your built up planets working from space is cool and satisfying.

major problem is the tech progression, it's extremely flat starting at about the midgame, you barely need to go out of your starting system, most alien resources are just shortcuts in a production chain, and the dark fog enemy is ridiculously easy. and there is literally no point to building a sphere.

personally I can't play it much after that, it needs a huge balance pass, but I doubt the chinks even consider it a problem
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also that was just my secondary sewer
I really don't know what to do about it other than keep digging under it
I guess I'll pick it up, seems to be a decent amount of mods too. I'll pick up Stationeers as well.
finally gonna have time to play on the bobangels server after tomorrow
I'd rec Captain of Industry as well if you don't have it. It's comparable to a harder Factorio mod in scope
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Reaching the endgame on the pocket factory, got beacons, nukes, and spidertrons automated and all trains running on nuclear fuel. T3 modules next and then the rocket silo. Might continue to expand from there towards some sort of megabase but idk how big I can go on the Switch before I hit UPS death.
Eh, I don't want to have to manage pops.
Fair, but pops are more of an abstract resource in it. You're not doing much manual shuffling or assigning compared to other colony type games. All they really do is ensure that you have to scale their resource sinks as you scale more.
What does the slider on the APN guidance do in FtD? Just how much to change the missile's angle between sightings of the target where there was an angle change?
I added it to my wish list. I just bought Stationeers, DSP, the new Stellaris DLC and I paid $70 for the deluxe edition of Spy X Anya
Stationeers is on sale lads
New /egg/ FotM?
Start with whichever gives you trains and then do whatever you want that gets you closer towards the space elevator. Don't bother with Bio Science as it's more complicated than the others and the only useful thing you get from it is the Spidertron and mining productivity.
How's the multiplayer? Can we /egg/ base?
you can, I imagine multiplayer isn't too bad, minus herding randoms
Build it and they will come
If someone wants to host it I recommend
Lysara from
It should give some challenge (a goal) with a sudden 150 degree drop with storms
it's dead
new link?
What kind of requirements are there for hosting? Can I throw it on my raspberry pi or does it do enough server side computation that I need more?
doing testing in singleplayer
on my I5-4500 (4 core, 6% OC) it uses ~70% CPU with mining charges, ~30% normal and a few% for terrain gen
@8/9GB ram

it might be able to run on a pi (esp with ram, as most of the ram is probably just used as a buffer)
the only way to know is to do
I mean singleplayer is meaningless. Some servers just handle communication so you can run a 100 man server on <1GB or RAM, others are actually running the game then sending it to clients so you need basically a full computer minus the graphics card.
Googling it looks like the latter unfortunately so I would play but probably not host.
the tesla shartship
Friggin blue archive commander shepherd rocket
I guess I can host
it will only be up for ~90 minutes, but I will upload the save when done so if you want to continue you can (if you can't pull the save yourself)
name: /EGG/S
pass: 5N330

>you can have multpiple instances of stationeers running
hopefully it won't need my kryptonite
Kind but I can't even buy it right now 'cus Steam's probably overloaded or some shit.
What do you mean by trains? The final braking force upgrades?
I have a VPS that could cost Stationeers but I need to be convinced that it really is Fun(TM) before I buy it
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Very nice.
yea even the old tutorials with a disclaimer would be nice, but the skiny is holding a tool tells you what you need to (de)construct, scroll wheel cycles between selection, f put item in hand, and I recomend setting swap hands to x

going to have the base with glass airlocks so we can fit crates
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made a fighter
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What is his job on the construction site
I died
Looks more like a Proton with that performance
Games where you can have a literal hovercraft full of eels?
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Starter base for stationeers is almost done on the "serb"
can't post screenshot because steam overlay was messed up by having 2 instances of the game
Space Rails so you can build trains in space. Think it's locked behind Energy 1?
noteworthy things
>the air must be scrubbed before it can be inhaled (no O2 aswell)
>no large batteries (minus your suit)
Is the serb pirate friendly?
I have no idea, but you can try
I forgot I didn't entirerly scrub the H2 and now the room is 40C warmer
(still habitable)
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gj on adding ONI and removing the Pajama Sam that I put in there 4 OPs ago
It's great. Not as complex or in depth as factorio but it's definitely still worth playing. The first phase of the combat update was pretty neat and I'm interested in seeing what else they add in the next phase. Currently the games endgame is a bit weak but apparently more large scale resource sinks besides the dyson sphere are planned for future updates. Plus The devs actually put in quality of life features unlike a certain other automation game.

It also looks fantastic for an automation game.

Stationeers is pretty fun. Don't be afraid to watch some up to date tutorials. When I last played the in game tutorial was pretty awful.
Think of them as another resource that you need to keep supplied so the lights stay on. Captain of industry doesn't actually require a huge amount of buildings if you bother setting up edicts that greatly reduce your resource usage for pops. You'll be micromanaging your trucks far more than pops.
Like I mentioned >>483780185
There's always the option of watching some 5k hour autist play the game a bit so you understand the basics. I played for hours without realizing you could make X-ray goggles that let you see ore through the ground. So much exploratory mining and wasted time when everything I needed was 15 meters away underground.
Ahhh right, was trying to search trains in the technology tree and only saw the regular trains lol. Thanks for reminding me, I feel like I'm little ways off from actually being able to utilize trains in space alone at this point though, I need to optimize my LDS and heat shielding so I can spam more space platforms since I'm really low on real estate up there.
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Is placing items in Stationeers (like building walls) complete garbage? I was just trying to place some frames on the ground, and they went underground of hovered in the air. Am I doing something wrong or no? I at least got the control mapped to something better and got my tartus and mouse if I could just figure out object placement I can be on my way.
Serb is now down, save is below
>(barely) has air
>air conditioning
>basic stuff
also storms suppsoedly start at around day 6
have fun
It's called a grid
So how can I make it so when I place something it's on the ground and not hovering or something?
Flatten the terrain to your level with a drill
The worst part about starting a new save and/or a new factory game is just how fucking slow you move.
The paleness of his skin scares away joggers
>wokring in the sun
>still that pale
it scares me too
you have to use a PID for it
nigga you just got memed on
I'm just going to watch a beginners guide.
Do NOT place anything on the ground. Never trust ground collision.
Best stick to using crates until you have a constructed floor. It's more reliable.
Avoid even taking the crates off the lander until you have that floor.
Always secure EVERYTHING.
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will this keep my engine cool? might squeeze one more rad in there in series but space is getting tight bros
I just used the plates/walls on a flat surface, build a floor and put shit on it?
are you retarded or something anon?
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How many cylinders? I'm working on improving my steady state predictor. I can say those heat sinks are not as effective as the electric fan radiators.
another 100 hours into the death world run and green science green biter boy just abandonded the thing huh
500 hours without ever launching a rocket, wonder how that works
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40 1x1s across two cranks, transverse-mounted
heatsinks are wack but they seal volumes; the plan is for this to be amphibious so heat sinks are just expensive walls that happen to dissipate heat maybe

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Not that it will make any sense but here is my latest iteration. Had to recheck and relearn a bunch of math like power series. It's probably still not optimal but uses 3 IIR filters to created averaged values of different time offset.
Superman i mean Sovietman
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i expected to be able to build slopes, maybe i should check that save...
Jesus fucking christ my eyes are bleeding.
You have basically infinite space, why do you build like this?
Yeah, usually you make a working prototype first before you start playing 3d tetris
With 40 cylinders and a single one of those radiators (and to be fair no fluid circulation), my calculator predicts it will reach a steady state of 300 degrees, but of course it will blow up before it reaches that.
kit (stairs) is 15g iron on autolathe
How have you determined what a steady state would be if the engine will explode at 300 and temperature increases apparently linearly with run time

also at what RPS, and also I have more cooling than that (3 heat sinks, 2 small electric rads, 2 air-water exchangers(constant fresh air supply), and a port for direct sea water succ cooling)
0 iq strats
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>How have you determined what a steady state would be if the engine will explode at 300 and temperature increases apparently linearly with run time
The math is a bit complicated, but I have verified it's correct.

>also at what RPS
It's not regulated so pretty much running at 60rps.

Tried with 3 radiators in series with a pump and not much better.
My diesel electric runs at rps maximum.
>>It's not regulated so pretty much running at 60rps.
then it's not really a useful result. pretty much any engine will burst into flames at seconds at 60
5 - 20 rps. Few experiential builds but so far discord users have shown me that those numbers atleast for my engine work.
your diesel electric is shit
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Regulated to about 30rps, it's predicted to top out at 66 degrees with 5 of the electric radiators in series and 40 cylinders.
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Meanwhile my diesel electric instead of using weights, I will be using batteries.
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I will add a new one when back from work, but its in 10 hours from now
Any suggestions in regards to a reliable page for uploading/sharing that zip?
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Btw, anons, you are welcome to suggest a new theme for the next FtD tournament, if you are interested in one.
I have a reasonable idea ready, and i wanted to post a poll later this evening or tomorrow.
I have seen a few suggestions 2 threads ago, but cant seem to find them.
If your suggestions will be reasonable, i will include them in the poll.
god stormworks logic management is such trash. makes a nigga wanna just run pipes and manual valves and breakers instead of buttons for shit
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I uhhh....
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I uhh
I too dark I can't see anything you gay nigger
tf are u doin
Fix your screen then
you should see hydroneer's
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Attempting to build a helicopter.
everything in hydroneer is fucking cursed except how belts work (though placing/powering them is still satanic)
is it bad if in SW my "ECU" just cuts the engine entirely when it's at a certain RPS? with a flywheel or two it's stable enough but will pid memers bomb my house for this
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i filled my waste, saw the canister was called fuel and tried to dump it in the fuel tank only to overpressurize it how do I get rid of my poop? i'll have to pump oxygen at some point too
Nice hat.
>xml editing
Show me your gas station in Factorio, guys. Can't think of any that would be as effective as I want it to be.
He makes teenagers disappear
All my stops have a requester chest at each loco, requesting one nuclear fuel.
It's the easiest I found.
Yeah. My ECU did that. I haven't gone back to rebuilding it.
whats a good project for SW. I've slowly improved my ECU and TCS units but found a ground speed of around 70m/s seems insurmountable. with aero it behaves too weird and without it lifts off. what's some more mission oriented (land based) shit to try

i dont have shootmans or industry or space dlcs either

I tried just fine tuning AFR to keep a stable RPS but it the simpler solution actually works better.
What kind of train network are you running where trains don't have at least one stop in a convenient location near your main base where you can simply drop a requester chest for fuel?
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show us the brap mechanics kovarex
my screen is calibrated, it's just dark
I'm planning to fill up every single assembler and chem station with green modules (level 1). Does it make any sense in terms of reducing bug chimpouts?
- Belts have been reworked to work more like extended chests
- Inserters have been removed, assemblers now suck in items from nearby belts
- Biters now use less CPU on pathfinding, teleporting to the middle of your base instead
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Anons, would you be interested in Carriers VS Cruiser tournament in FtD?
/egg/ is a serious general and we can have some serious rules
we still need a poll on weapons, propulsion, weather etc., but id like to hear of its of any interest in general
the basic idea is having an option to build something complex for those who have more time and experience, while having a more straightforward alternative for anons with less time
>Earendel's drafts were always over the top when it comes to gameplay complexity, so we usually started by simplifying it to half of its original size, and then half again soon after...
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I was doing some experimentation with engines for my helicopter.
> 1 million science per minute (SPM).
Dios fucking mio
Imo you're operating under the false assumption that less materials=easier for noobs. When in my experience less materials=less fun but w/e. I don't find either option attractive enough to get back into ftd though perhaps I can strip something down to 100k to boost the number of entries.
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I for one welcome our new intersection overlords
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>If you are like me, you might appreciate it.
I'm like you kovarex
just like you
>materials=easier for noobs
i presume that more materials will increase the discrepancy between well and poorly designed vehicles
having more resources will allow to produce a bigger turd for new players, while allowing the experienced players to further min/max their design
personally, i dont mind having a bigger limit, so i can include it in a poll for voting
and i appreciate your willingness to participate, anon
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Engine has been slotted into the Helicopter
hnnnng gimme gimme gimme
>This is one of the reasons why now we have just one expandable landing pad per planet.
I didn't know they were expandable, this is great news. I was imagining a bot/train hub : landing pad -> inserter -> chest -> bot -> chest > inserter -> wagon, but I couldn't figure out what to do if you ever hit the throughput limit of inserters. Now you can just expand the landing dong and forget about it.
SE players must be glad. SE 2.0 should be way better and less grindy.
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I fucking coomed
>beaconed miner to foundry to belt
u wot m8
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Earendel isn't taking over Wube?
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the belt is for the calcite
It's miner + belt of calcite -> beaconed foundry -> molten metal pipes
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>trains with molten metals confirmed
Good read.
I'm hype
You know what I'm going to change my script to calculate fluid throughput for an endgame train. I'd like to know how busted moving molten metals is compared to plates. Fluid 2.0 is so fucking busted too, the 2.0 bases will be a complete clusterfuck, kek
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Now all she needs is weapons, detection, and an AI capable of piloting her.
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>85.3 blue belts of greens
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Is it possible to keep pollution within my factory borders? I'm sick of biters and spitters raiding my base.
disable pollution
who's going to tell him?
>all those rockets
golly gee
>desert spawn
>waltuh everywhere
I don't think so.
Do you use efficiency modules?
>Do you use efficiency modules?
I do but for chemical labs and miners/smelters mostly. Would putting them in assemblers do the trick?
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Truckbuster is making steady progress.
>we are ready to give a specific date of the Space Age release...
>Which we will tell you next week :)
the age of megabases is over
now is the time of gigabases
That's beyond impressive, with so few buildings too! It's probably a small fraction of his overall Nauvis base.
From a quick calc, it's enough greens production to feed a 7kspm 1.1 base. Jeez
brooooo ebin can u post door xmp??
I don't think the difference would be significant enough to shrink your pollution.
At this scale I think you're better off building a huge wall, with bots, way beyond that brap area.
After a few hours the fart cloud reach an equilibrium with your pollution emission.
In endgame, with beacons and prod modules everywhere, your pollution (and fart cloud) peaks, but you have the tools to liquefy any "competition".
Place some artillery around the perimeters of your base to shoot any nests that get too close. But no they will never stop attacking you. Even then what's the problem with them since you seem to have things walled off? Place some flamethrowers, laser turrets, and roboports for repairing and you'll never have to think about it again.
Well, that sucks. I think I'm better of building an artillery train that would circle around the base then.
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>over 80 blue belts of output from a few buildings
shouldn't they have made the numbers a bit more sane? i don't want research to be 250k science packs
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why? this is late end game with everything in legendary quality
>i don't want research to be 250k science packs
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I have 5 turrets protecting 1 block and it's not enough for green biters and especially spitters. They destroy electric poles before a turret kills them. I guess I could put them behind a bit though maybe, but if they attack a pole first nonetheless then...
because if you can do something silly like 1m spm either all non-infinite research is worthless (you don't go from 1k to 1m all of a sudden) or it requires stupid amount of science packs
What bothers me is that the factory in the current state isn't even working non-stop, it's stalled by far. But when I start it up, the pollution might go beyond the horizon.
You vill consume ze science pack und you vill be happy.
I haven't touched SE yet mostly because it just feels like more of a huge slog and less of a fun overhaul mod, I'm hopeful for the future.
You're right, forgot about artillery.
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so rails can now go in 24 angles rather than in 8?
250K / 1M = 15 minutes of research
Don't worry about it haha
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god i hope it's october at latest, these screenshots got me excited
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>72 rocket silos just for gacha-ing bulk inserters so they're high quality
this is plain silly and only convinces me further quality was a mistake
Is transporting molten metal by train considered more absurd than storing steam?
it's ok you clearly never made an end game base before and never will, so why should they design the end game around you?
because endgamers are mentally ill and it affects the mid game too
no it doesn't
You can't complain about biters attacking you if you don't even have proper defence along the walls. More turrets, at least three times what you have now. Get flamethrower turrets as they are really, really good against large swarms of biters
how about they make super-duper-quantum-ai-blockchain quality buildings purely for muh gigabase crowd that spit out two billion science per second and have a more, uh, sane experience before that
>Get flamethrower turrets
oh no no no I'm not laying pipes for that, I hate it. I'd rather double my turrets
>change scary
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>no fluid flow rates
>no electricity flow rates
>only now getting Z levels for trains
Come home /egg/ man
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>oh no no no I'm not laying pipes for that, I hate it.
nigga what the fuck have you been smoking to rot your brain that badly
did you copypaste your city blocks so hard you can't paste a few hundred piped flamer blueprints
>I should win the game after putting one red science into the lab
change from perfection is always a downgrade
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It's interesting to see this mod has 50 downloads total
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>my brain when big numbers
Journo Mode: win by hand-crafting a single red science pack
because most people are satisfied with the base game, and only a select few autists want more complexity
compare unmodded to modded numbers
>rails aren't made of steel or a similarly resilient metal, they're made out of taffy that bends randomly
there's "adding new materials, buildings, mechanics, systems and interplanetary logistics" and then there's "you need 100 rocket silos to keep up with your inserter production"
Deformed by the wobble forces
What was the "winrate" of factorio on steam again? I remember we talked about it a few months back.

>because most people are satisfied with the base game
I don't understand who in their right mind would be simply satisfied with the base game. There's so many quality of life mods as a whole that are one download away, some of which have already been implemented in the working 2.0 version, that it's just silly to just play pure vanilla without sprinkling some chocolate chip cookies in it. If you said overhaul mods I'd agree with you, but even then there's some interesting overhauls out there that after five or so playthroughs you might be interested in trying out to keep the game interesting. The usual
>rail world
>death world
progression isn't really the most engaging way to spend thousands of hours in.
most people don't spend thousands of hours on a single game
all I'm saying is that if I needed less than a tenth of the amount buildings for interplanetary logistics in space exploration, which is all about interplanetary logistics (and silly science intermediaries) and has way more than 5 planets to deal with, maybe something went slightly wrong along the way
the actual mechanics shown look great, but the scale of needing seventy gorillion inserters is maybe not what I expected
>the actual mechanics shown look great
Quick, post a stormworks engine to bait the schizo away.
do you really "need" them albeit? when the quality mechanic was introduced in FFF, it was said you can complete the game without it.
>What was the "winrate" of factorio
19%, which is pretty decent I'd say considering your first playthrough probably takes at least 30 hours.
you can also 'complete' basic factorio without modules, it just makes even medium-sized base require roughly 15x as many drills as a base that uses production modules for intermediaries
and high quality vs no quality is a MUCH bigger difference

I suppose you could simply change the quality to increase with research, and add a 'capstone' research that'll upgrade everything to next level when finishing each planet or something like that, but ignoring it altogether is probably as advisable as running your entire base on coal inserters because hey, you can complete the game without it
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Let's play!
casualsisters did we get too cocky??
>most people don't spend thousands of hours on a single game
>damn this is a good FFF
>I wonder what I can be pretended to be outraged at this time to bait the retards into responding
>only baited retards dislike quality mechanics and names
>damn I need to make a strawman
>I wonder if I'll manage a good one despite being a filthy ESL
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>Add aggressive PIDS to stop the plane pitching and rolling
>It behaves exactly the same as before the PIDS were added
AAAAAHhhh WHHYYYYyyy? How is that even possible
>We finished the first iteration of the Gleba enemy
add more pids
thank you for your service
Expand your borders.
tune your PID properly
is that khan academy
looked like it from the thumbnail
Are you adjusting the pitch of the propellers or their speed?
>you can also 'complete' basic factorio without modules
yeah this but unironically.
it's just another angle of endless progression. you can probably offset using a legendary inserter with using multiple normal ones for a fraction of the price on those big ass buildings.
making a judgement on the standard gameplay loop based on a screenshot of a degenerate postgame setup doesn't make sense.

>but ignoring it altogether is probably as advisable as running your entire base on coal inserters
no it's like seeing a current megabase screenshot and lamenting the fact that you'll absolutely need mining prod 150.
Since they're basically helicopter rotors they have pitch and roll inputs so I'm using those.
make an /egg/ themed bingo
I posted your webm on the discord.
>Immentially someone asked..
is the gyro connected to any roll controls?
>I posted your webm on the discord.
Time to post more dead hohols then
>Another reply
im not sure whats truly causing it but if the gyro has a roll stabilised it should stop rocking
>Another reply
it might be because of the pid
Maybe it needs to be tuned some more

I'd highly recommend the discord shuttle anon since they've helped people with the same issue.
Too aggressive. Your PID needs to learn to chillax so it stops overcompensating. It'll take longer to get to stability but actually maintain it instead of wobbling.
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>is the gyro connected to any roll controls?
Of course. The gyro is connected to the roll input of all fans. Both pitch and roll have aggressive PIDs set to 20 0 1 but the roll has not been affected at all. Look at this older webm with no pids it's basically identical. I fixed the turn to the right by making half the fans rotate in the other direction. It's bizarre that the PID has no effect at all.
haha no.
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make these a plane
The moderator basically said this.
>Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. It depends what the input range is and what the output range is
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>HA brick with propellers
>that upside down propeller
my sense of aesthetics is screaming, but then again having a sense of aesthetics won't win me any tourneys
did you at least breadboard propeller pitch/yaw for better control?
>PIDs set to 20 0 1
Might need something more like 20 0 200.

Never used helicopter props though, they might have really weak roll/pitch authority.
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Okay lads; I'm going in.
crazy to think there's still people who haven't played the game.
>giving 30% to the fat man for some DRM
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There's nothing wrong with helicopter props. Or there wasn't on the previous plane. I wanted to build this new plane without taking any systems from the old one but why the fuck isn't it working? The old one worked and I'd never built a plane before. Now with a few hundred more hours in the game I can't get this new plane to stop rolling. I'll sleep on it. Fucking piece of shit.
I haven't. Played OpenTTD.
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Is it really Factorio when you can't shitpost on the steam forums?
Enjoy! This game is a sort of Civilization style when you need "just one more thing to do before to go to bed" and then you notice morning sunshine.
some engineers have their entire job managing and calculating PIDs, just keep going you'll get there eventually
last time i finally realised my PID worked fine but the game itself had hidden limits rendering it completely useless. Was barotrauma and issue was reactor inputs by logic circuits wasnt instant, so there was no way to make the PID do more than P which defeats the purpose
I just assumed everyone here had already played it. Just remember that if you spend time standing around waiting for 100 belts to hand-craft you're playing the game wrong.
For access to the mod portal, basically
wtf does barotrauma need pids for. I own it but I haven't played much.
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Might build a compact super low container mover and autotruck from the chassis of the diesel electric.
discord is just IRC but for technically illiterate trans and gay people.
like other reply. legendary is not meant to be thing you beat game with but rather endgame goal for further optimisation just like you don't need maxed out beacons to launch rocket to win game in 1.1.
GL, try to not look at any tutorials for first gameplay, because you can do it only once.
a different anon here
can you spare a few words about dat "breadboard"?.. never used it myself
how much different is it from microcontrollers in the stormworks?a044d0
bioclang tournament/championship when?

pc devblog seems to have stopped 2 years ago and the forums don't work but damn you can do some insane shit with all these sensor, muscle and enzyme cells
back in the day i made a cock-shaped swimmer that reproduced by shooting cum and thought i was hot shit
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I must be getting dumber. I had this piece of shit hovering sweet when I had no idea what i was doing. But now hundreds of hours later when I thought I knew what I was doing I can't get the successor plane to hover properly.
OpenTTD, my beloved...
There's a whole lot of circuitry you can do. In this case, the reactor has two settings that the Engineer is supposed to deal with to match the sub's power demand being fission rate and turbine output. There's a small window between fission rate and turbine output that you want to match as quickly as possible to minimise wear but also don't overshoot. As it's dependant on the ship's power demand, a PID would react much faster and more accurately than a human, but the limitation to the logic circuitry makes it useless. A simpler circuit that follows the target works just the same for much less complexity.
There are other cases, some people have made fully automatic turrets reading the ship's sonar and I would assume a PID would be nice to not overshoot the turret's rotation on target. You can also control the ship's engine and ballasts but those are too slow to react to justify a PID imo.
Also all of this is pure autism, a vast majority of people playing the game wont ever deal with logic circuits further than "oops, disconnected your controls haha, no im not an imposter why you ask"
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>would be completely bankrupt if not for tourism
Hasn't thought of slapping the same pid onto the new ship.
>5.3 out of 5 stars
god bless
damn i never did any tourism so far, maybe i should
All is good in soviet republics
I know it's bait but it's all about the time frame.
Making 4 nuclear reactors in 4 hours? Easy. Making a reactor per second? Hard.
It depends on the growth rate of your base.
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Well half the point of building a new plane was to improve it in every way. Copying logic from the first plane I've ever built wouldn't make sense. After playing around with it for a couple of hours I DID copy some of the logic from the old plane but it doesn't work now.
In situations like this IMO it's best to walk away and have a fresh go at it later.
>I know it's bait
I would shoot every brainless qualityfag like you with a smile and go sleep like a baby afterwards
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It was at 1.9 because I was bringing tourists in just to sit them at the bus station near the airport until their trip expired
>damn i never did any tourism so far, maybe i should
It was vital to getting out of my death spiral. Most months it was the only thing keeping me profitable
>I will rage about this optional mechanic
Don't ever mention that place again in /egg/. This isn't the 'send people to discord thread.' This is engineering games general.
I saw Gran Torino too it's a good movie
you mean gran turismo?
Gran turismo 1-4 was good too but no I meant gran torino.
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>you're playing a sandbox game wrong
oh the one where clint eastwood fights the nigger gangs to make sure the white man's burden (his car) is kept safe
it wasn't niggers he fought some kinda asian beaners or beaner asians. Anyway the point was I associate threatening to shoot someone and then sleep with a baby with gran torino.
An egg comes rolling out of its grave.

Starbase bros it's not over yet.
Sleep LIKE a baby* oh no what a bad typo.
>I don't understand who in their right mind would be simply satisfied with the base game.
Agreed only because editor extensions exists, I wish it was vanilla.
Buying from the devs website gets you a steam key without giving steam a cut.
With two rocket silos (or a single one with some circuit logic) it's technically possible to automate the production of infinite fish. One launch to get space science and then subsequent launches to turn space science into fish. Has anyone ever built a rocket-based infinite spidertron factory?
They'll never fix starbase. Never. The game is fundamentally flawed on several levels and the devs are determined to NEVER admit they were wrong on said issues.
Is there something to do in there or is it just "design a cell and watch it do it's thing" kind of simulation?
Can you make yourself some actual gameplay in it? I.e. design factories.
Can you edit stuff or at least design new things for things to "evolve" into?

Perfectly normal comrade. Nyet, I wish I was of joke.
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I think seeing all the discussion and screenshots helped me but I seem to have made a mistake with spacing things out
I got it for cents and I still think it was a bad purchase
If only it wasn't online only. Even with the jank the game has fun moments and I liked the ship building. My biggest issues were the horrible bugs that deleted your progress or getting attacked by another player that was invisible because of horrible rendering issues.
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anyone played Techtonica? it's -40% off and has decent reviews but I didn't much like Satisfactory which it looks v. similar to.
they need to drop the mmo idea, make this small coop with A.I programmable robots to man weapons, etc and it'd be pretty decent, although then it would need a bigger pve element I suppose, shouldn't be much trouble to add that.
wake me up when this is coop
They were so close to making a good game but they're fucking retards who can't get basic shit right.
>The most basic, fundamental building block of the spaceship is the metal beam.
>Is that a HINGE!? Did you use a fucking HINGE on you spaceship!?
>Now All the established rules of spaceship building don't apply anymore.
>Metal beams have basically zero strength and you can't use them anymore because you used a hinge. NOW you have to use a different set of building rules that make zero sense.
It is a decent foundation but the performance is horrible. They did a lot of stuff right that Satisfactory got wrong imo (hover mode, grid base building, not shit belts and inserters) but the recent dev decisions are questionable.
The building system is actually pretty bad compared to satisfactory. There's a reason both minecraft and satisfactory usually use direct insertion instead of fucking around with arm inserters in a 3d game. Too many clicks to get a regular assembler working when you need thirty of them.
there was a laser tag update recently which nobody asked for and everyone questioned; the marketing woman basically went "golly gee, sorry, we didn't know you wanted more factory in your factory game instead of laser tag, we'll try harder next time" so i basically have no hope for it. i'll check it out at 1.0 again
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thanks fellow /egg/ers
it was ASW
each person submits a sub and an ASW craft (maybe at least one, your call) and have them fight, with ASW, given the goal of protecting another ship (that isn't capable of ASW)
points for
>sinking the ship, and ASW
>sinking the ship
>sinking the sub (as ASW)
if the sub can't sink the ship it DQs
Ideally it would be without autodetection

It would probably be easier to set a limit of 100k, (for the ASW, 100k- the provided ship), and 50k materials in custom battles
They fixed some performance bugs a couple months ago. The thing is they've been shotgunning these filler updates with stuff ancillary to the core gameplay like >>483857434 said and it feels cynical.
I know, I played 0.4 and the vertical belts just worked. All the shitty decisions started when the bored Satisfactory discord horde flooded their server and demanded the game to as shit and broken as their main one.
nigga this is from like 8 years ago you gotta get some new content
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So do you guys plan out everything ahead of time or just constantly rebuild? Expansion is starting to become difficult
i build then go somewhere else and build again.

My suggestion:
2v2 round robin. Each player enters one vehicle. Fairly low material cost (100k or maybe even 50k like last time). Air, surface and subsurface is all fair game, space is out.
Subvehicles are OK but repair boxes and tentacles are forbidden. No other components are forbidden.
The ship must have offensive capability against both subsurface and surface enemies (cannons count for both).
Organizer pulls straws to determine which submissions get paired. No mulligans. In the case of an uneven turnout, the odd one out is duplicated as the last team.
Teams are scored based on survivors and kills, one point for each enemy killed and ally that survives to the end of the fight.
Each match is three fights with default rules and max resources. The scores from each fight are summed into the match score and then tournament score.
Highest tournament score wins. In the case of a tie, each ship in the tied teams fight 1v1 in a final elimination bracket to determine the tie breaker.

And this time feel free to take your time and present the bracket and each match in detail (plenty of pausing and cutting)
you spaghetti until bots and then start your real spaghetti base
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haven't played stormworks, so no idea how it compares
you just plop down operation components on a virtually infinite breadboard and connect them. some components allow you to edit block properties on the fly.
vidrel might give you a better idea: a breadboard to track enemies on a radar screen.
the radar screen itself is just decorative blocks on top of each other, you have to frankenstein your own, there is no actual radar display base-game.
the important part here is a text projector, projecting a green '.' character. projectors allow you to shift text around in 3D space to better adjust your text to your ship's hull, here the breadboard exploits that to shift the text position around to match the enemy's position, relative to the front of the craft.

some more useful things you can do is adjust jet or propeller angle according to pitch/yaw/roll requests so you can forego control surfaces, adjust a mortar's shell speed depending on distance to target so the shell always lands at a 75 degree angle, switch AI tactics and so on.
carriers in particular benefit greatly from breadboards by having drones return to their mothership for repairs if their health goes to low, so it'll be useful to learn how breadboards work if >>483825443 goes forward as is.
though you can achieve similar results with ACBs if you're more comfortable with those
there's challenges(usually make your organism multiply to X amount of cells in a specific environment) and sandbox mode
couple examples
>top side of the substrate lit by sun, so you place a plantcell and wait for it to split
>now the sun rotates, so you need to either give the plantcells movement or a fat reserve to survive the night
>there's no sun and instead tiny food pellets are sprinkled on the surface so you need to use faggocytes+movement
>substrate is already inhabited by an organism, design another that can kill the original and live on
>same as last time but instead you need to make all your cells die too once the original is dead
>friction between cells and the surface multiplied by 100 so now you need to use muscles to twist around instead of flagellating straight
>food pellets are 1/10th as common, so you need to add a food sensor+steering
>food pellets are now made of fat, so you need to secrete enzymes before they're edible
there's no real objective but the challenges unlock new cell types and they get hard very fast

sandbox lets you set the parameters of the substrate - sun, food, friction, gravity, mutation rate etc
>design new things for things to "evolve" into?
not sure what you mean by this
Ahead of time with blueprints, but that's hard to do with <100 hours in the game.
>So do you guys plan out everything ahead of time
It "depends" (big quotation marks since as a whole it "plan out everything" has different meanings), but considering it's blatantly clear you genuinely don't know what the fuck you're doing right now I wouldn't worry about trying to get advice. Just play, dude.
And then there's this fucking nigger
don't listen to him
FFF-420 for release would be funny
But seriously, someone said august, someone said october.
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Does the pollution output change based on the fuel you use or is it just more space efficient (12 instead of 4 MJ per item)?
Plan ahead to a certain degree, leave plenty of space for expansion but also come to terms with the fact that you will not be able to expand the same thing to infinity and sometimes you might have to build another one, somewhere else too.
It doesn't. The same amount of better fuel allows your boilers to work longer, that's all.
IIRC pollution is constant per unit of time, it doesn't change with the fuel.
It's almost never worth it to use solid fuel for power unless you've got a inhumanly big oil field around (and you don't know how to balance your fluids like a noob) it's better to use it for stocking rocket fuel for later.
Thanks for the advice; just didn't know what to do with the solid fuel since I don't have the car or tank tech yet.
t. Factorio anon
anon, don't worry about fucking up and just fuck up big time
you literally cannot lose factorio even if you try so don't try to minmax your first time through
In my opinion there is very little reason to ever "rebuild" as in "tearing old shit down". Space is infinite so I prefer to just slap some stuff down, get it working, and keep it running forever. If I need to expand in the future, I build a new setup while keeping my old setup going. I'm about 200 hours into my current save and I still have my babby red+green science production going and my early builds producing things like assemblers and belts and inserters, because why not.
The only things I "plan ahead" for are to keep in mind that ore patches do run out eventually, so I try to build in such a way that I have enough room to later hook in a rail line to my smelting setup once those mines are defunct, and science production I try to use the right ratios so that all science packs are being produced equally. Everything else can just be eyeballed and duplicated later if need be.
There are game mods that do that, FYI. But pollution in vanilla is just per time for a given machine running constantly, later modified by modules.
i had a death spiral with crime, wasnt clear what was happening got confused and it went exponential to irrecoverable so I disabled crime and justice. I should reenable it soonish i guess
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haha whoops
>watching Factorio content
>people talking about optimal ratios
>I just plop a bunch of shit down and add/delete as materials allow
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boiler makes 30pollution/min = 0.5pollution/sec and consumes 1.8MW
solid fuel: 12MJ/1.8MW * 0.5pollution/s = 3.333pollution
coal: 4MJ/1.8MW * 0.5pollution/s = 1.111pollution
some modded fuels have different pollution modifiers though
duct tape
haha whoops 30 hours down the drain, plus replacement costs
good for you.
Are people even reading the biggest reveal in this Friday Facts?

Factorio 2.0 is being optimized to handle ONE MILLION FUCKING SPM
>There is one more building typically combined with foundry and electromagnetic plants, which will be covered later.
my bet is on high-pressure chemplant
that's not how it works at all

They have different calorific values but all that means is that one unit burns three times as long than the other, the total amount of power used is per minute, period

are you being retarded on purpose
are you trying to be funny
>let me completely and arbitrarily ignore the amount of pollution created by making the solid fuel altogether

Creating solid fuel from petroleum, refined by basic processing and gathered by a pumpjack emits 7.579 MJ per pollution. Burning coal is 3 times more efficient energy-wise and 1.33 times more efficient pollution-wise than basic oil processing into solid fuel.
Ah, Yes but it's not 999999999.99 efficient
Think for my next stormworks project I'll build a 1x1 diesel electric
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under 9 thousand
make it a 1x1 diesel steam electric
That doesn't mean what you think it means. Machines are like a 100 times faster/more productive with full modifiers, so there is an improvement but not as much
Imagine calling your megabase a "mega"base when it doesn't even do 1mil.
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Alright well that's it for tonight but pretty it's a pretty fun game
I truly understand the spaghetti meme now but damn if killing bugs isn't fun, just got a rocket launcher to try next time too
>>483873364 steam elements are fairly big
Where bioengineering game?
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We already have one.
Do any of you guys ever /egg/ify your IRL life? I've been monitoring my exact daily weights and calorie intake for some years now. Also checking for costeffective energy and such.

took me a few readings to fully grasp the idea - a sort of Convoy Protection from WW2
need some clever rules though; otherwise, its essentially a Destroyer VS Submarine battle
i will add it to the poll!
>without autodetection
what do you mean by that?

loud and clear!
i will add it to the poll
although in case of "all fair game" i would expect to see mostly aircraft - might need to regulate that somehow

oh, thanks anon
i will probably sink some hours in this breadboard - it does look a lot like stormworks
I've got a part-time job in a book/stationery shop, it's really small so I have shitloads of free time which I spend a lot of making things out of vouchers.
Current projects are a poseable mecha and a working trebuchet.
>Do any of you guys ever /egg/ify your IRL life?
I play videogames.
see >>483637442
Can’t you still get a drm free copy off the wube website if you have a steam copy
>File not permitted
Getting errors trying to upload it to other sites.
I got a computer engineering degree and am unemployed
I drink 10 cans of monster a day
I can hit my PC in a way that makes the annoying fan noises go away for some time.
The greatest story ever told. Maybe you'll get hired from egg in the future after someone works on a game.
Should've hired the Krastorio guys and not this gay furry faggot.
That's a lot. I drink 2 cans/day and the annual cost of that bothers me.
raiguard is already a dev
>meanwhile the IR3 guy (whatshisface) is still feuding about streams
well im still alive and my base is growing, im to set up filtration stuff and grow some food eventually... i'm still confused how putting ice in the furnace makes it hot, i understand oxidizer and combustible but how does it work when they're frozen solid
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Let's say I want some construction materials in my network and I have blocks of production. If I put an active provider chest next to one of these 4 lanes for example, they may become unbalanced. But is there a better way that doesn't require rebuilding everything?
Actually I just had a discussion about this and they do
>But is there a better way that doesn't require rebuilding everything?
I thought you were already doing griddybloxx like a meme meister so what's the problem
you're already unoptimized for beacons so you're going to have to rebuild in the first place
also what the fuck are you putting efficiency modules in your assemblers lmao
Fuels actually CAN have a pollution multiplier. But in the vanilla Factorio game they don't. Mods DO employ that mechanic. E.g. Krastorio uses it.
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some people do
pretty sure that's just a bot
circuits probably
>>most people don't
>some people do
Yes, that's what the phrase implies.
>they may become unbalanced
Explain, in detail, why exactly this is a "problem" that needs solving.
Hint: If your active provider chest is taking items at a specific rate, it will increase the time it takes to fully load a train no matter which lane that active provider chest is pulling from. If your trains wait at the station until full then it won't matter whether the active provider chest is sipping from one lane or all lanes equally, the train will still just take slightly longer to load in either scenario.
Unless you're dealing with a system with massively imbalanced lanes or variable throughput, like mining outposts, you generally don't need to worry about balancing. Which is why if you use belt balancers anywhere other than mining outposts you're probably thinking about things the wrong way.
>has access to nuclear fuel
>still using blue inserters to load trains
and you're worried about imbalanced lanes huh
nigga's using tier 2 assembling machines with efficiency modules and you're worried about blue inserters on a fucking yellow belt?

and NOT the fact he's using FOUR fucking inserters per wagon?

Spit on you
I guess you're right. The worst what can happen is a train getting loaded 25% slower if I exhaust one of the crates with an active provider chest.
you both are not welcome here
i dont care if you've got a yellow belt and you're using blue inserters to load into a buffer, that can make sense before you're beaconed up. but the inserters going from buffer to the train should always be greens. even if production is slow there's a benefit to emptying your buffers and getting that train out of the station as soon as possible
keep your spit to yourself
I like raiguard, but he did not make krastorio at all and has only made tweaks.
I also think people complaining they hired earendel are contrarians
Efficiency sisters, our response???
you aren't worthy of my spit if you genuinely don't remember the ratios of belt to stack inserter
a single fucking stack inserter would be able to clear an entire yellow belt and you're crying he's using 4 fast inserters which already can clear a red belt's worth of cargo
If I have an addon that allows me to make water, dectorio, it's basically cheating to surround my outposts and outer base with water to keep biters out right?
i calculated the pollution per burned coal and pollution per burned solidfuel
how is that not how it works, the screenshot is right there

are you being retarded on purpose
are you trying to be funny
who cares
if it's not enough, add more
simple as
Clicking the activate button on the furnace melts a single piece of ice inside the furnace to release its gas. Clicking activate also adds like 5J to the furnace atmosphere inside and tries to ignite the gas mixture, if it's flammable then it will ignite. If not then nothing else happens.
>If I have an addon that allows me to make water [...] it's basically cheating [...] right?
are trains in satisfactory even worth it when I can just belt shit across the map

it feels like they're a meme method because even if the train line itself has high throughput, the station has the exact same limit of items/min as a belt because of how stuff goes into/out of machines in that game so why not just belt it in the first place

is there something im missing or is it just one of those "for fun" things like the tractors and trucks
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gee i dunno buddy whaddyathink is it "cheating" to create an impenetrable wall around your base that mobs can't get through
>he should have filter inserters because.... HE JUST SHOULD OKAY??? I DON'T LIKE BLUE
>that's already overb-
>hurrr who cares
I bet you fuck like a gorilla.
god i wish that were me
Time savings when expanding logistics is the main benefit
>mile long belt
>need to double throughput
>have fun running around to set up a second mile long belt
>train deliveries
>need to double throughput
>add a second train
One railway can be used for many things whereas a belt will only be useful for a single thing
>HA brick with propellers
Dediblades were removed, you have to use propellers, if your talking about the fact they look like propellers, I want to get it functioning before the art pass.
>but then again having a sense of aesthetics won't win me any tourneys
If it were built for tourneys, it probably wouldn't have glass, or doors that can be used to shoot into all the squishy internals, or have 6 10 meter blades, that are way over powered to lift this thing.
>did you at least breadboard propeller pitch/yaw for better control?
Anon this is my second real vehicle, I started playing less than a week ago, I have less than 50 hours.
Bro just use a PID
I am 100% convinced that at this point, people think "PID" is just shorthand for any control chip. The stuff you're describing is all crap that have well documented relationships, don't oscillate, and can usually be expressed with simple single variable formulae or at worst a couple of them in series. A PID is a more complex method of control and and is a specific set of formulae.
sounds a lot like me
except i look more like a walrus
PIDs are bandage solutions that will basically always give you a "works well enough" solution without needing any math, just a bit of time fiddling with three knobs.
Yes if you fully modeled the system and you know the forumulae to use and how to use them then you could design a system that's actually modeling the underlying phenomena and would work well. But that requires effort and knowledge to understand the maths. Sometimes. you just want a plane to fly level without literally cracking open the aerodynamic textbooks.
cringe: using a pid
based: flying by hand
bringe: wheel glitching
crased: control entirely composed of boolean logic
Another fun fact: human males have the largest dicks of the primates. Even East Asians can make a gorilla blush.
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I didn't know the game saved idle thrust settings.
elephant seals aren't walruses
What are PIDs? All I know is part ID.
yet another fun fact: you'd fuck a female gorilla if you could
Well, I did fuck your mom last night.
The problem is that you do are have stupid and are likely a massive nigger if you're are playing an /egg/ game and aren't trying to understand what's actually going on, and are a double nigger if you recommend others do the same. And you're a triple nigger if you're using steam workshop shit and claiming you're even playing the game.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH alright I'm good this guy's fire
stormwank players have brain damage and are literally incapable of thinking except in terms of memes they see on reddit.
Anyone know anything about ballistics and math?
I guess I'm wasting my time with something simple like distance/10000=gun elevation?
You've used that one already
quoteless bros we are so back
I know a bit, but it's one of the most studied and publicly available applications of math you can find for /egg/. Look at hunting stuff not military to start.
Anyways it's mostly just adding more factors to your basic projectile calculation.
i know we are
Post PID settings for it? I just want to hit guys with my Flakvierling 38 XML I got off the workshop.
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Oh I know about dediblades and the default propeller look being ass, it's the HA brick that looks goofy to me.
And the upside down prop a full 3 meters away from the other prop, but to be fair I've been spending my evening looking up helicopters and realizing how goofy the IRL version looks too. 1-2 meters is fairly accurate.
Speaking of, FTD physics are fairly simple, there's no real need to contra-rotate. Easier to hit the toggle in pic related if you're in for the aesthetics, it updates blade rotation too.

>[an helicopter] is my second real vehicle, I started playing less than a week ago
...Wouldn't be my first choice learning the ropes, but I can see the appeal in starting with a small craft, as opposed to a more daunting project like a full boat
>I got off the workshop
It's just a game anon I had to search far and wide for a gun that would sink realistically because the stormworks devs hate fun...
Bro? Your PID?
In your position I'd hook up a ZE modular engine controller off the workshop to test.
I wonder if they have something planned for infinite mining or automated expansion. That's the only part of this otherwise perfect game that I don't like. I can and WANT to automate everything, but have to always expand and find new mines, a repetitive and grindy task, while I want to focus on actually improving my factory
just play satisfactory. resource nodes make infinite ore, but at an inherently limited rate so you have to think of how to balance your product output (sorta, in practice there's enough nodes you don't really have to care but supposedly for 1.0 they're going to axe a ton of the really good spots like that one cliff in the northern forest near the coral oil field or the areas in the red bamboo explicitly made for certain recipes)
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Yes its possible. The expansion parties will still expand and randomly stumble on your defenses, but they are very weak, a few laser turrets can deal with even the end-game ones. You can also reach a state where no biters exist on the generated infinite map, but it requires mega-precise surgical procedures, because biters are designed to spawn into areas that are not technically generated, and nearby tiles. Even explosions generate more biters in the void nearby. It's super technical, but this guy explains it all:


Costs WAY more effort than to just make an automated resupplying defensive wall to forget about biters permanently, but is a fun meta-ish challenge.
To add to that, biters really shouldn't be a problem after you research bots. Just make a wall with automatic resupply of everything that can be damaged there. You can make a dumb train that blindly goes to each stop and then resupply on a permanent loop, unloading stuff until chests are full, or a cool intelligent circuit network that only calls a train when a supply of something (like repair kits or turrets) getting low. It doesn't matter, vanilla game is super easy. The objective is to be creative
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Shit thread. See you guys tomorrow.
I asked about a factory game.
I swear to God if it releases during my vacations... I already had such luck with Captain of Industry. It was supposed to be released after my vacation, but then they gave me an early access beta test for being a good shill here on /v/, and that test began the day my vacation began. Oh God.
Kill yourself.
delet this
Furfag detected. Stop shilling your zoophile game.
far away patches with enough mining productivity are basically infinite. iirc the new expansion miners have productivity built in as well
Basically infinite when you're not making 80 blue belts of circuits. That's what worries me.
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nice, now show the limits on these warehouses
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Best way to make a main bus in satisfactory?
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Is this what you mean? I use these warehouses basically everywhere. Set and forget, it takes forever to fill up and then I have ton of surplus if I ever need.
take a bus to the nearest loony bin for playing that shit willingly
you will technically be able to extract some free ores from lava on Vulcanus but I doubt it will be viable in any way
Guys really live like this and don't think anything's wrong
Thanks, anon!
pet the heckin doggo and display your enby flag with pride :) :) :)
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if you expand your factory borders a lot, then yes it is possible.

if you run an unbeaconed and unmoduled base then you can just spam efficiency modules on everything to minimize pollution, that will make your goal achievable within realistic borders.

but if you run a prod moduled and speed beaconed base, then your pollution will be enormous, so your borders will have to expand to a ridiculous size to contain it all.
I just hate buffers.
based. all they do in rate based games is make it take far too long to hit an equilibrium state
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ho-lee fuk, keyboards btfo
well if you get to the point of roboports you can start to build your own blueprints. and what you can do is design train stops, and modular sections of things to help with that automation process.

I hope we get roboports before we have to leave to another planet in the expansion.
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>we made even more shortenifications
kurva drát kovarexi
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>Since things are getting stable and I'm starting to be pretty happy with the state of the game now, we are ready to give a specific date of the Space Age release...
>Which we will tell you next week :)
Calling it now, they're going to release fff-418 and it'll just be "Now ;)" in header font.
the last time they said this was when the base game was 3 years away from release
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Thought it might be fun, but everything is wrong with land vehicles in SW.

Wheels are terrible, they have some insane rotational mass, some weird center of mass below where it should be for cheaty stability, just everything is wrong. Gotta make all wheels drive wheels, or it skids out.

The land has all sorts of gaps where you just phase through it, particularly where complex geometry comes together.

Believe me it's not easy to program this stuff right (this is like a whole field of study for racing games), so I don't really blame the devs, it's really just a boat game and air vehicle game.
im not sure. I just bought the game on the sale today and just unlocked the t3 and t4 stuff.

Seems simpler than factorio but I never played through it before.

Might have to tear all my shit down in a minute now that I have foundations and i can see how awfully I screwed up all my early game stuff building too close together.
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need torpedo cars
factorio devs were citing OpenTTD as an inspiration very early on. It really shows now.
>Update soon, engineer.
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Pic rel and a mouse with buttons (g502 etc) is all you need for this game or any other.
inb4 delayed to spring of 2025
this but unironically
there's a mod that makes infinite ores in the middle of patches, requiring a fluid to be mined
SE's core fragments are also pretty neat
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What are these? How do these work? And why are these?
Have you tried reading the tooltip?
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I have
I don't play the game, but I can read and reason. Let's see...
>Missile sonar buoy holder
>Missile radar buoy holder
It's a cylindrical block for a missile that holds, and can probably eject, a sonar or radar buoy to be dropped in water.

Ok, so it's a receptacle for buoys loaded from the vehicle to be used for remote sensing.
...but it doesn't do that, or I haven't been able to do that.
...primary use case would be firing off a round to where you think an enemy is and the buoy will then cause nearby targets to be broadcast somewhere.
You probably need a radio receiver of some kind.
Are you using the gyro and the PID at the same time to control roll? Don't do that, use one or the other.

If that webm is just using the PID, you should consider increasing D and maybe decreasing P a little bit.
>not sure what you mean by this
Runtime designing and adding stuff.
Multiple designs coexisting simultaneously, i.e. like RTS with factory creating units.
I think you need an actual missile launcher with a buoy component selected.
The buoy block just allows it to be used.
I'd actually be fine with this
I've got other stuff occupying me right now
There is a cheat to reset citizen crime level, that's one way to get your republic back under control once you've established proper police
So I did a dumb thing in KSP1 and forgot to add antenna to a Moho science flyby. I've got limited control enabled so I can still maneuver the thing, but with control locked I can't generate or clear any maneuver nodes and I didn't have any return nodes pre-set. Does anyone know of any online tools that can help me manually generate a maneuver node to get this poor boy back into Kerbin orbit? The one's I've found thus far don't generate nodes from arbitrary solar orbits.
I want to make am egg like this
Have you considered an MRI? You may make a good case study.
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I'm quite proud of this design

>bro why the f....

I dunno, if you see something wrong do tell. I am going to have to add more condensers for Nitrogen. Guess 12 of them with beacons adn modules still isn't enough.
Buoy's are missile parts, you launch them from a missile system, but these holders are additionally needed to use missiles with buoys on them
Don't. Build factories from the end with your target production then scale it to match whatever resource you have available. Resources patch are unlimited in mining but limited in numbers so your bottlenecks will be the transport speed of belts as usual but also how much resource the map can actually produce
i was waiting for them to add the notify when overworked station option then i forgor. In my defense i kept the buildings running while waiting
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>add more condensers
>still not enough
>add a few more
>still not enough
>the actual fuck
>base is getting destroyed
>game not even making the ping sounds
>this isn't the first time I haven't gotten an audio cue that shit is being destroyed
What are your PID settings?
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>>483934853 (You)
>heavy rockets being crafted
>impulse ammo being crafter
>imersite anti matter ammo being crafter

I hope the biter enjoy their final night on my map because they're getting fucking glassed tomorrow. They wanna travel on foot half way across the map to fuck with my shit we'll I'll do the same.
Fun config. I'd never use that for an FPS but on factorio who cares, it's impossible to lose.
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>that pic
Pacific rim kaiju shaped charge
Dogwater tooltip I concur. Reminds me of the ksp tooltips.
The mod that adds mechjeb everywhere?
just accept that it's fucked dude, and don't be a pussy and disable limited control next time
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>you need 5275 launchers
>but you can only have one lander
can they stop being trans and furry for once?
Cool, I completely forgor that part.
>need to launch 500 rockets a second to transport goods to orbit
>never develop reusable rockets/boosters or a space elevator
the rockets are cheaper, so let's assume your first few launches set up a skyhook?
Knowing them, the new buildings and a few levels of infinite research will nullify the cost of a launch pretty fast.
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The factorio dlc will be so good and I will play it for months and I will make it your problem.
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>>483830920 here
Quick and naive approach where I assume 1 unit of fluid is equal to one item. The program was made for items so you get a fluid throughput in blue belts, real physician shit, kek
I compare the throughput of an endgame 1:1 cargo train (12 inserters per wagon) against an endgame 1:1 fluid train (classic tank-pump-wagon setup).
Fluid throughput is fucking wild.
Even with the bias toward the cargo train (12 inserters per wagon is pretty rare, I rarely see it), the fluid train has ~5 to ~40 times more throughput. It depends on distance between the stations.
Looking at fluid recipes, they tend to consume more fluid per second than item recipes (eg. ~20 crude/s in the refinery vs. ~6 items/s for green circuits).
So it's not that simple, but assuming foundry fluid recipes will be balanced like oil is, moving molten metals should have twice the throughput, even against the new stack inserters.
They REALLY want us to build big here
it's been 4 years since "full" release and they still manage to fuck up the entirety of everyone's efficiency
just add a pid schizo
Yeah this thing >>483831649 will fill a cargo wagon in 2 seconds, endgame will be producing everything on site from molten metal.
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oof where am I gonna get so much iron
Vertical bus(es)
>Has 3 dimensions to work with
>Uses only 2
in spes?
Can also do vertical bus branching and use floors for routing shenanigans.
Cargo elevators in FOUNDRY are a hell of a drug.
they are a pain, everything is a pain in satisfactory
have you taken care of that coal train?
to be honest I would normally disregard his suggestion as too unconventional to be sane, but his factorio builds are extraordinary beautiful, he puts a lot of attention to detail into them, so it has me thinking he might be onto something.
he just has shit hand posture
>hovering my hand over the keys
that's your problem right there, you're supposed to REST your fingers on the keys
Can you please explain me why you're trying to get 1ksp when you barely even know how to play the game in the first place and stamping shitty cock blueprints
I have, thank you. I have to do something with all the accrued coal every once in a while when I replace coal-burning smelters with electric furnaces.
turn it into more oil I suppose
>Can you please explain
I'm not gonna give you your (You). You're a toxic dipshit who doesn't belong here.
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>You're a toxic dipshit
it'd appear milady woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, she seems to be having a case of the vapours. Prythee, someone beacon the bath salts assemblers.
Yeah I may build coal liquefaction one day, but for now I'm better off with advanced oil processing. Coal liquefaction takes 3 inputs and 2 outputs which I don't want to integrate into my perfect 4-station blocks.
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>4,100 hours play time
>1 year of real time spent on the map
my only goal in life is to cover this entire map in sprawl, eventually I'll need a new computer
I have never heard someone use the term toxic in the tumblr way unironically so it's got to be some kind of reverse shitpost
>learning the game is wrong
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I'm gonna tell you the same thing I've said the guy that just decided to throw the death world run a while back

learning the game is well and good
learning the game with gimmick runs is kinda silly but you do you, just don't expect people not to raise their eyebrows when you do very stupid shit

learning the game by spamming blueprints to get an arbitrary point is not learning the game in the first place, it's just being retarded for the sake of memes
especially if you come by to asking for help every 2 hours with stupid shit you should know already by virtue of playing the game, but you don't know because you're too busy playing a gimmick run that actually makes you worse at the game
>hurr durr you're having fun wrong
no nigga I'm telling you to learn to walk before you can run the marathon because every single time it turns out a mess and for some reason you're wearing flippers and a snorkel for the marathon and expecting people not to point that out and smirk
Why are people being so toxic? Don't you have anywhere better to go? Anything better to do?
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>Why are people being so toxic?
when are you people going to stop being so whiny?
I don't walk on eggshells to make sure not to hurt people's precious sensibilities, people have a habit of posting their opinions
in fact, people usuall have a habit of just shitposting , if anything I'm giving constructive criticism you blithering idiot
maybe you should learn what that is before you start crying you're being oppressed
no you need to relax, its a sandbox game, let them play, let them make mistakes
either they learn or they won't
no need to tell them they are stupid under every screenshot
Place radar buoy part on submarine
Place buoy component on missile design
Shoot buoy
Submarine can now see airplanes without surfacing and exposing itself

Useless if your submarine's main weaponry are radar and heat seeking missiles already, but it allows you to have APS guns with supercavitation shells on it and whatnot as your main

The sonar buoy can synergize well with remote guidance in torpedoes too. It's self limiting, so you don't have to worry about multiple missiles tanking AI sensor performance, and the closer it gets to the target the better the detection. Only issue is reduced speed, picrel maxes out at 85m/s and 29.3s, giving it ~2400m range. Doesn't matter as much for torpedoes, but it absolutely kills performance on missiles.
>no need to tell them they are stupid under every screenshot
b-but I can't! I was bullied as a kid, now I want to bully myself on the Internet for justice!
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me dumb
me forget pic
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>no need to tell them they are stupid under every screenshot
Why not? I see stupid on a megafactory scale, I see anon ask for directions for how he's struggling (not to mention the retard didn't want to place down flamethrowers because that's too many clicks :(((() I point out stupid on a megafactory scale and tell him what the hell he's doing wrong.
You didn't see me tearing a new one to that other anon who made his first factory over here, despite being room for improvements. In fact, I told him to just play and get a feel for the game without trying to get optimal about it in >>483863702. Because that's how you improve. The difference is he's learning, the other guy's somehow just fucking drooling like a retard while crying about toxicity.
You want me not to point out the problems when he explicitly expresses that he's struggling? Why cry if you have an incredibly overwhelming sensibility when you do *everything* wrong on a colossal scale? That's the entire fucking point.
Holy shit, this has to be a joke. I fell for the bait, alright. You win.
I don't wanna get into this shitshow of a conversation but I also get irrationally angry whenever I see a new player paste consent blocks ngl so I kinda sorta get the point ig
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For real tho you should never use fucking city blocks to learn the game, that's a terrible habit to have
fuck milhaus the frylord for popularizing the concept and normalizing it
come on that guy feels way too much like an experienced player baiting especially after the "dont wanna make a flamer bp"
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we need more FtD on /egg/
the era of factorio is gone
stormworks is a stillborn on door-lifesupport
the era of From the Depths is upon us!
fuck mental niggers
>that guy feels way too much like an experienced player
Then it's bait, and I've been baited. What can I say? From the previous posts I've been following he doesn't seem experienced at all, if anything he's out of his element. He's also complaining about behemoths without ever having made artillery before, which means his hour count is getting extremely fat and that's also the first time he gets that far into a run. Everything about it is just silly. It'd be nice if it was some sort of experiementalist 100 hour shitpost, from the stuff I've seen around here lately about P*D and stormwanks I wouldn't put it past me, but occam's razor (and the previous death world run by the other guy) just tells me there's a good chance who just fixed himself a 1kspm goal by going in almost completely blind and floundering all the while.
By god, but that woman used to have a fine ass 20+ years ago.
playable britney when
I don't have AGP, I'd rather have play the mechanicus if I wanted to mix it up
Because you keep asking bafflingly stupid questions that could be easily solved by juts using a PID. Also you're a furry nigger.
zoomers like it even though it fell out of tumblr lexicon before it persists in corporate gaming language. and it was so easily adopted by corporate gaming language because it has ALWAYS been a big thing in corpo bigspeak. for example, "toxic investments" or "toxic assets" has been a thing since the 70s and was used a ton during hte 08 financial crisis
Only gay bottoms, furfaggots, and SA goons type like this.

There is nothing wrong with using blueprints.
Zoomers in charge of not only creating dumb words, bu resurrecting dumb words as well
truly a horrid species
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every car having to be awd Or Else is fine imo since the world is mostly cold wet grass or airport tarmac . if this were a racing game I'd also expect to not be able to travel faster than 10kmh without skidding out.

wheels having such crazy inertia and their center of mass being weird does suck though and the land seems kinda buggy. almost like being big triangles isn't to simplify collision at all and is just for meme value and there is a "real" collision mesh just under it. also trees and train tracks are broken and seem to magnetize you to them on contact even if you are not a train (not that they should even for trains

that said land vehicles aren't that hard to make and most of the problems I find are left to solve are how to make a suspension that isn't itself larger than the car and how to do aero for stormworkn't physics so the car doesn't reach escape velocity at a scant 70m/s
Just use a PID to make it more stable, what's the problem?
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>built in logic block instead of an MC on the back
Mods, crush this man's skull, thank you.
>"lol its so ez ez lololol u jus suck"
>Crashes into a fucking tree.

Oklahoman Detected.
FtD is literally the game that gave us the "just use a pid bro just fiddle the knobs till it works bro" meme. No.
Satisfactory is not a factory game.
Just use a PID to zero in on the target over time. Adjust the P, I, and D until the values look right and fire!
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Blue science is now being produced; my factory is perfectly fine don't worry about it :)
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correct. it is a speghetti re-tangling and optimization game
Did you finally implement PIDs to otimize your Factory?
looks fine
and kill yourself threadshitter
wish my computer could run it.
Is it even possible to defeat PID-Optimized shitposting?
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the enemies in satisfactory should be more dangerous imo. once you wander out of starter zones the spitters should have vector cannons and every hog should be able to throw rocks and move at mach 8 and shit. it would make the combat items actually useful and ever worth producing in bulk. maybe even add a turret but it requires power so you have to dance around until you can throw up a biomass burner and a couple turrets to support you in a straight-on fight

spiders already being able to jump like 600 feet in the air and snipe you out of lower altitude hypertube launchers is a good start but there should be more threatening enemies than just those

What's the point of this part here
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>Start placing buildings that take refined metal
>Run out of Iron
>Game automatically switches to Mercury
>I don't realize this until something melts because it's higher than -35C
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>He doesn't know
it splits the coal
>Playing the tranny game
Are you AGP?
>What's the point of this part here
Are you developmentally disabled
I'm gonna be sick
This is a common technique to fill up belts, this ensures the left lane will always be full of coal without gaps.
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nice gender, sis
what's the advantage if the actual units/sec doesnt change
Can't believe so many people in this thread eat seeds as a pastime activity
oh, the toxicity
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Can someone help explain why my bottom iron plate line for my gear factories is being fed more rapidly than the top 3 lines? I want to try to even them out more, but I don't understand why this is happening
X is female gender and Y is male. Is this some sort of larp for traditional genders?
The game uses F/M/X
>X is female gender and Y is male
That's chromosomes.
Build a truck
heard ur mum eats seed as a pastime activity lmao
Stormworks era is just beginning
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because it gets fed by all 4 lanes because the iron is backed up after the split
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Doing some pen testing on ships in space engineers
Noticing that blocks are just deleting themselves when destroyed, not deforming when damaged. This a issue in options, performance or a bad mod?
I should've said semi truck not ute.
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84 belts of iron is required. Oh. my. god.
Not all of it is needed in the same place
>half chemsci
yeah actually I'm gonna have 2 blocks of blue science, so it's 90 belts
>Not all of it is needed in the same place
what do you mean?
pretty sure that is items per second, also add space science
pretty sure that I am retarded
finally started playing Kerbal after it was sitting in my free EGS library
DLC's look cool, and with the summer sale I might as well get it on Steam so I can play the linux version without proton
Is it possible to transfer my campaign save over?
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This is items per second.
Space science is out of scope for now. But that'll be 135 iron and 146 copper. Insane.
You can make engines, ammo/etc offsite
Also a decent amount of that is steel
yeah I was retarded. But you don't need that much. with 60-90 spm you can comfortably research everything while you build your base. Or do you plan a game with research modifier?
I'm building my mega base but honestly, I don't know why I'm doing this. I guess I just like the process.
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>Also a decent amount of that is steel
k also set the richness modifier to 600% but decreased number of ore blobs to 16%. Guess that where beacons are gonna be helpful, in mining.
Show everything you can of this map and tell me how it works
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>fly out to really far biter nest
>start destroying it
>meanwhile they're destroying my bit mining outpost
>I only have the big rockets, impulse rifle and anti matter
>fly back
>it's a big rocket
>hit tab to swap weapons
>impulse rifle
>tab again
>ended up destroying half the outpost while trying to deal with 4-5 biters who only destroyed a few belts and miners
>the biters face probably
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This section of the map is what I first started on. With Realistic Mode everything must be brought in from the border at first until you can begin producing resources yourself. The town at first produced crops and crops products; Food, Alcohol, Fabric, Clothing, and Chemicals. I also like the set and forget nature of crops where you don't need to worry about workforce and it's entirely mechanized
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Although that starting area had oil, I still wanted the coal that was nearby. After establishing a rail line for fast transport of materials, the coal mine and supporting town was established. It was significantly smaller when it was started, a few apartment buildings centered around a single rail station. Using the coal I built the power plant and used the revenue from exporting power as a very supportive source of revenue in hard times. I also created the oil refinery to finally begin turning the domestically produced oil I had in to usable products.
The area also became the main recycling center for the republic, much needed as waste trains were beginning to clog up the customs offices.
This town was also eventually host to the Radio Station, a decision which almost drove me to tears as my near-bankrupt self discovered just how many tons of very expensive components I would need to maintain this building on the regular
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My goal was to get domestic production of steel, now that I had coal I needed to expand to iron. The area on the top right was established as my next construction and supply area, which was used to eventually create the city on the left. The steel mill is there in the center and still acts as the backbone of the republic. Supplied by both rail and ship, the creation of the mill was the turning point in my republic. This was the point I became truly self sufficient, both from the high cost of maintenance requiring massive imports of steel, and from being able to use that steel to produce expensive components domestically. That steel was also used to feed the shipyard, and after purchasing the most expensive cargo ship blueprint began printing Rubles
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How much rocket fuel should I stockpile?
throw them into a volcano.
Think about how much you think you need, then double it. After you double it, double it again and then add 10. After all there set everything up and as you get further on realize it's still not enough, tera everything down then double what you had previously.
I haven't used it for anything though I just wanted to know how much it takes to launch the rocket
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Now that I was fairly self sufficient I needed a project. That turned out to be the airport. After planning and revising the airport, I realized I'd need staff for the tower and maintenance facilities so I decided to plan out the town beneath it. Since this town would need to actually produce something I decided to plan the vehicle production line on that small island. This included its own plastics factory with dedicated chemical factory to supply that. The vehicle assembly plant became the sole provider of personal cars to the entire republic and ushering in a whole new era of traffic problems
Today I will work on standardizing my one-time microcontrollers for generic use
I would add 5 more assemblers if you're only using it for the rocket.
10000 units.
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its working well enough
need to figure out why detection range is so low, but otherwise its functional
might be the best anti-torpedo solution
want to try making an anti-torpedo torpedo now
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Too high for this, my descriptions are terrible. The expansion across the river took many years, as track builders had to bring all the materials for every single support load by load. Eventually they crawled their way across the map while I established the necessary infrastructure to properly utilize the rail.
The large structure on the left is the new Large Chemical Plant the developers added. This would be the primary employer for the town in the center, which is planned and laid out as the future capital of the Republic including a metro that goes between the chemical plant and the city.
This area also held oil, so that was extracted to be exported by rail and used to feed the chemical plant and gas power plant.
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And at some point this little town was made to mine more coal ore that is then processed at that first expansion city
As I said before. I lol'd and this time even harder.
Don't forget to post your anti-torpedo pedo if you make it.
Can you suggest any compact mall to begin with?
They only requirements:
>it has to produce almost every construction product
>no belts, chests only, I'll be filling them up manually for now
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Generally speaking? You need only a smidge over 2 steel chestfuls of rocket fuel to launch a rocket, a total of 1000 units.
You will get that much simply by using the extra solid fuel and extra light oil that you will get with advanced fuel processing by just by trying to balance the various outputs. Nobody ever *needs* to make rocket fuel unless they're trying to get space scyience, it's just a thing you keep in the background that you need to do, and that helps make sure your oil processing doesn't deadlock.
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The entire republic held together by duct tape and shit. It is absolutely inefficient, partially on purpose. I play a lot for aesthetics so I invite things like traffic brought on by allowing citizens to own personal cars. It adds more flavor to the setting and also pushes me to be a better play and better my road management.
>40 per page
>4,600 road vehicles
>280 locomotives, wagons, track builders
>8 ships
>8 planes
>33 helicopters
>3,800 buildings
>The entire republic held together by duct tape and shit.
Well, at least it's realistic
Dunno about that, the soviets were never big fans of duct tape.
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>the era of factorio is gone
we are merely experiencing the calm before the storm
space age release will hit /egg/ like little boy hit hiroshima
on that day, all other games will suffer a most cruel fate
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Sometimes the most important thing to engineer, is recreation
>Nobody ever *needs* to make rocket fuel unless they're trying to get space scyience
Trains running on rocket fuel is a BIG upgrade compared to trains on solid fuel, however.
i dont get the first one. what is it actually if not a huge dick
Hardly an issue in something as short as a single rocket run. Rocket fuel exchanges speed and acceleration at a loss for power used to create the fuel. You're never really going to need rocket fuel trains if you're just gonna send a single rocket, the requirements are almost pitiful and can be achieved with blue inserters and a chest buffer, which will never be emptied unless you're playing on rail world. We're talking around 10 hours of gameplay total.
I've never been able to focus on factorio for more than a few hours at a time
I might have brain problems
if you play stormworks you need to die
Show the minimap pls
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i'm from a former commie block and can confirm duct tape wasn't something that was available
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i thought russians and their (ex-)vassals loved this blue shit, which is essentially duct tape but made with either more rubber/plastic or wax impregnated paper instead of gauze backing
a black cat with its arms outstretched, you can see its face
Not bad, anon, not bad at all
the joke was that the soviet republic was held together mostly by shit
it was funny
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forgot my image due to western brainrot

oh. ok. that was a pretty tortured joke desu
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I really like the mod that colors the trains based on their cargo, that paired with the train trails with the trails set to match the color of the train makes for a very pleasing visual effect.
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This is the american perception of ex-commie nigger rigging.
Things were and still are actually held together with iron wire. Tape of any kind was rare and proper high strength tape like modern day duct tape was most likely reserved for party members.
More soviet nigger rigging included
>repairing fuses with very thin copper wire
>tied up rags as alternator belt
>wrapping nichrome wire around a brick for a DIY worksite heater
>smearing underside of cars with used oil for rust prevention
>lighting a campfire under the engine of a truck for winter starting
That's electrical tape, it's a tech tier above
american hicks do all these things except the fuse repair. but only because americans are stupid and think electricity is verboten magic that only wizards can interact with without exploding instantly
Why do I need these?
different priorities
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Need that oil so zeit zu flammenwerfer der wald
I liked the automatic coloring mod, but the train trails felt a bit distracting.
Also don't forget to turn on the special pride trails in the options
trains is a hard job
i think you mean izalenta, dunno about that since i'm not russian. tape wasn't a common item, but then there was a general lack of things that were common and readily availablle in the west. most of the time you couldn't just go and buy things like westerners could
also substitute products, like "chocolate-like product" which had absolutely nothing to do with real chocolate, and general commie cuisine being the most inventive shit because proper ingredients were often lacking
Fuckin nyan cat trains
>>also substitute products, like "chocolate-like product" which had absolutely nothing to do with real chocolate,
americans eat this

it's usually carob
It's the legally recognized sexes/genders in the deep blue states of America.
X-The 70 plus other genders
>install far reach because I'm tired of running around so much to place buildings in the early pre-bot game
>realize I can cheese biter nets by encircling them with turrets while standing outside their detection range
should I uninstall it?
this game needs to take some notes from rigs of rods
So how long is Factorio supposed to take to beat? I'm starting to work out making yellow flasks, and from what I can tell I'll need less than 1500 before researching the rocket.
Seeing as I'll have enough fuel before then, I'll still need to make the control units or whatever but I feel relatively close to finishing.
It just seems weird since I haven't touched trains, nuclear power, or a myriad of other systems. I expanded twice, once to more oil, and once to more coal--the latter of which I probably could've avoided by using electric smelters.
I get there's plenty to do after 'winning' but I'm still surprised since I was just planning on getting the beat the game achievement then holding out until the expansion.
just don't cheese it?
Is this like a less autistic version of Stationeers? I've never seen it mentioned in these threads but it seems solidly in /egg/ territory
I played the demo and it seemed too simple to count as /egg/. There just wasn't any depth to anything from what I saw.
>red chest instead of yellow
bots will put all kinds of random crap into your yellow chests, but won't put that stuff into your red chests. so you can load products from assemblers into your red chests to provide them to the bots without bots clogging them up with random crap
>green chests
tbqh only useful as a bodge fix for inefficient factories
>purple chests
for when you want bots to take stuff away ASAP, to avoid clogging up some other process. Good for getting rid of byproducts like empty barrels.
You can't beat a sandbox game
your question is:
>how long does it take the average person to launch a rocket for the first time
then it depends
you can launch a rocket in 2 hours or 200
if you want a guideline you get achievements for 8 and 15 hours
Well I'm at 10 right now so 15 seems tight but possible for a first time player. Just wasn't expecting it to be that short. Sub 20 for sure.
pretty reasonable with vanilla settings.
because the main bus is a meme and you need to produce more iron plates to saturate the belts.
not really egg, just a bit of drone automation (flying resources from your mines to the auto crafters) and autocrafting chains
>I haven't touched trains
You're... moving everything from your outposts by belt?
I didn't use trains for my first playthrough either, you really only need a few iron and copper patches.
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Which game in the "program robots to do stuff for you" genere is the most polished and feature complete?
but that's so stupid.
there is no point to the splitter facing east.

if theres ever a concern the left lane of the coal going north could have another item it should be filtered out on a belt and put in a chest or rerouted. filling the northbound belt's left lane at 2 coal at a time vs spreading it out into 4 possible locations is useless.

the splitter facing north is useful as a heavily saturated left lane of the northbound belt can balance more coal into the right lane.
you're probably like me. trains are the reason I bought the game in the first place
Runescape botting
>without bots clogging them up with random crap
There is a filter in yellow chests.
in my first playthrough i rushed toward the rocket
but I had way more fun in my 2nd playthrough by deciding to get roboports, experiment with wiring stuff, improve my trains, add sound effect warnings for trains approaching, research train artillery, and go around building outposts to annihilate every bug on the map typically by pounding them into dust with train arty and a forward base surrounded by turrets
No, I had trouble with rail signals to a ridiculous degree, which is why I actually just made double headed trains and gave each resource its own dedicated rail, but even that was literally a no brainer to move stuff hundreds, if not thousands of blocks away from my base per resource, especially from more than one resource since to fully saturate a single red belt you need 48 miners. I can't imagine the actual waste of crafting thousands of red belts instead of a single set of rails. Let alone placing the goddamn things. That sounds like a nightmare. What the hell?
I mean one is a pipe and the other is belt yeah
with red chests you don't need to set any filter, bots will never put things in them, only take things out.
Technically Autonauts, but only because there's a hard limit on how many instructions you can give them so there's not much room for error (I find it very fun and have several hundred hours in it)
simply launch one rocket you really don't need that many miners or the large ore patches further from your starting area. he probably kept his factory small, only building what was needed when it was needed.
Exa-punks, unless you mean open world
I don't know, I'd say the copper demand skyrockets with LDSs and RCUs, which he hasn't started tangling with yet.
They do eat a lot of copper, but I think not so much to necessarily require large mining outposts if your finish line is one rocket.
Looks goofy af but I'll give it a try

Nah but I already played all Zach games
Is the use of long-handed inserters a cop-out? I always feel like I've failed when I resort to using them.
is using belts a cop-out? I always feel like I've failed when I resort to using them.
awful. just awful.
>I always feel like I've failed when I resort to using them.
Same, because they are inferior in every single way to other inserters so I always feel my design is lacking if I have to use them but I think it's just my perfectionism, as long as they can meet throughput needs there is nothing wrong with using them.
Honestly Autonauts is fun, it just generally leans towards more bots being better than trying to cram everything into one. For example, two bots whacking a bush, picking up the berries and storing them will be outpaced dramatically by one bot whacking and one storing the berries. The challenge is more about stopping said bots from carrying on when there's no more room to store stuff, and having the manpower (botpower?) assigned to the right tasks in the production chain
Yes. If you don't auto-insert honestly are you really playing the game?
Yes, trains with direct insertion is the peak of Factorio, belts are a sign of your train-fu being too weak
this, but unironically
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
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What the fuck, I knew this shit was going to be expensive but god damn.
guns, torture, and zoophilia. add a dash of manufactured nostalgia for something they've never actually experienced and you're set
no, no! you're thinking of a game that someone that likes kids would enjoy!
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Did not realize stormworks was this exploitable and not even with some clutch magic. So I might as well dump the nuclear reactor in the ocean after I generate enough steam to fill the turbines, then simply repressurize the steam with a >12000% efficient pump.
>duct tape was most likely reserved for party members.
This sounds like parody.
that's just 2 out of 4 of those though, isn't it?
>>wrapping nichrome wire around a brick for a DIY worksite heater
Not the worst idea, if you wrap it around a brick then surrounded it with more bricks and bind it all together, it's like a ceramic storage heater.

I'm sure they just did it in the most ghetto arrangement though.
>>wrapping nichrome wire
I wish pig us disgusting westerners could just buy nichrome wire. It feels like other than bulk outlets only a few places carry it, overcharge out the ass for it, and buying any gets you on some kind of list.
Thank you. I wish they allowed a larger version of the minimap, would love to create an actual infrastructure or rail line map with it
They probably overproduced chromium like any proper centralized economy would.

I don't know why it would get you on a list, you can take apart any resistor and get nichrome/similar that would serve the equivalent function of ignition device. Even steel wire. But it just seems expensive because chromium is expensive.
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your reactors generate heat/steam? wtf
Because NA is fucking insane and having any interests than than hot chip and lie gets you on a fucking list.

>you can take apart any resistor and get nichrome/similar
That doesn't seem like it would get enough to do anything useful for hick kinda shit.
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I love the sound of these things
it's subnautica except if it was cookie clicker and shittier
Barotrauma posting when
Cookie clicker again? Must have been a really traumatic experience for you.
Not at all an egg is it?
I thought it was like baby ss13 with more pve
do you think Dosh's dick is above, or below average
>not at all an egg
It definitely is.
It has a more in depth ship builder than games like avorion or terratech.
Don't forget
>In space or otherwise

The meat of the game isn't about building a sub but that doesn't mean that it's not an engineering game. You could play space engineers/empyrion without building a single ship but they're still /egg/ games.
someone post the edit with handholding underneath
I made it a long time ago and posted it, in response to someone asking for her doing something degenerate, but I don't know what I did with it
Didn't even know they had added building. It used to just be prebuilt subs.
Even still, given the standard gameplay I think calling it an egg is a stretch. I wouldn't oppose discussion just because I don't think it'd be overwhelming.
Dosh where factorio REEE REEE REEE Dosh mama give me feeding like a small bird where factorio Dosh??? REEE I'm hungry Dosh mama. Give factorio Dosh mama. I AM SMALL LITTLE BIRD AND I DEMAND DOSH MAMA TO VOMIT FACTORIOWORMS INTO MY MOUTH!!!! REEE REEE!!!

Man, you guys... Dosh sometimes play games that are not factorio and sometimes he even makes video about them.
talking about rid of rods, has there been in game free build mod for beamnig?
>Even still, given the standard gameplay I think calling it an egg is a stretch
>standard gameplay
I have no idea what you mean by this. Standard gameplay in games like space engineers is flying around and mining rocks that you put into a machine that refines it into a different rock.
Just because you choose not to be creative and make your own ships doesn't mean that others won't. There's over 33 thousand submarines on the workshop that people have put together. Space engineers has something like 125k+ in the most popular category.

People obviously like to build things in these games despite the "standard gameplay"

theres nothing wrong with using your OWN blueprints, using someone else's is turning a game about problem solving and resource management into a kids jigsaw puzzle.
instead of learning by building and seeing where you can optimize, you learn poor practices without even understanding WHY they're bad practices.
i use blueprints a lot, rail chunks, furnace stacks, hell, i even have a fun little defence wall BP i use in almost every run, but when it comes to the factory i try to do better each run.
ill even admit to you lads here, i use the balancer BP book, balancing 4 lanes of ore into 4 train cars is pretty simple, but turning 13 ore into 5 cars is not, and while for 99% of the time its fine to just splitter Z across the belts, theres always that one edge case where the mines run dry in JUST the right way to only ever feed one car and cause every train to back up, starving your base for 12 hours while you dick about optimizing concrete so you can pave paradise.
god you are so fucking retarded, dont post ever again
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"Toxic" is relative. Oxygen killed almost all life on earth once. If our air burns your lungs either kill yourself or get out.
>Eating poop isn't toxic
>Toxic is subjective some litteral bacteria love eating shit and those bacteria is just as valid as us.
I whip out my downloaded book of trains because I can't be bothered to figure out how the fuck to grid align shit. I just don't give a fuck and would rather copy paste the same track a hundred times then waste time recreating something that's already solved.

Same with a solar panel blueprint that makes a cool looking shape when you paste it out. It's not even perfectly balanced with accumulators but it looks cool so I don't give a fuck.
No, I enjoyed cookie clicker, but planet crafter is cookie clicker but you spend 80% of the time running back and forth from 5 spots.
If you can't stand the e. coli, get out of the sewer.
Nigger the intended gamemode there's a traitor actively trying to kill everyone else. It's as far from a cooperative building game as you can get.
when i watched the trailer i had to check if it was the same devs as subnautica because holy shit does the building style look alike but no it's just two random french dudes
That's not the intended game mode, it's one of the available game modes. There's a campaign, roleplay, pvp... However ship building is not a focus unlike empyrion and space engineers, and you dont need any resources to build a submarine. Essentially it's a map editor and the only /egg/ aspect is having logic circuits. Hammer map editor has logic programming that doesnt make source games /egg/
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>place splitter onto belt
>splitter replaces the belt
>paste splitter onto belt
>the rest of the build pastes but not the splitter because the belt was in the way
why why why why why why why
why does it work like this why why why why why why
but do you understand WHAT you're avoiding by using those blueprints? is it a case of just saving time, or are you not learning because you can just slam down the pre-made chunk?
i can balance belts to the point that it only locks out on 1% of train loads, meaning less than half a dozen gridlocks a run.
Trains are something im still working on learning, i've just about figured out uranium mining circuit conditions, but with the upcoming expansion im sure there will be issues with spoilage and the new rail system, so im trying to get better, and as such i've stopped using the basic rail block BPs and i've started enjoying things like getting multiple trains buffering for long distance trips, making trains select only stations with full loads, making trains visit multiple stops to MAKE a full load (still figuring this one out) and getting trains to deliver exact amount of objects for things like self constructing mine depots that only need the rail station and a roboport manually added to spring up a whole operation.
its fun to learn these things, and i just hate how the cityblock anon above is limiting themselves, while the deathworld anon for the previous threads was such a breath of fresh air, everything he did was a new look into things i had assumed were the only way to do things.
and on the other side of the story is players like dosh, hes adding in those limits himself to look at the game in new ways.
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>running fusion power/solar
>disconnect coal plant but leave it up just in case
>notice red icons on all my stuff
>the fuck is going on
>go check fusion reactors
>the fucking empty canister container was full
>blew up the canister and added a warehouse
>added an alarm to it so I know when it's close to full

Holy shit bros, my biggest fear is completely losing power. I about shit myself when I saw low power. My solar/accumulators should power my base in case something catastrophic happens but I don't want to find out.
The canisters get recycled IIRC, why was it full?
That's a problem you can solve.
I have them being recycled but the active canister container is also full. I have so much solar that my fusion reactors don't even kick on during the day.
Factorio but the research complete sound is Dosh going "AWUGA". Add it to the server.
Is /egg/ healing?

It's more of an egg than stormworks
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Maybe it's time to finally assemble and land my minmus refueling station.

I need to do some math before I launch the refinery module but I think this should work out.
4 large drills, 2 medium folding radiators, 1 large refinery.
You can priority control which canisters you use in charging, it sounds like you're still pulling from new canisters when there's reusable canisters available.
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literally why
Automatic wood voiding.
Good idea if there are any recipes that might produce too much wood as an unwanted byproduct.
>Essentially it's a map editor and the only /egg/ aspect is having logic circuits. Hammer map editor has logic programming that doesnt make source games /egg/

So KSP isn't an egg unless you play in campaign mode with money?
Besiege isn't an egg since there's no resource cost?
I Suppose Zach games also aren't /egg/ and are just glorified puzzle games.
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I guess you WOOD like to know why you WOOD use WOOD to get 75% WOOD. I don't know who WOOD do that but I am sure there a some that do.
Wood voiding is called boilers.
this, but also, why 75% back?
the added complexity of just feeding the output wood right back in is negligible, so it may as well just take 4x as long
This is for situations where you end up like this guy: https://youtu.be/TKgnlTuidrE
You get wood. You void wood. Easy. No more wood. No more forest wood. No more wood in the evening. No more night wood. No more dawn wood. No more dusk wood. It's perfect honestly.
Because 75% of all wood production in the world is morning wood and you can't cut that.
This is the extreme genius of the K2SE compat guy
Don't try voiding landfill either.
>110% return rate
What the fuck?
I hate this guy (trex) like you wouldn't believe.
I'm one of the few people here who played K2SE before there was any real compatibility - the first pass he did was somewhat decent but also had a lot of retardation (material testing packs were 100x more expensive and broke the theme of scrap recycling into testing packs), and every change since has been actively worse. He's finally relenting and replacing the imersite in testing packs with lithium, something I suggested to him over two years ago (right after the changes)
He's why I recommend people play SE separately, preferably after K2.
Magnetic Anomaly Detectors should be in From The Depths, and provide a really low level of detection for anything with Metal, Light Alloy and Electric Materials regardless if it is below or above water.
It's maddening, yeah
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Did an 'artist' make this shit?
>haha cool star shape
>read? Whaddayamean? Look, pretty!
ngl I never noticed that the yellow arrows in this icon actually explain how these chests work
Just starting with trains in Satisfactory. What's a good length of train to plan for? 4? 12? 108?
but all the cool youtubers like bigfoot and sauceman are doing K2SE and I'm a sucker for peer pressure...
plan for playing a game that isnt dogshit you fucking reatard
Outputs/inputs stop working when station is filling/emptying the train so you can't actually push/pull 2 belts per wagon, best you can do is buffer with 2 belts into a large container and pull/push one belt per wagon.
So however many belts you need is your number of wagons unless it's far away or stack size is small then you might not buffer enough per train trip to even supply one belt, in this case you want 2 wagons per belt.
Only smart people need those
Only if below water is weakened and it has a high requirement like the wireless snooper
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>read the wiki
Mr Wube I don't feel so good

I drew you some symbols, maybe they help?
you forgot the yellow to player arrow
I can't be the only one who see the bots inn Factorio as their friends right? I even thank them and ask how their day was.
Bots are dynamic conveyor belts, not frens.
We'll see how your tune changes when they rebel and initiate a hostile takeover.
Got the rocket launched on my Switch pocket factory
wholesome :)
nice compact style
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This is a god awful propeller
It's not egg, there's really very little you can string together into any kind of complexity. Mid to late game you get drones but they are very simplistic, just supply/demand settings on containers and little drones that travel directly between storage (directly as in, disregards all solids).
It's a nice game and I 100%ed it a few weeks ago, but it doesn't have any engineering really.
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N-widget on rails up and running
K2SE before the space elevator update was actually fun. Afterwards it turned into pure shit with retarded recipes.
Trains are totally unnecessary for 99% of players just trying to launch a rocket. Vanilla factorio isn't hard at all and you can proabbly finish the game with your first two patches of ore.
Any recent programming games /egg/ liked?
programming isn't /egg/
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Absolutely cucked behavior. Just use a PID instead.
Zachtronics is literally in the op, schizo.
A coordinated group of furry shitposters has been fucking with the OP for years
This infinite energy feature is too tempting not to cheese it. Getting to like 240m/s and not even optimized.
care to explain how that works or are you just using a trainer and a pile of workshop items
Yeah, Stormworx
>im cheating therefor everyone must be
It's literally just PIDs and a clutch set to 0.3. Boom, infinite free power forever, and 6DoF with perfect control. (Gamepads only)
Imagine being too stupid to figure out infinite energy. Fucking lol
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I wish I was that good at setting up fans. I'm thinking the bottom layer of fans should be for the automatic stuff and the top layer is for player input idk. Btw you can use the electric furnace for infinite energy too
Nothing like that, no reason to reply to yourself 5 times. It's just the feature of infinite energy by repressurizing steam.
this just set a cluthc to 0.3 and the electric furnace doesnt consume electricity anymoar
Nigga are you actually retarded? Just recycle your steam. Or are you too stupid for pipes?
youre ngmi it bro
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> Btw you can use the electric furnace for infinite energy too
I was doing that at first but just decided to circumvent the steam cycle and pump it directly, for simplicity of cheesing it.

Those look like heli props. I tried one with a gyro and it was awful, I just decided to use tilt sensors, PIDs and some mixer stuff. Will probably put it all into a microcontroller.
Make it into a flying saucer.
It'll be cash.
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Just tried it out myself. Infinite power. Topped out at 1023.9999999 RPS. Weird number but OK.
somsone post retardanons cum jet thing for constrast KEK
>cum jet
>Vanilla factorio isn't hard at all
>and you can proabbly finish the game with your first two patches of ore.
That is relatively true, but not as your first game. Everyone overbuilds, idles, wastes, or makes mistakes when they don't know what they're doing. Trains are still the superior choice for moving things around that isn't simply spamming thousands of rails like a madman, if only to save your fingers.
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Not a bad idea, I want this to look like they're being abducted by aliens when I rescue them. Planning to have the cockpit on a hinge/extender like a crane.
(fans are a different part that functions differently)
Just 4 props will give you full control, add your collective, pitch and roll in different ways for the pitch of each prop. Then you can double up the props if you really need more power.

Add the gyro outputs as follows:
all props should have positive collective
front props have positive pitch, rear props have negative pitch
right props have positive roll, left props have negative roll

Then connect your seat into the gyro inputs to influence the control
One you have that working, control yaw by adjusting diagonal pairs of props, one pair positive yaw and the other pair negative yaw.

As a general rule for fun hovering designs, in order to achieve hovering stability you need to control 4 moving parts.
For example, this same control scheme would work fine with fixed-pitch propellers (like most irl quadcopters)
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found it in the archives
that fag is genuinely retarded
Oh, it was you who made it back then, huh? I do declare, the /rlg/ - /egg/ crossbreeding is almost staggering.
You forgot the yaw.
>left/right type — +pitch on left, -pitch on right rotors
>front/back type — +roll on front, -roll on back rotors
Can also use pitch and roll for translation, at 50-75% power to leave space for rotation control.
Just have them all pitch/roll in same direction. Not as powerful as tilt rotor designs, but this design doesn't use pivots.
The trick is, of course, is bashing all that input together so it fits into the rotor inputs.
He's learning.
He took some advice to change his control scheme and now that hover thing is pretty cool.
how do u get such instant response tho can u post ur pid pl0x

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>check youtube
oh cool
>check thread

He is displeased.
We have let Him down.
When will you learn?
What the fuck
proofs? all ive seen is he just shitposts because he cant stop getting cucked by PIDchads KEKW
This is the idea I'm going for, also a linear extension.
Looking at these threads right now, can you blame him, dosh?
Why are some people born with the gift of basic literacy and pattern recognition skills like >>484079114 and others like >>484077869 are born with literally no brain?
No. No, I cannot.
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It's literally in the name of the profession, dingus.
It could be your PID settings.
Sounds like a you problem. I have an engine that just needs 2% diesel to start but then runs 98% on pure hydrogen. RTFM
>rainworld mention
read a book sometime maybe ????
That's because K2 wasn't formally integrated with SE until that update. Before that update they were kept informally compatible on a "let's not intentionally break things"-basis. But with the 0.6 update, they actually started investing in making them formally compatible as well as more codependent and connected. Meaning with SE 0.5 and earlier its developers' cancerous design philosophies were kept isolated to SE itself, but with 0.6 they got to metastasize them into K2.

In some cases they did so behind Raiguard's back, using dirty strategies like forcing out changes in public beta builds and then claiming they can't reverse them any more because it would break too many already up-and-running games for players.
you have to go back
you can't electrolyze the air mate
it is clearly in a tank though
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I just think of force diagrams. One guy I knew (astrophysicist) would probably calculate stuff like precession or odd torques. I should probably do some feedback neural net to control this stuff, probably gotta use Lua to do it because despite the character limit it should have no memory limit.
Stockpiles are a waste. I already build my factory like I'm on Gleba.
be sure to leverage the blockchain as well
For a rocket I think you need a thousand.
I'm glad mr stonehead is making new friends outside of here, at least. Good for him.
i really hope that guy dies
>No, you can't be bad at something and learn
>Fresh out of the womb, you have to be desiging the V2 rocket or you'll never amount to anything.
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Glad you understand.
tbqh sw is a piss baby easy game and is super well documented theres no excuse for how bad that guy is
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I use this. I think it's a good idea to feed the high throughput stuff with belts, but I draw the line at some items because it would be too much of a clusterfuck.
imagine actually defending >>484077869
Looking up guides doesn't make you smart.
I would kill myself if I lived there
Factorio needs a subway surfer mod
>Imagine genuinely defending a design that doesn't work as a reason to dismiss a persons whole work
Defending the creation is fine, he was here asking for help like the rest of us.
His shitty attitude to receiving polite and correct answers was what can't be defended.
>has access to logistic chests
>still uses belts
Pure engineer civ
literally all he had to do was just use a fucking pid though?? if hes literally to retarded to use a pid what do u expect
This. There is no excuse for that webm to even exist.
Red : the classic output from assemblers. Bot will pick it up if they need it.
Green : you probably don't need it because the red one already acts as a buffer.
Purple : rare use, can be useful to avoid deadlocks
>Don't experiment just follow the click by click guide like I do
The scientists were right about us.
how do you even get something to flop around this crazy, it has to be on purpose
it just works you just have to fiddle with the knobs and then ijt just works whats the problem are you some kind of furfagot
you got cucked by a PID lol
Good for you anon, you got a feel of the game and what it offers.
The systems you're talking about are just more efficient solutions to problems you may have experienced. They can save you a lot of resource and time once you're experienced with them.
Problems like : how do I make my base more organized, why does my base always shit itself after a while, how do I make sure my base can keep expanding, how do I keep track of all the shit going on, etc.
Factorio is pretty easy if the winning condition is to launch a rocket, but the most fun I had with the game was always when I iteratively improved on a design over time. For me, the rocket is the cherry/bullet I shoot myself with once I can't take it anymore.
Set the priority output of your balancers.
You don't need more than picrel, for every belt coming out of your bus.
I don't think you need to balance your bus if you already balance your train output, at least I never did. I just slightly overproduce and the bus is always full.
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I hate having to use them in train direct insertion but the whole 3-tile-beacon and 2-tile-rail thing is infuriating. I feel like there should be a way to use 12 beacons with rails.
I guess it's fine for red and blue circuits, and other low throughput items.
>Dosh going "AWUGA"
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we are not blessed
perhaps we will never be in the future
mayhaps once the expansion comes, he will forgive our sins
but not today
>play Republic is Burn
>burn through half of my budget while completing the mission tree
Ah, a true communist experience
You can wire a water detector to alarm and have AWOOGA blaring every time there is a hull breach. One of the starter subs does this.
hopefully 2.0 will fix it
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Fellas, we're on 10th page
having people do goofy wacky things that screw up all plans goes against the spirit of egg and redirects the focus
see: ss13
get in you lazy bastards
I didn't know eminem was a tolkienhead
are we sure it's not Linus?
pretty sure that runs only on windows
>streamer worshipping
doshy doshy does streams now? why has nobody told me???
he should play a minecraft mod, that would be fun
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it's still pride month tho
He probably has a couple interesting tidbits to share seeing as he's a /v/ oldfag and probably was around during the beta. Going off on a tangent about some programming stuff would also fit well and is one of his strengths.
Still what month?
Comrade, you be of silly, may is over.
every month is pride month, or so the year-round gay crosswalks in american cities have lead me to understand.
Anon, fags don't own the rainbow.
Make them seethe by taking it back from their aids-infested hands.
Build rainbow stuff in /egg/ games and make fags seethe.

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