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The rocket bikini storm event continues, edition

Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

>Official Site

>Enlisted Community Resource


>Rocket storm Event

>Update "Rzhev"

>Anniversary of the defense of Brest Fortress

>Try out the reworked matchmaking

Prior Thread: >>483081038
P.1500 Monsters
is br5 equipment strictly better than br1. say if i took my yak-1 out in br5, would i get shredded?
Reminder Darkflow helper and staff are complicit in keeping cheaters from being banned
It's based on weapons as well as plane performance. A Biplane in theory could destroy a high tier plane if the high tier player engaged in a turn fight.
It depends how your enemy engages with you. You could easily out-turn an Fw 190, but only a retard would actually turn with a Yak in an Fw.
Almost always 1:1 significantly better in all aspects.
>Add 85mm and 100mm AT guns for the Soviets, 90mm and 105mm AT guns for the US, and 88mm AT guns for the Germans to Tier III and V.
Eat shit and die.
How do i join an enlisted clan? do i need to do trials to join EVA or can I just put EVA in my username and then i'm part of it?
You just play axis or allies, those are the clans.
Based on what?
On not banning or allowing the mention of any?
Komet would be fun and not OP because it's just an interceptor
There are a couple u45 people here, get really good and post your scoreboard and ask for a discord invite
Were you not here in the last thread?
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I know it's pretty definitive, but we need more.
Just a bug in the replay system, you're not very bright
You know he's hacking because he has 12 kills across his entire dead squad
He's disciplined with it
Is that why it also randomly turned on mid-air?
How is activating your aimbot at the top of a jump for no reason being "disciplined with it"?
If he wasn't disciplined then we would have more clips of it
>good players need aimbots
>the proof is that we don't have proof
Merc is one of the losers who uses a cursor trainer for a F2P bot shooter, so...
What? I said he's disciplined with it
the tranny has autism. please understand.
imagine defending an obese sweaty hacker in a polynisian broom making forum even if it is only for the (You)s
How can anyone take your hackusations seriously when this >>483770875 is the "definitive" example you are pushing? No wonder the helper troon dismissed you. If hacking is so prevalent post people who are actually doing it as blatantly as you dipshits whine about at least.
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why include me in your listpost faggot? oh thats right because its the only way you can get replies you fat homosexual sack of duckshit.
Lol, you are one angry little fuck aren't you anon. Maybe you got a reply because you are crying hax with nothing to show for it.
id rather be angry than a faggot desperately screaming for attention
My posts are definitely not desperate or screaming... yours on the other hand are a tirade of insults in response to merely asking for proof. You sound like you have an internet induced personality disorder and haven't seen the sun for several days. Just log off instead of rage posting, it's pathetic.
>one's coping
>one's seething
>both cocksuckers
What-a-world we live in
>4channel discourse
I hope you all get AIDS
Tbqh if I were at home I'd just watch a couple random Merc66 matches to find more weird shit he does. The Panther lock is definitively not a "replay glitch" because I have only ever seen it happen in one other replay... and that was a replay of a guy who was banned for hacking.
At what points do tommie smgs start being controllable? Got the second one and the thing still kicks like a mule. On best rolled ass2 with recoil 4/4.
I thought DF didn't ban hackers?
The only Thompsons that are a bit difficult to control are the M1928A1s in the tree since they have actual horizontal recoil. The M1, M1A1 and M21/28 are all very easy to control, especially with recoil reduction. You need to invest in horizontal recoil reduction for the M1928A1 and its drum variant. It also helps if you don't zoom while aiming.
It's very uncommon but there was a guy called Daffan or something who was banned for hacking to my knowledge. Generally they avoid it because most hackers are like Merc66 or that Ronin guy, they're paypigs and worth more in the game than removed from it, ya know? It's also just more work for them.
I've got some M1A1s from tunisia and M1928A1s and they both make sten a joy to play. Do you suppose kraut and gopnik smgs spoiled me?
The M1A1 is a really stable SMG, the 1928A1 is a bit annoying because of its horizontal recoil. You probably are just spoiled by Germgroid and Slavshit SMGs which are way easier to use but have less hitting power. The M21/28, the one with the foregrip, is actually incredibly strong as well since it's super accurate and has nearly no horizontal recoil.
I only ask because I haven't played with them in well over a year and they didn't feel this... off. I'm not exaggerating when I say I'm a surgeon with 1918 berettas and owens compared to this.
trying putting it in semi auto. i'm not joking
ok fatty
>4chan discourse on 4chan
>it's a better vg5 that can't go on engies
I mean, you could.
When you forge a blish lock in your backyard and hone in on the magic
They were never good, they were just better than the alternatives. Now with carbines and T20s they’re pretty thoroughly obsolete. They can add 100 round drum 1921s and I’d just be equipping vehicle crews with them.
That is really good evidence, though
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I play enlisted and enjoy doing so
omg me too! want to play with me on my discord?
Are you a furry and or troon? This is important. Bonus point for being a weeb. Please respond.
Of course, that's obviously a prerequisite to join.
I accept every friend request I get and ignore every squad invite I get
post physique
post busted bussy
thought so chuborilla
i bet you get called that a lot and it feels good to say it to someone else, fatty
>still not posting physique
When will Axis get a plane with 10 rockets?
When will Axis get a plane with one big rocket?
did the axis even make a plane with 10 rockets?
ME262s could carry a lot of rockets, and there were pods for the bf110 to carry 12 rockets
tell him to rope faster
>still replying with "no u"
kill yourself faster fatty. fried chicken and donuts isn't doing it fast enough
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NTA but I look like this in real life
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pure projection
touch rock fatass
>no u again
ok fatty
>calls other people fat
>doesnt post physique
lifes too short to spend in front of a screen retard, I bet your life is its own punishment
can you guys get a room instead of shitting up the thread
I don't want to stomp
I don't want to be stomped
I want fun and balanced games

it wasn't like this when I played runescape
most Enlisted matches are balanced, but you have to put the work in
cry and cope all you want but posting a random pic you got from another board doesnt prove shit fat boy
i'd love to be a room with this fat fuck. i'd pound his face in then flip him over and pound his ass in
calm down _31420124242011
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tough talk from behind a keyboard lardass

(You) should stay inside, but I encourage the normal people ITT to enjoy the summer instead of wasting away in ensharted general
can both of you touch some polonium
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what did you think I meant by touch rock buddy
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>kill yourself faster fatty. fried chicken and donuts isn't doing it fast enough
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im not your boyfriend/boogyman faggot
>all the butthurt posts without reply links
pic very much related
^obviously butthurt poster
Why does Vegeta do this?
get a room
>cant even come up with your own dismissive interjections
stop copying me
Can you guys set up a match in game, we need the thunderdome to settle differences.
hes almost certainly some rifle grenade loser anyway
A thunderdome match should be knives and revolvers only
Just do gungame, then we can all play
I would play /enlg/ gungame
hey man maybe if you spent as much time lowering your BMI as you do seething on 4channel you might get that twink bf you keep posting about
hey tranny kill yourself you fat fuck
melee weapons only
youd be surprised how good of a workout you could get in the 37 minutes it took you to edit that image
if you were all into sweaty loli spats as much as I were this wouldn't be happening
man I am so glad I have no idea what that means
you're missing out anon
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>You two lovers having your hissytiff on a vidya board really need to up your photoshop game.
>youre fat
>youre butthurt
>is clearly fat and butthurt
many such cases. I cant help but call it out.
and I didnt photoshop anything, congrats on editing faster than mr angry obesity though
this is bad advice btw. learn to tapfire
Are you saying you reposted pics with 4chan filenames to win a lovers spat? Dude, its pretty obvious your picture is photoshopped.
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>4chan filenames
this is bait right? the filename randomizer extension was just talked about last thread
I wasn't here last thread and doesn't change the fact the sign in that picture is photoshopped in.
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lol what
Wow. I guess I shouldn't be surprised americans would put such little effort into their signage, but that sign in your pic is photoshopped whether you did it or not.
You realize the picture was posted three times, right? Only two of them were shopped
man I dont know what to tell you, not only did I stand there and take that picture but the fotoforensics is clean of any digital alteration and the sixth image in that bing search is literally a picture of the exact same sign on the USNPS website lol

im curious though now, post an example of high effort signage
With all due respect, get fucked and bing search european warning signs yourself. Right justified times new roman font is not appropriate for a radiation warning.
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the wonderful posters in this general continue to surprise me
we 'ave the bes' ra'ia'shun wornins dont we chaps
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I did say with all due respect. And I ran my obvious photoshop through that website and it seems to think I photoshopped everything in but the sky, so forgive me if I don't take your evidence at face value. It even said on that website there is no one test that can prove if a picture is fake or not.
Can you nigger go fuck each other's dicks on /soc/
Thread is already shit we don't need you to make it worse
rude. who said i had a dick?
Time for me to save this abortion of a thread with the DEFINITIVE ranking for best in every category for BR 2 and 3. Some classes are broken up into different categories to properly portray different niches.


>SMG (RoF)
Soviets win with the PPS-43. Japan with the Type 2a is a close second. Honorable mention to the US and the Owen Gun. US wins best premium with the 20 round M21/28 Thompson.
>SMG (Capacity)
Japan wins with their MP-28.
>Assault Rifle
Germany wins best gold order with the MKb-35.
Germany wins with the MG-13. Close second would be Japan with their Type-11 and Type-97 LMGs. Honorable mention to the Vickers-Berthier for having no recoil while moving. Germany wins best premium with the MG-30. Japan wins best Gold Order with the Hotchkiss 1922.
>LMG (Reduced Sprint Speed Penalty)
Only Gold Order BR2 entrants are the Lahti, Knorr-Bremse, and the RPK. Do not have the RPK or Knorr-Bremse, so I'll let you all pick a winner for this category. US wins best event item with the Charlton Automatic Rifle.
>Bolt Actions
USA wins with the No.4 Lee Enfield. Honorable mentions to Soviet Winchesters and Japan's Type 38 Rifle for rate of fire. Moroccans and Italians tie for best premium.
>Semi Autos
Tie between Germany with the Armaguerra and Japan with the Type Hei. Germany has the best Gold Order with the Pavesi M42. US wins best premium with the G30M.
Soviets win with their modular paratroopers, followed by the US with the Red Devils.
Japan wins with the best AT rifle in addition to having all their higher tier AT be BR II as well.
>Tank (General Use)
US wins with the M3 Lee. Soviets win best premium with the M-3 Medium.
>Tank (Anti-Infantry)
Germany wins with the Pz. III N. Honorable mention to the T-28E.
>Tank (Anti-Tank)
Soviets win with the T-50. Germany wins best premium with the Pz. III M. Honorable mention to the Pz. IV E (Premium).
>Light Vehicle
Germany wins with the Puma. Soviets win best event with BT-7A.
>Tank (Flamethrower)
US wins with the M3 Stuart with Flamethrower. Germany wins best premium with the Pz. II (F)
>CAS (General Use)
Germany wins with the Ju-87 D-5. Close second to the P-38G which is now properly being categorized as CAS in-game.
>CAS (Single target damage/Anti tank)
Germany and US tied with the Ju-87 R-2 and the SBD-3 Dauntless/B23 (pre merge duplicate).
>Fighter (General Use)
US wins with the P-51C-10. US wins best premium with the P-40E-1.
US and Soviets tie with the Spitfire Mk Vc/trop and the MiG-3. Honorable mentions to the I-153 M-62 and Zero for also being magnificent dogfighters but losing points for speed and carrier takeoff respectively.

>SMG (RoF)
Soviets win with the PPSh-41 (box). Japan is a close second with the Type 100 SMG (late). Germany and US tie for best event with the MP-41 (r) and Thompson .30 cal.
>SMG (General Use)
Germany wins with the ZK-383.
>SMG (Capacity)
Japan wins with the SIG 1920. Japan wins best gold order with the SIG 1930. US wins best event with the Lanchester 50. Soviets win best premium with the PPD 1944, beating out Japan with the Type 1 SMG.
>Assault Rifle
Germany wins best gold order with the MKb-35
Germany wins with the MG-34, with the DPM coming second. Germany wins best premium with the Drum MG-13, with the Lewis Gun coming second.
>LMG (Reduced Sprint Speed Penalty)
Japan wins with the KE-7. Close second is the M1928A2 BAR. Honorable mention to the Type 96. Japan/Germany wins best gold order with the FN BAR. US wins best premium with the Colt Monitor.
>Semi Autos
US wins best semi auto with the Garand. Soviets a close second with the SVT-38. US and Japan tie for best premium with the Turner SMLE and Type Ko.
Soviets modular equipment. Extra points for their event squad using the RD-44 in an uptier. Honorable mention to the Paramarines for getting M1919A6s in an uptier.
US wins best AT with their M9 Bazooka. Panzerfaust 60 with Soviets and Germany a close second.
US wins with the Universal Carrier. Germany wins with the best actual combat/support vehicle with the Stummel. Soviets win best non-event/premium APC with the GAZ AA.
>Tank (General Use)
Soviets win with the T-34 STZ AND KV-1. Germany a close second with the Pz. IV G/J/F2. US a very distant third due to poor ammo load with the M4A2. Germany and US ties for best premium with the Armored Pz. IV J and the Churchill III.
>Tank (Anti-Infantry)
Japan and US tie with the Chi-Ha Short Gun and the M4A3 (105).
>Tank (Anti-Tank)
Soviets win with the T-34-57. Germany wins best premium with the Dicker Max.
>CAS (General Use)
Germany wins with the Bf-110 G-2, with the IL-2M coming in second.
>CAS (Anti-Tank)
Germany wins with the Ju-87 D-3. Honorable mention to the AP-1 which is only good outside of the Pacific due to carrier takeoff. Soviets win best premium with Yak-9K.
>Fighter (General Use)
US wins with the P-51D-5 and P-38-J. Soviets with a close third with the LA-5FN
Germany wins with the Fw-190 A-4. US wins best premium with the Boomerang.
This is about your 3rd or 4th DEFINITIVE list and it is still flawed. Consider an honorable death immediately.
I need /enlg/'s input for setting up the definitive BR1 rankings. Tell me what you think of these

Germany wins with the M38A.
>Bolt ACtions
Japan wins with the Type 38 Rifle. US and Germany tie for best premium with Moroccans and Tobruk squads.
Soviets win with the only two BR1 Paratrooper squads.
Japan wins with the Type 97 AT rifle.
Toss up between the Stuart and T-70, I think. Germany wins best premium with the Pz. 38(t)
>AA Vehicle
What wins between the milk truck, M13, Flakpanzer, and Ta-Se?
Soviets win with the LaaG
>Fighter (General Use)
Germany wins with the IAR.
Soviets win with the MiG-3. Honorable mention to the I-153 M-62.

If you have suggestions I'd like to hear them.
I suggest stop making pointless lists of things that are based on people personal preferences. I don't really care about which gun is better than another at whatever level. I just like guns that kills the enemy when I click the mouse.
But making the list is fun ;)
Are you the OP?
How dare you accuse me of being Cuckendorf.
If you add someone to your blocklist does it stop you being matched with them?
Thinking about it, I don't think it would, otherwise everyone would be using it to block the "best" players like EVA members.
Those rockets amounted to shitty bottle rockets because the retarded Germans were going to fire them at B-17s though
From anecdotal evidence it do be working. Question is how well does it work. Is there an upper limit or timer?
Nobody knows.
Honestly I would ban sniper shitters on my team instead of enemy sweats.
I've been using it to block anyone with chicken scratches for a name
>Soviets win with the only two BR1 Paratrooper squads.
how do i get this? i don't see any research. there's br2 if you mean that can get matched with br1
Paratroopers are exclusive to paypigs. Latvians need new potatoes. Please understand
Event squads.
reading up on that they said it was unintended and were going to fix it
Japs are insufferable from BRIII up holy fuck
I won several japanese brv matches last night and I don't think I lost one.
What are they going to fix? When did they say it?
>best tank
>stuart or t70 and not the puma
Fake and gay
Duh, you either win or lose.
What's so insufferable about that?
Winning or losing isn't the issue
Shit like the Hei Auto or Tokyo Arsenal being incredibly handheld spastic shit is the issue
And the t20/m2/calliope/googolplex of rocket plane spam isn't?
>japs have two weapons that are slightly better than the allied counterparts
>this... is... unacceptable! Freedom aint free
>Only things that gave the US any form of fighting back in BR V
I see
Ignoring the planes and Ho Ri as well
Japs don't have rocket planes, they barely get one fighter with two 250s.
Those two japanese small arms are the only things that let japs have a chance at winning, the ho ri just gets instantly killed pretty often by anything other than being shot at with tank cannons from the front, and has no turret. Meanwhile 105 and calliope spam kill all jap tanks because they have barely 50mms of armor besides the last couple of tanks in the tree.
>Japs don't have rocket planes, they barely get one fighter with two 250s.
Anon the point was use the best fighter in the game to utterly deny the US air support

And if the two giga handheld weapons are the only thing keeping them in BR V then remove them and keep them out of BR V like was the initial plan
>only 1 event going on atm
this game really is gonna die huh
>deny air support
I'm an ace pilot and it is hard to kill a p38 or p47 in the initial dive unless you are at the perfect angle, due to the in air starting speed and altitude. The ground based aa is also far too anemic to kill either of those planes before they enter rocket strafe range and destroy your aa gun+everything 100m around it
A single run shot off vs unabated is a very big difference
Axis retards always screech about the jug but are never willing to combat it a2a, I'm like the only person I see doing it
I fly jap planes to stop someone from making constant runs as well, but only flying planes the whole game doesn't help diffuse bombs or build rallies, and usually some retard is hogging the fighter slot
Sorry anon, the Ki-84 is bad because it doesn't insta teleport behind nothin personnel them
>Japan's rocket arty is actually an ohka drop
Did joe biden make this incoherent post?
lmao nips are nuts
I don't even remember the game that's basically tug of war but it's fucking boring when you're just going back and forth between the same two caps until someone loses
I like it because it's the closest thing we have to deathmatch.
so br equipment is always one level higher than what i have equipped? if i only have br2 equipment i'm put it into br3 games as well?
That's right. Apperently there will be BR I players but how does that work if BR I cant be matched with BR IIIs
It still uses the old matchmaking if there aren't enough players, which is br1-3n and br3-5
i got put into a br 1-3 queue when i equipped just one br2 weapon so maybe there's some kind of balance thing going on
Stop parroting their bullshit. 1 and 2 will see 3 in 80% of the games. 3 will see 5 almost always. Same as if was before.

Nope, it's a feature. You know. Monkey see fancy higher br weapon, monkey gets killed by it, monkey pays to get it. Repeat until monkey br 5.
already getting tired of this game. it punishes you for being too good. they give me a team of bots against br3+ players with machine guns, tanks and smgs all with their faggot vitality perks
It's completely irrelevant whether you're good bad or plain awful. Time of day, server, moon phases and flavor of the month faction stacking determines which teams have bots and which players.
What are you fags packing for BR3 krauts? Thinking of vg5 engie, two nadelauncher fags and then a couple of ASSaulters with ZKs as two main squads.
No fucking way, why? Sawce?
Doubt it but I'd love it if that chucklefuck got to clear mines in ukraine.
He's not in the Enlisted discord anymore
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My kraut BR III lineup is:
>ZK Czech squad (4x ZK, 1x ZB, 2x Vz. 24)
>Silenced EMP French squad (4x EMP, 3x MAS-36)
>MP 41(r) squad (1x KP-26, 3x MP 41(r), G41, MG 34, VG 1-5)
>MG 34 squad (3x MG 34, 2x VG 1-5, 2x G41)
>Rifle squad (7x Kar 98 GGP, 1x MG 34, 1x G41)
>Stummel APC
>Panzer IV J
>Bf 110 G-2
Covers all my bases. However, I mostly use the ZK, MP 41(r) and GGP squads.

Keofox became a lot better over the years, he went from unbearable to kind of entertainingly pathetic.

Wasn't Keofox a Polack?
Maybe you troons got to cancerous even for furries
Eвгeний was a gopnik name last I checked.

>Panzer IV J
Why not G?

>MP 41(r)
Hotdamn, I completely forgot I had some of those lying around and they're 3. Cheers anon.

Wow, really? I never could get used to the what, 5s, reload time on those.
>Why not G?
I like the J it has funny screens.

>Hotdamn, I completely forgot I had some of those lying around and they're 3. Cheers anon.
It's kind of a painful gun to use without going 30/10 since it has such high horizontal but it is good.

>Wow, really? I never could get used to the what, 5s, reload time on those.
Eh, you get what ya paid for.
>painful gun
I mean, it's a ppsh. You sprint flank and pray they lined up when you show up for your 5-10 bursts

What's your take on 40 round berettas or volksturm squads with stacked vg5s? Never really used either all that much and they seem really freaking good out of BR5 bracket. vg5 is basically mkb if you can mash your keyboard fast enough.
The vg5 is still shit
>40 round Berettas
The M1 and M38/42 are pretty loathsome weapons. Their magazine size doesn't make up for their terrible TTK, especially the M38/42. The M38A with a 40 round mag was a favourite of mine since it's kind of a super accurate drill, but it's also a redundant weapon in a lot of ways. The sole Kraut SMG option at BR IV, but that doesn't make it great.

>VG 1-5s
A meme weapon regardless. The cucked ROF means that it will ALWAYS be kind of annoying to use, just like the M1 Carbine.

>vg5 is basically mkb if you can mash your keyboard fast enough.
Mashing with semi-autos in Enlisted makes them fire slower since your inputs get eaten. They max out at about 4-5 clicks of the mouse per second, or 320 rounds per minute. Any faster and they fire slower. This is why the Beretta M1918/30 feels better to use than the VG 1-5 and M1 Carbine, because its fire rate is 480 RPM, or 8 clicks per second, meaning you CAN spam it really fast, but even that has a limit where if you click too much it starts eating inputs and firing much slower.

Semi-auto fire rates are capped to prevent macro use in most modern games. I remember when people in the old CoD games would just bind a macro to spam 100 shots from their semi-auto in the space of a second.
as much as I love G41, if you want to play germ br3, you have to take the grenade launchers.
I take a combination of g41s and grenade launchers. G41s lets you take extra grenades or whatever
The capped ROF of semi-autos should be increased to 420 across the board, like the Type Otsu. Or it should at least be increased to that for the VG and M1 Carbine.
I think you're being too hard on Beretta M1s. It's THE spray and pray weapon outside of certain downright filthy options like conders.

>mashing with semi-autos in Enlisted makes them fire slower
Perhaps but it's still a really controllable 30 magazine 9.6 damage weapon that can go on any class, has a very fast reload and at BR3. It can reliably headshot and even 2shot at ~200m. I'm honestly in love with the thing.
>grenade launchers
That's a pretty good idea on everyone. At least a couple will let you deal with most downtiered tanks, snipe apcs or ats and downright shit on faggots crowding second floors.
> think you're being too hard on Beretta M1s
That would be the Kiraly but that's fair.

>Perhaps but it's still a really controllable 30 magazine 9.6 damage weapon that can go on any class, has a very fast reload and at BR3. It can reliably headshot and even 2shot at ~200m. I'm honestly in love with the thing.
In theory it's really strong against Vit users, but its TTK isn't the best against anybody else. I do like it but it can be frustrating to use.
yeah, I still take it on classes like engi and RO.
You mean *doom music starts playing: the weapon*? And they supposedly plan on adding a bayonet on the thing.

>TTK isn't the best
Maybe it's luck, probably subjective as fuck but I've never had a weapon stop a ppsh or pps swayer point blank with such consistency. And it's goddamn orgasmic when you zip around with rifleman 2 full speed and take out one-two full squads and still have several rounds left in the magazine. and then I step on a fucking ap mine
>And they supposedly plan on adding a bayonet on the thing.

>Maybe it's luck, probably subjective as fuck but I've never had a weapon stop a ppsh or pps swayer point blank with such consistency.
It could just be that you are better at the game than I am and have better results.

>and then I step on a fucking ap mine
That's me.
>you are better at the game than I am
Highly doubt that.
I get by solely on having better gear than 90% of players.
Get out of your comfort zone. I haven't used a tank, flamer, (scoped) ARs or an lmg in over a year now and I must admit I'm extremely enjoying the rapid flank and snapshot 5-150m gameplay as result. I'm still not giving up my demo packs or impact grenades though.

>better gear than 90% of players
Hell, the shit I'm usually using... The bulgarian ww2 reservist firefighter corp would probably put to shame my f2p niggerkit.
The Puma is BR2
All paratrooper squads in the game are event or premium
It’s always the faggots that refuse to leave BR5 claiming that the matchmaking wasn’t changed. I’ve played pure BR1 games, pure BR3 games, BR 3-4 games.
I also played games where nearly everyone on my team builds a rally. About twenty in total in 3 years. That still doesn't change how easily every 8/10 of games played I'm literally the only one building. Especially after the first point.
Okay but you’re comparing it to a matchmaking system that has been up for a week and is definitely working as described
>is definitely working
> I don't know how to fucking read
Matchmaker isn't skill based or rank based. The only thing that matters is what tier your gun is. It's not the game's fault if tonight a bunch of noobs play USA and skew the win rate simply because they are populating the faction.
Uhh reach Tier 3 I think?
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You buy it, nigga. Unless you want a red one, then you are outta luck.

Yeah, finish Tier II.
Vodka enema
>get drunk
>browse /vg/
>oh shit enlisted has a general
>see like 90% off deal on 1year premium
>buy it
>forced to log in every fucking day so its not a waste of money
i will always stay on BG2 because its seems to be the skill based BG
poopsockers can suck it
Nigger, what the fuck does Baldur's Gate 2 have to do with this game?
i started playing literally a day before this event ended. how unfortuante
I'm glad we understand each other. Now, if you spent more time trying and less shilling for broken af matchmaking maybe you'd learn to read and be less of a streetshitting subhuman. Maybe.
>it seems to think I photoshopped everything in but the sky
thats not how the tool works, its essentially a contrast enhancer and also clearly shows your digital alteration, including whatever the program you ran the file through did to it
>here is no one test that can prove if a picture is fake or not.
you are just coping for mistaking an obviously intact normal image for a photoshop and are sticking to that assessment for some retarded reason
I gave you suggestions and you ignored them, adding totally arbitrary sub categories makes these lists a chore to read and I am not doing it again tbqh
no. I have definitely played with people I have blocked again
>remove them and keep them out of BR V like was the initial plan
if only. paper protoshit is seemingly adored by most of the playerbase so
the only way to play the AAA at top tier is to ambush, if you are trying to make shots you arent certain about during an attack run you are begging to get HVAR'd
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I am deeply sorry that you started playing.

t. Cock and Ball Tester.
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>Dicker Max
confrontation is the best this game gets when the teams are even though
plenty of BR1 only games atm. absolutely worth building BR1 lineups for
its crazy how hard this is for people to grasp.
there is no vendetta against you the player, the game is just totally beholden to the collective attention dynamics that shift around and are very hard to predict, and it was actually worse with the campaign system honestly
>5s, reload time
would be bearable if the gun didnt have a weird dispersion and middling damage honestly, the A115 is also trash. the 41(M) and the polack capture semi also still only do full reloads always
BR2 is the best, no doubt
>no silenced mp40s
>no radio squad
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Silenced MP 40s are tier 2 now...
i meant BR but to answer your question, all murrica players are gay
there you go thats what balldos gay has to do with this game
Thanks, bro.
Silenced MP-40 is BR2 now, they were moved down a preset. I need to reassess my Germany BR2 preset though because I was using a lot of fun things there that I can now move down to BR1 presets.
you would be better served by a normal 41 rifle squad
I know.
Don't like it. You have massive overlap and bloat. I'd ditch the 41 paypig squad for mortars and the useless stug for fast meme puma action. Also
>paras where
when do you think that squad will get partial reloads?
What's the correct stage/reward for the event for today?
Same time they get collars that match their coats (never)
(future update)™
>I'd ditch the 41 paypig squad for mortars and the useless stug for fast meme puma action
Puma is BR2, I'd rather just take a Pz. IV G for extra tonking. I'm still holding out for the StG-45 squad to get the placement it deserves though.
>paras where
Shitalians nowhere, don't even use them in BR2 because they suck.
MG 13 with drum mag, my beloved
they should just make the STG45(M) squad into paras and place them at BR1 to be competitive with the soviet paras
>Puma is BR2
So? I used it to kill jumbos, 105s and 76s more times than I can count back in norm. I don't get it but then again I always respected substance over style. I mean, hell, you already have great CAS with the 110 but no proper fighter to speak off. Good pilot(s) will completely shut your ass down and then you're left with cycling memesaulter squads.

That's usually the point where you desert, right?

Not even taking potshots at you man. Just seems like a very flashy and very badly optimized loadout for no real purpose than to sealclub bots and consoles. Just, wasteful.
Vgh so trve...
Please respond.
5000 silver.

t. CuxBox.
They should leave them completely as is so your autistic ass will continue to seethe and malt
>Good pilot(s) will completely shut your ass down
the 110s have nearly the same turn radius as every german fighter that BR and under for the most part
>I used it to kill jumbos, 105s and 76s more times than I can count back in norm
If I wanted a one-way anti tank trip I've got the planes.
>I mean, hell, you already have great CAS with the 110 but no proper fighter to speak off
The only German BR3 fighter is guns only. I rotated it out when I got the Dicker Max and flamethrower squad.
>Good pilot(s) will completely shut your ass down
I can deal with them with the Bf-110 well enough, though it is the worst progression Bf-110 for AA work admittedly. I could swap it out for that sweet Black Knight Bf-110 but I am loath to give up my big guns and rockets Bf-110.
You seem like a massive faggot but I appreciate it.
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fine by me
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I'm drunk at 7AM. Could be worse, I could be [other player].
I still think you're stacking some duplicates for no real benefit but if it works for you fair enough I suppose.

109s get like ~16 and 190s around ~18 compared to like 19-20 for the 110s. Better climb rate as well. I mean I'm already seeing a situation where some fuck comes from a dead angle and shoots you down and then you've lost the air supremacy because you sure as hell ain't going to bring him down with a stuka.
>I still think you're stacking some duplicates for no real benefit
I absolutely am, Dicker Max and StuG are the exact same role. But how can I not take the StuG with the awesome black skin, I've got it on a T-shirt.
cringe tbqh mbp
it's an awesome shirt
am i seeing correctly that there's only two engineer squads available for non pay pigs? fucking damnit, i wanted to make all my infantry engineers
yeah the basic bitch stug life shirt from etsy or whatever
idk man youd have to be pretty fit to pull that off
Three if you did events! Paypigging doesn't help much, oldfags get a buncha engineers thoughever.
For what nation? I have like 7 on krauts.
1 sec turn time difference is completely negligible and the way airspawns work in this game almost everything besides a chaika is toast with your six occupied, at least the 110 has a tailgunner. if air supremacy is that big of a concern stacking 110s makes more sense and is something germs can do
soviets. i just don't see anything being more useful than engineer. literally all you have to do is place rally points and seek and destroy enemy rally points and you win the game
Engineers are the most useful and important but they're never the best soldiers. In low BR you're better off spamming assaulter and machine gunner squads, in high BR you're better off spamming rifleman squads.
I agree but engie squads lose tons of their utility past br2. You can't build them as proper solders and take all the required perks to be proper engies, MG nests are borderline useless, AT cannons are great but you also have them on AT squads if you really, really can't live without them. And they lose their appeal once grenade launchers come into play. And AA guns plain suck ass now. They can take out a cas or two but you're better off switching to a plane yourself, especially on defence.
Climbrate and turnrate are anything but negligible especially in knife-fights that usually occur in this game if you plan on taking down more than one plane and then respawning. But, yeah, a second 110 would also work.
what composition is ideal then, is the motorized squad good?
no it's this shirt
I don't think it's good but I think it's downright mandatory. f2p or not. You just loose way too much score/xp/silver for not using the second source of passive income and your team is losing a serious advantage another well placed rally brings. I'm not a whale or a paypig and I always. Always, bring mine along.
I didnt say those factors were negligible, I said a 1 sec difference in turn time was. I dont think climb rate has ever saved me in this game short of going against biplanes either, but thats just lol
>get a match with someone named "V is form mark" or something like that
>keeps spamming "mark", "if you mark, we could win", "just mark that p2w tank"
i don't know if to be genuinely mad or appreciate the guy for sticking to his character
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But I mark using MOUSE5!
>And AA guns plain suck ass now
this just isnt true, especially at low BR. switching to a plane on defense is a dicey proposition in a game where you need to hump the objective to win in most cases
Compared to what they were? Used against p38s?
you mean when everyone had insane full traverse german quad cannons with gun shields (that were always just placeholders)? no shit they arent as good as that but if you cant tag low BR planes with even a single hit given the handholding lead indicator idk what to tell you

also the p38 is one of the most fragile planes in the game
If you mean the motorcycles, no not at all. APCs are great utility though as a mobile spawn point.
That's not a paypig thing, oldfags have a bunch of old squads from the old campaign system that newer players won't have access to
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I like the G41
Next sale i will buy the Stug
I wish Germans had a BR III fighter with bombs
Can't decide which SMG to use at BR III
Use the ZK and MP 41(r).
>Next sale i will buy the Stug
>no MG
hilarious waste of money
I mean when it's easier to take down cas with hand-held lmgs or at rifles than with dedicated AA emplacements.
again this just isnt true. some AAA are better than others but they are all serviceable

a 20mm HE hit is always going to do more damage than a small arm or .50 AP projectile, AND those two dont get lead indicators

the only way you could get the impression that AAA emplacements arent worth using is if you are mag dumping at a plane diving on you the second the lead pops up. be patient, time your shots and the plane will explode with 2-3 good hits quite reliably
other than the two SMG34s this lineup looks like pure suffering
Motherfucker, the whole point was engie squads lose their utility or even use past BR2. Put your money where your mouth is and show me a recording how you're the only player that makes them work, reliably, against BR 5 planes and I'll say, fuck, this guy knows his shit. Otherwise cease your faggotry.

Fair enough?
>20mm HE hit is always going to do more damage than a small arm or .50 AP projectile
No it's not. Emplaced AA guns have heavily nerfed damage compared to something mounted on Pz.2. Try shooting paras with one and then the other and see what I mean.
>the soviet skin that has body armor actually gives you damage reduction
no way
not my fault you cant read buddy >>483900430
>this just isnt true, especially at low BR

in what bizarre universe are infantry AT weapons and LMGs better at killing tougher high BR planes anyway? AAA is still your best bet even if you need more hits to kill the plane. I dont have any saved recordings killing planes with AAA because it is so easy its not exactly riveting gameplay. post a webm of you failing to kill planes with it and ill tell you what you are doing wrong. there is nothing a pilot can do against a low altitude AAA ambush I promise you
there is nothing in the resource about 20mm damage differentials afaik. but OK. 20mm HE hit is always going to do more damage TO A PLANE than a small arm or .50 AP projectile
Makes you look fat though
whats up newfag
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>20mm HE hit is always going to do more damage TO A PLANE
You know, it takes some real balls and some proper shit for brains to talk smak about not being able to read when you butt in a conversation with bullshit based on a resource spreadsheet you didn't even read right.

The difference between emplaced AA cannons and say MP40s is one does 3 damage at 100m and 1.8 at 300m, and the other 4.0 at 100m and 3.3 at 300m. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out a 140 damage AT rifle will shred literally any plane without you having to build it and play with your balls instead of doing other stuff.

Also where's the replay?
Lmao he is not cheating, why are you seething so much.
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i need to remake the G41 squad they were equipped with impact grenades, aside that meme squad and the premiums realistically i only use the 2 MG34 squads and the grenade launchers then i have a tank, a fast bomber and APC, so i don't see the "pure" suffering.
Here's a question. Why not spread out the nade launchers? Realistically you're not going to use ALL of them and it's rather convenient when you can cycle thru 2-4 for initial objective clearing/long range shennanigans and swap to semis for room clearing and CQC. Besides it's also what the germans actually did.
all my AT gunner has grenade launchers so i have at least 1 in each MG34 squad.
>and swap to semis for room clearing and CQC
when Tunisia was farming simulator for the bongs, my rifleman 2 were equipped with both ZH and grenade launchers.
>can't take both recoil reduction and boltie speed
>half the available nades
Bro, that's a waste. People forget that under that grenade launcher still lies a fantastic bolt k98 rifle and that thing slaps when upgraded and specced for.
I set the parameters of my statement very clearly anon. what did I misread in the resource? comparing raw damage here is as retarded as saying HE shells are worthless because AP does more damage to a single point. a statement which demonstrates clear unfamiliarity with how munitions are modeled in game
>where's the replay?
why should I load into top tier and make a webm for you demonstrating this clear skill issue to the point you think bringing AT rifles to top tier is a better alternative to building a flak gun, its just goofy. as someone who flies a lot at top tier too I can tell you AAA is always a threat and a good player is extremely hard to counter whereas I have never lost a plane to someones LMG or AT gun in berlin or otherwise lol
boltie speed is still bugged and yes i know, which is why i said specifically "when Tunisia was..."
every slot counts in BR3 and having multiple deadweight premiums and heavily leaning on the hitmarker machine 41 incline me to think you will be suffering in an uptier. the 110 and P4 do little to ameliorate this. if you are leaning on rifle grenades and impacts as a crutch to make the lineup work than OK but it isnt unreasonable to think you will consistently have a bad time with such a lineup
G41 is pretty shit, you might be able to successfully run any other better semi-autos more competitively, but I don't think the G41 can hang as a primary weapon. I lean pretty heavily on some very strong assaulters in my BR3 lineup. Spamming GLs is also an option.
Really? I could swear it cycles like a motherfucker with that perk on. Bit better than half the semis in the game.
>boltie speed is still bugged
still waiting for some kind of evidence for this assertion
Honestly i feel like everything past 6th slot is a luxury or filler.
I am not saying that having extra decent squads isn't optimal or something like that, but that is how i play in the rest of the factions since i only bought 1 extra slot for the Mutts and Japanese.
>guy is about to throw a molotov through the doorway
>i close the door
>he splashes himself in the face
>the screaming
fair enough, I generally avoid BR3 because I dont like dealing with full uptiers in any faction really
i remember people spamming that here, in the forum and the resource. I never tested it since all my soldiers with bolt action has that skill
there is a noticeable improvement on some rifles idk
aside from the ocasional mutt BR V black hole i got a good number of BR3 games in Tunisia. Teams are full of retards though
please fucking tell me i can still get the soviet cavalry sword... please
Nope. Get fucked newfag.
>hit 20k
>no reason to keep playing
I'm afraid you'll have to find some other way to roleplay as an elf
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i know this feel
well, at least i got that voevodin pistol. this thing is actually sick
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more probably wants to roleplay as a imperial guard commissar which is still pretty fucking gay
>keofox fired
its gonna get worse.. isnt it?
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I really love this tunic but i fucking wish it didn't have the helmet in the backpack
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oh fuck it is true, any reason or rumor why?
Might have just gotten a different job, I never see CMs last too long on a game
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i noticed that in every post that are still in the forum has this a subtitle(?)
yeah had this happen to a half track recently except it was underground
im pretty sure they patched out this bug and then it got back in somehow
hes been with the project since the beginning no?
yeah, radio backpack is the only thing that removes it afaik
Looks great though, which squad is that?
Is it intentional that squads don't get access to every available customisation item?
Keo has been with Gaijin since WT started
So he's been around for a decade now
They do, but some base appearances aren’t in the item pool and as such are uniquely available on some squad types. Like the olive drab Stahlhelms for Normandy snipers.
it is the tunisian MG 2 squad, but i am pretty sure that tunic is in a lot of squads.
shouldn't you be celebrating a furfag getting canned?
Keofox getting canned is a bad omen imo
If you were asking about that specific cosmetic, then all MG squads can do it EXCEPT for the Italian ones. Italians have their own cosmetics for Tunisia
Or rather, all German infantry squads. Tunisia is kind of a weird example though, German riflemen squads also get access to different versions of shorts that other squads can’t buy.
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>30 hours or so until we can progress in the event again
Let me grind and play some more for goodness sake!
no shortage of bad omens to go around either
new to daily lockout timegating?
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what did the official enlisted twitter mean by this
forumites are absolute gremlins
Keofox probably leaked too much shit he shouldn't have and got fired. If he didn't do anything wrong and just changed jobs, there would have been a goodbye post or at least it wouldn't have been so sudden or abrupt.
what did he leak tho
We don't know about any one thing in particular, tons of things have been leaked though. Hard to say who is at fault because they seem to Enlist the help of the community for free testing a lot
he did say that they were going to do some internal testing for soviets and japanese MM
If that post got him canned then that's beyond retarded. Since the Reddit Janny has done similar levels of soft leaks as well.
Maybe he is the man behind all the leaks.
Like how we knew about the assault engies 2 months in advance. The Jap 2nd para squad, Horn StG and AT-44.
Or maybe it's something else.
I don't even care anymore;
it's just.. meh..
I've burned myself out.

Keofox going is likely a bad sign.

I don't think DF is going to have much of a way out of this mess...

they'd be better off setting up/starting up development of "Enlisted 2: Re-Enlisted".
>make it a buy to play game: not free2play with premium.
>have a 'normal' dev cycle where they pump out enough assets to actually make the game feel reasonably complete.
>(IE: repackage a lot of the shit they've already implemented while having the freedom to completely refine things like bipods so they actually work from the start.. also building destruction)..

idk by like ~2030
>the slaying of a sacred furfag
>most importantly not leaving 'beta' until it's actually time to leave 'beta', and having a steam release that is properly done.
they dont have to waste more time redoing the game, just fucking release steam again without the cringe shit.. its not that hard, also incentivize dead campaigns but the skeevy jews refuse to let us have anything
>buy to play game: not free2play with premium
You're a funny guy
They could do the 100vs100 player battles or whatever the fuck they originally were planning after the steam release, use the full scale maps instead of slices, and call it an expansion. At the very least they could let people rent servers and have like 10 dedicated ones for those battles, too.
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I am. He can burn in hell with the rest of them.
>they dont have to waste more time redoing the game, just fucking release steam again without the cringe shit.. its not that hard, also incentivize dead campaigns but the skeevy jews refuse to let us have anything

They're going to have to do a lot of redoing, there's some serious Fundamental Flaws with the basic design of the game...

flaws that were inherent to the whole process by which the game was made since it's early access announcement circa 2016.

I hate rent-a-server shit.. no just have a standalone dedicated server setup with a lobby... the old fashioned way nothing else is necessary..

rent-a-server means mod-support gets cut short... integrate Valve's anticheat though; it's generally pretty good when the eye of sauron focuses on VAC violators/reports.
Renting servers doesn't cut mod support, it just lets people set up more servers in the lobby, and possibly we could finally download mods and maps directly like how servers are in old cod games or wolfenstein right now
>valve anti cheat
Yes please. Then nobody can shield hackers anymore.
eh you can do that with "standalone servers", which is what those old Cod and Wolfenstein games used too.

I have a bad taste in my mouth from how people begged DICE/EA for rent-a-servers in BF when that was very much a "compromise" position, and one that wasn't really good on the consumer end.
I think having a votekick might be better.
Are the sights on the MG131 bugged?
Votekick is being abused almost every match in custom games.
There are people who deserve to be kicked, obviously, but too many people are voting yes the moment a poll comes up
No, the gun is retardedly mounted and tilts awkwardly so good luck hitting on the edges of rotation without using 3rd party cursors.
>They could do the 100vs100 player battles
nope. consoles
And have 40 players leave instantly when they're mowed down by a single conders/fedorov/gl/lmg/hmg/camping tank/at cannon/ass/t20/hei/cas? Yeah, you have the right idea.
the game should call you a homosexual.
literally just call you a homosexual or something..
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the 1v0 boosted void match dream, too bad bots dont push very well
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Remember feverishly preparing for the merge?
sometimes wish I hadnt, games not fun with 5 mil silver
Post all your faction presets RIGHT NOW
I just have a maxed out BRV lineup for every faction, dont like playing in shitter br
Pfff don't even talk to me until you have at LEAST three presets per faction, poorfag
ive got more silver than ill ever use and dont care for downtiering tho
>ive got more silver than ill ever use
Because you don't have enough to set up more presets.
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you cant gaslight me into buying bolties
Just admit you can't afford it, poorfag
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Japan is stomping low tier pacific right now
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Yeah, regarding the above, gotta admit that engies squad isn't overly effective at brII. I used to fighting for the objective, but the moment you encounter dedicated assaulter you're getting your ass served.
Maybe I should just accept that I'm not supposed to go on the objective and build guns nearby instead.
Freedom isn't free
Put an assaulter in your engineer squad, and some molotovs. Boom, you upgraded your close quarters game on your squad that shoumd be mining and setting up wire on the point
One assaulter isn't very reliable though.
I guess engineers are good when you're defending, but defence is booooring.
/enlg/ is more alive than /codg/
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mfw have to drag my team to the finish line solo every game
I still need help picking an AA vehicle winner. Any disagreements with the rest of my conclusions? If not I'll finalize it and begin working on BR4 tomorrow which will probably take forever and be a lot more divisive.
>Never got to play it
Was it fun?
It was.
>finally unlock KT IIH
>cant buy it cause need to research/purchase previous vehicle
what the fuck? when did the Pz4G suddenly appear and why?
>being carried by a mentally ill faggot
also embarrassing for them
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>start playing
>pick krauts
>it's all CQC SMG paradise and die like a dog to pad somebody else's progression
>/enlg/ says americans are good
>switch over
>it's all open space pacific island boltie heaven and my SMGs are worthless outside of city maps
It's more of "set to low" heaven because you can't see anything with ultra graphics on.
>/enlg/ says americans are good
no one has said this ever
americans are good
keofox personally told me that the next event will have big american titties
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unfortunate, this general only likes german washboards
IQ from R6...
well as long as it's not loli feet
that's where I draw the line
Wake up
I never used any aim assists in my life, can someone explain what's so incriminating about this video?
You can clearly see him scrolling through targets via mousewheel, and he locks on dead center perfectly to the panther as he is falling, which is basically impossible.
What's your go-to perk build for MG IIIs with RD44?
Sleight of Hand Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Scavenger Pro
Vodka enema pro
Communist pinko douchebag pro
Scat scavenger pro
whatever makes me throw grenades the farthest
>0 tickets left
>not even able to take the first cap
>1 squad left
>dude just takes his axe out and starts hitting a tree in the spawn

godspeed woodcutter
He's preparing for the counterattack and has to gather wood to build tier I bunkers
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6 gorillion in just 5 years? That seems impossible.
Enlisted assimilated the multiverse early on. It is totally possible.
do you get more battles the higher br you are? that tool shop map sucks total ass btw
The maps are based on your faction and what BR you play. Tunisia, Moscow, Normandy, Rhzev and Stalingrad can be seen by low br, then you add Berlin and Ardennes and take away Moscow and Tunisia for high BR
Last update. It was in Stalingrad so they had to turn the old one into an exclusive vehicle with a ton of HEAT while they added a new generic version since it was the most common Pz. IV variant
Same as all other MG3 builds. Horizontal and two points of vertical, vitality, and medkit use speed. Requires perfect roll in handling.

If possible though it would be preferable to have an old max rolled MG2 that already has horizontal, vitality, and sprint speed with nothing else so you can add two points in vertical and get a perk spread that is no longer possible. I’ve got a few of those on my Americans.
Bulge is also BR3 and can be seen by everyone
You can even scroll through targets like that? Ah, the world of technology.
>game that was purpose built for 256 player that flopped anyway
wow... inspiring
>m1 garand is br4
you can't defend this. it should be br1, but there's absolutely no reason it's not br3. the entire reason the usa was effective at the infantry level is because the garand outclassed every bolt action rifle
ulq shitter detected
it is br3 retard
i'm not stupid, this game is fucking stupid. what the fuck do the tiers mean? you put garand in tier 4 research you assume that's br4, but no it's actually br3! game is clearly made by slavs
The grenade launcher should be br 3
No one else gets a semi-auto anti tank grenade launcher at BR3
no it really shouldnt actually
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we are never getting a reichstag map huh
We have Goebbels' house, instead
Y'know Hux, despite the M3 field mod being the worst grease gun it still slaps very hard at BR1. Muzzle velocity isn't as big of a deal as being able to quickly down all the masses of infantry teeming at this BR, and most engagements are up close anyway. The Reising would suck bigly if it weren't for the paras getting horz/2xvert and the recoil reduction while ADS makes it a laser on the squad. The M55 is unabated trash though. The Sten MkIII has great irons and is just fun to use. The A13 feels much stronger than I remember it being. The pom-poms ammo is still bugged (since release) and has got to be the single worst premium that was ever added to the game. I get around 5k silver per game with this lineup because I get to do everything the console children can't.
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>no body armor
not wasting body armor on a 2nd string event squad that only gets played when br5 germs are being huge pushovers. the full snow camo is also nice
>the full snow camo is also nice
Makes for pretty targets for my hmg
It actually really should be yea
That's some grade A retardation bait there. (You) deserve one.
Isn't the M1 Garand GL also higher velocity? It certainly feels like it is.
nice autism
lots of snow in rzhev so not really
well its never happening so you can keep being disappointed I guess
Yeah, every AT gl is.
right back at you babe
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>fuck you intensifies
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nice thing about germs being totally routed at top tier is I can dust off the bad squads and have fun with them
Better enjoy it while you can
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I am <3
In all honesty I like this. Tons of actual gopnik players to shoot at and since sweats left it's piss easy to hit #1. Reminds me of how moscow used to be.
I'm not seeing it
What the fuck is this anime shit and why a fucking nazi? Are you a fucking a nazi or what? Come on don't be shy, tell us all about it, faggot.
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yeah unfortunately all the EVA/U45 et al clanfags are stacking soviets so every other game there are a couple of them it seems. you would think as sweaty players they would be stacking the unfavored side but they are probably just padding win % like losers. would play more like old moscow if these guys got lost
im playing with US & EU servers checked and I have yet to lose a game as BR5 soviets for the past few days, when it gets boring I switch to something else so its nice to have some backbone on the other team that isnt meta sweating
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Wait a minute, are you not a nazi?
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I like my burgers whaledone.
I'm jewish.
I didnt know the devs actually posted here
dont you retards ever get tired of being painfully unfunny
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dont you left-wingers ever get tired of swallowing poc semen?
>rhetorical question
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if you consider yourself a nazi and you play video games instead of, you know, adhering to your ideological principles, you are a huge loser and should commit sudoku. same thing applies to commies but they are vastly more tolerant of degeneracy. and yes sinking hours and hours into a f2p bot shooter is 100% degeneracy and in the reich you idiots would find yourself in a KL as arbeitsscheue no question
>seething and coping
>no argument
thought so loser, go jerk off to tranny porn or whatever you freaks are in to
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Hitler won WWII
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oy vey! the goyim aren't giving me (You)s :( how will i ever get my JIDF welfare check now to pay for my ruben sandwich?
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>oh look its random filename schizo posting again
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Oh no, one of Stalin's useful idiots is in this thread
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>I'm mad
>mad about nazi anime girls on an american version of a japanese anime imageboard website
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Oh shit, he's got the FG 42 II
Close but nope
what is it then
the fact that the tt-30 does so little damage is proof soviet bias doesn't exist
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what le fuck is this atrocity
We don't talk about that.
are all the japanese maps shooting galleries?
>N1K2-J got lost and is fighting for the burgers
crazy shit on the western front!!!
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>darkflow is now supposedly banning people who complain or ask for updates on official channels like steam and forums
I saw that thread too, although I'm not sure if he was banned for earlier troll posts instead of that list. Just look at his name lol.
Post a screenshot or go back to the forums retards
Don't think I've seen so many whales in a very long time. Fucking m2s and t20s as well. And we bled them for 20 minutes straight at the last objective with retard strength br2-3 human wave tactics. Most of them left after that and the few consoles left on their side that had like 12 kills after 30+ minutes just died on our barbedwire.

Pretty fun game.
I wish this game had a king of the hill mode
a proper one, not confrontation
Sorry you're too shitty for the best mode in the game. But yeah having another mode like that would be welcome
confrontation can be cool if it's not just a constant back and forth between two points that lasts 46 minutes
That's your fault for not trying new ways to take the next cap when your team gains back the momentum.
Or you can embrace the attrition gameplay.
When does the event reset?
that kind of test of will is what makes it fun
What's the difference between this and the fedora
The number of lice
confrontation is the most unbalanced pile of shit they have ever made. im just thankful we dont have capture the flag.
Seriously though, just that its classed as an MG?
there is nothing about confrontation that is inherently unbalanced, blame your teammates or maybe yourself if you get filtered by it
The maps are all biased and there are many cap points where one side has an easier time because of that.
maps are made for defender and attacker positions in mind, confrontation will always favour one team. reverse invasion always feels terrible (especially on D-day) but its not as common or blatant in the same match with confrontation.
Oh, yes. Balans™. And then a cheeky motherfucker flanks to one of the bunkers and mows down half the retards on your team with the MGs facing your and only your way.

>b-but they learned their lesion and new maps are better
Fuck that noise. In Rzhv one side gets a covered approach on every objective and the other faces literal uphill battle with zero cover, another run across a clear field, then has to run across a shoddy wooden bridge and then run across a river.
Some objectives are completely in favour of one of the sides. Personally I don't feel so bad about this mode, but saying that nothing there is unbalanced is trolling.
Should be 3-4 more hours
Basically, yeah.
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oh just to be cold again
They never should have patched this ragdoll glitch.
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Nazis love AI slop.
how do I get so many wives like that
sorry, reserved only for people who dont spam AP mines
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>get my first shitty machine gun
>kinda shit, can't aim with it
>get an assault map as defender
>suddenly find God's Spot
>mfw mowing down the third wave of bots
At last I truly see
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In our hearts
breda? most early machine guns are god tier indoor cleaners
The first American one, the Vickers-something. I can get a few kills while hipfiring, but it does send most of the shots to the next postal code over.

Also, I'm kinda disappointed there aren't any belt-fed machine guns. If you need to Balans them, just make them unable to fire unless braced. And introduce barrel heat, I guess.
death to top fed MG's
But I just got it...........
>there aren't any belt-fed machine guns
Engineer squads and MG squads can build them.
>barrel heat
They have that, too.
well if my team's not gonna defend the cap, my little explosive moles will
How do you build the nests? The upgrade doesn't show up in my engineer squad, and there's like, no special prompt or anything when using the engineer in my MG section
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I'm stupid
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engineers in machine gun squads can build the heavy 50 cal nests which dont get broken from a single shot. engis in anti-tank squads can also build the AT gun.
>Also, I'm kinda disappointed there aren't any belt-fed machine guns
You mean like the MG-34, MG-42, MG-42 Early, MG-45, M1919A6, RPD-44, Maxim Tokarev, Beltfed DP-28, Conders, or LAD?
Oh and the MG-34 Patronentrommel and MG-15
Keep in mind that Soviet MG squads can build the ДШК, a totally not overpowered and not even slightly showing the dev's bias gun.
Where did the event go? I can't see it
meanwhile the jap HMG feels like its sending wet farts at the enemy
>less AP than all other mgs
>less RoF than the MG-131
We are around the rollover time, give it some time/restart
its another hour
the DShK is nice, and I enjoy it(mostly because I rarely get to use DShKs in games) but I prefer the M2

they're all pretty equal in some ways
MG-131 is gigafast and shreds early burger tanks, probably early snownigger tanks too
DShK has a good firing rate, looks hot, just all around good gun
M2 is M2, shrimple as
Type 97 can bully early burger tanks pretty reliably
>italians never got their MGs or AT or AA
>bongs never got their MGs, but their AT and AA are the americans' AT and AA

>bren and sten are acronyms
what the fuck

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