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Welcome to the Vidya Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss video game-based creepypastas and their related content. And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

ROOM #459 - Valle Verde Edition

>/exeg/arbage Site & Archive

>Video Game Creepypastas & Gaming Urban Legends

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs

>Old Man Reads Vidya Creepypastas

>/exeg/ Archives

>/exeg/ CyTube
https://cytu dot be/r/exegarbage

>Homemade/found pastas

>Room Template

>Previous Room
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Please let this be a good thread...
Rayuko tried to sell Impasta cosmetics in Roblox so it's only a matter of time before he does OSF cosmetics
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All profits from OSF roblox clothes are to be donated directly to the Church of Scientology purely because it'd be funny to do so
the schizo treehouse is still alive?
>all profits
So maybe 50 robux tops?
Idk, but any cult will do
I want OSF to have a negative impact on society broadly
It's the thought that counts
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rayuko status
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>OSF cosmetics
how would that work there's not much to profit off of that will make it stand out. X's design is standard and Sonic's is unchanged
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all this shipwrecked 64 talk reminds me that they got a illegal instructions composer for a song
my respect for these people are depleting at an exceeding rate
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>X's design is standard
I'd argue against that since I personally think he does stand out against what are currently the most prevalent depictions of the character
the only thing I find different is the fucked up shading and grin
is sandi even well known for illegal instruction outside of making SE/hellspawn for v2 he's more well known for other things like dead air in the fnf area
guy on the left looks like a white zibidi
this is the exe community, where faker clone #752 gets the rat lady
I do not know who this is, who made it, anything about it
he did?
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not really, but him being pretty active according to the server xmls isn't a good look
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>the cooler faker
reminds me of RAW
you remember him, don't'cha?
who cares
it's not that serious
calm down.
also the creator openly confirms the design was inspired by EXE. at least they're honest
well, not particularly honest enough seeing as the design clearly takes more from faker than they wanna admit, like arms the same color as fur applies to both shadow and faker, and you can't really even see the "shit between the eyes" from lord x
speaking of, i used to think his shoe color was a design choice joe thought of, not something originally done by jc
>osf cosmetics
i'm surprised syro hasn't tried to suggest warden to make it
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>there's a sonic adventure ARG series about Tikal
Wasn't there a tumblr blog with this same idea?
Holy samefagging pedophilia.
With the schiz? No way!
and that's one. let's see if you can go a thread without reaching fifty
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The only thing i saw about it was the horrible vhs filter and that the devs thought it's worthy of being sold on steam so i never cared
They're really charging you 8 dollars for this garbage
lol its the same guy who was seething about that uminekotard making better fnf music than him
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once a winner, always a winner
pooby (current)
who is pooby?
look it up
>traces part of its origin to an encounter with antimatter and dark matter in an accident involving a sega employee
How fucking shit do you have to be at making sonic games to accidentally trip into antimatter in the middle of the office
the average sonic team programmer?
or one of the guys trying to make the decade old sonic model still work?
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Lol, I remember tellin' 'em off in NG dms.
get your janitor to restore exegarbage.lol
I'm assuming this is Sarahfag. Where the FUCK are the directors?
I'll try
I replied with just this
The curse of Mario Mix
revie threatened to dox them
am I a joke to you?
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>They took EVERYTHING from me.
>My voice...
>My stardom...
>And they replaced me with some RED-HAIRED KID.
that's bullshit but I believe it
>Server xmls
...link? I've never heard of these before.
anyone thought of making an exe with these plushies yet?
This reminds me of the exeg plushhog oc that had a skeleton in it
Squidward's Sewer Slide when
If Sonic.exe went up against Archie Knuckles he'd job so hard.
does anybody have osf gameplay footage on youtube?
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decided to datamine the sprites of green mountain to make a proper gif of sonic transforming with pauses
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while i'm still here, does anybody know the EXACT shading that the game uses? i've tried to replicate it via Animate but i think i can only get close, not perfectly match it (like with the orange dark tones around the sprites, for example)
that's creepy, well done
he's got a point
he has a few details wrong here and there but overall he's somewhat correct
oh hey valle verde got a new video
i havent seen past the 1st episode, anything cool happen?
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super horror luigi is real
why is he so sexy
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shotaceiver bump
good morning exeg
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the christian themes are becoming much less subtle now
>draws sexo needlemouse art
nevermind his creator is based
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rewrite.CONTENT > faker.hiatus
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Wow i almost forgot /s4s/ exists wow what the fuck are these people even doing they must be really bored
so FUARKING rayudeep.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
he's not wrong
Slendytubbies stream
We need to expel him
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>character i made got so popular to the point where there are now fan-made roblox items
that’s fucking surreal, never thought i’d amount to anything in my life
desu i do think sabotage is one of the better early /exeg/ characters, he has a strong enough premise (corporate sabotage to a rival company) to make him interesting
the eyelashes is the only reason he has gender-bent porn
i don’t really see the appeal
were the eyes inspired by bill cipher?
you still show up here tracefag? i thought you got bored of the place
i scroll here occasionally
spy eye symbol
bye faggots
can’t be caught hanging around in this shithole
Later tracefag
Gonna make a Gamejolt page for the next OSF release. The game's updates are going to be smaller but more frequent from this point, and I do not want people being given links to /exeg/ every time
That's fair
What the fuck is OSF?
FNF slop?
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Ordinary Sonic ROM Hack remake with additional content
Far from it. It's a remake of ordinary sonic romhack
are there more game modes planned for OSF outside of XL and perma alter?
Omochao Edition and Ring Ride are planned as gamemodes. Frazzdude mode acccidentally created this cool classic ROM hack crossover thing (AOSRH x S2XL) which is supposed to be carried on with these other gamemodes. These kinds of modes are bonus stuff that I'll probably finish while waiting on Hatcher to finish spritework required for the main game.
For Omochao Edition, I remember someone having a funny idea of an "Omochao.EXE" that pauses the game whenever X does something, which is quite funny but might end up being a little too cancerous
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what's ring ride again?
is there a download for OSF?
the one where sonic gets drunk off rings
Name his songs
Never happening
what >>483880254 said but also there were a few ring ride variants such as weed
It was in the OP a few threads ago
it's in the game list
FRIDAY. The day you realize that nothing can stop you, because you are a MAGIC SKELETON packed with MEAT and animated with ELECTRICITY and IMAGINATION. You have a cave in your face full of sharp bones and five tentacles at the end of each arm. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING, MAGIC SKELETON
Do you think Blue SH11 supports killing Ukrainians
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does it make you feel good to do this
I am rayucontent
Why do you think he's deleting his shit
It's a rayupleasure
which creepypasta characters do you think ben tennyson could theoretically turn into
New Luigikid upload
>For actually being a parody game, I honestly got to say it's A LOT BETTER than some .EXE Games I've played in the past.
fuck off tranny
it's called hatred, in the present moment, all i have for you
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Stalking random nobodies will get you nowhere in life brother
Is it any coincidence that I heard absolutely nothing of things like Super Mario Logan and Ben 10 until I started posting on /exeg/?
you should watch ben 10
you should shill post cord
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he did literally draw duke 3 days ago
I think you've been here for too long
All I know about logan is it really pisses off austitic youtubers
how the fuck do you make Luigikid of all people tired of exeslop
who has this edit of that pic of deceiver being kissed but deceiver was made black
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he wasn't made black, his colors was just saturated
no i mean somebody else went and turned deceiver black in this, it was an edit of this
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This is what you wanted, right?
Why are you more invested in characters with no content than characters with actual content to discuss
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No, this is.
My apologies.
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It's okay.
Workbench's potential girlfriends
>Lady Void
Workbench's rivals for love
Workbench's best friends

Post more possible candidates for Workbench interaction art
No the fuck he isn't
You're not subtle with the samefagging spammer-kun
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unless you area talking about a /b/lack edit this is the darkest i have
Yes he is, Workbench and Impasta play roblox together. This is PROVEN by Numbercruncher (tsundere) removing Rayuko from the forbidden content list
Impasta and Workbench are sitting together, crying in true despair at the ending of their favorite Roblox ARG, before Marwiiu the CHUD enters and makes fun of them, thus beginning an epic battle...
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>Faker Sky
>Workbench statue
that was it thanks
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>>Lady Void
that's my wife you're talking about
are you going to quit spamming your e-crush anytime soon
passionate sex with rayuko
>I've been doing a lot of thinking lately
How would a medieval slender game play out?
i feel like i should thank you for actively pushing me away from wanting to make or engage with exe content
Notice how it's almost always related to mario or sonic
he looks like he's about to examine my prostate
super horror couple
i really really wish you would stop talking about me
i don't like any of you
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it's been 4 months you creep me the fuck out
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why won't you delete your online presence already get the fuck out and take your parasocial stalker with you
i dont want to be here anyway
>Continues to shit the thread
Good job tranny!
and yet you still keep fucking coming back and bringing this spamming nigger with you
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mmm, rayuko
You basting that turkey today?
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WTF is that thing
no more
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Edit I did ona whim.
could you imagine her all tired and sweaty, could you imagine that?
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What's this for? A fingerbones game?
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What are exeg's thoughts on Project X?
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>Project X
You know about it?
i saw project x gameplay when i was a young lad
would not recommend it
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>Rayuko X
..I think I understand what you are talking about
You know about it?
i saw rayuko x quirkplay when i was a young tranny
would not recommend it
..I think I understand what you are sakkthing about
Are you going to keep samefagging all night?
Piss off.
Sakkth off.
Piss on.
Rayuko on.
I saw a Ristar pasta on the front page of the SOG wiki. Should I storytime it? It was made recently apparently
"The Unknown Copy of Ristar"

>Alot of people are familiar with the name "Ristar". For those who aren't, Ristar is a 2D platform game created by SEGA for SEGA Genesis consoles featuring the iconic mascot Ristar. It was supposed to be a successor of Sonic the Hedgehog. However, the game never received massive exposure or sales, mainly due to being released just three months prior to the Sega Saturn. In this story, i'm gonna tell you my story of a weird Ristar copy i once played.

>Hello, my name is Mark and i'm a huge fan of Ristar. I remember playing Ristar as a kid since 1998 when i was 5 years old and now i'm 26. Ristar was part of my childhood and i to this day i blame SEGA for not returning our favorite yellow mascot back to his spotlight. I remember buying a copy of the game after purchasing it on Ebay but that copy has probobly changed my life forever.

(typo in the second paragraph already. off to a good start)
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>The Story

>On August 10th 2019 on Wednesday morning, i was thinking of playing the game after 24 years. He was one of my favorite characters SEGA ever created and i always thought if he will ever come back with a new modern game. One day when i was searching the adic i saw my old Genesis console where i used to play Ristar. It was still usable just very dusty. As i took it down stairs and wiped it with wet handkerchief, i releazed i have no Ristar cartrige. The one i once had was given to my younger brother when he was 13 and he still keeps it to this day, i decided to get one myself by buying a cartrige on Ebay. As i went to the website i searched for the copy and then i bought one. As i was very exited to get a game i once played, i heard the door bell. Curious as if it's my order i opened the door and strangely no one was there. I looked everywhere, that was until i looked down when i saw the box tittled "Ristar". I was very happy and in excitement and brought it inside. I was still suspicios for no one being on the doorstep but i didn't really mind it since i only cared for the package. As i opened the box i saw it, the iconic figure on the cartrige. I was very overhyped for getting the game and putted it on my table. I tried connecting the console to the electricity to make sure it works and luckily it did so i grabbed the cartrige and putted it on the console, ready to play.

(this is why you use spellcheck)
>The Game

>As the game booted itself up i was greeted with the classic tittle screen and i immediately began the first level "Planet Neer". Everything reminded me of the classic times when i played it including the cheerfull song that played during gameplay, however the game seemed a bit laggy and Ristar also seemed as if his pupils whould get smaller and i felt kinda confused about it but never payed too much attention and it was probobly my imagination. As i was going through the game i've encountered the first boss Armoured Tree Snake and it was fine at first till i defeated it. Once i left the level the game glitched and i was greated with a strange message saying...

>"Hello Friend"

>"Do you remember how long it's been?"

>"What the..." i sayed. I was shocked, this was never in the game, i felt goosebumps after seeing that, "Was that Ristar?" i sayed. As i began with the second level "Dark Woods", things now got from good to creepy. The game's level played the song backwards and Ristar has a wide creepy grin instead of a happy smile. I knew this was a sign of something bad will happen through the game but i kept continuing. Ristar for whatever reasons got new moves that was never meant in the game, such as kicking and punching and we all know he only grabs the enemies till he knocks them out. As i was punching and kicking the enemies, i can see Ristar enjoying giving pain to the enemies as if this is what he always wanted. As i finished the level i got face to face with Planet Elder. I was using the grabbing ability and the new kick moves to defeat him and when i did instead of Planet Elder floating away he fell on the ground with alot of brusies on him. Ristar then started breaking the 4th wall staring directly at me for 8 seconds before another text messege appeared on the screen.

>"I love to see them suffer"

>"Do you?"

(Sonic.exe did irreversible damage to creepypastas)
>This was not the Ristar i remember. This was something else. A possible hijack or some sort of a fangame. I didn't want to continue the game thinking things could get any worse but ofcourse my curiocity was still curious to continue.

>As i got to Round 2 things got to a very dark turn from creepy to disturbing. Instead of the level being called "Planet Leatow", it's "Planet Corpse", and as the level sayed, the planet was made out of corpses. Ristar still has that same grin not caring that there are dead bodies around him and i guided him through the level. There are low number of enemies in this level and those enemies were mainly skeletal and mangled version's of Ristar plus the waters were replaced with blood. I felt very unnerved and regretful for ordering a game i once loved and at the end of the level instead of "Lost Palace" It was now "Lost Forever". The level was the same till i got to the end of it to the boss arena. It was called "Slaughter Attack" instead of "Ohsat Attack". Upon going through the level i got face to face with a doppleganger version of Ristar. He looked the same one as i was playing exept that he has no mouth and looked angry. I was very confused as why was there a 2nd Ristar in the game. About like 6 seconds of silence the boss battle started and he was quite tough to defeat since he whould use the same attacks as mine including the kicking and punching moves. As i somewhat managed to defeat him the screen yet again cut to black with another message, however this one was interesting.

>"27 Years"

>"Yet i'm still forgotten"

(look ristar I wish you got a new game too but isn't this a bit extreme)
>"Strange..." i sayed. It could likely mean the fact that how SEGA treated him after the game's release. Being forgotten and betrayed by one who he created, but what does that have to do with dead bodies or corpse? At Round 3 "Planet Onaclove" things did somewhat seemed to go back to normal until i saw the enemies. They had some weird mutated appearances as if they got melted by the heat and some of them were even dead. Ristar also seemed the same from the start and he his new abilities were gone including the grin. Going throw the levels i then got to to the boss arena "Adahan Fall". The boss looked worse then the enemies. It's eyes were completely missing, he's body is completely melted and blood was on it's claws. The song was also replaced with heavy bitcrushed sounds but despite these changes it acted as a regular boss fight and i managed to defeat it. Once again i got greated with another message saying...

>"I'm Trapped"

>"I want freedom"

>Not sure what it meant but possibly SEGA's lack of interest of Ristar witch led him to be forgotten and insane. When i got to Round 4 the Planet was renamed to "Neuos" to "Chaos". Unlike in the original game everything here was very chaotic with a extreme large number of killing, and Ristar got that same creepy grin again, a grin of joyment. By the time i got to the boss arena "Awaueck Sing" The screen glitches and it cut to black again. The new messege appeared saying...

>"I feel betrayed... lonely... isolated..."

(is the author a teenager? what is this)
>"And now... I want revenge for my abandonment"

>The screen came back to the game and to my surprise the boss was already completely mangled with me having no chance to fight. "What the hell?" i sayed. The boss was completely unrecognizable and Ristar acted as if nothing happened with the cheerful look. At this point i just wanted to quit and tried to shut down the console, but before i did, i got jumpscared with a loud ear piercing noise with big red text on the screen saying...

>"K E E P P L A Y I N G"

(fuck off)

>Scared for my life i had to continue because i didn't wanted to know what happens if i don't continue. At Round 5 the level got renamed to "Planet Wasteland" rather "Planet Elykiki". Everything here was very frozen completely rather being a fun level, the song was replaced with loud snowstorm sounds and the enemies looked like walking zombie corpses. Going through the level was kinda tough since the level was kinda more slippery then usual. However i managed to beat all levels at first try. When i managed to get to the boss, Ristar quickly shifted his eyes directly at me. A new message appeared...

>"They will remember me"

(give it a few years they're busy with crazy taxy and jet set radio)
>As we cut the boss battle the boss looked very horrifiying as it was decomposed and half of it's head was ripped off. The backround was glitched out as the small enemies that shoud've appeared weren't there. Once i beated the boss i got to the Round 6 "Planet Rewope". Unlike Planet Onaclove, Everything here seemed very normal for a while before i got a another message of Ristar saying...

>"My suffering will soon end"

>I wanted to try out the special stage in the game since i forgot that they exist in the game and when i tried a message whould appear saying...

>"Don't think so"

>Weird and confused i continued the game even tho i felt mad. As beated the levels of Round 6 i got the boss arena "Uranim Power". The boss battle seemed weird as the enemy looked somewhat scared and tried so hard to defeat me while in the original game that wasn't the case. It was very easy for me to defeat him but when i did there was a small animation of Ristar jumping on enemies head, crushing it. I was disgusted when i saw all that blood oozing from enemy's head and one final message appeared.

>"Ready for your final breath?"

(stop with the shitty cheesy one liners)
>I was nervous but i was still born ready to win. At the final round, the level was changed completely. It had realistic graphics as Ristar looking more devilish then before. Reaching to this final planet i got face to face with the final boss "Kaiser Greedy". The boss battle was tough and quite painful as i kept losing lives but with one last push i thankfully managed to defeat him with some miracle. I celebrated after winning and managed to take a breath after all that i've been through. I thought that was the end of the game, however i whould quickly realize that i was very wrong. Instead of the credit's, Ristar then straight up turned around and looked at me with that haunting smile and surprisingly didn't cut to any message. Ristar instead spoke in a deep actual voice.

>"I can feel the suffering fading from me, but i can't satisfy my hunger for kill"

>"Want to try another round? So you can play with me more?"

>He then slowly started walking towards the screen with me now starting to panick as what should i do. Before Ristar could've done anything, the TV has shut itself down. As i looked at the console i was surprised that it was scorching hot. I had to cool it down with wet cloths in order to cool down the boiling heat and by the time i pulled out the cartrige it was already ruined by the heat.

(how convenient.)

>I was very scared for what i experienced. My beloved childhood character... Who turned into a psycho path. I somewhat understood why was he murdering all those in his world, being left by someone who he was created and stuck in a only game like a prison. It felt like for him that he was in a endless loop where there's no escape at all, but in the same time it just didn't made any sence like the doppleganger or what he really wanted from me. Now I will admit I did kinda lost my interests to him ever since I gave my cartrige to my brother, but I still thought and wanted to play Ristar game. This cursed copy made me fear Ristar for rest of my life. I wasn't really sure if i should keep or throw the cartrige. I tried checking with mechanics if they can help with fixing my cartrige but they told me it's badly damanged to be fixed. I was kinda dissapointed for not having it fixed so i had no choise but to throw it to the garbage. To this day i still remember his iconic grin of his just smiling directly at me and i even dreamed of a boss battle with him against me. I felt every single pain after hitting me everywhere and when I was laying on the ground, he stood infront of me, staring at my soul. As he was going to stomp my head I fell of my bed, relieved that I escaped his nightmare. Unfortunately, I only took the screenshot of the cartrige since i was very focused on playing the game and i can't play it again cuz the cartrige is thrown away. If someone experiences the same thing as i did then please destroy the cartrige at ALL COST!

the end
I'm going to bed fuck this
Nice to see the writing quality of Creepypastas hasn't changed a bit after all this time.
anyone who tells you the bar has gone up over time is lying to themselves
Most modern creepypasta fans (Twitter users) tend to act like they've matured and have higher standards. They don't.
i blame sonic.exe fans
sonic.exe fans don't even write creepypastas brother
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Can't write if you can't read.
Nobody actually cares about Ristar
I've read attempts that are on par with this story and it shows people did not learn from jc's mistakes because they're gaslit into thinking sonic.exe as a gimmick is good
Is there some unspoken rule that establishes that you aren't allowed to win in these fucking games no matter what you do
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what if Jeff did blackface
good morning exeg
it's probably laziness and because in every other game you die so in this one must follow the tradition. the best you'll get is nightmare beginning (not sure if the other games in the series have good endings)
why would he do that
It's either laziness or not wanting their character to come off as weak
it's probably one or the other, but other games show that you can have your character look strong while being able to be taken down or at least stalled like for example: the Nemesis T-Type or the Final Fantasy bosses.
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I'm not surprised they keep taking the cheap way out. at least MX is possible to evade if you're familiar with smb. I don't know many sonic.exe games that stick to the speed based platforming sonic 1-3k are known for. NB was all platforming and no speed. the closest ones I can think of are the destiny and dark souls
Slendytubbies stream
How are you doing today anon
Remember Slendrina?
according to this game slenderman had sex with a grandma
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you will be replaced and there is nothing you can do about it
bring him back
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i wish
Playable Fingerbones is real?
I said
>rejected his creation as nothing but a shitpost made out of boredom
>got so popular his own creator realized he was letting his oc was going to waste
Happy ending I guess?
didn't he spam CP on funkg or is that someone else
do people on the outside care about sabotage's concept or just his design
dont answer that i know its the latter
are we sure this is tracefag's twitter?
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>sabotage was created when the owner was 12/13
Did tracefag ever give out his age publicly? this feels like another steven situation with someone trying to steal an oc for clout
whoever it is that runs the account, they can draw in his artstyle very well
besides, it's funnier to think that all this time people were drawing porn of a character made by a preteen
it's more than likely a fake
yes it was him
he hasn't posted anything that prove it's him, if it was tracefag he would have postedd an image of his drawing software with all the layers of one of his old exeg drawings
comes with its own game
I'm not playing that shit
>either sabotage's creator was an underage funkg shitposter all along or someone is taking credits for his work
>this implies it's an underage cp spammer
Obviously it's an impersonator but that sounds horrifying to think about
i mean, one doesn't prevent the other, he can still be an underage shitposter and be impersonated by another kid
I know and I'm hoping that isn't the case. It doesn't help that he's shown to be schizophrenic and spite fueled
>get asked to prove who he is
>run away
>it's already starting
damn he blocks everyone who mention tracefag, how weird
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fucking lol
Send him a picture of the og Sabotage made by tracefag and tell him to recreate it to prove it's him
I'm blocked, but I'll make some fanart for him : )
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caught like a deer in headlights
If he hates us so much why did he STEAL the EVIL 4chud OC huh???
not creative and lazy
>Wants to roleplay as tracefag
Does he really want to get lumped in with all the shit he's done?
Children are retarded what do you expect
so, exeg, verdict?
Wasn't that posted by the sabotage guy in thread?
This was posted before
It's the real deal!!
Now ask him why he spammed cp
got a link?
I don't know about you but i just love how this guy continues to say "sabotage has been stained" it literally shows that it's a Twitterfag in the way he talks, the age along with every other detail in this is genuinely pathetic to the point of being unironically laughable, impersonating a real pedo to reclaim a refsheet really sounds like something a massive obsessed autist only would do and Xitter is exactly where you can find such people
oh hey the kid is here
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i promise we don't bite
Well at least the thread is awake now
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I mean since we’re asking them to prove their not tracefag
what proof do WE have of them actually being the same person?
hi sabotageanon
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did sabotageanon made noose.exe too, the art look the same
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same artstyle
>not even the same ui
the font is different
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yeah that's definitely tracefag's work. look at the very first sabotage sketch it matches perfectly
Didn't he draw porn
He drew porn of exeg-tan with funkg-tan actually
>be me
>watching the shitshow
i feel like sling watching people say he isn't jeffysmlfan
Why are you larping as a 15 year old
tracefag why do you jelq to 'p
traceGOD how do you disprove this >>484017484
that’s the scanline filter on photomosh lol
bro slipped up
i didn't even post that shit
i’m not
Tracefag if that's really you draw something to BTFO the larper for shits and giggles
You got a fan
How does that make you feel?
Tracefag draw 2koma instant loss of sabo getting his guts rearranged by bonzi buddy
Anal sex
It’s a surreal feeling
fun fact original sabotage image was made on aggie.io, line width was a result of my chromebook monitor being wacky
tell me what to draw
something related to sabotage's real face, since the faker can't do it for shit
Sabotage flipping off the viewer and saying "fuck niggers, fuck jannies, and fuck trannies"
Sabotage in a Nazi outfit
draw sabotage using a nintendo computer to spam 'p
fuck off
that was also made on aggie.io
red hat was edited from a real image though
lil bro is shitting himself right now that he can’t recreate the mikeyfag spamton image
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Didn't even know what tracefag was until an hour ago
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for context i haven't drawn this fag in years
yup, that's the one
yeah, i drew OG sabotage with a fucking chromebook trackpad
welcome back old pal
looks like that's our guy
I’m going to confront the fake co-owner of sabotage
wish me the best of luck
you gonna get blocked in seconds
this is gonna be good
shitcord btw
Larper on life support this instant
He has already been dead silent for a while but now he has no excuses
The co-owner is definitely the fake sabotageanon account trying to get ownership, it's just so blatant even gamereel or whoever the fuck running eoh404 it is, now found out
That's a given but personally i'll be waiting for when the twitterfags will inevitabily find out as the laughs will be guaranteed
I’m going to take my leave now and enjoy life
will come back if anything interesting happens or i have a funny screenshot to post
godspeed tracefag
rb exe cucked again
MX went mainstream again
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wtf is this even supposed to be, some kind of renaissance sabotage? is this nigga going to paint the mona lisa or some shit
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The trannies took out all the edge he had
he looks like he's taking art commissions
>all the edge
he never had edge
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Any Strider pastas out there?
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I’m back, convinced co-owner to abandon ship, they know sabotageanon is a fraud now
should’ve learned not to fuck with me
today has been a epic win for both me and this general
Based. even if it was temporary to troll some underage larper it was cool to see you pop up and draw sabotage again tracefag
you’re welcome
When did this ownership retardation start cropping up everywhere?
since autism was discovered in human beings
Trannies can suck the edge out of even the bluntest of concepts.
This genuinely looks like a shitty mcdonalds toy
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Well that was quick.
Tracefag what are your thoughts on the Sabotage roblox UGC some tranny commissioned
thieving xitter larpers:0
I think it’s surreal to think that something I created was added to Roblox one way or another
thieving xitter larpers:0
Is MX A FIT guy or a FAT guy
i need to know for educational reasons
thieving xitter larpers:2
he's a big guy
He's basically Kingpin and Mario mixed together
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The faggot mountain
They know that's sonic right
No, they don't.
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I don't think they care
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I had a carteridge and upon it was an ocarina but no holes.
When I stick it in my games console from the gaming capital of the world Fukuoka, there came the signature Italian man with his great terrible cap but this time there was a horrorble twist, the face he had upon the screen with no eyes and blood!
I had a mighty fright and toss Fukuoka boy out window into local septic river to drown demons. Father whip me with many appliances for fail to resale gamebrick to local cartilage associate.
This is my story, it has been 6 years, I have no anus.
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i putted in the nintindo and the nostalgiac critic and petar griffon bled at me
why does he have all these sprites when he's never going to use most of them
what's the best old take on exe
OSF might have Blast Processing but does it also have MODE 7 to produce such mind boggling effects?
lord x and exe
>Mushroom Kingdom Showdown
>Koopa's revenge
hell yeah man
blame joe and shei
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no you dipshit, i mean old pasta takes on him, not shit made in the past 4 to 5 years
satanos and exetior
satanos is not even as old as lord x and doesn't really have anything
he looks like an animal crossing character
that might be an interesting take on him
unrelated im remembering the animal crossing pasta storytime that seemed to go on forever
defend this
fnf's better anyways
revie kino
I didn't ask if you liked listening to toilet sounds
EXEs are for schmucks, watch Ben 10 instead.
No I'm going to jack off to the alien porn instead
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goodnight exeg
for you
who's your favorite alien?
porn of aliens or porn made by aliens?
its safe to say sh11 is dead
even still it has more content than hog which i find funny cus iirc jack gore just abandoned hog once he realised that he couldnt make an actual bootleg

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