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Previous: >>483740691

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

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>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Herta is cute but Yinlin is beautiful
This one
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We love Miss Sparkle here
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lick doll joint
Why did Firefly's banner flop? Why didn't the shilling work?
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How do you avoid getting one-shotted in DU?
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>genshin is getting mogged by fucking BOOTHILL
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Fujos are too powerful
>/hsrg/ filtered by yet another mode
Not surprising desu
>/hsrg/ fails to understand the significance of the dual DPS king
Not surprising desu
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
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/hsrg/ bros... my attempts at establishing peaceful relations with our neighboring general /zzz/ have fallen through. They think our characters aren't good enough for them. What is our next move?
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Do I want atk or spd boots on my Raiden Mei?
ring ding ding
send them houhou schizo posters
git gud
electro goblet
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I self insert as every girl Sigga sticks in his dick
This Cyclical Extrapolation thing is absolute fucking garbage for Firefly oh my fucking god
This is for Imbiblitor Loony with Aventurine tagging along or something holy fucking shit
Sparkle is still a pathetic friendless clingy loser.
Skill issue
Furina rerun is way weaker than I expected
Isn't she the most broken support AND the most popular character in the game?
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Topaz is so lucky (and no one else)
Yeah im gonna have native shields, native followups, and native scaling with crit on the typical FF/HMC/RM/Gal set up no problem
Why are we so bad at divegrass
I am Sparkle
>Goes to Vietnam to mate with Bug Mei
>Started seeing viet ads
>mosquito everywhere
>Hot as shit
>My google search is in Vietnamese now
>Horrible WiFi
It’s jover, I’m ngmi
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>she doesn't know he sleeps with his female clients
oh no no no no
Your Sigga is a hoe hoe hoe
The likelihood of him being monogamous is low
AHAHAHA get fuck
t. Viet
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Firefly love
Isn't a little bit sad how nobody gives a shit about Bronya but everyone loves Silver Wolf?
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she lied
but you have to live there all the time...
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You can't run from justice forever Bronya
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It's cause Silver Wolf is a sexy 9 year old.
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we dont care about fake bronya here
Because her whole role in the story is to justify the CCP covering up the Tiananmen square massacre.
I blame Seele, separate the two and they'd be infinitely more popular.
I like Bronya
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SEA just built different bwo.
It's time to let go, Jade
What massacre?
To guard and defend, crush them.
And by them
I mean her Motherless Belobussy
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SEA = low IQ monkey with small penis
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Alright who am I pulling for next??
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She really is
>dual DPS king
In a way, I think Bronya might be safe even if the truth does come out simply because she did end the endless snowstorm. At the same time, who really is going to be able to find out? The only person Cocolia was close to was Bronya and she probably didn't write down her plans right? Or is there some collectible that actually details Cocolia's spiral into madness.
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yomi and kafka
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Save for another DPS.
Sis, Boothill will never be meta
She hasn't appeared/relevant for a long time, not to mention she's shipped with Seele.
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There's only one thing she can do now...
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This is your reminder to take responsibility and roll.
SW doesn't have any heavy shipshit shilling going on for her
Even the screwllum shipshit barely lasted a week when the graffiti event came out
Is it really worth to have this on aventurine?
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Hmmm nyo.
I like her. JP Bronya's war cry in her ultimate is pretty badass.
I refuse to roll for fofo, she's a bloodthirsty DOG
Aventurine is easy to build really anything that can up his damage is good. Yeah this one is fine if you can't get shit on the other relics.
we're not that bad
First, I find it ironic that more non-Chinese (AKA white people) try to "care" about what happened in Tiananmen than actual Chinese people. Why don't you try asking actual Chinese? Do you even know what the majority of Chinese people think, instead of what you read on Fox news? Chances are, they will support the CCP and what happened in Tiananmen Incident. Yes, people in China actually know what happened in Tiananmen, and no we are not "brainwashed" just because we do not share your opinion. It is generally agreed that what happened in Tiananmen was tragic but necessary for national security. The fact was that the student protesters were very close to overthrowing my government and plunging China into chaos. After what happened to China in the 1930s and 1940s, there was no way in hell we were going to let that chaos and suffering happen again. It was for the greater good, and sometimes you need to sacrifice a few people to maintain stability.

Let's suppose the Capitol Hill protesters in America had gotten control of the Capitol building, maybe even killed a few politicians. Do you think the US should use lethal force on the Capital Hill protesters? If so, you cannot pretend to care about Tiananmen without being a hypocrite.

Third, I will try to tell why people really "care" about Tiananmen. They are concern trolling, and trying to tear China down. They cannot stand that Chinese people, or even Asians in general, can rise to be a great power, so they have to make up lies about my country and countrymen to tear us down. They (try to) promote separatism by shouting absurdities like "FREE TIBET" and "FREE HK" despite the fact that those terrorities are more integrated with China than Peutro Rico and Hawaii are with the US. We know what you're trying to do, so stop it. You don't actually care about HK or Taiwan, you just want to use them as pawns to tear down China because white people can't fathom a non-white nation can rise to challenge the West.
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no seriously

what is the point of luocha when Gallaher exist?

this may be the first 5* character to be powercreped this fast by a 4* that is also given for free holy brick
I was never part of the beta. How good was Arlan there that I always here how they neutered him so hard?
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They broke millions...
>everyone loves Silver Wolf
I'm pretty sure people shit on her constantly though?
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I guess. I still use Broken Kneel on him.
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What are these credit charges for "Romantic Dreampool", "Dr. Edward's Special Adults-Only Dream Bubble: Couple's Edition", and "luxury dreamscape self-cleaning lingerie" on my card?? Explain to me now, Firefly you salacious whore
I just asked the Average Chinese and they said they don't know anything about Tianamen Square
>and no we are not "brainwashed" just because we do not share your opinion
says the bugman kek
They shit on her combat usability, but everyone wants to tongue her anus.
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Grandchildren.... they will be mine....
Better heals, dispel, cleanse not tied to SP
>game shills break effect
>wtf bros why is a break healer so good
Why are Gallagher worshippers like this
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>They (try to) promote separatism by shouting absurdities like "FREE TIBET" and "FREE HK" despite the fact that those terrorities are more integrated with China than Peutro Rico and Hawaii are with the US.
I know this is plebbit copypasta but lol
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>T0.5 Ratio
that everyone is just me btw. i want to tongue bronya's anus too btw.
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He tuff, I wanna get his cone.
Politics is gay, anyone that pays attention to that shit is a moron.
I don't care. I don't live in America.
FUbros....we jobbed again
The garden of recollection can recover information from entire dead worlds with their combined efforts, even sending a single memokeeper to Jarilo VI would be enough to out Bronya, Black swan was already shown to glean information from related objects even if the people involved didn't write a single word on them.
>silver fraud
Luocha is better in non-Acheron non-Firefly team.
>Pedowyden memelist
Easy Trump W. No muting next time that was gay
Now post the chinese tier list
>luochud is better in teams that don't matter
Biden won
Trump is a pootin puppet
Not American so I don't give a shit, but I will always support Trump because he's more memeworthy and is funnier.
Luocha is for maxcomfy
also why is Fu not T0? Everytime I got ass blasted in hard game mode, I'm always running back to her
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>It's good because of Monoquantum
>It's good because of Acheron
>It's good because of Ratio
When will she get her own feats?
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I don't see luochud in the best 7 teams in the game according to the chinese
Like choosing which one between Nanook or IX to turn the planet you live on into floorwax.
The bigger evil, Finality, remained untouched and unchallenged because most people consider people who sought after Terminus as schizos.
With that logic, everyone not in the premium Acheron and Firefly team should be in T5 instead.
>replaced by homofox
how is ratio so good?
>When will she get her own feats?
she will be the first to get pregnant
jingliu hypercarry is still alive?
Why does Acheron have Fu instead of Aventurine?
>broooo Gallagher is so good he's easily T0
>literally only Firefly wants him aka the T0 @ E0S0 dps shilled in MoC, AS and DU
Gallagherfags are worse than Pelafags jesus christ
Seele is still alive bro...
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>So I made sure that aside from other SHs only you would be able to see my holograms... huh? do you have brain worms? I don't think of you at all!
Why is she like this?
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He just is
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>Biden won
>Trump is a pootin puppet
dont worry, the united states of europe will still support ukraine after trump gets elected :)
(hungary wont, germany wont, serbia wont, many more european countries wont)
you can "outplay" the traffic light, you can't outplay the trotter.
The greatest enemy, a lightcone
more like picking between destroying the one ring or letting Sauron take over
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We don't know anything about Bronya EN VA
We don't know her real name
We don't know how she looks like
She doesn't have any socials
She hasn't voiced any other character before
It was made by some retarded westard or SEAnigger.
Luocha is better in DHIL hypercarry, Boothill is also better with HH.
>he didn't redeem Ratio
Post non virgin characters
clown vs clown
He has Topaz as a buffer
Loucha's still good with how easily he could heal without spending any SP, providing wiggle rooms for dual sustain or dual harmony hypercarry.
Problem is, those 2 strats just got straight up crept in most if not all endgame content in order to shill the hot new thing (FF break comp, which happens to include E6 Gallagher).
It's going to be really, really hard for Hoyo to convince people to give up their Galla honestly.
Honestly based, considering how much of attention whores the others are
i have no idea what you're talking about. this week's shilling is still great for firefly, you get an absurdly powerful weighted curio for free and free sovereign skybreaker and thundering chariot. it's already miles better than an ordinary extrapolation
nobody cares polshart
I didnt watch it but Biden won because he supports trans rights in America and that gets my vote
>It's going to be really, really hard for Hoyo to convince people to give up their Galla honestly.
They don't have to, it will happen naturally when a 5* BE sustain came out or newer characters get shilled hard.
People don't use him outside of his specialized teams anyway.
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you dont care so much that you reply to me about it... hmm
I mean we're getting a 5* break healer in 2.5, he's going to get powercreeped easily.
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Can I replace ATK sphere with Fire damage sphere?
Firefly love!
Smelling Firefly's butt!
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The japanese are lusting over Stelle
>he deleted the pic he accidentally posted that was making fun of trumpsharts
least retarded russian shill
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He won't be leaving my teams, that's for certain.
maybe in the far future when hoyo decides to make elemental atk modifiers work on break dmg
>Mihoyo stops shilling break effect
>Gallagher stops being relevant outside Firefly teams
No. Fire Damage does absolutely nothing.
fire damage does near nothing to her, you're better off with a crappy ATK% one for the BE conversion
Stelle is a slut!
Aaaand that 5* BE sustain would simply go to the 2nd BE team instead.
This is honestly my biggest gripe with current Mihoyo, their shilled new thing for endgame content right now is FF team and NOTHING ELSE.
They could at least make other comps have leeway to hold their own but nooo, actively sabotaging other playstyle improves current banner's sales or some other insane excuse.
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>b-but Jiaoqiu is just an Acheron slav-ACK
People aren't going to spend their jades on an abundance that won't be able to fit into any team. They would have to powercreep more than just Gallagher otherwise it's such a waste for meta reasons.
stelle is unironically super hot
I hope this doesn't mean I like autistic yume self-inserters
But I love her?
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How many times has this been posted now?
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>acheron team has a ton of ult shilling buffs in du and sweeps it as easily as firefly
>acheron team can 0av the current as but firefly can't even do it even though it's supposed to be her 'shilled' as
I have both Fu and Aventurine and I have no idea how the Sigga, as much as I appreciate his sustain, overtakes Fu. Sure he compresses both subdps and sustain but the tradeoff is he halfasses both and ends up sucking anyway. Build him with CDmg and/or Dmg Orb and he sustains like edging on paper thin condom, give him full defense and he's the best shielder but does as much damage as an unbuilt Asta. Meanwhile anytime I use Fu I just turn my brain off and forget any problems about sustaining outside of SU, but even then, that is a mode more reliant on blessings than characters. His CDmg debuff is nice but at the end of the day it's a debuff, it expires and is also conditional on your units Critting while Fu just shits CRate for free on everyone. I can invest into his damage while Fu has none for sure, but whats a 20% damage increase gonna do on a unit that does 10k on average? Hit 2k harder? I don't fucking get the Sigger shilling at all.
I mean the BE shilling is so intense my 11% BE Himeko cleared MoC12-2 fairly comfortably. Alongside some seriously half assed HMC and gallagher. I DO have E0S1 RM though
How do I make Fu Xuan work in DU? It seems like most bosses can OHKO her no matter what i put on her
Fu Xuan is not BiS in any meta team
Do you have her Light Cone?
Trumps relentless shilling for Isreal was hilarious
>my 11% BE Himeko cleared MoC12-2 fairly comfortably. Alongside some seriously half assed HMC and gallagher. I
I don't believe you
What's the best setup for FF team in g&g? Is it still remembrance to win?
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could be a issue with you not being able to gear him properly, my aventurine performs super fuckin well thanks to gepard cone and having taunt means his follow-up attack can trigger a ton especially in PF
yanqing(complete) is fucking me in my DU runs. I have fought him three times in a row
just use your Acheron?
just use acheron's ult?
Best? Advance on break + that 3* remembrance, +1 eidolon curio if not E1 Firefly.
Sounds like skill issue to me bruh
Every since I got him she has been benched
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Nice tier list, now let's look at the data
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imagine benching a cute girl for a faggot
Hunt blessings has a lot of buffs attached to weakness breaking so go for that and try to get Night Beyond the Pyre if you can.
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Luocha, the sustainer/healer classified in the "T1" tier, excels primarily in the crucial role of sustaining and healing allies during battles. However, despite his mastery in this essential aspect, characters positioned in tiers "T0.5" and "T0" surpass him due to their ability to provide additional utility beyond healing. These higher-tier characters bring diverse strengths such as crowd control, damage mitigation, or offensive support, making them versatile assets in various strategic situations. Luocha's flaw lies not in his healing proficiency but rather in his limited scope beyond support roles. Nonetheless, in scenarios where healing prowess is paramount, Luocha undoubtedly reigns supreme, ensuring his indispensability in the team's survival and endurance strategies.
Aventurine has probably more tits than Fu xuan
I wonder if I should swap out Gallagher for Fu Xuan in Swarm Disaster. I'm getting killed way too easily in the second phase. Or do I just need to grind out the stat buffs before doing Torturous difficulty?
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same, she has some delicious legs
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It was no 0 cycle or anything of the sort not was it on auto, but have a look
This is her, 4/8/8/8, E1S1, 2pFire set/2p Grand Duke, Salsotto
Now It may have been a fluke I don't know, but it happened
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Declare war on them
Don't even bother with Swarm if you don't have Aventurine or Gepard
New break sustain will have
>Makes pseudo-break damage even if toughness bar is still not broken
>Implants full team with sustainer's specific element
>Debuffs enemies with Super Break weakness

There. T0 Sustainer.
it's because the leader of Israel sleeps at his daughters house (her own bed) when visiting NYC.
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Why are people so sure that when MoC or AS removes their Break Effect buff, it will make BE units bad? I tried doing MoC12 without breaking the trotter and it was just the same thing. Maybe one Firefly turn slower but that's it.
Abundance is useless when it comes to difficult content because enemies hit too hard. Either go for a preservation sustain or get good preservation blessings early because without those don't even try.
>But list is about debuffs
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And for completeness' sake, the entire team
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>Hell Is Preferable to Nihility
I tried doing Swarm Disaster IV earlier today and double sustain with Gallagher and Gepard couldn't keep me alive
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Pretty funny Firefly video
I want to stretch her stupid legstrap and slap it against her thigh
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nta but it did shill her pretty hard due to having extra actions and multiple elites you could break to trigger her FuA, I 2 turned side 2
He worked in DU V6 protocol, but maybe DU is just a much easier mode.

It's very easy to stack a ton of DMG reduction, ATK down and DEF up blessings in DU but in Swarm Disaster, I feel like I'm in the fucking desert begging for a drop of water when it comes to defensive blessings that also work with an Abundance character.
At least offer her some trash or something first
You haven't noticed that sustains now do more than just sustain? Look at Gallagher's kit
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I base my opinions on mutt politics on Baki's manga.
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I still have my 300th ticket
Bronya S2? or Savrog S0?
I have a S2 Sparkle after all.
Are DU save files just for Planar farming?
Gallagher debuffs.
Bro??? Gallagher is good in the CURRENT content because of how much he contribute Break DMG.
His healing's meager and has always been just a tiny bonus.
Since Mihoyo has retarded approach to meta, doing past events means building past comps.
Non-Luocha healers get shafted hard in SD due to the bugs ganging up on you whenever they can.
Stack double Preservation and hope Quake DMG kills them or go for Rememberance with Gep and E6 March and permastun everyone.
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I don't get it. Why's the song linked to Firefly?
My fuarking heroes...
What 2nd BE team?
We're not going to get 2nd HTB anytime soon, not to mention there's only 1 RM and the only other BE DPS is Boothill.

>This is honestly my biggest gripe with current Mihoyo, their shilled new thing for endgame content right now is FF team and NOTHING ELSE.
>They could at least make other comps have leeway to hold their own but nooo, actively sabotaging other playstyle improves current banner's sales or some other insane excuse.
Are you a newfag struggling in MoC or something?
when does this play again?
>mfw those seven manhole covers in Dreamflux
Why is TB a total fucking schizo
Out of curiosity I checked for the heterosexual Stelle hentai.
>Her garter is almost never removed.
>Dan is almost always used as a self insert since he's the generic Asian guy.
...Sigga in AS when?
Current meta? Sure.
Past meta? Hell yeah she was.
Gallagher doesn't have debuff. His eidolons is QoLs.
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Because Sparkle VS Firefly will generate more view than Sparkle VS Robin
A few hints is that TB feels disconnected from most things because they aren't in their real body
Never, people will complaing he's too dificult. Mihoyo already removed him from DU because they were complaining shit's too hard.
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skin indentation is nice
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You are stupid as fuck.
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But Besotted and his ATK debuff from his EBA proc Acheron's stacks?
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Re-downloading wuwa just to see if I get Jinhsi in 30 pulls.
Glowworm-chan love
>I hope this doesn't mean I like autistic yume self-inserters
>EBA: Reduces the target's ATK by 15%, lasting for 2 turn(s).
>ult: Inflicts Besotted on all enemies, lasting for 2 turn(s).

Update is 20GB.
Servers should be up in 40 minutes or so.
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It's already up.
Now I understand why so many people underestimated Gallagher for a long time. There are people like these who don't even read what characters do.
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>Yunli navel got censored by damned triangle
>Meanwhile our sister game get this
They listen and began to loosen the censorship. Do you think we can complain about Yunli and get our navel back?
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>Get a big airship with portraits of you everywhere and you can even decorate it, even if it's a tiny bit on rails
>Still no personal room on the Express itself
I regret not getting Luocha just for SD
There are also people who overestimated him like >>483790226
I've just come to assume that everything wrong with TB's mental is because of the SH
i did yay but i got 0 good artifacts
If I don't care about a character I don't read his kit, yes.
Because it justifies dumb exploration achievements like that. And because it's funny
>having trouble with swarm disaster
>difficulty 4
just uninstall
Because Robin is unironically a backup singer for the main heroine, Firefly.
sigger isn't hard, it's just so fucking annoying and take too much long time because of one shitty mechanic that he keep spamming. difficulty wise cirrus is harder than him
nope. saving for cam. Actually, I'm only playing this shitty game for cam
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Who wants this?
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>tfw TB is dysphoric because they were just shoved in a meat suit one day

the beats of the music evokes the chugging of a steam locomotive
Why did you level a def piece
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I love this smug gremlin so much
some players are new
Perfect Gayligger piece
what's the difference whether it's hp or defense
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A shame I got this only 3 domains before the boss, and even then this shit is turbo mega busted wtf
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I thought private servers were meant to showcase baseline performance of new characters.
But these faggots are using it to showcase "muh 0 cycle clear" instead.

>Please watch my full E0S1 team with optimized substat clearing MoC 12 in 0 cycle. Sometimes they're E2S1 if i'm feeling cute.
>You want E0S0 showcase? Just watched mine and imagine slightly lower number
Who the fuck cares about your 0 cycle clear in private servers?
Is Ruan Mei better than Tingyun for a QQ Hypercarry?
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So what prizes do they give out in these livestreams? Is it worth tuning in?
mostly unrelated but I love Jingliu's phone design in game, little stuff like that makes the game so much better
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what am i missing
That's why Rubert was THE Emperor
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Disco Elysium is $4
i played that last year
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More def mean your effective incoming heal is better.
More HP mean more survival chance but easier to get wounded from small scratch. You need both stat to get effective tankiness
If you have free orb and body piece like Ruan Mei. But if your free slot is only one, get def piece because helm already provide HP.
I literally can not get a decent amount of break effect on any piece. Fuck.
>not being Robin
All of those are free
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>Play trailblazer birb
>First place in my very first two games
>Play march birb
>Absolute last place, literally not doing damage to anyone and not winning a single round
holy shit
This is a really great way to make people not want to roll for non break dps in the future
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Which anime are they referencing?
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Post characters who would have multiple wives/husbandos
yeah because trailblazer is turn positive (tp) and march is tp unfriendly same thing is for for firefly bird
Voltes V. Super old anime. Or maybe Ideon? Not sure.
TTGL ending where they fuse all the mechs into a gigantic mecha.
But I'm sure the trope existed before TTGL.
Or much more applicable, Gurren Lagann. I forgot it's the one that's many people will actually get in reference.
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I couldn't sleep so I went ahead and tested Jade E0S0 with Yunli E0S1 and man it was not as fun as just running Topaz E0S1. Even with Yunli shitting out blast attacks it took forever for Jade to do follow ups. This is very apparent because you can see the energy issues in the team. Robin has a really hard time getting her ult up consistently which was not an issue in the topaz team. Nothing has changed in their builds and only Topaz was replaced for Jade. Jade's build is given below.

For those who were not present during the last few threads. I have got a PS up and running and I am testing Yunli with multiple teams. So far I have done three teams. I've tried to play them to the best of my ability and they have reasonable relics as well. Yunli is E0S1 for the showcases that are currently done but I'll try her out with Aeon later.

1. Topaz E0S1, Aventurine E0S1, Robin E0S0, Yunli E0S1
These were all my builds and relics. All reasonable investment and in some cases aren't even that great. Coding the substats into the relics in the private server does not support low rolls, so all upgrades to substats happen as max rolls. To counter this, I have removed certain upgrades so as to remain true to my crit value in the image. This is just to let everyone know before you jump on me for small discrepancies.

2. Sparkle E0S1

3. HuoHuo(E0S0 w Shared Feeling S5) and Tingyun (E6 with BP cone S5) are nothing notable.

4. Jade E0S0
The relics are somewhat decent not the best probably. She sits around 60:200 CV. I've modified the set to be 4pc Duke and she's running Duran planar instead of Salsotto. All substats are the same. She's running Eternal Calculus S5.

>Why not quantum set
Duke = Qua set when no qua weak enemies.

>Team Showcases
Oh damn that brings back the memories.
How dare they
Holy BABY, my name is Boothill Kobayashi. I'm a 27 year old Penaconian Renegade (Galaxy Ranger for you IPC shirtbags). I brand and wrangle cattle on my ranch, and spend my days perfecting the craft and enjoying superior Aeragan-Epharshel passtimes. (Barbeque, Rodeo, Fireworks) I train with my branding iron every day, this superior weapon can permanently leave my ranch embled on a cattle's hide because it is white-hot, and is vastly superior to any other method of livestock marking. I earned my branding license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak Penaconian fluently, both Halovian and Pepeshi dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Penaconian history and their cowboy code, which I follow 100% When I get my Penacony visa, I am moving to Golden Hour to work for the Alfalfa Family to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a cattle wrangler for the Double Cross Ranch or an oil rig operator for Exxon-Mobil! I own several cowboy hats, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Penacony, so I can fit in easier. I rebel against my elders and seniors and speak Penaconian as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Penacony!
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conclusion? qrd? eidolons testing?
So is Yulin a fun character to invest in?
X4 Foundations
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To be fair, Sigga has a bigger responsibility than most to revive the Avgin race. Multiple concubines is essentially a necessity, even if he doesn't marry them.
Have you tride Yunli/Jade with no sustain but Tingyun instead?
If Yunli is S1 might as well let her facetank everything
Wouldn't that just make a bunch of half breeds that would just dilute the avgin race? They might not even have the sigga cute eyes either so why bother, he's fine just marrying literally me.
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now that we have an airship of our own, whats the next step of the masterplan
Jade deserved better damn. But I guess we'll have to experience a stagnancy from powercreeping at some point, Jade was just the unfortunate lamb to receive the brunt of it.
A room to live in please
My asshole is burning from eating carolina reaper chips. Im pooping right now, and it hurts a lot. I wonder what Firefly would think of this.
I live in Himeko's room
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bwos.... genshin is over.....
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To be honest bros. I dont think I want to test Jade any further. I am actively losing interest watching her shit the bed every time I try her out. Who the fuck is this character even made for at E0? I think I will have to go back to my initial assessment of her just being a PF bot.

I'm going to try out Yunli with Aeon in follow up and hypercarry and then test check out a March 7th team with RAT. Beyond that I might do an ACK, JQ showcase that one anon wanted me to do.

Yunli good at E0S1. If running hypercarry best team is either Sparkle/FoFo/Bronya or Robin/FoFo/Bronya. I make that conclusion only because Tingyun was overkill for energy in the hypercarry team.

She can easily replace Ratio in the RRAT team. Is a very active playstyle character and it feels like playing an action game at times. Extremely fun with the right teams. Jade team was poor imo.

I dont really like no sustain shenanigans but im willing to test it out for you. Jade is still a fucking brick though, I dont think it'll change even with 1 tingyun ult every 3 turns.
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Rise up into my world
Renew your definition
World so high
Let me show
And hear my declaration

No more ties....!

Mend your pace, sway to the beat
Hands up, embrace who you wanna be
We're reaching heights unseen,

ooh-whoa, whoa

Feel the fire deep within
You're the key to where my trust begins
Join my dream, it's just the right time,

Leave it all behind (all behind)

Get ready now....

Welcome to my world
Renew your definition
World so high,
Let me show
And hear my declaration

No more ties...

Off the ground and tap your feet
Look, stars are near when you feel the beat
We're bound for a greater height

ooh-whoa, whoa

Take a leap into the blaze
Don't lose yourself in mundanity
Join my dream, it is the right time

Leave it all behind
Get ready now

(Sing along)

Welcome to my world
Renew your definition
World so high, let me show
And hear my declaration

No more ties....
what is it about Uma Musume that captivates people so?
PV and lore animations are good but theyre pointless if gameplay doesnt reflect them. It's a hard sell if both her gameplay performance and implied power level werent earned.
You're also breaking the game if you roll for her Es or Ss.
They should've stopped Firefly pandering after 2.0. She should've stopped at friend who may be into (You) but instead be given some combat role in a fight that mattered. The 2.3 banner should've been for SAM the Iron Cavalry.
All the green girlfriendfly hp bar bouncing shitting out 200k nukes 5 times a turn should have been saved for her awakening as Titania's successor arc waaaay down the line where we cure her space cancer/she gets killed off for a great cause.
Half is better than none, I suppose. But personally I don't believe he's the last Avgin
Sparkle and Bronya? Can the sp requirement be met?
It is too bad, I love Jade's evil voice and her evil ways. It turns me on
perfect HTB piece
Japs are gambling addicts for horse racing. Make them anime waifus was the natural progression of things.
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Even Yunli doesn't seem to be simming/sheeting all that great, she's like A+ tier but nothing as stupid as Acheron or Firefly lapping around the rest of the cast.
Hopefully we don't get crazy powercreep for the rest of the 2.x cycle so I can hoard for the 3.x fiesta
I wonder if they really picked Jade and intentionally left her to rot or did they just forgot to balance her at all because they were LASER FOCUSED on making Firefly work.
A fucking bed and a fucking guest (lol) inside our own fucking room on the train would've been nice.
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Welcome to my world
Renew your definition
World so high, let me show
Now hear my declaration

Welcome to my world
Renew your definition
World so high, let me show
Now hear my declaration

No more ties.....!

Mend your pace, sway to the beat
Hands up, embrace who you wanna be
We're reaching heights unseen,

ooh-whoa, whoa

Feel the fire deep within
You're the key to where my trust begins
Join my dream, it's just the right time,

Leave it all behind (all behind)

Get ready now....

Welcome to my world
Renew your definition
World so high,
Let me show
And hear my declaration

No more ties...

Off the ground and tap your feet
Look, stars are near when you feel the beat
We're bound for a greater height

ooh-whoa, whoa

Take a leap into the blaze
Don't lose yourself in mundanity
Join my dream, it is the right time

Leave it all behind
Get ready now

(Sing along)

Welcome to my world
Renew your definition
World so high, let me show
And hear my declaration

No more ties....
Well at least those that like Yunlin/Clara's playstyle will have fun. I feel bad for Jade lovers though. OR MAYBE she's going to be like Topaz where for now she's meh but later on, will be very usable.
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I am a sigga appreciator but he is 100% getting passed around the IPC like a he's still enslaved, Jade has absolutely pimped him out for leverage
what is the best set for gallager break + break or break + speed?
4pc Cavalry is best but if you just care about healing/support then 2pc Break / 2pc SPD and hit 160 SPD, alternatively 2pc SPD / 2pc anything also works.
Planar is always Kalpagni when using Firefly, otherwise Keel.
wtf i didnt know i was japanese
Wait for AS since there is no such thing as cycles. You just want everyone as fast as humanly possible to not burn through AV no?
I'll play devil's advocate (sort of) and say they made her like this because the IPC characters are all investment heavy
Or I could just whinge about brickbug some more
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>dead thread
Looks like it's time to sing again
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There's still time before his banner re-runs to give our Scholar-King his just desserts. Buy Ratiocoin
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Oh no, poor thing! That sounds so painful. I'm sorry you're hurting like that. Maybe next time we could try some milder snacks together instead?
Let me get you a cool, damp cloth for your forehead. Just rest your head on my lap, I'll take care of you until you're feeling better.
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Hehehehe... I see /hsrg/ is reclining... Good.
Do you have another boss you could try Yunli on? I wonder how she does off element.
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Dance Dance Dance! and Robin are the ones that are busted, you shouldn't change your builds to focus on SPD.
Sparkle/Bronya also works really well because breaking the enemy gives you all the SP back.
There was apparently a bug where people could get trapped in an infinite loop
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Will Ruan Mei work well for my Kafka team? I don't really care for Firefly but the bug woman is supposed to be a good support, right?
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wtf is this
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You're going to have to play strategically because of SP problems but it does seem like that is as close you can get to the best hypercarry team without ditching the sustain for Robin (which is prime 0 cycle team).

Me too anon. She's the Dehya of HSR.

Yeah she isnt doing absurd damage like acheron or FF. I would say she's about as strong as ratio from just playing her. I haven't done the math so I could be wrong.

The thing is that if she struggles with a blast unit this much then the only other teammate that can salvage her is an erudition unit. An that too one that universally good in MoC. Jade/Himeko is good but once the break shilling is done, himeko will not be a viable option anymore.

Its also more so that Jade needs her Debt collector to always be attacking the max amount of enemies possible at E0. This requires the MoC level to have 5 units with chunky health bars so she can proc FuA with her DC's AoE attacks. Having fodder mobs that die in 1 turn makes it so that stack collection takes a giant hit.

Both V2.2 and V2.3 MoCs have physical weakness and there is no way to insert any non-physical weak MoC 12 lineups.
Nobody wants that disgusting sigga whore
And we all know it was consensual, no need to pimp him
>wuwa ice bitch drops
>hsrg slows down to a crawl
I’m noticing
Is Herta a tsundere?
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The game is trying to make me roll for a fox hag
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how long will this 2.x cycle be anyways? 2.7?
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maybe one day they will expand the astral and even give us access to himeko's room...
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Sigga boss music

You don't know that that's not normal in Sigonia
>All drip marketing units have been native to Zhuming with the only exception being fucking March
>New planar sphere is the core of Zhuming
>Le tournament arc event on le Luofu coming soon guyse!!XD
What, you Chinks thought designing more corridors would be too hard when ministry of culture already gave you guides? Why aren't we going to more Xianzhou ships again?
She's a light doragon
2.3 (Firefly & Jade): June 18th ~ July 29th
----- <- Wardance Arc between versions 2.4 and 2.6
2.4 (Yunli & Jiaoqiu + Free March 7th Alt): July 30th ~ September 9th
2.5 (Feixiao [Unconfirmed] & Lingsha [Unconfirmed] + Moze 4* [Unconfirmed]): September 11th ~ October 21st
2.6 (??? & ???): October 22nd ~ December 2nd
----- <- Patches 2.7 and 2.8 should be filler just like in Genshin
2.7 (Tingyun 5* Alt & Sunday [Unconfirmed]): December 3rd ~ January 13th
2.8 (??? & ???): January 14th ~ February 24th [2025] <- Either filler patch or prelude to 3.0 Arc
—-- <- New Planet
3.0 (??? & ???): February 25th ~ April 7th [2025]
3.1 (??? & ???): April 8th ~ May 12th [2025] <- 2nd Anniversary

Assuming they do the Genshin thing where the .1 version is always anniversary
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robin you dumb whore your banner isn't even coming back for another fucking year
there's also the Elden Ring DLC and the debates
Feixiao will be Acheron-level and that's about it
How many estimated pulls (starting from 0) from today until 9/11 can I get? Someone please tell me at least 100+ pulls or something.
MoC 12-2 is intentionally designed to give you an easy clear as long as you break mobs consistently. The mobs take like 30% hp off their bars if you break all of them.
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>Nobody wants that disgusting sigga whore

Don't talk about our wife (male) like that, it's mean
We didn't get 1.7 or 1.8 though, might just go into 3.x right after 2.6
There's only so much budget/new content they can make per cycle, reusing Xianzhou assets and making only one new map is a good way to budget the entire thing without compromising the dev time on the new planet, thats my theory at least.
Specially because we're told that each Xianzhou ship looks differently and has a different culture, it'd be VERY weird if the "IPC Controlled" Yaoqing ship looks like the Luofu when Sushang even mentions that the Luofu looks so different from it thanks to not being gentrilized.
if Cavalry is better why no one uses it right now, and dont say because its new, exactly because its new everyone jumps to use it but i dont see it happen here i remember when threads existed for 10 minutes and were hitting 750 replies in that time so you cant say because its new
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how can other women even compete?
>Tingyun 5* Alt
I want Firefly to rim me..
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Nips like raising simulators, idols, gambling and free rolls.

not being a whore
by not selling out her homeland to the jews
By not being used goods
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How is Sunday and Tingyun patch filler? It’s a great way to end the expansion for 3.0 so people can’t save but those are like two of the most wanted characters left in the game outside Elio.
Filler is probably referring to the patch story
>80 free rolls
HSR could never…
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Each patch has averaged ~100 pulls ever since 1.4 (and add additional 30 pull if you pay for express pass+bp) so around 200 pulls if you also count 2.5 first half pulls.
Genshin also never had a 1.7 or 1.8, it jumped into 2.0 but after that each cycle has gotten 2.7 and 2.8 just so the new region and anniversary patch land in the x.0 and x.1 patches (alongside top up resets)
Cavalry is better purely for damage but giving Gallagher a 10% damage boost isnt all that great when the total team damage goes up by 2%, it really doesn't matter how you build Gallagher, pick between 2pc Break, 2pc Spd or 2pc Heal% and then slap Kalpagni planar, thats it.
It'll just be the conclusion to Sunday arc/setup for new planet but its not like 100% needed, look at Ratio/RM patch story and how it introduced Ratio and Screwllum for the next planet but if you skip the continuance its not a big deal.
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Is Jiaoqiu's cone any good on BS bros. I think I can afford only one 60% EHR cone and vulnerability for dot seems good.
>doesnt use fire orb
You're never hitting the EHR needed to land the debuff guaranteed (not even JQ can), you're better off rolling for BSwan E1 which would actually improve your team damage by quite a lot.
>Doesn't use the lavasmith set
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When you do your ACK testing, can you test E2 Acheron + Sparkle + Sustain and see how Jiaoqiu compares vs Pela and Silver Wolf?
If you only care about quantity then go play Granblue Fantasy during summer or Christmas. You will quickly learn that cleaning up 500+ pulls of garbage isn't as fun as you think it is.
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cuz shes physical u retard..
>it fires
>it flies
First time this happens in the history of videogames desu
Robin is a cute slut!
I’m starting to think Acheron, Jiaoqiu and Black Swan could make a decent meme team even if it’s not the best
>bro your Pela/SW
Not sex enough
Jiaoqiu's LC doesn't seem that necessary. With an EHR chest you're almost hitting his wanted 140% EHR with his traces and Eyes of Prey S5
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Sure. only because you posted some nicely drawn pits.
/wuwa/ is unironically our sister general regardless of how mad that makes the gigger tourists here
/wuwa/ is dead when we get a patch and /hssrg/ dies when /wuwa/ gets a patch. /hsrg/ is more comfy when both games are dead though.
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Can someone tell me what units to use for this upcoming PF?
>After an ally attacks an enemy with a follow-up attack, charges Whimsicality based on the number of targets attacked. When charged to 10.0 points, deals a set amount of DMG to random enemies 10.0 time(s)."
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We love armpits here...
Clara and Herta
I spent all week resetting runs until I got it by the end of the first plane. I eventually got it and man am I gonna miss that save file. It's hilariously busted
break shill in higher DU is so insane the only strat I've been repeating is to use acheron to farm combat and just kill the bosses with firefly. At least they let me switch party comp easily but the overall game seems really trivial when I just plop her in. Has anyone found success with like dot team? Even many of the nihility blessing stuff seems to be around break effects.
Clara FUA team side 1
>Reduces charging points required to trigger Whimsicality by 4.0 and deals DMG 4.0 more time(s).
Firefly team side 2
>After allies attack enemy targets, Whimsicality additionally gains 1.0 Charge(s).
Side 1 either Clara or EL GENERALISIMO
Side 2 your average Himeko Herta rotation
side 1 clara
side 2 firefly + himeko
Acheron? Powercrept
Clara/Yunli first half Himeko+Herta second half, it's not rocket science.
second side looks juicy for herta/march/himeko/topaz
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god acheron is so ugly..
I trust in the homofox to keep her relevant in PF brute forcing
Clara/Yunli or Acheron
The only good team in DU is the superbreak one, DU needs a balance patch ASAP as this is by far the least balanced SU mode we've ever gotten.
Do not listen to retards saying they used FUA or some other whale shit to beat it.
I'll go with Clara on the left and uh.... fuck me I don't know? I really don't want to use h*rta
and even xueyi
Oh fuck I just noticed it's those goddamn trash cans.
You will learn to love break efficiency
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>5% SW upgrade
yeah, he's not keeping anyone relevant LMAO
I'll be using clara first side, and jade with argenti on the other.
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Salsa or Duran for Yunli?
How to build Clara if I don't have those old Physical relics?
>balance patch
unfortunately this is obviously by design. du is just another facet of the game to get you to pull the latest and greatest. The next "shill patch" will be at the end of the du season in like 73 days, which will likely brick break.
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>Acheron copers
the hp ones work fine with her iirc
Probably whichever has the better substat...
Jade Himeko hagGOD comp looking real good
the new modes always shill the laest units but the powergap was never thiss large between SU paths before. Even Propagation was still balanced compared to stuff like Nihility and Preservation in Swarm Dissaster.
flyfly's slow mode voice is cuter
Another day of being stuck on 72/78 occurances but getting 600+ relic cheeto dust.
>brickbug cope
By not being contractually obliged to receive backshots from old musty IPC executives.
Nihility was always OP because of Kafka and Preservatio was just a poorly designed path which is why Aventurine broke the game wide open and made Fu keks seethe endlessly. Propagation still remains the free win path if you have e2s1 Dan Skibidi.
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>side 1
>side 2
herta+himeko+ruan mei+fu xuan
no one cares about your acheron you mentally ill freak
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Mirror of Transcendence 3 is a bitch to get. There's too little occurrences and rewards nodes.
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Swarm Disaster V is the highest right? I'm guessing G&G conundrums are harder?
does someone have the scorched earth operations rabi
We're at the dead point in this patch
>Almost everybody either has the characters, Eidolons, and/or Light Cones from the banner or they're skipping
>Almost everyone's already read the story and done the side content
Only thing left is the daily grind and there's nothing to talk about there except talking about how shit/good your relics are
I care about Acheron
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Aventurine with a few of the dmg mitigation blessings + macrosreg still solo sustains max difficulty, they did not balance him at all for these modes.
Though they nerfed the fuck out of quake so he can no longer solo carry a run just by himself as the enemy will enter rage mode and he'll eventually get outshielded.
yeah, SD5 was done with 1.0 units back in the day, you can unironically solo it with Nihility
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Literally just use the best rainbow set you have and try to get as much CR as you can. No other stat is as important as that one for her
ZZZ got a loli trucker girl.
Acheron is so bad now
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Their lolis look cuter...
>finished the story
>used all my rolls
>still no firefly e1
what the FUCK do I do now bros
How can yunli even compete…
G&G V+12 is harder but the difficulty varies a lot based on the dice you pick, reward domain dice with multiplication faces is really simple (or just capitalism run once you unlock the final set of dice), amber barrier v+12 is probably the hardest dice and run you can make because your power limit is severely hampered by how shitty the dice can snowball.
use THAT
farm duke(fua)+dot(atk) set, use 2+2 - literally the best option for building her outside of relic editor
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For me it's Lucy and the angel robot cunnies
Post tits or ass pic and I might give you 1000 stellar jades
are your organs healthy? you can sell them especially the kidney, old people would pay you 5 grand for a healthy kidney
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Time to get the credit card out!
I don't drink alcohol exactly on the off chance I might have to sell my kidney to survive
Rate my F2P plan bwos.
>Spend 100$ to get Firefly
>Save for the next 2-4 patch and refund my purchase
i don't think it works like that, anon
What's the best 3 star Equation for the IPC FUA team?
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Honestly, Robin may seem like your usual goody two shoes girl at first, but she's actually very cunning in how she deals with the Family. Kinda wish the writers would show more of this side by the time Sunday is released.
Could someone explain why enemies in DU are able to bypass GODpard's shields and chip away HP? The shield are still there, but they just get chipped away along with HP.
No point in saving, just get the Express Pass and you'll make up the money in half the time.
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you just plan your rolls and save, you cant roll everything
>The next "shill patch" will be at the end of the du season in like 73 days, which will likely brick break.
By doing how exactly? The entire mode's biased towards break effect team. Destruction would keep giving Grit stacks without requiring you to keep your characters dying and even when your abundance unit heals them (Why even need abundance blessings at this point lol).
Nihility would still be hypergimped by losing means of stacking DoT quickly while suspicion buffs remain locked behind 99 stacks.
Elation would still be gimped by having less aftertaste DMG likelihood across the board, making the buffs and debuffs related to it less attainable.
You telling me new DU mode means overwriting its own established mechanics?
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Just buy the monthly pass and wait for a rerun. By the time it comes you won't have the fomo and can actually make a rational choice to roll for her or not.
They will change the blessings every du season.
they break through your shield and trigger a blessing which grants you shields on damage taken
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Source: trust me bro
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Dis you pick up the preservation weighted curio? It can brick your run if you aren't paying attention
/hsrg/ - Herta Sex Robot General
>Im a boy
And? dick pic
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Whose idea was this shit? Why would Preservation characters want this?
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>Dis you pick up the preservation weighted curio?
That explains it. The entire point of shields is protect your HP. I don't NEED more shields IF my HP keeps getting reduced!
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Its so you can still accumulate grit stacks while having shields, its similar to the QlipothxNanook blessing in G&G which extends your shield durations by 3 turns if your hp is low, in G&G you needed to get the lotto curio to get your hp to 1% and then never heal, now its easier.
So you can proc HP change blessings / character effects
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Wow, can you believe it?! QQ won!!
How about with eidolons bro?
The DoT premium team is Kafka - BS - RM - HH, so yes.
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Getting the last lore blurb in Divergent Universe is fucked up. There're only 17 blessings in a given Path and you need 16 of them to unlock it. I honestly thought we had 22 blessings in a path or something.
You can just do Difficulty 4 runs and just keep using all of your curios at the cats (or save up a lot of fragments for the last 2 cat appareances), but yeah its an absolute pain in the ass.
Just use the new ones.
So what was that scene with Acheron at the end? I didn't get it but i'm sure it's some Hi3 thing like the last one.
Was it confirming our character is the MC of the other game? I remember some similarities people were posting between the two back during last patch.
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/hsrg/ is a sigga safe zone. Delete this.
>FUA stuff
Good thing I have Ratio and Clara, and soon Yunli.
I'm totally fucked but the current PF because I don't have Kafka or BS, worst endgame.
She was just talking about there being other alternative universe versions of someone because (You) kinda broke the 4th wall by saying she reminded you of someone else aka OG Mei. Nothing more than this really.
>he thinks 99 stacks is a hard mark to get to
You get 99 stacks on 1 break with DOT team desu
But leave it to /hsrg/ to get filtered by *check notes* a simulated universe mode this time lmfao
Too many MMO players with tiny brains in here kek
It’s Fu Xuan’s curio.
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the losing competition
As much as I'm fine with Erudition getting a game mode for themselves in PF, I really think PF fucking sucks because they keep on buffing enemies by putting a fuckton of elites for no reason.
A literal 4th wall break for dyke impact 3rd players
i honestly have no idea who to use here. i have only clara as my physical dps. and the first half looks ass to fight with clara since the fire insect exploding on her face doesn't trigger her counter. second half looks like firefly and himeko's playground though.
Ah damn. I wish it was a bit more, especially since they hammered home we aren't seeing her again,but oh well.
Ewwwwww no I would only like it if he fucked me instead.
Well lucky for you there happens to be a new banner that just so happens to fix your account issue. Enjoy
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good morning bros I love Xueyi why are we still on the same thread I went to bed with >>483764832
what the hell is that trousers? it's just suspended with her huge belt thing? looks stupid.
Acheron gives you her phone number at the end and mentions she's seeking at a gadget deep within IX, so I do think we're gonna meet her again myself.
E1 RM or E1 Firefly... Which one is better?
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Fyrefly Type-IV... SNACKTIVATE
I spent money on Genshin
I spent money on Honkai
I will spend money on Zenless
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Thank you friend, I'll give her banner a shot even though I don't have the other two. Any cheaper replacements that would be best?
Eidolons on dps is always a FOTM trap and never worth going for.
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Canonically groomed by Mama!
Ruan Mei E0 > Firefly E1 > Firefly E2 >Firefly S1 = Ruan Mei E1
I'll put it for you like this. Do you want:
>E1 that helps your whole account overall
>E1 for a unit that doesn't even need and that it only matters if you whale for E2 (not to mention that dps E's are always trash bait because dps gets replaced the fastest)
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Will there ever be another 4 star who manages to reach T0?
RM for your account
FF for your hotarufly
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FUCK wrong pic dagnabbit now I'm banned and poor FUCK
Gallagherfags are retarded lmao bwo your Herta?
yeah March alt (I hope)
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>wuwa 1.1 releases
>hsrg dies
explain yourselves immediately
grit was basically useless before du lol

saying that a useless mechanic being fixed equals the mode being biased towards destruction is peak stupid
E1 Hotaru is only for people who don't want to use RM and Gallagher since she doesn't become an sp black hole that way
I have E1S1 Firefly, and I can tell you that it wasn't worth it. She doesn't need it. Her team already prints SP for it to ever matter. The only reason why I went for it is because I thought I might luckshit E2. I got unlucky, so E1S1 is the best I got.
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i play wuwa but i am also here thoughveit
Do you have a source anon?
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She rode this poor Sigonian boy for DAYS fresh out of prison for murder
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lil gui's big guis
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You cant have kids in the dream dummy, and you cant have an airship out of it
Can Firefly have kids? Would the kids be normal or born with space cancer? I dont want to turn march 7 into a witcher hag for having too many small trailblazers if FF can lighten up the load
Can Jingliu breed? I heard she would make a good wife
Seele and Bronya can les up all they want, in the end they need my seed to repopulate their frozen rock
Lil'gui needs to repopulate her lost family too
It's hard work to be a chad tbqhwyfam
If you don't have HH just take any healer.
BS can only be replaced by another DoT like Sampo or Guinaifen.
Even without wuwa hrsg would be dead, everybody except procrastinators are done with this patch's content
E1 Firefly is a meme unless you go for E2 as well.
>b-but more team options
What fucking team options? She has one team, take or leave it. If you are allergic to Banjo or Gallagher, that's you problem. Wait for Lingsha to replace Gallagher and if she isn't as SP positive as him, then that is HER problem over Firefly's flaw.
black swan more like black sex
I haven’t even started it yet bwo
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You can take shit from the dreamscape into the real world for a fee
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My returneefag ass did it bwos... holy fucking shit having only Firefly as the sole breaker in side 1 was genuinely horrible since Gepardo can only sustain so much before everyone else dies and side 2 was like 3 hours of resetting due to Numby rng after kill bricking entire runs. When can Numby stop being a fucking retarded piggy and actually go for the enemy with the highest health after a kill and not pray for the 25% rng for Numby to tag Argenti.
E1 is comfy, your hmc's 180k helps. It's pretty soulless to never have to cut dps for getting unlucky with a cc or making a mistake though
I have Guinaifen so I'll use her, thanks. Will Natasha work for a healer?
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>What fucking team options
poorfags never learn
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I'm already done with the content this patch. Also will you shut the fuck about that dead trash game? It can't even beat genshin.
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bros we just got fucking mogged..
Yes, she will work just fine.
>everybody except procrastinators
RM is the only thing that truly matters for Kafka and DoT bricks.
>Huohuo - nice buff bonus and some ER but at the same time she is not that worth it for her to be a must in this team
>Black Swan - best DoT option you can get besides Kafka but again, Kafka won't shit her pants without her
Meanwhile, take away RM and whole DoT team is back to being DoT bricks even if everyone else was in it.
Other pages are locked behind signing up

Poor wittle Sigga....
Is there any reason to play Genshin anymore?
WuWa's character model is insane.
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Only things that are possible to have in reality. The original formula Soulglad with the extinct mystery herb ingredient only exist in the dream.
Now post the ching chong dialogue
So where is wuwa? Day 1 and not even top 10. HSR is day 8+ and still top 2 in JP.
Genshin's story is just as shit, bud.
At least they have skip limited for some text only LOL
kurogames need to do some shit about the performance issues. my pc can run games like elden ring just fine but wuwa keeps stuttering.
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Thanks anons, I will do my best to give Kafka what she needs. I was lucky enough to get her light cone as well.
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now i will play your game
just kidding it looks like ass, nice video tho
I heard it happened after the 1.1 patch, weird, they fucked something up.
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this is barely different from how yunli dresses normally desu
The airship existing in reality seems possible. The chink ships are way more complex than the airship so I don't see why not
As opposed to? Genshin has to endure obligatory China slop each year, and it's always worse than the last.
HSR is barely year old baby and 80% of its game is already China slop despite the game supposedly not revolving around China fantasy but supposed sci-fi (kek at that).
>in 2024
holy sovl
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I can't beat nerfed Cirrus
Date is wrong still 6/28 no wuwa in top 10. Hsr and genshin in top 10.
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how?? what team? acheron with aventurine absolutely shreds cirrus
thanks for reminding me that we're returning to chinkland next patch faggot now my day is ruined
Fuck I hate gook websites so much. Thanks tho
No weight or impact on anything, how is this good ?
if you dont have hunt blessings that advance your action then you're fucked
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>mfw they removed the 3rd phase of sigga
>aka the phase that made him all the more EASIER because dice rolling was team-wide over individual
They don't even let you export the cars out of the dream lmao they can't do your airship
My characters are E0S0
Which planar is best for Yunli
who cares if the 3rd phase was easy, when you still couldn't beat the 2nd.
You'd still have to build it irl though, and that's probably what the fee is for. You can buy a micky tshirt off disney but you cant buy a micky ride to put in your backyard even though it is possible to build a ride
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I'd say Kuro also made a bad choice of picking Unreal 4 as wuwa's engine. It sort of filters most of the mobile playerbase in China and Japan. That engine is just badly optimized for phones.
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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, your team is perfect the way it is. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change your Ratio + Blade + JY + Luocha lineup. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking about you hurting
lynx was in t0 until everyone realized she is trash and they recalculated her
How important is Ruan Mei's Light Cone?
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salsotto for short fights
duran for long fights

salsotto has a shit side set while duran has a side set with 6% speed, which is good for supports. I recommend farming Duran unless yuou already have a built Salsooto
What were they thinking? HSR/Genshin login take seconds, wuwa login takes up to a minute or two, its actually hilarious how poorly optimised it is.
File deleted.
is it bad i know 2 girls irl who play like that, literally just chucks all of their husbandos + luochud in one team and complains about needing eidolons and sig LC's.
She's good though, just overrated.
Gallagher is repeating that.
She messages you later on that she actually is seeking something within IX. It's obvious you'll see her again. I honestly think she's very important in the Star Rail story.
i play like that but with hebes
Nta but it helped that his said 3rd phase was the easiest phase you can get.
Sam is pure cancer and she becomes worse in 3rd.
Argenti is giving me PTSD since G&G.
Then, there is Shitrus.
Sigga having the easiest 3rd phase was funny as such.
On her rerun get E2. I presume you understand how godly it is when we got an example in DU/SU.
If you have MotP at a high superimposition, not that important
they're not ready for his alt
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I've been running on Difficulty 5 since I can still pick whatever and still clear it. I also mulligan the blessings on the first cat until it cost around 100 or so fragments.
pela is "t0" if any 4* is, but prydwen is retarded
Am I the only one that had zero issues with this boss? In fact, I praised heavens when I got her in V6 because I knew that I'll finally finish this after getting Argenti 3 times prior.
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And Firefly/HSR will be mogged by Wuwa,
Yea, but anon is answering to anon who only cares about getting E1. Hence him saying not worth it. At least compared to Banjo's E1. It's literally just 1 dps that you will "enhance" (not even without E2) vs your whole account abusing that 20% def shred.
if i swapped sexualities i would probably be an Argenti/Luocha/Sundayfag desu (Gepard gives me goosebumps rn but that probably means nothing)
He was never good lmao
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Fuck, MC blinked and I can't take another one. Fucking shit game.
from what PGRfags said, Kuro kept its Unity team for PGR. So the impression I had was that Kuro tried to cut costs by not hiring devs to create a customized version of Unity for wuwa since there is more cheap labor with a basic knowledge of UE4.
Blame that one nigger that bought 100 of his LCs like he did with Acheron. He funded Boothill's banner alone.
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>Fuck, MC blinked and I can't take another one. Fucking shit game.
nice work returnstinky
60 Nigger Cocks in Da Wei
So like just a bog standard fujo

suddenly wondering if gaymosexuals and straight women have the same taste in men, doesnt seem that way
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this shows the power of Fu Xuan...
Unreal engine isn't bad if the devs are experienced. If your devs are shit you can release something that looks shiny with low effort and shit optimization on UE. Can't do that with Unity. They are using stock UE, just a bunch of shitter devs.
Really? I heard he got nerfed so bad.
Six Ships + Cangcheng expansion pack + DLC ships
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Why does every character design in that game look so incredibly awful? It's like they just copied pages out of "chinese design 101" books but were only allowed to use red, teal and black
They feel AI Generated
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is it just me or does this look super janky? why does SAM dissapear during the 2nd part of the punch? even the camera angle looks super weird, is it because of RM ult or something?
Because both banners in Genshin are giga bricks.
Say what you want about hunt and Boothill, but he works for his intended purpose.
>Clorinde - limited Keka side-grade that is just not worth it for any fag that had said Keka invested - the scribe is more newfag friendly on another than
>Garbage slug - literal Dehya 2.0 case of how shit she is
>is it just me or does this look super janky? why does SAM dissapear during the 2nd part of the punch?
It's Tifa's Final Heaven style of punch. SAM basically moves so fast he's already behind the opponent after doing the punch. So basically SAM is offscreen.
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>all the cope replies to this
kek, you can tell wuwa is winning when these fags are genuinely seething from a single webm
if it's so good why don't you talk about it in its own general?
Acheron with DOT hags and Gallagher
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I have Silver Brick since 1.1 and never regret rolling her.
The problem with Clorinde is that they fucking nerfed her hard in the beta. They didn't want another strong DPS for some reason after Arlekekno.

When they nerfed her, she became a sidegrade to Keqing. A goddamn 1.0 character that almost everyone has.
i dont even like yae but she mogs that thing on the left
people who play it aren't talking about it on 4chan, its just people being shitposters.
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you dont make seethe replies like this when genshin is brought up, lets be honest
you really think people would do that, just go on the internet and lie?
>even in RL marketing firefly is a lesbian
i didn't make any of these posts so i don't know what the purpose of this image is. this is the Honkai Star Rail general, i don't play Wuthering Waves.
No. Homos like huge, muscular hairy dudes. Just look at how disgusting /y/ is lmao.
Nobody can tell you're a dog
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content DOKO???
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you dont make seethe replies like this when genshin is brought up, lets be honest
Meanwhile in HSR, the most meta dps gets powercrept in 2 patches
NTA but I constantly rape her with Kafka combined with Robin as support.
I tried it with banjo, but it was more pain in the ass compared to Robin because I can "no u" that shitty eye when she tries to pull her own AF.
Damn Genshin's lighting sucks.
Same. Acheron bodies Cirrus NO DIFF EZ
It'd be a real shame if you posted more brick ass
firefly team with the hunt blessing that advances firefly when she breaks shit.
Maybe they think that the reserve power creep is whats "killing" Genshin sales which is why they just want constant powercreep in HSR.
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yes, her, take your tranny headcanons elsewhere
I'm fine with powercreep in moderation, which this game sucks at
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ive been researching this a lot but for lesbians, and i'd say that homos tend to have similar spreads in taste, but different tastes in romance as per cultural gender divides in romance.
basically, faggos often like men the way men like women, and lezzos often like women the way women like men.
Bros do you know who voiced Cirrus in JP? I can't find any info online, but I remember her sounding like a mesugaki Stelle...
Cirrus is very clearly male
I wish jiaoqiu was my sex slave I’d force him to knot me
based and hot
dont you have some fingers to get sliced off by the chinese navy, pagpags?
E1 RM, unless you only care to invest just in Firefly and that's it.
Everyone can benefit from team-wide 20% def shred while Firefly E1 is just for Firefly that is absolutely unnecessary without her E2. Some say it's good to get it now so you can grab E2 on rerun, but here is a thing... How many DPS (not niche shit like Kafka or Topaz), but DPS do you know that held much value on their said rerun to sunk cost yourself for them further?
Seele? Unless you were already sunk cost with her, easy skip.
Blade? Brick by the time he rerun.
DHIL? Sure, still strong, but Acheron was like 2 banners away from him.
Brick Juan? L-FUCKING-MAO!
Jingliu? The best example of what happens to the most shilled dps when she stopped being shilled.
You see the pattern here.
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>Ying Xi Ping
>44 the reddit
>homosexual indonesian tranny
>accusing others of being indonesian
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>First and second place come down to me and a guy i face off with multiple times
>In the initial rounds, trade blows and cut each other's HP over two battles
>Near the final rounds, trade blows and cut each other to sudden death over two battles
>Final match, essentially making it a best-of-three, i get pwned
Was a good set
We even shared wubbaboo stickers after each of us conceded to another match by match

Why cant we friend request people we matched with...
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fuck off retarded faggot
>B-but cirrus possessed the shota so Cirrus is male!
Wanna play retarded like that then? Cirrus possessed Guinaifen before that so Cirrus is female.
Ishikawa Yui. She sounded like Stelle because she also voices Stelle!
what about Sparkle?
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bofa deez nuts
i dont give a shit my penis just got hard to this >>483808087
fuck off
pretty sure it was literally stelle's va
Bros... i dont think i can keep past 45... this shit is painful
I hope they kill JY just so the CNs can JY enjoyers cry every day.
Honkshart Lardfart general, come play WuWa
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makes sense
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>Puts Firefly besides Stelle
based coomer
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plapping lil Gui (Cirrus)
You're not really beating the "indonesian tranny" allegations.
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What do we feel about the fact that Silverwolf wears such whorish clothes that actual whores cosplaying using her clothes look more whorish in the cosplay than their actual whore clothes?
how is your clockie level so low
When did Cirrus possess Gui? I only remember her possessing Stelle and the exorcist kid.
>um actually I don't care
Just don't reply then??
nah because it makes pussies like you seethe
limp dick fag
unlike silverwoof the cosplayer's bodies have sexual features.
>there are "men" who saw this and instantly started crying because Cirrus's gender wasnt respected or whatever
that is a man
I wish I knew a whore who would dress up as Silver Wolf
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Miss Sparkle is a must pull to unbrick your account (aka the list I posted)
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My cock got hard. How was this bad again?
What about for the 4 pc? The old phys set or the new FUA one?
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Now that the dust has settled what do we think of Penacony epilogue?
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big silver wolf
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Just the usual Hanabrick.
they shilled sparkle pretty hard as the perfect waifu but i'm all for it
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new one is custom built for her 1000%
Cute Fumo.
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This is how Sushang looked at me when I couldn't do the haunted house puzzle and she just goes and insta solves it...
I think Sparkle is super cute after her shenanigans in 2.3
That is all you need
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I just like brats getting manhandled by dom ladies. Be it a boy or girl. That's my kink.
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Blade who, Sparkle is literally me
are we watching the ZZZ livestream, brothersisters?
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i suddenly want to buy a marketable plushie
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Sushang mama...
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bros I am desperate for guinaifen sex
it was a cute victory lap
her rates are very reasonable
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Be in her highest patraeon tier to get invited to her fan meet and breed
Cyrrus acts and sounds like a female brat so she is one
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Literally me
hmmmm... nyo
Female brat in a boy's body...
Getting cock milked by older ladies...
being the meat in a guinafen sushang sandwich,....
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Oh noooo
NOOOO... why is this happening THIS CANT BE HAPPENING
ASING ANJING NGENTOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop smiling at me like that...
Post link
we were the side ho game all along
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i can only get so erect
bros it's over, zzz is the star rail killer
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yumes are quitting hoyoverse games in droves and going back to traditional console games like animal crossing and pc games like sims/stardew. they're also going back to reading shoujos and hanging out in those communities instead.

there's a cosmic shift coming and only those that are attuned can sense it.
It's in 3 and a hal hours
when it's day without any other lights (lamps, etc.) outside and we can't see the sun (no bloom) it does
otherwise it's actually quite nice
i fucking wish
no, zzz is the wuwa killer and wuwa is the star rail killer, so by killing the star rail killer, it'll save star rail
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xueyi superbreak
Umm what's the context?
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Hmm nyo I still see Stelle yume art everyday thoughbeit. Where does this meme come from? There is more Stelle yume art only get BTFO by homoshit in terms of quantity, which is normal everywhere these days.
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Why didn't you save HSR from Wuwa?
If you fap to shotashit you're unironically a cuck.
I love Yunli I will E6 S1 her
still crying, limp dick?
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A MMD dancing meme
I wish I was a child and got groomed and raped by adult women
Not a fan of "Firefly will sacrifice herself to protect everyone but the bomb is actually just fireworks sike!" but I did enjoy the group chat shenanigans. The Acheron scene was the best part of the patch for me
looks like we're doing alright boss
Uhh we are red right?
it'll jump a bit by tomorrow but it's over for them
tfw actually did get sa'd and avoid rolling hags now
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fuck off retard
Why would Ruan Mei even care that I am having a lovey dovey relationship with Xueyi?
Sodomy general. Sodomy board
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Uh oh wuwa cucks, your response?
>already at 23
Say it with me: Fireflop
bad pc
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Which equations are playable at V5-6? I don't have Aventurine so are there any blessings that are a must-take to survive?
This kid but forced to crossdress as a girl
Destruction damage split and enhanced as well (15% less damage taken) is a must if you dont want to be one shotted
sodomy......with girls..........!!!
Why is Yunli so squishy unlike Clara
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Man that game actually died, I thought giggers were just trolling because they were afraid they'd become irrelevant.

Though to be honest I could see it coming, the release was shittier than any other shitty release I've seen in years. Game filled with bugs, pcs got bricked, people got $10k worth of currency with $100, and probably more.

I'm surprised they still managed to salvage it a bit. Imagine if they didn't fuck up that badly, we could have actually witnessed the birth of a genshin killer.
>hsr gameplay is just 2 minutes of auto-ing
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More toughness HP means break deals more damage
wait how do you finish the dailies this fast? doing all the relic runs takes nearly 10 minutes for me
>rank 23 after 1 week and a half
that's actually pretty good
I'd be more scared if a game kept top 10 for 1+ week straight
Those russians that bought literally millions of gems for $10 never got banned btw.
lots of baby fat
Clara is a seasoned terrorist the walks in snow
Yunli s a spoiled brat
I doubt that. It's easy to to trace and deal with. The only way to not get banned would be if after removal you'd still be positive.
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Come home, asian man
clara is a robot
you don't ban people who pay money. shit can go downhill really fast. better to just let some poorfags enjoy their gems, usually players like that splurg everything fast and end up having nothing after a couple banners
look at these coworkers having sex
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Fireflybros... she was supposed to sell even more than Acheron...
kuro just want to get more players (potential customers), so they probably won't get banned (might remove paid gems though, who knows)
it's why their free rolls campaign start the day ZZZ releases, to try and keep more players in their game instead of moving on so early
>yet another pig fucker
Why are Mihoyo like this?
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for me, it's big daddy
Alright fair enough
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Already said in that thread that it was on mobile. Not PC.
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>Big daddy
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Damn what the fuck happened to WuWa? Didn't they literally just that shilled waifu??
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>no top-up bonus
if mihoyo wants to make a character sell they just reset this and boom sales
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do I buy a burek for breakfast or do i attempt eating the meat and potatoes thing my mom cooked for me on sunday that i haven't eaten yet
Save some money and eat mother's potates nigga
Eat your mama's food dumbass, she made that for you.
it should go up a bit, this is probably yesterday's
holy kek
I guess it hasn't molded yet after 5 days so I'll give it a try
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Let me get Mirror of Transcendence 3 you piece of shit game. Fuck you and fuck RNG.
Eat the goddamn meat and potatoes your mother made you fuck.
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make a Cirrus thread next
Birds, stickers, chests, quests
Chop chop
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I'll think about it.
Bros I'm feeling comfy, clockie statue at 44 after doing some quests. Hopefully I can hit 50 by doing all the quests I found plus another chest sweep over all maps.
This is why we prefer DU nowadays.
Some lore bits but otherwise it is nothingburger. 3/10
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I was talking about DU though.
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"Screwllum's" code?
All me.
You do though. Every company does this. Everything you got too much is taken away, and you get X time to get your balance to be positive or else BAN.
>Clara, Topaz, Robin, Aventurine
>Jade, Himeko, Ruan Mei, Bronya

Childrens Birthday Party vs Hag Sex the Team
This kid but forced to cross dress as a girl and hes absolutely obsessed with sucking dick.

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