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Previous: >>483744516

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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for me its my encorebwos
/wuwa/ is really fucking stupid. The whole "/general/" naming convention is supposed to be shorthand for the name of a game's general. This is the Wuthering Waves General, hence it's /wwg/. /wuwa/ is just nonsensical retardation.
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Me when I see lingyang
Hello. I get really insecure whenever I see a male in a video game. Is Wuthering Waves the game for me?
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Yangyang is the canon wife, you may chase who you wish so long as you remember this IMMUTABLE fact
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How old is Verina?
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don't forget her
anon.... thats cocogoat
out of 10!
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Go back to your groomcord prydwen. Your dick is pathetic.
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Wuwu wawa?
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how much longer is the maint?
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Dawn of the Final Day
5 hrs remain
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Google is a paid shill too?
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>forgot to do my dailies before maint
timezones are 2hard4me fuck my life
WuWa saved my life. I was stranded in the Arctic. Frostbite was setting in. Snow piled up around me, falling in a flurry. I had lost all hope of salvation.

Then, inspiration struck. I opened up Wuthering Waves. Immediately, my phone went from freezing, to a burning fire of unoptimisation. I loaded in. My phone went nuclear. All the snow around me melted, and my body began to unthaw.

I knew time was short; I had a mere few minutes before the game would inevitably crash. In a last, desperate attempt, I tried to use Yinlin's ult, and threw my phone into the air. It promptly exploded, lighting up the sky and alerting the search group of my location.

I’m now safe at home, and eternally grateful. Thank you Kurogames. WuWa saved my life.
You must burn the device you are using this instant.
Ads are big business.
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I'm tired of waiting
wuwas for this feel
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Saving for sex goddess Camellya
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Google is the BIGGEST paid shill (real) (unironic) (how new are you)
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Time to hop on the Hoyo train
choo choo
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>are standard and fairly strong (verina is meta S tier support).
fuck this is made it hard
Im not a meta fag am I
Mee hashireee
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wrong tab m8, r/gachaniggers is the other one
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For me it's Camellya
we're all playing these four games thoughever?
>1 month of edging for Changli bros
I don't know if I'm strong enough for this
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Just get Encore with your selector ticket and then Verina with your standard selector (you can choose to guarantee a character off the standard banner).
>fuck this is made
I should have busted a nut before posting
>fob's stream
>only 3 jinhsi viewer pulls
is jinhsi a brick or is wuwa actually dead?
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Camellya is a bad girl who only wants your penis. Keep yourselves pure for this cute npc bwos
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Today I will remind them (of this scene)
I have that mod, but it disappears and appears a time. you have the mod fixed?
We watch Tectone here
Kek. I'll submit an ingame feedback like this.
Why does she look so into it?
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>They're forcing me to delete my goon stash.
I want Camellya to jerk me off with her plant hair.
I'm gonna summon Jinhsi right in front of her.
Because she is
Bro just add more floppy disks in your raid setup
Of course they remove the review bombing of the first any of Genshin...
3, the perfect amount, tells you all you need to know
>not a fucking sweaty loser who sits at pc all day waiting to log in immediately
>not a absolute cringe reroller
>faithful to the first account no matter the rolls
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uh oh hag bros
Is there a mod like this but that doesn't make her tits 3x bigger?
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>21gb update
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>wuwa doesn't know there are specific areas on the map that increases your rates on pulls
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mod link pls
Something about the patch having content or something
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>got around to deleting my VN folder that was 400GB in size and was last opened 2 years ago
>still feel kinda bad thinking about it
>It'll take me exactly two and a half day to download this bitch update.
Why can't they just make normal sized updates like everyone else?
Anyway, how are my fellow thirdies doing?
Is this account for the 30% nerf Jinhsi got before release?
holy shit KINOOOO
now she is fixed
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>S tier subdps
literally all she does is buff pyro. she does no off field damage. She's a main dps that happens to have a buff. Who makes these tier lists
just buy an external HDD to put it on and put it to the side
>same tier as the other 3
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>no preload option
Fucking ebin, now I have to wait all day just to be able to log in, something that wouldn't be an issue if I could preinstall the update earlier.
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Don't worry shes still a good sub DPS
That's just how unreal engine does patches
>encore will get creeped
This general is retarded as always.
live action is saved!
flat slut!
Rover is WAY bigger
Why did they censor Scar that much? Come on, give us the bulge. Would it really increase the age rating?
>not male rover
yep its cringe
so she's useless then. got it, thanks
Wait, i picked femrover thinking there is no canon mc option and she was hot but now that i see malerover is canon i kinda regret it...
It's not like Encore belongs there either.
Live-action canon is female Rover
In-game canon is male Rover
Most people play female.
>It's actually real
Why would they give them placements this early?
Scar's really looks like a complete retard in those clothes lmao
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I had to close the video out of embarrassment
Taoqi sister i thought she was good, that she will be the best for Jinshi meta...
>most people are trannies
holy delusion
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Everyone gets creeped, if you're going to meta shitpost you gotta live in the moment though.
so people give their shitty website attention
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>20 days until changli
unfortunately the wait has only just begun
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>Decide to learn how to make 3dmigoto mods
>Game down for maintenance
Ignore the troon obsessed rent free paggot.
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Ok fine we'll show yours too.
>Most people are cringe.
Yeah, I know
>30% nerf Jinhsi got
You're gonna hate it when I make a webm of the Chixia scenes.
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She buffs fusion and ult damage.
Encores plump 14 year old ass.
1.2 leaks doko
Shut up Ma Xiaofang
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I hate this shit
That was her S6.. its was 70% more dmg and now its like 36% or something.
anyone have the Encore live action saved?
For me its Encore
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Put that shit on an SSD.
this is a subterfuge answer but stay with me on this
if people set their audiences expectations low then they think they can alter the devs position to buff her
>get home
>cant login
>theyre gonna steal 90 gems from me due to the 5 dollarino pack
How is this allowed?
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100 mbps is commonplace in SEA, we'll be fine
need more of this yinlin would make a good one

what the FUCK is this
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is there a live stream or something? where is this stuff from
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erm but maintenance ends before daily reset?
She was already buffed. She honestly doesn't need any more. I'll be completely disappointed if they make it near the damage of Jinhsi when Jinhsi is a selfish dps and Changli is a dps mix support buffs.
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>people actually like these 3dpd posts
I want to watch the original video with sound.
Lucky bastards.
You cant be running a 128GB SSD nowadays.
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the next couple hours will probably be quiet
Send the devs a message on twitter, they'll listen.
la creatura...
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I download at a 2-3mb/s rate

stop complaining and shut the fuck up
How many rolls are we getting for the login event?
Encore is cute!
you have to fix something in 3dmigoto engine file theres tutorial on https://gamebanana.com/tuts/17580
30 (10 limited, 10 weapon, 10 standard)
>retard thinks storage size matters
>thinks it's 128
Yeah retard it's definitely not the fucking client.
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>hrt zoomer is a retarded newfag
40 total.

15 limited
15 standard
10 weapon
it's fan made
There's one that gives 5 of each and then another that gives 10 of each. iirc
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What the fuck is this
servers up?
i salute the yapyap
china has a bunch of cosplayer wannabe stage actors who make fan productions of big games. Easy fame.
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300mbps is common for mexigods like myself, 15 dollhairs a month >>483768925
Not all SSDs are equal in speed yknow. Mine finishes instantly.
It's called cringekino, you'll get it one day
Chixia wouldn't say this, in fact she would love it and ask for the actors' autographs.
It's a good day to be an ankobwo
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>wuwa is a big game
we made it bros
Can I cope OUR legal wife with the standard 5 stars weapon? Or I'm fucked?
Hello r*ddit.
That's wonderful for you anon. My download completed 40 minutes ago and it's been stuck verifying file integrity. It's a known issue and it's fucking annoying.
sig or brick
the standards are fine
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Prove your not a metafag. Give me 3 non-meta reasons you're rolling for Jinhsi
4chan popularized both "cringe"(as an adjective) and "kino" years before it spread outside of here though.
Is this game gonna survive a 7 week patch
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>70 rolls for guaranteed weapon
do it fags
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When does maint end
Brick it is, and if I win the coinflip
I'm not rolling for her.
Ultimate proof.
side boob
zettai ryouiki
the pull animation looks nice
I've got some rolls to spare
I want more Sanhuas because I like her
She's pretty cute I guess
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For me
Very cute
Bonus: Her hair and boots
Bonus: Her awkwardness is cute
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Okay wawoos, what are we listening to during maintenance?
I want cum on her face she is cute and she has a fucking dragon and she is partly one, there that's 4
Uh. I want to have sex with her. Dragon pussy. Uh, high heels boots.
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female = roll
male = skip
you could have zipped it and made it 100GB dumb ankoposter
Jinhsi seems more fun than Changli, but I don't have Spectro echoes or, more importantly, a 5* greatsword.
>Cool trailers

>bushy eyelashes
>looks like noelle silva from black clover
>story importance
>can climb up Mt firmament with the canonical character
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Do I need to play the support homo if I want to make use of Jinshi? I dont have the redhead glowie
Wait, i thought maint is tomorow?
Fuark, i only spent my morning stamina
when is maintenance over i have to go to work in 2 hours
thanks anon
You need Cowqi and a healer
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5 hours if it doesn't end early.
man asians are so ugly...
I'm not rolling for her. I think she's boring and unappealing therefore I am not spending any rolls on her no matter how broken she turns out to be.
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She's a sub dps for anko you did roll stringmaster for her right?
I use Jiyan+Jianxin and don't use my third slot. is that enough?
genshin could never
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How can any other character compete with this?
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watching this made me wish one of those bullets came out of my monitor and ended my misery
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cute hair cute eyelashes cute pure princess type cute english voice
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You're ugly.
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She looks beautiful, and I find her incredibly attractive.
She has a magnificent and endearing personality and a very kind and gentle soul.
And the first time I saw her (pic related) I made a vow: "I'm pulling for her as soon as they'll let me", long before we had any idea how her kit worked or what her role was in the game or the meta (the game hadn't even launched yet).
IT'S UP (my dick(after watching anko manko))
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>big game
For (you)
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>ruined perfection
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That's a man isn't it.
cute boy
wtr they're all so fucking hot
too old
update said it was for the 28th so why can't i go in if it is the 27th?
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>finally get around to watching the trailers
>all those scenes focusing on jinhsi's boots
what the fuck
explain this
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Here's my reason
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>launch the game
>no longer blasted with music on 200% when it's turned off in the settings
>automatically logged in
I just logged it and it's already so much better, the devs are listening
Reminder prydwen's admin is a confirmed pedo
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Greetings /wuwa/

I am an ambassador from /hsrg/ and have come to establish trade and commerce between our two generals. Post which character you would want from our game as well as which character you would exchange for them from your game. The only stipulation is that female characters must be traded for other female characters and vice versa for male characters. I look forward to your offers.
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i love girls with dragon scales
its a crime against humanity if this isnt a man
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genshit could never!
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hmm i wonder why they hiding their face... cuz ugly lol
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Give me Herta
You can have Verina
Link your d*scord.





wtf I love prydwen now
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I'll trade you Jiyan for picrel
Good making the business with you
No refunds
is danjn on this banner?
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Why the fuck every single tier list put Ma Xiaofang on bottom? She dish out more dps than havoc rover, her dodge counter also deal shitton of damage. Hologram and toa boss floors become piss easy with her
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Camellya on hsrg
Sparkle on wuwa
It's Danjin's banner, you would know this if you really loved her but you don't this is why she will marry (ME) and not (YOU) fuck off schizo
Because they dont use her
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>not posting the best scene first
latest CN patch, global its 1.6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OuWpIR9bcI
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>6 times already

please kill yourself, you will do everyone a favor
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1 Qi Condensation
Divided into 15 layers.
Progress by absorbing spiritual energy
Lifespan 100 years
2 Foundation Establishment
Divided into Early, Middle, Late.
Spiritual energy refines the body so the body would be more suited for cultivation.
Lifespan 200- 300 years
3 Core Formation
Divided into Early, Middle, Late, Peak.
Form Spiritual Energy into a Core inside the Dantian.
Lifespan 300- 900 years
4 Nascent Soul
Divided into Early, Middle, Late, Peak.
Break the Core to produce a Nascent Soul.
Lifespan 2900- 5000 years
5 Soul Formation / Deity Transformation
Divided into Early, Mid, Late, Great Cycle.
Comprehend the heavens and obtain a Domain. Then form an Origin Soul by fusing that domain with the Nascent Soul.
Lifespan 10.000 - 20.000 years
6 Soul Transformation (婴变)
Divided into Early, Mid, Late, Great Cycle.
Celestial spiritual energy to completely refine the body and allow the Origin Soul to go from non-corporeal to corporeal. Thus a Celestial Body is given to all cultivators.
Lifespan 100.000 - million years
7 Wen Ding 问鼎 (Ascendant)
Divided into Early, Mid, Late, Great Cycle.
Fusing domain and celestial spiritual energy with the origin soul.
Lifespan ten million- hundred million years
Transitional Level
8 Yin Xu 阴虚 (Illusory Yin) Change in the origin soul. A real origin soul can devour origin energy and gain new life from origin energy
Lifespan hundred million- billion years

9 Yang Shi 阳实 (Corporeal Yang) All the celestial spiritual energy dissipating and being replaced by origin energy.
Lifespan ten billion - hundred billion years



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I'm still going to C6R5 Changli and you can't stop me.
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It's a mystery.
>already in maintenance mode after 1 patch
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You can have our local gremlin Encore
I just want Herta in every gacha i play is that too much to ask for?
weird shit
I would swap firefly for encore. Fireflys jetpack would be sweet in wuwa, and star rail is lacking a cute and small 5 star dps
wtf they looked like they were gonna fuck for a second
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I'm really hoping I get a bunch of Sanhua and Yangyang dupes to make up for the fact I will inevitably go 160 rolls.
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Hey chuckefuck
Think fast
young master... i kneel...
genshit could never
give me bronya and i give you whoever you want except our legal wife
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YOoo wuwa got a collab with Danjin??
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Are you guys ready for ZZZ
we don't want Mihomo homo characters.
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You have a deal.

Read the fine print Wuwussy

You have a deal.

You have a deal.

In that case I'll have your non-legal wife
our fairy goddess....
>zoulless zensored zlop
Game looks like ass but I'm willing to give it a shot.
no deal
every other game can get ejected into space
see you in orbit
wow it's fucking nothing
bro...you aren't suppose to show that the game is pre-censored when you are shilling
I'd unironically rather play Tarisland than another MiHoYo game.
ok... just use two white hands next time
Old enough to get pregnant.
My day is ruined.
No i'm not trying to be funny KYS.
I want Sanhua dupes
I need pity for Changli
I don't mind getting spooked by Jinhsi if that does happen
It's not just the censorship that makes the latter unappealing. Like the ruined the fucking designs with shitty shading.
that'd be less realistic
Stop calling it censored. The age rating is 12+ so it can't have pantyshots or sideboobs in it. Its also launching on the Switch.
I would've given it a try if the gay wolf wasn't a standard 5* lol, imagine the spooks
I am not the target audience for zzz, I am not a furfag.
how is this shit getting on switch when their other games aren't
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i read a little bit of that document and came to the conclusion that it isn't relevant to wuwa
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This, the washed out retro look is forced sovl
>Its also launching on the Switch.
another zzz cope
I thought they were making it 15+ in order to make a bit lewder than their previous games. WTF?
>please stop pointing out my devs are balless "otaku" and cut down any sort of fan-service before the game even launched
hmmmm, nyo.
Sony actually censors their anime games more than Switch. It's why NISA stopped releasing their games on it.
>that really iffy gameplay with the auto-parry
>never bothered watching beta streams but heard horror storys about this tv screen mode that looked pretty bad
>your gacha roll experience is watching every 10 pull be 8/10 black minions
not for me
I'll trade you cowboy douman (boothill) for Lingyang.
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How do we top that bros
Actual retard
what is this cope lmao? besides, switch has infinitely lewder shit than mihomo has ever put out
Look I like zzz and am decently hyped for it.
But I don't see how being on the switch matters very much when they got goddesses like pyra and mythra.
They censored kot thighs. I'm never playing this garbage.
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>A gacha game that finally has a higher top-up than $100
Dev's listened bwos
>character designs by a blacked bbc loli artist
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how many more minutes/hours i have not been paying attn
switch does not allow pantyshots. or loli characters.
>muh bunny garden
literally just balloon tits, definition of safe horny
i hope you are joking
if you are not joking i hope they add a window that asks if you are sure otherwise im removing my credit card from autopay to prevent fuckups. I can't risk that large a purchase by a misspress.
The characters are everything in gacha and I hate to say it but zz character designs are really mediocre. Not to mention fucking furries...
It's on their website top-up center
Nigger Gal Gun is on switch. So is Panty Party among other games
you can't top two plant goddesses of fertility
so its not in actual game and only in the topup website? Thats good enough because I use mobile.
That's just screaming Money Laundering
This game is becoming boringer and boringer with each passing day...
How would anyone know if it's in the game itself the game's in maintenance bwo...
so truer gigsister...
this explains a LOT
Omega Labyrinth is on switch too, actual kusoge but it is just softcore breast expansion porn. There's a minigame in it where you have the girls paizuri your magic crystal that's shaped like a dick to level up.
Stop waiting. The server isn't gonna come back up.
I'm a /bag/er tho, I hate genshin and it's unholy spawn /gig/ so much that it's unreal
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I agree, this maintenance event is by far the worst.
Take our Lingyang for Yanqing, then take Verina for Clara.

Based bagger
>doesn't know proper grammar
checks out
I remember sony actually intervened and blocked it from being sold in the west. God sony sucks. Though in mihoyos case I am sure they are just self censoring for no reason.
My traffic light wives.
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>for no reason.
There IS a reason :)
What's up?
>open image
>eyes burst into flames
what have you done!?
bro dont say so i still havent finished my nts goon sesh...
But PGR/wuwa are plenty lewd and in China. You can't blame government for everything.
Are we getting 120fps in 1.1?
What the FUCK was his problem?
my dick is up for jinhsi
why do gacha games feel the need to attract pedophiles
a little over 4 more hours
Now would be the perfect time to do 1.2 drip marketing. PLEASE CUMMELYA
Should be
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>You can't blame government for everything.
Just use a frame doubler
Bad news, bro. Servers still down.
They appeal to the eastern market, which are more accepting of cute anime characters/lolis. Western players are the last thing in their thought when they create their games/characters.
Because they are BASED.
Pretty sure Kurogames isn't backed by CCP.
On the other hand MHY is with CCP.
WuWa lewd is not close to the same level as omega lab.
Not anymore, I just coomed
yes mine is up
1. She’s beautiful
2. She’s pure
3. She’s graceful
4. She’s for (you)
5. She’s Spectro
they are based on shangai thats why
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Huh I have disgaea games on switch, the lolis there are dressed like whores.
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asia understand that pedos are everywhere and you can pander to them through fiction. You lose nothing but gain much.
She's cute
She's hot
She's for (You/Me)
bros....how much longer....I need to gamble....
i salute the yapyap
Are you rolling for Jinhsi? What rituals are you doing?
based chinaman
If you are going with that angle it's more of the opposite kek. One of the reason mihomo got the leash hard in the early days of genshit is because the founders weren't buddy buddy with the right people whilst kuro's backers, tencent, have always been arm-in-arm with the ceeceepee.
Is this young dawei? Backstabbing liar
Nintendo is desperate and is willing to house all the degenerates.
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please tell me /wuwa/ doesn't unironically do "rituals"
i thought we as a society grew past stupid superstitions like that
I have collected the dragon balls and plan on summoning shenron.
The ritual of buying the bp, doing the dailies and logging off.
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Can you stop having pedophile OPs? Its disgusting.
No. None.
Go back.
The "degenerates" have always been a big part of success though, one of the reasons Sony lost is because creators look at all the censorship and go to the other platforms. Who knows when they'll be the next one who spends months or years working towards a release only to get cucked at the last moment.
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Going to this spot in game and rolling
Found it just before maintenance
I collect waifus. There's a reason I don't have Jiyan.
Yes, I'll be rolling by Vergil's chair of POWER
>Mihoyo's vision heavily lean to self-inserting
>Nu-hoyodrones seethe at mere (You) pandering in gacha games
When did this brainrotted mindset started? Why are they invading otaku's safespace?
if you believe participate in rolling rituatls, you probably believe in angels, demons and ghosts, or are religious irl. Since I'm an atheist who values science and logic over superstition, i simply open the menu, roll and skip results immediately until im done.
holy fuck scar outfits look retarded irl im glad hes out of the story
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Fuck man... i was looking forward on Nicole but they really butchered her hard, they absolutely ruined her with on this one. I am usually be okay with censors, even i'm okay with rosaria but nicole censor is painful to look at
actually true, after the massive flop that was wii u
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Hope (You) pulled for me
>otaku's safespace
normies are losing the lolicon war. I keep saying more people saying "its just a drawing". They can't fight human nature.
Now that i think about it, seems that Rover will suffer from "shitty rarity weapon on cutscenes" syndrome too.
modern western audiences, im pretty sure dawei has been hands off from the games for a while and just serves as a figurehead
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Tributed a Jinhsi printout every day for the past 7 days
How does this piece of shit launcher not have an option to limit download speed
I masturbate to drawings of men sometimes but the men are anime traps and they are drawn like flat women and losing their mind to cock-lust.
Real men are disgusting in all of their forms though.
what is this ai model called? serious ask
and the nyantcha one if you know
>ai slop
kys shitskin
im not going to laugh at you but his almost cope, sony is losing because its HQ is on USA right now, they are super partial to AAA games and not small times, all that nintendo has is in house shit and indie, both are retard in they own way, just that nintendo retardness this time won the people and PS is a autist retard that n o one wants
Global servers ruined gacha
>limit download speed
do hddkeks really
>When did this brainrotted mindset started?
With 2018 hi3.
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wtf with modern games and gigantic file sizes
MGSV is barely 30gb and its bigger and graphically more beautiful than most UE slops
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Seems to have worked out for them. It's funny how Nintendo was flopping in the 90s and early 00s when they were puritans now it's the reverse for them and Sony. Sony was the one who used to allow all the adult and degenerate indie stuff. PS2 survived for 10 years in Japan after the PS3 was released because of VN and indie games.
i will bite. the first 2 exist IRL while lolis as depicted in those do not. it is entirely based on fiction and fantasy. while real pedos might fap to those pics too, they use it as a cope cause the real material isn't readily available. the majority that do fap to those loli pics isn't interested in 3d children.
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i think they went a bit TOO mainstream like FE, though FEH has proven that coom can still sell
scar deepthroating big rover cock!
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>Wake up
>Maint already start
>unfinished last gen turd
fffffFUCK yes
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look up compression your mind will be BLOWN
>open game
>open convene
>swipe if lose 50/50
i dont need any rituals but i pray to god i dont lose pity
whoa buddy are expecting your product to be well made by the programming world's equivalent of retail and fast food workers
im the straightest waifuchad itt but if this shota doesnt activate your breeding instinct you are literally a homosexual
When they turned their backs on said people with HI3/Genshin. Hell I would say GGZ too since it is full of the same shit.
well if it was disgusting it wouldn't give me a boner. checkmate reddit
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Gonna pull on the chair on the top of the mountain.
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>buddy are expecting your product
>See picture of little girls
>Head is immediately filled with sexual thoughts about them
>Call the poster/other pedo
Like pottery. It has been proven again and again that all the anti-pedo who keep screaming about "dirty pedo" are all closet pedophiles who commit actual crimes against REAL children.
>though FEH has proven that coom can still sell
Pretty sure FEH survives out of metafagging
imagine jinhsi sitting on your face and how bushy and scaly it is down there
why is maintenance on for so long? 7 hours.
4 to go, guess I'll work for a bit.
this makes zero sense
i bust exclusively to ntr but im not a cuckold
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forgot demigod image
FEH survives out of pure sunk cost, its hard to imagine its been around 7 years, and no new game in sight too
Anime doesn't look like humans much less kids>>483776840
Indies are a huge part of bringing in customers who then spend money on other big titles. The platform who had the most indie support has always been the one that wins. That used to be Sony until they went full DEI tranny LGBTurd pandering and censoring everything made for straight men.

Only one coping is you, censoring free expression has never done anything but kill platforms.
>download new update
>game size increases 4GB on mobile
wtf? Genshin wasn't this bad. This game is doomed.
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Imagine this bumping into you.
holy based
What's Yinlin's deal anyways?
Her event mentioned her parents like they were ordinary people but she has elf ears. And no one else in the world we've seen has elf ears.
What is she an elf? Where are the other elves? I like them
Shut the fuck up Gaydahn
She would have to suck my dick as an apology
becoming a resonator can alter the body.
this not tumblr or reddit, go back to your tranny sites
bro... not cool...
shes a cosplayer
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>More scaly the hornier you get her
Why is my wife so perfect?
I'm now a pedo
it's a more profitable market than homos
i already told you that 2d lolis aren't children and don't look like children. you can't commit a crime to something that doesn't exist.
same as if i would fap to fairies, mermaids etc.
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This is the truth.
Resonator body mutation.
Mortefi has dragon arm
Changlj has hot arm
Jinhsi has scales.
You get it
My ritual is called swiping.
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>a mere 1.1 is 20+ gigs
I guess 2.0 will take 1 TB then? Fuck
is it pedo if you want to be the loli?
I salute the yapyap
Honkai Impact series was fucking yuri shipping at first not self inserting. Chinamen lie out of their teeth.
fucking kek
I hate when people say "scaley"
I don't think of snake skin on first instinct.
I think of scabs
Why did
Black Swan
and Sparkle all flop?
If only Nahida actually looked like that...
Are Blade, Kafka and Silverwolf all higher than Firefly?
no, but you have stockholm syndrome
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first time rolling on a limited banner
hopefully I finally get danjin
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no it's based
Depends do you want to fuck other lolis or get fucked by an adult
How hard did Flopfly flop btw? HRTGxisters have been awfully quiet about that one just curious.
>New patch is bigger than the fucking base game itself
>Cute girl
>Still don't have a five star dps
2/3 is fine, right?
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fuck off retard, if i play a shooter im not closer to being a real life serial killer than somebody that plays farming games. Its fantasy, lolis act like normal bimbos and look like goblins or pixies. Most of the time ¨hebes¨ have closer to human children proportions yet anti loli fags dont complain about those, for now, because they know that if they actually have to announce exactly which things they consider childlike, it will be every attractive depiction of women
Why'd Firefly flop so bad?
iirc it was a little higher than Black Swan on the graph
>How hard did Flopfly flop btw?
Only 50% of Acheron peak
Straight people doesn't actually spend as much as trannies funny enough
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Are we excited about 1.1?
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>Jihnsi JP trailer
>+1M views after 24 hours
I'm actually surprised, this is Star Rail view range
more like they had us redownload the entire game cause my free space barely decreased
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>mfw there's no patch and we just downloaded the entire game again+1.1
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wtf wuwa added a 1000 dollar bundle in the website shop
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Because while they're vocal online, incels are poor and don't spend. Pandering to them just means you won't sell.
you pandering sells nothing new.
wait what? That's it? That's a relief honestly
It did alright in the west, but in CN HSR was the only game to pass DFO and Naruto Mobile for a day. I'd imagine it was the same in JP too but we'll know end of the month
another mihomo game dying, wuwa does it again!
honestly? not really
>less than kafka
hrtroons on suicide watch
>not camellia
It's safe to spend on jinhsi
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the latter if i had to choose. i just wanna be cute
Did they expect something different with the fanbase they cultivated? I mean they gave them a bit with Kafka, but after Genshin did they seriously think Firefly would be that appealing?
I seriously expect them to make Elio for (you) too and push him to the moon like they did with Firefly
Where are Jinhsi's scales?
All over or just in certain places?
>Hype her up so much the other banners before her suffered for it
>Did jack shit anyway
so much for breaking the record
>all the dips with argenti, ratio, aventurine and boothil
when will they learn
just admit its pedophilia but that does not mean you are gonna go touch kids.
A part of me wanted Firefly to earn well because I enjoy her character

...another part of me is happy her banner fucking tanked so hoyoverse never does the waifu pandering to this extreme ever again
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>star rail starts cringy (you) incel pandering with Firefly
>wuwa already doing cringe (you) incel pandering in their first patch with Jinhsi
Why aren't there any good gachas anymore?
I'm excited to finally play Jinhsi. I'm so sick of math and theorycrafting. I want to see how she actually performs.
What the fuck are these names
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installed the game and got this
Where is my pink loli?
define a good gacha
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/wuwa/ claims another one
Jinhsis scales crop up when she's embarrassed or stressed.
They pop up anywhere
Read my nigga READ
here >>483769935 >>483777070
I hear Reverse 1999 would be right up your alley xis, canon female MC too.
eh, they're going to have to go back on it anyway, if they stuck with this MC ship forever then you can kiss the for (You)fags goodbye once they're tired of Firefly
it's not though because real children are disgusting to me. it can't be both hot and disgusting, so 2d lolis are their own thing and can't be put under that pedo mantle.
stop feeding the troll you retard, you are only spaming the thread with this bullshit when you know its not pedo because its a fucking drawing
sis your /gig/?
>Why aren't there any good gachas anymore?
Genshin is currently the most complete nearly perfect game in the genre.
imagine reeding
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Guess they don't want me to play the game
Femc, no incel pandering
Dont forget to dilate, xis
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>Genshin is currently the most complete nearly perfect game in the genre.
It's over Tsubakibros.
If Navia is anything to go by...expect her to get shipped with Silver Wolf the next time she shows up.
multiple people replied but alright. this is what maintenance does to us.
Camellya bros...
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the only people that want pedophilia to extend to cartoons and for loliporn to be considered cp are people who are actual pedophiles and have actual cp wanting their crimes to be watered down, theres no other explanation for this retard argument
Your Love and Deepspace???
what the fuck, Silverwolf needs a Seele not a random girl
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i heard wuwa only absorbed maybe less than 10% of akg
luckily we are not as hated
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>htroons seething at (you) pandering
>In wuwa aka (you) pandering gacha
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No Camellya? dead game.
Jinhsi waiting room. Greetings fellow Male Rovers
Bronie didn't so why would her expy?
Wow thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Edit: Wasn't expecting this, thank you so much *mwah*!
Part of it was because Firefly is unusable character without RM and HMC, not everyone like to play superbreak. She's completely unusable outside that team, i'm talking about the literal unusable character not just low dps unusable tier
I never realized how tribal gacha generals are.
I'm typically uses to everyone hating genshin but I never knew everyone just hating everyone.
>she gets all scaly during sex
BASED. Evil women should not be playable.
Who the fuck is Zhezhi?
ohnonono mihomotrannies our response?
My man, it's always safe to spend on one girl, spending on Jinhsi and Changli is not recommended when you have Kamille around the corner, I guess this is fine now
>real children are disgusting to me
now this such blatant lying.
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it's this nigga
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reverse 1999 is unironically right there
I think an interesting analog is if you're into anime women but not 3dpd women are you really straight? If yes, then being into drawn lolis would also make you a pedo.
I just got here so I haven't read the previous posts yet.
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Isn't Kuro being kind of cheap by not including a 1st time top-up bonus for $500/$1000
Pretty sure one of those is gonna be a 4 star, Cumellya may still be on the menu
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So when is the update live for EST?
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Ironic, don't ya think?
Because 9 times out of 10 when another gacha is brought up it is just mindless shitposting.
Good job. You finally get it.
Keep posting cuties and we’re cool
first time on vg?
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This better be a 4 star.
honcuck always attracted the biggest loonies. add to that the post genshit mihomo swarm and here we are
What happened in china?
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no one hates akg
But she isn't around the corner.
Look, I doubt Mihomo would want yurikeks to start doing
>Hey, isn't she a Bronya? Where's her Seele? BOOO NTR
They'll pull out a new Seele out of their ass, I can guarantee it
i also want to know that, i read china slop so it sticks easier but that name doesnt ring a bell, other one either
But who's Zhezhi tho?
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We hate all gachas except HSR here
cute buttslut. but do we not know the other name?
this guy is gonna flop hard and kuro will have double thoughts about doing another homo banner
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Blade won
we won whaleGODS
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>Yeah so this character is 12 years old and the more childlike she is the hotter she is
>no its not pedophilia is uh.. lolicon
>no camellya
>more time to save
Kill yourself firepagtroonsbian
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>no cumellya
you're telling me that i have to sit on my rolls for 3+ months?
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Get your daily rocks
Didn't firefly beat dnf mobile for a day? Ain't that actually massive?
I don't think any other character did that.
Some literal who.
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How to edit posts?
Then go all out on Changli and Bocchi
unironically someone that leave zero(0) impressions on me
The other one is one the scientists see>>483778843
Why are the threads so fast again? I thought we died?
If they cared about that they would have had a melt down when Raiden got paired up with Yae and not a Kiana. Same for Archeron and Black Swan.
>not using JP vpn for cheaper top-ups
>He lacks critical information
Hehe ;)
People aren't busy mintpicking anymore
scheduled mihomotroon melty
if even, maintenance ends as scheduled.
if odds, maintenance will be extended for another 7 hours.
if dubsthank you for your support, unfortunately... EOS
Why would they make a generic npc a playable character? He doesn't stand out at all.
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How many rolling for Jinhsi?
How many skipping?
imagine the backshots
meltdown initiated
Everything for my wife
it seems like they are, its the same 25% return
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You can hate genshin all you want but i know we had good memories with it back in 2019 and 2020
Early days of genshin were magical, the memes and videos around that time were miles better than now. Even when there's nothing to do we're still swimming with fan content and memes like diluc gaming, ore stealer, boarbara the killer and other wierd shit.
I might do one ten roll for shits and giggles
I top up in game with vpn, but for some reason the kuro site blocks tunnelbear when I try to access the top-up center through the web browser.
>pre-release hype
>still barely 5 posts/min
It's over. ZZZ will kill us.
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Sweet summer child you don't understand shitposting very much do you?
The whole point of this while "______" flopped shit is just to the garbage sensor towers can come out in a few days and then typically if it's a hoyo game it will top the charts just to people can be like "what???!?! You guys told me ________ flopped!!!"
1.2 drip marketing in 3 hours.
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I play genshin, star rail, wuwa and soon ZZZ
When I am posting in the generals, I pretend that all gachas are shit except the general I'm in
Yeah when they were putting out designs like Mona/Ganyu/Fischl and the fandom wasn't 50% homofujos complaining about literally anything that is made to pander to men.
I never downloaded that shit, gigger.
this but it's a middle aged business man with a hard tan, muscles and a beer gut
more like bricking. Imagine not pulling Jinhsi
expy of a major character in PGR.
game started going downhill when you saw shit like
>Ningguang is a lesbian because she wears nail protectors
being actually discussed in the "community"
>game was fun before it got wormed
yeah no shit
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I want Jianxin to squeeze my head between her sweaty thighs
>inb4 Lingyang'd
Wait is he supposed to be Lee?
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skipping for Camellya and Geshu
I topped up all the first time bonuses. The first time bonus is just double the original amount so 6480+6480 for the $100 pack. The 1600 bonus is standard after the initial pack
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>Not doing the opposite to maximize thirdie seethe over revenue numbers that they will never ever see a penny of, not even in game features
>low pity guarantee for the next character I want
Oh no!
hurry! someone post the mogging pic please! i want to shit on a genshitter!
I thought you guys said they weren't releasing any more men
I want to play Just Cause 2 again
Who cares more time to save for the next cute girl
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We need more men after 1.1, people need to save bwo. It was so comfy being able to save for half a year in GI with nonstop homo banners
The chinese love men, they're all closeted fags
>he thinks thirdies are the ones who seethe about revenue
just check one of those shitty threads about graphs, will definitely give you a very good idea
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Why did they increase 1.1 to 7 weeks? I thought the whole point of shortening 1.0 was to dodge ZZZ?
I don't understand, the 500$ pack has the same value as the 100$ pack. Why would anyone choose that?
The only cool guy is Scar.
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I pretend the only gacha that's shit is the general I'm in even though I like all of them
I want to groom and fuck some ripe underage vagina. In fiction.
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Ayaka seriously looks like a fish, what the fuck happened
Are we going to ignore the possibility of the leak being 4 stars? Aight
>getting banned for stealing from Kubo
No thanks
Go back to your sewer sweetie.
Looking at it, even though I won't be rolling Jinshi, she does have a more ephemeral beauty. I don't like her hairstyle or lack of boobs, but she's certainly a beauty.
Now that's some projection.
I will never pull for a male no matter how powerful they are
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just about done with the elden ring expansion and looking forward to the wuwa expansion

how long until the servers open?
Whales usually have to buy the $100 pack 15-20 times to C6R5, it's just a qol but they really should've incentivized it atleast a little.
that's why Kuro shouldn't give an inch with gay characters outside of (you)pandering. Once you add them you open the floodgates.
Lee, Chrome and others still need to be put in
Only hoyo fandoms obsess over revenue as a cudgel to attack others. Literally if Genshit never existed to bring in these people then gacha generals would live in relative peace.
thanks bro
nta but you should watch some Chinese media that isn't gacha games. They are very homoerotic.
Don't worry bros the 5.0 graphic upgrade will save us haha
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Don't care about the argument being had.
I hate Yuri.
I didn't download 1995 because Yuri is shit.
Thanks for reading.
I like Mortefi and Aalto.
2-3 hours
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same energy
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I've been busting to nothing but Mary this whole week. have mercy and stop posting her
These bugman names don't sound like a real name.
It's just mostly watered down K-drama
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that's what they all said
thanks for sneeding
Sounds like you enjoy watching homoerotic chinese media.
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Ok, chat, serious talk here.

What is the point of playing NOT for (You) gacha games? The for (You) aspect is all there is. I mean you don't play this shit (gacha games) for the story or the combat or the lore. You play this for the characters, you want to have those characters, you want to own them. You want to make them yours. If not... Then what's the point?
You're alright Nikkebro, still not playing your game
Have you tried having sex incelbro
>Why are the threads so fast again?
first general? HSR dropped to less than 1 post/min before 2.0
Cucks and trannies exist anon
Don't use my wife for such abhorrent posts you freak
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Bro we've been shitposting in each other's generals long before Genshin was ever a thing.
>draw a girl call it a man trick
Now that's cheating
Xiangliyao is supposed to be a 4*, it was leaked a while ago.
Never heard of Zhezhi though, hope she is an ice Loli.
Sounds like I enjoy watching chinese media
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I play every game with quality dragon girls
Why else would we all be here in the Jinhsi waiting room?
for (you) sucks up character storyline space and wastes it on literal wank. That said if it makes fujos unhappy I'm for it.
That's a girl
>"my game is bigger than your game" "my country is bettter than you country" "my dad is richer than your dad" hasnt been used since time immemorial
>Especially by children who are equivalent in mindset to thirdies

I can smell both of you from here lah
>posts nikke
/nikg/'s favorite character is a massive dyke, we are LGBT friendly
when will the game be up?
Because if a character you hate ends up being for (you) it can get really annoying
>flopped on debut
>flopped on reruns
what did faggot mean by this?
when it is over? I can't into timeline and shit
in wuwa hours plz
Ship shit does the exact same thing
Genshin made gachashit even more mainstream.
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2 more weeks
>when on team Deepen all damage 100%
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To see numbers going up, what else?
Is "cucks" and "trannies" in the room right now, anon?
based dragon fucker
But it was more like the "oh no no no" shitposting and not the genuine discord raids shitting up half the threads.
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here's your next expy
u rike?
The worst part about genshin male isn't the character themselves but the kind of filth they attract.
Chat going so fast no one's going to notice i'm an encore main
It's a good thing the CCP suppresses it so it's just undertones
Eh, at least it's not a femboy
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How about Killer wife?
>What is the point of playing NOT for (You) gacha games?
Women exist you bigot. They're not into this shit
Strangely many of them play Nikke
Dorothy ain't a dyke though.
She's tried to make moves on the commander and gets cock blocked by rapi
I would much rather character stories be (you) and character doing something than just playing camera man or third wheel for shit. That being said (you) pandering isn't the only thing that does this. Just look at Bronya and Seele in HSR. Their writing in Belobog is abysmal because they leaned into the ship way too hard.
Don't forget it might be 4-star
Dumping everything. Quitting if I don't get S0R1
(you) pandering always expose the buttblasted mihoyo tourists, every single time.
We getting a death stranding collab or something?
>what is a yume
That's just Mortefi
Ok but seriously when's maintenance over
>ok chat
Surprise EoS
You are here.
Does wuwa Ayaka need her weapon?
3 hours and 20 minutes left.
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i play gacha to satiate my gambling addiction
all my cum for D and sakura
>They're not into this shit
Yumes are into that shit.
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How much longer.....I need my wuwa fix....
>Mihoyo's vision heavily lean to self-inserting
when? Genshin never had a (you) pandering moment in 4 years and They made a survey about shipping and If the fandom is ok with that, 90% were in favor of more shipping
HSR is full of shipshit from the start
Maintenance? This is EOS bro
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hmmm nyo
That's a fair point, I think it's just because Genshin has more people. Maybe if another gacha hit mainstream popularity, they'd also accumulate a critical mass of schizos.
how much roll currency do i need to get a new character and weapon?
and it's ok if it's them but don't you dare thirst over an anime girl
All it takes is 2
I dropped Shart Rail because of the disgusting dyke pandering with Firefly. Jinhsi looks like more dykeshit too.
ZZZ is truly the last hope for hetero players.
>women exist
Yeah and they are called yumes.
And they play tears of themis or love and deep space
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>Strangely many of them play Nikke
R5 BP is such a dumb comparison. It's more expensive than getting the signature.
so generic 5 stars from banner is an ok cope?
>furry shit
>no (you)
>thinking mihoyo won't do the same shit they have done in every game they make
holy shit you are a comedian xis.
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Whatchu guys eating?
>22% increase
That's pretty big
Shouldn't have picked a female self insert character then, tranny.
don't pick female then. it should be obvious picking a female mc in a gacha game turns it into a yuri game.
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>buttered bun
Loose some wait fatty
Maybe stop choosing female mc if you hate dyke shit so much?
the smartest gay fag trying to pass as one of us
Ignore that anon, xe tried to push that meme argument with blue archive as well.
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when was that? They just said it is 40% in Japan and Korea
Standard weapon banner broadsword > BP broadsword
by virtue of having energy regen and being more receptable to attack& buffs

that, and not needing R5
I finished it already, but I had braised pork knuckle with meat and skin on rice and some eggs.
Mihomo wants to upgrade their engine
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Reject women, have sex with men instead.
>Look bro, she's untainted and pure, did you know she also shaves her pubes???
I get it, she's made for NTR, shut the fuck up already Kuro
now post the f2p option
What the fuck
It doesn't count if the girl also wants your dick, that repels yuritroons.
>I dropped Shart Rail because of the disgusting dyke pandering
I remember it was full of hetero shipping pandering like KafkaxBlade and DanxMarch
I dropped that game because the story is dogshit and there is no skip button
Jinhsi has sex with Jue thoughbeit
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>They're not into this shit
So that's why Love and Deepspace is so popular?
great, if i win the coinflip i get it for her
So what's Ages X Verdant?
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Are we watching Presidential debate while waiting maintenance over?
>Theory shitters almost exclusively sim with Verina
I'd like it if they'd try out other team comps than the universal buffer. Verina's great and all, but you only have one of her available.
she doesn't though. none of the pilgrims do.
>I dropped Shart Rail because of the disgusting dyke pandering with Firefly
When you start caring this much about it then you're no better than the loons on twitter.
>I remember it was full of hetero shipping pandering like KafkaxBlade and DanxMarch
Who is gunna tell him?
I'll just wait for the memes
LMAO, what is that from?
The point is you'll get it if you buy BP consistently over months, which every single person who spends money regularly will do.
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>play Nikke
it hardly even qualifies as a game
It's too late for Genshin, but they should have used UE for ZZZ, even if it's ultimately just a test for their future games.

>BP weapon is better than the 5 star
I auto it just like I auto Star Rail. Same amount of gameplay.
a crack pairing? Are you one of the ones who skipped her quest?
she tried something in a moment of weakness and got repeled.. fucking rapi stop a chance for rehab
yet you are genuinelly retarded and dont understand slippery slopes, lolis are fictional creatures, they dont look like children, they look like exagerated 18 year old women which is what men actually are attracted to, even alice here >>483779926 had twittertfags crying about how she is underage (mentally, as in she is retarded) and shouldnt be on a bunny suit, the anti loli people are unironically degenerates/losers who hate any sign of fertility because they hate humanity
>They made a survey about shipping and If the fandom is ok with that, 90% were in favor of more shipping
Post the survey. Never heard about it.
>this is assumed for every character and weapon type
spreadsheet niggers are retarded
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I'm not an amerinigger so no
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surprisingly no
it's bit art
do you have a hot Baizhi?
I got it from xitter
the artist only had those two
it's literally stablediffusion slop. kys retard
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bro, pixel art can be replicated with ai too
these aren't even real pixels
It's a jpeg you fucking buffoon
no shit, i meant that this was not drawn on an actual grid, those aren’t square pixels, you’re actually retarded
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Good morning seabros have you watched the debate? Biden flopped

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