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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>483660219
I'm angry
Angry about Celica
That's not Nikke
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Zamn?! She's 15?!?
I always laugh twice as hard when I hurt Felixschizo so badly that it starts talking to itself and hallucinating. Emblem Celica won, bigly.
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Do you expect IS to fuck up the Teatime theme this year?
Emblem units are based because they let you clear Engage LHBs without having Engage "characters" in your barracks.
Harmonic maid Nerthuz and Lumera, coming soon
Why would Felixschizo care about Emblem Celica?
True, otherwise I wouldn't have any units to use at all
I'm more of a Red Lyn enjoyer but this is acceptable.
Replace it with a completely different theme because IS can't make up their mind what they want August to be.
Just about anyone is able to hurt it that badly, little bro. Same reason it got a reputation that it can't cleanse so matter how many hours/days/weeks/months it spends typing and deflecting and defending itself.
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Half Firene, half Tellius, straight to F tier.
They have a history of creating a popular banner theme and then immediately nuking it the next year with characters nobody likes from an unpopular game.
Just accept that it's going to happen and be thankful we had one year where it was good.
No one likes you. Now that you've "succeeded" in making your imaginary boogeyman seethe, you can fuck off now right?
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Anyone want some shit cookies? Made with gay love~
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This character is going to be on the summer banner:
So uh, this is related to something from the previous thread.

What is the anti-Felix guy's explanation for why Felixschizo didn't exist until the day after the CYL results got announced???
I'm ok with Celica but angry with more bullshit teleports
Hope you have something that can tank her in the LHB, or some turbo galeforce fuckery like Bride Sharena or Summer Gullveig to kill her on turn one.
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>They have a history of creating a popular banner theme and then immediately nuking it the next year with characters nobody likes from an unpopular game.
I really wanted a Plegian Marianne, too.
Post the image where you defend yourself again.
some dude got really really mindbroken by how bad Diamant and Alcryst's performance was in CYL and blamed it all on Felix for some reason.
Fuck, another Raulcore character
Post the image where anything you say makes sense, retard.
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>Engage + Ashen Wolves
This actually seems possible.
>Selphina is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. She is a twenty-six year old knight of Leonster. She is also the daughter of Dryas and the wife of Glade.
Already practicing my "WHO THE FUCK ASKED FOR THIS?!" lines.
I said, post the image where you defend yourself again. Samefagging while avoiding the posts that make fun of you for samefagging just makes you look more pathetic to anyone who knows your posting style. If you obey even once it will help your rep.
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Ahhhh one guy is behind Felix beating my fujo gay lover Diamant. It can't be real
>Summer Jill
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Nowischizo... what the hell?
No seriously, if you want us to believe he's real, how come he didn't exist until the day after Felix the character beat your favorites in CYL?

Because as long as that's true it really does make it look like you're some kind of mentally ill weirdo who made him up in response to Felix being more popular than your favorites.
Your autistic verbal tics are getting worse.
>h-hey! I'm only 15! I can't get married to someone more than twice my age!
What resplendent will he get?
I got Walhart. Having him with a lobster themed weapon might be kinda funny.
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*mindbreaks you*
Ouch, that one will hurt him deeply. I can already tell which canned replies he's going to use, kek
No, she is thousands of years old, she is Pneuma from Xenoblade 2
>Finally get to see Peri's massive tits in FEH
If only...
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Wait, someone really doesn't get that "that one moody 3H boy that was Top 3 in CYL for years" won CYL?
I can't believe one guy singlehandedly gave Felix 10k more votes than Diamant... how the FRICKING HECK do we stop this NIGGER?
I kept rolling. This is your July Summer lineup
I look forward to him going through all the same autistic repetitions when the next emblem hero is announced. and the one after that. and the next one.
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>alcryst and veyle got less votes than black knight
That's Lyn
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No, Pneuma is supposed to be 20. It's Rex that is 15.
Lyn and Rex are supposed to be the same age, lmao.

And Black Knight has a split vote, too. His Zelgius votes are separate.
Lady Lyndis, your game came out in 2003.
You're 36 now.
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>"My nemesis who likes Felix is BIGLY mad Celica got an alt!"

>"Really? Where are the posts saying that?"

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I was going to make a thread but at this point I think it's too late.
I wonder if it will try a new narrative where it pretends to not be mad about the engage hof.
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Make the next one with a kvasir image.
It's more along the lines that a side character beat Engage's most popular characters.
He wouldn't be crapping himself if he had gotten double teamed by Sigurd and Byleth he could at least rationalize losing to other main characters.
IS was going to make a Nowi alt but at this point they think it's too late.
Everyone is laughing at you.
Post the image where you try to defend yourself. Or can you really not do anything right, just like /v/ and /feh/ have been saying?
Hey xenoshitter you should kill yourself and make your parents proud
Fuck this off topic thread
You got kicked out /v/ too? How many generals is that now?
Boy, I sure do love Fire Emblem Heroes and the characters originating in the Fire Emblem series!
Not your boyfriend, dumbass. Get a life
nigga you cringier than raul
You're definitely not going to disprove the severity of your mental disability like this. Getting simple sentences wrong. So pathetic lol
A bunch of Discord trannies got together to make a xeno shit thread
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Heres my favorite character
They're bi btw
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Yes, yes, anon. I get it, you want a reply from me. Here you go.
Run along now. And stay out of traffic!
kek just remembered Engage flopped
Since Felixschizo gave up trying to defend himself, I guess the general was right about him & his mental disability.
Where was this ire when the Nikke OPs were made?
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Just took an Engage
Anyone got something to freshen it up in there? A remake might help cover the smell
Celica My Beloved
Don't know what Nikke is but I genuinely hate xenoshitters and xenoshite
Garbage series should've stayed dead
Kek, now the thread schizo is going to make you into its archenemy since Celica appeared in FE Engage
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I knew you'd cry again. Dance puppet
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she killed the geimu
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Fuck off
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That's tough little dude.
>Attention whore complains about getting attention
Truths that drive the elderly crazy:

Felix is more popular than Sigurd
It sure will be nice seeing the variations of "I didn't get caught" and "I'm not even real" for hours on end. Every time there's a new Emblem Hero, or a Nintendo Direct, or a billion other triggers.
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Aaand here it is!
Ironic how you say that when the Xenoblade series has never gotten a bad entry and is widely beloved across the planet while Fire Emblem has mostly shit entries + mostly hated in the JRPG community.
It sure will be nice when you just be quiet.
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So uh, are there any reruns you're looking forward to?
Brave Felix in two months, I fear for this guy's mental health.
>mc fucked multiple girls across games
>have a totally bisexual cast now and never have sex
but we are talking about our lady Madonna Celica here
who in the world is stupid enough to care about slopgage in this circumstance?
Attuned Ivy.
I sure hope that name doesn't trigger any schizos.
He's going for the "World's longest meltdown" record.
He's been going for 5 months straight now
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I wouldn't be surprised if it's another schizo breaking point like Namschizo getting kicked out of the FEH Discord and he becomes so unstable that he's reduced to spamming faeces and gore here for the rest of his life.
*thinks of how Ivy outsold Floppadetta and Flopix*
*seethes in rage and insecurity*
*throws away meds and starts typing every cope I can come up with*
Well fuck off back to your general you faggot ass xenoshitter stop shitting up ours if you look down on it so much
Your games are shit
Too late for that, Felixschizo already posts here 24/7 with a few reptitive phrases and images that each come with hundreds of hits on the archive lol
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he's the only one who posts about felix and then gets angry over his own posts about what felix fans might be doing

this guy is a freak
I need an August and I've had no luck getting him on random summons
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Reread the post big bro. You're replying to him, defending himself with his usual deflections. Unsuccessfully... as usual.
Less repetitive than your autistic tics I'm sure
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he's going to call you felixschizo now
She tricked us into marrying her
I didn't get caught.
I'm not even real.
You have to take me seriously this time.
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Felix stole Diamants win
I'm struggling to understand what exactly sets this guy off. It's not like anybody was talking about Felix before he started bringing him up.
Felix was botted
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Engaygie ragie
Felix had sex with my dog and killed my dog
Felixschizo deflects A LOT
/v/ is laughing at you in two different Engage threads.
>I'm struggling to understand what exactly sets this guy off.
psychotic episodes
The CYL results are in his head 24/7
El Gato N-word
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Felix got the cunny
cute Silque
Felixfag's autistic sounding "conversations" with himself are the funniest shit ever.
And because of his disorder he'll never stop no matter how badly it backfires. Truly we are blessed.
Felix burned our crops and poisoned the water supply!
Don't look at me, I voted Rodrigue!
He did?
remember to check every summoning circle you see, for any traces of anyone who rolled for ivy or celica.
No, but are we going to wait until he does?
Celica has a very cute voice in Japanese
Who did you vote for in CYL /feh/?
I voted for Sigurd and my 14 year old brother voted Bernadetta.
Samefagged forced meme reply chain
All in on Ashera
Next year's the year, I am trusting the plan
All seven went to Seidr.
no regerts
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Just random 3H characters
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Did Felixschizo finally stop crying? That was pathetic, seeing him post the exact same shit over and over. The kind of behavior that spells doom for gen alpha.
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I've been using all of my votes for F!Morgan for a few years now.
Not as long as Alear cried in FE Engage
Kinda in tbe mood for a namschizo meltdown to enhance the felixschizo meltdown

Full Dimitri
Full ATiki
Full MRobin
Full Felix
Full Celine
You have five accounts?
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All in on Cherche.
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Myrrh as usual
*beats the shit out of you*
I miss when namschizo would also pretend he doesn't even exist.
I don't think it's very compatible to vote for Dimitri and Celine in the same year...
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Baked a cake for you, it even melted down like you do over the character.
It would be nice if you didn't exist
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Edie needs to work on cardio, her only version where speed isn’t outright dumped was the regular version.
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Fat shaming divine dragon scum wouldn't let El into the Somniel to work out.
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Wait a second

This is the exact same phrasing that has been used towards me on several occasions. It's even got the same habit of not capitalizing the first letter of the sentence. So the guy who made up this "Felixschizo" boogeyman and who pretends that same person hates Engage with every fiber of their being is also a Gulltard? Am I getting that right?
Stop noticing things
wtf I hate gullveig now
the diacrystfujo is infamous for trying to pretend gulltards are on her side
There are a lot of phrases he repeats over and over again. I get deja vu coming he sometimes. He used to say "you're cornered" a lot too.
Based god. He fucks all our wives
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Yeah he tries to tie his narrative in with other narratives to make himself sound more legitimate. Like he says his boogeyman is equal to raul and against gullveig to make it seems like its some popular narrative and anyone gives a shit.
Are you telling me you aren't OUTRAGED that Felix beat Diamant and Alcryst?!?!?!??!
>Failixschizo so desperate for validation it's seeking an alliance with Raul of all people
this season is finally looking up
i forgot they added some old special heroes to meet the heroes
you can tell it's one guy because nobody cares about the male bracket lol
Other way around, Shamirschizo falseflagged a post and then *found it out* since it's desperate for an alliance with Felixschizo
Licker chikker
You are lower than Raul now, how does that feel?
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Easiest skip in my life
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Sex appeal!
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And Felixschizo affirmed multiple times by samefagging that it took the bait with enthusiasm. Because it's a retard, and any psych trick works on it no matter how weak.
it's not even a guy, I can't imagine an actual straight man being so obsessed with Diamant and Alcryst of all characters.
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Not sure if this is bait but it would be funny if it was the alt tikifag was the same guy
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I've let you do this for a few months without pointing it out, since it was pretty funny, but it's time to lift the curtain. The reason for that is because... nobody brings those characters up besides you.
Nobody said straight!
despite being skipped. Alm still made it into the emblem celica page
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Nowischizo is mad that it didn't get to make the OP
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and we got summer camilla too
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So this means you have to fight on yet another front to defeat all the gulltards, right? Truly our hero.
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Oh boy, you are actually about to pretend your 5 month long meltdown didn't start with Felix beating your favorites.
*grabs popcorn*
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Maybe he can use some of that janny rally magic to get rid of this fuck? Truly our guy all along
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What kind of pantsus are you wearing doot?
lovely Doot.
Shame summer Delthea is not happening. Would destroy my few remaining orbs
you have to admit it's impressive felixschizo amassed a reputation as bad as raul's in the time since engage release, which is way closer to now than awakening's release.
i guess their favorites both being poorly-selling 3H slop played a role in it.
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Celine has so many weapons... look at them forcing her to only use tomes in feh. Still angry with all dragon Rhea.
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I dunno if swimsuit is exciting for her
I think we can do something funner like hatari nopan festival
Actually that never happened, but you're in competition with Raul yourself for pure cringe
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Aww did felix destroy your schizo narrative and gay games favorites? Poor baby
Doot is a sloot
or Khadein Doot
Yawn. *places CYL8 in D tier on the Flareblitz12 chart*
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CYL8? Yeah I didn't give a shit and tossed my votes wherever.
this one hurt felixschizo so deeply that he responded twice. absolute kino. nobody else screams as beautifully as him.
>Faye doesn't even fucking use bows in Echoes
>her two units in FEH are bow units
I can give you Felixbro's Discord if you're serious about the alliance with him. I want to see you two defeat the high selling characters, actually.
BK might have a chance the year after next.
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Damn Faye gets to fuck these?
>black knight
Didn't play TMS to know if Tsubasa is good or bad. But then again, nobody played TMS.
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>Raul, Calbert, and Felixfag are LITERALLY going to be on the same team now
Ultimate Schizo vs Schizo 3 is actually becoming real
>>Raul, Calbert, and Felixfag are LITERALLY going to be on the same team now
>Ultimate Schizo vs Schizo 3 is actually becoming real
already a BETTER story than Book 8
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Could be worse...
No one knows who the fuck these are besides Raul, fuck off
>T. insecure Almfag
Some echoes stuff in feh ended up a bit weird
Yes I know, you didn't get caught and you aren't even real. Anyway what's the consensus on Pigzig assist? B or C?
Remember when people thought Alear could win CYL?
Kiran x Alm x Celica
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Soon....I just need 2 more merges.
kek just remembered engayge flopped
>Lady Lyndis, your game came out in 2003.
>You're 36 now.
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You're cringe.
Every vote for Seidr.
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I just got the Gullveigs I wanted off their reruns. I guess I'll get the Sonya spark in the NH Returns thing soon, since I can get the manual because I went for Kvasir's merge.
Doot doesn't really bother with them it seems
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We don't know for sure. Maybe she has some sexy ones? Maybe not. They should explore this in the next alt.
>FEH made the unit that usually uses either tomes or a magic sword into a magic unit
WTF bros...
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Maybe Faye likes Serika too…
so... A? I kinda thought the bloated edelchonk hitbox was the worst choice since it gets scooped up in any attack but I guess I'll trust your judgment
someone post the celicar
Delthea is cute tho
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Raulcore shit
such an exquisite machine
Pregnant 10 year old Sonya…that’s how she got big tits.
Those lips are so inviting though.
As if they are daring me to kiss them.

Celica can at least recruit Faye.
Celica also has a whole talk convo with not recruited Silque
Has he finally gotten over the humiliation of Engage getting another character ingame?
Presidential debate thoughts bros? Who won?
You trying to latch onto SoV now?
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Elise won
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Frogwife won
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So how are we feeling about Emblem Celica?
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That is NOT my wife! That is fucking NTR bullshit, fuck off hagschizo
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Is the banner tonight?
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i'm feeling sexo about her
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No wonder everyone compares you to Namschizo. Your wild diversions and deflections have made you a joke.
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Cry more faggot.
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I love Shamir more than anything

She's so fucking cool
Radney mogs her
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>That is NOT my wife!
You might even be lower functioning than Namschizo.
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nice trips wasted on the whore of Zofia
>I love Shamir more than anything
Can have your CAKE and eat it too?
Which was worst? Its meltdowns over Marth, Ike, or Celica?
We have a guy that melts down over Felix, so him probably.
Why get mad over such a nobody, right?
She is a magnificent WHORE.
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I love Tharja
Euthanize yourself
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Definitely Marth because his sales were so high. Celica has given him a really bad 24 hour meltdown already, but it's still less than what Marth did to his fragile brain, and there's not really any chance of her skyrocketing without Lumera.
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That tripcode tells a completely different story.
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I hope you-know-who doesn't notice this one...
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Best friend and sister-in-law
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Fehgods wwa
Uma Musume is the feh killer
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FEH will NEVER be this based
So is the banner in a few hours?
yaaaas bitch!
Why do you have to post these pictures in every single thread? Can you please go to another general?

Who's rolling for Celica? I would, but I think I'll wait until a better pool, or until we see the summer 2 banner.
My tripcode is the same though?

The patriotism /feh/ tries to display when compared to other gachas is laughable
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>Who's rolling for Celica?
I'll try, but I fully expect to get fucked and waste my orbs. Blue is the only worthwhile color, and I have awful experiences sniping on colorshares.
>Why do you have to post these pictures in every single thread?
What are you talking about
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just waiting to see if summer 2 has anything i want first
He's talking about one of two possible things
>the schizo who's always mad at engage and spams a few images nonstop
>the schizo who's always mad at gullveig and spams a few images nonstop
Indeed most of us have them and their schizo keywords filtered, but I recall them from memory
either way you both sound stupid. complaining about posting images/art related to the general is the most bonehead shit you can complain about
Kek glad I never bought shit on there
You kicked Rhajat from the code
You kicked Tharja from the name
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shame we never got resplended tickets as a gift
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>/feh/ggots normally: I hate Feh, EoS now pls
>/feh/ggots when a rival gacha dies:
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*mogs FEH into oblivion*
Kys jugshitters
>erm what the bacon? the gacha game shut down after a few years?!?
That was the wrong fucking image...
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>rival gacha
Somehow I don't think these two games overlap. Like, at all.
If you're a sales shitposter or believer the sales posting had any power at all, all gachas are on those rankings
If they’re not spending money on us, they’re competition.
Schizoooooooo babble!
I don't care about Nikke cause none of the girls have designs that appeal to me
So why did you make those two Anis threads?
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I think I'll wait for the summer 2 trailer before rolling. Should be on Wednesday
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Here's you slobbering over an Anis figure.
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Erm, that’s a four year age gap…
I'm free rolling, but that's it.
Another 20 Trillion to IntSys
Any updates on the Raulixschizo alliance?
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It's ok, both are gay
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Any guesses on what kind of mechanic TT Reginn will bring?
Y skills?
Weapon/movement changing?
Extra seal slot?
weapon change maybe.
At first I thought movement, but realistically in terms of shilling you'd run out of units to shill after the 4th one.
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I haven't played TMS either. She's just a ton of fun to use.

#TheBlackKnightRises #CYL9
Please, no more stupid mechanics. Game is bloated as it is.
Just give her a cool alt with that plot weapon thing.
I legit didn't vote because pretty much all my favorites got Brave alts.
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Yeah cause she's got big booba

Past that I don't care for her design
Who the fuck even wants this skill?
You mean mage cavs and mage fliers stay winning
You're so full of shit dude
Oh boy I found the inverse of Raul's inflation fetish
Brave and summer Gullveig, for AR Galeforce I guess, and maybe brave attack mages?
Banner is this reset or the next?
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Personally want to dump that on my Brave Camilla for fun. Though I guess S!Gullveig would love it too since that makes her a prime WoM beacon alongside her natural Galeforce shenanigans.
Ah, so basically they're selling a version of Tempo 4 / Mag Null Follow without the unit restriction. Interesting strategy, I was wondering why they'd make a new skill on an Emblem not appear that broken compared to those ones, but they are stuck infantry
Please tell me more about what I do and don't like seeing as you apparently know better than I do myself
You love abandoning Tharja
Bernie won.
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And you love to reply to me in a bid for my attention
Decided to roll Micaiah banner before it goes away, pulling Red/Green.
Got Micaiah at 18/40.

Should I keep going for Breath 4? Is it likely to keep being an important skill?
Lucky you. I got up to 30 summons and got pity broken twice with no Edward OR Miccy to be seen.
Eh, thread is slow anyway, might as well engage with the local clown.
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Fresh RotomKINO
Who knows, I can't imagine IS letting Ike just tank everything fir much longer, but it might deal with him in a way that keeps the skill relevant.
I had to spark, and then pulled a second copy after 8 more summons. No edward though.
If that's what you have to tell yourself
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Embrem Serika stats

Superboons: Atk Res
Superbanes: Spd Def
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L!Celica has the best art out of them all.
DarthMarth ordered a hefty serving of Rotomslops
Special Heroes: Laugh Factory
>tans on the beach with butter
I want to fuck Lyn like an animal
I want to fuck an animal like Lyn
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Hridfag I kneel…

Holy elite
Gulltards can't do this
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Do you reckon we're getting an attuned/ascended Lyn before Engage Lyn?
Hrid mating pressed creampied Gullveig and Seidr
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probably not. When is the next FE7 banner? we're due for 2-3 more emblems this year, right? it seems like they could easily squeeze Lyn in on one of those.
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I also want to squeeze Lyn
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I love 15 year old Sacaeans
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Restoring the Lorca Tribe with Lyn!
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Is this the best way to use Ike?
No, replace Def/Res Finish with Fireflood Boost and replace Breath of Life 4 with Fatal Smoke 4. He absolutely needs it to break through miracle, give BoL 4 to a support behind Ike.
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It’s good enough. But ideally you’d use fatal smoke 4 Ike and have someone else (Micaiah) use breath of life behind him
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Celica sure looks good huh? That Engage ring too.
But remember to hold off on summoning until the second summer banner is revealed - you don't want to regret spending orbs if something you want more shows up there!
I don’t have a Ggap to easily pass those skills to him, is it worth sacking Yunaka for it or just wait to see if I can roll Ggap when she comes back?
File deleted.
Yunaka is outdated. If you aren’t still relying on her for anything then she is 100% fodder for Ike or for something else.
Wouldn’t it be better to wait and see if I can get Ggap since she has both skills at once and is rearmed so I don’t lose her?
Nigga what the fuck are you posting
KEEEK the TT banner was leaked
Oh no no engayge has been memoryholed already......
Up to you. If you’re still using Yunaka or you like her, and you’re willing to wait then sure. Flared +Assassins strike is still kind of good fodder too, despite breath of life existing.
I love kids Charlie!
Are Yunaka and Legendary Camilla outdated already? They were still among my strongest ranged nukes a few months ago
They likely still function fine, but aren't the newest thing.
That sounds like dogshit so I believe it
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I hope summer 2 isn't Engage because I really want Summer FAlear but I don't want to spend orbs right now, let her come a year from now
Namschizo lend us your power for plentiful pulls.
impotent faggot can't find an IP that lets him spam images lol
Pressing blue stones on the free roll then dipping. Will continue summoning depending on how good/bad Summer 2 is.

But if I could get a blue focus in this session, any at all, I'd be elated
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I forgot to do the free summons on the double special banner…
>1 blue 4 red
Where were these fuckin reds when I was rolling for Gullveig cunt game
>Celica kills BOL4 Emblem Ike
I thought you said Celica wouldn’t be able to kill him…
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>Free Caeda
Neat. Attuned heroes are like rearmed and don't go away when you fodder them, right?
That’s correct, Attuneds are like Rearmeds in that they won’t disappear if foddered.
Never mind, the solution for both Infernal and Abyssal Celica is to just dump Winter Dimitri in range of every enemy and he 1 turns the map
thank you.
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This is with Breath of Life 4 and support and it’s only the lunatic Celica….
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Which Fire Emblem: Hero is this?

pat pat Celine before summoning made me lucky, what the hell
Avoiding the Celica kill zone until shr starts moving and then setting up a kill on her while not dying in the following enemy phase is a bitch.
How are blue rocks rarer than green, what is this shit.
Rolled Celica pretty quickly.
Gave her ring to Summer Gullveig.
Very funny result, obliterated Celica's Abyssal battle turn 1 by just giving her a taste of her own medicine
Lunatic celica still has inflated stats. This mao seems to be built for turn one killing with all the galeforces they have been outting in. tried seeing if L! mamui, and Summer Fjorm could tank a hit and he got obliterated so offensive it is. The characters designed to counter ranged can't hold a candle to her, but I hope it's just because of the inflated stats.
This was a breather map for me which is nice considering Emblem Ike was a pain.
How to easily clear the map in 1 turn:
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I didn't have that luxury, I had to use the ghetto version of Celica's ring
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Easy desu
Nothing personnel, kid
Emblems should not be allowed to wear rings
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Daaaayum Ike fucked Celicas map
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SoV team clear.
Haven't played FEH in over a month now and looking at what's been added in that timespan I don't think I'll be coming back (unless Mercedes gets a new alt)
400 Orbs for dogshit. The Celica is the spark by the way
It just clicked for me that every single Engage seasonal unit shouts "(SEASONAL) ENGAGE!" as one of their voice lines.

Its kinda annoying.
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I fucking SNIPED BLUE and the only thing I got after 200 orbs was two Veronicas. What the FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
Trying to snipe blues got me spooked by Fomortiis at roll 10. But then got Celica on roll 12.
Free summoned Celica but had to reach the spark for Myrrh on the double special banner
RNG is fickle like that
Winter Dimitri and LDimitri with Celica emblem it's pretty funny
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>only six units on the map
>no one with any defense
yeah summer + winter edelgard swept it on turn one, this game is braindead now
Lyn, stupid frog
PvE is basically solved, either drop E!Ike in the middle, or Galeforce over all of it. At least 1 of the 2 should always work.
Ummmm based?
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She does NOT, she is heckin' valid!
...Byleth's cock.
I'm too lazy to read... Resonance works better with more hp or less hp?
Is it true that Hinoka was not originally supposed to be a Hoshidan royal and that Kagero was originally the Hoshidan royal in her place?
I don't think the amount really matters since there's a cap on extra damage I believe but I would say more = good
When you are not banking on spark, this game has some pretty stupid high variance between good luck and bad luck.

you have around a 50% chance to roll a specific Leg. Banner unit in like 120 orbs...but there is that 1% chance the RNG fucks you and it'd take over 800 orbs before you see the Legendary you were aiming for.
More HP better.
Caps at 50 HP, where it will deal 6 self-damage to you and max out the additional effects corresponding to losing 6 HP.
Ok, thanks
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>this nuke that dies when you look at her funny?
>let's give her Ideal instead of Hardy bearing
Hardy Bearing would kill her desperation effect in her weapon. She was doomed to get a shitty seal from the get go.
Celica has built in Desperation, so they did not want to cancel it out with Hardy I guess.
Based retard
It is true though that in the original draft there was only 3 Hoshido aiblings and Hinoka just didnt exist there.
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Abyssal clears?
It fucks up your own effects too?
would you roll for Vaida?
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Did you get him?
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No. Ugly.
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I hate Gullveig
so true bestie
Do we need to protect Bartre from Karla ?
Lamest samefag I've ever seen
is felixschizo still crying over all the celica and ivy rolls?
Which FE Lord could beat Medicare?
And delete Fir from existence? No thanks.
are you still ban evading?
>ivy rolls
Rate my strategy
one week till summer 2 trailer. will you roll for celica or wait till summer 2?
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This is the great Ike-sama that I have heard so much about? kek
Now show the stacked support
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>Now show the stacked support

Not really
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onii-chan come play!
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Go away Chiki onii-chan is trying to sleep
I mean, she also fucks him in the coliseum
Basilio: I'll play with ya, lass
Chiki: What will we play Mr Basilio?
Basilio: Heh. It's a fun one. Let's go to my room and I'll show you everything.
Chiki: Okay!
pigzig never saw chiki ever again, for chiki did not want to play with him anymore and would always be with Basilio from now on
Clapped his ass
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Kagero being the older sister for Hoshido is a myth but I can see why people believed it. Hinoka originally not being a royal is true though; she was meant to be generic unit but they liked her design so much she was promoted into a character.
God I fucking love my unmerged winter edelgard, your service in this LHB will not be forgotten.
Wow dude you're so interesting and cool NOT
was checking which c skill would go best with forma ceada. guidance or rein snap

turns out all of them are still only on a single unit still. why IS?
>praise my winter El
>some autist screeches about it
ah, the true /feh/ experience.
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This video is older than most of the posters here
guidance 4 on tana
say'ri with rein snap spd / def
anna with rein snap atk / spd

and all are from last year. seriously IS
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i've AI generated thousands of tiki porn
Build suggestions?
Uhh (lol?
The tomes barely chip her after as well. Way too easy clear.
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Thanks IS but she isn't broken broken
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>a future Gullveig alt will come with Resonance
I'm shocked to see so many people bragging about killing Celica... it's like, yeah? okay. She is not a tank.kek.
6x Freyja(I forgot 1 day)
Because when you have to keep making up new bullshit skills for SD, you don't have time to rerun shit.
This place is full of casuals who automatically assume "Latest Content = Biggest Challenge", even if latest country is I don't know... say a dancer with no combat potential.
wtf am I smoking
I meant content
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Nothing to do Emblem
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We need more Kagero alts

Maybe even a Camilla/Kagero duo
>falling for b8%
Give me your whores of Talys
>400 orbs
>5 amazing fodders
Do you think we’ll get Leo, Takumi, Sakura and Elise as legendary heroes eventually?
>noooo don't post about your clear reeeeeeee spam more gore and scat and beantrip
The map needed tankier generic enemies which I assume would spawn later on, but without them on 1 turn, it's one of the easiest Abyssal maps to clear. Especially with Gullveig double teaming everything.
Retard, I'm not asking you to not post clears, but at least keep those posts for truly challenging content, if these emblem Ceclica clears count as impressive here, then I might as well just post a clear of floor 9 of training tower and brag about it.
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Anyone rolling green?
Sakura: legendary slut
Elise: legendary bestest little sister
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This feels extremely busted for an emblem skill. The 40% DR we got from ike was a great addition but this changes the game
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What challenging content? This is as hard as it gets.
already pulled two of him on accident while going for hortensia
Celica is fucking hot, I wanna sexo her so fucking muchhhhhhh
Inheritable Galeforce for tomes when
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>legendary slut
That's Caeda
she's the Koukawa Asuka of Fire Emblem, in that she doesn't even need to be naked in order to make you cum buckets to her
I don’t have an emblem hero yet. Do I bother rolling for this one?
If you skipped even Ike, the literal best hero in the game, I don't think you'd be interested in Celica.
You don't NEED her, and she technically doesn't give in-combat benefits like the other two, but being able to warp around the map is really nice. if you don't play a lot of SD/AR then it's probably a lot less valuable.
Celica is likely the best emblem when it comes to her emblem skill. Marth was only usable for his above average emblem skill. Ike only because he's the best unit in the game. If you only care about favorites you might want celica
I like that Celica's emblem skills opens the path up for fun armor shenanigans, I'm thinking of making an offensive BK with her.
Remember you might need to shill out like 200+ orbs for 1 emblem unit
Tier 4 saves will have increased stats, ncd effect and an extended savior range, up to 3 blocks away.
Well I ended up getting her (and a copy of that Talysian whore) in 80 orbs. Now to decide if I want summer Gullvieg to trivialize one season of AR-O.
Turn 1 clear, i could probably do it with less support if i had more optimal skills.
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I hurt myself today.
it's supposed to be an 8% banner but 3% banners tend to do better
That's the summer banner, not b8%.
>That's the summer banner,
welp. guess you had some true suffering in that case
how many orbs left?
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>on the summer banner
I'm sorry you have to experience this but at least you have another month or so until it goes away to keep rolling if you so choose.
spend like 250 orbs on summer banner.
3 summer gull. one nerbuz.
not a SINGLE Olivia
>66JP/134US already

Welp this banner is going to do well
I wish Gullveig's turbo galeforce wasn't attached to a character I don't care for.
Wait for OC Emblem
The *****schizo meltdowns are going to be hilarious, I can't wait.
Blue is absolutely stacked.
Personally, ever since Legendary Edelgard, I wanted the multi action gimmick given to a cute girl tome, and IS delivered
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kek, too scared to name it
Celica Won
God can you imagine the shitposting if they added Gullveig engage ring as a DLC to that game
Why would they add more Engage content?
OC emblem will be only in feh
No more content for engege
idk feels like a 3D model, some voice lines, and a set of Lua scripts for the skills is very easy money
Engage has been done for over a year now. There's no reason for them to make more content for it. Plus all of that isn't easy.
Plus Engage flopped. Bigly, might I add.
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they forgot to put a sweep / flash unit on this map
It was probably intended.
for the few that are going to forma Caeda. which skills do you have on her?
So who wants Ivy's Stinky Fart skill? Got a copy of her while rolling for Celica.
Also can you fodder her twice? I don't care about losing her.
Your Ninja Camilla would LOVE to have her kit.
Also, no, impossible to fodder her twice, you summoned for her so you'll have to keep her, forever.
Give it to the queen of flatulence
AMiccy can use it well because she'll activate her prf if you try to counter it with BoL4
minor correction from the author of >>483834905
you can manual your remaining copy of her if you really don't want to see her in your barracks for some reason, then fodder this manual to someone else of your choice, but that's not very advisable as you could use her for future inheritance shenanigans, but that's up to you to decide.
>could use her for future inheritance shenanigans
Like what?
Maybe duplicating skills to pass to other heroes in case you end up getting another one down the line or giving her echo skill to other heroes that might want it or whatever.
We’ve waited so long for a break from the endless torrent of slop that Celica selling just makes sense.
So. Engage sold well. Again.
Engage sold well, which is why it doesn't need the addition of Gullveig at all to revitalize it.
>Summer Banner (Gullveig)
>Emblem Banner (Gullveig's new ring, an Engage character)
>Summer Banner (Engage)
Bertincord literally on suicide watch. This is one of the nastiest true combos I've ever seen, able to decimate the HP bar of any schizo.
post your +10 "Gullveig's new ring"
Reminder that nobody here has managed to +10 all the Seidrs, Kvasirs, Gullveigs and Heidrs. You're even thrown a bone and don't have to +10 the Nerthuzes and you still can't do it. Pathetic.
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Yeah but we have 4.5 more years to do it
Tripless posting like this is sad
Celica has a quiet but dedicated fan base, almost of her banners have done well
Not seeing all those +10s, anon.
I'm sometimes reminded of that guy from here who went to church on Christmas morning, prayed to God for good rolls, and got +10 LCelica within 600 or 700 orbs (like 0.3% chance)
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>New Banner
>Blue has 2 attuned and a brand new Engaged
Cool, I'll look for Blue.
>No tickets
>First circles = Zero Blues
>Pull Green = 4* Ross
These frauds won't do it, they keep coming up with excuses but will never put in real dedication like true characterfags
It's sad really, they're insecure about it so they keep pretending to be dedicated fags
You'll never convince anyone to lower themselves to your subhumans standards like how Ray convinced you to waste your money and dignity yeah.
You don't and will never have that kind of pull towards anyone.
>no celine and celica summer harmonic
how much you wanna bet that they wanted to get emblem celica in the game first before doing a celine/EMBLEM celica duo? with emblem marth and alear on summer 2 to set the precedent
I love when Gullveig gets a new art piece they have to announce it to the world. Just proves she isn't popular that they have to put the art she gets on a pedestal. What a failure of a character.
You mean the stat inflated "40+" "holy shit, we HAVE to place 20, warping, nuclear, savioring, miracle-healing support to our newest powerscaler or she/we're FUCKED!"

I still beat her with Ike and Micaiah and two dancers, btw. Abyssal complete.
It looks like the way forward for Engage banners is to not include Engage OCs, and I'm all for it!
"NEW GULLKINO" and it's the most mediocre art you've ever seen.
Only soulful clear posted so far.
>finally make content for a CYL winner
>it does well
Then why did Gullveig flop?
Sorry I'm retarded, I don't really understand what you're saying. How do I duplicate her skills?
Why the fuck are you retards buying this slop instead of Brave Fernadetta?
Summer 2 will be Engage so everybody can skip it and have orbs saved for the Brave banner.
>Celica slop AGAIN

Its over bros//
Not her skills, but let's say you get a hero with a certain desirable skill, you could transfer that to her, then use her a "machine" to transfer those skills forward to other heroes, but that assumes you'll keep getting more copies of Atuned Ivy in order to get more inheritance charges, that's why it's more up to you, if you're up to use her this way or not.
She did? I thought she was top 3 banners for this book.
Attuned and rearmed heroes don't disappear when you use them for skill inheritance. You can still use one copy for only one skill inheritance (five skills max as usual).
But this applies to all skills they have, not just the ones they come with. So if you have for example three Attuned Caeda, and you give her Laguz Friend from the one Engage Ike you rolled, you can then basically give Laguz Friend to three different units by inheriting it from Caeda.
Do note that the inheritance doesn't "stack", so you have to spend existing inheritance before you merge them. If you merge them without inheritance, it will go to waste.
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I don't need to roll for Bernie, we get one for free
She was, Anon is shitposting.
Did little bro start typing Felix and then try to deflect? Or is this a quirky transtastic ship name? Or something even weirder?
I didn't even know you could do that, I thought you could only inherit skills innate to a unit.

So I could give one Attuned Ivy Laguz Friend, have another unit inherit it from her, merge another Ivy onto her and then inherit Laguz Friend again? That's sick.
Ivy can't use Laguz Friend (infantry only) but pretty much.
>unmerged Winter Dimitri + reposition on turn 1
Easiest LHB
You can't give Attuned Ivy Laguz Friend in specific since she can't inherit it due to restrictions (fliers can't inherit it).
But let's suppose further down the line you get a nice flier only skill idk, and you want to pass that along to multiple fliers of your choice, you could use Ivy in this situation.
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Who would have thought that releasing alts of popular CYL winners loaded with powercreep would do well?

Who would have though releasing 6 months of alts of unpopular shitters loaded with game breaking powercreep would do poorly?

It's baffling IS can't seem to grasp this. When you load unpopular shitters like Lyon and Chloe with powercreep the only people rolling for them are esports tards, which makes the game unfun for everybody else. Normal people don't roll for characters they don't like. When you give powercreep to popular characters like your Edelgards, Dimitris, Celicas etc it benefits everybody because they're characters everyone wants to roll for.
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Okay I'll hang onto her then. Thanks friends.
yes we get it retard your schizo husbando clears a map
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Hear, hear!
After how terrible the first half of 2024 has been, unironically yes.
Who wants her emblem ability?
>unmerged Winter Dimitri + reposition on turn 1

I mean, isn't that like the 99% of maps?
But... didn't Celica fans have A LOT of time to save orbs...?
>truly challenging content
Stupid nigga
Do you think they recorded the voice lines for Celica’s first seasonal alt at the same time they did her emblem’s voice lines?
None left and still at 12%. Came back for new Olivia and blasted about 600 orbs on all greens and colorless.
Only 5*s I ended up getting were Arlen, ALaegjarn, and what I assume is fallen Femleth.
My dumb ass thought I could get some Nerpuss while +10ing Olivia. Couldn't even get one.
Did get all the Olivias I need at least, though....
It's outselling its nearest competitors by a large margin, as engage usually does.
Depends, which unit do you want to put in your opponent's back line to watch them all suicide into it? Emblem Ike or Winter Dimitri are good options.
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Yeah I'm thinking it's time for a new Sexnaki alt. Her last banner did sell more than Summer Gullveig after all
Reminder that Emblem Celica is a milf because she is Celine's second mother
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The release patttern is Mythic > Legendary > Emblem so it should be July mythic > August legend > September emblem > October mythic > November double legend/mythic > December emblem
December being an emblem is significant because December has always had a leading lady every year (Gunnthra in 2017 is debatable) and we got Camilla last December, with this slot being an emblem this year I feel like Lyn or Lucina is guaranteed for December
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The best kind of flop: the one where I completely fool Sensor Tower by getting what I wanted immediately and fucking off before the game gets my money.

Also, hi Celica.
Honestly fucking everyone loves being able to warp around - it only shows little use on 2-range cavs on flat terrain maps.

If you own Marth/Ike, not everyone needs the extra -1 cooldown for their special trigger to function, the Ike tanking effect isn't essential, so you don't need to swap around each time you change teams.
But with Celica why wouldn't you take her ring on someone on your team all the time?
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Art of Celica and Eve when?
Sexnaki the Sexness of Sexnion
Or they could just dump Camilla again
If they follow this pattern December will always be an emblem, whichever of Lyn and Lucina isn’t this December could likely end up on December 2025, with Camilla being in December 2026
Yes, I would rather roll for another Lyn than skip a third Juno.
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December, a time of new emblems and even more power creep? Leave it to her.
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They have the potential to be the ultimate power creep if kept bundled together, having enhanced versions of Raging Storm, Atrocity, and Fallen Star in one kit together
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they need to replace day of devotion with mother's day
It's over.
>four single-rolls in
>only one single blue orb
>3 of the 4 boards have been "two green, three colorless"
And they say accounts aren't seeded.
Let me ask again
Why are we counting US if they always ALWAYS flop? Soon enough they won't even register on sensortower anymore.
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>Most overpowered emblem in the game
>Flopped in US and only did okay in JP
Summer Gullveig really was the swang song of a dying game, huh?
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Because US still makes around 50% of the total revenue?
>has a line about not having seen Alm for thousands of years
>flame silhouette
>think I got Celica
>it's Fallen Berkut
>Celica has already reached Ike's final ranking in Japan and its only been two updates

Smashfags truly have abandoned this game
That's fucking bullshit
The only data we have about overseas revenue was from 7 years ago, where they said revenue from all countries minus Japan (aka not just the US) makes up 40%. And now it's definitely way smaller.
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Why not both?
You'd know the difference between the two by the background and completely different animation though?
>Smashfags truly have abandoned this game
good, most ike "fans" couldn't name ten characters from the tellius games
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>Echoes fags when they realize their game doesn't sell nor people give a shit about it since the characters are shit in terms of writing and artstyle
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Ike was never popular in Japan anyway
I skip the animation by tapping at the right time.
>1 Embla
>1 Merric
>1 Caeda
>4 Abby
All up to the spark which I had to use on Serika

How could this happen to me
This, Ike's problem was Westerners have abandoned this series en masse post-Engage. Japan has fallen off too (iirc Engage sold less than the Kaga games there) obviously but the Western decline is truly something absurd.
You can't skip the 4* into 5* animation though.
Well that was annoying but otherwise I found Abyssal easier than Infernal.
>hit 10% twice now

You can if you've gotten that unit before and you time it JUUUUST right.
Next month do you think we could be getting a double mythic on green and colorless (Heiðrún and Eikþyrnir?) Also do you think both Mila and Duma are confirmed for HOF because Ashera has to be with Ginnungagap on her remix, leaving Grima and Leif for the other remix?
Holy fuck that July line-up is horrendous. Two Mythic OCs would just be the cherry on the shit sundae, they already have gigaflop Loki there.
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That's some insane luck, Raul.
Who are you gonna engage Celica with?
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>Ike was never popular in Japan anyway
Mmmmmmmm I SURE love revisionism, especially when Ike is always rated extremely high in polls where he's selectable, has tons of japanese exclusive merchandise, and tons of fanart from japanese artists
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>almost 400 orbs in
>3 Ivys
>nothing else
smash bros character just like roy
yet radiant dawn could only sell 10k copies in japan
Why would they do that when they can sell 3 units instead? Besides, that would mean a second Eirika/Ephraim duo.
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Do you think they will start doing the minor rings when they run out of characters (though, it’s a long way away at this rate)
At least her attuned skill is really good, even if Micaiah does it way better.
No idea honestly
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She wants +spd, right? Feels nice to finally have a reason to use some fruit.
I have four Ivys now, and don't even know who to feed her to.
>More people answered "yes" than "no" on PM1's poll on rolling for Celica
/feh/ told me that June's historically the dead slot that nobody rolls for?!?!
kek just remembered engage flopped and it’s best characters are cameos
People will always roll for powercreep
All true.

Also true.
PM1's fanbase is not representative of the FEH player base. This has been proven in multiple of his other polls saying dumb shit like how Micaiah is the more often picked CYL3 unit.
Beautiful clear, Ashnard and Riders vs Abyssal Celica, done by the number 1 Ashnard player.
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Funfact: if you give Emblem Celica to Summer Gullveig, every single level ever is now trivial!
My queen.
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This is about 570 orbs used
1 Embla
2 Caeda(I already merged them into the copy I got from her debut)
1 Merric
4 Celica plus 1 sparked
SEVEN(7)(siete)(七) Ivy
A 5 star every 50 orbs roughly is kinda meh for a b8%
This couple is built for ntr
So uh, are me and Ivy married now
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Basilio's queen
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Only if your a girl since IS has decided the Camilla expy is only attracted to women
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imagine if engaging with an emblem made you a copy of that emblem haha wouldn’t that be horrible rofl
Using Emblem Celica to warp nut inside of Gullveig's pussy, mouth, and ass!
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Is this why she became a groomer?
if only that effect was in this game
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this SLUT is begging to get FUCKED
and BASICALLY, alm rudolf is a KEK
too much work for IS
>Throw W!Dimitri into range and kill 1 enemy
>1 Turn the whole map

Lol, nice meta emblem. It's really surprising there isn't more counter play to vantage, feels like only recently they've been putting hardy bearing seals on the maps and it's so clearly a clean sweep when it isn't present.
Any unit with a speed stat above like 40 wants +Spd
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Stupid BITCH
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Easy peasy
So A!Caeda is the prime fodder holder for BoL4, yeah? Since she can also grab Buffer 4 and Godlike Reflexes?
Yeah. Plus she uses it well herself.
Vantage already has tons of counter play in pvp modes. PvE literally does not matter these days since you can just roll the latest meta unit and win against any map.
i sure am glad that gimmicky pvp modes aren't pay2win by contrast.
wait a minute
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Final Fantasy collab when
>Vantage already has tons of counter play in pvp modes.
Sick, and how many orbs do I get from these "pvp modes?"
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Oh fuck it finally happened

I have genuinely never in my entire time playing this game intentionally rolled for Marianne, every single one of these has been either an off banner or a 4* special
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>Everyone will move their hardy bearing to tanks so that Celica won't blow them up
>Causing nukers to not have hardy bearing anymore
Are vantage sweepers back blud?
How are you going to vantage-sweep with your nuker if the enemies all have hardy bearing tanks?
Where the fuck is my Kronya seasonal?
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Next week
Duo Kronya and Cornelia next week
did F-schizo kill himself or something?
748 orbs

What the actual fuck dude
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I fucking wish. I just spent 400 orbs on Celica, but I'd be tempted to get one Clownpiece.
Still mad she wasn't recruitable.
Wow what a boring bitch
I only got one of this bitch off-banner, and also like nine of the engage homo that came out a month later. I'm fuming mad
>Oh, thank you!
0 personality
Path of Radiance sold less than Thracia in Japan. It's the worst selling FE game there.
Checked my math, this should be about 926 orbs worth of 5 stars, though one of the Celica was a spark and it's missing the two Caeda I foddered
Everyone thank Raulypoo for keeping the game alive!
Can you stop evading my filters? Annoying bug.
PvE was already trivial
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She becomes more nuclear every day

+15/+20 weapon (per hit no special)
+5 finish
+5 ss4
+8 emblem (2cd)
El Grimorio dichoso...
Puta madre
Welp I've now +10'd Ivy on this banner alone but only have 7 Celica

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Get out of here with that yuritroon shit.
We still have the missing Iron18 project, when are they going to reveal it and is it the FE4 remake
She’s not a trans icon like Camilla though ever
I love Ivy?
>makes seliph into a generic muscle man
holy SHIT I hate how he draws guys
"He" can only draw one body shape. All his males look the same and all his females look the same as well.
Ultimate slop.
Slow day so far, eh?
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That manga is basically them just giving M!Alear pity before they dump F!Alear as the main rep in future spinoffs just like Femui before her.
god is punishing you for being a rheacuck
Celica didn't actually bomb so flop posters ran away for the day
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Seething Edeltard.
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Just woke up
Flop status?
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Celica is now at 47JP/82US and is rapidly closing the gap on Summer 1 which was 42JP/64US.

How do they justify not giving Celica alts when she is very clearly extremely popular?
Uhh Gullveigbros? She's going to outsell us single-handed.
I really want to use Flayn and Sothis like an onaholes
Because IS hates Valentia
>How do they justify not giving Celica alts when she is very clearly extremely popular?
Not a Komuro game. 3H only got content because it was so overwhelming popular they were forced to make it.
>Celica is one of like four CYL winners to not have a single seasonal
It's retarded, really. They don't have to make an all-Echoes seasonal, just add Celica into something like Plegian.
>Celica needs an exorbitant amount of powercreep to even match Gullveig but red and slightly better
devs don't like her and I mean that sincerely, if you can win cyl and still not get a seasonal alt it means you're on their shit list
Got a Rosado on the Celica banner; Is it worth giving Wyvern Rift and Earthwind Boost 3 to my Cormag over Guard Bearing 4 and Atk/Spd Clash?
Who else is on the shit list?
Valentia wasn't made by Maeda
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imagine this will be the last valentia content for the year
Seliph and Sumia
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>gullshit vs shitlica
Seliph, Tiki
Nah, she's not getting higher in JP and US seems like it's going to be 70 at best.
Also I've no idea why you're even bothering, people who rolled for Gullveig want Celica and she's also hugely popular.
Adult Tiki and Shitmilla
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we need more pink girl alts
Sumia never won CYL, unless I missed one.
We're talking about characters who were popular enough to get the most votes, but still don't get seasonals somehow.
Not FE
Kek this
She's literally the only popular Valentia character
But Sonyadev gets more for his girl than Celica gets
>off topic thread for the 4th time in a row
let the jannies finally delete this shitposter's thread
Should've also deleted this xenoshit thread
Goldmary based
go celica
Someone make a Nikke thread
>actually reserved and somewhat shy
>feh makes her overly obsessive and pushy when she would NEVER cross alear's boundaries like that
they have to twist ivy's character to pander to the yuri crowd. kek.

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