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Hardworking Common Folk Edition

>Patch notes

>Steam page

>Pawn/character creator archive

>Old Pawn sheet

>Updated Pawn sheet

>Skills, core skills, augments, and more

>Do you want your pawn hired?
Ask in the thread, and check the following for up-to-date pawns: https://www.pawnguild.xyz/


>Dragon's Dogma 1 OP

Previous Cycle: >>483448072
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
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Elf love?
>Shoot dragon
>kills my ballista from 12 miles away
Why even put the ballista there in the first place.
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>You get one shot, and you better fucking hope it kills me.
I can't find that clip of Chaewon punching the pillar and getting KO right after.
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I gotchu. I'm terminally online anyways
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posting another angle of this cool thing I did
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You should send this to Itsuno.
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>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info
Simple / Forager
Deathly Arrow / Cascade Shot / Manifold Shot / Lyncean Sight
>Pawn Quest
Gorechimera for 5 Allheals
I've been playing trickster for a while and thats the only vocation that let me shoot the dragon with the ballista a lot of times, summon a smoke guy and have fun shooting
Damn those pawns are ugly af
Damn those pawns are cute af
>LVL 122
>Receive Granite Medusa Bone 1x for All-Heal 5x
>Augural Flare, High Levin, High Hagol, Maelstrom
>Fast casting due to rings (40%)

Currently in Unmoored and has the coof. Feel free to send a friend request if level is too high.
Chuchuwon CHU
Damn I want to throw those pawn in the water
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Is there a way to avoid the red sky in the unmoored world like in the first game with a glitch or something??
Thank you anon.
The glitch in DD1 relied on a sequence break due to you going through a loading screen that the game didn't expect you to have access to.
Given how few loading screens there are in 2, it'd be difficult to find something like that.
Is there a mod that transforms all beastren NPCs into human and blocks all beastren pawns yet?
Vermundian scum
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>2 hour demo of a game that's 70 gigs to download
>recommend using the separate character creator "to make the most of your playtime" because otherwise you'd probably end up eating half your 'demo' in the fucking menus
>Dark Arisen isn't discounted at all
come the fuck on capcom
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>the extremely upbeat and positive female pawn VA

VERY comfy
>Dark Arisen isn't discounted at all
>not buying dark arisen when it was going on sale for approx. 5 dollars
It goes on sale pretty frequently. Just not this summer sale, I suppose.
I've a knack for gathering items, and am ever on hun-
>doubted, so checked the Steam page
>DD:DA really isn't discounted at all, despite Steam Summer Sale is on full swing right now
Kek, that's low and scummy as fuck. Capcom really has low expectation for DD2 right now that it's afraid DD1 will cannibalize DD2's sale.
DLC when?
New clothes and armors wen
It's going to be a long wait
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It better be before MH Wilds.
>REFramework STILL isn't updated

Last patch this shit was updated within the hour
No way, next winter at earliest is my bet. If they already started working on it early I'd expect some breadcrumbs by now
nightly build
Nightly build from the github, anon. It came out over half a day ago.
>next winter
Fucking Crapcom
Finally got around to try to remake Rory in DD2, so if anyone is looking for a shota pawn to use, give him a try. I'm going for an all red look, and to eventually have him be a sorcerer. Any clothing donations are appreciated in the meantime!
Pic? Do I need the mod?
just did your starter quest, update him so you can set real quests
I find playing other RPG's after DD to be kind of lonely without multiple pawn followers and their chattiness. Most games don't have followers as heavily integrated into the gameplay if they do have them. Definitely no game has NPC's that talk as much.
Have you tried BG3?
im not gay
It's a "mash A to win" RPG but you party in Dragon Quest VII will comment on every single NPC if you ask them
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Thanks so much!! Just updated. Will put up a pawn badge one as soon as I can.

I made him 150cm to hopefully make it no one needs a mod to see him as a shota, but let me know how he looks in your world too.
NTA but
>has NPC's that talk as much
aside from initiating conversations they don't talk as much as the pawns do in the overworld. that and almost every companion is insufferable and not in an endearing way
I tried DQ but it feels like a game for 10 year olds and I mean that in the nicest possible way.
150 can be seen by others, it's the 140 mod that makes things weird.
What other RPG's did you play that inspired your post?
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if you don't have the mod he just looks like he has a tiny head unfortunately. picrel and the cool wand i gave him
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And this is what a kind drawanon did of him from DDDA.

Right, that's why I thought it'd be best to keep him 150 so it was easier for everyone.

Nooo he still gets tiny head syndrome!?
Is there no way to fix this or is getting the mod the only way?
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>Yelena "Lee"
>80 (capped)
>fighter (straightforward)
>+100 knockdown resist & immune to fire
>gorechimera for 5 allheals
add me if you can't hire
need the mod to view it properly iirc
No, it's not organic. You need to prompt them before they'll start talking, and you'll only hear the blip blop of dialogue boxes instead of voiced replies. I don't understand how the fuck can you suggest a low effort Jarpigshit like DQ.
I wish
>Yelena poster is on the mood for acid trip recently
Easy there.
Looks off desu, not shota-ish enough. Why not just stick with the default 160cm? It's not even that high to disqualify him as a shota.
Didst someone piss in thy morning meal?
>LVL 100
>Thief/Calm/Woodland Wordsmith
>Capcom completed my Sphinx badge unfortunately so no pawn reward for now
>Implicate, Skull Splitter, Plunder, Formless Feint
>Ring of Vehemence for Knockdown Power
Well that game is like 25 years old lol, but there is obviously some DQ in DD with how seekers tokens became mini medals, etc
Even the latest DQ is garbage though. I don't have a favourable view towards DQ, it's a low effort vidya franchise on the same tier as Pokemon. Slop after slop after slop.
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>there is obviously some DQ in DD
Pretty sure that fighter is a straight up homage to DQ1
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Not really sure how to earn RC for other people but I just cleared the volcano area with him. Hopefully that bags him enough for a morph book if you decide to change him
I'll have to see what the best head size is for 160cm maybe so thank you! I will probably have to tweak things around until I find a balance of how Rory looks for other people and how he looks with me
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>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
Straightforward; Vengeful Slash/Shield Pummel/Hindsight Sweep/Riotous Fury
>Quest: 1xSavagery Extract for 6 Fell-Lord's Bone
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Is there a way to noclip through furniture via a mod or something? Sitting animations are hard to line up on chairs in-game
What drops boltscale and foaming slime? Need them for enhancing equipment.
We don't deserve this game.
lightning saurians (super common in unmoored) and fire slimes iirc
In theory, if you have a forager pawn you will see the location of the materials you need to upgrade your current weapon on the map. If it's monster parts then the game should mark those monsters for you.
>lightning saurians
Fug, not in unmoored yet. I'll head off to the volcano for the fire slimes.
there are a few lightning saurians pre-unmoored but i neither remember where they are nor if they respawn
boltscales you can get pre-UW from the thunder saurians in darkhorde cave; somewhere south of the sacred arbor. foaming slime from the lava slimes in agamen volcano island iirc
Post your pawn, I bet some anon would be willing to give you 1 so you can start forgering it
Yeah you have to P'fessor Cat CHU
>no fish grilling cinematic because professor cat ate all of it
tsk tsk
Found a forager pawn here and then found some. There were thinder saurians in Darkbeasts cave south of the ropeway station 3. I'll go to the darkhoarde cave next. Thanks
the sphinx should have nipple
back when fallout 4 came out, I was working on a spooky ghoul subway mod and talking about it in /fog/, and another guy was talking about how a cool spooky ghoul cruise ship would be and how he was working on that
I looked up what that guy's done since then and he added nipples to the sphinx
god bless
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Showed him the way to get to Battahl without a border permit. He seemed to lose some enthusiasm to lead the way after a random encounter Gorechimera ambushed us in one of the caves.
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why is pippi so flat
i'm assuming whatever mod you're using also reduces the breast size on other models with similar builds
>is low enough to use P*ppi to shill his pedo tendency
You try this shit on boards other than /a/ and /v/ and you'll swiftly get beaten black and blue
Yeah she's like -100 flat but she's not that flat
I am the world's foremost gwen tennyson poster on /k/ I'll have you know
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He stood his ground pretty well though, despite the level and power deficit. He mostly opted to hang around at anodyne range and throw out flagrations whenever he thought he could get a good shot in.
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Reached Battahl. There was a brawl going on between a Goreminotaur and the guards in the marketplace.
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Any new DLC leaks?
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Lv 80 (capped)
1x Rotten Egg for 5 allheals
That arisen is an abomination.

Were there any to begin with?
the bow design made it look like she was about to get tentacle'd
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True. Shit.
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switched my pawn from kindhearted to straightforward. i have seen the light of medieval banter woman.
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It charged the wrong way and hit a cart and toppled over. It didn't take long for the guards and nearby pawns to swarm it. Now it's just another curiosity at the Battahl marketplace.
brunhilda's embrace really isn't flattering on that pawn (or arisen) imo. though if it's to your liking then feel free to ignore this
does anyone have screenshots of those pathfinder-esque statues in dd2? I can't recall if you encounter them in the seafloor shrine or moonglint/dragonsbreath
yeah, it's not particularly good
now that you can equip things at the item box I can experiment a lot easier now I suppose
my mind immediately goes to the gauntleted petticoat if you want the bare midriff. otherwise the tops that look like short dresses seem more fitting.
Did the exact same thing for my pawn when I first started and haven't looked back. Behead those who insult Straightforward Female
I need to draw this
they're in both places
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn Level
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc.)
Old PS3 pawn recreated to support you on your adventures
Complete badges
5x Allheals for a bunch of flowers
Send a friend request if she's too high level
>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn Level
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc.)
Old PS3 tall muscle mommy pawn recreated to bully foes for you.
Complete badges too
Savagery Extract = 5x Allheals
Send a friend request if too high level
Man that's nice. I gotta up my art game.
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turns out an overwhelming majority of chest pieces do not show tummy
visible tummy is necessary
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She just hasn't hit her growth spurt yet
Did your framerate improve?
anyone else's pawn more jittery after the patch? just kind of trying to run but being stopped by invisible leash, or standing inertly in random places?
imo you really need something to balance out the thin-ness proportion-wise but this might just be my /fa/ autism tingling. to each their own
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>Kinhearted Chirurgeon Elven Cutie
I'm in unmoored and can't check normal Vernworth yet, but a lot of the overworld seems to be running smoother.
it's hard to make a proper loli, even with mods
why did they do this to me...
Straightforward is the best voice, both male and female.
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>It's ma'am!
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Whoa no one told me about this cute blacksmith.
I love her so much.
I will not be posting
The rape train
20% off sale guys
>no DDDA sale
Ddg should have a competition, play the demo and see who can go the farthest in the story
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID

Thanks Owen for the comfy neck wrap.
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Did your pawn quest with Vik
Sent you flowers because I love ya
>know my pawn is off in other worlds calling me a gay boy for hiring an all male group the other day

why is this allowed
I bet mine calls me a furry (I'm not)
I think they tweaked some enemies, not a lot but I fought the Medusa and that thing wiped my entire party, of course they were mostly a meme party of sorcerers but still. Badges seem to still be completely useless collectables tho.
You like hiring boys don't you gay boy. I bet you kiss boys huh, boy kisser
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lvl 96 (send friend request if too high)
Thief in training
Defeat Chimera for 3 Allheals

Medusa Maimer acquired, thanks everyone for the help, especially to the anon who gave him the ring of motility.
Thank you, anon!
Teh gang is here
(They're waiting for the shorefish to finish smoking)
I swear I've seen this exact picture before
Deja Vu perhaps? I just started the game
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He's a big guy.
This game or elden ring dlc?
Pawns seem a bit less wary of slimes now, at least my warrior will smack them with enchanted wep
Mayhaps, in any case drop that pawn code so we can adventure with your pawn and give you RC (if you want)
I guess ER until this game gets properly patched, you can still try the demo if you want.
Unicorn overlord.
This game
I'm gonna be the contrarian of ddg and say DD2
how my cats look at me when I'm eating literally anything
cheers fren
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painted a medusa on my pawn in honor of 3 kills
(very proud)
muchas gracias amigo
Elden ring, you can go 4k on elden ring and with HDR, HDR in DD2 barely works and the performance is still pretty bad because of the spaghetti coding for CPU optimization so it doesn't matter if you go 4k/1440/1080 the performance is still shoddy
Which one is your pawn?
flop looks like a chicken to me for some reason
>a tall mommy mage will never lean on you like this
>out of games to play
>nothing to buy on summer sale
>performance patch
Guess I'll make a 4th run.
Your knight looks like he’s only three days away from retirement.
flop's long, long neck
What is this granite medusa bone? Is it pilfered from her?
Long neck Pippi.
She gives me a handy after a tough day of exploring and killing shit, she is very caring for a bland calm pawn.
You can loot some off of one's dead body. I haven't brought enough thief pawns to see if they can Plunder it but I dont see why they couldnt
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They say a pawn is a reflection of the master.
It's not very hard to discern a fujo pawn from your standard homo one.
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the high-fives hurt
DD2 obviously. ER is goyslop.
Brehs I wanna rub her long neck
if you liked ER, probably the DLC, if you want to try something new or you already really liked dd1/ddda, dd2 is ok
I presume nobody here knows how to extend/cheat the trial timer
I don't think anyone has tried to, inside this general atleast, since everyone already has the game
I figured, steam emu allegedly doesn't work
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Is nightly 975 working for you?
Whatever the latest one is is working fine, you just have to rebind the free cam keys and such.
I want to play dark arisen as a magick archer, should i start as a strider or a mage? also does playing as a younglooking character affect anything?
If you really care about minmaxing then mage > sorcerer
If you don't care and wanna have fun until you unlock it then strider
IIRC the only thing that affects anything is the height and weight so go ahead and make your OC as shota or ugly as possible
I might go mage/sorcerer, this is my first run though is it going to be a pain in the ass? Like escorting people and all while relying on my pawn for damage...
im on 972
Souls games are utterly depressing and anti-social. Even playing Erdtree I just wanted something like Vernworth or Gran Soren to break the monotony. No random friendly NPCs doing medieval peasant things. The closest I got to liking Elden Ring's setting was that guy who boiled shrimp in a pot. It's like if itsuno decided to replace every town with handfuls of saurian nests instead.
it doesn't matter
play what's fun
why would you ever minmax
the DD series are games where you voluntarily take off equipment to make it harder and thus more fun
stop thinking about stats
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We're up for divegrass again. Win and we're through to RO16.
Like in the sequel, mages can handle themselves just fine. Just don't go full support
I like doing big dmg:( but I will think about it
Good luck manager, remember that wolves hunt in packs
I don't understand what's happening but the memes chosen, lmao.
It's a soccer tournament where all the /vg/ generals compete against each other, this is the playoffs which we made with 2 wins and 1 loss in our group
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Currently up 1-0.
>Itsuno coding in shitty items, so pawns can say "wow, these are some shitty items"
>open a treasure chest
>it's an endgame bow (i'm playing archer)
itsuno's vision's wild ride
I've never been a big soccer guy but god damn, watching the she goat kicking the ball around and the floating Grigori head has me rolling, fucking kek.
The rook-grigori formation up front was better, can't rely on the she-goat.
the dullahan head soccer ball makes it
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Good work managerbro!
Rook's been more of a setup guy this time
manager-san bestooo
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That second half had me sweating but we made it, through to the knockouts proper! Don't know our opponent yet because draws are up next, but we'll be back tomorrow.
The arisen who is felled by the sentinel becomes the next dragon, their pawn becomes the next Rook
give me that fucker Kiryu
update: Our opponent will be /dbg/ at 2pm ET tomorrow
make them kneel
Based manager
Even the Pawns will sometimes make comments about fighting the same enemies again.
Dragon v Dragon? Sounds fun.
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battahli girlscouts
I should send riftsluts back wearing the pippi fit
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lol was leaving dragonforged and heard splashing
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nice catch
So much sex in one image
>listening to yesterdays debate
>on the topic of illegal immigrants
>i bought a house in battahl illegally
i can think of no greater jape
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID

Does not have the coof yet.
for all the perverts out there, try taking photos of pawns while theyre getting gang eaten by wolves
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this is all you get from me
I rather remove their weapons, undress them and throw them to the hobos in volcano isle.
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That's kinda hot desu but only because she is weirdly attractive, doubt dumbass Pippi or flop would look good getting eaten, specially the later because he is black.
if you're in unmoored, he has the coof
Decided to try out the DDON private server after hearing they managed to get a lot of the features working correctly and lmao one of the character presets is just Fournival.
lel interesting.... post more if you can anon
Don't they not contract it until like day 4? Or is it right away?
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stomp medusas in the back of the head
immediately upon entering unmoored, your pawn is set to dragonsplague level 1, and it gets more severe each time you rest. as far as i've observed, it's the only natural source of dragonsplague, the only other way to get it is from someone else that's infected
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LIGHTNING stomp medusas in the back of the head
can i get away with skipping mage entirely and going strider > ranger > sorcerer > magick archer (DDDA)

just so i wont be fucked in stamina later on
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Shiet, I thought it took a few days before it started. Ah well, it is what it is.
I'm having a good time properly exploring Unmoored this playthrough, so he's just going to have to stay like that for a while.
it should be fine as long as people know you're in unmoored and don't give your pawn a chance to spread it anyways. it seems to require actual sleep, it doesn't seem to jump if you just use a bench.
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sorcerers are good for special effects in photomode lel
flop can catch fish but specializes in bbq snek
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So I just downloaded the game because of the free trial. Is it suppoed to run like shit or is my setup really that bad?
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>no one ever gets this unless it's specifically in a ddg thread for context
It's running a lot smotther than it did at launch, but it's still rough on even some mid-tier stuff, especially in cities.
What're your specs?
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optimization has been a problem in the game unfortunately. some measures have been made but isnt enough for some.
That's a lot of Bibbi
Yes, ranger arguably has the best stat growth allocations of all classes for balanced offense. Stamina IS the most important stat anyways, which it excels at. The magic loss from skipping mage is entirely negligible you'll get great gains on it from Sorcerer anyways. Also min-maxing is really not that important anyways. Make sure to level mage to vocation level 9 at some point though for it's 10% magic boosting augment though. If you want to stay strict about stats from levels then go change classes just before hitting the exp milestone and switch back to keep farming discipline points.
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stinkerella front stabs medusas from the back
I love her eyes_
Ryzen 3600 and a 1660 Super. I know it's a pretty modest setup nowadays but I'm getting some really shitty performance.
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she wants to make eye contact with medusas kek
Yeah, you're going to have a hard time with that setup, regardless of any optimization improvements they manage to make.
The first main city especially would probably kneecap your rig.
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it actually deflected the rock wtf
since your rig's the same as DD2's minimum requirements there's really nothing you can do other than playing at a lower resolution, or you could try Lossless Scaling on steam for a couple bucks if you really wanna play
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You required a beefy CPU, 4 cores isn't enough, believe me I'm running the thing right now a 1600p at 30fps, you need at the bare minimun a fast 6 core CPU.
Why am I starting to hate that stupid black cat out of nowhere, I never bothered me before, what changed?
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trips on tail
That's about PS5-level hardware, so you should expect 30 to 50 FPS, it will not be very consistent.
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mission accomplished for flop but at what cost? it was a steal because we all got to watch stinkerella die slowly from poison kek. if only someone had halidom
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I see. Do I need to upgrade both the CPU and GPU, or is a new GPU enough?
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SIP (stink in peace)
I don't think this is the right time to upgrade for this game anon, even the best CPU available on the market can barely hold 60 fps in settlements without frame generation. Hopefully they'll release more performance patches like they promised.
Both, if you want to upgrade for "cheap", I'd recommend a 5700X3D CPU ($200), you can re-use your current motherboard for this CPU, but you might need to update its BIOS, and at least a RTX 4060 ($300), I'm assuming you have a 1080p display here, if you have a 1440p display, you might want to spend more on the GPU.
However, even the best CPUs can't handle the game's most demanding areas, and you will not have a consistent 60 FPS in such areas, just so you know, the game will run smoothly while actually exploring though.
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>stinkerella carries raw meat in her pockets
I see, thanks for the info.
I don't think I've seen that tactic work against garm or wargs even once. It works against wolves though.
"Master, I've done it! I've ahold of the creature!" is the pawn chatter that makes me proudest
That stuff is cute as hell. I miss some of the voice lines from 1 after they return from being hired that gave the same feeling.
If I see them in my game I will throw them off a cliff, thanks
cat people would look a lot better if they didn't have human hairstyles that clash with their fur. There needed to be a whole bunch of separate hairstyles for them.
Beastren would look better if they were cat girls
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>Beastren would look better if they were cat girls
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cat people would look a lot better if they... actually nevermind I couldn't think of a way to make them look good
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>Elizabeth / Eliza
>High Levine, High Celerity, High Halidom, High Palladium
>Woodland Wordsmith
>215cm, 119kg, 76kg Encumbrance
Fully Dwarven (Elven for self-res staff) Dragonforged, 40% faster cast speed
Kill Lesser Dragon for Allheal Elixir x5
Come, good ser. For only 50g, this lassie here can read your fortune, accuracy guaranteed.
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It's time for the late night showing of fight club. The participants this time are Mogrum and Trepira, decked out in the finest dwarven dragonforged rags money can buy.
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After getting buttfucked by the drake I figure something easier would be nice. 3 cyclopes should be neat, and they won't damage each other either. Also holy shit the framerate in cities is so much better. If this update didnt break all my ferrystone QOL mods it would be perfect.
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Thought it would take longer for me to want to come back to DD2 after no lifing nearly 300 hours. Remake same pawn/arisen combo on a fresh save or try something new? So attached to my pawn, think I already know the answer..
Hello everyone I just started playing and someone hearted my big buff beastren lady I hope everyone is having a great weekend, I know I am! ^_^
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Decided to spawn 4 instead but fight club prevailed. Funny thing is after 3 of them died on top of each other, I think it broke the pawns pathing because they all just stopped fighting.
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And now it's time for the big one. We're gonna fistfight a dullahan.
fucked up how pawns have a kill quota like those kill bots from futurama
i like it when you travel as a group for a while and they all start getting along enough to make comments about it
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fight club is having a hard time
Pippi all over the world
Join hands
fistfighting the dullahan wasn't as bad as the drake surprisingly enough. It was still hard as hell though, we had to cheese with curatives. It almost makes me think a lesser dragon won't be that bad!
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You know how it is when you get a rush of berserker rage.
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Careful arisen! You'll find aught use in defragmenting your SSD. Arisen! Their kind is worn prematurely by defragmentation!
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that's it for fight club
the loseius chair pose is pretty good for coomer screenshots
Come to PC, Sonyfren. It's the definitive way to play the game. We have bigger community here too.
ER DLC while it's still hot. All my old messages get a resurgence of updoots, which means free heals.
How the?! Shopped? Never seen this animation before.
Medusa's asscheeks spotted.
It's worked for me many times though. I think it's spoiled meat, not raw meat. I usually pass all the spoiled stuff to my pawn and she's the one who'll place one on the ground to lure the garm.
>How the?! Shopped?
NTA but Eliza is likely mid-animation here, the timing of the screenshot and Duke's placement made it look like she was holding his shoulder
Whoa who is this cute?
They updated that process since SSD don't fragment but suffer from a different form of data degradation.
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alright fuckers, im going to kill the Sphinx. who wants to be the two lucky bastards who gets a kill? post your pawns and you may.
Do levels matter? Count her in. >>483841560
I want to see your big fluffy lady
need to change the quest m8. i will give you a few minutes.
Oops, don't have it. Nevermind then.
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Thank you for bringing him along, looks like he had a good time.
lmao that posture change in mid-air
>I can do it
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*strums lute*

Thanks for the fistfights! It gives me hope that Capcom will one day implement an unarmed vocation into the game. Amongst other features, of course.
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they're begging for food
(I'm refusing)
Godamn, that cat is fucking massive, is he a mage, is he any good?
That's Zenon! He's very good, not a mage though
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any fixes for black screen on startup since the update
Good morrow everyone
Come, we've much to be getting on with
disable reframework or downlaod the new build from github (not nexus)
Do you have any mods? If so, try downloading the latest ReF from the GitHub. If not, then just give it a while. On my 4080, sometimes the black screen will happen and I’ll have to wait a few minutes before it decides to load up, though I don’t have this issue on my rig with an AMD GPU. If it’s persistent enough, you may want to verify files or re-install.
im using the nexus version and the game runs fine
I'll hire him when I get the chance.
I trust you've slept well, Arisen?

Guess I'll ask here, has anyone found Emerich at night since the patch to extort the robe? He's not showing up.
I will also add that certain mods that edit shop data might also crash the game unless updated by the mod author. I’ve only read this in some comment sections though, I haven’t used a shop mod in a long time.
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>fail riddle
>40 hours later
>hunting tokens for pawn staff
>finders token in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
I swear that it’s almost randomized the first time around. It wasn’t exactly in the same place where my first seeker’s token was in NG+ either, but a bit farther away. She’s fucking with us, no doubt about it.
I think as long as the mod uses REFramework and REFramework's updated you can still use the mod however outdated it is
mystic knight or magick archer for a first playthrough in DA? might do the other one in ng+
i like this anon that's just punching stuff. I smile every thread. keep fighting the good fight.
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I asked them to add more shegoats in the survey
knight. you can delete enemies pretty quickly with MA, though.
My 2 hour trial is over... I can't play anymore.
Is DD2 playable now?
Always was. It should just be more.
i asked for more witch hat
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I'm not a witch hat autist, but I respect them.
The trial has ended and I forgot to save the code, big whoops
the old knight
i hate that they ruined the nightshad witch hat with that stupid metal coif
Same, couldn't bring myself to use it.
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Guys, the nog remover mod doesn't work. I'm using Fluffy Mod Manager. Is anyone having luck with REFramework or the latest REFramework nightly version? I'm not familiar with these programs but I will try later.
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Ah, much better. I got it working. My first time modding this game.
the cat got darker doe
I think it's just a shadow
cheers for the help, still had crazy's shop mod enabled through fluffy, whoopsie.
Goofy ass noddle looking black cat, dumbass pipi 2.0
I still can't forgive myself, my pawn jumping down expecting me to catch her and I forgot the input, she splat in to the ground ToT
im going to turn you black in real life
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
Mother Mira
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
Kindhearted Chirurgeon
Ice Affinity, High Levin, High Halidom, High Palladium
>Current Quest
Kill Drake for Allheal x5
Kek, he went pale after seeing you.
Imagine a footjob from these two
That bimbo is looking at him like she wants to eat him.
Ibrahim looks so innocent here, like an overgrown boy.
Ever since I saw Elizabeth's saggy booba I've been unable to boot the game, I've lost all desire to play as well.
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>Get a full medusa badge
>Pawn just still stands still in the red beam
This game is a fucking joke.
milk tanks
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witch milk
yeah but now you're one step closer to being forced to set "one explosive arrow for five all heals" quests :^)
Pawns have always been retarded. Remember that one chest in BBI they'd sprint at and then jump over right off the cliff into the brine?
Yep, funniest shit ever, for some reason pawns also had problems crossing the bridge full of undead, they often would fall to the chasm.
Ojisan gets to snack on those EVERY night at camp, life is too unfair.
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I can't believe I only just realized it but you can beat the shit out of stray pawns. The guards don't like it when you do that though.
you're no better than those batthal dogs
Warrior and Sorc pawns dont have that problem because they dont climb poisoned undead
Multiple BBI chests like that, the trick is not to run at them.
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They're cats actually.
put on some clothes and take off that gimp mask you fucking weirdo
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Dunno man, I like saggy boobs. So when I started NG+, I lowered her chest height from -55 to -75 to find and test the sweet spot for sagginess. Feel free to provide feedback.
mmm calcium cannons
based and saggerpilled
Not that I constantly lust over her or look at her chest, but they are way too saggy now, they actually gave me depression and took away all my desire to play the game.
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You have to test that in battahl, pawns aren't welcome there so I assume guards won't give a shit, if they get upset then the entire phantom oxcart quest would not make any sense.
How do I set everything up to fractionalize Exp gain before installing the game?
I bet all guards share the same AI, regardless of their nations.
REframework + Difficulty Tweaks
It should be different in battalh for lore reasons.
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It's pretty good for an armored battlemage look though
I'm a bit of an expert in the subject, they are not petite tits by any means but they are as saggy as the mage granny close to the outpost, so yeah, too saggy.
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Did you gave him big rabbit teeth as well?
>Install REFramework, Fluffy Mod Manager.
>Boot up Fluffy Mod Manager and set it up for DD2, exit Fluffy
>Download Custom Difficulty Tweaks and move the archive (.zip, .rar, etc) file into the DD2 file in Fluffy Mod Manager
>Launch Fluffy Mod Manager, enable Custom Difficulty Tweaks
>Launch DD2 via Fluffy
>Load save game
>via REFramework menu, expand the last tab for custom UI script elements
>go look in the areas where EXP/DCP are gained for player/pawn
>change values to heart's content
>save settings
My advice is to keep an eye on the EXP/DCP values every time you switch between different settings that are available on the tab, or if you switch between customized presets. Sometimes they seem to change, or I'll forget to change them back when customizing a default setting to my tastes.
Pube mod? And does it poke out from the panties?
Pubes come with the nude mod.
So what are the recommended sliders for booba? I don't install any nude mod so her boobs doesn't seem to sag that much in the CC screen. Also forgot to mention earlier that I changed the shape from 22.5 to 20.
Depends. They can also vary widely if you install Big Boobs and various other slider mods, which can modify how those look in-game. Certain armors seem to also have a push-up effect too. But generally speaking, chest size is the biggest one for actual size, max this out for max booba. Chest shape adjusts how close/far away each booba are from each other, which can affect cleavage. Chest height is more or less sag, I tend to like to have this around zero or mild negatives to match the larger size on my characters. Chest Depth can make boobs look bigger, but it's more like adjusting how big the character's rib cage is.
Do they change color according to the girl's hair color or do they stay black?
>orange cat reemerges
>nonstop posts
>black cat posts consistently
>attentionwhoring, but at least their Arisen takes other pawns out with her
>black cat Arisen consistently posts other rentals
>(((samefag))) attempt to frame her as orange cat
I come back after a week and see the same shit from a week ago. I was justified in avoiding that gaslighting faggot's pawn.
Going to give these shorefish.
there were boob scholars that used to post here in a time before the ER DLC. They're knowledge, lost to time. And archives because I'm not sitting through every autistic archived thread post to find it for you, but know that its there somewhere.

It's time for the divegrass Dragonbowl to make the final day. We have an advantage because one of /dbg/'s medals are suspended, but this is by no means free, their manager is one of the /vg/ managers. Come wish the team luck!
the feet model really suck
I will add to this that the default character creator lacks any way to add boob volume like you might see in other character creators, like in Nioh 2 or any game with Bodyslide. To achieve something more akin to those, one needs to pair a slider mod with Big Boobs and austistically adjust the settings to taste. There's also a newer slider mod out, but I haven't tried that one out yet.
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time to get BTFO
WTF I just realised the game ball is a dragonball
>commentator shitting on Mercedes
Honestly they're better than expected and the stirrup footwear is nice too. Personally I can't wait for the Necdaz91 foot mod
Khajit mentioned? They included a Beastrun?
kneeling vegeta is so fucking funny to watch
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thanks for the goal doc
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How many has ddg won? I'm getting an itch to create pawns off those grigori consumed; like eternal war trophies.
He can't be stopped!
Grigori truly is the best
.... who is the beastren they keep mentioning? I hope none of our stupid avatarfags got in.
Aught, look for the blue "please be patient" cap
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But I'm not patient anon :)

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keep up the good work
What wishes does Grigori grant? Does he accept dragonballs as currency?
whatever you did for defence it really worked
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That was brutal. You love to see it
He lets you craft your own waifu, in exchange for your heart
I might be mistaken, but /ddg/ faced off against:
and the latest one against /dbg/ today, which was a total blowout in favor of /ddg/, with Itsuno's Vision scoring one goal and Grigori scoring three versus /dbg/ scoring zero. SMTG was pretty even but Jack Frost whiffed a lot of goals, and Mercedes set up Grigori for a few vital goals.
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>Switzerland knocks out Italy in Euro 2024
>we trounce /dbg/ 4-0
Truly this is a great day for footy
We also beat /pmmm/ yesterday
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>last yr
>only play tw:wh3(800hrs+)
>twg wins
>this yr
>only play dd2 (600hrs+)
I shall now get addicted to cyberpunk.
idk about foot soccer ball and how their brackets work but is it possible to have another crack at /fgoalter/?
If you fuck off and don't challenge him, you're immune to aging and most natural disease and can possibly grow exponentially strong in terms of martial/magical prowess. If you do challenge him, he gives you another chance to back out, which is also stacked with a wish that he'll grant you in exchange. There's actually a lot of shit that encourages you explicitly to not challenge Grigori. This is by design.
No, they died last week in the group stage and we moved on
So in DD2 if you don't fight evil, you win?
It's even more hilarious when you frame it like that after winning against the general full of autistic monkeys that nonstop fight evil aliens, blacks, a giant tub of pink lard, etc.
it's a little more complicated than that, sort of a red pill blue pill sort of thing
That Grigori is completely different than the first one.
I can't explain it too much without spoiling a lot of what made DD1's unevenly paced narrative all worth it in the end. But it takes a special kind of person to give a huge middle finger to all of those benefits just so that they can get their heart back from Grigori, and there is a purpose for it. In DD2, you can see what happens when every Chosen One to date flouts their responsibilities in favor of fucking off and doing their own thing.
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Well I thought we'd win but not that hard. We made final day on comeback! Tomorrow will be back in the fight for the star starting with /uma/ who are on a winning run, 12:40 ET.
>/ddg/ vs /uma/
/uma/ did pretty well today, despite the long deadlock against hgg2d. While /ddg/'s goalie did pretty well against /dbg/'s solid offense, playing the game of attrition might be a different story. It's going to be a match to watch for sure.
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do they archive their twitch vods? I quiet enjoy looking at these aquariums of aughtism from fringe topics I ordinarily wouldn't care for. Like your observing animal enclosures at a zoo.
i cant decide between reynard or julien >.<
adding onto what >>484012203 said but in the dark arisen DLC there's a character who you meet really early on who does exactly that.
pretty sure rothais didn't shirk his duty as an arisen, he shirked his duty as a seneschal. there's no real downside to not getting your heart back outside of a possible untimely death when some other arisen defeats the dragon years down the line.
eliza love sorry anon but the edge of her hair and the cliff lining up creates a distracting tangent line, best to avoid them for photography purposes
Wow my shitbox actually runs this decently now
>Berry RNG: Blueberry
it blew up my pc. no dongma for me again.
Please play responsibly with the butt slider
It's making some engine noises, but I capped it at 30fps just like muh console
That's nothing compared to the giant cat abomination who used to post.
30fps turns to 1fps in cities in the past patch. Now I can't play the game modded with reframework. I want a lateterm refund.
Hm, are anchor posts still allowed for people who can't or don't contribute back by hiring rentals and posting screenshots? can I post my riftslut there despite hving done nothing here?
Leave this place at once! You have no right to be-

For a long time I was severely underleveled compared to most of the anchor posts and the veterans still hired my pawn without any complaints. Don't even worry about it anon
We don't really care one way or the other. It's neat if you take screens etc., but it's far from mandatory.
If you want more of a constant action: ER. Now if you want a balance of exploration and action, DDG2

So, I started finishing the game after I left it untouched for like a month or more. I sitched my Mage for Sorcerer, I thought that Kindhearted pawn wouldn't act too quickly but surprisingly enough the first thing she does is cast the Vortex which is what I want.
Been trying out the DDON private server. It's an okay game so far. It has all the typical menus and time wasting NPCs/quests that you'd expect from an MMO along with all the useless materials and MMO mechanics that you won't really understand unless you read some wiki or have someone tell you.

The game's main plot is that there was a kingdom being led by a benevolent white dragon until an evil gold dragon came and attacked. The white dragon fought to a draw but then lost most of its power so declared that it will create Arisens over time whose job will be to protect it.

After that you do some tutorial where you're more powerful then lose all your equipment and get sent to the main city where the next main quest sends you to some town to break up a possible conflict between a knight order and one of the Arisens who's said to be kind of an asshole.

In terms of atmosphere, it's an MMO so you're left with a bunch of immersion breaking menus and chat popups. As far as the actual gameplay goes, it's like DD1 but with more focus on numbers and a little more janky due to general MMO cheapness. Leveling up a vocation I can already tell will take a long time and there's a shit ton of augments but they're kind of there to just grind for and give out useless abilities like extra damage to X. The only skill you really get at the beginning is Blink Strike.

As far as raw mechanics go, there are some good ideas here, you equip 4 skills at a time and you can go into a prayer stance to switch to a 2nd pallete of 4 skills, but it's kind of weird because it's 2 skills equipped to L1 and 2 skills equipped to R1, and if you're wondering where the 3rd skill slot went, it's because it's dedicated to a core skill. In the case of Fighter, the Shield Launch is now a core skill mapped to R1 + Circle. Dire Gouge is also now a core skill for Fighter so you're climbing attack is now just automatically Dire Gouge which is a good idea imo. Overall a little boring, but will give it more time
They stay black as far I could tell regardless of skin color.
It doesn't matter but I personally don't post my pawn if I'm not actively playing
I've been waiting for this to be stable enough and have most of the content restored, is it a good time to jump in? I don't care if it's not as good as DDDA
Cool pawn but I can't take my eyes off of that beautiful bastard in the center, it's the first time I see him in 2k
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>Notice saggy granny booba
As far as I can tell they have the general gameplay working (mobs spawn, leveling up, vocations, etc) and seems like quests are all working too. Some things are not translated and some of the translation is kind of wonky, but other than that, yeah I'd say its in a pretty good state to jump in if you want to try it.
How's Ripened Strawberry as Quest Reward, any valuable? Been saving them up lately.
Is not bad.
>but buffed
>and tattoed
This nigga must be a nasty piece of shit when he was younger.
How fucked up is the Random Encounters mod? Seems fun but the description implies it can softlock your game
Pretty fucked, it can turn random rats into big monsters.
for people who don't have strawberries in their world, a full stack of them would be 41,580 gold
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If you're conservative with the big monster spawn percentages, then it can be a nice change of pace when factoring in the static monster spawns; I suggest lowering the boss spawn percentages overall to 1-2%, as the default 5% can easily snowball into 5-8 bosses at the same time in Battahl. There's settings to ensure that smaller passive creature spawns and default big monster spawn areas in the game remain untouched, but you can disable those if you want. Here's the settings I used that mostly focuses on large numbers of human enemies per spawn, with some gobbos thrown in. Big monsters can spawn in weird places occasionally, but usually it isn't a problem if you have a fire damage skill which can disintegrate monster corpses after a few hits. Just be warned that most small monster packs get reinforced by additional spawns, which can result in huge chaotic battles if you pump up the settings too high. Thunderscale spawns with 4+ of them are a real headache to handle as well due to their high chance to stun targets with their lightning attacks.
>been binging on tags: milf + gilf + saggy_breasts lately
>see nothing wrong with the breasts
I think my view has been warped. Maybe I'll play around with the sliders later. My bed's calling.
I don't see anything wrong with them either but then again I am a hag enjoyer too
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>pawns as soon as you leave a cave they're supposedly sick and tired of
It's probably fine. But notch down the brightness sometimes so we can see those blue veins
god i fucking love ranger's vest titties
Do you have to run Fluffy Mod every time you boot?
I'm used to seeing beautiful and perfectly round tits the sight of granny tits is instantly off-putting.
As I understand it, once Fluffy makes the changes, it’s set in the game files and doesn’t need to make any more changes. But I still boot it up via Fluffy out of habit and just to be safe.
Not really. Sometimes I do get a black screen trying to launch from steam and launching from fluffy fixes it.
Thanks, unpacking it right now.
>outro to Viva La Vida starts playing
Nice, thanks. Though it isn't so much a hassle to launch from their either
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>tall mommy helps arisen up
>main pawn falls to her knees
Cyclops playable race mod when?
Been collecting riftsluts. Gina, Artoria, Ghislaine, Mira, Elizabeth, all belong to my big mommy milker folder. Who else am I missing here?
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Most recent update didn't break true warfarer/cdt did it? Just checking, haven't played in a little bit.
Nah, just some shop mods. Even that is probably more due to REFramework needing an update, which it already got.
>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn Level
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc.)
Straightforward inclination, can speak Elvish
Put down two Wargs and receive 5 Allheals
Sweet, thanks.
Cyclops is for killing
Which mod puts affinity next to the char's name?
contemplate the aroma
Nice, I like the other mod better because it also lets you princess carry your pawn at high affinity, but the latest update killed it https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/349
Ghislaine is now a small kot though, so not mommy anymore. Esther and Helena if you're into muscular women.
>the latest update killed it
damn it
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You just haven't seen the light yet, anon. Your taste will mature with ages. I used to dislike saggy breasts, but now they make me diamond. Even better if veiny. This is because I start to associate them with motherhood, feminity, fecundity, fertility, transience and graceful aging.
Not to encourage the poopy poster, but(t)...
Bigger boobs have a tendency to sag anyhow. Without it, they seem like implants or balloons. Which aren’t bad, but sag implies that they’re natural, which is the best kind.
where is the bad bitch for life tattoo
Oh right, this too. Whenever I see suspiciously round pert breasts, my mind immediately goes, "Boob job?" and makes me lose interest.
Getting reasy for Sunday which is automatically Monday.
At least you didn't say sex. Cyclops-chan is too pure.
Will save them and decloth them for proper inspection.
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,,,5 minutes. J-just let me sleep 5 more minutes...
This is going to become one of those 4-5 day long threads huh?
/kip/ thread
You'll clog the drains arisen, best not pour any more of that frying pan oil down the sink.
neat shot!
Okay, after a little testing, I can confirm
Changing your pawn's equipment >> +5 affinity
Focusing on your pawn in photo mode (Maybe taking a photo?) >> +10 affinity

That explains why I thought it was raising faster than just talks and high fives
>still no mod for civilian clothes
This O-ring blouse is top tier: sleeveless and backless so it shows off bare shoulders, collarbones, pitpussies and sexy back. Also tight enough to conform to chest and highlight the curves.
That's not nice anon. Only beat 'em up if they talk to you unprompted.
Thanks, I'm dreading reaching Vernworth, but it's a cinematic slow-mo FPS so far.
I just wish I could wear them on my MA.
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How is the private server? I can't get motivated to come back to my cat and go on nice jaunts anymore in dd2.
>>484056909 >>484059425
Nice shot, what specs?

Also, can anybody recommend any good Dogma music remixes and stuff? Somebody linked an album a while ago but I can't find it anymore
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Yet another invisible walls. I wish Capcom would just let my Arisen enjoy the view and bask in the sunlight.
Supposedly, there's been a huge improvement to FPS in the city with the last 2 updates, but since your PC is already struggling in the countryside area, you're in for a bad time then.
One of the Japanese dogmafags on twitter managed to find a way out of the map on console. I've been meaning to ask them how they did it, but I'm pretty sure it was levitation fuckery somewhere around Agomen Ruins.
Levitation or he used dragon spear skill that launches you, because if it's an inclined rock for example, it sort of launches you above
i5 8600K and a 3060, turned raytracing off and it's actually chugging along decently in the city now
the dlss settings help a lot if youre not already using those.
There are several features tied to some NPC shops that give out an error message so I'm guessing they're not implemented yet but they don't really seem that important and they're probably just your typical MMO padding. I'm going to be honest though, you really need tolerance for MMOs to play this. I've been pushing myself through it because I love Dragon's Dogma and I want to give it a fair chance and at least get to some of the what I assume is more interesting content with all the unique boss battles, but it is a slow fucking game and quests are your typical MMO padding designed to waste your time. There are some good decisions they made with vocations hidden here and just from watching some videos, High Scepter and Alchemist are way more worthy of being vocations than Trickster. But this game really gave me a newfound appreciation for the exploration aspect of DD1 and 2 and reminded me again of how much I hate MMOs.
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Level 95
Kill a grim ogre for 5 allheals.
Woodland wordsmith. Kindhearted. High hagol, frigor, levin, and meteoron. 100% resistance to silence.
Getting flashbacks to that time I got addicted to WoW Classic only to play a couple of years later and see everyone had moved on. The desolation of an MMO population really reveals how bare bones these stupid quests are. I might pass since Im too burnt from that one.
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Bumped into her on the road. Modded kot?
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>playing all day, not a single reward from another world
>suddenly I got 3 Sphinx kill in one rest, all names looks like bots from Capcom
based and now it's done
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'Tis over.
This game needs hardcore sex emote mods.
>checking items on wiki and how to get them
Waht the hell is endgame? I am right now at the quest I have to give dragon blood to that guy in the secret lab
When a guy looks straight at the camera and says you better take a break ;0 before ;0 you know ;)) then you'll be starting "endgame". It's very close.
When the game becomes Morrowind.
I guess it will take a time for me to get there then
You're a lot closer than you think.
I'm simply glad that ddg has gone back to its roots of posting real, human women again and not nonstop cats. I hated that orange attentionwhore.
It's because of my autism needing to finish all pawn medals, although lesser dragon I will leave for the next playtrhough because I screwed up and can't farm it now
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous or most crpg game mandates dialogue barks between companions.
You'll get to fight more of them later on this playthrough.
Just mod it to repopulate your entire area with lesser dragons.
You get a pass if their femboys.
Papa bless.
I know fertility and fecundity are different when examining produced vs potential offspring, but aren't these two words just synonyms in a literary sense?
It's actually faster to complete non-camping pawn badges during endgame because it's easier to get around the map now that the sea, rivers and lakes are gone, and monsters respawn faster too.
word worth hearing
I am on PS5

But isn't it like a timed endgame with 10 rests only?
Huh. In your opinion does it seem like the PS5 pool of rentals is still healthy? PCDoomerfags like me only go off steam charts like NPCs to gauge whether a game is dead or not.
1 month ago my pawn that was lv88~ was still getting a bit of adventure with other players, now the name looks like Capcom pity summon. Though I guess most didn't lv up a lot their character, specially after I looked my favorite list that I was doing since I started.

It's like: 20% were lv15-30, 60% were lv30-65 and the last 20% were lv65+
>with 10 rests only
you can "rest" with allheals. iirc time doesn't "flow" in UW but the timer for monster respawns still work
With ER expansion lots of players will be leaving DDG2, there are even people talking like that in DDG2 official twitter
i smell a seanigger
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wtf dumb cat, you let the pan cool and wipe out the oil, or save it for reuse it if it's lard, tallow or schmaltz
one cannot expect a cat to follow human common sense
now draw her throwing recyclables into the waste bin
most of them wind up in landfills anyways so she's just saving a step
Dullahan theme > any other boss theme
Specially with his own monster effects together with the music
>extremely mountainous terrain and lack of reasonable fast travel options means lots of running along preset paths with the same mobs every 30m
>some extremely shit quests and terrible questing system in general
>stunlocking is now a thing

if i hadn't already played dd1 and knew it wa sa gem despite the flaws I would've dropped 2 before hitting level 20. I'm level 50 now and there's a bunch of things in 2 that feel like regressions. The world map is awful.
>and lack of reasonable fast travel options means lots of running
Oh you surely missed the launch, at least now with the most recent patch you can find Oxcarts way more often while wandering so you can use them to get to town faster
it looks great, actually playing it gives cancer. if players moved like 20% faster the size of the world would probably be a lot more tolerable too.
But wasn't Dragon's Dogma 2 just a test drive of what they could do with RE Engine? Apparently the next Resident Evil would now become open world.
while running around in a fully explorable fucked up city would be cool, open world game dev is not in a state to make open world games actually good. i am so fucking tired of open world games it is unreal, they're always empty shitholes with one interesting thing per square kilometer, and attempts to remedy that with DD2 just lead to combat fatigue from trying to walk across the street in vernworth.
The biggest problem of DD2 is the lack of interaction with the world itself. Like, in Red Dead Redemption 2 you could play poker etc and interact a bit more with the npcs, here the best you can do is pay them a drink or give them presents and that's it. And that's just a small example, so yeah the world ends up being boring because it becomes a walking simulator when you can't really interact much with the world other than "fighting against monsters".

At least they should've worked more on the romantic part as they introduced it, but they sort of just added it as bland as possible and just left at that
idk I think the main problem with overworld traversal is how linear it feels, huge cliffs funnel you down obvious paths and there's a lack of open expanses. Which wouldn't be a huge problem if it weren't for the mobs spaced so frequently. Oxcarts aren't very helpful anyway because of the limited routes. There needed to be carts going to a lot more places, or something like predefined routes and you can choose anywhere along there for it to stop. As others said I don't think open world neccesairly makes a game better, but I do think dd2 misses the mark with it's overworld. it's genuinely better when you go through dungeons that are clearly linear. Dark Arisen was super linear and that was fucking awesome.

it also doesn't help that the quests are rubbish outside the main one. Like some of the worst quests I have ever played in an RPG. I spent 20 minutes running tot some shit quest to help a guy fight the headless horseman and he died in the first 30 seconds, quest failed, game saved. better restart from an inn :^)
nyarin a cute
You can tell that they wanted to add way more attention to detail stuff like RDR2 has, but they clearly either mismanaged their time, ran into a lot of setbacks during development, or got shafted by Capcom suits. It's a shame, regarless of which is true.
fucking love parrying bros, the weight behind it feels so good.
if they release a dark arisen tier expansion all will be forgiven. vanilla dd1 was pretty good but DA ascended it into fantasy rpg goat territory.
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No arisen, those are recyclables!
P'fessor Cat.... you were supposed to be the smart kot
I prefer base DD1 to DA. I get why people like it - they went all in on the games strengths, and it worked out well.
But I want a grand adventure simulator, not a dungeon crawler. I'd much rather see thrm flesh out the world instead of leaving it as is and just making BBI 2.
They do the grand quests well for sure. The main quest of DD1 was incredible, mostly because Grigori was such a cool antagonist. But I also think the quest to kill the griffin or whatever it was on top of that abandoned castle also had a really grand adventure feeling to it. You can only do so many of those though, right?
They would need to redesign the entire game, it's much easier for them to just give us a huge dungeon that is separate from what is already there and then quickly move onto Dragon's Dogma 3 since Capcom has officially stated that the franchise is worth a few shits to them now.
which one?
I wouldn't say redeisgn so much continue from where they left off. There are a number of prime spots to add new things to the existing overworld, and so much more they could do to build on top of the people, places, and mechanics that are already present.
Obviously that's not what they'll do, and I wouldn't expect them to, either. Fresh new content is what drives sales for DLC - I get that.
I just don't know if I can do another decade of waiting for a finished game for once.
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monday tomorrow? sorry cyclops, time to be miserable again
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I think they have everything they need to churn out another game relatively quickly, Dragon's Dogma 2 feels like the equivalent of Resident Evil 7 setting up the tech and basic framework for the entire RE franchise: it was followed up by four games in the span of six years, with two of them having an expansion on top of that. Fingers crossed they won't waste any more time on tech now that they moved the Dragon's Dogma franchise to the RE engine.
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I'm not sure that linear, tightly focused series like RE would be able to give good estimates on dev time for something open world like Dogma, but I think that if they bump up the size of the dev team, it'd be possible to see something in 5-6 years.
Granted, that's assuming that they're already in pre-production on the next game, and considering the Capcom execs basically made a public statement saying "Oh shit, didn't know people were actually going to buy this", I highly doubt it.
I'm sure DD3 is on the docket, but it's anyones guess when we'll actually get it.
they should make more games in the dd world and we could make pawns and arisen that look like claire and jill and they could be lesbians and they could make lesbians scenes with them in the next dragons dogma
Fallout 4 looking ahh mutant orc.
Nigga I don't play DD2 anymore because Cyberpunk is on sale. If I wanted janky hitboxes and bosses that hold their attack moves or have unpredictable movement, I would play ER.
They should just make DD spin-offs with MH Rise tier graphics so the dev time would be shorter. Like they can set the setting to anything they want and not just western high fantasy, so they can make whatever classes, weapons and monsters they want.
Forgot to add the following:*
I'd rather play DD2 again than ER DLC because the former doesn't have a community breathing down its neck for more "harder" bosses. The latter is trapped in a perpetual nuclear arms race with its playerbase. Instead of creating more creative boss encounters with newer movesets, From prioritizes aughtistic movement spam and the boss flinging its arms everywhere. Fromsoftware fans perpetually gaslight themselves into thinking the newer Soulsborne games are good when they already reached the peak of what they're capable of with Sekiro. Because they can't decide between whether they want to be a solid dungeon crawler / open-world rpg or a DmC style action-combat game, we get trapped into perpetual dodge rolling in ER over creative alternative counters to bosses like the parry/guard system from Sekiro.*

NEVER advertise that shitty fucking franchise again.*
Seethe harder, Dogshit eaters. Even with a demo and 20% off, no one is gonna buy and play your dogshit. Choke on Capcom's cock harder.
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Again, I'm playing Cyberpunk right now to wash out DD2's story. As a regular vidyagame enjoyer I can appreciate all games individually for their own merits. Instead of /v/niggers who don't even play games and only parrot the latest contrarianism.
100% agree, i told them the same myself in both surveys they had now, "if you make an expansion please expand the world instead of simply adding a separate location"
Beastren are the best addition to the game.
I don't care what anyone says, I have faith in this game and I love my pawn.
Yes this game has issues and I feel like overall they missed the mark on what made DD1 memorable. That being said I don't listen to hype train slop eaters who play [popular thing] simply because it's the thing to do
You people are pathetic lmfao, get a fucking life, touch grass, have sex.
elden slop shills really are subhuman
Performance updates are nice and all but they really need ~some~ kind of content update to bring people back and retain them.
>Ur-Dragon 2 (rotate between not-Griggy and the two types of purgener with different rewards?)
>a mini game that takes advantage of the loose online (like token hide’n’seek; place a token in your world so your pawn hides one in the same place in other worlds, and find the ones other l pawns placed in yours)
>dye/armor modifications so people can aughtistically fashionmax
>adapt some of the NPC-only clothes into player gear (like the different masquerade masks, the guard armor, NPC outfits), maybe as rewards for other content
>Hard mode, Speedrun mode, hell some kind of Ironman “run ends when you die” mode
Stuff that’s less complex than a whole DLC but still maintains interest. Ideally they’d release it /alongside/ the big performance patch, if it ever happens.

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