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>Pink Mercy available now

>Season 11 blogpost

>Season 11 trailer

>Latest patch notes

>Competitive rework

>Comics, short stories and music

>June 20 to Season 12 - Ultrawatch Theme, Ashe Mythic, Colosseo Rework, Runasapi Map, Community Crafted mode (balance patch by streamers), start of season event (earn exp and Aztec Sombra)
>June 20 to July 9 - Hero Mastery event for new Kiriko + S76 courses
>June 25 to June 30 - Calling All heroes twitch drops (Mercy icon + Nihon Hanzo)
>June 25 - July 8 - Pink Mercy returns for charity event, plus Rose Gold variant
>July 9 - Summer Games Event, Transformers Crossover
>July 15 - Quick play hacked: Pickable Passives
>July 23 - Mythic Reinhardt Weapon Skin, likely midseason patch date
>Aug 20 - Likely Season 12 start date (could be off by up to 1 week) w/ Space Ranger
>Aug 21-25 - Gamescom, Blizzard will be present
>Future - Clash Mode (Unknown 2024), new tank (Season 14), Map reworks [Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado] (after season 12)

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>483648590
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the kiriko brought you donuts
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I have started to play like I am a torbjorn turret for positioning as a hitscan and have moderately improved
it's all about positioning.
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>mercy answers genji's cries for help
super mega ultrawatch gency
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One of my former top 500 friends told me to do it and It’s completely changed how I play the game. Just rp being torb and think about where you’d put a turret and then just walk there as your hitscan character
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trans D.va reveal WILL save Overwatch
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>slop machine still drawing dva as a white girl
gonna sit in the bush on first point numbani defense on cass
but i'd put my turret way farther back to deter flankers and have a distraction when the enemy team pushes up
Idk could’ve been trolling me but I’ve gotten a little better I’m still only gold rn
niggas so bad a turret has better positioning than them
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trust in Overwatch
trust in trans D.va
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sure think slopposter
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gold turret placement is probably pretty good for actual positioning, basic off-angling, picking spots where you force the enemy to split the attention between you and your teammates so they can't just lop damage into the same spot
It’s true
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i can not win a game
dude take a break im serious
who cares

Personally, I tend to stop playing after 4 losses in a row.

Not worth the mental anguish.
How do you defend first point eichen as dps I feel like we lose every time
usually i just click on their heads
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after the next game i swear
applying constant pressure and praying that your tank doesn’t throw by giving up the choke
>Friend actually quit the game over the pink mercy thing
I don't get why they just didn't -slightly- alter it and make it a 2.0 skin
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If you go to the gym to play some pick-up basketball, and you look at your team and see a guy missing an arm, another missing a leg, against a team a 5 able-bodied individuals, then you're not the bad guy for 'not trying' in that situation. you know and everyone knows you're gonna lose.

so why is the ow equivalent of not trying or afking the game away when you have teammates who, relatively speaking, are noticeably missing fingers or limbs or eyes and yet still insist on signing up for a competitive bout, frowned upon?

if the either of the single enemy dps has more elims and/or damage than both of my dps combined, why am i the bad guy for just doing parkour as ball until the game is over? make it make sense
We were doing so well until our tank decided to go Roadhog and the enemy tank mirrored him
He just kept getting thrown off the map
Ana wasted two nanoboosts on him just for him to miss his hook and get hooked in return
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They know they're shit but if they can find a better scapegoat like the guy afking or hard throwing they'll take it
ball does that every game from the start tho, unless he's on the enemy team
>your tank gets diffed in a mirror they initiated
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Your fault for going to a gym where people with missing limbs go to play basketball
well it applies to any team lineup where it's patently obvious that at least one person on your team is imposing his existence in a proverbial pick up basketball game while missing a leg
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I just pull out my phone and go on youtube or snap if I get a retarded team in comp
That’s what I thought the new one was. I didn’t think they were actually letting pink mercy go through
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Idk how these widows kill tracers everytime I play widow they pick sombra tracer and it’s hard af
flicks aka reflex aiming
or you know, cheating
Yeah I don't know what they were thinking, no one is going to install the game for that skin but a very tiny autistic minority will drop the game over it, and even if it is a few people, the game is in such a bad state it can't even afford to lose them
I would say they’ll drop a new mercy skin and they’ll buy it but they just gave her a battle pass one lol
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yeah, but it's a mistake to assume that anyone sufficiently good must be cheating. reflex aiming can be learned by anyone with enough practice.
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mentally ill
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the kiriko dance
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when your team has a “Thanks!” spammer
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Shooting cumtastic loads on this child's ass
I think D.Va is pretty much the only character in the game who could work as a main character in her own standalone Doom-like fps game. There are so many new weapons and features that could be added to her meka and it would feel organic. I feel the other characters are too one-note to work in their own game.
so why does ranked matter? like ur not even in the OWCS
latina backshots
Baby making sex with Illari
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back view of Sombra’s dance for the sombros
How do I play nu-bastion? I feel like with how much cover there is and with how you're a top priority hero for the enemy to track position/cooldowns of, it ends up being that when I turn sentry everyone is out of my LoS within 1 second. I unironically get more damage out of the recon form and mostly am only able to use the sentry for shredding barriers or to get tanks who massively overcomitted
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Fresh account placements.

Let's get that bread.
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nu bastion is very good for crowd control from mid to long range. I play him on maps where the enemy team is bound to group up. Only time I use him to get up and close is when I trust my healers.
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woke up to 5 of these today
>switch player icon to israeli flag
>suddenly EVERY SINGLE MATCH I have throws on my team
>the hecking good boye notification
i really wish they didn't have this
it really is a huge dopamine hit. i send one if anyone complains, says anything about skill, diff, or ez. i love it.
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Good morning to everyone, especially Illari's fat THE YOUNGEST ass
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og beta account placements
Angela Ogundimu
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My breakfast consists of black coffee and her asshole in my mouth
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Sloan Ogundimu
some brown sugar with coffee
Hell yeah
Torbjorn Ogundimu-Reyes
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I lost a couple. In one of the losses our echo got solo'd by a mercy in a 1v1 both from full hp. Just how it is sometimes, can't win them all. He blamed the rest of us, of course.

Feeling pretty good overall. Let's see if we can finish on a win and get to around gold.
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don't underestimate the queen and her volleyball sized projectiles
Woah. Someone posting on topic stuff? Appreciate it. Good luck with the rest.
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sombra tried to kill me like 5 times and was shooting around me as i wiggled back and forth and about 4 pharah indirects finally got me then the sombra who didn't even get an assist teabagged my pink mercy and spammed AD
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Based spicy latina dabbing on you hard enough to make you post about it
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the tank when u pocket a dps
Aryan bros.. I am beginning to fall for browns, latinas, the spices..
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>racist anons when they fall for brown sugar
dont do it. latinas are known to suck and drain the lifeforce out of unsuspecting men
Guess I am saying goodbye to Brigitte!
Brown Babes, suck me dry!
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Happy Friday guys
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Happy friday and good games to you. Might have to start my usual LW action now before going to enjoy the sun and summer like a disgusting normie
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I do this all the time.

Stretch my hand and grab her pussy.
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>ranked match
>your team is winning
>they join the enemy team
Not to be an asshole but is this beautiful duo valid in higher ranks? Let's say diamond and up or whatever
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pharah yes, mercy no
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So the answer is no for the duo part. Interesting, I still see pharah pretty much inseparable from mercy but I guess those days are over. Eternal plat shitter who doesn't watch pro players so I don't know much
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>Stretch my hand and grab her pussy.
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i mean mercy still combos well with pharah, she'll just be a liability the higher rank you get cause she's not good atm
it only matters for like the top 1% tho, so yes, you'll get easy default value pre-masters by just picking those 2 characters at the same time and spamming chokes with truck sized rockets
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on the topic, as an aimlet and mainly support player they are a nightmare for me
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Hi handsome!
How was sleep?
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I'm gonna go play Dawntrail. See you guys in a week
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>Hi handsome!
>Hey love and everything
>How was sleep?
uhm, uhm fine thanks for asking how was your sleep could sleep at all? I'm still annoyed we couldn't beat him, was thinking about that fight a lot. I do like his fight compared to the original base game fight this is so much better visual and gameplay wise, just hard as ball probably the hardest video games boss ever. I still don't get the dlc are we past present or future? Why do they all want to fuck their own brothers, though wouldn't say no to miquella ngl. I need to show you my 4k screenshot of that cutscene, in that fight in OLED it's something else. Are you gaming already? If so, have fun.. I want to game with you. Also seems like the community finally realized pharah is fucking gigabroken right now, just took them 2 weeks, and I have no aim if I don't do any warmup beforehand.
I think I'm becoming addicted to pressing 5.
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>how was your sleep could sleep at all?
Kind of, but probably not my head hurts
>I do like his fight compared to the original base game fight this is so much better visual and gameplay wise
You think? I don't think I like getting flashbanged every time he attacks lol
>Are you gaming already?
No, it's too hot, I don't want to do anything
>Also seems like the community finally realized pharah is fucking gigabroken right now
What makes you say that?
>and I have no aim if I don't do any warmup beforehand.
The games last night were fine, I'm just happy that stupid bitch rage quit after ruining 2 games in a row
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>Kind of, but probably not my head hurts
aw kk hope you're not too tired
>You think? I don't think I like getting flashbanged every time he attacks lol
sure his aoe shit is annoying, but I watched distortion kill him while in bed, and even he had problems. I mean, it's probably the only dlc well get for this game, so this being the hardest boss ever make sense. Hopefully they do BB2 I want faster movement for my character
>No, it's too hot, I don't want to do anything
anything? :3 don't you have a lake nearby to jump in? Should get 28° here, but office is always cool
>What makes you say that?
because the 2 games we played had pharah, though these were terrible games from me. I hate this current meta so much.
>The games last night were fine, I'm just happy that stupid bitch rage quit after ruining 2 games in a row
Oh, that zen from the first game? Was he in the second game? I didn't notice. Kind griefed our first game when are you leaving? can we game in my break?
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best friend
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Best friend
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>Hopefully they do BB2 I want faster movement for my character
I have no hope for the future of Bloodborne, Sony sucks
The game is almost 10 years old and we don't have a remaster/remake/pc port...
>anything? :3 don't you have a lake nearby to jump in? Should get 28° here, but office is always cool
Yes, dummy, anything...
I can cool down in my shower but that's not gonna get rid of the icky weather
>though these were terrible games from me.
No the games last night were good, literally the only thing bad about them was that idiot ruining the games
>Oh, that zen from the first game? Was he in the second game?
>Kind griefed our first game
Kind of? That zen had both 2k damage and heals in a 7 minute game
Oddly enough the name isn't displayed anymore?
>when are you leaving? can we game in my break?
like 40 minutes
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>ana keeps bitching about being farmed by sombra
>"you could swap off ana"
>they go completely silent
boy, microsoft must have told blizzard to make money or they're all fired because they are doing EVERYTHING they can to suck money from paypiggies. Bringing back one time only skins like pink mercy, beach shit.
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hmm yes it's not like it's summer or anything that would make lifeguard skins thematically appropriate
and they sure are making bank off the skin that gives all the profits to charity, truly a desperate move from blizzard
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>I have no hope for the future of Bloodborne, Sony sucks
we wouldn't have BB without Sony
>The game is almost 10 years old and we don't have a remaster/remake/pc port...
I mean they did remake DeS so it's just a matter of time
>Yes, dummy, anything...
poor you...
>I can cool down in my shower but that's not gonna get rid of the icky weather
I can help you there :^)
>No the games last night were good, literally the only thing bad about them was that idiot ruining the games
oh, kk if the games were good for you, I'm happy. Felt like I played like shit.
>Kind of? That zen had both 2k damage and heals in a 7 minute game
maybe he was special :^)
>Oddly enough the name isn't displayed anymore?
dunno isn't that a replay bug thingy?
>like 40 minutes
fug going to miss you again...maybe bashing my ahead against radhan in my break need more screenshots with your rose gold weekend we game more overwatch. if you want
do you really think companies get no monetary incentive to do charity shit
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how we doin so far bros
do you have the pass boost? I am barely lvl 19 and no pass (yet)
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When will this company do good collabs? Why do they hate money?
I don't know 40? Didn't play much OW as of lately, normally I would probably be done already.
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Whenever a Widow keeps killing me, I like swapping to Brigitte, flanking her and whipping her purple ass.
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>we wouldn't have BB without Sony
Yeah and they killed Japan Studios that co developed the game with From
>I mean they did remake DeS so it's just a matter of time
I hope you're right
>maybe he was special :^)
There's no way a special needs person is playing in our games
>dunno isn't that a replay bug thingy?
I don't know
>need more screenshots with your rose gold weekend we game more overwatch
We have to play the game then
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good night kirikofriend
>say anything to someone on the other team
>they immediately start trying to argue
im too old for this shit
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Good night Kirikofriend
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>Yeah and they killed Japan Studios that co developed the game with From
true, well... don't you think most developers went to From Software? When they already worked together?
>I hope you're right
I hope as well, but I don't want bluepoint to make the remake, DeS remake is fine but too much generic western art, for my taste
>There's no way a special needs person is playing in our games
eh, you have me in your games :^)
>We have to play the game then
yea, sorry... we will play more, still not really motivated to play it, the season is just too boring and every game boils down the the same shit. I really hope they mid season patch will be big and have changes for every single hero and not only the same 5 heroes that get changed over and over.
>don't you think most developers went to From Software? When they already worked together?
I don't know, but that sounds like it would be a good thing if that happend
>I hope as well, but I don't want bluepoint to make the remake, DeS remake is fine but too much generic western art, for my taste
Bloodborne is already high detail, like I don't see how you redesign stuff in that game since its art style is so prominent?
Unless you're actually just remaking it but then you should probably not let anyone but From themselves do that
>eh, you have me in your games :^)
You're smart and good at the game though...
>we will play more
Yeah, weekend ahead of us, we should be able to finish the DLC too
I have to run, see you later!
>newest hero gets nothing but a single voice line on the next season's battlepass
>doesn't even get any pity shop skins
what did blizzard mean by this
only popular heroes get skins
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heroes without good skins dont get popular
self fulfilling prophecy really
why make skins for heroes that might not become popular when you can churn out kiriko and mercy recolors
buy pink mercy chud
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>I don't know, but that sounds like it would be a good thing if that happend
yea would be good, but we never know how much work Japan Studio did with Bloodborne.
I think it was more the technical part

>Bloodborne is already high detail, like I don't see how you redesign stuff in that game since its art style is so prominent?
you could say the same about DeS but they managed to make some of the remake bosses so generic western in their art style, but otherwise the remake is amazing
>Unless you're actually just remaking it but then you should probably not let anyone but From themselves do that
From hates remakes, though Miyazaki would rather work on something new, as he stated. This is why Bluepoint made DeS
>You're smart and good at the game though...
citation needed
>Yeah, weekend ahead of us, we should be able to finish the DLC too
oh lawl if we don't we are bad.
>I have to run, see you later!
see you love have fun and not a long day I want you now so bad... How much money did you think the charity made so far with the mercy skin?
How much would I pay for a 2B crossover skin?
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>How much would I pay for a 2B crossover skin?
Well, how much would you pay?
I never played more than like 2 or 3 hours of Nier Automata. I couldn't get into it
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you ungrateful healslut.
teammates who actually show appreciation when you help them?
Wow must feel terrible.
can you guys please just use discord, skype, teamspeak or something. literally anything else?
You make this already hard to bear general even worse.
Please, trying to ask genuinely here not out of malice.
Surely there is a better place to have your conversations where they aren't aired out in front of all the anons and are not adding needlessly towards the thread bump limits.
there's a good chance they're purposefully trying to make the thread worse but i envy your optimism
Lifeweaver 9S skin....
hummana hummana
Actually I guess genji would make more sense. not as hot though. T-T
>I couldn't get into it
one of these keep playing it gets better games.
oh yea that is a good one
Well my time is precious and limited and I don't exactly have the patience to drag my feet through the muck to get to the good part. Big reason why I never replayed Tears of the Kingdom. Good game, but I don't want to set aside an entire fucking day just to get to the part where it starts actually being fun
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Anybody wanna play some qp?
i main tank so you don’t gotta worry about queue times
>finally get the new push map
>mercy lucio comp
>mention it in chat
>”it’s quick playyyyy”
>get stomped in 4 minutes
Has anyone got their account unbanned
Is it even worth appealing
haha dude is sweating in qp what a joker
i've seen some get their ban reverted after appealing, but I don't think it's common no
ive never even been muted and i shit talk in 1 out of 4 matches, you guys need to stop slurring
if i can’t leave whenever i want anymore i’m going to sweat
you can leave whenever you want but you will suffer the consequences for ruining everyone else's experience
>baiting this hard
played a few, got stomped every round. haven’t played in awhile+sick so i lose every game bc qp has skill based matchmaking for some reason. comp lite is so fucking gay
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the one and only
Sloan Rutledge
>there are only 2 support heroes in master below 50% wr
>there are 4 tanks below 50% wr in master
>there are 6 six DPS heroes below 50% wr in master
>somehow they only buff tanks and support
lead balance developer literally says this
>supports got too good at surviving, damaging, taking care of themselves, despite all the effort required for the DPS to reach them
meanwhile, dps still don't get buffed. defend this. DPS players are the most neglected player base in this game.
DPStrannies are the largest number of players in the three roles. You're the peasant chaff that are supposed to fight and die for your betters, nothing more.
I'm not shooting anymore, simple.
>Contrived Mexican-Canadian (?!) non-binary ESG quota filler hero is neglected after her debut
Hmmm yes very curious. Don't worry, she'll get some more stuff eventually, after the heroes that Blizz actually care about.
*picks torb*
his he'll
do we get the collab trailer today?
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Said that because you said it in the thread and I forgot to add it in my message
>kiriko : if we do this right, they wont even know it happened
bitch we're defending blizzard world are you retarded wtf are you talking about
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>been practicing my Illari all morning and have gotten much better with pylon and diving
Fun hero and I need her as my wife bros
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You're literally me from months earlier. Keep on rocking illari bro, I am back to this pride homo.
just wish her gun didnt feel so flaccid. All of the OW2 characters feel that way.
runasapi seems way too stompy, cart never goes to time, just 3-5 min win
I played it like three times, every match ended in overtime.
If this is the kind of content they will be adding from now on, then I don't want to see any new content from them.
post yfw when Illari’s cape flips up in front of you
Hey guys
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What happened to this game, it feels like people dropped it suddenly and silently.
Every season feels deader than the previous.
tank is still dogshit
we want 6vs6 with supports castrated
tank is still dogshit
we want 100% damage mitigation and to deal at least 8x more damage than the strongest DPS and give all our abilities auto-aim. maybe +5000hp just for good measure and that will keep us happy. for a week.
the things i would do...
tanks is still dogshit
we want new heroes and skins designed to appeal to straight white males instead of faggots and troons
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kek, i know you're the anti-tank nigger who thinks tanks are the problem and not the format, and i know your opinion is absolutely retarded, but can you please post your playtime? who do you main? what's your favorite role. and rank
she makes me want to do things to her... things that i can't say out loud...
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Momma Mercy I feel congested and need help releasing...
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I haven’t used LW that much but I’ll give him a chance once Illari gets in my top 3
All the gun sounds are ass in this game
like one of the anon's said here, this game will turn into a gachalife simulator where all you do is buy shiny cosmetics like a funkopop collector every season, then immediately log off.

of course, i don't see them even making good money this season besides the pink mercy collab and even then that'll only keep them afloat for 2 weeks because relying on a small percentage of a percentage of the playerbase to buy all your shit is stupid as a business practice but yk blizzard will be blizzard and team 4 will be team 4
That's another thing, now the game should be more alive because people haven't finished their passes yet.
Meaning it will become much more dead after people complete the pass.
Combine this with the fact of unstable servers and rampant cheating too.
pleasurable things...painful things...
oh my god, first it's some tranny spamming kirikos, now it's some faggots ERPing...yikes can blizzard hire some regular engagement posters instead of these wish.com versions?
her toes were made for sucking
>now it's some faggots ERPing
you say this as if you guys havent been complaining about it for years now
>leave three matches in a week
>your endorsement level dropped from 5 to 4
lol, I guess I can leave more now
made for tender kissing and disinterested footjobs
they never ERP'd like this weird shit, this is new. the two mercyfags used to just have their own convo with spoilers and never really did gay shit like this. i don't even think it's them rn this must be a diff guy
>people leaving qp matches because everything more stomp and counterswap heavy
>instead of realizing how shit this new format and balancing is, the devs double down and enforce leaver penalties in QUICK PLAY
>now, instead of leaving after you get stomped for the first round or first objective, you're forced to stay and get stomped anyway.
>they think it will encourage a better mentality, instead it just encourages you to throw
kek, what was team 4 thinking?
the number of leavers decreased so the game became objectively better :^)
If all you do is complain about what other people post then maybe you're in the wrong general?
thats because they are new. Or it might be one of the false flaggers
>game being objectively better
>but game having a problem with people leaving games all the time
kek, is this better game in the room with us right now?
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buy an ad nigger
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So, in its crossover history; they have done it with
Who the hell comes up with this?
I think it's usually the company that approaches blizzard
feet are just where you start before you make your way up...
where the sun don't shine...
nah, it happens every time the general becomes dead during a filler season
it's gay
There is a resurgence of hero shooters being developed, this can only mean that they know something we don't (microsoft stopping overwatch for good).
Otherwise it would be meaningless for them to compete in a saturated market.
Ded game or saturated market
you can't have both industry analyst friend
yeah I think its time for bed. see ya guys later
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your move, tankoid
About to be dead game because of no more funding.
That's why I placed the happening in the future.
Otherwise it would be futile for valve to be making deadlock.
the writing was on the wall when they cancelled the pve and laid off a ton of people
deadlock is a moba
I don’t understand how you can have some of the best character designs in video games and fuck it up
excuse my medical illiteracy doctor but it's the place where all the magic happens...
you fuck it up by listening to trannies and women who play support. this game never would've had GOATS without brig, this game never would've had double shield without baptiste, we'd never have season 9 dps debuff without overtuned supports.

It's all because we had to make support "feel impactful" but crutch them 19 ways to sunday to make any skill it would take to extract value from their kits completely null and void...
ana came before all that crap, newfag
this but tank
ana too, though less egregious than ow 1 bap and brig
again nice bait, i asked last time to post your role and hours but you didn't so i'll take it that you're scared to post them because everybody will make fun of you
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lick lick lick lick lick
doctor.....my heart....i think i'm gonna pass o
>yea would be good, but we never know how much work Japan Studio did with Bloodborne.
Their credits are big, they bascially worked on everything with From
The producer for Bloodborne who was with Japan Studios went to Team Ninja and worked on Wo Long
>From hates remakes, though Miyazaki would rather work on something new, as he stated. This is why Bluepoint made DeS
I'm pretty sure Miyazaki said he didn't want to do remakes but if his staff wanted it he wouldn't oppose it? But I don't know how big From is, could they do multiple games? They did Armored Core recently that came out a bit after Elden Ring
>citation needed
Source: me
>oh lawl if we don't we are bad.
Well, I am bad so you're gonna have to carry me
>How much money did you think the charity made so far with the mercy skin?
At least 70€ :^)
It's literally one guy erping himself
We all knew you weren't hitting anything anyway
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Hey love, welcome back
>Their credits are big, they bascially worked on everything with From
oh, ok, don't think I ever watched the credits for Bloodborne, kinda ass move to kill the studio.
>The producer for Bloodborne who was with Japan Studios went to Team Ninja and worked on Wo Long
Oh wow really? I didn't know that, Wo Long was fucking amazing. I still need to finish the dlc there.
>I'm pretty sure Miyazaki said he didn't want to do remakes but if his staff wanted it he wouldn't oppose it? But I don't know how big From is, could they do multiple games? They did Armored Core recently that came out a bit after Elden Ring
I think they are always working on 2-3 games as far as we know, I would be happy with a Bloodborne 2 or Sekiro 2
>Source: me
good, the best source
>Well, I am bad so you're gonna have to carry me
I would carry you anywhere, unironically
>At least 70€ :^)
oh right, you did buy it twice? and from me as well.
Are you gaming already? If so, have fun. I want to game with you... so bad You think we see any blogpost today? Probably next week. Maybe we get the trailer for the collab thingy today?
i fucking love winston
becuase i win-ston
Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
Good friday evening wife lovers and schizos and ritual posters, have great games and endorse your 2 retard teammates!
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I’m not endorsing the two retard teammates
Hi! I'm melting
>oh, ok, don't think I ever watched the credits for Bloodborne, kinda ass move to kill the studio.
They're just credits, can't blame you
No unique music or anything for it
>I think they are always working on 2-3 games as far as we know, I would be happy with a Bloodborne 2 or Sekiro 2
Well there we have it, Bloodborne 2 confirmed :^)
>good, the best source
I'm glad you think so
>I would carry you anywhere, unironically
Carry me through the DLC? Did you get to Bayle last night?
>oh right, you did buy it twice?
I did... Kinda dumb
>Are you gaming already?
I'm watching Elajjaz getting knocked around by the hippo in his SL 1 run, it's too hot, I don't wanna do anything right now
>you think we see any blogpost today?
1 week has passed so now would be a good time to share some first thoughts with us? Because the meta still sucks, it's literally the same
>Maybe we get the trailer for the collab thingy today?
Hm, it's out the 9th so maybe? So probably next week
You are now.
Come on, they gotta get some too Miss Enhanced Lena!
I still love life so nah. Hope you have a great day too my nigger.
don't call me n-word, faggot
i love overwatch sluts spreading their pussies to me
Hey fuck you nigger. Maybe I am the schizo
Don't you faggot me, n-word loving homosexual
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>Hi! I'm melting
aww poor you can, I help you somehow? Was already outside for an hour running, super nice weather here
>They're just credits, can't blame you No unique music or anything for it
how do you like the dlc music so far? I think the chaos god dude fight had the best music so far
>Well there we have it, Bloodborne 2 confirmed :^)
maybe we get news soon, because the Kadokawa Group got hacked?
>I'm glad you think so
you're the very best for me
>Carry me through the DLC? Did you get to Bayle last night?
I will, we're going to beat the dlc together. Nope, didn't do shit yesterday or today after Radhan.
>I did... Kinda dumb
Well, if you like it? Nothing wrong with that. Do you like the pink/rose gold more than her mythic? I think her first mythic wasn't the best choice, maybe.
>I'm watching Elajjaz getting knocked around by the hippo in his SL 1 run, it's too hot, I don't wanna do anything right now
god can't imagine doing radhan on sl1 or no hit if they are not allowed to use shields
>1 week has passed so now would be a good time to share some first thoughts with us? Because the meta still sucks, it's literally the same
Probably waiting for 2 weeks data and to tell us that pharah and mercy are picked a lot right now, lol.
>Hm, it's out the 9th so maybe? So probably next week
yea, probably next week won't be anything for me anyway. going soonish see you later, love probably online sooner if you want that need to kill radhan
Hey, now you're hurting my fee fees. Sorry anon if I was mean to you.
Does anybody here actually own a D.Va gamer chair? Either ironically or unironically?
The only orangewatch related shit I own are some figma
figma balls
Anonymous De Kuiper
>I help you somehow?
Sadly, no
>how do you like the dlc music so far? I think the chaos god dude fight had the best music so far
Hm, I haven't been paying that much attention to it, the only melody that pops into my head when thinking about Elden Ring's music is the main menu theme/Radagon's
>maybe we get news soon, because the Kadokawa Group got hacked?
I saw that lol, I'd rather have some early development builds from Bloodborne
There's that modder that has 2 pre-release builds of Bloodborne but he's not sharing anything because he's a bitch
>Nope, didn't do shit yesterday or today after Radhan.
You fought him for a bit?
>Do you like the pink/rose gold more than her mythic?
Only real issue I have with pink are the weird "fairy" sounds it makes when you use guardian angel
>god can't imagine doing radhan on sl1 or no hit if they are not allowed to use shields
Yeah I don't know, that boss is crazy
>Probably waiting for 2 weeks data and to tell us that pharah and mercy are picked a lot right now, lol.
Oh right, pink Mercy out = Mercy is in a good spot
>yea, probably next week won't be anything for me anyway
I just can't see them not giving Bastion a skin for the event, he's quite literally the best hero for it
See you soon!
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Nerdy bimbo Hana...
I would make her my hotwife
Hana lovers might approve of this
Serious question, has the D.Va outfit been trannified or is that just me being a degen coomer?
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>sees dva
>immediately thinks about trannies
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Yeah, D.Va is translocating into your home and stealing all your snacks
Can someone post the webm of the D.Va cosplay sticking her tongue out? I haven't seen it in a long time and I miss it
Not the pwn you think it is since you can't even understand what I'm asking.
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You motherfucking shit, I have been enjoying my time without seeing that quite pretty looking bitch.
Almost had me worried there.
This looks like porn
Why do they always have those drugged up/hazy looking eyes? I am assuming it has nothing to do with a drug her up fantasy
i was top 500 when i played in overwatch 1. i havent played ranked in years. what about you?
She's supposed to be asian
That's not quite what I meant but yeah
nah they cooked
>you only answered 1 question
still waiting
>t500 in ow 1
LMFAO. you still didn't tell me your role or mains.
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off-model garbage
>>t500 in a game that had 10x more players
opinion disregarded as youre a literal retarded nigger lmao
did they buff symmtera or am I just the best getting better?
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they gigabuffed her, she's broken
>or anything that would make lifeguard skins thematically appropriate
if only we had an event that would fit this sort of theme instead of throwing these skins into the store... oh well! a man can dream.
This supposed t500 ow1 GOD (that hasn't played rank in years btw) apparently his opinion is more valid than mine. He refuses to tell me the role he plays or the heroes he mains, and also refuses to show me any screen shots of his characters and hours and proof of these claims.

Lmfao, nigger take the dildo out your ass and just admit you mained mercy during moth META and grinded for your t500 and we'll stop making fun of you.
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Woah. Thanks for that, I guess?
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>make the mexican hero have they-them pronouns alongside spanish voicelines
>every single dub of the game (including the spanish one) just uses she/her for venture
that's fucking hilarious ngl
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>top 500 when i played in overwatch 1. i havent played ranked in years.
this nigga is mid plat now
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>we’re looking at reduced versions of the Damage role passive
They have no fucking idea what they are doing, do they?
I want him to put his weighty gravity in me
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>pharah had no changes since her rework but they will nerf her because the numbers say so
in the eyes of the general public is just going to be a hero shooter regardless of how many moba elements icefrog throws into it
>Increasing reinhardt's shield health
oh no...
The rework and armor changes made her op.
I don't even think they balance this shit around numbers anymore, they unironically balance it based on the complaints on reddit and bnet forums.
>There are heroes that the community deems more ‘fair,’ or at least less frustrating, than others. The mechanics of some heroes, especially at really high levels of play, require us to pay more attention to them. We still want every hero to be competitively viable, and we love that some of our heroes can be the right situational pick, but we think it’s healthier for the game for us to proactively, and in a more timely manner, manage certain heroes and prevent them from dominating.

>actively giving up on making certain tanks viable, admiting that there are certain kits that just aren't fun to play against
>still no mention on why this might happen
honestly hilarious. it's like they know but don't want to admit it
If you say so, my gay anon friend
I mean I'll post my peak + hero, if you post yours :).

You will never be T500 like me, sorry, chud.
nta but now even I am interested if you really were t500, respect to you for that. I've been doomed to be where I belong, which is plat 1 highest on support
He will breed me
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>with Illari being the biggest mover, rising a few percentage points to 55%.
they're gonna nerf her again...
>keep pandering to the role with the least amount of players
>wonder why the game is losing players, majority of them being from the other 2 roles
interesting, let's see how it works out this time. surely this tank gigabuff number 27 will save the game.
>i won't answer your question because
no, not how this goes. i asked you for your role and hours. post them. if you don't, i accept your concession and everybody now knows the anti-tanker here is some faggot supportoid that got carried to t500
She wasn't OP after the rework and for the armor:
- d.va still counters pharah
- mauga is hitscan and can keep her burning 24/7
- orisa is bullshit anyway
- ram suffers but that's his hero's fantasy
- rein has shield
- monkey was always good against pharah and still is
- hamster is immortal if you don't have sombra
- bastion still takes the same amount of rockets to kill
- torb and brig are not meta
He literally never said he was top 500 though? He could be gold and still have more validity to his claims than yours, chomo.
Disgusting. But I guess it's not far from me breeding with Illari.
because no matter what i post he will never be happy, he even tried to imply overwatch 2 is harder. a gold's opinion that refuses to post his rank and then call the other player boosted since he wont post his, even though he said he would after his, is cognitive dissonance. its not hard to be top 500 in this game, and i moved to cs and i got level 10 in that game which is much harder.
>>keep pandering to the role with the least amount of players
more like trying to lure them back in with cheap bait. they really think the tank's playerbase problem is that tanks are too weak and not simply that 5v5 is ass to play as when you're the one role with no backup
>he even tried to imply overwatch 2 is harder.
No retard that was me (someone else) and I was making fun of your ass for being insecure and not posting proof. I'm mid diamond, if I post my stats will you post your top500 shit or will you keep on molesting children?
that's purely a mental problem ow1 tankoids have and not a gameplay problem because you still play this game as a 6v6 with a player missing on both sides, while everyone else, including ow2 tanks, plays it as a 5v5 because that's what the game actually is and they don't complain.
but yes, i can post mine if you post yours, but im not sure what it will prove because i am the higher rank as you just admited.
genuine retard, please stop replying to me and go back to /r/healsluts
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Here. Now quit your yappin and post your stats already
not him but fuck me why did they make those icons so fucking difficult or impossible to decipher? another reason to say fuck off homo aaron
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those "ow1 tankoids" are quite literally the entirety of the tank playerbase. no one else wants to play tank except for the retards that stuck around, it's why it's even less popular now than it was before

>while everyone else, including ow2 tanks, plays it as a 5v5 because that's what the game actually is and they don't complain.
>and they don't complain
we're talking about the overwatch fanbase here
Here's my level 40 account with less than 30 hours in top 500. But yes, I'm a boosted mercy main that doesn't play tank XD.
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everything about the ow2 UI is worse than ow1's. hell honestly any changes made from ow1 to ow2 look worse visually, from hero portraits, to hero designs, to UIs and even the little 2D icons and art which have been replaced by either 3D portraits or straight up 2D traced from 3D models. It blows massive dick but that's what happens when you HAVE to swap stuff out to shit a dogshit sequel out
NTA and idk what the argument is even about but i would never consider opinions from someone whose 2 most played DPS heroes are shitrat and shitture seriously
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nigga you good?
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>no matter what i post he will never be happy
? No, i asked for you to post your rank, hours, and role. You told me you're t500 and refuse to answer the other two questions or provide proof. Fuck, I don't care about your rank as much as I'd care about your role and main anyways.
>tried to imply overwatch 2 is harder
???? When did I ever say this? What are you pulling out your ass? Who's voice are you hearing and did you take your meds today? Overwatch 2 isn't harder, it's a bastardized simplification of the superior Overwatch 1 gameplay. Not once did i argue OW 2 is harder even for tanking, it's not. The only thing harder about it is that it's harder to enjoy.
>gold's opinion that refuses to post his rank
you refuse to post your rank, I'm also not gold.
>wont post his
just answer the question anon. if you're that confident in your t500 why can't you tell us your role and your hours? sounds to me like you're either open queue t500 or a boosted mercy/brig player during the lowest player count in OW 1 history.
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>you're not t500
30 hours, top 500. you can respond when you are similar rank
i'm a sucker for 2d art so yes replacing those old concept art characters for shitty literally traced over the new models ones IS worse, specially when you combine them with the new heroes actually using their 2d concept art which creates a disparity between the old ones and new ones and gadfhjjgvbj
fuck off blizzard fix your shit
show us your current rank
A shame. I still do like playing this garbo every now and then, should get back to jade weapon grind. Lucio deserves the third one
i literally do not see anything that says top500 there
i'm not even kidding or trying to be an ass could you point it out
i don't care about your rank post the story behind >>483872239
Maybe the player icon? Actually a good question, no clue either
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>you're either open queue t500
30 hours, top 500, so thats false.
>boosted mercy/brig player
27 minutes on support, another false claim

anyone that wants to play overwatch with a REAL top 500 (proof >>483872660) add siztra
on discord.

>post your current rank
I quit this game and now i play cs competitively, like i said in the original post. global elite. faceit level 10.
thanks for making urself look dumb :P

>doesnt even know the top 500 icon logos
>for a game thats been out for 10 years
its the icon

Wow, you reached top 500 in 30 hours?

I thought you would be some loser who plays this game 10 hours a day and has practiced and analyzed every little aspect about it day in and day out to get good!
the only icon that's worth anything is the one from season 30 with the d.va headset. every other just blends together and is literally filler
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>gun schizo trying to act all cute
why the fuck did you delete this >>483872239 did the cops take your gun? LMFAO
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>>you're either open queue t500
>30 hours, top 500, so thats false.
>>boosted mercy/brig player
>27 minutes on support, another false claim
>anyone that wants to play overwatch with a REAL top 500 (proof >>483872660 #) add siztra
>on discord.
>>post your current rank
>I quit this game and now i play cs competitively, like i said in the original post. global elite. faceit level 10.
>thanks for making urself look dumb :P
>>>483872975 #
>>doesnt even know the top 500 icon logos
>>for a game thats been out for 10 years
that's season 19 top 500. lucio ball only gives the yellow top 500 icon. cope more
Alice Lafleur
bro you good
do you want us to not go to school tomorrow?
>30 hours
>15 competitive
>refuses to post current competitive rank
>instead shows his shitty little icon he got from being a healbotting nigger from season 19 almost 5 fucking years ago
>won't post his hours either, just shows "all modes" playtime
>27 minutes on support, another false claim
where is it? you didn't post your time either
>i quit this game

so, this invalidates ALL of your takes on OW 2 considering you don't play it anymore and instead you think you know more than people who play it more than you by virtue of being top 500 in season 19, when the game was completely dead and completely different.

lmfao, just hang yourself nigger, why don't you give me your discord so i can watch your blow your brains out because holy shit you gotta be miserable as fuck niggaaaaa
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It literally shows his time played at the bottom left, and Overwatch 2 doesn't allow him to click on his competitive stats if you actually look at the image.
not him but season 19 was literally 5 years ago nigga, considering this shit game doesn't get new players and there's no reason for you to be here if you don't play it yeah i'd say you just bought the account
It doesn't show WHO he plays. So i can't see who he mains
You fight this over, gonna play more ow2
i did post my discord you little braindead monkey that cant read images, i was also salaried and played on a team with nomy and spirit. nomy is a former owl player. please stop replying to me LMFAO
slay queen
>Resident schizotranny Alice finally kills himself after realizing he just exposed himself for being a supportnigger who couldn't hang with top level play anymore, so now he's just hanging from a ceiling fan
>add siztra on discord
>googled "siztra"
yeah, you're cringe for making an urban dictionary about yourself bub.
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or maybe you are just dogshit like the rest of this general and need to cope when somebody actually good at the game is shitting all over you? how about you show us your top 500 badge
and that's why kids you should just call someone a faggot or call them out on posting tranime instead of pretending that video game "accomplishments" have any relevance
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unironically what the FUCK is up with this general attracting the most deranged schizoids on this website
fucking no one plays overwatch anymore, how the fuck do you people end up here? where do you come from? i don't understand
>where do you come from?
I mean it literally tells you what board he's from in the first sentence of that image.
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You could just not reply to him or is that asking too much
meds NOW
It ain't happening Mercy, it ain't happening. You know these rascals and scallywags.
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not what i meant and you know it NIGGER
shut up mercytroon
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>yeah you bought the account
I guess my main with silver border and top 500 in s2, s3, s4 is also bought. I guess my steam level 500 and my faceit rank in CS is bought. I guess I'm also not really a global elite in the game that's harder than Overwatch.

>proves it
actual brainrot
you're the one who'd have to abuse addy to get out of gold LMAO
you bottom 500 ass nigga
Is this ironic
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Add siztra on discord for overwatch 2 tips. Former tank player.
Sorry dude, I don't use discord. I just play video game, have fun, do other thing
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ITT you.
>nooooo why are namefags coming into my circlejerk general where we all know each other and erp instead of discussing the game
haha you fucking retard
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>where we all know each other and erp
>he thinks that those aren't included as the schizoids
next you'll tell me the kirikobot is a normal poster too
>proves it
show us your current ranking. you haven't showed us your current ranking. you're avoiding it.

look Alice, just admit you'll never be a t500 just like you'll never be a woman. i'm sorry you got raped when you were a kid and your method of coping with the rape is turning yourself into a woman, that way the sexual fantasy you have with men isn't deplorable and instead is admirable since you're a woman now! :D. Because you despise being a faggot because a faggot raped you and made you one and there's nothing you can do about it but cut your dick off and kill yourself.

The only thing that's top 500 about you is being the in the global leaderboard for 4chan's top 500 most insufferable tranny nigger faggots that need to be exterminated
based king.
normal posters don't sit in general threads monkey
you are on an imageboard equivalent of irc or discord chatroom
lmao my thoughts too, siztra has been around here on 4chan than a lot of the circlejerking avatarfags here
chud general
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>normal posters (don't post on vg)

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What the fuck is happening
>interview and this blog say mauga's winrate is average at BEST
>dawson wants to make it easier for him to set squishes on fire
>but also looking to balance cardiac since it's not risky enough
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So uhh.. Had a massive stomp last match and.
Anyone even interested talking about the game anymore? Making me miss Mercyhomos and Kiriko bots. Wife posters. Anything.
>Making me miss Mercyhomos and Kiriko bots. Wife posters. Anything.
literally kys, they aren't any better
no we have to give this blatant attention whore all the attention now
literally look at the post above yours retard
I ain't kyssing myself nigger, I told you already!
I guess. Well I'll go play another QP match
At least I have a mother and a father. Nigger
>he doesn't use the filter
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neither do you since the filter doesn't filter that one
i genuinely do not even notice the post anymore, i'd actually start seeing them if i started using the filter
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skill issue, mine does
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filter THIS
people who are attracted to that thing should be shot
smart fella, so does mine
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oh yeah? how about THIS thing then?

Millennials had to deal with this song 24/7
if you attracted to anything but humans you should be killed
sombrabros... we're gonna be GENOCIDED...........
/owg/ is mad a russian tranny managed to get to top 500 in ow1 while they are stuck in metal
>top 500 player attention whores
>/owg/ has a mental breakdown and needs to launch personal attacks because nobody here is actually good at the game
this is pretty funny
>plays csgo
tell me you cheat without tell me you cheat
there wasn't so many meltdowns when torb main posted his gm profile last year
yeah, it was. the tranny even said they would make fun of him if he posted proof, and thats why he didnt want to, and then they did.
What are the chances this tranny will carry me out of metal unironically.
I’m a woman I am tired of being mid on roles that are not support
you didn't beat the game if you were carried
KEK. The jannies are coming to defend their tranny friend. Or he's just samefagging with diff IPs. Either way this is great, glad you guys are the resident punching bag of /owg/
Correct. I’m fucking tired I wanna leave GOLD
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I think Siztra has a gf, but there is a possibility he might carry you
>doesnt post rank
metal cope
Damnit I can’t even fake interest in him to get carried this FUCKING SUCKS
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515 posts without Brig.
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They're laughing at you in their secret discord server, btw
I don’t care if people are laughing I want to get carried I’m tired
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>friday night queue time
think Im done with this dead tranny game
this cancer shit is why /owg/ has always fought against namefags and attention whores
and now there's schizos that can't stop obsessing over them
Post the link faggot
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>this cancer shit is why /owg/ has always fought against namefags and attention whores
That's different, he's a lolcow
same coin, different side
to be fair most people were telling him to fuck off
Thank God you arrived. Just for you my man, I will pick Brig in the next map.
Speaking of attentionwhores
That fag healsloo fucked off yet or does he still post here?
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does literally every fucking general on this board eventually turn into merely an extension of the sikrit discord club?
not seen that name for a while so I guess not
Thank you. I leave again now.
>not a lolcow
He has this linked on his Steam that was posted earlier, https://desuarchive.org/a/search/text/siztra/
The Lena if she real
How old is that girl?
here's the emilnigger's steam ID https://steamcommunity.com/id/o-e

he's friends with siztra, posted on his wall too
Healsloo still posts here she plays with jose >>483819479
Never mind I don’t want the transsexual to carry me anymore bye.
Not that tired.
Is that really Siztra? I'm adding him on discord now.
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unironically how
grinding mechanical skill alone will get you into low diamonds alone even with shit positioning
Don't worry about it
wonder how long they can ignore 6v6, they've been trying to fix tanks for 3 seasons now and the fix they're actually looking for is so simple, no number fiddling required
>Currently In-Game
>Overwatch® 2
he must be one of the niggers in the discord server thats linking the general
No idea man I just fucking suck. It feels like I’m trying my best and I’ve never been able to crack out of gold once
If I knew what I was doing wrong I probably wouldn’t be bitching about it.
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smartest 6v6oid
>enough people are posting that it’s not nearly as much kirispam for once
my recommendation is to just play heroes with simple but strong kits like cree or maybe ana and see how far you can get with them. if you feel you've reached your mechanical limit then it's time to abuse the absolute shit out of counter picks, positioning and map awareness. check who's perfoming the best on the enemy team, focus them as much as you can, counterpick them whatever you need to shit on them
don't take me wrong though. shit's miserable. one tricking is complete dogshit but even that's funner than counterswapping that way. but it is a way to climb. and don't worry too much about it, shit's genuinely a 50/50 with little carry potential anyways

t. mid diamond shitter
cool argument, I'm not even that huge of a 6v6tard, but it has gotten increasingly obvious to me lately that it's a solution that's at least worth considering
just put it in the arcade or replace fucking competitive mystery hero with comp 6v6, it's not that hard, but this is clearly a big sore spot for these shit ass devs, so probably never ever
Anon. Am I on a watchlist now because I am in the same thread as you?
don't forget that they actively made fats avoid mentioning 6v6 in his interview
they're actually avoiding the topic and I simply don't understand why
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>it's a solution that's at least worth considering
No, it isn't.
You’re probably right, I’m really bullheaded and have been maining dive characters because fun. I think alot if it is also just poor decision making on my end.
don't you have some kids you have to molest?
What is wrong with you mate
what's your solution then
the only thing worth considering is removing the role completely because tankoids will never be happy and 6v6 won't change that because the entire reason 6v6 got canned in the first place was because no one wanted to play that shit role anyway.
Get banned retard, dont ever post my friend's steam Id again.
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i'd carry you but i'm from south america so ping's gonna be awful, kinda hard to play that way. dive's not bad but you kinda need backup that doesn't exist down there, so unless you REALLY have the mechanical skill to pull it off it's gonna be rough. Try some self-reliant heroes that can stand their ground, goldies usually don't have enough awareness to know when to back out of a fight nor have the support needed to back them up.
anyways, again it's just a grind for the most part. not so much about skill per se
>multiple VAC bans on record
and now even LESS people are playing it, despite more variety being introduced to the role
Ah yeah our ping would be incompatible
I appreciate the offer. I’ll give it a shot and try more cree and soldier tonight. Thank you for the advice.
Nope, you'll harass Siztra if you join.
based schizo
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This dossier building shizo shit is just as bad as namefagging anime avatar cancer
I just want my Overwatch thread back.
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Give it a couple days and don’t bitch about it. This is the ebb and flow of /vg/
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Dope illari picture. Also I think this gen is lost
Played one brig game for (You) and got railed so bad Mercyhomos from this thread can only dream of such reckless faggotry
i like playing overwatch
You and me. Gotta eat something and I'll go back to QP. Just for you anon, pick my next support hero. Mercy is not included in the options.
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>We still want every hero to be competitively viable, and we love that some of our heroes can be the right situational pick, but we think it’s healthier for the game for us to proactively, and in a more timely manner, manage certain heroes and prevent them from dominating.

>mercy will never be buffed, junk will never regain his squishy kill potential, and moira will never return to her unnerfed state, and soldier will never do more damage per bullet

basically what spilo already went over with the alec dawson interview
Why are you showing a pic of yourself being incapable of reading?
>Random poster starts accusing another player of being silver
>"no im top 500"
>posts proof
>everyone gets mad
At least I said good on him. I haven't been top 500 ever, in anything. Well maybe in being a lil bitch but other than that
Ya'll really tried to dox him for being better than all of you.
Captcha funny
why can't you schizos dox jose instead so he fucks off and we can have comfy /owg/ back.
Hey fuck you, I had nothing to do with that. I don't use discord or know anything about these anons here. I play lw, lust over wife posts and try to have fun.
>devs taking spilo as the community voice for hero balance
unironically the worst fucking ending holy shit. this is the same guy that both thinks half the hero roster is "unhealthy" for the game while at the same time wanting to give orisa a fucking flight mode
I don’t know what’s happening all i know is i need an Illari wife and I need her to sit on my face
>thinks half the hero roster is "unhealthy" for the game
he's right
Finally some sensible talk. I'll play Illari next
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And another win with the friends, and yes I'm top 500 as dva too,.
I know you all are his tranny friends in your little faggot discord server.

We don't care that he was top 500 season 19 of overwatch 1. We asked him to post his role and hours on each character and he refused to do that. We asked him to post his current rank he won't do that. You dont need to talk about it anymore, we know you're not good. Lmfao.
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>have to wait til midseason or even next fucking season for them to up the health on rein's shield
>wanting to tweak the dps passive AGAIN
lmao this game is cooked
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Fuck off mate. I don't give a fuck about this drama you people created. Now sorry I'll go play the Illari game. Leave me out of any tranny/discord shit.
>we dont care that he was top 500
>thats why we asked him to post proof
>but it doesnt count in season 19!!!
>Even though he claimed he was top 500 was years ago before and he plays cs now
>but ummm we dont care lol xD
>i wont post my rank but you arent good bud.
lmfao, what are you gonna do, post my public socials now?
let them cook
>You dont need to talk about it anymore, we know you're not good.
Post your top 500 icon, if you're better than him
You have bad opsec transginger.
if you take this game as a competitively viable hero shooter perhaps
overwatch has always ALWAYS been at it's worse when trying to cater to compfags. it's the reason we have both rolequeue AND 5v5
based siztra with the fear and loathing picture
no one cares about season 1-30 gladiators in WoW either
sorry to break it to you but no one cares about overwatch anymore, but they used to. thats why top 500 in earlier seasons is more impressive.
okay, but that doesn't piss me off less if I'm sweating my ass off on a high skill ceiling character the whole match only to lose to default value braindead pick #300
>it doesn't matter you were top 500 when the game was actually relevant
you can literally hear the clinking of metal from this post holy shit
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>playing lucio on push with an ana
>perfect, lucio is good for push and ana needs peels here I go
>save ana multiple times, play body guard and do not leave my post
>only prioritize heals when necessary, protecting my wife is my job
>ana only dies once
>we win with reasonable comfort
>ana in voice "god that was frustrating, I hate solo healing"
that would be akin to saying WotLK arenas are the only seasons that ever mattered. pretty delusional. that's just if we take your account purchase larp at face value. probably clicked the first GM account you saw on playerauctions and forgot to make sure it was from a current season.
super read my message on stream and people said to vip me (he didnt) so im kinda too big for this thread now ill see you guys never
>Can you post proof you're top 500?
>"Sure, after you post your stats"
>"Why are you so insecure, are you really not top 500?"
>"All he did was ask you to prove you're top 500, I guess you're a liar"
>"No, I just don't want to prove it to someone that will make an excuse or harass me while not posting theirs. Which is why I said I would post after them"
>*posts top 500*
>meanwhile no one posts their stats
>"You're really bad, you were top 500 years ago. I won't post my stats, even though I made you. Haha."
Post overwatch not discord shit
I usually just call him stupid for taking forever on the mini crossword then sexually harass him about crossdressing
Not even once
>that's just if we take your account purchase larp at face value
Buddy, you posted my public social medias to try to dox me and there is literal proof of me taking maps against pro teams such as Evil geniuses. But yes, I bought the account bro!! You got me!!!!!
Some people don’t understand how this game is actually played
You how many fucking DPS players will just let supports die to sombra and not even looking back? No one learns anything unless you actively look for information because you don’t really get taught
so how much did you get scammed out of purchasing a GM account only to realize it was from a burner account from 6 years ago?
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Hey, you're the one who posted my Twitter.
But yes, I bought the account, and that's why Blizzard sent me emails to Overwatch League!
(You could only get this Email by hitting Top 500, and the name is Siztra, not Alice).

I guess I bought several accounts to larp 5 years ago!
God you guys are such fags
I also asked for him to post the heroes he played. A top 500 ball versus a top 500 brigette is a big skill differential. He won't do it. Simple. Shows he's hiding something and probably played mercy that season or something lol.
>post your t500 icon if you're better than him
Since it apparently doesn't matter who you play and as long as it's TOP 500 (because the faggot who claims his t500 s19 status refuses to actually show what he played), here's an old account that placed rank 217 back when open didn't have reduced tank health pools. It's permanently banned now. There you go, is my opinion now valid because one season i peaked top 200 in competitive? Is it valid now?
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i never posted some fags random social medias, there's more than one person in this thread that reeeally doesn't care about the current top 500 let alone some 15 year old from csgo.
>Here's a screenshot of an account that's permanently banned
>I won't say why I got permanently banned and I won't prove it's my account
>It also didnt end top 500
>But I'm better than you
i was actually top 1 but my brother stole my password and i can't log in to prove it
So you took the same avatar as someone and censored the name, and now it's you? Lmao. You guys are really pathetic.
i'm literally sugarfree
>i can log in this random GM purchased account that isn't in my name that got GM one time 20 years ago, please look me up i spent 10 esports paychecks getting a random guy i can claim to be indexed by google
>Posts proof of top 500
>Has his social media doxxed
>Has proof he's played on pro teams
>Has multiple accounts of being top 500
>Has emails from bnet asking to play in OWL

>*copies someone pfp from someone in the top 500 leaderboards and doesnt even show his own stats*
>look i did the same thing as you!!

I-I have been DOXXED
>uses the same name for everything and every account
You kinda did that to yourself
im sure he did all that to brag in a general of a dead game on an imageboard that stopped being relevant years ago
your dad will likewise return someday with that milk he promised to purchase, for certain
>Uhhh so now you are top 500 because you beat my last point
Im not the one arguing with you I’m just saying you really shouldn’t bitch about that if your opsec is trash
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>Using a fact to prove a point is bitching
Yeah you kinda are bitching about getting ‘doxxed’ if you didn’t want your socials posted you should have used a different name
for me? it's the fact that the t500 troon jumped into an argument he wasn't even a part of because >>483844008 aka the post that started it all was directed at me
No, I mentioned it because there is plenty of proof on the social media(s) that I am top 500. I don't care if I'm 'doxxed'. My dox has been spammed since 2013 on /a/, I have over 10k mentions of my name on 4chan alone. Don't care. Thanks for telling me I do though.
Jesus fucking Christ. How did this fucking general dissolve simply when someone posted they indeed were t500 sometime in the past?
Fuck me man. You fucking faggots need to relax a bit.
>when the washed niche micro internet celebrity pays to namedrop himself in a thread with 5 posters and changes typing styles to defend himself
an illustrious career. get a job.
If you didn’t care ya wouldn’t be posting
I’m sure you consider this an accomplishment Congrats
probably because that poster is a genuine retard for asking people's ranks, roles, as if to make his argument better, and then refusing to do it after getting proven wrong

im not samefagging, im in an ow game rn
Don't you retards know that all the OW pro gamers have lives and professional "responsibilities" so they can't waste their time here on 4chan all day like the rest of us?
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I am the LW homo and was just wondering how and why the fuck this happened. Well back to being a QP peasant.
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If you didn’t care ya wouldn’t be posting about me
I’m sure you consider this an accomplishment Congrats
Where did I say I didn’t care?
I was posting long before my social medias got posted, posting after the fact, doesn't make me suddenly care.
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Nom donut :3
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>You bought your account
reported for comms abuse too many times
>didn't end top 500
it ends when the season ends... so?
>better than you
i'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say, i probably am better.
Because you posted a screenshot of having the same avatar as someone in the leaderboards? You posted zero proof that account is yours, it's not hard to have a single screenshot of your career profile somewhere.
>another dev update talking about buffing tanks again ( wont work)
>2 cheaters in my first two games
>mercy teammates every game that dont know how to do anytthing but healbot
microsoft just pull the plug
you didn't beat the game
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>rank 217 when the game was dead
>134 when the game was relevant
>i probably am better

careful dudes, he once got into ow academy 25 years ago when SR still existed
careful dudes, i posted a picture of the top 500 leaderboards, with the same profile picture as someone else, and the name censored. am i as good as the top 500 in here yet? im really upset about him being better than me
anyone can steal that picture and say thats them, so far siztra is the highest rank here
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>won't show me who you played
mercy main
Impregnate the kiriko
>20 minutes as support
>top 500 in 20 hours
>mercy main
cope harder
Shut the fuck up and join QP queue, it's taking way too long
no one cares
go back to diacord
27 minutes on support? boosted top 500 mercy main, clearly
so this guy is just arguing with people from his discord hoping anons will join in right
>20 minutes as support
>for current season
>won't go to Competitive-Season 19 heroes
Why don't you tell us HOW you got to t500? I got to t500 open queue, granted it's pretty fuckin easy, but i got their by playing rein. How did you get there? Just show us the stats man
yeah, lets all harass him and say he's a mercy player with 10 minutes, then say it was his discord the whole time
he has a 4chan pass and is posting on cooldown. you can see his sub-minute replies above along with 50 deleted posts.
>screenshot literally shows "All Modes"
>screenshot literally shows rank 42 with 30-40 hours
>screenshot literally shows no scroll next to All Modes, showing there isn't a competitive overlay to show anymore
>screenshot at the bottom literally says Time Played: 28 hours, Competitive: 15, Unranked 12, all tallying up with the total amount of hours being 30 and 27 minutes on support.
Yep, I'm a mercy main.
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He has a Season 19 Top 500 Icon. Open queue doesn't give that, and it says he has less than a hour all combined in Support. How is he a mercy player?
>get called a mercy main
>reply 4 times on cooldown
guess he really was a mercy times
dont bother replying to them, they are literally braindead and cant accept someone is better than them, let alone a tranny
it's literally just his discord friends pretending to be "anons"
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nigga i can accept eskay being top 500 no prob, but you can't pretend like it's not mighty sussy that you have a brand new account with less than 50 hours played on top 500 and that you never touched again
>calls him a mercy main when he has 20 minutes on support
Damn, that's really going to get him!
Don't make me say it. Don't make me admit kiriko bot is the most on topic of us rn.
>top 500
>20 minutes on support
we should call him a mercy main
kill yourself
overwatch videogame
say what you will about him, at least he doesnt get his friends to pretend to argue with him so he'll be the center of attention
Well, he has 20 minutes on support, I think we should probably call him a mercy main.
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30 minutes later he's still assblasted about being called a mercy main. think we found his true calling.
its called a flex account, obviously not my main, my main is top 500 as well. do you want screenshots of that too, or will you all say it's bought?
kill yourself spic
>20 minutes on support
i'm glad you spent the last two hours getting a current year GM account, you should really save your money though. this is not healthy.
look, can y'all new niggas stop raiding our thread? you're making the kiriko tranny seem sane here...
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grow up
Won't. Gonna play more QP
Sad state of affairs and we already were quite a sad bunch
you're fucking brown
Another day another group of trannies raiding the /owg/ thread, what's new huh?
mentally ill beaner
still havent posted your stats, and now you're going to claim i bought the account with literal proof on the social media account that posted of me playing on a pro team? yeah............. sorry but im better than you.
Sojourn is actually kinda fun now. The general damage output is more consistently high now with lower but more frequent spikes of burst damage. She actually feels like a railgunner now like she's supposed to instead of a diet sniper rifle like she launched with
If he has 20 minutes on support, how did he get top 500 as mercy?
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he bought it
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Already sick and tired of it.
>mercy main buys account
>"but the stats on the account that isn't mine say..." x50
mercy main is upset
>words words words words
what's your twitch so i can watch you hang yourself one of these days while you cut off your tiny 2 inch pitiful excuse for a penis?
>still not top 500
maybe u should play the game instead of shit talking me and claiming i bought the account, out of jealousy
nigga if you had such confidence in it, you wouldn't have brought all your discord tranny friends here to begin with.

look it's not too late, you can start taking testosterone again and fucking some hot latinas nigga we gon getchu right
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>ur not top 500
>proves it
>u bought the account because theres no way someone could get top 500 in 30 hours
thanks for inflating my ego :3
>cuts off penis
>still not woman
>"B-B-BUT IM TOP 500!!!!"
nigga let's be real, you take it up the ass like a fag you're bottom 500
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I don't know what to say. Queueing up for another QP. Hope all of you find peace with this subject matter at hand here.
>"sorry i am playing the game now"
>replies on cooldown
>"ready to see my REAL T500 account two hours later?!"
>replies on cooldown, never shows shiny new bought account
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Remember guys, cutting off a tank from the roster then lying to yourself that it's better doesn't make it a good game, just like cutting off your dick and lying to yourself that you're a woman isn't a good life choice. <3
fyi quick scroll through the archives and that guy and his posse have been spamming cancerous shit on /a/ for over 10 years and are universally hated there. and if you are to believe it, a lot of anons are saying they are cheaters, which considering he's russian and plays csgo, doesn't surprise me at all.
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>posts my social media to try to "dox" me
>doesn't realize there's literal posts of me being on a pro team
>haha he mercy main
>he bought account
Sorry you guys will never be as good as me and have to lie and cope to yourselves tho ig
Who rapes who harder? Doomfist raping Kiriko, or Siztra's dad raping his asshole?
roadhog raping venture
>when u try to hype up your niche micro internet persona to the 4chan thread with 5 posters in third person speech
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>go away for 3 hours
>still feeding the attention whore all the attention they could want
you fucking retards you aren't owning shit by doing this you can't "win" against these faggots
Illari when she rapes me
the worst part is they literally started it, not siztra
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remember to add Siztra and ask for his dad's number if u wanna get raped
my brother in christ him and his friends are literally larping as other anons and posting off cooldown to start shit, one of which just replied to you
>spams him to post his top 500 rank
>he says he doesnt want to because of what will happen
>still giving him attention after starting it
the worst part is, it's not even siztra's fault, he had NO control over his dad raping him
kill yourself
so you're obsessed with this 4chan guy who retweeted a real pro and used it as proof of being on a team? why don't those guys follow him back? anyone can press the retweet button. let me go retweet bill gates so i can be a billionaire.
Maybe think for a second and realize that calling someone a mercy main with 20 minutes on support, isn't going to offend them. lol
Maybe think for a second and realize that calling someone a mercy main with 20 minutes on support, isn't going to offend them. lol
Eclipse GG? The team I played on is being mentioned by a "real pro" team, but that means I just retweeted it?
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classic /owg/ moment
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>Siztra on the team
>Evil Geniuses mentioning Siztra's team
>anyone can press the retweet button. let me go retweet bill gates so i can be a billionaire.
actual brainrot, nothing can help you
we get it, you're obsessed and trying to claim to be a pro from 30 years ago. best we can do is a thumbs up maybe, probably wouldn't even bust out of masters in today's overwatch. buy an account and try it out.
>trying to claim
>after proof gets posted
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Post your rank if you're better than him. He posted proof of being Top 500, and a pro.

What's your rank?
it's a russian cheater, stop replying to him and his buttbuddies
>it's a rus
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hello habibi it is me yszna top 1 champion worldwide overwatch yes please 10 years ago /a/ i was really big and uhhh faceit and esea and global elite predator radiant legend
>it's a russian cheater that somehow got on a team with pro players
lmao can you retards stop coping and giving attention to the faggot, hes good, but who the fuck cares? stop replying
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It's kind of funny seeing /owg/ cope about a tranny being better than them though.
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is it gonna be
>we're NEVER going back to 6v6 so stop asking
>we MIGHT consider 6v6 in a far away future maybe~
I have accepted the fact that I am eternally platinum. Maybe diamond 5 but that's it
waiting longer than a minute, then still defending yourself in third person doesn't look any different in a thread this slow btw.
my brother in christ you have no idea how prevalent cheaters are in the a lot of pro scenes, let alone in some fucking bumfuck tier 5 scene where an org signed some online bums because they cheat- performed well online and gained some clout and won 250$ total. i unironically won more in online cs 1.6 tournaments and I'm a fucking nobody.
Well, thanks for calling me a cheater, I'm not. But it definitely makes me think I'm better :3
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totally, two magical anons showed up an complimented you and said "he's just a silly little fag lol he's good leave him alone! stop posting about him lol he's haaacking i am platinum he's the beeest from 8 years ago after the game barely launched"
the sexoko tanliniko
He can suck my dick for all I care man. Why are we still talking about him?
first official 6v6 mention since ow2 launch?
thats one of his friends trying to keep the conversation on him
forgot your anime girl and first person
Right. I'll just let it be. A few QP matches left in me
metal cope
you will never be good at the game and you're getting mogged by some random tranny lmao
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he's right, fuck snipers
this ugh, i hate getting oneshotted
>gets pinned by rein
vgh......pvre skill.....
>/owg/ gets mogged by a tranny
lmao gonna bookmark this thread
funnily enough im starting to hate rein in ow2
kiriko armpit sex
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u can put it next to the screenshot of getting 4k SR when everyone agrees the game was universally more skilled, the first year after launch.
It's funny because you would make almost the entire tank role viable if you fucking gutted parts hog, orisa, and maugas kits. In a tank vs tank vacuum making these 3 characters never be dominant because you keep nerfing their weaknesses is actually the best for the game since they already break what little design philosophy exists for tank. Too bad we all know they'll instead target the characters people like playing like doom, winston, and ball instead of the actual problem characters.
I'm not the tranny but this thread, with the amount of coping, was hilarious.
no samefag has ever been the person they were accused of being, in the history of 4chan. curious how that works.
how would you know the history of 4chan when you came here last year???
welcome to the real nigga club
winston overwatch
that trans guy who identifies as trans and puts trans all over his social media, he's kinda based and he's trans and a faggot, but i am not him, and we should leave him alone he is good at the game, and i am not him, because i'm going to queue quickplay and i am platinum at best, that is not me, he's too good to be me, and by he i mean she.
Akande Ogundimu
>You think you want it, but you don't.
except he doesn't stop at snipers. he genuinely believe anything that deviates from the soldier, rein and ana archetype and is somewhat succesful is unhealthy for the game

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