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Prepped for All-night Dawntrail Edition

The patch is out and data mining has begun — read on at your own risk

>Dawntrail Info
>Patch 7.0 Preliminary Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

>Happening Now
All Worlds Maintenance (Until June 28, 5:00 AM EDT)

>Bakers, remember to update your subject line to Dawntrail instead of Endwalker.

Previous Thread: >>483780145
based kanchelle
we are NOT using this one
remember to hide your lodestones, sisters
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just saw this on the balance, holy shit sisters
we like this, apparently
Alone, the malidster continues his journey into the night
That burden on his shoulders forever like a promise
In this game this malidster is struck down again and again
Only a moment's rest in death before he's called back again
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How am I gonna cope without my mods, bros..
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the most ambitious crossover I've ever seen
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Good night /xivg/
so as long as I avoid Kanchalle I can avoid getting diaped? sounds like a fuckin win win
Full list of pre-7.0 gear with two dye channels
Can I make money just gathering shit for a bit...
There's no bots so it should be decent money right?
But we love this.
for the first week
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>Ctrl+f skallic
>0 results
thread is going to get nuked once janny wakes up, just make a new one in the meantime
Does anyone have the old diap collage? I was on that one.. good times.
If I can wake up, I’m not in a rush anymore.
There's been diap ops dozens of times before, only you reddit newfags can't take bantz.
so what's the final zone
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Where are the Dawntrail slutglam pieces?
Can I see some cute femroes before we lose them all to femhroths when they fanta in a couple hours?
Pre-xpac lowlanders?
my caster moonie looks like this (she has 2 more int than suncats)
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imagine crying this hard about an xivg tradition
thread-warring is bannable anyway
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>4 hours to go
everyone here it too young to have watched early family guy seasons bwo
new thread being baked as we speak, don't waste your (you) bait here

they always get reported and deleted, you lost
Probably the worst that happens is he is a pissbaby and deletes the image because of wowfugee newfags having a tantrum.
enjoy the ban
you are going to niggerhell for this post.
my moonie was so powerful square enix needed to undergo lodestone maintenance just to update her portrait
I couldn't even do that.
No slut glam, we get full BDSM gear with a gimp mask
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i am

a malezen

pushing 30

who loves early family guy
uh oh meltie
this is an absolute win
Saving my you bait for the new thread
is this real? or mod trash
Take that stance off!!
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Sleeping at a normal time and playing when my friends are awake.
It's a win for anyone who cares, because it made you this upset.
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I am a femlala detective
What the fuck having a mastery like this make it so much easier
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can anyone help identify the coat this hroth is using it looks sick
>Only 3 hours to go
What's the first thing you'll do when you get on?
Don’t skinwalk my wife.
it's the snow attire from the mogged station, best all class labcoat we have
thanks anon I hope you get first in line for the ea :)
Unlock VPR and slam Leveling Roulette as quickly as possible.
Do the MSQ shit that I've been ignoring ever since the devs decided to end the story at endwalker launch
Start the MSQ
I couldn't sleep
Time to do an all nighter boys
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Ahh let him go. We'll never aggro with enough enmity. Not as a Paladin and Gunbreaker.
It may have been a brief blip, but I'll never forget the lowlander+
You didn't even try with the OP, as much as I think diaper stuff is cringe and the only people who want to see it is because its their fetish Ill be using this one. Try harder next time.
Who's your threadwife?
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She has the same energy as Shizue Baba from Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night and I'm here for it
Someone please tell me the Painter artifact gear doesn't expose your tummy on Miera please I want to play the job
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I need Molly's titties so bad rn..
You're showing off that tummy and that's final
thanks for reminding me to save this op image
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Post what you're doing while you wait for these fucking servers to go up
non troll OP, don't encourage schizos
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Mierda like this for my femezen?
You should try Shadows of Doubt. Fun first person detective game. Cheap on Steam too.
Jerking off. Anyone wanna help with that?
I'm sorry bro it's over
Are you ready to meet GOOGOOUL JAHJAH?
yo 5 generals on the catalogue CAN WE GO FOR 6????
Straightest miera players
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I'll head to my glam drawer and try on all my favorite outfits to see what I look like with them now and fix my glam plates accordingly :3
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working on Tozen.
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Painting minis for a fuckhuge narrative campaign I'm running in September.
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Dark Knight
For my divorcecore maliddie.
I hear the 2nd dungeon in the new world involves a group of tribal bird people. The final boss is a rebellious warrior from the tribe named Hawk Tua.
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Gonna jizz on that ice cream and tits
viper is the maliddie job this expansion bro
what is Tozen
how do i get a miera eb who has a cute cottagecore house that plays cute orchestrion rolls
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let my story be a lesson to u anons
u cant get wat u want in life without being bold enough to take it
i will have my beautiful husband in dawntrail
i hope i can be good enough for him
stop making femra look bad retard
fwa fwa fwa fwa fwa fwa fwaaaaaaa
Post a WIP pussy.
Oh I have
It's a bit janky though, some of the building and store generations make NPCs unable to access them so they're never where you expect them to be based on clues etc
I thoroughly enjoy it, but yeah, it needs a bit of work
Spoilers: You won't be.
Who else is gonna ERP when the servers come online?
High Ping Friends, don't forget to download XIVAlexander until NoClippy or alternatives are back
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>try logging in again just to see
>an extra 7gb download popped up

Anybody else get this?
>tfw still can't decide what new eye color to give my femlala
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I'm feeling my feels, bro
Lol, lmao even
nonschizo thread, schizo OPs are illegal
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i am brave enough to try
Yes, I will be gathering nonstop once I finish the MSQ, only stopping for hunt trains. This is how you make enough money to last the entire expansion
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Aru Tsurumaru I love you! mwah
I'm just sitting here watching a Valheim longplay. I was thinking about taking a nap, or going to the gas station and getting a soder pop for when the servers come up, but I honestly don't really want to get up or do anything.
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its too late, this thread is already the one.
Fuck off retard
Where are the jannies? What's going on?
The Valentine's auction one? I think I honestly deleted the original collage, sorry anon. I do have this post someone made and you can see it off to the side w/the original post and some responses. I cropped out the wierd groomer stuff though cuz I had no hand in that. https://files.catbox.moe/f0n28o.png
Mount Everest is full of brave, motivated people.
i've always raw-dogged my connection to SE's servers, works well enough for PVP
lil bro, your whole gimmick was raping people because you can't differentiate between the person and the character and then getting a burr up your ass because some subhuman Cuban from /a/ did a better job of catching people's attention than you.
My first server was Tonberry, but now I'm NA
Does /xivg/ wipe or let it crust?
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I hope it works out, and I'm going to require a wedding invite if it does. Happy for you!
Sick, post your VTMB build.
sisters... my femlala is feeling things she shouldn't feel...
I better get a mulatto tribal EB this expansion or /xivg/ is going to suffer for making me believe
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I can keep binging in 4 hours right?
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Don't have a recent one immediately on hand but here's one of my old ones from when I was first starting out in the hobby last year.
Please forgive my disgusting mold lines and lack of drilled barrels.
Jannies are non-existent until DT itself drops in a few hours, and then will likely only ban for NSFW, content that's illegal in the US, and intentional spoilers.
>sees femroe gets yous using this outfit
>has to copy her
do finns really
All the lowlanders are dead
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Miera or Middie for this expansion, what is the fomo?
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Sis... I have terrible news.
Leviathan's being changed to a Congested World. Your hubby won't be able to transfer for a long time.
He can still visit you, but he won't be able to slip a ring on your finger just yet.
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>over 24 hours of cutscenes
>trans rights featuring Wuk Lamat
>instant mod support
>fresh pampers
Yep, Dawntrail is confirmed to be GOTY and GOTD. Just three more hours until you all plow through all the content and then complain that you're bored. Remember to skip cutscenes so that you can be a clueless idiot like your eepy frens in the 'cord!
Anon that post was from three months ago when someone specifically asked female character players to put it on.
You can tell jannies don't care because someone posted the ebin faces image in this >>483799049
thread and it's still up
my... head... is filled with parasites
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if i fail i simply go back to basics
if i succeed i will know the warmth of a prince
i stand only to gain
ofc my beloved uchi u are one of the only ppl i would even bother to invite
now stop idling on balmung i can never reach u when i need u
finally a good post
Based on leaks, no bingo, but they were really close on a couple rows.
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Feel, don't conceal.
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The GOD build. please go easy on me, I don't really know what I'm doing besides trying to follow a headcanon, and I still don't know what inspection even does.
>used goods
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Same sister
I have not been following the maintenance stuff at all. When does the game come back up? I still have to fight Zeromus :(
stop polluting my headcanon REEEEEE
Yeah, 11 minutes ago. It's US prime time, so the report queue is probably clogged to hell and back and jannies won't see it in their dashboard for maybe half an hour. That's IF someone reports it.
You literally already posted in that thread retard how the fuck are you going to say nah like you're some kind of super cool contrarian. This is why people don't like you.
>all crystal servers locked down
thank god I transferred just before the maintenance
that image took them hours to delete yesterday
Bros will i be able to play endwalker when the servers come up? Or do i have to wait for the 2nd....
>the amount of clipping into the wall you're doing there for this shot
Yeah okay I thought so
Not gonna be any last second delays.... r-rtight???
i spent the entire time getting mad at eldene ring bosses what did you guys do during maint
getting mad my bf playing elden ring all the time
Hey. Is this the gay incel thread?
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Cute squat. I'm at work sitting in a truck and all of my Sororitas shit is in my car, I'm half tempted to just pop a squat in the break room and paint.
delay for what? game's been done buddy we'd be playing last week if not for elden ring
I can make her a woman
Girls like this owe me findom
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No I didn't.
Let me help you out bwo. Yes it's real for it's the maid dress with 2 black dyes applied.
have you done it before
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But if it's anything like EW good fucking luck getting in for the first hour or so.
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stepping on landmines and playing video poker
so the same thing I do when I'm logged in but with more focus
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>bro actually fell for Molly skinwalking people to use his spam thread
I always wanted to recreate that scene from Pulp Fiction.
a sexy one
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Your opinion on players that give their characters hair and eye colors like pic-related?
I did the same thing for shadowbringers and endwalker. You don't even have to gather in the expac zones, diadem works too, but the best money will be from levequest shit
Calm down, Molly, it's just a picture.
Did 3d printing take off in minis yet? With resin printers you should be able to get this quality
Hear me out. I do not get the love for that game. I realize I am the minority but elden ring is so goddamn boring imo.
calm the fuck down retard, diaping every expansion has been a thing since before you were playing
That's a cute outfit and I love the nail polish, I wish I took more pictures before DT rolled around
She hates mieras, and all savages equally
I am playing Kingdumb Farts 1 while I wait.
very difficult to pull off, but when it's done with precision it's pure sex.
how the- how many pictures of KR did you save just to skinwalk him?
Bro what the fuck
Thank god the game isn't up so Matchi can't gpose this shit.
Those players instantly go on my blacklist
I absolutely need to breed Lumera and Zelestia though
stupid brat. . .
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>3 and a half hours to go
You don't like Macchi?
Bro pls don't blackliat me broo plsss
Hey, I think I know this femlala...
I am making a joke.
Once the mods come back she's getting tamed by savage cock
kek stupid monkey deserved it
when are miera getting the noctis hair I want to fantasia
I am still in awe that they ok'd this design and didn't think for a second about how it looked like toothpaste.
Me as the monkey after i show a rava my 3 incher
You are somehow worse than the diaping
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are you people happy with the way new lighting is in benchmark 2? i like my malezen a lot in it :0
More of this femra?
>EB agreed to run Savage with me and will let me use her lovesense as a punishment tool for when she messes up a mechanic
Anyone else winning this tier?
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my femlala is ready to kidnap biggers in tural, where police dare not go
>lodestone still not updated
I'm gonna be 6 pixels forever.
fuck off elk
stop haviubbnng a meltie just cuz we didnt use ur thread
>the new dawntrail hairstyles we got are literally for dykes
what were they thinking
ay me!
racismo maximo!!!
wow what a fucking waste of beer
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I ate all my dawntrail snacks already...
It probably is updated
Download the pic and check
>we finally get male hairstyles after a full expansion of tranny hair

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This picture reminds me that I still have about 90+ tickets to teleport to Vesper Bay because I only found out about them when I was done with ARR xD
*smooshes a tomato into your face*
Reminder to take a last minute shower before Dawntrail
Guys it's up.
I loved watching Squat armies in the local GS as a kid and promised myself I'd get into the actual tabletop if they ever came back so here we are.
Next project after the campaign is a diorama idea I've had for a while involving a small squad of squats coming across an imperial field hospital and making desperate stand against a common foe that I haven't picked yet.
Going to nap real quick. Someone wake me up in a couple hours thanks
I'm cumming to this
solofags will never know this kino
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Going to bed,
See you all in 6 months when I eventually get to finishing 6.X!!
Permission to sniff your ass?
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staying up to play is oomfie, it's almost bedtime go to bed
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Are you going to use truists or will you play with other players for the MSQ?
Orkz. Orkz are the kino last stand
Whats your most expensive glam, /xivg/?
Mine's the coat in pic related. A little over 800k
man, elk really feels that 7.0 blacklist fear setting in now that he's only a few hours away from being ignored by half the thread.
Estinien was a menace back then now he's a boyloving faggot
actually embarrassing
>look at the elite armors on the benchmark
>they still look like ass
so wheres the updated graphics?
Give me a tongue bath instead
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Staying up until 7 PM to play the new expansion
i'll probably just queue up
not in a rush
Those queue times...
Wanna try to play with other players but as a DPS I might go with Trusts.
other people because they use aoes
Yeah I'm gonna take one while dinner's in the oven, it's good timing, really
Though, logging into balmung means I realistically have 3 hours after entering queue to do it anyway
Post one last lewd pic before dawntrail hits. I need to nut
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I bosted in the wrong threads
you can gpose pictures?
fuck u it's 5 PM
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It drives me up a wall because every content creator I've watched is so fucking stubborn about it, like asmongold threatening to ban his chat for telling him to use the summon.
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this is just like in my otome games and light novels
we are star crossed lovers now
it is a test of love
nothing more
will he win my heart
or will our love disappear into the stormy sea?
my moonie seriously cant fucking take it she needs to log in and pin the next miera she sees
I'm sort of new to the community. What is "Ebin"?
Can I immediately DC travel to Materia for the first week?
I was going to say something snarky but I'm not really interested in keeping this conversation going. I have to go empty the trash.
I use jet black and pure white on everything so the dye is usually more than my outfits
>could have finished post shadowbringer quests
>just ran around qs
Go ahead and enjoy dawntrail without me, it'll take me forever to catch up now....
He is quite literally a different, uncorrupted dude
abigail ashikaga lookin ass mfer
"Ebin" is this community's version of a thread celebrity. The term is a carryover of so many pedos from TERA playing this game where the little girl race is called "Elin" and were complete cancer just like avatarposters here therefore corrupted to "Ebin" like the finnish bear meme.
Please be on chaos
okay but I need someone to tuck me in.
All new NA players can only make a character on Dynamis
Everyone is going to Dynamis for shorter queues
Everyone is going to Dynamis for meetups
Every static is going to raid on Dynamis
Dynamisbros, we WON.
Its like, what you put your trash in, man.
>coming from the actual skinwalker
Old Estinien was peak, even if you removed the anger he's still a rough around the edges guy who is as curt as he is thoughtful deep down. 5.4 onwards has done incredible deservice to his character. I truly do not believe he would've mixed up Alphinaud and Alisaie, that moment genuinely upset me.
wtf does oomfie mean
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does summoning/not fuck up any questlines? i chose not to for rellana (we had the same build and i decided to have a 1v1 honorabu duel) but didn't get a sigil for messmer so i'm kinda worried
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Thanks, black is the best nail color. Those heels are nice by the way. I think I downloaded them but never got around to taking any pics with them.
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this outfit i think esp with the dye
but i usually just go to limsa and as ppl for gil so i dont worry too much about the price since they will pay for it lololol
before the game comes up, does anyone want to... you know...
I can't even access the page anymore, what are the dimensions for the new portrait?
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A message to that MaleRa looking for his Femlala EB
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where do i find a miera EB like this
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Practicing SAM in another game
I must hone my blade
Literally on light
slept a grand total of 2 hours. i think i'm winning.
Why would you want one like that when you can have one like this?
>me who skips every cutscene since ARR
built for maleroe bulls
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what the FUCK

I wanna try and get into this more but I need friends on OCE for it
Bros. 3 hours left.
Man I near shit myself when I saw the price on Jet black and pure white

You can DO that? Just ask people for gil?
Personally I viewed it as summon inside arena = ok, summon outside = can be ignored. I accidentally skipped Hornsent's stuff in the keep, but he was still there somehow for Messmer so I guess I didn't trip certain flags.
i heard he only dates lalafell
I tried some hunt
Feels kinda meh once you actually figure everything out
Then my rank went up and i just got curbstomped by aimbotters. Such is life in oceania
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There is this retard on light
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beat this dude and passed out immediately for 6 hours
>had to delete my lowlander to keep the troon hitsquad from finding me after the blacklist changes
i feel I may regret it in a few months after it turns out they can't actually track people's alts via plugin but it's a risk I can't take
gonna remake her on a trial account though
You say it like you're not going to be spending another 6 hours in queue lol
My femlala will take good care of him while you're away.
You two are made for eachother
BUILT for swarthy Gelmorrean duskies
>You can DO that? Just ask people for gil?
Yeah but you have to be cute or hot
my femlala is alone... ebless...
>he didn't buy the VIP pass
Sucks to suck.
No, as I will be one of the first ones to be in queue
Sex with femlalas as soon as the servers go online
where do i find friends like this for my miera
oh shit there was a summon after all? after a few tries i started beelining it for messmer so i probably missed it
hell yea dude congrats however fuck you for spoiling
He is actually built for rava gock
Wait about a month for servers to stabilize and the broken choker to reopen. One works there and the other two are regulars.
Inspection highlights lootable/interactive items in your environment. So pills, bloodpacks, and moveable objects glow. It's mostly useless. Okay for beginners.

Nice stealth archer build. Always fun to sneak around. Would invest in either computer or security but not both. One usually covers the other and its hard to make a balanced build while maxing out both. Also, don't sleep on Presence. It can reduce enemy strength, perception, and wits scores and make it so you take less from melee and ranged attacks, slows enemy attack rate. Lowering wits doesn't really matter for you since you have no other offensive powers. Great defensive option when shit goes south and you are outnumbers. Especially against humans.

I know the patch is imminent but when you get done with DY stuff finish your run or start again. VTMB is an amazing gem of a game. Would recommend to everyone to give it a go.To this day I saw the haunted hotel is the best level ever designed in a videogame.
Broken Choker is based for causing this diap meltie ngl
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i think i recognize that one
ya i do it all the time
the most charitable players are femra btw
lol u couldnt take care of him before i was around u wont be doing any different now
u had ur chance u just never took it
what are you guys gonna play through the msq
im going viper
What are we thinking on balance? Is viper going to be like reaper? Pictomancer dancer 2.0?
jesus fuck you autist, we're 300 replies in, its too late, this is the thread.
Is there any way that I can use XIVlauncher to find out what the fuck my password is, since I apparently need to use the official launcher?
I'm also going viper
See you in queue brother
Just reset your password bwo
how do i filter the rapelander, this is actually too low quality and it's giving me psychic damage
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This. I am absolutely fucking kneeling to Kanchelle right now.
Sleep well draw middie.
Surely that's just one of the freaks that has been planning to get banned before servers go live so they don't browse the general and see spoilers, no way even autists act like that. Some people just lack self control...
Do you not use a password manager for your browser?
Just check that
So I can't Fantasia myself into a dark skinned Lalafell and run around Limsa shout chatting "GIB GIL PLZ HUEHEUHUE"?

Whats the fuckin point then? I'll just stick to my lucrative fabric enterprise
It's to the right after you enter, should be noticeable in yellow, but I don't know how it works if you do the Hornsent/Leda stuff in the keep, I didn't even know there was an option to side with either there until after I beat the game.
It's really reminiscent of some of the old roegers that used to post in shadowbringers
>the guy in all the promotional material and the box art for the DLC is in fact a boss in the game
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why is it always /xivg/
not even /wowg/ is this bad and they are full of mentally ill furries
You're gonna have to reset it if you use the official launcher anyway, PD got locked out until they reset it when switching from XIVLauncher
i don't know if this is for elden ring or for xiv, but my bad either way. i hope i didn't reveal too much, think i just said a lil too much about the weapons iiirc
Fuck off shitstain trolls

I probably have to bail on this general once the game comes up, as entertaining this has been you people are disgusting freaks and nothing of value gets posted here
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i can't...
perfect time for nap
You mean Shrek? He didn't go after male characters, just Duskwight women.
>forcing mierda to act straight
>that look of terror as he is taken by a real woman
this makes me laugh so fucking hard
i'm messing with you buddy: >>483802461
No one wants to interact with lalas
I am going to blacklist every lala i see
Perfect time for plap
>"working" in a roleplay BDSM club
do trannies really
>PD got locked out until they reset it when switching from XIVLauncher
Is PD a person or what does this mean?
u are getting psychically raped without me even trying lmao im sorry i cannot control this pwoer
He liked Thighlanders, too, but to a lesser degree of horny.
When mods come back on please do, They'd look great on your girl
You'll just make her even more racist
Dumb savage
Custom built for my sunnie+ to prejac between her fat bun tits!!
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fuck yes
*posts nothing of value*
Are you sure about that
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man I was so burnt out after pugging golbex prog I forgot I had to finish the 6.x quests before Dawntrail it’s so fucking over FUCK
Dude this is 4chan. You strike me as the kind of person who'd go into a bar and get all trigged out that there are drunk people
shut up you're too loud
Every male characters walking onahole, get a real personality you pick-me faggot.
Enjoy your queue times mungoids
Femroes are so back
Anon was talking about my stupid ass getting locked out yeah

Between the launcher updating and me not having used the official one, it went "Hang on what the fuck I'm locking your account until you change your password for security reasons"

So effectively, change your password, log in via the official launcher, and see if it makes you change your password again because of "a new login location" or some shit
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Hell you don't even have to be that sometimes. When I was just starting out someone walked up to me and just handed me 20 million gil because I was a sprout window shopping for houses. I didn't even ask and I'm just a basic as fuck male hyur.
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oh ok, in that case i probably did miss it. i talked to the girl by the grace but didn't complete her quest so she was constantly yapping about something while i was fighting the miniboss with the spear
phew, had me worried there for a sec lmao
Visa debit cards are still fucked when trying to sub right?
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here have the full album
No one plays on Balmung, it's just a bunch of fucking tourists who go there to shit in the street
milktruck just arrive
HIGH value booba
I’m specifically talking about that brown one who was obsessed with malezen
aaahhhhhh wtf my character is STILL not up
Worked for me
>start work in 2 hours
at least the que times will be cleared up when i get back....right?
I find it funny the gayest miera posters are prison gay grown men
uh oh melty
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it is a morning to be good on
a good morning whether you want it or not
i mean to say that i feel good on this particular morning
good morning
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bun femboys are gonna be all over this shit, especially the midriff
Wait, are you talking about the one who was dating Grink?
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i actually do look like that, what's the problem officer?
i keep on telling you people that you have to complete fights ASAP so you don't get stuck with mouthbreathers
I just buy crysta with Amazon pay instead
>bunbois and malezen are chads
the rumors were true.
it'll be worse as more people wake up
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>3 hours to go
I think they fixed it, I vaguely remember a bulletin about in on the community posts one time when I was logging in.
>not in the dox
its so over..
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Anon... it will be even worse later on when all the yuro normoids leave work and NA ones wake up lmao
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Sweet. I hope the maintenance stops early so I can play. I'm going to help someone lvl to 90 and start the MSQ.
I hope this time around it has truist for trials.
Molly will you let me plap one day?
anyone wanna get gay when the servers are up? meet me in the new hub in DT.
>bunbois are chads
>femras are ugly trannies
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>Broken Choker is the Bada Bing of /xivg/
>full of bingers
This shit writes itself, Tone.
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If you're implying I'm that enigmatic yet handsome rabbit behind that mask, you must have me mistaken for someone else. On another note BRING ON THE HROTHGALS NOW.
maint does not end early no matter what this time
my catboy will be wearing this
just femra being femra
>So effectively, change your password, log in via the official launcher, and see if it makes you change your password again because of "a new login location" or some shit
I reset my password and it still says it's incorrect. I fucking hate the official launcher
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certified boogieman im the one that upped the score with em
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Okay ;(
shoha 2 is gone forever ............
If I remember correctly, Yoshi said something about how much of a pain in the ass it was to program the trust fight for Hydaelyn, and they don't want to ever do something like that again.
What a bizarre world we play in.
I got got by choco commets in a quest and someone randomly showed up, switched to white mage, rezzed me, refused to elaborate, then peaced out
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I want to EB the slut with the highest body count here. Which one would it be?
Okay well I can't help with that one, that's on you, chief.
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I thought I had at least one screenshot of a run where I made a 20-value tile, but it looks like I don't.

But on a different note, monster names can be pretty silly.
Sorry but I don't want to argue anymore. I just want to have super happy fun times with my friends.
my femlala is... hey, are you listening?
first time trying to play on day 1 of an expac, what's the best strat for logging in asap? do i just launch 1 second after the maint period ends, log in and hope for the best?
Tzera or Chloe
What's the "wooden doors" of FFXIV plot?
my femlala is listening
should've called in sick wagey
Someone's mad as hell about being in the expansion's farewell meme OP
>this was instantly deleted
>all the threads this autismo made are still up
Do your work properly for free Rev Mayers.
this image is like 3 years old
The item for hers and Ansbach's quest is also in the same library, just gotta explore more.
>anon forgets that self-deletions are possible
Is this your first rodeo?
Expect 10000+ queues.
My femlala.
the janny works for free sir
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i love u uchi lmao
sorry but ur too late
actually even after raping all the male characters i raped i still probly dont come close to the balmung whores
any sunny
I'll keep it 55th street... I'm secretly afraid of you.
Do you think the top left femboy hit the wall and 41%ed?
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LMAO bruh these names are wild

I'm getting a LITTLE better but man, it's hard goin
Tzera seems cool
I haven't really seen or heard much about chloe
>that jaw
do you have a solution 9 glam ready?
the op pic was deleted you can stop now
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What on Earth is a "wooden doors"
my puppyfell is like this arfarfarfarfarfarfarf
>I can't sleep because I'm excited
>if I don't get any sleep before the game goes live I have to choose
>either don't sleep at all so I can play the game, meaning I stay awake until my next work shift ends in 22 hours
>or sleep and don't get to log in until everybody else is a whole day ahead of me
I'm afraid it's over for me
he already hit the wall in that image
you already whined hard enough to get a joke image deleted, stop melting
The stereotypes are true. Bunboys are prison gay chads. Femras are trannies. Catgirls are ugly dudes or ugly women.
Holocaust denial shit
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I got a girls number tonight at work

I hope she plays XIV cus otherwise I am not gonna have much time for texting or dates... should I really choose spending time on her instead of DT?
>a noise from inside the planet
>actually it was from space
what i need isnt a solution 9 glam
what i need is a fucking gun in my mouth
can someone show me a log with a good blowjob ERP? I don't know how to do it
We're all gonna be nice to each other in dawntrail, right bros?
Still blacklisting everyone who allowed this to happen.
Fuck you especially, Tikaasi. I thought you were better.
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They're both really chill. Chloe's also a total sweetie. They both also alternate between 0 sex drive and fucking everything that speaks english and a few that don't.
It's just a fucking expansion for a game that you are going to play for 1 week and then go back to just idling. Calm the fuck down.
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Will they fix *that* one book?
cute. and yes go out with her and dont ruin this chance you faggot.
The game will be there when you have the time to log in and play at your leisure. Work is more important.
whatever you’re on about
>I haven't really seen or heard much about chloe
Very sweet and an erp main.
do you play pvp like that
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Yes, dumb ass. You have 2.5 YEARS to finish the expansion.
fuck off chloe
no one gives a FUCK about your femlala SLIT YOUR THROAT
You told us this before.
i finally started disco elysium (ouc somewhat related) after a friend got it for me a year ago and already died of a heart attack once, successfully made it through the first day after that and even shot the body down like a cool guy i guess sometimes it benefits you to take the shot even if the odds are slim. other than that, downloading the patch, doing some chores, and a bit of some gaming with the fc. nothing too special.
i couldn't ask my thread crush to play dawntrail with me in advance... but maybe... if we're both online... i could ask her about it...? maybe she would play it with me...
Shut up, Molly, no one cares what you think about them.
I thought you meant Chloe Weaver.
I have no idea who that Chloe is.
Chloe's asleep bwo
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I will as soon as mods come back if I don't forget.
Malezen motorboat mode activated.
Stop with the public meltdown, its not cute or quirky you fuckin sperglord
Annoying sexpest that thinks having a higher plap count means he has higher social credit
anon do you know this cat?
(You will.)
>a total sweetie
Stop talking about yourself in 3rd person.
pretty much
you can save some time if you use xivlauncher
as a hunt chad each new expansion is at least 2 months of content for me
work is not important
*hides your mean post* haha loser ppbbbtttt
your melty makes me wish i saved the picture to use it for the next thread
Oh my god shut up
Chloe Scarlet
man y'all are fucking weird
So how far in the msq will the "vacation" part end
I give it an hour tops
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3 Hours my niggers
I do. I care.
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>This level of schizo posting at THIS fucking hour
glad I play a male lala so I don't have to deal with this bull shit.
improvement unironically
people don't actually find melee dps hard do they
>images you can smell
how about you pose eachother kissing instead
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anyone wanna play with my femlala until the servers come back up?
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there's no "vacation" at all. the story is that we are supporting a candidate for leadership. this was always a work trip, not for pleasure. the vacation shit is just an off hand comment yoshita made.
nothing in this game is hard, don't pretend like you raided in arr or hw
my moonie acts like this
>depriving someone else the catharsis of killing me
It'd be funny as one last "Fuck you" but at the same time, I couldn't deny someone that dopamine and adrenaline hit
Each grand company had like 10 guys, not an 'army'
hey y'all, lizard (au'ra) squad member here. hope y'all didn't plan on playing today.
fucking FINALLY
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sometimes you gotta popout and show niggas
i don't get it?
I didn't when I was playing DraGOON.
I still don't now that I'm playing Gunbreaker
oh shit new race?
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Thigh meat
Toes on a split.
Eating this femlala.
this is a much cooler design for graha
Quit saying this shit. You're not funny.
2 dye channels, right pic is how it used to dye
there's some tranny on the balance sharing these
sure... what are we gonna play...
im gandalf
and gandalf means good morning
Neither are you so stop posting.
please share with me the tricks to make a fuckton of money as soon as the expansion starts
anyone want to have sex?
Idk what you’re talking about, Lalaboys are perfectly capable of finding partners
blow my whistle baby whistle baby
let me fuck you a ton
If I were isekai'd into FFXIV I would sodomize Alphinaud. Anyone else?
New treasure map materials
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>posting the prince of all manlets at me
He's a jobber and you are too
If you're gonna come at me, come at me hard, give me your all and maybe you'll suffer less before you die
>very soon we'll have hrothgirls with watermelon tits covered by blown the fuck out fur textures
level crafting/gathering and sell the new crafter gear
we already have that with retarded ass catgirls
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>please share with me the tricks to make a fuckton of money as soon as the expansion starts
Treasure map materials.
Gathering/selling mats for crafting gear
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Do you think the Trains are actually going to exist in real time in the over world? Or are they just going to cop out and have them as quick travel with a cutscene like the boats?
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I know this is bait but you need to improve your efforts. Nothing about the design changed, it's just racebended. Calling it improved is just anti-Asian racism.
farm materia and sell them day 1 of savage when everyone is scrambling to pentameld their gear
the furry expansion
bwos we winning
catgirls dont have furry tits. but the stretched out bibo textures look awful too.
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>male lala
>anti-Asian racism
based. we need a third nuke
The day we get a black scion is the day I'm quitting the game
do your roulettes and spend all your tomes on materials to sell to crafters
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>tfw the blacked shitposters were the real /pol/tarded npc racists all along
disgusting niggerlover
could I make good gil selling time to let people fuck my character however they want? even before mods are back
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Shame femlalas. Ignore femlalas. Berate femlalas. Kiss a fiddie in front of a femlala. Tell a femlala they'll never be loved. Kick femlalas while they're down. Ditch femlalas. Lie to femlalas. Make femlalas question their self-worth. Force a femlala to go through Dawntrail alone.
Now that the time is actually approaching, I can feel my strength waning. I usually go to sleep at the time that the servers come up. I don't know if I can make to actually play the game
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can we play der riese next
What do you like, Malelala? You gonna go one of the new jobs or you stickin to a different favourite job for the MSQ?
How did femlalas end up being the most schizophrenic
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anon... about erenville...
You know I was actually thinking there are some pointy headwear styled glam. Do you think if someone wore that in all white would they get banned for trying to look like a klan member?
It's been decided.
My divorced maliddie WILL be using Viper to go through the MSQ.
Jet black =/= african
Hunt trains, buy materia, hoarde it until the first raid tier

Make alts on every server and unlock the marketboard retainer on all of them

Have a partner trade with you on all of those alts to spread your massive amount of materia

Then when the tier drops start selling it with constant 1gil undercuts, be super aggressive
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a stamina game~
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>improvement unironically
Yes! Fuck those Yakubian snow apes!
I'M the black Scion in my game.
shame your diaper fetish outweighs your hatred for niggers
They're not, it's the falseflags that give you that opinion
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I am
a bun
who just woke up

come here lil pogchamps
y-yeah? y-you'll have to teach me the rules...
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woozle wozzle
crazy how one (1) image was enough to set off the polchuds lmao
>Woke up too early
They femlalas from here are unironic schizo diaper trannies.
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Goodnite frens
Femezen take that title.
t. fiera
but the op was made by a femezen
good morning im still a jpg
gonna be honest i think the new classes look boring as shit but i'll be happy to be proven wrong
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are you sure you want to be in this game
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formerly lala
i love tan blonde sunnies so much bros
That's actually the updated picture
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>not a bull
Tell that to HIM
fuck me in dt
looking pretty 880x1200 there bro
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my male middie rizzing up any woman who'll listen like:
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correct.. I meant to sleep until 3am but after my a/c turned off I heated up in my blanket and woke up from it
I made a ton of money selling crafting mats. Particularly fabrics. The more annoying the fabric is to make, the more it sells for. You just gotta be willing to set some time aside and make that fabric to reap the benefits of others laziness.

>Make the mats
>Sell at 10% reduced cost compared to current lowest price
>Sell in batches of 5 or 10. Too many to a batch will drive the price up and scare off customers

I went from 100k to 800k in about a day.
Im pretty excited for some of the new NiN moves, even if they are buffs
I assume the rotation will be the exact same besides something being removed?
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The 10:3 ore is better than the 10:3 bars right? It takes 5 ore+1 coal per bar so by doing the ore to ore that would mean you save 7 coal, but if you have a solar panel that negates the coal requirement so then again they're basically equal

Never mind I figured it out while typing up this post to explain why I was confused. Thanks for letting me make this post.
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at least add the picture of my EB cumming on my face irl
imagine the fucking stench of these apes
are you that one who likes piss?
did yoship update the womens feet?
Want to plap until servers are up
and after servers are up
and at our eb ceremony
literally who
See now I know you're larping
There IS one like that, but the majority of the femlala posting isn't femlalas

Also I forgot Kanchelle was a lala, so I guess there's that too

Once again, the loud minority (Yes, Kanchelle, I am calling you a minority, seethe about it) shouldn't dictate the view of the majority, and if you're swayed by that, you're an NPC with the inability to form your own opinion
femlala sex?
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Not according to my watch.
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>Yes, Kanchelle, I am calling you a minority, seethe about it
*throws their cloak behind them and walks away, totally veiled from being ID'd*
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Husband materia

Though I think I'd like to see him and Tataru start something together, based on those quests. He's a super thoughtful dude and is like his adopted father, they both deserve the world.
damn bwo i just log in and send out my submarines, takes me 5 minutes and i make 2 mill
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you dont hold hands with femras. you lift them up by their tail alone
Sowowo Kanchelle and Kyoppi are/were all diaper lalas
so it’s technically three
What fuckin submarines??
Do you get pentamelded crafting gear first for that?
why ask to be included when nobody knows who you are or what cum tribute you're talking about
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AST looks so bad I wanna kms
>awake again but this time ft. Tummy Aches
I guess I just stay up now, servers could come up early right?
it's a thing only fc leaders get when they have a house

half the houses in this game are taken up by solo free companies used solely to send out subs and make gil for them
My EB would hate it.....
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Leviathan, checking in
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>2 and a half hours to go
>stay up
>launch game
>remember that every single expansion wastes at least two hours of your time introducing you to a portion of two maps before actually getting on with the plot
Fuck me, nothing important ever happens in these parts and I don't know why SE is afraid of making a wholly linear expansion instead of this weird zigzag they think is so clever. SB was close but you're still locked out of half the map until your return to gyr abania.
femlala belong to fulala...
I've got the cruise chaser theme stuck in my head
I forgot about Sowo, so yeah, 3, which is less than 10% of the femlala population of /xivg/
I get that bad stuff gets way more attention than the positive, but that kinda stuff causes much harder uphill battles for the rest that it's fucking annoying
I'm not gonna speak for others, it'd be presumptuous of me, but I know that for me, personally, I hate it because it causes second-hand flak based on perception and interaction with the worst examples

La Cucaracha, I will survive long after humanity has died
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Forward and back
Femlala belong to every single male race. Yes, even lalaboys.
that cock shot hit me like an 18 wheeler
fuck femlalas, impregnate femlalas
tfw no fwalala wife...
and then go forward and back
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My maliddie went by the name "Monarch" during the Cascadian Conflict
I’m trying to play the elden ring dlc but I can’t get past messmer because every time he talks I think of aymeric and I get woozy and pass out
i woke up
Messmer is for Rellana.
If they aren't unironic schizo diaper trannies, then they're just plain awful people. There's no compromise with /xivg/ femlalas.
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bro woke up
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>Too early
i wanna impregnate one femlala in particular so bad...
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did whm get double assize yet
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which one? you're anonymous, so just say it!
I hope it's me....
all of the alexanderslop songs are mid minus like 20 seconds of rise
i miss xivg before spineless retards spam reported and melted over anything they didn't like
if I say who it is I won't be as anonymous anymore...
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>seen this webm before
>she's cute and I remember the guy's look on his face so I rewatch it
>that fucking erect penis scene

holy shit I just woke up my housemates with my laughter
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my femra in Tuliyollal
No, did you double your ass size yet
>they're just plain awful people
I resemble that remark
...depending on who you ask, I suppose

I've been watching someone play this, having not played it myself
femra on femra violence
Ideas for future playable races?
Nu Mou.
did i sleep through the solution 9 password getting figured out
Are they the same voice actor? They sound exactly the same
i've heard this femlala is awful but she seems nice
it will be revealed in a solution 9 sidequest
>unnamed neko
>kumfi kush
how long have you been holding onto this picture
unironically a form of pixie
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how much longer
Burmecians and Bangaa
I'm still looking for a heal/tank slut to lvl up my picto, Aether btw.
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If I'm logged into the launcher before the servers go live will it update and let me just press play as soon as they're up or would I need to re-open the launcher
I avatarfag and blogpost, but I own my opinions and treat people like people. I am not to a lot of peoples tastes but I don't go out of my way to make the thread unreadable, just annoy people a bit with scoreboard posting late in NA nights (or used to, at least).
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>guys, hear me out
>cats, but bigger!
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shut your mouth you worthless ass catboy
Bigger where?
Impressive. Very nice.
Now lets see the hands.
2 burgers 18 fries
Mowwy I want to play!
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buckold certified you do know this cat right
2 bongs 18 bings
2 hours left bwos
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take your pick
thats what ai slop was made for
why so mean...
We already have blacks as a race
what are we gooning to during the maintenance?
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you are paying attention right
you all have been in the terlet for far too long step out
sorting algorithms
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any chance the game comes online early
your sadpanda favorites (all have been pruned)
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Kumori Vaizar
you getting gangbanged by the thread, anon
0 absolutely none
That garlean brat from earlier
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Okay not bad actually.
no we don't
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Ugly face, she needs to be cuter.
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sorry, I don't like brown people
My wife AT
>I don't like brown people
>makes her look like a SEA
CW and KW
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Hey, so I was late on buying DT. Got it from a drm free website and put the code in. I should be good for Early Access?
Thanks guys already fapped and my room smells like cum
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Femlala EB for my Malera
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where is the cheapest place to get dt btw? anyone know?
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>So soulless that you use AI to get off
>Not even good ai at that.
i thought the tanks were plapping these healsluts during maintenance
Hmm i should make a meal in preparation for release. That'll help the time go by too
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anon this you?
you do hear the music right?
what the
Ye, actual game codes don't get sent out for another few days.

I got it from Greenmangaming for $30 a while ago when they had discount event.
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Tomorrow will be too crazy tho...
now make her tan
>get off
lolmao, implying
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No, I'm sorry, I can't do this
The actual game codes are out already, they just can't be used for another few days
Qrd on this one
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I'm going to get some 2am Whataburger anyone want anything?
cum doesn't actually have a scent right bros? women can't smell our cum room can they???
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I am a maleroe who have
Collected every pieces of armors, talisman and weapons in the dlc
Now onto ash of war, incantations and spells
>tfw no eb to play long drive with
ive been told it has a battery acid smell
yes they can, it has a very distinct smell and it's very easy for you to get used to the smell and not notice it

if you leave your room for a week and come back you will notice it
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ohhh its holiday seasonnn
guess we have to eb as soon as servers are up now
Good work, Shoro
Chat do i play gunbreaker or monk
i fuck femlalas, lalaboys and fulalas
i impregnate only 2 of them
t.male bigger
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Welcome to Dawntrail!
Get me the sweet and spicy bacon burger with some fries and a coke
Thanks, I hate farming the divine beast soldier so much
take it slow and take a bite
Sorry, I have "nigger" in the negatives and that's non-negotiable.
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The suffering never ends........
should I have a snack before Dawntrail launches
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>2 hours to go
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honey bbq tendie sandwich
It's time for another vendetta
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"Resignation is my virtue; like water I ebb, and flow. Defeat is simply the addition of time... to a sentence I never deserved... but you imposed"
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2 more hours to go.
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i'm ready
based, what about sagging in neg + bursting breasts in positives?
What are the chances the maintenance finishes an hour early???
Should I rebrand my miera into a doman middie this expansion? That would be fun.
DRGbros are we back??
based texasbros
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I'm an ausfag, I've never had it, get me whatever you'd say is worth experiencing

Masochism and Landmines

Ya welcome

Gunbreaker! That's what I'm doin


I wonder if it's worth turning on, I've got XIVAlex to fix clipping but I hope the server ping is stable at least
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Grab me a taquito and I'll split it with you. Also a Dr. Pepper if you don't mind.
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You ever wonder why we’re here?
Is there going to be another download whenever maint ends?
I'm still worried my character will be uggo'd
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What was image 5?
Fuck you faggots made me look
Whataburger got bought out and no longer chooses to remain in TX only, most major cities in southern US have at least 1 whataburger now. It's not like Texas where Whataburger is as common as McDonalds but it's spreading.

From what I hear though the 1 whataburger in each city has insane lines because they're the only fast food open 24 hours in the area kek
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Fuck now I want whataburger. I'm going to regret getting whataburger.

brb whataburger
can I queue for multiple roulettes at the same time in dawntrail?
split 1 taqutio? what are you a child?
I don't think I'll finish working on this F-List profile before the servers go up...
it was bard
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leviatan del primal
>condom in mouth
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whatever you fucks are on about
Is this thumbnail broken for anyone else
Me? I'm going to level Viper, then do the MSQ and all side quests that appear alongside it, and not be done with the MSQ for about two weeks.
Rushing through? No thanks! I won't compromise my enjoyment to "keep up."
That anon is right about me being in Texas though
cheeked up
sorry, it's too heckin' late and I need to get up early
maybe tomorrow
>Whataburger got bought out
They tasted different after that happened but
>and no longer chooses to remain in TX only
this is utterly heretical, like opening Publix outside of Florida.
Happy for you man. Enjoy the game as you like.
that's a guitar pick
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>woke up
>2 more hours
Should probably work out a bit in the meantime.
damn that's a good idea I should do that too
I ordered from Greenmangaming but haven’t received the full game code yet. How long can I play with just the Early Access code?
Gonna cook HQ tacos for all my friends except the one I don’t actually like
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I had been saying DC and World as like an address, ala "Zalera, Crystal" but I kind of like your style of doing it. I may be schtealing it.
no, that's a condom, because I said so

til like July 5th

do they get the normal quality tacos?
this is why their quality has gone down as well, their burgers are dry as fuck in an unpleasant way now, like they always taste like they've been out for hours now with how curled they are around the edges, it's not just one location either it' been a universal problem since they were bought out

>doesn't even show a bow
either let us use other instruments or fuck off
Thanks bro, see you in a few weeks to talk about it!
It's unrelated to XIV just a canon I felt like making because I was bored.
The bow is right there in the image
They get nothing.
They lose.
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it's a guitar pick
calm down elk
Best way to no get disconnected after 30 min afk?
based arknightsfag
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good night
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They've been in OK for quite a while, even before the buyout.
The opposite, I don't have much of an appetite at breakfast and my temperamental middle-aged gut gets upset if I overeat...
Leviathan, Primal
this expansion's counntdown has sucked ASS. This is worse than endwalker's BLM where they thought "green goo" would look good and it only looked as if they forgot to turn the background layer visible
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Don't forget redeem your copy of dawntrail, July 2nd.
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It's such a weird feeling. I got the game on 1.0 launch and have played every expansion. This is the first one that I just...don't think I'm going to play? I didn't even buy it for the first time ever. I'm just so tired of being hopeful, and then have nothing pan out. I love logging in on the new expansion and doing the story and getting to those dungeons. It's a great first 2 weeks. But then after that there's just the same cycle of nothing. Release raid > log in for 3 hours per week to run it and then....that's it? In other mmos running dungeons actually matters, or leveling beyond the cap with alternate advancement or class masteries etc. In XIV there's just....nothing. I just can't justify paying for an expansion and playing through the story in a few days then just raid logging once a week. I really wish there was more to the game, because I like what it is, there's just nothing there. It's a shame, I guess I'll see you guys later? This just feels so weird to me.

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