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>SMT VV Trophy List

>Vengeance OST scans

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks will be available for listening on digital streaming platforms soon...?

>Funny photo featuring Alice

Previous Thread:>>483635063
hows everyone doin
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What is your honest opinion on this dog?
I wish I was carefree enough to sway in the wind like that
Redux and ignore any contrarians. Its harder than the OG, more dungeons, more contents, high resolution art compare to OG, and lots of qol stuff.
nekomata > door mat
terrible, i need to sleep and stop playing so i dont get fired for being late.
Go to bed
Doesn't being able to save anywhere reduce the difficulty a lot in a dungeon crawler?
If you use it. Unironically don't use it.
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Its nice to see her in a proper 3D SMT. Everything about this dog is cute, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope they keep bringing her in future 3D SMT games so I can keep putting her as one of my main attacker.
why does she pant so much
Christ I was only exploring
She is getting excited. Either becoming more powerful or seeing (you).
>have all three moirae sisters in my haunt
>Clotho flirting with me the most
b-but I want to date her drunk sister
SMT game based on Cabin in the Woods when
Taito is very open compare to the other maps so they put big fuck off demons in the places you need to explore later.
Clotho is the best. She's the sister who begins life, think of how many babies she will want. Lachesis will nag and judge your life and Atropos will probably kill you in your sleep.
>Its nice to see her in a proper 3D SMT.
Holy newfag
It's weird.
The orochi mobs that abscess spawns is harder than the orochi boss that resides in the abscess itself.
is there a good way to guarantee consecutive encounters? I still need that trophy for 4 in a row
i got 3 or 4 encounters from mad gasser jump scaring me, maybe the demons that pop out from the air will get you there.
Did you not play other SMT titles in the series or something
I am not playing Soul Hacker 2 and the rest is just an animated sprite. I am amazed she didn't appear in DX2.
She appeared in Raidou bro
>Its harder than the OG
Are you sure about that? I'm playing it RN, I'm blasting through it
Impossible Mode is a thing
VV failed, what now for SMT series?
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Oh yeah... I need to unlock it first
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lol nice try
It won
Metaphor won.
Did they lose the digital devil saga source code which is why we will never see it release on steam
Call me autistic if you want, but I've been keeping a very specific group of demons in my party (no fetching them back out of the compendium or anything even) -- mostly themed around 'human' demons, with some exceptions -- and I'd like to share them with you as I approach the end of my playthrough. So if you'll allow me:

the boys
>Cu Chulainn
>Finny McCool


they were a little more reasonable than the other two (also I used to have schizo delusions about Lilith so it would feel weird not bringing her along)

Aogami's waifu

Aogami's daughter

black guy

protector of my virginity (very important)

adoptive daughter

adoptive son

the family dog


her smile was too cute to turn her away so I just kept her around

I'm not even using half of them anymore, I'm just pretending we're all rolling around as a big happy family :)
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Works on my machine
Being able to save anywhere utterly defeats the entire purpose of a dungeon crawler.
you're autistic
>nooo you have to play for 30 minutes and get randomly crited losing all your progress
hm nyo
>I am not playing Soul Hacker 2
Smartest decision anybody can make.
Is it smarter to take Demi Fiends essence for skills or the resistances. I ask mainly for Satan and Masakado. Heard dodge Tank Nahobino is busted against those enemies. So i would not even need any nulls
the resistances are superior but the skills are fun
Did satan and masakado dethrone demi-fiend as the hardest boss or is he still the king?
I read that you can cheat the AI against Satan by using that one Nahobino skill that guarantees evade. Apparently he will not use Megido Ark but only Megidolaon.
wheres the point of no return in CoV? is it still after metatron?

Not sure about true Masakado, but it seems Satan is harder than Demi Fiend. I still see those funny 1-3 turn clears on youtube for all those superbosses. But those obviously have VERY specific teams and demons, abusing their innate skill and such.

Yea around that area again. You will face one more boss before you know your ending route though
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My favorite SH2 demon
>Nemissa will be modded into SMTVV
How, she doesn't have any animations outside her idle lmao
I like the Bird Quest OST. Very sad that it's used only once.
Why? Don't you summon demons in SH2.
Oh buddy, the game is FAR worse than you could ever imagine if you don't even know how little your demons actually show up
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>Remember watching SMT 5 boss fight of Baal
>There was a bug where his animation was the NPC run from Half Life 2
If only I had a gif of that.
>See a gameplay video of SH2
Why in the fuck did they make a Persona rip off?
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Rig her onto Yoko's model and go from there, it's not rocket surgery.
I don't think any one singular person on that dev team had any idea what they were doing with anything. I played through the entire game, hoping it would pick up, and it just sucks from start to finish.
>that murakumo cutscene
Is this persona?
>and it just sucks from start to finish.
fucking hell
>Get a game with COMPs
>Its not Persona with a V-tuber aesthetic
Lemme guess, its the TMS director?
I wonder if someone will do a hardtype mod for VV
The TMS director being the same as SJ's just show the absolute state of SMT before and after Kaneko's departure lmao.
director team, it has two directors but they're the same people
>Hydra gets downsized when you use him in your party
its the same with nega frost
Don't even look how fucked up Snake Nuwa, Beelzebub/Metatron, and Seth look like on the same party.
did they make Shiva easier or is it just because I wasn't using a party full of fairies this time?
I think I'm going to look into fixing this with mods, can't be that hard.
Which demon vendor exchanges stuff for chakra items?
There was a mod like that for vanilla V iirc.
i beat shiva on hard at level 83
i used dlc demons tho cause i'm a biiiiiiiiiiiiitch
I want to break Artemis hymen
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I heard physical was busted in this game but holy shit. Good think I made a magic Bino, perhaps I should keep these three only for very difficult fights I don't know how else to solve
Honestly I would keep her in my team forever even if she wasn't meta just because of her stupid sexy poses, cheeky virgin showing off her huge ass
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>Glowie suspicious angel doing the merchant pose
It can't be all coincidences come on
but why?
Its not an uncommon take to believe that Tsukiyomi was considerably more compelling than Aogami, right?
I think he's pretty boring.
i think they're both boring and forgettable. i barely distinguish between them. oogami is with you for longer so they tried like, i dunno, endearing him to you (?) by giving him all those talks where he tries to understand humans or whatever, but in the end he still just talks like a robot. you get attached to arnold in T2 because he clumsily tries to do human/fun stuff with the kid, oogami is just boring the whole way through. he doesn't say anything interesting and he doesn't do anything funny, probably because the MC is also boring and at most has like one or two funny responses in some sidequests.
i dunno, it doesn't matter anyway
Only reason i remember aogami is because of the retarded fujos in this thread
he's more aggressively protective of you and his values unless you go chaos
Do the VR boss rematches in VV use the original battles boss theme or is there a dedicated VR battle theme?
Yoko going on a tangent about cars lol
I liked seeing how he wasn't so cold and calculating as he appeared but genuinely cared a lot about people. The bench scenes with Aogami could've done a lot more for him, but he gets taken away just as you are starting to see him become more caring and thinking in a more human way. Tsukiyomi is kind of like a jump to someone who already had that development. So although they are still a dry robo man warmer side that also has a bit more insight does come through. I do think both your partners should create a stronger attachment but the changes brought them up a few notches. Aogami gets the most kino scenes though.
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She is absolutely adorable
Isn’t Demifiends essence null everything so you can’t really use it for a superboss since it makes them go apeshit spamming piercing?
I'm a demon designer! Using more than two colors is for CHUMPS. Finishing legs is for CHUMPS. Disproportionate limbs is literally the peak of cool.
I wish she actually had pantsu instead of bloomers.
I mean, I still fapped to her bloomers but still...
Doi design tier list with VV designs
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>nerfed to push new DLC demons
Fatlus are so scummy.
I didn't know asahi was in the game
Question for those who finished the game
Does alignment affect the ending or only certain choices in main story for CoV?
>basically no practical way to restore MP in battles
>oh, except this demon which can spam a healing spell that also restores MP and has a unique special that maxes your HP and MP and stats
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Just placed most of them based on feeling. Didn't bother tiering most of the concepts since they're not in-game, I tend to prefer most of them though which is a shame.
You alignment will force you down law or chaos. If you are neutral you'll get a choice. Through the game dialogue generally seems to matter but it isn't always a law or chaos choice. Side quests also have an impact if there is a dialogue choice. The floating word choices seem to swing it harder than other ones.
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aaaaannnnnnnnd done
Demons >:)
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>Tao reincarnates and rejoins my party
>Lost all of her support skills and Mediarama
Damn bitch, enjoy the bench.
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He gets better over time /10
The dumb bitch actually forced me to delete someone from my stock to let her in.
So what if she isn't human now, she can stay as a guest for all I care.
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The only way to make Cabin in the Woods work is having it being very dynamic and it being a short game due to needing to choose the demon that chases the cast, along with maybe being able to select who in the cast to play and how everyone interacts to cause events for the monsters to spawn. The real reason why most modern horror vidya games based off movies are being multiplayer horror is because of this, since it removes most of the work needed since humans control everything. It's a great film, but there is more of a chance someone emailing Whedon and using the main company that makes multiplayer horror games saying it's free money than Atlus to making something like it.
concept art doi is best doi, but he does make good monster designs once in a while
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now that maitreya isn't in VV I really, really, really hope they don't use the IV:A design
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>jack frost
Based and agreed.
Is Estoma in DDS? These encounter rates are insane.
You can use cheats to lower it. The mothman encounter rates are insane in the sewers
>These encounter rates are insane.
The hitboxes of the red eyed statues in DDS's citadel are about 4x as big as they should be.
At the last area in CoV. Are there a lot of CoC exclusive side quests? Trying to decide if I should start that route from scratch or just go with ng+ stats and just push through the story to fight Masakado.
It's based on tiles
rate mainline protagonist designs
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makes my dick expand
do not make my dick expand.
simple as.
I think the next SMT will have tons of nostalgia bait for IV. It just makes sense given the track record.
>IV was SMT 1 nostalgia bait
>IVA was SMT 2 nostalgia bait
>V was SMT 3 nostalgia bait
This also means VI will be a weird continuation of IV events, likely after the neutral ending.
Isn't that just the series switching between styles each entry? 4//4A are both vaguely 1/2 inspired rather than anything direct. V/VV makes a lot of direct call backs but the structure and story are doing their own thing. 6 will likely be tech/sci-fi focused again cause that's just the wheel turning.
Who should be the 4th slot for the Satan fight. I'm on NG so no Masakado possible sadly. No way i'm playing through this shit again twice just for Masakado
Love her
Nope, basically every CoC side-quest was ported to CoV too. There are only a couple missing in Chiyoda (which is replaced by Shinjuku, but most quests still were transferred with just a couple left out), the new Masakado one and the later two Khonsu quests in Creation that play out differently from the Vengeance scenario. Most new Vengeance quests were added back to VV Creation too, aside from some Shinjuku ones.
>4//4A are both vaguely 1/2 inspired rather than anything direct.
IV literally starts with a SMT 1-like dream sequence and Johnathan + Walter heavily resembles the Law & Chaos hero from SMT 1. Then there's IVA making references to SMT 2 events and even having you fight YHVH himself, whom hasn't been properly seen since SMT 2.
>V/VV makes a lot of direct call backs but the structure and story are doing their own thing.
For CoV, sure in a way. But CoC is very Nocturne-esque and the fact that V Lucifer been Nocturne Lucifer all this time makes the story being nothing more than a bizzare continuation of TDE events.
Thanks anon. Will do a ng+ run then. Maybe I'll do one from scratch when I'm chasing after all endings.
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Thanks, Dagda. Masakado is defeated.
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Here you go.
put the famicon designs of the SMT1 and SMT2 protagonist because the redesigns look worse

I wonder who had the idea of giving nanashi his shaved head,fucking moron, i think mixing nanashi with flynn could be cool
This image is outdated. Needs Ringo, Moonbino, and Metaphor protag
holy shit taste batman
>that joker rating
zoomer hands made that image
>character has helmet or headphones
What kind of autism is this?
Aren't those sunglasses on SH protag design, not goggles?
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He's a good design and I stand by it. Persona 5 itself is pretty terrible though. (Persona games in general just aren't good, the dating elements are cringe)
At the bottom you see where I highlight a good example of headwear done right. It's simply very easy to screw up headgear. Especially with lame earpieces that just don't fit at all and ruin the aesthetic. I vomit every time.
You might be right but my rating is still unchanged. I didn't go into it but his design in general just isn't very good. Dude looks like he has care bear ears and that green isn't doing him any favors. It's a weak design that would've taken too much text to go into.
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that glasya ass tho
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This is cringe
>Less than 100 likes
>caring about internet fame currency
go back, then kys
btw im trans and erp as a girl on discord
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They should have given Nahobiho some quote acknowledging the Nahobino's look has changed in Vengeance. It was odd they didn't do that.
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9.5/10. Visually it's an excellent design. One of the few times I've seen a huge jacket with poofy arms done well. I can't give it a full 10/10 because I think she would look even better with proper long hair. Women with short hair in general will lose at least -0.5 on my rating table, and yes Ringo has long hair in the front but two long bangs just doesn't cut it. It's just how it is.
Bumped up to a 7.5/10 but it's reluctant. I think the scythe blade is worse but the overall design is slightly better. Still a twink with rollerblades though.
Twinkcore trash. 2/10. Japan just keeps blurring the lines between male and female, huh? All to appeal to the tranny western audience. I cringe.
Honestly the reliance on technology to fight against the supernatural in those original SMT games is something I miss, I feel like in later games they started blending the technology with the magic too hard and something like SMTV Nahobino is basically the endpoint of that "there is no difference between magic and technology" mindset. Nocturne was probably the first mistep on that path but it felt like that game wasn't even using technology at all, it was purely the demonic magic side.
Needing goggles to see and communicate with the demons, using a custom made home computer and some literal schizos custom code, walking around strapped to the teeth with firearms and swords, thats SMT kino to me...
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I really wish that the Magatsuhi demon spawn rate would be increased a lot in NG+ and onwards. Makes some trash mob fights super interesting.
Damn she's cute
cringe. go back to discord
>>caring about internet fame currency
Yes. Having less than 100 likes is pathetic, especially if V is supposed to be the most popular entry in the series.
There are PS2 games that look better than this, holy shit
how about you buy yourself a rope with your internet points and use it
Such as?
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thats literally just marth
MGS 2/3

Off the top of my head
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>Muh internet points don't matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You did the same shit when SH2 was new and posted about how the fanart it gotten didn't get many likes, so I'll do the same thing with V. Cope, seethe, and dilate faggot.
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Aleph Hiroko bros...
They’re pretty similar so it just comes down to if you like being babied by a robot or not. I bonded with Aogami the most but Koshimizu is a cool guy. I wanted them to talk on the bench together
i didn't do anything. go tell your therapist about how sore your butt is, not me.
Rent fucking free
marth, but for the gen-z trans audience
You're geniunely delusional or blind if any of those games are graphically better than Metaphor. None of those games look better than even SH2
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my wife... how am I supposed to build her? an almighty/agi/muudo buff caster?
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It brings me immense pleasure to know you're still as angry over those posts 2 years later. I truly own you little bro.
Here is the key you are using "Graphically" anon said the PS2 games look better and they do,i ts not just a matter of graphics
The games I listed have soul, it's not about raw processing power
I get it you are just delusional but hide behind buzzwords and moved goalposts
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SMTVV but Nuwa is twice as big canonically and model wise. Thats it, thats the only change.
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nta but even P3 had more fidelity in its character models. hell, the blonde's hair looks like a fucking pool mattress in Metaphor.
You can slap essences on her now and NG will have her return with those stats.
Nah you put words in my mouth but keep shilling Metaslop for free
imagine the foot scene
Was it just coincidence that I got the dialogue mentioning "the real nahobino" after changing back?
I really think you should actually go back to those games and have a clear look, and take a screenshot and put them side by side. Ideally with some glasses and not rose tinted ones from your young adult years from the time you were a much happier person, so your perception of aesthetic is not actually compromised.
They have the technology to make good hair, evidenced by V/VV, so I don't know why this shit looks so awful.
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aleph rating so low disappoints me
didn't ask
Oh, you mean in the Demon Haunt? I haven't seen that at least, but I was thinking about the quest where he joins.
He's an 8 at the very worst, these niggers have no taste.
not to be a hopenigger or anything but VV is really fun.
>Arioch is the fallen angel of Israel
>Sword in hand, ready to spill blood
>big mouth on his belly to gobble up land
>Bibi's demon face
I didn't mention soul though?
Almighty buff, and add Safeguard to avoid losing turns if Chaos misses.
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I wasted my time with this
I kneel
too many gay porn and 10 but I more and less agree
How do you unlock this
Collect all Miman on every single route
Seriously? this isnt modded in hes ACTUALLY in the game?
Trust me bro
>fire weakness
>positive fire potential
>4 uniques
I'm tired of the blatant favoritism
oh no she's drownding
oh well
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I feel like gustave sticks out in SMTV. Like who the fuck is he, they explain the miman but not him. I guess he could just be an OC netherworld resident like you'd see frequently in older games but again, its JUST him in V so he sticks out like a sore thumb.
he looks like the skelly third top
drow elf gf
His design literally looks AI generated.
Here is the (You) your body craves
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the good aleph design
if I could I would prevent you from having opinions on things or any thoughts altogether

I would become a zombie and eat your brain whole so posts like this wont happen again
I beat him last night he wasn't difficult
Red Riderbros…
Black Riderbros…
Jack the Ripperbros...
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*blocks you're path*
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>blocks you pACK-
*walks right past them without resistance like 98% of the enemies in the game*
/smtg/ likes to pretend aesthetics don't matter if the game is good or that Kaneko's character design is good, while early SMT is extremely ugly and unappealing. People care about aesthetics a lot, nobody wants to play an ugly game. There's a reason why Persona took off with its stylish designs by Soejima, and SMT only started seeing some spotlight once Kaneko left and Doi, Soejima's assistant took over, I wonder if there is correlation.
>stylish designs by Soejima
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gr8 b8 m8
Doi was Soejima'a assistant for two games. he has way more games working on backgrounds supervised by Kaneko, so his design sense is closer to Kaneko.
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searching for yoko's used dragon dildos with a treasure map
His style looks way more like Soejima's than Kaneko's and it shows in V where he's trying to do the pseudo Kaneko shading and it looks like shit because it doesn't fit the style
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Most "forum user" alignment rep since isamu lmao
One of the easiest bosses really
A child wrote this.
Yoko using me as her computer chair while she shitposts on dds.net!
Doi has done heavy brush shading for ages. the technique he uses for it since V is something exclusive to him in atlus afaik, but anyone with eyes can see the difference between Soejima's art and Doi/Kaneko's heavy brush.
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the fuck?
Female Elliot Rodger
It's not her fault, she's just an edgy goddess.
>no midi download
I love the 4chan moth
SMTVV on PS apparently not cross-gen saves. Too bad, I really liked that functionality with the rerelease of Nocturne.
Please list the balance decisions in VV that you were unsatisfied with. I would appreciate the information.
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Every cat demon with paw power Innate. You need at least 2 or it's a waste to take one. RIP Ose
why not bring his gf, Flauros?
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I'm honestly surprised that SMT fags didn't do something like this when vanilla V happened
Does the same logic apply to other stacking innate passives like Four Oni and Angelic Order? Do those passives count just 1 or do you need atleast 2?
because no one hated it,they liked it more than IV
if something of this capacity was going to happen it would happen with IV and the guest demon designs
IV was better
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Some are worse at it like the Auspicious Beast. I do not know if the Innate would let them pass the 10 skill limit
>Skill potentials improve among demons with Auspicious Beast based on how many of them are in the active party.
guest designs kinda ruined it for the core fans
it took years for them to accept Doi too, but not as much as the guest designs
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Okay im on Vengeance, lvl 80
Shiva require lvl 80 but he is 96 or 95

how to level up? i have this temple unlocked (world design location ever) there are 77-76-75 mobs maximum. I have 10 evangelion item that can up 10 levels. But i need to level up to 85-86 at least. And im getting 7-8k exp already from one battle, maybe 15 with Lucky Omagatoki. Riberama is not working at all, im not getting double battles

so, where to level up Nahobino guy? i understand that i will not level up my demons, but at least main character.
do not redeem the throne sir
I beat Shiva at level 82 the level scaling got toned down significantly in Vengeance. Just do every sidequest before going into the temple then fight Shiva.
>how to level up?
you pirate the mitama DLC
Didn't really care about the guest system, i feel like V is much worse than IV in the guest part aside of IV doing shit like Agi on the wrong boss
>because no one hated it
Komori said in a interview they received tons of hateful criticism from fans because OG SMT V wasn't good.
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Replying to your lame bait post but it got 1.3K Likes in 3 hours
i think i did every sidequest that exist already. but i kinda want better demons like 93 baal and so on

i pirated, but looks like i pirated before they liked DLS things. i don't have mitama stuff, dagda and konohanasakuya

but okay, 82 is good level too
anon, guest demon designers, not guest party members...
he never said that, unless you have seen an interview I haven't
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Fucking kek
i'm retarded my bad
He did say that. I don't have it on me atm but he basically admitted that og SMT V wasn't good.
you are talking about developer spotlight. this is what he said.
he's talking about the internal wishes of the dev team and not how people reacted to it.
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1k is pretty pathetic when the common standart for remotely popular fanart on Japanese Twitter is 10k or more likes.
Holy fuck you retard
go back to twitter and kys, you e-whore
Literally one of the most pathetic posts I’ve seen this year.
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This is the reality of schizos. They get butthurt and hold year long grudges because you tell them their video game is shit. Any rational person would just agree to disagree and move on, but that isn't the nature of the schizo.
Humans are so scary and crazy
True, it could be worse
Its kind of remarkable how quickly people in this fandom can develop a Headcanon and start treating it as fact
H-hee hoo, keep them away from me...
Name these supposed headcanons
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You say my videogame is shit? I like it anyway
SH2 is 13 dollars on fanatical
i'm not that schizo and i don't care about SH2
when in doubt just shit on SH2
SH2? SHit2? haha
who came up with those names? lmao
sir please
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Naizuri from Alice. Outfit mods for her when? A swimsuit, or a nude one...
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oh, it's chakra names. of course it had to be jeets who came up with such shit names.
Holy cope
why does Demeter do the ZAMN face
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I made a lego chironnupu
do you have a gif? she looks so stupid. Her talking animation makes her look like fetal alcohol syndrome. i like her but mannnn, im not a fan of some of her animations.
My brain has rotted so much I read the last one as squaa da lah
omg… *upvotes*
What the fuck is an upvote?
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Reddit nigga
What the fuck is a Reddit?
taoism sisters...
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Jack Frost is a protagonist of Jack Bros so he's the best.
He cute
Indians make me want to take the chaos route
What the fuck is godborn.
new super hard difficulty for NG+
what does ToT mean
Two penises, one hole
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Trick or Treat
crying face
New Game+ Mode where all enemies are level 150. It's not a difficulty. Like, you can play safety Godborn. To unlock Godborn you must beat Satan though
Does demon Yoko join the group when starting new game plus creation? She is not a guest character in Vengeance
You can summon her from the compendium once you get access to it
figment slash still seems busted even with the nerfed animus
>nerfed animus
Really, how much of a nerf are we talking about?
it only increases damage by around 1.2-1.3 now
Was that a busted combo in the original? I always just spammed Yabusame shot for press turns until a burst critical turn where I would use Akashic Arts or Myrriad Slashes. Even using 1 extra skill slot to fix Figment Slash's accuracy never seemed worth it to me.
Wow that's a big nerf in damage. Guess Atlus felt it overshadow charge/concentrate too much despite them being the reason they were overshadowed in the first place.
Is DDS trying to tell me something or is this just BM?
i think it means your currently afflicted with a status effect iirc
Temple of Time
ur bad at the game
I would love to see him hang out with that witch quaditsu
figment slash was the go to demifiend 1 turn killer
tandava on hard godborn can suck my fucking dick.
In DDS: Can I just place the highest AGI character in slot 1 to get first turn against demons?
I feel like Dazai has inherited the position of Colossal Faggot from Isamu in SMT3
>Based lawchad who wants to bring justice to the world with power vs sniveling retard who wants to be alone forever
Dazai is at least funny. Isamu is just a pathetic faggot and nothing else.
so why couldnt atsuta fuse with tsukuyomi after all that time while i was running around shinjuku when he was his knowledge and he even replicated the proto-fiend fusion onto one of those machines but beeno gets it right after he dies?
am i missing something bros??
How do you feel about the fact that the international audience is saving Megaten?
i know this is bait, but keeping something alive isn't that same as saving it
Worrying because many people in the west are mentally ill and Atlus might pander to them more
They needed to not do it right away for the plot to work, please understand
Awful, purely because westoid politics will eventually corrupt it. Then again SMT is a bit too autistic for current year
For whatever reason Atlus really didn't want to show the other Nahobino forms outside of the boss battle against them.

See in Creation how you only get to see them transforming when they fight against you, but otherwise you just arrive to see them already defeated (or if you went law, you arrive before the battle but Dazai still randomly dies anyway).
Obvious samefag.
maybe if it starts blowing up retardedly or something. Its still pretty niche even after SMTVV.
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Don't care about the rest. I think Doi defend himself pretty well, though his design only do come together in 3D.
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>"obvious samefagging"
>2 posts a mere 40s apart
kys newfag twitter tranny
Use the demon statues to level up your demons
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Can't imagine being Atsuta.
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Heh, you wish!
Made for sex, impregnating, and marriage
Yuzuru is such a siscon cuck lmao
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so what unique skills did they give the dead jew?
Holy reddit bird
why did they make him a white jamaican?
BTW I'm trans and think eating the bugs are good
2016 /pol/ fag.....
amazing how you can make one game your entire personalty, SH2-fag
take your childphobia into reddit and complain you fuck
Reddit tier video
>he calls being against pedo shit"childphobia"
holy fuck the mental gymnastics on those pedos these days
What a ugly bitch. I want to punch her repeatedly in the face till it's nothing but a bruised purple bloody mess.
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Sorry you're gay.
Hope you get better soon.
Atlus was responsible for memes like Revelations: Persona, and DDS was just the FUNi Z of their trainwreck localizations
>Trying to look up reddit bird skirt
Kill yourself fucking pedo
>tranny hates biological woman
many such cases
more like shut the fuck up stop screeching over lolis you bastardized homonigger. keep whiting
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t. discord child predator
>mad ledditor gets triggered
ok childphobic nigger. i bet she will appreciate your fucking service. dumbass
>child predator
bro she's not even real you fucking slandering homonigger
Nah. Asian women>>>>>>white women.
homonigger, it's enough.
Fucking faggot ass name, ong i wouldnt want to be caught with a lame ass nigga name like that.
I want to fuck Lucifer (female)
plus family name "man"
god i wish i were yakumo
why is this thread so full of paedophiles?
Why is she female Ishtar again?
that's supposed to be Ishtar is it not? not lucifer
>two trap door dungeons in a row
this is getting tiring
stop samefagging you fucking rat tourist. stop ostracizing fucking people with your cabalistic fucking rituals and trading kids and fucking them while panelizing fucking people with your laws. you fucking kike. you think you can gate the lolis aways from other people while keeping them to yourself and you cabalistic satanic shit?
*Why is she female Lucifer again?
Sorry I glitched.
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i'm trans and haven't taken my meds in 6 weeks btw. also my diaper is full and i am too lazy to change it
getting mating pressed by loup garou
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I'm glad you found your path in life!
Fucking truth
out of 10
Abortion of a Design
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oh wait she's pretending to be weak
Made it to Taito and Fuu-ki plapped my shit in front of Tao, it was extremely disrespectful and I hate him
She's Siberian
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based loli bird wife making reddit trannys seethe
you can stop samefagging now, tranny-kun. we've seen enough to understand your mental illness.
the only ones against lolis are twitter tranys like (You) thougheverbeit
Don't the Quantum novel also imply he's Jamaican though?
i read her lore she's chinese i swear
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Kys reddit bird
China is Siberia, dummy
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juden please.
pedos are getting uppity again
Fuck off pedo
why juden getting uppity again?
same- and newfag bird pedo really thinks throwing around buzzwords like "twitter", "tranny" or "jude" makes him appear less like a newfag lmao
what's with the samefagging newtranny getting all worked up over a bird?
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Finding attraction in reddit bird is creepy bro
>Finding attraction in reddit bird is creepy bro
wtf shes fucking anime lmao, doesn't resemble anyone. is this tranny's new way of singling people out as baddies?
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>103 damage
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So is being attracted to female columbine girl
i find you pretty normalfaggy as well. do you even know what it means if you're a newfag do newfags even care around here?
resting bitch face
shin megami tensei?
god, who wrote this dog shit script for DDS? this is fan fiction levels of writing. it's like a 13yo wrote this.
sex with cielo
So there's this guy called Bat, right? and he then transforms into a bat demon. isn't that cool? and we'll have this dude Heat (awesome name, i know right?) who really gets this new world and just wants to have power. and everyone is at war with each other and everyone transforms into cool demons and they all eat each other to grow powerful and all that. isn't that cool?
-the 13yo that wrote this
Does anyone know if Jikokuten appears in Shinjuku, or is he a punishing for only in CoC? I know there's no four heavenly king quest in CoV, but I want to fight him if I can.
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a family of sir birds lmao
First time playing an SMT game. Gonna play through CoC normally but play CoV with a bird demon only team.
Cleopatra's so thick
So impreginatable
agrat mating press
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Young man, can you please help me and my family? This is my wife and child.
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>no microbikini nahobino mod
>no maid nahobino mod
>no bdsm latex with ballgag nahobino mod that disables negotiations
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hey that actually sounds cool, I think I'll play this kino game
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is there a yoko nude mod
>More twerking music
this is a masterpiece
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do we have info about navigator demons? there are lot of them and i see only old information about like 6 navigators

by the way i dont have pyro jack navigator, maybe i ve missed something?
wooooow. he's useless
I want to play DDS but the shit kaneko artstyle is a turn off now that we have a good artist
Good. You're the exact type of faggot that needs to be filtered
>he doesn't know
Finally beat SMT5! I'm pretty happy, I ended up going with the myriad gods route on the canon of creation. I liked it so much that I'm immediately starting ng+ for the vengeance route to see what it has in store.
>replying to obvious trolling
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If replying to trolling was prohibited the general would probably get 95% less replies
snake handjob wooooo snake handjob wooooo
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>Giten update.
>The translation is pretty much finished with the exception of demon conversations. There's still some cleaning up to do, but we're the majority of the way there now.
>Additionally, I discovered that the unfixable crash during the murmur fight was actually an emulator issue. I've played through the intro sequence using DOSBox, and it worked perfectly fine. As a result, I'm going to switch my focus solely onto the PC98 version going forward.
>There will be a build up soonish. Thank you all for your support.
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I want to put my dick between her tits and thrust pathetically, cumming in less than two minutes, all while she looks at me with that face.
Finally, I cannot wait for it to be 100% done being translated.
Based and same
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Absolute unit
when your too lazy to make an actual giant or give him textures
Unironically, you can have Slime in the party and it breaks some stuff, not sure how much if there is a limit to it.
o-of c-c-c-ourse you can have the east roman empire my dear. yes, take all of it.
I wish demon women were real
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One thing I like about VV is it makes every demon viable in some way.
They are you just dont know how to summon themh
except that a lot of bosses resist or null ailments
how do I summoned demon
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This will be Marisa Kaname in 2024
>that you can cheat the AI against S
Finished both last night
If you fight them normally then Demi-Fiend >> Satan
It's a lot hard to cheese satan though, and Satan is significantly more annyoing
i need her in my life or i will kms
Reddit bird
>demon in fairy village forgot the word for jumping
>Gives me a bead when I jump to remind him
Little bullshit like that is so kino, putting content that you might miss all over the game is extremely based
Im halfway through Shakan and I'm overwhelmed by how many demons I have. I can't keep track of all their skills. A bunch are from hours ago in gameplay and 10 to 15 levels lower than I am that I never use.

Should I just delete them all and only use my best so its not overwhelming or something?
Have you considered fusion
The persona 2 guy
You don't need to remember every skill, just keep each demon as a "type". Like this one is offensive magic user with fire stuff, this one is a support, that one is a good phys one... Easier to remember their general use than everything they have
you should fuse the demons you dont use into demons you think you’ll use. Its good having a full stock of demons rather than few very powerful demons as they could be beneficial with resistance stuff in bosses.
Holy shit what if you gave Nahabino a slime essence for its affinities and used a slime at the same time? That and I guess 3 more weaknesses from a random dom. Im going to test it out later if no one else does.
There wasn't a single boss I faced that completely nullified all ailments until Giga Lucifer. Also Satan makes you not want to use them but other than that atleast 1 ailment works on every boss.
The Satan fight 2 turn kill does this
Theyll just be fused into demons I probably wont use either since I havent really hit a wall where I need to change stuff around forn awhile. Maybe its just because Shakan is fucking boring so far cause I can autoskill everything totally brainlessly and havent got to a boss in awhile.
Holy shit I never figured out how to break a game before not even ff8
Shakan is the worst part of the game outside of the other dungeon
Retarded fucking logic but okay
Kozuka peaked with no hypocrisy
just keep fusing until you strike gold anon, thats what ive spent half my playtime doing.
amabie is so fucking reddit
I don't think he's topped "The one who stands against god" personally.
What did reddit do to you that you see it in everything?
He's an r/megaten reject, they didn't want him and neither do we
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Very good
>He's an r/megaten reject
That makes a lot of sense if true.
Breasts not big enough
Thighs not big enough
Nipplies not big enough
Post better porn next time
thank god
you dont know who the fuck i am, i just dont like amabie. Her fans are annoying.
B-but anon, she's a reference to hecking covid! She's the rare exception where idol shit is purely fine!
>Nahobeeho gave me an Essence with Freikugel
>still haven't found the Murakumo one
Bros I'm so tired of Sakanagi...
the reject has a point though. Amabie is idol trash and idol fans are the worst
I don't know who you are, but I know what you are. Go back, faggot.
You could have grabbed that shit the second you got to the 4th area. Why are you doing side quests before searching for all of the essences and abscesses?
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I never used any essences in my game except for the restockable Aogami ones. If they weren't a pain to get, I wouldn't hoard them.
Jokes on you, I'm doing all that shit simultaneously. I just straight up haven't gotten Murakumo yet.
By the time you get it, you'll get the superior mag skill shortly after and respec
Big true if it had pierce.
Sometimes I buy them from gustave, but I guess you could fuse/summon a demon and spam grimoires.
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>he doesn't know
*goes back*
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>respec for 1 dungeon (where you can bypass all the puzzles by using estoma field) before magic becomes outclassed by the new Str skills again
Oh I unironically thought you were talking about Thlassic Calamity. That skill is still too new to register in my brain.
I need more power.
You automatically get Jack Lantern when getting to the fairy forest, and after being done with the story part can just go there get him again near the leyline. That part is identical in both Creation and Vegeance.
Can someone help me out? I’m trying to start the quest “rite of succession where you fight Khonsu Rah in Vengeance. I’ve completed
The winged sun and spared khonsu so I’m not sure why the quest won’t show.
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I hope 6 has a nuanced neutral rep like yakumo and nuwa where and doesn't fall back on it being yet another bleeding heart
You have to talk to Khonsu at Bethel Egypt in CoV
Bethel Egypt in Da’at Minato right? He’s not there. Maybe I’m at the wrong place though.
They might not go the same way but I get the sense the devs want to move away from neutral being the easy good option. Even though base V gave neutral an extra ending it was kind of a middle finger with you being a pretty useless god.
Are you playing Vengeance Canon? Are you in Taito already? Then he should be there when you go.
In CoV you talk to Khonsu at Bethel Egypt after doing Amon's quest
In CoC you have to talk to Miyazu at the fairy vllage until all her new dialogue is gone then listen to Isis' story at bethel Egypt before Isis gives you the quest
If you're playing the Vengeance storyline he should be there. In Creation he's at the fairy forest but you need to talk to Miyazu
Yea vengeance canon, in taito. I haven’t talked to everyone in taito so I’ll look around
You haven't forgotten to beat Amon, right? Probably not since you said you completed Wing Sun.

The mention of sparing Khonsu is odd though. He doesn't appear in that quest in Vengeance.
I think my game might be glitched. I have all the prereqs and he’s just not showing in bethel Egypt. Super annoying I need his essence for the null phys
Nah I beat Amon, so I’m not sure what the fuck happened.
Tao's Light of Order also has a hidden feature to drop your framerate to 30fps.
Ah yes I see
>Make 4 demons that you desperately want to run together for their passives to work
>can only run 3 out of the 4
>add in Samael on top who you also want to run with them
It's not fucking fair I need more SLOTS!
Wtf this is Kaneko erasure
I noticed this with smoke balls
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Apparently Chapter 3/7 crashes aren't fixed on the new emulator, we need a new version. The same crashes that Kaz found still exist even if you change the emulator. You still can't progress past the first 3 chapters of the game. I'm happy to see him continue, but if he didn't do any coding fixes in that time, I wouldn't call this a progress update unless we get a new version of the patch.
Smt1/2/if... bros won
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Should I use human companions more? Other than Yoko for her skill quantity I barely bring them because I usually have other debuff/buff demons or their weaknesses are weird
>don't want to get rid of demon's unique skill
>but it's weak/doesn't Pierce
Fighting against my better nature to make Dagda a Freikugel spammer.
>I get the sense the devs want to move away from neutral being the easy good option.
Why do you say that? V and VV are notably more bias to neutral than chaos or law. I think it's more so the devs are tired of the alignment system and just want to make one route to put all of their time and effort, which is neutral.
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retard neutral literally gets sidelined and sits out the final act of vengeance
i'd sit that one out too if i had the chance
Anon.......siding with Tao is the literally the neutral option
The Huang Long essence is the best after Demi-Fiend, right? Was relying on Artemis's with Resist Fire the whole game before getting this.
tao is a lawfag because she wants to perpetuate the system that yhvh put in place and keep things the same, neutral wants to destroy the throne/remove any demon/angel influence on humanity, and chaos thinks they need to wipe the entire slate clean and start all over
>side with tao
>my guy on the map swings clockwise
explain that
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Tao is blatantly law aligned. She's just nice too.
Clockwise is Law.
Yes, he is arguing that it means Tao is law and not neutral
I leveled up Artemis to 70 and she never gave me an essence... I miss demon whisper...
>Tao is blatantly law aligned.
During the beginning of the game, yes. But her interactions with Yoko and seeing Mastema schemes leads her to becoming more neutral, eventually to the point she loses her robotic personality in her panagia form and creates a world that purely benefits humans. No different from true neutral in CoC.
its still a world without freedom though, tao is just the new arbiter goddess that benevolently grants peoples wishes and ambitions. In CoC's "true" neutral v-kun stays completely out of messing with the way things work and only silently observes while we are told he's gonna have to defend the throne for when someone eventually trys to succeed him
You have the highest chance to get an essence when they learn their final skill. Just register them before they do that and save scum for the essence. It's easier in this game than Strange Journey.
That line I posted is from Shijuku, it's not early Tao. It's when she starts pushing back against most of Yoko's words too rather than just taking everything she says.

>But her interactions with Yoko and seeing Mastema schemes leads her to becoming more neutral
Even after she learns Mastema turned people into salt she says they made a mistake but can still understand each other in the future.

>a world that purely benefits humans
Nothing in the ending says they erased every demon unlike in True Neutral.
im a demon
>Nothing in the ending says they erased every demon unlike in True Neutral.
I think Tao erased all the demons except for PM and Aogami, since one was keeping Tokyo in check and the other was V-kun best friend.
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This is where the demon mods are at so far
Can't wait to see all the empty slots filled up
I do hope he also adds some low level early game shitters as well just to spice up a replay
I really, REALLY wish they added the guest system to creation as well. Imagine actually getting to use your routes bino pair/form instead of killing them off the instant you start their route.
I can't wait for them to mod in Dx2 Sonic
Does charge stack with impaler's anus
Also how do I get to that one aogami in chiyoda
Anon… Panagia Tao in Vengeance is still Light-Law…
It does not stack, no
I’ve been running around Ueno with Tao when does Yoko take over
the alignment lock at the end of the game
You only can get Yoko back after the Empyrean.

I actually wonder if they even gave Yoko lines for the two Taito alignment quests since you can skip them and return there later. I don't expect them to have it though.
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Don't show this to Yoko
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what carriers over to new game +? if anything carriers.
having multiple demons that do the same thing is good since later one you can just switch em if one runs out of MP or gets killed. their first form are ass though, wait till you get their evolved form.
Newborn, just the compendium and some specific miracles I can't remember right now.

Reborn, everything, aside from levels of the guest characters.
Kudlak Time
I managed to prettify him
any particular reason to chose newborn over reborn aside from just wanting to start over?
Holding back the killing blow against certain enemies was always the worst part about this game.
Yeah, it's pretty much if you still want some challenge in the new game, while Reborn is to go through it as fast as possible since you carry your full team and such.
They randomly added a brand new HD model of yatsufusa to... the persona 5 gacha. Not DX2.
Lol. Lmao
Because different dev teams, retard
Do you think I don't know the made in china Persona gacha and the sega made DX2 are different teams bro? Always weird seeing how ready people are to seethe for no reason, my line of thought is that it's funny the P5 gacha is adding new kaneko demon models, I assumed more marketable anime characters would be more their speed and new demons was territory more firmly belonging to DX2
I swear Sukunda is just pure placebo in Vengeance
then why are you asking retarded questions when you know the answer retard?
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Please remove the stick that you have so jammed up your ass buddy, the whole point is I that DON'T know why they added him, it doesn't really feel like something that appeals to that audience. That was the point of the post that I really thought was innocuous enough, but it's got you acting like I jammed an ice pick up your pisshole
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>give him one of the most broken innate every
>Everyone and their moms use him in their team
What did they mean by this?
its natural, he's the best demon ever made, he's also hot.
He deserves it
They also gave him one of the best boss themes
He's a demon from Nocturne so he gets special privileges
The only true answer here
>one shot a smug nobody Hindu God no one give a shit about
>casually turns to you and says hi
First impressions mean a lot
But I thought only Doimons get privilege?
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I want to turn Gabriel into a fallen angel if you get what I'm saying, hehehe...
that's a man
Not after SMTII
Turns out making an amenesic who barely knows shit being the companion guide for a silent protagonist with zero characterization its not such a great idea.
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She was a woman first, the male form was just a phase she reverted back from after realising it wasn't the true her
>one of God's archangels is a tranny
What did YHVH mean by this?
The truth is that demons that were important in Nocturne(Masakado, Lucifer, Beelzebub), demons that were popular in Persona(Yoshitsune & Alice), and demons that were designed by Doi are the ones that gets special privileges.
What I want to know is why is his passive named after novel where the devil takes the form of a woman to have sex with a guy.
Was he Right?
Sort of, he mostly exists as alignment bait
Yes but he was really fucking autistic
What about Shiva then? He got a nicely upgraded model and Tandava is the best unique move in the game in terms of animation and being faithful to a demon's source.
Keisuke is such a schizo
If the demon modder randomly added Varuna with no warning does that mean the rest of the PS2 roster is on the additions table as well? Did he use some sort of AI upscale for the textures or what, aside from the noticeable sixth generation polygonal arms he mostly fits in.
Most of the bulk of demons models Atlus uses actually are upscaled PS2 assets IIRC.
Why didn't midori just give him sex to fix him?
nah he wasn't, shit was so bad MIDORI was the one playing tard wrangler
the "not finishing up" is often one of the least part in any media

Why do you find it strange ?
because keisuke treats her like a little sister and someone that needs protecting. I'll give him that midori does act childish allot of the time, but he treats carefree airhead midori like thats all she could ever be, when she's not.
so you are saying he is a faggot
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The Khonsu Ra Megidolaon jumpscare almost gave me a heart attack since I forgot to save after fusing for 30 minutes, but it's a good thing the Nahobinos told him to fuck off. The level scaling being toned down is a godscent since it makes underleveled fights more exciting
he thinks too little of midori to see her as a person (or a girl to date/fuck whatever) and treats her more like a kid. a kid he's very much endeared to but still a kid that "just wouldn't understand" when he starts going all edgy and murdering folks with yama.
be honest. did you save your gospels for end game once it was harder to level up or did you use them all when you got them like a retard?
I have mitama dlc turn on because I value my time.
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I only like these.
I dislike androgyny and Kaneko´s weird mustachemouth thing.
I used them all up, but I started saving after reaching Taito. It doesn't really matter that much if you're doing NG+ to pick up Masakado
boy i love explore 30 minutes without saving in a lower level area to get a random instakill crit ambush ;))
What if he was that devil?
THe moustachemouth thing isn't a thing on his old design but its quite bad when he started doing 3D characters
there's a lot of misinfo on the late game guides. to unlock lucifer I think you just need to have true neutral completed on that save file and start up godborne after defeating satan and go into the world of shadows, that's how I unlocked the fusion. only other thing I can think of it is that I completed all 3 superbosses before and I had law,chaos CoV beaten and law CoC
>YHVH values human freewill
lol wut?
>Beelzebub likes to takes the form of human women so he can get fucked
In the Bible, YHVH does what he does since ultimately people have to choose to support him and his way of life. There is a whole thing with the Devil/Satan that evolves things before Jesus appears.
Anon, have you read the Bible?
The only difference between normal and true masakados is his health bar.
Where are the two characters to the left of Space Marine from?
Do Lawbros agree?
he also gets 8 turns
What's better between Rakukaja and Sukukaja in SMT IV?
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my reason is constant sex with monke
I did not beat the game.
Yeah but you're gonna drain/null anything he uses anyway so....
Fog Breath
Yes, cleanse the filth that is Tokyo manga.
I think my main issue with 4 is that when you leave Mikado all the location are insanely bland and boring. They all kinda blend together. Especially with apocalypse.
7 actually, but not like it matters since his only party-wide attack is his unique which for some reason functions more like Occult Flash
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That's new.
>atheist plays smt
>"lol god bad"
>"what do you mean god cares for humans?"
lol, lmao even
The urban locations in IV actually had individually modeled buildings based on the places in Japan, unlike the generic ruins in V. I really liked the ambience there. It's neat you couplay IV and then often recognize famous spots in Tokyo popping up elsewhere.
bros... this is just like persona 5...!!
Now we just need a lawfag that is not only pro-car but sees cars killing people as a bonus or support them BECAUSE they kill people.
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I wanna give my essence to her real form.
I am in my late 20s and getting my ass beat by the Frollo-looking skeleton guy with no elemental weakness.
The generic ruins are pretty ass in 5 i do agree but maybe its just me then. Quite a shame because i like alot of other things about the 4 games.
most of the SMT fun is about exploring, i'm not having fun exploring the bloated V maps
>or support them BECAUSE they kill people.
Yoko herself is all for vampires killing people if it makes weak demons stronger based on a later sidequest.
Why is Mastema so based and why is he now one of my favorite demons.
still funny how yoko talks about cars as if she is some kind of pro-gun control person talking about guns ownership.
Yoko is just mad that she can't get car insurance.
Always has been
Maybe Yoko is too autistic to drive. I once dated a girl that just couldn't learn to drive.
Its ok ill drive her places
would this be considered edge?
tfw no chink gf goddess to groom me from childhood into adulthood
>Temple of Eternity is exactly the same
>Temple of Eternity is still in the game
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Did they actually fix the time stop gimmick? Or is it still mostly pointless?
She doesn't need those when she has Light of Order.
I'm just popping in to ask, but does the switch version of SMTVV run better than vanilla?
What's with all the lack of reading comprehension about Tao's ending? She's not a wish-granting genie. CoV as a whole shits on CoC True Neutral because Nahobino didn't fix Marduk's curse, which means the world is still rigged and losers will always be losers.
dead bitch
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this team is carrying me so fucking hard, phys is busted
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Any general tips for fighting the 4 hoes?
When is Digital Devil Saga coming to modern platforms?
when it gets a good art remake
I can't drive either so we just walked everywhere. It was fun.

Then she died of cancer.
The game is less fun if somebody tells you what to do, anon. Figuring out a tough fight is part of the game.
When the unpaid intern who worked on the Nocturne remaster is done porting the 3DS Etrian Odyssey games to PC.
EO is dead
It's like Vengeance never even came out.
phys block, and thats all the help your getting, figure it out it's not that hard ,it's ok to lose in a game that's what makes it a game, just try again.
>Finally start playing VV
>They ask about carrying over your save data from OG V
>Do so
>They only take the demons that were in your party at the time and not allowing to choose any demon from said compdieum
>Don't have my copy of OG V since I sold it off months ago
>So now I'm stuck with Maria, who's pretty fucking shit and reddit bird
Can't believe I need to buy OG V again to change what demons I can carry over to VV. Fuck Fatlus.
Yeah, guess so. I'm already have one general gameplan in mind, I'll see what I can come with in case that doesnt work
Don't fucking complain
I was on a new game plus run and I got fucking Rakshasa
Yup and it still hurts knowing how the overpriced remasters might've killed it.
why the fuck you had the sex bird in your party and at level 93? what the fuck where you doing?
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
Was made to suffer.
There's this article, though I don't really know how accurate it is on their specialties
Give me rn without any errors your best demons for running around Taito level 70ish
Dedicating your entire identity around hating a demon you yourself used in your party when you played V is pretty fucking funny.
Should IV get remade in 3D?
No just put all the 3ds games out so they can be played on modern consoles
just a port is fine
yes but only if monke gets bigger tits
but it's 3D already, are you retarded?
>game chokes every time yurlunger attacks
marduk was right, kill all snakes
Works on machine.
No it doesn’t, the animation just plays at a lower framerate.
This. I'd buy a collection.

I enjoy playing the Disney Saturday collection with my kid. I wish it included the SNES Goof Troop game.
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Pixie somehow still useful during the Thor battle :)
In order to 100% VV, I'll just start with CoC to beat all the four endings and then tackle CoV since it only has two.
stop shitposting yoko
>A portal after Beelzebub? Wonder where this leads.
>*get wiped*
Thoughts on Armaiti?
Happy she's in the game more female angels is always a good thing.
STOP hacking 4chan
watching this cute girl on twitch play smtvv and she's autistic so she's doing like literally every quest and it's shown me they put a lot more effort into the rerelease than I gave them credit for. The Turbo granny quest has SOUL.
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There’s so many cool Kaneko demons from imagine, why is the art so hard to find?
Start with CoV which is a better story and then go back to CoC as extra content.
link it
they lost the original source code. never
She's cool looking
I feel like she kinda gets lost in between the billion other light/healer demons though
Going by modern references, we'd probably see a Raidou rerelease first.
doing every side quest is autism now? fucking tiktoker zoomers with speedrun mentality
I highly doubt that when SEGA is on the China and Korean train.
there are too many of them
Completionism has always been autism anon
how do I make naamah not shit
she seems by far the worst of the qadistus apart from her affinities
In shinjuku Tao says she hopes humans, demons and angels will come to an understanding one day so I don't think there was a genocide in her world. Vkun needs Yakumo and Nuwa's influence to make that decision and they drop out of the race in CoC
I've had high pixie deployed during beelzebub fight because she was the only one in my team with rakunda, resist elec made her survive mazionga.
It was a no fusion run so my team comp was pretty messed up.
Reflect phys problem solved
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I know, but it doesn't seem optimal for a 100% playthrough. So I'm planning to going the routes by this order, which should be efficient to get all the save data icons:
CoC neutral->CoC law->CoC chaos->CoV Yoko route->CoC true neutral->CoV Tao route
why not true neutral first
that will make demi fiend spam almighty though
dead series
I'm doing CoC since I never played it before and later I'll try CoV
i'm doing the same
Then use resist phys
okay she still offers nothing but a shitty ailment skill and dark affinity
I need my buff bro back.
Hello this is Doi I will be redesigning it as a shortstack girl with a fat ass and titties that will be $70
has doi designed any demons that arent coomerbait
coomerbait is the only design that matters, it's about time for you to accept it
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la criatura
To be fair his Lilith and Tiamat were iterative of Kaneko's designs.
>Not the original EN Dagda
one fuckin job
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Are you a white woman?
Would YOU fap to Glasya-Labolas
Because it's better to save the longest route for last.
the qadistu were overhyped pre-launch
I'm know there are some vengence exclusive demons. So are there any COC exclusive demons?
no they're all unlockable in virtual battles
Chernobog, ishtar, surtr just any you unlock in that area
what about masakado
Wait so if you go vengence route you're locked out of mother harlot with out new game plus?
Ok thanks
theyre unlockable in virtual battles ratterard
Masakado is 100% exclusive to CoC since you need access to Chiyoda to see his grave. There's no difference in rewards if you give him the Lord's Sword or the Kikou Blade from CoV other than the fact you can brag about defeating him when he has a fat amount of HP
2d remake with IVA gameplay. Then we can have modders mod IV and add more demons quests etc.

>Tfw need to beat the game SIX(6) times to 100% it
having to replay the worst route four times for the different virtual trainer battles is cancer
It is though. It’s still Xander Mobus, he just has the heaviest filter imaginable.
hack in a different passive and affinities and you can make her whatever you like
short of that she isn't good and never will be, because everything unique to her is underwhelming except for her resistances
Loa shits on her as an ailment demon, and you can't even just slap all the physical skills on her to make her a solid attacker because of her awful phys stats/growths and -6 phys affinity
having no affinity for the four elements or almighty also means that if you wanted to make her a magical attacker to take advantage of Eisheth/Agrat passives, you'd want to savescum her demon haunt talk to get a +1 so you can Sutra it up
it's actually funny how comprehensively bad she is
happy to be incorrect, but he still got shafted
I'm at the empyrean throne save point. How many boss battles away am I from the end of the story?
If you're literally at the warp point within the throne room, it's literally just the final boss that's left.
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pixie already used this line
I liked all of them, I just wish Agrat didn’t show up for the first time ten minutes before they died.
sorry Alice, I feel the need for speed
Nocturne is objectively more enjoyable than vengeance.
I am a buddhist and I have never heard of amitabha. Can someone educate me?
How am i wrong?

Vengeance is for casuals unlike all 8 of these:

Strange Journey
Raidou 1
Raidou 2
Desu 1
Soul Hackers (Kaneko)
Why are you Vengeance tourists into skimpy clothing and watching obscene videos of men?

Bro, what does that mean?
>playing Soul Hackers
>wandering around warehouse for over an hour (mostly trying to figure out how to recruit demons
>gotten plenty of levels and fused a bunch of demons
>Gremlin casts Bufu on me
>3DS crashes for the first time ever
>last save was back before I even talked to Victor
Go back buddy, it’d do wonders for your mental health.
You'll get the hang of it, hang in there buddy.
Gleam Grenade is so good. Really useful to speed through early game and some of midgame.
>Y2 instead of Shitwami 2
iv'e been here for 5 months, it doesn't really matter.
How long does it take for Mitamas to respawn in vengeance?
trtetraded tripfag
>kick mephisto's ass
>can just talk to lady down the stairs and get him level 79 in the party just like that, at level 68
if you used DLC demons (includding vanilla DLC demons included in vengeance) you didnt beat the fucking game
no shit I haven't beat the game yet dumbass
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Does this game really have good gameplay?
play the ds original, its the way Kaneko intended it.
Overclocked has more content but it changes some minor things that put it down for me.
i want to motorboat yuzu's colossal mammaries
Yoko is probably my favorite rerelease girl
Though I guess that's mostly because all the others don't have much going for them aside from Yamato in drag getting joked on by bunny constantly
it's pretty solid
may as well get overclocked if you don't see yourself replaying a game over and over IMO
if you wind up liking it would highly recommend the 2nd game's remake as well, though I would definitely save Triangulum for a 2nd playthrough, it hits a lot different.
i thought Alex was interesting, and she had potential, but just she was used poorly and didn't leave a mark.
hey Yamato in drag was endearing
and she had nice tits
but she was also cute
kasumi is leagues better and far less autistic than yoko
Just wish her being Tadano's daughter could have had more impact and Louisa Ferre in the original was mysterious, why would Tadano knock her up? i still don't get that part.
In all Honesty, Alex could have worked, but the problem was the fact that she wasn't developed properly or implemented smoothly.
why are you namefagging
At least i have the guts to not hide myself in lies.
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Why did she stole Amaterasu's mirror
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imagine the BJs

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