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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7098 - DS girls Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>483772842
Shadow and Rouge fuck
Sonic needs to embrace grittiness and serious plots.
Knuckles and Rouge fuck
Shadow fucks
Shadow and Knuckles fuck
You should respect their privacy, Tails. Besides, how would you even know these things?
Shadow and Knuckles are constantly bickering with Rouge in the middle, ever notice that?
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Amy x Surge
Sally x Fiona
Blaze x Rouge
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Nobody fucks
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Shadow the Hedgehog embodies everything I love about this franchise.
Sonic Heroes is the first meta era Sonic game.
Then Unleashed.
Then finally Colors.
The Holy Trinity.
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Unhealthy ships.

contd https://files.catbox.moe/n4patw.png
*Fucks Cream's bunnusy, as a joke*
Could you maker a character even cooler than Shadow the hedgehog? You can't. He's just the coolest.
What would a Sonic equivalent of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door be like?
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It's been done.
Frontiers is kinda fun with the fighting and shit
I fucking love shotacon too
Rouge is collecting gems and boytoys
Blaze x Trip
I watched game grumps play it by mashing attack the whole time
Thanks to shotacon the third sonic movie's marketing phase is delayed and we will have to wait months to see if rouge is in the movie
Tails mouth is escaping his face.
way past cool
As a Silverfag I can confirm that Silver is nowhere near as cool as Shadow, and even if he was properly characterized and stuff Shadow would still be cooler even if just by a little bit.
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Normies cant handle the Shotagang (Rouge, Fiona, Vanilla)
We were DENIED
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Problably a bad time to post this. But, I might need some help.
Getting somewhere with this comic idea has been an arduous task.
Spent the most of this week only to get semi-decent 2 pages.
This can't go on for the next one as I will be busy for a month doing something else.
Maybe I can simplify the art, or use other method or tools. What's (You)r opinion?
Also I was stuck for an hour trying to rewrite some dialog.
yeah, you can just mash, it's just fun to fuck around
the reason why the localization is so fucked up is because sega of America collects the absolute dogshit worst people in the industry, who think they know best but don't have the competence to justify it
you rock
Well, your first tournament comic (and sex comics before that) were simple, and I appreciate how far you've come. Maybe simplifying back might be an opion.
Write it all in a script first the dialogue, so the story is finished before working on the rest of the comic.
I like how Sonic is always the fucking peak
I love you Scribbles

I love you so much
Seconding this >>483805637
Having the story, or at least a basic premise set in stone before you actually get to making things will save you a WHOLE lot of time if you end up deciding to change things later down the line.
i think you have me mixed up with Roads. But I would do a tournament again, but an actual one not an obnoxious gag one. Really eager to draw actual Sonic characters fighting.
Excited to see this in action.
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Also, I speed read some stuff from the previous thread about the OCs.
Right now I don't have time to follow through all of it. Just wanted to say, if the guy who invented Willow is still here, do you want me to keep his original design, or you don't mind the hair I give to him, I'm trying to mix some of Silver's weird pot spikes onto him.
I don't think this comment was made in good faith but I'm such a big heroes fanboy that I have to wonder what arguments if any back this claim?
you are based
also willow's creator rarely shows up unfortunately.
>i think you have me mixed up with Roads
...wait, so, like, that one where Tails and Mina had sex in pool was made by Roads and not by Scribbles? And that fighting tournament with Tom vs Maria, Sonic vs Elise, Honey vs Nine, etc, was that you scribbles, or Roads?
so shadowx lanolin isnt a crackship, is it?
>that Reynard's chest
No wonder Sega keeps designs simple, if they didn't their employers would be too horny for their own creations to work.
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The tournament was me. Mina and Tails in the pool was also me, that was a parody of a novel.
Roads is the one currently posting his comic.
I didn't make Willow, but I think as long as you make it somewhere between a pompadour and silvers weed spikes it should be fine.
Do links to the archives of the Original Ride threads exist?
i mean someone who officially worked on idw at least joked that Lanolin would be completely unbothered if she learned that shadow is going to end up impregnating her. But that was Ian giving an off the cuff answer to a joke question. Let's not take that too seriously.
I think all Shadow ships are crackships because shadow isn't a very romantic fellow
inside outside
>go sonic
issai gassai
>yes sonic
ok. Nice to see others doing fighting comics as well.
It's a step down from Adventure 2 in storytelling and theming. Mimicking the genesis games but with no regard for how those old games actually told their stories. The zones have no in-universe location other than some vague notion of them all being "sonic's world." the teams fight each other for no good reason other than the mechanical obligation to do so. "they did it in adventure 1 and 2 hyuk! hyuk!" the team organization was circumstantial but this autistic cesspit of a fanbase can't let the 20 year old setups go. the zone order is identical between teams, creating the sensation of literally replaying the game from scratch 4 times rather than experiencing 4 sides of the same story.
>Twitter account fails to learn that Marnie accent is just localization bullshit
Yeah, I kinda struggle doing this first, because I don't know how to store this info.
>Use Word
Well, I kinda hate using text programs, I even despise checking my own mail inbox, something is wrong with me.
I'll make an effort to write things first. 'Been plaing chapters for Reynard, Hella, and Hocus in the same Tournament storyline.
achievable natty
Good night everyone.
I think i'm going to be 100% dedicated to making sonic fighting stuff going forward myself. It's fun.
also it's slippery bullshit, and team chaotix and the special stages suck
I think she still has an accent in Japanese, just a different (Japanese) accent. They do that to communicate characterization rather than an reference to a real place
If Sonic 06 had been a well-received game, I think the current state of the series would look a lot different and it would be a better timeline
>The zones have no in-universe location other than some vague notion of them all being "sonic's world."
That's just a autistic complaint since every entry mostly has zones that are like that.
ok now explain how these niggles affect the series today, as you suggested.
I think we'd be like kingdom hearts, kingdom hearts 3 is only slightly more comedic than KH2.
It has western animators on it but nobody really notices the difference.
KH was never hit with a bomb that made people demand the tone switch. People who hate the tone of the KH games can still admit they are competently put together. Sonic is not so lucky.
what is wildly inconsistent about tails? that he's sometimes brave and sometimes a scary little bitch?
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I do >>483805637 with simple sentences describing the action and dialogue for a panel. Then I do a really quick rough sketch. And then I draw over that for the final

quick sketch example: https://files.catbox.moe/1533z0.jpg
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Yes, he had character development and Forces ignored it
Willow requestor here. Do what you think feels right on him.
sonic 1, south island
sonic 2, westside island
sonic 3, angel island
sonic cd little planet
they were mysterious, difficult to reach locations that eggman raided for resources because no government body was there to stop him. it wasn't just random bullshit
What's Rouge's power level in this tourney?
No. Sonic 06 didn't come out of nowhere. It was the culmination of all the complains people had about Sonic since the series made the jump to 3D. It was a necessary evil in that sense, and it's a good thing it was horribly received because it was horrible.
I'm no expert, but what I do is write out a document listing every event I want to happen as well as the general conversations. I change the dialogue last minute when I'm done drawing, but I start out knowing what I want them to say.
It's a good game but things lined up for it and the series to become a punching bag unfortunately. I think it's healed now. Frontiers (with the updates) and Shadow Generations feel like the games that should have come out in the early 2010s.
people still think shadow is friends with rouge and omega, and get mad when knuckles is doing his job
>sthg slowly evolves from shippingshit to shonenshit
you are right that he locations had lore in the classics and not in heroes. but I still like the location of seaside hill and ocean palace more than any single location in sonic 1.
Knuckles doing his job literally makes it so hard to involve him in plots. If I were in charge I would straight up get rid of ME
Code Lyoko but with sonic characters
fuck you bro i just got that song out of my head
probably a good idea to get rid of the chains asap because chains are a pain in the ass to draw, and in order to do them well you're adding hours and hours to conveying a very simple object.
No you don't
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Espio (my beautiful lizard husband) resting his head against my (his human wife's) shoulder. Gazing down at Espio and watching him slowly fall asleep against me. Picking Espio up and bringing him to our bedroom. Lying Espio down on our bed and tucking him in. Giving Espio a goodnight kiss on his forehead.
>people still think shadow is friends with rouge and omega
The three of them explicitly express their comradery and loyalty to each other in 06. And then Shadow goes out of his way for Rouge and Omega in Forces. Kys.
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Shadow is friends with Rouge and Omega according to the way shadow interacts with and talks about them in shadow 05 and sonic 06. Ik it was stated that they were just coworkers or whatever, but sorry that's bullshit. You could have characters having hot steamy sex on screen and say they don't even know each other and they've never met, doesn't make it true even if it comes from the horse's mouth. You are right about Knuckles though but holy shit you're exaggerating hard acting like no game has had a bigger negative effect on the franchise's branding, Shadow is literally about to fight Black Doom in a new game.
Heroes in general has had too positive an effect on the Sonic series as a whole for any of these minor things to bog it down.
oh I have these ready, for chapter one at least. Also lewd, I still hold on to that Bump in Leia's slave outfit that you gifted me.
I'm willing to make one drawing of him, stay tuned.
Problem is I'm mentally deranged I'll shut up now.
If this garbage was in a Sonic game, we would be hearing about it every day, it would be mentioned in every single YouTube video, every review, every news article, as an example of how awful and unplayable this series is, how gameplay style changes are bad, and how nobody should like it.
Whisper more like Lhisper for how many Ls she has lmao
roads gives the characters necks and muscles while scribbles gives the characters injuries and ptsd unless they're sonic.
I guess this is what is meant by Sonic fans can't agree on anything because I will fight you until my last breath if you say that again.
Do yumes have to ruin every cool character?
Better watch your mouth before I break your jaw with my swollen cock, woman.
That meme makes no sense. No large group of people is ever agreeing on anything unless that group of people is specifically defined by people agreeing on this one specific thing, and they'll still disagree on other things.
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Think twice before you speak to my queen like that again.
Turning /sthg/ anons into bimbos, but only as a joke
That's retarded what you just said. Lots of fandoms agree on fundamental concepts of the series they're fans of. The M.E. is the groundwork for Knuckles' entire character. The fact that people even argue over it at all is a huge problem.
I just saw Lanolin and Shadow together... he gave her a stack of classified documents... and she ate it all...
Heh. "Ally".
Tell SEGA, they don't seem to know that like you do.
Hotshelter madee like wsip more than I already did
They don't care anyway.
I cn plya this agmetoo.
Hotshelter is super based and kind of scary
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The pregnancy cravings are out of control
I'll pretend I didn't just see that.
Shadow dicking down a wannabe soldier sounds about right.
Egg Pawns or Badniks?
Lanolin sez: Baaah!!
in mario, you can avoid this shit
Sex with Baldy McNosehair
how would a shadowlin story even go
The daddy is Manic
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didn't happen
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>fundamental concepts
See what happens if you go on /vp/ and make a thread with this image and the text "This series is called Pocket Monsters because it's about monsters that shrink to fit in pockets"
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KEKles the Echrisisna
>for the second shadow game in history rouge is still not treated like she matters to him
shadougebros they keep murdering us
I love Eggpawns way too fucking much.
Lots of arguing
Shadow giving the middle finger
Shadow telling Omega to give her the double middle finger
Lanolin telling Shadow to come to her room
Shadow coming out of the room three hours later with wool on his face
Since like 2017 iirc
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modernshit made them worse
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>Get up Jerboa boy, we have a world to take over.
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Worth a (You) I guess?
Rouge is only involved with Shadow in his even number appearances
They're great, but then again, combat.
I don't see Shadow and Lanolin giving each other the time of day,.
Shadow and Rouge works because she puts up with his bad attitude. Lanolin is such a tremendous cunt she can't even put up with the attitudes of well-meaning people, let alone relentless douchebags.
What if Sonic was black?
Shadow would think of lanolin as nothing more than just another lowly peasant
Anon....how do I say this...
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>Kishimoto successfully lobbied to have Secret Rings' release moved back to 2007 while 06 released an unfinished buggy mess
>Kishimoto (Iizuka actually, but Kishimoto wanted to have the deadline pushed back as well) successfully lobbied to have Frontiers' release date moved back to 2022 while Origins and Colors Ultimate never got extensions and released as buggy unfinished messes.
How does Kishimoto manage to get extensions on deadlines when that sort of thing never happens for this franchise?
Seriously, the only 3 Sonic Team games that I'm aware of whose hard deadlines were pushed back were NiGHTS, Secret Rings and Frontiers.
Lanolin and Shadow would work on an adult setting where you can acknowledge that Shadow is really fucking hot
Lanolin is for Knuckles
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Would Silver and Lanolin have made a good story if Evan didn't fuck it up? They both have sad pasts and a need to help and save others.
I could see that, but not a serious relationship
The idea is that Shadow is cold and calculating and always has a plan, so despite him pissing Lanolin off she can't help but admit that he's doing exactly what she would've wanted him too do and he acts just like she wants Sonic to act. It's basically just Shadally again.
Simple, he lied and told everyone be wrote Naruto.
It can still work as enemies to lovers.
silver and blaze were demonstrated to be the EXACT opposite of the relationship between silver and lanolin, in that silver is down because of lanolin (like everyone else) and blaze raises him back up
Yes, same thing with Silver and Whisper.
it only took them another 17 years for the dumbshits to realize what the biggest problem was
Does this mean rebel would fuck Shadow because she's basically Lanolin but competent
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except Lanolin only exists within the context of IDW, thus her relationship would be with IDWdow...
>because of lanolin (like everyone else)
Wait, that everyone puts Silver down, or that Lanolin puts everyone down? I want to assume its the latter.
If you love him so much why don't you ship yourself with him huh
I'm trying to pretend that everyone is written in character for once.
If they had done exactly what you're asking for in the mid 2000s it still would have been hated.
whisper and lanolin are totally different, lanolin is a strong gigastacy who runs every gang she's a part of and whisper is a soft weak crybaby built to get mogged and gets bottomed by lanolin in all their exchanges, they're night and day
>Lanolin finally talks to someone who has a backbone like Shadow and Knuckles instead of people who just tolerate her
the latter
fair enough
Shadow literally had to be brainwashed even in the Shadally context.
And in Archie he did it for political reasons. It makes sense for the girlboss characters to like Shadow, but Shadow is a different story
i don't get it you just said KEK twice
make everyone fast?
>Thank you Lanolin, Thank you for changing my mind. If I was still in charge, YOU'D NEVER BEEN PROMOTED.
Say the word commonly used to describe sonic and Zoey fanart
Yes. It wouldn't have mattered.
Who the fuck does Mr. Big Wave think he's talking to?
Knuckles is just projecting his own insecurities on Lanolin because he sees himself in her.
Cuck. And now you're confused.
Lanolin is SUPPOSED to be a civilian turned soldier that just wants to do good and help people but is in over her head.
Whisper is SUPPOSED to be a skilled yet traumatized veteran soldier who is fiercely protective of her new friends because of how she lost her old ones.
Silver is SUPPOSED to be an manic maniac that cares so much about the world that he's terrified of the potential of people suffering and the possibility of a bad future that he relentlessly attempts to do everything he can to help others and protect the world.
Silver would get along with Lanolin because they are both altruists who want to do everything in their power to help others even if their way of going about things tends to be abrasive.
Silver would get along with Whisper because they've both experienced loss, and despite their failures they've chosen to move on with their lives and attempt to protect their new friends at all costs.
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When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fucking special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

I don't care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice
When I'm not around
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
Fucking this.
Knuckles would be mean to Lanolin but also one of the few people who have her back after it's revealed she's been played by Clutch. He knows what it's like to be tricked and no one living down your mistakes.
Honestly these Lanolin ships only work if a guy has a sex drive
Silver is Sonic but with the added dose of taking things too far. She would likely hate Silver for having so much power but being reckless with it even if he means well
every girl character who interacts with silver is ruined afterwards, ever noticed that?
actually no i didn't blaze is fine
Whisper was always shit bro
>Silver is Sonic but with the added dose of taking things too far.
I don't think you understand Sonic OR Silver.

>She would likely hate Silver for having so much power but being reckless with it even if he means well.
There was only two examples of Silver being "reckless", and both were caused by Duo.

>Every girl character who's touched by Evan is ruined afterwards, ever noticed that?
I fixed your sentence.
large oof
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>Lanolin x Silver
Same vibe as ShadowXWhisper and TangleXSonic. Eh.
this is all your headcanon
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Sonic is often described as quick to temper when he sees an injustice but is mostly shown to be cool headed. Silver is that without the cool headedness

JPver in 06 attacking someone passionately who he believes is an enemy is very much recklessness
Kill all shipfags
You can complete the levels without playing them?
except my favorite ones from sonic general
I don't even like shipping, I just like seeing the characters act in-character and have neat interactions with each other. I get accused for being a Sonazefag even though I hate the idea of Sonic getting roped into a romance just because I like the dynamic between Sonic and Blaze.
You and I along with the rest of this general know that is not why you get accused of being a Sonazefag.
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Silver hasn't been 06 JPver in years, and IDW turned him into a gardener. Lanolin has zero excuse not to like him outside of plot contrivances (which actually happened).
Super monkey ball does this and no one complains. Sonic has arcade game roots.
lol sonazefreak
If you want to ship Lanolin with Uwuver then by all means go ahead
Classic Sonazefag
Jokes on you, I also think Silver and Blaze would make a perfectly fine team if they were properly characterized due to them both being over emotional hotheads, but are ruined when people turn Blaze into an emotionless babysitter, and Silver into a helpless insecure wreck to push their shitty ship.
You are breaking my poor poor heart.
silver is for sally
blaze is for fang
I don't. I just want to see how an extended interaction between Silver and Lanolin would go because of how similar they are, and without the latter being stupid enough to forget that he has way more fighting experience than she does instead of just treating him as this dumb kid with too much power.
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>Super Monkey Ball Adventure let you roll around in more open environments instead of linear levels
>It was the first bad Super Monkey Ball Game
People invent nonsensical standards for the Sonic series. It's only bad when Sonic does it.
Uwuver IS a dumb kid with too much power anon and that's why Silver fans are upset. Any interaction would just be another to add to the pile of things the japanese Silver fans would despise
>can throw Whisper to the ground
>Whisper is a war veteran and knows CQC

Lanolin? Power type.
2D sonic let you actually be in the environment
I hate Heroes' types so much
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Trannycube and its consequences were a disaster for the Sonic franchise.
>Whisper tried to fight and establish a rivalry with Surge
>everyone laughs their ass off and hype up Tangle instead
I don't like Monkey Ball.
Let's talk about Silvaze
If she ever came back and Sega didn't want to use her old story they could always make her Blaze's bodyguard whose served Blaze's family for generations but were ultimately never called upon because there was no need for it due to Blaze's own powers but a NEW ENEMY manages to take Blaze's flame powers so they bring her in, together with Blaze they recover her flames but it's then revealed that the NEW ENEMY's goal was never to steal that power for themselves, they needed it to awaken IT and now IT is threatening not only Blaze's dimension but Sonic's as well, forcing them to overlap and intergrete in a way that the people living in both think this is how it always was, Shade and Blaze with help of Sonic and his companions now have to decide how to stop this threat and wither it's worth risking the untold damage and possible mutual destruction of both dimensions while also dealing with other villains who see this new fused dimension as a window of opportunity to achieve their goals.

Of course such a story would probably not translate to gameplay very well let alone it's challenge to the status quo sega is deathly afraid of breaking but it could of made a nice reboot archie story where they were allowed to fuck around however they wanted and congratulations to donald trump for rewinning the presidency
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So cute
What difference does it make if Amy and Rouge are in everything but not the movie?
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Drawing request of Dr. Disrespect flirting with a tranny mobian while Cream is crying through the back window of a gamer van in the background.
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I love these three.
Iron Man used to be Ray the fllying Squirrel tier
>Shadouge is dead and buried
What happened?
You literally just posted why.
This is cute.
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It was one of the victims of the great purge of 2006
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Art killed shadouge?
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>And I love you to, random civilian!
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Choose your path, Sonic...
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You know what? Sonic doesn’t speak all that much in SA1...
Sonic doesn’t talk all that much in Sonic Adventure for the SEGA Dreamcast (1998).
How would the series have changed if Penders never sued and Chronicles stayed canon?
Sonic doesn’t talk a whole lot in Sonic Adventure.
Sonic barely speaks in Sonikku Adobencha.
>no specific love for any ships
>only cares about the plausability of ships
>Disdain for Silvaze because of bastardized characterization
>Sonaze by default
I feel the same way, my brother.
I'm beginning to think that people spray their shit about it not because they care, but because it's fun to spray shit about something.
Everything about Tails hinges on whether or not he is the Sidekick that shares the same skills and abilities as the Protagonist and follows them into battle to fight side by side as Player 1 & 2, or the "Sidekick" that only assists from a distance like tech support but is otherwise incapable of physical action while the Protagonist does all the cool action stunts by himself.

Tails was created to be the former in Sonic 2 and remained that way up until 06 and Rivals 2, before Unleashed began portraying him as too weak and cowardly to fight at all and completely needing Sonic to rescue him when he's in danger. What makes it worse is that Sonic Adventure had an entire story arc for Tails specifically centering around him gaining the courage to fight on his own without Sonic around. And in spite of the Mech gameplay, Tails in SA2 continued that character arc. But Heroes onwards reset him to his starting point of just following behind Sonic, but in such a way where he's clearly still an active fighter so everyone could assume that his character development was still in-place.

But then Unleashed -> Colors -> Generations -> Lost World -> Forces assassinated his character entirely. Now Ian Flynn tried to course-corrected Tails back to SA1 in Frontiers, and he's regained his playability there and in Dream Team so he's back to fighting his own battles and wanting to be stronger and more courageous.
>Now Ian Flynn tried to course-corrected Tails back to SA1
With nonsensical meta-era tier garbage writing, sure.
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>Let me tell you what I actually want

Sonic levels have never been a sandbox, and sandbox design is boring.
Full comic/author?
Get rid of the ME and you KILL Knuckles, period. There is no one without the other.

Knuckles the Echidna is Sonic's Rival. The Friendly Rival that is on the same "team" and is a best friend, a bro, but the actual relationship is nothing but conflict and constantly butting heads and arguing because of how diametrically opposed the two are. And what defines that opposition is their differing lifestyles. Sonic is a nomad who wanders aimlessly while Knuckles is a Guardian burdened with duty and responsibility tethering him to a fixed location. The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object. Knuckles' job as a Guardian is extremely critical to his character and the intended dynamic he is meant to have with Sonic, and the core values he represents. Get rid of the Master Emerald, and Knuckles' entire character collapses till nothing is left but "he's uh... red, and... and STRONG....!"

And then you're left with just a musclehead which leads to Boom's incarnation. That is just as bad as all the attempts to turn Amy into a serious girlboss karen school president type.
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Sonic... had a rough transition.
Shade would be a new friend that would be either around Knuckles all the time or be wandering the new world she's in

Or because this was the era Sega really jumped to erase everything that journalists and youtubers shit on them for she'd be in Generations, Colors DS and Team Sonic Racing and Free Riders and be completely ignored, Instead of Vector she'd be the third member of Blaze and Silver's team because she's also somebody who isn't native to Sonic's world, like Blaze she comes from a different dimension, meanwhile the Maruaders, the other alien races and Commander IX would disappear from the franchise like Eggman Nega never to be seen again.

Now let's go one step further and even assume since the Penders lawsuit never happens it also means the archie reboot universe never happens as well meaning all those schizo plots from the old universe as well as Penders characters are still in the comic, do you think people would still talk about it? The universe reboot brought in many new readers but without that the comic wasn't in any danger it was just too soap opera for non crazy sonic fans to get into
How can you say sandbox design is boring when Skyrim and Minecraft exist?
>It took Dream team for Tails to jump into a fight all on his own succeed and still get played by Eggman
>It took Dream team for Cream to fight on her own and still show she's still a scared little girl who needs protection at times

I'm annoyed. Especially because I really like the models in that game and wish we could have gotten to play as Ariam as well because I wanted to look up her dress
what is this meme now
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Chronicles had mid reviews and sales which means that it and any sequels would have been remembered as those shitty Sonic RPG games on the DS meanwhile Sonic's friends were in the process of getting vaulted due to critics.

It wouldn't have changed shit because all Penders did was blow up the comics which didn't really matter since Sonic would have still been dropped for Riverdale eventually.
I don't know what you WERE talking about but NOW we're talking about BOOBS
Those are games in the open world genre.

Sonic's genre is finesse platformer; sandbox level design doesn't work for that genre.
Kishimoto did it better.
Who the actual fuck was she?
I still find it kind of petty yet funny how Sega made Ian kill the Hooligans, Bean is no longer zany and wacky, he's concerned at most, carefree at best because that's how Sega sees him and Bark while silent can clearly speak yet is like Broly and rarely does and now Fang is back to being a loner, through maybe Ian ain't broken up about it too much because he got to explain Fang's abilities in the Trip fight as him abusing the warp topez that somehow either time traveled or wound up in the classic verse if they're still two separate universes under Sega instead of going back to past and modern format.

Now that I think about it, what happened to that plot point of Sonic and Tails finding an eight chaos emerald?
My wife. She's very nice.
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It don't matter. With the failure of Superstars, Fang is now sealed back into the vault until further notice.
Scrapped art
I was joking Anon lol fuck you and that hoe
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Or they could add Fang into Modern but then the whole universe would break apart
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>if they're still two separate universes under Sega
they aren't
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>Classic Characters into modern
At that point why have a classic universe?
Modern Fang is not keeping up with Shadow, be real.
they moved onto shadtikal for some reason
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Surge - green fur and blue eyecolor
Sonic - blue fur and green eyecolor

what an idiot
the captain is better
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Bean, Jet, Scourge...hmmm...
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Silver my dearest
he's plowing someone
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okay, but that is a good design
Sonic she tried to off herself...
Are you saying Blaze looked better when she was pre-transitioned?
Kinda transphobic, I'd say.
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Blazy my dearest
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two dumb bitches <33
Made for squirrel sexo
Had the opportunity to just make a cute boy design, instead it has to turn into a transgender Blaze for some reason.
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Pretty much their 06 storyline kek
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sexo the hedgehog
Ever notice how LITERALLY NOBODY EVER ever talks about the Sonic Boom games? The only discussion you've ever seen on those games is that one Knuckles glitch and how that game ended up on Wii U. Nobody ever says anything else, ever. Nobody likes those games, nobody cares, nobody discusses them, nobody remembers them, nobody has nostalgia for them, nothing.
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Sonic says: "You know Tails... I get it."
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Approach with extreme caution
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Rouge is a silly bat
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I did notice Shadikal get a surge of popularity last year for some strange reason.
Why should we? They aren't useful milestone in tracking the franchise's history. It was just a bad stunt to sell merch.
The animators in SonicX worked overtime to ensure EVERY frame hid Amy's panty-shot
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>Why should we?
We shouldn't. I am only making an observation.

>They aren't useful milestone in tracking the franchise's history.
Now this is actually wrong given it was the main product for almost 3 years and shows what SEGA of America wanted the series to be.
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Amy says: you probably don't even own a pair of underwear
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CasinoNights blackmarket BBL looking ass bitch
I see a sneak...
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True, i rent mine
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roast aside she's a baddie <33
So he would be a joke like the Chaotix and the Babylon Rogues?
I wouldn't mind as long he doesn't end in the vault again.
Amy says: pathetic leave at once
*he didn't*
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what was the deal with that golden chest fur
Apparently the colorist didn't get the memo about what shadow's chest fur color was supposed to be until the 140s or something
He fell into a puddle of dye (just like Sally).
Look at this cute rat
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daily spankings
The VN is even more forgettable than Mania despite its good reception.
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and dangerous <3
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I still don't think she's that great.
Naaaah, you don't say that 2hour free to play VN is more forgettable than the full game and the return of Classic Sonioc
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Good morning anon whats for breakfast
Neither is forgettable.
skipped breakfast
Sonic the Hedgehog.
.. i get real grumpy if o don't get breakfast
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Oh that afterthought
grumpy Anon uwu look at you pout so cute uwu
calm you're thirsty ass down and go eat
When in trouble, always ask yourself this, what would Sonic do?
Run away from the trouble?
Keep running
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Do you like the idea that Water Palace is Apotos? What about Blue Coast from Rivals 2?
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Spider fingers
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Slap loli butt
Fondle Tails ballsack
No I get where you're coming from but no
Babysit Cream
Blazre says: All the better to grip the bat my dear
Breed human woman
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That's what I've been saying. They're literally the TFS of Sonic.
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No need for the rude nasty names but yeah kinda it's tame
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I always thought a lot of the jokes and discussions in the fanbase were not that serious or any good really but now I feel like some things are being ripped to shreds unfairly or too quickly
Be thankful they gave the franchise relevance after the drought that was the late 2010s
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>you're not an ugly worm- you! You're like a- a gummy worm! You're cute, a little squishy, and...
>... I was going to say sweet...
>Sonic Shorts considered terrible corny and nothing special

>They make another one

Was it out of pettiness or was it innocent?
>brought in more trannies
>she wouldn't return the favor
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you did this sthg
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Keep saying
>Thank you!
Keep saying
>Thank you;
I never got the appeal of this guy what's his gimmick
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Just woke up. Want Lanolin boobies.
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>Sonic's Angel
>Sonic's Devil

>Shadow's Angel
>Shadow's Devil

>Silver's Angel
>Silver's Devil

>Tails's Angel
>Tails's Devil

>Knuckles's Angel
>Knuckles's Devil

>Espio's Angel
>Espio's Devil

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He used to make silly joke videos. Now he gets angry any time people make jokes about his stupid opinions.
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I love tsunderes I love tsunderes I love tsunderesI love tsunderes I love tsunderes I love tsunderes I love tsunderes I love tsunderes I love tsunderes I love tsunderes I love tsunderes I love tsunderes
Being a funny cuckold
I not ashamed to admit I was markiplier pewdiepie gamexplain ect in that territory a blessing in disguise
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Aged like fine disgusting milk
This I literally skipped watching Mark pole dance cause the sit of the gamegrumps immediately made me disinterested wicked bastards
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You guys ever wonder how it'd feel to pet Sonic while he's spindashing?
>Mina: You don't need to be lonely Tails. You've got plenty of friends all around you.
>Fiona: If you hold a girl's arms down with your tails, she won't be able to stop you from groping her.
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Dude is covered on quills anon, are you stupid or just autistic (socially accepted stupid)
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But he looks so fuzzy while spinning
you're going to lose your hand
As someone who used to primarily consume Nintendo/Pokétubers more than Sonic and Sony guys you got it easy
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I miss him.
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I'm testing a Cream AI image Lora.
Does anyone have ideas that I can test it's quality/versatility.

This is only on the first gen testing, so no inpainting fixes, or regens. I want to make sure you get a decent first image first. so you'll notice a few minor issues that are fixed with inpainting. (like gloves in this image)
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I wonder what Japanese Sonic autism looks like.
Test fuckwolfamy's model out
Cream spreading her ass
Lockstin is the pokemon fandom Ian Flynn
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>I wonder what Japanese Sonic autism looks like.
there's a sonic general on 5ch. Or at least there was a couple years ago, I haven't checked since then
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If you want to know what japanese autism looks like go to the Blue Archive general
>mating pressed by crocodile
>Blaze: "Silver, stop being naive and listen to us."
>Whisper: ".... yeah listen to her... uuuuuuu"
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Ditch everyone but these 3
>"... It's not going to be Shadow just on his own, there is going to be lots of great characters on the Shadow side as well that hopefully people get excited about."
What did he mean by this?
They never said that
Blaze would love Whisper but dislike the other two bitches
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Is it just fluff or is there breast meat behind there?
pure meat, ignore misinformation
Trip will corrupt Fang and turn him into Sonic's shitty friend.
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Trip already corrupted him. At least before he was obscure, but still his own character. Now the only times he's mentioned is in shipping autism for Trip.
what did it look like
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it was based
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>trip already corrupted him
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You're doing god's work anon. The other one isn't very good. This an SDXL Pony one or 1.5? Pls be Pony.

I think the big thing for me is making sure it gets her head pattern and costume right. Being able to support alternate outfits is a huge plus, so you could test with "school uniform," "school swimsuit," and "gym uniform."

Also try it with style loras. My favorites are
all found on CivitAI.
My archeological digging has uncovered vintage Mina Mongoose art from 2007.
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I recognize the Nic and Lupe on that picture, I had no idea it was a full spread, much less that old!
I'll train a new AI model, suggest me a character that has not been done yet.
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>Trip already corrupted him.
You bet she did. Got addicted to sungazer pussy.
CJ from GTA:SA.
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Mina Mongoose. Yes, I'm aware of the irony.
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Some people whisper and some people talk too much
I feel the time has come, I feel the job is done
Something is ridiculous, she takes my hand and say:
"Don't you want to fuck me? I am ready to play!"
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>this is over, JERKBOA!
>from now on, you will listen to me .
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>If Rush happens first [before 06], why does Blaze tell Silver to go ahead and kill Sonic? Why does Blaze not think to look for Sonic, Amy and Cream? Why does she not react to Sonic as someone she is familiar with when they meet at the end?
>Ian: "All very good questions. And I have no satisfying answers.
>Kyle: "The answer is Sonic 06's story was unfinished. just like the rest of the game."

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Nicole got you bro.
Marine for infinite cunny
Sure I gave it a shot and copied some prompts for it from a sample image.
It looks ok, anything SFW you want me to test with it?
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Blaze has amnesia in that game from dimensional travel. It's very contrived and not explained at all.
why doesn't FWA kill herself at this point?
They should have either made Silver alone or created a disposable sacrificial scape goat one time character.
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You got to proompt better. Try the following then experiment around it.

Checkpoint: AutismMix SDXL
LoRA: FWA at 1.00 strength
Cream the rabbit (Pony Diffusion): 0.5 strength
Embedding: EasyNegative
Sampler: Euler A
CFG Scale: 7
Steps: As many as you want

Prompt: hi_res, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, 1girl, solo, rating_safe, anthro, furry, female, furry female, detailed textured fur, flatchest, covered breasts, slim, slender, animal nose, mooning, fwacolor,fwamono, cute, shortstack, short stack, tiny woman, short legs, short arms, short torso, two-toned fur, animal ears, from behind, ass, looking at viewer, blushing, grin, grabbing ass, cre@m_the_rabbit, bunny ears peach fur, orange eyes, swimsuit

Negative: ((3D:1.4)), monochrome, low-res, bad anatomy, nose, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, (signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name:1.4),(deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3), poorly drawn, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, extra limb, missing limb, floating limbs, (mutated hands and fingers:1.4), disconnected limbs, mutation, mutated, ugly, disgusting, blurry, amputation, easynegative, ((lipstick)), ((tail:1.3)), ((blue tail:1.3)), ((animal tail:1.3)), ((long torso:1.3)), source_pony

>pic rel: first try
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Stop overcomplicating things.
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I don't care if you don't need it, I'ma spend it on ya (ayy)
I'ma suffocate you 'cause you gimme anaconda (ayy)
Give you moons, planets, and the one you standin' on and
Got you fuckin' up my pussy, credit, and my wallet
Bought the yacht, put you first and then my bandits on it (ayy)
Take my SS, VVS, and get a tan up on it (uh-huh)
If this ass was like a spaceship, I'd be landin' on it, mh
I'd be dancin' on it, mh, diamonds dancin' on it, mh
We be fuckin' up the block and make 'em cynical
J-j, uh, ha, jealous 'cause we really cold
When you throw me on the table like a centerfold
We could turn the page, just act ya age and gimme that adult (yeah, yeah, yeah)
X-x-x, uh, yes
Gimme that adult, ayy
Gimme porno, gimme something I can grab up on, ayy
Gimme your love, gimme more than I can handle though
Let me Sisqo, let me sit that down without a thong (for sure)
This picture transmits homosexuality
How alien should Shadow be?
Alien but not Gaylien.
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Hedgehog with alien blood.
Real tentacle action!
Hentai penis censorship
Not saying the movie has bad fight scenes but I hope they step it up a notch or 2 maybe 3 if the budget isn't loose change
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He should have a special transformation that turns him into a freak with special powers.
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About this much
>loose change

penny nickel dime
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How are we going to explain to Silver Blaze and Omega that the budget was finger fucked
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FWA is a useless piece of meat
Got the one where Amy is looking at all the hedgehogs (including herself in the mirror) and shouting 'SONIC!' ?
It's my art now.
Shadow NEEDS the money he can't afford to be a flop
Obliterate my brain, Sonic
If we don't get a trailer soon his fearless campaign will go triple sheet metal on the charts
why'd you do this??
Super Sonic's quills shouldn't be styled like Shadow's are, Shadow's quills should be styled like Super Sonic's are.
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Reminder that Frontiers managed to do triple aluminum foil in Japan
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I thought Frontiers was released last year, fuck I'm getting old.
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Dingo and/or Sleet
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*blue needlemouse speeds by*
… My honored brethren
My honored brethren

… We come together
We come together

… To unite as one
To unite as one

… Against those that are damned
Against those that are damned

… We show no mercy
We show no mercy

… For we have none
For we have none

… Our enemy shall fall
Our enemy shall fall

… As we apprise
As we apprise

… To claim our fate
To claim our fate

… Now and forever
Now and forever

… We'll be together
We'll be together

… In love and in hate
In love and in hate

… They will see. We'll fight until eternity
Come with me We'll stand and fight together
Through our strength we'll make a better day
Tomorrow we shall never surrender.

… They will see. We'll fight until eternity
Come with me We'll stand and fight together
Through our strength we'll make a better day
Tomorrow we shall never surrender.

… They will see. We'll fight until eternity
Come with me We'll stand and fight together
Through our strength we'll make a better day
Tomorrow we shall never surrender.

… They will see. We'll fight until eternity
Come with me We'll stand and fight together
Through our strength we'll make a better day
Tomorrow we shall never surrender.

… We shall never surrender
[Whisper] We shall never surrender

>guys remember when sonic flopped?
fuck you, can you stop doomposting?

Sonic is supposed to be a money hungry hoochie this is criminal
Yeah, I need to improve my prompting that is for sure, (it doesn't help that I am busy with work and other things at the same time).
Any good prompting resources?
I was just playing amd he didn't flop just barely tho (lol ) with the senior citizen fans being called out for their shit takes and cringe fan content and Paramount finally getting people to get their weak ass streaming service Sonic's future is bright
She's copping a field on Silver
Go to Civitai's image search engine, choose the best images or references you prefer, click the "Remix" button or go over the image details to see information on the prompts, loras, and everything that was used to generate it. That's the best resource for proompting.
AI draws better than FWA
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Reminder that no matter how much people like to shit on the Sonic community or the weird shit you guys like to do, at least we're not the Splatoon community
This is why Nintendo doesn't do voice chat.
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I fucking love CUNNY!
What the fuck, this is actually good
Stop they forgave us after we attacked them for no reason
>random hostility towards splatoon and pokemon fans
>Chris immediately strikes
>no back up

The only good thing in Slaptoon is the squid and octopus teenager pussy
>Everything is canon
>Certain things are canon
>Nothing is canon
>You decide for yourself what is canon
Sonic Sticker Stars flopping to Wonder was our karma
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Broke and Bespoke are the same thing.
canon stops at 2005. anything that comes after is just messing around.
Thanks, I'll be updating all my Loras for PonyXL since many people seem to request that as it is the hottest thing. Blaze or Sage is next.

I am hoping to get this Cream update out Today.
>Nothing is canon
The Mario approach
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>Wait a minute Sonic, that's my boyfriend right here, and he looks like he needs cat milk
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I also love european rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus)
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>Sonic Sticker Stars

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I demand more bunny cunny on skimpy swimsuits!
Blaze only takes pity on him, she rather hang with Sonic
>Blaze only takes pity on him, she rather hang with Sonic
Yeah, this issue was the most obvious, "Oh fuck Sliv-cucks are gonna kill themselves. Lets force the most ooc contrived plot to hopefully string those losers along a little more"
bet you know how that feels DOOFUS
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look at these freaks
was there ever an explanation on why gh and sky sanc are the only modern/act2 stages that have a "fast" version of their bgm in generations? why don't the rest have it
Is Femboiver a new thing?
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>she rather hang with Sonic, that's why she stops paying attention to Sonic when she sees Silver
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sorry apology blow job is on me Anon is still a doofus tho
ran out of time probably
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>cat milk
Blaze's bitty titties can only give him droplets
>Cat milk and Cookies
Silver is affected by Blaze bifnauxen energy
>blaze nursing handjob silver
Ai bros, are you up for the task?
>a new thing?
No but it needs to stop
Read it
Time constraints, most likely
While the other modern versions are fine, Rooftop Run lacks that OOMPH to it, that the original RR has(more guitars and drums, which boosted green hill and sky sanctuary both have)
>he writes right to left
what a fag
Silver has to squeeze HARD to get a droplet of milk from her super tiny chest
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The series don't have an actual twink bishounen character so Silver gets forced into that archetype
Only way to stop this is for Sega to cook up that kind of character
When I see the word sheep I think of huge titties. Lanolin has ruined my brain.
Poor Silver, his babysitter went on a date and left him all alone...
Whisper's brown armpits
have a (You)
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I wonder if she is self-aware about her huge titties
Why haven't we seen any Barry's Ai Boygina?
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I think she is, but she's too serious to flaunt them or slut around. That's why she wears the sweater to cover them up. Doesn't stop her from thinking about dick 24/7.
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Maekawa putting references to old games in his writing = good
Ian putting references to old games in his writing = bad
>Naming your kid after your ex
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I was re-reading 221 and this made me feel like shit, fuck Mina
It's how it's handle.

Ian has to consistently call back things in a obnoxious way.
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They should fight.
Literally flirting vs sexual harassment anon
Yes, Maekawa did it right and Ian did it wrong
Its not the thing in general its the execution. Although, I'd prefer Ian if he just stopped with the references either way.
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who does this faggot wearing sonic's shoes think he is
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Is that another Sally?
He's all quirked up and busting it down.
He's earned the right to wear Sonic's shoes.
Daaaaamn that's some nice shading. Who did it?
Ian is the Dave Filoni of Sonic
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>Man, this reminds me of that time I fought the Egg Viper. Gotta live and learn, hanging on the edge of tomorrow, am I right guys? Live and learn, or you'll never find your way. Let's do it to it!
Mina Mongoose
Fiona Fox
Sally Sacorn
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Would. In that order.
Let's do it to it is a good catchphrase and I'm willing to die on that hill.
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>don't listen to 'em, Toots!
>great googely a'moogley! look a Deez knockers!
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>fuck Mina
Hot take: Sega needs to boot Ian Flynn
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>Shadow The hedgehog
>Shadow The hedgehog 2
>Shadow The hedgehog 3 & Eclipse
>Shadow The hedgehog Xtreme
>Shadow Adventure
>Shadow Adventure 2
>Shadow vigilantes
>Sonic the hedgehog
>Shadow Rush
>Shadow The hedgehog (2036)
>Shadow and the secret rings
>Shadow and the White Knight
>Shadow Generations 2 (1 is in 2024)
>Shadow Monochrome
>Shadow Lost world
My hot take is that should only happen if Ian doesn't improve or show signs of learning from his mistakes. Hopefully he dials back the references.
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I remember it differently...
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holy fucking cringe
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God damn Mina is hot when she's sticc
holy fucking based
>This city reminds me of Casinopolis!
>We have mushrooms on my Island, but not ones this huge!
>This weather reminds me of our last attack on the Egg Carrier!
>You've been in battle before? What, you too, Mr. Big?
shut up cuck
Battle? That reminds me of Sonic Adventure 2: Battle for the Nintendo GameCube and Sonic Battle for the Game Boy Advance! Which reminds me of the Sonic Advance trilogy! What amazing Adventures we have had, right guys? Which reminds me...
Sex with Cream! Sew with Cream! Sex SEGS, sex bunny sexo, bnuuy segs, sexo grande, mucho sexo, Cream sex, sexo Cream!
Notice how all of those aren't important dialogue, just background chatter. Also notice how they're short, only about a sentence.
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is this is what most people have problems with? just the references? not when he tried to kill Sonamy? the glaring OOC problems? and Tails inconsistency?
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This is the only time Ian has made a reference that didn't make me cringe.
For all his faults, Flynn cares about Sonic's lore more than anyone working at Sega, by a long shot, while also being an actually educated writer. They won't find anyone else like him, and we'll just stumble back into the meta era where Sonic is not allowed to be serious about anything ever.
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Is she holding a G11?
>Nicole gets to watch this without consent and call it "security"
So lucky...
stfu blud kys dumb ass bitch nigga
>render fix not in SA2 spreadsheet
Who updates this shit again?
>while also being an actually educated writer
What do you mean?
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That he has a degree and reads the classics as opposed to being a prolific fanfiction.net user.
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same pic
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Thoughts on this creature?
Woodchipper goes brr..
>chubby rouge mod not in SA2 spreadsheet
Who updates this shit again?
Real mina is so cute.
>and Tails inconsistency?
That's nothing new
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should I train her AI model using this art or >>483857915?
That's odd. Why wouldn't it be included?
what's up with the "why didn't Sonic kill Eggman" thing? Did Ian bring that up in the IDW comic?
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She cute.
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Why didn't eggman leave Sonic to job to Surge?
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I would love to see some AI using Spaz's art style like yours and pic related. Axer's too, but as a separate one.
Most of the stuff in Frontiers is background chatter too.
Eggman wanted the Dynamo back, also Surge knocked herself out trying to kill Sonic.
Compare to Frontiers when Ian legimately can't help himself but bring up past events every other scene.
Didn't the japanese script even cut some of those out?
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You want something colored?
that's hot, post more pics of Sonic getting manhandled by eggman
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I would, but I'm blind, mute and tone deaf.
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Then perish.
Day two of the steam sale is here. The current online charts are almost the same as yesterday.

King of the Mountain is Sonic Adventure 2 with 274
2nd place is Sonic Frontiers pulling in 250
Bronze this time goes to Sonic Mania with 123 narrowly beating Sonic Adventure which has 122.

Even with Sonic Mania taking third, its clear the Adventure games are king. Bottom of the bottom is Sonic 4 aka the game that fits in no camp. I'd say Sega should remake it but they did...Twice.
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colour me this
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this is not game Shadow
Say, did you color that Bark pic by any chance?
Yeah she delivered it with some rouge and rouge(fake) pictures.
Would you happen to remember filename of it, please?
If SA2 is still popular to this day why didn't Sonic Team keep its template for future Sonic games? It saves serious dev time to just make Sonic, Tails and Knuckles playable and the rest of the playable cast are expies on them which have their own missions to advance the plot
The Japanese fans like Adventure and Modern Sonic in general, they want the japanese fans right? so why didn't Sega just make exactly that for the next 10 years?
Sorry didn't save it. I'm not a fan of bark. Try searching experimental.
>19 online
This is the only official Sonic game in which you can race someone online.
Is there really no point in implementing a multiplayer in a Sonic game?
And Superstars doesn't count
Apparently she wasn't experimenting on Bark
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homer mongoose...
Sonic 06, literally the cause of the shift. I honestly think if Sonic Heroes was on steam it'd do fine as well. Shame that won't happen cause Renderware.

Man I wish Billy Hatcher was on steam.
ok, I take your word of it.
Sonic and Eggman will never kill each other because they are secret lovers.
>saw Surge and Kit for the first time
Let her be Android 16 already
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Time to dye your beard again Mina.
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Sonic 2006 poisoned the well
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do you think if 06 was good there would have been a 4th season of Sonic x?
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Fang watching Honey become a better leader to Bean and Bark than him
Sonic X was cancelled before 06 got released.
>SA2 and SADX have never passed over 1000 players at their respective peaks
>Mania, Origins and Superstars have all hit over 1000 players at their peaks
What kind of agenda is this meant to be? The Adventure games have the most obsessive but minute fanbase?
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Ninja Tangle!!!
I think the left is the best one so far.
Looking good, but Cream looks too large.
>more people are playing the busted ass ports of Classic Sonic titles over Superstars
This game is an embarrassment.

And why the hell is CD even still there? Origins already encapsulates it within its collection.
Watch her vanish in thin air as soon as her friends need emotional support
Sales spike during steam sales. It's the best time to gauge long term interest.
Is doing well despite missing the MJ music. Don't think Sega is losing any sleep over the delisting...Or cares that the roms were uploaded as "DLC" on workshop.
Tangle could beat the shinju no sweat
What is Wonder?
It must be Sonic related since it's between all the other and is developed by Sonic Team (GCS2).
>Busted ass ports
They're actually good with only minor issues (cough S3&K). Amy is also a plus for the pervs.
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lol imagine them devouring Sonic and friends lol every last bit of them...heh
Why would honey say this
As long as they don't eat Sonic Silver Shadow Blaze and Knuckles there a slim chance of survival
The same chart says All Stars Racing Transformed has 54 players online, which really speaks to how shitty TSR is if a 12 year old game still has a substantially higher player count than it.
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It's slow.
>he has a degree
That's a disappointment. I thought he was self-taught. I don't trust him as much anymore now that I know this, although that does explain some things.

>as opposed to being a prolific fanfiction.net user
He literally was though.
>Back then, I was pursuing my English degree and it dawned on me that, once I graduated, I had to get a job. What do you do with an English degree instead of teach English? I thought, "I like writing comics. I like the Sonic comic. I like to write in general.

What's wrong with having a degree in English?
Shadow dick game is weak???
>He literally was though.
Everyone who writes stuff like Sonic the Hedgehog professionally was, obviously. Problem is, most of them never bothered learning how to actually write a story, playing by ear from start to finish, and as a result, most of them are pretty fucking bad.
Major YouTubers and video game journalists said "uhm Sonic 2006 is fundamentally bad actually and you better agree with me or else" and SEGA listened to them for some reason
Could they beat foes like The End
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Sonic World Adventure
Sonic I'm not paying for any property damage not even a single balloon you psycho
Games that had their first release on Steam vs rerereleases
Yes they scale over Soloris too probably
Steam has never done Sonic dirty ever
>Amy is also a plus for the pervs.
Do we have the figures for how many people actually bought that DLC?
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Blaze can hold her own...
Not really though Sega more than likely made bank off the physical versions they dump in Walmart.
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If there was an /sthg/-based fighting game, who would you play as?
cause he's cooler than Sonic
Silver (Japanese dub)
Hi I wanna play Sonic 06 (not project 06)
is there a good emulation that replicates the game and all of its jank for pc? I have a ps3 but I dont really wanna buy the game (and I hear the 360 version is "better")
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>Eggman beating up a fag wannabe
Will never not be cool.
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What's next for them?
Continued existence in the vault
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I did.
When I raped him
Blaze is doomed without a port of the Rush games to Modern consoles and there are no plans for Silver so they're stuck together forever.
I can't help, I don't know about emulation and I'm playing it on Xbox 360 (bought it recently, one of the cheapest Sonic games if you don't count DLC) but I'm enjoying it a lot so I'm glad to see someone else wants to give it a chance. If the emulator runs well it might be even better, maybe it gets rid of those annoying slowdowns.
He's just doing some shopping, Amy told him to finally get some pants
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I used Xenia to play 06, it's an Xbox 360 emulator. It ran buttery smooth except I tried to do the Flame Core clip and then my computer bluescreened and I got scared so I didn't try it again
early gens looking good so far
Did they really admit this? Because thats based if true (almost certainly not)
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No but Kishimoto admitted they studied the Spark series.
iirc he expressed surprise at fan project and said he doesn't want fan games to appear superior and that motivates him to work harder, something along those lines
Damn, that actually gives me some hope for the future...
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If you're buying the game on 360, do it now. The 360's online store is shutting down next month meaning you won't be able to legally aquire the DLC on that platform before too long.
I'm not sure about emulation, I assume you'll need a very powerful computer if you want to emulate Sonic 06.
The PS3 (and 360 version) version of Sonic 06 is pretty cheap on Ebay and you can probably find it for even less if you can find a store selling used games from that generation.
Updates 2 and 3 of Frontiers were heavily built on fan feedback, which apparently Kishimoto was taking without full permission from the higher ups since they told him to tone it down when they found out
Cause why study the actual Sonic games like classic and adventure for gameplay and design when you can just rip off Sparky instead
>no mina mongoose waking me up in the morning with a blowjob
it would be a sloppy job since her throat is tinner than a pinky
Blaze has a chance at being playable again because she's similar enough to Sonic.
Absolutely no chance that Silver will ever be though, outside the usual side game cameos, he requires a custom physics system for his fancy abilities, and Sega will never be arsed to do that again.
They should study the Jazz Jackrabbit games instead.
Silver isn't even that complex to code. ChaosX fixed him.
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>thread has been up for 12 hours

Is this how slow the general is when I'm not here? damn
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Ugh this bitch <3
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Yes. Start posting.
Early gen epoch 6
I fucking wish Sonic Team looked at P-06 and learned from it. Will they though?
Other than that, Silver is a very high-maintenance character. Everyone else can be shoehorned into the usual "Sonic clone, Knuckles clone, Tails clone" format, but not him, he's unique like that. And that tells me Sonic Team won't bother.
Why aren't these real roms?
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Don't ever leave me again...
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demonic crowd
Time machine us back to 1990 and we might convince Yuji Naka to make it a cat franchise.
Silver is a Sonic clone like Shadow. They just need to reinvent his psychic powers as air dashes and homing attacks and he works fine.
They did just make Amy a Sonic clone in Frontiers so I don't see why they wouldn't do that for Silver
I like how over the top edgy Shadow looks
Besides the crowd looking like an eldritch horror in the background those Mina's look great. Good work.
These are early gens using only like five basic prompts, the crowd or any trashy element should be removed from the final results (hopefully)
mina and shadow both look like two halves of y2k character design
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Penders' idea of an adult Tails is Toki from HnK.
Fankid when?
epoch #9 improved the crowds, still waiting for final gen
Someone break this mans hands already.
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>And that tells me Sonic Team won't bother.
Shun Nakamura will insist he gets put in if he's given the opportunity.
Is Ken mentally ill?
He's defined by his telekinetic abilities way too much. He doesn't run, he hovers. He doesn't attack opponents, he throws shit at them. He can stop things thrown at him and redirect them. And so on. It's not like when you make Amy a Sonic clone and just let her use the hammer to replace Sonic's tricks, or how Blaze is just Sonic but with fire effects. Silver would require some actual tech fuckery, and retards at Sonic Team can't code Sonic himself well, let alone that shit.
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I wish amy was hotter
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I wish Amy was more psychotic (hot)
I like how he has a beard on his muzzle. His fur grew facial hair. Why not.
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>I fucking wish Sonic Team looked at P-06
I fucking wish Sonic Team just bought P-06 from ChaosX and remade the game to sell. Maybe update the models, polygon count, and textures a bit to look more modern
>needing a lora for a popular sonic character while using pony
>amputation in negative
sage would be better, pony doesn't know her because she's too recent.
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IS this ai or actually archie? I can't tell
Final gen, looks great considering it doesn't have negs, complementing loras or anything. I'll test it out now.
Silver does spin jump and spin dash in Rivals so they can easily make him more of Sonic clone if they choose to
it won't matter soon.
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Why did Hoshino betray his own rules when he made Neo Metal Sonic?
I'd tell you but you can't read.
Needs wider hips
Why not
Not too shabby
That's just the eyes Modern Metal Sonic have in general
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Archie got you covered.
yardley mouth ruins it
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>hate paste
she was cute when she wasn't mad
Archietards will finally shut the fuck up and be able to use AI to continue their comic
Everyone in Rivals is a Sonic clone, in a side game like that (or Riders, for example) you can add as many characters as you want. But like I said, that's all he'll get.
I found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qQ3hzBavy8
Jason Griffith said some of you nerds sent hate mail to him.
/sthg/ Beach Volleyball when?
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what a sleepy fuck

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