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Return of an Old Friend edition

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>483830906
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Kinda nice to be an unaltered moonie
aether compass is shit gameplay
let me fly without fetch quests you fat cuck yoshida
im in the first zone with the hanus...im pretty fucking bored
I like Wuk andd I'm not bothered by the NA VA. I'm not afraid to say it.
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>massive crowd around Viper
>Pictomancer crowd is sparse
What did Eorzea mean by this?
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logging out as a level 82 pictomancer this evening
Jobs for lonely and horny males?
oh right... we are doing that aetheryte shit again
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i should've fucking slept more before the expansion...
how to level up from 80 to 90?
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unaltered fiddie here!
My shaders look ugly now i need a new one
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Almost done. How is everyone's Viper/Picto leveling going?
still cant log in...
male viera pictomancer
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i'm stranded on shadow
so i'll just be running duty support to level viper
/xivg/ is so predictable
can't wait for the patches when you niggers suddenly start playing apologist for Manderville weapoms
stealing this moonie
>guy in shout chat keeps randomly piping in "WoW Better!"
>So far nobody has even acknowledged them
could have spend more time sleeping if you weren't such a thread bicycle
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Sightseeing log is back!
cat gore do not open
sexing this moonie
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>SE trying not to have a catastrophic fail-launch challenge: impossible
Hope Square gets kyoani'd
becoming my goonwife
it would probably snuff a cat if it went inside
>Wanderers in balmung
>le one guy
stormblood was the best expansion but you'd claim nobody said that because xivg is contrarian and pretended to hate it when it was current
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Thread lacking Ryne. Heres one.
probably got blacklisted immediately
the xiv cult is ruthless
Because of a very long duty roulette finally popping, I had to skip the cutscene where Wuk Lamat runs into some big two headed lizard dude who crushes her tacos.

Did I miss anything substantial or was that the generla gist of the cutscene?
Launch was fine though? I had maybe a 20 minute queue but after that its been fine.
>dipshits stranded on other DCs blaming SE
>when they explicitly said to go back to your home dc before maintenance
Imagine not keeping up with the news for a game you pay a monthly sub for
post rear
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Well, /xivg/...?
I prefer Alisaie personally
would. multiple times.
>in PVP picto has to stop to redraw motifs after every engagement
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea.
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Any of you boys or gals figure out how to get this mount yet?
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stuck in return hell
give me ideas what to draw
level 95....
No combat....
supergluing my face to her pits (shes trans so i know she doesn't shower)
>Post 7.0 makes you do the new Bozja style content to progress relic
>"Man we really took for granted how nice Manderville relics were to get geared up for jobs"

LMAO like clockwork dude.
I prefer to think of it as a gated community
Just because Paco/Chang/Ivan cries about being excluded doesn't mean it's bad
they also specifically said to go over to dynamis/shadow/materia in case of congestion
Dude is literally spamming. Blacklisting and moving on is the most mature thing to do.
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Uhm your palace jump puzzle clear?
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bait used to be believable
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Bout to flip a brick into an empire, stop playin with me
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kinda based
rolling for mom or the other mom
>Wuks va was a bit rough in 6.55 she'll probably improve
>dt drops
>she hasn't
who made this terrible casting?
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works on my pc
We canonically saw her naked
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>Ruins your summer holiday
>can't stop yawning
Give it to me straight balmungiers, if I try to log back in in about 3 hours, will the queues still be long?
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Oh my. I don't think I should be PVPing right now.
Miss Kibou do you like unaltered female dicks
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Thread lacking Lyse. Heres one.
This MSQ is only cementing my femlala's love for hrothgar males...
ugliest moonie here
>xivg "lewdposers" kept their screenshots on backfill to post at the moment of DTs release to get engagement
Do these niggas really?
5, 7, or 8 please
how many times are they going to bring this hydaelyn bitch back
>baiting GET bans during an expansion launch
why does she look so mean
oh fuck thats hot
Face 1 looks like this now
a hag fiddie
post Hilda instead
>ugly zero
it's over..
Log in now
No Raya-o? Sad.
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Should I drink the cat fanta?
rollin rollin rollin
The queues would be longer as the wagecucks finally get out of the cage and attempt to log in.
This Viper shit doesn't have combos?
If you want to look like a crossdressing man then sure
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Needs more Fordola.
you look like you kiss rava girls
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they may be longer
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Wait there is another pudding poster here?!?!
i need those blowjob lips to make quickshot over and over
>discussing XIV twitter on a thread about the game
Kill yourself at your earliest convenience
>noooo but I didn't say twitter
Nobody's posting lewd screenshots and the ones that are are reposting old shit.
Accurate, without the duck lips though
One button combos
when can I log in? either on the world I am visiting or my home server? Do I wait until tomorrow? what is this nonsense?
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i love EU queues so much bros its like anywhere from 10-50 people mid day and then randomy 4000+ if you dare to even attempt to log in anytime after 16 30
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Wow, my character looks absolutely fucking terrible in-game.
It's over. Fantasia by tonight.
Sorry Ravasisters.
Cant dc travel to my friend, but i can go to materia and shadow
is it fucked or smth?
Reminder, report people you see exploiting the AFK timer.
Do you part in keeping xiv running
>login to balmung
>16 player queue

the game is finally dead
I actually wasn't thinking about that. It was just my only pic with Alisae.
find me and then do it
t. abusinng the afk timer in the fortemps house and nothing you can do about it
If you want to look like sex incarnate then sure
No dc travel is closed unless you’re going to the less populated DCs
*hides in my locked house*
it's been all rain, fog, and fucking SNOW so far.. what the fuck sisters
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damn they really are jews
queue just means how many people are trying to log in, not how many people are ingame
this is acceptable
Yeah, I don't know why everyone is complaining. I had a 38 person queue on Balmung an hour ago and got in under a minute.
Guys, are the EW raid storylines brought up in the MSQ?
how am i not even level 91 yet and i've already gotten 2 different long cutscene warnings
People are reporting AFKers and they are getting logged out by GMs
Also most of balmung is unironically filled by alts and people are playing with their mains right now
>Balmung only 33 que
Thank god I did not take dynamis pill.
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one set of tits coming up
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no fuckin rats allowed in /xivg/
i hope we'll get a plugin soon that'll let us find out who which alt belongs to if we blacklist them
If Balmung has a 30 player queue why can't I return home to it
So far I love them
Whats the strat to beating the AFK timer
ok, note to self: no masturbatory breaks tonight or else ill lose my spot on my server
I've been on since the servers came up and my body is so weak
No.... NO!!!
they shouldn't be, they're pretty self contained storylines
too many people already inside
Does Golbez dick down Zero?
Paulie snitching is the entire reason most of tones crew died
Because that VA is actually bad.
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>People are reporting AFKers and they are getting logged out by GMs
why would you purposefully spread misinformation on the internet
Because you were a retard who decided not to return to your home world even after you were given ample time to do so and were warned there could be issues.
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I dont get it
why hes mad to the point of creating a PF
does he expect healers and tanks to just queue dungeons when they could be leveling or doing the new MSQ?
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for u a gock
Golbez is a cuck so probably not
>I've been on since the servers came up and my body is so weak
time to rape this lizzer while they can't resist!
I am not rolling again because the first time I got Y'shtola and the second time I replied by accident I also got Y'shtola so I'm not risking losing that.
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Cute twink hello???
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Wouldn't you?
looking cute sis
It’s not though she sounds fine
I really .. really like PCT in CC
this game really feels like shit to play without pluginw
writers really are just putting Estinien in the story by any means necesarry, why is this fucker even here
now post the unmodded model you delusional troon
>Log in
>WoL looks bad
>Log out
uh oh meltie
Post your true flesh form
You could never catch me. I am agile
Fresh out of sex. It’s too foggy and rainy and snowy for it
Yeah, it can be good
It's not queue related, it's just incompetence, they probably turned off the server travel switch entirely to accommodate the launch.
Square are the retards for having these embarrassing launches every single expansion.
>He is unaware
AFK exploit in steps of nald, in the open
>4 hours of cutscenes later
>more cutscenes
Sit still so I can kill you, you little goblin.
No he doesn't.
>Post your true flesh form
I have been
I literally went AFK for an hour to go make breakfast and came back unmolested
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and a hag fiddie
thats a cape not really saggy tiddies
He was bored, dude.
Life's just not interesting without the endless supply of adventure the Scions provide.
>Yeah, it can be good
because the XIV team is adamant about their fanservice and trying to please everyone so they put in all the scions and characters like estinien instead of coming up with an original cast
yes they have to repopulate the void somehow
you ever see a woman and immediately want to eat her out
You have to imagine the piece first...
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>Posts a fresh nude just for engagement
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holy based
we get it you're a newfag who bought a boost
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ouhh lemme disable the hd skin and hair mods because I am seeing some burn victims walking around
its cool how much better doing the story feels with other people running about. i wish there was actually a reason to leave the cities after the story is finished. expansion zones turn lonely after a week
>wuk lamat's man voice comes out when it gets spat on
va couldnt hide it for long
*blushes* teehee

desu i feel like moonies won over sunnies for the graphics overhaul
I rolled alisaie bros it's official she loves me



>can hear the pouring rain hitting the roof
damn this is cozy
reminder that Wuk Lamat's JP VA actually plays the game and has cleared ultimates and is a real woman, making her the superior choice
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So what npc characters got the graphical update?
Only the dawntrail ones?
How do you get the Alpaca mount
dude just wants to fuck shit up
war junkie
I bet shes into chikan, secretly. Taking shoopuff rides every day while scantily clad, just hoping someone would.
Am I upset at the lack of hats and only 5 hairs?
Still in love with my froth though
Wait, okay, so it’s not a modbeast…BUT it’s still a famous e-celeb. Would rape! Sex! Cum!
yeah ok it's so fun to play vanilla haha
give me back my mods now, I dont want to click "yes" anymore
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All the time.
Reminder that Wuk Lamar’s ENG VA is a legacy player and matters more than you
Yeah, a lot of these generals are filled with mentally ill coomers. The absolute state of people baka
blasting turali ropes to this tourist.
built for futalalas
what's it like knowing you'll be seething impotently for the next two years of patches minimum
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You are entitled to your opinion (it is wrong) to like whatever you like (it is shit) and I hope you have a great day (jump off a....)
Is Zot the dungeon to run for leveling beyond 90 still?
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I spent the last 4 hours doing 1 frontline and re-editing my character with fanta '-'
I only made it through 2 cutscenes before switching to JP. The tranny voice being seasick on the boat just killed it for me.

I switched to JP, and now Wuk Lamat actually sounds really cute. I didn't know she actually played this game, that's a huge bonus!
>fights the king
>says later faggot and leaves without explanation
I love Estinien so much
Okay they fucked something up. It used to be when I pressed enter when messaging someone it would lock that person into my chat window. Now i just gets rid of it and defaults back to /say. How can I fix this?
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4 hours and 30 and still unable to play
how are we holding up trapped anons
FUCK this is boring, i didn't even make it to 91 i'm just gonna log off
it's for vpr/pct players dumbass, they're at 80
>why does she look so mean
What no EB does to a moonie
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>True Strikes, Twin Snakes, and Four-point Fury all state they change the form to Coeurl
>can only perform Demolish if you used Four-point Fury
I'm just switching to JP voices so I don't have to hear that unnatural gutteral voice bro, i'm good <3
>implying you even play the game
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I want to marry and impregnate Venat
This feels anemic.
>an entire race of bratty jew merchant children
I'm a legacy player too, and his voice acting is garbage.
I switched immediately to Japanese. I am quite enjoying Wuk.
What DC?
I'm curious how bad shit will be if/when I log off later for either sleep or food.
same but reading my FC chat yapping about which character looks good or worsen me roaming around looking at my fps counter displaying 35 In Gridania, and have all the mieras getting attention from the biofems
seeing a lot of femhroths that actually look cute instead of looking like abominations
maybe femhroth weren't a mistake..?

i feel like suncat eyes jus got so fucked up with the overhaul bro i'm sorry... i have no stake in the moonie vs sunnie game ..
Low stakes=/=no combat
Its literally 4+ hours of talking cutscenes right out the gate. At least send us on some more errands to fight local threats.
>EVERYONE looks better
>Fiera looks worse
Unironically lost interest in playing for a few weeks
built for every single race on the planet
bwos.. i might legit fall asleep during all these cutscenes
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The more things change the more they stay the same
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Same bro same.
>Have VPRs and PCT slabbering over my loins begging me to help them skip queue
>End up with a harem of dps doing dailies.
Tank life is good.
>hit play
>game attempts to launch
>black screen
well i dunno what to do now
femra look worse too
textools or penumbra?
anon you do know what xivg is about right?
Grown ass men.
bored, about to give up for today
trying to move from Dynamis back to Crystal and it's impossible
can i get one pace but for ffxiv story cutscenes
for a game that prides itself on its story, i have almost never enjoyed it
Straight jorking it
Zenos did.
>seeing a lot of femhroths that actually look cute
I'm here to ruin that for you and also I made my adventure plate a kabedon pov.
I still just wanted the Bless Online Pantera race. But they could have been a lot worse than they turned out to be. So its alright.
>how bad shit will be if/when I log off later for either sleep or food
Queues are low to nonexistent that retard just did DC travel right before an expansion and is now surprised they're locked out
correction needed!!!!!!
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>viper doesn't cpose in staff form
why couldnt they add the new things as an option 6, instead of changing one of the 5 options already existing
i want a bunch of bratty dps to use and abuse my tank holes and give them faster queues.....
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>you ever see a woman and immediately want to eat her out

I have never seen a woman and felt the need to submit to her and destroy any respect she has for me as a man.
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I get this is world building but man, I don't give a single fuck about these birds.
>i feel like suncat eyes jus got so fucked up with the overhaul bro i'm sorry..
nta but I kinda agree, I'm disapointed with my face3 sunnie unless perfect lightning ie no lighning at all and have the face completely obscured
Imagine being carried away by these two cute kittens. Snuggled safely between their muscular arms...
not sure what even the appeal is but I love her and need more motherly characters in FFXIV
>What DC?
going from light to chaos but i dont think it's actually queue/congestion based, they've just turned off being able to swap worlds/DCs since people are saying EU has no queues at the moment
time to use the free fanta
never eaten out a girl so well she turns retarded? that's a shame
I want to peropero a pelupelu
might as well.....
Viera were the only attractive female models to me
Everything else is pedo bait or tranny bait

It's unironically over. I'm not hype to slop through a beach expansion.
how? Theres no queue
smooching your belly and sniffing your pits and then running away
>play healer
>Instant Queues
>People playing new jobs like retards and getting hit
Fucking finally I have purpose...
why are you like this
>tural origin story is inspired by hydaelyn/zodiark
and just like that i am no longer interested in tural's lore
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Dude chill, they can't keep bringing that motherfucker back.
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I feel like this screencap will come in handy later, thanks
post your pictomancer and viper cross hotbars
maybe her corpse is still warm
Locked out?
They won't let you play if you traveled?
I know quite a few who moved to Dynamis before the expac for lower queue times. I figured it was stupid, but I didn't think they'd be locked out of playing. Didn't Square advise people to do that??
my catgirl looks like shit bros .... should I fanta to catboy?
what about my futa lovers, will they turn their backs on me...........
I wish i had a healer at 80 on any of my alts id offer to healqueue for them till they hit 90 on VPR or PCT.
they DC traveled to another DC, didnt go back before maintenance when SE said to do that, now they're locked out from playing because they're dumbasses
Post your unaltered fiddie!
Heh… so you finally accept my power. Your visual prowess has improved…….
I forget...who this is....
after running around the new city im hopeful for them letting us go on the upper areas of solution 9
why would you write a character thats a horrible mother whos plans require her using her children but also make her so hot that I want to give her more and more children
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because they locked people out of returning from servers they are visiting
but they also cannot log in to those servers because they are "congested"
they gave me a fucking shitnose

they took the cute small nose, and made it into a shitnose
Dynamis works fine, yes
The majority of the people whining about being locked out are the Aetherfags/Primalchimps who spend all their time on Balmung
>didnt go back before maintenance when SE said to do that
SE told people to travel to other servers retard
They're RETARDS.
give it a month until the people who left to avoid spoilers come back. the first day of an expansion always has a lot of naysayers and shitposters.
Reeee! Why do I have to wait for my my mount along with the rest of the non-early access plebviuses?
>crusty jugglers
they get what they fucking deserve
I'm on Primal myself, but I never moved. Hopefully the queues are fine later on.
No, I have never put my mouth near a womans pisshole. I prefer not getting throat cancer.
>the first day of an expansion always has a lot of naysayers and shitposters.
nah it's just europeans, they do this every patch and have been since 5.0
the second dye channel is worse than fucking useless and the real problem with the system has not been fixed. im going to ohakilmyself
May I rape
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I feel that tremendously.
It's over
From the only reasonable choice, down to solid mid tier
How do you unlock the Alpaca mount?
>why are you like this
I'm keeping the thread entertaining !!!! You do look cute tho good job
you're missing out anon i love throating women
She needs to make more extremely dark skinned babies like her son again
no they explicitly told people to go back to their DCs before maintenance they do this every single time maintenance happens
everyone on EU should blacklist the entire lightcord desu
based filipino CHAD
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>the general consensus pre-release was that VPR would be braindead
>feels more complicated to me due to all the changing buttons
Am I getting old?
lol, small
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I already posted my fiddie, I don't like to spam
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last quest of dawntrail it looks like
Which tank do I take through DT MSQ?
Smashing a taco over this lalafell's head and then tying them to an alpaca and then sending the alpaca sprinting.
who is that UGLY ass nigga posting their lala
>explicitly told
>line in a random article
go fuck yourself, how does this constitute a proper warning. i was busy doing other stuff and not paying attention to the game before launch, so i deserve to get fucked over?
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people keep asking me if im back and I havent really had an answer
but yeah im thinking im back
no you're just fucking retarded it plays itself for you, press one of your two combo starters and then press the glowy buttons
grabbing you by your hips and picking you up and forcing you to learn dutch
See >>483840226
So square enix is literally contradicting themselves and you're sucking their cock
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I think female viera look fine…
you do, maybe stay mad about it maybe that'll help :D
I'm logged in and ready to start Dawntrail but jerking off and shitposting in /xivg/ is more fun than playing the game.
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>>line in a random article
dumbass bitch https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/770737a645ce5bc0b72cbdc09e56e40c77a5af8e
Posted on the 18th btw
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wtf?! you won't survive the attempt idiot


no u

>the chameleon is an ascian
Yeah sure whatever fuck it
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They shrunk this mount

not that I'm complaining
Oh shit is that a techpriest glam that actually looks like a techpriest? You must teach me your secrets.
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>should I fanta to catboy?
Go for it
oh wow they posted it on twitter too. amazing.
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great game
great quests
really enjoying this point and click vn really cool guys

oh the first dungeon is another boring wall to wall with proteans and chariot oh ok yep nice one

oh my rotation is simplified and every action is now a followup really cool and engaging stuff
yeah you do, get fucked
I am enjoying the MSQ btw, posting spoilers soon so get out while you can
Lalafells look so much worse. Guess I'm going to finally change.
>The fucking lodestone
>"random article"
especially now that you faggots can't shit up the servers and afk everywhere
Why the fuck is hrothgar hair tied to the face?
i love speaking with wuk lamat im glad you let me know that i can do it again
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Bonjour madame! i would like to Draw you like one of my french girls.
why'd you make that diaper collage
They hardly made any of the old gear look better, what a scam!
But this literally does work
If you go to Dynamis from Crystal or Aether you can log in fine, the only people who can't log in are tourists trying to DC travel to Balmung
>10 days is apparently not enough notice for xiv players on 4chan
Awww suffering the consequences of your own actions are we
please understand
Who is your WoL plapping in dawntrail?
Why do you keep avatarfagging with momiji
yeah I know you cultists are ready to eat diarrhea no matter what
i'll be skipping it tho
XIV players dont like playing games
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>people are still complaining about their own retarded decisions
The last time I was here when you retard brought it up, I even mentioned the last time when everyone got stuck on Balmung. You did this to yourself.

Why the fuck would you be somewhere other than your home world and home DC while a game is going through a 2 day maintenance? You absolute fucking retards.
>Who is your WoL plapping in dawntrail?
just anyone at this point
congrats on failing the IQ test little chimp
If you want a catboy EB then sure
make me, pipsqueak :v
embezzling the treasury with this mooner
Was relabeling 50/60/70 really necessary? Previous expansion dungeons aren't really "high" level either...
that's not how games work you dumb fucking retard if i pay for it i should be able to play it, if something this severe is going to happen there should be more direct ways of contacting players about it than a fucking article and a twitter post actually kill yourself
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What do you think of this cute Pelu merchant?
I think mine looks just as cute!
nice to know you are skipping everything again anon
>click link on launcher yesterday to pre order dawntrail
>go to SE site
>order the thing (checkout as guest)
>waiting all day for access code to my email
>never arrives
>"there might be some delay"
>go to bed. wake up today, still no email. been over 18 hours
Guess I got scammed?
When's the dungeon, I just finished the first two areas.
my fist
just like every expansion
I want to pero pero the pelu pelu
I am honestly tempted to Fanta into the new Cat-girl. But I am 90% certain that in the end I'll just return to being a Mid-lander as always
see >>483840924
why are you so mad
is this a shota?
so that she can keep making more plans obviously
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>My Devola hair mod still works
No one said you have to be aware of every little post, just the one regarding the 2 day maintenance that everyone knew about. You're a retard and are now suffering the consequences of your own actions lashing out like a child on 4chan. Please keep it up
imagine paying for something you know you would dislike
frenchkiss cumswap
Because I like Momiji so its annoying seeing people shitpost with her.
I used my free fanta to quit being a face 3 suncat and instead become a face 2 suncat
>starting to get tired of yapping
>first dungeon is always at x1 lvl
>1/3th xp bar filled
I'm not going to make it bros...
>30 minute queue time for a single leveling dungeon before sleeping
Ok so I'm leveling viper and picto in bozjs, understood
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so when do I get to log in then if servers are congested but I cant travel to my own? getting sick of waiting
its funny how they made a canonically blacked evil lady and the porn artists just did not care
check your promotional/spam folder
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Okay, he's based.
it was said multiple times even in the thread
you're a retard and we're all laughing at your tranny fumble
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Yeah, not too bad. I can't help to feel like something I liked is lost from the eyes now, but overall, I feel good.
>devs say to do something so you don't get locked out
>don't care enough to pay attention
>get locked out
>angry that you are not treated on the same level as people who did pay attention
Explain your logic, please.
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Can someone please explain new Monk to me and why I can't combo into some form skills randomly

This is the official job guide for Monk. Despite what it shows, I do not always get Twin Snakes after an opo-opo move, and I do not always get Demolish after a Raptor move, and I do not always get Bootshine after a Coeurl move
What the fuck detail am I missing, new monk feels incredibly out of order
Already 92 and I haven't hit the dungeon yet...
post her
Am I the only one that thinks froths look super mid?
>this quest
>wait at the location
>head nodding
>wait at the location again
>wait at the designated location again
there is absolutely no way
how do they get away with it? this is awful
I may just do the trials and call it quits, they are never ever going to make this ghame good are they?
Is it me or does the game turn blurry when walking? you can check this for yourself, stand still and then move slightly and compare how the sharpness of the image changes. this is without any form of res scaling
no u

uh oh schizo moment!!!!!!

I will easily
ITT: babyrage from retarded tourists who forgot to return to their home world before maintenance
>lets point at them all and laugh
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>XIVlauncher addons disabled
>No three button combo on one button
>Game literally unplayable
Now I remember why I don't bother playing on patch day
dps queues are gonna be so fucked for like a month at least
yeah i think expecting anything like that is a recipe for destruction considering how male hrothgar turned out lol (they should have just given us actual ronsos)

she looks cool bro

yea my characters eyeliner got fucked up and he looks randomly oily, but i've gotten used to it and i think i like the outcome (though the oil can fuck off its way too crazy sometimes)

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heres my name slur what are you going to do about it.
do you hear the music?
Only delusional fools and outright retards thought they could level with dungeon spamming without hiring tank/healer to carry them. And your friends should be busy doing DT themselves so that isn't very likely.
holy fuck it's there.
i'm losing it.
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>it actually is
thank GOD
ye they are forcing u to use amd fsr or dlss to upscale shit
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do I use my wondrous tails to give my MSQ job half a level of exp? or use it on what I intend to level next?
Amazing how much better Wuk looks without that shitty turban on her head
modder tears are delicious, moreso about the rpers and their stupid modbeasts
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>EW title screen
>waa waa too many cutscenes
bro just take a break every 20 minutes and go to /gif/ and watch some trans porn like a normal person
How...? Did you do roulettes on your MSQ job or something? If you did, you shouldn't... MSQ alone is enough to carry you into lvl 100 and you'll just waste exp at the end.
>moreso about the rpers and their stupid modbeasts
you've been talking about this all morning but i haven't seen a single person crying about mods
>have to use the short ponytail for femhroth because everything else has massive clipping if the outfit has a collar

thanks Yoship
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>diaperlala returns after being chased out by Dumb's Ass
>diaper album drops
>"I-it wasn't me! Schizo!"
use it to bring your alt job up to MSQ level if you planned to PCT/VPR, or if you were going to MSQ on Tank/Healer but plan to DPS actual content
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yee I haven't finished showsneeders
It's because they were actually married.
Blacked artists only care if she's dating/marrying a white guy at the same time as she bangs black guys.
how can anyone bring themselves to give a shit about this on expansion launch day
I am leveling a tank and then I level another tank
so I use it on my second tank?
The ENG dub is hot trash so far. The OG cast is still good but holy fuck everyone in Tural seems to be trying to do different Antonio Banderas impressions.
to be fair, it was a different diaperlala the last time an album dropped
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life of the dwagon is 15% more dmg now
Turn radial blur off, retard
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Why did he do it?
I already miss her bros
ah that makes sense. I'll let Yoshida know for next time
I didn't ask for your name or care who you are, I just asked why you avatarfag with Momiji. More specifically, that same picture every time.
kekked, thanks bro
thats a name i havent seen in ages
Is DLSS hot garbage for anyone else? Shits so pixelated I felt like I'm playing minecraft
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i remember we talked in a steam group chat like 12 years ago, hope youve been well
to believe in xivg is to believe in nothing
its over but you get the full buff every minute now i wish they would have kept the sound effect at least
Bro, the thread already happened. It's gone. It happened and it's gonna. You gotta learn to let things go, man. The new expansion released today. What are you even doing with your life
use it on whatever job you want to use that isnt your MSQ job is basically it
>"haha lets play the new expansion together guys!"
>5 straight hours of 0 content to do together
jesus christ
where do I put in the code?
did you want a personal call faggot? onus is on you to make sure your ducks are in order before xpac drops. I parked right where i wanted to start from, for example. ON my home world. now i'm jamming in dawntrail :)
Broooooo hella rad, lets keep hyping up your self-importance hype hype hype hype. Anyone asks who you are you tell them bitches to fuck off they should already know, this nigga is the OG
pet the heckin lamas!!! XD!!!
how am i supposed to rewrite this into a racial slur or a penis joke
ogey thank you
I did like 2 Fates that were on the way to the MSQ. I'm back in the city now and I'm already 92 with no dungeon in sight.
He's pulling a Biden
>do X
>someone calls out the fact you did X
All his brainpower went to his chin, which is a waste because he's a troon
u rike?
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figure it out
thats my buckold soldier
are you a lewdie or a cutie
im in so im not mad anymore but thanks anon ;)
a lot of races were downgraded if not all
i have it turned off forever you faggot. you absolute bafoon, you fucking, may hydaelyn forgive me ... lalafell
I am
a suncat
abusing an ahk script to not be kicked
when I'm doing my groceries
Did the twins get bigger? I feel like they're bigger
>I love having three buttons on my taskbars wasted on something that could easily and demonstrably be a single button! Fuck modders Yoshi P is always right you should NEVER be able to do your combo with a single button except in PVP where you should ALWAYS be forced to do your combo with a single button!
You are deranged if you think quality of life mods are bad.
we're all lewdies and cuties here
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aaaaaaaaaaaah yhstola you smell so goooood sniff sniiiiiiiiiiiiiffff
Reee. I got DC'd right in the long rite of succession cutscene. I was at the part where Krile asked about the letter. Was there much after it or would i not miss much by skipping.
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Bro don't tell me the dungeon is actually lvl 92 this time...
lol dumbass
I'm gonna cuck Lahabrea
stay away from her you silly fish she's hrothgar claimed
>"hitting 1-2-3 is too hard for me! I have tiny baby hands! wont yoshida think of me!!!"
I opened a support ticket too. I just realized I've become a boomer

Yes, correct, it is autistic to go on some "all mods bad" crusade. I accept your concession.
idr making this post
there has to be someone that can weigh in on this, monk isn't 1-2-3 anymore and its throwing me the fuck off
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glad to hear it. I miss my friends.
I like the picturemancer
That was maybe the halfway point.
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no, we're about to have sex in the library
You're every bit deranged if you think pressing 2 more buttons makes a video game "Literally unplayable". Just shut up and press the buttons you fucking pussy.
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More thorough introduction of each of the claimants and their aspirations:

Zoraal Ja - expansionist, wants to conquer other areas if he is made Dawnservant
Green Graha - just wants to expand technology and trade from Old Sharlayan into Tural
Mamool Ja guy - just a massive traditionalist and nasty guy, does not have a lot of supporters outside of mamool ja
Wuk Lamat - preservationist of peace, wants to keep the groups living in Tural living peacefully together.
oh i'm in that thread rn, good taste anon
Guys im fucking tired as hell already. I want to nap.
>femra look worse
>catgirls look worse
>femroes look worse
>fiera look worse
the fiddiezen alliance won...
How do you even manage to be that much tinier than Y'shtola when she's already fucking tiny.
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Um... Yoshi? Yoshida? I think you forgot something. You added two new jobs. Two completely brand new jobs with a third one on the way. All with new outfits. And an entire expansion of new gear too. But you forgot to add more glamour space? You did forget, right? It's on the way, right?

>Shitter who can't see the value in freeing up two more buttons for actual useful things
Silence, healer.
i dont talk to any of them anymore either unfortunately. cool to see you're still around though
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And hrothgals won bigger.
femras are already TINY than femc@s
>actual useful things
oh boy a button on a 2 minute CD with 750 potency!!! Such innovative gameplay
You forgot highlanders. They look great as well
Shut the fuck up. We need to ask for 2 more glam plates before we start asking for more glam dresser space. Just take some of that shit out and let a retainer hold it. Or throw it away if you dont' have retainer space
Same bro, but I do think it suffers from pointless button bloat. Most of it's abilities are pointless grayed out that you get to press only every 60seconds under certain circumstances. You could reduce the number of buttons by combining some of them easily.
femroes got a massive glow up, you are retarded
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wtf they changed the machinist heat gun animation
So Zoraal Ja turned out to be the warmonger and the guy everyone thought was it is actually just a traditionalist?
What were they thinking with double dps release
Queues are absolutely fucked
have you never broken /missclicked a combo one single time in ur entire life?
i know you're lying if u say u havent

yea its kinda cool
i feel like it might get old though idk

moonies look better .. some femra look better... viera look cool ....... its not over
nigga shut the fuck up nobody cares if you guys recognize eachother and haven't moved on from this thread in 10 years
my lalafellas boyish charm and roguish looks... all gone.
anyone tried to inject plogons yet?
SEX with Mablu
We might beat the record today, and its not even sunday...what teh fuck? i thought endwalker was more popular
tranchal L
When do you unlock the new class and at what level do you start? I want to play as the buccaneer or whatever
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>forgot to take a screenshot of my best portrait before the graphics update raped it
It's over, I cannot recover from this.
He's a "traditionalist" in the sense that he wants to ooga booga might makes right
Most of his cutscenes I've seen thus far are him running around and threatening random people with violence
Yeah bro, does it feel nice to have people you can relate to?
>turned out
they say right in the beginning that he cant be allowed to rule because of his expansionist ambitions
Yea lmao, Erenville in the second half of that cutscene even goes "You know the person Wuk Lamat says cannot absolutely take the throne? It's Zoraal Ja".

Turns out the two headed dude is just an asshole.
It's a minor thing, but Mug being Dokumori is so much better. Felt weird to have all these weeb ninja moves and then "Rob a bitch" as your big raid buff
Do you ever get tired of constantly writing multiple paragraphs without actually saying anything?
the two headed guy is just a douchebag and nothing he has ever done seems to have proven him a good ruler. at least the warmonger is a commander and has the respect of his men
My entered code is invalid? How?
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I LOVE Urqopacha. I love the Pelu and their cute outfits and colorful settlements. I love that there are coffee fields. I love the mountains and the alpaca. This place is great!
they somehow look even more subhuman with whatever they did to their eyes
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they’re all probably doing adult things and dont have time or energy to shitpost. I dont even want to be here but these retards need to be reminded this place is about.
Melties and im having a huge one because I cant play the game
I need Zoraal Ja to sit on my face lads (no homo)
Its aiming set.I haven´t yet test if you can dye silver parts.

Augmented Cryptlurker's Helm of Aiming
Augmented Credendum Mail of Aiming
False Monarchy
>5 hours of unvoiced cutscenes
bwos... im about to pass outtt
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zoraal ja is an expansionist
bakool ja ja is an aggro 5 IQ retard
>5 hairstyles
>hrothgals won
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I speedrun all the content and wake up 5 hours before release just to bitter about how shit everything is
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>30mins into level roulette queue
>Game crashes
NTA but yeah. JP media is plagued with stories centered around teenagers because it's the last time in their lives where they have a modicum of freedom and self-expression in their everyday lives before they're crushed into paste by their grueling workforce, I want more stories about middle-aged people and the elderly.
I can't wait to make a Pelu erp alt
>>5 hours of unvoiced cutscenes
every third cutscene is voiced thoughbeit
did you enter the pre order code or the standard code?
>Man FFXIV sure is fun, why did I ever stop play-
>Forgot about all the gay FF4 EW shit I have to wade through before I can go to the tropics
Sisters... go on without me... I'm lost to the void...
That has always been the FFXIV experience, what else were you expecting?
>Americans being asked to read (No Voice Acting) (Min ilvl) (No echo) (Unreal) (Savage) (Ultimate)
The clear rate for this content is gonna be very low...
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look on the bright side and think of all the wagies stuck at work. youll probably be able to go home before they even get a chance to install the patch AND they have work tomorrow
Anon is being real here.
So uh, where are the reviews? There were review copies sent out, right? I need to decide whether to pay attention to the story or let cutscenes auto play while doing something else.
>The only Japanese media I consume is shonen anime.
Cool bro, I like the fights a lot too.
87,610k and not peak timees yet, 4 hours more until then. holy fuck. sorry I doubted you dawntrail. dawntrail beating covid endwalker wtf
I dont know much about erp but are erpers against alts?
I want to make a lvl1 one but I'm afraid of people telling me to fuck off
damn bros this bozja shit is boring. are the dungeon queues any good?
I entered the pre-order code in the wrong box
I might be too dumb to play this game
They're so bad, we're stuck in bozja bro
Name 3 JRPG's where the main character is 30 years old or older.
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lol lmao
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but i stayed up for this why why why why why i dont want to be a wagie
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what is the best color facepaint for freckles in this game?
use trusts bro
thats ok anon im glad you got it
Depends. It's not uncommon to be more hesitant to interact with obvious alts, especially in places like Balmung, because they're way more likely to be tourists or gawkers
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Fuck no it's awful. I'm going to level in Zadnor after my nap.
Yeah you'll only attract other alts that way.
Mains understandably stick to other mains, or to alts that at least look like they've had some effort put into it.
I regularly got picked up on my level 30 alt because I put effort to grind it and gear it to look nice and presentable.
look at all those friendless losers
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mountain dew op
fates are better you retard.
Go poke it!
I don't want content... I just want hunt trains
red on pink, black on blue, brown on orange
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get some rest and by the time you wake up it might be better
>everyone complaining how there's a 30 minute wait time to spawn in
>i get in after literally 15 seconds
feels good to be a crystal chad right about now
Let's be real, even 30 is a bit young. 40 is more middle-aged.
Clive Rosfield's one of em
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smooth brain ?

fuck no i'm 30 mins deep rn, but i'm queued with another dps so i dont have any chance of getting into lobbies with e-couples boosting eachtoher
if u can stomach bozja jus keep doing it
>join queue as a tank or healer
>troll the entire dungeon
What's stopping me
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Uhhhh Jackie Chan
Holy shit viper is so fucking boring
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The new camera jittering AA setting looks terrible
smt sj
jackie chan
Cecil is 20
>4 vipers dangerously close to dropping noxius despite having a rotation that shows you how to do it
Machos take a stand!
isnt it the best one? makes the image the most stable
It's bad, Paks.
wuk's so cute bros
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not the same
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Drakengard 3
Lost Odyssey
Final Fantasy 16
hot if she acts tough and stuff but is in reality a bottom
bonus point if the top is a futa
At the cost of blurring literally everything even the foreground
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>go to 3 destinations, click and kill 3 monsters
Akemi Thighjob
anyone from malboro online?
>get paid today
>go buy expansion
>"system is going through maintenance"
thanks obama
I got my earrings, apparently I'm "audacious like a goddess" even though I'm a 37 year old ugly man.
>spam 2 buttons and sometimes press 3 other buttons on 60s cd
Peak gameplay I'm sorry reaperchads for calling you babby job
can any culinarians tell me what the materials are for Tacos Al Pastor? Recipe level is 96, and all i know is that it has Turali Pineapple in it
I hope Zepla remembers to take care of her cute feet while she plays dawntrail
>Everyone showing old modded screenshots of their toons
That graphical update really fucked you up huh
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fuck that fix it now!
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Where the fuck is my aether compass thingy?
We need a new feet pic from her!
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no, but i have some malboro IRL, want some?
duty > collection
why the fuck isn't it possible to assign viper buttons separately
these GCDs chance positions, i can't be assed to remember what the are man
i have a button for flank and button for rear stop fucking changing it
Wait where do you get them?
Yeah what's up
>i-is that...an ingame screenshot that isn't less than 5 hours old???
*slaps it out of your hand and sprays you with water*
No. Stop that.
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>the many coloured marvel
>lucky cig
>her cute feet
I need an invite to the FC
can you turn it off?
Actually her feet were kinda cute for a 100 year old hag
>already have peru and brazil flying
Feels good
you might notice every melee class plays the same if they dont desync your 123 and positionals with arbitrary rotational order differences
Thanks bro.
it's actually insane, how has there not been a clear day yet
Thoughts on Viper so far?
It feels very similar to RPR but much faster paced and fun.
>look at this huge fucking mountain
>obscured with clouds and snow
you're at level 98 already?
Thanks you're too
Ah, sorry. I'm not in the Malbro FC, and looking at my FL all ones with invite perms are offline
i fucking HATE wuk lamat
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People who pretend to not like feet are weird.
The world’s greatest and most popular MMO. Dawntrail has over 40 hours of cutscenes with classic fan favorites like Wuk Lamat and Graha Tia. Square Enix listened to criticism and disabled voice acting on half of it so you can just zone out and do something better with your time. Yep, that’s right, Dawntrail respects your time. Autoscroll and autorun are essentials. Just let that shit go so you can go play other games. Hopefully we’ll all be back to othergaming and gooning/cooming by Sunday. 10/10 great expac.
I logged on and tried to jerk off to my usual diaper futa mods but they seem like theyre broken. Also my characters face looks weird. Whats going on?
I had the same experience with thavnair at start of EW "hey look at that majestic landmark!" and I can barely see the outlines behind the mist. They should have forced weather depending on your story part.
Wait, is that hypno Hro-
you ride closer to it on the alpaca tour at least...
mounts tilt from side to side when you turn now
I am a Pelupelu Femlala
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What does everyone have right now?
If I did trust dungeons instead of waiting in stupid ass dps queues I would be level 90 by now
Alright lets make 9 unique hair options for fem hroth with 8 having variants. Now only give 2 unique hair+variant to each face and then they can all share the same ponytail
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you know i searched your name to catch up but then i remembered you aren't on the home world haha.... ill search again in a few hours bro surely it wont be that much longer ive seen other people mention being able to travel back
How do I get to this option?
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I got free taco
How did you get your skin to shine like that?
then do trusts u fucking idiot
did anyone get their chcoobo brush yet
Before 7.0:
>”The beach episode is gonna be great! I cannot wait to get back to low stakes stuff!”
After 7.0:
Wtf are the 5 boxes?
I wish a femezen dom would make my catgirl eat her taco..
more cutscenes with this middie and sharlayan artist
>I'll need someone well versed in the arts to reconstruct this float
And here's your equal attention cake Krile! It's not like I'm the Warrior of Light with every single crafter maxed out or anything!
"LGBT+" is the only one right now.
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>>483843901 to which channel the rule applies
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I developped the fetish over the last 2 3 years and zepla feet are disgusting beyong belief
small difference between not having the fetish, having it and having good taste
I have better feet as a fucking hairy male and I practice MMA for 8 years already
boring ah char that doesnt add anything to the plot whatsoever. you could remove them entirely and just embark on the journey of succession yourself or support the first son or catboy and the story would unironically be better off
>you can get to the southern half of Kozama'uka early if you do some platforming on the broken staircase
>you can't do the aether current quests because they're higher level
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>friends still haven't woken up
>EB is still up to his eyeballs in elden ring
>all my bros are on different worlds
>don't want to start the MSQ without them
I hate it here.
Have fun spamming that for rest of the weekend.
not at home to test, but I don't have a good feeling fellow monk bro
maybe you have to build up form stacks to use some abilities?
It's under Social - Term Filter.
it's like 5 or 6 hours of cutscenes to the first dungeon my guy, better get on it so you can level your other jobs in the meantime
jokes on you. i never take it off my bar
I never used this thing
Why did they lie?
>play on highest settings
>game still looks like shit
You’re dealing with two different demographics retards. Pre-7.0 anyone who cared was an eepy Discord gooner who just wants to be comfy and wholesome with eepy frens while cooming to modbeasts. That’s why they wanted a beach episode. But now real, actual people are playing FFXIV and they expect a video game, not a joke of a visual novel.
Evens: Pelu
Odds: Hanu
Its a point & click VN porn game
>Yoshippy:"We've taken huge steps to ensure the launch is smooth"
>launch is smooth
what the fuck
six hours in
no dungeon
no coop
nice mmo
you have only had the fetish for a few years. you are like a child crying that the kids menu at a restaurant doesn't have chicken nuggets. your palate is unrefined.
I seriously can't even notice a difference other than my character looks worse
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They didn't
They added Viper/Picto framer kits
please enjoy your new dark matter
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I'm finally in.
Only took 5 hours.
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ive been #2 in line for about 30 minutes (66 minutes in queue so far) i think it has broken
Still better than WoW. How’s War Within going?

Yeah, exactly. Be grateful.
woe upon thee
*90002's u*
lmao, fair enough
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Made that to briefly explain the Viper's starting combo.
If you don't get it, it means you should go
for an optimal rotation.
/xivg/gers tricked me into "YOU MUST PLAY WITH OTHER PLAYERS"
no clue i don't play your other mmo
jesus that's boring
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Are you people actually this stupid or are you just pretending?
i gotta thank you for being the only person that ever talks about that game mr marketing expert you're doing a great job
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They did
That's only for the very first combo. And it's the solo one, I'm not sure how the group one works.
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Pictomancy is actually kinda fun!
I was a little put off by how... pastel it is, but I think I'll actually really like it.
Viper on the other hand...
bros inner chaos got one hell of a fucking glow up
warrior buttons are so good now
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>not having the mountain dew bird
i was not ready for the sheer impact of that sound jfc
inner chaos feels weird as fuck, i miss my papachin buttons already
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what? msq roulette worked
Monk is more linear than in Endwalker. In Endwalker, you go through 1-2-3 while weaving ogcds and managing buff from twin snakes and dot of Demolish.
Now you only have to burst when the Fury stacks are full, maybe do a Six-Sided Star at the end of your burst window, and simply hit the next skill that glows (single target or AoE), in order.
>causes 1 second lag disconnecting you
Nothing personnel kid
Still stuck at work, haven't logged in yet, hope everyone's having fun!
So now that Dawntrail flopped, what's next?
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>not binding yourself to your eternal bestie
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The new inn triggers my autism, it reminds me of the mhw rooms but worse, it's literally missing a wall, it's not like there's any visible folding wall or screen either it's just a big gaping hole in to the outside in a tropical setting with heavy rains, it makes no fucking sense and looks dumb
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>SE would sooner give us this than more caster armors
I genuinely am filled with rage
War withing in like... month and half idk
Playing XIV expansiions on launch day has been the worst decision of my life but I keep doing it every 3 years
Reports coming in that Yoshi P has barricaded himself in his office and is refusing all phone calls. He might jump
hey buddy I think you got the wrong door
the leather club is two blocks down
>it reminds me of the mhw rooms but worse, it's literally missing a wall,
All of the MHW rooms but the very first one (the barracks) were missing a wall.
every single fucking caster/healer set is the same bland looking white/black robes, its so fucking infuriating
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>boot up anamnesis
>fucking dies
>before it crashes, it warns me that it deleted all my favourites
...yup, it's grilled. In two or three weeks, I'll start installing the mods that other people suggested. Penumbra, Brio...
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what's up with this.. completely featureless button
it's just an aoe on a cooldown... okay? was sage missing phlegmas or something?
Conveniently forgetting Yakuza 7 and 8 exist
Just out of curiosity, are you Indian or Australian?
shut the fuck up casters won when it comes to dungeon gear this expansion
phlegma balls
yes I said rooms as in plural, please learn to read
Don't worry, they have safety nets around tall buildings and bridges in japan.
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based, thought i couldn't redeem it til the 2nd
Shut up you fucking retarded meat toilet
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we love dawntrail
Why are raen f3mra so much cuter than xaela?
This is not fair
&phlegs ur balls*
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they fixed it!
Ill be around this place is a hell hole that needed a reminder
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my femra's mouth looks so odd still. my portraits look weird
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/ohokaliy when
all the portrait shit feels like it still has the old lighting
They're just flat out mocking the player now.

>Cocktease us with the disollution of the Scions, paving the way for a whole new cast and freeing up the Scions to do more with their lives than follow the WoL around
>Literally 1 patch later
Cowards. Absolute cowards.
Why is anyone acting like the WoL wouldn't completely demolish the two-headed retard? We LITERALLY just killed a universe destroying threat, and this big lizard is supposed to be stronger than the Endsinger, Rubicante, Barb, etc. ???
>log into mateus
>31 player queue
dead fucking game?
so how much of a brat Alisaie is being in DT?
Are you actually an ESL or something?
>>Cocktease us with the disollution of the Scions
You mean the one where in the very same cutscene they said it was in name only and the Scions had no actual interest in separating? Or did you skip that part?
Are pajeets gone from the story?
Please tell me I don't have to listen to their shitty accents anymore
XIV Story enjoyer IQ on display
how do I recreate the warrior of light with the new graphics and character creation options? I tried doing so but everything feels kinda off. What would be your take on it?
You can select which channel the filter applies to.
yawntrail so far.
>SE say they took liberties to make queues quick and smooth
>braindead retards on 4chan amazed that the queues aren’t 4+ hours long
They put money back into the game to fix servers and login queues
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so at level 80 what do i spend white paint on besides holy?
yeah and we should have killed all the brass blades in ARR too
the elephant people? i thought they were supposed to be african lol
Totally fair
i want to spend my white paint on femras
on my femra's face
Its literally a pajeet expac
Oh here we go with the "ummm ackshually" shit.

I fucking knew as soon as I hit "post" one of you pathetic losers would do this. Yes, I saw the fucking cutscene, yes, I read that it was in name only. MY FUCKING POINT IS THAT IT SHOULD'VE BEEN FOR REAL. Eat shit you bootlicking arselicking brainless cunt.
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I have literally no idea what you think I misread. You said
>reminds me of mhw rooms but worse
>it's literally missing a war
which implies you think they're worse than mhw rooms because it's missing a wall.
And then I pointed out every mhw room is missing a wall, not just the one placed in the sunny tropical region but also the one in the ice frozen continent.
And then you said some shit about plurals that just makes no sense?
Mateus and Balmung are unironically sex tourist hotspots and clogged up with alts or world travelers 90% of the time, this is one of the few times where we get to have a little bit of freedom from all the noise. I miss the days before world travel when it was locked down and everyone was on their best behavior or else they'd be exiled since they couldn't hide on level 1 alts. Hopefully the new blacklist system will have similar effects.
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there's one thing about this game that i genuinely hate since ARR and i am going to post it now
>speak to NPC to pick up/turn in quest/progress quest
>they take 2-3 seconds to turn around so they can emote or respond to you
>every single time
>i get it's supposed to feel immersive
>all while unvoiced
why??? just let me speedread and go to the next quest, i don't need to see your /sigh emote every single time
>femroe noses and eyes look worse
what was the point of this change? just give us better textures
looks like I will fanta to a hrothgal
The story is boring but my WoL is handsome so I like seeing him smile in closeups.
stay in the queue, I was #2 for about 40 minutes. it'll still pop.
Nothing, Holy in White is just a movement tool or for AoE. This doesn't change until 90.
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unironic post?
same sis
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How do you earn the Alpaca mount
skye i wuv u!
Can you trannies get a new gimmick? You trannies have been running this for years now getting really boring and generic
>First Nidhana
>Now Zanuhali
Monsterfuckers we are eating good again
>i thought they were supposed to be african lol
Okay so how do I get the free fantasia? It's over for my WoL.
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it just did
[10:35]The werewolf attire chest for women is taken from the message.

I am
a femlala
who is becoming an animal ear femlala
She owes me sex
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I'm in the Pelu settlement. Here's Wuk Lamat summarizing the story so far. It's funny when she puts it this way.
VPR and PCT so ass I'm gonna cry
Man I kinda want to give up the WoL life and live as a pelupelu
holy shit, thought I was the only one. hated this since 2.0 dropped. fucking infuriating.
my life is so empty
Do you like catgirl paint
how are they jeets? they are literally african. they wear fucking dashikis
i don't get why they are unvoiced
just ai generate that shit now
They added wow's ground shine
I like it
PAT PAT anon
Anyone try DLSSTweaks?
same… I just wanted to plan my picto glam
>might makes right retard threatens another throne aspirant and threatens to kill innocent people
>"uhm, actually if you beat him up, YOU'D be the bad guy :/"
But have you seen the state of retail WoW lately?
south american Indians are not pajeet Indians
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Oh no we're entering the "even the npcs point out how dumb the story is" stage.
>final fantasy players being afraid of reading
No that's not what that means at all you esl tard, it reminds me of mhw rooms but worse there's a comma after that it's a separate idea
Talking to Gerolt the blacksmith guy in Eureka was the peak of this.
>all voiced thavnairian characters are played by indian VAs
>all CUL recipes are indian cuisine
dunno man
>10 lvls of yapping and being an errand boy
jesus christ
WoL is a literal cuck who'll always stand still and do nothing while the antagonist does shit, it's been this way for years.
Sphene is mine. I really don't want to kill her
English isn't your first language, is it?
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Too much money?
Don´t have taco?
But you want taco?
Spend it on my 1mil taco!
Buy it NOW NOW NOW!!!
Unless them niggas are wearing a kufi, that's just a mumu.
how are you retards only noticing this after 10 expansions? when wasnt it this? the msq has never been enjoyable
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>indian VAs
Wearing the finest wools, raising alpacas, drinking coffee, and fornicating with cuties. Yes, this is the life for me.
i am glad i am not the only one that feels this way
seriously. evne fucking WoW has voiced NPC lines for literal whos
read above
fucks sake
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this xpac is just extra boring you just notice it
That's not how language works, you actual ESL. If you put two ideas right next to each driving towards the same point, then that's because you think both go towards the same point.

What you're saying is stupidity on the same level of
>Endwalker had a much worse story than Shadowbringers, it had ascians in it.
>Anon, both of them had ascians in it.
Dead game, flop expansion, and you still paid $40 + tax for it
Why did Yoshi increase breast physics bounce in dawntrail and not mention it in patch notes?
my malidster looks weird
but i like it
ty, was just making sure.
Why? They're Indians, I'm not complaining about Indian characters having Indian VAs, that's like complaining about Hien having an accent
कृपया इंटरनेट के बजाय सड़कों पर गंदगी करने की ओर लौटें
triple teamed Wuk Lamat by oppressive male colonizers, she was a good friend.
does the unending journey cutcene trick still work to prevent afk kick?
>Months long grinds for relics
>*honk shoo mimimimimimimi*
>Brutal trial and error raid tiers that last weeks before a single clear
>*honk shoo mimimimimimimi*
>Being asked to read for a few hours
Porn and junk food has rotted your brains.
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And I just wanted to have Lady Kan E Senna break her hairbrush on my butt.
Dammit, why do I have to be so horny on release day?

Actually I know why, it's because today is my only day out out of seven, and in two hours, I'll be sleeping, only to wake up, go to work on a week end, and have murderous thoughts again.
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VPRbros report
i like reading
nothing in the msq is worth reading, especially not this trivial "haha tacos, haha alpacas, haha funny birds!!" shit
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My wife
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A lot of you don’t even like the game and just play it because of sunk cost and this being your only social outlet
What level is the first duty? When I finish the first branch of the story should I use the second branch to level another job to 91?
for my pct bros. holy in white is a loss on ST, save it for movement, or you can't fit a cast in and the boss is dying.
i just got to 5.2 quests......
How could you tell
What top/bottom has the best slutty miniskirt or whatever?
not enough epic poggers MCU shit for you to clap at?
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holy based
>merchant who grew up in the merchant village of merchant people forgets how money works
>this is two quests worth of dialogue
i gave it an honest chance, but that set me into skip mode
reading doesn't bother me. i love reading and i am a fast reader because i've read so much. my issue lies with the fucking unnecessary emoting and 2-3 second delay for NO REASON between reading sentences because HEHE FUNNY NPC XD
that is MCU shit retard
>They're Indians
and should not exist yes
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so grim
aren't pictos and vipers supposed to be in bozja?
Women covering their faces except for their mouth is so fucking hot it's unreal.
I spent a whole lockout inside zadnor and got to lvl 85, gonna take a break to make some eggs and coffee then back to the grind.
Am I going crazy or did they add in a sway motion on your mount when you move left or right now
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I have this, I'm no sort of phobe but I decided LGBT would be the easiest way to filter out the most annoying nightclub/venue advertisements without shooting down too many innocent messages in the crossfire, cause I feel like nobody says the full "LGBT" anymore in most contexts
They did
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Anon... even in this very thread we have few tards that insist on leveling with dungeon queue right now. Now imagine how many normoids out there are thinking the same.
>literally nobody
rent free and obsessed
keep seething at "pajeets" who are taking your jobs
Oh fuck thank you Thancred I hope you survive the consequences of saying that.
thank god i thought i was going crazy too!!! no they definitely added it, i noticed it on my red chocobo and was like "did this dude get an upgrade?" neat
Yup, spells a blatant noob trap if you see them dropping on single target when there isn't movement.
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sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas, certified boogieman im the one who upped the score wit em.
Walk em down know he got some hoe in him.
This you?
okay brownie
Seething poo stained hands typed this post
I was correct in not having a good feeling, I enjoyed the previous rotation variations but I'll have to cope
thanks bro
I bet you dumb fucks who pretend to “like reading” haven’t even read the full 1,200 page Les Miserables or War and Peace, two of the greatest novels of all time. No, THIS is somehow the pinnacle of literature.

What a bizarre cope.
Is Pictomancer fun to play? Can I play it if I\m a giga retard?
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>Can finally return to home DC
>fine minute competency check fight during msq
I wonder if this will filter people
No? Fates in EW zones are faster, so everyone does them while sitting in queue.
>arrive home to play dawntrail
>take a shower
>electricity blacks out
Fuck you ENEL and the italian government.
hey zt... I hear you like 'em young...
better not ever go to ecl1
Soken always cooks... but man anyone else feel like the christmas jazz clashes hard with the vibe of the Tural environments?

The songs alone are good but against the medium, it ain't...

Is Dawntrail really the expansion that makes it obvious FFXIV is on the decline? Did they blow their load too hard with the past 10 years?
what are the queue times like on spriggan?
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street shitters and turd worlders should be gassed
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My man. Once this dawn servant business is done I'm making the Alpaca ranch my hangout spot
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>play lalafell happily for 3 years
>get a free fanta
>feel like changing to a miqote
what the sigma
Sorry. All available power has been rerouted to the nearest refugee center, in order to charge their phones so they can loudly face-time their families in public
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I told your fuckers this would happen
it uses the pvp 111 combo for their main gcd spam so yeah you barely need a pulse.
What level is the first dungeon?
91, you do it right away after finishing the 2 branching msq options
I thought monk was getting new animations?
What happened
it's honestly kind of boring to me, or at least it is at 80. since the basic combos are consolidated, you're just mashing 1 and 2 a lot
it also feels like there are less mobility options than blm or even rdm really. you have swiftcast and, i guess, holy if you're okay with that. but that's like saying blm has scathe lol. it's not really ideal imo. i've had a LOT of times where i slidcast at the last second to avoid death and i rarely have to do that on blm/rdm.

i think you will be fine though. it's a lot to take in at first but once you get it you'll be like "oh, that's it?" i still feel like i must be missing something. but outside of fire/blizzard/pom/
post your pictomancer cross hotbars for me, I am smooth brain
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Fates or Zadnor for my VIPER
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>Body (Child)
>deagledad420 on the diaper album kyoppi got blamed for
sure thing kanchelle
I want to fuck big catmommy and my female miquote at the same time
that is all
based af

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