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Previous: >>483826108

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
censored slop
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How many rolls are we getting this patch bros? Need to know if I have to swipe for Jinshi's weapon or not
>100% 5* echo rate
bros remember to farm the whole world or you're bricked
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The absolute state
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Redhead sexo ready
Sexy magistrate
homo game btw
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>He got LION'ED
Quit the game
Hang yourself
Your life is over
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Literally abandon your account at that point holy shit.
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Wuwa? Wawu?
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How is this bottom 40% luck??
What the fuck does top 40% look like??
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How do you play Jinhsi?

I don't understand her kit
S-she's growing
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>Your future
bro play her trial and read? you just fill her circuit, press e, press e again, and then press e again
More than a pity if we include all events
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She needs to get her tits out of my face, I can't see
Fuck me, I should've known... but it's so fucking stupid. This makes the BP weapon even worse
Do the tutorial
What is going with so many people losing their 50/50 to shota lion? does he have a hidden rate up?
Does the game let you upskirt Jinhsi? Asking for a friend
mash, switch, switch back, mash again
>Can't buy the bundles with Lunite
What the fuck
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Stop it anon... I'm on the verge of uninstalling. I lost 2 50/50 in a row and both of them are this faggot.
Yes. It was even more blatant on the beginner banner, he was at 50% there.
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im surprised, in bili bili, nga and tieba baidu, they're praising the game now since jinhsi isn't shit, not-paimon isn't that annoying since it sleeps with the added bonus of the MC actually fucking talks, the story in 1.1 being great and with a less complaints about the optimization. They're also making fun of genshins MC for obvious reasons.

I think kuro has a good chance if they keep this momentum up
kek my condolences
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jesus christ, this game hates me
She exposes her panty if you just jump attack
what for real?? Is it possible to fill the stacks before you enter into incarnation state?
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>Black Pantsu
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>Jue revealed to be our bitch
We're literally a cultivation god
Why are you still here?
rerollers going for a 10 pull weapon + 10 pull limited unit
>doomposting shitskins will still say the game is censored
just to suffer....
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Kek nice censored slop wuworms
I thought she was pure?

non-reroller bros....
Purely for sex
but the question is, is Jue also gonna be a big titty dragoness?
every night, I can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers...
Jue's favorite pantsu color.
nice censored monk wuworm
yeah, pure sex
this is my rerolled account, my first one got lingyang
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I hate this thing

When I started this game after playing Genshin I wanted a darker, more serious game. When I saw the post apocalyptic setting and the scary monsters I was so happy. Then I did the main quest and saw this thing. But almost didn't talk. Now is out, now is talking, now I hate it more than I hate Paimon. It's furry Paimon, anoying high pitch voice, awful attitude. On top of that I lost the 50/50... FML
For once I would like to play a game without a annoying companion please. Or at least make them mute.

EDIT: just to be clear. It's ok if you think Abby is ok or less annoying than Paimon. it's ok if you love it, it's ok if you tattoo Abby in your body. I'm not asking for Abby to be killed. I'm not expecting for Abby to be changed. I just posted for those who hate it to express without creating 443283 posts about it. Sure, some will keep doomposting. That's not my intention. The game will be fine even if some people quits because of this mascot. Just different tastes.

In fact, let me compensate with some things I'm already seeing: first of all, the creator went back to sleep again, so I have a bit of hope. Second, the new zone looks good. Third, for the first time I stopped to listen to the music because a song catch my attention. that's good! OST is Improving! But most importantly: this patch fixed most of my optimization problems and the game runs smoothly enough to not get distracted. Good for Kuro.
Gdfnsdfkjsshe's so beautiful.
>what for real??
Yeah because it counts as SKILL DAMAGE, FUCK.
>Is it possible to fill the stacks before you enter into incarnation state?
You have to, that's the only way, but her rotation is fairly long so you'll likely to lose the stack at the burst. Also you cant just intro and use skill right away because you wont be able to stack the ATK% buff that way, you still need to waste time attacking first.
That weapon is absolutely abyssmal on her.
Black panties because she wants to look mature
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Havoc or Moonlit for Taoqi?
I rerolled so I wouldn't get the lion faggot, I'm not autistic enough to reroll for limited banner characters. But I'm also not unfazed enough to keep playing a game that gives me shit luck, so for me this game is walking on thin ice right now.
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Lmao that's probably why they changed it. Sanhua losing value was just a side casualty
a pure slut? yes
>every character is quickswap central
>camera and targeting system still fucked
nice game wutards
Stop lookin at me with those big ol eyes!
QUICK is the furry mascot thing male or female this is very important
Anyone else didnt expect Jinhsi to flop this hard?
kek nice paimon expy faggots
This game certainly loves it's eye-fucking moments between Rover + whoever.
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Shiny Lightcrusher location.
>replying to himself now
Why is 1.1 so much better than 1.0?
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Is this a good weapon for her?
Jokes on you, I'm fucking both. Scaly pussy and 60 celsius pussy, whichever is better I win either way.
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>everything about her theme/motif is white
>pantsu are black
why why why
your mother flopped on my bed
honestly expected the game to hit #1 at least. Firepag flopped hard and that game still hit #1, maybe we still have time
>too embarassed to reply
kuroshill be seething at proof of censorship slop
Is this in the game? I'll actually play it
Its perfectly fine for you to touch her though...you are the only person she won't burn to a crisp...
Buy some from the pharmacy bro
I didn't buy the pass... Sorry bros it was my fault...
Already confirmed as a bug. Shit, I have to doompost, right. Err, yes, watch every character slowly get censored.
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Guys i really like him, the animations are also cute as fuck
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You can see her fully open her legs using the jump/midair attack when she touch the ground.
Nobody took a pic yet
>Already confirmed as a bug
Source? Statement from Kuro?
Camellya bros ?
It's the only good 4* sword if you can't have the one in the BP

Stand strong lucklet bros, you will find your moment in the sun.
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Camera work in this game during cutscenes is way more dynamic than in Genshin
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No we need to inspect closer, this is important for plot reasons
I want to use it as an onahole...
i love it
Am I the only one who knows for a fact that Changli fucked everyone in the room after she forced you and jinhsi to leave with the elevator?
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Bro the whore stalk you
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>all the Jue cuckposting is moot because Jue is your dragon bitch
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If Jihnsi is the canon wife who is the canon homewrecker?
spfchads, i PARRY the SUN ITSELF
>story starts off with yapyap yapping
I really can't fathom what's on the Dev's minds when launching a game like WuWa. It is years now that gatcha games exists and everyone knows that furries/browns/diversity in general and then, to a less extent, males are fucking landmines early on.
They could have introduced that faglion in a side quest hinting that could be featured in the future, not here from the minute zero to piss off spending players that just wants tits and asses.
Are they blind or they didn't learn a thing from Genshin and the others
>model physics adjustment
Damn kuroshills not sending their best
>high pitch voice
seemed more subdued to me than shartmon, like nanachi from mia
post hands
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>noooooo she has to have tiktok exaggerated jiggle like it's lunar gravity just from walking normally
kill yourself
That guy is full of shit, there's no statement. But I do think it's a bug, apparently only Jianxin got jiggling removed, every other character still has it. Also she has it on the character screen, so I don't think Kuro intended to remove it.
>try to push the censored shit
>it was actually a bug

canon wife, Changli is the mistress.
>think game looks cool
>stuttering and freeze hell even after tampering with settings
Sadge, I wanted to like this.
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Bros, which Purple tier sword for Jinshi until I get her weapon?
Thanks for the sitrep chinkbro.
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>fuckton of gibs
>sexo designs
Bros... I'm scared...
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Beat this guy because of the event but fuck it wasn't worth the 10 tries
Jue... She can't bear her former master to fuck her daughter
>the censorship is actually good!!!
Holy fucking cope lmao. literally on the game level as gencucks at this point.
Yeah I checked and jiggle is the same in the menus.
Is Jué going to be made a playable character in the future? That would be kinda cool.
>fuckton of gibs
bro its only 30....the others are just shit you do by playing the game didn't your handler tell you?
of course it was a bug, the movement was so unnatural, not even those shitty coomer games have that jiggle physic
only deranged incels cry about getting a strong 5* ice dps
>which by law makes Jinhsi yours since Jue's is also your bitch
wuxiaGODS won
Yeah I'm gonna co-op this guy
I wish camera work in combat was as good. Or functional at all.
She loves (You)
Yeah but that game doesn't have enough hags and it's full of males + furry.
How does the pity actually work?
80 rolls is 50-50
160 rolls is hard pity

But if i lose a 50-50 on lets say yinlin and roll jinhsi is the hard pity now first? Or does that reset? i know the rolls carry over so if i roll 50 on yinlin and get nothing i need only 30 for jinhsi 50-50
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>fuckton of gibs
Who gonna tell him?
>mihoyo game
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Remember what they took from you
Happiness is but a fleeting moment
>you have to grind 3 weeks non stop to get all of that
hm..... nyo
It resets once you get the character from the banner, it only gets you the hard pity when you get spooked in the 50-50
Which 4*s are going to have rate up on Changli's banner
The cope and denial is hilarious
it's only 1.1 and there's already sunk cost fags KEK
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Cute monk
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inb4 the unironic homos who say this looks bad and the new version is better
Yeah in shitty 'nothing happens' hangouts just like Genshin
>back to doomposting because ZZZ's stream was shit
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I prefer this creature over yapyap honestly
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SEX with mature woman!!! Female SEX!!!
Does anyone use a VPN to top up?
Planning to pull Jinhsi and Changli
But I have to pick one weapon or the other. Who needs their sig more?
I see you replying to yourself
Nigga how else you gonna get from point A to point B?
Yes. It's safe
this looks so unnatural lmao
The story was, dare I say, pretty decent. Could have been great, but it really should have been a few hours longer, with a focus on the whole pause time vs risk trying to resume it angle, and more time spent exploring the area while it was frozen. As it is, the dramatic story beats just didn't really hit because everything happeend so quickly and you didn't really get invested yet.
I want to fuck Abby, who is her VA btw?
The jiggle is still there in the resonator menu and every other character still jiggles, it's probably a bug
What happened?
this game is beautiful
I'm so fucking glad I decided to pull for Changli instead of Jinhsi.
Jinhsi got fucking MOGGED
Jinhsi has the better weapon of the two
>100 free pulls
lmao I just remembered Nikke doing some shit like this. In the end you get that amount of pulls after collecting all the resources from playing the game (story mode, events, store,etc), those rolls don't magically come to your mailbox.
how long is the quest bro, assuming I'm not skipping
Her tits are now rock solid and don't jiggle anymore
Kurocucks are coping by saying that it's a bug
Drunk sloppy sex with Changli
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Bros… I got my wife and her weapon in 60 pulls…
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>got Taoqi alongside Jinhsi somehow
Guess that's the game telling me about the meta, how do I build her to support Jinhsi?
censored monkslop
3 hours
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Why are (you) so great? Seems like you're set up to be the creator god of the setting or something.
i think about 2 hours
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What's her ranking?
WTF, it's just her or every girl got the same treatment?
Well, we are like an Athena Saint that comes around every so years to solve the world ending problem, so, yeah
It's just her and only in the overworld
I think Jinhsi would look way better if she was flat
because you are
>gun guy managed to miss those 2 enormous milk jugs at less than 50 meters
that's stormtrooper-level of aiming
retarded question but when does calcharo, danjin and some other standard characters come in the story?

Did they already show up and i missed it?
Is it some hidden quest?
does Jinshi really use 1 spectro% and 1 ATK%
or are you memeing me again
getting censored next
2-3 hours, edging more towards 2. Too short honestly, for what it was trying to do. Which is a shame, because the general outline is good.
Just her, Baizhi still got her iconic sentient tits
So if i get someone and not jinhsi now and then roll for changli i need to get fucked by the 50-50 again?
If thats the case im only rolling for jinhsi until hard pity and never rolling a 50-50 because my luck sucks
Not getting fucked by 7 50-50 misses in a row
I tested with baizhi and the jiggle is still there, so just her for now
Not yet, maybe they will show up later in the game like Aalto and Encope, or maybe they are going to add them to some event or have their own character quest
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I can't afford Jinhsi outright, but I can get 35 rolls with coral and I'm 60+(it isn't updating) rolls in after losing the 50/50 and getting Jianxin.

I spent all my rolls, astrite, and blue coral. White coral only now.
The difference between that and double spectro is like 1%
>all these bells
Aiiieeeeeee ma xiaofang save me..
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Momoi and green Momoi why are you here instead of /bag/?
I'm not gonna play any mihomo games no matter how much you shitpost here you fucking faggot kill yourself
The 50/50 carries over, think of all limited banners as one banner.
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>(you) are the master of Jue
>Jinshi is basically the new Jue
>ergo, you are her master
Jinshi, it is of utter importance to the safety of not!China that you strip naked NOW.
ONLY if you have her weapon retardgod
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Wuwa is a good game
Does Jinhsi have a character quest?
Damn that sucks...
They should have tune it down a little bit but not completely remove it...
Fucking Kuro I hope it's a bug (yes I'm coping)
her character quest is the 1.1 story.
can we get Havoc and Spectro Rover to C6 now?
They fucked up the camera sensitivity on phones. Is anyone else affected by this?
on the anger phase already wuwakek?
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come on now
Censored slop, no content and is not 100 free pulls.
Play a proper coomer game don't waste your time with that garbage.
Hows jinshi as main dps? What’s her team
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Content doko?
Am I the only one who can barely hear any sound effect of the game? I can barely hear anything now and it's bugged as fuck sometimes where it come out late or not at all.
It's just another fucking paimon, I called it
I want more
Crownless hologram has no chill, bros. Bitch doesn't even get a break bar until like 30 seconds in.
AHHHHHH, I really want s6 Sanhua, but I'm already like 40 rolls into the banner again and only have at s4. I don't want to risk getting s1 Jinshi. Why did I get the wind bitch 20 times but NO fucking sanhua cons.
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40M pre registers btw and MHY putting both their games in dead patches to shill this game
this what the shilling brought
guess that's hoyodrones are out of their sewers today
I mean, it makes no sense to tweak it on overworld but not the menu where it is the most blatant, clearly it's not censorship, expect apologems soon
>talks to you not for you
>fucks off until something important happens
You dumb?
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I'm okay with them giving out bras but we better be able to see its outline for consistency, Kuro Games!!!!
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That feel when Changli left bigger impression from story and hasn't even had her companion quest yet. Hagchads we're eating good
>What's the point of not chopping? Looking for ML in the toilet is like panning for gold in . You'll make yourself sick but in the end you won't be able to find it.
kek, I love these chink translations
>high effort paimon scene is over
>a chapter of shot-reverse shot inane dialog
I see the writer wasn't let behind the offices and shot after all.
LMAO what a joke.
>6k HP
>mfw the BA stream a week ago had 110k+
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>lost all 50/50s
>still in top 21%
I feel conflicted
At least i didnt get Lingyang'd
Was that shot of her mouth really necessary
I didnt ask for some dogshit mascot, I didn't want this game to copy everything dogshit about genshin. What was wrong with just having Rover and friends?
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Verdict on Jinhsi?
Roll or wait?
They have to make you want to pull for her somehow. She still has to make you that feather so you can touch to your hearts content too.
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gg ez

Now I save until re-run
getting censored next like monkslop
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Which one we getting
Okay thanks brother
Hope you het your favorite cockslut before any pity
Didn't the cosmic goddess at the beginning tip you off?
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Be honest, /wuwa/.........
>Recommend ed
What did they mean by this?
absolutely would
Would breed.
Holy fuck I was wondering where did I hear this gremlin from. Fuck yeah it is Nanachi
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Why the fuck do you need a screen on your controller
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Yeah she's hot and I totally would. Probably gives the best blowjobs in jianzhou too.
Thanks to Jué's powers her eggs might be frozen in time. Still in prime fertility.
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Yeah it was mandatory for reasons
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Is this angle even necessary? We get it, she has big tits. Stop shoving it in my face ffs

>just 30 rolls for launch
>wuwa is casually offering 30 rolls next week
lmfao imagine playing hoyoslop couldnt be me
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>lost two 50% in a roll
I had forgotten how fun Genshin system is
Why are you gay?
Found the fag
Hell yeah
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She looks like a mommy or a granny. Who is this? I am still wageslaving but I will play after work
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>100 free rolls
>lost jinshi coinflip at 70 to anko
Goodbye /wuwa/
They zenloss, it's over
would fuck her until she gets pregnant somehow
How much of an upgrade is s1 Jinshi? I might actually risk getting her for Sanhua cons.
>Censored slop
but enough about wuwa
Yeah, shove them into mine instead!
The camera is fucked up for some reason. I turned down sensitivity to 0 and shit still spas out.
How many rolls are we getting this patch? Any datamines?
Gooning to this picture right now
How the fuck did so many anons here get Lingyanged?
It's rigged, a lot of people, myself included, got 4 yapyaps for every other character.
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should i keep this or no?
Bros should I go for Jinhsi S3? Turns out her S2 wasn't what I expected it to be. I'm 30 pulls away on my next pity and its also guaranteed so I wonder if her S3 is more worth it or if I should just get an S0 Limited character in the future?
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Jinhsi's best asset is her
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I like him
Definitely would, I bet she fucks like a tiger and since her eggs are dried up you can cum inside as much as you like.
new npc for the new area, a complete GILF
mmm nyo
you should only tune +10 at most (+5 if you want to min max) and one of the lines should be cr or cdmg before upgrading further from there
bros do we have calcs of jinshi vs changli yet?
changli and jinhsi can fuck right off. xinyi is the real heroine. i wonder if her eggs still work
The time spent in the hyperbolic tit chamber....
Anyone willing to talk normal game
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Link to app?
Reminder to kill yourself
NTA btw
Yunlin was good but 1.1 completely mogs 1.0 banners. Why did they start with faggot banner?
Everyone who gets that just wants to vent their bad luck online, no different from those who pull double Jinhsi and brag about it really
I'm not even sure why you 25'd it
At 15 with no crit roll I'd just let it sit there as temporary cope piece, and would go back to the mines
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>finish the new quest
>uoh KINO
wait thats it?
what am i gonna do the next 3 weeks????
okay thank you, i will use it for now till i get a better one
it's ok every furry customer is a millionaire according to 4chan
Farm the perfect Jue
That's not how you spell zzz retard
thx mate, didn't realize i switched off her echos
Her eggs dried so you can cum inside without protection without worries
Think about it, it's nakadashi free real state
To bait metadroids into rolling for Jiyan, wasting all their rolls and bricking their accounts.
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When Kuro removed the titty jiggle it only took a couple of shitpots and they insta backtracked
Did Kuro backtracked ? hell no
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Ayyyyy 5th coinflip win, still no standard spooks on limited banner
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wonderful game
>ntr smile again
Crownless hologram clear.
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i died in a small body of water
Wave wuthered?
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57 rolls for Jinhsi.
15 rolls for Ages of Harvest.
143 rolls for Jinhsi R1.

Now I can play the game.
I can't stop thinking about the chink rewrite. You can see it this story in particular, it could've been great but it was just too short. I 100% bet that they cut out vast chunks because it would have angered chink incels again. I hate the bug menace so much bros.
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I can't believe they've actually fixed the whole game. The story is amazing, the music feels wonderful, the cinematic feel is there, they're finally giving us some proper in-depth characters. Lore bombs dropped, next destination confirmed, I'm hype. Jinhsi get, Changli's next! I'm thrilled, this is amazing
>not enough rolls now
I hate this
Build your Jinhsi nigga
uh oh kuroshill samefag melty
reminder to keep swiping to fund more boob censorship oink oink!!!
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I want to ruffle her plumes so bad
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>look it up
>see this
uh oh its the schizo Sandalphoncuck
They increased Encores drop rate during Yinlins banner.
Now they doubled his drop rate.
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what the fuck, is this elden ring bleed dogs again. I died in seconds
What weapon for Jinshi other than her 5*???
the thread had some noticeable improvement in quality once the zenzeless zensored zlop was midway. They were probably doing their best soijack faces when mihomo revealed that they'll give out 100!!!111!! FREE PULLS!!111!
He's the most hated character, so people post when they get him
The same doesn't happen when they get a different standard 5*
hyped for more censorship lol wuwagwag slop eater
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This is unplayable even at 0 sensitivity. They fix one thing while breaking another two.
I can't even walk straight without the camera moving all over.
The only way they can truly fix the game is to revamp the echo system desu
Cope, they improved it.
>not going for R2 for nukes everywhere
Kill yourself
>9k hp at 70
level your echos...
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guys i think im going to hell, abby is really hot and im completely unfocused.
I want to feed her mountains of food and rub her belly so badly, im going to super hell for this
wtf are you using anon? are you playing with a trackball or a laptop trackpad or something?
Seven ice stacks nigga just dodge
why do you enjoy being a cuckold, never really understood mentality of cucks. maybe i should give gfl2 a shot to get a glimpse
nah ill live
can't say the same for monk tits LMFAOOOO
she's prime animebait of the mascot that grows into a big titty girl after
according to PGR fags the eyes looks like Alpha
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yes, it is
>dying to open world normal mobs
>that smile
Guess I'll cook something while waiting
Did anyone snap a shot of rover giving thumbs up after picking abby's name? I was too slow on the draw.
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I only have 31 rolls left, if I get enough in the next 24 days I'll glady dump them all into her.
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Anyone else skipping?
You fags actually play gachas on your PC?
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Abby looks like this??
cope, this is needed to purge the cucks and femcels out of gaming companies
they may be extreme right now but this will be remembered and reminder for future companies to never allow women to ruin anything again
Gotta admit I find Changli boring in the story
Good, i hope shes chubby and has bigger tits than Taoqi
Yeah she's boring and chanli is cuckbait, more time to save for camellya I guess.
1.2 leaks doko?
i love breasts
Probably using high dpi like a ton of retards I see. Imagine going over 400 for anything.
I'd rather the game have a shit story than a decent story that attracts a shit fanbase and ruins the game tbhdesu
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I would be fanboying the game if they just fixed the godawful targeting and made the echo system less terrible.
The jiggle still there. You know what isn't? Your dignity as a human being. Kill yourself
Me on the left
jenazad just called jinshi one of the worst solo dps in the game...
nta, but i do for wuwa. it's literally unplayable on mobile
Where do i find middle corals?
Just from gacha?
I want to save but i need to buy those pull
>fendom cuckbait
nice ass
doubt shes worse than taoqi, but its obvious since whos gonna build her stacks solo?
Jue is a hierodule
That is a long loong
I don't know who that is but he's right. She needs teammates to build her gauge and her damage tanks without a team.
>skill 4 damage goes from 12k damage to 150k damage depends on the stacks
>stacks are mainly generated by teammate
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>got to union level 40
>have no materials to level up stuff to 70
should I even bother unlocking the cap right now anons?
Is the character audio bugged?
>skipping the time archon
Not stupid enough to do that
The funny thing is, it is literally unplayable right now on mobile. The camera is completely fucked, and people wonder why Jinshi's banner couldn't top 1 the charts.
>j-jiggle is there
keep coping wuworm
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Changli thighjobs...
please respond!!
are windchimes not on https://wuthering-waves-map.appsample.com/ ?
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Damn, this one's actually really cool
Are those male or female names?
Yes, increasing the cap gives more stuff for your waveplatebux so if you dont up the cap you're pissing those resources you need down the drain.
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he said it!
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changli getting censored next
what will be your cope then?
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That and all three 5*s taking 70+ rolls was what made me uninstall HSR, literally bottom 1% luck right there
Xiangli Yao is a male iirc, dunno about zhezhi
Just woke up. What was the censorship?
Why off all things does skindentation get me hard?
Bros the Jue fight was pretty cool
spectro can get c6 but idk about havoc
Her penis is 5 pixels smaller
Fake and gay
Kuro is not Hoyo.
Monk lost her tit jiggle in overworld. Looks like a bug since its still there in the menus and no one else was changed
That new dreadmane nearly fucked me up.
>solo DPS in a team game
Why do retards do this
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post 'em
I was thinking of pulling changli but
The real Wuthering Waves were the friends we made along the way.
teacher is superior
Jianxin first to get censored.
They are literally spending banner profits to nerf female models and designs one by one instead of fixing game issues.
Imagine paying for that. It's the ultimate cuck.
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this is taking ages, i just want to get to level 21.
holy plazookas...
shinies in this game need improvement
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Alright give me the quick run down. Is Jinshi good? Does she powercreep the Xiao homo and Sepiroth? Is she for me? Does she need Yinlin? Is Changli better?
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Monk lost her jiggle.
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It's pretty cool when you fight him in the story but when you have to farm his echo the fight feels really clunky.
Here anon >>483841897
is 21 ul50?
I'm on a guarantee. All in on jinhsi or wait for changli?
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Jinhsi does no damage..
>they fucked up the performane
jesus christ
Glad to see someone saved my webm
Going to make a lot more when I get home from work
it's ul40
no you can get it at ul40
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with sig weapon 4/5 double crit echoes
>noooooo don't sexualize the monk
Its over
Spooked by Anko s1, the 12% damage increase is more noticeable than I thought it would be.
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where do you see jinhsi's stacks?
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have a webm instead
If you don't have her signature the difference is 1%. If you do have it the difference is 0.2%. So just use the ones with better substats, double attack, double spectro, or one and one, it doesn't matter.
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If I want to go for some cons, what's a good early stopping point? C2? C3? The tradable ones in the shop make it hard to judge the price of this.
I told you we would get revenge for Scar.
Incels really don't know who they're messing with.
Powercreep lmao
Truly the toilet of /vg/.
why is that, what makes her difference from the rest?
>no scar banner in foreseeable future and no scar banner leaks
I’m dropping
Ripping Taoqi's pantyhose and rape her for the entire Threnodian fight
Yes. Yes. Yes. Not really. Yes
Do you have the before and after with both Jianxin? can't really remember how it's used to be
They couldve atleast made him broken so people getting fagboy would be like "oh well, atleast I got a good ice dps" but no, hes a midget, male, furry and the weakest non-taoqi character in the entire game.
Lost 1 50/50 to him, might uninstall if I lose another...
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calm down
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Dump it or cope with it?
Did they change Chang Li's weapon?
Keep it for now farm your spectros%
>autumntrace passive literally can't get activate for Jinhsi
>some poor anon bought the scam bp for the extra refines on it
oh no
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With signature weapon and a shitty Jew echo
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Well no one answered so I will numberfagging
(last 30 days:)
China: 16%/16%
Japan: 8%/24% (good goy)
USA: 14%/18%
Korea: <4%/19% (good goy)
Taiw*n: <4%/6%
Germany: <4%/2%
Hongk*ng: <4%/2%
Indonesia: 7%/<2%
Philipines: 5%/<2%
Russia: 5%/<2%
Brazil: 4%/<2%
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>Trump just got destroyed in the debate
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No, sex with Taoqi
what phone do you use?
Because you are normal, regular, heterosexual person? Don't tell me you go in social media platforms and call people "cultured" for liking something that literally everyone does.
>every signature weapon is a 20-30% damage increase
wew lad
WTFF this unit is garbage??
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unironically s1
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she would fall asleep before you came
kek, southeast asia really is worthless
why? bugged? or does she not use it properly?
an iphone x lmfao
Peak ranking.
Doesn't look good.
Triggering the passive from her intro.
noooooooooooo don't start with the heckin sales charterinos
it triggers upon basic attack damage or heavy attack damage and her damage counts as skill
17% damage increase (compared to standard 5*) actually
They actually got the math down
the blue coral? Yes you only get it from rolling
I luckshitted a second Jinhsi two 10-pulls after the first one and got an early weapon. I expected the worst going in l, but I ended up very happy for once
I am a hoyoslurper and usually when people talk about an E0S0 or C0R0 that means they don't have the weapon for the character, while S1 and R1 mean that they have a non-upgraded signature weapon
They have to first fix the camera on mobile, it's unplayable. Also performance on PC got better but somehow worse on mobile. AND they have to fix monktits tits.
Can't blame them since dollar is too strong.
Approximately $1 here is equal to $7 there.
whose tits are getting nerfed next?
>0 Tiktok hourss
>0 LINE hours
>0 Kakao hours
It's wuwover...
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>did 60 pulls for danjin
>only got ONE (1)
damn... I cant pull anymore, saving for camellya
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Jué prophesized this will be useful in the future
I shouldn't be on this thread when I still have to wageslave for another 6 hours, this is just miserable
The opposite actually, abby will be getting huge tits next update bro
AND they need to fix the targeting system
s1 is the best since s2 is just QoL bullshit. S3 is also good but at that point you might as well get S4 to future proof Jinhsi with other limiteds. S6 gives the most damage out of all them but they nerfed the nuke damage bonus from 71% to 45% so do what you will with that info.
How long is the main story?
That kind of stuff only matters for tower, until they (hopefully) introduce a new endgame (HSR is a year and a half old an already has 6 different endgame modes). Until then, you are investing 70~ rolls to get 2 more rolls every 2 weeks.
It's a scam.
Wheres the Rover thumbsup webm bros
>seaniggers are the most obnoxious tribalist faggots shitting threads
>literally irrelevant
Kek this the same shitskins kissing the ground where hoyo steps on
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Japs mostly play on their phone and they're all complaining that they fucked the camera acceleration.
Dragonball chads mogged Jinshi.
happened to me as well but at least I got him early both times so I'm still not too bothered about it apart from having S1 for a character I will never use
a couple hours
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>Also performance on PC got better but somehow worse on mobile
This update ruined my PC perf, game is very stuttery and shown no sign of easing off.
>didn't change her in the character menu
>didn't nerf anyone else
>patch has known issues with character models elsewhere
I know this is a cope but I'll choose to believe it really is a bug, for now.
I lost both coinflips to verina
best cons right?
That little shit is actually kinda cute. Hopefully it's not annoying going forward in the story.
What GPU do you have? There is an nvidia driver update out since today, try that.
Horsebros... not like this...
How many pulls do I need right now, to be able to afford her after all of what we get in 1.1?
Nobody added me as a friend in 2 weeks, I feel so lonely /wuwa/bwos
Stop cooking the numbers, it's like 17% compared to the standard 5* blade and it doesn't even have good crit rate like stringmaster
Also you have way more cope options with broadblades than dps rectifiers
How long does the limited banner reroll take? You only get 30 pulls or something right?
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Post your ID NOW
what boobs
have they fixed the textbox not being able to fit all the words or do i still need to play on english?
What site?
so its safe to skip her weapon? I have the standard broadblade that is on Calchudo
I'm still amazed at how they fuck up new patches this badly with performance issues.
PGR was one of the most optimized gachas I played, was Wuwa developed by a different team of retards?
It'll make no sense to focus so much on the phoenix tits and jiggle, but then nerf the tits.
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Retard here, isn't this BiS for Taoqi if I'm just using her to buff Jinhsi?
I'm on a 2060. New driver doesn't mention anything about wuwa specifically, but I'll give it a shot
ID me you wunigger
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Girl you got nothing to lose unless we go concave
Literally just check yourself, Baizhi still has her sentient tits, Cowqi has her huge rack jiggling, and even monk has jiggle in the stat screen,only on overworld and only her
Occam's razor my mate
Discord is better
But personally I think Dauntless is her BiS and anyone trying to improve her concerto is trying to teach a pig how to fly.
Second update to my knowledge since the update went live
>Goes up 1 spot in China
Yeah I mean I'm not totally sure, but I don't think that momentum is giving them any TikTok hours. I think this is about where Jiyan and Yinlins banner ended up after update 2 as well. FGO and Dokkan banners are likely to keep it out of 1st in Japan too where it's currently 6th overall after the 2nd update. South Korea its 3rd overall and didnt rise after the 2nd update. If the 3rd update today isn't some huge momentum leap it's not getting TikTok hours though. I'm curious to see if it manages Tencent Video hours. Genshin got about 6 on Tuesday and is kind of its in late region flop arc.
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I thought it was just buggy on certain androids that have slop chips. I use a mid-line samsung phone, <s>A73</s>, and it works fine and dandy. Wonder what's preventing them from fixing it.
English still has that issue, you need to hold ALT and drag the text.
Did you try modifying the unreal settings with that r*ddit guide? Or if you already did, you need to do it again since the update redownloaded the file.
I'm on a 4080 super so my situation is not really comparable, but performance is better for me now, I don't have stutters every once in a while or when opening the menu.
Yes, just give churros the BP one, it's really good on him
>instead of paimon we get nanachi
this is okay
based, sent
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HoyoGODs, I kneel
Maybe they should fix the camera acceleration first, so phonefags could actually play the game without getting nausea.
not a 5xxxxxxxx
well i cant add you. stay safe anon
Where do you find KR numbers?
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humina humina humina
>rover is actually involved in the story
holyshit... HOLYSHIT...
I don't think I've ever seen a Chinese game where it's vest performance is in every other big market before the glorious motherland. Kuros propaganda in the US has been absolutely amazing with all the "Genshin Could Never" CCs so if any game managed it I'm not surprised it's this one
It wasn't meant to be...
so what are tiktok hours
I have a Snapdragon 888+ with an Adreno 660 and 16GB ram, it doesn't take that long to load but it still is annoying, crazy how Kuro wants to compete on the mobile market with such an unoptimized game.
And before someone claims that most people play on PC, china+japan is more than 60% of revenue, and on those countries 80% of people that spend play on phones.
tiktok users don't use 4chan
Just give her one ER echo, works for me
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God I wish I were him
ER does not affect concerto
number of hours your game is above tiktok on the app store ranking
Jinhsi currently has zero
for comparison Pagfly had 64, ackeron had something like 80.
Was salesfagging always a thing with gachas communities or was it popularized by genshin? Genuinely just curious, don't really feel strongly about it either way.
Same place as I find all the tracking. Sensor Tower. It's also funny as all fucking shit loud mouth CCs like Tectone don't even know about Sensor Tower. Speaking of which where is the fat fuck to milk the newest banner on his favorite game in the whole world. Practically every other personality was at least there last night for the patch going live to do their thing for an hour or 2 before I went to bed
Being able to use your R affects your Concerto.
It's a stupid cope thing, there are adds on social media platforms, and it so happens that you can measure the time people have spend watching adds by hashtags publicly (marketers obviously have that info for other platforms but they don't make them public). Some people think that you can correlate the number of viewed hours for adds to sales, but it's shenanigans.
I didn't tweak anything outdive of mouse acceleration in the .ini. I'll see if basic troubleshooting like new drivers and redownloading game patches helps any before getting deeper into the weeds. Thanks!
Is it over?
Not enough to matter.
You don't need ER mainstat at S5 anymore either.
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I won't lie bros. This is truly the John Carter of gacha games, doomed before it even came out. These sales are not looking good at all and I don't think it'll ever get better. I'm still playing but I'd be lying if I said these sales aren't leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Was planning to whale for changli but I think I'll just stick to monthly+BP for now.
it's just for people insecure about the merits of their own game (gensharts). it's always been around but wuwa specifically has it's popularity constantly monitored
>copium sunken cost
The game sucks, and will be dead in a week
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>already have FOUR standard 5* weapons out of five
Cheers, Kuro.
It's gacha tradition. Low sales = low profitability = sooner EoS. And a lot of gacha games DO EoS because of lack of profitability. If you're not at the absolute top end, you can't be sure that your server will still be up in a year. Especially on the global side of things. It's a perfectly valid thing to be worried about.
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She's the first character to have actual panties
I think in this particular case it's a response to how much shit has been talked about the game and its revenue potential by various content creators that it was the heir apparent to the gacha game revenue throne. The fact that so far that has not been the case is going to always lead to counter shit talk. It's worse for gacha games too since the top grossing rankings worldwide are updated every 3-4 hours by the app store. Where console games you have to wait a week or even months to get a sense for how games are performing
just like how firefly was suppose to break records huh...or those 100 pulls in ZZZ(Read: 30)
Its her forte gauge.
but enough about genshit
why are you people obsessed with doomposting a game you don't even play
Abby reminds me of Midna which isnt good because
Yea, I'm going to cum on her black pantsu
30 pulls, gonna go great with my 5 pull weapon from previous weapon banner.
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Is she a future playable character?
>finished all exploration and quests in one day
It was a loong day.
S1 Taoqi with discord good enough for Jinhsi team?
Just got to this part. Why is my screen is more zoomed in than yours? I just notice this from screenshots I keep seeing from this general.
>tune 20 1slots in a row at 3 subs each
>0 crit
Fucking hate this game.
Because of what?
I remember when it was GBF vs FGO but it never spread out to other smaller gacha games at the time. Like PAD had a general around that time and no one salesposted there and that game mogged everyone in JP.
Chinks aren't even allowed to play PC games for more than a few hours, so PCfags are just coping about their importance.
The biggest markets are JP/CN, so they should fucking optimize the mobile version first and foremost.
Right now, the camera acceleration literally makes the game unplayable there.
Dont fall for the Taoqi meme bro, she cant stack for shit. Only good for screenshot
Just doing my job.
you have different aspect ratio
Hm yes, 115k damage on some random red guys "elite" (the shitters grabbing you).
Annoying assholes.

But why would that matter? Wuwa supposedly is more popular outside of china so big wow?

Either you are an idiot or shitposting. You spend money in a gacha to give back and not to invest. Buy to play games are investments, because if unlucky you play it for 5 hours, it's ultra garbage and you sit at your -100.
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My wife is so beautiful.
Ah shit you're right. Thanks.
sex with changli
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I"m having fun
Yes, but as a 4*.
mortefi or yuanwu for jinhsi? cn says mortefi and en says yuanwu
Why does her face look flushed all the time?
>That fucking NTR smile Changli gave at the end of the cutscene
She fucked everyone in the room as soon as we left right?
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any one of you has a link / whatever for the Unreal Engine .ini tweaks?
I had mine tweaked and worked really good but I guess the update nuked my effort, NOW I have to do all the thing again.
Forgot to backup the thing, I remember I found a link here in early wuwa threads for the .ini tweaks and explainations.
yuanwu is easier since he just uses skill, does 1 punch, then fucks off
yuanwu is actual dogshit but mortefi is only really good for heavy attack users? does jinhsi use heavy attacks at all?
Yes, she's fucking me. Now be a good cuck and go farm mint in the corner
nice more on field time for my wife
The one i copied from leddit:

You dont seem to understand the reason why Yuanwu and Mortefi are recommened for Jinhsi team
Her boobs are HUGE

Idk, do I NEED R2 Jinhsi? Maybe Changli would be nice.
no mark no play
She lined them all up and had them shoot it into her gourd, so that she can feed it to you later.
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>changli sings for you on the boat ride
Now I HAVE to roll for her.
20 more, got 4 Sanhuas, I'll take it.
he's here for the coordinated atk
that scene was pretty fucking beautiful, ngl. The cloud and shit looked so good, wish I wasn't playing on mobile during that cutscene
>her gourd
holy fucking secondary
Just use Mortefi, at S1 his ult procs two times with resonance skill
Kuro really need to fire whoever fuck is responsible for content planning and scheduling. 1.1. needed to go off with a bang and Jinshi is the exact opposite of that
>boring skills and combos
>subdps meme
>not even that hot
literally zero reason to pull this bitch on a new patch. Changli should have been first because shes everything that Jinshi isn't.
do people actually use them for their coord attacks? i always found them to be kind of middling, the attack bonus mortefi gives is usually much more useful
>ZZZ livestream
>First of all, from a design perspective, we think this feeling of satisfaction must be built upon the execution of action and feedback of hits
>Our core goal when designing combat was to prioritize refined details and a balanced performance
>Rather than focusing on exaggerated special effects or randomly shaking the screen, we prefer to work frame-by-frame, refining and perfecting every action and effect
>We believe that ensuring the screen stays clear and tidy is vital to showcase the beauty of these actions

ZZZ devs shitting on Wuwa players
nope, that's just an npc
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Imagine the sloshing noises
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How was your patch 1.1 bwos? Personally, I really like it

This is very few instant where I haven't seen Chinanambawon message in a world setting that involve with notChina
>what is coordinated atks
The reason you use Mortefi is for his R, also read his S1, every time you proc resonance skill it procs two times just like heavy attacks
So the same shit Jiyan does when he goes lance mode she can do with his S1
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Are you retarded.
Call yourself a stupid bitch, holy shit.
No complaints, busy having fun running around with my bushy eyebrow'd wife.
I'm a stupid bitch. Now what?
holy shit i hate this fuckers name
jinshi relies on it
Because of her height, Changli legit has bigger tits than Cowqi
Yes, because coord attack specifically stack twice as fast for your Jinhsi. Her 5 best teammate are Yinlin, Verina, Yuanwu, Mortefi and Baizhi cuz they all have coord attack.
>she starts singing in chinese
would you still roll..
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Jinhsi NEEDS coordinated attacks.
You dumb bitch
Jinhsibros... it looks like I'm not getting the weapon...
Does she powercreep Jiyan or is she a sub-dps?
If you build Mortefi for damage he can actually hit hard
Am I the only one grossed out by Changli because of the desperate incel pandering they're doing with her? I'm a man btw.

But shes so fuckable
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Yes. Why would that deter me?
Here is your pity (you), be less desperate next time.
Just use the Jianxin and Mortefi combo and you'll be stacked up out of your gourd.
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Just call her Abigail
>patch 1.0 my chink poco phone can run the game 60 fps again boss and mobs in open world
>patch 2.0 forced close in the ice cave where we need to do the watter puzzle.
im not IT guy but how the fuck the dungeon cave fucked up the performance than the open world.
fuck man all i want after wage slaving is gaming while laying down
jiyan > jinshi for now, source is cn
>didnt rechange voice to jp before entering cutscene
im bricked
>Firepag flopped hard
She is LITERALLY the highest selling banner in gacha history, keep coping wukek
is Lingyang quest good or slop? i plan to skip through it to get some exp and rolls if it is bad
Might as well uninstall.
She has two nukes with her empowered skill and ultimate, the only thing Jiyan has is aoe and even then Jinhsi comes close
Also no she's main dps, you build a team around her
massive slop that you cant even skip
Jinhsi is the incel pandering character, Changli is for men who have had sex with real biological women (female).
kek zzzchads are going to dab so hard
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I didn't hate it that much
If he was a cute girl then people would have enjoyed it, but he isn't, so it's not good.
Judgeman and Furina were still on top of her
How many feelings will that guy hurt i wonder
wow, performance really improved a lot after this patch
this game finally runs the way it should on my ryzen 7 and RTX 3060
Jinhsi needs high crit rate, unless you build her for damage per screenshot
Her damage concentrates too much on her final resonate skill
Bird tits
Anyways what teams can I build with her? Characters that I'm missing are Jiyan, Encore and Cal
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Jinhsi has too much downtime relying on shitty characters to gain stacks.
And she needs to do a total of 8 basic attacks to unleash her big move, NOTHING WILL CHANGE THAT.

She is already powercrept.
No amount of ER or stat sticks will ever change the fact she needs teammates hitting a specific amount and she needs to hit 8 basic attacks.

Jiyan if done right can spam his ulti all day and night.
>1.1 dropped
>Threads still slow AF despite the mihomo shills raping us a new asshole
Doomposters won. I give up.
bro, you'll never ever never guess who the jingle beast is...........
ah shit, though design wise i think he is better the brick KING mostly because im a pitfag and he's very distracting. Just go through the quest while watching game reviews on the other monitor i guess
>Half of Acheron revenue
>highest selling banner
you know the tower need minimum 2 teams right?
if you want to clear the middle tower then
we will see Changli performance to determine if Encore get btfo or not
The gameplay is the most easiest action game I've ever played, it's gonna perform well with the targeted audience (the youngster and mobile gamers) but it won't impress the PC players.
Not only that but the game is censored, have furries and the ost is just a mix of rap and edm + the color palette is way too much.
I think it's gonna be mid, that's why they give free shit and plenty of pulls.
The devs are aware.
>devs already pulling the " we don't care about sales, we just want to make a cool game" card
Already admiting defeat before the game is even out
>mix of rap
disgusting, dropped.
So you're saying people are either too busy playing the game or at work?
>23 days till changli
Her team are pretty limited right now tbqhdes
Her best team is with Yinlin + Verina, the cope options are Mortefi, Yuanwu, and Baizhi, you can slot them however you want, just dont run Yuanwu + Yinlin
>using m*les
lmao even
>easiest action game I've ever played
guaranteed to be a success with hoyodrones
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Just prepare yourself...
>Rap and EDM
I will now play your game. I'm so tired of swineskin orchestra bs and their uncle chang knock offs.
>we think this feeling of satisfaction must be built upon the execution of action and feedback of hits
>auto-parry still in the game
She only needs 4 basics, and you would know that if you didn't irreparably brick your account with a green colored chink.
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Friendly reminder you should ignore and report that anime avatarfag that keep shitposting about sub dps and calling you stupid bitch
What do TikTok hours mean?
honest opinion, the males here are okay, no gay pandering, youre weird though if you pick frover and play males
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how do i get to the chest in the middle?
i tried all vertical options.
so my jade like beauty wife flopped....? oh okay...
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>Introduce a cute pretty human-like companion Paimon
>Introduce a furry shit annoying obese alien slave
Kuroshills have braindamage
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Nyo, he's my favorite gimmick poster
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shes fun
someone should include this in the pastebin desu, wuwa pastebin is so trash.
Is it really? Do I really have to wait 3.5 fucking weeks?
> this is just like how RTS genre died out
them there digirmon are based, what can i say
No one cares about your Raiden you mentally ill freak
It might be the one submerged underground near where there was a cutscene with Jinhsi.
>Fixed the targeting to some degree
>Fixed the performance, for me at least
>FSR is back
Genshin would never.
>play mixed toilet gacha game
if you dont want homos then why playing this game, Snowbreak exist you know.
uh oh melty!
I mean, yeah if you're playing in a PC why waste your time with brain damaged DMC bootleg when you can just play DMC instead?
Just like HSR, I can just play Persona or SMT
im just a degenerate and want to fuck it
changli's titty bounces are kinda rude bros
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im having fun just seeing how high I can go with the shoop de whoop attack.
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>21gig update
Ex-fucking-cuse me?
I won the 50/50 but both Jinhsi and her weapon came home late, should I try for the S1? I should have enough coral to buy S2 after pulling the S1.
I just want more Sanhua cons, 70 pull and I only got her once.
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remember, it's always shit eaters shitting up the threads
Changli won
you had me at obese
Because once you finished that game there is no reason to go back.
Meanwhile you can play the gacha games as long as they update it with new content and characters anon.
Don't get me wrong I agree with you but gacha games now are not the same old jpeg collector themed, they have gameplay and sometimes good story.
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I fucking love her
She is everything I hoped for and more
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>Jinhsi flopped
>Everyone want Changli more
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It's like 4 gigs, but you need to download the entire fucking game again to extract it, so it's 20gigs. I fucking hate when game do that
What are coordinated attacks and does Jinshi need spectro rover in team?
fat. overweight might i add. obese even.
what a slut
Anyone knows the name of Abby's Japanese VA? I swear I have heard this voice before
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okay so i got jihsi, what echoes does she want?
I assume it's the celestial set
Is it crit, spectro, spectro, atk, atk
Does she use mourning aix as her main crit 4 cost?
She wants the massive loong damage
Turns out Spectro Rover is rather bad with her because first of all, SRover being spectro mean that they share the same CD for stacking. And two, SRover doesnt have coord attack to circumvent that like Verina
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*smile at you*

Yinlin thunder, Mortefi fire bullets, that fedora guy lighting totem and the big tits milk
no you want the Jew. look at what the Jew does it's insane.
Does it matter when/who is on field when the coordinated attacks trigger? I have Mortefi with the skill related dupe but not the ult duraiton increase.
>Do one more 10er for Sanhua cons
>Get Lingyang S1
I fucking hate it.
At least it was early and I'm on guarantee for Changli now, but man...
so instead of letting people pull for a fun unit like Changli, we are stuck with a clunky ass subdps? lol
I'm about to run out of echo exp again trying to get a decent Jue for Jinhsi
How do I kill myself and end this suffering?
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The new area looks so nice.
Jinhsi must have so much breast envy since everyone else around her has tits but shes flat, sad
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Jue is the new meta now

keep your 3 cost spectro piece for the next few days, we still don't have the sufficient data to have a 'definitive' build for her yet
how is she flat...?
they added the waterfowl dance of gacha in the crownless holo s mh...
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I'm sorry anyon...
It's Spectro x2 unless you have her wp. If you do have her wp it's Spectro+ATK
>the bp broadblade sucks for Jinhsi
Should I just get the standard 5* broadblade after all? I had the gun locked in but barely any character to use it with anyway.
Click the +... DO IT!
How many wavebands do we get for both Spectro and Havoc Rover from the new patch?
Yea go for the standard if you can't afford her sig
>Is it crit, spectro, spectro, atk, atk
Just to address 3 costs, the difference is small enough that you should probably pick whatever has the best substats
Bird is for the rough kinky stuff
Jinhsi is for the lovey dovey stuff
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>Want to play the game
>But also want to shitpost
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Stand back Rover, I'm beginning to Loong
>jinhsi flopped HARD
I told you incel pandering was stupid. Just look at gfl2, it flopped harder than ToF. Incels are broke neets who have no income, femcels on the other hand are lonely autistic hateful ugliest but at least they have a job.
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bro /zzz/ is right there??
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>do two multis on Jinhsi to build pity for Changli
>pull her
NOOOOOOOO. I'll build you but you're getting Jiyan's weapon.
too bad I'm not a yurifag so 98% of gachafag culture is lost on me
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I like Jinshi
Is it just me or do all side quests completely disappear?
I procastinate a bit then they remove it?
people will just avoid it but I can see many shitters raging at the lvl 100 clang clang
Reminder the internet in ZZZ is called Knotnet
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Just use your second monitor, anon
You DO have multiple monitors, right?
Jué 4 cost
Spectro damage 3 cost
ATK% or Spectro 3 cost
ATK% 1 cost
ATK% 1 cost
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So what was the point of this?
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Kuro already found the cosplayer that fit Changli why not hire her again for another ads
Shitpost during minute it takes for overlord echoes to respawn ez
to distract me
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I wanna shitpost too but I dont want to spoil so ill just leave this picture of this sexy cold bitch, why does she turn me on so much?
Femcels spend less money than incels, by a big margin
Jinhsi flopped because wuwa is flopping and people are holding their money for now
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should i use get this for jihsi or is it not that good?
I gave her the helios cleaver instead
>use astrite.gg
>autosync turned off
>do pulls on mobile
>go to website to update it
>it's already updated
hold the fuck on here is this shit malware
Well, how else can she dodge?
>shitty turn based hallway walking simulator runs faster than an open world action RPG on a 5 year old budget phone
No way dude.
if you didn't beat this shit before the nerf patch, you didn't beat the game.
>not showing her smile at the end
>Showing the NTR smile to invite more shitposters in here
Call yourself a stupid bitch.
wow, they added voice acting to the vendors
Jinhsibwos why Changlikeks have cool moments but we don't, it's not fucking fair!!!!!
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We may never know
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Sooooo... Where's Jinhsi's character quest?
second time you've said this, you have a familiarity with ntr?
No, even if you attack with Mortefi his ulti triggers together
>2 hour thread
yeah, this game is a fucking flop. I'm going back to GF2 (which only made 550k last month)
You played it during the whole 1.1 story
>the smile she gives you while you mastrurbate to her getting fucked
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>M, S, XL
choose wisely
They disappear from your map if you're not in close proximity.
Are you not paying attention? This is her update, her game, her general.
did he smell it????
We are busy playing the game anon.
>giving your cc password to malware
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Tourists would never
does she grow dick
that looks like shit
So do baizhi, changli, and yinlin have different models from the rest of the girls?
All 4* are shit for her so get it if ur not rolling her wp. If you have Helios at r5 I guess it's okay
>She's panting
So they added back in (you) pandering to that game?
all of them pressing on each other boob to boob
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Is broadblade better if I already have the sword?
But... Jiyan and Yinlin had their own character quests... I want MOAR JINHSI
Also wtf is with Jue isn't he supposed to be dying? what's up with that
>game gets patched
>it runs worse
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idk maybe? I can't read shit.
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>call ZZZ furry shit
>You are LITERALLY connected to a furshit animal
pulling one by one instead of ten at once is better.
If you are lucky, you can get it at just 2 pull instead of 10
God I wish girls would grab me like that...
yeah it's pretty good and doesn't look like there will be a 5* gunner for a while anyway
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Were she a good girl, she wouldn't do that to me...
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You have a furshit inside of your body Wuwa.
You can't make fun of Zzz anymore.
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I will now play your game
New looks better, why even wear clothes if they don't cover anything
did they backpedal the cuckening in GFL2? Or did they just other guns for the shikicum to get over his past?
Jue doesn’t have to use their life force anymore so they get to live. All we really learn is that you made them, and the other sentinels most likely.
overfeeding abby
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I rolled for c6 yangyang, what happens if i rolled another yangyang or will it simply not give me more yangyangs?
You know what's funny? The writer who added the NTR stuff to GF2 got fired and guess what game they worked on next? Wuwa, until they got fired again after the beta was so poorly received
Girls Frontline Line 2?
It gives more coral currency IIRC
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Why they make the little shit so smug?
Your yapyap turns into a 5 star
https://wuwatracker.tech i think
that stomach wrap is holding back the biggest pot belly
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You’d think people would stop hiring them
To shit on paimon
Hoshino go back to BA your chapter just fucking released.
>They fixed the start up audio problems
Thank fucking god
Did they fix the thing where you have to relog every time you close the game?
There's only a handful of gacha writers there and they're all bitter and shitty because they failed getting careers that they really wanted.
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>buy plants from pharmacy
>run out of money
This shit is a scam
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so how do i get up there kuroo
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Then get back to the field and start picking
fuck you now I can''t unsee it
Idk but I think it's cute!! I wanna poke it in he stomach and pinch its big fat cheeks until tears start swelling up!!!
We won.
We gotta beat him to clear one of the Event stages bruv
Real kek
Bro they give you 30 just for doing the event
rewind time, get up and then rewind back
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Now call yourself a stupid bitch
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I think they fired the femcel writer or something, idk, I can't read any of the dialogue anyway. The new character seems pretty incel friendly though. Muh commander is like most of her lines from what I can tell.
>kektone in the wuwa category
>streaming zzz videos
LMAO literally no shame. What a tool
calm down incel lmao
I self-insert as the duck.
This is on the CN server? How the fuck?
>Tacet Discord
This story is eternally fucked isn't it? This shit isn't catching on to me no matter how many times I hear or read it.
idk, but you can see her asscrack KEK
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haha what if she ate too much and got a bloated belly haha it would be funny if she liked it being rubbed lmao
you prob know her from made in abyss, shes nanachi
Took 3 tries. This thing actually had more moves than some bosses.

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