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Previous >>483786369

Vagrants Diaspora and Pronouns Edition

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/28
>Craft showcase video for latest revealed characters in The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>Dengeki stream on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM2 is released
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Trails Through Daybreak II logo leaked on PSN
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
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love renny
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NISA sucks. I wish I could do more to make them fail.
brutal sweaty naked slippery bdsm sex with sleepy la-chan
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>what pronouns do you go by?
Strange conclusion to arrive at in the face of objectivity. The localization is receiving universal praise. What are you gonna do about it? Write every person who holds that opinion off as a NISA shill or employee Schizzy, aren't we?
Universal as in every single review praises the localization. You really can't stand this objective reality, huh? Your narratives are falling apart, haha...
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My name's Van Arkride. Yeah, i'm not like those other pussy protagonists I BREAK THE LAW. Heh, you aren't ready for me kid. But hey I'm not a monster, at least I respect your pronouns.
>universal praise
good one NISissy
>You don't hate NISA as much as you should. You think you do, but you don't.

with a coordinated attempt we could have overran their twitter, youtube and the subreddit, and really pissed off the nisa-sellout youtubers, just to get the message out.
don't expect anything from fg. they moan and moan but when it comes time to act they sit around wanking their chuffs to airgetlam porn.
you're all just kekky wanky wanks
>every single review praises the localization
A single ONE review praised the localiztion. But please continue ignoring reality. Really you are showing you are completely disassociated from reality.
This atrocity of a game is a certain skip.
8.5 isn't worth buying sorry bro
so is the "pronoun" thing real or does anon have the magic key for pissing off /fg/?
i predicted it months ago and i want my daily shit to be a gloaty one
Just learn japanese or completely abandon the genre today. This is the future, american pigs will infect everything with their agenda. Just drop it, play older games.
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>american pigs will infect everything with their agenda.
NISA didn't make Quatre a tranny, Falcom did.
Every single review praises the localization, and not a single one criticizes it. This is the reality we live in. Your screeching is a fart in the wind, objectively. What are you gonna do about it? What can you do? Nothing. Except mald amongst yourselves here in this den of perhaps 5 anti-NISA schizos. Must be tough to be so enraged by things outside of your control, haha.
>a review said...
>lol i take gaming journalism seriously. zoe quinn sure is cute eh lads
Can't wait to see all the quatre stuff post epstein island on kuro 2.
>Quatre a tranny
Play kuro 2.
So Lapis is confirmed non-playable right
Haha, the cope squad continues to arrive... You've lost. The patch has been invalidated. People will now play the canon localization. Now and forever. What are you gonna do about it?
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Today, I will remind them.
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On god those are some deadass peak titties fr fr
>Every single review praises the localization
Just one from ign, but please continue.
truth brudda.
the mindless masses will slurp up that slop and never question or even notice it.
those who notice never un-notice it. so it's either japanese or a seething experience
Looks like it, she'll be in the support role like Kea.
What are you gonna do about these troubling news, anon? What are you gonna do about it?
Yes, they revealed he was a tranny angel in Kuro 2. Doesn't change him being a massive fag with a vtuber model.
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NISA's buckbreak
>Zion confirmed censored
>Phantom Thief/Persona reference
>Van asking Quatre for his pronouns
anything else?
Sorry I only play official Nisa localizations
>tranny angel
He specifically says he has the aspect of a boy and consider himself as a boy. About his genitalia we don't know but quatre has completely accepted his identity as a boy.
The vtuber shit is called a joke, litterally by himself.
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
Sors immanis
Et inanis
Sors immanis
Et inanis
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
>Being a gentle man who respect one's identity
>This is somehow a bad thing according to the anti NIS schizo
You really didn't send your best today
the patch was made to help us play sooner, not to be canon.
unless, of course, you're admitting it's competition for nisa and that nisa really do shit themselves in anger over it.
also, that has nothing to do with gaming journalism being corrupt.
it's not all bad, though; you're probably dumb enough to claim welfare for it
Because it never happened
Favela monkey from noisypixel said in his daybreak review that it's NISA's best translation in any trails.
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What are they doing to my games?
I'm sure it won't take long to find more
>it's a joke
>>Being a gentle man who respect one's identity
Too bad that dialogue never happened.
>The vtuber shit is called a joke
And your shit is called a cope.
The patch has always existed as patchfag's personal vanity project, which is funny because that phrase literally part of the anti-Geofront pasta back in the day. He has always gloated about HOW MUCH FASTER A FEW FANS ARE THAN NISA despite throwing 60% of the script into DeepL, haha. Don't change the narrative now or pretend to be a newfag.
Ronnie asks ban if his dick got hard looking at him in the bath
ban-san says his dick is "as limp as a damn noodle!"
NISA is slower and has more errors
Even if he is gay, he still think himself as a boy. There is absolutely not even a single hint that he has some problems on his sexuality. His struggle is what the fuck i am in the terms of human \ other. Not male or female.
Of course nisa will trannyfying him on kuro 2.
>If i literally just replace a line of dialogue with a socio political talking point irrelevant to the scene it is good
>if you disagree with my rewrite you are le bad
go make your own game instead of cannibalizing mine, please. and i don't even necessarily hate nisa translations normally, even if sometimes their quality pisses me off.
Incorrect, it is largely accurate and human translated by professionals. You can take this test yourself, as stated in a previous thread posted alongside an different example each time. You must embrace objectivity at some point.
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>XSEED puts in pop culture references
based based based
>NISA does it
literally a trannyslation haha
>he still think himself as a boy
Being a tranny vtuber makes it seem like he doesn't haha...
I actually really like the change from Zion to Diaspora. Instead of randomly using the Jewish Holy Kingdom they use a word meaning "to scatter about" referencing communities moving outwards to other places
Sadly yes. This is also why they shoved Kevin in with Rufus.
>largely accurate
They litterally change names which are said correctly in the japanese voice acting.
>human translated by professionals
They rip off fan translation and change them, already proven in the past. Also professionals after hajimari... kek.
>XSEED puts in pop culture references
name one
not canon
The challenge has been issued in the past, and you've refused to accept it. Proof of accuracy has been provided on random database pages on at least 5 separate occasions. You nitpick because you must. Yours is the true headcanon. A very schizophrenic kind.

What are you gonna do about about this localization that troubles you so? Besides mald uncontrollably.
no indication it's a Falcom game, it could be anything.
Then what about VAgrants-zioN reference to Van's name?
i didn't say it was canon. i said i like it from a personal level
What are your pronouns?
>XSEED puts in pop culture references
XSEED would never.
This is boring, NISA needs to step their game up. If we still had XSEED we'd already have 30+ images to go OHNONONO at before you even hit the 2 hour mark.
that's headcanon
>What are you gonna do about about this localization that troubles you so?
As i already said, i'll just play the real game. You will always play fanfiction in the complete knowledge you are playing fanfiction.
>Proof of accuracy has been provided on random database pages on at least 5 separate occasions.
I can provide more than 10 proofs of changed names and dialogue just with the first 10 minutes of the demo. You really want to play this game?
XSNEED removed jp pop culture references actually
pop culture references heavily dates material. do you think someone in 10 years is going to get the reference?
They don't care, at all. They will remove the reference and now is called van because he likes to van-dalize uhhh bad people? Yeah that's the nisa fanfic... canon now.
kek why are you so surprised about NISA? We already knew that NISA will troonslate the shit out of Quatre and will also make the whole script more colorful.
Haha, yeah, thought so. Back to business as usual. Mald HARD at NISA and make futile attempts at pretending your ESL MTL with a combined total downloads of sub-1500 is relevant. You don't matter. Nothing you do matters. All you can do is mald.
>I can provide more than 10 proofs of changed names and dialogue just with the first 10 minutes of the demo.
Haha, what makes you think the fan translation is in any way accurate when it comes to dialogue? You realize the word "don" is not the word used in the original and was just an arbitrary choice by the fan translators of the spreadshart, right? Why did you fixate on "bear" being used instead? I don't think anything you say can be taken seriously. What are you gonna do about it? Continue playing MTL and pretend it's the gold standard while malding like you are now when reality comes knocking?
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brought to you by NISA
alright but now denounce the talmud
it sounds lamer too btw
one of the dumbest plot points. glad it's gone
>why does the official translation not support headcanon and fan theories
hahahaha i love this
>XSNEED removed
Not only headcanon but even if it were true that's not a good thing.
Jap Gotch is way better.
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Cute and canon!
You will always know you are reading the false. That's your curse. You will eat the slop, the tranny agenda, the wrong names.
You will always know and you will be mad every single time, trying to convince yourself being in the right.
You will keep shouting 2+2=5.
Me? I'll just apply the patch. There is no patch for you, only madness and reality coping.
Reminder that they didnt come up with the Septerrion of Steel until after they called localized Sen as CS.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GAME JOURNALIST
Milady or is it Mixir?
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Goddamnit you people are still defending nisa putting a FUCKING PERSONA REFERENCE. Kill yourselves.
To be fair that's an accurate translation haha
save your energy bro. you can't reason with californians
Incorrect. Their localizations are by all accounts highly accurate, your inane nitpicking aside and you can verify this for yourself by spending any amount of time going however many pages you wish on the database. All you can do is mald. Nothing else. You have no impact on anyone. No say in anything. Seethe is your dull weapon. You want no part in this reality, but you live in it nonetheless. Haha, what a highly schizophrenic general this is.
>one schizo defending nisa
anon pls
>some faggot on twitter refuses to call him Leon Balthazar
just because you as a community mistaken translated Leon as Rion doesn't mean anything
Persona didn't invent Phantom Thieves.
to those who are unhappy with nisa's shit, just learn japanese.
we had out chance to fuck with nisa on all platforms and no one did anything.
the momentum's gone.
either learn japanese or stop complaining.
or learn to laugh it at like a hyena on speed
There is no we in that post
>literally all the reactions outside this shit hole are positive
haha isn't it a bit strange...? Maybe we are in the wrong here...
haha it sure is funny that NISA changed every single one of Zero Field's localisation choices. Literally every single one.
No defense whatsoever, only objective statements interpreted as such. We've seen on multiple occasions that people in this general find it difficult to differentiate subjective from objective. Just last thread we had someone have a complete mental breakdown for 5 hours because he interpreted a financial report as pro-NISA.
>schizo still melty over steamchart number
Leon is a cool name. I don't mind.
the "californian" line hit a nerve, i see.
actually there is something i can do: play the real version in japanese while you play your globohomo version.
have fun!
But they did invent the expression "take your heart"
This son of a bitch is a kuro 2 fan
Why trails fans are so fucking dumb?
It's not headcanon, they replaced many jp pop culture references, the one everyone here talks about all the time for example is the one where estelle compares olivert to a popular gameshow personality in FC
>that's not a good thing
...in your opinion
i won't reply to any schizo bitching btw
Moron. Falcom themselves call him Rion.
Vagrants diaspora is literally a pro palestine dogwhistle
nisa is so bad they make even that games localization look good in comparison
>the npcs like it. they must be right
Correct. This is the answer to "what are you gonna do about it?". You can do nothing else. You're a vocal minority in this community. No one actually cares, and NISA's localization receives universal or near universal praise by the majority.
Huh? Are you delusions this severe? An innocuous statement paraphrased from Falcom's public financial report was posted, which you interpreted as pro-NISA and decided to post at least 5 unrelated responses, and then went on to pretend to be even more retarded for the following 5 hours when you realized your error.
Haha, you can play the machine translation, you mean...
>This son of a bitch is a kuro 2 fan
So is most of /fg/.
Only /r/falcom doesn't like Kuro 2 because they are salty CSfags.
melty on cooldown again?
Zion is what jews call home. By not acknowledging it, it erases Israel, which is good btw.
Are you announcing your plans for the day?
no, it sure is funny how supposedly english speaking fan translators saw the name "balthazar," a traditional english name only had by upper class londoners, and decided to translate his first name to "Rion", a Japanese name instead of Leon, an english name.

Zerofield is such shit
>/fg/ were crying about dropping the series if XSEED didn't do CS3 FIVE YEARS AGO
They had FIVE years to learn Japanese but they would rather wait and play NISAs localizations beceause they're lazy as FUCK and they're so addicted they couldn't drop the series after it left their beloved XSEED


mass replying + typo dropping you know he's mad as fuck
Ban-san randomly being in the craft showcase was nice. Hopefully it's a sign that Kondom wasn't lying about Van being the MC of Kai.
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What makes you think they have any knowledge of the fan translation choices? Sounds like you have a warped view of reality.
Dear schizo, this approach will never work on me. Stop being such an emotional baby. You should know by now that I'm driven by no such thing. You embarrassed yourself. Let's move past it. 5 hours of mald is plenty. You've done enough
>You can do nothing else.
all i want to do is play video games.
>Haha, you can play the machine translation, you mean...
no, the japanese version, with all the doki doki and the nandayo and the baka shine hentai.
meanwhile, you'll play a westernised fanfiction written by cat ladies and voiced by blue-hairs.
it's tough
>What makes you think they have any knowledge of the fan translation choices?
They obviously do since they went out of their way to change every single one of them, even the ones that conformed with Falcom's romanisation pre-localisation. If it were random then some would conform and some would not, but they literally changed everything.
Haha, how will you play the Japanese version without any knowledge of the Japanese language?
Leon is レオン not リオン
pure chills
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Grrr... I can't believe XSEED copied Persona 5...
kek how did I know you were going to cite that one post an anon made some threads ago and try to draw some ridiculous conclusion. You wouldn't even know a reference if it hit you in the face.
>Dear schizo, this approach will never work on me...
enjoy prison, stalker child.
grrr this is fake news, xseed would never put in a reference like that
calling it a persona 5 reference gives "person who only played persona 5 plays a second video game" energy
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"stole your heart" != "take your heart"
but nice try
Based on what? Your warped perception of reality? Seems entirely baseless to me. Do you think they sat down and spent 100+ hours reading and cross-referencing an N3-tier translation? What for? Do you think they got paid for that time? That's several weeks of work. This is such a delusional take.
Haha, you're just being nonsensical now, you emotional baby.
i wonder. how could someone do that?
ah, by knowing japanese.
that's how.
enjoy your californian water version riddled with propaganda designed to turn you into a walking stinkditch. i'm getting 100% pure japanese cringekino!
>vibrating buttplug enthusiast condemns imaginary surface level connections made because he wants to be in a perpetual state of melty
Haha, that's our /fg/! Better tweet about it and get that confirmation bias he deserves.
>Do you think they sat down and spent 100+ hours reading and cross-referencing an N3-tier translation?
All it takes is ten minutes on the wiki actually.
File deleted.
i can't believe Maurice Leblanc stole from Persona 5...
>Leon Magnus (リオン・マグナス, Rion Magunasu?, "Lion Magnus")
>Leon Balthazar (リオン・バルタザール, Rion Barutasaru?, Rion Balthazar)
Yeah, but you don't speak understand Japanese, however. You're an sub-baby who's convinced himself that he now understands the spoken language perfectly.
Where's the henshin
could you imagine being so bootlicker defending NISA and start having melties on nigerian poetry forums?
oh wait...
They'd have to cross-reference the entire script to make sure NOTHING in it coincides with the fan translation. To think they spent any amount of time doing so is cope of the highest order and even you should see how delusional you come across.
All they're doing is changing the name romanisations my dude.
The patchtranny anon still hasn't coped about killing ZF I see.

Time to admit it anon, you'll feel a weight lifted off of your shoulders!
>persona 5 invented 'stole your heart'
kek this is new low
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>Grandmaster fights the ultimate evil
>As the ultimate evil is about to win
>Is that.. REAN, the ashen chevalier, THE hero of Zemuria??
>*scratches back of head with a humble smile* haha
>No YOU are the hero of Zermuria, I am so grateful to YOU
>that's our Rean!
angry boi!
keep cryin' for me
What am I defending? I'm approaching this from an objective point of you. Nothing you say makes any logical sense when you apply even the slightest amount of rational and critical thinking.
No, no. They're making the WHOLE script as different as possible to spite the fan translators! They went out of their way to do so spending, actual paid work hours on it. Again, what makes you think they have any knowledge of what is or isn't in the fan patch? Why would they base any of their work on it, or care at all whether something is or isn't different? It's absolutely ridiculous to even suggest such a thing.
Van x Leon
i want to touch her clitoris
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>Out of nowhere Judith starts talking about calling cards and taking hearts when it makes no sense in the context of the story and is completely different from the original Japanese
It's pretty easy to see what they were trying to do with it. It's like Persona, get it? They even have Shizuna talk about how it's an "adorable proclaimation" straight afterwards to break the fourth wall even more.
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Haha, you know I hit the nail on the head. Your emotional intelligence is predictably low.
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thread rn
hahaha he's still seethin'!
this game is going to sell really well in the west
>They're making the WHOLE script as different as possible to spite the fan translators!
My original post >>483850645
>haha it sure is funny that NISA changed every single one of Zero Field's localisation choices
I see Nathaniel hired at least one other person to come shill on 4chan today after he embarassed himself when shilling for NISA's butchered Reverie when that came out.
>what am I defending
said this while speaking like a true NISA employee
It's hidden within the mask that Falcom ripped off from Persona 5.
>localization choice
>but there's not really a choice if you do anything different from what I chose to do you're purposely altering to avoid other translations
Except it's you and one other guy being very upset at all the objectivity coming your way. You can't handle it.
Haha, yeah, the good 'ol cultist dog-pile! Again, not going to work. It has never worked, and it's never going to work.
Yeah, including things such as "don" > "bear," which is what has caused the biggest melty of all. It's completely delusional to think they sat down and cross-referenced the fan translation or spent any time doing so with intent to change things for the sake of it. Why would they care? Completely nonsensical and highly delusional.
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Doesn't start to say Gran, not as kino.
hit a nerve eh?
How's your relationship with your father? How's your kidney? Maybe on planet retard? How many more of your schizo catchphrases would you like to be reminded of? Haha...
>Why would they care?
Because they are petty and resentful. It's why the C&D zerofield in the first place.
>It's completely delusional to think they sat down and cross-referenced the fan translation
Explain why literally every single one is changed then. Even completely meaningless stuff that also contradicts Falcom's official localisation like Judith Ranster -> Lanster
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that person clearly not familiar with /fg/ culture at all
were they cut from kai
i was hoping we'd get more about them
im glad to see kevin again but i don't want it to be at the expense of the local gralsritter
>How's your relationship with your father?
You should worry less about my relationship with my father and more about my relationship with your father.
The translation you used gives a Re sound instead of the commonly used Li sound we use in english for that name.
>30 seconds
u mad lol
>Haha, yeah, the good 'ol cultist dog-pile! Again, not going to work. It has never worked, and it's never going to work.
still spergin' baby!
Good morning, anything interesting happen while I was gone?
hi Rovert
Schizo is having a melty over people laughing at NISA's translation.
A reminder to everyone: Kuro was always woke, NISA just made it worse.
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>N5-kun who literally just learned katakana yesterday chiming in with his opinion
Thanks. Doesn't change the fact that Japs always use レオン for Leon
mtl fags are desperate
where is wokefag when we need them
I hope that we see them again in Kai. Van and Leon had such nice, intimate moments together in Kuro 2. Their budding friendship is one of the more interesting relationships in the Calvard arc.
At least it's consistent

8/10 is honestly how I rate the franchise as a whole too
Dengeki stream that showed off some new crafts, and a few screenshots of nisa’s more interesting localization choices.
This forced melty "supposedly" started from defending Falcom but it's clearly just to make NISA look good
A reminder that the media loves woke stuff and will rate it positively.
Like how they took away points from FF16 for not having enough "diversity"
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More than just a few screenshots. CGInferno is uploading nonstop scenes and chapters to YouTube as of a couple of hours ago.
this is how schizo operates
rion was changed to leon
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whore/female pervert changed to kinkster
It's cringe but at least they're still calling her a sexual deviant.
nobody talks like that
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trannyslator at it again
"Whore" was always shitty fanfic vulgarity.
Harlot would have been the most rational choice but what do I know?
/our shill/s review is out
>nobody talks like that
It's anime
to be fair Judith's grimcats outfit does look like it came from bdsm
People would have been mad on that one too
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My trails journey ends here, I've had enough.
i stopped playing the games with sen 4 i just come here to shitpost
Never heard anyone say kinkster in my life
When you dedicate 24 hours each day seething and crying about people shit talk NISA I think it stops being a job
According to Shizuna's English introduction scene, she considers herself Rean's inferior.
True, in the same sense that people are mad at Aerith over Aeris
>Because they are petty and resentful.
Based on what? Headcanon.
>It's why the C&D zerofield in the first place.
Objectively wrong, and we have precedent for this as stated many times. ZF got shut down because /fg/ decided to create a patch implementation of ZF's spreadsheets for use with CLE's PC versions. These games were both officially announced for English localization at the time. Someone announced intent of doing the same on reddit before patchfag made his patch, and what happened was that the idea was shut down by NISA immediately. This is completely factual.
>Explain why literally every single one is changed then.
Because they have no reference point and translate the game as they wish? It's wishful thinking on your part that NISA is le ebil bad guy and do le ebil bad guy things naturally.
>Falcom's official localisation like Judith Ranster
>Japanese English
Haha, there are many cases of bad Japanese English translations in game magazine previews of JP-only games. Names with R in them commonly have the most mistakes.

>nonexistent emotional intelligence
Haha, you'll never learn.
I can tell. No need to blogpost.
How did you know? My first name is Nathaniel. Rovert is my middle name. My last name? Daddy. You can calle me Daddy.
More headcanon, I see.
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what did she say?
>the music is the best it's ever been
how the fuck are these people real
same, this is why i posted screenshot of my search result
>No need to blogpost.
proceeds to write essay on the industrial revolution.
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Look, A Swin and Nadia to make you seethe more.
People wouldn't care.
Consider yourselves educated then my ESLs
Comment length has no say in whether or not something is a blogpost or not. Narrating your day or announcing your plans is, however, a blogplost. And you do it constantly.
Haha, the emotional being projects his emotions on others again! Peculiar!
holy shit, you are losing it, bro. i've never seen someone this angry on /fg/.
new record!!
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Haha, yeah. Look at that highly emotional post! Not looking good for you, schizobro.
write me another dissertation, buddy. do it. let the seethe flow
add it to the list
hogwheel, should I drop your lore for my /fg/ bro?
Whore wasn't changed because whore was never the word in the first place.
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Schizzy is really losing it this time. Being a NISAfag must be rough.
What specifically was the word?
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Give it a rest hogwheels
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Emma when???
female pervert is the closest japanese translation so whore isn't too far off though harlot is more appropriate
There's no cause for a lengthy response when you have nothing valid to respond to. Haha, your low intelligence is failing you again.
I don't speak schizo.
Haha, I'm not not a NISAfag. You want me to be because you want no part in this reality, and anyone who reminds you of said reality is your enemy, and your enemy is NISA. I'm simply approaching your posts in an objective manner, and in so doing, triggering this entire general. It's shocking to see an entire general collapse in on itself when even one individual approaches things without being an emotional baby.
Retard. Tales of uses Rion for Leon Magnus.
I really share a general with Brazilians that have to look up basic English words
crippled bitch
Totally mentally stable, BTW
Also, more importantly, even taking a "Japanese anime name" into account Rion is very typically a girl's name. While I see a couple men named as such on MAL, the vast majority are girls
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They randyfied him..
Shouldn't come as a surprise. This is the place that legitimately had issues understanding that "bear" is a verb.
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it's over
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Checked CG to confirm that Diaspora is indeed real. Would kill to hear their exact thought process. I think they could’ve gone Tsiyyon, or any of the alternate transliterations, kept 99% of the meaning, and been totally fine. Diaspora is just weird, and really calls attention to itself.
The trollposts here are funny and well written. That is why I come here and will shit up the /v/ threads
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>"bear" is a verb.
>the wokening is already happening
>/fg/ will blame nisa for falcom going woke
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Diaspora only calls attention to itself if you dont know english or know what a Diaspora is.
Aaron calls Van pops instead of old man
>kinda cute if you ask me
Is "kinkster" even a word irl? How the fuck do americans talk?
>using localizer fanfiction to justify localizer fanfiction
our resident schizo is famous twitter troll
the dispersion or spread of a people from their original homeland.
"the diaspora of boat people from Asia"
people who have spread or been dispersed from their homeland.
"the Latin American diaspora has spread across the United States"
the dispersion of the Jewish people beyond Israel.
"a secular interpretation of Jewish history in antiquity and during the Diaspora"
What exactly is this fag sperging about? Immigrants?
It's a slang word that isn't formally adopted into any academically recognized dictionary.
It's just retarded zoomer speak to have a "positive" term for sexual degenerates with certain fetishes. No one in real life outside of maybe some shithole like California uses it.
Legitimately wondering if you are retarded
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Cum in doll
And you're completely retarded. Do you think being the resident retard is a valid personality trait?
I think "exhibitionist" would have worked too
>ESL calling other ESL
which one of you fags did it?
>is it a word
depends on if you think every faggot meme word that gets astroturfed yet can't be found in a webster or oxford dictionary is a real word or not
also, no. i mean maybe if you go to some gay leather bar in dallas or vegas or something someone might use it, i wouldn't know, i don't hang around trogs
if you plucked a random every day working american off the street right now and asked him if he'd ever heard someone use "kinkster" in a sentence, he'd probably say no.
Gladly doll joints is my favourite fetish i think i have nutted on anything with those on exhentai.
>NISA shill defending fucking "kinkster"
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Nice kink, fellow kinkster. Personally, i prefer cum in cumdoll.
...is not an academically recognized dictionary, ESL-kun. it's the wikipedia of dictionaries and will source unrecognized terms that you'd otherwise only find on sites like urban dictionary.
kinkster is one such word.
I honestly think you could just get away with using
and call it a day
This is why you need a Bachelor's Degree in Language to be a translator.
Van: Leon, Rion... I don't care what they call you, my dude. A chouquette by any other name would taste as sweet.
Leon: V-Van...
>depends on if you think every faggot meme word that gets astroturfed yet can't be found in a webster or oxford dictionary is a real word or not


It actually has 3 definitions
Shizuna's dub voice is so fucking bad. Where's the playfulness?
Nigger, dictionary.com isn't a real dictionary. You may as well have linked urban dictionary or wikitonary.
Is the guy getting filtered by the word "diaspora" now sperging out about "kinkster" as well? Haha, bold...
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Rufus fucks this.
>translator with Bachelor's Degree
no way they are doing this shit lmao
The dub as a whole is dogshit. And i'm saying this as someone who played CS1-Reverie dubbed. Every review calls the dub "the best dub in the series" and it blows my mind how anyone can think that. It legitimately sounds like the same woman voices 90% of the female characters.
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
explain to me why you think kinkster is a good translation vs harlot, exhibitionist, pervert, or yes - whore.
imagine actually defending either of these
The albarea bloodline is blessed by the goddess herself.
Have you considered being less deaf? Its worse than japanese as usual but holy fuck your ears are bad.
The only "official" English dictionary is the Oxford one, go and see if the word kinkster is in it.
Is this the best NISA has to offer? SAD!
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because uh
i'm being paid to say it is :)
NISA probably downloaded our fanpatch and completely changed every term and word just for the lulz. Figures if real people with a dignity for their craft did this abomination.
That's literally what I linked a second ago
It was added in 2023.
Bro, imagine getting filtered by a word as common as diaspora. What exactly is the context it's used in here? The very definition of the word? Immigration, right? I'm not even involved in your little spergout, and as an observer, this just seems like a stupid thing to get upset about.
Then why they didn't kept "zion"? What is the problem with zion?
The word originally used was "Zion"
But I was told the immigration plot doesn't matter?
Would someone do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?
I like the voices. The voice acting is great across the board. Including hers. Some of the translation choices are questionable though.
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I'm just leaving this here...
good melty today
No, in game it’s not used to refer to immigration. They replaced the name Vagrants-Zion with Vagrants-Diaspora. Referring to a demonic entity, not immigration.
"It has to be in Oxford dictionary"
"Well it needed to be there before a specific date'
>They literally list years when the word was used before 2023
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retard, 1966 actually.
>and they don't mean what the modern slang used in gaybreak means
Who cares about a bad game from 2021?

Let’s talk about Kai no Kiseki

Who will be the next returning character?
Elliot? Machias? Angelica? Green Kurt?
And Isekai was added to it in 2024.

I guess the word never existed before then right?
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>absolute fucking crickets
Damn, that's what winning looks like..
Why are they all pronouncing Ikaruga wrong?
>a person who engages in sexual practices that are non conventional
Is a japanese word in a english dictionary vs an english word.
Cmon man stop climbing mirrors.
How would the same game copy-pasted in 2024 be a good game if it was bad in 2021?
i can understand why they wouldn't go with whore, but couldn't they go with like, i don't know, pervert? skank?
NISA are absolute trash but kinkster is not the hill to die on lol.
Things like Retributive Tower and Vagrants Diaspora are the bad ones.
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
The absolute irony. I have no horse in this race. I asked because it's an equally stupid thing to fixate over. Insecure much?
>Is a japanese word in a english dictionary vs an english word.
But was in mass circulation long before that, that was my point
>Cmon man stop climbing mirrors.
You're the one who said that kinkster only counted if it was in the Oxford dictionary which it is.
Because kinkster is seen as a more positive term and pervert/skank/etc. are derogatory
gotta respect sexual degenerates bro!!
hey have a melty about this one too I'm feeling left out
Whore was an /fg/ addition. It was never in the original script.
>Immigration is a major plot point in Calvard
>final boss is a demon king who took up residence in Van's body like an immigrant who moved to another country
You can't use skank is offensive against women.
You can't use pervert because is usually associated with transvestites, which are a protected minority now.
Also you can't use bttch, prostitute, harlot, red stockings, because nowdays being a prostitute is healthy and empowering for women.
whore is also trash, the best localization word would have been harlot but kinkster isn't that bad. it's close enough.
No, we ignore the tranny aspect of Gaybreak because it's canon. It's literally okay when Nintendo does it. I mean Falcom.
>uhmmmmmm sweaty ackshually you shouldn't complain about translation fanfiction that either wholly changes the meaning of the subject matter or is otherwise an inferior or less accurate interpretation of the subject matter
>no i will not answer your question and state my argument for why i think kinkster is the superior choice for TL
I accept your concession.
By Daybreak standards, that means Vagrants is the good guy and Van is a bad guy for resisting him.
>mass circulation
Sure everyone who wasn't a weeb know what "isekai" was. Such a common word.
The metacritic score for Daybreak just rose from 83 to 85.
can only have one melty at a time and we already covered this one even before today because it was the one fanfiction we expected NISA to do
Naoto 2.0
Again, not involved in your little argument at all. What kind of idiot starts arguments with himself and then announces his own concession on one side and victory on the other?
the word in japanese is quite literally
>female pervert
I agree with the anons who say they should have just used pervert and left it at that
>reviewers love woke games
shocking I tell you
When are they giving you a raise? Benefits?
Whore was always overly crude and obscene fanfic that /fg/ fell in love with because "muh mature Kuro. No more kiddy Cold Steel." Kinkster is pretty bad too. Harlot, floozy, or hussy would've been good choices.
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Yes, and a whore is someone who has sex for money or other benefits. Slut is a loose woman who has sex with a lot of people without payment. You know, /fg/ sperging about this was predicted last year and it was always stated that whore was actual fanfic.
>You can play daddy with her
>You can fuck her because you are not related
>You can play family with her because she probably likes it
Tell me there is a best situation with a girl.
>I just happen to implicitly agree with who you're arguing with
>and no I won't state why I think kinkster is the best TL option or even provide an alternative I think is better I will simply continue to deflect
You lost.
I miss renny bro he is the only one being civilized here...People here are angry all the time
...and? what does that have to do with anything i said?
are you a bot?
Class 7 will save Calvard’s arc
Pervert or exhibitionist would have been fine. Kinkster is just funny because its a rarely used word. Everything else misses the point or are too crude for the context that Van is using them in.
Yes? I think giving a single fuck about either is retarded.
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Don't you find it ironic that this was your respons to someone asking if it was the same guy sperging about these things?
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Umm bros it's getting higher.
Must be nice to get paid to shill for bad translations by shitposting on 4chan.
Are you mentally unwell? It's an additional note about the stupid word choice in the fan translation, not an attack on you personally. It literally starts of by agreeing with you.
/fg/sisters... we lost and were humiliated again... i'm so tired of losing............
It's gonna settle below 83 once it reaches the usual 25 - 40 reviews for these games. FF7R started out at 96 and dropped to 94, then 92 over the course of a week.
>Don't you find it ironic that this was your respons to someone asking if it was the same guy sperging about these things?
No, and if you aren't a newfag to these threads you'd understand why
i didn't say it was an attack on me or whatever, i don't know what that has to do with my post
i'm not the person you originally responded to if that's where the confusion is
Yeah, so you do criticize both choices and sperg about them. Why pretend that you're not the same person and get upset about it then? And then ironically I end up being the one who's not actually the same person after all.
LMAO ESL monkeys are going insane right now, genuinely getting bodied by fucking kinkster
Anon, he's having a melty, just stop replying.
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>ESLs HATE NISA but love the ESL MTL that keeps the vocabulary nice and ESL friendly
>Real words
>Zoomer words
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so is Mond the name of the previous Yin?
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No... impossible... this word doesn't exist...
no one said it doesn't exist though, just that it's a slang word
...which it is
It's a spelling error. The word he's looking for is "mound," specifically referring to the mons pubis.
Dick is also a slang word
Is slang forbidden now?
Hello based department?
>Persona 3 and Yakuza 8 sees net loss of 6.6 billion yen for Sega
Yakuza and Persona bros.........maybe we shouldn't have shat on Falcom so much........................it hurts
They should just put Yakuza down, it's a shitty Trails anyway
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This is the last Kiseki Falcom is developing for PS4/PS5, right? I fear they might drop developing for Sony, and the next Kiseki game developed will be for Switch mainly, and be as ugly and clunky as Ys X. I mean, they will still release their games for Sony, but it will be ports of the Switch version.
I don't expect Falcom, who did almost nothing with the Switch in her lifetime, to develop games for the Switch 2 in time for the next arc.
Unrelated to those IPs.
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I like how they made sure to keep the news on Reankek and Rufus separate since that jobber would (and did) get mogged by Rufus.
>Sega sees net loss of 6.6 billion yen due to business restructuring in Europe and cancelled games
How is this Falcom related? Both the latest Yakuza and MegaTen titles sold well. 1+ million each.
Judith's English voice actress did a great job sounding embarrassed and humiliated during her accidental nude scene. Agnès and Feri's English voice actresses also did a great job sounding flustered and embarrassed during the situation. Especially Agnès who sounded even more embarrassed than Judith! Great female humiliation scene!
Because you faggots keep talking about how successful they compared to Falcom are when in realty they lost a lot of money
NoOoOoOoOoOOoOoOooOOo!!! Falcom must fail, not Sega!
Who should I goon to?
Every single one of those IPs are more successful than Falcom's. What are you even talking about? The losses have nothing to do with them.
>How is this Falcom related
>Its okay when I do it because I hate falcom and I want to make them look bad but WHEN you do it its unrelated
Nice logic there pal.
>Sega in charge of anything
Nice projection there, pal. Falcom's sales are squarely on them. Sega fucking around and canceling westernslop has nothing to do with the success or failure of their JRPGs. Just how dumb are you?
La-chan's doll joints
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>The losses have nothing to do with them.
Yes it does dip shit if you ever bring up these developers know that I will always counter your argument to this
>Ban "your pronouns?" Arkride
Why do these losers always spend the entire day shitting up /fg/ whenever we get news?
They get mad whenever anyone is enjoying Kiseki or discussing it without being ironic about it. They always come out in full force when there is news.
NISA pays them
>This is the last Kiseki Falcom is developing for PS4/PS5, right?
No? what the fuck are you smoking, nigger
........not my Fursona........Bros I don't feel so good
they get paid by CLE since their butt hurt about their Ys x dumpster fire launch.
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I love Na-chan so much! She's the cutest, most adorable girl in the world!
Those games were shit. SMT5 and man without name sold like hotcakes.
What does the cancellation of some western slop live service game and full regional restructuring have anything to do with MegaTen or Yakuza, which both sold well above expectations, including the actual copy-pasted DLC turned full game? You're bringing up other games to seethe about your own insecurities, pretending to be targeting the people living rent free in your head. Fuck off, retard.
i can't imagine how much of a jaded asshole you have to be to hate ths
nobody talks about Yiss, and chinks don't care about the West
Is there a single jrpg games out there that hasn't been ruined by trashy localization? I don't even think it exist
Using your position as a translator to vandalize other people's work for political reasons.
Never mind the fact that Kuro has an actual member of the pronoun mafia in it.
This is NISA's real crime
>Using your position as a translator to vandalize other people's work for political reasons.
Are you a dumbass or you dropped as baby? this character was already conformed trans in japanese script too moron
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Kevin's interactions with these guys are going to be fun.
>/fg/damus accurately predicted nisa getting blamed for falcom's wokeshit in kuro
No, he has no genitals at all. He did not "transition" from one "gender expression" to "another."
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This, but they are all guilty, falcom which authorized them or give them the rights, whatever, and the people giving nisa money.
Having no gender is not considered trans. I know you are a godless american but angels and divine beings has no sex for almost every religion.
There is NOTHING in the japanese script not even near on being trans.
Okay, I just wanted to make sure I was dealing with a retard and it seems I am, cool.
>corn syrup golem pushing his tranny fantasies onto fictional characters
This sure happens a lot.
Sorry the reality check hurted, better get used to it if you want to become a big boy.
>he's a tranny!
>no he's just a femboy!
Kiseki has fallen
Not exactly the same fucking thing you know.
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Work on your interpretation skills
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I won't forgive NISA for turning my cute angel femboy into a fucking tranny.
last game for ps4, maybe (if the arc does end here)
then they'll focus to ps5 and switch 2
It was always a tranny. You now blame NISA for your homosexuality.
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It was obvious they were going to go for the low hanging fruit.
Quatre is for Campanella. Van is for Leon
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Another half assed localization by Nishit haha...
He isn't though, you made that up. He identifies as a male, but doesn't actually have genitalia of any kind.
Don't worry, they'll fix it in a patch in 8 months. haha...
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So you weren't kidding about Leon...
No wonder Mondblut is constantly seething. His daughter grew up to be a titty monster.
Imagine paying for this hahahahahaha
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classic NISA
lmao this isn't even close
Total na-chan love
For me is still my cute angel femboy. Fuck nisa and fuck america.
See >>483866452
It was NEVER a tranny. Next you are gonna tell me traps are trannies. Fucking tourist go back to discord.
Yes, traps are trannies, including the most famous vidya trap, who's officially been designated a tranny now that it's a fad.
Fufu... as expected.
>anies starts to seduce you
Your response?
They gave Quatre a very lovely and refined voice in English
NISA shitters will defend this too of course. Cmon tell me how it was always leon in japanese.
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This is the funniest shit i've read today.
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Haha, you probably made it for /fg/ engagement...
There's actual side quest about fucking gay guy you guys are actual clowns with an IQ level of negative -1
wait... is this real?
Haha, no.
We know that already, dumbass tourist. We also know that Jesse ruins everything in his life except his career because he's a faggot like you.
this has to be bait
I stole it from X (formerly twitter)...
Negative -1 is 1. You lose!
Which specimen posted it? You can smell the trans neckbeard.
I hope my wife appears in kai.
not betting on it, but it'd be nice.
I thought most anons disliked, if not outright hated, Anies, haha...
Its not even on their twitter dumb ass, ether your same fagging or your really stupid.
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idk what you're on about, only western troons and reddit hate her because of the age gap.
This is not real, is it?
How is shit like "fat shaming" (Lloyd thinking to himself Jona should eat a salad instead of a pizza) okay despite woke shit in a NISA localization but this is? Besides Quatre doesn't even look like a fucking girl.
Saw this floating around as well. The mention of toxic gatekeepers is proof that it’s 100% real. The twitterfags harp on and on about gatekeeping whenever it’s mentioned that Sky is the first Trails game
Found it
I don't know why i have these retards on my feed.
>grimcatz is now grimcat
>You can smell the trans neckbeard.
Told you, lmao.
This fag is a fucking retard
The original line was something like "don't take this the wrong way, but should say thank Mr or Mrs when speaking to you". The reason why Van said that is because he smelled something different about Quatre, even Aaron and Feri were surprised why Van said since Quatre has boyish features.
i'm the op and i'm getting pissed off with the speed of those threads, i can't keep up forever anons...
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Does Van still call Judith a whore?
No. He calls her a “kinkster.”
Now he tips his hat (that they added in) and refers to her with M'lady
Reanbros... we won. We have Hatsuu's fat milkers. Vantroons have this creature.
The weakest Brazilian can be more intellectually advanced than this idiot
this can't be real hahaha
MTLchads stay winning
>a person who participates in unconventional sexual practices, especially BDSM.
>ignoring other xitter troons that have rean/crow in their profile pics
You're just being disingenuous at this point
I refuse to believe this is real.
Not talking about age gap, just referencing the people I've seen ITT call her superficial.
Thank you, dictionarybot.
Any important stuff from the live stream other than the crafts?
No fucking way...
how is she superficial? are those people stupid?
>wears a latex suit that makes her look like she likes to squat on bad dragon dildos while ball gagged
>noooooo you can't change sexual deviant to another form of sexual deviant
You found my Xhitter account. That's literally me.
I like her and I think she has more chemistry with Van than Elaine.
>wokefag ends up winning after all this time
Love that classic falcom long term storytelling
Well change the whore in your bio to kinkster
>People trying to blame NISA for Kuros wokeshit
Kek. Love being right for the last 2 years.
i love agnes though i dont know who to choose between elaine, renne, shizuna, agnes and all the other girls who like van.
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/fg/ rn after finding out they're ghey
based, fuck falcom and fuck japan for thinking anyone over 20 is a decrepit old man
Is this a fake? Celis and Rion/Leon aren't voiced in the first Daybreak game
Haha, people live to 110+ today. 24 is babby-tier.
Something I noticed in all the reviews is that basically all of them bitched about how awkward the voice acting is. It's so weird that NISA made sure there weren't any VA gaps in Hajimari but for Kuro, the game they can easily sell as the best new entry point, still has the same awkward gaps that JP does.
Falcom dubs are total dogshit. They keep changing actors between games.
Youtubers are very expensive prease understand
They are though?
>changes sexual deviant (derogatory) to sexual deviant (positive)
I also think she's got a nice relationship with Van. They may just be saying so because her personality she's not their cup of tea.
>he actually thinks it's not meant to be a playful line in either language
Just because you like being called a kinkster means other people do, freak.
The buried lede here is that Grimcatz is now Grimcat
I had such high hopes after all the terrific extra work NISA did with Reverie but then they reverted to the cheap, Japanese way of doing things. Such a shame.
>i will now pretend that its most common use as of 2023 isn't as a positive self-referential term for sexual degenerates to feel good about themselves
>i will gaslight anyone who tries to tell me i'm wrong
you know what, anon had the right idea earlier.
Explain why you think kinkster is the superior option for a TL over pervert or exhibitionist.
That's a whole lot of cope, freak
i have literally never heard the word kinkster in my life before now
they tried so hard to go out of their way not to just say slut/whore
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trannylation aside did they censor the pole dance scene
>no argument
I accept your concession.
You don't have to hear it once in your life to understand what it means if you know what "kink" is. Do you have testicle skin for eyelids?
Rean's design in Kai has been his ONLY good one. Prove me wrong.
He looks like actually has style, now.
no the pole dancing scene is still there
lucrezia has a french accent for some reason too
You complain about a word being too nice then suggest exhibitionist as if that's not the nicest way of calling someone loose LMAO
we don't know yet
i hope not. i mean, we should respect sex workers, right?
he looks like an npc which is fitting for his personality
Yeah, they made it so there's a bunch of pink smoke covering the pole dancers.
If his style is looking like an NPC then he surely nailed it.
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>prove me wrong
Easily, his cs3 outfit was peak kino
also, rufus stole one of his concept art outfits for his C outfit in reverie.
cs3 rean is pure overdesigned shit i have no idea why people like it it's his worst design
Forgive him, he doesn't know English. He can't possibly pick up on different nuances of words
>does not explain why he thinks kinkster is the best option or suggest alternatives to what I suggested
I accept your concession.
>no argument
defend your position, anon-kyun. why do you prefer kinkster over any alternatives?
CS2 Rean is best Rean.
How much will kai sell in its first week since his cs3 outfit is a pre-order dlc bonus, haha.
Maxim Rogen is called Maxim Lugan in the English version.
Embarrassing display
they won't defend their position because they're just shitposters or shills, kekw
Suits his personality perfectly
never heard of that before
We do know. They didn't censor. The English scene has been uploaded to YouTube.
>nooooooo not the hecking kinksteroonies anonbroonies!
t. Wears anime t-shirts he bought as a teen/young man in his 30s, stretched them out and they still don't hide his belly, wears cargo shorts with blue New Balance sneakers and long white socks.
Oh, and balding badly hidden with a comb-over.
No one is going to defend anything when your argument is "I didn't know this word because I'm an illiterate ESL"
Surprised we haven't been getting any white supremacist cringekino yet
Who wants to bet that we'll get Jacobin or someone else, maybe Auclair say "Make Calvard great again"?
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>No one is going to defend anything because *reason i made up in my own head in reference to other posters this morning who also didn't agree with me*
This nigga really suggested fucking exhibitionist, holy kek
>when your argument is [headcanon]
I accept your concession, great talk.
I suggest the term "town bike."
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But enough about Renne
You should try accepting some English classes, you need them.
The problem with kinkster is that it sounds like something an old man would be shouting about rather than something suited to Van.
The ESL MTL Van you know is fanfic. You thought he said "whore" for years. What else about Van was completely made up by the so-called Zero Field translators?
what a prophet
seconded desuja
Um achktually, I was one of the people who said that whore didn't fit either.
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>>what pronouns do you go by?
>>that KINKSTER grimcat
yeah the fan translation is better and its really no surprise there
This is ultimately going to just cycle back to whore/slut if we go down this line
What human being says harlot?
Accurate but feels too clean for someone like Van
Why they couldn't just call her a "pervert"? Simple and effective, was there really a need to add more flavor to it?
Just got back from a 24h orgy session what did I miss?
yeah, but the people defending it don't care about that. they don't even really care why NISA might have chosen kinkster over anything else, they just care that it wasn't what zerofield used and would defend whatever choice NISA made if it wasn't kinkster
notice how at least two different anons have repeatedly asked them why they prefer kinkster to any alternative word and not a single one of them have elaborated? it's because they don't actually have any reasoning for their argument
they're literally just shitposting
>kinkster melty hour
because, like anons have previously pointed out in this thread, "kinkster" is a reclaimed word and pervert is derogatory.
>kinkster? more like cockmongler
LOL my god what show is this? I need to watch this
this has been going on since 9AM actually
it is now 3:30
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit season 5, episode 20 about 24 minutes in.
>accurately translate word
>still complain because you prefer another word for arbitrary reasons
Yep, it's /fg/
Me personally?
I would have gone with slut/slutty or jezebel.
>They keep changing actors between games.
Nice lie anon this is why shouldn't live in a bubble try saying this fake story and reddit, see where that gets you.
>half the characters got new actors when nisa took over
>everyone in class VII is fucking the same
>everyone in SSS is fucking the same
>everyone in Liberl is the same even Estelle and Joshua
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>>half the characters got new actors when nisa took over
Now try saying this in Reddit and See how many actually agree with you
god marisha ray is so hot
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How about you go tell reddit about your whore waifu's yeast infection?
Idk bout the entire series but Olivier was changed in CS and Zin in Daybreak
> Only Her, Osborne, Agate, and Renne
I can't believe they changed everyone bros RIP
Hoor wife*
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Haha, well she IS an Ann ripoff.
>Olivier was
If you didn't say it I would have assumed Olivier was the same
>Persona invented cat burglars
You truly can't spell ignorant without IGN
The funny thing too is that the guy that suggested harlot said kinkster works too but 1 guy really wants to dickride as if "I'd have gone with this other word personally but that works too" isn't one of the most common things translators say.
>Olivier was changed in CS
A Troy Baker character being voiced by Matt Mercer doesn't count.
In conclusion, they change several actors in every game and worst of all, half the games don't have English voice acting at all so the immersion goes in the trash, just like Runny.
nuh huh, Ann's costume is red.
How about you go tell them about how your dad raped and now you can't speak to actual people anymore.
>How about you go tell them about how your dad raped
As you've said. What you do with my dad is your business.
what's up with ign's constant obsession with persona 5?
>>half the characters got new actors when nisa took over
Cool now post how many times Falcom has done it just recently too in fact caught Kevin Caught oh and how many times has GM changed now? 7 times maybe 6?
The only people who like the English VAs are Amerifats you can hear the fat on their face when they speak. It's really off-putting when they're voicing a skinny person
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You really have to wonder what these people did to get shat on this much
They spent years seething over Cold Steel as it got one game after the other and ended up being a 5 games long arc
They smugly expected Kuro to be an incredible arc and it turned out to be the most hated arc thanks to Kuro 2
And now to top it all they have to sit there and watch as Cold Steel's characters come in and take the spotlight
Everyone wants to see Rufus and his squad, people are excited for Kevin, the normies are losing their mind over Rean... No one cares about Van...
It's genuinely brutal the existential humiliation they have had to endure
Judith Kinkster
>In conclusion I am a dumb ass who made it seem like it was more character then it was
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And it'll be the lowest selling Kiseki in history you can only spread the fan base so thin
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love Renny
if it sells bad it's because Kuro 2 is a terrible game, that's the logic we use here right?
>he says after claiming not a single character got a new voice actor
lmao ur pp smol and urghey
Mercer shoulda been Van desu, the guy doing Van is doing his best Yuri Lowell impression. I dig it, tho
>He will now same fag to save his credit since everyone already called him out on his shit, he might or might not IP switch to hide this fact
everyone does
Ironically, the top response isn't mine and you're the only one who didn't know they changed a bunch of voice actors in each game. And the only one who wants English VA at all, LOL.
>lmao ur pp smol and urghey
>His also an illiterate from a 3rd world country.
What does Quatre say in response to the pronouns question?
You post the most hilariously ironic things. It's a special talent.
kekw, no, it's not. actually being accurate would have simply been pervert, because that's what the actual japanese word was.
No the logic is only useable against Cold Steel, you can't use it to argue that Crossbell was the best arc.
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renny cutest
in kuro 1? he basically says hes a guy
Obnoxious Mary Sue.
>the top response isn't mine
>in reality the response is really mine
>fg is in the minority of dub hating.
What Larp lol
love renny
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It was pretty bad but you're not going to magically have people skip a bunch of games if they checked out at sen 3/4
And Crossbell literally carried the series it was the best selling one that helped promote cold shart arc
unfortunately troy baker is too cool to voice anime characters now.
Haha, other guy, tell this faggot how ghey he is and how smol his pp is.
>It's a special talent.
Oh believe me anon, I'm nothing compared to you and your "talents" kek
>they change several actors in every game
That's an exaggeration. They changed Millium in CS3, Laura in CS4 (because her old VA decided to just do Critical Role stuff, out of their hands), along with replacing Max Mittelman and Osborne's VA in CS4 because of COVID before Mittelman came back with McBurn and Lechter in Reverie.
I don't care about his pronouns
I would cum on your tits every day, Hatsuu. Just saying.
You can't even read a definition of the "actual Japanese word" kek
Van "Bear the Pronouns" Arkride
>You can't even read
Matt Mercer is the professional Troy Baker replacement. I have to wonder how many times that it's happened now.
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Bear these pronouns, you fucking faggot.
there are channels that have like 1k subs who got a review copy
i wonder how easy it would be to scam review copies from nisa
hahah ironically Falcom actually changes more voice actors then NISA or Xseed have ever done, its almost a Olympic sport if Machias every comes back I expect him to have a Saiyuu change.
Van (Japanese version): So, uhm... are you a dude or a chick?
Shhh don't point that out delete it now.
>Kai main villain is a trannyphobe and you must defeat him into submission to use proper pronouns
>bro i don't CARE that the characters used for what van calls her transliterates to pervert (female)
okay anon whatever you say
I accept your concession.
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Wait, we're allowed to talk about dub VAs now?
Claire's jap voice actress in CS1/2 actually died...
She abandoned us.
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my face when anon doesn't know how to use this meme
Don't post the worst Kiseki character here ever again.
rip Hisui
tsuki stay night was never the same.
Yeah but I wanna know if NISA has him saying he's obviously a boy or if he says it's none of your business or something
He didn't post Cao
Uh, I'm like, kinda between genders rn.
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Cao is getting his dick sucked my Rixia daily he's more relevant than Juna
Why did Van dye his hair?
are there screenshots of the white supramacy lines yet?
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Why did Falcom release all this promo art that made it look like Aaron was the MC anyway?
Fufuchads can never be the worst characters.
elaine or kevin next op, first person to reply picks
He got Gaybroken and gave himself tranny hair because he awaits Rean's footlong cock meat entering his boipucci in Kai, aka Gaybreak 3.
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Arkride triplets
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>Daybreak is officially the highest rated Trails game on Metacritic

It's over....
kurogane clearly has a longer face and van and kevin look nothing alike
another forced /fg/ "meme"
calvadol.... these were the days.
>woke reviewers like woke games
It dropped to 84. It's going back down to 82 before launch, haha.
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>Why did Falcom release all this promo art that made it look like Aaron was the MC anyway
humiliation ritual
it was obvious that van was the mc when the dlc episodes released
>It's going back down to 82 before launch, haha.
> I have to cope somehow
You wanna coffee? I'll get you a coffee.
I have seen her exposed breasts
oh. idk i havent played the demo
No you haven't, that's all deepfake shit.
Not him but that sounds pretty good right now
It was at 83 before though
I suppose you'd get a little excited because you're an otaku. it's just boobs for fucks sake.
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You know in hindsight this scene is actually pretty funny, considering that Van was genuinely confused about Quatre's appearance.
Doesn't make him any less of a shit character
Who's the smartest main protag?
Van or Rufus?
How hard are the Kusoeaters going to cry when Rean inevitably beats Shizuna in Kai?
Rufus just because Kuro 2 fucked Van.
at a festival
it was in person
calm down Matt you've already married her
kusoeaters only exist as a figament of your imagination. the overwhelming majority of us couldn't give a jackass.
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Day will break again.
This is fucking IGN? I know the standards for games journalism are in hell but this is genuinely embarrassing. Yeah this centuries old trope…is actually Persona 5!!! Same guys who created Jazz music wow what a game
me on the right
holy fucking based
Nothing we didn't know before, Kondo said Ouroboros' true plan and Zemuria's secret will be revealed in Kai, that many more characters will come back, and he will announce something this year for new players.
Falcom always rips off what's popular. Persona, in other words.
Cum in cumdoll
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The last new persona game came out 8 years ago, what is there to even rip off anymore? Is it over for JRPGs?
Hoyoslop baby, which ironically are made by falcom fanboys
Troonsoyna 5's had like 2 sequels and Trroonsoyna 3 just got a goymake. Devs will continue to rip them off.
100% of jrpg developers are trend chasers not trend setters. that goes for altus too.
I will release my own jrpg one day see you in 50 years when AI is capable of making the script, music, cutscenes and everything else haha...
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Bros.........we want from 18.......To Number.......4

Idk it has been so much he took his roles so much as having taken huge characters from him, like Kanji.
Try 10+ years.
>Bros.........we want from 18.......To Number.......4
How the fuck are so many people buying this game the highest Reverie went was 12th a week before launch yet Fucking Gaybreak is the 4th best selling game on amazon?
Too bad about the botched Steam release, though...
it's a new entry, a starting point
I have to assume is because people are telling others you can jump into this game.
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The Day is Breaking....
im literally shaking rn this has to be fucking fake.....
haha we might actually do better then Kuro did in japan funny shit
well looks like falcom is becoming more and more mainstream??
the next starting point title after kuro should be their persona 5 moment
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FFsisters it's so fucking over...
Cool but Falcom won't learn anything from this all we are doing enabling.
College Footfags. We won.
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No... After all these years... We are gonna be forced to admit Reverie was such an amazing game it boosted Daybreak's sales... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Kuro was at the top of amazon in japan too
Your all nothing but traitors, fuck all of you.
>6 hour bump limit thread
NISA won
No... Reverie isn't ED8-5. It's ED9-0... that's why I like it.
NISA won, it's time to admit it.
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Thank me later.
PS5 is meaningless... everything on that list except for College Football and Astro Bot is going to be on PC sooner or later
d-doesnt count
I mean the series is ending anon, it’s a little late for that
Bros don't panic Daybreak II is so shit that it will kill the hype TRUST THE PLAN
All that tells us is that you're a schizo samefagging cunt.
I am this thread and you just added to my (Me)s.
She purposefully skips her legit psychosis medication so she doesn't "get sleepy" and can post on cooldown for attention
It's rather sad but if it makes the life of her handler easier it's a price we're willing to pay
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is it now
I literally made the OP, so I won by default. Also fuck you for making me post another one today.
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no more brother wars
No, you didn't. It's all (Me). (You)'re (Me).
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Apologize right fucking now.
You're blind.
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I'm sorry, you utterly won
I will forever worship Durante and NIS of America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nathaniel, I kneel.
Durante is okay though unironically
You are forgiven.
Are you kidding me, he is the reason Cold Steel arc often freezes in cutscenes.
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why the hell is this an option now all of a sudden?
For what
worked on my machine :o
never happened to me. I've never had problems with the CS games on PC
No one knows about all the issues with his ports since no one here plays the games
Semen will ejaculate again
did you use the SenPatcher?
has happened to me on PC and PS5, it's a well known issue.
never happened to me, but I used sen-patcher so I'm not sure if it fixes it.
get a better PC lol how is that durantes fault
Didn't happen to me once across any of the games
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it's actually an issue if you got high specs, seems common issue with 144hz.
Steam troubleshooting section disagrees
Now they're making up tech problems. This is just sad.
NISA haters will never know peace
Not apologizing unless we get Kai in English before 2026
what's it like to kissu elaine-san?
Nisa stuff up legend of heroes trails of daybreak english still has Japanese text on battle ability go for steam version nisa use english patch for battle text any mistake. This is bad

English patch 10 times better then nisa this is so lazy
i have CS1/2 on PS3, PS4, PS5 and PC
and 3/4 on PS4/PS5/PC and never experienced this problem though. works on my machine, maybe i'm just lucky.

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