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Previous: >>483684264


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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Tekkino weekend
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My Husband
i don't see any tekken kino
just some murray shit and flashy punches
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Beautiful chipmunk with squeezable cheek
gorilla's posting
ugliest character since lidia
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Jackbros we're on main stage
Slimenigger post
I only love one thing in this world and that thing is ladyboys
>white woman contained
Just hard read unseeable tracking low with over 2 range that sits in the same spot as 2 easy mid launchers.
See you lads in a year, maybe they will get that whole balance thing by then.
When does tekken7 pools start?
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Why every match looks the same? Why it's so bang bang flash cool move.mp4 yet it looks so sanitized?
/sfg/ is down the catalog
actually it's me, don't give credits to others
btw bison is great
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>ugliest character since lidia
>Bison now looks like a Resident Evil mini boss due to RE Engine horror graphics
Holy hell
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>buffed two patches in a row
>still sucks

lionheart stance is a disaster
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Love Tifa LOVE LOVE!
finally a real game on screen (naruto)
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gorillafag seething
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Bison has the most OP slime rush in the game of course he's 'great' to a slimenigger
Seems like senility is settling in grandpa
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iconic character, simple as.
sf is getting iconic shit one after the other and we are here drooling after some non-sense patches each month like it's gonna save us from this dread
>mfw tekkino weekend
he is but he looks like shit in troon fighter 6. so does kooma.
>wasn't even allowed to be in base roster but numerous nameless tranny characters were
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reina coomers, we're in!
>meanwhile we are not getting our legacy characters in the base game either
i want lei, ok? i want him in my ass
Iconic characters that should've been in at launch. Instead you pay extra. Btw I guess they ran out since half the season is SNK chars and it's only season 2 kek
Bison is an essential villain character in the series. Lei is a niche side character with very low play rate. You're comparing apples and oranges, lil slimenigger.
>SNK arab money had to bail out Slime Rushers Dix Season 2
we'll probably get heihachi in a dlc eventually (have a gut feeling)
also lei, niche or not, should have been in.
nitpicking business practices instead of focussing on the fact that sf6 is getting material that actually make people return/stick to the game doesn't help anyone.
we should demand this stuff for tekken too, not fucking marduk (wtf)
Lei is Tekken
no Lei is like no Law or no King
Marduk has more mains than Lei lmao
>king doing alley kicks in a tourney
It's over
I appreciate T8 visuals more after playing the Elden Ring DLC. EVERY SINGLE BOSS FIGHT is visual cancer because they thought that more shit on the screen equals cooler.
>Marduk mains
never existed, people just played him because he was overtuned + braindead
craig is tekken
Nah it's good to point out how crapcom scammed capbucks with the base roster. We definitely need better adds than fucking fuckurmom and marduk, though. I'm glad we got almost all the mainstays in the base roster unlike troon fighter 6, but Namco should take the opportunity to add new and exciting characters now.
seething at Street Fighet 6(six) even when tekkit tourney is on
slime rapist 6 does everything better than tekken just kill yourself
can't even offer a proper ui or lobby every patch breaks something what kind of demonic nigger will defend this flop
you know joey fury loves the character when he calls him Craig
Can't wait for marduk tired of these anime weeb chars
this king gonna beat up speedkeks next
marduk is a good addition, just like eddy, cause you can morally plug on them and don't need to learn the matchup ever as only niggers play that shit
Can't wait for a real character like Josie
real character? shao meng is the one
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Concession accepted. Fuck back off to /v/.
it's probably not even human being, just an ai chatbot
Playing the Tekken 4 demo with Craig and beating up Tekken 4 Xiaoyu and Christie was my intro to both Tekken and ryona so Craig has a special place in my heart
kek just admit you got thoroughly btfo captranny. keep paypigging for more essential characters that should've been in the base roster.
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>meanwhile we paid framedata in t7
wait, i'm not supposed to say facts
just admit you can't even deliver 1/10 of slime racer qol and don't forget to pay for your frame data feature
>It's a good thing ScamCom scammed millions of gullible SF drones into paying extra for roster essential character
>here is your tranny nigger announcer btw and ton of newcomers that all look like el goblinos
Tats ruin women
people around here pretend that tekken 8 is not overpriced garbage with not a single tech up to standards and also pretends that dlcs are free or something.
weird way to cope i swear
NOT lewd enough
>button checking
more like shitter check
Slime Rusher Dix Characters in Base Roster

Slime Spammers Troonie Dix
>business choice
>paid off big time
muh moral bamco would never, lmao
can we be real here? we are getting ripped off as much as slimefags, but the difference is their crappy game is not dying anytime soon
Meanwhile Slime Rusher jukebox (added as DLC only after T8 launched with it) is monetized OUT THE FUCKING ASS
>i need to do a button check
>proceeds to mash like a green rank and lose to a woman
>we are getting ripped off as much as slimefags
Regardless, no we're not. SF tards paid $70 for yet another 18 character roster with ton of trannies nobody asked for and roster essentials like Bison and Akuma sold as DLC. T8 launched with 32 characters in base roster AND had a great SP mode which wasn't this bullshit World Tour cancer shit.
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Where's Lidia?
Where's Lidia.
>oh no, a feature that no one gives a shit about and that people can mod with 2 clicks
business model done right, the jukebox in tekken 8 didn't make the game any better for me, i still mod music, especially in these specific menus that we cannot use MUH GREAT jukebox to swap music for
it is all optional shit, we need to buy all passes to literally lab these dlc characters..
don't talk about morals if you can't back it up
Why is there so many Yoshimitsu
Tmm said he's op
American Tekken, ladies and gentlemen...
just like TEKKEN UIGH tards paid $70 for oy vey sorry we nothing we can do about plugging, 2 month to fix one bugged grab and get ready for the next battle in 2025 can you stop your pathetic cope for one day you should be ashamed since crapcom does everything better while being the most jewish and nigger company go hug harada twitter loser
And both games are still godawful, so what's the point?
I don't get why people always brag about roster, people only ever play 6 characters in any fighting game anyways. Might as well be 6 characters in a fun game rather than meter-based rushdown-only fests like apparently all fighting games MUST be now.
gib eliza pl0x
packing unicorn-shaped cookies into Lee's lunchbox before he leaves on another very important trip
>bamco adds a store that they kept hidden, just 28 days after the game launched
muh moral company tho
>bamco doubles down with a season pass that they are not even honoring anymore, literally wasting people money
you see.. bamco is having a rought time, they are actually not as bad as capcom
Slimenigger instantly downplaying a feature that T8 gave us all for free that Crapcom has monetized the fuck out of. kys shill.

Yeah the slimeshill is in full meltdown
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You're not convincing anyone anymore slimenigger. Your game looks like horror engine abomination and gameplay is awful mobile game pachinko slime spam.
>lets praise a jukebox in a fighting game where the networking is shit
yeah i'm very glad they gave me jukebox for "free" (cause you know, 70bucks is free nowaday) now i wish they gave me the actual things i need to enjoy this game
lmao he can't even answer just a broken record and you can apply to tekken everything hes saying even tekken shill fucking incompetent
So this is the future of tekken
The funniest part is that reina who couldn't punish alley kicks is probably god
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The meltdown is on-going. Slimepoos really hard at it today.

Literal tranny game marketed by trannies for trannies.
It has a mustache eww
Can't believe Lui was a bigger whore than towa ...
meanwhile we got fucking murray having a breakdown on twitter monthly lmao
Murray is based be glad you don't have some crapcom HQ globohomo director
Funny how mashen was considered Pachinko yet tourney placements are a million times more consistent than Slime Masher Pachinko Dix.
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>this is our leadership
meanwhile the slimecunts are having a blast by paroding trans and getting away with it lmao.
funny thing is we have a lot of trans in the tekken community (like that streamer whatever was the name)
This Doujin dude is pretty good is he a pro?
>33rd - 47th place finisher in the Abang Bald Head Cup #5 won the million dollar crapcom cup
kek reaching party masher levels that shouldn't be possible
actual greeny jin
because it's only the same 4 assholes that are playing lol
fix slime6 nigga
>lossing to a panda
Is Knee playing?
Slime Pachinkos Dix Characters You Have To Pay to Win For
KingreySr is worse than his progeny
I apologize KingreySr
What's the game plan for Asuka? I feel like all I do is just press random shit hoping it will work.
same as every other character, you poke you move you 5050 you block you punish you win
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I like NY stage ost
the last of tekken schizos
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all me
Go to tampaneversleeps youtube and watch all the weekly tournaments. Kingreyjr has been in all of them and plays the best Asska. They put timestamps in for the matches so you can go directly to it.
what the fuck even is this post?
It's ok boomerbro my reactions are shit too
what the fuck is 4A
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he deleted the post
speedkicks looks like a 50 year old hobo with that beard
sneedkicks on main stage
Thanks man
he needs to have hair somewhere. Nigga already bald
>picking Nina over Hwoarang
Damn Hwoarang is bottom 5 now
"One of the smartest tekken players out there"
it's an away jab
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What did he post?
He's looking solid thick and tight. And now that he's switched to Nina.. Yeah, I'm thinking he's making top 8.
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i missed sneed play and some anon deleted post and now i feel left out
is her name really pronounced june?
>he doesn't have his tekkino command center set up for the weekend
Rest is so handsome
Rest doing what Sneed couldn't
thanks you too
I've been to Curacao. Was awesome.
i want to find out how tasty he really is
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/tekgen/ lobby returns.
Region: Any
Name: tekgen
Passcode: 1122
All frauds are welcome.
I can't watch this match for some reason is unwatchable to me
is raven fun to play
not to be rude but eddy is such a nigger
sure if you enjoy 8
apparently the raven getting blown up by this eddy masher is GOD. you niggas are indubitably carried by raven.

here's a better raven vs eddy match
Black on black violence
Damn that Eddy sucked so hard. When do the real fights start?
he's brazilian
when you see people sidestepping, so around top 4
i wish i had 4 on top of me (men, that is)
faggot shizzo has to be the lowest effort shizzo in teggen history
the things we gotta do to keep this place running
I had 4 tgirls spit roast and abuse me and then i realized I don't want that. I want to be the one to dominate a sissy.
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plug dragunov
how can AO look at himself in the mirror every morning?
ao without sleeves looks wrong
He has eyes functional eyes
i got an eye on him too
the guy just obviously hates Tekken
one of us
Kpiss appears I sleep
kpiss is such a chonk, i want to press his fat rolls and hear him squak in pleasure
I got hella fat rolls bruh
that rage art was to send a message
this is that leo character you all obsess about?
K sissy losing again
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lets go to dinner together
tasty steve tryna hook up with a zesty nigga
how about people just don't fuck up the selection and wake the hell up FUCK
I want to see REST fuck speedkeks up with hwo
I want it too
if the game was good like doa it would automatically random select on rematch
if this game was good people wouldn't play it, only bad games are popular.
if this game was good sega wouldn't even try to make a new virtua fighter
*ducks laughing*
*goh unhappy face*
based and true.
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Oh, let me explain a little bit.
This is a rare thing that happens in Japan as well, but during a tournament, people come charging in shouting "HEY HARADA NERF XXXXX!!!!
That's what I thought it was (so it's not an image of Chicago).
More to the point, about 10 years ago my friend (Ono) was walking about 30 meters in front of me outside the E3 hall, and two gamers came running up behind me yelling "HEY ONO!!!"and forced Ono to take off Ono’s Star Wars T-shirt and put on the tank top he was wearing and ran away.
Because of those experiences, I always assume the worst case scenario and just train myself to instantly increase the platelets in my blood with adrenaline to make it easier to stop the bleeding (J/K).
This pacman game dead as hell and mid as hell. Why are bamco flops so common?
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Which Pac-Man game? Not watching the stream atm.
mfs willing to spend $6 on a chicken sandwich but not on a DLC character
good game: "yeah that game was really good, more people should play it(not me tho)"
bad game: "yeah slime rush/meat smash/wild assault is stupid as shit. anyway I gotta go grind more ranked."
Good game: Kof
Bad game: everything else
They released another br fairly recently but this time it's paid (if you don't know about the other one it's pacman 99 on switch online which also flopped).
>kwiss forming a hernia just to beat some random local NA
Oh right, I do member something like that. Not sure why they keep trying to do this gay multiplayer Pac-Man shit.
i think kwiss is pregnant with 3 twins inside that belly bro
Why is speedkicks beloved where while Kwiss is so reviled
based snkkking.
speedkick is autistic so we can relate more with him
sneedkicks is at least kind of funny to joke about. k-piss is just a smelly retard nigger.
>Steve isn't tournament viable
everything is tournament viable against murricans
bro that King was red rank at most.
steve is british he wouldn't beat a real american
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raven de-trans?
slimenigger post
Speed is a nice clown it's funny making fun of him kpiss isn't useful for that he's disgusting
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>greenie drag mirror
dragunov appears I watch and then sleep
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3phiddy is on screen
Down syndrome shitdx appears I laugh
>SissyDX getting washed by some literal WHO, AGAIN
freedx getting flushed pools
this guy is a fucking mental midget
soon shitdx washed act
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scoar som fuken slides
Why do we hate phiddle again
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rare footage of fiddle dicks not immediately choking
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pseudo intellectual textbook overthinker who stole all his opinions from sneed
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wow obesity so funny, shut the fuck up you're behind a screen losing your weekend doing absolutely nothing again
Average tekgen poster look and age do not spread
I don't THO
and im still in better shape than literal fatties who would attend whats essentially a glorified nerd con you fucking retard
bruv how much stone you on?
I hate him defending not being able to step to the foreground from crouch. Anyone who does that I don't consider as human, or deserving human rights.
shut up fatman
i won't eat my vegetables
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>wow obesity so funny, shut the fuck up you're behind a screen losing your weekend doing absolutely nothing again
i'm preparing the next wave of sf6 spam though
i won't...lose my weekend watching heat fest again....not again
you know someone's full of shit when their arguments are "cool and fun" LMAO
Possibly the worst coach in existence, overexplains fucking everything, does the "haha get banned" thing in his stream without the actual charisma needed to do that
I know two dudes that flat out refuse to eat vegetables.
The grandma edit poster is a slimenigger. He admitted as much before.
i eat banana meat if you catch my meaning
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no fuck off don't ask me for shit buy lobby avatar
lili knows all about big n
big neck?
mr chicklin on stage
150 yens + tip
>jin lili
not again
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>still no Lidia release
They don't want their game to succeed.
is lili a hore?
even = yes
odd = no
To add to that, he speaks like the game has the depth of a canyon.
Didn't AK admit to not even knowing frame data?
You dont need to be a wealth of knowledge to be successful at this slop.
Nigga had one viral moment now he feeling himself.
Slimenigger posts
I thought Chikurin was washed
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i'm running out of these pics
Even a kid is better than america together what do you expected?
The problem is that he doesn't seem to teach about proper intuition. Labbing niche Dragunov strings isn't half as useful as just learning proper spacing, whiff punishing and a semblance of knowledge regarding high/mid/low structure. He really does coach Tekken backwards, he starts off teaching the most niche, high-end stuff while neglecting the very basics of good spacing and whiff punishing.
how come so many UGLY niggas play mashen? doesnt matter what country they in they always UGLY
Yeah it's extremely annoying how fiddledicks treats this game purely as a science
"You're only minus if you're a bitch" is a tried and true thing in fighting games so the way he teaches people is so fucking boring and awful
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Just how mindbroke are these Slimetranny shills by actual attractive girls in video games?

Just look at this horror shit.
Talk for yourself I'm a apollonian beauty.
do they host tournaments in america to make japan look good?
*blocks your path*
double looks like a normal japanese dude
Jun sissy hypnosis…
keisuke would make a beautiful woman
still waiting for you to play a set with me in sf6 while we wait for t8 to find a match
americans are ugly and fat the rest of players are pretty fine
those yuroids are pretty fucked looking too. not as fat or black tho for sure.
Make a lobby in T8, slimer. I'll come to push your poo in loo ass in.
Why are there so many fucking Filipinos
Whose kid is this?
Why do Street Fighter players go into other generals and challenge people to matches in SF?
Why would you challenge someone to a game they don’t play? What do you think that proves?
Why are they so psychotic?
no, i have a fragile ego and do not want to feel bad if i lose
Trigga Nometry is an actually ingenious nickname
Have you been to /sfg/? They hate Dix even more than we do. So the shills have no other response but to branch out to other places to shill their party masher.
all the best euro players are dark as hell. Tetsu, jodd, joka, kwiss (lmao), the list goes on.
They're the Palestinian supporters of the fgc
It's just funny face edits Jesus Christ stop being so obsessed with sf6 Goddamn.
doesn't count time, the number everything

they don't count
>NA saves /tekgen/
Daily occurence. EU hours are insufferable.
Nigga the number 1 in the European leader board is Kane the whitest man in Britain
>majority of posters are from EU
i know cause i'm the majority of posters
I'm the creator of those funny faces those I created them around December I think all began with Reina
>yoshi player
nigger at heart
>It's just funny face edits
haha good joke! Same lazy edits posted every single thread by slimenigger
Pakistan > Philippines
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>>483891752 the first edit was Reina with a beard
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yeah, i remember it was one of the first, i stole it from some anon, it goes wayyyy back
Mashen 8 so dead niggas cant stop thinking about street fighter bruh
personally? I can't stop thinking about cock
since women nowaday can have cocks, i'm more prone to think about men than actual cocks
Qudans is playing against a literal who. You know he will win because Tekken has an actual skill gap.

If this was Slime Mashers, it would be a coin toss if he was going to win or the complete nobody. Actual party game.
how can people lose while playing hwoarang is beyond me
>Devil Jin is low tier
Yeah remember UMA? Me neither.
Tekken requires skill so your character can only carry you as much.

Meanwhile Luke Slime spam carried literal whos into Evo top 8 for Dix and even into Grand Finals!
double jim
i wish we saw new faces in the tekken pro circle, it's the same fags over and over and they are aging and getting worse, it's like watching a reality show at this point, rather than a competition
panda? really?

*beats 20yo veterans that never knew the matchup until*
blud said the two time cpt winner is a literal who
Then go to Slime spammers? It's a literal party game where literal whos become winners.
You can say the same for every fighter out there.
tekgen eu lobby still up
password 1122
yeah i get the point that tekken has a skill ceiling it's hard to get into it at this stage (against these people who have been playing for decades) however i think that just hurts the game as most people go into these events knowing that they have no chance to make it to the top 8.
for instance we are watching pools, we already know none of these people will make it to the top 20 aside from the same names, this kinda means we are wasting our time, we are not watching real competition.
in my opinion they should split tournaments into various brackets for skill levels and leave the top 20 battling it out in a separate tourney or some shit
blud wants a mickey queue in real life
that's why there is seeding
Tekken 7 total victory
Temu 8 died
If the opposite was true for Tekken 8, then the opposite would be a negative according to you.
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tekken 7 won nothing besides the bad tekken game award
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Bruh SF6 not even a CPT event and its beating trash 8
tits too big on the left one
What's the difference between King and Armor King again?
Eddy betrayed us.....
you'll have an aneurism with Armor King if you complained about King in this game
Of course. SF Dix is a party masher and therefore has the same popularity as Smash (a game that isn't quite as party as SF Dix)
It was otherwise during some hours then put of nothing boom crapcom bots appear in a few seconds and this happened
King is my favourite match up tho
Tekken is the original goyslop
cope trash 8 is dead culturally. T7 was destroying SFV at this point
>has steve's b1
>has kazuya's df2 with an extension to deter punishment
>has 2,1 for a perfect high, mid check
>has ridiculous reach on his main tools and auto-spacing traps
>has unblockable tech traps, amazing oki
>has the best chain grabs, easier to land than king because they're less telegraphed and the damage was buffed at some point
>has giant swing
>has tombstone
>has shining wizard
>has ffn2, made only -14 on block, +7 on hit
>b4, 1+2 i15 safe good range knockdown mid with oki
>wall combo was buffed, unlike king he has a proper one
>has a hopkick (buffed the range at some point)
>has dark upper
>has great pokes
>has the mishima crouch dash
>80+ dmg in the open
Add the people watching tekken in jewtube.
t7 was doing nothing just being my somniferous sleep with Kazumi jack mirrors during season 1
King has like half of this stuff now tho
>casual pachinko party masher is more popular than a skill-based fighting game
Wow what a shocker. Want me to post the player stats for random phone games now too?

that's his point, he'll be King tuned up to 11
True, Tekken 7 shits on pachinko 8
>blud thinks games that require skills cannot be popular
that's like 80% of the top games
so when t7 was more popular than sfv on steam that was because it was the less deep game?
>1k to 2k daily players popular
oh my days mandem really saying 7 wasnt the dogshittiest game that barely beat out 5 as the most garbage Tekken game
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did claudio exorcise eliza or did he add her to his harem along with zafina
Buzzwords like rollback
I don't know, I didn't engage in game wars back then like Slimeniggers are doing here.
the only reason tekken 7 had a chance is because they fucked up sf that badly
many people here think that t8 will raise just like t7 did, but this time the tides are different
there's no way to raise this game this time around, infact the more content they add, the more complex it becomes, to the point where it becomes unfun for most people
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this little fight here is getting old time to do my thing analyze Xiaoyu's pics with one hand
nobody asked slimenigga
stances and range 3 mids 8
armored stance transition (yes it's a thing for lidia)
best fighting games:
kof 98, 2k2
dnf duel
all deadgames proving that people only play slop
there are probably kof 98 and 2002 machines still in use all over china and latin america
virtua fighter was too good for its own good
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Kof currently state is sad I really love that game
Nigga listed some of the worst fighting games of all time, fgg ass fool
that anon is going crazy seeing how many people praise other games rather than tekken
Remember that SNK arab money is keeping Slime Dix alive LMAAAOOOOO
We're in the Tekken general?
we literally needed arabs to fund a pakistani tourney and they had to play on chairs with human skin smeared on them lmao
wtf is this shit
why Rip always looks at Steve like he wants to murder and decapitate him? almost a decade of that
Spot on.
My favourite lewd Xiaoyu mod.
Jin has strong Luke energy
tekken 8 can only be saved if they add saber
ah yes my favourite fighting game starcraft brood war
Slime Pachinko Spammers Dix has high tourney turnout because it's a literal free casino you can sign up for to win a million dollars. No reason not to go. This is what inflated prize pool and pachinko mechanics does to a franchise.
Pachinko 8 players calling other games Pachinko oh my days
I still can't believe that some literal nobody who won nothing beforehand rocked up to capcom cup and won 1 million dollars then went back to winning nothing immediately after

dear fucking god for all of tekken 8's flaws at least it wasn't SF6
name a better one. you can't.
Slimeniggas reappropriating bruv posting oh my days
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>dnf duel
Putting starcraft in the list is one thing but you took the bait too far with this
dude is too busy watching his favorite vtuber to keep practicing
brb gonna lab 5000 hours to win 1000 bucks in a tekken tourney
Makes a lot of sense given it's a party masher
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Too bad Harada said there would be no SC guests until the franchise is revived on X
What if they really did add Saber though
Harada is retiring next year
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Not really
It's a party mashing game for the black community and transexuals. Not a surprise it's a literal no skill casino game.
you already replied to yourself with the same answer 3 times
he's been doing that for a while now
She born to use a maid outfit
Slimeniggas, what's our cope for this?

Let me guess, having a top 8 that is entirely coin toss is a good thing right?
So this is how Lili ended Doc’s career
He was pining over a 15 year old so it's more appropriate for it to be Reina
it would save tekken
Geniunely impossible to fall in love with girls older than 24.
Wada has shitty designs
It's too early for all these lewd images
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did anybody else here buy this jacket? i'm supposed to get mine next week.
why are they talking about anime i thought tekken wasn't an anime fighter
No because it doesn't come with the pretty girl modeling it
I've seen more Steve than Xiaoyu in his tournament
I have no idea how people are using garbage PS5 pads for this game competitively. Shit is unreliable as fuck.
i modded mine with new button switches and a split dpad
How? Can you share a picture?
people only fap to xiaoyu
I shat myself today
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She isn't a tourney viable character simple as and xisoyu is for calling her an angel only
tekken characters do not arouse me
JFW I will find you and I will kill yoy
i bought this, you take the pad apart and switch the face button sheet with the new one. the same company also sells split pad buttons. i did recently switch back the old dpad though because it was rubbing material off the shell. the clicky buttons are great though, a bit heavy maybe.
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>Released in 2015
When is the next Tekken doujin with decent art coming out?....
>She isn't a tourney viable character
you dumb fucking nigger with your forced hyp mixups
kill yourself
this character is so far from what it was pre t7 its insane, she gets to play actual tekken now and kept her gimmicks
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i will never understand why they put these big ass clips on lillis garter belt
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I don't even understand what you're talking about, and i'm happy about it
Fucking Sony. Why could they just not copypaste the PS1 dpad? It was the best.
bruh both these niggas too ugly
It's fucking hot you imbecile
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>these massive cheap plastic clips are hot
hey alright
anyone here a homie-sexual?
You wouldn't understand. It's part of what makes that outfit pure sex.
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gay shit is nasty, I fuck tgirls.
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When I have time and draw her a doujin not so soon with uni
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i hope you realize that i am just talking about these, right? not hot at all. looks cheap and too bulky. also it's clipped into the lace which is retarded.
pajeets did a great job on this model. not.
Slimenigger go to sleep already
this nigga an incel bruh
Goodluck bruv, I'll be saviing it once you post it.
i wish princess namine was my mommy
Where the fuck did these Filipinos come frome
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she looks just like the tgirl I've been hanging out with
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I agree with you anon they look like backpack clips. I can't unsee now I have switch mains
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Made for my penis
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ew sss
Top is how the game looks? Yeah bottom is way better.
Why did they model tit veins
he is not black so this would never happen
>fat and/or nigger
>plays hwoarang
why is this so common?
oh no, go easy on him JDCR...
the also do it with jin/law/eddy and the answer is because they're mash friendly
Fuck off.
JCDR is a bro.
Uhh bros? Wasn't JD washed?
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We all take for granted JDCR will win since T8 rewards skilled players. If this was Mickey Party Mashers Dix, it would be a 50/50 coin toss match.
How do you think they look like in real life?
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>winning in pools
JDCReddit is cursed to be washed forever, sorry. The Dreamhack controller disconnect is definitive proof.
damn FAGGIS actually fell off. No viewer boost from watching tekken
There is a boost, he was streaming elden ring dlc for 2.5k
>Kaizur abandoning Azucena for Dragunov
It's over
'nov got em seethin'
azu is trash
Not entirely sure what were they thinking when they looked at every single move she had and just nerfed the fuck out of it
the 2,1 nerf needlessly killed the character, +2 running move is pretty pathetic as well
The character doesn't work unless they change wr 3,2 back to being +5
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I lost to 6arakin in a mirror match today
my dvj was emp in t7
I feel fucking horrible
no shame, dvj is a boosted ape character for toddlers so it's easy to get robbed against him no matter who the pilot is
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>lose a set
>have existential crisis
you should try streaming. You'll fit right in with all the other ttv/whatever guys
Yup, same pose without sss
Why is she looking at me like that?
Finna coom
raita tits
I'm voluntarily celibate.
whoever model this did a bad job
I have never and will never touch a woman but I have touched a man
don't touch me
but was it a man with a cock or a man without a cock
it is NOT gay to stroke off your homies
11 inch love stick
what does this mean?
objectively false, only faggots don't like JDCR
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so just beckoning breasts?
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>Dude is on 5 win streak on tournament
>nigga pulls out beach ball to disqualify him
NA are mentally ill freaks i hope Russian nukes that nigger shithole.
yeah, alisa players are carried.
Literally nothing changed for Reinaniggers, they keep doing the almost homing FF2 and switched to spamming the other FC move lmao.
they hate us cuz they aint us
dead general
dead game
Damn man.. that fucking sucks. He is so fucking bad too but the mashing can get anyone..
tekken x blacked
How the hell do I step Alisa? Her dumbass f2 clips me no matter the side, I can't step her df1, i can't step her db3, or her d4. Not to mention chainsaws. She gets to step your shit with like 5 frames but you can't do the same to her?
>open stream
>tekken ball
mashen isn't even trying to not be a party game
phidx got 3-0d in tekken ball
has there ever been a more fraudlent player
man i was so excited to get 8 on sale but i keep having polaris crashes
speed’s head is massive wtf
the true son of yakub
Thanks, whatever you said doesn't matter.
sidewalk from mid distance im not kidding
is paul honest?
should you go to locals if you're only garyu? or will you not learn anything
Bros I love tekken 8 but I suck at it. I think I'm getting better though.
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boutta play reina on u fools
>3. Revealing Dress Incident
what exactly did the robot mean by this
our guy sneedkicks is 3-0 he's a lock for top8
My lidia lacked composure today hope it will be less all over the place tomorrow
nigga needs to invent a white race that can actually compete in tekken
need to eat some snacks before this Jun goon sesh
what you said but for the Leo sex sesh
left looks natural.
Lidia goon sesh until she's released
Why does Lee have such a small head to body ratio?
How the fuck have there been 0 upsets happening in pools so far?
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Not watching.
all the hgh went to his cock
you'll die
I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay
Aint watching that aint playing that
please play with my ass
can i korean backdass with anons ass
I am tipsy
Last time I got tipsy i woke up in a married man's bed
I just want a hung ladyboy or two as full time maids you know what I am sayinnnn
I have to get a tgirl gf
>buy tgirl maid
>she's smaller than me
2 drinks away from messaging flat chested tranny escorts
do you guys ever think tekken fundamentally doesn't work and it needs a full overhaul from day 1 not now?
fix kazuya nigga
OffAxis8 is le dead bro
I have the opposite problem. I have a 3 inch white microdick and I could never satisfy a tgirl. Too much woman for me to handle, I admit.
is leo a tgirl?
Fire murray. Fixed.
I got a big gut and small dick too
this general turned into /ggg/ with all this tranny shit
good night you fucks
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that wouldn't happen because harada and the rest of the tekken team love needless complexity, difficulty by obscurity (just a basic example, there are 3 ways to tech, 8 ways to get up off the ground, and character specific ways on top, which the game only grazes upon explaining) and let the players make sense of it
>I found out many years later that there was an American guy in the arcade division of our US office that had leaked stuff about Tekken in the past, and Harada’s image of foreigners was tainted by this.
>It took me a few years to fully earn his trust. I learned that the team usually implemented hidden things like Heihachi’s blue Raijinken without telling anyone but that certain person, and if the info got leaked on forums, or seen in the arcades, they were sure who did it.
>Apparently, I was trusted with info like this, and it never got leaked, which helped my standing with the team.
Murray, as interviewed by Zee the CEO for Tekkengamer
well if the game was still supported our minds wouldn't stray to what we really want
After evo
Tekken 8 is deterministic based on skill
>there was an American guy in the arcade division of our US office
isn't that fucking obviously the case
Leo is male unfortunately. Good sissy material thoughbeit.
you cut the sentence off, he was also a leaker and why murray wasn't immediately trusted as a baka american gaijin
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Official Tekken WEG directed by Elferan
>does anyone one else le think the hecking chungus
kek imagine being filtered this hard
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so who leaked the character select screen?
Someone from the Brazilian division
goofing to this
>no mario
street shitter season 5
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the xiv expansion sucks and this thread does not function without me
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the thread has been in disrepair ever since lilianon left
The thread is fine lil sis let it be
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how did lili players tolerate that skinwalker alien creature that posed as lili for almost a decade
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idk about that
I need to get a job but I've failed to do so. My eyes can't take 16 hours of screen time a day anymore but I'm destined to do just that so long as I'm at home.
>jun player in emperor
>his entire gameplan is finding a string that he hasn't used before to catch me

how did he make it?
he plays jun and mashes strings
it's jun.
I was looking for a job, and then I found a job
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and heaven knows i'm miserable now
if you know your combos then that should be good enough
Zafina’s chocolate mousse directly down my throat
Damn I didn't know zafina was a baker.
Azucena's coffee deposits
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tbdesu i'm much more attracted to T7 Lili, maybe because she looks kinda asian
I am drunk AGAIN texting random tgirls AGAIN
I wanna BLOOP Leo's butthole
and he's gonna be like AWUUUUAAAAAAAGH
nobody cares retard
OhIaunchedyounowIplayasologame8 is dead faggot
sometimes tekken is referred to as t + a number, the t reminds me of tgirls.
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Frametraps8 is le gone go to reddit tranny
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>I know it's over, still I cling
DVJmains, why do you guys do it?
Looks like Doc who did nothing wrong btw
say it to my face bitch
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Off Axis 8 will recover when Bob will come back
Turbo wank 2 (I took a cialis)
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It just wasn't like the old days anymore
No, it wasn't like those days
Am I still ill? Oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh, am I still ill?
I am slowly declining towards insanity or is it climbing ?
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You left out
>Under the iron bridge we kissed
>And although I ended up with sore lips
Kazuya manhandling me while I wash HIS clothes
this gen is so fucking dead (like her)
>Jun is dead
>is alive
What did bro mean by this?
>make a bunch of really pretty pre-rendered cutscenes
>lock them to 30fps
The human eye can't see past 24 frames
Heihachi first season 2 character they are too desperate to not do this
>have really pretty characters in a state-of-the-art engine
>make pre-rendered cutscenes
>Heihachi breaks out of the depths of hell just to kill Kazuya and Jin
would be too based for Tekken
It’s Tekken art directions legacy stuff
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Heihachi and Reina sex scene plz
I just want Wang not the nigger that’s posing
Do you guys think DVJ listens to Sex Pistols?
Devirjimmy is a poser that listens to Evanescence while drinking smirnoff ice
>implying Sex Pistols aren't a band for posers
Not implying anything I dont listent to that satanicjooslop my nekka
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how can a woman be so perfect?
Wake me UP wake me UP inside (I cant wake up) save meeeee call my name and save me from the daaaaaark
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Lars looks really fun to play zipping around the field like that, how hard is he to learn?
How did they botch crossplay this hard? Playing against consoles at the same ping feels like mud.
Trying to keep the file size down as low as possible, presumably (the game is already like 90gb)
>nina's pressure is real for the first time in like 20 years
Why did Jun even fuck Kazuya?
loose woman with low morals
jun doesn't know what sex is so kazuya convinced her that it was a spiritual ceremony that would cleanse his soul of the devil's influence and make him stop experimenting on animals
>Kaguya got fixed (nigga)
>still an unfun clunky jabless piece of crap to play whose gameplan is killing yourself if you want to make progress

>Paul got fixed
>he's now a really dynamic character with new ways to continue pressure, not necessary real and it's very propedeutic to mindgames

how did this happen?
Who the flying fuck is Kaguya?
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>he thinks I want something natural
I want perfection.
nice fucked up shadows on your fucked up mod lil nigga
>Lose a heat dash combo
>Gain a ki charge set up
I don't know if I like this more or not
damn, ultrawide must help with spatial awareness/knowing what ender to use to get a wall conversion, right? why aren't more people talking about this
I personally don't think it changes that much. When I went to a local it didn't even occur to me I was playing on a smaller screen. I think for wall carry, the position my eyes go to wouldn't change regardless of wide screen. I usually rely on that and my familiarity of the stage to judge which combo route I should use.
I'm not even hungover yet, im still fucking wasted when the FUCK does CEO start
I had a dream Nina Williams was added to SF6 as a guest character.
>it's another "I'll rematch when I win G1 but cancel when I lose G2"
What a pussy
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dah? deh? i don't care anymore
was the ki charge tackle damage always that shit?
Why is it fair that I lose so much ELO to someone with twice my tekken prowess and 7 ranks above me?
who said tekken was fair
if there’s even 7 ranks above you you’re already cooked my friend
>almost half off
>basically same playercount
It's so over
its summer sale, people would be buying other things as well
It would be +1 but my wrist got fucked recently. Sorry bros
fisting is 300 bucks
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Killing tekken king bears at 9am on 8 beers, Now that's what I call fun
>no anime
bro went from a fraud character to fraud character
Left a positive review for salesfags. I think the game is really fun now after the latest balance patches.
They should permanently put this game as a $50 game. $70 is simply too much. Nobody who hasn't bought at that price will buy it now. They should instead permanently lower price to promote the community vitality.
cause it's not competitively feasible, no1s gonna bring out their ultrawide at evo or their local
Carried T7 niggas got hard exposed in T8. Meanwhile Tekken 5 DR kings are having their absolute best runs in T8.
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That's what u sound like
Anyone else have weird issue when sometimes you boot up T8, the frame rate is locked at 50 fps? And only restarting PC solves the issue?
don't have that issue but have an audio issue where sometimes when i boot tekken, it is very quiet in volume despite being set to 100%, i have to toggle spatial sound from Off to On and then back to Off to restore normal volume
Are you on an Intel processor?
No. It got nerfed from 42 damage in t7 to 30 in t8. It also doesn't give a free f2 anymore.
u running Gsync on a gsync compatible monitor?
lay off the alcohol senpai
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lay off the anime senpai
How else do we cope with the absolute state of Tekken...
We fantasize about tgirls instead
We fantasize about virtua fighter instead
there is no cope anymore
just acceptance
Sounds like you saw a chart that said "side step to her right bro!!" and believed it like a retard. All of those moves except db+3 are weak to SSR (your right). But doing a SSR duck will beat all of them. That's how you were supposed to fight her in T7 and it hasn't changed.
>no discount for kof
migga wtf
ngl i might buy garou mark of the wolves
>b-but fightcade
shut up
no u
I can't get pregnant
trust in science, we'll soon be able to self impregnate
I don't have a womb and I'm infertile due to hormones even if I got an artificial one.
going for another tgirl goon sesh
tgirls saved /tekgen/
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>Speedkicks is younger than I am
Owari da
chat is that image real
i wish there were more futa self preg porn
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Tekken 7 story was GOAT
You are just a rando anon saying yes..
first time I've ever heard that opinion
The heat system means that RA is not needed anymore. Please delete this garbage ass mechanic.
I've come back from the longest break. Can someone fill me in on the biggest changes? Who got nerfed/buffed the most? State of Drag, Reina and Hwo?
do you want a coffee too? how much sugar? do you want it with milk?
go read the changelogs lmao
there hasn't been any updates
Drag is still good
Reina is still good
I don't know about Hwo
dragunov got nerfed damage output and nerfs to his lows (fc one no longer gives a follow-up on CH, hatchet has less reach, more pushback on hit, staggers on block, and is +3)
reina lost tracking on ff2 and got damage nerfs, fc df4 and some of her other roll moves no longer high crush
hwoarang now cannot do powercrush or flappy kicks after you block d3,4, you now get 16F guaranteed, and the two-hit powercrush is now -14 like in tekken 7
oh I should say that dragunov's wr2 is +4 now on top of a damage nerf, his b4 does not hit grounded and is like -7 on block
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So why did Jun fuck Kazuya?
Honestly happy with all those changes, definitely needed. I say that as a filthy Hwo ape who mainly plays against a Drag/Reina main
Stopped reading there.
Literally me.
And I gooned again to FUCKING LEO!
Your parents also crazy an ecological agent with magical powers and an asshole with magical powers who wants to kill you?
speedkicks vs rest needs to be on stream
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The year is 2006

Can Anakin defeat Chikurin
I miss when Tekken was Anime KINO
No. Also are they playing now?
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Holy hell we need BASED AND REDPILLED Jin back.
I saw a dream in which Jin died because Lili killed him
That’s the ending of Tekken 9
No. Their pool will start at 6pm EDT. The whole thing will start at 12pm EDT
In contrast to the fish-like Asuka, the garlic-nosed Lililin Xiaoyu, the slightly better M Jackson Nina, the amateur Katarina, and the pee-smelling Josie, Anna and Julia's faces are obviously different from the DLC, perhaps because they put more effort into it. In the same vein, Kunimitsu is also made cute. You can feel that enthusiasm from the three tones of color used in his hair. The default costume is also made with great attention to detail.
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I wish that were me xiaoyu kicking my face her pussy on my chest the dream
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Going into CEO, I feel like Tekken 8 is at a place where it's actually really good. It's not perfect but it's way better state than most of T7's life cycle and everything that was T8 before the latest patch. I am glad Bamco were quite proactive in patching the game quickly rather than waiting for TWT to end.
Yeah, Michael really knocked it out of the park.
Topping Leo while Eliza tops me
H&M&N won. They better make Lidia fun now and not full of pachinko shit.
she'll be Eddy with powercrushes
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Work is rest from Tekken.
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/tekgen/ lobby returns.
Region: Any
Name: tekgen
Passcode: 1122
All frauds are welcome.
the day the tekken lobby will have no alisa, i'll join it
being an asiafag sucks
whats with the alisa hate sister?
do you have issues dealing with red rank alisas mashing b44?
yes and also with dragunov
We should organize one there should be enough people here for that.
Legit, anons who are in Asia and willing to do a lobby give this post a (you)
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>wake up
ceo when?
After evo
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Will Lili ever win another tournament and save tekken?
Starting in how many hours?
See >>483865105
will i get laid after evo
If you do you will be banished from tekgen. We have a strict celibacy policy.
No she's too low tier.
even if i get laid by a man?
blud is posting region: any to a online Tekken lobby
blud thinks we have enough people in a region to even fill 4 slots in a tekken lobby
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I want to have sex with these girls
bludnigger, why are you not in /sfg/?
blud thinks we play sf
I hope not. She's for using lewd mods and r34 only.
I've seen your posts in /sfg/ bludnigger.
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why are they naked?
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she's for my average-sized hispanic cock
>press heat smash button in practice mode
>character always does an attack after an animation
>do it online
>half the time character doesn't do anything after the animation
what the fuck is this bullshit?
blud visits /sfg/ and thinks we are all one person
bruv oh my fucking days 1 more year of sir gay
You mean Heat Burst? If you input a backdash after activating heat it will cause the character to cancel their Heat Burst attack
/sfg/ is my fulltime job
/tekgen/ is me moonlighting
alright fair enough.
kys slimenigger
Remove heat
Remove rage arts
If you lose the first game and the enemy doesn't rematch you get your points back
If the enemy disconnects you gets the same amount of points as if you'd win
There, I fixed Tekken 8.
doesn't need fixed
if i win the first game and the opponent doesn't rematch i should get points as if I won the second
it does need
>slimenigger mentioned
guess you want to talk about sf again? been trying it lately? are you finally ready to have some matches with me?
Tekken fans are buck broken because it’s a le epic legacy game AND half of these retards scare about the FGC and want to go to tournaments and have a FGC twitter

They will like to you and say 7 was bad and 8 isn’t bad while complaining the entire time
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So if Jun were dead for real, was Kazuya not planning to fuck any other woman?
kazuya fucked plenty of men and it's still doing it nowaday
He was far too busy with the world domination grindset.
imagine not seeing this outcome years ago when the Dumb and Dumber showed their epic tshirt and people laughed
Slimenigger woke up I see
feeling like P Diddy?
splash of cum to seal the deal
>1k hours on tekken 7
>100 hours on SFV

Didn’t play fighting games before and Tekken was better for a multitude of reasons. However, tekken 8 removed soul out of tekken while SF6 did get way better.

Play whatever you want I don’t give a fuck, the moral high ground over some dlc doesn’t change the fact tekken 8 is worse than 7 in almost every way. The system now makes all characters play the same, etc. it’s not really about sf6 being better although it is, it’s tekken having shitty monetization andnworse game play this time
Maybe you're just retarded?
Defend your shitty fighting game all you want and I’m glad you finally hit reds
Slime Pachinkos Dix is a literal mickey party masher and its competitive scene is a fat fake joke.

Nice buzzwords man

>no this is a party masher!!!!

They’re all party mashers, they’re literally designed for teenagers to play
blud thinks mashen is not a party masher
the real mickey mouse game is kingdom hearts and you can now get those games on steam
Your game is 100% just random shit. Your top 8 placements are completely random. Your game is a party masher with no competitive consistency whatsoever. Your latest cope has been this.
i had pretty mixed feelings on reina when she was first unveiled but she has grown on me a lot DESU

thanks nakatsu
I have less than 100 on SF6 currently.

My point is that Tekken 8 is worse than 7 while SF got way better. I’m not trying to be a FGC member tournament player, don’t give a fuck at all.
However, even at a tournament level - tekken 8 is very stale
If you like tekken so much, quit engaging with SF players like it’s a console war and being emotionally tied into how well T8 does
SF6 is way more random than Jive and its characters are all horror engine abominations.
>other player does a full string
>i block it all
>press 5a
>they ended in crouching stance and launch punish the jab whiff and I die instantly
should I just keep blocking
Do a fast mid
wtf is 5a ,retard?

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