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>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

Last Round: >>483809030
>Bison is a buck broken mind broken old man but still OP in-lore and in-game
Pathetic storytelling.
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Early thread naughty OP
This; even KEN should be able to beat Bison by now.
Something something muh psychic powers something something
>Capital letters KEN
Why nobody just pop a cap in Bison's ass? Is there no guns in the SF universe?
>that Juri DP into level 3 to beat DI in burnout
gangster as fuck
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They can't even cook a Bison's successor.
They could finally make a Bison clone to be his spiritual daughter/son, or make JP actually the new leader instead of just another mob.
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My cutie, duckface wife.
>t. Balrog
Would Balrog suck Bison's cock if he were ordered to?
nu-Capcom storytelling is just making old iconic characters lolcows.
Ryu? a virgin bum.
Ken and Guile? Cucked bums.
Chun? Just a stepmother who does nothing but yoga.
Juri? pathetically weak.
>Inb4 she just mellowed out because she got married blah blah shitpost
Even marriage doesn't make a person this fucking weak. Juri used to be a top tier fighter and is now weaker than mindbroken Bison.
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>That's kinda gay. But you know..........money talks.
Balrog would empty a clip in Bison's chin with his glock
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Why are we pretending to care about fighting games lore?
looks painful
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Bison is the Kazuya equivalent.

Except that while Kazuya is mad cool and masculine, so you cheer for him even if he is a villain. Bison is just some faggot in a cape who already got btfo a couple of times.
not everyone believes that characters are just functions
How do you buff Kimberly without making her annoying or OP?
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>the boring heroes are all losers
>meanwhile based Rog and Vega are rich as fuck flexing on niggas
Uhh based?
Why did they give Vega a harem of little boys
Shes already fucking annoying. Everything about that character is annoying.
But women are pathetically weak so it kind of makes sense. Aki is really the only character that would be able to fight with men because of her Poison
I dont really respect SF lore and honesrly I dont even think its canon, but just pointing out how pathetic and straight up lazy the writing is for the local capcucks who unironically slop this storytelling and eagerly wait for new chapters.
i would give her a slightly bigger butt
Are drivers still fucked for SF6? I reinstalled windows with the latest driver for my GPU and I keep getting slowdown.
You can't her archetype is annoying as fuck whether she's good or bad fuck her
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>Married autistic brazillian man obsessed with her
Juri? Won.
Love is unironically, all that matters in life.
WRONG ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It might not be the drivers then, verify the files integrity or whatever on steam, then try just reinstalling if that doesn't work.
>Love is unironically, all that matters in life
what game did this sakura being friends with blanka thing start?
>Implying JH won't find a better, younger, cuter waifu than this bdp hag
Waiting for the divorce saga
>Ryu? a virgin bum
Incorrect, I ride him dutifully each night
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Press F for the fallen heroes of S1 that we never see anymore
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Bisonfags are such brainlets that I literally just walk up and throw them after they plant a bomb on me. Goofy fucks
nobody ever enjoyed playing against JP and Luke was just an overtuned boring pseudo-shoto which is why Luke players can easily switch to any of the other top tier shotos
>Marry your characters to some off-screen whores and don't give them offspring to be new characters just have them miserable and jaded
NTR japs
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There can be no shame, the truth of love prevails
eating saintcolas ass for 1 milly? would.
>t. Ken
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>a buck broken mind broken old man but still OP in-lore
peak storytelling
Dan and Sakura are friends, Blanka became friends with Dan in Alpha 3 so somewhere around there

Blanka then learned to routinely ejaculate inside of Sakura whenever she felt down.
It's clean at least yeah?


>Saying Guts is OP when he is a cucked traumatized rape victim cripple who still can't touch his arch nemesis
Based retard.
>Comparing a real character with flaws and qualities to balance it out to some Crimson Chin wannabe whose entire personality is being a Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain
Kys even a background character in Berserk has more depth than the entirety of SF lore.
...still worth unfortunately. I hate being alive sometimes.
Dangerously Based
>Crimson Chin wannabe
kek but for real bison does have a nice jawline
>Mena almost getting a round taken off of him by.....LIOR....
some random timmy just took a round off a 2 time CPT champion

ive seen enough
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Need Makoto abs
He's just getting the download/conditioning completed
Tried Bison with a rental ticket. Got stuck on intermediate combo 5 for for the full hour. Shant be playing this character, back to Elden Ring.
Daigo said first match is data. Download complete.
I love berk fans, they're so fragile and defensive
A good plan. Have fun
fucking fatass mena
>Make idiotic statement
>"Eat shit, idiot"
>hurrduurr I gottem epic trolled xDD
covid is over why are they still wearing masks
IF a "Street Fighter" game has any other universal mechanic for movement other than walking and simple jumping then it's NOT a real Street Fighter game.

The following games are not real SF games: 3S, CVS1, CVS2, SFIV, SFV, SF6.
maybe they're sick?
>The majority of the playerbase should get less content and a subpar product so the 10% that trybard and think they are a epic pro can have better results and delude themselves into thinking they have talent
jappas were wearing masks at events long before covid was a thing
they're as demented as sleepy joe. just keep your distance and ignore them
it's literally impossible to be consistent in this game unless you have ft10s, tournaments are fake as fuck
It has been said and confirmed, E-Sport faggotry has been cancer to this genre.
>People are cucks who rather watch than play
>People will defend less content in defense of "muh balance" so they can larp as pros
Reminder that after posting this there will be some schizo searching for any mention of him just to rant and rave about how it's not fair that Clayton is better looking than them, and is smarter than them. This guy would have a monopoly on the scene if not for his haters. Clayton for president of the FGC.
People who defend less characters/updates like the faggots who like the 1 year patch are basically admitting they are too dogshit to adapt, learn MUs and new characters and would rather play a shitty incomplete game they are good with than a real game they would struggle.
kys clayton
and fuck off back to /fgg/
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>>Implying JH won't find a better, younger, cuter waifu than this bdp hag
>Waiting for the divorce saga
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>Clayton outta thin air
>fgg outta outta thin air as well
Uh oh melty!?
I have never played SF? :O
it's truly ower for juri if even kuji abandoned her
30 characters is the perfect amount for any fighting game.
Consistency makes the game very boring and nerfs novel set-ups.
Looks like shit
Crazy how saying something like "e-sport was a mistake" sends Capcucks into mindbroken status.
Games are supposed to be fun. If you only have fun winning, and you NEED to have less content to win, you are cancer.
Note I did not say those were bad games.
They just aren't Street Fighter.
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mari mari!
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>coping and seething this hard
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seething are we
Yeah. Sometimes I dream of SF6 but it has accessible execution. What an utopia that would be..
Stop samefagging.
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no fear
Destroying Menat's bright pink pussy contrasted against her dark skin and breaking her hymen with my jr.
Keep loving Juri.
Why are there so many Giefs at CEO so far? I thought they nerfed him already
reddit character
Nooo anon you don't get it!

It doesn't matter if more characters means more gameplay variety, more ways to express your skill, and more content for the game.

I need my game to have 12 characters so I can rank up faster and win more! I only play fighting games to win and can't even enjoy the gameplay anymore!
They made his stmk slightly shorter, that's literally nothing
>stmk slightly shorter
that's quite underselling it, it's literally like 10 pixels shorter. barely anything at all.
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mvc2 has a million characters and people only play like 9
the 'nerf' was like 7% reduction for one normal
>coping and seething this hard
But enough about your mother who carried you for months and busted her vagina open just to shit out a worthless retard who shitposts online for attention from other men...
OD Lariat being able to combo into level 3 has been a disaster for the SF community
>Gief gets horny because he smells JH's pheromones from his nut inside Juri's cunt
It's time for men.
>just trying to get a warmup set in the hub
>laggy ass dude with "nigeria fgc" in tag
>ed player
>ed player
>laggy motherfucker
holy shit
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how does /sfg/ feel bison returning in sf6 with such a handwave sets a precedent that capcom will never actually kill off a fan favorite character
So Dhalsim puts women like Chun-li in a headlock, yells "YOGA" at the top of his lungs, and then proceeds to bash their skull in as hard as he possible can.
That's not okay!
i dont care about lore and i like bison as a character so im glad he's back
Bison doesn't count because he has in game lore reasons to come back over and over.

Gen is dead for real though
they already handwaved gouken and gen being back even though they were supposed to be dead and they were much less iconic for the series
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I’m not surprised. Seeing others have meltdowns is the funny part. Nakayama for all his boasting knows how to avoid SF3 failures
> Shinichiro Obata
(Street Fighter 3 planner, Capcom Japan)

If you look at games like Street Fighter Alpha, Alpha 2, and Alpha 3, they sold very well. And as you already know, they had familiar characters like Zangief, Blanka, and E. Honda that the fans really wanted to see. Just having those legendary Street Fighter 2 characters was enough for those games to sell very well. But because Street Fighter 3 had started out as an entirely different game, they had a totally new cast of characters, which nobody liked. The problem was that the characters had very uninspired designs, and I would say they were quite strange in comparison. If you think about the fact that we moved on to the CPS-3 arcade hardware for this game, I think people wanted to see Vega, E. Honda, etc. created on that new hardware with the technology it offered.
People want to see the SF2 cast in RE. We have the world warriors and 1 of the 4 new challengers and 1 of the 4 bosses.
>nobody liked
Sf3 scribblo bros…………..
Nigga who cares?
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>You will never take a sniff outta Juri's pussy and smell her husband's cum leaking outta it as her korean dynasty pale pussy phermentates his brazilian brown mutt seed
Gief is too lucky brehs...
Nash is dead
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All you have to do to bring characters back is have flashbacks in story mode. So Gen can be in because he's in Chun-li and Akuma's flashbacks.
Nu-SF players
how do you make it even easier lol
are the dixies just accepting the micky threads now?
Is that two or three deaths now
I don't know not a game dev, but I'm sure it can be done. st.MP into cr.MP with Bison is completely impossible for example and you need to be able to do that. Just make timings more generous.
just blew a fat load in Chun's pussy
jannies don't do their job
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Put some respect on his name
Its CHADkey for you
Remove the drive system entirely and rebalance.
Just specials and supers.
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Truth speaker
looks like they're doing their job to me
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smash niggas migrated to sf because of Modern remember that
If you make timings more generous then the best players will NEVER miss these combos, thus making them absolutely essential to learn, thus in turn making the game harder for newer players to get into because ANY mistake leads to a very long and very damaging combo that the opponent will never ever drop.

This is the catch-22 to making games more accessible to beginners. When you do that you also make it easier for the good players to do the most broken shit possible on a reliable basis. That's why the inputs and timings were harder in past games as a way to make it more difficult to do max damage.
Retards who liked a shadow falls
can psycho crusher beat air fireballs and dive kicks? if so, i will purchase the season pass
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its better.
all the newcomers in 6 are shit.
all the plot points in 6 are shit.
all the set up for post bison has been shit with SF3 already even though gill and urien are based.
Ed is gay and his story is utterly uninteresting. JP is a small fry set up to not matter at all in the grand scheme of things.
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My tongue sodomizing Cammy. Simple as.
SF6 > Strive
>air fireball
It should, divekicks is harder because cammy is cheap
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>st.MP into cr.MP with Bison is completely impossible
that faggot luke thinks hes cool KEK!
I will stop your shitpost
Why aren't you guys at CEO?
How the fuck did SaintCola become the rog to get for commentary?
Dis nigga thinks he's so cool
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He must be doing sex favors or something for the timmies in power
Only tried for an hour and then my rental pass timed out but if it takes an hour to learn a combo that's a problem in the first place.
What's the point of Akuma's backward teleport?
light and medium psycho crusher reliably beats dive kicks and can go through air fireballs. They work reliably as anti airs too
all the fighting games there suck shit.

he's like half hard worker half west coast plant.
early on he was grinding all forms of shitter events that needed commentators to make a name for himself. he probably also doesnt ask for a lot of money.
truth is there is a lack of commentators and the best ones actually ask for cash.
Missed your posts BlueDJ
The only smash player that has the potential to make top 16 in majors is Riddles and at best he's gotten some games off of MenaRD so far.
This is exactly how he rose up in Smash
kids these days got no grit
>all the fighting games there suck shit
More like, even Smashfags tried SF6, found it garbage, and rather focus on Smash or migrate to T8.
The only guys who seriously rather play SF6 than Smash are permabegs who never made in Smash after years of playing but won their first local at SF6 in under 2 years like Fatality.
It lets you get some distance in timeout situations or stalling drive regeneration
Something funny is that its startup looks identical to the forward teleport so you can do something like H tatsu > backward teleport > EX fireball > drive rush stand HP, you'll catch them jumping with the EX fireball. I don't remember the setup exactly
Why did Capcom get away having a small ass base roster and having a ton of not wanted characters with series legends like Akuma and Bison being sold as DLC

>b-but SF has always had smal-
Shut the fuck up. SF also used to run at 240p with only two modes. This isn't 1994 anymore.
The result will only count if enough people vote, the daigo drills polls was some mickey shit with only 20 votes shouldnt even have counted
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Capcucks have slave mentality towards their icon like Nintendogs, Appledrones or Disneyshitters. But also because of e-sport pandering psyop by saying the game will be way more hecking competitive and balanced if they give you less content for you to learn and consume.
Bunch of 1-2'ers no names larping as pros wanna feel special by being the best at a broken, incomplete game.

>Implying there is more than 20 different people in /sfg/
Probably older than you. An hour for a basic trial combo is just retarded sorry. Value your time more.
especially that one.
How come nobody wants to fuck the black chicks?
>hurr durr niggers reeeee

Not even Kimberly tho?
I'd fuck the shit out of Menat
kimberly looks like shit you tasteless retard
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More like kids these days got more options instead of wasting their childhood doing retarded inputs that will lead to not bitches, money, respect, but arthritis.

Bloated inputs and meme motions don't make your game more complex, deep or interesting, by the way.
i would cut off my right foot to fuck kimberly what are you talking about
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my dick is sore but i think i'm gonna wank it again tonight. i ain't never gonna back down
something to do with every game being different from the last, and Capcom always makes new assets to keep things fresh. It's fucking retarded, this needs to stop I would rather have 30 character base roster of reused assets than the scraps we're getting right now every new entry.
What do you think Tokido jerks off to?
>Not holding for 7 days to get that burning multiple-shot soul breaking orgasm
Jappa asses aren't usually this bouncy
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Did broski go to CEO?
I just find it strange. I mean, it's 4chan and we hate niggers, I'm no exception.


Surely there's some way for a reasonable adult white male to find an adult black woman ssxually attractive under specific circumstances. There's always an exception to every rule somewhere, right?
We love Elena here
Shitter here, that IS easy. But I really fucking dislike the rules and combos in street fighter, they feel fucking random
Why is s.hp cancellable into super but not into anything else?
Why is the character that just recieved my exploding load and falling phasing through my normal hits but I can get them with a specific one or a scissor kick?
The link system is cool but it makes the game hard as shit to pick up too
Then I also despise light light dr light combos but that's my personal issue
Daigo drills
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light light dr into another light into a medium is completely impossible to me. i dont even bother and immediately skip when a trial asks me to do that.
>Will never hug my crying white gf as I win some Smash supermajor before busting a nut inside her later that night
I will never forgive my parents for not buying me Smash when I was a kid.

People bitch about SF rewarding legacy players, but you see shitters like UMA doing well, but you can't win shit in Smash unless you have been playing ever since you were a child, or you autistically grind some degenerate character like Sonic or Steve.
I don't know if GIWTWM or not.
The result will count by the end of the thread, don't care for voting dodgers.
Because you're bad and also stupid, and in fact you are so cripplingly stupid you think the problems exist in your environment instead of in your own retarded brain failing to represent reality to you correctly, the way it does for the rest of us, this making you look pathologically stupid, which is the worst kind of stupid you can possibly be, because you can't ever stop.
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>plat players in winners pool
literally carried by modern
Modern is baby food.
da fuck is this match
I feel like that shit is just an excuse so they can sell the roster as DLC again. I wish SF had remained on UE since SF6 is fucking ugly anyways.
They should always put the Modern Gold players on stream lmao
stop crying
links in 6 and v are the perfect execution middleground. you can literally mash them out.
you can't mash them out
I don't think that dude knew how to play Ken
you technically can but it's easier to just do them properly
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Modern is based and actually much harder to win with at high level than Classic. Surface level, it seems simple but its actually quite complex. Having to mix motion inputs while also having to switch to modern shortcuts during combos takes a higher level of muscle memory and deep understanding of the game. Not only are some of your normals taken away from your character, but some are locked behind the auto combo assist button which you have to utilize with your other standard buttons. To put it bluntly, Modern players are chads that are high IQ and much more skillful than classic players still playing on an outdated mode for babies. Give it a bit more time and you're all going to see the true potential of modernGAWDS.
you can
So perfect it literally can't attract and retain players at all, but dogshit japs moved by nicotine and alcohol.
You faggots don't even play other games, don't even have other hobbies, stop speaking like you understand half a shit about game design, please.
dude devil's reverse is the most fucked up move in this game. people are gonna be sobbing about this move after scissor kicks gets nerfed.
Smash tommy seething again
Why nerf bison? He is honest fundies, niggas just mad they have to block
Season 2 fixed
Sean, Remy, GQ, Dudley
How should it be used, I placed in diamond 5 and I just don’t find any place or time to use it
>"Last year was drive rush st.mp"
>"This year people got better at checking it"
>Juri immediately drive rush st.mp at Marisa who just blocks
Juri is probably Marisa's worst matchup
I personally am not capable enough to do links in this game but it's whatever. Good for you people it's still hard.
Bring back 1f links, nothing more satisfying than landing 1f jab links or
Another fucking Gief... he must be stopped
I think instead of making SF6 a two touch interaction game, lets make it a one interaction game. the first person to land a hit wins
>get into Strive
>start thinking about crossdressing
Look at the mirror, that should fix your sissification
do you live in saudi-arabia or what is the problem exactly
I'm gonna keep it a buck 50 on this anonymous website. Angrybird's Akuma is terrible
Diego is the best Kuma player in the world
If you're gonna still play sf just be gay, crossdressing is wack.
Men loving men is based tho
>losing to honda with not only ryu but redditgief too
A footsies.exe enjoyer
It's just what they've been doing with resident evil for a decade finally catching up to street fighter
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Resident Evil doesn’t have a mainline flop like SF3 fucking everything up, and its still complete ass after RE3
Delete RedditGief already
>dropped abearma even though hes good
Fuck fraudkido
everyone hated re6 because by that point people had figured out that the re4 formula was actually really bad

that's why they needed to do something completely different again with re7
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He's in.
>modern redditgief
>going into a match to button check
I unironically agree, modern is bad/ difficult to work with. Modern makes perfect sense for low ranks but it requires exponentially more effort than classic above 1400MR. Imagine half of your normals needing two or three buttons to execute.
5mp into 2mp with bison is actually really hard imo
It still sold almost 14 million, sf3 was a complete failure and fucked over SF for 10 years
In jail permanently for flopping so hard, and having no character.
Wish he was in the game instead of juri. Never liked that bitch since sf4
True, if it wasnt for the daigo parry 3s would be FC-only kuso, oh wait it still is.
But everyone pretends it's their favorite so that's something
redditgief gods stay winning
ken 4chan incels stay losing
>abel and seth in the same season
would be kino unironically
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She's alright, but not that fun to play for me.
remember when sfv cinematic story featured him prominently but they then never actually bothered to put him into the game

that was really funny
Why didn't they shoehorn necalli into world tour and then not add him too?
Coulda been funny
just dashed forward like a retard
what ken brainrot does to a nigga
i know that was kid but every pop off against ken is justified
Crabba on stream
I really am curious about something related to Juri.
Does Juri have no good options aside from flowcharts?
I am not even complaining about the character itself, but it feels like it does not matter if its a platinum Juri, Diamond, or 1600 MR, they all play the same way, and makes me wonder if its a character problem not letting them really express themselves in any way.
didnt caba fix his eye at some point
>no Bison allowed
>but Akuma and Gief fixes are
what's the shemale enjoyer retard masterplan?
Odds that Bison gets emergency nerfed before Evo?
she is an easy character
why do you think Problem X dodged?
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Low chance
do you really want 6 bisons in top 8?
no its more like Juris strengths are so polarizing they don't NEED other options
that same plat level Juri flowchart got someone a million dollars
if it aint broken dont fix it is the way characters like this work, they do not need to adapt and grow because what they work with works every time no matter the matchup no matter the opposing player
it doesn't look fully functional to me
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What are your top 3 fighters you hate fighting?
Betty has a better Juri than Uma
>that same plat level Juri flowchart got someone a million dollars
no it didn't UMA abused the fuck out FSE and no one knew how to deal with it. if you remove FSE from the equation then sure but no one in plat or diamond or 1600 ever activates that super
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>do you want Bison nerfed
grappa #1
grappa #2
grappa #3
they're not nerfing him, because that would be admitting modern was a mistake.
I fucking love psycho crushing white boys
They activate at 1400, they just drop every single time they try to use it.
Source: I'm hardstuck 1400 with like 4 characters
there were very standard FSE combos anyone can easily lab out and implement into their gameplay
FSE is only smart super meter usage as opposed to the ranked player who wants to see juris lvl 3 super animation every single game and will hit it even when the opponent is a jab away from death
FSE doesnt give juri anything new when you stop looking at the damage and only the neutral
Same same same same
This weekend is going to be a good one
a few minor changes are easier to figure out in a couple of days than an entire new character's moveset
Jebailey would have allowed Poison to be played if she were added last week
literally no one uses FSE (and if they do not effectively) at like below 1800. you lack perspective or don't fight the character much at all. uma beat chris wong with a FSE burnout sequence i guarantee you 99.9% of juri players in plat and up do not know how to use. i'm not gonna cape for uma or whatever but claiming he just used her basic generic gameplay is untrue and easily proven.
Poison successfully transitioned her gender, bison did not.
Elena patch will confirm Dudley, rogs will pay
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how did this slip past Capcom USA?
Biden supporters don't mess with mexicans
Do you guys think bison is top 3?
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They don't hold any power anymore. Jive era is over. Only thing they can do now is hire cringe ecelebs to dub the characters and shill trannies on their twitter/twitch.
he will probably end up somewhere mid-tier like marisa when people eventually figure him out
>Do you guys think
Not a single anon here is capable
/fgg/ is currently breaking down every CEO stream match in detail while you guys........... goon to Lily.
Jebailey X Suzie Hunter
nigga really think im finna check /fgg/
>boomers trying to play the game
my greatest claim to fame is wiggety washing jebailey 2 - 0 in jive ranked in plat
Jebailey bros?
he was ass at jive, but dix is actually making him look like a decent player.
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>been playing Ed since he came out
>mess around a bit with Bipson
>keep trying to kill rush after normals and in neutral
Anyone got that AI generated song about Slime Fighter 6?
Plat was not ass in SFV
No hes low tier like akuma
Why are people alluding to karin normals as "the white woman sweep" when karin is japanese
lmao in what universe, he's getting utterly destroyed by a smashie right now and mashing constantly.
>We only do one balance update per year!!
>still insist on releasing multiple DLC pay to win shit a year that naturally disrupts the balance of the game
Just dont do it.
Just win!
i was stuck in plat for a long time, it definitely was
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Even trash like LTG could get to Super Diamond
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im watching will it kill with sajam :)
maybe if you were in like australia or south africa

anything below ultra diamond was complete ass in any populated region
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>plat in jive jebailey is not a 1700 MR dix god

Dix gave him superpowers
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Probably her or Lily
First off they said no more yearly patches, second of all Bison and Akuma are balanced
I was stuck in Silver and Gold in SFV for a long time, Plat was not ass



I'm just on another level.
Wats that mean tho
More or less patches
I dare not assume
Only in the first couple seasons, towards the end it was only diamond+above or everything else below
I couldnt :(
Sf6 gave me superpowers
>First off they said no more yearly patches
But Slime shills said one balance patch per year was great for "le meta to settle in".

As if the fucking slime meta wasn't figured out after the first month of release.
What do you think bisons outfit 3 will be?
how are booms real just parry nigga
Something showing his titties and abs
slingshot thong
A wiseguy outfit ala SF4
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Don't get my hopes up
>Friend just dropped to 1200 MR
>Keeps crying how nothing is his fault and he has to put twice as much effort as Akuma than everyone else
How do I tell him it's over for him?
The characters taking more time I can buy but the costume pipeline is way too slow, by this time jive already had like 7 chun costumes. Not to mention the cc winner no longer designing one.
will show every inch of his body, while they completely cover up Mai and Elena. They're directly competing with Ed Boon
You don't
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Never ever?
why do they need to put more money into that when their marketing strategy was successful and their seeing higher numbers than ever before due to battle passes and microtransactions?

normies hating jive was a blessing in disguise because they put so much love and care into it in their updates.
can you read?
he uses the SAME basic juri shit every single juri does EXCEPT he has better super meter management
thats it, his neutral and gameplay outside of ACTIVATING lvl 2 super is nothing different or unique, the characters brainless autopilot AND smart super usage got him 1 million dollars
if you mained a character that wasnt an SF2 rep or a fan favorite your choices of costume were:
>maybe a halloween one if Capcom wanted to throw you a cookie or nostalgia if they were a returning character
I'm less homo now
buy the costumes so that capcom can give us more content
"everyone gets one costume per year" is so much better than "the whores get 15 costumes a year, your main will get 1 extra in the 7 years after his release"
no its not
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Buy M.Bison or no Makoto for you
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Alex had some of the worst costumes i’ve ever seen in a fighting game
i prefer parity in costume choices for all characters

and like half of the chun costumes were low effort slop anyway
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season 3 (2025-2026)
>Jin Kazama
>New Character

>Season 4
>Fei Long
>T. Hawk
>Captain Sawada
I've pretty much only ever seen people.use the animal head one or tracksuit
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>fun as fuck
>completely invalidates the most boring fireball driverush playstyles and FORCES the other player to interact
>can actually make you block and hold that shit
they just need to tone him down slightly (particularly his damage wtf were they thinking lol) so i don't have to feel bad about playing him and we'll be golden.
You forgot URIEN
>Snore Fighter 3 character
um, no?
Capcom was smart, they knew this was one of the 10 models they made that wasnt an eyesore to look at so they decided to pump out costumes for her right away.
Alex got fucked over design wise period, his face is ugly as shit, they screwed up his legs, all his animations look scuffed and incomplete and they let him be bottom 5 for the better part of the game's service until the last season where they decided to buff him beyond giving lariat more + frames on hit
refunding Bison right now
the borderline tasteful beginning of areola color showing is ver nice
my hatred for makoto is fortunately greater than my interest for bison
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Yes. You understand why SF2 is beloved
People will look at this image and say “hell yeah”.
But then you have tastless niggas who OPENLY admit I might add, saying shit like
>ewww who wants vega or Balrog, I want me sim muthfuggin Dudley and my fat bitch Rufus
yall know rashid is top 2 right now, right?
It's gonna be gief season all year
Anyone want to play a set?
Next season is going to have another guest character but this time it's just gonna be an xman
please be Cyclops so that people that complain the game has too many shotos can shit and piss their pants further
Oil King is a menace
next season guest character is going to be negan
Sim is a world warrior don't lump him in with dud and Rufus
It's going to be Morrigan, calling it now.
*Rashid carrying shitters
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It's spyral
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season 3 (2025-2026)
>Liu Kang
>Jin Kazama
>New Character

>Season 4
>Sol Badguy
>her lore is that she’s just a succubus, the makai and all that shit “Might” exist or whatever
Wonder if her kids with John streets will be Jedah tier
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niggas actually rock the hollywood black guy hair?
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thoughts on kolin?
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lol this guy has the stereotypical woke media black man haircut
The KANTOOOOOOO of Street Fighter
Matz will make sure it's Storm
did... did the kilmonger cut guy just do the wakanda forever salute
need dat
It doesn’t look good irl outside of movies either, lol
based eddy gordo
he's african and uses that haircut before it became a meme
this nigga is the niggiest nigga of all niggas to ever nigga it up
Ed boon would lose his shit if we had a hotter cooler, marvel Sheeva
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>what kinda cut you want senpai
lickin that stubble
Jebailey denied us dr afrikan Bison stomping all NA
Who is that plain ass tasty wonder bread next to killmonger tho...
>dARksTaLkeRs aRE NOt DEaD
Sure Capcom
>the niggas actually wear the hecking killmonger cut?
timmy really thinks the mahvel slop he watches came up with a hairstyle
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Damn right bitch. Youre really telling me these bozos are good?!
*od psychos your stupid gay little tornado super* nothin personnel kid
No one itt is black or interacts with any amount of blacks outside of MAYBE one or two that go to locals, IF they go to locals.
Alex and Urien/Gill were popular in 5 albeit, now the rest are scribblos true
Can he do that? No whey
dudley clears
makoto clears
ibuki clears
urien clears
oro clears
Q clears
For some reason Balrog’s outfit always makes me chuckle because of how mundane he looks compared to the others
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Keep seething, nerd
Makoto and Dudley are questionable.
IF they beat the scrimblo accusations it's by a fucking sliver.
The multiple balance changes per year doesn't mean shit if their idea of a patch is what they released with Bison
There was a patch with bison lol
what does "scrimblo" even fucking mean
Why would they change much when the akuma patch just released. Thats some mk1 type shit
jix needs a brawler grappler like alex anyway
…and Yang.
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Damn, nigga can't catch a break
obscure character with exaggerated appeal by their fans. if someone calls a character a "scrimblo" that way they're saying they're irrelevant and not actually wanted by many people
it'll probably be similar to sfv patching. 2 major balance changes per year, one likely mid-season and smaller in scope and then the post-season patch with general scope, with smaller patches and bug fixes over the season.
No way season 3 doesn’t have him or hugo
Honestly, compared to most of the the SF4, SF5, and SF6 newcomers, I’d say yeah
Why couldn’t Gill get a cool movie like this?
We know Rashid, Ken and Akuma are overtuned. We know Lily, Manon, Jaime, Sim, and Honda are still ass. There's some pretty obvious changes that can be made that we shouldn't need to wait half a year for.
We don't have the ability to create kino like this anymore. This is made on techniques that are lost today.
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>bison gets to do this with a simple OD
>meanwhile lily has to have a stock charged and can get hit out with a jab

its not heckin fair
Gill has no friends, who is he going to walk down a corridor menacingly with? Kolin?
Like a fuckload of Twelves
not punish counter so he could have blocked
bison can punish level 2 if done in neutral, but no rashid is doing it in neutral like that in this matchup, rashid can enhanced backdash bison's ex psycho crusher and make it whiff if the bison does it on wakeup in response to a level 2 set up as well
Lmao I just didn't think he could that's CrazYy
no Rashid will do that in neutral retard
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I fucking love men
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Game is doomed, switching to sim
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I fucking love hags
>be capcom
>snk is a competitor owned by the saudi
>know very well the saudi want to grow their intellectual property (new game, dlc in smash, etc)
>decide to accept saudi money to promote snk, a competitor
i never seen apple promoting android, or volkswagen helping car brands in america
is capcom actually retarded?
You can make that work if kolin was 90s animated. If SF3 didn’t bomb, I could see an Ova with 2nd Imapct plot.
based and hagpilled
Ooooo same!
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The BBC Illuminati are kino enough
that is a woman
now zero, virgil and dr doom for your viewing pleasure
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Nuh uh
They're greedy above all. SF Dix is already a glorified store front anyways.
The covenant
Simple answer is that Matsumoto/Nakayama likes the characters. You think they chose fucking Elena because somebody other than them wanted her?
>no lewds of aki
Oops wrong pic
SNK is a 'competitor' to Capcom in the same way the Ouya was a competitor to Nintendo
>he could have blocked
so? it's -3
Zero will be the next guest character
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Can't believe capcom blew it again
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Damn mare needs correction...
I wish somebody played Nemesis. Cool as shit to see him in a fighting game but mvc3 is ass
>anon doesn't know that all the different studio devs meet up and kiss each other on the weekends
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>not punish counter so he could have blocked
it CAN happen
as for whether rashids will do it or not, maybe so. maybe so. but it is something he has to actually think about and can't just simply run his braindead pressure so easily.
sf genuinely peaked here
FUCK I hate that you reminded me of that one
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getting a punish is better. sure, you get to avoid the level 2 but again, no rashid except the garbage ones are doing level 2 in neutral in this matchup. they all already saw the tweets on how to beat ex psycho crusher with level 2.
>getting a punish
sure, but just getting through it is great
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Why should I main this bitch?
You shouldn't.
Or if you just really hate blocking and love getting read, yeah that's your girl.
sniffy licky
>street fighter matches end
>close stream
I ain't watching marvel kuso
the crazy thots
any ceo upsets today? did mena lose to another greesedabeast again?

yeah idk. if you like fast movement, hooligan, divekick, a lot more damage, akuma is just better. if you like fucking fireball cucks, fast movement, full screen super, a lot more damage, megafast drive rush, bison is just better.
cammy is an outdated design, basically a sfv character with a bad drive rush
I unironically hope it's cyclops season 3 slot 1
i'd be down with that desu

Sherry Jenix commentating
Jamie is not a trap.
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i'd fuck the dust out sherry's pussy
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delete that shit
based loyal kami6 players
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Me on the left
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Jamie! Love that guy (male)
>Play Elden Ring for a week and some change
>Try to play SF6 again
I had to relearn how to do multiple special moves, lost the ability to do any of my basic bnbs, I had to relearn how to do do instant drive rush, forgot every route. Uninstalled after I just don't have the brain capacity for this I'm just gonna play comfy singleplayer games from now on. What a humiliation ritual this was.
Games are supposed to be fun, it's never wrong to throw the towel if you're not really into something
I want to KISS Juri on the cheek and also learn to use engine
Was it your first fightan, I'm assuming so.
Or are you BDJ, and we'll see you tomorrow
why is she a minion
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I stopped playing the game for 3 weeks during my vacations. When I came back my gameplay was a bit awkward at first but everything came back quickly after a few hours. I really don't think this genre was made for you bluedj. Like most people can get into FGs but you're one of the few people who's brain wasn't made for this shit. Uninstalling was the right call
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he literally has a condition that makes muscle memory hard to retain no shit it isnt for him
Shut the hell up blue is our GUY and he can do anything, he just needs to upload more clips and then not take any advice.
All seriousness though blue you are a decent intermediate player and I'm sure everyone would appreciate you at any local.
People keep taunting and seething at me in shart strike even though they suck. Done with this kookily game honestly, it was a good few years
can i have some yordles?
s3 will have vex
wrong thread sis
tekgen been seething at sf6 for hours
Why did he not have an issue with strive execution
Latter but I actually am just kind of going to play more ER and start my SMTVV playthrough I think.

I tried for an hour to Bison's intermediate trial 5, I saw a lot of streamers do it literally first try (I think it might be possible in SF4 so maybe that's why) and then my rental felt out and I just felt very defeated. That should not be a combo that takes an hour to do once.
Oh no..riotsister you goofed.
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drumpft tard
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Go back, nobody cares about your Pepe’s and baits
lily is already a goblin
gatlings + enormous special cancel windows (like 3 times that of sf6), much shorter charge time on charge specials, no links, he plays leo. he cant do supers very well though
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Actually managed to do all of Chun's trials on keyboard without really struggling, nice.
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i ate a lil bit too good
>compiling shaders
what did they update? avatar shit?
this current patch makes the game impossible for me to play, constantly dropping between 56-60 frames, non stop. rolling back my driver did not help.
My 19 year old detective wife in alpha…
some of this is concerning to me because i believed sf6 to already be rock bottom but apparently we can get even more retard friendly. sf7 is gonna be dire.
Chun apologizing after ripping a fart
The games have been remedial since 5 removed 1f links
>he just needs to upload more clips and then not take any advice.
I find this unfair I do accept advice all the time.
I can beat you in a game that takes skill with 1 button
but can you beat me at flipping coins
Why wont this fucking game let me fullscreen
1 frame links weren't standard even before SFIV, the real problem was having generous reversal windows, and having long combos/highly damaging combos being easier to execute. Of which could be independent of links because it was often the damage that came from cancelling into that shit. At this rate if you want to reintroduce a challenge for higher damaging combos you would have to make everyone Luke or Guile and give them just-frame only combos because the regular combos are too easy to consistently pull off.
sf6 is the joe biden of fighting games and capcucks are the npcs who still support
Who won Capcom Cup? Tokido? Punk?
blud wastes his time on red VS blue drama hell NAH
Let me play the way i want to
this smells like a capcope
>c-capcom still loves me, ill buy the latest burrito avatar!
the horse guy
but enough about mashen 8
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Rather be Biden than a loser like Trump
Back to your respective discords, tourists.
Stop talking about useless bullshit and tell me why the game only gives me borderless windowed as an option and why it only gives me modern controls as an option
because you're gay
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He did it witout rog or dudley, das crazy
retards here unironically thought that ed would be a good replacement for him.
Smug is a beast, Dreece is a beast, are there any other beasts?
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Hit master last night, fucking finally!
Yeah, my DICK
Ed cant even replace Rog
congrats, you got past the tutorial, now see where your MR is
even mario collaborated with sonic.
if he was smart, he uninstalled this dogshit ass game already
>sf6 is half off for the summer sale
one year game on sale with multiple DLCs?
Cultivating a FGC audience is the worst, a smart person would have branched off already to be a reaction and variety streamer.
game has been half off for 6 months straight
>All the retards responding to this post saying we want LESS costumes and this actually s good thing
capcucks will defend capcom no matter how senile they get
The music in this scene alone makes the ENG version superior.
reddit moment
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>reddit is bad
kuji needs more costumes so he can make money off his art chuds
is bison a technical character?
why can't that nigga get a real job?
about as technical as honda
as he has always been
Come back anytime blue we love and support you. Nothing wrong with being a casual, it's a video game to play and have fun with other people. Everyone itt is a casual of varying degrees.
>e honda if he good
juri's fireball is so fucking bad it might as well be dan's fireball. abhorrent move
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its insane how hard corporations can condition drones.
MP+MK > 66 lil nigga
He can't even lose weight.
Imagine being so mentally ill you let yourself become so fat your joints start to fail and your organs get all stuffed up, inflated together inside you, can't even see your own cock anymore, can't do 3min of cardio without gasping for air.
Obese people should just be shot at this point.
bison has like 7 ways to get past it
Close match.
At my fattest I was like 110kg, and I didn't even look obese outside a bit of belly and in my back, but I still was feeling like shit.
Eating right +30min of walk every day brought me to 99kg in like a month or two and I already looked and felt much better.
92kg now and I'm ok. Don't look ripped like a gymfaggot, but I look acceptable.
Akuma fucking sucks if you lose to him you're literally terrible
*air fireballs u*
could it possibly be that you just suck?
We can play and find out
Holy fuck i hate Akuma
snkcels still mad about kuji calling out the saudi blood money
sure, make the lobby
Akuma is so busted if you win against him you are literally a God
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Nice, keep up the good health practices anon
Hmu if you need a motivational bj
>pooji actually thinking anyone took his pathetic melty seriously
You got dogpilled even by randoms on twitter AND 4chan too, my dude, nobody likes you, nobody respects you.
Mai is going to be the only character allowed to have fat tits
I just had a game where that akuma nerf actually came in handy!
No more safely spamming zenku fireball like a retarded lemming!
Seriously the guy was overly dramatic about his post, nobody cared.
its up, passcode is 1234
Muscular guys in lingerie or skimpy ladies outfits is peak kino
It takes so long to find a match at 1000MR and people constantly patronize you with taunts and fight in custom room requests so they can give you unsollicted advice.
you're going to have to drop a cfn or the lobby details so it can be searched. you will likely get dodged anyway. if you don't, make sure to report back on the results.
this is literal first time I've even touched custom rooms, how do I even find specific information? fuck this just meet in battlehub 25. I'll be there for the next 15 minutes in the top level near the DJ shit
they should ban zero vergil dante doom. but marvel players love broken slop so they wont
Bitch you need every advice you can get if you reach 1000MR
Still better than Chimperly.
The mischling ruined bushin ryu.
Bro if you're at 1000MR they're doing you a favor with the advice
You...should accept their advice probably. If they're going out of their way to tell you how to beat something, that's free MU knowledge
you can screenshot the lobby details by going through the lobby change menu after you make it or just share your cfn. or wait in a bh, yea.


beginning is kind of hard to listen to but this sites dying soon so whatever
>share your cfn
my mr with ken is 1300 but with akuma and ed 1500. yup ken is low tier
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incredible how quickly bison brainrot sets in, played this guy for 48 hours and then repeatedly tried doing random scissors in neutral with aki
Its actually so disappointing to realize that street fighter will never again have a roster as good as jives
it is full of schizos, but nothing will happen in most cases unless you attention whore or are a schizo yourself
I did a HEARTY kek
I went to BH 25 and nobody is there. Of course this nigger would dodge.
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I'm literally there right now on the top level you fucking retard
y r ppl pretend smug not good at video game...?
sorry i don't play kusoj
Kinda proved that post right schizo.
Oh yeah we're really missing out on...necalli and abigail and fucking birdie.
Deejay is the dumbest fucking character in this game by a country mile. You're an enormous faggot if you play this character and you aren't good at the game. End of discussion.
he cant get past 1900 online
What room are we?
we have a room right?
we're totally tubular right?
I thought vicky, the troon, viper was permabanned from street fighter as whole.
I refuse to share the game with him.
Well I waited at BH25 and he never showed up. Of course a faggot that can't even play the easiest shoto would be scared to fight.
now picture yourself with Problem X brain
COTW waiting room.
Finally someone said it.
Thank u brave anon
Yeah that's what I thought pussy I was going to absolutely fucking smash you if you showed up
city of the flops
Spend that energy in training mode and maybe you'll hit diamond some day, chump.
Terry belongs to SF6 now.
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but unironically
Mai belongs to my CapCock now
Waiting room chads
Capcucks only get to watch
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Yes, Jesus Christ Chunigger.
None of you guys will ever be rewarded with a waifu in nirvana, you lack the waifuism focus to materialize a waifu into post-existence, your flesh betrays you.
what's cotw?
It's like SF6 except made by former Capcom employees from the 90s. It takes away annoying mechanics such as drive rush, drive parry, and drive impact.
a flop
City of the Wolves.
It literally has drive impact you brown secondary
You are going to be very disappointed
It's gonna be a good game tho
so you know how the selling points of kof are the large roster and non-compromised gameplay, which allow you to overlook how shit the graphics are
cotw is kof with a small roster and compromised gameplay.
it does not have slime rush, you lost, retard.
>Unique animation and properties for every character
>Only usable during SPG
>Can be used in combos
It's different, retard. Or do you think every armored move is drive impact? Fucking dumbass retard, your first fighting game was SF6.
fgg nigger seethe
dont call me the n word thats not cool
>moving the goalpost
>Calls me a secondary but doesn't even know SHIT about the topic at hand
>Never even played MotW
Ahahahaha dumbass nigger got proven wrong. Ez win free af. Never argue with me about fighting games ever again, stupid ass nigger
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Picking up new characters and smurfing in diamond is actually a lot of fun after years of sticking to one character.
cry fgg negro
crazy how much COTW is gonna mog the fuck out of sf6 gameplay wise because it doesn't have slime rush. such a fucking garbage ass mechanic that it ruins a game.
Someone be the Minnerva vote.
smurfing is a soulless activity
No ones crying though, you stupid ass fag. You said that CotW had drive impact and I proved you wrong on all points.

>/fgg/ out of nowhere
Lmao mindbroken ass niggerfag
Unfortunately it doesn't have a 3D horror engine to lure the normies.

>Only 8 voters
Dead general

this nigga crying bruh
This aryan preaching, conrade.
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We need a black mommy character
>Kim in SF9
that's precisely why its going to flop.

You think timmy is going to leave SF6 after 2 years of sliming and learn a new game? People are now addicted to sf6. The dlc characters have to be stronger and stronger to give people that thrill of victory.
viper is close enough
Viper is a tanned redhead.
elena is older in sf6 thobeit
Only buying COTW if Krauser gets in, Kaiser Wave is funny
only buying cotw if the playerbase is above 1k 3 months after launch
Even Dale who is an Uncle Ruckus said they made Elena whiter. Shes a mixed chick.
Abigail was soul
But im more referring to the facst thar we had
All in the same game
imagine spiral arrow but it goes thought fireballs and anti-airs
luke's fireball is so useless now with the drive parry change
i quit sf6 in like the 2nd month because I convinced myself that Manon (who I mained since day 1) was doodoo in the matchups I struggled with the most (Juri, Kim and Cammie) and instead of learning the matchups I wanted to switch to DeeJay and couldn't handle learning
what was the change
literally pay to win game
you pretty much dont lose any gauge for parrying fireballs anymore, and with luke not being able to drive rush behind his it's not that great of a keepout/zoning tool
i'm hopelessly attracted to saintcola...help bros.
>SF6 is just the entire SF2 roster over again
you made other fucking SF games, Capcom
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when they tried to do something different it bombed so hard that it almost killed the entire series
stop getting connected and attached to the character you spent 500+ hours playing. IT'S JUST A FUNCTION. okay? you don't like cammy. YOU LIKE "RUSHDOWN." okay? we're removing ryu and giving you luke. you're just gonna have to enjoy the function!!!
Based, fuck em. I'd rather watch bison mirrors with them scissor kicking each other for 99 seconds than another game of fireball DR or crMK DRC
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where is he
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i spent at least 2000 hours playing chun in sfv but i never wanted to even touch her in sf6
This, but unironically.
You are a gacha fag. Not a fighting game player.
2050, trust the plan
the same trashcan as t.hawk
>learning new characters is... Le BAD!
Imagine being proud of being a monochar shitter.
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I finished SF6.
at best you've completed act 1
keep at it though
>he finished the tutorial for SF6
bison does that though
literally nothing was changed about drive parry and fireballs
Bison is nasty especially you combo his ex backfist combo into his Lvl 2 & 3 Super (Critical) Arts
Punished a Rashid Player who thought he could Ysaar his way out
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That game is probably older than you are, and its mistake wasn't trying new things, it was having too little of the classics. A SF game needs at most five characters from the original SF2 lineup, plus Cammy. Those are who's needed every game; all the others can rotate.
To any veteran Bison players, do you still call the Psycho Crusher the "Flamin' Torpedo" ?
>two shotos and no villains
yeah............................................................................................ no
switch redditgief with boxer
gief is the character that makes EVERYONE mad and is thus 4chan not reddit
deny it all you want
Fuck Boxer and fuck Shadaloo. You don't need them every game.
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you guys still losing another weekend of your life to watch shotos doing cr.mk into dr?
vocaroo is dying soon?
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I'll go take a break.. at least I almost took a game of a 1300 MR Kimberly so that's something I guess.
>fuck boxer
>fuck shadaloo
having no iconic villain is absolutely unforgivable. 5 absolutely fucked up by not pushing necalli, then trying to act like.................... g was their big deal villain. the character who was introduced after the story mode and is completely irrelevant in every possible way. bison carries this franchise just as hard as roo does.
Im tired of drive rushing...
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this is way too high effort for such a shit thread lmao
not funny
bdj.. rest.. you've done enough..
someone is gonna steal this for twitter for sure
one of you should put it all together before they do
i thought bdj dropped deejay
oh no... someones gonna steal our ai slop... what a loss...
Oh no! someones gonna steal our ai art?! what a loss!!!
bison is a footsies character
you may not like it, but it's true
thats not what I meant you guys are being faggots
>the footsies character that didn't have an overhead and a proper AA until dix
Is Ryu doing a lot of damage a meme? A lot of characters in the game can do heavy xx DRC heavy heavy xx special xx SA3 like Ed who supposedly has below average damage output.
The solution to not having a new iconic villain isn't to reheat Bison so many times he becomes boring, it's to put more effort into creating new iconic villains. I'm not thrilled he's just a remnant of Shadaloo but JP is a great bad guy.
how? I'm diamond 3 and I wash any master below 1500.
>JP is a great bad guy.
>JP is a great villain
lol no he isn't. he got forgotten as soon as his nerfs hit.
Which character should be OP for next thread?
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I never saw a Guile thread except for that one time months ago some dude made a Guile x Lily thread
chrisg is 2000 MR with bison already
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Ryubro day 7 classic newbie training is about to begin, I left off yesterday locking in and implementing my first combo. It’s an od tatsu slime combo, went well and my first opponent disconnected before his loss could be registered. I ended the day early at 2 wins 6 losses, not that it matters for a newbie but my win ration remains at 20% and I have 34 wins. From now on I’m chasing daily goals instead of win ratio, today’s goals…anti-air training > consistency with deploying specials under pressure > slime combo variations > slime behind fireball. I feel I’m definitely making progress now, at the very least I’m now understanding how to fight and not just mash buttons out of fear. I’ll tell you what, it feels damn good to be a ryubro. That is all
Then why aren't you master? That makes no sense.
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I think it might have helped if every character's arcade story involved JP's tournament and he was the final boss.
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yeah a guile OP would be neat
Play World Tour bitch
jp's a fine villain but they have once again panicked and pressed the bison button because capcom is a company that has 0 faith in their new ideas. they want every new idea to be a success but they don't want to put any effort or money into pushing said ideas, they always just immediately fold and fall back on ol' faithful.
because diamonds around my rank are much stronger than sub-1500 MR players.
>Implying any high IQ person buys this game to play anything but CHAD Tour
>High IQ
Same niggas who thought Capcom had the balls to kill their only relevant bad guy (Bison)
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why can't Gief stop making this face in 6?
ty for the update ryubro. if you want to practice anti-air training, training mode actually has it built-in for you as an option on the last page of the menu. it's super helpful even to me and i've been playing forever.
Thanks, I’ll begin there first.
If I am a Bidenchad who should I main?
no thats him. i feel bad he puts a lot in but 1100mr is his peak
JP was great in WT. It's just a shame his villain part is over so fast. Wonder if they'll ever continue that plot.
>Senile gameplay
Ken or Cammy. Even my grandpa could mash anything and it would randomly work in Neutral.
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>Fuudo going for Ed desyncs in tournament
Bison, both have a history of body doubles and recently trouble with their memory
JP, then use OD amnesia on every wakeup
just woke up, what did i miss
>One of these 2 old clowns will lead the most important nation in the world.
neither of them are going to be the leader of india though?
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I don't think anything crazy has happened in CEO yet, no surprise pool elims or anything
WTF?! That cat's got moves.
Nobody cares what happens in your sweaty asshole of a country Rakesh
Kim players are fucking trash. Not good at the game.
>AI kino
AI is too fucking SOVLFUL
I can never remember the name of that vid where it's supposed to be India in the future and it's a bunch of Indians flexing their wealth and they got white chaffeurs. That shit was hilarious, almost We Wuz Kangz tier.
But for real, they need to give Dhalsim a cancelable cr.MK.
I thought it was real wtf?
Something about the animation style on the slime looks so familiar, like a Jetix cartoon
I love AI
I just hit an Akuma with the Bison bombo
holy fuck
shit is funny every time
i accidentally killed akuma at 70% and gasped they really gave bison superpowers for no reason
need choccy milky

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