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Hardworking Maid Edition

Previous: >>481995006

Upcoming Compile Heart games and release dates:
Neptunia GameMaker R:Evolution (Sometime in 2024) - Xbox Series
Death end re;Quest Code:Zion (9/19/2024) - PS4/PS5/Switch
Todokero! Tatakae! Calamity Angels (Summer 2024) - PS4/PS5/Switch/PC
Untitled M2 Shoot'em Up (2024) - PS4/PS5/Switch
Madou Monogatari 4 (Summer 2024) - PS4/PS5/Switch
DATE A LIVE: Ren Dystopia (2024 TBD) - Steam

>Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

>Folder containing all the 4koma and Nepnokai raws:
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I love Red Riding Hood
I love Blanc.
Smug Vert.
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I love my wife MarvelousAQL and her wife RED!
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The Steam Summer Sale girl is a QT btw, I'd like to watch my wife eat her out!
I love my wife Neptune!
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Damn it I hate phoneposting
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>He's a phoneposter
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Nepgear, my goddess!
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nep likes phone games, why don't you?
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Uni is such a good girl
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It's Friday night!
Let's have sex with Tamsoft!~
older than that.
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I'd like to have that maid for dinner
Skelters and DerQs are cute
neps are recharging
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Quit hogging all the pudding you lazy slob.
i love histy
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Hey why aren't you in uniform?
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Your headcanons will never come true. Kill yourself.
Why can't gaint neps be real?
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I'm stealing this design for my eroge.
Are you making a Skelter eroge?
>skelter """""""fan art"""""""
>lesbian eroge
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So just like SeHa then?
>lesbian eroge
Why is this a bad thing?
SeHa is a bully game.
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Are any of the recent games good, or are just the girls keeping you fellas around.
>he literally thinks Skelters is a lebian eroge because of 1 (one) lesbian couple
IF is a goddess.
ShitHa is a dyke jobber game.

IF is not a goddess. You should kill yourself.
Literally nobody will care for it.
But all weebs love yuri.
What? No they don't.
Yes, they do. Every straight man gets horny for lesbians.
Are you gay?
I accept your surrender.
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You know I'm right and you're wrong but you're too pussy to admit it.
I want Shina to choke me.
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Not a goddess and not even a nep.
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Aiefu-chan wa megami janai
Nope, not related to skelters. Sorry.
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Play SeHa
No. I'm playing Genshin Kinoimpact instead.
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Don't play SeHa
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Don't die, Neppers
Reminder IF rejected RED and made her cry.
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When you first saw IF, were you blindsided by her majesty?
Marvy is a nep though.

No such thing as “Flame Heart”

Or “Flame Sister” either

ShitHa doesn’t support your headcanons.

Reminder IF is a canon dyke

Also you should kill yourself.
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When I first saw her I knew she was a dyke LMOA
IF is a heterosexual woman and a goddess. This girl you posted is gay though and we don't use non-neps reaction images here especially if the girl is gay.
IF is a plain old regular human with no special powers, and she’s also a canon turbo dyke. You should seriously commit suicide.
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Lesbians are the best I can do, sorry
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>Tags: yuri :)
It's a sleepover. There's no gay
They're sleeping facing each other, there is only gay.
It’s extremely gay. They’re cuddling.
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Sorry Tloubro, but that image is 10 on the Sappho scale of dykery
The series has been on life support with $400+ Neptunia statues bundled with OVAs. In the last year we had an actual game set in what people consider the primary universe with a new play style. It sold well enough Idea Factory ported it to the Switch and made a spiritual successor doing a mid 90s console war.

This past week they made a motorcycle game out of an exploration tool and sold it for 3000 yen.
>It sold well enough
Barely broke 10k in Japan and the ports did even worse. Those are desperation ports, not success ports. Really telling that they're trying Xbox of all things in the west despite the audience being basically non-existent on the platform.
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>page nep
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Which nep is best to be underneath while you are shrunken?
I think Neptune would be very friendly.
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where's the ALfag? i need neps with sex
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So now that I finished Mary Skelter Finale, I am thinking on revising my Steam review. I feel like with the developments on the situation with the Mugen Souls port (And how Ghostlight lied about not having the uncensored version of the game), I really could just put the damning stuff about Ghostlight and their ports in a separate piece of writing. Granted, that kind of stuff shows here with the Steam release, but I feel like only putting that stuff on a Steam review of a game limits it's outreach and pads out the review quite considerably considering I already have a limited word-count to work with.

I honestly am willing to push the theory that they had the opportunity to use the original PS4 version's source code (for both 2 and Finale), but opted not to, because of their experience with Switch ports.

Considering the work that was done getting Chinese and Japanese text support on the PC version of Finale, I'm willing to believe that it wasn't that much effort to get up and running. There's Chinese and Korean versions that exist and that have censored content, but those weren't the original release (The Japanese PS4 version was), which is seemingly some bullshit that's perpetuated online.

Also one bit from one of the interviews with GL's PR manager (Ross) mentioned that they tested the game to see if it would work right on ultrawide monitors, and I can confirm that statement is only slightly true. Granted, they did something, but it was only a check for a 2560x1080 or 3440x1440 display (real hardcoding horseshit), and everything else stretches. And the fullscreen option is still a remnant from the first game's port, where they intentionally chose something with the Vita's aspect ratio, which doesn't apply in the case of 2 or Finale due to being designed with a 1920x1080 resolution from the get-go.

There's a lot of antiquated stuff that is seemingly reused with their ports, aging all the way back to Agarest.

Is it worth playing? I tried to play it, but the combat is really slow to my tastes.
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Post tsun!
Love tsun!
Become tsun!
she's pretty cool
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>There's a lot of antiquated stuff that is seemingly reused with their ports
I would say that CH/IF has a lot of antiquated stuff that's reused across all of their games. Ever play any of their PS3 titles on RPCS3? Look at the Console Log and laugh at all the requests the game is trying to make but don't exist. I'm at least thankful to have native PC ports at all, as I'd rather not have to resort to emulation if I have to, or worse, buying an entirely new platform. I just wish the porting budget was a bit higher, but IFI already pays their employees in peanuts when it comes to running the whole operation, anyway.
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>Ever play any of their PS3 titles on RPCS3? Look at the Console Log and laugh at all the requests the game is trying to make but don't exist
Are you saying pic related isn't just how the PS3 emulator works? lmao
Who is this character?
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Tsunday indeed
Pumping for Uni!
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General muerto
I love latinas!
Are there any latina waifus in anime?
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Latina Marvy is the protagonist of GTAVI

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