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Tomato Potato Psyllid Edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM
https://handbrake.fr <- who the fuck uses handbrake in 2024

porndevs RULE this general
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I look at my game and I get the sort of realization most people get when they look at their wife and remember just how amazing and beautiful she is. This is why I know for a fact that you swine have no taste. I can't trust you on anything.
The crabs who reverse crabbed me are all going to flip their script and crab me even harder in a week. I just know it.
I got 1.85 million views on my porn in the last 9 months. Compared to a couple thousand on my game.
What are the rules?
>on my porn
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Flower prank.
I don't write a script, idiot.
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I used to feel that way about my game too...
You think one week is enough to prepare the responses to the negative feedback I'll get?
AI generated slop. Sorry. People go in for it but it is really specific and niche.
What in the fuck even is this thing you're creating. I have to assume you are severely autistic or something. Do you not even have a theory of mind, as in the ability to see things from other peoples perspective?
Runa show bobs pls I love you I kiss you all body I lick your pusi al night pls
You're not me. I have an entire lifetime behind me where I always turn out right in the end
Might press P to eat potato.
>entire lifetime behind me where I always turn out right in the end
charmed life. You must realize there are others like you, right? People will go against you just because they have never had a failing, and you claim the same. I hope all the people with charmed lives like you will find each other and disagree.
Ok, I will relax. But what is this thing?

All you need is an /agdg/ friend looking out for you :D

I used to feel like that too until I didn't.
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Anon, the longer my life has gone on the more I have hoped that there are others like me, only to understand more and more that there are no other people like me. Comparing myself to anyone else doesn't help me in any way because I'm too divergent
Purity of perception
Purity of spirit
Purity of thought
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will you stack the boxes anon
post something of value then.
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73 people
already did >>483882254
that has no value.
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I'm too retarded to gamedev.

So I'm gonna use gdevelop.
he cute I wish him wagmi
it's an insight into the falsehoods of this community
do you have to jump to do it?
>that much sun at 5:00 AM
So that’s the secret to Japanese health. I knew their games had magic behind them.
i look like this
not really. Please just post a game, preferably your game.
is your game also AIslop?
If you've got that many views, are you getting any money out of it or are you putting lots of effort in or is it not worth it?
You have scoliosis? Sucks man
It was the power envelope stuff, I followed a quick stability guide for my mobo/cpu and it took 10 minutes for the only problem I've been facing this whole time to magically go away, thank you so much
Where can I find millennial jokes I can fit into my game? Stuff similar to the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
>is your game also AIslop?
Not at all.
>are you getting any money out of it
People have paid but I don't receive because I would need to attach my banking.
>are you putting lots of effort in or is it not worth it?
I generated around 100,000 images back when I started and I just pick one out and post it when I feel like it.
Wow someone giving actually useful advice in this place.
>6 days
>thank you so much
You're very welcome anon, hope your dev goes well.
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Fairy Food
I have a dirty mind, but they look nice.
Who are you that you should demand to see my game?
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I can do it...
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Pro Tip: do not do sound mixing while wearing your bass boosted headphones. Everything sounds like shit as soon as you play it on any kind of normal speakers
What's the explanation behind that? Good bass is too sensitive to be heard on normal speakers?
Everything that sounds muffled and dampened and blunt gets trebble overload because the bass gets an enormous dip, so everything starts sounding sharp and clinky
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We are going to add a treat table for feeding Fairies where most foods will have models so the player can see the food being consumed

Since Fairies only eat pastry and fruit I can get away with not making models for all the 150+ foods in the game
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I picked up someone else's conversation with you, but firstly it's just a request. Second, I think you may be spending too much time thinking about the collective taste of /agdg/ posters. As to your question, and not that it matters but I'm pricklypeargames.
>"it's not 6 days you're making fun of-"
>it's real
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I had two months... but.... i wasted all of it like usual... oh fucking hell...
what game is this
>I think you may be spending too much time thinking about the collective taste of /agdg/ posters
I get angry enough just by thinking about it for 5 minutes so I don't have to do it for longer than that per week. You people have issues, no principles, and really most of the time I doubt you're real humans at all. I'm severely disappointed that this is the people I share the hobby with, because I expected people with more awareness.
Unironically ask chatgpt
Or if you want to go the more authentic way, waddle through posts of old phpbb forums from 15 years ago.
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I will remember you my friend

Here's some progress now that I have this second wind, I have been working on the build system for my factory/exploration game. Seen in the webm is the live updates to the ship's rigidbody whenever stuff is placed, using convex decomposition (sounds fancy but I just pass vertices to it) to make an optimized collider so I can have really big ships later
I wasted a lot more than that. I did 2 years of a college degree I wasn't interested in in hopes I'd finally get a girlfriend.
That's a fair expectation, but you we (you and I included) collectively shape the community. If you post the aggressive decrying of your community members, it inspires that type of behavior. I think, that since a lot of the posters here seem to spend a lot of time here, we should hold each other to at least a minimal standard, and I invite that for people to check my behavior as well. Additionally, the people here are still people, and for the most part, reasonable and intelligent.
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There are people here working on games for 7 years in hopes that it'll get them a gf lol.
Now I wish I hadn't helped you, your game looks like shit
Just kidding, I'm not that anon and also good job, sounds interesting
>I'm severely disappointed that this is the people I share the hobby with, because I expected people with more awareness.
Sorry, I do this for a living so you're beneath me.
thanks it does look like shit, and I'm not even sure if the effort I put into this decomposition stuff is worth it over using a mesh collider (where I'd lose bounds checking) but I was pretty happy to see it working
Of all the issues I would encounter while making a game it havent crossed my mind that fitting the size of things would be one of them lmao
I guess that's on me for trying to upscale a 16x16 tileset to 32x32. But it looked so cute compared to the 32x32 stuff on itch.io.
I'm willing to believe that the people here are intelligent, but not reasonable. Also intelligence is meaningless and wasted on people with awful temperaments and no creativity and self-serving world-hating obsessions. This hobby isn't for losers. Its complexity filters and gatekeeps automatically, but there's a whole assload of people in here who managed to make this and that game and think that makes them qualified to pretend to be human beings.
Do you have a game though?
>managed to make this and that game and think that makes them qualified to pretend to be human beings.
that's a really weird thing to say, are you sure you don't want to rephrase this?
I do, several. Goes without saying that didn't get me a girlfriend either. It's even more useless than going to the gym.
I think three or four full-time party members is going to be enough for me to deal with. A few temporary additions and some special events changing the party composition should hopefully keep things fresh.
There are people in this hobby who were enabled to construct one of more games despite their creative shortcomings (and thanks to all the freely available tools we have now) and think that makes them better than the rest of world while they are still incapable of even acting like humans
He's just found out about solipsism and thinks he's speshul.
listen you 14 yo nigger. The only people who think they're smart for projecting their own limitations and shortcomings onto other people are literal teenagers like you. I've had to spend my entire life surrounded by people who refused to believe that I wasn't susceptible to the same mindtraps like them. You're just another cog in a very long line of cogs
I see, thank you
I'm just keeping tabs on the competition
you're on 4chan amateur gamedev general on a Friday night
I'm clearly making you feel insecure about yourself so I think I should leave you alone.
Game developers aren't people.
Ok I see what you mean. I don't exactly endorse that, but I think I understand. I do need to sort of hold up a mirror here though because, and this isn't an attack I'm just trying to show you the other perspective, why would I listen to this misanthropic thought process? You must recognize the degree of hypocrisy that you seem to be exhibiting, if I understand what you have said so far? You are decrying people, and taking away from their accomplishments wantonly as if these people don't matter. You are elevating yourself above us, and then you have some critique for us?
Personally I'm not sure I care about things being human. In some ways my constituion craves a human contact, but I'm not even so sure anymore it craves humanity or its undevelopped potential.

And that's even supposing I not just want things to satisfy my constitution in first place.
If a robot filled the holes popping that usually humanity is supposed to fill, what humanity is good for me? How many humans I've seen claim "humanity!" and acting dumb.

As the days pass, the more I learn about my own humanity, the more I accept it for what it is, the more it seems I leave it towards better horizons.

>acting like humans
Everybody has its own version of what a human should be. Who cares. Values and Morales are at least more precise if it's to categorize "humanity".
I picture that being said by a comic at a stand up show. The whole audience laugh and >>483888436
is a salty bitch ready to get kicked out.
You're attacking me, the person, and not the observation I'm making. An observation should be able to stand on its own without the person observing it. I don't care about myself as much as I care about the fact that this hobby has been infected by the worst most impulsive and obnoxious types of people and that has made it really unpleasant to take part of the social element of it. I'm very likely wrong and most game developers are actually decent people and there's just a handful of bad actors here who poison the well for everyone, but it's a fact that this hobby attracts these shitposters who eat away at the whole thing
Lmao just like my favourte episode of RIck and Morty!!1!11
>You're attacking me
If someone starts ad homineming he should be called out on it.
>there's just a handful of bad actors here who poison the well for everyone, but it's a fact that this hobby attracts these shitposters who eat away at the whole thing
Just look at how prevalent bokusimp is. He does nothing but make low quality crabposts all day. There are definitely some bad actors in there, the 80/20 rule applies that 80% of posts are made by 20% of posters.
For every low quality game, there's a chance that over time the developer will get better. You can't see that in a snapshot either.

I've seen plenty of other communities that are worse than /agdg/. You can never truly weed out all the shitposting unless it's a tight band of friends.
>I'm very likely wrong and most game developers are actually decent people and there's just a handful of bad actors here who poison the well for everyone, but it's a fact that this hobby attracts these shitposters who eat away at the whole thing
this is a much more reasonable analysis I think.
>You're attacking me
No, I never was.
>An observation should be able to stand on its own without the person observing it.
I disagree because of the reality we live in, and the concept of hypocrisy.
>I don't care about myself as much as I care about the fact that this hobby has been infected by the worst most impulsive and obnoxious types of people and that has made it really unpleasant to take part of the social element of it.
This is totally reasonable, but it flies in the face of your previous posts (which are overtly antagonistic, especially the first one with the pepe). You can't act out like a flailing child when demanding that other people stop doing that. Why make a post calling people out, why not do something constructive. Now, here I'm the hypocrite because I've wasted enough time with this conversation.
where's the ad hominem?
He's literally talking about the things you project, and you decide yourself that you're embedding them. The guy is way kinder than I should be if I had the same talk with you. I hope you realise your luck to meet such behaviors.
>but it flies in the face of your previous posts (which are overtly antagonistic, especially the first one with the pepe)
my first post with the pepe is completely righteous because it's an objective fact that my game gets disproportionately ignored. Bad actors or not it doesn't explain why every single out of the 200+ people here just decides to ignore my game despite it's apparent quality
>you swine
>If someone starts ad homineming he should be called out on it.
Do they also ignore your game when you post it elsewhere?
but you are swine and until the demo day rankings change and until progress posts start getting more attention I will stand by that assertion
I wish I had the vision gene
>I've seen plenty of other communities that are worse than /agdg/. You can never truly weed out all the shitposting unless it's a tight band of friends.
so this is the noble purpose behind the inner circle. a game development sanctuary for those who have made it
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This is a stressful jobby and I'm not surprised that so many anons have become unhinged from all the stress. I forgive all yesdevs for any bad behavior.
my games have always gotten more attention everywhere else apart from agdg: Newgrouds, Twitter, the general itch.io user base
>disproportionately ignored
At this point I would point out that this whole time in this conversation, you could have posted your game instead of the pepe. I will leave the analysis to the peanut gallery.

good morning sirs and madams, free advice for you dears
I can't wait to work on my game later. It's gonna be fun and I'm gonna get so much done.
>made Hades
I trust this fucker like you wouldn't believe.
I just came up with an idea.
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wouldn't it have been easier by this point to just admit that this place doesn't actually care about other people's games as isolated thing and only cares about how already popular and memeable they are? I have been here for over 2 years at this point and I have never seen this sort of honesty from anyone? How difficult it is to say "Hello, I have decided to make games. I don't actually give a shit about games, but I do give a shit about clout and wacky memes!"
because I don't agree with that, and you're projecting some kind of viewpoint on me. Dude, at this point you should just post your game.
This might be why everyone's games are so shit in the first place. No passion. No vision.
He can't bitch/brag and show his game at the same time.
But if he were getting more attention elsewhere, he wouldn't be upset about getting less attention here.
there have been numerous people here who on numerous occasions have openly stated: your game needs to be marketable (i.e. sexy girls; wacky doggos; flashing lights). I have never seen any meaningful discussion about games. Every single time someone tries to open the question of game design he gets met with ridicule and ideaguy meme posts which reduce the discussion to an exchange of braindead banter. I have never ever ever once seen anyone here engage in discussions on game design. I can say with complete confidence that over 98% of the residents of /agdg/ don't give a single shit about games beyond their role as dopamine boosters.
You guys sure like talking about people. Me? I prefer talking about my game.
I just talked about an idea I had, therefore I'm the smartest.
a lot of words talking about people
when do you make a multiplayer game public-facing?
parenting nodes is really fucking slow
Did you miss the part where I mentioned my game?
>he doesn't know about groups
Who here is a little worried about their future as a successful gamedev and needs some encouragement?
>query about a game mechanic
>get called a retard
checks out.
because my ideas have merit on their own, and the only reason you're asking me to tie my identity to it is so that you can use that to ad hominem me into the ground instead of addressing the actual issues I'm bringing attention. Of course it's easy for you to demand I should post my game because you can act like a total spaz and then at the end of it be free of any consequences yourself because you didn't tie your identity to it, but conveniently for you, you got the opportunity to tear my identity down while completely derailing the discussion from the original topic like a chimp with no self control.
feel better?
What is it about? I hope it was a game idea.
>feel better?
damn, that's crazy
I didn't ask you to post game, I was saying that you can't.
But I also don't believe you have a game worth showing, otherwise you'd be showing it elsewhere and not be butthurt about being ignored here.
The fact that ideaguys are so demonized here is extremely telling all on its own. The people who claim that indie games are the hope for the future of gaming would tear their own hair out if they saw the sort of derivative garbage this place outputs. And then you have the balls to try and act like this place is some sort of bastion of free thought? Are you kidding me? What all of this should tell you is that this is a place full of people who are spiritually drained and tired. They have no inner fire that will drive the wheels of time. I don't know how you can sit there and pretend you're better than this industry when you've failed based on every metric. I want you to be a little more honest with yourselves. Only the fool follows the herd. A game is not set for success if it's already a little popular in a specific community or if it's really wacky and twitteral for the sake of it. Use your brains. Think outside of the box.
Is most mechanical depth found in games premeditated by the devs?
Good idea: one that makes for a good game that can be made with the resources (time/skills) available.
Any idea guy is welcome to make a prototype and get promoted from ideaguy to game designer.
Nobody denies the importance of original ideas or of good designers who can come up with original ideas. The problem is that coming up with actually good original ideas is way harder than most people think, so you'd have a bunch of idiots going around showing off these absolutely terrible ideas and claiming their terrible ideas were brilliant. The term "idea guy" was coined to make fun of those idiots.
if it wasn't why are there able to be shallow games? it's because designing a shallow game is by choice
your first mistake was assuming that I'm doing this out of a need for attention. I'm doing this because this profession has the potential to pave the road into the future. I'm posting all of this because unlike you stinking plebs I believe in the potential of things and I feel the need to fight for it. Maybe you already know this but people with small minds are incapable of seeing potential because their minds are set to only being able to see what they have already been shown - they are followers - someone needs to light the way for them first. But you can't work in a creative profession if you're incapable of seeing that which might be possible but unproven. You need to believe in the impossible if you ever hope to break new ground, otherwise you're nothing more than a bottom feeders who follows the caravan and eats the garbage that falls off the butt end of it
tldr I posted basically the same thing yesterday and it got a lot of upvo-I mean, a lot of replies so I wanted to make the same post again to see if I can get even more
Cool, but I make a living from gamedev so I can't help but see you as beneath me in every way.
Ok here's a free one >>483893761
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notice how I'm posting a lot of things which are irrefutable truths, but they are only met with mockery and dismissal - this should tell you all you need to know about the sort of creatures you share this space with.
Idea guys usually go "What if (Game1) but (Game2) with (Noun)". Without ever explaining how to implement them, they always look at the ideal scenario which lasts 10seconds max.
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>"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt
What if Papers Please but at a space port and you also inspect their ships and after work it's also a dating sim at the Space Bar?
Idea guys are demonized because all they do is waste space. Any idiot can blurt out "What if we had X game but with Y", it's the easiest thing to do they makes you feel like a dev without actually being on.
Are you perhaps also the same anon who believes a certain group of devs is keeping his game down?
Your typing style makes me think you are.
Can you make so if you keep pulling she gets ripped in half
Paper's Please but you're an ugly bastard and you can reject hot women visas to blackmail them.
there are two types of "idea guys" and the fact that the vocabulary of /agdg/ was never adapted to take this into account means that they do not care about game design. The first type of ideaguys aren't sincere posters - they are shitposters who ridicule the creative process by reducing it to a parody version of itself. There are ideaguys who follow through on their projects. There are ideaguys who want to see where they can bring the medium of video games next. The word game designer almost never gets used here but this is what I'm talking about. Most of the biggest game and games with a lasting legacy, especially from the last 8 years are "ideaguy games" - RimWorld, Return of the Obra Dinn, Outer Wilds, Inscryption, Darkwood. If all of these games were to disappear the current day library of games would be reduced to nothing
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What if Dark Souls but Fortnite with Agriculture?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: An attempt was made.
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>game designer
imagine the smell
pokemon + baldurs gate
I'm not seeing any indication that anyone here agrees with me and that helps me profile this place even more accurately. You people are genuinely hopeless.
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whats the easiest way to animate this character? the perspective will be fixed 3/4. i only need an idle and an attack animation. should i animate each frame individually or should i redraw it into parts and rig it in my engine?
If you have a game, you're not an ideaguy. You're just a gamedev with ideas.
probably would smell like a negro, hence the title
I know what your trying to get at but even the games you presented have focused design and mechanics with a clear vision on what they want to do. Most of the ideas presented on here are shit, it makes sense because why would you want to share good ideas and potentially have it stolen from you?
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"Idea guy" was invented as a pejorative specifically to distinguish them from real game designers. The idea is that they don't even deserve to share a similar term with real designers.
>this profession
Release a few little free games to build an audience for me eventual paid($15) game? or would that backfire if my audience is cheapskates?
If you're a new friend, you should know this doesn't really work because we have plenty of devs with free games and they have no audience.
What happened to “you eat potato” dev?
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
"Idea guy" and "game designer" are two very different things.

agdg respects game designers. It doesn't respect you because you're an idea guy, not a game designer.
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mass effect but you play as a big amazonian booba
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how do we cope about demo day getting close, nodevbros?
going to get a good laugh at all the shovelware once again
idk, as a yesdev I still suffer daily
dark souls but elden ring with demon's souls
On Itch, you mean. On Steam, it's a different story.
I'm so excited, I get to shitpost and attack people who are way better and more talented than me, to hopefully drag them down to my level!
I'm not exactly new. I saw a pro give that advice (free then paid) and I was skeptical.
what's the story? I feel like I've seen it go poorly, might be genre dependent, superintendent.
>make music again instead of trying to make a game
>depression instantly cured
i'm not built for gamedev. projects are too long, too much work, too many skills required. it just causes depression when you can't achieve what's nescessary to make it.
with music i can just finish stuff.
Be who you were meant to be, anon.
You don't have to make a game, anon. If you music is what you enjoy doing, do that instead. You shouldn't have to convince yourself making a game is the right path for you, if it was the right path you'd already know it. You'd get happiness out of it like you get happiness out of making music. That's how you know what you're meant to do.
Free games aren't really going to build you an audience, unless you ship a game that could've easily been a paid game for free. Free games are more for practice. Releasing a game involves numerous skills different from when you make a game, and so it's good to get some practice in with some free throwaway games rather than fucking up the release of your "real" game.
cookie clicker but tranime
This right here shows that something really should be done by all the "be a gamedev" propaganda. Not only does it damage the market by flooding it with a supply glut, it's doing harm to people by brainwashing them into making themselves miserable trying to do something they don't actually want to do.
>That review count
>That price point
All it took was lowering the camera Y offset.
Wrong. No one is going to listen to anon's music by itself. If that music was in a video game? People will listen to it. Anon probably doesn't even make regular beats, but video game beats.
How have you never heard of or seen this game? It's had one of the most successful viral marketing campaigns I can think of in recent memory, it's been going on for years.
a game where you chat with the dev and you can get achievement for becoming friends or best friends
is this a free game?
>i-is that the heckin dev of this game?! we're like totally friends now! he even replied to me! what do you mean he only sees us as cattle?
Saw a video about it that looked like a hoax from one of the gamedev yt channels a year ago. I only found out about it again after IGN posted a review of it.
Early during it's development "people" kept posting clips of it on virtually every social media platform you can think of with titles like "This Game Looks Like REAL LIFE!!!"
Did the game get darker? I remember it being brighter and more colorful.
They didn't lower anything. It's still just a standard off the shelf FPS controller. FotM UE5 asset flip made by 2 kids.

Top review:
I have no idea who they are. I know the Unrecord game, but that's not this game.
whoa I remember this game from like 10 years ago
stop bullying bokudev
have you ever had this playtested?
the absolute state of game devs
do they not realize you can refund a game even with over 2 hours?
guys, this may very well be the hardest bug I've ever faced...

Yeah, but afaik it requires review and isn't automatic no-questions-asked.
Im jealous of those now multimillionaire kids.
>17 and 20
Why is agdg so bad at making games that zoomers are outdoing them? Is it because they're French and French are good at game dev?
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A horror game but you tell the character what to do with your voice but sometimes she doesnt listen to you because shes feeling moody
Grow up.
anybody want to make a game together....?
In a 2D platformer, how big should the player's sprite be, in comparison to the platforms?
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Bokudev started browsing /pol/ and got redpilled after he had to go in court because a woman accused him of groping her at work, it really affected his game and mindset.
ugh... women
don't you get tired of posting this shit ?
Stolen [Unrecord] valor.
>They didn't lower anything. It's still just a standard off the shelf FPS controller. FotM UE5 asset flip made by 2 kids.
>it's still just
>still just
>asset flip
Odd how these buzzwords are always used like it's so easy.
Because they hate idea guys.
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It's that time again. Prove you're working towards demoday RIGHT NOW by replying with what you're working on RIGHT NOW.
Code, the art, anything.
are you a 3D artist who is ok with me being project lead and having final say? I'm enginedev.
I'd become dark too if a bitch lied about me jesus. Im surprised hes still kicking and didn't off himself even though he won his court case. I bet you cancel culture tier internet zoomers would believe the girl years later even though she already lost in court to boku lmao
Ok, I'm retarded. I was thinking of Unrecord, that's the game with the clips being posted and reposted everywhere. I didn't realize there were already clones.
i can 3d model and program and game design
I grew up without assets or tutorials. If I got stuck, really stuck that was it.
>let someone else do the marketing
>steal their thunder
>people buy your game thinking it's the other game
Holy shit. This is genius. Why didn't I think of it before?
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Is there anything (legally) stopping me from slapping a few asset packs into Valley of the Ancient or Lyra and throwing them onto Steam?
The ruling isn't that he's not guilty, you don't know if she lied.
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Nobody tell this guy about Automon.
Full furbait, or something like Kemono Friends?
Pretty sure there is in the End User License Agreement for Unreal.
Me and my best friend just graduated high school and have this sick idea for an FPS game. It's like Counter-Strike but super realistic graphics with a fucked up FOV and Camera offset.
We're thinking of pricing it at around $30 and expecting to make at least 10 milly off this. We're willing to invest $100 for the 3D assets on Humbe Bundle right now.
Do you think it would be successful?
Nothing. I'm pretty sure I saw ps5 games using it almost wholesale.
the difference between you and those kids
is that they weren't pathetic idea guys
they just went and did it then sold it for fuck you money
working on an input buffer, then the rest of my player controller, then a basic low poly model in blender, then animations.
It's my first game, started way too late, have too huge of a knowledge gap, and so will likely miss D day. Feeling like I wouldn't even make the next one. Everything is new and overwhelming.
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I posted the ears before but now I have to draw it dozens more times for every frame that the fluffier ears could appear in. I had to re-size the rough sketches (grey lines) because I always draw them too big on the first go around.
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>bokudev went public in 2022 with the court details and literally showed everyone on social media he won including documents showing he got $9000 from his workplace because they were originally going to fire him for her accusation but he had 10 pages of snapchat messages the jan doe didn't know he had because she assumed snapchat messages erase forever revealing he rejected sexual advances and told her boyfriend she was trying to cheat on him starting the false accusations at their workplace to punish boku

Are you a newfag? we already went through this drama
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Why do people like horror games?
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Forgot to add to picrel our game and our favorite streamer! We hope he plays our game one day on stream!
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don't steal my IP
They want the thrill of horror. Not the grim reality horror that is knowing the world will end and you'll suffer, but the being chased by a serial killer and jumpscares kind of horror.
Don't forget the guy who made Lethal Company. Early 20s and his set for life. Meanwhile most people are stuck making the same shitty games they were 10 years with no end in sight *cough* Marmoreal *cough*
boku is confimed gay by this away why wouldn't you take sex when you can get it you deserve to be treated like a pedo boku
he cute not gay but 100%
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Okay so here's a joke: a nodev and an enginedev walk into a bar,
the nodev looks at the enginedev and says "hey man, how's your game going?",
the enginedev looks at him and says "game?"
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: The new cutscenes now have their images, but first I need to work on dialogue/lines and then I animate it all. >>483900392
Works of fiction often seek to rouse emotions from someone. Lust, fear, pity, excitement, wonder.

It can be said that fear can lead to both excitement and, for some reason, lust. In any case, it gets an emotional rise out of people and there's also a big aspect to horror games being linear so it can keep players trying to reach the end and find out everything that's going on. There's some sort of fulfillment in finishing a horror game, it seems. This is especially true for games that start light and fluffy but get darker, there's some sort of gross pleasure in seeing how wrong everything can go.
Ship's sailed buddy.
Post tutorial to make Bodycam clone?
pickleGOD does it again
>he had 10 pages of snapchat messages the jan doe didn't know he had because she assumed snapchat messages erase forever revealing he rejected sexual advances and told her boyfriend she was trying to cheat on him
That's pretty based. I hate the new redpill culture where men thinks it's okay to sleep with another man's gf because 'she's just gonna cheat with someone else anyways'. Boku unironically did the right thing. Now he just needs to learn how to tile uv textures and apologize to mojitochad...
That's karma for shitting on zoomers all the time
>meanwhile, Blizzard:
Egads! We've just finished Overwatch but our characters and models look like shit inside the game engine, nobody can tell what's going on!
Quick, plaster UI all over it and have giant arrows point towards everything the player needs to focus on! There's no way they can see anything in our shit game otherwise!

All the work we put into our character models? I don't know, make them lesbians and make a pre-rendered video about it. Draw a comic. Get people to use SFM, anything other than our game.
>zoomers are actually getting butthurt over being teased online
Why is your generation so fragile?
Post game.
Not a zoomer. Just trying to say we shouldnt write off someones opinion/idea just because of their age bracket.
if he would have kept his mouth shut society around him wouldn't have looked at him like a pedo groper lmao I think it was retarded
Did he subpoena snapchat?
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any tips on making memorable enemies? i feel like mine are bit too generic
If you release a free game on Steam that doesn't look like complete crap, you should get at least a hundred "sales", probably more. If your game is actually good, people will notice.
Obviously, you shouldn't publish insignificant starter projects on Steam, how could you sleep at night knowing you contributed to Steam's landfill of shovelware and wasted money doing so?
Already did >>483901186
make each enemy unique
oh and because this event happened she could; or any of us who hate boku really bring it up when he releases his game and get him canceled by public opinion boku was a retard for not realizing his place. If he gets cancelled in the future he deserves it for being a terrible person outside of that court shit anyway.
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Apparently chrome gets buggy if you have too many audio objects, adding a cleanup.
>If your game is actually good, people will notice
...and play your game, then forget you ever existed. Steam gives virtually no way to convert game interest into a following
>Google Chrome
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For mooks, it's fine if they're a bit generic as long as they carry your artstyle. Your artstyle should be what defines them as unique.
Sometimes games will have friendly versions of enemies that give some dialogue outside of combat.

Save your inspiration for the bosses and give the bossess some sort of personality so they can yell at you in combat. They don't need deep reasons for existing, just very simple and easy to understand ones.
Completely different audiences, are you stupid? Pick whichever one you prefer.
>tfw I realize boku got a gf because he was almost a criminal.
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Improved npc aim and reduced their health a little
everything runs on chromium now moron
Try not to rely on tropes. Whenever you use a trope you're competing against all of the other characters that use the same tropes in the player's memory.
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How do you even cancel someone who won't release the fucking game
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I can implement graphics in time I think
>Everybody else is eating shit so why wouldn't I do it?
I don't get it. Wasn't it always free?
False equivalence. It's not like we have any choice in this. It's the browser companies all switching to chromium whether we like it or not.
The main character design/model is the hardest part of 3rd person games to implement. You can do a placeholder for a bit, but you pretty much need a finished model before you do any marketing, and if you want to iterate on that model, you may have to redo a metric fuck ton of animations. Also, the mc model needs to be better than most of your other models since players will be looking at it from every angle. It's tough.
I'm not worried, I know I was born to lose at everything.
Not true. AAA games do touch ups on their models all the way until release.
>boku said
The court didn't clear him, he won the case just like OJ won his.
>oh, it's from the dev that made X
>this style looks familiar... oh, it's the guy that made X
>this dude makes some neat little games, I wonder what he'll make next
If you're feeling scummy
>(button on title screen of X) Wishlist Y now!
Is there a complete guide to being scummy so I can maximize marketing of my game?
i'm so hopelessly bad at coming up with ideas/ game design
i'll never make something as elegant as this
>and, for some reason, lust
evo psyche explanation is women are excited by and like rape so they'll be ok with being raped and bred by strong men and get strong genes. This is why horror fans are mostly women. Men tend to like the kind of horror that shows morality (sluts, sinners and blacks are killed first kind of thing).
>believing any pseudoscience
i'd rather listen to agdg advice
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You don't need some original idea. In fact lots of people will be put off by wacky mechanics and off the wall presentation.
ladies itt is this true? do you wish to be r'd?
If your game was "good" but don't even remember your dev name, or look forward to any possible future games, then the game wasn't good. People still remember the dude who made Yume Nikki despite that being the only game he ever made like 20 years ago.
wow you're retarded
AAA games also have huge teams. Changing the model and animations for your MC is vastly more difficult for a solo dev unless that's a thing you're particularly skilled at (most aren't)
Fuck programming, this shit is too hard. RPGMaker it is.

fuck off
What game is this cloning then?
my pixelart shmup audience might not not care for my 3d myst-lite deckbuilder
>wacky mechanics
When a gamedev says "original idea", this is exactly what they mean. Ideaguy neverdevs think "original" means coming up with shitty lore for their generic ass gameplay.
Charges being dropped != innocent, simple as. He could sue her back for defamation and a lot of other things if he wanted, which he didn't.
Unreal has blueprints, you can make a bodycam clone without knowing how to code.
lets see how the court of public opioin thinks when you "release" that "game" of yours boku il be sure to let them know what you've really done
I talk about throwing spears and using them as platforms all the time thougheverbeit.
sims are hard cos physics filters me
see you later suckers going to be a millionaire now
okay, but what if you have a gun that shoots platforms?
all of those except the ingame advertising requires the player to independently discover both of your games
been done before and less soulful. I feel like the spear idea, being more constrained, would make for a more creative game.
if that was your attitude 1 year ago you'd have unironically made it, provided you are a smart/hard worker, but you are too late now.
what if you could plant and grow platforms?
Why? It's the engine that should handle the physics. You just need to tinker with the values until it feels right and doesn't launch the player into the stratosphere (or you can just roll with it like Oblivion and Skyrim).
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Where are all the comfy /agdg/ games?
Edengrall posted in this thread.
t.boku kys faggot you raped her
New to using DAWs and music production software in general, but it is fun so far. Using Reaper now, but might try out some of the others later.
Need to know how it feels to have a girlfriend in order to make a comfy game. Impossible otherwise.
>You just need to tinker with the values until it feels right and doesn't launch the player into the stratosphere
that's the issue. seems no matter how hard I try, physics objects just go BLLLLLLLLLRPPPPRPRPRPRRPP sometimes. ToK is a masterwork in that regard, I don't know how they did it.
>create tulpa
>now know
>no more excuses
I'm using Reaper too. seems good but I made less music in it than in simpler programs...
I lel'd
how does that differ from nodev?
And? Remember, we're talking about actually good small free Steam games, which should have thousands of "sales" anyway. Youtubers and streamers will discover those games and use the same mindset, and people watching them will notice.
This is all theory, anyway, because most devs would rather try making a bigger actually good game they can sell without losing hundreds of dollars by pulishing smaller games on Steam.
Nodev could theoretically change into a yesdev in the future. Neverdev will never become a yesdev.
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>try to make tulpa, make evil alter
>evil alter fronts and deletes my game out of jealousy
nodevs at least pretend to know game dev
ideaguy neverdevs don't know anything
>losing hundreds of dollars
No matter how cheaply you value your time, hundreds of dollars shouldn't be a factor to you unless you're a thirdie.
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I will now not play this game.
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>Boku was capsule knight poster this entire time.

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- added sprites for the retreating enemy state
- generated a ton of sounds using elevenlabs sound effect tool for moans and shocks
- added dmg dealing mechanic
- started to overhaul all UI in the game. I am still experimenting with this but my UI is garbage. Would love if anyone had resources/tutorials

also happy friday lads, remember to drink water
fuck yeah, make the UI more serious and make revert bokube to cartoonish
But smart devs don't want to risk it with this model and will simply rely on Itch and social media. Devs wasting money publishing a bunch of small games on Steam are also the type of people that waste money buying assets for their shitty asset flips.
and Steam offers very little in the way of allowing you to build a following making free games
y-you just saved toysouls progress post and reposted it right... This isn't your game right? Fucking hate you boku
>happy friday lads
it's friday
The shitty shaders and materials is what gave this away as a Boku game.
Sometimes being "dumb" pays off. Vampire Survivors failed on itch, but the dev decided to the do the "dumb" thing and publish it on Steam anyways, only for it to blow up.
So thats why this looked so familiar!
Completely unappealing. That aircraft could never support that woman's weight. They're both wearing ridiculous costumes. If they have that cyborg technology, you expect me to believe they couldn't use unmanned aircraft?
But that's not dumb. Steam has great visibility, and it's just $100 for one single long game, unrelated to the discussion.
It was dumb though. The lesson from the failed test launch on itch was that the game was not viable on Steam.
All I'm saying is if Steam submission fee is a factor for you, then you should work 2 weekends extra and pay for 4 Steam submission fees that should cover you for a few years worth of games.
this isn't gonna save you when I cancel you for being a rapist loser after bokube I hope you know that right. You're a fucking cunt for what you did to mojito
That's alright mate. It's not supposed to be a serious game if you didn't notice
boku souls is looking GOOD im excited

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Finally made any progress again. Also found some M61 vulcan sounds which go nicely with this
How do I make graphics like this?
looks pretty neat anon!
game name? I'd love to play something like that multiplayer.
Give me a game like this with shipbuilding, like Worlds Adrift did
seriously, one of the best designs there, it just lacked longetivity. making it open world PVP multiplayer was either a genius idea or a horrible, horrible mistake and I can't tell which.
post gun camera while transitioning from floor to wall
also the camera should be behind the guns showing more of the mech imo(not completely)
>fairy was from edengrall
Can't wait to make "I saw this game almost 10 years ago. Did it already release?" jokes for this game.
>Worlds Adrift
Too wacky for me. I just want the Euro Truck Simulator version of every real life activity. Is that too much to ask from games?
god I wish she had a dick
Nice, looking a lot better.
I'm working on it but it will take a month or so before I can post something.
oh yeah, I have one skin spot that's been red for 2 weeks
gotta get it checked I guess.
Researching the best service to provide a business email, and whether to open a business account at my personal bank or use an online one instead.
What's wrong with the usual? Anything weird will get rejected for their domain.
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haunted psx render pipeline for unity, only problem is that you won't have many unity features for post processing or particle effects/vfx
formerly Crab Mech, now idk, it's wip, maybe Steel Coffin
most basic case, but it works fairly well in all directions with only a little bit of jank
what does that even have to do with demos
you reek of nodev delusion
If you implement camera sway up and down when walking while in that view it'd be perfect to add for the transition
It's my fetish.
I'm skipping this DD.
aren't you that rolling cube guy from old /agdg/ like 10 years ago?
yet you won't skip your daily HRT injections, curious
I really really want to work on my game but my middle mouse button doesn't work anymore so I can't rotate or pan in any program right now.
Maybe he wants to charge money for the demo? Some people do that.
i have the same problem and i just rebinded it in blender and in godot you can hold right-click +wasd and its shit but good enough
Bro I'm scared of needles I skipped even the vax cuz of this
10 years on a cube game? it better make at least as much money as minecraft
This new game is so much better than Bokube desu souls-likes sell
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>high on daily cobbeine injections
minecraft was a game engine for players to make games in their mind as they played. bokube is a real game.
I SHOULD NOT be this awake
It's 3am
I slept 5h. I napped ONLY TWO HOURS, ENDING AT 4PM.
this is so gay.
going from soulful original cube sokoban to targeting gamers souls-like is pretty funny though
sokoban was a template
wouldn't be surprised if souls-like is a template too
The great gamedev delusion
The irritating part is that it seems to work in one specific scrolled position, every time I want to use it its like I have to crack a safe with a blindfold on
I don't understand what you mean. If you mean use a normal email address, I would be fine with that but I'm fairly confidant most people like the more professional look.
Yeah it doesn't have to do with DD, but the game is basically ready to be submitted. I'm just trying to get the basics of my company set up since I started it a couple weeks ago. In retrospect, I should have posted about that without the quote to the DD post.
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>It's 3am
he has a wife and kids.
I'm NEET with a comp sci degree who is working full time on the game.
Two different lives.
>full time
You put in 100 hours a week on your game?
its free but not for retards who cant read
NTA, but I live and breathe my game. I dream about my game. I'm working on my game 24/7/365
askjeeves "The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall"
How deep are you currently into your project? Longest I've went was 8 months for a demo.

eric barone really do be spittin
swam in Elven river today. Long ears point out of the water and I see them.
>listen to an amateur 2d platformer dev tell you about how your game will likely not succeed.
nah I'm good.
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Quick message to the few godot newdevs as retarded as I am who are looking into purchasing courses from GDQuest:

They initially advertised that they would release 2-3 modules per month for each of their courses. This fell to 1-2 per month, then 1 per month, and currently it's been almost 2 months since ANY module has come out for ANY course.

Their 2D course released back in December 2023. They have currently released 7 out of 19 modules, which are all at "I've never written a single line of code in my life" level. This implies that this BEGINNER course won't be completed until mid 2025.

Their 3D course released back in April 2024. Beyond the intial release there have been literally zero updates. Fucking nothing at all.

Their discord is unsurprisingly full of sycophants. That and mods stringing everyone along with "new stuff next week goys!" which they've been saying for almost 2 months now.

I thought they'd be better than the typical udemy fleecers, but I was completely fucking wrong. Learn from my mistakes, devbros.
This guy can actually make good games? I thought he was a grifter like the others.
Can you really blame him? Has to rewrite everything every time Godot updates. Might have rewrote every module ten times by now.
courses shouldn't be paid for with how many resources there are online. don't buy any courses.
just grifts.
he actually worked in the industry after wagecucking shitty jobs
he's just slow as balls but his game is polished, you can tell from the character movement alone that he knows what he's doing
The resources online are bad or to be more specific. They're not quality selected. Finding a resource is random. Making high quality resources obviously takes time and money too if it includes free personal assets to practice with. GD Quest at least tries to do good even if he falls short.
>I thought he was a grifter like the others.
asmongold is his fav streamer
Nope, I bought the course and looked it over before insta-refunding. Hardcoded values and magic strings among so many other bad programming practices everywhere. They're no better than youtuber/udemy dogshit.
>Online tutorials
Just read the documentation, you dumb fuck
Point still stands.
The game is still a 2D shatformer with zero gameplay appeal.
if /agdg/ knows so much why don't they make tutorials

imma be honest lil bro this the only gamedev video relevant to /agdg/
>immediately recommended video "Increasing the Gore in Response to a Publisher Asking to Reduce the Gore in a Gore-focused Game"
The publisher was right, in a way, that the game's artstyle seems like it'd appeal to a broad audience and that toning down the violence so it can be justifiably marketed towards teenagers/kids would be beneficial.
The question is, would it be better if it was like Happy Wheels (which is what he's doing)?
happy tree friends?
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>almost two months since last tweet
>his podcast came out and he didnt at least retweeted it to get some visibility
im worried you guys
fuck nevermind it wasn't recommended it was posted here >>483910686
the problem is, Happy Wheels wasn't just a regular 2d platformer/fighter, if he's going the happy wheels route he's barking up the wrong tree.
There's Branno and Asarge
eh, seems like a pain in the ass.
I'm going to kill your game. What are you gonna do about it?
I think the base models look like shit even though his game has lots of juice. Reminds me of those corpo soulless vector art
Pomaodev right? Why do you use that font
10 bucks says he is gonna become a dad and chocolatier will once again be put on hold
How do I make a game that I can finish within 2-3 years?
It looks like a mobile game, that's why I can understand the publisher wanting to target all audiences.
I made tutorial but it got delete :(
never agian
I wish I was Eric's child...
I develop games in an unique personal way. Most people wouldn't be interested in learning it.
>good games
Scope out a game that you think it'll take you one to two months to make, and you might be able to finish it in two to three years.
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>[story rich]
my game is story poor..
surely this image won't have a knock-on effect of making kids produce edgy shit until the entire Friday Night Funkin modding scene is nothing but edgy sonic fanfics
im powerless to finish my game.
>the entire Friday Night Funkin modding scene
Friday Night Fucking
That's just Beat Banger.
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Friday night devving!
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bountydev just can't keep doing this to us
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implemented jungle vines that move when touched, silly
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Progress of the day, ship building time implemented
i have to do a massive refactor...
I'm unironically going to take some inspiration from the game. You can carry a game so far if you just keep everything in-tune and have all the characters bounce along.
Granted, Necordancer was a pretty good game besides that.
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nice Fez-like
Because... we want to make games?
I don't even want to play games anymore. Last 5 years I've been playing like 2 hours a week tops.
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How does this animation look?
We walking to agdg to post my progress.
Because the documentation exists for a reason
"Those who can't, teach" - Marnix, 2000AD
Like a really cute girl making pancakes.
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Make damn sure your mathematical calculations are good, aggy.
is early access even worth it
>plays your game for 20 hours
>doesn’t recommend it to others
Why are redditors like this?
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thoughts on this character design?
my eyes are messed up for various reasons. Comic sans helps with readability.
I think it has been, mostly as a learning experience for me. People are gentler with all the bullshit and mistakes and problems, and are generally happy to give feedback. Not sure if I will do EA again for the next project, though.
I think 20 hours of play is just not very much for some people, which is something I'm learning.
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where are da loligaems /agdg/?
in jail
>1 year after release
>12 reviews
Greetings from 2026
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I will be praying for eric tonight
That's pretty cool. You could do different shapes and variants of the pinwheel to distinguish them, sort of like hairstyles.
Just got around to playing it, that walk animation kek!

I have this for other stuff in life. So yes I'd say this is real. I have it for gamedev too

What game is that in the OP?

Same, mine hasn't even released
What twitter tags should I use for the weekend to show off my game?
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Will you be my wife?

Looks tasty
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where the FUCK are the CRPGs
All the idea guys realized you have to actually make a game to make game and fucked off
my game will never get any fanart
what's your game
I don't have one but if I did it would never get any fanart
>when your brain hits you with lore mental pictures
holy shit i love this feeling
I still can't believe I have the honour of sharing this thread with Frederick "Fritz the Kikeslayer" Conception. I used to follow all of the trials during Nuremberg
Good start, now make the game.
same dude my game is going to have so much lore
I've been on nofap and the immense childlike wonder I get from lore and worldbuilding is very delightful.
post lore
#nameofmygame #screenshotsaturday #games #agdg #debate #slavaukraine #pokemon
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NTA, but here's some lore from the IP that my 3 big games are going to be apart of:

4 Elven Sagely Orders.
4 Realms.

Air Realm - Yellow Sages
Water Realm - Blue Sages
Earth Realm - Green Sages
Fire Realm - Red Sages
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Taking a quick 4channel break while I wait for this to move off of 0%.
this nigga a groomer
nigga this is not lore its a screenshot from jak and daxter
You've been making this same post for over a week. You've started making your game by now, right?
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I'm gonna make the finishing touches to my level this weekend (I have a big test tomorrow), after that I will just focus on bug fixes until DD arrives.
Yes, I'll have progress to show soon.
Not the english speaking ones anyway. If one wants help, only the japanese are willing to do it.
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This will be a duck.
>generic elemental slop
are you at least doing something new with it?
The four elements are integral to many mythologies. Far from slop to include the 4 elements in a meaningful way in your lore.

Also, yes I'm doing something very new with it.
basically, sometimes, people die in my setting
day 965 of trying to figure out what the game part of this game is
if the four elements in your game aren't NECK BACK PUSSY CRACK i am not interested bucko
i'm going to do this
Nah 4 element stuff really is slop.
I'm immediately turned off whenever I see it, especially if there are regions like "The Fire Area", "The Land of Water", "Air City"

into the bin
post your game's elements? let me guess, anger, happiness, sadness and envy.
NTA but if you want to meaningfully express why you dislike something you should learn to do so in a way that isn't just repeating the same buzzword over and over.
How do I make Nortubel Outlines?
kek nice one
alright, my game doesn't need to appeal to everyone.
Underspace was made using a template as well, and that has gotten more than 200 reviews in Early Access.
Getting ready for DD.
make me, nerd
The Elemental Realms are more complex and nuanced than that in my lore.
my six elements are WHACK SNIPE PUSSY CRACK SMOKE CHAKRA, is that okay?
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Can yall please skip this DD? I want Marnix to have a chance to play my demo.
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>spend 6+ years for 200 reviews
>this was a triumph
Post your game and the amount of reviews.
ok but I doubt it, sorry. The whole idea of that "elemental" stuff is to be one-note.
I told him to play the less popular games, just for you :)
Kek I played a game that did this in the past. I noticed since the after closing the game, steam said it was still running yet nothing on the toolbar. Reset or turn off the PC. Nowadays something like this will result in Steam being swarmed with people complaining and probably result in refunds even if you pass the 2 hour mark. Maybe considering No Man's Sky got some refunds but I think they barred to an extent.
I can't make you. I can only hope maturing through adolescence accomplishes that for you.
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Uhhh... thanks.
Seeing like this really makes me think I should've never stuck to my main project and instead project hopped to making a Vampire Survivors clone. Saw someone with the same artstyle as me pull 1000+ reviews and iirc a price point higher than VS did. After this project I think I might put my game on pause anytime an easy enough to clone FOTM/FOTY game appears.
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fuck man, me too.
Wow timothy cain is a pretty good programmer, I thought he was a writer/designer but he just did that on the side.
duckduckgo "the looker"
>>That review count
>>That price point
What about it? If people genuinely want a game they'll buy it at any price point.
roguelite bros we've been exposed...
i don't like lolis but that little girl is cute, in a non pedophilic way
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Bocchi sister, I too won't make this DD. It sucks that our games won't get played.
>hurr de durr im a gay retard with a big butt full of stinky farts
Literally what you sound like
anon I hate to say it, but you really do sound like a gay retard with a big butt full of stinky farts
>AAA game PR department head and vice-president
Game design is just high-level programming. Any sufficiently detailed design document is functionally indistinguishable from code.
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I don't believe in myself.... I believe in the Marnix that believes in me!!!!!!!!
If Marnix has my back I can achieve anything!!!!!!!!!!
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Made some sort of announcer guy, I was looking at Wii models for inspiration. I think I'm getting hands and shoes a little better
insane cope holy shit post your detailed design documents indistinguishable from code?
I told you anon I need to get rich first so I can improve my skills. I doubt many would want to play 2D CRPG considering how many 2D MMO's get glossed over in favor of 3D even when they seem interesting.

Also what's the difference between an RPG and a CRPG?
Thanks man.
True. On one hand, it's in Early Access and could make more, on the other, 6 years is a long time.
CRPG means Computer Roleplaying Game, but somehow it got categorized into being isometric turn-based / RTWP RPGs.
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There's strong demand for a "next-gen" realistic shooter, but it takes a long time to cook up a proper one, but cumsumers with no patience will just gobble up any slop in front of them.
Depends on the game. Sometimes it's good to learn early with a cheaper mini release than having to add new features in a scramble on release (I went though this, not fun).
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the short answer is that it's not a very well-defined genre name. Here's a longer answer (from about 2:22 to 13:14) that's a little humorous but also gets at why it's difficult to say what a CRPG is definitively.

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Is BiteMe Games a reference to Francis Dollarhyde?
please don't tell anyone how i live
I just thoroughly do not see the appeal in having a little girl as the main character.

But, make the game that you'd buy.

I'd turn it into a Male anthro and make it a full on Ratchet and Clank like if you're set on this.

Male anthro with some sort of talking utility companion like clank.
unironically bing "the witness" because that opinion is stolen from jonathan blow
post The RPG, I want some cringe writing
>making fun of someones appearance
relax attention seeker
>I just thoroughly do not see the appeal in having a little girl as the main character.
that's because you are gay
it might be better to make the hands less detailed if you can find a good way to represent them
No, I just wouldn't buy a game where I play as a female.
you aren't jon i can believe jon does it because he has a game two even
that's because you are gay
Maybe for lower poly stuff when the bodt is very low poly? It seems some models only using the main hand as a rectangle and the thumb.
How do I do "cringe writing"?
Since having a taste of success I'm no longer going to participate in demo days. It's a nodev trap to make people feel like they're "apart of the gamedev club".
Just like make game, get an audience and make big money.
wtf is this AI?
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>developed by a 17 and 20 yr old
One of these days we're going to learn our lesson and just write our own damned engine.
What game was he referencing? Ero Dungeons doesn't have that.
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

daddy gave them a good pc + money to buy assets, doesn't count
>Xhe thinks that this place can make a game engine while most people here can't even make a game
Enginedevs keep telling you guys to do it.
I'm not going to. I'm waiting for Jai to come out. With Jai, we won't need engines. Just directly to making a game.
it would be fair if they put guild architect in the demo day.
then you get to do 100x the work yourself and not have nearly the same chance of any success!
>loli getting beaten up by a 40 years old ugly bastard
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>What game was he referencing?
My game.
Eric should have never recommended Balatro.
This is gonna end up being cringe, I can feel it
They managed to make a whole ass MULTIPLAYER game in Unreal. Either blueprints are that powerful to be able make a game or they're way ahead of their age in coding skills.
I don't get it anymore, I don't. Where are these kids getting the skills to make something of this caliber and I'm struggling making a 2D pixel art game?
it's really this:

Most indie devs get crabbed into never attempting multiplayer.

It's that simple.
That argument doesn't seem to be aging well. I'd say that /agdg/ can write very good code. There's fundamental stuff, like physics, that should be sourced from common (well-known and trusted) sources, but when we load in 100k of JS just so we can animate a disclosure triangle, I think it might not be a bad time to consider learning to do that ourselves.
You don't need to write anything. You just reskin Lyra mannequins with some metahumans:
What does crabbed mean? I'm new.
Most games don't need multiplayer.
So is it easy or hard? I've seen one dev make his game run multiplayer after 1 week of working on it. A singleplayer game he had been design for at least a year, turned into multiplayer in the span of a week. Granted he seems to be a rich neet so he doesn't have the same pressures as someone like me. But I'm beginning to believe I've been lied to on the difficulty of it and I can just make my game multiplayer after finishing it.

>inb4 it is difficult and all these others are savants somehow
>agdg really doubted the power of unreal
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it means ur a qt uwu
what's difficult is having to refactor your code to make it multiplayer post launch and have it behave the same, if you make a multiplayer game from the beginning in 2024 you're fine because there are plenty of resources
you do need money to pay for hosting, that project was done by 2 richfags
It's easy if you don't care about cheating which in this game no one does.
I only play multiplayer games but went with single player because I'm not smart enough to code it. Ideally it would be PVP but cheat prevention would be too much work.
if only there was some kind of anti cheat but easy...
is this the next cope after age, multiplayer, realism, blueprints and idea?
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Matt Dillamonkey song stuck in my head all day, I just wanna dev
The model OP posted has four fingers and a thumb, but for something like that model I'd go with rectangle + thumb, yes. It'll surely make it easier to animate too unless you want to make it creepy.
Oh no I meant I know a dev who ported his game from singleplayer to multiplayer in the span of a week while already having the game part way complete. The fact he did it so quick and iirc in Unity is what makes me wonder how difficult it is. Is the refactor as simple as simply changing the name of some variables? Or are these people that are just coding geniuses?

But yeah those 2 kids, if they're rich, then that's a problem. Look how they cloned an unreleased game and made so much money off it. Why ever shill your game too early. If someone clones it well enough who knows how much of that crowd itching for the original end up satiated and simply never buy the other guys game.
It might depend on the engine. Multiplayer is apparently easy (or easier relative to other most other engines) to set up in Godot.
I don't trust the opinions of someone posting AI-generated bocchi
DD is a positive impact for getting you to do work and getting feedback
okay I just have to say it

I really love this hobby!
Of all the engines I didn't expect Godot to be on the easy end. I know, or so I've read, that Unreal has it the easiest. Idk what the rankings are when using all these engines
>Construct, Gamemaker, Godot, Unity, Unreal
Zoomers just keep winning
I've been waiting for a Silksong clone and there hasn't been a single one, so it's not that simple.
>is a positive impact for getting you to do work and getting feedback
Having a real audience is 100x better for that. If you can't get an audience, even early on, you need to project hop to something with potential.
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Where do they even find the time to learn all aspects of gamedev before even hitting 18 while also somehow maintaining a social life and having a gf and even outside of gamedev on the path to being richer than the average person! I don't get it!
Final Fantasy.
idiot gamedev larper, unreal is practically multiplayer by default
How do I make Final Fantasy MetaHumans?
Why were we all so dumb back then?
Sonic The Hedgehog.
>getting heated over an asset flip
How many more pages of tutorials could you want? https://dev.epicgames.com/community/metahuman/learning
Game dev isn't hard and they grew up on good games, so they have eyes for quality. They even teach programming and game dev in highschool now. Everyone has a computer and super fast internet.
There is an assets flip about interrogations that will make millions, those police interrogation rooms videos make millions and millions of views too
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This week I lost alot of motivation, idc what the hell I'm even making. I just want a third person shooter where you shoot demons but is that really enough? If I give the player too much freedom likes gunz then theyll just be too strong for the enemies. Even jumping on and off platforms can abuse enemy pathfinding!

Much of the problems come from two things: The player is able to jump freely and has the ability to shoot while moving. Maybe I should remove the players ability to dash/iframe?
Imagine haven't never played Devil May Cry.
bigger butt
why the girl protagonist though.
girls are not badass or cool. only cute or hot. who wants to play as them?
That's a hack and slash though, I can't afford to make one because of animations. I can at least animate guns/reload
I don't think clones typically happen before a game releases. Besides Bodycam succesfully cloning a game before it released, the only other game I can think of that feels like it was attempting the same strategy was Trove. The timing of it's appearance feels more than just mere coincidence when looking at Cube World.
My high school had a "gamedev" class ~15 years ago. The teacher didn't know shit. It was taught by a hag who learned punchcards decades ago. We just figured out shit on our own and made some simple games and apps in pygame and Java swing.
Not really. I find that "real audience" provides generally less helpful and in-depth advice and certainly won't be there when you need it early in a project.
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>everyone memes that Unreal engine is bad for 2D games
>"your pixel art 2D game will be le 500GB big!!!!, it's overkill!!!"
>try it out myself
>Ender Lilies, made in UE4 is 2.3 GB in total
>Gensokyo Night Festival made in UE5 is only 671 MB total
>base Hollow Knight made in Unity is over 5 GB without DLC
>You can make an entire 2D game with blueprints visual scripting making it more noob friendly then Godot
>blueprints are still heavily used in real AAA games so you're still learning a valuable skill over GDscript
>multiplayer, controller support and physics just work in UE5 instead of jerry rigging a solution together in Godot or buying someone else's marketplace plugin in Unity
>only down side is that the engine itself requires a non-potato PC to run it, 2D is not Unreal's priority but you're not venturing into uncharted territory either and multiple 2D games have shipped using UE

Was it all just a big meme? If you're not using a 3rd world thinkpad laptop from the garbage dump or making a phone gacha game I don't see why you wouldn't use Unreal 5?
Its just a base model, classes arent gender locked so you can pick a male or female mesh. The starting gear your character wears is based on which class you choose like Tiny Rogues.
>no vision
University was a mistake.
>years of life wasted for a useless bit of paper
>no harem of cute college girls
>no game
>tries to prep you for wageslaving but doesn't even manage that
University is just procrastination.
real ones roll with UE4.27
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>isn't hard
But I clearly suck at it yet the somehow have every single aspect down
>art chad
>code chad
>music chad
>gameplay chad
>irl chad
>A+ student chad
>already has offers for high paying jobs via conditional offer of going to college
YAMERO they're like women who get stuff handed to them but unlike women getting easy they get skills handed to them plus money by those skills. I'm just about ready to accept being a minimum wage loser.
If only there was a lightweight engine made for 2d games with built-in multiplayer, controller support, free console ports and no royalties, it should start de and end with fold...
after years of work my Godot game's zipped size just surpassed 200 MB and can no longer be uploaded to sites such as Patreon due to the size
however, if I recompiled Godot to remove the 3D capabilities and other aspects I don't need, the size would decrease to about 120~150 MB or so

I don't think it's a serious problem if you make a good game with it but if it's just a fun small game you're putting on itch.io (especially as a web game) it may be detrimental to have those larger sizes
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yeah... I'll just leave this here...
I don't think you have a real audience then. Looky loos on twitter that drop a like here or there aren't a real audience. You should be getting a hardcore group of early adaptors who have complete faith in you and your project and want to see nothing but you succeed. They will give you the best feedback.
I never had that before my current project.
gimmicks are more important than quality, thats why that tech demo called bodycam sold like hotcakes
>buying someone else's marketplace plugin in Unity
yeah i dislike this although i think most are free except for the server cost. iirc most avoid allowing p2p multiplayer which is what i wanted. instead i now will have to eventually shutdown multiplayer cause it makes no financial sense to pay for it 10 years or even 5 years after the game lost 95% of the playerbase. desu after 3 months most multiplayer games seem to lose 95%+ of the playerbase, kek imagine shutting down servers then and there to money-maxx. what annoys me is especially how outdated multiplayer assets quickly become just because the engine goes through rapid development. finding a tutorial or info thats rrelevant to your versions feels like such a hassle.

also who's the cute anime girl?
truth. I only did it because I'm lazy, don't care at all about work/career, and was hoping I could just sort of autopilot into a well paid job like everyone implied growing up and at the time. 5+ years later and I've never had a job in my degree's field. Should have just waged and started gamedevving when I was younger and sharper.
>sales 10m copies
nice shit take chud, video games aren't for you.
every time someone tell me le microtransactions and le gacha are le bad i'm gonna remind them of the kind of slop goymers are buying en masse
i hate gamers and i want to fleece them
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Scrapping this hair method because it tanks the fps. I will settle for the lego hair.
consequence of using a black box.
>Please use Defold, please!
there are open source DnD systems that I could use right? So I dont have to come up with any of my own spells or systems and people will be fine with it? How is this not a genius idea?
>he's thinks what makes dnd interesting is the spells and systems and not the dm
UE has the most complex and non-industry-standard API out of the 3. Even as a 2 decade experienced software engineer, it took me a few weeks before I felt like I really understood what UE wanted as best practice. Godot's API and workflow is closest to what you see in large, modern software companies. Unity's also not bad, but has a more dated "enterprise" feel to it, like it's from the "3 billion devices run Java" days. I've done game jams with friends in all 3 engines and I find that experienced software engineers can become highly competent in Godot within a weekend, decently competent in Unity within a weekend, but not at all for UE. There's just way too many non-standard things you'll encounter and trip up on.

That said, if you're new to programming in general and don't know anything, you'll need to spend several months on any engine, so it doesn't really matter which one you learn. Don't get locked in analysis paralysis. Just pick something and go. You can make anything in any engine.
What are you doing now if you haven't already accepted that? Tell me you have a game.
I used to post a lot on that general but left after the disaster that was halo infinite, nice to see someone is still cunny posting in my absence
Going to drop Godot for Unreal. Better to get into the market while it's still early. Verse soon.
>also who's the cute anime girl?
Ikaruga, from Senran Kagura!
Do they do it regularly? They don't seem surprised
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In a funny ass backwards way this somehow makes the most complex engine the most retard friendly one for newbies and artists who otherwise wouldn't have gotten into coding anyways while freighting off actual experienced coders.
Yeah, they've been through a lot
Did you play The Firemen for the SNES? I think it will help you get some inspiration.
Here is your (You), woman.
Any Kingsfield-likes? Baroque-likes?
Double Dragon.
you ever read some post that leaves you in disbelief?
i can't think of any agdg game that radiates competent software engineer energy.
you could tell me everyone was an amateur who learned on their own and i would believe you.
the fact that there could be software engineers here, experienced software engineers here, decades experienced software engineers here.
i want to know which game is their's because they're really talking themselves up like we're in some kind of interview with hr.
>t. Seething that nobody is falling for Xer failed engine
I wonder something about these models, if the bra is removed are there nipples under there?
>I don't think you have a real audience then
If I don't have a real audience now then nothing short of Eric Barone's success is a real audience

It might just be that if you're making a game that's hard to compare to other games, people don't have a good way of criticizing it. Devs from /agdg/ would be looking at it from an outside perspective without any implied interest in that genre so mind notice a lot of things you might otherwise not think about.
You just have to be careful and filter the "suggestion that doesn't work for this genre, or is a waste of time for my audience" from the "actually good insight that regular players are overlooking"
>I have to le use the LGTBQIA+++ approved engine like all my github sisters
You got filtered by the white male engine, it happens.
I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna download Stride.
We only like Bevy cultists here.
First, we find the ideal time it takes to kill a boss enemy. Probably around 30 seconds. Next, we find a winning combination of spells that are fluid to use, and we scale their damage basically by cheating it, and we say the boss will always take 30 seconds to kill. However with item upgrades, we can have a cap on the damage increase per ability. And say, once you beat that level, you'll do the boss 10 seconds faster. And then you go to the next level, and this type of scaling is repeated, but with bigger numbers and also slight variances. So we can use variance here with bosses the damage type. You might expect a spell casting boss to die more quickly. This is a method we can use to confuse the players perception about what's even happening. We need to provide the player with choices, and attempt to trick them into doing it the wrong way. This is overall a way to simulate a dopamine reward system that relies on colors.
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>radiates competent software engineer energy
That doesn't mean much in game dev. Jonathan Blow had been programming and making games since middle school and the only two games he made where a 2D side scroller and walking simulator puzzle game before he fucked off in the quest to make the ultimate programming language with zero games made for it.

Meanwhile Chris Hunt worked as a security guard for 6 years while making Kenshi, one of the most esoteric real-time strategy RPGs out there by himself in OGRE 3D which was already outdated and outclassed by the competition way before he even started development.
I've been having eye infections for literally 5 weeks in fucking row, spent time in hospital etc. And I can't work on my fucking game. So my demo days going to be pretty lacking in progress. I'm going to try a month of not doing any extra work activity, tv screens or anything. Just try to rest my eyes because I can't live like this.
It's ok. Shanghai will be fun as always. There's always next DD too.
>Took two whole years to get an update
Good luck
updooters are dumb
Players love feeling powerful though, maybe your game can lean into that
Is Bevy worth using yet? I'm vaguely interested in learning Rust but it says on Bevy's website to use Godot instead lmao.
Except the lack of updoots can have an effect of the usage of an engine and how they perceive it. People used to make fun of Godot all the time for taking too long to go from 3 to 4, and Monogame is pretty much dead now with their slow updates.
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>so emotionally retarded it took me 10 months to fully get over a oneitis that was probably only nice to me just to be polite and was not romantic in anyway
>lost all that devving time cause I'm too retarded to regulate my emotions
I should just save up to get some escorts or an anime sex doll and keep my emotions to myself. I can go full autistic retard beast mode on practical problems with other people in a team on a vidya game but romantic love is just not for me. blog over.
speaking as someone making their game in bevy, if you want to bring a game to market, use something else. That said I really like it, and if you're making a game that benefits from ECS (there are not many) then the parallelism you get as a side effect from the aliasing rules is pretty effective
Personally for me, it's Unity!
I'm more of a Godot Engine kind of guy myself.
updooters talking shit doesn't matter
Chrono Trigger.
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Chrono Trigger but even more explicitly Christian
i cannot understand guys who want a girlfriend. she just judges you all the time, wants to change you, is mad when you behave bad. and in worst case you move in with her and now you lose all your freedom. i just dont get it.
i understand the charlie harper lifestyle where you fuck some and get rid of them asap afterwards.
i think guys only want relationships because they lack meaning and fun in their own life.
It's not that deep. Gamedev has lots of domain-specific knowledge. I've only been seriously on my gamedev journey for about a year now and am still a chronic project hopper. For example, I knew convolution and tensors before starting, but I had no idea how materials, shaders, and lighting models worked. I don't post progress in a way that makes my games recognizable anyways.

Besides, software engineering experience isn't exactly the most helpful for shipping a smaller indie game. It's more helpful for large projects where you need to collaborate with hundreds of people. As a senior software engineer, I can draft proposals, submit issues and pull requests to big projects like Godot, but it doesn't necessarily help me build a game any quicker. In fact, as the adage is "done is better than perfect", I often need to actively turn off the part of my brain that screams "do it right" and force myself to "do it quick and dirty". This is honestly easier for junior devs who don't know how to "do it right".
the chrono trigger but with hinduism instead
well yea, that's why I won't get a gf unless she's a 3D artist who helps with the game and is ok with not having kids for awhile.

I don't want some nodev gf just eating and complaining and nagging me to impregnate her.
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mirrored soul has salaryman shi dna
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I just had a crislike moment; I looked at old school japanese VNs thinking I could replicate their style of backgrounds and vfx but they have aged very well and look soul as hell, it's over...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuPjMnmM_9w&t=35s why does PS2 games holds so well?
Is it easier or harder to design graphics like these today?
tfw no sakuragf
Because PS2 and older games were soulful and there was no dedication to "accessibility." Sadly, the type of shit that you're complaining about is epidemic throughout the entire Internet. I'm glad to see light shined on one instance, but it's only a tiny drop in the ocean. As long as behavior like this is incentivized and the games, movies, shows etc. keep selling, it will continue.
as other anons said, software dev skills mean barely anything here
I would joke "look for the unfinished games to find the software dev games" but that's not true, there absolutely are some experienced softwaredevs in agdg with decent or successful games, I'm pretty sure. It's just there's no strong correlation between that skill and game success beyond the fact that software devs are more likely to make games than non-devs.
The Secret of Monkey Island.
Art in general has gone bad. Take writing for example, I am 23 and this cutscene still wakes up the inner child within me, even though I have never played this game.
>I often need to actively turn off the part of my brain that screams "do it right" and force myself to "do it quick and dirty". This is honestly easier for junior devs who don't know how to "do it right".
Pretty much. The code I write for my game would never pass a review at work, but if I wrote code like I do at work for my indie game, I would never finish shit. It's the difference between being a small cog that needs to run perfectly versus being the whole machine and needing to pull all the levers and strings.
> do it quick and dirty
This is the way. Write the thing that does exactly the operations that you need it to do, then later pull it out into functions if you find yourself fussing with it.
you can make anything you want, just learn.
Enginedev, you'll have an easier time of getting exactly what you want.
Gameplay has been the same since PS2 because PS1 had a lack of processing power. PS2 was essentially limitless.
> cutscene
Don't you mean gameplay? There's no cutscene in that video
lil bro is 23 and wasting his best years posting on 4channel, grim
All of my peers are going for webdev. There is no one to discuss stuff around.
nvm I see the cutscene. Very soulful
This is very bad.
Another case in point, in the game while fighting if you strike a stone wall, your sword just rebounds back stunning you slightly, however if you hit a tree, your sword will get stuck, and you have to wait for the character animation to finish pulling it out.
Punch Out.
The Bug is fixed. It was a weird one, but now I can finally move on. Will most likely post some progress tomorrow.
Praise the King Jesus Christ.
>I can't compete with modern games so I'll compete with old games
why do people do this
it's a fight you can't win
Thank you.
You will too.
God bless.
>kike is kang
I can't compete with any game, so I have to be different
made progress, got a LLM running locally to return function calls based on what i send it.
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You haven't lurked long enough. There are plenty of examples of competent software developers in this thread, but many have come and gone.

Being a competent software engineer doesn't necessarily mean you are a competent game developer. Game development is an intersectional skill, you not only need to have a technical background, but you also need to understand art, aesthetics and psychology.

I've been in multiple industries, have multiple degrees and about 15 years of work experience. I'm starting a PhD next year and teach at university. I feel like I barely have an adequate amount of skills to make a great game.
Say I want to have several NPCs all use the same "base" functions and variables, with the option to overwrite some of those and add new ones. Am I just describing OOP or polymorphism?
Most of the examples I've seen of that seem to be more complicated than what I'm describing.
I don't play any modern games though. The last one I loved was Terraria.
Star Tropics.
leave, you will get brainrotted
>bug has really low chance of happening
>have shitty contingency that reduces its effect if it does happen
Thats what im working with right now. If someone knows how to stop/reduce the chance of collision boxes tunnelling into the ground in godot Id appreciate any advice. Any time my character falls fast enough the collision box attached to him can sometimes clip through the ground
Terraria kinda dropped off with all the boss rush nonsense.
a moth landed on me and it's the closest I've felt to someone in years
now I have the renewed strength to work on my game
It was inspired, by star tropics.
I AI generated some stuff for my game.
if your game has a comfy submersible then I will play it
Why did you even decide to remake her? The old one was good. It would make more sense to spend the time making a new character than reworking an old one.
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>yfw when no moth gf
... and? why should we care again
Do you only have collision on the surface of the ground? Make the floor's collision box at least deep enough to account for high velocities.
Mega Man.

xhe fell for the "capsule doesn't matter" meme when the gameplay is 100x higher quality than the capsule, it's over
atheism is peak reddit
looks fine to me
Just linking my engine to my post here and showing a video of what the bug was keeping from happening.

Basically, the bug was stopping me from doing runtime terrain generation.

Vid rel is me changing the seed for 1 chunk of terrain during runtime. Can change other values as well, but for webm's length sake I just changed the seed.

Praise the King Jesus Christ.
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>looks fine to me
I've never received pay for a microtransaction in full, right away. It usually takes 1-2 business days. It does tend to give me a portion of the money, but never the full amount; even with cash. I want immediate credit, do I have to see a teller?
Source: P2W Gacha PvP
sir this is the amateur gamedev general, see that with mr goldepstein
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Imagine worrying more about other people's games than your own.
As long as people are willing to pay for your game (and the people "paying" are often paying for access to the data the herdmasters are collating from the flock), then you should sell it. That means you can release games with terrible graphics and awful UX.
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Atheism was peak Reddit when Christcucks infested their site, but then you all got banned over there and started to infest my Chinese cartoon forum, and so now we have to push back here. Refugees out.
My ego is too big to have garbage attached to my name.
Regardless of whether it's right this time, quoting a chat AI as an authoritative source on anything makes you retarded
Yes. You can get the camera to clip through the clothing and see them, at least for now.
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good progress today.
unfortunately all the remaining bugs are not throwing nice errors into console so i have to dig to figure them out
I feel you, but you really aren’t gonna be able to change it. As long as people are willing to pay for dross, people will continue to produce it. Just look at AAA for a classic example. For myself, I found a company that was interested in producing Quality, and spent most of my career, there. It has its trade-offs. It certainly doesn’t win me any respect from today’s game development community. If anything, it brings me scorn and outright disrespect. I had to retire and work on my own (for free), in order to finally get to make games the way that I want. But I doubt my style is considered commercially viable. In any case, “doin' it right” is in the eye of the beholder. The fact that I'm writing my game in WebAssembly is "doing it wrong," to some Sneeds. Don't even get me started on ECS or using WebGPU. Can't please everyone. I’m best off putting my values into practice, in my own context, and not being an old man yelling at the sky. But I really want to. It just won’t do any good.
How do I make a game with an engine where 1x1 = 3
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It's not too late for you.
So what's next on your road map to 3D Dwarf Fortress?
Anyone here working on a Myst/Rivenlike? If so, I'm looking forward to it. I know that there's the Starry Expanse project, but I think it's too piecemeal and disjointed. I think Cyan has to do it.
youre so mad
Atheism is itself a religion. The moment you give god a name, you kill the concept of divine. The concept of morality being tied to divine is also a slave tactic. If the divine exist (and I think it has to exist) then I know for a fact it doesn't care about morality. Just as we see predators hunting pray in wildlife, because we are on level higher than animals, we accept it as their nature. Similarly, the divine is also a level above us, he doesn't care if one human murders other, he just sees us as nature.
Holy shit, why is actually releasing a game so much harder than devving? Fucking everything I went through during dev time is like child's play compared to all this shit. FUCK!!!!!
Terrain coloring for the surface,
3D Perlin Noise for the Underground and probably surface as well.

Tune a very nice single chunk with surface + underground.

Then multi-chunking ( more than one of those chunks, basically the big terrain deal.)

Dynamic Water.

Then the full terrain abstraction layer which will be layered over the perlin system, using the perlin system to simulate natural processes.
Yeah, I'm becoming a game developer. The iPad with the Apple Pencil is pretty much there. It’s actually amazingly good. I'm new to art, but I don’t seem to have a problem with it using my iPad.
If this becomes popular, I hope you get a Nobel prize.
Lol, thank you.
God Bless you and your ventures.
if you're sincere about this God shit, it's cringy.
if you're insincere about it, it's also cringy.
So where is the game part on the roadmap?
just stop antagonizing him and ignore it if it bothers you
he's obviously neurodivergent
I love Contra. In the 80s, I would stop at an arcade almost every day and waste a couple of dollars playing it. That's a great game. We've come a long way. I particularly like how it shows that the original characters were designed to integrate aliasing and blurring from CRT analog artifacts, so they actually look like shit on today's nice monitors.
he fears god, wonder what he thinks about during the day...
I feel bad for the poor souls that get crabbed into bad capsules. First impression is so important trust me
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No, it actually is too late for me. Most people with a high enough IQ and an engineering degree grows up enough to stop believing in your jewish scam. Almost everyone I knew from school went in as a Christian (I grew up Southern Baptist btw) and came out some variety of non-religious.

I wouldn't call myself an atheist. I'm a moral relativist and the closest thing to a religious belief I abide by are rationalist. (See: https://www.yudkowsky.net/rational/virtues) I don't murder because I'm afraid of laws and punishments, not because I think there's something inherently wrong with murder. I act rationally in my best interest, and it is in my best interest to not kill because it is highly likely for me to be killed in retaliation.
>Then the full terrain abstraction layer which will be layered over the perlin system, using the perlin system to simulate natural processes
K, looking forward to seeing that n 2065

I hope you're researching existing techniques and not just trying to rawdog it all yourself from first principles? I found this video explaining an alternative to perlin noise
he's probably an AIshitter too, playing god.
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I think this comic says it all bros.
Thank you for the link, yeah I'm definitely open to other terrain generation techniques.
subhuman brainlet
game is composed of parts, I consider this part of the game.
Wasn't there a Star Trek enemy who was based on Voyager colliding with some kind of doomsday machine? That might be a good idea for a game.
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This is a Christian general.
>I grew up Southern Baptist
>a Christian
these two statements are incongruent
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You guys like my engine and graphics? This is my latest world building algorithm, being executed at render time.
My code kind of needs the surface to stop any tunneling because theres another mechanic that activates if the player is in the wall
Whats harder about releasing the game than devving?
>yesdev posts "Christ is King"
>nodev atheists seethe about it for the rest of the thread
By their fruits ye shall know them
You're actually mentally ill if you'd kill a fellow human just because there are no laws against it. Morality comes from natural instincts that we have evolved billions of years ago for life to function and millions of years ago for society to function.
Morality comes from God. Now DEV.
Takeuchi never learned to draw, did he?
Seems like this thread is being DDoSed (maybe by the Norks). Can we get a new one?
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he's learned how to draw over 1,000 sabers
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I'm sure if you believe hard enough, the king of the jews will reserve a plot of land for you in his magic sky kingdom.

>these two statements are incongruent
picrel some terrain I generated almost a decade ago, back when I was a young, ignorant enginedev

There are some things I'm willing to kill for and some things I'm willing to die for. We form societies because having societies makes us more fit for survival than not. We intuitively understand certain things as "moral" because rational humans are very good at intuitively processing what's in their interests and what's not. This is why societies are still able to agree to cull unwanted member, sometimes through death penalty. This is why all your "Christian" counties are always killing each other at war.
>You're actually mentally ill if you'd kill a fellow human just because there are no laws against it. Morality comes from natural instincts that we have evolved billions of years ago for life to function and millions of years ago for society to function.
Cool theory, liberal, but modern hunter gatherer tribes have like a 20% murder rate, which is several orders of magnitude higher than any actual country.
It's almost the 4th of July here in the US, where we celebrate the War of Independence (American Revolution) and throw off the yoke of British trannies. I'll add fireworks to my game.
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Give us this day our daily thread
I had the "haha religious people are so stupid" phase when I was a teenager. I grew out of that when I came to accept it's just part of culture. The stupidity you see especially US bible country christians display is due to poor education, not due to religion.
It is somewhat concerning when certain sects effectively "tax" their followers but that's a separate argument.
True, but education and religiosity have a strong negative correlation. I still go to church for various special social events and can put on an act for the sake of the sanity of my extended family and friends, but I'll say whatever I want to retards on my Mongolian basket weaving general.
>Nortubel Outlines
What do you mean?

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