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Previous: >>483897736

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
i love having wriothesley put his massive fists up my aching bussy
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Your previous chars are bricks now
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>they think more broken characters is bad when they just added imaginarium
You all won't be clearing with these poorfag mindsets
You said the same thing because of Pneumousia.
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The pyro archon will look like this
Is there any non-Faruzan team with Wanderer? I want to roll him because his gameplay seemed fun, but I don't want to drop any supports from my Xiao team
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Lorelet here

What is Project Stuzha?

Who's more powerful Childe or Clorinde lore wise?

What kind of experiments is The Doctor doing (or did) with the homeless Children?

Lorewise, who is more powerful, Raiden or Arlecchino?

How come Traveler couldn't defeat Peruere? What's the Crimson Moon behind Arlecchino?.
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sex with both of them
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>Murata is a honkai expy
>Himeko is famous for dying
>Natlan's chapter is about resurrection
>No one knows who the current pyro archon is
>Mihoyo is keeping natlan's info and the name of the pyro archon a secret
>The only body type we're missing is a potato shota
The female archon is dead and gets resurrected as a shota
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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sex with hu tao only
my promised wife
die in a cartel video taco
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Why wuwa flopped so hard /gig/?
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>the characters are too weak, they're sabotaging the game
>the characters are too mid, they don't care about the game anymore
>the characters are too strong, they're scared now
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The hydro buddypoke...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
>>>The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
The lack of 4.x hangout events...
>>>The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
>>>The lack of Rukka and Egeria demon names...
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
where the fuck was she?
also which leak said she was in fontaine?
Eventually you realize its just a Chinese knockoff.
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Korean women love Scara
i will happily accept a female dragonwank with year long shilling even though i shit on neuv for the same exact thing. i am shameless and objectively correct here
Threadly reminder that Furina is for you.
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I'm excited about Pyro MC bros. She's gonna be overloooooading in Chevreuse team
thank you for killing furina, hu tao
i am gay and she was raping me
can we go get some coffee down the street?
it's shit
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My wife
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>Pyro MC kit comes out
>he releases "Primordial Fire"
you can already do that with electro traveler, retarded coomer
Why did Furina have an orgasm at being choked out
Why was Furina raping (you) then Hu Tao saving you only to then rape you herself?
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go cope with your downgraded scaramouche hsr hagtranny
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We love shotas here
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Even Ayaka is bullying Furina. Furina is just too pure for this game made by communist bugmen.
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my wife is a little needy, but its okay i accept her
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Why would they introduce powercreep at the top of of the meta? Every other element that isn't hydro or dendro is useless now, I thought they would only powercreep cryos with Columbina.
>What is Project Stuzha?
We need more info about that

>Who's more powerful Childe or Clorinde lore wise?
Childe is the strongest vision user by far together with Wanderer

>What kind of experiments is The Doctor doing (or did) with the homeless Children?
Unethical stuff

>Lorewise, who is more powerful, Raiden or Arlecchino?

>How come Traveler couldn't defeat Peruere?
Tabibito is a jobber

>What's the Crimson Moon behind Arlecchino?
One day we will know
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Let my heart bravely spread the wings
Soaring past the night, to trace the bright moonlight
Let the clouds heal me of the stains
Gently wipe the sorrow of my life
I dream
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It is official. Firefly is a flopfly. r/gachagaming need x5 multiplier in the chart to not make her look like a flop
This is not only less than the shilled White-haired mecha girl in Nikke but also less than what HSR made last month, with fucking Robin, a chicken lmao
We don't even need to bring the top dogs (UMA FGO) into the conversation to know that Pagfly is the biggest flop in gacha history. I've never seen a gacha character shilled this hard
imagine if a group of people were to vandalize one of the stores.
it would both, get the point across that nobody likes scara, in fact people hate him. and also block mihoyo from future collabs, hitting where it really hurts them.
$$ due to FOMO
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Furina will still be the cutest hydro
>wormvillette lost
>wormzhu lost
you didn't roll the metafag worm duo right?
he's called the one entombed in primordial fire because he is burnt to ash in his lore
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is it that hard to believe?
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my wife robin is powerful!
I have Furina C2 as a straight male
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>femcels dont realize how much their posts stand out
You should volunteer
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Neuvillette WON
Was Cater Khaenriahn? I though he just got cursed/died and was bought back as a churl.
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This is how the devs see you btw
>less than robin

and this was supposed to be HSR's gigashilled best banner before they go to a year of chinkslop...
Another shit thread. Femcels are not funny even though you’d assume they’d be for example Tomko Kuroki
I'm a fujo and I have C6 Furina lol. Waifupoors don't have her at C6? Sad!
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I'm rolling sigewinne in a few days
neuv status??
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If you say goodbye to me tonight
There would still be music left to ride
What else could I do?
Im so inspired by you!
That hasnt happened for the loooooongest time!
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>comfortably beat Firefly with barely any shilling
How did she do it?
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Wrong thread faggots. Go to /hsrg/
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Natlan story leaks, according to a 3.8 World Quest which foreshadows it.

>the Archon Quest revolves around three tribes, who are fighting about who defeated the Pyro dragon (either Xbalanque or Nibelung) and is the rightful ruler of the land
>One tribe claims they beat the Pyro dragon with brute strength and endurance
>One tribe claims that they outsmarted the Pyro dragon and stole his gold
>One tribe claims that they took a growth potion and talked with the dragon, convincing him to leave
>At the end of the day, all three tribes are correct, each depicting an alternate viewpoint.
>There is a magical "key" that can rewind time. The key only works if the three tribes agree to work together to pull it out of the stone.
mmm nyo i'll keep posting robin here
i think i would. but i don't live in korea.
>Favonius Weapon
Can we please have a powercreep weapon for this Mondo shit?
at least post some lewds
I miss my spiral abyss....
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hsrGODS finally get the last laugh

"broken beyond belief for at least two patches"

It's also funny that it was supposed to mock ruan mei for being so broken beyond belief yet will only last for 2 patches. On the contrary, even after 6 months, nobody has yet to powercrept ruan mei. Instead she has just gotten even stronger with super break.
Then I’ll just report your off topic spam
>Robin + Boothill vs just Firefly with 11 days left
No need to be so dishonest just because the last 6 months of Genshin banners were a flop
Neuvkek was released on september 2023 xis
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are you looking forward to hoyo's next game?
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Nahida is really sexy.
Go back faggots. We don’t care about HSR
we care about HSR btw
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>we need two banners every month to make our game look alive

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I'm just breathing some life into your desolate thread no need to get so mad~
Wangsheng funeral parlor WON over /gig/!
We KNEEL to cleo around here!
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>This is not only less than the shilled White-haired mecha girl in Nikke
Modernia was shilled hard in Nikke before her banner. She very much took the main heroine spot from Rapi
She even had a theme song for her banner
Not even close to the amount of shilling Firefly got tho if that's your point
Unusable/gig/ as usual… I guess I’ll just hang out in better threads
It is Robin vs Boothil + Firefly
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alright here's just Robin
Why are they powercreeping Neuvillette and baizhu?
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Reminder that keka is still strong and damaging.
>albedo powercrept
>hu tao powercrept
>raiden powercrept
>nahida powercrept
>neuv powercrept
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Anon it's been 3 years of non stop coping, this isn't good for your mental health
Because they’re greedy and want money
They're powercreeping Neuv, Kokomi, Alhaitham,
Boothill was released during the last few days of May
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my powercrept wife cant be this cute
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Chinese humor
>enter a state

A lot of characters "enter a state", this literally means nothing unless elaborated upon which they fucking won't
>wormzuha out of nowhere
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the strongest
ZZZ is disgusting
What does this thing do? can I fuck it?
>3 tribes
Grove Street
Not a fan of this powercreep
hi kaveh
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hello, please respond to my poll
thank you
hi alhaitham
>make a fun summer event with fun cute female characters
>ruin it with scaracringe

What were they thinking?
I hope all mod users get banned
>only 13.24
>2nd best Fontaine banner
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I’m sorry
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dinducchino flopped
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I have used 72000 resin approximately on the pale flame domain and I have yet to get a 50CV piece
Yes, but Sparkle is canonically trans.
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I'm happy that she finally got her full girl team after three years of being tied to water twink and zhong
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Damn, Sigewinne quest was really damn good, and i didn't care much about the character until now.
God damn mihoyo really knows how to make you feel for product nr 1251, don't they?
Fortunately i love the game so i'm fine with this.
share the cord link xisters
Chori needs cons to powercreep Albedo
Clorinde is still worse than Raiden
Emilie is garbage outside of burning
>barely above genshin with inflated iOS prices

HSR is a gigaflop
>I most certainly have no tails. If you ever see them, you're surely dreaming. Do you understand?
This is gay as fuck. Yae tells you in her voice line that her tail is a little softer than Gorou's.
>wasting thousands of resin on a shit character like eula when you can just throw any EM at raiden or any HP at neuvillette and have tier 0 damage
Heads up! The wheels are spinning
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man Hoyo is really literally who in Japan. Just saw what FGO Monster Strike and UMA do there in average
UMA worldwide release, especially in China could be the end of Genshin in r/gachagaming chart
second best in 2024 not 4.x
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i didnt enjoy plunging so i got c6 furina instead. i can finally use this 3 cuties + sexo team
If I didn't already use Koko and Barbara I would probably get her, but she'd just be a teapot decoration with a cute VA (JP)
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onahole mind
I skip all story quests so this doesn't happen to me
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>tfw no sweaty oni armpits to lick when it's hot
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I am farming for the queen of Physical DPS, not Eula.
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Chiori doing 1 damage is infinitely better than Albedo doing 0 damage because his construct broke.
Based TRVE /gig/ger!
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member when this game used to beat Genshin multiple times revenue wise?
I don't remember any WQ like that in 3.8
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>could be the end of Genshin in r/gachagaming chart
Wrong. gachagaming gods will start adding PC+PS numbers from their asses to the chart if UMA dominates
sparklecord raid
>Chiori isn't a brick at C1
>Raiden plays in aggravate
>Emilie does meaningful damage without upgrading the lantern
whatever you say
>he thinks chinks or the west cares about literally who japanese horses

that shit will have even worse revenue than FGO global
My onahole...
Lumine is so lucky
Dornman release
>Kazhua appears
>Incels seethe for an entire year
>Kaveh shows up
>Incels seethe for an entire year
>Neuvillette shows up
>Incels seethe for an entire year
I'm really excited to find out what Natlanese character will mindbreak the 3-4 incel schizos for entire next year. Not looking forward to the endless reposted 10 images and sales/usage charts though. That shit gets stale after a week.
Is this the gacha finance thread?
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Dude dont waste your time, he spams that post in almost every thread
still waiting for that fontaine class war
>ooga boogaslop

goddamn I don't care about some random primitive african tribes
>i'm really excited
>not looking forward
women really are indecisive huh
yae miko is the real electro archon
That style screams Fontaine though, so at best it'd be a 4* if released during Dornman patch
I literally look like Cater irl
Arlecchino is killed by Furina
Holy fucking shit AHAHAHAHA
JP is just different they don't contribute much to genshin global figures and never did even before the price increase.
FGO is already available in global, it didn't see sales comparable to JP in other regions and cygames are lazy with localisations.
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Really? This again?
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Huh? His outfit is similar to Rosaria's and he was mentioned a couple of times already, in-game.
sex NOW
I know having multiple thoughts is a struggle among the modern (born after 1990) man, but you can look forward to one aspect while dreading the other part of it.
A daring thought, i am sure.
pags really don't know how english works huh
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Babu love
She is genuinely a good character and it is hard to hate her. The shilling wasn't forced down everyone's throat
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Why do japs love games that play itself so much?
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But Emilie is fine outside of Burning as well. She's a perfectly fine alternative to Nahida in Quicken and Hyperbloom teams.
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Just kissed Furina, how you doin’
I will never understand why soundschizos cares so much. Sound is finitive. There's only so many variations that sounds pleasing to the human ear.
So it's natural that some music will intentionally or not overlap with other older songs in terms of beats and keys.
they work 20 hours a day and only play games on their commute to and from work, that's why autoslop like HSR is popular
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"childfree" people need to be sent to reeducation camps
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you could unironically remove kaveh and nothing would change in sumeru
uma doesn't play itself, the dailies there take an hour
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Correct, I only come here looking for investment opportunities
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You aren't factoring in how she does damage, her damage is mid before her lantern upgrades you could replace her with XL and you would get a higher dps.
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I took a nap and had a nightmare that I missed the first Imaginarium Theater, and Ganyu laughed at me.
He has? I don't recall that. When was he?
Also i don't really see the semblance to Rosaria besides the color scheme of the outer layer.
Though now that you mention it, he do have the cross tie or whatever that is, which would imply he's a barbatos sheep.
eat some food and it will go away
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because they are not NEET like you
>Why do japs love games that play itself so much?
Because it is a phone game if they want to play real games with good gameplay
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It just dawned on me. The people of the past would laugh at you for playing these shitty games. Imagine Joseph Stalin looking at someone playing Genshin. He’d send you straight to a re-education camp. Imagine Adolf Hitler coming across Anime, he’d fucking kill you for watching this crap.
We used to have many Aetherfags here
Sumeru offed most of them
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>Come back to genshin
>Just do the bare minimum daily grind
>Once the banner I'm interested leaves I stop playing
>Don't feel compelled to do story or world quests because they're so obnoxiously longz

I like the stories but goddamn, the padding is horrible
They work 12 hours a day, followed by 6 hours of mandatory meeting at the local bar.

They can play autobattler games like HSR while on the toilet or on the way home on the subway while groping and creepshoting underage schoolgirls.
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Rant about Genshin

and kekluc I guess
they would kill you for being a fat retard too, but no one really cares about what dead people think
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I miss when Rosaria was a jerk to everyone
Fuck character development
having multiple thoughts on the same thing is called being indecisive lol, its not an offensive term, its cute when you girls are lost, it lets the men guide you and be happy
>i really want icecream, oh but it will make me fat, should i get it or not?
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gay sexgods
>A Disneyfag
>Bullied so hard he started the third reich

When are we getting the REAL gigachad, Seneschal Seamus?
If i recall, he went with Varka's 3 day special operation in Natlan, didn't he?
Have we even got a single clue WHY Mondstadt even sent most of their military force to gods know where yet? I always forget books and text lore the moment i close it.
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I know he won't be one, but imagine the /gig/ melty if he's a 5*
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people were saying this about books, tv, movies, art, theater, etc.
as civilization progresses, people have more free time and live easier lives
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I don't care retard
women don't talk like sitcom characters, retardbro
cute and canon
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>the closest this game has of a christian church
>clergy looks like fucking vampires
What did Fat Xiao and world-building intern mean by this
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can we just fast forward to Russia? I don't care about this black panther shit
lol sure bud
She still is. She was sorta bitchy in the cat event
>Hitler and Stalin
You really know how to choose the big winners of history
do they send tcg players to gulags?
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We already have a gigachad, you refuse to see it
what? why? black panther in natlan will be KINO
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Based Stalin. Video games are for losers who have no dream or anything to look forward/ achieve in their pathetic lives
Imaginarium Theater leaks
>Imaginarium Theater is a fun endgame mode and will likely be well received by players who want more endgame content.
>Most players should be able to clear Normal difficulty, since the free characters given to you are strong enough to clear Normal. You only need one built DPS to clear Normal difficulty, which rewards you with 440 Primogems.
>Hard difficulty is the equivalent of 36 starring Abyss and is a real challenge. You will need 3-4 built main DPS characters to clear Hard difficulty, as free characters won't be strong enough to clear higher levels of Hard difficulty.
>Envisaged Echoes are the hardest content ever introduced to Genshin Impact and requires your respective characters to be Level 90 and Friendship Level 6. Even with this, you will need significant investment into your characters in order to have a chance to clear these levels. On top of investment, these levels also require a lot of strategy in order to clear them. They are a true endgame mode that most players won't be able to clear, hence why they only have cosmetic rewards and give no Primogems.
>The people of the past would laugh at you
they're not laughing right now :^)
sorry sis, this whiteboi is getting his ass whupped by a nubian QVEEN in 5.0
it’s over
>Clorinde story quest
>CN voice Lyney refers a lady as "beautiful lady"
>EN texts says "friend"
Why are you still this wokeshit game? Even star rail also had something similar where EN 'localisation' didn't allow even a hint of Aventurine being straight.
have you ever ghosted a friend?
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How do I make my posts stand out?
haha this nigga finna gonna cast flipendo or somethin fr
>having multiple thoughts on the same thing is called being indecisive
And this is why the world has gone to shit since 2010. Thanks, Internet opinion aggregator, ecelebs, third world globalization and other assorted cancer!
All the time. I hate people so much.
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>let me ask an LLM chatbot what it would say about this
>that's a valuable contribution to the thread
>i'm not an NPC
attach a unique handcrafted kokomi to each one
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post a rare chibi kokomi
Quit it with the height and skin discriminations, europag. We're all equal around here
>hence why they only have cosmetic rewards and give no Primogems.
I won't clear it. simple as

Fuck do I look like? Do they think I am a retarded slave or something? I am not putting my brain on a cheese grater just so I can get some retarded ass camera pose.
no primos = no clear
I am an NPC though
A few from here.
wanna frot?
be my kokowife
envisaged echoes is sprinting effects, not a camera pose…
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Spam the same drivel for years, ignoring everyone telling you to kill yourself.
And if you wanna be spicy about it, use the same character but different pics to avatarfag as. Jannies won't know any difference.
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Grow up. Seriously grow up. Fucking roaches of society stuck on Genshin.
New leak:
You and Paimon will visit a new zone name Natlan
It will have pyroculus
Tabibito will have a new fire form
Many new chests and quests
You'll meet a new archon(pyro)
>Fuck do I look like?

a shitter coping
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cry about it
>And this is why the world has gone to shit since 2010. Thanks, Internet opinion aggregator, ecelebs, third world globalization and other assorted cancer!
hey at least we are of the same opinion on that
I see...
May I ask why?
What's LLM? Some kinda competitor to GPD or whatever that google AI is called?
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We need to bully every Genshin player we come across IRL
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>First guy
He ghosted me first
>2nd guy
Tired of him
>3rd guy
I forgot to reply to his chat for a few weeks.
I saw a Furina and a Ganyu cosplayer in the town square once (In my nation cosplaying and gacha game playing is practically an alien practice to 90%).
They were very cute. Why would i wanna bully them?
I have ghosted exactly 8 people in my life. Two from 4chan.
wormney wormvillette wormsthesley wormrina wormvia worm retainer wormori wormcchino
wormrinde wormwinne all flopped
still makes no difference to me.
besides it's just some individual sprinting effects anyway. they should make it universal if they want me to try hard that shit.
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Just be yourself
>four new parts of new maps
we've already been shown the obnoxiously vertical pillar canyons for the fat mole pokemon to navigate, the river area with floating island and subterranean volcanic area for the fat swimming pokemon to navigate, and slightly different than sumeru jungle area for the furry yoshi to navigate. This isn't news or a leak, it's in the trailer released a month ago.
The truth is I would DESTROY every single one of you with my bare hands.
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Does this image trigger Genshin players?
ooh it looks like neuvillette might be getting some competition in 5.0 and the femcels are NOT happy!
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casual > retarded tryhard like you
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No, I was never bullied.
attach lewd pictures and ask enticing questions
you could also try ragebaiting and falseflagging
me on the left
sorry xis, he's for nahida
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i heard female bullying is way more brutal and mostly on an emotional level instead of physical
is this true /gig/ ?
Wormvillette flopped.
this trigger transrumi
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Man, they better not bring their new forced animation technique to Genshin
Poorina flopped
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wtf bros...
I wanna hug talochard
Yes. Female bullies drive their victims to suicide. Male bullying is mostly only physical and ends at that.
wormvillette wormed
poorina plopped
fontaine flopped
You can run a Furina core instead. C4 Jean's good too. I've also used stuff like Fischl and Yun Jin. They aren't as good but I've 9*'d with them in the past.
cute wormvillette
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>For example, I miss you.
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Japanese players are worried about the upcoming Natlan characters' performance because they're all dark skinned.
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serious non frotting answer, yes i did, and i still do. sometimes i just dont wanna talk to them or anyone and I dont wanna explain why. there are also cases where they are talking about stuff that is annoying to me and i dont wanna be rude and cut it off or tell them to stop so "looking busy" is my way out yes i know i should change this but it is what it is

an example of this is a guy i added from here, the guy is cool and all but he keeps shoving other gachas on my face and im not really gonna touch another gacha ever again after i tried HSR just to drop it, but i also want him to feel free to talk about his games... so i ghost him here and there..
This is common in Asia amongst females bullying

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I've heard there was a bully in here.

We've already backtraced your IP.

Your front was not locked.
the will be brown
they will be meta
they will get tons of fanart and be spammed on every board
>he switched back to larping as a alpha male after wuwa flopped again

how is Kurumi taking Furina's great flop?
the fuck are you guys talking about?
Obsessed Shitvillettefag.
that actually sad
A video for you Genshin Impact failures from Dhar Mann

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alpha male here
i think GODVILLETTE won
this shit look so goofy kek
You should be bullied if you go telling people irl that you do or play x thing.
Dont tell people about your hobbies. I learned this a long time ago when I got made fun of by two of my older female cousins for playing Pokemon at 15 years old (i still play it more than a decade later lol) and that shit felt extremely undermining.
The only thing I tell people i do in my free time is the gym, they dont need to know everything else.
Learn to keep shit to yourselves.
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Wriosisters... It's over
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Behold... my Sumeru exploration team.
Another flawless victory
Do people ever talk about gameplay here?
Is this what Mihoyo thinks of their playerbase? They sponsored it btw LOL. They think of Genshin players as bullied nerds at school lmfao
Spicvillette flopped
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I have no friends, and have never had a friend in my entire life.
My only friend is Paimon.
>Bullied in school for being a tranny
>Self insert as a tranny in a gacha game
>Mad at Neuv just because he was mean to furina
actual tranny
>Genshin players are losers according to /gig/
>Yet all the qt cosplay girls I follow on Tiktok love Genshin Impact and half their cosplays are Genshin related. Even Fontaine characters like Furina, Navia, and Lynette are common cosplays.
>Meanwhile, they rarely cosplay Star Rail outside of the occasional Silver Wolf, Kafka, or Sparkle.

Genshin is literally more popular and socially acceptable than every other gacha game combined.
me in the back
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anon most cosplayers are pid for it/do it for clout. The average Genshin player is a loser like any gacha player
why are asians so bewitched by big buff black dudes?
does sanjit think he wouldn't get bullied if he told people he played blue archive and wuthering waves?
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>he rolled for a man in a dress
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imagine still playing this children's game
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>jagged teeth
but why is this an attractive feature? am i just not fit for society? have I been the weirdo all this time?
The worst one is when females bully males. They say and do shit that touches your soul. At least if you get bullied by another guy you have the right to retaliate.
If you get bullied by a woman youre not supposed to do shit even if she goes too far, and if you do you are the bad guy and the bully.
I wouldnt wish that shit on my enemy.
I hope thah bitch who bullied me in middle school dies cartel style.
no, i skipped dehya
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No one did actually, Flopvillette FLOPPED
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Dehya doesn't wear a dress.
Based and checked. Same.
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Most Tiktok cosplayers either cosplay as characters in games they play or whatever is popular. Genshin still has twice the playerbase of Star Rail and five times the playerbase of any other gacha game, so it is naturally going to have more cosplayers than any other gacha.
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Another wriosister, wtf
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What a manly man you are, crybaby. Man up
curve is a robot
talochard is like a incel who can't get girls and falls in love with a chatbot
pic related
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i hope genshin has more edgy shit because thats when its fun idc. the prince of khaenriah mirror scene, the visuals of traveler walking after ei kills signora, albedo killing his failed self. dottore. yeha
Just shove them away lmfao. Pushing a woman brings no consequences and makes them piss their pants
>brown character
>Same anniversary rewards as the last 3
>powercreep of the worst and most boring kind
Bros I don't think we'll survive this one...
What exactly is a loom of fate
this thread is boring, post some charts or changli's titties
you're getting your colorful pokemon region and you're gonna like it
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>getting bullied
>no friend
way to out yourselves for being a loser, /gig/
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this is my favorite chart
I read that manga a few months ago, it was cute
Anon, underage girls on Tiktok can't get sponsors. They just cosplay for fun or for attention.
but why are you trying to take the high ground while also visiting /gig/ anekin
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and thus scylla becomes monsieur neuvillette's new familiar
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Sumeru village that is missing
>qt girls sext girls on tiktok

What’s wrong with you faggots
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Incidit in Scyllam cupiens vitare Charybdim.
lol maybe its just enjoyable
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Neuvillette when he enters my room early in the morning to watch me sleep but I wake up before he has the chance to wake me up with a kiss
The reason why I said if you do seomthing you're seen as the bad guy and bully is because I did do something in the end.
Got her in the mouth with a headbutt (because she was taller) and got expelled for it. You'd swear I killed Kennedy from the way the school staff acted.
That rat behavior by this stupid society is why bully victims find no other option but to take matters into their own hand. Dont move when the bully bullies but act quick when the victim strikes back.
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wow /gig/ wasn't joking about wrio fans
Yelan Fischl and a (decent/good) shielder of your choice that you like imo, and may sound dumb but high high high (old school venti style) 4pc VV, yes the supports are bringing a lot of the damage but it just works and its fun so why question it if Xiao is going to take like all the other best supports
You can use bennet too but he is kinda antithesis of his playstyle since you float around, shielders make more sense.
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smelly oni
will they really make the new characters niggers? no way right chinks hate them
>high high high
i meant to say crit here, DPS 4pc VV
unless you go for his proper BiS set, it just makes 10x more sense then going 2x 2x glad* VV
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Tranny on tranny violence. You love to see it.
>wow /gig/ wasn't joking about wrio fans
Genshin fans is more accurate
what pokemon game?
chevy...! ahh, ah, ah, chevy!!! *spluurrrt*
You instantly believed the electro sovereign fanfic shitpost so why is this one from a reliable leaker (foul) hard to believe
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Kiss Neuvi
I refuse to address.
Sumeru village Layla comes from that got forgotten by the Dev Team
They actually were leaked as dragons not sovereign. Which retard kept repeating they were sovereigns though?
Shenhe...! ahh, ah, ah, Shenhe!!! *spluurrrt*
>check JP tweets about natlan
>it's just people fantasizing about muscular dark skinned men
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how did fat xiao go from writing pure kino to then complete cringe in the span of a year?
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Are you okay anon?
does he turn that colors if i touch him
t. Chongyun
if he does show up again i hope scylla shits on neuv for being a usurper's little bitch and doing nothing with the authority while all the other vishaps are eating shit but knowing that fat xiao is neuvdev he'll probably just suck his dick like the rest of the universe
Jinhsi's boring normal attack rotation and animation stunlock kit killed WW. Mt. Firmament story is worse than Meropide, Fontaine.

Genshin Impact.
>anything with paghida
>pure kino
Saved the game

Massacred the game beyond repair
kleepedo... how about you cuckpost a loli for once?
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Really enjoying the new possibilities that Furina has opened up. This team is surprisingly good. First time any Succrose team I have made was so brutally effective.
more like uslurper
He meant to say everything with Scaramouche obviously, see new summer event which will be extra kino
I have a lot of unresolved backlog shit from my childhood.
But I am relatively good now
Thanks for asking anon <3
They'll likely be same color as dehya
japan is finished
they love drawing blacked stuff
and NTR stuff
they are a cuck, pretty much

chincels are our last beacon of hope
considering waterkuma is chinese and he's working on ZZZ... idk about that one crodie
chinkcels are about to become gay furries with zzz
because it reads like an OC
another broken hydro catalyst dps that somehow does EVEN MORE DAMAGE
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nahida is trying to sleep
stop posting her or talking about her
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for someone who is wishing cartel death on someone, you dont sound really good
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I just want to take the time and thank Neuv, along with his whole shitty region for flopping. Way to avenge my wife king/queen.
Chinks secretly love black men
well, ZZZ is doomed to flop anyway
any woke garbage is doomed to flop
The japs have been hit.
I realized this when I saw my favorite JAV star doing an IR video.
>neuvpag literally FLEES when presented with empirical facts
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I miss bedo kino event
reminder that cheating culture is so fucking common in japan
>b-but neuv!
no, both are garbage
I can tell
they are the biggest p*rn producer in Asia after all
But anon, my favorite JAV star did IR a decade ago.
>i-i'll quote you NOW
Kek, nice try. Floptaine is the only region that lost half the players after the AQ ended.
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This is where genshin peaked.
If you dislike Neuvilette so much
Why do you keep bringing him out?
Why are you so obsessed with him?
Total Localizer death can’t come soon enough
And it gets worse with every year.
Reason why I stopped browsing hentai 3 years ago.
I might have been able to blacklist tags but whats the point when my favorite artists have all gone that stupid route.
The only things left to browse are incest and yaoi, which dont interest me.
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I want Neuvillette to stalk me. It would probably be really easy for him to do so since he can obtain information from water, and the Melusines would be willing to provide him with any information they find about me, especially since it would make him happy to know.
ranjeetmeru melty
pagzoomer melty
floptainer melty
uh oh
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>Xavier has a cute gf writing romantic scripts for him on Petrichor
He's so lucky...
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If WuWa is a flop, then what is ZZZ?
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No matter what character you want to shill, you can't deny the facts: Genshin is long past its prime
The first two days of the endless martial formes event were just
>bro your Raiden
french BVLL and his italian girlfriend
when you go to absolute rock bottom which was the aq and first sq the rise back up would make it feel like a peak
Yeah, Furina pretty much acts the missing piece that a lot of unsupported teams would need in order to function at a reasonable level.
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I love Amy
I dont care about anyone else
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my cute wife will save genshin impact
Tell me more about prisonslop and the fontaine finale
They are going to move on to the new Natlan girl if leaks prove to be true.
She is basically Normal Attack Neuvillette.

NTA but who is your favorite JAV girl?
post cute please
i'm sick and coughing a lot
Its "not even out yet" retard.
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This quest is the most disappoint thing in the game for me so far
It started so good, but it ended like that
>based ei post
>your region is shit my region is better arguments
makes sense now
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get better
niggers don't sell hoyo knows it no one cares about west faggots
Genshin anime doko?
Ai Uehara. She even went to Africa to get gangbanged by a bunch of black guys. Filthy, filthy whore and a top tier JAV star.
Take a nap nigga, youll be better once you wake up
>6 different characters + entire city contribute against final boss

>dragon ex machina
fat xiao thinks of this as his best quest btw
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They might as well try. Fontaine trannys flopped hard.
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>furina exploration powercreep
I regret rolling furina lawrence
they need to fill out the DEI quota othewise blackrock will ban genshin from the United States
>ai uehara
really? shit, havent checked her stuff in a while. that sucks.
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There is simply no way Paimon would ever use the word "indwelt"
after girls work
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get well
Cool. Mine is Mizuki Yayoi.
Biggest and most perfect ass ive seen on a little asian woman.
so, the dendro and hydro new characters are dps?
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The benefit of neuv getting powercrept is that the metafags who think he's OP and his meta strength obfuscating his actual writing will finally start fading
She lets her true vocabulary slip sometimes.
Go back to when she turned into "Megami Paimon" in that mechanical penguin event in 4.2 or 4.3
IDK about them bit thank god i havent pulled his C1 or signature.
I have him slaving away with a Prototype Amber and he gets the job done.
Now I can pull the new chick.
>normal attack catalyst
finally a non meme mika yunjin team
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No one but a select few (shitskins, westroons, yuritards) gave a shit about DOAhya, stop coping and get help with your neuvillette derangement syndrome already
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I care about Dehya
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The only canon genshin ship
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>they think Neuv will get powercreep
I see gig learned nothing from Navia and Arletroon
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>they think dehyadev will let a brown character be meta
>3 days into the Sigewinnie banner
>Not a single person posting about her

I'm still grinding primos for her, how does she play? Is she cute enough to compensate for her OK performance?
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Why do you get so mad when people don't like the same character as you? Shitvillette is only liked by a few people with no taste, get over it.
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>No one but a select few (shitskins, westroons, yuritards) gave a shit about DOAhya, stop coping and get help with your neuvillette derangement syndrome already
Xer mad.
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I'm grinding mora leylines with her. Her burst can clear waves I guess.
But you still rolled him once, kek
She's an E bot, her niche is that she full heals by pressing a button (not even Baizhu can do that) with no ER reqs because her burst is useless until later cons
She's only optimal or close to it in mono hydro and maybe taser right now, and only with Furina
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I hope Dehya and Neuv interact in an event one day. It would send this Dehya avatarfag into a downward spiral.
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She doesnt really add much to an account.
Her best team is Mono Hydro but requires Furina, Kazuha and Yelan.
I guess you could get her if you are a new and need a team healer but I would recommend just skipping.
Emilie, Nilou, Navia and Yelan are coming next patch according to anons, so save for that or for Natlan.
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post brick
man this general is so dead
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Modernia is the character (you) love the most. you even have the option to pick her over mankind, if it wasn't a gacha this would have led to the true ending.
The first half of the story is (you) chasing after her. got united for a chapter and the story now is about (you) doing everything you can to bring her back home
She is not the main heroine and this a harem gacha having the main story favorite a girl this much is counted as shilling
This is like saying AetherxLumine isn't the obvious endgame < Genshin Impact to be on-topic
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Remember when we were the chads of /vg/?
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Decided to randomly play Town of Salem after years. Was fucking dead and barren. Kind of like this general
pretty bricks
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oops, meant for >>483939851
These scenes would be better if Lumine had a twin sister.
I have Yelan, Kazukek and Kokobrick as well as as Nilou for a bloom team. I lack Furina. Should I bite my time and just start rolling for the Hydro archon?

Keep in mind I like collecting the smols, but I also lack Klee so I don't mind just skipping until something better comes around.
>weak jobber
>no mecha suit in combat
>requires multiple limited chars and a C6 4*
>mid-tier at best

>does cute and cool stuff in the story
>actually has a mecha suit in combat
>(You) are her best support
>BIS party only requires one limited char
>T0 at C0
That game still has a server?
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Imagine for rolling for characters you don't like.
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>hur dur I don't know who to used them
>outing yourself as a shitter like this
lmao even
aether is so cute...
>5.0 first female 5* on field hydro dps
>5.1 kazuha meta level female 5* geo support
>5.2 pyro archon
>5.4 madam ping, first on field 5* female dendro dps
bros wtf is this I thought natlan would be the skip region??
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>She is not the main heroine
but everyone agrees that she is
>inb4 Rapi
Paimon is the face of this game and she is not the main heroine
Yeah I'd roll for Furina first before Sigewinne. I wanted Furina cons, but the 4stars were bad for me, so I just got Siggy instead.
no, we are the toilet of /vg/
always has been
I come here just to take a shit
The answer is always roll for who you like because there is no content that justifies rolling for any other reason
But unfortunately in terms of meta strength Sigewinne was designed and balanced around Furina so you won't be getting full performance out of her at c0 without her, and even then she'll only be an E bot if you want to play with meta in mind
She's the best healer for Furina teams unless you really need Dendro or plunge attacks. BiS for Navia and Clorinde.
natlan is the HYPE region, bwo
Everytime I see sales posted here I cringe, like /gig/ knows how much Mihoyo is earning from Genshin LOL
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I like all the characters I roll tho...

I have Kazuha and Beidou together in a taser team because it warms my heart to have besties in the same team.
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So are you saying Sasuke is the main heroine of Naruto?
Floptaine flopped
wormrina flopped
it's a skip region if you don't like brown & granny
I am already at the point where I no longer roll for meta
so I gotta wait for the design reveal
All banners goddamn flopped
>kekomi is a 3 year-old character
holy shit...
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it's hilarious because we don't know any specific numbers, but people keep spouting their made up shit, and it's all pointless in the end anyway, so why do people bother and take it so seriously? it's an exercise in absurdist futility
skip* region
I am rolling for Noelle cons

I like both, but lets be honest, a character being fun to play or having synergy with a group of chars you already play with increases your enjoyment of the game. I don't want a strong team, I want a team that feels fun. If I roll Furina I know I will be able to permanently walk on water which is a useful feature that I lack currently when trying to explore Inazuma,
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>He has never fondled a girl with small breasts
God I love Furina
Genshin impact

moar liek

Flop trash garbage

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>Mondstadt, Inazuma, Liyue, and Sumeru banner flops
"KEK what a flop!"

>Fontaine banners flop
"W-We don't know how much they earn! W-Why do you care about sales? Those numbers are all fake!!"
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Mondstadt never had a flop banner.
pagfly flopped
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If you like both no harm in rolling though just so you know if you want to play like a metachurl at all rolling for Furina and Siggy you only get to use both as an EQ bot and an E bot respectively anyway
If you don't care about that and only care about the overworld then no problems
Siggy's burst is pretty much not worth using (again, metawise, but you can play around it just for fun) until you get cons
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oh no what happen?
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>Marian is more important than mankind
>Say that to the most important person in the ark and the one who can execute him on the spot
The ultimate gigachad moment for Nikke MC. Too bad it hasn't been topped a year later
oh no no no transrumi bros....
>I am rolling for Noelle cons
I have been with Noelle C3 for years now. no jokes
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She wouldn't have flopped if she had bigger tits.
>above titktok
Firefly won bigly
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I don't get Nikke The MC is definitely not a self-insert He has more personality than Aether and talks more in one chapter than our MC did in 4 years
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Say something nice about Ayaka /gig/
wormvillette flopped so hard they are already phasing him out meta-wise
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You mean barefoot?
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we are getting raped by /hsrg/ arent we...
dykes gays and trannies arent selling for shit
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Did they put this layline over here just to sell Furina?
My favorite Mondstadt character, Aloy.
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Same here, spent about 80 rolls on the banner and went from c1 to c4, so pretty good all things considered
I just want at least one more, I can cope waiting till August to get the final one from the shop if need be
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I heard that Fat Xiao identifies as they/them.
Is that why "they" ran the game into the ground?
So that "they" have friends when "they" inevitably join the 41%?
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>and talks more in one chapter than our MC did in 4 years
Because we have Paimon
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Real men will love tits from the girls they like, no matter the size.
Why are you posting a retarded tranny whore who died like a dog?
I don't mind characters being QE bots. YaoYao is an E bot but she brings me a lot of joy. My issue is having a character that is so useless that even despite liking them they get benched.

Sayu is a great example of this, no matter how hard I try to hit her in she has no synergy with my teams, not even as a healer.

I got to C5 before getting cucked by a Thoma, I'm so close to greatness.
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>we are getting raped by /hsrg/ arent we...
Firefly performance in Japan isn't impressive either. The raping will happen because of Gachagaming x5 multiplier for this month
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I love doomposters. They are my favorite poster.
>Sayu is a great example of this, no matter how hard I try to hit her in she has no synergy with my teams, not even as a healer.
Just freeze bro. She's actually pretty versatile even if there are better characters for her roles.
This but unironically
Good morning saar
Post your latest abyss clear
>5 hours thread and we're nowhere done
we will reach 12 hours once ZZZ is released
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Well in that case if you want to play mono hydro Sigewinne Furina and Yelan, Xingqiu and/or Kaz in the last 2 slots is a good team (really works best with Yelan in slot 3 because you can on field her so her burst can buff herself)
I love you Firewife
changli's changlis...
Low bar but I agree, as they are the only ones who are honest about the state of the game.
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Nice team, do you think swapping out Ayaka for Cocogoat will make a difference?

Can I see your Sayu Build?

I don't have my Rosaria Raised, but now I'm curious. She's C0 tho.
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Is the new Abyss/Theatre/Endgame mode shaping up to be harder or easier than the Spiral Abyss? Assuming I have at least two good characters for each element.
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gm my kittens
>the nation of pyro
>focuses on buffing hydro and dendro instead (the two strongest elements in the game already)
>I can't clear with Mistsplitter Shenhe Kokomi and Kazuwank
I think I just suck
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I love being forced to bring hydro.
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Was it that good?
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I wonder what power Traveler will get when we reach Natlan. Pyro must be offensive like Electro
Barbatos is a demon name, retard bro
They are demon worshipers
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fuck doomkeks
fuck shitposters
love Siggy
love Emilie
Sisters what should I watch tonight? >>483941686
too obvious
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i can't imagine filling my head with random made up garbage "facts" like "JP genshin makes ~$X million per month" and "genshin in August 2023 made less than honkai did in CN" and "fontaine 4.4 was the lowest performing banner"
you guys know that you're basing all of these "facts" on app rankings? you're becoming experts in made up trivia.
I turned Wonka off about twenty minutes in.
>offensive like Electro
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another day without a cutetao gf
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The Wonka with Johnny Depp and that kid who has perpetual teary eyes was better
t. retard who doesn't know what sensor tower is
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Just the usual full EM with ER build. Rosaria isn't good so the cons up to C6 certainly help. I don't know if you can slot Ganyu in since some of the enemies needs to be killed quick like the kairagis.

The key for me was to group the lectors but I guess you shouldn't have trouble with Kazuha. Maybe you're having trouble somewhere else?
could it be that mihoyo will give us a decent traveler dps when we reach Snezhnaya?
unfortunately 3d girls like that do not exist
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Nahida giving birth
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I'm still salty that Hydro Archon doesnt look like this
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>long hair
>sprinkle of autism
is it really that rare
>he thinks sensor tower doesn't just make up numbers by extrapolating from app rankings
>anemo bonus
that Sayu needs a lot of work
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I was able to make it through that movie in it's entirety. It's not bad but it's no where near as good as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
i look like this
Neuvillette is a revolting character.
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Do you love Jean or Navia more?
did you say…extrapolate?!
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unironically it is ok to shill a character this hard if female. No problem with Modernia shilling and zero problem with Firefly shilling also even tho I find her extremely bland, she is cute at least
My problem with Neuv is the lack of boobs. Make Neuv but female in Natlan and no one would complain
>but everyone agrees that she is
Because Nikkers can't read, she is the antagonist
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>he thinks sensor tower "extrapolates"
Why did Fontaine fail to produce popular and beloved characters like Alhaitham, Wanderer and Nahida?
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I'm sorry for flopping......
>Make Neuv but female in Natlan and no one would complain
>no one would complain
lol the shitstorm will be worse on reddit and Twitter
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>salestards calling anybody a retard
/gig/ has fallen
and thats a good thing
Why did Fontaine fail to produce popular marketing figures and brand ambassadors like Tighnari and Nilou?
>plays for men
How gay can you get?
Im sorry but good character design isn't allowed here
It's too early for collabs
you can just stop at
>Why did Fontaine fail
Because Fontaine is bland
"man" that wears nail polish and takes hrt talking about what a man should look like
xe whaled for >>483936493 btw
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>reddit and Twitter
I wasn't talking about sub-humans
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why slow thread
i’m fucking your favorite genshin rn (i’m pyro hypostasis btw)
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>Why did Fontaine fail to produce popular marketing figures and brand ambassadors like Tighnari and Nilou?
Because Mihoyo doesn't want to pay for that now? They have another game to shill
flopposters, doomchads, and salesGODs won
phone number!?
Neuvillette Wrio and Furina are the most popular Genshin character now though
>a cuck's opinion matters because
Well, we can talk about sales again if you want to....
... among hoyolab teens
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pic related is me grabbing all y'alls faces rn telling you good morning
thats kinda gay
Are you saying they don't?

Cuz they do you fat retard
I'm thinking of uninstalling HSR...

Thank you Sayubro, I'll try out some builds, see what happens!
im not a retard
...In the lgbtq+ community.
but anon, why would you uninstall? they're doing better financially than genshin impact (according to our fake numbers)! have you taken that into account?
Genshins with flabby bellies?
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Discord troons worldwide are all currently in meltdown mode after yesterday. Lost the motivation to troll around here I guess
It's not doing better financially though, all the charts you see are mobile only and Genshin makes the most money from PC unlike HSR
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can you bring sparkle to genshin please
>zero problem with Firefly shilling
Fuck off. Imagine making a plot about how you were super close to this woman, and the guy who literally sees the future said you were each other's destiny and whatnot while still giving the player the option to tell said woman to fuck off if you don't like her, just for everything to become meaningless because now the writer decided that this new girl is the most important person in your life and you have no choice in it. The previous woman from the 2 main quests? Doesn't matter
>sensor tower
>fake numbers
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Imagine the smell underneath Capitano's armor after a hot day in Natlan
whoa i really like character
*posts fanart*
*reacts positively to fanart*
give me the sauce
Because I found the story to be very shit from the start Firefly didn't make it worse even with the THREE fake out deaths
i hope your mom and dad die tonight
How can you say you like a character if you don't have their fanart?
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maybe they prefer realism
did (You) complain when we spent like one month in prison for childe? did you ever say the traveler's actions are unrealistic and forced? well?
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somehow, it's really shocking when you realize that this girl is a person who has an IQ of 10000....
how can clothes simply make you uglier
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I honestly don't understand the point you are trying to make
galaxy gamer bwos...
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>unironically it is ok to shill a character this hard if female.
And Firefly shilling was waaaaay worse Nikke didn't go as hard because they didn't have the budget to
Neuv wasn't this bad
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If you want cosplayers, you can just ask.
it's simple
>male character good
>female character bad
that is literally how you think, because no one complained about going to the shithole meropide is for a MONTH just for childe, with no build up. it's pretty obvious where your priorities lie
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She already is
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/gig/ is dead, guess ill go look at naked hutao pictures
Bro what the fuck are you talking about? I didn't even talk about any male
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kek, answer the question you squirming retard? did you cry about the traveler being willing to go to prison for childe, the same way you claim the trailblazer liking firefly is ''forced''? no you did not so shut the fuck up, male character biased redditor.
>Capitano is going to be an extremely muscular Amazon under the mask
How will /gig/ react to this?
So either we salespost or we're dead.
The absolute state.
For me, it's Occultmage, Eveilns, and Luxumine.
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Wuwa may have been a flop, but it has done its job in exposing Genshin slop and hurting its sales.
How many men did your wife fuck again?
Beause Varka gets to fuck that and I don't.
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This is the real news and it is the lowest so far since launch
The cn numbers are manipulated by gachagaming, the source of this chart
changli breastfeeding me..
My dude I don't even play genshin story since the Irminsul bullshit, I just play hit autoplay and alt tab, so I don't fucking know. I didn't even know the reason we went to prison was because of Childe until you said it
>male character biased
Again, where the fuck did I say male character good you retard? I specifically talked about Kafka and Firefly
literally everyone here hates prisonslop, why are you making shit up just to defend blandfly?
worse we got Nikkers in here
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If Capitano takes his fucking mask off and he turns out to looks like a fuck boi, I'm quitting this shitty game... Unless Natlan has another semen demon as sexy as Dehya.
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you are so mad lol

even if you take out the multiplier, both cn and global numbers are the lowest so far
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lost it hard here for some reason
As someone who lost over 30 kg to look better, Sigewinne SQ cut a little too deep......

Don’t get me wrong, I love how I look now. I am more fit, more energetic, more confident and overall have a better quality of life. But when I remember how I was treated in the past, it still hurts. Being neglected, being overlooked, made fun of; and my good qualities didn’t matter at all. And now that I am more fit and look good, suddenly people start to notice those good qualities too. How funny I am, how empathetic and understanding I am, how easy it is to talk to me.....

Sorry if it comes off as whiny, I am a bit emotional. I am crying while typing this out right now......
why did genshin mindbreak this pajeet so badly?
no type that again without crying
>literally everyone here hates prisonslop
yes but none of it is because how of "forced" the traveler actions are. but make the MC care for a female character in a similar way and it's bland pandering, lacks buildup, makes me feel like I'm being railroaded, etc. just say you don't like her because she panders to an audience you don't like, I'm sick of you redditors larping as literary critics when your complaints boil down to "I can't coom to this"
we love Nikke here
I just came back from watching shutter island. /gig/ is indeed my Ashecliffe Hospital.
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why did hydro became the fat fuck element anyways? i thought it was the healing element
SofM2 :Raiden: :Furina:
Sigewinne's SQ does hit hard. Not just because of the "villain" (I'm not sure if I can consider him a villain) but also Sigewinne herself because it showcases how things work in real life.

Your looks do matter.

You can be the smartest in the area or the best worker for a company but people many times won't hire you because of your appearance, many won't have you as a love interest because they will dismiss you on your beauty and you will often feel like a shadow or outsider, overlooked, made fun of.

If you are slightly different, society still often doesn't care about who you are or what your traits are, they will judge hard on your looks and go from there.

Not just Potton's side of the story fits irl but also Sigewinne's. Having to shape yourself to fit and be accepted, this often happens in real life. Some people even lose a bit their sense of identity in the process.

It doesn't come off as whinnying, don't worry. I do think this story quest can hit many people and leave them emotional and feel relatable to the characters.
fat people should always be made fun of
That dude is just a homo with no standards
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>This artist is a nikker now
Shame I wanted more keqing
she's just a boring character, it's not that deep
every single good artists is leaving genshin...
>designed by melon22
I installed Nikke for she
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Lol lmao even, you are trying so hard to spin this into me hating "pandering" when my first post is literally comparing her to Kafka
i dont like firefly because she sometimes uses a dudes voice... wtf is up with that???
I've got a lot of /gig/gers on my friendslist the running theme is they all have shit artifacts like 160 cv.
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>Click the link
>Now Nikke is in my trending tab
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is it soulless to give her this?
NA? uid?
why doesnt genshin have cute foxgirls...?
>Why did Fontaine fail to produce more of my beloved anal worms?
masturbating to the next female genshin posted
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Now that Genshin Impact is no longer the fotm, what game are you going to play next, bros?
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uhm... your Itto?
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i wanna choke on a bwc tonight
Sex with autism
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Rapi fag spotted
it is that deep, because the same standards of writing are not applied to male characters. it isn't even the only example of it, like how neuvillette is never criticised for being the work addicted character reddit bashed female characters for.
you can dislike firefly without trying to make yourself sound rational about it. it's manipulative and pathetic

you don't even play this game, why aren't you in /hsrg/? did they kick you out for crying about firefly with the same retarded reasons

idk it's a feature of the mech, the meta reason is to disguise her identity but that whole plot point wasn't handled well
_______ lost.....
>tfw no cute onigirl
>tfw no cute foxgirl
i lost *cums*
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I’m scared of the Natlan dendro DPS sisters..
games? i don't play games anymore. I just got back to my old hobbies, watching movies & tv series. it's better that way. I can finally enjoy the story without having to read long ass paragraphs & paimon yapping next to my ears. I've been playing chink gachaslop for so long, I forgot what good story actually looked like.
>Almost 8 hours thread
Post faster bros or it will be a new record
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No, using the mondstadt chest exclusive weapon is very much soul
the record is 24 hour thread
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/gig/ is a /hsrg/ colony. It's so funny how defensive you are and you keep bringing homos out of nowhere when my original post was comparing Kafka to Firefly
Low sales
No collabs
No clothing lines
so now neuv magically moved from doing everything in fontaine to only caring about work. okay
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kek same and glad Im did
There is a really funny joke here hope you guys can spot it
one does not exclude the other? why are you acting like he can't be the main character of fontaine and male ganyu at the same time

railkek, I like your game but this is embarassing. you come in this dead shithole, not even to talk about our game but to talk about yours. you give the impression of someone who got laughed out of your general
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remember the hype of fontaine?

i member
>glad Im did
I remember the optimism, now only disappointment remains.
I just took the opportunity to shit on Firefly and compare her to Kafka since I hate the way the game handled her character retroactively made everything you went through in Xianzhou with Kafka pointless. You got defensive since and had a melty and tried to make this about me liking homos
this girl is from natlan
So did your mom after being removed from my cock

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