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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Summer Sale edition
Last thread: >>482504031

>Linux games on sale
>Deck-verified games on sale

>Libre games, source ports

>Stuff for running Windows games
Wine (mostly used via Proton, Lutris, etc.): https://www.winehq.org/
Proton (comes with Steam): https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton
ProtonUp-Qt (installer for custom Proton builds): https://github.com/DavidoTek/ProtonUp-Qt
Bottles (Wine frontend): https://github.com/bottlesdevs/Bottles
Lutris (Wine frontend and game launcher): https://lutris.net/

>Other (non-Proton) compatibility tools for Steam
Steam Tinker Launch: https://github.com/sonic2kk/steamtinkerlaunch
Boxtron (for native DOSBox): https://github.com/dreamer/boxtron
Roberta (for native ScummVM): https://github.com/dreamer/roberta
Luxtorpeda (for other native engines): https://github.com/luxtorpeda-dev/luxtorpeda

>Unofficial launchers for platforms lacking proper Linux support
LGOGDownloader (GOG) (CLI only): https://github.com/Sude-/lgogdownloader
Minigalaxy (GOG): https://github.com/sharkwouter/minigalaxy
Legendary (EGS) (CLI only): https://github.com/derrod/legendary
Rare (EGS): https://github.com/Dummerle/Rare
Heroic (EGS, GOG, Amazon): https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher

>Other cool things

>Linux on other boards
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i was worried about boris, glad he's alive
I did a quick test for frame generation by recording a game and piping that into mpv that is running with SVPManager with the highest quality settings and it looks pretty nice. To do it properly I have been looking at getting motion vectors with vaapi and nvenc and it works nicely. Just need to apply motion compensation which I dont know yet how to do properly to do the frame generation.
Then inject that into mangohuds game injection or something to apply to all games.
FSR3 sucks ass compared to the test I did.
Just for good measure, here are the usual store links from the last several threads' opening posts.
>>Commercial games for Linux
As of now, ZOOM Platform and Game Jolt each show nothing with their respective "on sale" filters applied, even with the "Linux" filters removed. I don't know whether these stores typically join the "summer sale" bandwagon. If they do, the sales either haven't started or already ended.
Using the new built-in screen recorder on steam deck. Unfortunately steam doesn't allow you to send video files larger than 100mb or longer than 1 minute.
I played the demo of this game once but I forgot the title. What's it called?
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>having some kind of hardware problem last thread (restarts when under load) >>483109067
>end up ordering a replacement PSU for around $90 because whatever
>decide I should try plugging my system into a different outlet just in case it's the usual outlet not being able to handle the incredible power of my shitty old computer
>move the PC and one monitor across the house
>run one of the games that was very consistently making it restart
>it works
>??? oh fuck oh fuck I didn't need to buy the PSU and instead my house's wiring is fucked
>move PC back to where it was
>it still works
>???? oh maybe it's just because I didn't plug everything back in yet
>plug everything in
>it still works
With seemingly self-inconsistent results, I'm back to square one. I may or may not need the replacement PSU. Maybe I "fixed" it for now just by re-plugging everything, which would be nuts.
Anyway, I guess this isn't related to Linux except that I can go back to playing Super Tux Kart now.
friday night elden ring. just beat messmer and doing some exploring of missed areas of the dlc. funny i couldnt beat him and then the patch dropped to buff scadu fragments and then right after i managed to barely squeak out a win with 1 hit left for both os us lol
Playing dark souls on my deck and I'm realizing I do not like these types of games at all.
Does anyone know what's going on with AlpyneDreams and d8vk? Dude has been ghosting all the other developers for the past year. It looks like dxvk is trying to get it merged for the next release though.
I'd do a full memtest with the non-free memtest, then watch your temps as you game with mangohud. Obviously check your logs for anything wrong.
No idea, I remember checking out the Mr status months a go and there was nothing. Maybe there's sadly a public discord chat that those devs are in?
I was considering buying gun metal from zoom since its DRM free there and not on gig, maybe the steam release us DRM free as well but I am unsure.
man it's hard to keep a linux gaming thread here alive
what game is this?
See >>483917263
Have any of the proton forks enabled the wow64 mode yet?
As of last night, it has resumed its behavior of consistently restarting upon loading a certain game, even though that game did work for a while after I moved the PC and then moved it back. It was actually fine until I deliberately tempted fate by running the game with both of my monitors enabled and a video streaming on the non-game monitor. Weirdly, it then kept happening even with the second monitor disabled and all other programs closed. However, I've never seen any indication of temperature problems when this happens.
I had considered that it might be a RAM issue, but I had tried testing for this earlier by removing one RAM stick and then the other, and saw the problem persist each time. It seems unlikely (but not impossible) that both of them went bad.
I heard of similar issues being fixed by updating BIOS, but the fact that the problem cropped up after years of using the PC (and even stopped happening for a while after I unplugged everything and moved shit around) makes it seem unlikely to be any kind of software issue. I sure as hell hope it isn't the BIOS because even the motherboard manufacturer's web site is like "flashing the BIOS might brick your PC, good luck!" -- no indication of how to avoid this; it's just presented as a possibility, and they recommend not trying it unless you really need to do it. What the fuck?
Anyway, I do have the replacement PSU still in the box, so I might as well give it a try. I won't have time to do it until later today, so I'll just be stressed out in the meantime.
If it's not the PSU, then actually I think the most likely culprit is the GPU, because I never have any problems (except for lower performance) when I run one of the problematic games with just the integrated graphics. But again, even with the dedicated GPU enabled, it doesn't happen 100% consistently and even stopped happening for a while, so I'm still leaning toward the theory that it's a problem with the PSU supplying power to the GPU rather than a problem with the GPU itself. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking. If I have to replace the GPU then I might as well just go with an entirely new PC.
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Best way to manage and backup save data for PIRATED games on Steam Deck? It's just a mess of folders and looking at modified dates and guessing which one is which game.
I want to factory reset my 64gig Deck because it's gotten filled up with random shit over the last 2 years despite me only installing games on the SD card, and I'm wondering what's the best way to backup my saves? I have another computer if that's relevant.
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Finally, THE thread, let us enjoy some native Linux gaming moments while we can.
Btw, did you know that CachyOS repos provide packages with useful patches that haven't released yet? For example, they apply kwin patches for tearing with atomic modesetting, increased Wayland buffer size and others. I was very pleased with that.
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I'm testing SDL3 and sdl2-compat which translates to SDL3 and so far MOST games are working great despite them now being native Wayland and Pipewire clients.
Although some games have issues with audio (missing or distorted) most of them could be easily fixed by falling back to pulseaudio driver.
Most problematic ones are Valve (again) Source and GoldSrc games running without Steam runtime: they're just showing black screen or have serious issues. I fucking hate how every native Valve games is relying on Steam runtime, I just want to run them from my native libraries like it was intended. Even UT1998 and Solder of Fortune are running great under SDL3 using Wayland, and SoF doesn't even use sdl1.2 but sdl1.1 and thus requiring sdl12-compat to be explicitly linked against X11 libraries.
>"flashing the BIOS might brick your PC, good luck!"
That's every BIOS update ever. You'll be fine as long as you don't lose power and your USB isn't trash.
>most likely culprit is the GPU
It could be related to the GPU but doesn't mean it's the cause. It could be a bad capacitor on the motherboard even.
>It's just a mess of folders
Are you not using Lutris to manage non-Steam games?
I just backup the saves when I finish a game.
Use ludusavi, supports Steam Deck and is installable through flatpak
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God I love non-mandatory signature checking!
>It could be a bad capacitor on the motherboard
Perhaps, but if the new PSU doesn't fix it and if I then replace the motherboard next and it's still fucked, I reserve the right to screech like a pterodactyl and throw my PC into a wood chipper.
nvidia driver 555 finally hit stable repos on arch, atleast now i can uninstall nvidia-all. nice wayland finally works fine for me.
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How are they doing this? Just fucking how? How come that Valve's native ports are the shittiest Linux ports the world have ever seen? Even abandonware from 20 years ago works better than their games, even fucking Undertale port which doesn't even use SDL but rather being NATIVE X11 CLIENT works better than this...
Soo... 2024 is the finally a year of... well... you know what...
Astel in Elden Ring tanks my framerate whenever he casts shit on my 6800XT.
Any ideas which graphics settings may cause that?
I think this is just how the game works because: https://youtu.be/8WvtvIqR7B4
Last night I had a dream about Bethesda releasing source code for Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas and I was playing native FNV port with SDL, Pipewire and Wayland. It was a good dream...
Hey, I'm watching him at work when I have nothing to do
>not using Lutris
I install the games on my Windows PC and then transfer it with Warpinator. I add the game's main exe file to Steam and apply one of the Proton versions, along with any necessary additional tweaks like launch parameters, etc.
Thanks I'll check it out.
what are some games
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Ok, enought shooting here.
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This dude almost killed my teammate!
Is there any latency difference between tearing and variable refresh rate?
Yes https://zamundaaa.github.io/wayland/2021/12/14/about-gaming-on-wayland.html
It's not large though
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Finally, some good FOSS Ai tools for Linux
Bit disappointing I was hoping for a benefit
Why? Tearing sets your monitor to its highest refresh and every refresh cycle it draws on screen whatever game managed to render at this moment, while VRR will only update screen only when game will send full rendered frame. It's only natural that tearing has the least latency of all methods.
man the flatpak tooling is kinda shit isn't it? i'm trying to get flatpaks for the sonic decomps but it's a pain.
>i'm trying to get flatpaks for the sonic decomps but it's a pain.
How so? It's supposed to be just download and play.
they don't provide flatpaks but the source code has flatpak build instructions
Are you sure you're following the right guide? I see not flatpak here: https://github.com/RSDKModding/RSDKv4-Decompilation?tab=readme-ov-file#compiling
Right here. It's just pure jank.
Like I think these instructions just install the flatpaks right away instead of giving you some file.
Yeah, I guess it's outdated. You should make a native build if you decide to building though
Yeah, it's just unfortunate because I wanted to put it on my Deck. Maybe there's another solution. Maybe I could install nix on the deck and write a nix package for it?
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I guess they've learned on Doom 3 mistakes and actually made shotgun useful and fun. Still didn't save the game though.
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I've actually fixed it very easily:
1. Clone repository recursively as it was told in main readme file
2. Make sure you have "sonic1.apk" in your flatpak folder
3. In "com.sega.Sonic1.json" change "runtime-version" to "23.08"
4. Install SDK "flatpak install org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/23.08"
5. Now you can compile main game "flatpak-builder --user --install --force-clean sonic1 com.sega.Sonic1.json"
does this generate the .flatpakref file though?
Now, it will download dependencies, build package and install it, so you better doing it on your SD
what the fuck???
>native Linux version
based, I will now play your deliberately shitty game
CS2 seems to feels a LOT better
Hoping it's not temporary
Should I be running Steam in firejail?
Please respond.
he fucked around
he found out
See if the firejail profile for steam will do what you want.
Well is steam spyware?
Steam uses desktop portals for file picker and those aren't compatible with firejail. Use flatpak version instead.
I've noticed that Windows systems have options like prefetch or similar that will preload most used binaries to RAM after boot. Windows will also start loading your profile in the background on the logon screen if your profile is the only user profile at the system.
Despite all that, Windows is still shit long at booting and startup comparing to any regular Linux distro lol.
Also, my MR was merged so you don't have to edit anything now, just recursively clone the repo.
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>page 9
Let's get to work
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Conspiracy is in progress
>install any linux os
>nothing works
>nothing launches
>at the slight chance it even does launch you will suffer crashes, extremely unstable frames
is there any linux OS that just works?
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On no, faggot, after everything you've made me go through you're going to jail!
Dunno, ask your supervisors at m$ shilling hq
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Finally. 6 years ago I was disappointed that I couldn't do monastery quest the right way. No, after 6 years I've finally done it, I'm free.
im not shilling, retard. this was a genuine question, of all the times i had tried any linux distro they all fail at me at some point or the other.
lately, i've been hopping from OS to OS distro in an effort to get stuff done, yet i seem to waste more time in the process
What distros or desktop environment did you try? KDE Plasma especially with Plasma 6.1 is great, you can easily try it with KDE Neon but it is based on Ubuntu.
>based on Ubuntu
stopped reading right there
have you tried to plug it in?
I'm not really concerned with Valve "spying" on my gaming hardware, but rather the possibility of games doing bad things, like deleting my home directory if some indie dev decides that he really hates Linux users. If firejail can keep Steam inside of ~/.steam and that applies to game processes launched by Steam as well, then it would at least keep my screenshots and shell scripts safe. Or maybe firejail wouldn't control game processes. Anyway, I don't know if anything like that has ever happened, but it could. No one at Valve is testing every single thing uploaded to Steam.
sure thing, faggot
Again, use flatpak.
Are games launched by Flatpak Steam also locked inside the Flatpak sandbox?
Anyway I've seen too many "help me Steam has this weird-ass bug oh I use Flatpak btw" to feel confident in switching to that.
Whatever you say, rasheed
>Are games launched by Flatpak Steam also locked inside the Flatpak sandbox?
>Anyway I've seen too many "help me Steam has this weird-ass bug oh I use Flatpak btw" to feel confident in switching to that.
You've seen people that don't understand how sandboxing works and tried to access folder in restricted folders or open home folder with built-in file browser, see nothing and don't understand what's happening.
>didn't mention his distro, hist problems and stuff
>make strong statements how "nothing is works"
>asks for distro that "just works"
Dude, c'mon, you should be smarter than that. It's obvious that you're talking to the bored shill.
>>install any linux os
I installed Linux Mint.
>>nothing works
Super Meat Boy works. My kids are playing it right now.
>>nothing launches
See above.
>>at the slight chance it even does launch you will suffer crashes, extremely unstable frames
Didn't happen on my machine.
>is there any linux OS that just works?
See above.
Just get wine and everything should work just fine
nta does that affect performance or cause other problems?
Unfortunately it is: https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/4187
Well, actually I'm reading the last comment, and it seems that performance penalties are no longer exists.
>steam deck 64 on clearance sale
can the ssd be changed on this one? is the process easy?
>can the ssd be changed on this one?
>is the process easy?
That's depends? It doesn't involve any soldering or use of a heat gun.
64 GB owner here.
>can the ssd be changed on this one?
>is the process easy?
Yes, there are several videos online.
Just be sure to have the right tools, stripping the screws is extremely easy, so be really careful when you do it.
I just use a 500gb sd card with it, it works fine
no problem with loading times?
based, thanks. i had made the modifications myself before you suggested them but that's handy.
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So, I'm learning an important skill that every enemy used against me just 50h into the game? Great!
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Escaping? Oh, I'm not going to escape, I'll take down everyone in this camp!
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Since when I found a lock pick and recovered my gear it was over for them.
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They're so weak. You are they going to conquer this land?
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I don't think so
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This freshly learned technique works like a charm
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This was just a massacre
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Hey WTF? Are you fucking serious right now? You won't let me out through the main gates like a fucking hero I am even though I've massacred everyone in this damn camp? Really? THERE'S NO ONE LEFT ALIVE IN THIS CAMP LET ME FUCKING OUT.
Not really. There are comparisons on youtube that also show that there isn't that much of a difference, sd card even often has the same load time.
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Ok, new challenge: I'll use suspend instead of power off until system crash.
This game's pretty cheap. I usually don't consider 30% to be a very good discount, but when the full price is $5... shit, I might just go ahead and buy it. It does look like a nice game to play on Steam Deck.
Downloading to the SD card is much slower than to the SSD.
does the version with the bigger ssd have any other advantage over the 64gb version?
playing pirated slopperman just to see the performance with rtx, played the og on ps4 long ago and never played the dlc so ill probably jump in and do that eventually. runs pretty gud on my 4070
anyone tried The Division 2?
protondb reports are very mixed
ProtonDB reviews show that game runs good although it requires some strange sysctl command
The only difference is that 64 GB doesn't actually use nvme ssd but emmc memory.
but I can still replace it with a mvme? the mvme slot is available and ssd will be used at correct speed if replaced?
I see, they decided to put cheap flash memory on a M2 stick inside the 64gb version to cut on cost for the cheapest one, now that the deck is recognized as a good product they can phase out that version
It sucks that my job forces me to use Windows due to the standards when it comes to software, I would be happy using Linux and playing on it
Been thinking about buying another PC just for work but I don't think it's worth it
It would be a shame if something happened to all this explosive shit.
>Error: Maximum file size allowed is 4 MB
>-rw-rw-r-- 1 anon anon 4.5M Jun 30 17:56 'Brigador 2024-06-30 17-56-17-902502793.png'
For fuck's sake. This is one of the few games that does this to me. These graphics are just too sexy. At least a sufficiently high-quality JPEG is practically indistinguishable from the original PNG (at least to my eyes).
What a fucking mess. Someone clean it up.
our year fr
Have you played Future Cop LAPD?
No, but it looks pretty cool.
>decade-old computer is too shit to run game at display's native resolution and refresh rate
>except for resolution, all of the graphics settings seem to make no impact on frame rate
>set game resolution to exactly half monitor's width and height
>run it in gamescope with integer scaling and nearest-neighbor filtering
Here, I made your homage to a '90s game look slightly more retro. I'm not sorry.
i know its old hat at this point, but just dropping in to say im still in shock the majority of windows games run as good and even sometimes better in wine/proton. even some old games that felt broked on windows 11 just ran perfectly in wine without anything done besides doubleclicking the exe after installing wine, marvelous stuff.
I'm not surprised anymore by it but always kind of in awe, it's amazing.
Current wine versions are still capable of running 16-bit Windows executables on 64-bit systems. Windows can't do this at all.
do you have to specify a 32 bit wine prefix?
No, it will just work with wine current wow64 (not new implementation)
where the new hw survey valve
so if i have the new wow64 implementation that won't use my system's 32 bit libraries (and if i don't have any installed) i can't run 16 bit exes? unless i use a vm or distrobox or chroot ect.
how does the game look at 480x300?
played it 2-3 months back, Uplay+Lutris/Heroic, it worked fine, but those recent protondb reports are concerning
ubisoft is very keen on breaking uplay on linux every so often, so no surprise there
yeah CachyOS
CachyOS is truly the greatest Distro, but brainlets prefet shit like mint and nobara
>reach elden ring dlc
>framerate goes from ~120 fps to 60 fps
my guess for the reason is that the world is more dense/compressed with content compared to the main game's scattered content over the much bigger areas and from didn't optimise for good cpus but prioritised the ps4 specs instead
otherwise I can't explain why my 6800XT is sitting at 70% of usage during dlc
elden ring is locked at 60fps
Give me the quick rundown of CachyOS, should I install it over vanilla Arch? Will it mean less fucking around to get weird shit working?
I'm using er-patcher to unlock the framerate.
trying plasma x11 to see if it's more stable
It has some sysctl, udev etc rules already defined that help with performance. You can install arch and then use their repos if you wanna manually tweak your install to your liking first
Well yes, but it's not a big deal: there's not so much native Windows 16-bit executables. Most 16-bit executables are from DOS era and could be easily run with dosbox without 32-bit libraries. The only 16-bit Windows library I can think of is original FFVII installer back from 1998.
I keep recommending CachyOS to everyone but unfortunately it's ain't much
You can install CachyOS repos in the regular Arch that will select the best repo depending on your CPU capabilities. It is perfectly stable, doesn't introduce any regressions, has packages that aren't in the Arch repos and packages that are patched with specific features (kwin with tearing on atomic modesetting and increased buffer size for Wayland).
When I launch a gaym in KDE the task bar is over it and I have to mess with it a little to put it over it, can I launch it with "keep over others" or something like that?
Are talking about cs2 or any other game?
Huh dunno, I have fallout2-ce and it works just fine on kde plasma Wayland for me
Maybe it's my config
Modern developers
And we expect them to port to Linux
Days of John Carmack are over
i fucking hate wayland
I was using Heroic to play games on Deck via Desktop mode (Gaming mode didn't work). Now I realized with Lutris I can use Gaming mode.

However, the save files aren't shared. So I need to locate my Heroic install of Hollow Knight's savefile and move it to the Lutris install. I can't for the life of me find it. It's not in /.local/unity3d. It's not in /Heroic/prefixes/. Any ideas?
.config bro
sorry, I meant .config/unity3d. not there. 2 other games show up but not Hollow Knight.
that's weird, it should either be there or in the wine prefix (appdata/locallow/)
guess it would be easier to use find to look for your files
I tried. it's supposed to be called user1.dat but find turned up nothing. then again I don't really trust the search because the results are instant.

prefixes has no hollow knight folder. I assume Heroic is using the default linux version (from GOG).
doing "find . user1.dat" from the root directory should be able to find it, right? I can't imagine why it wouldn't.
the save file is still there and works when I launch the game
I needed "-name"
the folder was /.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/. of course it was.
oh god of course it was flatpak fuckery
what does it do without -name, interprets user1.dat as a second root directory to start search from?
Alright question #2
I prefer how Heroic installs Epic games directly rather than having to launch the Epic client through Wine through Lutris.
How do I add games installed through Heroic to Lutris (so as to play them in Gaming mode)?
Simply picking the .exe as a "locally installed game" to run through Wine didn't work.

Not sure but it still executes a search yet the output is always no results (which fooled me into thinking it was working).
I found this but god damn I'm not manually typing all that on a touchpad for each game.
oh, so it's autism.
>what does it do without -name, interprets user1.dat as a second root directory to start search from?
Not him but yes, I believe so. You can give multiple positional arguments to 'find'.
I bought:
Arx Fatalis
Deus Ex
Might buy Bunny Garden to play on my 'eck
I'm pretty sure you're using Lutris through flatpak so its files are located somewhere in ~/.var/app/org.lutris.Lutris
>Deus Ex
new 'vey dropped
It really is fucking amazing how much Proton has turned things around. I remember playing CS 1.6 in WINE years ago, and now you can run AAA games Day 1 on Linux. It's fantastic.
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>game made by microsoft
>cars look great (even lego ones)
>is actually quite fun
sadly it started disconnecting me from online for some reason, other than that it runs about as well as it did on windows
also that UI is atrocious, especially in menus
neat project, thank you anon
it really is a godsend, gaming was last thing I wanted on linux, now I'm third year windows-free
Does combining tearing with VRR has any benefit?
what do i need to know and look out for when playing native linux games and making it safe
are there any games you encountered that worked better with wine or that it had broken effects in the linux version? ive seen trine series have some issues for example
and the stuff with the ld preload, what do i do if i have missing libraries? something to do with linking? i cant comprehend that all well
and for the native games wouldn't it be better to run them on stable distros like mint,debian,ubuntu than on something like arch?
my pc is old and i dont know if i should just install win7 and not have to deal with performance drops
its running mint currently and it has a i3-2xxx cpu and amd hd5xxx series gpu with no vulkan
i made a list of games i wanna play that have native and are using dx9 so i can use gallium nine
thats the best my pc can do along with emulation i think
and i gave up trying to make umurun work on lutris flatpak it always tries to download protonge and it fails saying i have no space left, i tried manually dl and forcing it to use that but it always points to some umurun folder in .var lutris but it tries to set it up in the .local/share/steam/compat folder
and can i somehow use fsync with the stock wine 9.0 in lutris? cause i have it on and it doesnt apply even esync, winege works but is outdated by now
does it need to be patched? like do i download winetkg? i dont know where to find it and it required a github account which sucks
sorry for my blogpost i really hate when i cant find good info for my problems
>are there any games you encountered that worked better with wine or that it had broken effects in the linux version?
IIRC one of the Tomb Raider reboot games had worse performance when played native vs. proton
I have seen that in many games. Many of the "linux native" games use a library as a compatibility layer for the windows game or straight up include wine or are a rushed port. Proton that receives updates and is optimized gives better performance. I have even seen cases where a windows game (a hitman game, forgot which one) on windows performs better by using the dxvk dll files because dxvk is more optimized than windows direct3d in some cases.
>no Vulkan
Honestly use Windows on that if you want to play games that use DX11
Hello fellow linux users, what do you guys actually play?
>that worked better with wine or that it had broken effects in the linux version?
Most of them
There are some exceptions like Factorio or UT1998.
>what do i do if i have missing libraries?
Install them and make symbolical links to the game folder if necessary
>and for the native games wouldn't it be better to run them on stable distros like mint,debian,ubuntu than on something like arch?
Doesn't really matter
>i made a list of games i wanna play that have native and are using dx9 so i can use gallium nine
Dxvk will offer better performance
Trying to register and log in FFXIV. Downloaded the free trial demo, I could register and log-in, but now I get this on my end. Can't get past of it.

What gives? I thought it's a free trial? I downloaded the Steam version of it if it helps. Arch Linux, Steam off official Arch repository, launching it off Steam client, Proton Experimental.
I got fucked out of my Steam trial like that too, so I just said fuck it and used the standalone version of the trial with XIVLauncher.
the first descendant
>Open Steam
>Get Hardware Survey popup (first time I've ever gotten one, I think)
>Submit specs
>"Hmm, wonder how things are looking for this month's survey so far"
Hopefully those numbers will improve as the month goes on?
Right now:
>KSP 1
>Morrowind (OpenMW)
>Mount and Blade: Warband

>Lord of the Rings Online
>Dwarf Fortress (Steam release)
>EYE: Divine Cybermancy
>Cyberpunk 2077
>World of Warcraft (3.3.5a client)
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the mind simply ponders
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Ok, my challenge is over since sound became buggy in games and pipewire+wireplumber restart doesn't fix this. I guess in my next PC setup I'll just ditch this creative sound card and use onboard audio instead since drivers for it are provided by Intel/AMD. It doesn't really make difference for me since I'm using digital out.
I see. I'm gonna then just download 'xivlauncher' off AUR, which it's available there. Do you know if logging on it with my linked Steam account into SE will work?
I don't think it will, but you don't lose anything by trying anyway. I personally just cut my losses and made a Square Enix account for it.
not anymore
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Fuck, my PC crashed (probably due to overheating) and I didn't manage to encode some webms... I guess I'll post them tomorrow
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