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Previous: >>483827446

>Dancing Dragon Castle! ~The Twin Jewels and the Deep Sea Princess:
●Event period: June 28 ~ July 19 JST (3 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 3 Golden Apples and 18 Silver Apples.
▶Stream Present: 14 SQ.
▶To progress through main quest you have to collect Digima Sweets points.
▶You can conduct "Sweets Trade" from the event rewards screen to earn material items and Digima Sweets Points.
▶By clearing the epilogue you can obtain the costume "Otohime" for 3* Berserker Kiyohime.
▶Strengthening Quest Kiyohime: Skill Update.

>Dancing Dragon Castle! Azumi-no-Isora PU summon:
●June 28 ~ July 19 JST.
5*Alter Ego Azumi-no-Isora (Hibiki & Chikagi)(limited)
4*Lancer Kiyohime (limited)
3*Berserker Kiyohime (permanent)

>Summer2024 Support campaign to complete the Conditions of participation:
●~July 5 JST.
▶NEW Limited Missions: 5 SQ.

>/fgog/ Friendlist spreadsheet:

>Pastebin for utility links:
made for bullying
>a 3* is relevant again
bunch of flops
you already post this on the fake thread
chill out
seiba not here
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Sei rate-up, please
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You're welcome.
2nd week anon
New quick support Tamamo Aria for summer
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>a Rider
she's gonna steal my crits
she's really that bad
He's talking about the new duo servant having a quick NP, anon.
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How about Servants that nobody expects at all but would be mega-based for including so?
>Konohana Sakuya
>Odin (True)
>FSF Hercules
>Inanna (as Aoi pseudo)
>Shiva (as Shinji pseudo)
>Josef Mengele or Erich von Manstein (as Kayneth pseudo)
>Tamamo Aria
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Knock knock.
>Inanna (as Aoi pseudo)
>Shiva (as Shinji pseudo)
These would suck, especially Aoi. She barely has a personality and does nothing in the story but give Kariya something to angst about. I'd rather have him or even Tokiomi than her.
Bros is this achievable natty?
The best thing they could do for Anni (that they totally won't do, because Nasu is autistic about never doing the same thing again)

Which anniversary was the most memorable? Even now which one? The one where they released a dozen bronze servants in addition to several SSR. They will never put in that level of effort again. Overwelm the audience with content, and the audience will respond.

If they even released four different SSR's for anni it would be enough to blow peoples brains(two SSR's in one gacha, two in another).

Worst thing they could do?
>Release one SSR
>Super anti pandering
>instant flop
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
>the schizo is talking to himself now
Lmao, nobody want buy your shit
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>Google Otohime because I have no idea who the fuck is
>First result is a Wan Piss character
Damn, is Osakabehime all over again...
I still don't know how Ivan's face works
Cute yumes
>mid anon can't comprehend CHAD Piece
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What's your favorite kind of pizza /fgog/?
Post Takeuchi's hands
Just pepperoni, I like to keep it simple
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Mozzarella with ham and blue cheese!
If they have a lot of tomato sauce the better!
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I've been enjoying spinach and feta
>Anon never played Okami to learn nip mythology
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RIP my bro, he will never appear in FGO now.
>Nasu is autistic about never doing the same thing again
And yet, only one SSR for the anniversary per year is perfectly fine to repeat, I guess...
>a dozen bronze servants
Which one are flops and/or forgotten though?
>in addition to several SSR
Same response
Also, pandering is not always a good thing, especially in long-term, which is something never prioritized by gacha games. If the Servant is say Masakado, and is established in-story as the biggest badass ever and the strongest Heroic Spirit next to maybe Solomon and made to be super-duper OP in meta gameplay, people would buy it.
Simple mood

Flavor town mood

In the mood for something different
>Pepperoni and Pineapple

In the mood for grease
>Pepperoni and old school pepperoni
>And yet, only one SSR for the anniversary per year is perfectly fine to repeat, I guess...
Name the last three anni servants without looking it up
When you shoot one shot, you pander to a small crowd. But you miss the vast majority. If you don't FUCKING love Arcuied with all your heart, having her as the anni servant means fucking nothing to most people.
You want at least two or three just so you can get a solid base of people with the anniversary. Because if you fuck up the anniversary servant and its not what people wanted, that anniversary was now a giant waste for people.
>They're all flops!
They're all beloved, because they all played crucial story roles in the plot. People basically love all of them
>Umm no you should not pander and you should never release multiple SSR's at once, it just won't work, This is a serious story
You're not a bussinessman
>Which anniversary was the most memorable? Even now which one?
That's the point though. When was it? Likely most of us couldn't that question though with looking it up and googling it, and especially those who just recently got into the game.
Have you ever heard of a thing called oversaturation and exploiting customers for maximum profit?
me? for Enkidu
thanks doc
Hawaiian and Classified Chicken from Dominoes.
It's /frog/'s fault
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I'm not too picky with toppings but I normally go for simple peperoni or cheese
It sounds crazy, but the people that "really" like a character and post that character daily, are often the people that know the least about that character. Its like they just kinda liked the design, and memes about the character, they have a very vague concept of the personality.
Cerra el ojete pedazo de trola y pegate un tiro en los huevos operados
It sounds normal but I think you are a retard
You are garbage also piece of shit
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Do they kiss?
>Morgan, Bob and Gray appear together in the new CM.
Must suck for Sakurai to have her attempt to use Gareth to leech on the oyakodon be so completely ignored in favor of a better sister.
Imagine thinking that when watching that cm.
Your brain is actually broken.
>Have a million well known non Japanese historical figures they can use
>Insist on continuing to go back to the barrel that they've long since scraped clean through into the dirt below
Japanese people are so weird.
they patched the japanese 9/11 reference
Damn that was fast.
No fun allowed
just like in nu-fgog
I like how you specify non Japanese.
This game isn't just to pander to you.
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Snoy has spoken, TM is now truly cucked
They should've kept that reference in
If we can laugh at 9/11 jokes, references and AI pics, then why not with this Jap airplane failure?
Vocal and unhappy petitions only work for stupid shit lile this, huh...
Nasu is a smt fan so I'm not sure him getting added would be a good thing, the way that series shill that guy is disgusting.
On the other hand Sakurai did write Touta and she did him so dirty that she might just treat Masakado as some random nobody.
Speaking of which, why is Touta not an event servant? I didn't have time to read the story yet but Ryuugu palace is a part of his legend, guy is forgettable sure but his fucking FA has the palace on it.
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>day 1 of new event after months of drought
>frog/ completely death and just back to cucposting LB6 character for the #482482496523556 time
Do you even need to bring up that question and mention him? They're never gonna bring him further than his one-time appearance in Camelot that was so inconsequential he was the only one written out entirely in the film adaptations. And since Suzuken is taking an indefinite hiatus due to his deteriorating health, expect absolute nothing from him or a returning Bromani, that is if he'll ever return. And if he does somehow, Sugita will probably voice him.
Gray isn't really a sister
Baobhan sith likes her for looking like a younger Morgan(in her mind)
She's more like Morgan's science project, and her project is eugenics
You will worship Grey for she will be the host for our lord and savior, the once and future king. Worship King Arthur or else.
>so I'm not sure him getting added would be a good thing, the way that series shill that guy is disgusting.
>Now is sakurai gothtihjchaigjfwankeankeanoeank
Bro even SMT had to cleanse their offices and hire a bunch of priests to bless the offices after putting him in the game due to the curse
Nasu is too afraid to even mention that guys name in Touta's interlude
It's not happening

Japanese people fear the curse, which is why they don't put him in games. Fact SMT did it was already a huge risk, and they only ran with it after getting a lot of blessings
My wife; Roxy....
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Or more like people understand that this game is a cuckge and a cuck simulator.
>And since Suzuken is taking an indefinite hiatus due to his deteriorating health
Real question: What would happen if/when a VA croaks? Is the character archived for good or will they look for a replacement?
No, it can't be when all the waifus say the love me.
did the seraph mangaka die? There hasn't been a chapter in months
It's not just to pander to the japanese either but that's all they do
think giants from ds2
>CE drop in first quest
There goes my luck.
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>twitter is full of steam punk Mad Hatter Oberon
They can also just permanently kill off the character. In the case of Fate, remove them entirely from the Throne as was the case with Solomon.
That, or they can just say "Fuck it" and resort to AI voice replication. I for one wanna hear Shozo Iizuka's voice on a Paul von Hindenburg Servant.
Granblue replaced a few VAs that died
I dont think people care as much as the internet would have you believe
We are never getting an Amuro and Char fujo servants.
>he was the only one written out entirely in the film adaptations
They tossed out Hundred Faces too
>only yumes, fujohomos, shiptroons and an*oman remained in this game
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Gib summer gray and I'll think about it
Bro, you know Merlin had like 3 VAs? Bedi had a different VA as did fucking Mordred.
MASHU's VA got replaced and she's the main heroine.
Suzuken's first voiced character was Tohno Shiki, and he got 2 more VAs after him.
This isn't Dragon Ball.
The only fixture are Jouji and Saber.

Anyway, stop wishing the death of someone so young just when his child was born. Nobody said he's seriously ill. He has some health issues and took a hiatus. It's probably stress and overwork (he got million of Sandalphon things and Shin things to voice recently).
>muh waver
no thanks
You know they changed Mashu's VA a few months after her original seiyuu announced hiatus? It's not a big deal.
So... Where is the fanart of the event? Xitter is full of Oberon and misc anni stuff, but mostly Oberon's new outfit.Can this game move on from Lb6?
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Fanart of what?
Jack shit has happened since TIMELOCKS
You do realize that Japan is one of the most irreligious countries today, right? It makes no sense that they'd resort to doing this and yet never put figures like Jesus Christ in stuff like DxD or even in a series that has heavy explicit references to Abrahamic religions like SMT. He is barely a blip in the Ragnarok manga. If the West can get away with it with shit like pic related and what not (which I personally don't condone but don't really care as long as it's not insulting), why not the nips too? They have no problem shoving the Buddha in everything.
Ultra based.
Drifters has Jesus as antagonist.
*pic related
>cm: rememeber lb7? here are tezca and city! remember lb6? morgan, melu, bob are here!
>the event? who cares about the event
nobody typemoon gives a shit about events.
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It's great sis.
>0 OC servants
They don't give a shit about their latest chapter output either
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Stop lusting after gay men, you can't fix them.
>the way she smiled at him at the end of the event
Her true love
That was only because they have no definitive idea who should voice the characters they had no intention of sticking around until say, Apocrypha or hell, especially Grand Order.
If a remake of FSN was made or a new Fate route adaptation today, they'd definitely have Miyano voicing Bedivere. As such, the entire main and secondary voice cast for FSN had the same voice cast for nearly twenty years.
oc1 and 2 primarily shilled existing servants like kama, jeanne alter and dantes. they don't even trust themselves to create new servants people like. only nasu does, and he doesn't have a perfect track record.
>Both Jesus and the Buddha agree that India is shit
Holy kek
What set off the cucktroon again
Since when have they ever needed a reason?
Something something years later, still no fucking news on the EXTRA remake
I'm sure Nasu is gonna bring in Draco to the remake as well and make him all over Hakuno
Nero's bride costume was also in EXTRA
Yeah... popular characters getting event appearances should be something to get excited about, but in FGO's current state, seeing them in the PV just made me feel like they're being whored out in a desperate attempt to cling onto the dwindling playerbase.
Probably. Same for BB, Melt, Lip, Protea, and more. He probably wait to nuke FGO with the retcon reset ending before doing that for Extra.
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Kiyobros, was it fair?
and? nobody would care about that
>giving a water-themed deity pseudo to a fire snek
It's kinda dumb
But at least they're actually letting you use it unlike Charon Columbus just recently
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Well she's famous for turning into a dragon out of pure seethe on a river, so guess she's related to water on that aspect? Along with the fact that she died on it too.
People here will hate it but that's the absolute truth.
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>Lasagna and TM provide the bare minimum in the fucking game itself
That has always been the main problem here, no QoL, strenghtenings worth a shit except for the shilled characters like Nero, no animation updates when there are still some servants on light ball limbo, gacha is still garbage and several other stuff.
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New guy.
Who are you quoting?
Bro did you skip over "They changed Mashu's VA in FGO because her VA went to health hiatus"? Are you obtuse? FGO and Nasu doesn't give a shit about that.
Why didn't we get a cool female servant instead of those literal who from TM ancient website NOBODY gives a shit about?
Npc energy, won't be summonable.
nobody hates fgo more than /fgog/
We'll get another Sakura or Saber eventually bro don't worry
Well people who play the game get to experience all the flaws are have actual reasons to hate it, so it makes perfect sense
Nasu betrayed us...
He's basically designed by a expensive designer who isn't their BFF like Pako or Raita or a TM simp. If he was a regular npc, they would have given him to the the LG staff.

He'll probably drop in the future.
Not me.
mental illness you need to spam every thread
he'll be added in the yumebait halloween event along with camazotz.
He's designed by one of the biggest otome artist in the industry. No way they hired her for a NPC. They could have just use a random "Servant looks like that guy" larp role.
Ah, I didn't care before but I just figured out this is some sort of mesoamerican guy
Since Tezca and Tlahan are in the event.
A nip.
The more I look at him the more he looks half Aztec and half Shinto, which is odd.
He's got the shinto magatama on his neck, and Domon hair
In the end he's male so I don't care.
What about the other NPC male earlier? Tezca has to be in the event OP for a reason.
He doesn't have a connection to the ocean like the other characters so far.
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>wikipedia even has family charts now.

oh fuck
He's supposedly Umisachi-hiko unless he's mixed with something else as an Alter Ego.
>What about the other NPC male earlier?
He's the Master of this guy and Not!Kiyo.
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Yeah, I've basically unraveled the mystery maybe
It was not even a year into the game when that happened. People would barely bat an eye on that.
If that kind of happened in say Year 5 or 2020, that'd definitely be an issue. They'd likely just write her out or just keep her sidelined with non-voice dialogue for the time being.
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ok, now wheres is my 100k updotes and twitter karma
It's been a pretty eventful event so far though.
I went to sleep and this schizo is still going. Ushi Flopzen not getting a CE broke you get a life
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My fox wife...
>Npc energy
Nah that's you.
>I-it doesn't count!
I accept your concession.
You can only talk in memes.
Why do you believe your words counts for anything, raikouschizo? You're literally using alter translations which are proven lies or straight up lies like the summer stuff.
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(You) are Bob now.
Maternal probably, right?
Sakurai is such an idiot. She could easily fix her.
>Guda also embodies characters like Taro or Anchin who are fairytales that cannot exist, Traum proves that.
Elaborate, didn't catch that from Traum
Why did you post the character who fucks her dragon as defense against ntr?
Dance for him, frog.
An entirely unrelated Kiyohime that isn't from Chaldea gets summoned and is ultra anti PHH.
She still falls in love with (You) despite being her enemy at first sight and gets past her own curse of being against PHH as a result. You trick her by using her "I hate lies" shtick but even then she gets over her on code to save (You) later on.
Before going away she declares (You)'re her anchin which you can deny or say you don't know, either way she says that she knows she's right and would never make a mistake. Which is true, because even as an enemy, even when not from Chaldea, she still went for (You) only.
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More importantly why use a genderbent version of a god damn russian knight with retarded catgirl motifs because of a fucking NYA in their name.

That js the least self respecting cope you could have chosen and im not even a pro NTR poster or whatever the fuck you kids call it
Grey needs to become Artoria
>the others
>being mad at Medb only character trait which she had since her introduction and made her disgusting to everyone which prompted Nasu to create Knocknarea as a result
I don't know, getting mad at Medb or Kiara is like getting mad at clouds.
Kiara even has documented proof that she'd fuck (You) without it being a bad end now
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>You trick her by using her "I hate lies" shtick but even then she gets over her on code to save (You) later on.
It was pretty funny because she literally has one single rule, and Konstantinos still managed to break it for no reason and make her angry enough to deflect
>Which is true, because even as an enemy, even when not from Chaldea, she still went for (You) only.
Rather than proving that Guda takes the fag monk's role, it just proves that she'll always love him no matter what, kind of the same with Shimosa even though that wasn't actually Kiyo. After all at this point, she's been in love with him way longer than the time she spent waiting for Anchin.
What if she was meant to appear in LB1 but then they decided to pair her with Koyanskaya instead? She fits the theme of LB1 and has dialogue with Ivan and Anastasia.
You don't understand. "Urashima Taro", "Anchin", those figures do not exist.
They're concepts. And (You) embody those concepts.
People are too stupid to realize that she's not replacing anyone with anything, quite literally (You) are those "concepts" because they don't exist as HS or anything.
Proven yesterday since Otohime is just a fable phantasmal that had to latch onto Kiyo's SG and immediatly also falls in love with (You) since you embody Taro.
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I think he means the whole "ending" thing.
man man man
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It's raining.
I didn't realise the whole shark/crocodile thing was based on mythology.
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Sorry for the semi-off topic, but is it just me, or does short-hair Subaru from Girls Band Cry look a lot like Shiki Ryougi?
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>>literally whos can become servants now
Yeah I'm think it's our time, "the guy on the plane Kiritsugu nuked"bros
Hibiki has a greater powerlevel than your waifu.
>>from a random line now Kyohime can become Otohime
Fuck, we will get "Genghis Khan but for some reasons he can't manifest so he borrows Ushiwakamaru Saint graph but also for some reasons he let Ushi do all the talk".
We are fucked. Fuck this game.
Yeah that's a really good comparison to what they're doing here.
Im going to become a servant and impregnante all the women in the throne so every servant summoned from now in FGO will already have a baby belly
it's a beautiful statement by Nasu for pride month that a vampire made a testament to God's love and she's gay as hell
I havent played FGO in quite a bit but did they hand out a bunch of bronze apples somewhere along the line? I just noticed i have a fuckton when, when i was last playing I practically used them all.
^ retard
I am a pathethic worm I want Aurora to step on me like she did to Coral and when I turn back have Kiara eat me
Where's the pathetic?
I am Nasu
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>lv40 quest drops gold mats
>lv50 drops silver
Fuck you, Lasagna. Fuck you.
Look again
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>We want the idolfag audience!
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I'd say waifufags won this time.
Yikes and cringepilled, guys...
>irrelevant mobile website maidos pseudos
Or even Muramasa speaking exactly the same way Shirou talks in Japanese, not at all like an old man
The two pilots from Zero are more well known than this bitches. I demand a pseudo of them.
Why do you think the creator's translation of their own work into a language they don't speak is worse than your understanding of the original text in a language you don't speak?
>All cuckcringe comments deleted
Took them long enough
Shit event desu
literally whomst?
>60 deleted messages
this is the power of weekend
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What you mean?
we /russia/ now
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What would the hypothetical anniv Quick savior support look like? What could possibly be done to salvage just how bricked the Quick mechanism is?
>Thinking Sakurai won’t super wank Masakado when she made Raikou afraid of mentioning his name.
Masakado will get wanked so hard it will have Raikouschizo mad that Raikou doesn’t get that type of wanking. Hell if even she writes him bad she’ll get cursed to death by Masakado so still a win.
>there was a 35AP quest out in the ocean
Lots and lots of NP gain
Quick is fine you goddamn baby.
Can you guess who this boy thirsty for (You) is?
I don't want a "quick saviour", I want someone that before damage, switches between AOE and ST depending on the number of the enemies on the field.
It wouldn't take much actually, because despite memes Quick works fine for a lot of things. It just has struggled on irregular wave content because it doesn't have good supports with party charges. The moment Taigong came out to remedy some of that, they started the 90++ meta, so it needs another qualitative step.

A 30% party charge is a must. The only Quick servant that has this to this day was Don Qixote, and he needed two years for a SQ that made that skill not even that good but decent (he still doesn't get charge himself). Lasengle has been allergic to give Quick semi-supports like Taigong with a good, no strings attached, 30% party charge, whereas Arts has two already (that on Tezca feels unnecessary even) and Buster has Koyanskaya of Darkness or Arcueid.

So a 30% party charge, some kind of Oberon-like steroid, I'd suggest super-effective modifier granting, I'd also like to see more overcharge buffing support and the other buffs you'd expect, 50% Quick buff and either NP dmg buffs or attack buffs, NP damage preferably.

That should address 90++ farming, if they want to address CQs' and staying power as well o the same servant, which is also an issue, give him a NP with party heal as well and at least one skill with an invicible or purge buff.
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>The character /fgog/ hates the most.
Suzuka? Because she ruined LB6's summer.
But it would be cool and the anniversary is the perfect time to release someone with this gimmick.
100% np charge skill thats targetable, gives NP seal for 1 turn if used on self (counts as buff)
3rd skill is a target skill, absorbs up to 99 stars and for every 9 stars removed gives the target character 20% NP damage+20% quick buff for 3 turns, also has a 50% attack amplification sortof like oberons 3rd skill
I think they should add 90* to events, but lock them to Part 2 clear and make them use storm pods (and give score dust as a reward too beside event mats, obviously).
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News Doko?
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Hey the NPC guy has a battle sprite.
your mum's got a battle sprite
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that's a lot of debuffs
>one chapter, two fights
Smart phone true form "Azumi-no-Isora."
I thought he was supposed to be ugly going by his myth lol.
Did he have some sort of disease?
Game of thrones greyscale...
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The purple cloth covering her cleavage should not exist...
>Game of thrones greyscale...
A lot of NP gain, restricting it to only working on Quick cards would be smart

50% NP charge

Quick Up Steroid 3T + Reduce Cooldown 2T
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The collab that will save FGO
FGO is about the story not the coom. Only retards want outside IP collabs
New guy is a 5* Rider. Part 2 gacha?
He seems to only have 1 animation that he spams, so I doubt his playable as of now.

That explains why FGO is dead then.
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Her year
We are dead already?
>not the coom
The game would never have achieved the same level of commercial success without the support of drawfags pumping out lewd shit.
When are we not? Events never revive us nowadays. The only thing that brings any activity to this general now are
>Anni/NY streams
>Main Story Chapters
Everything else is ignored
I could really go for a nice cup of milk...
Is that a milk
>Dogshit clapbait new servant with AI slop tier design
>Generic nothingburger nipwank setting for the 5th time this year
>Technically there are 3 new Servants, but one is relegated to a costume for a year one 3* servant, and one in in forever NPC jail
>New servant has half their ascensions locked
SHIT event
Aru my beloved....
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12 yrs old correction
BA is also not all about coom. The first story chapter is absolute garbage, but the 3rd is kino in its purest form.
t. played both games
Yeah because any press is good press. If you remove some of the press the game had, obviously it won't reach the same level of success. The main appeal of the game has always been the story though.
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you forgot, they also wasted the entire urashima tarou cast for a literal who instead
kinda funny to see how they're treating an incredibly minor japanese sea god (azumi) vs how they treated a pretty significant middle eastern "sea" god (dagon)
Dagon is definitely more known than Azumi. Thanks to Dota, of course.
Call the proper full name instead of just Azumi.
lmao even
Ah zooming
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Don't tell me he's another quick aoe rider
Not happening.
Maybe later down the line, not before anniversary.
our guy
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can't find new art of the new servant
fgo has never been this unpopular before
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>drawing ai generated shit
why bother
he told you NOT TO REPOST
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The only other event fanarts I saw so far besides the NPCs, was Waver and Sei being goofy.
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Why does she have a tail, anyway?
Seriously why are FGO devs, writers and producers are all such massive contrarians who lacks passion and ambition and hates fun and excitement?
You know that if you stopped giving free bumps to the thread, everyone would end up forgetting about FGO sooner?
TM lacking ambition is just what they're known for. It's why they're successful.
Is it Oto or Kiyo the one on the dialogues? She sounds really cheery, kinda like Marie.
You can't name five devs writers and producers.
You can't even read the game.
Everyone is tired of the game. Except Sakurai.
I think that it may be due to the writers being brought in via Nasu's connections rather than who could work with the franchise's premise.
Writers who aren't really passionate about the history/myth part of Fate aren't actively fiddling through history books and thinking, "Fuck this gives me a story I'd like to tell," they're pitching names they have vaguely heard somewhere to the anonymous third party researcher who gives them a Cliffsnotes on the figure.
Like Nasu is bored of Fate and it shows. He's like, "I'm going to make a chapter set in Mesoamerica," and instead of filling it with Mesoamerican figures and a story that integrates with the history of the region he makes it about Dino Shiki trying to stop a bit of the day from waking up ORT.
>I think that it may be due to the writers being brought in via Nasu's connections rather than who could work with the franchise's premise.
It's just a nepotism circlejerk. Has anyone outside TM been brought in as a permanent FGO writer? It's all just guest stars and the same four people from the mid-2000's.
They released so many quick servants this year, feels like there’s gonna be some busted quick support for anniversary
Maybe because outside writers don't know the series well enough to write it? Ever thought of that, retard?
>she might just treat Masakado as some random nobody.
Guys did you just hear that Anon killed himself from two katana slashes to the head? Crazy, right?
How hard this event flopped? Did we even got to top 10?
>Maybe because outside writers don't know the series well enough to write it?
Nta but even the current writers have no idea wtf they are writing as well especially when it's about mythology…so your point is pretty moot desu.
As a Servant, Kiyohime can always be reliable if you never lie. But for her to see (you) as an anchin seems more complex.
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Second place for 2 days
From Carnival Phantasm.
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>In the end he's male so I don't care.

have sex
What is the appeal of Dokkan? Isn't it just a match 3? How do you even make that appealing to the sort of people that love Dragon Ball?
DBZ fags pumping money into a game so shit it makes ours look good
Otohime who acts almost entirely like Kiyohime
Dokkan anniversary, can't be helped. They're doing well all things considered.
The story full of coombait designs for even the ultra-relevant people. Like look at U-Olga. Or Draco 2nd ascension. Or Kukulcan. Or Yui for plugsuit fetishists
And many people complained when Draco's 3rd ascension was a new design instead of the coombait monster design from Arcade
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>Kiyo fan art blooming while 0 new fan art for the pick up servant
she doesn't have hips like that
Her true identity is a Holy Scripture crafted by a certain vampire. When wielding her true power, she transforms into a white boy.
So its not yuri?
Vegetarian. I like my veggies and the contrast with cheese is exquisite.
Every place near my house makes pizza too salty so the vegetarian version is the only one that feels fresh and palatable.
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I didn't like the Tamamo-like ears. If they ported the lower part of the arcade design or just make her in the scarlet garment I'm still fine.
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I'm Skadilet so I'm rolling for the new event SSR.
Imagine her deepthroating you in this position using that outfit.
I didn't read anything from the story comes from and I won't trust wiki. What should I read to get Hibino's background?
My cute 12 years old wife is the strongest!
Doesn't help Nasu that FGO made BB and Melt more popular than Nero and Tamamo among the majority. FGO having way more players than the original EXTRA games backfired in that sense.
Glad the OG is back!
Being 9 years in FGO gave Kiyo plenty of time to gather a loyal fanbase.
There are only 2 types of servants that get gigawanked in fgo no matter how obscure they are:
>britbong from Arthurian myth
That's just how things work.
It's all in the drama CDs.
Nasu shoud choke from sucking a thousand mushrooms.
This is why FGOkeks deserves this state of this cuckge. Low effort shit and still second place
Written by OKSG, not Nasu.
This is small indie company, anon. FGO exist to fund all of Nasu's passion projects so any money the game makes never goes back into improving the game itself. Instead we will fund more shitty spin-off games or anime adaptations.
Do you even have any foundation to say this?
Depends. Is this game ever going to have things like autobattle or skip tickets? Or storage that seperates servants from EXP cards? Or have actual voice acting in the main story?
>actual voice acting in the main story?
Do we even have any games that goes that far?
Have you looked at this year? I mean it is obvious that they ran out of ideas for story and now doing only clapbait because they have no idea what they want to write anymore
Only from your pov, cuckschizo. I hope you die in misery.
By the time fgo end. We won't even have all this stuff that you requested.
Just wait for fgo 2 or expect nothing from that even. lmao
Mihomo's shit has voiced main story, Wuwa has voice acting, and literal otome games like twisted wonderland have voices the main story, your telling me Typemoon can't afford having voices for this png collector?
both priconne and HBR are fully voiced main story + side stories
Mihomo games are setting the gacha standard too high above the average JP png collector.
Fgo 2 will probably never happen considering the majority of whales that keep the game alive are already sunkcosted too deep into this game. Unless they can transfer everyone's servants then fgo 2 would need to be a completely seperate game.
thank god is censored
miyu is quite stacked
Jp is really behind compared to chink gachas at this point in terms of quality. Even chink png collectors have animations for the characters outside of battles.
Posts perpetuating the idea that this event is somehow low effort is a reminder of just how few people actually play the game.
Does priconne have those transfer function after their so-called sequel?
Hmm, it could be better or worse, depending on how Nasu sees it as an opportunity to say fgo 1 is no longer canon and make fgo 2 full of his clapbait. Or he doesn't have any passion left for FGO Universe so he won't be involved with its story.
Cute family
Him too.
That little girl will grow up to be a fine servant.
I sure hope nothing bad happens to them.
>Story animations
>World map
>Some gimmick
>Unique NPCs
This is just one tier below gudaguda tier effort without a 30s advertisement. Or do you want another Aussie event?
At least Aussie event is comfy and have something except the sumanai part.
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Plot doko?
Nikke had VA for their nicer events as well, not just the main story.
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>new event after two months of reruns and dead game
>/fgog/ is just as dead
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From all the rubbing
>frog is so dead the tierlistbait faggot has to reply to himself twice
>game is earning hundreds of millions of dollars
>low effort idoru collab
Come on
Yeah its always the same cucktard, honestly what a depressing life he has.
that's the cucktroon though
HBR is so weird and diverse, it's a VN with dungeon crawling, it has a rhythm game mode, and a roguelike mode.
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>meanwhile, inside CHALDEAS
sorry 3 more years of filler before the next view of the plot
And sometimes Bible stuff.
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so kiyo cheats on us with the black guy?
>new fanart is only about dudes, fujohomo stuff, shipshit and yumes
truly a dead game for waifufags.
it's over.
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I want you fucking dead but nobody gets what they want
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>i want you dead because you want this game to be better and not a cuck infested shit with fujohomos and shiptrannies
so you are a fujohomo or a shiptranny?
>Open X (formerly Chuck's)
>My timeline is filled with Kiyohime
Skill issue.
>black panther joining in
of course they will be shipped
It's the mentally ill antimale schizo.
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I'm none of those, i simply want you dead for your obnoxiously repetitive posts
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Shouldn't Bob tower over Gray?
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She should
Time to test fgog and alter.
How many time have Bob interact with Gray?
Didn't they interacted on summer 8
More than just summer 8 .
Did I miss it?
Was it druing the side stories, or has my memory completely went down the shitter?
I think the first time we saw them together was Martha Christmas, though there was no dialogue
If you frequently skip the FGO scene, then you will definitely forget how Bob and Gray interact for the first time.
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Martha winter event
Britomart event
I think she cites her in the feet tower event?
summer 8
This anon has been paying attention and has definitely saw most of the event scene.
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Thanks I do my best
But why is Cu x Emiya the only pairing that survived today while every other pairing died?
The red and blue combo is just that good
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So what we are going to expect from the next gudaguda
I'm just hoping they'll make either Maxwell or Itou playable
Who cares
>Redman Pseudo
>Mephistopheles Pseudo
>Babbage costume
>Illya Pseudo
>Kirsch Pseudo
>Cu Pseudo again
>Herc Costume
>Ishtar Costume
>Is Guda
>Secretly part of Rasputin
>Tiamat syncretism
>Valkyrie pseudo
>Oberon costume
>Scathatch Pseudo
>event only NPC
you’re welcome, give me 300 dollars
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>Who cares
More Nobbu
I need more Nobbu
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CHADao (who even Ushi-Gozen fears) BROKE him.
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Flupshi flopzen
At this point Chacha's the only one left out of the older welfares who hasn't gotten a fancier 5* alt yet
If she gets her own event for once that will probably be the best opportunity to finally bring Nobu's monkey in too
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I think this has a strong chance to happen, they could add Shibata with it too
Oichi when?
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The Knight of the Roses.
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To this day its a huge waste of not doing any fanart with our nobu and sengoku basara's nobu
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This is definitely gonna become a figure
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Me in the cup
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never forget.
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Why is she like this?
Circus rent ain't gonna pay itself.
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>That painting
Dios mio... La creatura...
>all those thighs
I need them all the squish my head
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Internet celebrity Melusine.
plottwist: it's merlin again
She is very arrogant.
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Imagine your mom comes out of the closet.
dragon culo
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He got oripathy, we Arknights now
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>Come back caused of update to see how this place is
>Nothing's changed
See you in August.
See you tomorrow
As much as Touta barely appears pretty sure Raikou wanked him as a big deal in his interlude and in Heian.
I’m not versed at all with him but how much of a big deal is riceman supposed to be?
Why is LB black-haired Percival in fou costume?
Why you are such a raging cuck?
So is Sei going to be someone pretending to be her like Charon or is it just different writers being weird
Sei no diff Jets in a 1v1
Correct, Sei would just drive Lancelot to suicide.
What do you mean?
Shes acting really out of character
In what way?
I stopped playing since summer castoria's first banner what did I miss
Is she fun
Was it good? I kind of passed over OC1 because I'm not interested in indians
It was a solid good chapter, yeah, much better than OC1 by far. Jannu and Horta finally got animation updates with it too.
>Is she fun
Kinda, you need to use her NP once to turn her into Super mode
>Was it good?
I think it was better, it focuses mainly on Dantes, Jeanne Alter and the rest of the Avenger class
Thanks, I'll go read it (later) then
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Idk, you tell me
Nasu was right
If Aniplex let him handle the story like he wanted Part 2 would be over already
Sure, it would mean a definite sad/bittersweet ending but it would have been peak

avengers got nuked and we got confirmation this shitty game is going for a reset retcon ending lmao
Nasu gave up bro
Even he can't win against the big executives
Enjoy Zombie FGO
Nasu will still drop the big bomb with the Chaldeas finale
Why you're still forcing this narrative
He already is "handling" it like he wants
Any other writer would kill for the opportunity to shove off deadlines on a whim while freely ignoring any plot point he or anyone else working under him introduced within the same story
NTA but OC2 was shit
Also, no
I hate it when Nasu shoves off deadlines on a whim.
Do artists mind if I would upload the art I commissioned them to do?
They aren't mentally sound, anon.
Are quick np better than buster ones? Or are twitter freaks just in copium mode?
It's yours.
>*Kill her*
>Beach event: Ritsuka-sama let me suck your cock.
Nice love
LOL no, quick NPs are extremely deficient on damage
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Get fucked shitposters lmao
Is it usual for a general like this to be so uninterested in the game it's for?
Depends on use case. Farming, clearing CQs or doing the story? What supports do you have?
woman moment
There's literally no reason to use the new Alter Ego if you already have Tiamat (Buster) or even Kiara (Arts).
Trust me, there are even worse ones out there.
This samefagging is insane, i'll just come back later
what 0 content does to a mf
In raw damage, technically yes.
Quick's supports on the other hand aren't anywhere near on the level of Arts' and Buster's which in turn has them performing much worse than other types. It remains the bogey card type and most offsite english comments you're going to see are globaltards who are often mentally trapped even more years behind than their own game already is.
Theoretically quick NPs will have a very mildly higher multiplier than equivalent arts or buster NPs, so with the exact same atk stat and buffs they would deal a bit more damage. it doesn't really matter in reality outside of a few really good quick servants like jack.
There's quite a few slower gacha generals that are basically nothing but "EOS EOS EOS SOON HAHAHA DO I FIT IN YET" for half of each thread
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No, that's the original text.
>The Magia Record general did that and ended up getting their wish granted
Ha-Ha... rip imouto (True)
Are these girls for (You)?
One of them is a guy
Medb is my favorite queen
Aurora is my favorite fairy
Kiara is my favorite burial agent
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End part 2 already Nasu!
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Aw, that's really lovely
Does the green girl's floating smartphone have a name?
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>other gaem
>Here's 5* cooler kiyohime, even more waifu mode than ever but also meta now. Kiyohime bride

>Here's a shitty costume for an 8 year old unusable 3* character with no NP gain
>Also we fused her with otohime for some reason
>Also three new male NPCs in the event you can look forward to rolling soon
epic meta waifu mode ftw xD
They gay
You won if you are Gudako
Is it gay to fuck Triten?
I hate arbitrary Heroic Spirit requirements.
triten has featureless crotch
>Waifu gets free costume
>Yume's pay the fanservice tax for once in their lives
Based. Usually it's the guys who pay extra for cute stuff.
>inb4 surprise kiyo pretender
Fgo is a cuck game for yumes, fujohomos and shiptroons
You know shit? it's you mentally ill schizo.
/pmmm/ is our cousin though, just like /vn/ and /きらら/.
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>Medb is my favorite queen
That one is true.
We know Melusine
is this important?
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I missed so much it's unreal
She deserved to voice Kiyo SSR though...
Her voice still sounds off.
True kohai...
haha she's doing monokuma cosplay
What are the best nodes for what items so far? the wiki hasn't updated and I want to use my apples wisely
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>I want to use my apples wisely
>says while considering using apples this early
>or using apples at all
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where the fuck is Kiyo's NP strengthening
>Buster good before Tayonskapon/Oberon
>any new Servant killing previous options instead of opening up more strategies
I still loop with double Skadi + Evil Cat/Caren since I can't be bothered to update Automata.
Ok, to entertain you guys, I will provide some lores of Triten and the Abrahamic God aka the Big G aka the God of David, Solomon, Hassans, Amakusa, Jeanne, Martha, etc.
>>Caubac Alcatraz is a member of the Church but he lost when fighting Crimson Moon and got turned into a DAA
>>Ashamed by that, he locked himself inside his castle to focus on his research. The result is Triten
>>Triten = proof of the existence of the love of God ( Agape) = the universe. Triten is actually the model case of universe. Alcatraz preserved Triten inside a maze built in the same way as how he made Triten. The maze expands in the same speed of the expansion of the universe, escaping it is impossible
>>but Triten escaped and became a human. This is a paradox since God is not supposed to be inside humans ( John 5:42: but I know you. I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts). By trying to prove God exists, Caubac accidentally proves that there is no God.
This is a retarded thing to bring up

You can tell Nasu has no idea how Christianity even works that he would write this plot point. Even someone with a very surface level understanding of Christianity could most likely instantly point out the huge plot hole in it.
Nasu doesn't even understand Buddhism (he advocates for a pretty sacrilegous sect that partially inspired Kiara's background), let alone foering religions.
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I wonder if this is still canon in the post-Tsukihime remake era
>You can tell Nasu has no idea how Christianity even works
May I remind you what's his (and smt's) main source of world mythos?
so how many days until the 3rd ascen is unlocked
He's not nearly as familiar with buddhism as you are.
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>but Triten escaped and became a human. This is a paradox since God is not supposed to be inside humans
Are we just going to ignore the entire new testament?
Lmao, it would be better if that's the case but no, it's the fanfiction written by your good ol tailor, Barbara Walker.
Apparently Nasu is citing a Bible verse and ignoring the actual context of the verse itself and thinking that the verse stating, "You do not have the love of God in your hearts" means that God would not become human rather than the actual context of John 5:42 which is Jesus speaking of people who reject God, even in the face of miracles.
When does he cite the verse?
He's basing the entire idea on "god would never appear as something imperfect like a human" when Jesus exists
Jesus was the messiah. That's accepted by Christians.
The same is not true of Triten.
Sounds like an impossible experiment in most Fate settings even before the remake since we have a bunch of Servants that draw power from God in some shape or form, some even having Divinity due to that. Hell, the end of Part 1 straight up has Roman note God told him to send the last ring to the future and before dyind Goetia prays to God thanking him for his life. If those dudes with all their knowledge of reality, magic and Divine Spirits did that then I don’t see him as something that doesn’t exist in Nasuverse.
Jhon 5 context
>Jesus heals the sick on the Sabbath
>Once healed they tell other Jews that they were miraculously healed by Jesus
>Jews reproach Jesus for healing on a Sabbath when according to them it is the Sabbath day to rest
>Jesus defends himself before them
(john 5:16-18)
“Therefore, the Jews began to persecute Jesus because he did this on a sabbath. But Jesus answered them, "My Father is at work until now, so I am at work. For this reason the Jews tried all the more to kill him, because he not only broke the sabbath but he also called God his own father, making himself equal to God.”
(john 5:37-43)
“Moreover, the Father who sent me has testified on my behalf. But you have never heard his voice nor seen his form, and you do not have his word remaining in you, because you do not believe in the one whom he has sent. You search the scriptures, because you think you have eternal life through them; even they testify on my behalf. But you do not want to come to me to have life. I do not accept human praise; moreover, I know that YOU DO NOT HAVE THE LOVE OF GOD IN YOU. I came in the name of my Father, but you do not accept me; yet if another comes in his own name, you will accept him.”
How the hell did Nasu take a verse like that that was directed at those who persecuted God and say that it is a doctrine of Catholicism? WDF????
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Post my 12 yo wife
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servants for this feel?
Pollux as you roleplay as Castor.
A true eroge protagonist
>Open thread
>Last 10 reply is just the same guy having clear dementia symptoms
I'm glad being mentally sane is a common trait among those who self insert since the opposite side just looks full of people who belong in asylums.
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Wrong thread sis, but I get you, /fgog/ is full of Ritsukapags
Reminder that Caubac has been a Christian before Christianity was even a thing. Nasu is total clueless illiterate hack.
Jews are real.
>no jiggle physics
so close to perfection
What happened to the delusional Morganfag that thought they made Tonelico anni Servant for any reason other than laziness? The year has passed and it's clear Nasu has no intention of giving her any role in the story.
Hopefully killed himself alongside the delusional Melufag
Surely it would be lazier if they intended to use her in a story, because then it would be one less pickup.
Probably in /alter/ where it was supposed to be in the first place.
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I'll wait until EOS
KiyoOldCHAD here. I'm actually glad she got a costume and not a 5* version. I was tired of early servants getting flop 5* versions later (nobu, ushi, nito...). Plus I probably wouldn't have gotten her anyway. A new costume for my already perfect Kiyo is better. I'm just sad that her buff was shit and that I still can't use her for everything until they increase the max bond again.
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The final day of the Month of Sion!

>purple hair
>Big-ass braid
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Cheers my man.
>I was tired of early servants getting flop 5* versions later (nobu, ushi, nito...)
This post reeks of alayafag
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Cheer up oldbro.
Nice cope.
She's so pretty....

>I'm just sad that her buff was shit
Have you tried her with burn command codes?
>ankoCHAD want to make an Astolfo/Kiyohime NTR based on Astolfo Saber interlude

All of them are on Lancer kiyo currently. Even with those CCs it's still a shit buff. A normal 30% att up would have been fine.
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>decide to see some random work of his to see what all the fuss is about
>It's just Melt getting raped over and over by Nemos
Think I'm more of a Midoupengin guy.
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Is it really rape if they enjoy it?
she didn't
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>Traumatized by fire
They can heal each other. Kino.
Wow what a thread
I will take this slow thread over the disgusting stuff posted at /alter/. Gave up on that general.
She clearly did. All girls enjoy Astolfo and Nemo massive cock
What's happening with alter
I've just came back to check this thread after 7 hours and its still the same faggot again with his cuckposting
you can't make this shit up
You missed his deleteds above where he's replying to himself across an entire hour because nobody considers him human anymore for how pathetic he is.
The fact he speaks like some /dbs/ reject also colors it well with a taint of a third worlder spic.
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it's been the same thread for months
>kizu or the Italian retard commissioned cuck art yet again which he spams several times per thread every thread
He actually pays money for this
>after 7 hours
It's been the same shit for years now
And then, vanishing in a whisper.
No. We're just stuck in an uninteresting content loop. Unless something really cool happens or is announced, the threads will continue to be slow with the same shitpost.
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Finally bought my Nobu fig
Congrats, bro.
Now post fig
Alright, see you next year
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Why are we getting less and less of remarkable and well-known historical figures and getting more and more obscure and overly specific regional literal whos, clapbait pseudos and alt versions? FGO feels less like a Fate entry each day...
What’s the current for (you) tier list?
Please understand, Nasu said they're out of famous historical figures...
Name FIVE "remarkable and well-known" historical figures they can still add
They should strenghten Ruler Artoria's 2nd skill again.
I want them to finally finish the Round Table and make Genghis Khan a servant so I can finally have everyone I want, also Mehmed II.
>Genghis Khan
Granted but it's actually adult Ushi (normal)
You like?
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I hate that it sounds exactly like something Nasu would do.
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Mats that can be exchanged with July exchange ticket
>Still spamming this version nobody gives a fuck about
Stay banned, third worlder.
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any version should be bannable
Because obscure and overly specific regional literal whos allow for more leeway, clapbait pseudos sell and alt versons have pre-existing fanbase. Next retarded question.
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News Doko?
>Aurora steel
Yeah? Post the version that people give a fuck about then.
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Nobody cares about them. Girls are busy drawing Oberon and guys Otohime.
It only proves the Christian god is humanity aka Alaya.
I've said this before. The mages follow the (real) true God which is someone or something at the other Side of the Root. That was able to act as long as Solomon was his terminal and now relies on those who find and join him.
The Christian Church are a bunch of heretic mages that follow a new idea of God that came to place after that separation.

Still both are "God."
This is more nonsense.
You should be banned too for spam this shit.
If they think like that when the result is the opposite for now, they are just a retard with old thinking.
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>Siebold asked Hokusai to do something
So that's where the Dragon palace thing came from, I suppose
>havent plated for a month and a half
>get the twins with only 60 quartz to my name
well shit, i guess they actually chose me
Is there a bigger cuckbait than Melusine?
Curse you MeluSHIT! I hereby vow! You will rue this day! Behold, a true loreposter ! And I, anon! Your fear made flesh! Solid of scale you might be, cuckbait dragon … But I will riddle with holes your rotten hide! With a hail of bond CE! With every last drop of my being!
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So cringe, neck yourself already.
It's a scientifically proven fact that taking a break for this kusoge severely increases your chances of getting a 5* upon the comeback
Uther and Morgan!
Literally the biggest. All those Melufags who thought she's for (You), only to die inside with the bond CE
The most canon
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I prefer her with boya
You're literally screeching in an empty room, schizo, go get yourself checked.
Riiight, she betrayed Ritsuka for Daybit. She deserves demotion!
After 8 long years, I've finally NP5'd my 12 year old dragon wife, Kiyohime Lancer.
I'm more impressed by the monk archer being new.
nice darius
Welcome back, bro. It feels good to be back as well.

I haven't played since the Cinderella Liz event ended,
>lizerella was nearly 3 years ago
Can time slow the fuck down?
i wanna get into fate, is this game a good gateway?
Do you to play as a cuckold?
No, it's better to watch the anime first before playing this game.
read the VN
i do not to play as a cuckold
yeah i think ill watch the anime first
>its 1k hours of reading
im not dedicating months of reading for just "Saber.." said shirou as he stares at his beloved servant being violated by another woman."
Did you actually get cucked irl?
Why are you so obsessed into seeing it in everything?
So don't play this cuck game if you don't want to play as a cuckold
>he’a shilling his cuck nonsense here and on alter simultaneously and fanatically
What makes one acting like this?
He's probably projecting
But I keep hearing that its good, so it got to be good, right? I have 0 idea how to get into it beside having to read the Shakespearean version of vns first
cuckbot is constantly posting in alter and fgog like right now along his bangladesh buddy.
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Not him but hold on.
I'd say Fate/ is ok, good depends on the entry you're reading, your personal taste and how easy can you swallow asspulling shit because it's cool.
Also you may want to try the English version of the game, go on /fgoalter/ for that.
fgo is longer than fsn
if the vn is too much to read for you, then you shouldn't bother with fgo
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golden age..
i thought nobody here actually read the visual novels, and that we are all into it for the gachaslop
>actually liking the gacha part of a gacha
who is he quoting?
woodwose fucking morgan
Go back
I see that guy also in /sp/.
Last time I went to /sp/ it looked like /int/ or /pol/ with a sport "focus", so obviously they would be into cuckoldry.
Yes. You've been spammed with replies by the same schizo who's been cuckposting for more than 10 hours now.
The game's good, there's no FSN slop tier garbage and you have more than 500+ different girls to choose from as your waifu. Some have partners but it's very iconic figures who couldn't be without them.
This general is infested by jealous people like that cunt that you'll have to filter out.
Damn, this is sad, can someone make an AI slander version of them? We have Sakurai and Schizu ones already.
this has got to be a troll post
there is no way this guy is for real
>Fgo is good
> no clapbait
….also the girl part…
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>Last time I went to /sp/ it looked like /int/ or /pol/ with a sport "focus"

The biggets clown itt right now
There is no way Kaguya would stand a fight, she is a NEET
>They said Marie Alter is for (You)
>Even in doujins she's literally just for hate sex
>married woman
>for (you)
Anon, please
Kinda demoralizing to see not that many JP GudaBB fans.
>austrian whore
>for (you)
Anon, please
I've gotten used to it...
I find it quite based, actually. They're keeping the SEA brainrot at bay, even if it's just a little.
Is popularity all you care about?
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>There is no way Kaguya would stand a fight
Not necessarily, no. But It would be nice to see a couple of fans.
Hate sex is great
Consensual sex with Vritra
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>summer event so bad the most memorable thing was a side story
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Because it's a west/sea thing. Nips prefer original pairings to stay together.
Eww, I hope you at least forced her to shower before
What if the mc has several options?
>original pairings
The original pairing of hakuno is Nero and Hakuno
Shirou is with Sakura
Lion with Mash
Nanaya with killing
So you are just a retard desu, the jpcuck is obviously into cuck
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It's crazy how many nips I see online blaming Sakurai for the writing of this event and how boring it is
Easiest way?
>Watch the animes
More difficult but with better understanding of the franchise?
>Play the VNs
Pick your poison.
It's good though.
Twins? Aren't they the yuri couple?
The tsundere Katsuragi and the genki Hibino.
I needed more dusts.
Well, I also need proofs, but what I need the most are snake eyes because my Draco can't level her skills without them.
I still laugh at that doujin being stacked high while the others sold a lot.
A self insert doujin with the Master is not popular among the Chaldea's Servants, I wonder why.
She write this one?
No but they're blaming her
Sakurai is Kizu....
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who even made this pic?
Is my Japanese too rusty or his name is Charisma Cooking Researcher?
Just what the hell is a Charisma Cooking Research?
Charisma is one of those words that doesn't really mean the same thing.
She sounds like those mfs in Hoyoverse. I still can't believe she got a high profile not because of her talent in writing but because of nepotism. Shit look Grimm for fgo desu, this year give fgo nothing, literally nothing
Google gives something like "charismatic cooking expert" so I think the joke is that the amazons are there as his fanclub.
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Never forget how in Summer 3, Eresh brought like 10 of this just because she was part of the ship. Idk why Huyan's didn't sell other then le "You Can't fuck our master grrrr" servants. Might be a jab at the ecchi lovecomedy genre failing ?
>hugh won't betray the blacks, he'll get backstabbed by ulf (no caltrops)
>daeron will be gay and can't control his dragon, leading to burning down bitterbridge and then being killed by a black velaryon soldier
>after the fall of king's landing alicent agrees to work with rhaenyra to restore the realm, effectively joining the blacks
>baela will btfo aegon by shooting him with a crossbow during their dragon fight
What the fuck are you talking about, schizo?
Its been a while but didnt they say it sold really well?
>he doesn't know about Kizu's latest headcanon
That's what the text says, but the image in the background says otherwise.
please for the love of god, how does this event SHOP work?
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This one is most likely by OKSG, who was in charge of Sei's characterization. I doubt whether Sanda supervised the Waver part.
Anon if I print 100 copies and they all sell
And I print 1000 copies and still have 100 left

Which sold better.
Its why peoples popularity contests about merch selling out is always retarded
I'm more interested in why the green haired whore is so serious, feels like she's in her period.
I swear to god if that garbage gets tl'd while the last vanilla Kiyo doujins that came out didn't
>They said Marie Alter is for (You)
>Even in doujins she's literally just for hate sex
I never did oc2 and missed everything
Put in event mats you gathered while farming to get reward mats and points, just like the dog event but this time you have to put in event mats.
Oh so it's really by OKSG, nice to know
Well what did you expect
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wtf its alive?
She's always had her stuff translated, it's now that no one's doing it for the newer content. And naturally 99% of her doujins are pure romantic vanilla with degenerate hand holding
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Must love bob!!!
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That's just a creature from MH.
She’s so precious it’s unreal
time to kill it and turn it into a hat then
>Summer Kiyo doesn't get an event bonus
Would it have killed them to give her the extra bond
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Who's the artist of the brown dude?
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>You should be banned too for spam this shit.
Did I touch a nerve?
It's not my fault you base your personality on a shitty chart
Who is OKSG and what did he write so far?
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An OG TM member who used to be in charge of the website, wrote Mahou Tsukai no Hako, and helped edit and program for Tsukihime, Kagetsu Tohya, and FSN. In FGO, he's the creator of Sei and wrote her Valentine's event.
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What was her name again?
So it makes perfect sense for him to write Hibichika event. The absolute state of /frog/
Hey, fgog's favorite wife
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I really didn't like Sei's Valentine's though...
That said I'm fine with Sei herself.
Robert Paulson
Yeah, it was a pretty unfun, forgettable event. But it was his first time writing an FGO event, and also he was out of practice with writing in general, so I can give him a pass for it.
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what a hatful thing to do to such a creature.
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sexy bookworm
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Is this correct?
>92 deleted replies
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(You) are a skeleton now.
Jannies could have squeezed some more posts
>doing their job
It's stated in her brief appearance in this event.
Kill yourself schizo

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