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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous >>483667393

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

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oops none booked this window



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SR1 teams are fucking dead
Reddit is fucking dead
Unrelated Shitposting
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>/4ccg/ was dead while /xgg/ had a thread up
Tides turned, bloom is off the rose and cracks formed.
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>/vgt/ died for this
/vgt/ would have gotten smashed if put in the same scenario. Let's not pretend otherwise, /vgt/ manager.
It would been a trip to Spain and not Brazil at least
I agree it's a shame they let /hgg2d/ in
shot stats for teams in whatever the hell they're calling survival round this nanosecond

/2hug/ 41-21 +20
/domg/ 37-30 +7
/llsifg/ 30-25 +5
/tf2g/ 25-23 +2
/wtg/ 40-39 +1
/snowg/ 38-37 +1
/hgg2d/ 26-26 0
/twg/ 33-36 -3
/pmmm/ 26-29 -3
/lcg/ 23-27 -4
/ddg/ 25-34 -9
/bag/ 22-41 -19

whoa there /2hug/
Yes reso we all know how much you hate /bag/
Are we getting a video for the survival round performance?
He is right though.
>needs to be stopped by the streamer and commentators to not go +2
Oh nonono.
it has been four matches. /bag/ have not out-shot a single team and have the second worst shot differential in the VGL.
And what fucking teams were those. Now they get an auto, starting to look like a mickey mouse path. They even get to duck /hgg2d/ and /smtg/, literally won't have a chance like this to make a deep run again.
They had a Mickey Mouse run to the final in 18 but couldn't exploit it.
What would the VGL rankings be under the most shots wins rule?
/xgg/ may not be alive as a general but the five AMF export is legit, way more so than it has any right to be. /gbpen/ are also really good, /aceg/'s offense wrecks shit but i think /gbpen/ win that one. not to mention possibly /2hug/ who are incredibly good. that part of the bracket is better than you think
why is this reddit team allowed to play?
>*yawn* be /hgg2d/
>get the most free team in survival
>/hgg2d/ so scared of an auto they go -2
>/2hug/ needed to play a team that was out of stamina by 60
>/ddg/ was outplayed for large sections of the game by a hellbound /pmmm/
all frauds
That's a lot of words just to say the bottom half of the bracket will end up producing some jobber for /smtg/ to win a star off
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as long as /2hug/ don't get thrown off their game they're the best team in the tournament. CSW 4-5-1 is so goddamn good, when it's on nothing beats it. unfortunately for them they're about to play another 5-3-2 and their manager is scared to death of 5-3-2
Them going all the way whild vglco spins up their "filler VGL" narrative would be hilarious.
/hgg2g/ went -2 for a joke but otherwise absolutely demolished /snowg/. /2hug/ only got equalised on by what looked like kickoff abuse, otherwise they massively outshot /wtg/ who also had a high number of saves, not legit yet but that looked like the fraudulence of the /pg/ and /hanny/ matches is getting shaken off. /ddg/ probably got lucky but showed they can still win those games they aren't always best. /bag/ did look absolutely fraudulent luckshitters though, /domg/ were robbed that it even went to AET, yet alone penalties. Only team to advance SR2 now looking on fraudwatch.
I like how he pivoted from 451 good to CSW 451 good. Embarrassing
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>council team
/uma/ is face, /dbg/ and /hgg2d/ are heels. Also
>Allowing face/face and heel/heel matches
Who the fuck booked this? Creative needs to be fired.
They are not gachaslop, therefore they are faces
4-5-1 in general is good in this ruleset. half the round of 16 uses it in some way and that's not a coincidence. CSW is simply the best form of it, in the same way that CSW 4-3-1-2 is the best way to run 4-3-1-2, because CSW is the best set of sliders in this PES (and also the one the VGL is going to switch to after this one)
>/smtg/, /hgg2d/, /2hug/
Oh you're just retarded. Good job keep going on.
You do know touhou does have gacha games right? If that's the case /dbg/ should be heel because gacha.
This poster's skin is shit colored.
looks like this post struck a nerve
>/2hug/ only got equalised on by what looked like kickoff abuse, otherwise they massively outshot /wtg/

Guess /hanny/ is the best team in the VGL
/2hug/ have one of the best exports in this league but the livemanaging is so questionable. It's like polar opposites of last league when they luckshitted an averagey export to a star. This export could reliably win them V2 but with the livemanaging from them so far I don't have any confidence in them doing it.
Everyone keeps calling team faces and heel and never give their real reason once someone comes with a shit take.
So go ahead, tell us why you think each team is a heel or face.
if they were just an auto that ran like CSWM5 FMA47 or whatever and full time 4-5-1 I'd just say "get ready to learn final day buddy" no other thoughts
instead they've tried to be /aceg/ twice and had to switch off of it to win twice. and since they're playing a 5-3-2 again tomorrow there's a pretty good chance they make at least one of those counters go up one. I'm sure there's merit to the idea that not-/aceg/ is better against 5-3-2 in testing than the regular 4-5-1 but man oh man did it not translate all that well the first time. and also when the 4-5-1 is as dominant as it has been, ever switching off of it feels wrong
'fraid so.
Their reasons seem pretty transparent. Some label teams based on whether they're gacha or not, some label teams based on the management and/or style of play dictated by the management.
The issue with the classifications is assuming every team has to be a heel or face. The only faces for me are
/aceg/ - Permanent face due to popular game series coupled with a high support, low speed thread. Being terrible for years further adds to this by people wanting them to finally get one over after years of suffering.
/dbg/ - Permanent face due to overall popularity of the franchise. Everyone knows it in some form and their aesthetics have long been top tier. There's something funny from one of their players whether they win, lose, or draw.
/uma/ - Face for at least this league as their first time not sucking ass. Fairly inoffensive as a concept and like /aceg/ garners support as being a team that was so bad for so long.
While the only heels for me are
/2hug/ - Heel for just this league because repeat winners are frowned upon. Otherwise pretty inoffensive.
/bag/ and /gig/ - Both massive threads with a ton of supporters and shitposters. People like to see them lose and get irritated when they win due to those shitposts. It's funny to watch them lose just like it's funny to watch the Cowboys, Yankees, Lakers, Alabama, or Man United lose.
/hgg2d/ - Still carries the reputation of the big bad due to their repeat win (repeat winners are frowned upon), while also being a significantly more niche topic than say I don't know Dragonball? Also have the unfortunate condition of just strangling teams they beat which isn't fun to watch, see today.
'fraid so
/hanny/ would have 5 stars if Rance could finish
/hgg2d/ have scored eighteen goals on twenty-six shots. they may have won their two stars by strangling teams but they've won three of four this VGL by just scoring a million goals in a way that honestly isn't all that sustainable but is sure as hell fun to watch for the time it's happening
Finally some actual takes rather than saying /team/ face, /team/ heel.
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Are you actually new here? It just boils down to "teams I like" vs "teams I dislike " and most of the reasons for disliking are being more popular or better.
Their three wins this league were 4-0, 5-2, and 7-1. It's really hard to say they aren't strangling the teams they beat when those wins combine for 16-3. Maybe it's fun for you but any team getting blown out by the horrible big bad team just wants to get it over with.
Congratulation on winning the Respect Cup /hanny/.
Rance (with accuracy) 20 goals golden boot.
maybe on planet retard
>repeat winners are frowned upon
>/dbg/ still face
okay reso
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I don't actually dislike any team, I like seeing the sharing of cultures from different generals across /vg/ and what they spawn, whether from their game or the general itself. I've seen people pick up games and talk in generals due to seeing their team in the /vg/ League and its fun to spread around like that.
>most of the reasons for disliking are being more popular or better
Yeah? Do you follow anything in real life at all? People dislike the Chiefs because they've been winning so much recently and all the attention that brings. People dislike the Cowboys because they have the biggest fanbase and the reputation that comes with that. People like the Lions because they're always awful and want to see them finally come on top. There are analogs to this in every sport.
well i hate YOU! Stupid kot poster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
traditionally when I think of strangling teams it's something more defensive than that. like, /hgg2d/'s VGL16 championship run? they gave up six goals in seven matches. didn't give up multiple goals in a match until the final and were legitimately very dominant throughout it all. pretty hard to strangle teams much more than that. that kind of team tends to be fairly defensive, and in fact /hgg2d/ have scored more goals this VGL than they did in all of that championship run. meanwhile this VGL's /hgg2d/ gave up five goals in a single match and their defense is more top-16 than top-2 like the star teams
but yeah /hgg2d/ kinda are still a pretty defensive team. the shot stats show that, just not the results. they're fucking weird this VGL.
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You'll learn to love eventually
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It's okay, I gave them two new blobs as an apology. They still have that "new blob smell."
i was kidding, love kot. Always cheer on princess connect unless i'm playing against them.
i was asleep when that post was made, very rude :(
I forgot shots determined the winner
I disagree. /twg/ has a sizable fanbase when the people in charge of the team actually do their full responsibilities. San Marino, Windy, Andy, and Pilky all had no problems pulling in numbers. No fucking clue why their caretaker this league couldn't do it, but /twg/ can pull crowds. Next league's signup won't be an issue, but their person in charge needs to fuckin remember to get asses in seats.
Not even 100 posts in and we've got several posts bringing up VGLco out of nowhere. Is /4ccg/ okay?
I recall them even getting fan art and stuff. I mean if the caretaker isn't even gonna bother posting about the games of course no one is going to show up. Reminder Harry got suspended for something similar.
>No fucking clue why their caretaker this league couldn't do it
their caretaker this league was, uh, san marino
How do threads like /pcrg/ have random fans posting about the games even when they aren't on but /twg/ can't manage that themselves?
Honestly I been telling /pcrg/ they are on only because I like them. That manager also forgot to tell the thread plenty of times. Now someone else is helping him to announce too.
Qualifiers will be based on the teams with the least thread interaction.
Or they'll just be rejected next time
Qualifiers will be based on how breedable the managers are.
/llsifg/ will become the new /ink/
If you really want to talk about strangling teams, /smtg/ is still here
they'll be hated the second they actually win, especially since they're a team where the manager likes to make it about himself more than the general
Years ago...I was Chinese.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
[everyone disliked that]
Something something "They're actually playing their game"? I dunno, sometimes you don't get the home-grown fan who religiously checks out /4ccg/. Happy that /pcrg/ has multiple people like that, though. The VGL really does bring out some of the most dedicated fans. Some day, a random VGL viewer might even become commissioner. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that happened.

Didn't he do some stupid POI shit last league? I swear he should step down and resurrect Cosa Nostra or some shit.
Of the actual fans the team has, they probably don't care as long as the team is winning all the time. /pw/ fans don't seem to mind their team being run the exact same way
what export could kill 2hug?
/pg/ apparently
what does pg run?
They're an auto go check yourself
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this is supposed to be /vglg/
>there are people who seriously thinks that /domg/ vs /bag/ was the best match of the SR when both teams literally play no defense for the whole 120 minutes and had to decide a winner by literal coinflip
>both teams literally play no defense for the whole 120 minutes and had to decide a winner by literal coinflip
Yeah that's based
Sorry sir, which of the 0-1, 5(3)-1(1) game would you like to elect instead?
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Kita's favorite!
Tears streaming down your face as you posted this
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/gfg/ 1-2 /smtg/
/nikg/ 3-2 /utg/
/uma/ 4-2 /hgg2d/
/dbg/ win 2-2 /ddg/
/aceg/ 3-1 /gbpen/
/xgg/ 1-2 /bag/
/ss13g/ 3-2 /2hug/
/gbfg/ 4-4 /gig/ win
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good job on fucking up the cloud
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He was talking about /2hug/, not touhou in general.
/2hug/ and most of the fanbase hate the gacha game, and how could you not when it keeps pulling out shit like pic related.
>fraud thing wins vs /lcg/ team
>vglco probably discord
>die /4ccg/
that's based
It is, if you don't consider it touhou
>4cc won
>/domg/ league
>/llsifg/ manager melty bro
>streak breeding
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/xgg/ has more divegrass posts than /twg/ now. Awaiting /twg/'s response.
So, /xgg/ is back and /twg/ should get their rep anyways(but ban the caretaker). And limbabies? Lost.
>rep vgl /bag/ teams cup least fun
If a general began consistently existing this month, it will be eligible for the next /vg/ league right? Asking for a friend.
No. Minimum six months before signups open.
Unless you're a vglco pet, of course
Ok, next summer it is.
If you're /lcg/, yes!
>>/domg/ league
For me it's /EA Pangaea/
who am I?
>game isn't even out yet and /zzz/ already wants to make a team
You fucks need to calm down
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The lengths this /lcg/ hater has to go to get them out of the /vg/ team: Revive and samefag an already dead and buried general, and then try to convince people that it is okay that a team with no fans is eligible to represent the /vg/ team lmao so fucking pathetic.
shut the FUCK UP limbab, your team should've never been allowed in the league so everything bad that happens to it is just karmic justice
jk smooooooooch
now say that without crying
So a bit of story; SM has wanted to step away for quite a while. When I joined, initially it was just to help out the team but seeing as SM was looking for an out I became co-manager. We split of the labour which was I'd do the divegrass and he'd do the admin.
I had to step away from /vst/ and /twg/ because I've got IRL things that take up more time than previously but SM was just going to remain caretaker.

I've spoke to SM and seeing as he's removed himself as caretaker I think that's him officially done, so really /twg/ are in limbo and I'll just see what the general want to do moving forward.
They're not that autistic about it, if the general started now they'd probably get in
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>Can someone revive /xgg/ so we don't have to boot their rep and be accused of shit again, thanks
t. Reso, 6 days ago
He asked for it.
based. He knew what was going to happen
Who said they have no fans? They passed poi, that means people still care. The only reason there was no discussion is because caretaker is a fag. Fans give a shit, but they don't give enough of a shit to look up the match schedule themselves.
>but they don't give enough of a shit to look up the match schedule themselves.
That doesn't sound like they care about the team.
>they care, they just don't care
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>rep vgl /bag teams cup
I've seen more /xgg/ fans in chat than several other teams this league.
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rape rape rape xd
Next league there will be /wuwa/, league after that there will be /zzz/, and the league after that will be /apg/. Maintaining 1 new gacha team per league.
This, all you have to do is wait a few months, then try and sucker a top lad into playing your game. If you get lucky and pull a good aesthetics guy, they might even do your team for you
I doubt that /xgg/ is going to get their rep now anyways. It is way too much of a coincidence that the thread has been dead since May and all of a sudden revives like two hours after a statement is made that /xgg/ loses their rep. There is no way that the current /xgg/ thread is authentic but only there to push the rep back in for a higher chance of leaving /lcg/ out in case the decision about /twg/ gets reversed
who cares about the rep anymore
the more important thing is that they have been informed they are playing today
good for them.
Still think they wouldn't have a thread without the current decision
/wuwa/ puts Kwabellum in qualifiers
What are the current qualifiers looking like?
Someone should tell those /xgg/ fans an existing general is necessary for taking part in the league
/alg/ or /ggg/
ramen's sensitive midriff...
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>see catalog
>/snowg Queen of Snooble pole dancing webm
>enter thread
>saw this
/snowg/ was taken from us too soon...
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Here's your feet btw
never heard of a massage?
>one person can keep a general alive indefinitely
>one person can keep a team alive indefinitely
So all it takes for a team to exist is to have at least one very dedicated schizo?
Seems like I have found my calling.
you took over 10 years to realize that?

== Leaderboard ==
DrunkLoliOgre !!0GO8RsFdiEE +1071.80
rabbitrabbit +970.80
Taichi Suzuki +945.00
Dog-chan !!5DOgkneuFTr +502.00
Streak +486.00
Abby !!Y5/ezQnvB2c +398.50
BHnk !!pHDUvj4ASJF +345.00
Anameiguess !!tVHEmRaa/aB +339.00
HisNameIs +300.00
Juan !!zNc6KCqHgOI +256.00
!!0z4P8h3Sj2A +129.02
glaucusautist !Ht7UkltItk +123.98
TowaBaby !hEN.oBXK9w +117.40
!!0XucvUm+LWZ +115.00
Ban Mundo +80.00
Cipher !!V0y9uLMUuqu +63.29
Everyone else +0.00
You need some degree of autism and patience to run a team. That's why you often see some potential newcomers dip their toes in the process but then vanish upon realizing how much work it takes to get things going.
>one person can keep a general alive indefinitely
Not physically possible as they need to sleep
>You get RB$50 every day
>You can bet it however you want in the groups
>If you bet less than RB$50 the change is thrown on a random line chosen by the wheel of rigging
>You can put however much money you want on the wheel
>You can only have one wheel bet per game maximum (8 spins)
>If you're betting on 'all home teams' etc, state the teams
>Say exact numbers instead of "split my money on XYZ"
>Your winnings carry over to future matchdays
>In the KO's any game going to AET/Penalties voids outright bets
>On final day you can't accumulate teams winning in final day and placing top 4
>Your shins are mine

Please refer to >>483977604 for your balance and add RB$50 for today's maximum stake.

>/gfg/ vs /smtg/
/gfg/ - 2.30
/gfg/ AET - 4.40
Penalties - 5.50
/smtg/ AET - 3.80
/smtg/ - 2.20

>/nikg/ vs /utg/
/nikg/ - 2.20
/nikg/ AET - 3.40
Penalties - 5.50
/utg/ AET - 4.80
/utg/ - 2.50

>/uma/ vs /hgg2d/
/uma/ - 2.40
/uma/ AET - 4.20
Penalties - 5.00
/hgg2d/ AET - 4.00
/hgg2d/ - 2.20

>/dbg/ vs /ddg/
/dbg/ - 2.90
/dbg/ AET - 5.50
Penalties - 8.00
/ddg/ AET - 3.50
/ddg/ - 1.80

>/aceg/ vs /gbpen/
/aceg/ - 2.00
/aceg/ AET - 3.00
Penalties - 5.50
/gbpen/ AET - 4.20
/gbpen/ - 2.50

>/xgg/ vs /bag/
/xgg/ - 2.40
/xgg/ AET - 4.50
Penalties - 6.00
/bag/ AET - 4.00
/bag/ - 2.30

>/ss13g/ vs /2hug/
/ss13g/ - 2.30
/ss13g/ AET - 4.00
Penalties - 4.50
/2hug/ AET - 4.20
/2hug/ - 2.40

>/gbfg/ vs /gig/
/gbfg/ - 2.30
/gbfg/ AET - 4.00
Penalties - 6.50
/gig/ AET - 4.20
/gig/ - 2.40
ALL ON /ddg/
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14.12 on /gfg/
14.12 on /utg/
14.12 on /uma/
14.12 on /dbg/
14.12 on /aceg/
14.12 on /xgg/
14.12 on /2hug/
14.12 on /gig/

uuuuu my tippies
/gfg/ 3-2 /smtg/
/nikg/ 0-2 /utg/
/uma/ 2-1 /hgg2d/
/dbg/ 1-0 /ddg/
/aceg/ 3-0 /gbpen/
/xgg/ 2-1 /bag/
/ss13g/ 1-3 /2hug/
/gbfg/ 1-2 /gig/
50 on /dbg/, /aceg/, /bag/
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/gfg/ 3-2 /smtg/
/nikg/ 2-1 /utg/
/uma/ 3-2 /hgg2d/
/dbg/ win 3-3 /ddg/
/aceg/ 3-1 /gbpen/
/xgg/ 2-1 /bag/
/ss13g/ win 1-1 /2hug/
/gbfg/ 3-2 /gig/
945 on /uma/, 50 on /aceg/
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It's time.
wtf are these ohio ahh odds
hey can we murder this guy?
50 on /gfg/
45 on /utg/
50 on /uma/
100 on /dbg/
50 on /aceg/
50 on /bag/
25 on /ss13g/
25 on /gbfg/
ermm what the sigma
erm what the sigma?
Neck yourself you fucking toddler
care to extrapolate?
so you don't know
50 on /2hug/
Sus ohio vibes from you, baby gronk.
June, July, August, September, October, November, December (when play starts). Looks like 6 months to me.
People think H and F stand for Heel and Face, but their actual meaning is Honest and Fraud.
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>December (when play starts)
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>Anonymous 06/29/24(Sat)12:52:05 >No.483981661
>1715547446102437.jpg (114 KB, 635x946)
mambo no. 5
100 on /uma/
100 on /xgg/
the game
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FUCK you.
i just lost the game
The one that will take me to my end.
Grim. tits I'm afraid
/gfg/ 3-2 /smtg/
/nikg/ 2-1 /utg/
/uma/ 3-4 /hgg2d/
/dbg/ 1-2 /ddg/
/aceg/ 3-1 /gbpen/
/xgg/ 2-4 /bag/
/ss13g/ 1-2 /2hug/
/gbfg/ 2(3)-2(4) /gig/

50 on /gfg/
25 on /hgg2d/
20 on /dbg/
20 on /bag/
30 on /gfg/ /nikg/ /hgg2d/ /dbg/ /aceg/ /bag/ /2hug/ /gig/
20 on /smtg/ /nikg/ /hgg2d/ /dbg/ /aceg/ /bag/ /2hug/ /gig/
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all in on mah nyikkers
/gfg/ 4-1 /smtg/
/nikg/ 3-1 /utg/
/uma/ 2-5 /hgg2d/
/dbg/ 2-2 (PK 2-3) /ddg/
/aceg/ 3-2 /gbpen/
/xgg/ 1-3 /bag/
/ss13g/ 0-1 /2hug/
/gbfg/ 1-2 /gig/

22 on /smtg/
22 on /utg/
22 on /uma
22 on /ddg/
22 on /gbpen/
22 on /xgg/
22 on /ss13g/
22 on /gbfg/
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/gfg/ 2-1 /smtg/
/nikg/ 1-2 /utg/
/uma/ 3-2 /hgg2d/
/dbg/ 1-2 /ddg/
/aceg/ 3-2 /gbpen/
/xgg/ 3-2 /bag/
/ss13g/ 2-2 /2hug/ (PK 3-4 /2hug/)
/gbfg/ 3-2 /gig/
all on /2hug/
50 on /gfg/
75 on /dbg/
55 on /2hug/
>/gfg/ 3-2 /smtg/
>/nikg/ 3-2 /utg/
>/uma/ 3-2 /hgg2d/
>/dbg/ 2-3 /ddg/
>/aceg/ 3-0 /gbpen/
>/xgg/ 1-3 /bag/
>/ss13g/ 1-3 /2hug/
>/gbfg/ 3-2 /gig/
I feel bad for the people who don't know that /smtg/ is taking the whole cup
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50 on /hgg2d/ /2hug/
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/gfg/ wins 2-0
/nikg/ wins 1-0
/uma/ wins 3-2 (AET)
/dbg/ wins 2-1
/aceg/ wins 1-0
/bag/ wins 2-1
/2hug/ wins 3-1
/gig/ wins 2-1 (AET)
Maybe on planet retard
/smtg/ please lose so Juan stops commentating
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smtg wins 3-2
utg wins 3-2
hgg2d wins 3-2
ddg wins 3-2
aceg wins 3-2
bag wins 3-2
ss13g wins 3-2
gbfg wins 3-2

50 accy on utg hgg2d ddg aceg
Now say it without crying
yer bets
it without crying
>284 viewers
Numbers bros...
>kick redditors out
>VGL numbers immediately skyplummet
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>gameplan simulator
>/smtg/ are about to be exposed by gfg of all teams
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I kinda knew that would happen. /hgg2g/ is next
>perma gegen
Imagine getting cooked by /gfg/ like that
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lol lmao
wish granted
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should be grounds for a ban from managing
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most offensive 4-5-1 mirror match
/gfg/ is a good team this league. It's just it's /gfg/ so they will keep getting rated lower than they are. Sometimes that's for the best.
Well /smtg/ fucked up any chance of a group H runback but we can still get the group E runback
When was the last time a group runback happened, VGL 11?
/gfg/ are running basic ass CSW 4-5-1, which is the best thing to run in this ruleset. that alone puts them above most teams
he said it again
For me it's
>closes the tab
and there it is
he said it again
woooo he said it!!!
/nikg/ being exposed as the utter luckshitters and frauds they were
CSW is good because every other motherfucker in running FMA high compact which is bad against wide attacks.
/utg/ being revealed as the utter poopshitters they are
Don't care for /utg/ but if this means no more backseat managing from a commentator every /nikg/ match then so be it.
we always knew this though
What I can definitely say is I'd like to one day manage /nikg/ because they deserve a good run
riveting gameplay
>Best Player award goes to the goal post
congratulations to /gfg/ on the top four
absolute state of /nikg/, they didn't deserve to advance from group, probably worse team there
As if /nikg/ would have stopped them either. Still a better run then if they had someone else managing them though.
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Time for /uma/'s to get spain'd
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/uma/ is going to win.
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>/nikg/ dead
>/snowg/ dead
Good, now only /bag/ left and all the SEAnigger-core teams are out.
time for horsegirl cunny
and /gig/
Genshin Impact is played exclusively by 12 year old girls as their first videogame.
I need to get into Genshin...
/gfg/ makes it, tho?
Well, that's a mistake on your end, no one plays /gfg/, they just fap to the non-existent porn.
/gfg/ was a decent general at some point in time.
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Bro, the SEAniggers side of GFL community is more active than the western one...
They're busy playing either BA or Nikke
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>be winning
>make change
>concede goal
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Did the horses get plapped yet?
someone (identity unknown) is about to get FUUUUUUUUUUCKED
But uma won?
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horse sex
Calm down entirety of VGLco.
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/uma/ trying their hardest to make this dogshit tournament at least have a winner everyone can root for.
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lol /hgg2d/
/uma/ is the new top babyface of the company after all.
fukken would
>Literally the second VGLco pet team after /bag/
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Cry about it
>team that has never won a single official game before ever going on to win an entire tournament the first time they ever win a game
I would think everyone would root for that yes.
Hey /hgg2d/ manager, how's that "-2 until we have possesion then go neutral again" tactic working for you now, you stupid nigger faggot hahahaahaha
I laugh a ton seeing you lose autist retard, go kill yourself
absolute contrarianism isn't healthy
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/dbg/ is down a medal. There's no way /ddg/ can fuck this up.
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4ccg has admitted they have no standards and WILL root for an offsiter team if that offsiter team is hated by council.
midfield medals are overrated
Only a CMF medal.
Could fuck them over, could do absolutely nothing.
I will impregnate horses and there's nothing the Yakuza can do to stop me
>Snigger still uppity his chinkslop got sent to brazil by literal pastebin
>/smtg/ and /hgg2d/ already out
Tryhard teams are getting annihilated.
40% yourself already
snowbunny% snowbunny snowbunny*
SnowKWAB general
snoggers got the get though; your response?
>tears running down KWABellum's cheeks as he copes and seethes about starting next season in the qualifiers
I think they need to lose weight, have sex and get a clue.
>getting this autistic over virtual divegrass
game of skill
why not
Tell that to the micromanaging autist manager of /hgg2d/ sucking the fun out fucking AI PES
Hey streaky, was it worth it throwing to /akg/?
/akg/ SABOTAGED /dbg/
>/nikg/ is now managerless
karabros it's our time to shine!
>last vglco team got absolutely fucked
Today was a good day.
Oh streakie was the failed throw attempt worth it?
/bag/ and /uma/ are still in
/bag/ has yet to play anon.
I know you're a fucking contrarian, but you know /bag/ is still in, right?
very dumb poster
zero iq points awarded
>streak got so worked up over throwing memes he went hard mode against /akg/
>ended up costing his team a medal
>resulting in an easy elimination in the ro16 when they could have gone much further
what you get for reading /4ccg/ strookie
Back-to-back games with the bad guys losing.
oh streak, how have you not learnt on 19 that going high d line, +1 and gegen immediately kills you?
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I would say the bad guys have lost every game so far today.
>zily: left vglco and is THRIVING and about to win the whole league
>the rest of vglco: went through a humiliation ritual
dragon dogma balls
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>failed throwing attempt
How does this even make sense. He tried to throw by now subbing out his medal like he should? If anything he got worked into a shoot by trying to please this shithole.
/dbg/ threw
i thought narrow 3-5-2 was supposed to be the worst thing ever?
4-5-1 fag only counts the wins anon.
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>get to RO16 on your first attempt
"wow this kinda sucks"
Live fast, die hard.
anyone with a functionable brain knew that 3-5-2 is basically the best formation after 4-3-3 and 4-4-2
>decide something is not fun even when you're good at it
>walk away from it
Correct decision. Sunk cost is a fallacy.
I still stand by >>483904264
some people realize managing is soul draining faster than others
hahaha I hate strea- I mean.... I love le r/bigheaddragon team!!
I'd like to one day manage /nikg/ because they deserve to go to qualies.
>Reddit company is out
>reddit dogma still in
/dbg/ threw
Streak's fault for becoming a /vg/ manager and embracing vglco.
/dbg/ was not the vessel...
/dbg/ threw
How many random council mentions are we at so far?
about 50.
>works himself into a shoot over a couple of /4ccg/ shitposters
>gets btfo by reddit dogma in the knockouts as a result
kek what a KWAB
melty status?
for some reason I thought that /ddg/ had two stars already
I guess with /dbg/ out that means no three star team this time
/ddg/ were at 2(1) until streak made the first set of autistic changes btw. there was kind of no reason to make any of them except just go +1 next time they took possession.
congratulations you beat a four medal /dbg/, here’s your prize (nothing)
losing when the opponent is 2(1) just means you will concede every shot they take on target
>"Gomen fellas they didn't play like i expected. I let us all down once again. Im sorry"
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there are two kinds of /ddg/ matches. the one where they get outplayed for 60 minutes and win anyway because their opponents aren’t that smart/are barely trying, and the /fgoalter/ match
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not throwing btw
I feel bad for Streak. He is such a great and funny guy he doesn't deserve getting piled like this for no reason. No being in VGLco is not a reason
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this is the mickiest of mickey mouse leagues
Streak about to commit a 9/11
>real life divegrass match suspended due to thunderstorm

How can we even compete?
he's not so great when shit doesn't go his way
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Gegen AND+1 is fucking retarded snake oil bullshit, they do basically the same thing streaky, pick one! I think everytime he does that he just concedes 3 more.
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>No being in VGLco is not a reason
it is though
Perennial jobbers making it to final day? It's just like last league! Looks like the formation ban didn't change much after all.
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maybe if your IQ is below 80
A sudden interference will occur if /bag/ starts losing at any point during their match.
The average 4ccg poster is tribalistic like that
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Why are teams that are usually bad having a good run a bad thing
VGLbros, FB is laughing at us again...
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random weather in 4cc when?
He is though. He is really passionate and never ever went off at someone. The only time was this cup when he got shitposted for an hour straight about throwing every time /akg/ took a shot, which wasn't even meant ironically since people actually flooded his dms
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Just how commentators are outright cheering for /uma/ they should just continue coaching the /bag/ manager when he is about to fuck up like yesterday.
This happens every time they make retarded formation bans or stuff that shakedowns the meta and removes the status quo of some managed teams, it brings everyone to the same level or something so you get VGL 19 final day and what we are about to get too.
Didn't know VGL would make it this far, they even got Spongebob as a commentator!!
>This happens every time they make retarded formation bans
There was no shakedown of the meta in VGL21 though
true Streak loves this shit and even provides baseball for everyone to entertain people who want to tune in. He still gets hate thrown at him because uuuuuh?
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>vtl rules for the 4cc when
because uuuhh uummm muh council?
die frogposter
Ok yes, Streak is a great guy and the second coming of jesus, but those changes were still retarded.
The only people in the council that deserve hate are Denko and Toki anyway, just hating the entire council is dumb. Streaky is a good lad.
I'm not normally judgemental about this stuff but I don't think I like this guys voice very much
Biggest throwing STREAK: /dbg/ 2 (ongoing)
muh council has always been really fucking dumb cope even as a shitpost. Reminds me of American liberals chanting ACAB on Twitter dot com
I just had a vision that /gbpen/ is going to win the whole thing and ASS is going to be funny as fuck.
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What's that? Another team getting #exposed?
>every single team he has backed dies
>/gbpen/ won't
A /utg/ or /gbpen/ victory would be very funny
Looks like that streak will continue.
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Ok, let's settle this, who is worse /admin/ or vglco?
(they're the same)
Remind me who is in /admin/ again. Cause I can only think of Crimson as the villain of that group. For VGLco they would be Denko and Toki (and Crimson again??)
how many in /admin/ are /vn/ supporters? If the number is higher, they're worse.
Nothing here is actually bad because both parties try to provide entertainment. If they succeed at it is another story
if i was commissioner i'd actually step down if /gbpen/ wins this mickey mouse tournament
Non reply, /4ccg/ is the combination of everyone, managers, fans, admin fags, plants, VGL fags, shitposters. Everyone is here, it literally doesn't count.
I'd promote myself to Super Commissioner
hopefully /gbpen/ slip, absolute fucking frauds
tears streaming down his face
looks like this plan >>483924937 is according to schedule, so xgg wins next?
Denkocchi aka nor/mlp/erson would just go to his containment in /ag/ cord, shit bricks for a bit, whine to his inner circle that /bag/ and /uma/ got btfo and then just do ASS normally.
Based /gbpen/. You love to see it.
/4ccg/ is the only redeemable venue to discuss this shit league. If it wasn't for it I'd be gone ages ago.
This. Where else are you gonna go talk about it, the fucking discord?
the discussion here isn't really different from what it is in the discord. Might even be less discussion and just more pure hate and laughing at misery than anything else
>kermit fc
>good guys
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>two kinds
>won 80% of their matches
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Thinking this is the champion VGL 22 deserves.
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Yeah now I really want /ss13g/ to win the whole thing now. Just to be the exclamation point of this dogshit tournament.
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Here's your final day
ironically the counter-gegen from /ddg/ fucked /dbg/'s ass
I talk about it in /myteam/'s general for the most part.
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Better to have two good fans than all the plastic ones /bag/-/lcg/-/nikg/ have.
whsts ur problem brev
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Two k-slop teams down, one to go and /bag/ are on absolute fraudwatch after yesterday
/nikg/ and what else?
So you don't know.
Oh, right. For a second I forgot they're also gook gacha.
Holy, I reverse my opinion on commentators being good. Please never let this one in again.
why are /bag/ allowed like a million fucking emotes, theyre as bad as vtumors
/bag/ is the /vt/ of vgl.
How many emotes should each team get?
why does the amount of emotes bother you?
because Denko, Toki and QD are /bag/gers so they do everything in their power to please them
What the hell, nobody told me KWABentale was a thai ladyboy.
he's argentinian
Five plus one for each star.
Finals: /utg/ - /gbpen/
3rd place: /uma/ - /ss13g/
not as many as /bag/, they need to have a lot of their slop culled
Every team should get 1 page of emotes
Is there anything that you won't cry about?
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they should make the /bag/ emotes more fitting by making them lewds
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The amount of blue archive emotes is because they did the /bag/ league so they put like a million of them in there. You can still just post some for >your team< in here.
I believe in worst final possible
/gfg/ vs /gig/
/xgg/ winning the league would be better than gbpen.
they should have all been removed afterwards this is like letting invitationals and comfyshit being allowed 4cc emotes which they arent
That happy ending model has to be the ugliest motherfucker I have ever seen.
it's so grotesque and weird
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Why is everyone rating /gbpen/ so much
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Fucking /bag/ lmao
>good guys keep winning
VGL 22 was... le based?
But /aceg/ lost and /bag/ is winning.
Another one for the good guys.
>/bag/ gookniggers
>team demoralized after being told even if they do well today it doesn't matter as they're not allowed a rep
Hopefully this just ends on denko melty when they lose the /gbpen/ or something.
/bag/ are such fucking trash, even /gpben/ are a better team to advance
VGLco found the way to face turn /gbpen/
/bag/ are such fucking kino, nobody is a better team than them to advance
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/xgg/ tried so many double touches, what the hell
I counted at least 5
I am now /gbpen/s biggest fan.
Good guys won, timeline is saved
>5 gacha teams on quarter finals
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4-5-1 is good and they don’t run anything else. simple as.
The script is in, /bag/ vs /uma/ finals.
shitty match, shitty commentary, shitty away team, shitty result, this VGL is so tiring
/utg/ wouldn't be because they're one of QD's teams
>gachaslops dominated the playoff brackets
This is the worst VGL I've ever seen
people disappointed in this outcome are just mad that
>/yourteam/ lost while /bag/ won
>/bag/ gets more viewers than /yourteam/
>/bag/ is more active than /yourteams/ thread (if they have one loooool)
>the council actually likes /bag/ (because they're a more interesting team then everyone else)
>Blue Archive is a better game than your generals game
Great match, Great commentary, Great away team, great result, this VGL is so fun
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>it appears our superiority rustled some jimmies
ooooohhh this'll really get them this time oooooooohhhhhhhhhh they're all running away
Not even a /bag/got but I can see the tears streaming down your face
now say that again without crying
/bag/ has been in quarters before, try going further if you want people to care
if /2hug/ loses i'll officially become a redditor
You'll become a /gbpen/ fan??
You'll become a /uma/ fan??

You'll become a /bag/ fan??
better stay true to this post faggot
As a frequent poster of the now defunct /xgg/ thread I'm pretty confident my fellows would be okay with us handing over our spot in the team
GGs and see you all whenever our next game is announced
cytube guy here, this is your chance VGL fans give me an emote in reply to this with a name for the emote and I will literally add it to the cytube. has to be related to a VGL team and cannot be a /bag/ one.
nice try gookshitter, give us back our spot btw, we didn't go to Ro16 for nothing
I'm him.
I have always been him.
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We've reached the point to where we have to write fanfiction because the people we obsess over have been having criminally low melties.
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>One of these two... "things" is our last hope for a non gacha champion
VG League is fucking dead.
This has been an amazing day for seeing the vocal minority meltdown. Keep it up you guys!
/utg/ and /ddg/ bros...
I will never stop being him.
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more creative playmakers?
KWABellum merc
The good run is in sight
>all the Heels winning the playoffs
Who the fuck booked this shit
Finna seethe?
How can someone be a merc if they're not even livemanaging?
Yes? Cheated their way to a Top 4
>spot in the team
The /vg/ roster right now might genuinely be the worst one we've ever had. Probably better off avoiding being associated with this lineup.
I can't believe it, a 22nd time in a row we've had the "worst /vg/ roster ever". Let's see if we can keep the streak alive!
But you say that every vgl
Link your reddit account
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Spesschads... not even the AIspam can keep us down
This is our comeback
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i'll jerk it exclusively to tranny porn (still more straight than this league), and i dont want you fags to leave mean comments on my profile
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Welcome to the frontpage of the internet sis, did you see what was most upvoted on r/politics today? Remember to vote!!
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swap /gfg/ and /gbpen/
great cup
A gacha team will win and we will never hear the end of how this is a gacha league for the next 6 months
worst cup disband immediately
But unironically
And I guarantee you /4ccg/ will be the only thread saying that.
Because it's the only place to talk about the vgl?
dumb nigger
so what formations are left in the cup?
I've been talking about it in my thread actually!
Nothing, they're all banned.
Dropped them the moment they lost to /ss13g/
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>Not /bag/ger
He will drop the /fgog/ flair and put the /bag/ one after they win this rigged tournament.
What's wrong with a gacha team winning a vgl?
It's not vmgl
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Yeah because /vmg/ doesn't have generals.
That wasn't even random weather, just pre-rolled weather. The only cup with real random weather so far was the 2hu cup.
What's the count on posts about VGLco this thread? Did we break 50?
It's still random, it's just done like that so we don't end up with 8 wet grass games a day. We used to do full random via PES but it meant that we were constantly rolling wet conditions because of how many chances PES has to roll rain, wet grass, or cloudy w/ rain.
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I don't think I can survive a /bag/league into VGL with a /bag/ star leading directly into /bag/league 2
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ok then beat them
More kurapi
akg won and nobody made a stink then.
>show best hypvideo of the cup
it's that easy
/gfg/ vs /smtg/
/nikg/ vs /utg/
/uma/ vs /hgg2d/
/dbg/ vs /ddg/
/aceg/ vs /gbpen/
/xgg/ vs /bag/
/ss13g/ vs /2hug/
/gbfg/ vs /gig/
>akg won and nobody made a stink then.
How do we tell him?
/ss13g/ vs /2hug/ or /dbg/ vs /ddg/, both for teams collapsing and making silly changes, in their own unique ways.

What are >we thinking?
top half bad, bottom half good
utg - bag or uma ss13g finals
>2 teams that deserve to be there
>1 team that's so undeserving of being there winning would be funny
>5 villains
a bunch of teams with fans varying from small to huge, what a cup.
>5 villains
and who are they?
You tell me.
Wouldn't you like to nyow?
/gfg/, /uma/, /ddg/, /ss13g/, /gbfg/
Now say that without crying
I smell tears.
/bag/ /uma/ council shitters. Villains.
/gbpen/ unironical villain, grim team.

The rest are OK.
Opinion discarded
It never worked for /alg/ but that also has to do with it being /alg/
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that without crying
t. lifelong /bag/ger
>council out of nowhere
/alg/ will be a Face if they ever actually do anything
All this rigging only for them to kneel to /gbpen/
>VGL's "villain" is a team with the most harmless 3 fans ever
Now that /myteam/ is out I will root for /gbfg/ because of that hyp vidoe.
Was it uploaded elsewhere? I watched it at 240p
/bag/ is the most hated team on the council minus three people being toki, qd, and skully.
/gbpen/ is only a "villain" because GuyF is annoying and there's nothing redeemable in the general to make up for it
that's why. /gbpen/ is negative dimes and Kermit is annoying as shit as well

fuck gacha
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Good if they win: /ddg/, /uma/
Ok if they win: /gbfg/, /ss13g/, /gfg/
Bad if they win: /bag/, /gbpen/, /utg/
It is a boring generic moeblob team with not a single recognizable player, and a manager who is hated by most.
>reddit dogma
>It is a boring generic moeblob team with not a single recognizable player
That's every gacha team albeithoughever
/gfg/ /gbpen/ final
>and a manager who
If a general has literally nothing going for or against it then people are just gonna focus on whether they like the manager or not
Tears streaming down your face
The only gacha teams without a recognizable player are /snowg/ (new), /hsrg/ (2nd league, never been on a run), and /gbpen/ (11th league, multiple final days)
that's massive cope. Pretty much every gacha team has a designated star player that is memorable and recognized. /gfg/ has Sopdog, /akg/ has Zero Sanity, /gbfg/ has Your Fate is Over Retard, /bag/ has Atsui even /uma/ has Ei Ei Mun. /gbpen/ has absolutely fucking nothing
Honestly, /gfg/ is the most memorable among those thanks to them putting in effort into editing their goalhorns.
Dunno, gotta warch the >fun I guess.
How did you missed the commissioner himself?
So apparently /gig/ is getting a new manager and it's a deranged troon that wants an all female team and to remove all the male players despite half of them being part of the roster since the team was first made. Is there any way for us to vote this retard out because I'm pretty sure no one excepts maybe 2-3 shitposters agrees with him. Playing on autopilot is preferable to this nonsense.
>it's a deranged troon that wants an all female team and to remove all the male players
This isn't up to the manager decision and should be removed if he actually goes through with it.
>/gfg/ has Sopdog
>/bag/ has Atsui
>/uma/ has Ei Ei Mun
I unironically have no idea about those
I recognize /bag/'s sensei though
be the change
They shouldn't be allowed because that's going against what the general wants.
that's on you. Everyone knows who the fuck Sopdog is
He doesn't even post about the matches and when he does it's to shit on them
>kwabellum ragequit managing /ggg/ and wants a new manager
Yeah and 5 billion koreans know about all the /lcg/ roster but that doesn't mean normal people recognize any of them
Of all the music game teams probably the most forgettable to me is /gbpen/, doesn't help that all their music are fucking covers it feels like. While the other teams with anime songs feel like they have more indenty to their music.
Won't even get into the roster which the players I can't really remember them, even from /psg/ I can remember it has a fattass keeper.
Bro does it every time the mannyg fucks off, it's just banter
/nikg/ deserves qualies and I'm sure KWABellum will deliver.
>it's a deranged troon that wants an all female team
I don't understand, what's the logic here?
no dude you're just being a faggot who lives under a rock. You think you are in the majority of people who think this way when you're the one in the minority here. I don't know how else to tell you this you just have no knowledge about basic things and somehow aren't aware of a permanent Gold medal that has been around for over 5 years
Yeah dude I don't know who the fuck updog is
>somehow aren't aware of a permanent Gold medal that has been around for over 5 years
The entire discussion is because people aren't aware of who /gbpen/'s golds are after 5 years retard lol
you're not allowed to manage a new team until one cup after you retire from an old one
>/utg/, /ddg/ and /ss13g/ are literally our last hope to prevent gachaslops winning a VGL
You are so obsessed with him and you can't even tell it is because he has said in the past /ggg/ doesn't really care anymore and also probably it's a way for him to jump to /nikg/ when he is allowed to.
Grim amount of tears running down your face
I know 0 people that know anything about limbus
/ddg/ is gacha though
I have faith in the clown.
because /gbpen/'s Gold changes fucking retard. Sopdog has been there since the very beginning of /gfg/'s creation and has been Gold since. /gbpen/'s closest Star Player has been "Are you fully devoted" who is now serving as a non medal. Anyways you still have zero ball knowledge

Nobody gives a shit about Limbus I agree, don't know why you told me that though
>tears streaming down his eyes as he tried to defend himself pretending to be a random 4ccg poster
Nah that's you.
did that post strike a nerve?
no one cares if you hate gachas
The only Limbus players I know are DANTEEEEEH WITH THE HEADER and plapped.
ok but who told you to start crying
struck a nerve?
is clapped the ms paint looking guy with the bucket head or the headless fish? I know those and then dante
deflect harder
yep, a nerve was definitely struck.
>/gbpen/'s closest Star Player has been "Are you fully devoted" who is now serving as a non medal.
you mean the player that scored once and got a yellow card in the previous match and is still their gold medal?
>Anyways you still have zero ball knowledge
The good run has never been more on

>While the other teams with anime songs
Who doesn't have anime songs?
>knows /gbpen/ gold medals
>pretends he doesn't know who Sopdog is
hook line and sinker
>/gbpen/'s closest Star Player has been "Are you fully devoted"
No it's Pink Fluffy Leader since that's who they always send to /vg/. I still have no idea who she is besides being pink, which is a very unique feature not shared by anyone.
>/xgg/ win crisis avoided
>/gbpen/ win crisis ongoing
This is crazy dude but just wait until you find out they created a website with pages for each team that says who the medal players are, I can even tell you right now that /ink/'s gold medal is called KING FUG and I probably have only seen this team play twice
But just so you don't think I'm a contrarian, I know one of /gfg/'s player is a tiny robot dog
Potential Gold Medal Rankings
1. Bad Times
2. Clown (as Gold)
3. An Horse
4. Sopdog
5. Atsui
6. Grigori
7. Your Fate is Over Retard
8. Pink Fluffy Leader
This is the only bandori song you need to listen to, to understand they do have some decent stuff among all the idolshit and covers.
Version with video:
*dies of super mega death HIV cringe AIDS*
>Grigori that low
NTA but he's already had his time
the big ass head is going to get annoying really quick
The absolute state of Reso.
the irony is while normally crimson would be the first one to bitch about models being too big, he won't say a word about this
I'm fine with most of these actually
Who the fuck cares if players are recognizable or not as long as the general is happy with it
Besides /myteam/ and /dbg/ no one will know about everyone since they are 90% thread inside jokes
Can't be worse than last cup.
I actually grow to like rosters over time even when I'm not thrilled initially
Atsui and Pink Fluffy Leader are the only true grim ones here. The rest is fine
/bag/'s models look like shit. I hate chibis
I like chibis :)
They'd look cute if they were actual chibis (TN: Chibi means small)
Garchado muerto de mierda gallego culo roto
24 hours until tranny league is over
>424 is a bad formation
>/bag/ somehow used it to great effect
>teams that tried to copy /bag/'s 424 ate shit
How did they do it?
luckshit, unserious opponents
Unironical luckshit. Opponents like /indie/, /domg/, autopilots
They had some wild luckshitting to even advance against /domg/, /gbpen/, /ss13g/ and /gbfg/ are all some margin better than /bag/ and one of them will expose them for the biggest frauds of this league they have been.
Their round of 16 matchup was an autopilot that ran 3 CBs on +1 against 4 forwards
Now say it without crying.
How hard is /vg/ going to throw in Summer?
Do you believe that no one ever gets lucky in virtual football?
if /bag/ wins reso will make sure /vg/ spoons.
1. Pink Fluffy Leader
2. Some loser
3. Some loser
4. Some loser
5. Some loser
6. Some loser
7. Some loser
8. Some loser
Reso will win my respect if he actually does that.
No, I've been here for ages, I know what real luckshitting is and what isn't.
You can argue /bag/ got an easier path but ever since their loss to /ss13g/ they've banked everything into a pure counter-attacking playing style and from what I can tell it's working as intended. It's not like they've had standout keeper performances, impossible shots going in, or constant garbage time lifesavers.
it took until literally today for /bag/ to outshoot someone. there are better counterattacking teams out there. /bag/ are a good 4-2-4 but they’re still a 4-2-4 and 4-2-4 is garbo. so naturally they’ll get third place
but the higher number means better that's why /hgg2d/ still in
true but there’s no better way of gauging teams that is actually measurable. we’re not getting xG in PES ever and if you have ten different people watch the same film you’re gonna get ten different conclusions about it
being in the negatives in shots over four matches (five minus the /ss13g/ match, which is clearly an outlier) usually isn’t good
Yet /bag/ barely won against an auto. This just shows how fraudulent /bag/ as a really is
/bag/ defense is so bad it made /domg/ look like they had a functioning attack
They're playing PES16 tactics
Defense is dogshit? Just outscore your opponent lol
/domg/ was playing 532 at the start then switched to 424 when down
Who needs a defense if you are scoring more and harder than they can?
>/2hug/ got exposed by /pg/
>/2hug/ got exposed by clown
Naturally I always knew /2hug/ is a fraud
That's literally what I said
A better consideration is who would have the best goalhorn
Clown and Your Fate is Over.
fraud rankings of the remaining teams?
/gfg/ - not a fraud
/utg/ - certified fraud
/uma/ - certified fraud
/ddg/ - not a fraud (beating a team that is a medal down is expected)
/gbpen/ - not a fraud
/bag/ - fraudulent
/ss13g/ - not a fraud
/gbfg/ - not a fraud
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Based Hiruma philosophy
'fraid so
>certified fraud
What's the difference
being a complete fraud vs. having some traits of being a fraud, ESLbro
Megalovania > your fate is over retard > /gbpen/'s Idol cover > Circus music > can't remember the rest
These niggas don't know Spamton is gonna be their rep
>/gbpen/'s Idol cover
Said no-one ever
>Still no match VOD
But I just said it?
>/gbpen/ fan
>oshi no ko fan
crush his skull
but season 2 starts in 3 days
season 2 of VGL?
VGL season 2: Korea's domination starts tomorrow once /bag/ wins it all
more like gets exposed by of all teams, /gbpen/ LMAO
/lcg/ dying early made this VGL good again
/bag/ making final day made this VGL bad again
only thing more reddit than lcg is try, really shows he not from here
unironically yes, he's a redditor, looks like he always goes for the FOTM just so nobody suspects he's shit and mercs a team only to keep on sucking off limbab all the time
>/ssg13/ btfo'd /bag/ it's so over for /bag/ <<< start here
>/indie/ will kill /bag/
>/hsrg/ will kill /bag/
>/domg/ will kill /bag/
>/xgg/ will kill /bag/
>/gbpen/ will kill /bag/ <<< we are here
The way he said he would want to manage /hanny/ sounded just like that one time when GayGay got sacked from /llsifg/ and said he would manage another team like /tekgen/
/bag/ got humiliated last time they were in Quarter Finals.
Have faith in /gbpen/
Where did he say this?
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/gfg/ will kill /bag/
in any of the latest ASSes, you must trust me bro fr fr
but really, he said that, and I think there was a post acknowledging it in /4ccg/
I prefer going full circle and have /ss13g/ to finally kill /bag/
At that point it just doesn't matter anymore.
>wake up
>found out that /bag/ made it to final day
>day ruined
This post >>483225390, so it was during last ASS
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People call it luck, but I call it Miracle.
How is losing 3-2 in quarterfinals on a teams first vgl run considered a humiliation?
>losing to /hanny/ being anything but a humiliation ritual
PWJP threw for /hanny/.
It was /hanny/'s year
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Certified Zilyana post
You're a queer, aren't ya?
Is there anyone who purposely throws more than this guy?
All my losses are me throwing, I'm not actually that bad
all my losses is just someone else in my place
technically it's his losses
Words words words holy shit

Certified /ss13g/ strats
I miss /ccpg/
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unfinished tier list of 4cc songs based on a newfags perspective.
cool now do vglel :)
That's missing a shit ton of teams
The ranking shift once VGLbabs have to experience PES17 will be hilarious
I'm gonna laugh if the oldfags pushing for it find it not to be the promised land they make it out to be
h o t t o g o you can take me hot to go
alright /4ccg/, who would be the most deserved team to win this VGL?
No, /yourteam/ doesn't count.
the team that makes a new thread before this one dies
Unironically /gfg/ considering they been climbing all the way from Qualifiers
statistically probably /gbpen/
/gfg/ 3-1 /utg/
/uma/ 2-1 /ddg/
/gbpen/ 3-2 /bag/
/ss13g/ 2-1 /gbfg/

/gfg/ 5-2 /uma/
/gbpen/ 2-2 (PK 3-1) /ss13g/

/uma/ 1-3 /ss13g/
/gfg/ 4-1 /gbpen/

winner /gfg/
runner /gbpen/
3rd /ss13g/
4th /uma/

/gfg/ made it from the Quliars to the WINNER!

Final MVP: sop dog

See you in 24 Summer Cup!
if a /gfg/-/gbpen/ final has five goals in it i will do something ridiculously dumb, like continue to post in /4ccg/
/bag/ for being the underdog because everybody wanting the team to fail
From the spoon, at that.
That's not how underdogs work retard, /gfg/ and /uma/ are underdogs because both have been mediocre for most of their existence, and today they even eliminated supposedly final day teams like /smtg/ and /hgg2d/, /bag/ faced an auto instead lmao.
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Yeah I want to be under their dog
mediocre fits /gbpen/ or /gbfg/‘s histories way better than it does /gfg/ or /uma/‘s. the former two are consistent competitors who are rarely ever truly bad but have made one top four between them, the latter two both have wooden spoons to their names. it took until this VGL, their sixth try, for /uma/ to win a match in a VGL proper
speaking of mid, look at /utg/‘s history. if they beat /gfg/ it will be their first top four ever. their first VGL was nearly nine years ago.
So much for world superstar pls number, huh?
PEU league babby. get ready to learn greek buddy
based post except for trying to equate trannies with futas
/gfg/ 1-2 /utg/
/uma/ 3-2 /ddg/
/gbpen/ 3-1 /bag/
/ss13g/ 2-3 /gbfg/
lower bracket wins 4-2
lower bracket wins 2-2
3rd: /utg/ 4-0
1st: /gbfg/ 2-0
Gooks root for /gbpen/ and /bag/ so i hope they die each other. /uma/ is also dangerously retarded considering that Global (lol) is coming.

ss13g is the only hope for this vgl to heal but the league itself is a cancer and a half.
/gfg/ had literally not won a match since VGL19 until VGL22. They were the lowest rated team in VGL21.
I don't see how you'd not call them an underdog for this tournament just because *checks notes* they had one good performance in their very first VGL(11)?
>only potential repeat winner is a rising from the grave kino
Yeah I'm thinking this is a good VGL
>no new thread
im fine with ending it here anyways

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