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Previous : >>483723727

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503
Post: Summer Knight Special MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pv8kH7fwbg

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]

>Codes (valid until July 18th)
Redeem: https://redeem.bd2.pmang.cloud/bd2/index.html?lang=en-EN
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>a hot girl for once
>anastiasia (russian princess, ice element in literally any other rendition is FIRE)
I see you
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Do I really only get 250 wind gems a day? Am I missing something to collect more? I have like 20 tears I never get to use because I'm always needing more gems.
I guess I had too much luck on Venaka and Diana's banners...
You are not suppose to complete a gacha in one day.
Anastasia is the best girl in this shitty game and it's sad she isn't better or has more alts
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According to this suspicious schedule, Alt justi is next week
Lmfao lil still seething about an imaginary enemy
More like three days
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well, you can buy more torchs with Dia if you want more wind gems
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yuti owes me vigorous fellatio until I cum deep inside her throat
stop, yusti, I'm gonna coom
Yuti my beloved pig wife
need a white girl like this
>t.dreaming sea monke
Schera is the best girl
liatris breaking my bed and draining me until i pass out
SHEEEEESH these PAWGs got me bricked up
Going to bring back slavery and send you first in line to the cotton fields
Free access to PAWGs
erm im hispanic actually
It Is diana field ability usefull? Like what type of stuff does the little guys bring you? Also I cant beat chapter 8 I think, I Made a pure magic team and that boss fight recommend some physical damage :c
As a white man I must say Rou is obviously the best.
bro, your Arines? your Kry+UR gear? your Wiggle?
Your summer costume better be limited my slampig wife
You can see her tummy and she has almost no fat there
If they release a bikini Loen I'm gonna coom everyday until EOS
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>Also I cant beat chapter 8
As a black man, I agree that Rou is obviously the best.
As a SA man, I agree, Rou is obviously the best.
PAWG cunny
man i love black weebs
LMFAO this nigga loves black men
black weebs include otaku sistas wit that chocolate body of theirs
you ever seen a cute black girl cosplay a seifuku? it's hot as fuck
Yes, Diana and Olstein field skill is very good, it's the auto daily gathering in this game.
In battle, Diana is only for on-element fights
I just emptied my stash on Diana and only got +2 am I bricked? That's counting the pub copy I recruited
>I just emptied my stash on [non-limited] unit am I bricked?
Yes, yes you are.
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holy bricked
do those random diamond chests periodically respawn on some maps?
or was i just really bad at exploring on some of these maps
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So, Where is the best place to get these?
>do those random diamond chests periodically respawn on some maps?
Shop / merchants. Every pack have those
Event shop
Event shop and sp merchant (do the today quest on that sp, it's give discount).
Do I need a physical and magical team for each elements? So 10 teams in total?
1 type of team per element is enough desu
Or hybrid teams if you use M Club Teresse over any of the specific ones
That will get you through FH 10 generally at least.
Top tier design
futa cock
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stealthy load of jizz on the left
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How do I unsee this? It's even yellowish compared to the rest of the soap...
glutti... that's not healthy
>his backed-up months-old cum isn't tinted yellow
banned from the ugly bastard guild
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the bit on her ass is also pretty suspicious
yeah there's definitely cum mixed in there
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My wife
Best brapper in the game
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Where do the HP and ATK bonus come from? He has nothing equipped.
Collection bonus
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newfag here, good reroll? And if yes can I get a suggestion on who to get next from current banners, I probably can force at least one 5* with newbie / event rolls
get diana
It's just lotion or leftover liquids from being handled by Octovius I. My pure wife Nebris would never let other men bukkake her, they are just pulling the slutty gal is actually pure trope.
It looks the same as the other lotion splats
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I want to be squeezed between their twin tummies
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>very good girl
>The best in the world

Wrong, that would be Lecliss.
Yuti has a praise kink...
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She lied. You’re a cross-dimensional cheating whore.
so Loen is officially the sweat fetish character right?
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>Justia acting like a child
bros...my infantilism fetish...
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>sweat fetish character

*loving wife
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The gem vs tear rate is balanced so you don't have an excess of either. WTF have you been doing?
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Yusti's yusters
bros... if you play this too much, remember to fap before you sleep, I just woke up smelling like coom
Cute fang
>I just woke smelling like coom
Sorry about that
remember how this thread used to get like 10 newbies per thread like a month ago and is now completely dead?
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No, you're delusional
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Apostle Blade bros, I've got a feeling it's over....
>remember when headcanon
No I don't and right now there's nothing to talk about so thread is slow, we are waiting for coom limited costumes.
The cuckschizo drove everyone out again with his endless autism
sorry anon the 10 "newbies" were all me
kys pochi
The schizoretard spamming pawg is far worse than the cuckschizo, most newglutties must've been horrified and left.
You retards letting them live in your heads rent free aren't much better
Those are the same retard though? That word is blacked shit which also leads to cuck fetish shit.
>anon ask where are the newglutties
>answer the question
>r-rent free
Found the schizo.
>Spam thread every day
>People call you out

>nobody posts anything related to cuckshit
>bring it up OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE and derail the thread
Literally no better than the cuckschizo
>comfy mode thread
>doomposting and and cuckshit out of nowher
>6 hidden posts
Hang yourself
Lol these 2 niggas got their brains WARPED by their thread nemesis who uses 4 letter words
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next costumes leak
Did they announce the double slime event in advance last time they did? Or just shadowdropped it? I really want to use my 1k rice on slimes. But if there is a chance they will do it again for the next anni patch phase...
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I'm the anon who started playing 3 days ago. Got really lucky with the Diana banner and this team is great. It wasn't a perfect run because you can't understand some things with theory only but I'm happy with how things turned out.

>finished SP10, currently stuck on masked hammer boss from SP11
>finished chall 8 of the event, fiend hunter stuck on 5
>got 312k damage on Last Night (the Last Night guide blew my mind)
>PVP is going decent too (PVP probably helped me the most at learning position and order strategy for PVE)

Right now I'm looking for a substitute for Jayden, Dalvi does 95% of the damage so he is more of a finisher/sacrifice pawn. My plan is to finish the Story Packs on Hard and Very Hard to get more materials for gear and do more stages of the boring Evil Castle.
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w-what's her right hand doing
>no +5 Venaka
Use Lucrezia when not sure, she's really helpful
I started playing 3 days ago, I can't roll for Diana+5 AND Venaka+5. Unfortunately I'm not a gacha God...
Good tip, I don't know every unit's name or what they do yet but reading her skills I can see how useful she is
jilling herself furiously
Take my dia
I’d normally say you’re imagining things but this game is something else, man. The devs are perverts and that’s great. Everything is full of double entendre, like the foam on Nebris’ back alluding to ejaculation, DJ Venaka bent over going back and forth, alluding to the a “quickie fix”, and of course summer Justia bent over “eating” alluding to oral sex.
Am I saying Justia’s drinking of “blood” is an allusion to drinking cum? Not yet, I’d need more proof, but it’s not impossible seeing how devs are just as pervs as we are.
Which hunting grounds are the go for materials? Copper and wood are the only important ones right?
7, 8 for ore
9 for wood
You don't need anything else
bros I just reached dia 2 with nothing but defense...
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Does she want a taste of the Lathel cannon?
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One more teaser
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so new Justia is guaranteed...
I wonder is she will be broken, right before the new summer limited too.
>so new Justia is guaranteed...

Yusti alter was already confirmed bro. She'll be shit though. John's an ass man, so we'll definitely be getting Zenith soon.
>Yusti alter was already confirmed bro
only her existence was confirmed iirc, not when she was out.
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There's already physical poster with her new designs so it's most likely very soon
Did Angelica have an event or where does she get introduced?
>where does she get introduced?
next chapter will introduce a teenage version of her.
>can't see her weapon
Such a tease
Strong kuudere feel
Looks like a spear to me bro
I bet she'll inherit mysteltainn, her mother's super magical sword
Damn, Lathel is pretty muscular for a herbalist
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I'm sick of all these fat posters. Someone post wholesome, loyal, virgin women.
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>loyal, virgin women.
Made for headpats and bdsm.
>Celia spits her drink, Eclipse swallows
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Celia's special...
Has anyone ever done a full crit rate build? Is it even viable if there's a tiny bit of crit damage in there?
It is, for pvp
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My PvP / General PvE build uses the crit gloves
You can get 40-50% Crit rate and still have 700% C.Damage. You get get the rest from the buffers
Any suggestions for general gear for Last Knight. I keep having to crit fish so much it's becoming tedious. How do I find the balance?
Arines for phys and B Helena for magic
B,Helena in particular gives out 50% crit rate on +5
Don't bother pushing it until you are pretty sure you can meet the next tier. Once it's at the max reward tier you no longer need to care about it.
When you are pushing, prepare to reset many, many times. Swings only get bigger as you go for higher scores.
All buffs are at 50% effectiveness in LN btw so don't bank on hitting 100% from buffers
How many buffers is ideal then? I've seen people say 6 is the magic number. Is that true?
I used Refi, M club teresse, h lathel, and helena because the latter 3 are all pretty duped up. I just crit fished to the 5 AC level and now I ignore the mode
>5 AC

Same boat as you. I'm just curious to see what I could pull off if I had the right setup. It's literally crit fishing for me. Damage goes from anywhere like 22 million to 52+million with no gear changes. How the hell people get 300+ is beyond me.
Looks more like a demon to me
Are demons even a thing in the main story line? I only know the vendor at the towers.
Just imagine if you had another 100-200% on the collection-type buff for LN and then had a bunch of 600% damage dealers with all maxed buffers. That would probably do it. Even at your current stage, if you replicated your biggest hit 10 times it would probably be over 100 million.
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Base Nebris is demon
Yeah they exist. Dominus octo is demon lords
>Base Nebris is demon
yeah, and her summer version is semen demon
>dust shop expires tomorrow
Do I buy homo lathel? I have him at +1 but I don't have a physical team yet.
He's good. I would. Invest in buffers as soon as you can.
Oh wait a second, it expires with the new patch. I am dumb and thought it's a monthly thing. This makes more sense now.
You still have 4 days until shop changes it's rotation
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Reminder that Sports Loen will be a HUMAN like idol Yuri and S.Nebris
Pigsty-a. Loses. Weight??????
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Loses weigh my ass. LOOK
Bros she's gonna be a nervous trainwreck. I need her.
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She accumulates fat in her tits.
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Always need more Anastasia. Hopefully an AI bro would generate a few
loen is just an inferior bootleg hex maniac
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no u
I just finished pack 5, When should I start to worry about crafting gear?
Pack 6
Yup yup YUP, I'm rolling
you know you can skip as soon as the battle starts right? just press the skip button up top. I mean it's still a pain but at least a little easier
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>you know you can skip as soon as the battle starts right? just press the skip button up top. I mean it's still a pain but at least a little easier

I uh, didn't know that...
That doesn't look like a spear. Do we have a good image of the sword her mother wielded?
don't worry neither did I for months until one day I fatefully was like 'wtf' is this button for
My god... why did nobody ever tell me... My life is BRICKED
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just use AHK for crit fish
Im gonna start building a physical team for ch8, Is lanthel a good 5 start character? I have summer justia, the sniper girl and the new coomer girl with the banana thing
Lathel has plenty of costumes so he's a good pick and he can buff attack with homonculus. Gamer Rafina, Zenith, Liatris, Sylvia and Rubia are also good choices, if you can get them.
She's nothing like that.
im still an ai noob but she has like zero art to work from
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First words that come to mind?
How do I decide if I want DEF or Magic RES on my characters... does it just depend on what I face or is there some kind of basic rule like "DEF on magical units, Magic RES on physical units"
Anon trained a lora here https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/475830819/#476005270
It's situational. You don't want m.res for a fight with phys damage.
So should I do have two sets of gear for my characters? Or is that too excessive?
Yeah, the more you craft the better.
novel ai cant use loras from what i know
its so over....
Is there anything that raises your chances of upgrading or refining gear? I just wasted like 500,000 gold trying to get a UR gear to +9...
Do you guys think the new Justia will be given out for free or added to the pub?
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>Do you guys think the new Justia will be given out for free or added to the pub?
nigga, she's gonna be limited
Except...she is.
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what is this?
Only in the coomer headcanon. Also Loen is not creepy.
Did they ever add new 4*?
Elpis is new
bro, your maso nun wife?
Literally the same character, except one has long hair.
Please respond
I finally defeated the Very Hard Slime, I just needed to buy Helena from the shop.
No, it's all luck. The better your refinement is the less chance of achieving SSS you have. That's why refinement is the ultimate endgame feature.
You're in luck! The game has a special consumable pretty much only used for increasing the chance of getting a +9 on high tier gear. It's also usable on all types of gear, but you won't need as much of it. It's called "gold" and you get better odds of a +9 by using more of it
Now you can be a sweepCHAD like the rest of us.
>t. redditoid bitching ass
He's talking about +8 to +9 upgrade.
Luck issue. Farm more money.
I did it, I sweep like 200 rice, good shit man.
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Just for you bro
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This is what I have been using so far, any other magic girl that I need?
she's been hanging out with jayden..
PP Angelica
we dont sign our posts here sweetie
Venaka on the current banners is good. Free Dalvi is also good. Celia, Elpis, Loen, Maria (early game), Diana and Schera are all good. If they ever get a rerun, bunny Celia and Eclipse are insanely good.
swap schera out for elpis
You get an endless supply of gold, it doesn't matter. Just don't waste it upgrading UR1 and UR2 crap. And don't waste your refining crystals on rerolling mods on anything but UR4 and UREX.
Okay, gonna swap Schera for Elpis.
Made for soft sweaty sex
Bring me any woman, and I will fill her womb with my seed.
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>Chunky Rou will be a Fiend Hunter boss
>I'll lose out on 30 tickets because any sane person won't hurt her
I'll kick her ass for you
>just noticed the huge cat shadow
I thought we're getting a chubby catgirl costume...
someone motivate me to do this week's FH
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Claire is definitely getting added during the school event right?
venaka will sit on your face if you clear FH12
I said motivate me not make me wish I was playing something else
Please John... NPC popularity vote onegai
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>NPC popularity vote onegai

It's over bro. We already know who will win.
New player here, who's this John guy you guys name all the time? Also is Diana a milf or does she have a chapter atleast?
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She'll win
leave it to me bro
I'll beat her up and rape her afterwards, like a true gentleman.
I'll tell you if you kiss me
Chapter 10 is her chapter. She's my wife so you'll never get anywhere near here. Every general on /vg/ has a "John" A deity if you will. We direct all of our praise and complaints at him. Ours is called John Dust.
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Bwos i finally got a golden hand...and on the anni 2000 paid banner...also got the character I wanted Zenith. Best 2000 gems I ever spent. Also spooked me as no collection thing popped above Eleanor so I thought I just got a copy of someone I already had only
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Congratulations, you've officially become the most hated person in this general.
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remember not to accept this guy into the guild
>you've officially become the most hated person in this general.
Nah that role is occupied by someone we can't even mention or he derails the thread for funsies
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PAWGden hand... I kneel...
>needed to pay to get golden hand
Not a real luckgod
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I don't need these characters. You can live.
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Was looking at japanese stuff all day because bored and I didn't even see a single mention of this game anywhere despite being in its first year anniversary.

They should have done at least one loli swimsuit to really rope in the Japanese artists and JP gacha whales in general but god knows what they're doing since the anni was such a huge disappointment.
haha you got a homo
1kk revenue gacha. We're niche as fuck.
The ntr puts most normies off. I myself am all for but you know normies right.
turn* off
If you're a hammer - everything is a nail for you.
If you're a cuck - everything is ntr for you.
what if you're a neet obsessed with shitting up generals?
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What's she doing?
John dust is the god of bad business decisions
Is that rare to get golden hand? I'm a newfag and I got it.
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Congratulations. You've officially been bumped up to first on the list of people being rejected from ever getting into the guild.
Just found BD2 tw youtube
Chinks love PMV (Post: Summer Knight MV), huh?
The PD of the game is called Jun-hee or something, people call him John for fun. He signs mot of the notices for the game. I have no idea what a PD is.
Project Director
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Easy game
That's what I figured but nobody uses that term in the game industry, it's used in other industries but in the game industry they use other titles like Project Manager, Game Director, Creative Director or just Director.
BA guy has PD too in his title (Yongha Kim)
Might be a Korean thing then
dalvi is so fucking ugly that no wonder the anniversary flopped
Story complete on normal. Just in time. Ready for chapter 14 to kick my ass.
>Pack 4 didn't give me a free character
Is there a way to automatically skip cutscenes? I thought I saw that in the settings earlier... but I can't find it.
>managed to get through the latest chapter thanks to Venaka and Dalvi new alts
>next chapter will likely be dark based which I have almost no good characters on
the new cowtits pigstia will most definitely be light so why you worrying
Miku at home >> Negris > Flaming > Foxwhore
No thanks, you can keep that.
Bro your +5 Pool party Angelica? +5 Ventana? +5 Yuri? +5 Jayden?
meant a flaming dumpster but I guess my autocorrect removed that
Press pause in a fight
this is post vore for sure
She ate millions
I mean story cutscenes, not skill animations
How do you even get this angle? PC?
They're unskippable
There is a button that auto advances dialogues but it doesn't skip anything
this game is super generous to the point i'm not even sure what spending money on it would even accomplish
aside from expressing my enjoyment of the game
I swiped to show support for the anni and stack up draws for the July and August titcows, so that's an option.
F2Ps cannot afford +5 5* costumes.
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>July and August titcows
Swipe harder because everyone's leaving
I used to swipe but I stopped swiping to show my disappointment at the July and August titcows to vote with my wallet.
It's a casual game that spikes with big patches and then trickles down until the next patch. Anni was a success going by the # of players who had attempted FH on day1 (way higher than usual), pvp rank points, lots more views on the faq/checklist in op than before and so on.

Just because (you) didn't enjoy it doesn't mean no one else did. Consensus is very positive all around, and I think it'll show on the revenue in a few days.
what should i buy with real money
what is the best use of paid dias
bro... where is your +5 Roxy?
>and I think it'll show on the revenue in a few days.
you mean the revenue that also includes the mushoku collab?
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You took the bait, bwo...
Now he'll spam more retarded takes for you to cringe about...
>Anni is literally just a lazy ass rerun of last year's anniversary
>""Consensus is very positive all around""

Found the guy polishing john's boots with his tongue
anon delivers again!
Monthly subs, special packs
Told ya. This shit is so predictable.
I don't think it's bait tho
I like the game but this has to be the laziest and most low effort anniversary I've seen in like a decade of playing kusoge gachas on /vg/
I swipe

I skip

Simple as
You're using this shitty bait every day. Fuck off, tourist.
Finally beat ch8 with my shitty physical team, i love nebris and their cute noices she make while dashing c:
I still can't get over how they couldn't even be fucked to add "FIRST ANNIVERSARY" to the title screen
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I guess, I mean the thread is slow anyway so I might as well toss in a positive vibe. Yes they could have done more for anni but they decided to spread it out over all of summer, so be it. Anni did what it was supposed to - bring in new players and returnees. Lots of people I knew returned for anni, are hyped at getting their first lv10 FH clear thanks to Dalvi, and are riding that dopamine rush to explore other content like towers and so. Content will be a bit later.

Personally I loved the voice update for the summer pack and am stoked for what's coming, until then I can do other things or gachas after I'm done with dailies. Either way June's gonna be a great month thanks to collab + anni, devs got budget for the next year of the game and we get more attention for the game, everyone wins.
WTF do you faggots buy? Everything is priced so absurdly high that nothing seems worth even close to worth it.
Glazers like >>484033794 probably buy every pack then praise getting nothing to do for months
I did it bros I finished the event on Very Hard with my one week old account!!!
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I'll repeat this for any retarded discord tourist in this thread too.
Anniversary patch is on July 4th.
Think about a better bait that will not scream "I'm aren't playing this fucking game!".
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Cute newglutti. Come to Fairytale village later and I'll thwap you real good.
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Venaka/Dalvi WAS the anni patch
It just sucked major fucking ass
You're fucking dumb, fuck off.
I never cared about PAWGstia until I saw her new thicc leotard outfit. Now I want to +5 all of her costumes because she looks so cute and thicc and strong!

I just hope she's a physical attacker instead of true damage. Although that would powercreep Yuri.
>They could have
They SHOULD have. This anniversary is a massive fucking disappointment, it's quite literally just another event. Nothing special happened, nothing big happened, they didn't even bother to even slap a first anni anywhere.
No 2x campaigns, the paid packs are big fucking scams, Nebris is terrible and it's overall a massive disappointment that gets carried by the promise of summer next MONTH and the new story drop in a few days.

So are you going to make a public apology once nothing happens in a few days outside of new Justia and new story or are you going to move the anni date to summer angels next?
Your mom should apologize for not killing you while it was legal.
Current anni packs are dogshit
The 365 pack is a massive scam and the step gachas are hilariously bad so wait for the anni patch on July 4th for nothing to happen lmfao

Just be happy with buying both monthlies if you want value and that's about it.
Fuck off, I was a Justia believer from the beginning, you don't get to just hop in.
To me the fact that they didnt change the login screen and gave us a 14pixels image for the event just killed it for me, but I still enjoy the game so its whatever its not like I can change anything
Yeah, I enjoy the game but this anniversary was so hilariously fucking bad that idk how they can even defend it. Imagine saving for months expecting some huge value banners to drop on anni or some campaigns but you just get nothing other than the usual stuff.

>14pixels image
It's funny because the other events didn't have this problem but they decided they couldn't be fucked for their big anniversary event I guess.
Do I have to spend my PvP medals on this season or does it carry over to the next season?
personally if the new story isn't good then I might reduce this to logins only or completely drop it so lets hope they deliver on their promise of being the "best one so far"
They don't reset, you can save if you want.
Medals don't expire, you can hoard them if you want. Buy the costume every time, UR ticket if you want to gamble and likely get some refine stones. PVP shop resets after ~36 days iirc
Post acc.
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Wait the new story drop is on the same day as ZZZ release day? They really couldn't have picked a worse release date wow
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Hot time
Are there any other Asian girls in the game or no?
Good. I don't want mihomofags playing BD2.
How long did you save AC to make so many at once
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>'''hot time'''
>4th Elpis UR
Any interest in a nunseeded account?
Good job newcutie
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Loen event is on the next week.
You've been warned (by me).
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Holy shit I started during mushoku collab and I did it. Challenge 15 down
All of them.
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No. it's pack 14
previous packs weren't released without events...
the event should be some rerun if that one schedule someone posted was correct
That schedule is a headcanon, they never release reruns unannounced.
The bootlicker anon is gonna have a melty if the ""anniversary patch"" drops and it's just some rerun
>fell asleep watching the rigged germany vs denmark match
>didn't do my pvp dailies
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Based devs rerunning events for us newcuties
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he did it...
Aim better next time where webm
>some discord attentionwhore is a good source!
>trust me bros!
discord is a good source given that this place only ever discusses cuckshit, racism or posting pictures of them masturbating
Shitheaded monkey says this but would never fuck off from this thread.
I'm new and thought the 365 draw would be good because it's paid only. I only got 3* units, not even a pity 4*. They really shouldn't be running a scam like that during the anniversary if they want people to actually pay money to the game
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Think about it this way, you're supporting the best gacha ever made!
Should have been a guaranteed 5* at least, not a scam though because you can't read.
>sees a lootbox
>buys a lootbox
>"wtf I got literally what I paid for!"
When will the schizo fuck off?
unbelievably based.
Do Nebris next, make it a video and show spurts
It's a discounted 10 pull, I dunno what people expected.
Normal price for a 10roll is 2000 Dias, or 900 if you use the paid Dias but that takes 10 days. This is less than half of that cost, so it is a good deal in that sense.
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It should at least specify that it does not give a guaranteed 4* like the normal 10 draw, which it references
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Bros we got more events
This is the best anni ever!
He has a melty from people noticing him, wait 10 more hours.
I've been complaining about how this anniversary was dogshit and the paid packs are scams. If you got scammed or memed by the slurpers into paying for the scams then that's 100% on you.
The 5* guarantee banner at least tells you it doesn't count towards the pity 5* (which is a bonus in this case) and that you don't get draw points (a negative). The 365 banner doesn't tell you, but it works the same way even though both aspects are negatives. It isn't equivilent to a 10 pull because your odds for a 4* or 5* are worse because every roll can be 3* and it doesn't give any pity. Even the Step Up banner at least implies that you don't get a 4* until the second to last roll because that's the only one that's marked. For a new player not familiar with the game's system, I would rather have used the 360 gems to get 6 normal rolls that work toward pity and have better odds because you will never get 10 3* units in a row
Won't stay here long, but my pvp team is functional now. Hard countered by people who put their Gran on the other side or heavy magic resist parties though.
I've said day one the packs were scams and been saying so. All it really takes is one look at the packs to say "Damn this is garbage" so just take it as a life lesson that you had to pay for to never buy something before reading.
They're probably desperate for money so they have to run scummy packs like these to keep funding the game given that the first anni was such low effort shit.
You can just delete the game if you don't like it, you know? Vote with your online count.
>he listens to shills on 4chan
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I spent my whole Saturday playing the game...
Is it voiced ? I really want it to be voiced man they cant do that to us
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>also got maria's UR staff (new)
john please...i need costumes...
It's an amazing game until you run out of content then the droughts are insane. Same problem I had with Alchemy Stars where I really liked the game but the content drops were short, the droughts were long and there was nothing at all to do during the droughts so you got to play the game maybe once every 2 weeks or so.
>content drought
>just make your own content like >>484039638
I bought the pack before coming here. It's less than half the paid dia you get for buying the monthly, so I thought why not. You counter shilling or shilling on 4chan had no impact. I'm just saying that the banner should include the same warning as every other non-standard banner that works the same way.
This game is the best secondary gacha I've ever played but it doesn't do well enough as a standalone primary gacha
I wish more gachage would just give you your daily energy allowance all at once like this
show team
I like the game, seems very polished but the lack of diversity in events is very noticeable after 4 month of playing. we need raids, or maybe something is not 2 weeks of normal/challenge battles and a a week of fiend hunt ad infinitum
I hope the roguelike thing they're adding will help with this. Guild fights aren't coming for a while
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Hopefully the upcoming rogue tower and guild fight can do something about it
>Dominus octo is demon lords
Isn't one of them a girl that gets constantly sexually molested by her own octopus?
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yeah, I'm hype for rogue tower. I just wanna do something that is not quick battling after beating the node.
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when will we get the gacha revenue chart? I wanna see how much the collab made
Why doesn't cat daddy turn cat daughter into a cat mommy?
soon, either tomorrow or the 1st
The concept of secondary gachas is stupid anyway
Maybe if you're a NEET or new to mobile games and trying to pick up as many gachas as you can but if you have other things you want to do then you'll just end up dropping all your "side gachas" for the latest thing that got your attention
Eh, probably just still around 1-2 mil
To be fair 4-stars are barely any different than 3-stars in terms of rarity, you’ll get all of them to +5 even as a F2P within a month or so. Only 5-stars really matter for pulls
Call me a doomer but I don't think it'll help. Brown dust clearly wants the coomer audience and those who want to masturbate don't really want tough gameplay or too much text because they just want their porn and want it now.
I'll be happy if i'm proven wrong but those are my thoughts on the matter since other gacha companies LOVE tossing around the word "roguelike" to mean 'this mode has a little bit of RNG in it'.
I know, it's more about not counting toward any of the pity systems, which I realized because it doesn't even count for the 4* every 10 pulls. The draws don't contribute to the shared 5* for every 100 pulls pity and they don't give dust.
>I would rather have used the 360 gems to get 6 normal rolls
I meant to say 4 normal rolls here, which are worth more imo because those 4 rolls also give 4% of a 5* through pity and 2% of a 5* through dust unless you draw a 5*
Justia forcing me to swallow her hot urine after she cums from oral and unleashes a torrent of liquids into my mouth
Die, Rouzilla!
You are too fat for this world!
this but with Sylvia
Dammit. I want Whitebolt Yuri, or Bride Refithea.
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Based free roll.
Rou's chubby pussy...
Rou's fupa...
>spooked by Rafina
Bwos... why is my skin turning green...
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What the fuck is this? I can't Celia absorb.
revive your celia you bastard
Well, is she currently dead? If yes, then revive her, or go to an inn. If the innkeeper doesn't let you sleep because your field party is full of characters at maximum hit points while Celia was dead and replaced, then put her or any other downed character to the field team, so that you can heal.
That was embarrassing.
>Got Venake +3
Now I'm really tempted to reach the 200 rolls to get her at +4.
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Other than the lack of content, I think a major problem with the game is lack of strategy.
Outside of FH fights, there's fuck-all for actual strategy because tower is just a damage/unit check so the fun of having to figure out shit when you're new wears off and you're left just bringing 2 3x3 chars with 3sp and the enemies can suck your dick.
Hopefully the roguelite mode is bretty cool.
Thats exactly what I did and I will buy her last copy with cope powder
based equal treatment advocate
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jfc i thought i got away from this shit when i stopped visiting buyfag threads, you fuckers need jesus
bro you need more zinc in your diet
Is BD2 your first gacha or what? You need to be 18 to post here. Every single gacha game has retardedly hard contents that requires either the meta units or max levels and gears. Of course you'll get walled unless you're playing for a long time or don't spend. F2ps like you literally have no idea how the monetary system of gachas work.
I do agree on the lack of contents though. That's why it's not a great primary gacha if that's something people are looking for.
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Right back at you little dude.
Reply to me when you have an argument worth replying, not dumb namecalling or tribalistic nonsense.

Dumb kids like you really ruined this site.
>replying to the slurpers
Literally no arguments at all. Is it already seaniggers hour? Post your account. Avatar fags calling out others for shit posting is peak irony.
Samefag more.
what character should tonights goon sesh be dedicated to bros?
nah this thread has been dogshit
It used to be better but the nonstop shilling really brought in some horrible posters
Is there a Pub 5* tierlist or something like that?
So for anyone wondering the paid 2000 anni banner is the same as the beginner paid 2000 banner in that if you don't change all the characters between pulls whoever you get it will give you the same character on every pull as the guaranteed
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Is she as good as she is hot?
nope she's trash without high dupes
she's trash with high dupes
idk why but its give 404 not found
Stop bullying Anastasia
I was trying to be easy on him seamonke
built for harapan
Is her skin is white and she got a thicc booty and juicy titties, I'm +5ing.
There will be a big power boost if my B Helena ever hits +5 and I need to optimize my equipment defenses more.
I just hemorrhage defense since I don't have Idol Gran built and likely won't for some time since there are so many units I need crystals for.
terrible offence & defence positioning, if you don't have Idol gran you still have to position properly and you just lose more 50/50s
It'd be helpful if you could actually explain what was off about the positioning. The offense is mainly to hard counter people who put Gran right and the rest of their party left. It's B Helena>S Schera>S Roxy with Eris hoping to score a crit in 4 columns or singleton lefts.
You're literally instant lose to Eclipse & Venaka, who are guaranteed to kill 2 if they cast. They're not only strong they're popular so you need to be playing around their existence.

Your defence is also weak to the above as well as to Rou kick for no reason. It looks like you're trying to compensate for PP/Eleneer but you should just take the L on 1 or 2 columns and make yourself stronger on 1 side.
The positioning is relying on silencing them so they only trigger on center or right. I can move Lecliss one back, but that would result in a center 3x3 hitting 4 units and Schera is already positioned so if she does get hit by B Eclipse or Venaka, only Helena is collateraled. The positioning is made to minimize my DPS getting killed. I don't have my armor built yet either.
then put 2 dps top 2 left, 1 dps & helena mid top & mid back , and lecliss right 3rd.
You mean like this?
new glutteus here
how am i supposed to use Yuti's ability here?
what does it even do exactly?

all i know is big hurt = KO
idk anything about shields and all that crap
yeah that saves you from venaka on 1 column, and eclipse on 2, better than dying to them on all 3
fuck you guys
you told me getting PP Justi was easy
this games kicking my ass and i dont even have my own team to use
just watch youtube
how come the more we improve education, the less the kids are able to read
It is easy, i dont know how people struggle with this, just youtube it if you give up and accept you are dumb
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I did it, now I can get the 200th Venaka.
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this is the nightmare winter pack collection? am i bricked?
Decided to actually give it a test run. It honestly didn't really change performance much compared to >>484042295.
Teams that manage to hide their DPS are what kill me more than specifically B Eclipse and Venaka. My performance against B Eclipse/Venaka did increase I think, but it feels a bit worse against some of the more random teams, particularly square formation ones with a DPS front left that doesn't get crit by Eris. B Eclipse and Venaka aren't in every enemy defense. I get dumpstered by teams with full magic resist. It's actually really varied now. I'm even seeing Rubia/Sylvia, Multi tank teams, Justia/Alec, Angelina.
Overall though it feels more like luck of the draw in getting pvp opponents since due to the point changes, it's easy as hell for anybody to climb, so there's boatloads of people with mediocre defenses. I encountered a solo Wriggle in this batch. It was Diamond 1.
read the hint bwo
Bwo... try reading next time.
Newfag here I played a shitload of B9 so when are my wives Veronia and Kallea going to be added?
Collection bonus caps at 80% you don't need everything.
I have everything and it's only 79.25%...
I only miss those 5, and still 79.25
Not disagreeing, but you can use 90 paid dia per day per banner. 360 paid dia would be enough to give you 1 roll on each currently active costume banner without needing to wait
They don't give you bonus
its over for me bros
I don't think I'm getting Nebris
I have to start saving for slampigstia...
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It's fine. Nebris isn't that good anyways. She's not limited also
Schera's bikini is worthless...
I've said it once, I'll say it again. Zenith would make the perfect wife. No other woman in this game comes close to her in any way.
Prove it.
Use Schera to tank Ulec's skill.
Eclipse owes me sex
Why do FH guides have you swap your team after the conditional skill? How is that better than surviving to the tpk skill so your next team has more turns to do damage?
This allows you to give your best party gets 2 boss vulnerability windows instead of one for an each party.
somehow I misread the ability and thought the conditional skill caused all parts to deal 400% more damage rather than take 400% more
Gray owes me sex
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Bros my sister is missing and i found this in my house...
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After almost 3 months of picking up the game, I reached my first level 10 of a FH. Even with team swap, I guess the lack of tears/URIV/+ levels aren't enough to make me win this in time. Still, good progress I'd say.
Try replacing Refi or Venaka with Diana. You don't need that much damage in the first party.
Unofrtunately, I had to put Refi in team 2 because I don't have the HP to tank his tentacle attack and needed the DR. I could try to swap some gear around, but I'm not sure if it'll be enough
Ah, that really sounds like a gear issue
Does anyone know the threshold for top 1k? that tarnished bronze trophy looks especially good this time, and I need to know just how impossible it is for me to get it
Tell me about it, I have exactly 4 UR IV pieces crafted in 3 months
Are Nebris or Venata worth +5ing? I have a shitload of tickets and gems saved and got them both within two pulls.
Venaka is S tier. +5ing her is worth it but not necessary.
Nebris has a weird gimmicky kit that doesn't work very well with buffs. She's alright at best. You can try to +1 her for the sp decrease but don't bother with any higher. I wouldn't spend more than 50 tickets on her when we still don't know anything about neo justia or the new summer costumes.
If you have Zenith, Ventana can literally orbital nuke anything into the shadow realm.
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say something
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Don't forget:
PvP ends in 3 hours.
It's the last day of June so the golden thread shop is resetting today, buy your selective dupe, tickets and stuff.
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I think I can
I want a scene of POV Lathel beating up Justi for being so pathetic
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Spent some powder to get 75% res on my dps & replaced Refi with Diana in team 2. Boosted my score, but clearing it in 3 days is probably impossible.
Bets on the next pvp costume?
OG Rou or Olstein
>expected Nebris to be pure
>she happily got tentacled in the deepest recesses of all her holes
It's not even close nigga
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Negris but in a better game
40mins left for your weekly pvp ranking settlement
Ever since the new Justi got announced, i've been farming light crystals.
The new Justi is going to be light too. I can feel it in my bones...
You should be farming meat for her fat ass lmao
>going well, defense is holding its ground until 5mins before season end
>suddenly 13 out of 14 losses on defense on the last 5mins
>master II
Every fucking week, every time those last 5 minutes.
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got my own glutty for personal use
no need to feel jealous
>10 points for winning
>-20 from defence
Yeah, the last 5 minutes are awful.
The ranking has been fortified.
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>go from sapphire I to sapphire III in less than a minute
With next months selector I'll have B-idol helena at +5 within a month of playing while she's off banner lol
holy gluttie
she's going to be dark, retardbro
Eyyy finished dia 2. Not bad at all
if you're not running the best costumes with dupes and skill tree unlocks with good UR equipment it's crazy how hard this "game" filters you
That's how they make money, give them a break.
>if you don't strengthen your units the game is hard
no shit sherlock
this has like 5 limited costumes out of 50, stop crying and roll the gacha nigga.
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Post women who are virgins. I'll start.
What the fuck is wrong with her face
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not a single dirty thought and entered this woman's head.
Not a virgin, I had sex with her several times.
Paizuri queen
i NEED anastasia to sit on my face
Futa Celia + Eclipse paizuri...
she's a virgin cause all she does is clothed teasing intercourse.
I would pull on a shota Lathel banner
t. Eclipse
>steal is unfailable now
I just impregnated Eclipse's tits.
the leash does it for me
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I'm feeling lonely (lonely)
Oh, I wish I'd find a lover that could hold me (hold me)
Now I'm crying in my room
So skeptical of love (say what you say, but I want it more)
But still I want it more, more, more

I gave a second chance to cupid
But now I'm left here feeling stupid
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Oh, the way he makes me feel that love isn't real
Cupid is so dumb
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>+5 Witch Roxy
>Haven't touched her since that one Fiend Hunter ended

She's your waifu, at least..?
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There's only one, bro
I bought all sorts of shit all 4 of the paid/free 1,800 dia + 20 ticket packs, the anni log on pack, bought some paid dia since the bonus refreshed. you just poor brudda
Anal counts
Erotic hebe
I got all 3* on that and on the paid step up banner until the 4th step with a garauntee 4* I had 39 3* in a row
Roxy is still a relatively good nuke for large groups in the tower. She hits more than a 3x3 for 400% and main target for 600%. It's especially useful for clearing the field in story combat, and you can use it alternating with her silencing costume, which you should also have at +5
>Roxy succ
Fuck off John, you're not tricking anyone.
paid step up has a disclaimer that it does not include the 5* pity every 100 draws. If you tap/click on the 5* pity counter, it shows that the same counter is used for the 4* pity.
Also, only the second to last step says "4* guaranteed", which directly implies that a 4* is not guaranteed in the earlier draws.
yeah I know i was just saying it's trash
I want them to add new units and add more costumes for characters I already like.
add less* new units
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>didn't spend his stash on the limited collab units that won't get a rerun
I-I kneel...
I just want them to give Anastasia another costume.
Gonna try to recreate Diana in a 3D H-game
I'm sorry, BrickGOD-sama, I kneel...
>Anastasia is the reason humanity is in decline
>shelters getting emptied out left and right wherever she goes
Ceres soon and she will be magic gamer Rafina
yeah, you need to spend over 2k paid gems on just 3* and total 3700 before you get to spend 2k on a rate up unit. Way better to save your gems for the next 2k paid dia 5* guaranteed draw. Even spending them on 63 draws is better because you can expect 1.9 of those to be 5* and you get progress for the pity counter + dust
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>which you should also have at +5

Top fucking brick, son.
Make sure to get her puffy nipples correct
Shut up Schera
I like the side stories, it's just a shame the worlds feel a little small. Firechip is still the best character pack. Marrying Lecliss is the most logical choice out of everyone in this game.
I will eat yuti ass
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I guess +5 on all 4 might not be worth it for most because you can't even get their weapons anymore. btw does anyone know what I should be going for in terms of the options for Roxy/Eris? I joined for the collab, so they are the only units I actually care about
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We should all love Roxy more. She deserves it.
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Is it ever worth it to buy these tickets?
Is now a good time to start playing?
I started last week and have been having a lot of fun, the game has been pretty generous too
Yeah. Newbies are getting a lot of freebies now.
I buy the UR one every once in a while. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't. Don't touch the SR one. Never bought the selective draw ticket so I don't know about that.
yes, there are currently like 8 banners (4 costume + 4 gear) that each give a free roll. 2 top tier units are on banner and you get a free top tier unit to +5 if you do the event quests within the next month
Ok, I'll try it out. Is there anything I should know before I get started?
So diana field ability restart with the server on all levels? Whats the point of upgrading it then? Better rewards?
>Is there anything I should know before I get started?
Yeah, take the OP resources and stay away from the thread before you start hating the game.
>Is there anything I should know before I get started

Don't get caught up in spending hours on the infinite reroll. Your target here is Celia and nothing more. The weapons on offer suck.
yes. and more rewards.
You can get stuff like dias, rice, ancient crystals, lots of money and so on.
after the infinite reroll, go to the home screen and get the free Dalvi costume
Read the tutorials.
Not the one who commissioned it, but anon back then linked these two
UR/SR gear tickets are huge scams, you'll never get 5* gear out of them and on the low chance you did, it'd likely be gear for someone you don't use.
Property ticket might be worth it for someone really new since it is technically the cheapest conversion from thread to a 5* but being a complete crapshoot as to who you get doesn't feel worth it for me.
Only buy the actual pull tickets if you're unsure, those are the ones that reset monthly. You can get these infinitely whenever, as long as you have the thread obviously.
Any idea when the next limited will be revealed?
Im being filtered on ch9 judging by the temp character Im way underleveled, I need fucking rice
no never buy tears better
You're supposed to have full lvl 100 team for ch9, it was added some months after release.
I got Eleaneer, Lia and Lathel URs from UR tix...
I had never even heard of this game until someone retweeted the promo video from the 18th that starts with a close-up of Venaka's ass. Now I'm tempted to download it even though I don't have time for another gacha
newglutti here
how do you farm those element crystals?
i have zero wind crystals and i dont know where to get them
After chapter 3, you can go to the Path of Adventure pack where you can access hunting grounds for slime, gold coins, and elemental crystals. Once you've cleared a difficulty you can just auto clear it from any pack. I suggest unlocking every element at the highest difficulty you can before focusing on one
does property ticket 100% giving you 5* costume?
Ok, I can roll now. Is there any particular banner I should be rolling on or does it matter?
S - Diana
A - Venaka
B - Nebris
Diana is meta for lots of end game content and Fiend hunter and tower content (where you'll get a lot of tickets for both)

Venaka is great for magic due to her magic resist debuff

Schera's limited and she's okay, not amazing

Nebris is wind physical. Not too many of them going. She's worth picking up.
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farm daily for torches clear the highest level you can via path of adventure and then auto sweep from that point on. also the anni log in pass thing for like $17 is a great deal if you can swipe, gives you 27 tix plush 350 of each crystal, 3,000 dia and 60 rice. the only downside is you get all that over 7 days
What even is the third team here?
Did a few rolls and the only 5* I got is Refithea. She's cute at least.
Yes, but it's any random non-limited costume from that element. So you pick wind and you could get something really good like Diana or Zenith or you could get Olstein instead.
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another day
another season stuck in sapphire
>you could get something really good like Diana or Zenith or you could get Olstein instead.

Olstein is incredibly good, fuck you.
oh thats sounds good, I will try it if I have extra golden threads
Diana isn't good because everyone has her +5...
full pls
So, I just found out that this game had a crossover with Mushoku Tensei.
It's not coming back, is it?
Bro it ended like 3 weeks ago. It won't come back anytime soon, even if it does. All the collab characters, or should I say the only two, were Roxy and Eris. Both were okay at best. If you can get a water mage nuker and Liatris, they will be better than the collabs characters.
She would never say that.
other tower beside tower of pride will not reset, right?
Last question for now, should I be using gems for anything other than rolling?
Buy season pass for 1k gems
too angry, slop bro
shes gotta be only mildly upset
what's next in the golden thread shop?
can you do this with dalvi?

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