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>Recent News
Extra Drops Campaign (Water) - (06/24 - 06/30)

Side Story Menu Update - Live
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline

Europa Character CD - 07/10
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>June Schedule
06/28 - 07/06 The Last Sumo Warrior

>Future Schedule
07/07 - Tales of Arcarum (Caim)
07/?? - Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
09/?? - Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning
>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>483901615
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yea i love my wife
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god i love anon's wife
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Post your
>favorite shoujo
>favorite shounen
>favorite grub
Jiita cute!
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I like Tikoh.
Don't watch shoujo
Don't watch shounen
Don't play grub
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This is the best event for an old man ringer like me.
Forever winner
Naruto (soon)
If you don't selfinsert in a gacha you're a literal cuckold and cuckolds should get the death penalty unironically.
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kobato(idk if this counts but its clamp so i assume it does)
if you are old enough, you either used 4chan back in the day or you were never going to use it ever and still have not.
if you did use 4chan back in the day and play shitty gacha games where you collect anime girls, that most likely means you watch(ed) anime.
if you watch(ed) anime and used 4chan back in the day you either watched Eva already or you committed yourself to never watching it.
No one that is an oldfag would say they plan to watch Eva someday at this juncture in life.
I like seinen more
Brilliant deduction Barawa
Fushigi Yuugi
Rurouni Kenshin
>It was first published in Shogakukan's seinen manga
guess not, idk what i've watched/read that is from a shoujo magazine
>wanting to be, bragging about, and acting like being a oldfag matters
Same people that tell you self inserting is weird btw
That is just your conjecture
Madoka, if that counts. If it doesn't I dont really think I have an answer
DBZ, but the best shonen arc is the Dark Tournament from YYH
see here: >>483944874
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How does this character make you feel
No, there is just a very common trend of early 20sfags and younger getting into 4chan in their early years and winding up on /pol/, then falling for all the ironic shitposting from back in the day and carrying it over to /v/, then spreading it everywhere else.
They are one of the biggest factors for board culture taking a nosedive.
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vampire knight
>i can't think of anything
>rurouni kenshin
don't die...
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>reads last thread and this one
>i am an oldfag, watch this
>repeats 'back in the day' 3 times in a single post
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makes me feel like she has a piroca, and that will cause a crazy deranged man to come to this thread and call me a "dick obsessed incel", even tho gay incels don't exist
Back in my day we ringed okto and nobody complained
ive always kinda wanted to ring her because of meaty but ive never actually read either of her fates and i think i skipped every event she had a decent role in so it feels disingenuous ro ring her solely because the thought of her being a futa makes my hrunting the big hrunting
Back in the day we buy origin crystals for thread e-girls
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Oh, Akatsuki no Yona - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbTDo1bWgms
satyr's massive caralho
Back then people still had hope and weren't disillusioned
Back in the day we could cutepost without maleringers acking out
you can meme about it, but nothing said was untruthful.
anyone from *clears throat* back in the day can attest.
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Dark times
back in the days i was posting on russian imageboard instead
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If they give raziel a 9.5 kit I'm going to freak
Don't worry she's shillclub so she's safe
Back in the day 9.5 is the second highest tier rating after 10.0
I used to have Sakurako's bgm that some anon posted in an /a/ thread from back in the day as my phone alarm...
It went off in class one time when I forgot to mute my phone. That... that was a harrowing experience.
Wish I still had that audio file...
i was about to make a joke that that was a big increase but i double checked and event raziel is a fucking 9.4??? that seems a little high
she unironically can be used in sufaa light, performs like shit but solves some omens
she's like alethia for dirt - cope option
ok but when's breadman? wind needs him
bery grim
Don't bother with hrunt if you're magna
I haaaaaaaaate that she's going to wind up being some bullshit 9.6 in an element I don't play all because we have to get Tefnut early...
I love the minigun and the concept of her having mastery over every weapon because of her being an archive of knowledge.
She really is such a nice character if not for the whole being cursed with homoangel affiliation. It's also a blessing though, because at least that means she'll continue being relevant and getting content...
Does Granblue have any characters who are too erotic just by existing that any fanart of them is banned from being posted in the official discord server?
>official discord server
Does anyone unironically post there
Just keep reddit trash like Shinpi xDDDD out of my element. Literally anything else
>official discord server
My hounds...
i very much hope they will keep her allspecs gimmick, it's actually kind of fun and makes it easier to fit her in or do some stupid shit
i have low expectations though, i just hope she's in ele that i enjoy or have primal in
Wind version of Lily.
>the official discord server
Just give the word Mr. Burns
I'll take anything but light and dark. Wind is less than desirable because of how crowded it is over there and how little I actually play it.
Fire or Dirt would be great if she can't be water.
first release of the summer is usually popular characters with mediocre kits to bait rolls. the power creep comes later because it has higher fomo pushing people to open their wallets.
Her free unit is already light
i wouldn't mind her in light again but for the sake of lightbro anon i'll wish for dirt
Did Lily get this reaction? I feel like I remember something like this happening with her, but I could either be misremembering, or I am thinking of another character that was problematic for normie spaces on release.
Dirt wouldn't be bad since options for fun cute characters are becoming very limited over there.
It's a welfare so it can be ignored. Forcing Roonrus on light was bad enough
>Haven't played in awhile
>See Narmaya is now a canon lesbian
Uhhhh what happened while I was gone Grubblebros?
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That's 2 fanart... Where's the so called lich killer's fanart...?
We had sumo sex with Neechang. That's what happened.
And the homos keep seething about it.
Summer water alt. Give it to me cygames you cowards.
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still no leaks??
But Gran frots in the bath with Seofon?
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This just in: Tefnut is water.
Yes, sadly, Gran players suffered greatly from the outcome of this event.
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here's your leak: cute ruria
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Alright, grubbas, it's bed time. If neither girl has any good for (you) moments and they both suck, we're turning up the shitposting volume to a 10.
so do I read the event or skip
u read it, it is kino
>grub event
skip as always
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Do I bother with m3 earth/sieg if I'm titan?
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sisters liked it
depends how far into titan you are.
Just 1 more galleon staff and then I'll buy hrunt. Also waiting for earth exo.
it's nyover... we lost an important ally...
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Siete aniki...
sounds like you're simply not a gbfsister...
event was genuinely alright to decent, it had a lot of funny jokes and if you have at least basic understanding of sumo it was a good read
i still find icarus boring, but at least he wasn't awful and i could easily script read his parts
farm yggy. you're still 5 sparks away from being relevant.
What else do I need?
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>this general has been a corpse reanimated by burger schizos for a long time
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8/10 story if you like sumo, 4/10 if you don't. Homo-maids, Soft Queen of Monsters being pecking ordered by "law of strength", Narmaya in speedo, Icarus with supporting role shonen syndrome, Tefnut being unendearingly lazy only for Bennu to matter more, every character that were in the judge positions being fairly responsible with sumo, Raziel's fat tits in her standard white bikini, reverse of lesbianism reference with Siete x Song as hold overs from Relink, Raiden x Thalassa conclusion, cute kappa kid, SUMAIBITO. These are my highlights. Irrelevant event overall for the lore with most of the shill characters not even carrying if they tried. No new class or Raiden unit on completion, wack.
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we appreciate males here
Granhomos suicide prevention line
bigly winner
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I want to gobble on Wam's jelly
nobody cares numpers
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>gran x siete sumosex
can we get the kiss with faa next
numpers isn't real
numpers won bigly
Searching for posts that contain ‘Numpers’. 388 results found.
numpers is in my walls
>numperscord out of nowhere
what if numperscord and yaiacord collab
I wish I could be a thread bogeyman
granblue is a numpers go up game
we love and respect numpers here
They would be an unstoppable force rivaled only by the cordycord
Numpers is the Woodrow Wilson of /gbfg/
Lord Calvin is the Ronald Reagan of /gbfg/
Momoi is the Abraham Lincon of /gbfg/
Seraph is the William Harrison of /gbfg/
being a bogeyman really isn't that interesting
name da gods
Sh*y is the only relevant one
Fire GOD Nwyn
Water GOD Ralkos
Wind GOD Mizako
Light GOD Momoi
Dark GOD Slappy
We're still taking applications for dirt GODS
Lord Calvin
Patrick Hoban
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Are we summoning the GODS again?
I drink this
>all these dirt mains in /gbfg/
>but not a single GOD
Wait a second... this is just the sufaa blacklist...
...on opposite day
Patrick Hoban left /gbfg/ and took its sovl with him...
funny how the unlucky zombi meme died when stuey got banned for a year
I already told you leaks are (mostly) dead.
We have to see who the boss of this dohyo is first before we can determine that.
get in the ring leatherman, i'll beat you 1 2 3
ronald reagan was a cuck. his wife chowed down on dozens of other tube steaks.
did you mean to imply that?
>Celestial dagger and spear next
Are either even going to be used?
dagger yes, spear......ask again next year
hmmm nyo
dagger is garbage. the best case use is with vampy who is also staff.
fire's two best attackers are spear. along with babu grimnir cassius and europa.
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nwyell? how do i use this?
thats the fun part - you dont
I hope upcoming character will be broken as hell so japs will be able to carry my sorry ass in latest raids. i dont want to learn this shit
Who are the sisters? The person running the site? The people the person running the site rips discussion from? The people in the comments?
Because the people in the comments absolutely did not like it.
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Will I make it before summer's end?
We are all sisters
*leaf schizos
depends on how generous KMR wants to be this time
Does an event that's mostly sumo training but you don't actually see any of it because of the game's visual novel presentation sound interesting to you?
Granblue Fantasy's sumo events are bad but i bet if Granblue did a sumo event it would be kino
Not even they can fix sumo
Bwos any hope for magna dirt??
>ca seal spam
Now that gbfsisters is dead to us, what site do we endlessly repost from now?
One Piece
>Gag event, Danchou get to be the main character
>Serious end of the world or lore event, Danchou is sidelined

Nice cock, bro.
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People might be excited about Raziel now but as soon as she releases and she’s just shipshit all that goodwill will vanish instantly along with her art.
>main character of the game is in the serious event
>main character isn't in the gag event
pretty obvious difference
they need to let you use arcarum mats for alchemy
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It's her
These q-pot items suck. The only good one is Ewiyar since it’s her and not a fucking ice cream cone.
molest cordially
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Ah yes let's promote Wam again because she's popular.
Resort event that was hinted at when she first showed up?
New unit?
PLEASE enjoy sumo 2 and seasonals that involve your favorite character MUGEN.
What? Wam's popularity is waning? Well then we don't have to give her content! Cook up the yngwie sequel!
Schizo episode
Why does Cygames let a schizo run its most popular game?
They don't.
I had a dream that G. Sieg released and Dirt became the best element at bar farming with his him. He had some party wide giga buff at low health so you’d use S. Zoi conjunction then Yatima call Death and Mammoth.
too kino for grub
I liked it until
>S Zoi conjunction
Damn take it easy on the Benadryl before you sleep
>I had a dream that G. Sieg
glad i'm not a homo
>the story had a good tempo, and the balance between humor and seriousness was good, making it a pretty good scenario. The exchanges between Raziel, Tefnut, and Vyrn were also good.
Dishonest review.
please, not another faggot sieg
FKHR became aware of gbfsisters through /gbfg/ and deployed shills to pollute their site
Yeah FKHR is nuts
Remember when shills said we wouldnt get sumo 2? What was THAT all about?
FKHR really wanted it to be a surprise
Is that a wam buttplug.
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Raiden grand will save earth
raiden is a really nice guy who loves his waifu
what kind of animal ears does nier have?
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he should become playable so we can roll for him!!!!
I would rather be friends with Raiden than with anyone from GBFG
I hope he becomes core so I can always see him in showcases and in my party!
We love Raiden around here
Marge the thread reeks of maleringer
Personally I hope his exalto is so strong that I need 3 of them!!!!
i can't believe that post made you people so mad
Raiden just flew into my window and with power of sumo ringed my mugen
Just galgetard things
Defending raiden's honor on 4chan is only natural
He would do the same for me if I ever needed his help
foxfag destroyed the culture of this general with his lunacy
It's funny how other generals he's invaded haven't been warped to this degree
Almost like there's something horribly wrong with GBF that doesn't apply to those other games.
other generals are better at telling him to fuck off and die but he gets sucked off here
Remember when characters had raid-wide buffs?
/gfg/ is halfway there
the others are smart enough to not engage him most of the time
Too player-friendly for KMR
almost like he only ever sticks around there for a few weeks then goes back to /gbfg/
Or raid skill effects in general, I should say.
gr*nchuds are acking loud again
padjeeta woke up I see
>Almost like there's something horribly wrong with GBF that doesn't apply to those other games.
Gbfg Schizos?
Almost like spamming the same few buzzwords for years has nothing to do with the actual game.
>dirt needs Sabrina and HCuc for otk
its over for me
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Remember when this general was full of Gran players but they had to switch genders to wrestle naru in bath?
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I know you don't want to hear it, but Wam is the single most oppressed grub in the game's history and the fact that the wam-senpai hasn't given up on her yet despite fkhr's best efforts is not just a minor, but a major miracle and thus might just be the single most convincing argument for the supernatural in our universe.
>gr*nshitter is mashing f5 all day in order to find a single djeeta mention

obsessed lil freak
>shay wank out of nowhere
>look at the time
lol just go back to avatarfagging, retard
but enough about padjeeta already
Maybe we'd have something to talk about if we got zodiac camp 2 instead of sumo 2.
These new attentionwhores are so anemic
it kind of sucks that we already know who we're getting this banner since there's nothing to speculate or be hopeful about
have to wait for flash at the earliest if we want a chance at anyone remotely interesting
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not a six killer
i wish i was a dry towel
A mix of cat and fox, leaning more towards fox-like
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killa god zilla
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>writers too afraid of making danchou stronger than naru and siete
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How do we fix /gbfg/?
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we join doro hivemind
region ban canada and pakistan
Disgusting creatures
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Tyra content
We love Shaygod around here
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We should stop posting negative things and post and talk about things we like :)
Tourney of Eternals to decide if they still deserve their spot where tyra kills xing
/gbfg/ is fine until like 15:00 UTC
waking up with pent up sumo energy and putting my grub wife into a submission until I let it all out.
The old /gbfg/ is gone bro
There is no going back
But talking about Granblue Archive here makes schizophrenics ACK out
Naru jobbed to a rock
It's off-topic
Back in the day we could freely discuss Granblue Archive without that happening, what happened?
that's why you go to /bag/ to talk about it.
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Would there ever be a reason to own two of the same primal? Like Titan main and titan sub?
What's up with BA players
Not even hoyobabs shill their game everywhere at every opportunity. And by everywhere I mean including fucking /a/
lobby status?
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Well this isn't the persona general but.....
rangeban india and indonesia
>not even hoyobabs shill their game everywhere at every opportunity
have you considered that there might be actors posting in bad faith?
Falseflaggers from India, apparently
Here's the secret
They're Granblue Fantasy players
i don't think primal sub aura has been relevant enough in any element yet
for HL there's already lack of space and for GW it didn't matter in terms of button presses or turns
/bag/ is a glorified image dump so they need to go somewhere else
Rangeban every country on eastern hemisphere.
There’s a discord of BA antis who falseflag shill it everywhere since they’re upset about the massive success of a Korean game.
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>Troonmo 2 instead of actual galge event like Zodiacamp 3
>upcoming releases are either homos like G. Raiden or shipshit like S. Tefnut
I wonder why people would be upset with the game…
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Post your ID
Why don’t we do /gbfg/ meatups?
y-you first..
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>Should we make a hanging out with galleon at the beach event?
>Nah, they'll HATE us for it
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summer galleon is reserved for the second summer event in the pregnancy island, trust the plan
>two grans in the entire picture
>both ringed perci
sex with danchou
>wanting content for your favorite
They would just find a way to ruin her. Like having her go around kissing other men while Gran just watches.
i believe
jita's toes in my mouth!!!
what will you do with that information?
sneeze on your profile and spread toxoplasmosis
I want this to be a joke but there's a real chance of it being truth
Cardcaptor Sakura
Yu Yu Hakusho
>nobody likes or cares about Pozlogia with Momoilogia getting all art pre and post release
>FKHRT be like
I wonder why people are upset…
If we pretend Icarus didn't exist, the event was actually okay.
last time someone from /gbfg/ met up they got married I think
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Good idea to build this for FA gw?
nyoticing nyot nyallowed
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I don't wanna grind Yggy...
I don't wanna grind Sieg...
That would probably work.
What's the good dirt chara lineup for this? I'm tired of kengo okto satyr shit
Why hasn’t Kyuta’s event been added to side stories yet? It ran in 2019. Is it because of the minigame?
sieg is understandable, but yggy? i believe that now it's an alive raid
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Can anyone find love again in nu-/gbfg/?
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Second post ain't me
The strongest thread carries this thread ever had btw.
I’m assuming that guy probably wants to run Monk/Soriz/Lobelia/Uriel because of all the fist stuff.
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i can't even meet people from my crew at grubfes says a lot that there aren't 30 phones there despite all those people probably living in tokyo.
>fire is le homo
>fire god nwyn got a wife
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Surely a couple grubbas will be at the cygames' booth at anime expo in a week?
I’d rather drink a man’s piss for $100 than go to Cal*fornia.
you do realize japs get a day off maybe once a month right?
Should I be farming for Sieg or Cosmos dagger?
I'd rather pay someone to drink my piss
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>Gran and Siete fuck
>it makes them powerful enough to slay Bahamut together
Wom*n like Djeeta and Naru could never
The 2nd /gbfg/ couple
I'd consider going to grubfest if I had the time and courage to go to Japan on my own.
I'd never go to America with the intention of interacting with westoid weebs though.
there aren't even grub players at the grub panels.
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No. I only go to California when the company I work for pays me to go and document what a store is doing.
Is California worse than NY?
Easily yes
the fact that you'd rather waste your only trip to japan hanging out with otaku and playing grub certifies you as a westoid weeb though.
They are both leftist shitholes but CA has more rapists whereas NY is infested with homeless hobos
You’re more likely to be stabbed with a dirty needle that has AIDS on it in Cali.
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Trying to copy this with what I have available but I only get to 3mil. Any easy upgrades for this other than uncapping my Ewiyar/S.Belial/Judgement Harp? Would a third Kaguya fan be better than anything?
The last people on earth I'd like to meet are retards from this shithole.
>she bought Rhomp
I'd love to meet shay irl. He seems like a cool dude and he likes foxes.
Of course I did, wind is the element of galge grands after all.
Probably good to replace the VotV with a third Kaguya fan and go single sided with extremity key.
I can believe that. It's no different from what he did with the rating/score websites.
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and? that doesn't mean I'd go to a place full of them
grubfest is far superior since it has females (real) as well
I would say so. The extra state laws they have in California just make it a nightmare. Also it’s so damn hot there.
pretty sure california is just like that, they got entire streets filled with homeless people's encampments
Luci0 isn't what I'd call an easy upgrade...! I still haven't touched it or hexa.
>For (You)
>For (You)
>Cute and not cuckshit at least
>For (You)
>Cute and not cuckshit at least
Rosetta is your dads sloppy seconds and she doesn’t want to fuck (You)
new york is worse than california. every piece of nature is planted and maintained by man. every person is an asshole. every square foot of free space had someone standing in it less than 5 minutes before.
california has redwoods, zoos, beaches, and concerts
grabble fantasy?
they are both bad but cali is easily worse.
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Six lost to this.
G. Naru 2 (Fantasy) (Fire)
Naru visits California
i thought the entire nation of USA is a leftist shithole
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The fact that the post GW art features her alone (but still as GW art and not just art of the character) shows how big of a success she is.
Expect a certain HIV positive director to drop her and shill Troonzuchi instead.
usa is far right
even the "leftist shithole" states are compared to civilized nations
California and Californians is to irl what the Otherworld and Otherworlders are to grub
I mean /gbfg/ spent yesterday entertaining homeless tranny, so this is marginally better
>brown light character of the light element
yea, she's not passing the fukuhara challenge
I pulled Oro and his weapon and 000 and I still don't feel confident enough to do Hexa
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14 hours until Richard kills Tefnut forever
i'd say anime expo has more approachable japanese women than grubfest, the paid models would rather drink acid than talk to you.
>that doesn't mean I'd go to a place full of them
but it does mean that your opinion is disregarded.
>Ackchard and Troondalphon guaranteed to hijack the fate episodes
It's nyover...
Some are better than others.
Texas is decent but is slowly getting subverted and corrupted because of white flight from California (ironically self inflicted)
Soon only the midwest/flyover states, the deep south and alaska will be habitable.
Have you seen the grubfes pictures? The attendees are 70% women.
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Whens the next alchemist event
What’s the Dirt 0b double Kaguya setup for meat?
>comedy character now
Took a mr. p so massive I had to run the bidet for a whole minute
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Well anon asked and I answered, I don't dare if he doesn't like it.
>approachable women and paid models
Nigga I'm not Indian, I don't go to approach women.
Although it would be nice to be surrounded by nicely dressed fujos and salary women, rather than the creatura that usually attends anime conventions in the west.
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>serious characters
even atum is somehow clowny with his one trick phenex cast
you already know thats too galge stop asking
She's the MC. She's me.
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Do they bounce when she moves
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yes and make an audible slosh sound too
1-2 light
3-4 dark
5-6 wind
7-8 dirt
9 fire
0 water
can you actually hear it sloshing when they are big enough?
I almost feel bad for Grancels but then I remember they're Grancels and deserve everything bad that happens to them and more.
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Real homoge hours.
nyo...not the kotard element
You will never be a woman.
>With V.Sandal
We now know who his uncap CG is for.
windGODs win again
S.Wilnas will be dark.
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>tough guy
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Why would Raziel attend a dinner date in bikini
>fkhr's final plan is to force people to change genders to get neechang content
Pure evil
It's no different from her underwear
She’s kind of an idiot.
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how do i turn the main character into zeta
It's just one button
Why are you acting as if pressing it will make Cygames send their men to hold you down and inject you with HRT
>human traditions are so wacky!!! xDDD
>It's just one bug
>Why are you acting as if eating it will make (((Them))) send their men to hold you down and inject you with HRT
*are shinpi xDDD
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good brother
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>Makes his girl that calls him lord eat in her underwear
I need this doujin
Maybe he could cum in her coffee too
That’s our Sandy
>cum in coffee
the lucifer special blend...
>that second post
He can't point that out.......
I don't mind kinda gay brawling as long as it's my bro siete or my brother six
I saw the exact team and grid (except they have AK instead of Sieg dagger) I’ve been using for Faa0 on the wiki page. Real proud of myself for coming up with it on my own.
He learned the cum coffee blend from Kekcifer
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>find a half rotten corpse
>turn him into a computer
what is wrong with moonies
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I miss this little niggy
Of course you don't, granhomo.
It's disrespectful to the dead to let their good parts go to waste. You're supposed to use everything.
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What's on his mind?
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>Raziel keeps getting art
Oh man this is really cupitan all over again
Will they have learned?
>Gran has sex with Siete
>Sandalphon does this instead
It's the grub special after all
Wishing Lucifer dick and semen were filling all of his orifices.
He is about to enlighten Raziel on the enigma of babymaking
Making sure Raziel is dressed accordingly.
he used to do grub fanart...
It's worse because it is even more obvious than cupitan
>obsessed with both lucifer AND sandalphon

slurpers will keep saying that the signs were all there, which is true.
but just because it's true doesn't mean they can't just do some for (You) pandering for once,
He is the MC.
He is me.
Maybe he would have stuck around if Grub released more childs...
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people that draw her are all mostly angelfags and were drawing her before fully knowing she's sandal orbiter and luciferfag
there is essentially a 0% chance she does not mention Sandalphon and Lucifer in her summer fates
it's just a question on what those mentions actually are and whether or not Sandal will actually appear (potentially unvoiced due to the VA being sick)
personally I think there's no fucking way the S. Raziel fates don't increase the cuckposting in one way or another. Hell, just look at this thread, it's already starting
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Relationship goals
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Answer me this, /gbfg/. How does one prevent powercreep while still giving players reasons to roll for new units?
Gonna put a ring on her before viewing her fates
don't @ me
is there a comp that can actually fa levi? it sucks dying and then waiting forever for anyone to join.
S. Azusa fate is also about narmaya but that didnt stop it from being one of the most for (You) fates in the game
It's just the way you go about it
>cute female is getting art before her unit is even a thing

I have no opposition to her mention sandal or lucifer but that doesn't has to be her entire character/fate. cy is incapable of giving their characters multiple levels though.
Sandal and Raziel make out but they think of Lucifer throughout it
Who is the cuck in this scenario?
Making characters that people want to roll for solely based on their appearance/character but this is basicallg impossible for grub. You see it in games like Genchink were event a bottom tier almost useless new release like Sigewinne still has people rolling for her
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i would be married already too if i was attracted to fat brown pigs.
you don't. a gacha game has to have powercreep
>Did Lily get this reaction? I feel like I remember something like this happening with her, but I could either be misremembering, or I am thinking of another character that was problematic for normie spaces on release.
One of the two big GBF Discords banned her official art. The other one was based.
I don't know but I know the winner is their future child named Luci
I’m going to marry Emiri and we’ll grind GW together.
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>banning an official art from the game they play
discord servers are freaking nuts
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it's pretty obvious the 'cordsisters are going to shitpost anything, if they can't shitpost in 13 hours Raziel then they will shitpost Tefnut, if they can't shitpost Tefnut then they will just shitpost the imaginary Richard in the Tefnut fates.
You can't prevent powercreep, but you can keep its pace slow by making new releases only incrementally stronger than old ones.
Grub has no interest in this though, since its new releases are either useless trash or broken as hell and invalidating everything that came before them.
>reincarnation is a confirmed thing
>the only way to revive lucifer is to birth the most compatible child
i know i typed this before
yeah just
>solid character design
>compelling writing
and you'd get people rolling
RARE Marcus art
Take your meds.
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You don't, unless you want to develop super annoying new raid mechanics for which the new characters have answers for. TCGs always face this issue of unavoidable powercreep. The only way to combat this is really to restrict what cards you can use according to thr various formats of the game that are available to the players.
many discord servers are like that, and it's not just trannies defending their propaganda either, giving someone moderation power can make them act like free rabid shills.
Then how has BA avoided it beyond a couple units.
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the only issue with this scenario is that both parents would want to fuck their own child...
This would actually kill the game if Lucifer came back as their kid.
You basically just need Lucifer and then one other way to prevent/auto clear a debuff.
150 Okto, Amelia, or Yaia work. Uncapped Caim might work too but I don't remember if Levi does a full dispel at the same time or not.
>lucifer comes back as a girl
There, no sex for anyone
Well they don't make any money so they clearly don't get people to roll in the first place.
4 offensive elements, 4 defensive elements, 3 terrain types.
If Grub chars and enemies didn't have the same offensive and defensive element that'd give us way more possible combinations.
it has powercreep too, but the raid design with multiple parties and differing mechanics allowing niche strengths to shine really slows it down.
With how genetics work, wouldn't that mean Raziel's baby is Lucifer's if he looks like him?
yeah, these are the correct answers. anyone who says people will continue to roll on hot characters for a game as long lasting as grub without looking once at how good they are is delusional.
lots of whales are metafags
Reincarnation doesn't apply to genetics
except for Djeeta.
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The FGO Reddit Discord did that for some of the lolis. I know base Illya's final art was banned (pic).
sumo training tyra's t-rexes only to find out their tiny arms are too stubby to enforce SUMO LAW
NTR Kino...
Nekodamashi is my favorite sumo move since it has a cute name.
i bet summer kuro also got banned
hiroshi is too galge for homocords
I'm pretty sure she was. Summer Illya might have been, too. I'd have to ask my friend. I get this info second-hand.
it's a silly move so it's both cute in name and act
raziel trying to come up with kimarite was honestly very amusing for sumo fan
>Shill Sandalphon as a homo for years
>Have him end up with a girl that literally just him as a girl
>Make it undeniable that he had raw sex with her at least once if not multiple times
>Now he's got a wife and kid instead of being a homo
Abe-san's vision.......
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Make sure to follow the rules and only post the socially acceptable Lily when posting here too
FGO is almost as old as grub and makes way more money off of almost entirely people rolling for character love as generic aoe arts servants like Marie Alter still make bank while being infinitely worse than Summer Ibuki
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yeah but that requires your writers to actually be capable of making characters people like which we know is impossible for GBF's writers that don't care about fans at all
Isn't FGO super easy babies game where you can clear all content with low rarity characters or were the shills back then lying
wtf this is nothing why is it banned
the official art of ein sof ohr just in their normal standing sprites is worse, but is still allowed in the ba discord. it's just fanart of them that's banned.
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I don't need more than 1 sieg dagger, right?
yeah triplets are actually easy to trigger strikes for discord, they just look way too nude instead of obvious bodysuit
Is writing important for a gacha after all?
You should have all three versions awakened just in case.
For the most part yeah but low rarity servants won't let you optimising farming which is the main content loop of fgo anyway
Yes? Why wouldn't it be?
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good morning Sirs
>Marie Alter
She's story-locked and has a pretty good performance, story-locked characters tend to be rarer than limiteds.

Actual FGO player here, mostly a yes if you're only talking about story and events but that's an exercise in frustration when you're doing farming.
Whales tend to be metafags and the average gachafag dont seem to care about writing quality so long the designs are coom/waifu/husbando-worthy
not necessarily, but a game needs to have some sort of selling point.
for grub it used to be the gameplay, but that stopped being the case long ago. and it doesn't have good writing to fall back on so there's really nothing left.
Yes, that’s why Granblue Archive is the best gacha since it has the best writing. Good writing is the easiest way to make people spend money too since it makes you like the character and want them.
now looking at it again, what the fuck do you even replace for exaltos? theres no room
just like with dark you start tossing resonators
you probably will need to sacrifice one landslide
You use three exaltos and kick out the harp and 1 landslide.
You'd drop the harp and honestly probably two of the Landslides
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>nobody drew Bastet getting fucked by her cat
Dead game
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FKHR Finna send Raiden to fight this
Pretty much. Good writing can keep people interested in the game when gameplay eventually implodes from powercreep
Priconne artstyle is peak soulless
Feline bestiality is shit
I've seen the grimmest possible future
G.Raiden tonight with ougi amp dirt exalto
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Have they ever released two grands in one month?
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>the grimmest possible future
aka a typical thursday for grub.
i see. seems like my 250 titan is just sub aura fodder. i'll try that out tomorrow.
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December traditionally has two
Cu cant 3T farming nodes
>where you can clear all content with low rarity characters
This is definitely a lie because doing so requires really niche meme setups and you would still need high rarity craft essences anyway. It’s not feasible the farther you get into the story.
What you're farming if all your characters are shit?
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You borrow a maxed AoE DPS from friend support
if you want to farm simply use your guaranteed sr on Emiya
Heaven’s Feel isn’t that interesting
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>2nd brick drop of the day
and I've only been farming for like an hour
Did you get your weekly 1 idean yet?
Nier isn't that interesting.
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This but Fate/Zero
Cantate really is that interesting.
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apparently beating everything is possible, but what they don't tell you is that you need an np5 support level 120 with full mlb event craft essence and max fou'd, paw'd, and all the correct command codes and also it's rng 1/1000 tries with reset scumming.
it was so weird watching it and seeing how awful some of their direction was (the circle exposition in ep1, a single zoomed out shot that lasted like two minutes where saber argued with kiritsugu, etc.) while everyone praised ufotable for it
i skipped kimetsu because of how bad f/z was, at least until the grub collab got me to finally watch it
sounds easy if you play the game
Just woke up. Who won?
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The MC
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Silva won the losing competition
Straight male Djeeta players and homosexual Gran players
So, literally everyone
Cantate the goddamn Cunnycake. This girl... God, she's just such an amazing fucking character. Not only did she establish herself as the most popular character in the franchise WITHOUT shilling, but her mere existence and the observation of her actions and personality can teach deep lessons of philosophy and ethical nuance if one has the proper intellectual capacity and mental fortitude to embrace such lessons.

No lie: since becoming a Cantate fanatic, my IQ has gone up an unprecedented 20 points. My friend is an English professor at an esteemed institute of wisdom and knowledge, and he deemed my incredible lexicon and masterful grasp of the English language astute enough for me to come in and guest lecture on a subject I could relate to the importance of the written word. Naturally, I chose Cantate the Cunnycake. I can't tell you how amazing it was to see all the heretofore unenlightened individuals and the looks of pure, innocent understand that came over their faces as I elucidated the truth about the single greatest and most important character in all of fiction. A philosophy professor happened to overhear my musings and invited me to guest lecture in his class next week, so I'll probably spend the next few days preparing a lengthy expose on how Cantate’s characterization espouses themes heavily present in esotericism and dichotomism, as well as the more subtle but no less evident influences stemming from ancient religious codes such as Zoroastrianism and Confucianism.

None of this would have been possible without Cantate the GREAT'S influence. I humbly thank her from bended knee, and encourage you all to do the same. Rise to my intellectual heights by accepting Cantate into your hearts. Ascend, brethren.
>support level
>command codes
I wish grub had these on top of rings, emps and awakenings
I say this
Kind of. Writing has a lot to do with liking a character, or at least maintaining interest. It doesn’t have to be some 2deep4u or shakespearean stuff, just make them likable and/or give them a clear appeal that draws people in and makes them want to stick around. Otherwise, why are you even making characters at all?
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people with that level of character won't randomly add some shitty f2p to their support unless you beg, and they release like a dozen challenges all at once that require different characters so you gotta beg like 50 people to add you and hope that some of them do.
overall it's probably impossible without becoming a popular streamer or getting way too into a trannycord.
>give Song non dyke ship teasing with Siete
>but it doesn't matter because it's one sided from Song and Siete got reinforced as Danchousexual on the same level as Naru in this event
>so instead all it did was muddy the dykeshit with Silva but not give waifufags who might have wanted content with Song anything so it was done for basically no reason
Grub writers are nuts
Overrated shit servant
I LITERALLY said the same thing just now what a coincidence
cages and rings are already far beyond the customization of fgo's gameplay. except for command codes which are mostly useless it's all just +1s.
a png is only as deep as her design and is completely dependent on the writing to give her some substance.

it doesn't have to be exceedingly good, as long as you lay enough hooks for the people who already liked her for her design you are all set, this is something that's lost on cy's writers somehow.
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Razi's razis
to make money. no. genshit exists.
Will be flopgotten as soon as her shipshit fates release
Truth bomb in the second post
don't care big razis
Rings are decent(but not great) but there's nothing interesting about cages since it's just a whale check.
Also letting them be used for weapons means it's retarded to use them for characters, since even if it's your favorite character she'll still benefit more from using them on a weapon in her element instead of her directly.
Her welfare fates are already shipshit yet people draw her anyway
The people drawing her are trangelfags and they dont care about for (You)-ness
just like how people contiune to give a shit about cupi after her fates huh
how her fanart completely didn't dry up after her unit actually releases huh
>just like how people contiune to give a shit about cupi after her fates huh
...no? They're different situations entirely.
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don't care big sloshers
playable when?
I too enjoy replying to cuck bait.
Guys, this is it. I'm quitting grub.
Event is certified kino
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its funny seeing them seethe
So now that everyone knows we'll get more shipshit fates in 12 hours what's the next cope?
>maleringer opinion
who cares
>Vira paired with Kat
don't care, still fap to her
>Aliza paired with Stan
dont care, still fap to her
>Fediel paired with Miach
don't care, still fap to her
>Cupitan paired with Tristette
don't care, still fap to her
imagine caring about canon in porn lmao
What porn? Nobody draws those characters since nobody likes shipshit.
>other people and artists gets tired and goes away
>"where is everybody???????"
The strongest GODS in history vs the strongest GODS of today when?
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She’s so perfect…
How is she still single? She has to have a secret sugar daddy.
didnt ask dont care, still making futa satyr koikatsu slop. Because big dick futa on girl is hot.
Yeah but Vira has for (you) moments too
Stan is legit respecting danchou fucking Aliza
Fediel is 3p
Cupitan is just in a weird situation for now
Vira and Aliza were shipshit from day 1 and got a ton of porn albeit so it's not the shipping that scared away artists lmao
The difference is the people drawing Raziel are angelfags. They don't know how to quit.
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>>Aliza paired with Stan
lets not make things up here
what is possibly weird about Cupitan's situation? She has an onscreen kiss. the only one grub has ever had. yeah Tristette gets kidnapped right after but the kiss still happened and Cupitan's motivation is now saving Ris
I saw an ad for Despicable Me 4 and it didn’t feature Gru or his daughters at all. Grub truly is the Despicable Me of gacha with trangels being the Minions.
Song status?
Satyr is exempt of any and all standard shitposting rules. The meaty gets a pass.
>there are people here who want to ungay Sandals
What the fuck is wrong with you, if you make him straight he'll cuck you. If he's gay he'll be the personal onahole for every guy while you can fuck every girl.
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Cupitan and Trist will be for 3ps too, Trist just needs to actually release first
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Good luck getting any of that like we used to.
I am not into PNGs in the first place
I like seeing them with each other and those two are visually pleasing together
>Stan respects danchou fucking Aliza
Tristette respects Cupitan fucking strangers for bread
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Weird because they will never commit AND they made her a prostitute AND a dyke AND gives you a special unique valentines gift
>the only one grub has ever had
Europa kisses Danchou in her uncap and it has a CG
>sugar daddy
she's mega rich, especially for her lifestyle. she would have a boy toy.
she probably goes to host bars regularly and those elite bean flick massage parlors.
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It's Reddit, anon. And it's -EOP- Reddit. You know exactly what kind of people are there in the first place.
>People want to ungay Sandalphon
Literally cuck mindset
>fap to cupitan
>dont care
>I'll just fap to what she has
There's nothing wrong with being a cuck, having a daughter however is another thing.
nobody is saying you should care
people are just telling you that the world doesn't revolve around your slurping ass and they leave=fanart starts drying up for a reason.
Mizako solos because he is both
maleringer c/u/ck moment
>they will never commit
they had an ONSCREEN KISS. you can't get more committal than that, brother.
>AND they made her a prostitute
her fucking people for bread as a kid affects her current relationship with Tristette how? dont like /gbfg/ memes affect how you view shit
>AND a dyke
well yeah
>AND gives you a special unique valentines gift
the chocolate danchou was before unbound asterism

she did? europa is one of the last remaining grands i dont have yet so i have not done her fates
>You can't fap to characters that are shipshit
since when did the grub community get infiltrated by hoyotroons?
I read a post on /jp/ that she has huge confidence issues since she used to have fucked up teeth and that she’s a genuine autistic weirdo who’s still obsessed with a 20 year old MMO and a 10 year old phone game so she’s definitely paying for lots of sex.
You know it's just a retarded cuckposter when it doesn't accept a character is just omnipandering.
They kissed and got separated, game will enter maint mode before the story ever gets finished.
>moving goalposts
Galgehoyo makes more money than mixed toilet fantasy.
Raziel's vagina is Sandalcock-shaped
blud really came in and acted like GBF characters get r-18 art that isn't AI generated in 2024
Sandal is dead
watch as "someone" makes a post that's:
>"he's not even here!"
>he announces his presence but said he wasn't here until right this moment when he made that post
Give me (You)r FA setup for Sieg
bitch cries about her character who had his time in the spotlight falling off while mine hasn't been relevant since before i started playing the game
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we got this momoilogia just yesterday
she doesn't have a unique CG like the cupitits scene (which actually has 2, one for each POV), it's a reused character render
Why’s Trooneraph going nuts this time?
No. The best sellers (Monster Strike, PAD) have 0 writing.
Was it intentional? Did Lucifer do that?
The guy who doesn’t have Europa certainly isn’t Looneraph since Looneraph said Europa is his grub wife and that’s why he ringed her.
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razi's razis
Isn’t it a bit weird and homosexual for them to care so much about what other men are masturbating to in the first place????
Lucifer is a cuck so he modified it that way behind Faa's back yeah
people literally only like vol 3 thoughbeit
>using pure gamplay gachas as an example when discussing a gacha that has a large chunk of it's selling point that's supposedly dedicated to the fact that it's a FF ripoff
blud's being extra dishonest today
heterosexual men like raziel
Remember that time Lraph tried to trick dark galgegods into rolling for a 9.5 that was "the most gigacore for HL"? What was THAT all about?
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I like vol.2 (until R*o shows up) and vol. F albeit
my friend list has a dude who's active for all events and never removes his maxed 120 Kiyohime and maxed120 Kiyolancer from supports albeit
Based, I've always known Sandal is straight
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cuckbrains are the most homo of them all
Sandal having straight sex with Lucio...
What if I don’t have S. Shion???
we need a galgedam sneed feedom collab ASAP
She’ll be back soon. Spark then.
Not happening while SuzuKen is in the hospital dying.
> who’s still obsessed with a 20 year old MMO
Literally me. Why did they have to ruin the genre forever?
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Speakers can switch genders. Lucio turns into a woman before sex
So explain to me why Tikoh gets as little as she does when she's neither shipshit or anything.
sexo mama
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She gets a moderate amount which is more than most characters can say
Like in all things, we didn't gatekeep hard enough
Most artists except their human limitations and inability to draw such perfect thighs and do not try so as to not sully the perfection that is Tikoh.
She's literally too galge for FKTRN
She gets a lot for a new age Grub character
Where in the OP was the type of gacha specified? Some real projection here “blud”.
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watch out blud finna bring out lovelive for the nth time while ignoring the idolm@ster collab literally saved grub
there's 2 other main characters in the movie
she's just like me...
You can blame Blizzard as they gradually fucked up WoW which lead to wide reaching harm to the entire genre
How was I supposed to gatekeep while waiting on HNM windows or grinding or slaving away in Slavage…
me on the left
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he's gonna pretend that idolm@ster isn't a "true" idolfag franchise like lovelive to cope next LMAO
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>playing this angle when nobody faps to tabina, sabrina, and wamfags throw a fit whenever mugen shows up
Blud is a bad liar.
Her tits aren't big enough, meaning secondaries won't like and retweet her, meaning artists have to truly love her to draw her. Naru, Raziel, etc. don't have this problem.
But you need all 3, it’s just not SEED without Shinn.
They can forego Shinn and feature Athrun and Kira. Those two are the actual male leads anyway
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Andromeda is a galge weapon I'm not buying some ugly sword that promoted self hurting
Don't expect a real argument from someone unironically writing in ebonics.
Hunting is galge albeit, read the lore.
Why are maleringing c/u/cks like this?
Doesn’t count…
That's literally one of the OG fujobait
Yeah, all Shinn does in Freedom is BTFO some schizos and wind up with a second girl lusting for his dick somehow.
if sabrina got any lewd art at all id fap to her
hey when is the
>make a ridiculous lie to move the subject away from the discussion that you are losing
move happening?
Hexa is easy bro, post grid
Kira & Athrun duo (Fire)
Shin & Lunamaria duo (Dark)
Eternal summon (Light)
>comparing Cupitan to Tabina, Sabrina and Wam
Have you considered that those characters are all ugly?
As vocal as harvinfags are and as much as I don't wanna shit on their preferences, they aren't exactly a popular pick among the masses.
no that girl lusts for everyone else's dick instead, she fucking hates shinn and calls him a monkey
silence into the
>something something galgetard don't play the game manuver
I have seen this happen on season 3.
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oh blud is going into dirt/dark le bad again huh
I would have said I didn't expect this but I have seen this for 30000th times already
Do you really think Naru and Raziel would get any attention if they were flatties?
Seemed like she was back on his dick at the end.
Worked for rat, but she's probably the exception
Fujos making galge bros fucking each other has always been a thing don't let them take things from you
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>Tikoh (Relased 2021)
>S.Tikoh (Released 2022)
>H.Tikoh (Released 2023)
>featured in Marionette Stars, ZodiaCamp, Sauna and Unbound Autism
>featured in 23 Grand Blues strips
Shut your whore mouth nigger
Oh yeah but she's a different type of character. Neechang wouldn't really be neechang without her boobs and Raziel is just a dork that happens to have a nice body.
i literally look like this
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This was the setup I was going to use before pulling Oro/3x Oro weapon/000 but I never got around to actually doing it
I also got Grand Order FLB too I guess
you guys complaining about tikoh getting content is the gayest fucking thing
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Galgebros dont do this albeit
Still not enough
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All galge girls should get units in all elements instantly.
Why doesn't she have dozens of doujins and 1000s of fanarts? She's pandering and has no shipshit attached.
I don't understand why you're asking me this. Did you misinterpret my post or something
He's talking about fanart, are you okay?
>tikoh out of nowhere
take a wild guess who's behind this post
Tikoh isn't really that interesting.
cool where's the daetta content?
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oh are we discussing megashilled characters that has a wide range of appearances and 0 fans now?
someone straight?
Because no one gets that its 2024 grub
nobody fucking cares about daetta
in fact real oldfags hate daetta
now ejaeli, however
Which grub released post-Hoyo domination has 1000+ fanart?
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She has fanarts in the hundreds, also grub is fucking dead, if chichiri released in 2020 she'd be insanely popular.
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Reminder that Sandalphon didn't give up on Lucifer and is still very much homo for him and you're an idiot if you interpreted him any differently.
Hags deserve love too
yeah we know, thats half of why he's boring as fuck (the other half is cawfee)
Dont care
Him fucking Raziel is hotter therefore I like it more
Closest is probably Galleon
>"stop talking about girls, we need to talk about males"
>posts fkhrtmeme(232).png
>laughs so hard you fart and shit your pants
Sandal will always be a homo and your fanfiction will never change this.
i do this and say this
i'm starting to believe fkhr has warped them so hard they have become unironic homosexuals in denial
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/gbfg/ is full of liars. It's always that "i don't care" cope for a day or two, but we all still curse FKHRT's name for the shit he pulls anyway. As if there wasn't full seethe at the sumo 2 cast teaser having neechang, or when it was those two npcs from the fashion event or calling Sato and her friend dykes. That shit does matter here.
Not in my headcanon which is the only thing that matters to me
You're free to cope in fanfiction delusions all you want lol.
Love live and Idolmaster audiences are completely different tho. Idolmaster players are based and healthy while love live fans are mental
How is a character that doesn’t even have any alts mega shilled?
>openly lusts over kou's bussy
I have always known that though
You are the one who seems upset over it
>discord dedicated to posting about him
whoa you dont say
I'm just reminding you your fanfiction will never be relevant.
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qrd on this
If Tikoh doesn't get in Rising before they drop support for that game this franchise deserves to die
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Those who claim to hate something sure like to post pictures of and fantasize about the object of their hate a lot here. Makes one think.
This but Magisa
Cool, I still like it and will continue posting about it
Reminder that this ended up having nothing to do with the 10th anni and all of the lead up with it was 100% false advertising
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People should post images of cute girls instead of males, but these pissdrinking roons just can't help themselves.
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it's still denial because if you say it's gay he will perform countless mental gymnastics to justify it's actually "galge"
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having fun grubbas?
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shipcucks like you do be mentally ill and delusional like that
>2 events
>doesnt even show up in one of them
does this apply to gran/djeeta as well?
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Hymmm ahh wyell....
The grid is fine, you can swap the para for the driver and magus for mamalogia
If double hades: replace fediel for 000
If hades x luci: replace yachima (move 000 up) or fediel for 000
Hmmm I REALLY wonder who could be behind this tikohraging....
Why did we get Troonmo 2 instead of a Tikoh and Cunnycake summer event?
we love sumo here
>literally appears in the event multiple times but doesnt' count jst because
raidenslurpers are fucking nuts
>Standing by a ship with less art than Poseidon
do you think Sakura will be core for dirt GW? that could be a nice power up that the Naruto collab could give us
Always. Hoping they nerf M3 exaltos right before Earth GW for some bullshit reason.
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It applies to our anniversaries, at least.
fubuki is ugly as fuck
Too galge for FKTRN
I'm doing my usual orb farming for brave souls' summer banner. It's going well.
Yeah shitposting just flows through nowdays
KEKAROO fkhrt really would be doing that
too galge for FKHR he'll make sure she's a 9.5
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Kikemura but close enough.
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>nerfing a core f2p grid piece
Don't be silly, cygames would never.
I'm feeling a mr. p coming see you in 10 minutes bros
Raziel with my baby inside of her
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>10 minutes
You need to stop eating trash, fatty.
very cute
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What were they thinking
Yeah Sandal is fucking some fat tits alright
>nobody joining Yugu M3
The legacy of Sette nerfs really has people scared of farming f2p weapons nowadays.
Sounds like a you problem.
I just had my 3 hosts nuked the second I pubbed them.
Thinking? That's too much for cygames.
mines are filling up instantly, maybe you're just that unlikable
I've gotten raid battles are full notifications all morning. You must smell bad or something.
mashallah, very nice swimsuit
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My hosts were 18/18 just now
I never host, only join
No one posted Satyr.
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I never play, only post
Is this the unsexiest swimsuit by far?
i look like this
S. Moni exists
cog and silva had hijabs
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it would be pretty hot if it were a veil instead of whatever that is
>liking censored trash
Surely they wont release all 6 enneads this summer?
>he's a piss drinker
I guess >>483980261 and you smell bad
Tigers aren't playable yet but their tops suck.
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>it's censored because... just BECAUSE, OKAY???
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i'd still sex cunnygers
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Osiris is too galge for FKTRN
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Gay ass nigga
I dont know why but Bai is so much more appealing than Huang
This game is a joke.
i thought that was MT for a bit
the reason why we get no figures or cosplays outside of paid ones
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i say this, but huang is still very cute
being a degenbrain helps with appeal for me personally
My beloved on the left.
Pai is perverted
To me it's the other way around, except I know exactly why that is: I love silly genki girls.
......on opposite day.
Kek the galleonraging shittedcuck didn't last long, what a weak bitch
>Izmir: 135cm
>DLF: 158cm
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cuckbrains are a weak species
I need both tigers slobbering on my cock
Izmir is standing atop Box's box.
This but the opposite
Bai appeals to nonce freaks seeing as she reads porn and frequently has lecherous thoughts. On the other hand Huang is a much less sexual cute genki girl
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doesn't make a lot of sense but i'm not going to deny allegations
hexa is easy
just play it to get used to it
the only hard part is fediwoh zombify and their double strike
you might want to put fedi summon to sub aura
it call effect is not really that great
that's in a shounen magazine
skip and loafer then
seinen magazine

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