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Jade edition

Previous thread >>483840220

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
GENERAL FAQ: https://pastebin.com/dFPEiCWq
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://pastebin.com/86tuc1mA
/wfg/ CLAN DIRECTORY: https://pastebin.com/15RAiuff

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.4
CURRENT EVENT: Operation: Belly of the Beast
Yeah and TF2 has no bots fuck off
are they gonna bring back the beast of bones?
Beast of bumps
blessed thread
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Y'know, I never understood why Destiny bro always posts those player numbers every day.
But then, I came to the sudden realisation that if TFD starts doing better, I might well do exactly the same.
I think I understand now, it's because Destiny bro likes Destiny! And now I feel dumb, because in retrospect after having typed that out, that was actually really obvious.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing what kind of schizos we get in TFD general. Do you think some of the ones from /wfg/ will make the jump, and bring their unique brands of shizo to /tfdg/? Maybe they'll plague both generals in between bump times? I can't wait to find out!
>Destiny bro
Anon you should know better who it is. He does it just to troll, he doesn't even play Destiny.

People need to stop replying to him and report.
Thanks for adding the Russian furry clan to the bin.
Don't see how. He wasn't a warframe or anything so you can't rebuild him. And I don't think they'd remove him as our ship assistant and stuff.
I suppose we might see him in 1999 maybe, not entirely sure how the whole timeline works out now. Do we know when stuff like the Old War or the Collapse happened by year?
the who of what?
Same bot issue
>no proofs
Yeah thought so
>TFD general
will it last longer than the Wayfinder general?
Proove you are not virgin, go.
I doubt our resident thirdie schizo will make the change basing off the fact TFD requires a decent PC to run and he's most likely using a toaster.
>added a literal dogfucker clan to the list
And you keep wondering why nobody takes you or your list seriously lmao
You're no better than >>483946175
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
Look what's dripping out of your ass
You got it bro, had to make this thread at 748 post
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I can understand needing Railjack despite not being used much in the quest because it at least is used in some way that can't be replaced (also it's not hard to make nowadays) but the Necramech part is pure retardation
>Oh btw. you need to grind this faction to unlock this faction so you can grind out the vaults and then grind resources by mining (the literal worst part of the entire game) to build your Necramech
>Why? Well, you see there's a 5 minute segment right at the end when you use it but it's entirely pointless and nothing about the entire thing would change if you were just in your Warframe
>Oh and ignore the fact that possessing random dormant Necramechs is an actual mechanic that's been in the game since Necramechs were introduced, we simply couldn't just use that mechanic here because???
>Added his clan to the pastebin
>He's now upset it got added
Are you saying that clan was just a troll attempt? Guess I'll have to remove it.
But thats make you gay...
Troll or not, I do not want furryniggers in my OP nor in my general.
Don't worry, Russchizo's furry clan has been removed.
You know who each anonymous poster is? Or maybe you are just a SCHIZO
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Not anymore.
they are teasing it like crazy in the new mode, and he was offered a similar deal by simaris
stfu and lurk more
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Why? It's not like you can soil shit with more shit
Should've kept it
So if its actually his clan we know his IGN?
There is a free necramech in that segment in case you don't have one unlocked.
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>"Do you know who each anonymous poster is? Or maybe you're just a SCHIZO?"
You're welcome. The better you become at English the harder it will be to distinguish your posts.
He owns the list and coordinates the posting here.
I say put it back on and label it as Russchizo's clan kek
But owning a Necramech is a requirement for even starting the quest, or did they actually fix it since then?
Why did you do that? I believe the furry clan isn't russchizos, if anything i doubt he's in a clan to begin with since he's prone to meltdowns and drama.
Add it to a subsection
>Clans to avoid
Peer pressure
What if the general turned on him? They'd ridicule his list off of the OP
I am leaving this general because you are horrible people. Please do not use my clan for your internal bickerings.
someone from the furry clan post they're in the clan then
Are you actually in the clan? If so I apologize for using you to make fun of the schizo.
post proof
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Look at this specimen
You shouldn't turn on everyone else because of that nigger, you're being a douche here desu.
Make things right for once.
They said in the previous thread a while ago, they probably left at this point.
We have furry frames. At least it's not a tranny clan
Post frame with actual fur
By that logic FN@F isn't furry
>At least it's not a tranny clan
Shit is still shit at the end of the day
why was that post deleted?
No, they're no where near the same.
>this all started because some anon's cipher timers were too high 7 years ago
>are solely defined by their fetish
>go around spreading their "culture" whether you want it or not
>always attempt to groom others into their fetish
Nah, they're the same.
one acknowledges their kink doesn't try to cancel people for disagreeing with them

the other commits suicide
So far it's only 1 anon seething about furries

I say put it back
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I would fuck animal based frames.
what in the fuck is tfd
So they're slightly higher on the shit totem, still shit at the end of the day

I just got here and there were at least 3 other anons who didn't want it before I posted either
Yes, let curator anon actually correct his mistake i also wouldn't want people starting drama with him too.
total faggot death
>curator anon
You wouldn't be able to endure her vice grip and sopping wet snatch, anon.
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Furry outside of /b/ is bannable which is why I believe it's a troll post anyway
Yeah, if anyone actually believes ending a post in a :3 face is ever in earnest on here they need a reality check
This rule only applies to porn. You don't see loli/shotafags fucking off from /vg/ do you?
I've reported non-explicit fur/lolishit for that rule before and it usually gets deleted, it's not really tolerated unless the janny's not paying attention.
The clan directory should require some sort of proof that the person posting is actually responsible for recruiting for that clan. If that guy still wants his furry clan in the OP, have him change his Titania to temporarily be all green or something until someone can check his profile to make sure it's actually him posting here.
Nah posting a normal furry pic still gets deleted. Depends on if it's an actual furry or some animu kemono crap.
Hmmm... gonna go with golden potato here I think? Cred booster would be nice too but those potatoes don't really grow on trees...
Now try enforcing that rule on any gacha general or FF14.
I had a different experience.
Jannies gave up on those generals a long long time ago
Talking about the game and not players used to be a rule too until /xiv/ couldn't be contained. That place is full of mental illness.
There are more weapons than warframes thoughbeit.
I really hope Reb doesn't browse /xivg/
>Reb is most likely playing Dawntrail instead of working on WF
how do we cope?
Yeah but each Warframe is way more different than each weapon, you're just going to level up then throw away or never use 90% of all weapons while it's worth keeping your Warframes.
Do melee arcanes affect titania's melee? Apparently I just put shattering impact on them and called it a day.
Anyone playing warframe through steam is legitimately retarded.
Necramech vaults, which you are required to do to get the necramech parts, give a ton of resources; as do the deimos pillar things.
if that ember's ass is not edited they'll definitely be nerfing it on release
he must be seething pretty hard right now.
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How so?
What Arcanes are worth getting from the event
All of them, they are dirt cheap other than the clan ones. you only need 21 copies to make a rank 5.
from the clan shop the biggest one is arcane energize, arcane barrier is worth the grind only if you play hildryn as far as I'm aware.
>join clan
>clan chat is barely being used
>get told to go to discord if i want game discussion
>join discord
>they discuss anything and everything besides warframe
my bad i guess i shouldn't be talking about the game
which frame can use the Hate thematically? Not Revenant.
>join /wfg/ clan
>ingame chat is dead 24/7
>asked to join the discord
>they only play OSU and overwatch and hardly ever talk about warframe
>unironic lgbt tags
big mistake
Nekros, Excalibur Umbra (same body as Stalker), Dagath
Energize, radiation and magnetic resist. Then you can start buying them all out for vosfor at least.
Energize, Grace, and Avenger, maybe Barrier if you play shield frames (worth having at least a rank 0)
post burston build I'm tired of the torid.
Why is this place dead?
late US
early EU
But it's the weekend.
you forgot asia
plays gachas
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Bro should I just build Hildryn at this point?
for ophanim eyes, would low strength still work? or at least just slightly above base strength? the ability is pretty strong for utility.
>plays gachas
Considering how big warframe is in china, plus being owned by tencent, I'm surprised we haven't collab'd with a gacha game yet.
Is that ember skin out yet?
yes. incredibly resilient and team friendly plus AOE armor strips. give her a strong melee with melee retaliation and you have melee damage as well.
nope. tennocon in like three weeks.
Where is thematicanon?
>genshin impact traveller frame
>passive gives bonus damage to specific types based on the targets status's to emulate elemental reactions
>can cycle through damage types for it's abilities
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>when a mrlet stands too close to me in a relay
you get dominated by them? shameful
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That would be neat. I was honestly thinking Arknights would be cooler if we got a themed frame.
Plus it would be really fucking funny now that the destiny collab is likely cancelled.
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cope mrlet
pic rel is the face you are gonna make next time I catch you lacking during baro time
>originium frame
>makes rocks grow out of enemies and make them explode
Would be cool desu.
Αgreed but add wisp in there
She's hot garbage
MR fodder
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Guys I finally reached MR27
Did I finally stop being MRlet?
Man, Alchemy is lots of fun. Fast scaling enemies, no time pressure like Survival, enemies all swarm the same room so you can stress test your build to the max... nice
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I'm proud of you anon

What's the MRlet cut off then?
anyone below lr4 is a diaper wearing mrlet
delete alchemy
>mrlet begs for affinity blessing
>give shield one
didn't even thank me, what a fag
you give us hags a bad name
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So I leveled up literally all companions, vehicles, amps, archwing shit etc.
Also leveled up all normal warframes.

So I'm left with prime warframes and primary, secondary and melee weapons.
What's the easiest way to farm plat for primes?
And what are some easy to get weapons?
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>New Hate skin loses its cool effects after you activate the incarnon
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What do I name him anons
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
If 9, Doggy
I pressed cancel by accident and bricked myself it's so fucking over
There's a console to the left of the door
Name him Brick
How? Why? I'd expect it to be the other way around with how retarded the grinds for some non-Prime Warframes and Weapons can be
The power of autism.
It's easy when I have a very narrow specific item group like "all warframes", "all modular weapons", "all companions" etc.
It's harder when I can't farm shit directly due to vault system and the amount of weapons kinda makes me want to not bother.

this is catchy
0:38 to 0:52 goes hard
Banger, thanks for showing anon
somebody send it to Reb
Wanted to tell you to buy an add, but this is actually really neat
This is so reddit.
What should i be prioritizing on Mesa builds?
Also is sanctuary still the fastest place to mindlessly level frames?
new event seems to be faster currently
>kill archon nira
>get azure shard
read idiot
kek what happened
he is dylexic
He can lex dys dick
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Holy shit, I found one
read faggot
What is it?
nice, just found my first a few days ago
I think spawnrates were increased
What the fuck even is the janus key anyways?
A regular-ass Void Key
Shit really? Like no special properties? So is Vor just going schizo after getting man-in-the-walled?
did, now for 4 more

If you want the rare people, do the event, got like a 5% chance, theres only 5 spawns.
Korean fantasy style is basically anime but without soul. TDF interests me not.
He got corrupted by that sentry thing that turns enemies into corrupted faction that roams the Orokang towers
But other than that, his plotline was dropped, and so did the good old Void Keys we used back in the day, so you'll never know
Maybe his was special and allowed him to retain his mind despite benefiting from the sentry's effects, or maybe he just felt cute and named his key Janus, and him not being corrupted completely was due to some very early concepts of Wally/Void intervening or something
Maybe we'll see him again now that we're back into void fuckery. Doubt it though.
You can already see him in Circuit, so he's not entirely gone from DE's mind, but I wouldn't hope for anything other than an easter egg from time to time
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Morpheus is what I went with, but you should name her "George Soros"
Oh neato I didn't know he was there.
Besides the Velocitus what other arch-weapons are worth building?
I will probably go through all of them in time, but I want to know which to build first.
Corvas, not prime, was able to 1shot the profit takers legs until latest patch, havent tested since
Fluctus is useful for orphix n shiot cus of infinite punch through
Kuva Grattler is stupidly good
theres a double pistol on deimos whose alt fire is just too good
I assume alot of anons have a solo / friend only clan, maybe we can form an alliance with all of them 4fun
This idea has been thrown around for years with no real effect
Whoever would be the host of this alliance would inevitability tard out like always, so nothing came of it
We wanted a PC-only alliance, but people pussied out
>be shieldgate fag
>"there is an alert up but it's infested,heh they are weak anyways"
>get sniped from across the room by toxic ancient
>insta downed
>sudden flashbacks to 10 years ago
i keep getting reality checked by these faggots and i don't appreciate that
lets give it a shot, any suggestions?
been searching for this one, thanks
Because The Heart of Deimos was meant to be released AFTER The New War but that development hell ended up forcing them to release it earlier.
As a result, they had to shove the Necramech sequence in because otherwise it would be retarded to have a Necramech and never use it when you need it the most but at the same time the sequence itself was really short and needless since it wasn’t anything that having a Necramech would make your life easier like Eidolons.
Funny how they even teased the Necramechs in the gameplay trailer as if we’d fight hordes of Sentients with them:
>it lashes out when exposed
Yeah because I wanted to have my own dojo so as to fuck about with interior design, obstacle courses and what not
Is there a limit to how many clans can be in an alliance? I bet most of the anons in this general are in their own solo clans.
afaik it has a 4000 player limit, not specifically a clan limit
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>crystal is Nira’s yellow yet he is in Boreal’s forest
>bottom left we can see the handle of his weapon, which is War’s hilt
>normal Stalker
Yep, they really changed some ideas last second.
blacklist'd xD
apparently the mods think a warframe with tits is furry/anthro too... I want you to think about that, have you gooned to your waiframe or framesbando today? then you might have committed misdemeanor yiff
ok frens ive decided to roll with it
message me ingame if you want in: ddaavvveeFTW
Get it in the OP for visibility
given username doesnt exist
oh my god i mistyped: ddaavveeFTW
>a Helminth is used to make Warframes yet the Infestation is a virus
>combine Cold + Toxin to make Viral damage yet they use the icon of a bacteria
there isn't a clan limit, there's a 4000 slot limit
/wfg/ ALLIANCE/CLAN DIRECTORY: https://pastebin.com/15RAiuff
I'll be surprised if this gets more than 1 or 2 clans, but I recall the last time this was tried with the Warbros alliance it went well enough for a time and had like an extra 5-6 non-WB clans
What are the odds of you adding a diaper clan in there? + We would like to have some of our pics in the OP sometimes.
based, thank you fren, but im gonna give everyone permission to invite so people can drop their clan in the thread for any member to see and invite.
I'll join the new alliance with my solo clan later when I'm done wageslaving.
Post proof of you in a diaper clan
so I know who to blacklist
This is why we stay hidden.
But you will not oppress us for much longer, DIAPERCHADS will rule over /wfg/
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Clan this clan that, i'm literally in a random clan that worships the owner cause it's apparantly a vtoober, i grit my teeth and avoid looking at clan chat just so i can trade my dailies in peace, i hate this game and i hate everyone who plays it and more than that i hate retards who worship toobers
why did they ruin this frame with their ugly fetish?
Imperator Vandal for actual archwing.
Kuva Ayanga
Fluctus has infinite punch through.
Depends on range.
post the toober
you're ugly
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>i hate this game and i hate everyone who plays it and more than that i hate retards who worship toobers
same worstie I hate you all especially tooberfaggots, but it's literally free to make a clan and a handful of mats to put a trading post directly in the middle of your default single-tile dojo (in fact I kept deleting my clan/dojo then remaking it because I told myself I wasn't gonna bother anymore but I finally left it because trading is useful)
Is Javlok any good or nah?
just leave the clan lol
Why are will you are always accuse people for being russian?
think i could get a handy from rebb at tennocon?
then just leave the clan idiot there's a million of them with complete research
is it makari (looks like a troon)
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>replying to catposter bait
Destiny and Warframe should honestly have a collab. Some Destiny weapons would look great in Warframe and some frames could easily be great armor sets.

Frost/Prime = Warlock robes
Rhino or Excal/Prime = Titan armor
Mesa/Prime = Hunter

Meanwhile, Warframe could have as weapons:

Le Monarque = bow firing arrows that have a toxic cloud explosion

Ager's Sceptre = beam rifle that applies cold stacks. Hitting an enemy already frozen deals double damage and spreads more cold stacks to nearby enemies in a short range.

Still Hunt = sniper rifle, getting kills fills up a meter, headshot kills charge it faster. Once charged, Secondary fire can be activated that deals more damage and has innate infinite punch through.

Just off the top of my head.
I'd want my graviton lance and some handcannon or something in warframe, idk I haven't played destiny in years
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>valkyr talons lose any combo you have before activation and after
literally why? does gladiator set even affect them then?
>yet they use the icon of a bacteria
To be fair the average new player will recognize the virus far easier.
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i still dont understand what warframe 1999 is supposed to be
A world where Bill Clinton confessed to having sexual relations with that woman a year prior.
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I just finished New War. I don't understand ANYTHING about Drifter. So he is a version of the operator that never got his void powers?? And how did he just suddenly learn to switch places with his younger self I he had no void powers? And how did Zariman Drifter know about all the warframes and Natah and Ordis if he never got off the Zariman?

Drifter is the only thing I'm not understanding.
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e t e r n a l i s m
I named mine Harold Shipman due to the whole weird injections thing.
Its shit. I think Drifter should of just been an aged up Operator meaning there would be a time gap of 4 to 5 years where Sentients ruled the system.

DE should ignore anything where I am not playing a Warframe.
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>>valkyr talons lose any combo you have before activation and after
hm? you mean you lose talons' combo if your normal melee's combo expires?
>gladiator set even affect them then?
it's alternative reality bullshit
Infact I severly dislike the operator
The Player’s Tenno made a deal with the Man in the Wall to rescue the Zariman’s inhabitants. In doing so they all learned how to use their Void powers after they were exposed there.
He gets sent back, the Orokin experiment on them, learn they can control Warframes and those Tenno all become Operators.
The Drifter however diverged being stuck in the Zariman with no one to rescue him. He never learns how to control his powers and ends up stranded in Duviri. The Duviri Paradox explains more of the nature of Duviri but ask away if you want to know.
Regardless, Eternalism dictates only a single version of a person can exist in a given timeline, but by sending the Operator to the Void, Ballas unknowingly left the slot open for the Drifter. Erra seemingly put the pieces together as during the Archon hunts he questions him up nkticing he isn’t a “random” Drifter but that he knows him.
>how did the Drifter know all that
Because per Duviri Paradox he already had contact with some of those things. And with the Operator too.
I didn't get an answer earlier. Should I do something with Titania's melee weapons? I just threw on shattering impact and called it a day.
I'm also just using madurai for the 30% damage.
Alright, I just joined this alliance
It's not bullshit
Get in here
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I got mine back in march... not interested at all, it seems like the antithesis of what I love about warframe
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enjoy your clunky walking simulator with sluggish combat and steve-tier lighting
>And how did Zariman Drifter know about all the warframes and Natah and Ordis if he never got off the Zariman?
Pay attention to what he said ''not here here, but yes, stuck''. If you select the Drifter to finish the quest, he will get a special dialogue when he sees Praghasa eating the Sun ''I should have stayed in Duviri''.
The Drifter got out of the Zariman, but was stuck in the Kingdom of Duviri. The name of the quest is Duviri ''Paradox'' for a reason as straight in the prologue it's shown that a Warframe squad managed to get in and the Operator plants his weapons for the Drifter to use.
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>1,932 volatile motes for two R5 Energize
What the fuck? I thought they wanted to reduce burnout.
why do you need two r5 energize? I know that's reductive, but honestly why?
>Imperator Vandal
Well, good timing as we are bound to have a Fomorian event soon.
I don't. I already have Energize. I was just gonna cash in the motes I had for a little platinum and then I saw the insane costs.
I see, I just never really spent time grinding for arcanes and ended up with them eventually
I don't understand it myself but blame orphix venom, I guess, since they wanted to obviously cap it but also still make it a time sink... and it's still running for like two and a half weeks so you've got time if you do want to cap it
monkeybros are sovl
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>tfw i paypigged for plat
it was a 50% coupon, i was weak...
I am already one energize in, all jade parts/weapons, 3 of the new arcanes and i play for 2 hours a day and do max 6 ascension missions so I don't get bored. Do the alerts and learn to play this game daily in small sessions
Didn't ask for your advice. I was just making an observation.
You were complaining about nothing like most of the posters here because you lack time management/ opportunity cost analysis skills.
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Hello bros, just started hunting Kuva liches/sisters of Parvos. Is there a good guide for the best element for each weapon that you recommend?
there's still plenty of time even just doing alerts and never grinding the elevator
Electric is always best desu
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Good boy
catalyst alert, babes
> the antithesis of what I love about warframe
Warframe itself already became the antithesis of what was fun about Warframe years ago.
WHEREEEE i cant see it.
it's bugged and on the same sedna node as the other one so that has to be finished first
>just found out about the duplicate config button
Holy shit...thank you mom.
which node? i dont know which one to clear... is it a steel path one? i havent done any starchart clearing of SP yet.
>just discovered other melee incarnons give ms and parkour velocity aswell
and i've been using praedos all along, i fucking hate this weapon but i am addicted to going fast
though others don't give as much
mode doesn't matter for invasions
rusalka or something
>have to grind for aura forma
found it, thanks, hope clearing it works, i dont need either part...

burning plat like crazy on all these upgrades im getting, no reactors at all
it sounds to me like you're comparing two subjective and undefined things - I like modern warframe because I have more ways go fast and do cool ninja shit, and even get my stealth RP on if I really feel like it, which is more or less entirely what I wanted out of the game originally minus the more focused pacing (NOT what passes for encounter balance in Duviri, which is what Soulframe obviously is) and the darker grittiter look/feel and are all things I don't ever see a game set and structured like Soulframe offering me
>day 327 of no protea prime neuroptics
Rad or magnetic give you a dual element so you can then have combinations you wouldn't otherwise be able.
Nukor is rad base damage, so magnetic on that lets you have rad/magnetic + 2 other combinations if you want.
The element also determines possible ephemera you get. You can see if they have ephemera before you beat them, it's visible. These used to sell for quite a bit because you have to pass up on getting the weapon to capture the lich.
You can combine like weapons to increase their % modifier and pick the element. You'll probably have to do the good ones more than once.
you get the weapon and ephemera from killing them
uhh, did the 3/3, catalyst alert still hasnt appeared?
sexo tymes with mommy
if im breeding a smeeta kavat does it matter if the imprints are male or female?
you're better off with a hound
i sold one this morning
Perhaps noob questions, but:
Prisma Lenz worth it over the Nataruk? I hit perfects consistently.
Also, any point getting Prisma Veritux? Doesn't seem like archmelees are as useful as archguns.
Pets 2.0.5 aka the great smeeta nerf when?
I misread your post
smeeta isnt even the strongest pet tho? just the most useful for farming.

dont see it
>See the cost of arcanes and say they are high
>Um!!! you don't have time management and um...
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>Prisma Lenz
MR fodder, still inferior to Bramma and Nataruk
>I hit perfects consistently.
Same, but I simply use a macro, just like 70% of all users of bows that have an empowered window
Holding down LMB and always hitting the sweetspot is neat
For mastery
heard it was better for resource farming and since im new i need more of everything
the name of the imprint is just the genetic stuff right
so we wait until the previous invasion is over? which will take...?
you are bastard man
they might notice in a few hours
last time this happened didn't we just not get the potato invasion?
they might forget about it at this point. the point of pet rework was to mitigate the high usage of smeetas - because they were the only companions even worth using - but now that the other companions are becoming more and more useful, smeetas are being pushed back in usage so they might not even nerf them
niggers kept crying about operators so DE made drifter-trannies.
It is an asspull. Nothing more.

God I hate drifters so much it's unreal.
invasions do seem player-driven, so... get grinding for the community's sake 10o :^)
literally what about drifters = trannies to you? why do you hate them so much? maybe more importantly, are you getting help for your schizophrenia?
Any yareli niggas in this thread? I want someone to laugh at
why is there a sale for the next 4 days on some random items?
Third most used frame, behind Mag and Hildryn. Recently overtook Zephyr.
>Mag and Hildryn
holy shit, tell me your IGN so I can block you
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>no option to list usage stats combining base + prime into one
>literally what about drifters = trannies
Have you seen them?
TDS schizo
NA woke up! Time to go...
Hildryn was the easiest and cheapest method for me way back when for Kuva Liches, and I sucked pretty hard. Also I felt I had to use it after suffering through her grind. I don't use Hildryn Prime much at all, she's pretty inactive. Mag was my starter frame, and I used her all throughout the Starchart and every single quest possible. Don't use her much anymore either. Now that i think about it, Yareli is actually my most used frame at this point.
why doesnt clicking the fortuna fissure event put you into a group actually fucking doing the fissure???
bro.....you're the only one doing the event....
Ask on recruitment chat, there are some groups if silly little MRlets catching up on the event
You'll fit right in
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>try to do event alone
>get DPS check at the last fissure every time
>try to do it in a random group
>someone literally picks it up before i can and fucking loses it somehow
i just want my amalgam organ shatter...
>DPS check
they level 40 yo
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Jade is a 10/10 frame. Plus she gets bonuses for using her thematic weapons which means reb reads my posts.
Can Aklex prime be built to actually be good? I was thinking that maybe the new blast proc might give it some much needed AOE to at least make it late game viable. Its a very pretty gun and I want to use it more.
Im also trans
can you post your boobies again?
post tits
We know
FtM (aka tomboy)?
if so based if not cringe
we're about to have yet another meltdown.
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>finally find a fashion I like for bird up
>use my usual green color setup
>subsume Coil horizon with orange energy color
>realize I made The green goblin
matchmaking is empty because there's another event available to endgame players and the rewards are so much better.
what it's about this time?
thats not thematic
now you must take down spiderman (valkyr)
i hate that there is no non-tennogen jetpack in the game
like holy shit DE why can't i do thematic cosplays without tennogen?
not sure, he's difficult to read sometimes. Maybe he choked too hard on his squadmates cocks in the trenches today and is trying to blow off steam on /wfg/.
maybe what I was really trying to ask was, what makes you think there's about to be another one? are you friends who talk outside of /wfg/ or did I miss something itt
Ignore him, he is as schizo as the guy he is calling out. Look at the thread, he is the only talking about russians.
this but with the 1999 backpack. i wish we had a backpack like tennogen syandana, but i doubt it'll happen and i'm not willing to pay 25 bucks for JUST a backpack
Wtf is this nodule on my neck? Some frames have it, some don't. Is it space aids?
There's a schizo from russia that has a meltdown almost everyday and his posts are telegraphed at this point.
because the schizo is from that third world shithole?
it's got a big fucking pole sticking out of it into your back, it's really not something anyone should want or pay for and I can't believe DE hasn't done something about the way syandanas work yet it's fucking embarrassingly amateur
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You were right >>484002612
Forgot image bc I'm retarded
AIDS, unironically
Yes i'm right when i say that you live in a shithole which it's army rapes itself, there's no need to point that out.
i really like it still. would love to dress up some of my frames as some spec-ops soldier. both the syandana and the thrown weapon skin would fit so well, but i find it too expensive + throwns are kind of ass.
>can make fun of aids in chat
>but not cancer
another W for DE
orokin dogalyst
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Uh oh melty
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>he's making fun of me
>that means he's having a melty
he just came to the thread and started seething melting and shiting everywhere
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RIP, I only have tennogen since I was/am a console shitter that bought them with plat.

I splurged on it since I generally don't buy any MTX or plat
>throwns are kind of ass
agree'd but aegrit is good for decking out in set mods and looking good while still being okay enough as a backup still. Also the backpack is fucking killer on railjack/oncall crew.

>it's got a big fucking pole sticking out of it into your back
Most of the cosmetics have that anchor pole, if you're seeing it it's because someone screwed up the alignment and it's not sitting how it should. Maybe try checking how it looks on another frame?
what the hell is going on, am I witnessing the fabled
>fake scenario
can we get dust2 tileset in warfamre?
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His fuse, officially ablaze.
>Most of the cosmetics have that anchor pole
if you had bothered to keep reading you'd see that I went on to complain about exactly that, it's just really noticeable on this one depending on the frame or skin you use
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i-is that an OC in /wfg/???? in /wfg/?????
I kinda gathered but where did it come from, what does it do, and should I get rid of it/is there a way to get rid of it
In addition to a clinically delusional Russian who's here almost every waking hour, there's at least one person who rabidly hates said Russian and is constantly jumping at shadows calling any post he doesn't like russchizo. I don't think that's russchizo false flagging himself because russchizo inconsistently pretends not to exist, but who fucking knows.
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Can you expand on that?
which part of it?
All those questions and more can be answered after a short trip to my orbiter
About the general situation,considering I do not know any lore about the two mentioned individuals.
>I don't think that's russchizo false flagging himself
that's what got me confused lol like out of nowhere
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>Got both my energize to sell later
>Got all Jade's stuff.
>Got 3 sets of all new arcanes (to waste space, I guess. They're not very good)
Go on, peons. Run the mission for the the other ~55%. I'm burnt out.
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roomba soon
already got da red one
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heh... all me kiddo...
My dojo's main room is swarming with 30 of them at this point
At least they manage to get all the scoom trails from the floor
>if you had bothered to keep reading you'd see
You not bring up the poles again but complaining about an alignment issue by saying there's something wrong with "the way syandanas work", maybe try phrasing it better so you don't sound like an mrlet seeing pole for the first time?
Delusion is wisp's best skin
you cannot prove me wrong
You the type who always gets picked last in dodgeball
I disagree
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maybe don't be dumb and infer the nature of the complaint from the immediately preceding context? I thought everyone here was really big on just, like, picking up, the vibes, or whatever, dude, you know?
>seeing pole for the first time
why is this good though
u guise if we all grind sedna really hard for that sheev hilt we can unlock the tater invasion, amirite? cmon for teh grineeer!1 xd
Veritus used to be best archmelee, which mattered for scanning in archwing. Seems like helios scans in space now though?
Melee is still the best option for some enemies.
I just think dex is the best looking, with or without prime details
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That's only 50% more kills than my starter frame that I never used past second dream.
Saryn Prime
24.3%, 272m xp, 452k kills

Frost Prime
14%, 67m xp, 10k kills

Volt Prime
10.6%, 216m xp, 309k kills

Nekros Prime
6.5%, 63m xp, 478 kills

Limbo Prime
5.3%, 13m xp, 17k kills

Ivara Prime
3.9%, 20m xp, 4 kills
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>more kills on my vanilla excal than ash p
member draco
Have a few frames that are recording 0 kills or assists but I max ranked, I guess my account is so old that data was forgotten or never tracked.
the kills are from abilities, might explain it
>floating around as stealth bomber wisp with attack helicopter jade in exterminates
this is fun
The kills are kills by the actual frame abilities.
Can Jade move down, asking for a friend.
So it's impossible for, say, Harrow to get kills without subsooming?
yeah hold ctrl, same as archwing
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Which way, white man?
space up, ctrl down
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>doing duviri
>orogoym fight
>i always make sure to get a lame kaithe so i can show at least one poor fool what it means to ride a properly adorned one
Guess that might work, weird though. Pretty sure I've never just run and gun through an entire freaking frame, several supposedly.
Well not super important just funny stats.
I have the same situation with a lot of my frames, especially the ones I just 30 once or twice and shelve because I already know I don't like their kits or design or whatever
>snipers in general
Such wasted potential to make Fortuna so huge and not have a mission type that asks you to snipe targets before they get within 300m of the objective
vectis incarnon is coming
im coming baby legs
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spoon feeding in my Christian /wfg/ thread??
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anon pls this is a blue board
Archwing just points down.
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I have more kills with Limbo than Mesa.
I don't have a Limbo-problem, YOU have a Limbo problem!
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Last time I played was in 2021 what did I miss and what should I do?
you should goon to reb
>what did I miss
>what should I do
I don't know why he has so many kills honestly. I used him for syndicate medallions and farming corrupted mods.
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Nah learn to write so that the "immediately preceding context" doesn't read like you accidentally copypasted an esl quote into your response
Been doing that since before I left the game
i'm at my limits with this incompetence
>want to melee once in a while
>don't want to deal with gay combo bonus/heavy attack bs
>do zero damage
I guess it's the equivalent of trying to get the first kill before galvanized/merciless stacks but I miss when my occasional gunblade quick melee actually did something
So blast is better on snipers and gas on bows?
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what problems do i have?
ps: based limbo enjoyer
These are my missing scans. I have over 200 thermia fracture score without a jackal eximus.

Bailiff Eximus - kuva fortress, pago, alert would help
FL-FR unknown grineer
kuva roller eximus
tusk roller eximus - not listed, earth
Cinderthresh Hyena
Jackal Eximus (thermia fractures 2 cannisters)
Orm engineer engineers all spawn as taro atm? - empyrean volatile
Taro Vambac venus boarding party

Deimos Jugulus Eximus - endless mission with purifier
Deimos Saxum Eximus
Deimos swarm mutalist moa
Deimos swarm mutalist moa eximus

MI-SH missing entry stalker
if you put Jade's animation set on another frame, does it cradle a non-existent baby?
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Presuming you put some STR in his cataclysm, you probably nukes low level enemies while popping chests
You have the problem of mo' pussy, mo' problems.
Hard M
I've got a pretty good loadout for DA this week and wanted to finally unlock EDA but how do I do disruption solo with the enemies attacking the conduits? I'm not sure I can kill the voidrig in time if I have to stay by the conduit to defend it.
it can do both, with ctrl and space offering orientation-relative ascent/descent and associated unique dodges
why solo?
Dunno I've just always soloed since I started. I know they said you're supposed to party up for netracells but they weren't that bad so I wasn't sure how serious they were about partying for DA.
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>how do I do disruption solo with the enemies attacking the conduits?
i'm not sure if it was my luck, but when i solod EDA disruption, mobs just seemed to ignore them. i completely forgot about that modifier and only remembered afterwards. when i played with pubs, mobs killed 1-2 conduits. make of that what you will, i have no explanations
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>tfw remembering they took a cool weapon concept and decided to make it a skin
Now I'm upset
This is what I'm talking about. This yareli can use all infested weapons. Not nourish though.
how is nova gragent?
I'm running around on my Saryn doing heavy slams and using gloom, barely bother with saryn's abilities at all, they do not seem worthwhile most of the time any more.
Is there a better frame for heavy slam/gloom? It's mostly just efficiency and maybe 200 strength after buffs.
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Is meat a thematic?
Put a marker at the conduit before you use the key and wait for people. It's just good practice.
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slasher series chads?
Sounds a lot like the armatard bullshit on /k/.
it was _______me_______
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Just pulled this
What rolls should I aim for?
You should roll on my bed, kitten~
she's not
she's ___fat___
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It's not about weapon type. Use blast if you can consistently trigger the explosion, usually with fast kills. Use Gas if you can't.
sell it for some retard metafaggot and use better weapons
>get 17 consecutive headshots to unlock final incarnon
>ok, easy
>meter constantly resets to 0 for some reason
>do a bunch of testing
>casting abilities resets it
>pet damage resets it
>status effects reset it
>entering operator resets it

this is retarded, thanks DE
let me load up SP with a completely unmodded gun and shoot a grineer in the face 17 times very cool
i have no idea what that means, but i take it as a compliment
That shit was really old, if its night just go and chase an ayyyydolon
Multishot also fucks it, I had to change preset and go no pet to unlock dual toxy
I hope the marelok incarnon has really cool passives that change the way the gun work without the transformation...
>Marelok incarnon
unconfirmed leaks from three or four threads ago
I mean the lex lets me always orange crit now, that's pretty nice
Link because sounds random as fuck, the actual leaker from brewery already said he cant give anything else anymore because his partner at DE quit
lolno it's gonna be a shitty gas sprayer incarnon that's a held trigger and screws you out of the cannonade mod.
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Thoughts anons?
I'll be honest, I literally do not care what the incarnon mode is and I just want sick passives (although the lex again is pretty fun it's just so conditionally limited and I hate relying on the system because kills aren't always plentifully available)
I'm not spoonfeeding you, anon
Go back thread by thread and look for them yourself
It wasn't that far back
I want it, ghoulsaw is kino
then post your tits
could be fake
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Found it
>Marelok Attica Vectis Tysis Gram
Sounds made up but image related shows up so no idea. All of these weapons suck and the Incarnon form is probably going to be the only worth version
no insider needed, I'm quite confident that (You) yourself could datamine this stuff with a google search and some (significant) effort just from the normal game client or by getting onto the public test client
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I can trade it to you for 20 plat, I've got another riven mod that I genuinely don't want to fucking deal with
so which protoframe will be a debra wilson facescan? Trinity or Nyx?
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Can someone post the "lets beat him to death with hammers" meme in response to this for me I seem to have forgotten to save it
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Can we not do that instead?
Too late I grinded relics for platinum
Will keep Vauban in mind next time though, thank you anon
thats easy
post ign, ill do it, cant say ill give it back tho
please no
no trade it to me, I will give it back after unlocking it because I don't care about rivens or plat
Excalibur - White
Mag - Japanese
Volt - Black
Nyx - Mexican
Trinity - Polynesian
New Warframe - Arab

Source: My ass.
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bro, this you?
>valkyr main to valkyr main communication
yez except im not fat
happy pride month to all caliban players
Which frame is Latino?
She's Native American.
Styanax, but only in his Deluxe form
isn't that greek?
My warframe is long.
I specifically said his Deluxe form anon, that's the Aztec one
Also that's not Latino but Amerindian.
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drink beer.
man third worlders have it rough
it was like 85 burgers out today but it just got all cloudy and petrichory so I clocked up my CPU for warframe
>it's winter and I'm wrapped up in a blanket drinking hot coffee
Come on dowm.
has anyone tried a mind control nyx now that jade eximus are a thing
So, that orokin catalyst invasion...?
we git it when the other one hits 100% or in like, a few weeks (lol)
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>my warframe is long
I wish this wasn't so fucking true, i hate being so fucking short.
they added Dwarves?
Do mercy kills not count as finishers for Hate Incarnon IV? I tried with just Hate on Titania, on Umbra in case Titania's razorwing guns counted as not melee, tried in regular mode and with Hate in Incarnon. Fucking nothing.
My warframe smokes bong.
no, just equip Excalibur and radial blind/howl and execute them that way
I'm over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick right now. I'm just stroking my shit I'm horny as fuck man I'm a freak man like for real.
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I also want my pocket drifter
Hey Guys, local Stalker autist here wanting to make a small rant here. Been browsing forums and reddit (kill me) for updates on stalker crap, and I see people shooting down playable stalker as a suggestion for the most retarded reasons.

>>He's this mysterious figure that rarely spawns and we don't know things about him would ruin his theme. my perception of him would be RUINED if I saw someone else playing him.

Kill Bosses more you fat retard and you'll see him more. And we basically know everything important about him now since jade shadows and second dream. Sorry your comprehension skills are in the shitter. Also solo play is an option shits for brains if you don't wanna see it. Canonically you're more likely to be solo than with a squad anyways, since only ONE umbra should exist.

>>We already have him in duviri and event, that's enough.

Isn't that *more* of a reason for him to be in the arsenal? if you're okay with him being playable, then let others use him in arsenal, nobody is forcing you to use him all the time if he's available.

>>I don't want people coloring him pink or making him look silly

Eat my shorts dickwad. Making *any* warframe look silly is meta breaking, especially umbra, but nobody gives a shit because 99% of the time people like making their frames look cool. It's only autists trying to be quirky that do that, which is in the double digits at best.

>>Stalker is alive and it would be unethical to posess him.

Welcome to warframe, retard. You're entire arsenal of fucked up human experiments. Do you *not* play the sacrifice?

Why are people like this?
i want to have hot sex with the Stalker
Damn, I didn't know radial blind did that. Thanks.
That's nothing lol
t. rawdogging 45°C, no AC, no fan, GPU at 90°C under my desk, PC with open case so all the hot air comes out and heats up the room
You silly yuros and your silly fear of AC
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I think Reb needs to rework NPC faces
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I don't even care about customization or having him in the arsenal, I just want to take the place of whatever variant of stalker is invading the random players I get matched with

if they do give us customization, you know what I really want? custom mandachord you-just-got-pwned jingle composition like in APB (and for them to fix the scales so mandachord doesn't blow)
vi r poor plz understand
It is true that we know more about the Stalker than we know about a lot of warframes.

Me, I'd go for not introducing the stalker because Ash is suffering enough with Kullervo running around.
Can you disable the muffled sound effects when using silence?
>he bought
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>he doomped eet
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Reminder those who didn't buy the 10ocon pack will have their account loot seeds lowered.
holy fucking kino
im stealing this and making it good
is that mortal kombat man, from the mortal kombat franchise?
That's obviously Fang from Street Fighter
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Building an obstacle course, how does it look so far
uhh where is it?
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My warframe is wong.
I want him to be exclusively playable as a Dark Souls-esq invasion thing were you hunt down other players
Rogue Voidrigs have heads right? They just don't have a damage bonus for it?
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Who's going to tell him?
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My Warframe has dong
Total Furry Death
they have weakspots, but I honestly just don't know where so I aim for around the corn where it looks like they don't have as much bulk to their armor and I get the crunchy satisfying weakspot sounds enough of the time (especially from the back?)

you're right i can see it.
Total Frost Death
Get your eyes checked
destiny 2: the final dshape
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Elder Gods Status: Consulted
Anon did you literally just slapped on like 2 platforms together then asked us how your course looks?
>debra wilson
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I hate summer
when the fuck did magus aggress come out? holy shit I have been sleeping on something nice
Can't find the 1999 leaks, was Fusilai part of the upcoming incarnons or can I throw away this riven I just got

Also when will we get a dev that likes throwing weapons? none of them have been good since 2015 except maybe the Pox but even that lost its place when Blast stopped knocking down.
I find Volt to be quite bad. His 1 is useless, his 3 is situational, his 4 deals 0 damage to SP enemies and is only used for his augment which is basically Pillage but worse. His only really good ability is his 2.
Build him for eidolon hunts if you do those. His shield is absolutely invaluable for chunking their joints.
go back like 3-4 threads and ctrl+f leaks
not part of it
Cestra Dera Okina Sicarus Sybaris
Vectis Attica Tysis Marelok Gram
those were the ones given
/Lotus/Language/Weapons/CestraIncarnonUnlockerDesc - "[PH] Awaken this weapon's ability to "
/Lotus/Language/Weapons/CestraIncarnonUnlockerName - '[PH] Cestra Incarnon Genesis'
/Lotus/Language/Weapons/DeraIncarnonUnlockerDesc - "[PH] Awaken this weapon's ability to "
/Lotus/Language/Weapons/DeraIncarnonUnlockerName - '[PH] Dera Incarnon Genesis'
/Lotus/Language/Weapons/OkinaIncarnonUnlockerDesc - "[PH] Awaken this weapon's ability to "
/Lotus/Language/Weapons/OkinaIncarnonUnlockerName - '[PH] Okina Incarnon Genesis'
/Lotus/Language/Weapons/SicarusIncarnonUnlockerDesc - "[PH] Awaken this weapon's ability to "
/Lotus/Language/Weapons/SicarusIncarnonUnlockerName - '[PH] Sicarus Incarnon Genesis'
/Lotus/Language/Weapons/SybarisIncarnonUnlockerDesc - "[PH] Awaken this weapon's ability to "
/Lotus/Language/Weapons/SybarisIncarnonUnlockerName - '[PH] Sybaris Incarnon Genesis'
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Here is a highly advanced paint infographic
>having a free subsume slot, going fast, boosting your damage, and AOE CC that resets your shield gate is bad

haven't you heard? it's goyslop
>more incarnons
guess no new power creep in 1999
almost there guys
ok ok but is it REALLY player tracked? I've got nothing better to do on a saturday night, could I actually make an impact by grinding it?
don't forget amprex
I preder to bring a frame that can comfortably keep lures alive and use my negromech to shoot joints. I know his shields work on operator damage but it just isn't needed with void strike 747 and eradicate/onslaught.
Not "bad", but quite bad when you compare him to other frames who can destroy rooms or buff your guns far more than Volt does.
What? I just checked and it was at 57.something
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obviously we need everyone in /wfg/ grinding for the grineer side to finish it so people can get their tater
wtf are you guys talking about
What, the fuck, how many new Incarnons we are getting then?
there's an orokin catalyst blueprint invasion that's covered by an existing invasion, and they both expire in nine and a half hours but the blue tater one won't be available to players unless the other one is finished first by having one side reach 100% before the time is up
oh I forgot you cuties still need tatos
Just unlocked Vazarin after neglecting it for a long, long time. Which abilities should I go for first?
Finally Dera will become good, always loved how it looks but damn its so bad
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couldn't be me, just looking out for the little guy :^)
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I had like 20 cats and 50 forma when I retoorned and they were all gone in just a couple of weeks
anyone using secondary fortifier or is it a waste?
Only I...Vooooooor




I'm maxing it out to try on my lex but I think I can't make myself give up the headshot multiplier from deadhead, just like on my pax seeker tombfinger
I got maxxed the 5 new Arcanes and not really using any of them at all. Only the cold one for Frost for Avalanche and that’s it
That would be dogshit. Imagine conclave but with even less balance.
>thought you guys were talking about the ephemera progress
>we're still not at 60%
That shit was like 57.7% when the reset 2 hours ago dropped
What's the point of Eidolons if they keep giving out Arcanes like this?
people will always run the quickest one three times if they just want to dip in for a reward, or target the one they're missing, so it's kind of a tug of war
the first tier ephemera is kinda cool but the higher tiers are a bit ehhhh
My post is about the event % dude fuck you on
haha disregard that you suck cocks
>brings up cocks
it's a dip, you meme
sol gate feels even weaker now against anything with any beef to it...
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>no Stug incarnon
We lost again
Get a dormizone, you two!
Just make sure that drifter doesn't turn into an operator or else you'll be getting party-orbitered
What would the van equivalent be? The railjack?
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>hey mister, I got a bunch of archon shards in my orbiter
someone has the edit
I don't play mesa a lot, but I got her when I was doing a lone story for clamps. She couldn't kill shit despite killing so quickly that I didn't know if the enemies were killed by my or another player before.
at least you can mod hers but yeah flat damage lost out hard if it wasn't big enough at base unless you were getting cucked by armor before
That van should say 'free Kuva'
I loved this meme. Little girls predating on grown men was always a laugh... unless it's a manga, then it ditches the comedy way too fast and gets creepy.
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We need plague star back
Honeslty I think it's the 'unintended' slash nerf that wasn't patched... or still hasn't been, I don't keep track of things.
>another burnout event
It's what you think you want.
I like it on my Epitaph. This thing does enough damage to oneshot enemies into the thousands even without damage arcanes, so fortifier is nice utility. Strips eximus clean of their OG in one shot and gives it to me.
I never got plague star burnout.
It's a.. what... 8-11 minute mission?
You can do about 5 an hour, so you do 5 in the morning, 5 at night. That's 10 forma a day without trying too hard. How many kuva do you people need that you ran plaguestar more than that?
>What's the point of Eidolons
A place for people to focus their 'tism and for aura mods to not work because reasons.
You sound weak
wish we got a sexo deluxe skin for zephyr instead of whatever that thing is
narmer isos
lua lenses
the most annoying way to do it
Zephyr's is still better than Khora's.
Khora's just can't be salvaged.
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Stu(d)g bros our day will come
I have a deep dark focus secret, anons.
I haven't bought out every represent school. I just don't know how to farm focus except passively.
It's sad Khora's regular form has nice proportions but her deluxe makes her look like a midget.
i like khoras because of her tummy, but thats it really. not that big of a deal considering no one uses her

so youre a homophobe? okay, chud
Do you remember what was plage star? Having to run a Loki just so the escort drone doesn't get stuck?
does anyone even want the asaprigus maximus ephemera? the basic one is so dim I don't really care, but I do want to see how it looks I guess

t. completionist
People seethed non stop about the leaf Signa, of course we want it
I'll probably keep using seraphayre or tenebrous
you mean laughed
Took an hour for 0.8%. We ain't gonna make it but they'll probably re-run it somewhere else.
>Having to run a Loki
Now like you need abilities for anything else, really.
Nova's also an option though.
...I think drones can be sped up with volt now. Defection people can.
we have weeks left you goober
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No one told me Hildryn is the futa frame, she even has a dong ingame.
none of you wear the welfare signa right?
Why wouldn't i? Are you mad that i have a free signa while you paid for yours?
ew, god no of course not; I'm an heirloomchad and a nyctalusgrug
How much plat is this likely going to cost?
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And EoS 1 month later
I fucking love it personally. Even with just a level 1 equipped the difference is palpable, and the costant overguard gain and gate means you can just literally stand there facetanking as long as you have eximus to fight
that might be the full bundle price and the skin by itself could be cheaper idr
you better fuck off to your own general by then
I hope the schizos invade the TFD general
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We need a native american frame
that's it, just do it passively. diversify your lenses and stop using crutch weapons
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I wish DE would make a skin that focuses on boobs for once.
you bet im gonna be spamming ember heirloom ass in the TFD thread
gotta make sure to annoy the fuck out of them
dagath deluxe will have 150% more sideboob
>I am... TUPAC
ok but what's the sub-theme? DE can't let anything just be one thing
What's Sytanax's sub theme?
there won't be a tfd thread because it'll die before anyone outside of the two schizos knows it exists
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Give Voruna the titties she was meant to have
No one is retarded enough to play a Nexon game in this age anyway. Look at what happened to Warhaven.
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don't remind me
>stop using crutch weapons
But I like the Gaze.
she needs about 6 more
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true and same...
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Injun + Thunderbird
Exalted lightning tomahawk
i wish rebb would get on my desk if you know what i mean
hey everybody, this guy said he likes gaze
Primary Gaze's disco ball is kinda fun
Sniffing shit. Same as everywhere else.
She hasn't done anything since we killed her sister, has she?
She sent some guys to steal the furry and they instantly got corrupted (she didn't notice)
She had a cutscene specifically to explain why there's Drahks on Lua but that's it
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nope, just said she wanted voruna
Bratty Queen needs correction!!!
she was supposed to show up again clinging to Vor's leg but DE got woke'd
How do I set my focus tree for Duviri? Since it gives warframes at random, I see Loki in the current rotation and I want to use him but ONLY if I get the Naramon combo counter.
set it before going in
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use the little preview and check first
Romancable in 1999
Do I just use my current loadout (that has Naramon active) and then queue into circuit?
Did you get any responses?
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hm, what the fuck do you even spend these on
Every Prime frame.

Everyone needs Umbra Intensify
I put 2 in every frame I want to regularly use to unconditionally max out power strength or rely on the extra hp/armor for general use when I don't need a ton of strength
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>too good to use syndrome
they aren't even that valuable, you can always fit umbras by formaing every other slot. you just use those to keep others open
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I want an augment that makes Mirage's clones act independently.
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>Log in
>Get daily bonus
>Log out
see you guys next reset
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Is shotgun vendetta ever worth using over Merciless and friends? I love me some multishot but 5 meters is really not a lot
on Phantasma since it has shit range to begin with
Reb should just increase the base value of energy orbs. Just put the Energize mafia out of its misery.

Has Warframe ever made you cry?
>spoilers in the thumbnail
I'm telling Reb!!!
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i did get a bit emotional when jade died desu
im a sucker for romance and it was sad
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>21 Volatile motes to max a common arcane
>63 for a normal uncommon one
>105 for a good rare one
>1008 For the legendary ones
That’s a fucking lot
I hope you're a woman
same to be honest
And Pablo put a cap so dumbos like you don't burn yourselves out doing it.
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sorry bud im a 6'2' 185lb straight red blooded american man
Someone give this starving man some food
yeah its skinny by american standards even if I have a bit of a gut
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oddly descriptive...
that's like 70 SP alerts which can be done pretty fast
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If Wisp is for assfags and Saryn is for boobfags...

Then which frame is for footfags?
>1 each 30 minutes
You okay? Even if you sit a whole day that’s 48, implying you didn’t miss sitting your ass playing Warframe 24 hours
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You may only reply to me if you're a bigger autist.
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You lack 4 achievements you are a loser
sorry for running around the map instead of going to extraction, I wasn't paying attention.
Did Wally actually speak to Vor after he first dies?
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SAM exploiters, name your accounts so I can get them banned.
being a nolife loser isn't exploiting
This is some sad cope for being an achievementlet
>less hours
>caring about cheevos
You're still beneath me

I kneel
Where does Stalker leave Sirius (canon name) when he's invading us? Relay daycare?
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You suck at this game get out of my general.
If you paid attention you would see he carries Orion on his chest with a baby harness.
Orion is what I would have wanted
Sirius is what I would have wanted
Who's Sam and why do you think those anons are exploiting him?
He dies too fast
>only 4k
cute mrlet
I'm gonna post a screenshot
I use hornet strike+secondary deadhead+arcane precision because I've never heard a straight person use the phrase diminishing returns.
enjoy your additive diminishing return with hornet strike
We used to have a schizo that would sperg out if you posted any build with Serration in it
i'm L3
for me, it's serration+heavy caliber
ol reliable
Back off, crones. I found him first.
only after I started taking my meds...
what is it about /wfg/ that attracts so many schizos?
Do you enjoy drinking milk past its expiration date?

only a schizo would still be playing Warframe
You're both mr28.
We're getting close to schizo hours. Everyone please put on your anti-schizo suit.
i added more
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Only a schizo would say something like that..
only the last one is even here.
fucking based
why level MR?
Her lower half is way too thin
So you don't get raped by the MRhags when you post here
prepare to bake the next thread
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How about a frame that specializes in using AW guns? God knows they need to be used more.
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aren't hildryn and qdoba's signature weapons archguns?
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Fool, we don't use Nezha

We're trying to lure the Nezhas
Yeah but it's not like they have any abilities catered around AW weapons
I'll admit to openly grinning and saying "fuck yes" when Stalker's scythe went super saiyan.
Bread is getting stale
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Are players actually separated by regions?
Replace the van with a bolkor
I can proudly say I have never used nezha
I can proudly say I have "used" Nezhas
trumna with giga fire rate and ammo efficiency feels too fun to exist in the game
Moar gun!
Bro I'm pretty sure the schizo is still sleeping
Subsume Savage Silence on ash.

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