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old one


>The main information documents for Elden Ring (/erg/), Dark Souls (/dsg/), Bloodborne (/bbg/), Demon's Souls, Sekiro, King's Field, and Armored Core (/acg/)

>Soulslike games like Nioh, Lies of P, Code Vein, Lords of the Fallen, etc...
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>str/arc instead of dex/arc, dex/faith, or faith/arc
>pure physical instead of phys/lightning
>WA is red lightning that nerfs lightning res
>only hay bale 'cants deal lightning
They really want communion bills to chuck lightning spears
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why was the wolf woman carrying gaius' greaves?
even doe they are
Maybe a retainer, squire, or some similar subservient role
if you see anyone complaining about gkat it's shitmask seething because he lost to me(grass) 15-4 where i mostly used gkat
we're calling them gat now
Always knew you were crackola
Who the fuck are those chinks?
says their name's right there
Found the /dsg/ pve squad. You guys think you're funny with your CE'd sleep repeating bow.
why is this a gif, it's a still image
no they aren't fucktard
>invade manse
>have to watch the cutscene
what the fuck?
why do i miss 80% of my attacks versus bayle

why do they do this
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treespear but no split damage + can be infused
take it or leave it
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I actually take it extremely hard
I've been waiting for this. Skills that are just buffs piss me off
I am bored of the dlc. 8 days. Trash game.
i played it for 18 hours straight at launch then stopped playing a day later
you rike?
I wish it didn't exist
I am enjoying the dlc. 8 days. Good game.
>30+ minutes
I miss when jewtubers would get to the point and serve it to you in 5 minutes.
Me too
why would you post this
next game they should get rid of invaders bringing their own gear and make them a strongish NPC based on the area they're in, like the red flame guys in shadow keep

then enable 1v1 invasions again
>Fighting Radahn Solo
Good challenge
>Fighting Radahn using summons
Obviously much easier
>Fighting Radahn AS a summon
Now this the most hardcore and challenging version you can do of this fight. You can't just apply your blocking or rolling patterns because he will just start moving aroud and switch targets, breaking your rhythm. You have to take the aggro at all times lest the host will die like a bitch. The most difficult part next is when phase 2 starts. Unless phase 2 is triggered by Radahn being staggered, the host and Radahn teleport all the way to the other end of the arena. And you will be left where you where before, and that is most of the time on the other end of the arena. The objective here is to snatch the aggro as fast as possible from the host or else Radahn will just instantly nuke him.
Really fucking hard, but also insanely stisfying.
I already invade storehouse as a messmer knight so I'd like that change. It'd be a lot better than getting blendered by AoW. Honestly though, ranged spam is the main thing that makes invading shit right now, not even the mandatory 3v1
I didn't activate that pool but it can't be worse than Putrescent Knight where the host is already falling before you can even fucking go down through the FW.
Most fun I've been having so far is Gaius, I usually get called to him and the sunflower.
the ashes of war dont help, every single gank squad has a billion things they can throw at you where you simply dont have enough iframes to deal with
Gaius was an albinauric, obviously he would have some albinauric company
>let me tank him
mm yes keep cucking invaders to the point where online is only for pvers mmmmm
the weapon arts dont really cuck invaders it's just a coinflip if you kill them with yours first
I would love to rape hosts with overtuned pve enemy movesets
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it actually takes a lot of skill to play passive and poke with a great kat, sorry you guys wouldn't understand (the skill ceiling is very high)
are we doing a dsg seamless playthrough with 20 people? total pvper death
i never install puke pooey mods
post more
I have finally come to DSiii (yesyes, I know).
I want to make a faith character with shield spear and talisman sword (I really like the aestethic).
What are good weapons, starting class, infusions and stat allocation?

I was thinking canvas talisman and lothric knight sword alongside dragonslayerspear and one of the kite shields (as in the kite shape, not the literal kite shield). 24 attunement for 3 miracles and a bit of FP to cast them. Dex and str to the requirments. Vig at 25-30. Vit and end to allow one of tje knight armors with medium rolls.
I wanted to go cleric, but the wasted ppints in luck seems dumb, alongside tje fact that going into faith from the very beginning seems like a plan that won't work at all considering the miracles don't reallt show until mid to lategame.

Advice for a newfriend(ish)? Played through DS, DS1, DS2, Sekiro and BB, but all in 2024.
Great kats should have durability that diminishes VERY fast on succesfull blocks and parries.
This is the way, and no obvious colouration either, so you can pretend to be a brainless NPC and then start breaking out the big moves.
The entire weapon class is a disaster, it's fine to give it one or two easily accessible pokes but almost all of the moveset should've been slashes. Instead the regular moveset is slow and has no forward momentum, so people spam the pokes and wait for you to roll into the r1s.
stupid ass weapon class that encourages passivity
>Played through DS, DS1, DS2, Sekiro and BB, but all in 2024
>starting class
Always knight
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pokes on this stupid fucking great katana hit me 20 feet away it's omnipresent why can't a 100 billion dollar company implement lockstep
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you're just seething
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I can't keep doing this it's the most boring shit ever
>running r1
>running r1
>if it hits crouch into an r1 and rollcatch
>if they run into you r1
>maybe a jumping r1
nice mixup

I didn't think they were that hard to beat. Very fun, a good challenge in an excellent presentation. Maybe because I am a somewhat older generation that grew up with non handholding hard as balls games in an era not inundated with tutorials and guides. I grew up on games that on death sent you to the start screen with a "ah, that's too bad, now try again, from the beginning" attitude. So these games were relatively easy, i didn't even find them unforgiving (a counterpoint I have heard a few times to the "souls is hard" argument), you die to a boss and yoi spawn right ojtside their room (or near enough) and can try again with essentially no detrimental effects. E.g. when I played sekiro, I needed quite a few attempts on the genichiro encounter, the whole counter mechanic was very different to the hyperaggressive pressure of bloodborne (the game I played before it), but you spawn 20 seconds away from him. You can try over and over and over really easily.

So ya, I haven't stuggled too much with these games so far.
what sl are you hoping to reach by the end?
This reminds me.
I had a guy recently in DS3 who I invaded who no joke estussed the max amount you can carry to my 0 estus. Then I ashen flask ONCE and he runs of, applaud emotes and severs his connection.
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>Maybe because I am a somewhat older generation that grew up with non handholding hard as balls games in an era not inundated with tutorials and guides. I grew up on games that on death sent you to the start screen with a "ah, that's too bad, now try again, from the beginning" attitude
god you're cool
120-125 to do some PvP (whatever of it remains). And probs get to NG3 for the completionist run (the rings).
sounds like you were being a lame passive opponent
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Thanks, this weapon has the highest skill ceiling in the game
'pa can you try dueling shields
That you read it like that says more about you than me.
No, he was never getting damage on me because he was spending all his time running around and estussing. Do you realize hiw much time goes into chugging 10+ estusses? Like, just stand still and chug an estus, then walk 2 steps chug an estus etc. takes forever. All time not spent swinging a sword.
hmm... well, the dragonslayer spear really isn't a faith weapon anymore, it's basically exclusively a dex-leaning quality weapon that just happens to shoot lightning

actual faith scaling weapons tend to be ones you infuse with lightning; there are a total of 4 weapons you actually want to infuse blessed, otherwise the infusion is trash
>lothric knight UGS
>drakeblood GS
>crescent axe (arguably still a candidate for raw due to its shitty scaling)
>caestus (purely for regen because it's lightweight)

yorshka's spear is technically faith scaling, and is underrated imo, but it's also short and kinda sucks. saint bident however is great though, and super long

another wep to look out for is ariandel's whip, it's actually good; basically a talisman that has the club moveset on the r1s and casts with r2, it's unparriable, and it has great speed & range

i'd ignore the lothric knight longsword and just go for the default one, LKLS is a waste of stats imo

as for shields, you either wanna go silver knight or lothric knight depending on your desired str/vit
I'm gonna level my int/fth character to 145
right, because he was probably the only one engaging while all you were doing was whiff punishing, unless you mean to say he drank all his estus at full hp because he thought it was a duel
I haven't played around with them at all, I know they're disgusting and have some good combos but I think they look goofy with how big they are
I am sorry, but you sound like a retard. Your argument is essentially he is bad, therefor he is good. I am not going to stand still while you wind up your UGS WA waiting for it to land. Gitgud.
I mean, if you engage and get hit, you are simply doing it wrong. If you whiff so much you burn through all your estus while your opponent doesn't have to estus once, you are just objectively bad, simple as. Nothing to do with passivity either, even the most passive guy should be able to be hit (unless he is literally just running around avoiding a fight, but then you woudln't have to estus)
>t. lame passive tards who wonder why no one wants to fight them
be the first one to throw out an r1 sometimes, it's fun
Here's an example of what you might want to end up using. Do be advised that the PvP at anything above about... sl80 is usually complete AIDS. Your playstyle is more than likely going to have to rely on spamming lightning arrow, using the LS to punish aggression, and the spear to chase down runners.

Feel free to tweak any stats you want, but know that if you take a single point out of vigor that this entire general will probably laugh at you.
This is you
Oh wow, super helpful.

I thought the most pvp was at 120ish? Am I better of staying at 80ish?
you don't want to pvp with the people at 120
You have been DISMISSED
Where's the lvl 80 pvp at though? I am aware of the lvl120-125 spots. But 80? Do I just randonly invade the lategame areas?
No one plays at 125 anymore
no it's not
this is you thobeit
Brreh, when you are wielding UGS, I will hit you first, don't worry. Just don't expect me to hang around for your WA retaliation.
Your while argument is basically "you are so lame for not allowing your opponent to hit you" which is really fucking retarded.
You are arguing with a shitposter
Well shit.
80 and under is for invasions
81-90 used to be good for invasions, but has been infested by duelist tryhards
90+ -> 125-138-150 is where the 'meta' is, and is also where the worst of the worst of the aforementioned duelist tryhards reside

Trust me, you don't want to play with these people, everyone is the same variation of:
>dark build
>tears of denial
>murky hand scythe staggered r1's
>unwashed basement dweller levels of time spent in the game to the point where if you do any agressive action, they'll yank you into a zero-to-death hit-confirmed backstab chain unless you counter it with some frame-1 hardswap parry cancel autism
It's also 99% ganks with downscaled overleveled phantoms spamming unlimited spells at you, except for the odd red sign duel.
Female faith casters are only allowed to use the physical damaging miracles, it's in the lore.
Grand Archives, Irithyll Dungeon, Dragon Shrine, uhhh... the DLCs? DLC2 is gonna be a microcosm of the cancer mentioned above, most likely.
god3 is the only game where people still play at 125 instead of 139-150
that's literally wrong
Lvl 80 it is then. I just want to mess around invading people (and not even necessarily win), no interest in dueling sweats.
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day 855 of waiting for a hitstun nerf
thew new official poisenigger "fashion" is 3pc rock golem + sunflower imp
Your info is outdated
>dancing lion is just two dudes in a costume
did jerma design this fucking boss?
does the messmer soldier axe warcry r2 have the aoe damage slam that the messmer soldiers got
In that case, you might want something more like pic related. You could take 5 points out of End and put them into Vig, but then I wouldn't really recommend blocking that much; up to you though.
The messmer soldiers don't have war cry
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yep that's my level 1 run with Melee Only! anyway here's my bleed/frost fist weapons (isn't it so cool i'm doing this at level 1 with ONLY FIST WEAPONS?) and my rot/poison rapier (LOL just a rapier i don't use a shield how wacky is that!)

anyway after watching 13 tutorial videos i'm ready to enter a solved 2 year meta of using the exact weapons, statboosters and strategies of everyone else, this is gonna be pog bros!
Lovely, time to get cracking.
why are you still on this shit
who are you quoting
When was the last time you invaded at 125?
>invading in dungeon
You monster
they do son of a bitch
Like 1-2 months ago. It's the same as it's been for years, and I don't believe it's changed.
You are objectively wrong
because every lame motherfucker on the planet is doing status-abuse "level 1" quirky epic gamer runs and it's FUCKING BORING because they literally all default to bleed+frostbite+rot for damage output to make the whole thing borderline pointless to begin with
if you go above 150 you start running into cute pvers again
so don't watch them? why is this an issue for you?
then stop watching them dipass
get a hobby that isnt staring at speedtrannies
Then you should know that 90% of the people you invade at that level range are clueless retards going through the dlcs or the base game in ng+
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why is it an issue to you if i want to be mad about something
let me have this
im just happy we're discussing the games
We need the catquella to bring everyone together sorry
tyen stop doing it :(
nyo the chinese did
You're one to talk, accusing me of having outdated info. That shit hasn't been the case since TRC came out, and no one bothers to do NG+ anymore when they can just cheat in everything, which I can hardly blame them for since the campaign of DSIII is extremely boring after the first playthrough.
>why is it an issue to you
because you brought it up here
go make your own sl1 runs that you want to see. with blackjack and hookers etc.
I invaded at meta level 3 weeks ago and I did not get a single invasion at pontiff after 15 minutes of searching. After that I did some wex dust invasions and literally every single guy I encountered was a pver with 0 pvp experience.
Pvp tryhards have never been the majority at meta levels outside 2 specific zones and now even those areas are dead now.
that explains it
Nta, but how is that even point. People beat the game long before reaching 125. If newfriend wants to invade, he can best stick to 80-90 +0-6, that way he can invade anyone in the areas from pontiff and onwards.

Honestly, I hope future games just go with NPC "take over" pvp. It does away with this whole level matching, or failing that allow you to mnaually (or forced automatically) to normalize levels.

Pita to beat the game at lvl 90 and then finding out you can no longer invade over half of the areas because you are simply too strong. Like fuck that, let me nerf myself or normalize tonfixed brackets for areas (e.g. if I invade in highwall I get put down to SL15)
Part 3
I never argued that he should invade at 125 I merely stated that the other anon is a clueless retard who doesn't know what he is talking about.
>Honestly, I hope future games just go with NPC "take over" pvp
Miyazaki is never gonna create such an awful system.
>flaming strike on a shield
we didnt get it at all!
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i don't want to see them at all! these midwit motherfuckers are just doing bleed/frost status runs, the level is fucking irrelevant because they still detonate whatever boss hp bar they're against the same as anyone else would

it's all stupid gaybaby clout-chasing garbage using the absolute lowest hanging fruit method to go about it, and frankly i wish more people called out this lame gentrification of achievement runs
gaming used to be cooler before these bogus motherfuckers came along
ok so make it cool again. prove everyone wrong with your own super epic sl1 runs
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I have to wait 2 more years
>use kick
>free critical on dueling shield nigger
yeah it's so bugged
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>marika and radagon are the same people
>radagon somehow in liurnia when marika banishes godfrey
explain pls
watch the vid again before you make up stories
Let me solo her is losing it
How could 1 man go from the tippy top all the way into the gutter so fast?
An entire career come and gone in the blink of an eye
Life is crazy
its bugged and takes almost no stamina damage while attacking
your kick will do 1/10th of their stamina bar and they'll poke you for 1/3rd of your hp
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literally just parry them
every duelshield gamer does the same shit, even if you're bad at parries, just run up to them like you're going to trade and press l2(parry) instead of r1(ape damage button)

they have extremely slow and telegraphed swings due to their guardpoint mechanic and as a result have extremely slow and telegraphed playpatterns
parry them
defeat shield with shield
what'd he do
He couldn't solo Radahn and tried carrying people through black gaol knight instead and everybody laughed at him
playing into reddits hand always results in failure
Best invasion is depriving newfriends of their ember as they enter high wall.
I never liked undead parish tier invasions
for me it was invading in the depths with lightning spears and pretending to be a curse frog, or invading in lost izalith wearing a demon outfit, or invading on dragon peaks to bait people into staying on the bridge too long, or invading pontiff area with invis and greatbow and fuck with the fightclub faggots, or invade haligtree and knock people off shit with the cannon
communion builds got the sacred bloodfiend spear...
>invading pontiff area with invis and greatbow and fuck with the fightclub faggots
I did this and then the host teleported to me and shot me with 300 bleed bolts at once
dragonslayer spear is quality
I dunno man, he created the awful system that is ds3 pvp. Invasion preferential to phantom world, non embered, halved estus announced qnd clearly visible with ni way to invade lower levels (outside of turf covenants) but being pitted against 20+ levels over you with a very funk limitation with weapin upgrades (you can avoid ever being invaded by just "lagging behind" in upgrades). It is really fucking stupid. Invasions in 2024 are amactually BETTER than they were at release, because far fewer people means far fewer phantoms, and the people who play aren't gaming the system nearly as much. So you invade, you try to hinder that person's progress, and you either kill or die. It used to be that you would invade into a gabk squad, then invade into a ganksquad, then invade into a ganksquad, then invade into soneone who quits out because his ganksquad hadn't yet loaded in. Nevermind that the "host" (meaning afk secondaries) was often hidden as a chameleon in some corner.

So yes, I entirely believe zaki is capable of anything stupid. He is the G.Lucas of vidya, great ideas, terrible execution when surrounded by sycophants too scared to reign him in.
lol, let me tank him is way better than he ever was
dumb esl
It's so nice having actual new players to invade again. Larping as an NPC never gets old
Yeah I stopped playing DS3 when these retarded no fun faggots started doing that. I wasn't even in pontiff to fuck with them to begin with, they chose to be there and ruin my fun invading in the invasion area by holding a fucking dueling session in the explicit INVASION AREA. I hate this faggot community around duels so much. They always pick the most annoying places to do it in
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did not expect to find another transformation
>Invasion preferential to phantom world, non embered, halved estus announced qnd clearly visible with ni way to invade lower levels (outside of turf covenants) but being pitted against 20+ levels over you
Why did you list a bunch of good things as if they were bad
it's the worst piece of shit ever
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it will get buffed, dont ask how i know
I look like that in real life
>want to play the base game with dryleaf arts
>dont want to go into ng+
Fug really wish I was pc so I could just cheat it in
I'm sure you can find a kind anon who can drop it for you
stupid SNOYS such as your self will need to BEG for a duped item
Why are you doing this thing from reddit where you know full well what the reason is but you have to be a bored contrarian so you "ironically" pretend not to?
Uh did you forget to take your meds?
I lovemingling into the NPC and making every fight extra hard. I won't even go for the kill, I just interfere enough so the NPCs hopefully kill them. If they clear a mob Ill disengage and move to the next NPC group.
I am invading, not dueling, I aint here for a fair fight.
I do the same shit if I see npcs in their world
I try to make the host aggro em and hopefully ruin a questline
it's the best feeling ever
Based and chadpilled
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>no hyperarmor
>naked fags with straight swords poise through charged r2s
dark souls 2 is better again
did they change the point down emote? at release I can recall it was literally just pointing down while you could move or spin around while now it's more reminiscent of the older point downs where your character emotes like a sit down kinda thing
ironic post
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It's good where it matters
the hitboxes on the r2s are wonky and deceptively large and palm blast has an insane aoe + infinite hyperarmor once you start charing it
idk what's up with the damage scaling but it seems to do less damage on pure physical so you want to run dex for lightning
Great for invasions. Duels don't matter
>>naked fags with straight swords poise through charged r2s
honestly i think the fists are all bugged or have broken poise tiers to their hits, 90% of your hits don't chain together and often they won't register any form of stagger at all upon connecting

genuinely a tragedy they fucked these up so badly when they're one of the more anticipated weapons, they need almost a full overhaul of their values to even pretend to be relevant in pve+pvp at this point
did we ever get part2 of this lisa fangame
yeah that one is weird lol i kinda want to do a headbutt run
they're actually better on keen than on lightning for dex
Rauh has the worst fucking spawn points holy shit. Don't bother with this place, it's bad enough playing it in pve
have you tested it, and palm blast?
prove it
beating up some pve-only retard you could have r1'd to death with a club isn't really a shining example, dude could have 20 soreseals on
Been sat here, for no joke, 2 hours holding up a guy and his summon friend in undead settlement. Hisnfriend keeps dying, so he keeps having to resummon. Host doesn't want to die so does nothing. I am currently at the archer although I reckon soon theyll wisen up and go for the bridge and then straight to road of sacrifice and skip the archer. Still, fucking hilarious.
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fuck you im not booting up elden ring to show you numbers but it gets more damage on keen when 2h.
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pata is also better on keen because the difference between it and lightning is really small and fists benefit way more from greases, especially with the new stuff.
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It's a weapon for only beating up pve retards, what do you expect? all the "epic and skilled" pvpers have 100 poise so your fists do nothing

I know it gets more damage on keen but I swear the damage scaling is weird on the r2s and palm blast. I felt like I was doing no damage with keen and bleed but then when I switched to lightning they became usable
Also I'm at 60 dex so
stop running 25 faith...
where are you invading that this is fun? I tried earlier to do themed invasions in the library but people just run up and spam moonveil + rivers of blood + magic like it's 2022 so I kinda stopped bothering and just shoot them off the rafters instead
>stop having fun
all the weapons I like have faith requirements
that's actually based, too bad ansbach is too close to the spawn point to really be able to get up to him
Force? They are free to jump of the nearest cliff instead of mashing r1 near me and an NPC. Your brain on reddit.
I try to guard the statue bridge as a fire knight.
Also the upstairs area is somehow much more cancerous than the lower part. The only upside is that the NPC guarding Messmer's arena is a champ and kills a lot of hosts that are actually playing and not ganking with sleep bolts
Nta, but I have several characyers for different areas (level requirement make this necessary, which sucks).

Ornstein for dragon peak
Jailer (duh) for dungeon
Abyss watcher, for swamp and farron
Priest caster for cathedral
Boreal dancer for irithyll valley
And a lothric knight with lightning spears for highwall and undead settlement.
stop showing back
Maybe the patches will buffed dual axe moveset so I can use the death knight ones without wanting to die
>swift slash
>swift slash
>swift slash
have you tried just 1handing
Thats boring and lame I might as well just two hand a warped axe instead
well you know they wont patch a new moveset in because fromcattle will suck their dicks either way
If they make it faster I’ll be happy
Its ridiculous that Elden Ring doesnt support crossplay
you are 0,001% of the playerbase
the 99% (the one the shareholders care about)
dont care about the bad moveset because all they do is press l2
Well they buffed flails multiple times so maybe they will buff twinaxes
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what are this weapon's stats?
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Japan is a country stuck in the past. They still use fax machines. Wont get crossplay for another decade
sony is notoriously stingy with that sort of thing. similar reasons to why we still don't have an official version of bloodborne that runs at a 21st century framerate
if increasing attack speed by 1 frame every 4 patches instead of adressing the moveset makes you basedpog then you need to die immediately
Helldivers 2 has crossplay you just gotta toggle it on in settings

Hope we get it in future, would be nice to play with PC friends
so true sis
>pc friends
I have played both, and PC has all the sweats, largely because PC has ways to easily bypass content (so getting a pvp character up and running is trivial), and lets not talk about the straight up hacks being used (teleports behind you, from the other side if the map, here's 99 darts to the face instantly, nothing personal kid)
i know but just having the option to invite them would be nice so I could play with actual friends
I haven't encountered any of those kinds of cheaters on pc yet. maybe the godmode stateditor that set his hp to 100k or something once in a blue moon, but you have those on snoystation as well. used to see a lot more of that egregious shit in dog3 but eac has increased the barrier of entry for that kind of game breaking cheating.
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>I haven't encountered any of those kinds of cheaters on pc yet.
be grateful
Buy an ad
I've seen maybe 3 hard cheaters in hundreds of hours of pvp
skiddie couldn't get past eac after week 1
It’s better than nothing!
>lvl 15 or so dude with full lap's set
>2 passworded buddies
>both also in full lap's set
>in undead settlement
What is the fun of this?
whens the londor godwyn dlc
your anger is funny
just ng+ them or kill their area boss
>just ng+ them or kill their area boss
Welcome to the cheat v cheat meta
newfriends please...
The main place to encounter cheaters are at meta level arena but even then it's not particularly common
are you willing to explain or are you just gonna be a reddit gatekeeper
>its ok to do this in ds3 but not in elden ring you should NEVER cheat online in elden ring
but reddit hate gatekeepers with a passion tho
you deserve it for invading at sl15
>kill area boss
>they still draw in invaders
you do not like using the devourer's scepter or winged scythe, you lying rat...
Being contrarian and edgy stopped being cool a while ago. You are just a bit silly.
uhh sorry for not conforming to the popular opinion. i'll try to be a decent human bean next time.
Newfriend pls, doing those thing does nothing. A 10 second inconvenience at best stop pretending to know shit when you are a babby vanilla gamer.
But you are, you think you are being funny, the class clown act, you couldn't be more conforming to the crowd you are performing for if you tried.
who let this esl in
You had an opinion?
Newfriend and sensitive. What a fag.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser
Why are you having trouble with comprehension.
concession accepted
Pretty cringe buddy, considering the posts read just fine. Do you even know what esl means? Or are you just using it as a generic insult because that's how you have seen it used in the past?
>butts in on ds3 conversation
?¿what did he mean by his¿?
damn, got this esl seething
never a dull day here
It does nothing much, you are simply trying to "outcheat" them. If you do that, it takes them 10 seconds to reset. At that point you are really just playing some werid cheat v cheat meta game, which I am not sure I would consider sad, hilarious or both.
>gets rekt
>i know what Ill do, the ultimate argument
>Hah, gottem
Please tell me you are German
>lvl 15 or so dude with full lap's set
>2 passworded buddies
>both also in full lap's set
>in undead settlement
does this require cheats? i haven't played dog3 in a while but couldn't you just keep your level low and get to the dlc? or just have the items dropped for you, which is trivial?
what part of my post was contrarian? you deserve lappas if you invade at sl15
>replies to the same post 4 times
>thinks he's epically btfoing
zamn. haven't seen this level of seethe in quite a while
Sure, but option 1 requires effort, and option 2 requires someone else do go through effort. Nobody (on PC ay least) is moderating cheating, so why would you bother (especially considering how a cheater could then ruin all this effort by progressing your area)
yOu deSeRve lapPAs iF U invaDde aT sll15
>reddit meme
Sorry to break it to you kiddo, but I am not all the other posters. I know it is hard to admit you may be the problem, not everyone in the thread, but meds might help with that.
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>/erg/ is having another melty over the dlc story
media literacy is at an all time low
You should go back
When you invade at 15 you are invading into the range of 13(14? not sure what way it rounds on .5) to 36(37?).
There is nothing inherently easy about it, invading is already advantaged for the host, this makes it extra so. How youbthen conclude "hah, deserved" to someone tripple ganking is kinda, well, contrarian. Most people dislike ganksquad at regular levels, this is just the same but all the bad aspects of it compounded. So you are being contrarian. What i find puzzling is that you coudln't grasp this, the implication wasn't hard to understand.
This, the solution to twink ganksquads in lowlevel areas is to either join in on the cheating or have a coffeebreak.
Can someone drop me a dragonslayer's spear? (DS3) i wanna use it cause its cool but i have to go through the entire game basically
Honest Merchant and CE
>but I'm on cons-
It isn't fun, zaki makes decent lore games, but the gamepkay is absolute ass and the PvP even more so. This series would have remained an obscure lottle nip gane had it not been for twitch memes and any% runs, because the gameplay for 90% of the game can be summed up as "sniff ass and poke".

I'll excuse Sekiro from this, the one actaully good gameplay game they made, which surprise surprise foregoes multiplayer, what a coincidence.
jeeallah finna boutta invade with smithscript axie
>invade someones game ruining their fun
thats like if gta san andreas was a multiplayer game and you joined the server while someone was having fun with cheats and went "UGH WHERES THE FUN?!
nice picture
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>Most people dislike ganksquad
your picture gave me a huge booner oops
I hate your guts
>underage drinking
explains the brainrot
>carian rapier is worse than a 0+ staff
I'm thinking it's over
get fucked thrusting sword abuser
>land AOTC: porcupine directly on top of a player
>all combined hits deal 150 damage
did they miss a 0 holy shit how does this happen
rapiers are op
>Fire knight short sword
>it's a dagger
what the fuck?
They just nerfed them, are you on crack?
>There is nothing inherently easy about it
LMAO you wdc fuck
cinquedea is also a short sword dagger
>knowingly invade new players
>experienced players intercept your pathetic attempt at pvp
>cry about it not being fair or fun despite being the one deliberately invading other peoples worlds
red man bad!!!
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why can't we be friends
im so glad that we have a new resident retard who whines about pvp ethics. it's like noxtranny 2
he whined first. i wdc too but i dont cry when i get my ass beat by a twink
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the uncharged l2 is kinda nice after you poke someone unless they crush your head in out of hitstun
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what were they thinking with this shit

the WA combos into an uncharged r2 im p sure
yerpent bone blade but better
deep sleep is funny because you can't bolus it
oh... i have to try that some time
>guts armor with fire knight helmet
I've seen this fashion half a dozen times already and it looks so stupid
>you can't bolus it
wtf really? ppl kept munching against me
Why is Radahn so tall? His dad and sister are nothing close to that.
its ltierally giantdad
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fire knight helmet is just bootleg imp (dog)
he got bone lengthening surgery
That's Endlet fashion
Uhhhhhh Stop asking questions

>they're wearing it for stats
should've known
soulless faggots
are you retarded why else would they be wearing the stat increasing helm with high poise armor if not for the stats.
1 Int mfer
yeah if u didn't know its a mini fap ring on your head
red coneheads are the new mark of shame, armor with stats on it was a mistake
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armor with stats was the best thing that happened to this series
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yump god said i get to live. this thing is prolly gonna gets its bleed nerfed
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I can't quite bring myself to hate any of the new metalord armor sets yet because they either all look decent (as opposed to the horrendously offensive "fashion" from the base game) or they're all goofy as hell (like the demiurge imp mask)
Do you like the r2 feint
They should go the DS2 route and make all the good items really fucking ugly, like making you wear a literal clown outfit if you minmax
I keep forgetting it exists.
they did that in the base game
Have you not seen the imp masks??? or lionel's armor??
: (
>bitching about lionel instead of 'goats
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tired of seeing every boring asshole using that sword already desu
combos crouchpoke into r1, combos r1 into r1
actual braindead boring retard weapon ofc people flock to it
not clowny enough. I'm saying make them wear some literal faggot shit, not just fat armor
is the only way to get yuria to show up is by leveling up at yoel 5 times?
lion helm
lion imp is just a direct upgrade to lionels helm lol
lion helm is kinda funny desu
i was laughing when i first saw it but it's cringe now that i know it gives 8 lvls of stats for no fucking reason
thought people were just being chill meme enjoyers by wearing it
It's a bit annoying but let ppl have their fun before it loses its combos
is whatever
it's also the heaviest helmet in the game so you lose 8 levels of endurance
reverse quickstep backstab em or use the backstep ammy
haven't tried roll backstabbing yet but I think it might be possible
nobody complained about godslayer gs having the crouch combo...
it's 5th heaviest
pumpkin and big pot are heavier
>colossal that gets to combo like any other weapon type, justifying the equip load and shitty chase
I can see why people enjoy it to say the least, I don't enjoy colossals in pvp as a whole unless it's one of the busted wep arts
the ugs is useless if you don't wavedash around like a goober
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pinecones hate magic
it's the least poise efficient 13 poise helm by 2.5wgt the most efficient 13 poise is the lion imp
i just noticed that the divine bird is really freaking good though
most efficient 8 poise helm with +4dex/+3str wth
So im torn between a STR build or a magic one. ive seen the fextralife video (eternal mage) which one is cooler and more "fun" i was using a faith STR build
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pinecone chest is good but everything else in the set is useless
*screams at the top of my lungs*
stop using fextra
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What about the smaller lion head?
miquella's gay little headband is also fucking cracked for giving 5 poise at 1 weight (also 3 useless magic stats ig...)
i just watched the video whats wrong with fextra?
>What's wrong with fextra
We lost another one
retarded company with zero grasp on what's good and their wiki sucks cock and people only use it because fextra pays to be the first result on everything
You can meet the smithscript requirements...
its good for slash res but weighs more than tree sent and has 1 less poise...
it has slightly higher resists on a couple of things but for the same poise/stats weighs .5 more
basically the same other than the extra thing they boost
bird boosts feather shit
beast boosts storm shit
which means that storm blade does more damage with the beast hat
they shit out """""build""""" videos that are lame and boring and aren't worth your time
plus they SEO and we wouldn't be using it if there was a wikidot(save us illusory wall)
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it's fine if you have high end. you can combine it with solitude and lionimp for 88 base poise.
i guess having 10 faith isn't the worst...
Do the Divine Bird legs boost dane's footwork?
yeah by like 5% i think
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ok ill ignore them. but which one? STR/Faith or pure intel?
yea. rock tali works too
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and we are back to the superior title
>10% boost in total
At least hand2hand has the yump r2-r1 combo
str/fth gets some new options in the dlc
pure int is BORING
ugly + you're playing as a female. KYS
'lc sucked im going back to tiff
boring how? i never played a caster
spamming spells is incredibly mindless and unengaging
it's as boring as you want it to be
most spells have deliberate combo animations into one another, ofc you're going to feel like a boring retard if you just mash comet all game
say hi to the last 5 players remaining in ds3 (all chinks)
>most spells have deliberate combo animations into one another
Only at launch
once eldog had backstabs I saw no reason to go back to dog3
How and why do you nerds do all that crouchy movement?
to do a crouch attack. the spazzing is for exciting mixups...
to mask what you're about to do
you can also store a crouch state for like a second to do a crouch attack while sprinting. that's why you'll see people crouch down and up while running.
he crouches once in the video lol
you swap crouch and jump and press the button
Okay, thanks.
So that's why great spears are cancer to fight against.
i swapped crouch with l2
It some technical game abuse that lets you do attacks you normally wouldn't, but it also abuses the netcode by slightly shortening and concealing attack animations on the other dude's screen
if you ever fought some tryhard that ran up to you and did the crouch spasm and noticed all their attacks were absurdly difficult to dodge, that's why
>new players
Anon, it is 2024
That explains everything.
>he did it first!
Holy fuck, you need to be18 here.
The two of you should get a room, fucking faggots
woods rkpugs
>fresh knight
>"haha wdc fuck"
What do you even mean to say with this?
At best you are matched against someone on your exact same level,with the exact same gear. Since he's complaining aboit laps I doubt he was twinking himself.
You are projecting.
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so im using the vyke's warspear and using the frenzied flame incantations. should i focus more on faith or Dex? i can put both at 50-65
>i can put both at 50-65
fat fuck
The fact that people here mainly talk about souls or ER further proves BB and Sekiro are the better games.
Dark Hand is honest : )
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sekiro is legitimately the worst thing to ever happen to fromsoft's design ethics
Post boss and I'll tel you why you are a retard for struggling with it.
I don't want you bullying me so no
boss and I'll tel you why you are a retard for struggling with it.
Perfectly mastering and executing a game mechanic is not bad design. Yoi can make this same webm for pretty much every souls boss in which the clip is simply the camera filled with the boss's ass (not the good kind) for 5 minutes.
please.........atleast 1 hefty fetid pot 'ebm........................
once i finish my golden crux build
>camera filled with the boss's ass (not the good kind
Prime alexis texas boss when
Where's the 'fume bill
they should have replaced the big red neon kanji with the old xbox arcade qte button prompts
frenzied flame seal is what you want to use for the spells, and it scales better with faith. The spear however scales better with dex. So if you don't care about pvp you should obviously go as high as you want and max them both, but if you rely on your weapon more than spells level dex, and vice versa for spells.
rolling sparks
You can parry a lot of DS bosses too. Nearly all the humanoid bosses are trivialized by it.
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Extra super bonus points for actually killing with it and not just using it for disrespect
You are a retard who is strugglibg with the pursuer because you spend tine fapping instead of getting good.

lazy reply and im NOT giving you attention anymore
I do it to give you attention.
Why does nobody here use swift slash it's super good
is the frenzied flame seal that good? people online shit at it most of the times saying it needs too many stats. i was using the godslayer seal btw does holding 2 seals at the same time buff anything?
Only Redditphobic elitists who hate it when others are having fun would think it's bad.
It's cancer
it's too cheap for me desu. might as well just bust out the deathblight torch at that point.
you're retarded
Frenzy flame seal buffs the damage of frenzy spells by 20% (I think that's the number)
and yes holding 2 stacks the damage
even the same seal? if i use 2 of the flame seal?
in this instance it's tanimura's vision of input reading being used to make the AI follow a rigid 'punish' pattern because you can make it dance like a puppet by using a healing item

guess which feature has been adopted as one of the most dominant immersion-breaking, fight-ruining aspects of elden ring
I forgot to mention tho the frenzy flame seal is locked behind a questline that you can only do once per ng so you'll need to be near the end game (mountaintops) of ng+ to get 2 of them
>shows that
>doesn't show ending
So you fucked up? Or why did you cut the end of?
no need to stretch the webm out when the point's already made
This was present already in souls retard.
jee just died 8 times in a row
I bet you only think that summoning the mimic tear isn't a valid way of beating the boss
>nono you can't use THAT ash of war it's too strong... you have to use this slightly more hipster OP oneshot ash of war instead
and the majority of players are still new
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i await your proof, shitposter-kun
I bet you used fire's deadly sin
What point? That you can manipulate a boss and exploit that? That is almost every boss in every installment.
yup. i WILL be spamming grabs
yeah. no need to add like 10 extra seconds of a deathblow animation.
>nono you can't use fire's deadly sin with deathcurse, you have to use this slightly less OP method of instakilling people via rivers of blood and fingerprint shield pushing
Isn't that just a worse Mohg's spear? Like it can do it at range but much worse.
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dont worry im on it
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For teh lols
it's good as a chip tool and finisher when 1h ig...
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Just spent 2 hours invading in ringworm and won every single time.
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So why was Miquella's ascension to godhood a mistake/trap ?
because his plan was retarded
I hate that we got two versions of the same damn sword (technically 3 if you count the original), just with different ashes of war. I'd even take Great Homing Meteorites over two sets of greatswords.
Stripping your humanity is bad, actually
Pontif will lunge the moment you start a chug. Not during the chug, right when you give the input. Same for SoC.

Here is a quick example of input reading in BB https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KbxDDtZTs2Q
if that were a player you could put it down to "spam", but that is an NPCs and thr shots are tied to the player input (firing the moment the player inputs the attack).

The same shit can be found in all the games. So.e it can be used to your advantage; e.g. chug, then input a roll command, the roll is not executed but is then countered with a roll punishing move all the same.
sometimes you get ganked
sometimes you don't even have to do anything
that's the beauty of life I suppose
>I will simply throw away everything that makes me empathetic and humane and create a new age defined not by order but compassion (aka simply charming and clouding the minds of all to feel nothing but love and joy for me)
also miquella and radahn are direct compeditors to marika/ranni(depending on your choices) and the tarnished, in terms of who gets to be the next big cheese. the goal of the game is to become lord, not get cucked out of your purpose by a twink with mind control powers
You can chain deflects for huge damage btw
How do you mean that? You're talking about elden ring physik deflects? Does it power up the next attack?
Sekiro is great because I can mod wolf into an anime girl
Are we pretending artorias didn't have blatant input reading?
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fc or should i make pve webms
you should leave forever
funny duels
pve 'bms
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okay i will!!
Is it flame art or sacred for the blacksteel hammie
pve webms
heavy infusion then buff with Orders Blade
Webms showcasing cases of input reading from all the souls games so we can put the debate to rest.
In this economy??
>buff spells when you have 140 lightning damage bundles
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I hope there's another dlc :^) and it includes crucible tongue and centaur
let's trade 'embs
*adds in crucible frog legs and ram horns*
While losing both of those cool crucible spells sucks i rather they just move on.

They wasted their chance to have a cool Godwyn battle, and i dont want no second chances for whoever chose to make that dumb final battle.
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where's the funny
no crucible hand stabber still
Wow, netcoding really is fax tier.
yummy 3k guard counter
>I don't want to be an eternal child
>Instead, I will become an immortal husk of my former self and solve nothing in the process, while pairing myself with the literal antithesis of my goal, a battle-hungry warlord (but he makes my butthole tingle)
But yes, I did notice the epic play on words that the homosexual is indeed in a trap. It should have been Godwyn.
checked profile
just one of those things
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I h8 Kalameet the tailcut is the most obtuse shit ever
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new tool to phantom-hit delete buffs
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Crystal dragon and lion scorpion is worse
Who up slurming their worm?
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just beat relanna
elden slop wants to be god souls 3 so badly....
this doesnt actually delete buffs i tried it
it is really annoying. the only good way i've seen is to bait the flying swoop followed by tail slam
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fresh pve webm because I'm still playing through at a snails pace
it eats physick buffs
Can I test the funny hammer on you...
same, no shame in it. some of us arent NEETs who can spend all week slurming
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why didn't they add a single fun sorcery
your uhhhhhhhhh glintblade trio and haima 0.5?
final boss just straight up copies pontiff's flurry attack lol
should i feel bad for using stance breaks against the bosses
you should feel bad for attacking bosses in the first place
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you should feel bad about asking if you should feel bad about playing the game
pace is irrelevant the most important thing is having fun
wow man why so mean
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>/noclip 1
godimuras influence
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elden ring casually taking 10 minutes to load
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>Just get more scadutree fragments
Belurat is the worst legacy dungeon in the game
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i had a dream a while back where there was a new dark souls level featuring the abyss that was like a mix of sens fortress and new londo where you had to descend down from top to bottom and there was a big hole in the center and it had a huge void at the bottom filled with these dazzling complicated patterns of purple humanity that would rise up and then shoot towards you
yeah its really uninspired and claustrophobic
wow coop in this dlc is cancer. 90% of hosts are at like +3 scadutree at the last couple bosses still. These faggots just run through and hope one of the phantoms they summon carries them
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chinese editing bugs me
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coop in elden slop is cancer in general
everyone has some cancer build they spam l2 with and dogpile on the boss dealing ridiculous amounts of damage
the bosses dont stand a chance. i dont get how people enjoy playing like that
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I like it
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I love these kinds of CE webms
fc or duels
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I like it
you ARE using the shortcut to roundtable, right anon?
if I had a job there's no way I would waste my time with this slop dlc I'm just bored
WHAT brb killing myself
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im itching towards
slop3 fc
why not slop ring
I need test dummies
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what do you wanna test?
join the jeecord and ask there
blacksteel one shots
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hey that's me
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hop in the jee
shadows die twice into carrying that guy to the moon is hysterical
my new bill isnt ready yet tho...
wtf do i put on a quality messmer soldier axe if i already have barbaric roar on twinblade
I just need someone to smack real quick
just used 8 estus against the spinning omen cirque dude holy fuck kill me
If you are cancer in FCs I will block you
flaming strike :)
if you block people i will block you
i blocked over 3000 third worlders but no real humans
1.5k with 22 faith...
r we testing soemthing lol
Thanks for the info
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cooking something up
soulles bill
chainsaw u next week
>dogstep on all your miseries
get some with quicksteps too for the backstabberinos
this isn't for clubbas
Why does the fire knight shortsword exist?
We already have the erdsteel dagger
it's longer than erdsteel and isn't locked to sacred blade. it's a nice sidegrade.
Who do you think you're replying to

You'll bring that shit anyways
i mean yeah i do have mainhand swappas on every build, but im too lazy to use them in clubs
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>i mean yeah i do have mainhand swappas on every build, but im too lazy to use them in clubs
Is that your bf?
no he's mine back off whore.
never gets old
when's he going to cut that ugly ass pony tail and get some lenses
i'm not grass tho, dummy...
when he stops stealing wifi from gregg's
is playing int only cringe? are the new mage sorceries any good? im thinking of rolling a mage cuz i got tired of tracking buffs with my faith build
He didn't level int
you literally cannot mix verdigris armor pieces with anything else
kill zaki
Horn warriors are the third worst enemy in the game
verdigris lion imp :)
>you literally cannot mix verdigris armor pieces with anything else
i'm doing it right now
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yeah man they are so tough and hard prepare to die this is dark souls
how many skibidis do you have? that combo would have done like 90% of my hp
endure gives damage resistance
some enemies are really just estus tax, very annoying
lvl 5 skibidi in literal rag gear still makes you nearly immune to damage thanks to Endure stacking weirdly with skibidi damage reduction
My posts didn't say anything about difficulty retard
oic. i thought endure was solely poise
please show me, i really want to use the cool helm
btw im grass.
also meh most of the new sorceries are boring
they do okay damage i guess
what are the first and second worst
the blizzard lion horned warrior is an abomination that i just had to l2 to death. dude gets a damaging frost aura and a fuckhuge hoarfrost stomp and i hate him.
Revenants and Rune bears
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Good night, /dsg/.
>infinite poise enemy
>armor set has mid poise
golden hippos pissed me off too. i killed all of the open-world ones with a gbow.
reminder 'pa won
Some /s4s/ energy in here. Is it the medication or these trannys always been mental?
you must be new
im never going below 111 poise
even doe grass molly-whopped him in yesterdays duels
Then why do you have to repeat yourself so often?
post the speedtest, grass
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Hello, there
The angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim
Of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night, we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends

I miss you, I miss you
I miss you, I miss you

I just think it's funny that THE DLC SPELLS FUCKING SUCK AAARGHHH
being on speed is fun
what happened in the arena
i think i have the fastest net here
i have the slowest net here lol
we know
throwing claws are the most cancerous shit in the game
aliment talisman
i would rather fight 500 ping chinks than 200 ping ameribrowns
i would rather you shut the fuck up
i would rather cum in your ass
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i would rather you not be homosexual the pearly gates will not open for your kind strumpet
symptom of a disease
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we love you too, tsun-tsun
parry bait
that's not how you use strumpet, dummy. bet you didn't even know about that word until the dlc...
aren't we both women
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>invade a dragon communion spam build with a summon that's spamming nothing but mesmer orb
>the dragon guy sits in the back spamming breath attacks while the other fag spams orb
>they kill the other invader and point down
>pull out swift slash and kill them both
>they try doing the same thing again
>do it again
>stop getting invasions on them in the area
I love how mad spammers get when their own bullshit is used against them
well this is awkward
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have you ever painted your nails, its fun
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Top 10 fromsoft boss
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999 duped gourmet scorpion stews and 999 duped scorpion stews and 999 baldyman blessings and 999 bladyman blessings 2.0 and 999 shartsharts and 999 gwyneveres blessings
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DLC weapons are racist against Arcane
>divine dancing beast
>it's literally some chinese dragon dance thing
>arena themed after china
>boss themed after china
>generic gregorian choir starts playing
I'm bored with ER. The setting is done, the teet is dry, they need to stop milking it. 1 feudal japan game, 1 gothic victorian era game, 5 vaguely medieval western games. Like, stop, enough with the castles, the cathedrals, the dungeons and surrounding swamps and forests. Not to mention all the cookie cutter bosses. Siff, while not being a hard boss or anything, at least was memorable in that it was a wolf protecting its companions grave carrying a sword in his mouth. I can't stand another humanoid that is simply bigger and faster than the previous humanoid. DS3 already suffered from this problem and it carried over into ER. At least DS3 gave all the humanood bosses "interesting" aspects (lothric being a duo, aldritch being a puppet controlled by a slug, abyss watchers being an infighting trio, yhorm being impressively huge.

Please, for the love of god, a different setting with more interesting boss design please. From's shareholders/sony seem to believe the "difficulty" is what sells these games, it isn't, it is the setting, the mystery, the world are interesting to explore and play in. In bloodborne on your first blond playthrough you wondered what you's find around every corner and bossroom. Now I expect some dood with a big stick in every room, like Teddy Roosevelt designed the fucking game.

wild west souls...
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they stuck such an amazing boss in a catacombs
this dlc is awesome
please tell me we get death knight's lightning spear incantation....
also why is godwyns head in the shadow realm...
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the next souls game will be cargo cultists in the desert discovering an ancient civilization of demigod ecoterrorists trust me
the one with the lightning spear and then a bunch of tiny ones? yes u get that one and if the main spear lands the rest true combo in pevepe
yea. no death super heal grab tho.
uhhhhhh here's your godwyn boss
sane ryan saying on stream that guns in wild west souls should be like guns in bloodborne made me not want wild west souls ever
In no particular order

Smough and Ornstein
Gaping dragon
Lady Maria
Orphan of Koss

All memorable and I remember the first time figbting each of em.
I don't think he was asking a question
He grows everywhere
Sane ryan is DUMB
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Guys i can't wait for the godwyn dlc in 6 years
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the scadutree is NOT a godwyn tree
He simply didn't realize that he was asking a question.
He uses Godwyn's animations
the fujo rewrite ruined everything
godwyn, miquella, marika, radagon... dont know who they are and dont care
i just roll and r1
how do you pronounce scadu
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Holy frick new vaati kino
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r u serious?
I made it up
Inb4 Dubi or milk jugs wills it into existence
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erg here, explain this webm
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mlgpro evo 2051 ched fr playeurs
I miss klippi and his gf's thighs
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Aztec setting soulslike with horror elements and saurian monstrosities. Themes regarding bloodsacrifice.
They can even add a thematic swamp.
>shitmask here
Good gameplay
>Smough and Ornstein
Why did you write it backwards
those two men have "shamshirs" and are spacing each other out. if one lands a hit on the other, he can follow up with a guaranteed second r1 or attempt to delay a swing and catch the opponent out of a roll to get a vortex going. this makes the weapon very dangerous, hence the passive plays.
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whats with all the aztec souls lovers every time i see ppl brainstorking souls games they want there's always one guy who is like yeah man i want aztec souls
We already got Shulva
That's miquella
yeah it's so dangerous the other guy took a whole 5% of his hp with one r1 combo
just say it properly: they're both dumb obnoxious sweaty faggots who only know their gay spin-in-circles passive play
Guy doing all the heavy lifting at the beginning, important bigwig taking all the cred at the end, always. If it weren't for having to dodge around smough and killing him, Ornstein wouldn't get shit done.
so who is right here?
The dude that isn't shitting himself
that's because they're at low levels with low weapon upgrades whilst stacking hp + absorption. do try and know what you're talking about.
just beat lion dancer on my new character, what to do next
Nta, but aztec is a pretty cool setting, not been done TOO often either. It also "works" for souls, in the sense that a bloody/violent/horror can easily be incoorperated as can melee, humans and beasts, also good architecture to build locales with, temples, underground stuff, caves, swamps (ayy), jungles.
Take something like a Wild West setting, like some anon suggested ITT, that wouldn't really work without major changes in the design (not bad per se, just no longer souls): gunplay replaces almost all melee, no place for beasts, no idea where you'd start for bosses, not much mythology to world build around, and the locales would be terrible.
That doesn't change them being sweaty faggots playing passive spin to win.
Not to mention it plain looks retarded and frankly unfun.
Nta you were talking to btw.
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You alright?
Would play. I can't even think of a single good dinosaur game
>muh aRk
I said good
uh... yeah? doesn't change the technical answer.
Yes, considerate of you to ask, thank you. Are you alright too?
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I mean you could still have beasts and mythology-- you would have to make your own ideas and the setting wouldn't be 1:1 with irl cowboy shit. That would be pretty boring if fromsoft just made a straight cowboy souls game. They're best when they have creative monsters and locales to design so they would have to make some sort of fantasy twist to it all. But also yeah they would pretty much have to make a completely new game (from what they have been doing lately) if they wanted guns to be the primary damage dealers.
But also idk for some reason Ican't rly see fromsoft doing an aztec or cowboy inspired game... I think I'm too used to them doing castles and mechs... it would be interesting tho if it ever happens
Why do dinos not get any good games...
aside from uhh dino crisis maybe I GUESS
Your technical answer doesn't change the initial observation being made. Whixh ia the real reason they are doing what they are doing. Non-sweats would hust clash and fight, one of them dying, the other not, then they woukd get on with their day. This is e-sport autism in a gqme that doesn't pay e-sport money. Making it retarded sweats, again, the initial observation being made, which was entirely correct and your technical answer is highly irrelevant.
>lost all my front facing frogs
I will begin anew by stealing this one
i dont care about your initial observation tho. don't need your dumbass butting in to whine about stupid spacing tech existing.
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i have.. acquired a semi large collection of them over the year... enjoy
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today i will plan out a dogshit storm shitty tornado spell bill :D

dont call me that u vile strumpet
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crumpet lookin' asss
Get off it DUDE
Me neither, they sometimes get a little side love indirectly (WoW kinda sorta does them a little bit)

Ye, that's why Aztec makes mkre sense to me. Essentially anything that A) has mythology/mythological beasts B) has melee weapons and C) has a locale that can be made to work.

Egyptian, greek, norse, more close to home they could do a french revolution themed bloodborne'esque game, caribean pirates with voodoo elements (a more grim take on Depp's film basically).
Lots of options really. I agree withnthat anon that the medieval west as setting is kinda done. DS3 was already flirting with the "ya 'member this from ds1/2?" copy paste marvel tier self referencing.
I didn't make the observation, I simply agree with it. You were the one butting in with your "acshully, retard" comment.
Would you kindly stop wasting air?
i'm personally really happy ds3 happened (despite it not coming out how I wanted sigh) because I really wanted a souls game that looked rotten and faded. Good way to end the series imo.
that guy was butting into my reply too, so you're also butting in to whine by extension. you ESLs are so stupid.
Miya"I hate stagnation"zaki releasing the same game for the 6th time
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Oh ya, I loved DS3 and a fitting end, just that a fourth installment in the same setting can't really go anywhere (at least I don't see how, not that I am some crwative masterminnd mind you). Like, do you just make even bigger cathedrals with choirs more bombastic? And do you again go with a grand archive and swamp? Outside of some QoL changes I don't really see how they could improve on DS3 without major overhauls to the setting.
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Thanks for popping my tears
*FaPs 5 miles away and refills*
Oh, a kraut, I don't really care about hurting your sensibilities.
*pulls out a murky and fap toggles over to your house irl and shoots you*
stupid nonsense retort that you already used in this thread. you're really on a retardation streak today...
but murky doesn't have a projectile...
On a scale of Dancing lions (easy) to Malenia (really hard) how difficult is vile dragon terror incarnate Bayle the Dread?
>Egyptian, greek, norse, more close to home they could do a french revolution themed bloodborne'esque game, caribean pirates with voodoo elements (a more grim take on Depp's film basically).

As much as I would like it, I don't see this happening, primarily because the nips have 0 understanding of those things. They have always had an odd fascination with medieval europe and ye olde gentleman victorian England. There are cases of legit illness from shock when nips come to London or Paris or other once nice but now shithole cities, because it doesn't match their mentwl image (paris syndrome). So games like souls and BB work. I can't imagine an egypt setting doing well in the hands if nips, much less pirates.
I'll gladly be proven wrong though.
he hates being called esl, you're going to trigger him again and he'll reply to you a dozen times on the same post
smithscript murky
free win if you bring igon
i noticed lol. dude sperged out and started crying about how it's not actually an insult and you're a cringe meanie f you use it.
The fuck are you on about schizo, this "conversation" is my first reply itt. My last reply was in the previous thread.
You realize it is nearly always fucking krauts crying "esl" for no apparant reason when they lose the plot in an argument, no idea why, just one of their quirks (two others are their habit of excessively ending posts in "^^" and "XD", but that gets shat on so hard around here you never see it).

Pillen bitte schlucken, schizo.
>free win if you bring igon
But what if I don't?
semi free win with the dragonslayer katana
great to know that there are actually two retarded ESLs who bring up germans when mocked. both of you should shut the fuck up then...
eh he can be tough. very weak to being hit in the tail or leg stump tho.
What they are doing would make sense if they were maxed out for the meta, but they aren't, so they are just being sweats and it is essentially just this >>484028374
I mean, stop replying like an upset kraut if you don't like the monniker, or wear it with pride. Your choice.
why are you like this
>their habit of excessively ending posts in "^^" and "XD"
Thinking back to many interactions I have had in dota2 (i know, shit game), this explains so much.
Not a relevant argument, read the posts and keep up.
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>whats with all the aztec souls lovers every time i see ppl brainstorking souls games they want there's always one guy who is like yeah man i want aztec souls
Spics might be classed as huwite in the usa, and cling onto their 15% huwite heritage when they latch onto christianity and medieval games, but they can't help but devolve back to idolising their spearchucking unga bunga subcultures at times (but it's more refined and cool than the other 9001 tribal cannibal savages that the west saved from themselves because uhhhhh BECAUSE IT JUST IS ALRIGHT GRINGO)

> They have always had an odd fascination with medieval europe and ye olde gentleman victorian England
They recognise a high-quality culture when they see one. Same with how the West likes Classical Greco-roman, and how weebshit is taking over due to the absolute downward spiral the west's current culture is in.

>I can't imagine an egypt setting doing well in the hands if nips,
They seem to prefer Babylonian / Persian, going off of Berzerks author's other stuff, Sandland and all the shit to do with Fate
>much less pirates
One Piss
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Yes, once you realize the link between the two it is amazing how accurate it is, which is why I said the same about ESL. Seen so many krauts lose an argument then resorting to simply screaming ESL over and over to someone posting in goid English, but then from what I understand they have a real hard-on for their own language being used and spoken properly, so maybe an attack on language use is the ultimate insult in their culture.
they would still be sweats no matter the level. this is just what a "high skill" curved sword duel looks like. love it or hate it, but these are the facts.
also nobody cares about your germany bit. the new method is to just call everyone that you don't like shitskin mutts.
He's aight. Gaius was more bullshit, and I can imagine Putrescant would be more annoying if you're not doing the Thiollier questline because the Horse won't fuck off. I'd put him at ~3rd hardest.

Isn't like Latenna in that he doesn't move because he don't got legs?
I remember when I summoned him, he'd just be on the other side of the arena lagging behind while I dealt with Bayle myself. I guess he helps maintain stancebreakso you can get a crit going into Phase 2 to trim a bit of it off, but I don't remember him doing much in terms of damage.
If anything, I really did die more trying to summon him than I did from fighting Bayle itself.
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>it all makes sense
>years of interactions recontextualised and now make sense
Genuinely educative, innovative, informative and elucidating posts like these deserve to be framed on a wall. >inb4 a year down the line, any barely coherant ESLs start calling people germs when they get told to stfu and speak in human language
Wanpiss is a terrible representation of pirates and kinda proves my point. The nips can't be trusted with anything outside if a very limited scope on western culture. Their isolationism has made them rather ignorant (you know that thing they do to show how dumb burgers are by having random people fail basic geography? Japan is worse). It shows in their anime/manga too, they just take stuff frok the west tor aestethic purposes, the coolfactor, but generslly don't understand nor give a shit about the context. So you get all sorts of weird (fun) shows like fate, which includes a lot of pseudo christian gibberish.

Long story short, nips ain't gonna make no pirate game worth a dime. Nor any other setting, ftom hasalready exhausted all their creative avenues, and I'll be very (pleasantly) surprised if their next game usn't eimply more of what they have done already.
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>they just take stuff frok the west tor aestethic purposes, the coolfactor, but generslly don't understand nor give a shit about the context.
What's the problem here.
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working on my the'fic rn
I know some Germans and speak it myself, and they do get really hung up on their language being used "wrong" and pride themselves in their mastery of languages, which is ironic since their English is generally worse than what you'd encounter in 3rd world countries.
None. Where do I say this is a problem? Read posts before posting please. It just means they are unlikey to do a pirate, or aztec, or norse, or greek or w/e setting any justice. Which itself is also not a problem, unless you desperately want to see that setting done by the japs.
How's the spread xbow damage
that's what I said dingus
>their English is generally worse than what you'd encounter in 3rd world countries.
Visited Germany once, never again. They generally uninterested in others, though they'll gladly boorishly talk about themselves. Technologically backwards outside of cars (people here meme about japan still using fax, in germany there are still cash only places, mobile coverage is spotty at best and services are meh and take forever). Unironically got along better with the Turks than the native Germans.
Thanks for reading my travelogue, visit Holland instead.
you can't do that to greatwood since it has weakspots that only spawn on phase change
I dislike how they do that, but get their knickers in a twist about foreigners misunderstanding Japan. Their complete isolation has made them, as a collective, extremely self centered and myopic. This is incredibly stupid as a non-selfsufficient country that is now forced to import indian/pakistani labor.
When are we getting the scholar of the first scadutree update that changes the placement of scadutree fragments? Make them rewards for mini bosses. Put them in chests at the end of dungeons. Sekiro prayer beads were distributed more sensibility, I don't get why it was such a mess in sote, was it a last second change?
nickers, not kickers, obviously.
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bubblemancer but now i shoot rune arcs
the arcs deal bleed
why are millennials like this
Japan is going to nosedive so hard in the next 20-30 years, a societal dead-end.
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i have it on a bill buti haven't actually touched it wtf WTFFFFFF BLEEBULMANCER
herald is a bad starter class and you can get all the gear within the first 20 minutes of the game
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>rune arcs have stagger
>scales great with faith
billions must blee
>still seething about this months later
rent free lol
>Spics might be classed as huwite in the usa, and cling onto their 15% huwite heritage when they latch onto christianity and medieval games, but they can't help but devolve back to idolising their spearchucking unga bunga subcultures at times (but it's more refined and cool than the other 9001 tribal cannibal savages that the west saved from themselves because uhhhhh BECAUSE IT JUST IS ALRIGHT GRINGO)
Mel Gibson is a Jew hating white and he likes the Aztec look. So what a load of cock and bull this poorly articulated and terribly written post is. You should feel bad for writing such drivel.
Crow of Cainhurst
You're the only one seething
If you use swift slash you are south american.
>This is incredibly stupid as a non-selfsufficient country that is now forced to import indian/pakistani labor.
Haven't they been "forced" to do this for the last 3 decades? Whenabouts are thy gonna get hit by this inevitable brown tide of sirs?

Or are they still just going to chug along as a country instead of a borderless economic zone.
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>Mel helps direct the next From title, in which you play as (undead) Roman in the temple wars.
If you visit Tokyo you'll see that it's already begun. You see them manning the conbinis in a lot of big cities like Fukuoka and Nagoya. Didn't see them in Nagasaki or Kagoshima (very underrated place, make sure you visit here). But it is starting. Unless the political landscape in Japan changes drastically to have an anti immigration sentiment Japan will look like the UK in 50 years.
Asshurt westerners who subscribe to forbes.com can't accept that a country can function without severe growth
it's been
for decades
thread took a weird turn
No, the majority of Japanese immigrants were (and remain) korean and chinese (with it being more and more chinese dominant over the last three decades)
After this there is Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia and phillipines.
Indians/Pakistani have been a non factor with regard to immigration (though India is important for tourism). They'll have been neo colonialized by Chinese and robots long before India has a meanigful impact on their demographics.
Behold, an early twenties' (at best) view of the world.
He almost had the title of grillmaster, but burnt the most important part (the final boss).
2 cheaters
both have sets of armor over 34.08 poise so a 2h CS r1 wouldn't break them out of a roll into a vortex
Behold, passive aggressive backseat criticism, while offering no alternative that would put you in the crossfire of being a slimerat (at best). I'm sure you're very old and mature (the kind of mindset that fucked the world up, but it's the alternatives that are le bad)
It has been propped up by the west ever since WW2.
Their demographics are causing cracks in their societal make-up right this very moment, with goverment calling for more lenient immigration legislation, youth participation at an all time low, elderly homelessness at numbers not seen since losing the war and Yakuza at an all time low being slowly replaced with thugg deliquency (compare to how mafia got replaced by hoodlums in NYC).
What did you think was going to happen the country suddenly sinks into the sea overnight once a critical number of old people had been reached? Fucking retarded zoomer.
>in germany there are still cash only places, mobile coverage is spotty at best and services are meh and take forever
he's practically, if not actually, unkillable and he can stance break haybale very quickly if left uninterrupted. if bayle does decide to aggro on him, you can get a ton of damage off on his weak backside.
nuh uh you brought it up
>Youth participation
what does this mean? also sauce?
their youth are lazy retards who don't get jobs or reproduce
dark sous

and yet, they're still japanese and will continue being japanese no matter how destitute they get, which is better than what can be said about the west.
i'm sure the french will be laughing to the bank when they become an official colony of algeria, or the bri'ish when they hand their nukes over to pakistan, or burgerland when they voluntarily sign the treaty that relinquishes the southern states back to their rightful mexican owners.
what, you think that the moment a country goes through a rough patch (and might not be able to pay the old cunts pension responsible for it), it needs to just pack up and open its anus to foreigners looking to take as much as they can get? fucking retarded boomer
It is the nips themselves who are most aware of the problem and have been trying to find solutions. However, they have reached a viscious circle that is hatd to break out of. To kero the ecomoy going tgeceay it is going, they need their workforce to work silly long hours, which are made longer still by all kinds of impractical abd ineffecient workplace traditions. This kind of life is not compatible with meeting a spouse, having children and tgen raising them. So the workforce shrinks, while the population ages, requiring more manhours to kerp the economy going and riund and round it goes. Easy short term solution? Bring in immigrant labor, which is what they are trying to do right now.
>what, you think that the moment a country goes through a rough patch (and might not be able to pay the old cunts pension responsible for it), it needs to just pack up and open its anus to foreigners looking to take as much as they can get?
No, but that's what's happening retard. Try to keep up.
it means their youth realized they don't want to work 160 hours a week their entire lives for barely over minimum wage
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not what I asked for and also not what I asked for.
>their youth are lazy retards who don't get jobs or reproduce
problem in all the first world. Japan has one of the lowest youth unemployment rates among developed countries and almost everyone graduating from university finds a job. Their prospects are bleak for other reasons. Show me evidence to the contrary.
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stop japping


ya know
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I got it
>No, but that's what's happening retard. Try to keep up.
Haven't they been "forced" to do this for the last 3 decades? Whenabouts are thy gonna get hit by this inevitable brown tide of sirs?

Or are they still just going to chug along as a country instead of a borderless economic zone.
Why do people play like this?
absolute shit players all they know how to do is run
It means they don't participate in society. I don't just mean hikkis hidin gin a room, I mean participation in general is fucking low, youth have "checked out" so to speak

Here a recent example:

And here a paper detailing voter turn out by age over the years:
>voter turn out
you're going to have to do better than that.
Close ggs
2spear gets gassed. Kino
God baki is funny>>484042952
>i'm sure the french will be laughing to the bank when they become an official colony of algeria, or the bri'ish when they hand their nukes over to pakistan, or burgerland when they voluntarily sign the treaty that relinquishes the southern states back to their rightful mexican owners.
This is some crazy fanfiction, especially to post on a board about video games
It makes sense once you check the nerdsheet
anon you're saying this to a genny filled with neets&protoneets who do nothing but play sous and slikes all day and speak in esoteric shitpost language. you're not preaching to to choir, you're preaching to the antichoir.
>50% of youth don't vote in nippon
i know the uk rate was something like 85% or more. 50% is astronomically high in comparison.
when the contingency plan is "fuck it, we fucked it all up, let the kids figure it out", turns out the kids don't just don't figure it out, they actively kick you to the curb.
Behold, someone who can't accept that economic growth isn't actually a requirement for an economy to function, the jews in our countries just prioritize it because it's more money
No, see >>484041501. Only recently have they encouraged an increase in immigration.
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/pol/ hours
When's the next fc
No, not really, not for the point I was making. You should do better for yourself though, being ignorant and relying on 4chan posts to inform you (mine or others) is foolish.
im down to spam golden crux
this all started because paco tacoson wanted aztec sous
im brown

also how many ppl in fc
Armor set?
1/4 rn
Just to clarify, that link first was not the national vote (which is at 35% participation or so for that age bracket) but the gubernatorial election of Tokyo, presumably this indicates that people who live in Tokyo are more engaged (not necessarily all that surprising).
Not vooooting doesn't mean they're not participating. At the very least they have jobs and pay taxes which is more than can be said of shitholes like Canada or Spain.
Are there any countermeasures to or mods that stop all the faggots trying to crash people in DS2?
In a vaccuum, sure, countries don't exist in vaccuums though. All of the African east coast has been de facto taken kver by China, Straya is slowly slipping into puppet state territory, Taiwan is going to need the US of A one of these days to keep China out (it is the only thing keeping them out right now already). Chinese influence in Japan has never been higher, and all of that isn't caused by them being hapy little commies satisfied with some sort of nongrowing, yet functional economy.
Japan would be better off being in the Chinese Sphere.
there's no point in arguing with him millennials just don't get it
>wageslaving is participating
Boomers gonna boom
stay in your room and collect welfare kid. fucking favelado-brained zoomers are nigger tier
have you considered selling off all your land is a political retard thing to do that the niggers in africa might engage in but the japanese dont? It's not a matter of economy
blue sentinel
I'm using the scaled Helm with the Banished Knight chest and blaidd's Greaves there

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