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MH1 is the best Zelda game edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New info + Recent trailers: https://www.ign.com/articles/monster-hunter-wilds-the-first-preview

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>483646027
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WIlds? More like Wides lmao
i'll never understand going back to that design and making it look even fatter and floppier
Wilds singlehandedly killed all of world's momentum. It's actually over this time
I love huntresses
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Still not as criminal as what MHW did to some other armors
>shape of pants fucked up, doesn't look like they're actually baggy and hanging down but like it's some hard material
>everything looks like it's tubes, especially the arms
>Samus shoulders
>unaesthetically covers more of the chest than it used to
Delete this. I hate every rathalos armor that came after the 1st
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>he isn't a solo hunter
Because they didn't want it to look like power ranger armor, and then proceeded to add a ton of power ranger armor in Iceborne.
>like that still means anything after w*rld added solo scaling
yeah at this point the only "feats of skill" that even matter in these games are sub 10 runs on the final monster in the game I will beat you to the end of wilds and I will post my sub 10 before you dont even fucking try me
The "solo hunter" shit makes no sense when the games were made to be multiplayer from the very start
and yet a lot of people played them solo especially because we didn't have drop in drop out multiplayer like world and rise back then you had to join a room and participate in room culture which meant waiting your turn in a lot of rooms
>which meant waiting your turn in a lot of rooms
which meant someone spamming an urgent they got filtered by then immediately dipping when you helped them
kek only if you entertained the idea. if some retard barged in and posted his quest you could just ignore him or tell him to wait his turn. some would and others would just leave the room and try to do the same in another room
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>monster hunter is too easy now ">:("
>still won't play frontier to get his ass kicked by a blue yian kutku because "its not real monster hunter"
these "veterans" are a bunch of clowns.
in life there are veterans
yeah that's why village was exclusively solo
solo and multi are both good experiences for different reasons, also playing solo will help getting good at the game
except you know the most important part of the game is multiplayer only unless you want to torture yourself
truly peak design
shame they changed it in w*rld
>ranting about world on a solo/multi argument
can you schizos stop being deranged for one minute
What makes it harder than gen 1/2 blue yian?
it's an actual fight rather than tail spin simulator
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The Boggi's not getting a Boggidrome/Great Boggi/Big Boggi was criminal and I'm still mad
>tfw not buying Wilds until I can get it for under 60 euro
Everybody's gonna beat me to the end of the game and hunt the monsters before they patch them.... feels bad
room status?
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Literally almost killed her, go again
I'd only bother with frontier if I fully completed every other monster hunter because I know the majority of those monsters and mechanics won't ever make it back
>unless you want to torture yourself
worlos just make me laugh lmao
Someone got a investigation for shard/hardfang? please.. rise pc...
What monster? I technically have anything on 300 but arena quests are locked to lv 180 and above.
anja, rathian, pukei or tobi for shards
barioth, fartcat, stonemonkey or narga for hardfangs
>beat up monstrer
>put down trap to capture it
>throw first tranq bomb
>some random vespoid fly on front of me and tank the second
i think we don't appreciate enough the way tranq bombs work now
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Had to make my own tiermaker but here it is
...tiered by designs or power?
no one asked tho
yea I have those. Go make a room but be warned I havent played in the past months.
its fine but if you cart im blocking you
thanks anon!
>tfw only getting Wilds if Capcom pays me 600 euro
>the games were made to be multiplayer from the very start
This is why World killed MH with the single player scaling shit. There is never a need for anyone else, you are never thankful for other people, no one is thankful for you, you will sabotage yourself playing with randoms if you're good at the game

Only exception was Behemoth which is why people loved fighting him even after they got all his gear and even though he has like five attacks
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>Only exception was Behemoth which is why people loved fighting him
It's not nice to lie this blatantly
Go back and play all of Dos solo. Single player scaling is a good thing
>single player scaling
It's odd they even added this considering they made online halls almost MMORPG like and you can literally SOS for people to join you midfight
unironically wouldn't be surprised if they remove the old room system in wilds since almost nobody uses it anymore
you will not have another life. take a step back and realize what you're spending it on.
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Oh wait, is Rise + Sunbreak on its lowest sale yet now?
Considering Wilds seems to be atleast a few months away... I wouldn't mind getting it

Be honest with me: how important are ze bugs?
Is the game still fine without having to interact with it during combat?
>how important are ze bugs?
can't do without
you can literally play the entire game without using them but obviously it'll be easier if you do use them they're fun anyway so avoiding them is kind of pointless unless you're a die hard purist in which case what the fuck are you doing playing 5th gen or anything after freedom 3 for that matter
basically impossible, unless u truly are a god gamer, to complete sunbreak(and endgame) without spiribirds.
>Oh wait, is Rise + Sunbreak on its lowest sale yet now?
So it's saleswise comparable to the actually good MH games back in the day now and not FIFA? Might check it out later
>says this while posting on 4chan
anyone who can explain to me why the "meta"(set in the google doc) doesn't use poison attack 3 even when using poison weapon? they got chamelos blessing and such but no poison attack
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>still hasn't played Ichinose's latest
>muh Wilds
>muh generic Reddit frog
You aren't a fan but what kills this franchise, so might as well kill yourself.
i know you're shitposting but worlos unironically believe this and it's really depressing
and yet it's the truth
If Capcom is so pussy about water hunting cause making a water moveset and land moveset for each weapon is "too much work", they should unnironically make a water-only game full of new Leviathans + the 4 or 5 we currently have so far. Hell, put the Portable Team to work on it
i hope you mean wirebugs and not spiribirds because otherwise you are a true shitter
what google doc? post it if you want an answer
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>unless you're a die hard purist
No, not at all
In fact I loved the mantles in World that were not Temporal or Rocksteady
I have actually pirated and played base Rise like a year and 3 months ago, and I was too retarded to ever use the wirebugs effectively. Played it until I beat Magnamalo and the first credits rolled

Keep sucking capcom console dick for your tribalistic war
I fucking swear, I wouldn't have learnt a single devs names' if you retards itt weren't the faggiest of faggots

Gotta be honest, I have no clue what you're on about
For the japanese area, Risebreak has reached its lowest price yet on Steam. That is what I was trying to convey
Why did World make ranged so piss easy that every random normie bimbo can master it after 2 runs? It used to be a clunky af one-shot magnet and now it plays like any third person shooter
everyone knows you are the shitposter obsessed with rice, you are not fooling anyone, your first MH (world) sucks. L + ratio

>that every random normie
becaus thats the target audience
so im retarded and didnt read hehe turns out the poison is just not worth it
If you only played base rise you're really missing out as sunbreak improves on practically every aspect of rise and has more than double the content. If you got that far without using wirebugs much then you can easily play through high rank and while you might have some difficulty in g rank depending on your skill level you can still play do that without the wirebugs
Even IF you want to collect a bunch of green birds on your way to the monster, you probably still show up faster at the monster and there is still less wandering around than in MHW.
>tfw Kushala from the center of Elder's Recess to the top of its mountain
>tfw Kirin in Coral Highlands
>tfw Raths in the forest
Another fake console war complaint.
Had a Raven-style flashfoward vision:
>Monster Hunter Anniversary Collection announced
> Freedom, Freedom Unite, Portable 3rd and 4 Ultimate
>The obvious abscense of 3U makes everyone pissed off
>Until its revealed they are remaking 3U with all the modern weapons included
the same reason they made every other weapon easy as fuck its to make the series more approachable for the mainstream audience people dont even bother learning how to play anymore since you can just mash heal everything to death outside of a few fights
but why? they have literally no reason to ever revisit underwater since those games sold so poorly and because of the inherent issue with wasting resources on areas only accessible to like 1/3 of the roster
>a few months away
Q1 2025
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>Raven-style flashfoward
Holy fuck I think my brain just memory holed the "That's so Raven" show until I saw your post

>you can still play do that without the wirebugs
Gotcha, I think I'll get it now

No, I'm the retard who probably fanboys over Bazelgeuse the most in this thread
Cham Blessing 3 doubles poison duration whereas Poison Boost just gives you more buildup if the status triggers on attacks. There are simply more important skills.
>If you only played base rise you're really missing out as sunbreak improves on practically every aspect of rise and has more than double the content
Which is why it's funny Sunbreak got reviewbombed and has lower scores than base Rise, not to mention the autistic Youtube downvoting. Worldfags might just hate Rise enough to unironically pay for online bots to dunk on it. The much darker alternate hypothesis is that Capcom themselves does it to cannibalize handheld MH because they want World-style MH to be the only MH and for customers to get used to generic monsters and bone weapons and stop having expectations
Yep thats what was written basically
i do wonder still why no one (sns at least) uses blast over poison
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please tell me he's working on a new game and not retiring yet
sunbreak got reviewbombed because consoles wars and then because capcom added some new drm late in the game's life cycle and PC players will throw a fit over anything it's pretty ironic that it was steam players shitting the bed over drm
Shan't be touching a game without localized monster names. "Hey who wants to hunt my favorite monster, Baganozemofudada, with me?", said no one ever.
I know it's a stupid reason but this whole fucking board is stupid what's another drop in the ocean
>it's pretty ironic that it was steam players shitting the bed over drm
Why would that be ironic
I thought the main contention was how the DRM kinda did break mods
I want to hunt Goss in gen 2 style
why would you use blast unless the monster has a ton of shitzones? better off going for raw or element
>Single player scaling is a good thing
It's not a good thing for the entire game to be easier alone and there no longer being any sense of venturing into the world to find good people that help you overcome seemingly insurmountable odds that "now or never" feel when you found such a team and how much you actually value it and the rewards afterwards. This is what MH was always about. But you probably also think restocking items is great

You have village quests for solo. At least one rank shouldn't have solo scaling

Relative to how often you have to fight him to get his armor (maybe 4 times)? Yes people did him ALL the time, to the point where they could dodge his meteor blind
i think its cool....
because steam isn't a platform known for shying away from drm and from what i heard it didn't break the vast majority of mods
People talk a lot about how World made monsters easier but Mizu is a million times harder in MHGU and keeps beating my ass. He also looks better with more detailed foam
It was cheaper in May with Humble Bundle
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>He also looks better with more detailed foam
Most monsters unironically look better in GU than in the new games if you don't look at the polygons witih a magnifying glass. Kirin's fur looks dapper af with cel shading
i really fucking hope set building is as fun in Wilds as it is in Sunbreak. I dont ever wanna fucking equip a full set of something (like fatty gear)
>i really fucking hope set building is as fun in Wilds as it is in Sunbreak
Sunbreak unironically has way too many options and skills though. You just end up googling what's meta even more than in the otehr games
Some autists did the math long ago and poison was better in solo hunts than blast.
this brings up an interesting point actually how old are the 4 monhun directors? well ichihara left and it doesn't look like fujioka will be directing anymore so that really just leaves ichinose and tokuda. i think ichinose might be the older one of those two. it would suck if he retires I wonder who would replace him
that's what they'll be going back to wilds just one set that's better than pretty much everything else
wdym? You use a searcher at most like gamecat. You got so many options there is NO NEED for a "meta" build. Much more interesting than just equipping fata or brachy+teo. It means every gear piece is viable with the correct augments/charms.
I really hope not.
you know there's multiple people working on a game? B team will be fine
>set building
3 pages of skills isn't set building.
how are there retards that claim to be monster hunter fans and still haven't bought rise and sunbreak, curious
I hope they manage to strike a balance between having varied skills on armor and varied weapon movesets in Wilds. In SB I get apathetic sometimes over which set do I want to use with my weapon so I can use the same overgenerous i-frame/counter/super armor/all of the above silkbind move while my health oscillates wildly. Maybe I need to vary my hunts a little...
if being a monster hunter fan means having played every game in the series than 95% of the community aren't fans
Fan is when blind consoomer brand loyalty. Now buy, buy!
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Never claimed I ever was a die hard series long fan you schizo
World was my first game, and I've put some hours on a pirated version of Rise
Started visiting the general on World's winter sale, and started joining lumus after beating Shara
who here /skippingWilds/?
How much does resists affect fighting monsters?
I have to kill a monster that does Lightning Damage, I stacked my resists and its now 15 Lightning res - will this even make a difference or am I wasting my time? The number to me seems really low.
Does upgrading items also up their resist numbers?
The bugs are used for a bunch of the new moves on every weapon on top of the zipping around and get out of jail free card. If you want to play completely without using them, you'll have to gimp yourself.
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>with the correct augments/charms
Ay, there's the rub,
Resistance does lower elemental damage and at least in Worldborneyou get their respective blight resist at like 15 res I think.
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So what is the status on updating Rise? Does it completely brick mods or stop you from playing online?
it does nothing
movin on up
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Sadly Rise uses right too, albeit slightly less phat (see the legs)
capture card?
not every game, but any of the most recent are easily accessible. you're not a fan if you haven't played either world or rise, what are you even doing in the thread
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>you're not a fan if you haven't played either world or rise
fivers actually believe this lmao
I'm such a big fan of the series, the last new game I played came out in 2014/2015
>spends his existence shitposting in a board with nothing left for him
Peak manchild right there.
>Monster Hunter has survived by catering to animeslop weebs for 20 years
>it finally has the tech and resources to be the interactive nature documentary it was always meant to be
>crossplay, finally, absolutely massive for longevity and community
What a redemption arc. As long as they sorted out the shitty weapon bone/iron travesty we'll be hoonting happy.
I have fun playing World!
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>moving forward all mainline games will be Wilds/World style
>moving forward all portable games will be Rise/World style
>Tri/4U style will be lost just like MHG/Dos style was lost
It's so fucking over
technically GU only saw a worldwide release in 2018 so the same year as world
>>crossplay, finally
I can't wait to join a room and its some console nigger heavy breathing into his hotmic as nigger rap blasts in the background and his "baby mama" screaming for money to buy food
>all this seethe because one guy said he didn't want to play world or rise
fivers really are the most sensitive gen
tri and 4 sucked unironically. they set up the trash that is world
How many times do you honestly want to play the same game over and over again? Eventually the 5th gen style will be replaced as well because shit changes over time.
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For you, maybe. For me, it's a brand new world out there with every outing! You can be like the Huntsman from World and just sit there in old armor though.
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nah, screen record on PC
Sure until the world style games get replaced by the next thing.
He actually went out and hunted though. Didn't like the slinger sure but still played the game, unlike our resident shitposters.
Outhunted by an NPC... embarrasing.
but then he'd be a binger which he'd never admit
New monsters mean new gameplay
They just need to make new monsters
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>there's nothing left for you!
lmao do they just not realize there are 4 gens worth of games to play? worlos really getting uppity because there are 2 gen 5 games and now wilds which hasn't even released by the way lmao worlos are pathetic
What's a worlo
just install the xp mod from nexus, the grind is retarded
also you will beg to hunt basic shitmons when you reach the later levels and people only host risen niggers
a miserable pile of insecurities
Most of the content should be accessible solo, then leave the post-post-credit stuff for multiplayer which more driven players already do. Village is not enough content for a single player game, Rise and Sunbreak was a good balance.
People who have friends or want to play online are going to play online anyway. Frankly, the community at large is not something most people want to participate in because everyone tends to be lower quality as a human than 10 years ago. Those days are gone and not coming back.
And yes, restocking is great, item loadouts are great, being able to change weapons while in a hunt also great. More timewasting mechanics should disappear because they don't add anything to the game
That's how you get modern Pokemon.
Pokémon doesn't have gameplay beyond clicking on Flamethrower
The only people I ever see complaining on here are the ones going "the only good monhun games came out when I was 12 and on a handheld," or the 3 actual grandpas that say anything post PS2 is bad.
In a regular general, people would be expected to have played the newest releases along with enjoying previous entries. It's weird that people here only seem to enjoy the first one they played. These are low quality posters that drive away regular people
I mean that's just bullshit considering like 80% of posts in this general are world/rise related and there's constant shitflinging between those two communities
that's the problem is most people who started with world simply refuse to play the older games because they refuse to learn how to actually play and just want to continue all the bad habits they learned from world or rise
I no lifed world on launch, only barely touched Iceborne (got to the village basically). I've barely touched Rise in general, never hit HR/MR/whatever, only beat the cover monster and did a little bit more. Which should I go back to, and more importantly which has better coomer mods? I don't care about group play mostly, I solo everything, but it is nice to group up for fun sometimes.
My friends and I started with Rise then went back and enjoyed the old games. We never finished World, it was too trash
I have a hard time believing you finished all the old games after rise. More like you played 20 hours and then dropped them
It doesn't matter so long as he said World is trash. We gotta play it tactical.
Rise/Sunbreak multiplayer is very dead unless you want to play with the 2-3 people here that play it, but it's arguably a better single player experience.
Haven't played through all of them yet. Just saying it's wrong that if you played Rise that you won't enjoy old gen. It's a lot closer to old gen feeling games than World is.
Cleared Amatsu in P3rd and played a few of the others to see what everyone though. Helped one or two more friends get through R/SB again, and currently about to hit HR in Dos. It takes a long time to coordinate everyone to play through hub quests and only get 1-3 hours to play each time that happens
best part of the dlc
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hope you anons have a good day & good hunts
keep posting these weird retro webms i enjoy them
>Watch out for that slop!
The mainline team anti-tendie jabs are getting silly now.
Low IQ post on this general.
>Fighting Rathalos for legit 55 mins
>Tail cut off
>Wings broken
>Rathalos floods the nest and I fall a billion feet
>Get back up tp the nest
>Rathalos has it's tail back and is fully healed
Wasting an hour of my life to get absolutely nothing sure is gay
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>wilds hype
>cathode tv
>screen recording
sovl as fuck
would you by chance be colorblind?
No, the grey one wasn't around, it was Red. Only plus side is I can now see what I need to build Rathalos armor
wtf killed all those pigeons
the wilds trailer they died from boredom
>playing mh
>skipping the grind
youre missing the point of the game
grinding random quests > grinding the same monster 10-20 times for materials to craft weapon and armor and be set forever with materials >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grinding 99999 times the same shitmons over and over

t. FU boomer 600 hours in rice
nothing retro about a shitty crt filter that doesn't look like a real tv
>rinding 99999 times the same shitmons over and over
if you're talking about rise you don't have to fight the same monster over and over because anamoly quests show up randomly and will increase numbers over time so no matter what monster you hunt the numbers will go up for every monster
issue is i for example might need a diablo level 150. If i dont have a diablo already i need to level a diablo from LEVEL ONE(1)
thats like 25 hunts AT LEAST
its so crap
that's why parts are shared amongst monsters so there are a couple monsters you can fight to get scales or fangs not to mention you can lock quests so if you just lock a quest for every new monster and then just replace it when a better quest for that monster is generated you can skip a lot of the grind.
Old = Good
New = Bad
The gap between 3U and World is the same as World and Wilds. Is World now old?
it's here
lumu doko koko loko
>If i dont have a diablo already i need to level a diablo from LEVEL ONE(1)
the version of diablos you get from afflicted investigations will never be level one
diablos also doesn't have unique materials, there is a large probability you have another monster that drops what he does
you can also just try and join an SoS and have a high probability of duplicating that quest
There is a lot of options
6 years is too new of a game according to the trolls here
lvling up to around 200+ is extremely fast now. I recall maxing an Almudron quest did take maybe 2h. You can always ask someone if they have a quest for you to share or you can install the mod to lvl up faster.
This felt pretty good
I'm not sure why I can't snap between reversed stick controls as quickly as I'd expect to, since I can easily visualize "point the base of the stick where you want to go"

But he's really fast. I hope he doesn't get even faster in HR/G because it's already at the limit of my annoyance
World PC room/lumu
Why? The monster roster sucks, the locales are a slog to traverse and it's way too easy. Someone post this guy's ingame name so I know who is retarded enough to still play this game today
look at the picture, it's a cumbrain who just loves to larp as the huntress he made in it
It's fun with mods.
>tendie can't believe people play monster hunter
It's bizarre to see happen, even if unsurprising.
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>i love rise but i HATE world
>i love world but i HATE rise
blatantly retarded opinions only the newest of newfags could hold
both gen5 games are far more similar to each other than to any of the previous entries
Just install a custom quest pack and to something like five rajangs in the arena.
>Murdering Rathian
>Loser is almost dead
>Flies back up to it's next
>I get lost but end up finding the nest
>Stupid Rathalos is up there
>I spent 20mins on Rathian, fuck it I'll fight Rathalos now
>Hit Rathalos once, Rathain flies up to the next
>I start to panic
>Rathalos dumbass breaks something and flood the next again
>It kills Rathain for me
At least I killed one of them. I was fighting Rathalos but it went to the nest(because it was nearly dead) and I lost it. I can never find a clear path to the nest even when tracking.
the monster the monster the slower you need to attack
>only the newest of newfags could hold
yes that's like 70% of the people here
Will I be able to so much as strike The Monstest?
monst mon monsterest monster mo monst mons mo mo monste
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Room is 2/16.
nope, rise is much closer to the old games than world is because of village and hub. also lmao at trying to play world co op with all the gay unskippable cutscenes that waste your life
elemental resists mostly only matter for attacks which are actually of that element, like fireballs
Does partbreaker stack with the swaxe power axe mode?
Literally the most underrated skill, especially as long as you still need a little bit of everything
>the wings bounce
At least it makes sense on him because they're blue and everyone knows blue is harder than green
Is there any skill that lets me recover from my hammer swinging faster?
the only possible change is in the leading charge time (Focus) but in 90% of games it's not worth using at all
>effortlessly cap a million monsters in kill quests
>capture quest
>everything goes wrong
>every time
almost makes me think world opening up the zones and adding item restocking was a good thing, but only almost
Just bring 2 trap tools and 2 crafted ones
That's the only trick you need unless someone else is killing it for some reason
you can even make tranqs in the field
you will feel like a secondhand genius when the first try fails and you have a bunch of backups
Big feller
no. pick your swings.
Take your swing!
I'm using the dual blades and they run on stamina, I remember see a skill that makes me stamina deplete slower, does that work with the blades?
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Good hunts! Room is 2/16.
yes it does
i know but sometimes the monsters are just assholes and switch zones instantly
marathon runner ("stamina" skill) does for constant drains like hammer and db
the "constitution" onelowers the cost of evading and stuff which works on everything
it's in their descriptions
there is also a food skill that works like marathon runner (black belt?) and you can use Dash Juice too
more please... im about to...hnnnng
I'm going to try Dos and if I think it's shit I'm never trusting /mhg/ again
>he fell for it
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fooled again.............
I love huntresses
It's amazing online but also one of the most frustrating games I've ever played. There are so many filters in the game that have nothing to do with the large monsters (for a while at least).
Choco doko
nah, where the pawg huntresses at
>quest rewards go to your teeny tiny pouch
>if you don't have enough space, tough shit, sell it
It's dead but ill come hont if you post 1
No one hunts
It’s just coomers, troons and shitposters
Dos Bullfango is absolutely miserable
ill post one in an hour or so
I mean Bulldrome
but also both
Skin of my fucking teeth. Two carts. Making small monsters less suicidally, inexplicably hyper aggressive was the best change they ever made. Those little shits are more dangerous than the actual monster.
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Used all the first aid meds and both whetstones, too
I wouldn't mind the insane aggression if it was a bit more mixed up
Like they'd target the large monster too, or other small monsters if around
that would also mean that you could get clipped by a dumbass charge from out of nowhere that wasn't even targeting you, which I think is a bonus
you mean dos fango
they do. rampos dab on reia when she's tired and at her nest. they all damage each other and sometimes the large monster will clear out the small mons for you
I mostly only see them run into each other accidentally
Using Dual Blades, you only get two options:
>Attack +6
>Constitution(lvl 1) and Stamina Surge(lvl 1)
Which is better? Solo player btw
take the +6 and drink a dash juice
world pc room
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Say what you will about Rise, but the birbs were cute as fuck.
Add me on Monster Hunter Puzzles, Palicos.
Friend Code: 2kapw93z32fr
>2 carts for bulldrome
lol well at least you didn't triple cart
First time playing Monster Hunter World, I'm just killing random stuff in the second zone. I some how got a "King Beetle" set? Did I kill something for this or was it a random drop?
Are these skills any good Evade Window, Quick Sheath, Leap of Faith, Forager's Luck?
armor skills aren't too important until a little later in the game, but quick sheath is good to have if you play gs
What's good depends entirely on your specific skill level and where you are in the game because ultimately even if a skill gets you more damage, if you aren't good at using it then it's useless. Don't focus on making builds until at least master rank because they'll simply be replaced by something better in just a few hunts. Just build whatever has the highest defense and has skills you find appealing until master rank.
>Did I kill something for this or was it a random drop?
Random drop from using the farm
>didn't even get into GU
>didn't come back in sunbreak despite sandy plains returning
>best peco gets is a mobile game appearance
they just want third genners to suffer
quick sheathe is bugged and doesn't work in world. it works in rise
>thread is now back from death with at least one post every 10 minutes
shitpostbros we are so fucking back
at least he's in stories
what the others said
also, for early game I'd suggest anything with razor sharp, I don't play world so idk the world equivalent skill that halves sharpness degradation rate
First time I've ever seen anyone make that claim, source
i play world and i act like this
Just couldn't leave out the solo hunter accusation huh
Multi "players" can't stop sneething

it's useless in iceborne. i can't remember the specifics but it's like an additive modifier being applied after the multiplier instead of before it
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Which monster would be the best at chess?
What the fuck. How has this never been fixed. Did people just not bother reporting it?
Iceborne isn't a serious Monster Hunter, not even Capcom cares about it
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I love huntresses
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who cares
narkarkos bless just won my first chess tournament ever
this is what focusing on the immersion instead of gameplay gets you
If it is broken for one weapon, it is probably broken for all.
Cinematic slope, you mean.
Gameplay can be both good and immersive.
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watch out for that slop
Is a raw damage buff better than an elemental buff? Attack +3 or Fire Attack +30
seriously though if this is still in the game it's actually concerning because most monster hunter games are pretty polished and this makes me worried about future games how did nobody playtest this?
Depends of course. But raw is always useful, element situationally useful.
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1. What weapon are you using?
2. Does the weapon you're using even have fire element?
this suit has "Critical Element" buff on it, so I'd get more elemental damage when I crit.
what game
well this is pretty silly
I'm using GS, Hammer, and Dual Blades. Loving the Dual Blades atm
World, not the mobile game.
it's still in. world is casual gaijin slop
your momma so fat she look like gravios
that's gotta be the worst rana mod
What the fuck
Well dual blades would be the best weapon for element but unless the dual blades you're using have fire element then getting fire element +3 doesn't matter. It also depends on if the monster you're fighting is actually weak to fire element. If it's immune to fire it's useless but if it's weak to fire you'll tear it up
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He mentioned something interesting.
The Guild is pursuing new research
He claims what they're doing in Elgado is the missing piece
a weapon to surpass Gear REX
yo momma so ugly she look like doshaguma
Sadly everything right now is immune to Fire(using "Thunder" currently) I'm hoping as I progress I'll be able to melt monsters
which game?
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wow I suck at spoilers
yeah nah dos sucks and it's beyond me why they even bothered translating it, it's just FU with less stuff and a massive bullshit filter put over it.
I hope whoever thought putting a chat function on a face button and stick-controlled attacks were good ideas is dead now
hahahaha yeah we all knew you wouldn't last long if you were carting twice and using all your potions against bulldrome tell us though which monster filtered you for good? just curious
my bet is on a bullfango or zazami
might be rathian those old school instant charges were brutal
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Your discord friends?
I hadn't upgraded my sword at that point which made it take longer, but it's not a monster that filtered me, it's the same things that have all been said before. The whole experience is steeped in chores, money is tight, excessive gathering is absolutely mandatory, bizarre choices like having to take quest rewards to your pouch, and the control scheme is abhorrent. It has some neat ideas for muhmmersion that they've definitely retained as a team and tried to reuse in various ways (day/night and rotating rosters in 3's Moga woods, looks like Wilds is intending to have the things Dos was trying to go for in terms of weather, time and 'season' affecting materials and monsters available) but it's all so tiresome in the ways they've implemented it here. You spend more time clearing small monsters and mashing circle than anything else and that's boring. It's not immersive anymore, it's plain dull.
you need to play a while and grind armor before she unlocks. could've been kutku lol
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>Your discord friends?
No lol just literally anyone who played dos for more than 50 hours.
>money is tight
sell parts
>excessive gathering is absolutely mandatory
your gathering set? plus you can buy stuff like honey on combo day
>the control scheme is abhorrent
it's really not that bad i got used to it after like 10 hours

it really just sounds like you got filtered man you have to remember the first few hours of a monhun game are always the most frustrating and you're playing arguably the hardest monster hunter game so you should have more patience before you make it over the hump. i know you're not that kind of person though and you'll just quit which is fine
Is there a way to convert a MHW: Iceborne PS4 save to PC? Theres a steam sale and I dont want to start from scratch again
monster hunter world
you or someone like you said all those things are good immersion in these threads before. very funny that dos is too immersive
Dos flopped
there's a reason the franchise was almost killed in its infancy and that reason is Dos
we did it!
we beat the kushalaton!!
>NOW proofs
Honestly for a game that only released in japan those numbers are actually solid for a game that early in the series.
It's incredible that dos is still filtering retards nearly 20 years later
what are you talking about games get more filtery the older they get it's not surprising in the least for an old game to be filtering
Damn I actually have a good amount of cool clips saved. Wonder why i never made these into webms was probably just lazy maybe I'll do that tomorrow
I have like a million clips and none of them are any good
but then why clip them? I only clip stuff when I think to myself "huh that felt cool" even if watching it back it was actually not that impressive
me........... good............
you......... bad...................
2 da bone.............................
[guitar riff]
This is the best general on this godforsaken website.
I hope gookmoot shuts 4chan down soon then
SoS was a mistake and 16 man rooms are only good if you're too lazy to jump into a discord server. You don't actually have friends, stop trying to use that as an excuse.
yeah that's exactly it. it's good in the moment but then the clip isn't really worth watching. still might as well convert some of these...
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>female avatar
my hands instinctively clenched up
Bro... kind of gay to want to hold his hand...
Hazard Malzeno reminding me that his instant death lasers are complete bullshit
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>discord server
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hold tight pal it's not over yet
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kek I'd just abandon quest at that point
Jesus fucking christ it's literally the only thing killing me, what the fuck is even the point
Turns out it was just really low dragon res on the gaismagorm set that made g rank ibushi seem really hard once I ate for dragon res he was much easier not sure why that didn't occur to me before
wait so ibushi's set just gives you level 2 in all those skills? must be god tier for DB
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woah DMC looking fire fr fr
i have a similar clip where i kick off a bnahabra with the LS move
No, but you can just go grab a postgame save from nexus.
>Detector + Forager's Luck
Am I about to get RICH?
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Wilds will have graphic sex scenes
Wilds will not have graphics
Wilds will not exist
I got bored of MHW after reaching Hard Rank.
Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale were cool though, they reminded me of Made in Abyss.
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>got bored in the tutorial
Go play adhd souls crap
rotten vale is my 2nd favorite area
insect glaive x+b ultimate remaster pls................
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i play only hammer
I use every non-gay weapon.
So you only play with a hammer, too?
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man this general sucks major balls
just like rise
So you play every weapon except hammer?
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what im doing wrong
ESL gibberish
>runs into attack
>wow what the fuck how is this possible "what i'm doing wrong"
what armour is that on the huntress
not him but looks like seregios but he uses the remobra hot topic skull belt for the waist
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Still funny to me that the female bone armor is less revealing than the male one
you are standing in front of the toaster and yet surprised when something pops out toward you
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Sounds about right.
>cart to barioth
haha its ok i got 2 more lol just a wopsy
>double cart to stonemonkey
>fail the quest
>have a mental breakdown and break another controller haha
i hate what this game does to me
the only reason I'm not playing Frontier is because my MH backlog is already so big. Plus it's really multiplayer focused.
And yes nu-mh is too easy, pure garbo
Would you guys say its too late for me to board the MHDos online train ?
I did connect when the servers launched, but I had other things in life. But I really want to try it, and get a good old school experience
You are doing it to yourself. Don't play games if you haven't grown since pre-school.
its true
idk why this game makes me so mad
I have like 8 hours in world so far.
Are Defender II weapons supposed to completely outclass every other weapon you can craft in the early game?
They have like 100 more attack than everything else and also come with blast element.
yes. they are essentially cheat items made to skip the base game and get you into the Iceborne expansion.
Oh, that makes sense.
The defender weapons are like two tiers above anything you can make at any given point. The defender armor is basically late high rank armor and will make you practically invincible in Low Rank. Don't use that stuff unless you want to play the game in journalist mode. If you plan on playing the Iceborne expansion it's going to make the game difficult for you when you can't really use it anymore.
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What is your favorite monster and why?
bros insect glaive is fun
time to move to /vm/ with the other dead generals
nargacuga or zinogre, i don't know why probably cause i monstergirls art
You'll probably have to use discord to find people to play with.
are there any chances of MH4U getting a remaster like MHGU did?
how does multiplayer work? Lets say 4 people kill a dragon, how does loot get divided when someone skins it?
yeah I feared that. But I'm not a fan of discord culture, plus there's the fact it won't feel very old-schoolish.
But I guess that's how it is.
thats it
i broke my monitor now lol
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Everyone gets random materials as if they completed it solo.
>good RNG
Quest rewards
>bad RNG
Gathering spots
Coral Highlands has to be the worst area in the game.
Naw, that's Ancient Forest man
Hidden Element/Free Elem poll

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