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Previous Thread: >>483854346

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

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Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Jun. 11 - Jul. 8 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Childhood Case File
[Upcoming] Jul. 2 - Jul. 22 | New Mini-Event: Maze Guess

[Current] Jun. 13 - Jul. 11 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Phantom Thieves
[Current] Jun. 13 - Jul. 4 | New Event: Cartesian Theatre
[Current] Jun. 20 - Jul. 4 | Ranking Rerun: Pointcaré Recurrence (City of Nightmare +)
[Upcoming] Jul. 4 - Jul. 18 | Event Rerun: Lost in Thoughts
[Upcoming] July | New Event: Zero Charge

[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | New Collaboration Event: Retrocausal Trie Interference (Neural Cloud x Steins;Gate)
[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | External Search - [Dazzling Arclight] (Mayuri Shiina)
[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | External Search - [Truth-Seeking Kronos] (Kurisu Makise)

[Current] Jun. 27 - Jul. 11 | Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery - Summer Sale 20% Discount

Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
Reminder that PNC canonically takes place after Continuum Turbulence.
We LOVE GF2 here
do you have a single source to back that up?
Great, the autism elemental has already been invoked.
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I love Lotta. I'm really surprised how good and fun she is for a free 4*
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So you're saying she's a Lotta fun?
Cutest non-daughter in GFL2
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whole lotta love, I'll oath her for sure if they add oath system
Let's start ur day with STARturday!
Hoe does everyone find the collab?
>not daughter
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for what purpose
Barbie collab
>2061: AR squad is formed
>2062: Chapter 0-10, Singu, CT
>May 2064: Isomer
>September 2064: SC, PL
>October 2064: MS, PR, FP, SS
I don't see anything proving that PNC is after CT
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Borrowed someone elses maxed out Swordkot, boy is she a lot stronger than I thought she would be, cant wait to max mine out....
Aha, you've sourced Girls Frontline's chronological events, so where is it I read "Neural Cloud happens here"?
I still don't understand why this is a problem. Is it really only the coffee comment in DR?
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Some dolls are daughters, other are wives.
There's more. Anon already explaained it several threads ago>>483825248
they're all sex dolls
Daughter and wife is not mutually exclusive.
That's just anon being unable to cope with an obvious retcon.
I just said what a lot of anons here think though: PNC's failure isn't a unique case, other games after Genshin like ToF, PtN, AG, AS etc have had the same problems and now they're either dead or about to die, literally every game trying to be like AK but not made by mihoyo just fails.
Is "here" encompassing the generals not /gfg/?
I believe it was mentioned somewhere in PNC that it's 2063
Some sluts
Yes it is. Anything else is unhealthy.
>star thread during divegrass day
It has never been so over
which dolls are daughterwives?
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She'll have my blessings
I keep playing flops like wuwa and GF2....
is WuWa fun?
thank you captain autismo
Is not a flop. Don't listen to genshinfags
It's OK/10, aggressive filial son posting for a storyline, but at least the skip button works (sometimes), but the combat and exploration are pretty good, fast and satisfying. Lots of nice QOL features too. Most characters are fun to play, but they're either all Daiyans, Shadow The Hedgehogs or have no personality.
you can perceive staring maps colors changing for 5 hours and call it fun
you also can shoot and stomp demons and call it fun
you also can get smacked in the balls for 30 mins straight and call it fun
fun is subjective anon
We'll win at benuldies thanks to her, mark my words.
STARbros is time to activate maximum coolness
PNC explicitly happens September 2063
I really like it. I also won my 50/50 for the newest character but feel bad for her since she's not doing so well
>all Daiyans,
cheating whores?
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Who's responsible for making Riko this sexy in the S;G collab? Because I need more of this.
Oh yeah, has the same problem as GF2 funny enough. 20 different damage dealers, only 2 healers, all teams need a healer.
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>characters have their own lives
I seriously never understand why this is even an issue.
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You only liked ranko because she was evil. I bet you can't even tell me what her personality is like
I could go and reread, make notes and all that, but I'll take your word
Women are property.
None of them.
>entropic cumjuices
The intro when you first start the game outright has a stated date in it.
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I know right?
I might actually consider spending money on the game if they give us sexy Riko skins like for Kalina
I hope your wife gets raped by entropic tentacles
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imagine sucking them out as you run your hand through her half crystallized tail
Sex dolls are property. Jokes aside, the main audience are lonely men, idk what they expected.
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>Riko is a confirmed harbinger of destruction
we keep her around because...?
You're replying to a shitposter who doesn't even know the shit he copypastes.
What would happen if she's said entropic tentacles?
>Merchantrace are confirmed harbingers of destruction
We keep those around because...?
evil pussy tastes better
>An emperor built by the audiences of gun-freak autist
>Set aside the gun-centered motifs and try to reach out for a more casual playerbase
>Failed miserably
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yeah, i think it's litterally there bro
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She's super cute! <3 <3 <3 :))))
And so it's settled, NC happens in 2063
>CT was in 2062
>PNC was in September 2063
>Isomer was in May 2064
So there's like 1 year+ of lull. I wonder what happened during that time
Isn't post-CT GK pretty much in ruins and SKK runs around being a glowie asset?
PNC happens there
Rebuilding + every story mod and costume that happened between tree and isomer.
This new timeline makes much more sense than going guns blazing against KCCO 3 weeks after getting nuked.
>CT was in Late 2063/Early206
>PNC was in September 2063
>Isomer was in May 2064
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That's still leaves 9 months of literal nothing. Though Im more than happy to compromise that the side story events and collabs happen in 2063
CT is confirmed 2062 though >>483977769
Bro, let go. The timeline has been established.
Tree was 2062.
>I seriously never understand why this is even an issue.
Not sure if you're just pretending not to get it, "character having their own lives" is fine as long as there are no straight hetero ship. The real problem is no gacha player drops hundreds of dollars on a waifu/husbando to feel ntr'ed by an NPC. Even mihoyo doesn’t pull that shit, they can tease yuri and yaoi bait a lot but they never commit to a straight ship because they know, most of their audience is straight, shipping playable character with another hetero character is basically business suicide.
The last time I saw an actual straight ship was in FGO, but that had historical context and most of the other characters are still into (You), so it didn't really matter because the game is still full of (You) pandering as the OG ML master love gacha.
doesn't count
writers don't know their own story
>yeah let's use our game release date as a novelty for our story date beginning.
t. clueless NC writer
idk about logistics, but i think they need to recuperate their base before doing anymore shit post CT (inb4 pl happened and 90% of our troops is dead) and skk need to recover their body after being experimented and participated cock and ball torture by the nyggers
looks like a sane rest period to me before every later major event being done in what, 5 months?
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>The last time I saw an actual straight ship was in FGO
You mean Yu Meiren and Xiangyu? Also there are ten trillion other waifus and husbandos in Fate so one isn't a big deal,
So why even call it 'characters having their own lives' instead of shipping?
Not if you install it on HDD instead of SSD.
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Forty-five? More like canon wife.
I remember reading this exact same cope 1.5 decades ago with blizzard games.
Because they mock the 10 year gap between GF1 and GF2 with SKK eating shit while the dolls live their own lives.
but there is nothing like that in GF2, the "lives" doll have are either creating their own village where they can chill, work under helian, wander aroudn to search for SKK or set up shop/get work etc in greenzone. There's no boyfriend shit, and every doll wants to go back to the Commander waiting for the agreement to pass.
>actual straight ship
Play Grandblue idk, there's literal 1000 cocks sluts, used goods, etc, and everyone is happy.
Chinese are just genetic failure even on a mind level.
Let's go Canos
who the fuck doesnt have an SSD in 2024?
That's retarded
Kerrigan becoming alien Jesus was stupid though
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counter argument. The new timeline doesn't match what said inside the game. Ingame text > social media stuff.
>inb4 just accept the retcon bro
But what about consistencies? For being the gacha with the supposed "best story" in the industry, it sure as hell doesn't seem like it if the writer just blatantly ignore what's said in the game and change timelines on a whim.
I don't see why are you trying to argue with a faggot that only parrots shit and doesn't even understand what he's saying.
Please don't bring Granblue up around Shay, he'll start crying.
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don't let the dramafaggot bait you and distract you that divegrass is in a hour
I was talking more about how wow expanded on shit, but that was metzen coked ass ignoring his own writing rather than not knowing about it.
Grape spying on me impregnating her sister.
I'll watch Canos v Siggies while waiting for it
If the Joint Assault with KCCO happened in 2062, that would imply the SF rebellion happened on 2060, which contradicts with the timeline of Butterfly Incident happening on late 2061.
We need Lunasia to adjust the timeline already
SEAniggers like me, for example.
And WuWA is the only non-modern AAA that stutters like crazy on my HDD, so it's also on them for shitty optimization.
will we win?
STUR is the OP right now
That's a bad sign
Listen you dumbfuck.
They retconned it because it doesn't fit with today's story anymore.
Six years ago they wrote something without much forethought how it would fit into the context of other games/events.
It doesn't matter what's ingame, they literally outline what's correct so people stop asking questions about old writing.
You mean the agent scene where she says it's been almost 2 years? Just delete that shit.
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I hope fami somehow scores a goal!
>It doesn't matter what's ingame
There. You didn't play the game nor you care about the story at all. Never reply to me again, filth.
Are computer parts over there overpiced as hell?
I wouldn't get my panties in a bunch since the events still happened on the same sequence
Because it makes more sense? Them going back and rewriting the shit that makes no sense from the beginning of the story would unironically be a godsend. Shit like saying G&K manufactures dolls is just wrong in the current setting.
>Six years ago they wrote something without much forethought how it would fit into the context of other games/events.
Wow it's like the company didn't establish a story/writing consistencies department. Oh wait...
That doesn't sound like a very good story with consistent writing to me from the supposed peak of phone game media.
That's exactly what happened, lol
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By the way, during Singularity, Agent never said she had been dealing with (You) for 2 years, it was another G&K commander. So even back then Singularity-Tree doesn't necessarily happen in 2064.
Depend on which part of SEA you are
I just build a new PC recently (Mid spec) and i wasted almost $1200 for it.
Maybe they should do a date line edit of these ingame events then.
To keep it consistent you know.
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At this point I'm fine with dates getting retconned so long as the stories remain in order (PNC in-between CT and Isomer and all that). Still is bizarre to think that the CT/Isomer gap is that big.
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We used to laughs at honkeks and snogger due to their retcons and here we are... how low can we get?
>We used to laughs
Calm down sea-kun
Also SKK is the only commander from G&K because I said so. I definitely read the story and kept notes because I'm totally not a faggot.
That's the crossposting jeet
I want to play with G11's butt while she is sleeping.
>For being the gacha with the supposed "best story" in the industry
Only Limbus fans claim that.
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>Are computer parts over there overpiced as hell?
Depends on the timing, when I built my PC in 2019 the price was decreasing. When I want to upgrade this year, the price rises from the normal range.
Also, SSD is mostly for the OS so the smaller sizes are more common. In the range of TB, there's quite a price gap between SSD and HDD.
The Ange commander storyline has already been retconned, keep up.
I have a suspicion that during 2063, the Ange and DEFY part where they communicate with Lyudmila (Instructor reverse R) and her team of Russian T-dolls happened.
Yep, it happened during late 2063, probably november or december. Even then, it still doesn't support the new timeline.
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So uh, what exactly does this massive, terrible retcon actually change for the plot?
Nothing, it just triggers the autist.
Which is pretty funny.
416 will find out
Let me think... It adjust the time the events happen, not the content of said events... could it be called a minor change then?
Some autist personally want PNC to happen before Singularity.
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The dates are a terrible mess if you think about it. But overall the sequence of events are fine as is, even with PNC after CT.
Don't mention dates if you don't want people to use them as a reference to connect different incidents/events together.
They really should just go back and rewrite chapters 1-5 so they don't take a lot of time between them.
Shit never made sense.
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I only play PNC so my story is fine
Chapter 0 to 10 is not supposed to happen for a long time. It's an isolated incident, so it should took around 1-2 months.
My memory is shit, but I'm pretty sure weeks pass between 1 and 2.
>only play NC
ew, at least play RC you filthy casual
Good, she can get rimmed too.
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I bought it furing the steam sale. What am I in for?
Having the same group of writers since the beginning really is a blessing.
>excusing retcons
>what is consistencies
On another note, Isomer did happened on May 2064, stated both in Isomer itself and a report by K in RC. So, combined with the previous mention of the Joint Assault happening five months before the Neo-Soviet—Pan-European meeting in Belgrade, Chapter 9, 10, Singularity, and the Flashback part of CT should happened on December 2063/January 2064
The fact that PNC only mentions dates for things that happened outside of the cloud helps.
>doesn't even understand what he's saying.
Go explain why CN GF players abandoned GF2 even though in the game there is no boyfriend shit and every doll wants to go back to the Commander waiting for the agreement to pass.
It was already retconned. The game is outdated.
Good story. Thankfully you don't need to know GF to play it. Hell, PNC introduced you to dolls and two of them are in PNC as well
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>go into combat
>get too distracted by doll butts to do anything
You're thinking about this more than the writing team.
Love and hope
sorry bro singularity/CT happened in 2062, NC in September of 2063 and Isomer in may 2064.
you need to let it go
>fight dolls
>see a clumsy doll trip over and show me her striped panties
>her dummy kills me
Quite a bit of trial and error and Mica's unrestricted possibilities. Remember to save here and then.
>story discussion happens
>ERP gooner wants to derail
Why does he keep doing this?
I will die on this hill.
fuck the new writers.
Still waiting for the scene where Agent just bends the knee and follows you without question. Dreamer got one.
Because they released a new game with unfinished events for 4 months until they got their shit together. Ever since they started adding complete events and content (WA banner), revenue has not only stabilized, but also increased.
At least that's consistent. Its everything before Isomer that has terrible dating. Though I'd rather Singularity take place somewhere mid 2063 instead, if they really want PNC to happen after CT
I blame the genshin gacha system
>new writters
it's the same writters since PL,little sister.
Then go die
>everything after SC is bad anyways
That makes me feel good about spending more money in GF2. Hope they keep it up
You can die on whatever you want, I'm not gonna ignore what's clearly their intention just because it makes you upset.
>new writers
If you want to read lowlight masterpiece writing just got to AK bro.
>it's the same writers since PL
So a new writer, got it.
ewwww stay away from me faggot
Sorry you will have to die now.
Again, arguing with that faggot when he clearly doesn't understand the shit he copypastes.
>regular waifufagging is ERP now
Here lies babushka, she was cucked to death.
nah, I like Isomer more than SC, CT is really good, singularity was a nice restart of the story
I like every event that we got
I won't play GFL2 because I refuse to play anything with weapon gacha
Atleast AK's writing is consistent
I remember from the Jashin event that it was handwaved by Agent that they bombed by Svarog? Does that count?
>I want to RIM
At least you stopped with the "doll chocolate"
>Atleast AK's writing is consistent
Rumao even
now that's a good joke lol
No one cares about PNC
I haven't rolled on a weapon banner yet but I'm assuming it's the same shit as genshin's
Consistently shit, alright.
Didn't Dokutah get like three different backstories, each more schizophrenic than the last?
How stupid are you?
Waifufagging is not whatever the fuck you are doing.
Singularity, Tree, and Shattered Connexion are all the peak of Girls' Frontline. MS was nice, but the subsequent shit after PR goes down in quality (FP's rushed ending, LS goes on another focus, SS rushed Chapter 3)
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That's a respectable reason.
I guess. But it also feels super cheap when other Sangvis (read, two at best) had a whole moment for when they joined.
Why are you guys so angry...?
No one is role playing as the one being fucked so it's not ERP either.
Bugmen overhyping it doesn't make it bad.
We're waiting for you to point out the inconsistencies in their writing.
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Question for S;G players. In the segment where Mayuri is entropized and without her realizing killed Oasis' agents and infected Okabe, later sending a d-mail to tell her other self to just stay put and suffer alone, is there an equivalent to this in the VN? I don't recall in the anime
it's the worst event from the Jano era
No that scenes pretty unique to NC. Which is why it's a good collab event. They actually wrnt above and beyond
They can't give or find any concrete evidences to support their "new official timeline" so they retort to insults
No, Mayuri never did hurt anyone is S;G.
No, she was always a victim in the LN. The collab gave her a more active role.

Kind of like Valhalla, yo ucan tell the devs really liked the collab partner.
There doesn't need to be evidence, nobody is arguing this.
If the writers say the current timeline is like this then it is.
Speak for yourself, faggot.
Nah, isomer later half was worse than anything in SC.
Also saying it's the worst doesn't make them bad.
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Does AR-18's active change the random targeting of EM-2's skill to AR-18's current target? How does Px4 mod's skill 2 work exactly?
>unclear fact that anon is not even sure of himself
still waiting
where is that energy of your smug posts?
I see, I thought it was exceptionally well done and I really wished they made a CG of TV reflection screen showing her face but her standing CG depicting that is okay enough. I'm very surprised because I thought something this miserable would probably be in the VN because her sending a D-Mail to her other timeline self to suffer and die alone is incredibly depressing yet fit the writing of that game. To think our game's writers wrote that, hats off to them that made me cry a bit
>There doesn't need to be evidence, nobody is arguing this.
About half of the post in this thread are talking about the timeline
>If the writers say the current timeline is like this then it is.
So you're an unironic consumer with zero critical thinking? noted
I'm gonna crash
When i wake up tomorrow, I want to see our team advanced to QF
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get good dorks
Le consumer argument
I just don't give a shit about such a small rewrite. Makes more sense, incorporates NC and is much more cleaner than the fan one.
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>this thread
Truth does not matter.
Her fates in the LN were pretty horrible too. She is fated to die if Kurisu doesn't in all timelines except the SG one, and you best believe the writers killed her off in all kinds of gruesome ways.
>they release something objectively better
>>you're a slurper for prefereing it
you forgot your frog image
you first for bringing in "consumer" shit into the discussion lol
I suppose it's in line with the Kurisu ending since Mayuri would choosd to kill herself if it meant Kurisu survived. Also she got banana'd in one of the bad endings
good job Elect2Sky UID 13050
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OK, but what does the retcon chaaaaange?
What difference does it make?
What character or plotline is made worse by it?
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Divegrass in 15 minutes, /gfg/. SHOW ME YOUR WARFACE!
>objectively better
>just shit on the established lore
Trans behaviour
Why? Hit a nerve?
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Riko dindu nuffin
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I don't care about divegrass.
>makes more sense
>doesn't change anything other than 3-4 date mentions
Objectively better.
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>shit on the established lore
>it just ignores just two or three small scenes
>getting this pissy
now this is a certified tranny behaviour if I ever saw one
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I'm fine with dates getting retconned provided that it keeps event sequence in order. Their fault for keeping the dates ambiguous before Isomer
I'm from Malaysia
Could you recommend me a Dollwife?
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Your nationality should have nothing to do with it, why are you asking that?
Soccer is shit and the team in charge of it is equally shit. Kill yourselves, shitlords.
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>doesn't change anything other than 3-4 date mentions
3-4 date mentions of a critical world events yeah
>calling anyone else a tranny
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>it changes nothing that they were moved a bit
self defeating argument lol
Go to sleep la
That literally is irrelevant, they can just open the story text in the code and alter those dates, nothing will be lost.
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This, but she's retarded though

Isn't that for stinkapooreans?
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No because that would be admitting to a retcon
Nobody is denying it's a retcon.
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greetings from /akg/
Don't you already have XM8?
Hey bro, how's your day?
Greetings, did somebody crosslink the thread?
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You made me open it and find
We really are sister generals
Hello, distant family!
Fine, I'll go get a glass of water
Friendly reminder that excess of hydration can KILL you
They're just calling it bad instead of incosistent
Are you the fag that constantly crosslink posts?
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>changes nothing
you really doesn't understand what consistency is aren't you?
What's the harm of having PNC before Singularity happened anyway? Commander was mostly free in Base S09. After the whole thing with KCCO he got turned into a black goat and has to live under FSB supervision where he clearly has little to no freedom.
>Yeah just let our highly-confidential criminal slave contact this IOP researcher and do a favor for her haha lol
hello /akg/ please send Arturia to my Elmo.
there are only two dorks who would doxx me, who are online
Hanipaganda(bitch) - 11893
DoubleU - 702809
I'm the one that opens them to check the thread, does that count?
>Isn't that for stinkapooreans?
You're a Malaysian and you don't end your word with -lah as well?
Yes. We somehow got the fish after the US abandoned her.
Went to PASKAL booth on our army's open day 2 times and they refuse to show off their XM8 to the public
Why would Persica contact SKK exactly pre-singularity. We were nothings back then, literally just one of the many Griffin commanders.
Post CT makes sense since SKK is literally the only one available.
>Family: hydrated
>SKK: raped
>STURS: dorked
>Boots: knocked
yeah it's time for gfg
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>is it consistent?
>>They're just calling it bad
>Its another is PNC before or after Singularity
No wonder
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Did I like Kjerag part 2?
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I'm not seeing any specifics.
New logo is trash, silhouette is horrible.
Wtf, are you guys all from SEA? Explains a lot
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Sicne when was that a malaysian thing?
thank you. MWWAAAAA
>all those blues
Oh boy
WHY THE FUCK IS MOST OF OUR CB IS BLUE NOW. fuck it family i will entrust it to you for hydration
>Why would Persica contact the man who has been helping her and her daughters ever since chapter 1
Idk anon you tell me. It's as if the personal request to investigate an abandoned server needs a trusted person who can keep his mouth shut and naive enough to care about saving people and dolls who're probably gone. goddamn it's like you really never care or read the story at all, it's like I'm talking to a newfag.
I mean -lah was a Malay language thing. Singlish and Manglish are basically the same thing. Except that Singlish has more Chink loanword while Manglish had more Malay loanword.
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Don't forget to preorder your WA figure
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>wife red
M4 isn't red tho
He was a rando who didn't do a good job
stop coping nigga and stop weaving in your headcanon
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>kot is yellow
stupid fucking kot
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>M4 is green
>A bit small
It's over....
I honestly had no idea that y'all arguing about AK and GF story a couple post above lol also I want to confess, I never play GF but I'm very interested with the game story and only read the story through here https://gfl.amaryllisworks.pw/. also, I've been lurked in /gfg/ since 2020 and promise myself to play GF2 on day one it hit the Global
>blue sleepo beepo
get the red bull
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Dolls for this feel?
I think I will trust /akg/ over whatever is posted here when it comes to their game.
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If Persicaria gets the red card this game she should comeback as the punished Swordkot
Nah she'll be renamed as just Kot
That's an interesting idea, but what about the model?
anon... she can't even play for this match
>He was a rando who didn't do a good job
SKK was the guy the AR Team got assigned to by Persica throughout Chapter 1 - 7. He saved them personally after they get split up. He commanded them during the SF attacks. He saved them during AW.
nevermind it's a nigger, never reply to me again, shitskin
That mouth was built for my dick
Bringing up AK when talking about story is a very consistent shitposting method, because the shitposter is either obsessed with you or probably kryuger.
Shut up saiga
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CAMON /gfg/
the same but has a sword on her hand
Dolls you want to bap?
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ye that's why AR15 was dead and m4 went into shock
truly good job!
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My wife's wombforce
Wait what?
Too soon...
beepo's sleepy today, what can we do bros
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send help
What did he say about -2?
score more goals
holy fuck that kapow
Oh man after the 1st goal we got sloppy
I got a bad feeling about this...
We were playing really well before that. I believe.
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Mr Pizza's habitat is getting expanded after this. Maybe he gets a second V-type symbiote.
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Mr Pizza... I kneel
I just realized Entropization means your neural cloud is hijacked and your memory/personality is hijacked and the entropy virus inside you just wants to use these to maximize casualty. Thankfully, they don't have a sort of gravemind that harvests all memories and personalities right?
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how are you fuckers suddenly good at divegrass
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STAR's Jihad didn't yield 72 virgins, it yielded 72 footy players.
We reversed our collapse in divegrass
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Countless sacrifices
I heard they go back to the PES version where we made our debut?
We were always good, we just had a bad streak
School shooter was sent back to a middle school near you.
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trust in the timelines bros
thanks manager-kun
Lunasia is saving this timeline
That's next cup
>6 year bad streak
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We won 2 mobabowls desu.
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Got home late and couldn't webm the goals of the match.
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>3 goals
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We acquired Relic technology.
But its Soppo carrying us.
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/uma/ here
Congrats on the win.
GFL2 when btw, I haven't logged in my GFL account in 3+ years
Grenade can't miss.
Okay cool. But can Italy fucking Score a goal now?
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STUR got promoted to desk service and we went back in track
Nigger we won 2 mobabowls in a row
We're an embarrassment.
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Not "in a row" but we did win twice.
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Holy fucking shit this timeline is amazing. I can't believe that football is finally home
I'd recommend you to play reverse collapse while waiting. It's great
How many times do I have to tell you umadacchi? Also you too should play reverse collapse
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>first time in the final day since our debut in 2018
We need to bring her back
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Isn't Italy out of the euro or they need to get fucked some more?
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shout-out to WAWA assisting twice
I still can't believe how poetic that was
Kek, I remember this, WA scored twice but 1$ Slut is the one who took the goal virginity.
They will be out in about 10 minutes.
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Thank her for fixing the timeline for us!
nyo, the belgian whores can stay as the cheerleaders and locker room bunny
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>STUR got promoted to desk service
And she sucks at it, she can't even clean herself after we're done
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>tfw feeling nostalgia for virtual divegrass
how did it come to this
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Good shit. I am beyond the moon with this win. This team/ this export has haunted me for 4 straight divegrass seasons across 2 different competitions. With this win I can finally rest easy that my teams will bot go 0-4 against the tactics. Getting back to match, I knew going in it was going to be a tight match and that /gfg/ had to make 0 mistakes. In the end /gfg/ was able to play stout defense while being able to score more than /smtg/. Next game is tomorrow, same time against the winner of /nikg/ vs /utg/. Thanks again to all the fans.

I have a dumb superstition theory that I'm not abandoning. But if it actually works or fails I'll mention what it is during the end of our last match.
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It's wasn't me, I'm busy playing shit games on steam!
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You call that nostalgia? I'm still basking in the glory of when my team defeated /sp/ at their own game, that was 13 years ago
Is that…
Do we still talk about Zas's nails? That's what I >>483993394 used to do here
omg this webm is adorable where is it from
i heard this girl is a futa is that true
Fuck off tourist
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>Left to go check on my pizza, come back to a Junya goal replay.
>Mr Pizza saves a goal, and makes another nice defensive play.
>leave again to take my pizza out of the oven, come back to another Soppo goal replay.
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Yes but also chess
Girls' Frotnline 2
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Jack didn't actually flush that last shot. What happened was the goal was stuffed full of dead Jefutys
if we lose, i was going to blame it on the stupid fucking kot, but thankfully it goes well. thanks manager-kun
Keep winning like that and I might see myself making a copypasta dedicated to you feet-loving manager
Thank you manager and good luck next match!
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keep up the good work manager-kun
Stop replying to the spammer you dumb niggers
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You love to see it, Manager-kun. I'm getting HYPE for tomorrow!
Why are you on leddit?
That's a child
I don't know what you're expecting out of a chronic attention whore.
Now stop replying.
The KAPOW that would have been the 1-2 really scared the shit out of me, but I believe the team played better overall and the win is deserved. Keep it up, man! I can't believe I'm so hyped over this dorky divegrass thing and it's thanks to you.
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Mass, get me some pineapples. I have to celebrate Italy's loss
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We rehydrated
And an alien
Mentally she's like 40 so that's a hag
that's me
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Oops forgot the image
she is so cool
your game is being murdered lol
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That's not even GF2 related.
Considering the mountain of corpses it took the good ending I would say like a 100 years old mentally
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We're back, boyos!
If we're talking superstitions, I haven't watched any of the last few games and we won all of those.
We love GF2 here
check comments
yeah i'm scraping the bottom of the barrel so what
All three CN players here that feed false information to unsuspecting globalfags.
Why are you doing this to us?! We are already irrelevant!!!!
meant for
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What do I think of GF2?
What information, I skip all the dialogue anyway
I think you want to give me your account
It needs a VR mode
It needs more coom and deliver faster on their promises.
How the fuck did they get away with this?
laundering money for the ccp?
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>he doesn't know
It gets heavily weighted down by the lack of a dorm sex feature
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I think I will play it, and I will support the servers too.
pole dance doko?
Get away with what?
It's a bikini.
I think Lenna is cute! CUTE!!! Her fluffy hair! Her cute kissable face! Her cute attitude! I want to hug! CUTE!!!!!
Post election tourists are completely neutered, what did you expected?
Did we win?
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no, you will never defeat me
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Courtesy of Sopdog
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Shut up gyoza you LOST your game to current banner whore of the month.
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>tfw no SOP gf
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That's not a high bar to cross.
No. Italy got fucking wrecked
Total wop death
itally lost?...
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Anon, io...
but at what cost?
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Non parlarmi, vado a cucinare dei fettuccine
It's so funny she has soft of MP7 equipped, but holding Suomi in her hands. Kinda stupid system.
We won because Okabe sent the managment a D-Mail.

Good job our comrade and manager.
You can change the weapon's appearance. Also kys esl faggot
Imagine the timeline shenanigans if we put Okabe and Jefuty on the team at the same time.
Do we like dolls?
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I want to put my finger there
Do dolls like we?
I want to put something even bigger there... my dork
Yeah I like having fun
We like?
hmm nyes
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They love wees, too bad I don't have one...
Dolls (and their modularity) are every man's dream.
Anal Canada
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There's only 1 leaf I would anal mercilessly
The shorties the better
so it turns out that ullrid can be pretty good in pvp
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prettiest leaf
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I sleep
ullrid is also quite good in the challenge maps where u have to dash around
you have to play 15 ranked matches to get 300 gems (2 rolls)
I hate how predatory the sequel has become... Guess I'll just follow the story
Pvp is still (you) vs AI, ranked matches are only for fags competing for a unique avatar banner
Is Croque's AI worth it? Skill descriptions sounds ok, but not too great.
You AI the best girl because she's the best girl, doesn't matter if it's good or not.
pvp literally gives u free currency, how is that predatory
everyone just sets up a 1 person defense team u can fight and get the points for currency
that's all
the second pvp mode gives a title and a border for ur icon
currency/weapon skins are participation rewards, you can lose or win it doesn't matter
Yeah but farming rolls for mandatory stuff required for gameplay sounds like all those garbage gachashit that share the board with us
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Your Dorky Corky has been loyally and valiantly defending you from the very beginning, just do it you faggot.
Is it like BA where you need to PvP for extra stamina?
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I fully upgraded De Lacey because she's best doll, not because she's the best unit.
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Who are you talking to? It's not me.
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PVP only gives out currency you get for
a)ranking up - losing doesn't make you lose ranks so you can just pick the weakest teams and reap the rewards - 30gems per day + 220 gems per week
Everyone just sets up a team of 1 doll who you can murder for free points
b)second pvp mode - you just need to participate 20 times per month for 300 gems and a weapon skin, winning or losing doesn't matter.
You only get a limited number of pvp runs per day and the actual rewards are just roll currency.
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>a)ranking up - losing doesn't make you lose ranks
How do lower your rank then, only losing a match?
Doesn't that mean the MMR will always go up infinitely?
you get put down one rank every weekly reset
so you just rank up in the week and get full rewards again
I'll make a pvp team focused on survival to waste the attacker's time
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you underestimate how many people leave behind a 1 unit dummy defender
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Let's face it, PNC > GFL2
>Girls Frontline Line 2

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>Putting in effort to get nothing in return
>post your UID on /gfg/
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RC > GFL > GF2 > PNC
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Dolls for this feel?
I will be autistic and you can't stop me
we can simply avoid your team the moment we see it isn't a level 1 colphne
This isn't about you.
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>vandalizing Bacius art
Literal subhumans
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>Pingsama with MP40
for the Pyrolysis squad, goes great with Persicaria SE
Why can't you be like Hubblefags and enjoy the company of everyone knowing that we are but a tiny dot in the vastness of the universe
And everybody getting happily infected by entropy
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Need that sad Charlie Brown tune with Jefuty all on her own over there. Also, handing me two new units with 50~ keys to spend before I've even had a chance to use either of them or see their skills in action? Fuck you, don't do that.
How careful should I be about spoiling Reverse Collapse? It sounds like not a lot of people here have played it.
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That is NOT how Shikikunt looks
We all played it on release, we all bought the deluxe edition and we also know how it ends so don't worry
Just use spoiler tags also don't worry most posters here have played it.
Im gonna play it next so there's that
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We all finished and the rest deserves to get spoiled for browsing here instead of playing.
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We? Who's We?
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>doesn't even use a grenade in game
fuck off suomi, you lying whore
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Me and these guys.
Now get to playing instead of being a shitposter on /gfg/.
Lunasia placed in your mind
bros... /dbg/ lost...
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can you buy Persacaria SE fragments from the Riko paid packs eventually? I cant see her in the algo packs but I dont know if its because I just unlocked her late or if they add it later.

I just dont have enough neural fragments but want to swipe for the kot, I could roll some more I guess.
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Entropized girls are always superior.
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Steel and polymer girls are always superior
Not until Irradiant Awakening, which is her actual 'debut' event, which also has her free 30 frags.
I wouldn't necessarily say better but Hubble is great either way
Alright, noted.
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Enjoy the experience, blame those who get hit by spoilers for reading what you post
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thanks, I'll just wait then, still need more pyrolysis dolls anyway
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Hey wait a second...
but they will peg you
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you can't prove that
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Can someone reupload all the doujinshi please? I lost the links
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do people really like flat girls?
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All it needed was a change of angle and the bratty annoying jewish mesugaki turns into a mature foxy lady
>posts boys
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of course, would ravish both of them
Fuck you
I only have those 3, no idea if there were more shared here
Is this that funky unstuck-from-time Mayuri they hinted at in SG?
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what are you talking about
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>catbox still doesn't work
it's over..
I think the problem is on your side
fuck me yourself you coward
Is she really Entropized? What exactly makes her able to resist the willies of devouring every Agent around her enough that KJ leaves her be around the Oasis? Plus I'm told the original Hubble is still around, just without memory of the events within the space sector. What does she think of seeing DarkStar?
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Pull points
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Lotta toes.
What was the point of this, just shooting a shot off to the side?
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I'm more interested in this
Groza more like GROSSa
Anons who play PNC, can you please friend me? UID 18680.
I'm asking you did a dork, dork.
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>canon rimjob apron
What did MICA mean by this?
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You know exactly what they meant
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No, it was deliberate.
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Smooch x2
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Dedicated sex doll.
416,417,433 foursome
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Made for hot sweaty anal threesome
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That's a lotta foursomes
Can't look at this damage art without Salivating. Those soles look great
Lotta shooting her leg gun always reminds me of the assassin from Wrongfully Accused. https://youtu.be/pPKfJxFYpdE?feature=shared
Remember to hit preview on skills so you can see their entire upgrade tree so you can get an idea what to focus on. And don't feel bad about leveling a skill you end up not using much, you get MORE than enough recombination keys for the entire campaign.
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Looks like an average number of toes to me?
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Well well well
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She just might be the pinnacle of doll design. Who designed her? Jimmy?
ngl, I fucking cringed.
What a fucking adorable dork. Adorkable.
The GF2 design team is Jimmy, VSK's artist, and MCX's artist. So yes.
hmm, do they really fail to see the issue?
Upload them to the panda
With king chong tard wrangling them
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We reached the pinnacle of doll design long ago though
Picture unrelated, ofc
I thank god every day that YZ let W*terk*ma get poached by Mihoyo.
AK-74M is my favorite design, I hope she gets in and keeps her tacticute gear and pantyhose
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I don't.
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We need him again for the sequel
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That's the wrong image. No worries though, I'm here to help!
So does the event give enough points to clear the store??? It doesn't look like it from what I can tell?
nvm, I'm fucking retarded, can just repeat the event stages for it
White pantsu with just light blueish gloss always drives me crazy, I don't know why
Luv muh idiot devil
You're wise enough to notice your mistake, it's fine~
Lotta, a lotta what?
anyone got the gif of M4 shooting executioner from the anime?
lotta cringe
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You're lucky I can't write ingame messages
god that fanfic was hot
you will be dorked once they add the DM's feature
I'm scared.
Lotta sex
Can you post this as mp4 in catbox?
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as you should
Took awhile to notice that option. It didn't really help, though, just kinda overwhelmed me. If respec items are actually that common, maybe it's best to just get what's helpful in the moment?
Also, while I'm here, is it viable to keep grenade damage paced with the HP growth of weaker enemies? Scouts, snipers, etc? I can do it for now, but I'm not sure if that's going to be sustainable.
The fact that they animated her saying "Bang! Bang!" really turns this up to 11. Tit jiggle's a little much, but whatever, it is what it is.
Dolls don't wear bras on the land cruiser
Will other GF communities understand the Lotta meme, or will they think we are insane?
Upgrading the grenade will increase the other equipment that is attached to (i.e incendiaries get increased initial damage with grenade upgrade) The same is true for medkits and smokes
Yep, the game gives you a lot of it.
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She's incredibly cute, I wont lie
Yeah, I noticed.
Can't unsee her pencil neck
Unless they understand english, no. Their languages don't allow for a similar pun using her name.
Made for being showered with kisses!
ngl, I would take her home
Made for choking sex
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pat pat hug hug smooch smooch
I am too mentally retarded for these puzzles.... it's so over for me...
I thought that was a rat trying to suck on her neck like a juicy steak, but that's just her jacket collar.
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I assure you, the titty physics are necessary for her character.
Agreed, lotta physics
They are for sure, but they look like they barely have any weight to them.
Someone that knows how to upload pdfs or untangle them do it instead
But that's just GF2's regular jiggle physics
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Now, show me Lotta panties
hag pits..
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Mass produced pleasure
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thats just a chubby Antonina
>Jim stream in an hour
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Rex Zero my beloved why is it so hard to find a good holster for this slut
Antonina is a bitch, Ameli is an angel
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Why the fuck is the shotgun in vepley's splash art different from the 2* version in game? In fact the 2* version isn't even a Vepr-12, it's the SDS import VP-12, it even has the "SDS" logo on it ffs. Am I being too autistic?
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I don't know what the fuck are you talking about, I just want to eat doll ass
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iktf bro.
Imagine hot sweaty anal threesome
When will she be added?
Yeah, well, I haven’t seen much GF2. If that’s normal then that’s unfortunate.
Is there a list of drop only dolls? I want to make note of ones to auto battle for but I don't want to manually look through the iopwiki.
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Consensual vaginal twosome with the goal of planned impregnation.
>we keep her around because...?
for sex.
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So you mean to tell me that Steins; Gate is just about a chuuni who managed to make a time machine and his continual fuck ups as he tries to fix his previous mistakes?
That's it. That's the VN.
Makes sense, my wife also takes all my money.
>still don't have AA12
anal bros..
Oh, I've seen that picture posted in here, however I didn't save it
Correct, do you rike it?
>who managed to make a time machine
He just sticked around, all work was done by Kurisu and Daru.
hello i am 54 year old finnish man, why is there naked girl swinging kp-31
The fact that we're still in his perspective but we can see his CG makes me believe he's not even facing them but is just reciting in front of a mirror
benis in bagina :DDDDD
45 will find out.
can your wallet handle that?
Yep, you got it right
He didn't take his meds
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Was it ever explained in detail how is it he retains his memory? I assumed it was because the plot requires it
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Dolls for this feel?
This whole thing reads like a 00s poorly translated VN. In other words, very authentic
I almost forgot to post Star soundposts.
post the one where 404 is angry that Germany lost a soccer match and decides to gangbang SKK
keikaku means plan
Kysy äidiltäsi
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its explained better in Steins Gate 0, but basically in the SG universe, Deja Vu is just people remembering other world lines and Okabe's "Reading Steiner" is just particularly strong Deja Vu. In SG0 people get a disease that gives them Reading Steiner.

But its really just because the plot
Reading Steing Gate made me realize how fun and superior Chaos Head is
I actually need to get around to reading Chaos Head, "rereading" Steins Gate like this was fun
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Can't rape the willing
Muramasa or Demonbane would've been the superior nitro+ collab
If you're playing with the Fem KJ I feel like you're doing yourself a disservice. The "I'm not paid enough for this shit" energy Male KJ exudes is hilarious
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but Muramasa has too much rape
>Playing RC on the highest difficulty.
>Also being autistic about S ranks
>Also being autistic about saving resources
i have a hard time seeing kageaki fitting in with the neural cloud cast
I want to get raped by a bear
You are obviously not autistic enough if you aren't enjoying it.
>fun and superior Chaos Head
Eh? Idk, C;H is by far worst VN in the series. Maybe it's because I read Chaos;Child first, but after it, reading C;H was a pure pain and boredom.
even worse than R;N?
but you cant have sex with your daughter
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I'm convinced more dolls should wear that outfit
Oh fuck, I forgot it even exists, sry.
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>12 APE
I am enjoying it, I just didn't have time due to work.
>he forgot daru got his own Robotics;Notes
WTF m200 is fighting Essex in wrestling
Doter is fighting ehsex on the divegrass cytube.
nitro+ about to be aquired by cygames, by the way. And regarding cygames, we already had ZLS collab so more collabs in the future is possible.
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Someone who played S;G, does it normally switch tracks in a dime like that? I'm listening to future tech noises and then it starts blaring a guitar riff
That game does not expect you to save. If it's in your pocket it's meant to be used
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yeah but what would the superior nitro+ chiral collab be
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if we had a Muramasa collab, Kuro would be the first to be killed and raped
In that order?
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Sure, why not. See you there
Hey if the collab is at least as good as this one then count me in cuz I'd want more of that shit
who is the JUSTICE of GF?
Wait a minute, I thought that was just her internal emotions in the bubbles but no that's an An2nina and an An3nina
Yes why would she cast away her own slaves
who is the catgirl?
sex with An2nina
Why are the Antonina Derivatives cuter than Antonina Prime?
sex with An3nina
Dolls for this feel?
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This but also autistic enough to minmax every turn to nullify all the seeded rng, throw only perfect nades, OTK bosses and forcefeed kills to lil sis just because.
Man it was fun.
Daru's shizo-waifu.
They're more honest
You're insane. They're all carbon copies of her and yet you lust over the reprints instead of the original?
SciFi VNs are probably dead then first KID now nitroplus now no one will bother with the SciFi VN market. I have no faith in cygays since all they do right now is invest in horsepussy.
>They've been fighting outside of the ring for hours now
Just waiting for horsepussy to announce EOS of their non-JP servers after horse porn that the yakuza can't take down floods the market.
I'll make a new thread on page 8
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Give it to our daughter so she can beat up the smelly carrier
wait so tomorrow's the last day of divegrass?
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fuuuck I need to finish the banner god fucking dammit
also congrats on the win /gfg/!
You know I didn't finish Love, Chuunibyo, and other delusions because the cringe was too bad
m200 has the longest vgl fight period
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God I love prostitutes
did he ever draw a grizzly doujin? She certainly deserves one with a body like that
Daiyan was literally planning to bounced on KockJ before Kot and Sol interrupted
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>he doesnt know
>That game does not expect you to save. If it's in your pocket it's meant to be used
I can't save though, it's the highest difficulty.
Literally the only difference between Challenge and Challenge+ is restricting your saves, it's just pure masochism
yes but I chose it so I'd feel like a bitch for backing out now.
It's like how I know I can just go back to S rank but I'm being dumb about doing it the "first time".
Sweaty belgian pits..
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m200 kills an elder
New thread
found family on /g/

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