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>Previously on Mount Gag:

>Latest News
More Bloomburrow spoilers soon!
Duskmourn spoilers are already upon us!
Wizards have reinvented the wheel (core sets) with foundations yet again, these cards will remain in standard pool for 5 years from release!
MH3 is out - some rejoice, some don't care
Psychic Frog Store is a SCAM
Pro Tour MH3 June 28-30 is now in progress!


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What were they thinking
Red decks being good is a sign of a healthy fotmat
>open MTG Pro Tour stream
and just like that I no longer care to watch
I stopped caring about modern when they got retarded with the bans
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not a good month desu
on the bright side, i avoided complete humiliation (platinum) and was able to make a lot of improvements to my deck. hope some of you had a nice month and made top 250.
So we have nothing to say about anything they announced...
Gz, that's good anon. I'm in plat and consider it decent
Not top 250, but finally reached my first mythic with this janky outlaws aggro deck. Final boss was rdw and managed to steal the first win while being stuck on two lands. Lost game two, and game three was a hilarious win after having my stingerback terror survive with one toughness twice.
What announcement?
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>face six decks in a row that are literally nothing but field wipes, counterspells, and spot removal + a commander
why are brawl players like this?
That's unironically what you need to keep up with the infinite value commanders nowadays.
That it would be cool to have boros reckoner back in standard again, except better. They'll be reprinting blasphemous act too.
>haven't played mtga for a couple of years
>re-install it
>new modes and whatever
>let's try timeless
>wait, where are all my old cards?
I don't get it. Did they just delete all my stuff? I have a couple of cards, but I remember having way more
I had a silly treasure hunt deck which was decent if I got my combo off. Nonexistent now for some reason.
I drafted during kaldheim and strixhaven and have none of those cards from back then.
then there's the other side of the retard spectrum
>opponent casts their 4 mana commander with no extra mana left for interaction
>remove it
like, if you are done playing just hit concede, faggot. why are you wasting my time because you kept a bad hand or made a shoddy play?
Check your collection and not decks, if decks rotated and are still set to a certain format they show cards in the red as if you dont own them, if they're nowhere to be seen contact support
I searched for specific cards that I 100% remember that I had and they're gone.
>contact support
Eh, this makes it easier to completely abandon mtga. I'll try paper magic again. I barely did that in the first place, but I have luckily a very active local community near me which I never took advantage of. It sucks, but it's not worth it to me get that stuff back since everyone else has way more broken stuff now than my measly outdated collection which was not that good even back when I played arena.
But thanks for the info.
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do people play this card as a removal spell in mono red pioneer? pretty neat combo if you're up against lifegain
i "climbed" (more like took the elevator) to plat 4 with boros convoke in standard, then i lost 50 games in timeless with shitty mh3 brews for fun
at least i'm getting the card styles
>shit game design
>sexually ill abominations being present and active in the game
The latter is the terminal symptom of a game being bad or dead.
Is gutshot legal anywhere? That'd make it even easier
if you play red/white energy, you are a homosexual.
>monowhite lifegain unplayable forever
I can live with this. Deck isn't good, but at least with those out of the way I can play actually good, fun games more often.
they arent roping, they are force-quitting the game, which from your perspective is a rope while the game gives them a chance to rejoin the match (in the event of a d/c which your scenario obviously isnt)
regardless, why are they such dickheads and wasting my time?
>play ranked
>get manaflooded/manascrewed on 3 different decks
Lmao, why the fuck do I even bother playing this rigged dogshit?
because the trash like you who take this game seriously deserve it
>play game
>no it's totally fine when people it my time up
haven't put a cent in, and im usually shitposting while i play. still, would rather be able to get more games in, rather than waiting several minutes because some retard couldn't deal with being hit with one kill spell.
>being this upset about a tranny game
fucking loser lmao kill yourself
Because you're too dumb to put in card filtering or cards that help with screw/flood.
>some retard couldn't deal with being hit with one kill spell
This is mostly just a brawl thing. Go play real formats. I barely ever get ropers in bo3 games.
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>mana drain
Don't forget
>Dinosaurs every other deck
>Hard Ramp in every deck
>The one ring being in literally every deck
The question goes both ways.
Why are you wasting their time by wasting removal on an innocuous commander?
Hypocrite you are, you want no one else to play Magic but get mad when someone gives you a taste of your own medicine in a way you can't get back at them.
They killed my boy for Lukka's sins.
>you're a hypocrite for playing the game and getting upset when other people don't play the game
shut the fuck up, faggot.
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I pulled off the Kudo/Norn combo
We did it reddit
Brawl is unironically more sweaty than mythic ranked. It's funny.
How come any colour becomes infinitely more fun when you combine it with black? Golgari mogs green cause it still has big cool creatures but also better removal, rakdos actually does fun stuff with red and not just "HURR FACE DAMAGE", Orzhov has way more varied and interesting playstyles than mono white and dimir makes blue players actually based
black has good removal, good threats, and can stop your opponent from doing their retard autopilot gameplan with duress and bat
>running zenith flare
>get matched against a mill deck
So that's what it feels like to get matched against a deck you counter perfectly
>play aggro
>get matched with deck that runs nothing but board clears
>play control
>get matched with aggro deck that outspeeds whatever I can control
Boy, rigged matchmaking sure is fun
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>Its a Nadu player triggers so hard the game dies and forces a draw episode
Yea if you can feel out how cards in decks are weighted you can abuse the algorithm fairly hard
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Am I dumb? Someone cast Duress on me. Cast Return the Favor in response (they knew I had it, they had cast Inquisition of Kozilek t1, not that this matters, but I guess if they knew it makes more sense). I picked mode 2, changing the target of a single target spell or ability.
It just did nothing/fizzled, and they got the Duress on me, and I burned the card and mana on top of getting Duress'd. Just conceded, which was fine, but I felt silly. Does it not work because of the specific wording of "target opponent" on duress not matching with RtF's "single target" clause?
yup. if it was target player, you could change the target. you are still their only legal target for duress.
But it's still a 'single target'? I am a singular opponent. That's just a bummer. Good to know, it's fine that's the rules' interpretation, but that's a bummer.
But it just seems like bad language parsing. How is 'target opponent' any different from 'target creature'. How does it being the only legal target change the fact it's still a 'single target', especially when the flipped spell would still have a legal target, my own single 'opponent'. If it were multiplayer, they can legally 'target' one of multiple players.
So is there any instance where you COULD change that target outside of spells that counter and copy? Either way, thanks for the reply. Still relatively new, and this was a weird interaction for me.
AHHH, Okay, mulling it over more, it's making more sense. Now that I think of it closer. So in a multiplayer game, COULD that spell work, since the spell 'owner' would have two opponents, and I could then change the 'target' to his other 'opponent'?
So its an issue of the spell still being theirs, and them only having one legal target, not that the spell wouldn't let me change its targets if there were multiple. Okay. Now I understand. Thanks again anon
yea that's how it works i think
So I've been buying the mythic packs for MH3
Normally I think they're a rip off but for this set the percentage of mythics that I want for decks it's actually made sense to buy them.
It feels bad to do though.
>every deck I look into is running various big score cards
Fuuuuuuck, why are all of them mythic this is bullshit
i play control and like 5% of my games are vs control even though everyone i know who plays mono red says they play against azorius all the time. 90% of my matches are vs boros or mono red, so i just run 4 temp lockdowns at this point
seems bad tho, ping your own creature just to prevent lifegain, when you can play a removal spell instead while also preventing lifegain
Matchmaking is rigged. They weight the cards in your deck to match you against another deck they deem to be a good match to yours.
It would have worked with Thoughtseize since that says target player so you can target yourself, but Duress says target opponent so there is only 1 vald target(you) for it.
I don't know what happened to alchemy but I can easily farm all of my daily wins with toxic.dek in best of 1
wtf I love alchemy now
unng need to play at least 1 draft game before season end but dont care urrg
Speaking of, we'll be able to draft Bloomburrow before the end of the next month, right?
gonna climb to silver constructed bros, can't miss that 500 gold am I right lol
Was trying to do the same today.
Got to Silver pretty quickly with Mono Red in Explorer but after Silver opponents got a lot thougher so I won't make it to gold.
gotta play at least one game to get the bronze reward though
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was diamond 1 and decided to go for mythic, lost 4 matches in a row, almost back to diamond 3, rage quit, came back later and won like 5 in a row...in the last one I was 1-1 against rakdos vamps, that fucking deck can come back from nowhere, I was almost having a heart attack by the end
I only go for plat and you guys make me feel inadequate, gotta try to push for at least diamond next season
They're preparing for rotation i believe and theyre losing more sets than standard so a smaller cardpool to work with
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>Have to play red for my dalies
>Run Gobbo rushdown
>4 decks in a row did nothing but ramp for 3/4 turns
>Curbstomp each one
God I hate ramp, shits so fucking boring
that's only in the play queue
>you're playing rdw
>opp drops pic related
What do?
Shit myself
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Swing wide
I see, now that I think of it, my toxic.dek is also rotating, I'll have to find another one that wins fast against unprepared decks soon enough
God i love this guy and the nu obliterator so much they look so cool
Thats basically a digimon
Its literally an Alien
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Literally a digimon
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Demonic Ruckus, if they double block assign all damage to the other creature.
>getting to 4 mana against RDW
Playing against Nadu is an instant quit from me.
kill yourself you worthless faggot

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